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Cute in game model
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I'm still mad btw
I don't what you fuckers say
Hinata < Sakura
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>sakura POV
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Kishi bitched out
Naruto as an IP getting lighter-hearted and not darker caused this imo
Sakura and Naruto being an inevitable pair stoked by the darkness of the shinobi world would've been much better storytelling than "Oh, Sakura got HER guy and had a kid"
the less said about Boruto the better
Funny thing is, seeing as how much of a workaholic Naruto became in the debatably canon burritofic, Sakura would have made a much better wife for him than a doormat like Hinata, to keep him in check.
God Naruto is so shit, all because of that faggot sasgay
Lmao, there would be no story without Sasuke. The entire series revolves around him.
>STILL seething
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>Hokage Naruto
>Stacks and stacks of paperwork
>very stressful day
>come home
>Sakura starts shouting and nagging
>repeat x7 a week
>Kurama blood boils
>Naruto's had enough
>Sakura gets the ever loving shit beaten out of her
>Sakura then gets the ever loving shit fucked out of her
missed opportunity, tsk tsk tsk.
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Naruto should've been a chick, that would've solved a lot of problems and would've made more sense.
Sakura wouldn't have let Naruto become a workaholic. Of course it already makes no sense that he became the way he is since he can literally just have clones do all the paperwork and the only reason they wrote adult Naruto like that because that's all Japanese men know because spending 95% of their lives in the office has been the norm for them since ever.
Nah, the strongest warrior in the ninja village doing paper work all day has literally never made any sense. Naruto is not even gifted at text comprehension or decision making so no one knows the fuck he is even doing with those paper stacks. He could have delegated all the work to more capable people
Which is part of the problem. The show should not have been the uchiha show
That's why he has an advisor (Shikamaru). Rulers are usually not the smartest people in their courts.
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I really like milf Sakura
Ok but then what do you have? There's literally nothing else in the story you could centre the plot around.
But Hinata was literally Naruto's stalker from the start.
this. Kishi blew his load to early. Hokage fight after chunin exam should have been the power celling. Instead we got DBZ with ninja asethics. Absolutely terrible fall off.
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Kakshi is the only well written character from start to finish.
Yes there is. Go all the way back to the first couple arcs of naruto. Back when everyone hated his guts and the shinobi world really was a dark, brutal, and violent place and the average person actually supported and accepted it being this way. To simplify things a bit, make it game of thrones: ninja world edition like it was hinted at being very early on. Make the story be about Naruto actually striving to change the world for the better like he’s always talking about, but in a broader more real way that doesn’t just involve defeating a big bad. Flesh out a lot more of the characters, particularly from the other villages, who all in various ways come to know Naruto and begin to believe in his message. Make it more of a ‘the new generation with new ideas against the establishment’ kind of show.
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>says maybe 50 words to her over the course of 5 years
>But she loved him from the start!
naruhina is pathetic
It's as you said, he blew his load too early
Resurrected Madara should've been the Raditz of the story instead of 4 tails Naruto and Orochimaru "fighting somewhere empty!"
I still don't understand what kishimoto tried to do with orochimaru
Dude literally screamed "villain that will take advantage of the final boss' defeat last second to become the true boss". Had the knowledge, had his chance, yet he didn't take it and got relegated to a comic relief character. Yamato actually had it worse than him since he's now doomed to be his shadow
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Loli Sakura > MILF Sakura >>>>>>> Teen Sakura
Other than Itachi and Sakura, most characters are pretty well-written on an individual level.
Teen Sakura >>> Child Sakura > "Milf" Sakura
Hinata overall is a shit character, even by Naruto female standards
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Without thinking there are a few poorly written aspects I can think of.

Kakashi's nickname "the copy ninja" became increasingly more cringe as the series progressed and the 1000 jutsu gimmick was completely irrelevant after the first Zabuza encounter.
Hottest Naruto girl was Konan and I don't even like piercings that much but I'd bang her.
Hottest Naruto girls are Tsunade and Himawari.
You mean Tayuya.
kishi got very lazy with the actual ninjutsu later in his work. Actually lost sight of what "Ninjas" in general
Temari solo'd
>bitched out
Narusaku was the safest pairing by a country mile exactly because of everything you posted.
Wow you sound like such a fucking faggot by the end of it. I bet you're a libtard.
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>Uchiha and Senju come together and form a village to stop from killing each other
>both clans become nearly extinct within a couple generations
really makes you think
What's the excuse for the Senju? Why did they suddenly die out?
Remember how Karen was revealed (at the time) to be the only known living family member Naruto has and then they just never talked about it.
Nah that’s just the kind of show the first few arcs were setting up before it became the Naruto vs. Sasuke show. One of Naruto’s major character development moments should’ve been accepting that Sasuke really is just an asshole now and give up on redeeming him in order to achieve a greater more important goal. Far too many villains in Naruto got redemption moments after they were defeated. The amount of shit Naruto was willing to put up with regarding Sasuke throughout shippuden is bordering on psychotic.
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Hashirama wants his clan members to breed outside of the clan to ease the tension between the Uchiha clan.
None really given. Suspected just due to outbreading. The village is the new clan, so to speak
The dumbest part of Naruto's plot is that the mythos/history of the world is set up as if the Senju/Uchiha thing happened close to a thousand years ago when it actually only happened a couple generations prior to the beginning of the story.
>The amount of shit Naruto was willing to put up with regarding Sasuke throughout shippuden is bordering on psychotic.
that's why Naruto should've been a chick
timeline was all over the place.
For me it's temari.
I really like the works of Sahara Wataru.
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Nah, it's the other way around. It's the Uchiha that should have all been women. Their behaviour fit women much more than men.
Uchiggers and Senjews undermined the ninja world
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An acceptable compromise.
Hashirama literally did nothing wrong. It's his faggot little brother that ruined it all.
All problems could have been avoided if everyone had listened to Tobirama.
anyone have that pic of hinata touching herself while naruto gropes sakuras fat ass?
Why not both?
Honestly Sasuke running away felt unnecessary and we lost Kakashi training him to better understand the Sharingan like Jiraiya wanted. I'm still baffled that Itachi willingly let Sasuke go to Orochimaru, like Itachi knows what the latter is after and he goes 'have fun kid'.
Because Itachi was retconned from a psycho into a heckin tragic and misunderstood dark hero.
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That was my favorite part of his revival.
>Obito explains how fucked up the Uchiha were
>Danzo talks about how fucked the Uchiha were
>Itachi himself says how fucked up the clan was
>Sasuke: Was my clan really that fucked up?
>Tobirama: Yeah, bitch. I ostracized them on purpose because they fucked up.
need a link to that moon man song
Naruto and his dad were BETA males. An angry woman is accepting he'll to your life. His dad was soft as fuck and a nice guy hence why the angry cunt wore the pants in the relationship. Naruto is lucky Sakura rejected him. She did him a favor.
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I used to have such intense, passionate faps to sakura as a young boy, holy shit. Those early teenage years I was cranking my meat to her almost daily to be honest. back when times were innocent and good.
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They don't make her like they used to.
Sakura honestly has a top tier design. Same as Ino.
Weren't the Uchiha originally supposed to be a branch family of the Hayugas? That's why the sharringan was weaker than the byakugan? Am I remembering that right.
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Everything about their relationship is ass backwards.
Itachi: Sasuke if you want revenge then spend everyday hating me.
Sasuke: I'm here to kill you brother.
Itachi: Punk ass you didn't hate hard enough.
Sasuke: I kept hating you like you said and wound up killing some snake guy.
Itachi: Goddammit boy, you were supposed to stay in the village because I still love the village.
Sasuke: What the fuck I caused an international incident and almost got murked five times over because of your ass.
Itachi: Not my fault you didn't hang out with Naruto.
She definitely got one of the best animations ever.
No. There was a one-off line about the Byakugan having superior visual strength, and that part is still true. The Sharingan can't match what you can see using a Byakugan. Kaguya had a Byakugan at first and only awakened the Sharingan later, so TECHNICALLY, the Sharingan can be seen as an offshoot.
The Sharingan may be weaker in visual shit, but it gives you unparalleled superpowers in exchange.
It makes sense when you realize the protagonist and the leaf shinobi in general are not good people
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For as shitty as this entire series is, I still think that Kishimoto deserves respect for making all of you worthless and pathetic retards seethe for the rest of eternity.
i remember people thinking that plotline was going to go somewhere for so fucking long and it never happened kek
>yeah dude, the MC really deserved to be with this abusive cunt that never paid any attention to him and faked a confession after she's been crying about her emo crush for 3 years instead of marrying this big tiddy girl that actually risked her life to save him in the past
No wonder narutards are constantly mocked wherever you go on the internet. You morons genuinely have no standards.
I do not care about shipping. Naruto is gay for sasuke anyway. Sakura is just a better character and design.
>Sakura is just a better character and design.
She really isn't either of those things.
Hinata might be a nothing character but that's still better being a character as shitty as Sakura, lmao.
They are just extremely distant cousins. What's there to talk about? Would you give a shit if you met your great great great grandfather's brother's son's son's brother's son's daughter? That vague blood relation amounts to nothing.
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I wish Naruto had a heroine a quarter as good as Noelle.
asta fucks THAT??
>Never paid any attention to him
Somebody skipped straight to Shippuden didn't he :3c
Almost anything in the series would have been better storytellin if Kishimoto wasn't a retard.
Hinata and Naruto spent like 20 minutes during all of Naruto with each other and exchanged maybe 2 sentences.
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Asta's a CHAD. it's a shame they backpeddeled from this design, it was really cool
That's some fucked proportions.
even R34 artist know who wins in the sex wars
reminder to all pinkshits:
>the first thing kishimoto ever drew of what became naruto was a sketch of hinata
>sakura was added because the editors wanted a love triangle

you self-inserted into a marketing gimmick and the three hottest girls in the show are hanabi (grown), ino (teenage), and anko (prefat)
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sorry incels, hinata was always the endgame
I've only watched the Anime. Is it worth reading the entire manga up to the last anime arc?
he might be saying his legs are too short but it looks like he's in smoke so idk
yet another shonen world with interesting concepts and fun early stuff, and then the creator gets up his own asshole about how to escalate things and suddenly it eventually balloons into a disaster. and amidst the smouldering, toxic ruins are the byproducts milking it and the shippers that deserve their hole.
i will watch if the mc shows any interest in this chick
>Anko (prefat)
Its canon that Kakashi passed this up for a single mother way past the wall btw.
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Believe me, he's supposed to be short, stout and super muscle big limbs for a while. It's an in-universe thing, the characters are actually surprised by it.
Large head, tiny torso, legs same size as arms.
Abs almost same size as pecs for some reason, never seen shit like this.

Really what's to explain here?
it is criminal what b*ruto has done to this character
I just meant she's hotter, I didn't mean to bring up this old shipping war nonsense
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i mean, she's the most insanely molested character in the show so i can't blame him for not wanting to stick his dick in a snake hole

but man is she hot
Debatable. It has some nice moments and Tabata had a ton of great ideas but failed at executing most of them and the series gets really dragged down by how hard they started pushing the godawful "rival" character that was all but a meme character at the beginning, especially because both Yami and Noelle lost a ton of screentime to him in later arcs despite him consistently ranking below them in popularity polls.
That said it's a fun read but don't expect a 10/10 story.
I'm confused. You drop this knowledge but do not know the well known fact that the editor completely salvaged the entire manga? Kishimoto is a horrendous writer full of unhinged shit ideas.
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Nah, he simps for this.
Him and his brother both. Didn't his bro make a knockoff of Naruto?
oh no i'm aware that the editors were overall a good influence, i just don't pretend that their desire for a good manga and their desire for a marketable manga have 100% overlap


you should be a little less bipolar
she's practically naked the whole series, its wild nobody fucked her
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>the moans on that video

Kishimoto let Boruto happen so the only credit he will get from me is for his art.
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I will never understand the hate Sasuke got
>got mind-raped twice and had to bear witness to the aftermath of his entire clan’s slaughter
>just learned years later that the slaughter of his clan was not just by his brother like he thought but was actually ordered by the government as a way to prevent a civil war to which his brother was used as a scapegoat
>brother was ordered to enact said l state-sanctioned genocide on their clan on the sole condition he was allowed to live to which the entire blame was placed on his brother just so the government could save face, making his entire life a lie
No shit he’s going to snap after finding that out. Feels like a lot of people forget that he was a legitimately nice kid who was on the way to recovery before Itachi fucked with his head and all of the ensuing trauma that happened after.
Didn’t the anime make look a lot worse than he actually is? I remember when there were fillers that would have him act less reasonable than he actually was in the manga.
Someone can have the most sympathetic backstory possible but if they’re annoying about it i won’t have any sympathy for them, simple as
I never really found Sasuke to be annoying tbqh. If anything, he was the most reasonable one out of Team 7 in Part 1.
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For me it's tsunade.
Bleach is better
while his character arc is understandable in retrospect, it also took over like 70% of the manga, was the subject of most of the worst retcons, made other characters look stupid when they got in the way of it, and he was kind of a bitch for most of it

the fact that the manga took like 15 years to finish meant that fanshit could accrue and sustain itself contrary to the text and to the detriment of a number of characters
Reminder that people legimately killed themselves over the ending.
And it will never not be funny.
That's all from hindsight and reflected. You have to look at it from the perspective of being drip fed the Sasuke content for 15 years. It was extremely tedious and annoying.
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It was funny seeing the storytime in action and seeing anons slowly shift from disliking Sasuke to actually sympathizing with him and eagerly waiting for when he would come back.
Naruto is niggerslop
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>the storytime was 4 years ago
>Bleach is better
>Not ONE okayish game
I literally think it’s just age. When you’re younger, you can’t actually process why Sasuke made the decisions he did and just see him as a whiny traitor, but once you’re older and have actually experienced life, you understand completely why he snapped and how the system around him failed.
hinata was destined, even further earlier in the drafts.
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Kubo fucked up too
>watch Bleach anime after reading manga
>multiple outfits and scenes censored
luv me naruto
luv me bleach
luv me black clover
wan pissers, huntertrannies and herosissies can suck my dick
simple as
Love Naruto, HxH and Dragon Ball.

One Piece, Bleach and Boku no shit is total garbage. No one knows what black clover even is.
Is it just me or most early 2000s kids either jack off to Sakura or Gwen
No idea how who Ichigo would end up with was even a question after Hueco Mundo, starting from that scene where Orihime says that baller confession before going away. Early series, sure, I see it, but as soon as Orihime started becoming more and more important and Rukia less and less (plus the noticeable setting her up with Renji somewhere in the middle), it was kinda just obvious.
lol, the raging Hoeata is busting out his cope memes, and he’s too scared to reply directly. Keep seething.
Nah, I doubt people jacked it more to Gwen than Kim Possible or Avatar girls.
>/v/ having more anime quality post than any /a/ thread right now
how does this keep happening?
>no scar
healthy doctor hag
the perennial shitposters who exist to ruin video game threads aren't here and the perennial shitposters who exist to ruin anime threads are on /a/
esl thirdie
Because on /v/ people will discuss the most fun parts while /a/ discusses some meta shit only people care about that live in the general threads.
There's a reason /v/ has so much non videogame posting. Threads about x are simply better when they're in y's topic where it doesn't belong, for a variety of reasons such as ones already stated by two anons above me.
I will never understand how people got so into Naruto after the Exams in the original were over. Everything about the anime and manga just completely jumped the shark afterwards and the entire original concept of having to be stealthy, smart and fast ninjas is thrown completely out the window in favor of stereotypical shonen bullshit.
Did you miss the Zabuza arc you retard?
Blacked porn tends to get taken down fairly quickly compared to /a/ so the threads can't be flooded with images of Killer Bee flooding Hinata's womb
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>and the entire original concept of having to be stealthy, smart and fast ninjas is thrown completely out the window
Because it's simply not true no matter how often retards try to parrot it. Naruto peaked far later in the pain arc and there were a million great moments distributed evenly trough the entire manga, even the worst parts.
There was that Russian teenager that killed himself when Itachi died, and that one kid who buried himself in sand, imitating Gaara. DBZ never made kids do this shit.
Uchiha unironically did nothing wrong
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Not an argument, cope and seethe narushitters
The very first pages of the story and end of the Chuunin Exams had a kaiju fight in both.
>its another "muh hard work" autist
Did people just forget that Lee lost his fight against Gaara?
>Baller confession
>To a sleeping guy
Orihime became lame and lost whatever personality she had to become some titty plot device. Milkies are good but there's only so much they can contribute.
and that sasuke somehow copied lee's speed with his genetic gift and used that as the basis for all of his fighting going forward, and that lee was ultimately a failure compared to his teacher
honestly, itachi, shisui, sasuke, pre-despair obito and like some of the side characters of the clan were fine, like the one girl that had feelings for itachi. the rest were either being tempered to be traitors, were traitors, or were Madara. but considering the hypocrisy and bullshit of the people in charge of Konoha, it's also not exactly surprising.
Replaying Ultimate Ninja 1 on PS2 again after damn near 20 years. Always did prefer this series over Clash of Ninja on Gamecube. It had a nice art style and I enjoyed the multi-tiered supers. One thing I'll always find interesting about the first game is the dub work. It's like the actors were reading the Japanese script verbatim when you hear some of the move names. For instance Naruto says "U-zu-ma-ki Naruto Barrage!" when in the official dub and future games all have him say "Na-ru-to Uzumaki Barrage!" (they really should've kept it as the former because the latter just sounds rushed and awkward). Another example is Shikimaru and Guy, they both say Konoha instead of Leaf Village.
Would've been more poignant for Lee to burn himself out and die in Part 1. Choji should've too but that's just because he's annoying and fat.
It's fucking retarded to call Naruto a hypocrite since he didn't give up regardless. At best one call the message of Naruto hypocritical if and only if one pretends that the message of Naruto is "le hard work pays off".
>probably spilled more blood as a jonin then all the other hokake combined
>was by far the most peaceful loving Hokage
>the most peaceful hokage reigned during times... of peace
Woah, how deep.
Actually being a man that's lost everything to war and the fucked up standards of the ninja, including his father basically killing himself to sustain his honor, tempered Kakashi massively. Plus a firm belief in actually creating a better world for the next generation and having the opportunity to do it, versus the Third being held back at every possible opportunity by naysayers and fucking secret black-ops evil shit like Danzo, helped a lot.
FIRST OP REPLY GET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakura is for pissy little boys, Tsunade is where it has always been at.
Only young Tsunade, not plastic surgery no jutsu tsunade.
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>was by far the most peaceful loving Hokage
Reminder that pretty much everything bad that people attribute to Naruto's run as Hokage was put into place/enforced by Kakashi.
I really wish these compliations had the edited metal lee reveal where he had pink hair instead of his actual black. The fucking butthurt from that was so fuckingh funny
burritofic isn't canon
>wants to kill Ochimaru and keep Sasuke in prison but ninja Jesus says you have to be nice to my war criminal friends or he'll nuke the world
yeah really his fault
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Deal with it

I'll take things that didn't happen for $500
Was it clearly communicated in the beginning that the hokage is the strongest ninja in the village? I feel like this is some bullshit they later made up to justify making retards like Naruto hokage.
source on the video?
examples? i never watched the anime.
>the leader of the military is the strongest
This is the oldest trope in the world man
This is why I love Naruto and remember most of it as if I had watched it yesterday. Sure, the overall writing is pretty lacking but the highs are very high.
I always compare my experience to FMA. FMA is a very solid story from start to finish but it's just kind of solid, it has no highs at all and I can barely remember any details from the story.
It's how I think of HxH as well to an extent. It does have some highs but not much and doesn't have a lot of icoonic or memorable moments. It's mostly just kind of solid throughout.
Bleach on the other hand is more akin to Naruto in that the overall writing is lacking but the highs are very high which makes it much more memorable in my opinion.
Naruto might be gay but I love it
But I did fuck up and get a tattoo of itachis amaterasu when I was 18 and whacked out of my mind
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I have to wonder where the wires got crossed when Naruto was shown to be gifted by chapter 1 of the manga, and this is before Shippuden did the whole 'Uzumaki are just have banks of stamina for days'. In part 1 alone Naruto:
>learns a forbidden jutsu that'd kill most people
>was able to keep up with Sasuke in tree climbing
>surprised Ebisu by showing rapid progression with walking on water, and this was with Orochimaru's seal affecting him
>able to walk on water no problem after Jiraiya unfucked his chakra network
>learned an advanced jutsu in little over a month

It's quite clear Naruto had talent even as a child. His biggest drawback was he couldn't control his chakra well and ended up spending more than he needed. It's actually baffling that even in Shippuden that was still a problem for him. Like Jiraiya taught him absolutely nothing in two years.
It's actually wrong though. Even with Kishimoto glazing no one believes third hokage was the strongest in the village at his old age. Well in that case we know for a fact that Guy has been the strongest Ninja in Konoha.

But there are other cases as well like some Akatsuki members could have easily been the kage of their village if that was the case.
>presides over the Hidden Sand’s decline into irrelevance
>seals demon into his unborn son
>also decides to continually traumatize him because ????
>son is now unstable, barely kept in check and has no real loyalty to the village
>decide to hear out noted fucked psycho Orochimaru and plot to take a shot at his own ally
>betrayed and killed by ninja Mengele anyways
>Ichigo - Orihime instead of Rukia
>Naruto - Hinata instead of Sakura
>Luffy - Hancock instead of Nami
Which one had it better?
FMA unironically peaked in the beginning where the brothers burned their house down.
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I don't have to deal with anything. Naruto tells a complete story. Burritofic is nothing but a pathetic attempt to milk an already finished story. Naruto at it's absolute lowest is better than burritoshit at it's absolute best. The only thing of merit burrito gave us is cunny.
Nami is Sanji's property so that worked out
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Did Rasa get the position of kage by nepotism? I can’t explain how someone could be this deeply retarded
>"Oh, Sakura got HER guy and had a kid"
Didn't she get femcucked?
It's funny that people must pretend there is romance in one piece so that it doesn't look like the one dimensional garbage it is.
>Naruto at it's absolute lowest is better than burritoshit at it's absolute best
That's doing Naruto dirty.
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One Piece had more romance than any other manga from the big 3 before the last chapter
I thought that was just fanfic
Ah yes, because it's okay when Hinata has a one-sided crush, but ABSOLUTELY CRIMINAL that Naruto and Sakura had their one-sided crushes. You truly are the apex of /a/'s intelligence.
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kishimoto teased that and then backpedaled hard but it was really funny for a while
>Far too many villains in Naruto got redemption moments after they were defeated
Shit like this always annoys me in stories. No you just can't have a bad guy come in kill people, fight the good guys, lose,get let go, repeat 5x, then have a "redemption" arc that's half assed. It's just shit.
>one cop out scene is the biggest romance one piece has
>meanwhile naruto
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t. some faggot
Why did they make her such a semen demon? She literally has no other purpose besides drain men's balls.
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Why are shounen authors so terrified of giving their protagonists a harem? Shounen protagonists are powerful, good looking and extremely competent men, in fact they usually grow to be the strongest, most competent individual in their world. It would make complete sense for them to have multiple wives.
>Why are shounen authors so terrified of giving their protagonists a harem?
You clearly haven't been reading much of the newer stuff that's been coming out. Not like I blame you.
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honestly she was hotter before ikepedo koreaned her up
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Sarada is the poster girl for daddy issues.
When she had this design Ikemoto might as well have worn a shirt that said "I'm a huge pedophile" and it would have been less obvious.
>People still think Boruto is a continuation of Naruto
You unironic autists do realize that for all intents and purposes Boruto is just there for Shonen Jump and the insurmountable amount of lolicons that subscribe to it right?
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I can fix her.
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Best literally who filler/movie/whatever girl?
Literally e¿reached the peak of 2d porn. Everything else is a gooey, lukewarm McShit in comparison.
No I would have never guessed that Boruto is just a corporate cash in without you telling me. What's next? Dragon Ball Super is made purely for money?
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I don't know what you're talking about.
>presides over the Hidden Sand’s decline into irrelevance
He was their main form of income because of his ability to magnetically control gold
>Seals biju in his son
Because the village needs a tailed beast in the same way a large nations needs nukes
>Traumatize son because ???
He needed to know if he could handle being a jinchuriki , and Gaara was already kind of crazy and vindictive before Rasa decided to have him killed
>hear out Orochimaru
He was assassinated by Orochimaru who then pretended to be Rasa in order to get the Sand village in the war.

Rasa did nothing wrong
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I watched Naruto 3 a few years ago and it was fucking bad and the ending not showing that event pissed me off so much.
Slut version of Hinata. It's not even close.
I literally don't remember any of them.
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what makes you say that?
Used goods.
Everyone was afraid a serpent or Orochimaru himself would pop out of one of her holes if they ever gave her the time of the day.
the only one i really remember was the fish girl that was my first major filler girl before i realized what anime filler really were, so the whole "orochimaru experimented on some innocent kid and ruined her life" suddenly being abandoned was alien to me at the time.
>hehe OBVIOUSLY the best obscure girl is a different version of main girl
Actually at least DBSuper had the blessings of Toriyama (RIP) and included him as part of the project.
Boruto seems to literally just exist because:
A; A well known lolicon mangaka is willing to sell his soul and life for it.
B; It sells too much merch in India and Japan to cut loose yet.
I appreciate that Ikemoto is an unabashed lolicon but I really wish he was less influenced by Araki.
You're right, cause DBZ surely wasn't popular amongst black people and favelas chimps shooting each other all day
DB Super's a weird case where Toriyama kept writing loose plot outlines and then just let Toyotaro and Toei interpret them however they felt like, resulting in the same "core" story being interpreted in radically different ways. then Daima was going to be Toriyama stepping back in to continue the series in his own quirky way directly.

Boruto is that weird continuation that Kishimoto didn't even want to do because he wanted to fuck off to his own projects, only for those to horribly fail because it turns out he is just terrible without oversight, and someone else continuing the series in his stead was clearly not the right step or all that necessary - and then Kishimoto's failures brought him back to the reins and everything got even worse much more rapidly.
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All jokes aside these two give out hardcore pedo vibes. Like the head shape and facials are so clearly intended to be from a real child and he is giving them slut make up and sexy expressions.
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For me it’s that one red headed filler villain that sucked out chakra via kissing (I could fix her)
I know a kid who shit himself in front of everyone trying to go super Saiyan
that tattoo could have been of WAY worse shit so good job
She actually is pretty obscure and her design and personality are completely unique so I would appreciate if you moved from my dick.
I still am convinced on that conspiracy theory that the third picture was traced over using his nephew as the base.

There is no way you could possibly even get close to that level of uncanny valley when drawing a child character unless you are directly referencing a real life child in some way.

Honestly I don't even give a fuck about lolicons in general because I simply just find them weird but this level of anatomical accuracy is just...disturbing really.
You say it as if the Tsunade arc wasn't peak when it even introduced medical ninjutsu.
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Not him but he does have a point. Naruto's non-canon characters are pretty forgettable, unlike say, Bleach.
Ask for best side character girl. To that my answer is Konan
Did he let the world get filled with aliens or something? I genuinely don't know anything about Burrito outside of memes and shit talk.
Why nephew though? Pretty sure all pedo mangaka have those real life pedo magazines since CP was legal in japan until relatively recently.
Did I just click on reddit?
Children aren't so rare that he would need to borrow a family member for inspiration, he could have just used a junior idol pic, although she gives me more of old Hollywood child actress vibes.
Honestly I don't remember any filler girls from Bleach either. Like, most filler of the time was just awful in general though some people at least respect Bleach's for trying to fit the universe and story, versus the absolute fuckery Naruto had.
>a fellow tayuya appreciator
She was always one of my favourites. She had a cute design, indeed very fixable, and she had one of the most interesting technique in the series.
So kishimoto is boruto's current writer?
The plot of boruto is basically "what if kaguya level enemies were super common and would just randomly attack konoha all the time".
What happened to this artist?
The blonde loli princess was nice and the zanpakutou rebellion arc had a bunch of nice waifus.
>since CP was legal in japan until relatively recently.
this is not and never has been true you lying yankee
"the federal government doesn't have a law on something, that makes it legal!"
look at the local governments in Japan and try making that argument in defense of an actual diddler, you fucking faggot
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>like hebe first arc sakura
>most fan art and lewds are from her shippuden or boruto version
>also soo offmodel its pretty much a different character or just a giant tits and ass abomination with a weird face
It hurts bro.....
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>All jokes aside
who's joking?
Do you count softcore nude photoshoots as CP? I don't really, but most people would say otherwise I think and that was very much legal in Japan.
by that logic it was legal all across Europe and in the U.S. until the dawn of the Internet
so disingenuous
we need a study on how hard that d-art guy's existence tanked boruto fanart
>it wasn't okay when Naruto did it
>it also was definitely not okay when Bleach did it
mangaka are universally retarded when it comes to romance
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>Why nephew though?
Simply because no one has been able to pin the drawings directly towards one of those magazines and I know for a fact that both /a/ and /int/ would not let such a thing slide if they could reference exact magazine material for what clearly looks like traced anatomy from said sources.

I mean he could have gotten the trace from anything, my point here is that even if it was just a handful of drawings that were questionable then I could easily write this off in my brain as someone in the works having a weird autism towards loli anatomy accuracy.
It's the fact that there are now so many multiple different scenes, pics and outright animation schemes from this very mangaka that all seem to suggest that he looks at and might even partake into irl loli shit that disturbs me.

To specify even further, a character that is often and rightfully identify as lolicon bait (pic related) Platinum, doesn't actually have any portraits or scenes of her unironically looking like a full blown realistic child and even the creator of the franchise, Mori, doesn't bother even entertaining actual full blown lolicon artists beyond a simple joke between the Tales Of developer and himself of saying "Don't touch her tummy!!!"

I'm perfectly willing to just say it's an artistic thing and hell maybe the guy involved with these pics is just a completely fantastical lolicon but frankly, even from the mangaka's own circle and culture, I find this his drawings are just....well frankly not just untasteful and disturbing but almost disgusting in a way. You can draw a child in a dark/serious setting without implicitly highlighting sexual features of the character due to their age.
Owning hardcore CP was legal in Japan until 1999 and they only made it illegal due to international pressure.
On model art of older anime characters is a rarity in general. Artists were all just shit during that time.
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Yeah, I'm sucker for summoners of any kind, I even dig the puppetmasters;>>682789129
they did her so fucking dirty being killed off like that.
I'd argue Sakura's character design is better even if her character is written poorly. I like Hinata but her design is basically your traditional black haired Japanese girl. He just made Hyuga special by making them "blind." Pink hair and green eyes was very unique at the time.
Until 2014. Nishiwaki didn't get the news.
>it was Studio Pierrot's fault Anko's fat

Read Naruto Chapter 700 you fake dumbfucks.
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Forehead made to be poked with love.
>traced over
Well, the characters in the original series were all traced (which they proudly state in the manga), so I doubt they stopped tracing for the sequel.
Why is this so hot?

Boruto is on V-Jump not Shonen Jump.
After reading series like Gash Bell, Kinnikuman, Toriko, Kongou Banchou and Ushio and Tora I honestly cannot understand how I stayed a fan of manga back when i pigeon holed myself to garbage like Naruto and Bleach just because it was what was big at the time.
But apparently never kissed.
Black Clover always just looked like a tame Berserk to me.
Manga isn't just shounen shit, you know? Might try something like Vagabond or Real.

Kishimoto made all the Boruto kids and the adult designs of the Naruto characters (that includes making Anko fat). It was also his idea to kill off Kurama and Kawaki's entire character.
Honestly? I wouldn't cry or feel bad for the suicide of any of you /v/irgins either.
But I liked all the shounen i listed before Naruto and Bleach.
im not asking for 1:1 artstyle porn, just keep the most notable characteristics.
Sakura is flat but with a perky butt? Keep her like that, maybe give her a small buff on her chest, no need for giant deformitys, if i wanted big tits i would search ino or hinata wich ironically are usually drawn on model.
"Japanese artist is a pedo" is hardly worth of surprise though lmao
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Nobody cares about your autism. Official art btw.
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This. The opposite would be news worthy, really.
i would HATE for this to happen to me haha
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Isn't she just bargain bin Mizukage though?
They're nothing alike.

It is highly low IQ to dislike One Piece
Today i will remind them
She was created before Kishi even made Mei's design.
more like mei is a bargain bin fuuka
>It is highly low IQ to dislike One Piece
Maybe till Enies Lobby. One Piece is genuine trash after the time skip.
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>load 596 more images
>It is highly low IQ to dislike One Piece
Arlong Park is great, Enies Lobby was also decent. Didn't like any other parts tho and I stopped halfway through Punk Hazard.
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first, nice get, but second, i was there that day at the devastation, and some people will rue that day to their graves. it's fucking hilarious and yet it scares me more than people like Barry in the JRPG/Square-Enix threads to see people this eternally obsessed.
>tfw I watched cross game recently
Still don't know how to feel about it.
>load 596 more images
I'm almost jealous that I can't rage on that level
Foreshadowing karma seal…
Why did we never get Naruto Xenoverse? Niggas are still on Xenoverse 2 right now!
Xenoverse is trash why do you want that?
>Load 596 more images

>that's all he thinks is great
You just don't get it. It's above you.
Naruto is a deadbeat father. Sakura won
Xenoverse would unironically work better with Naruto.
shinobi strikers wanted to be that, but it was so mediocre and empty. it's actually fucked that Dragon Ball got generally better games, Naruto got the UNS titles for animation quality but questionable game design, then the same devs half-assed on Kakarot for DB. and Bleach, Bleach just got nothing but eternal arena fighters and a couple strategy games.
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The stupid desert arc with the number agents was pure dogshit that I could barely get through.
Skypiea literally made me quit for almost 2 years before I continued the series.
Water 7 had an interesting conflict but dragged on too long.
The reason arc was also really bad.
The mermaid arc was meh.
That's all I remember.
I would if I was an orphan and had no known relatives at all and my entire life revolved around my loneliness. It's like you didn't even watch this show.
>The reason arc was also really bad.
I meant to write prison arc. Not sure what happened to my brain there.
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ain't no way...
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Is this surprising? Sometimes you get a better vidya thread on /pol/ than here.
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I can fix her.
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>but when he's with Usopp
Oda COOKED with that one
Thinly veiled anime threads on /v/ are consistently better than /a/ threads tho.
Kin is really cute, shame she'd dead.
First fap was definitely Sakura. Then Katara/Toph and then Gwen way later.
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I always wondered about that too. I think I used it as an example of Luffy not being gay once. I also figured that's what Oda was thinking so I'm pretty happy about that. I'm kind of like that in real life, making a bigger deal out of things when you're with friends than when I'm alone.
>596 more images
Holy moly
Margaret, queen of the pirate
Bro, Usopp and Chopper can't even compete in gag fights any longer.
For me , it was Totally Spies
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chopper isn't even a reindeer anymore
>at the point in the story they meet Naruto has tons of close friends, loved ones and is the village hero
>They aren't even 'related' just part of the same clan
>Naruto never really gave a shit about being an Uzumaki anyway
You're just retarded and possibly autistic.
Not him but I feel like Naruto would start giving a fuck about Uzumaki clan after meeting his mother and pain.
For me was Botan, Haruko and Ahsoka
i liked the one where she got raped by the other sound ninjas
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It's so simple but I laugh every time I re-read this.
They knew Boruto was going to lose relevance almost immediately so put everything they had into her.
If anything, arbitrarily associating people with their clans was part of the problem Naruto and his predecessors were trying to move away from by emphasizing ties to the village as a whole.
Pain and Kushina are just Pain and Kushina. Them being Uzumakis is irrelevant to that.
With Super I at least saw some people coping but really no one seems to like Boruto.
My only real exposure are the latest chapters and some anime clips, but I did like the focus on taijutsu, especially the fucking beatdown Baryon Naruto pulled on the ayy.
Naruto in general is not a person that would ever think that complicated. If anything if he heard she is an Uzumaki just like his mother and pain he would immediately think of her as family, especially when he sees she has hair just like his mother. Naruto is not the question here. You can at best try to argue that Karin doesn't give a fuck, which is reasonable.
it's got some cool fights but the designs are stupid and the world-building is stupid and it didn't do anything i wanted from a sequel so i just crank it to salad and the cat girl
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it's the only ninja dependence that doesn't make me feel bad because it's about a villain, so it's my favorite
Kin is to be fixed with love, not rape
>Naruto in general is not a person that would ever think that complicated
That's my point though. He doesn't give a shit about his clan specifically. He wouldn't care about Konan simply because she's an Uzumaki. It's not that complicated to him.
I really hope this is true
Still nowhere near as bad as shinji and mari in 3.0+1.0, honorable mention goes to ichigo and orihime.
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>load 596 more images
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Thank God for AI. This problem is exactly what AI was made for imo.
I don't have an on-model pic because I haven't made the style lora yet
you know the trick for baking character loras without an implicit style using sources that have one, right

train the style lora, merge it with the model, train the character lora on the merged model
Yeah but I wanted this style.
Also neither pony nor NAI (or even Tagger) know Sakura well. It's such crap but I guess it means I can make on-model stuff of her from my own lora.
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yeah the name's massively overloaded

have you tried biasing against series names
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Meh gave up and just got a lora.
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Most Shonentards that shit on each other for having a mary-sue MC are fucking stupid because every Shonen MC are so special kids who are strong but they have something pushing them back. They failed to realize that most Shonen is meant to tell the reader that they are special if they put in the hard work.
That whole arc with the zombies attacking the village is like a fever dream, nobody ever brings it up anywhere
>Sakura gets backhanded by Gary Oak.webm
/v/ has better cartoon threads then any of the shit on /co/
Pretty sure that was set in stone when we first got an actual unique design for the mangeyko.
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Remember when Naruto filler was so bad that the time gap became 2 years instead of 3?
You say this like Sasuke Retrieval 1 wasn't peak underdog action
For some reason they made Guy take over Lee's story arc after the drunken fist.
Sorry I'm so late. Hope you're not dead.
Arigato, anon
holy fuck dude this is racist as all hell what the fuck is your fucking problem??
Did he make an Uchiha version?
Everyone is still arguing about Sakura or Hinata and I'm just here enjoying my new deuteragonist.
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Not movie but still technically filler
I refuse to believe they let the most adorable thing to exist go feral. I cannot believe they let the most cutest thing ever be mean.
true best girl
>Manga art is worse than DBS's by a wide margin
>Mostly based off what most consider to be the worst part of the final arc
>Bench Sasuke and Naruto so the normalfags aren't happy
>Anime was pumped full of filler, around 80% if I remember right, could go years without a Canon episode
>Anime is also dead right now anyway so you don't even get that
>Barely any marketing since there's nothing to market
>Most exciting thing that's happened was the shippuden-esque timeskip but the designs are still shit and Ikemoto still can't draw
There's nothing to cope about with Bort, it's plain and simple shit.
here you go
damn, that's cute
>Didn't his bro make a knockoff of Naruto?
His brother also claims to be prettier.
I mean she's a Kunoichi, she's already looks ahead of almost all the female chuunin in shippudin at being a proper one, by the looks of these pictures.
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what emotion is this meant to convey?
>One piece gets content like it always does and a fairly well produced anime, I'm not an OPfag but people seem content, at the very least they're talking about it
>Bleach is in it's comeback phase with TYBW, even pulling disgruntled manga fans because Kubo is working on fixing shit, also has BTW and the hell arc afterwards
>Naruto stuck with fucking Boruto, Squid 8 was one of WSJs biggest failures
What went so wrong?
kishimoto got loose
I like Obito.
What the fuck was Squid 8?
Obito actually feels like he was in the early draft somewhat desilude kishi saying he just made the basics and that the story would end with Naruto vs. Sasuke.
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So we all agree that this was the only endgame Naruto couple that made sense in the end that had clear and concise development throughout the story right?
He's nearly the only Uchiha with short hair ,so it ends up looking cool for simply being unique.
lol no
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OG Naruto was so gruesome. Why did it get so cucked and safe as the series kept going?
mass appeal
Sexkura Sexuno.
Remember that the Hidden Mist Arc was about the morality of using child soldiers, the purpose of a soldier/mercenary, personal morality vs. societal obligation, and the measure and degrees of evil.

And then it became about reincarnated moon alien brothers mad at each other and making it everyone's fucking problem.
we had supreme kino, boys
We didn't know that it could get worse. We were stupid kids, man. We didn't know. We couldn't have known.
And then Kishimoto forgot the level of technological progress the world was supposed to have.
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It's been one million years and I still remember this comic.
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in the wave arc, when team 7 first gets to the town, they go into a store that clearly has a gun behind the counter

i went to find a screencap but i'm just reading it instead
Only in porn. And even that is probably because I like flatties.
Good thing I'm black
it's supposed to be rustic/rural-like Japan. At the beginning of the series you see they have stuff like video cameras and monitors though.
But transportation methods were carriages and shit. No steam engines or shit like that as far as I remember.
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>Naruto hears Zabuza try to cope about Haku's loss, calls Haku a 'tool'
>Naruto breaks down at Zabuza when he sees for himself the real cruelty of """being a ninja"""
>it's not as cool as he thought it was
>it's all anger, murder, loss, and never being able to protect what you love and pretending nothing you lose matters
>freaks the fuck out at Zabuza, takes it all out on him, doesn't tolerate how fucked up this world is and how fucked up it is for Zabuza to pretend Haku was nothing but a tool
>Zabuza can't deny anything Naruto says, just telling him to shut the fuck up while his emotions break
yeah, Naruto used to be about something
Real & certified South Korean post.
They were "Hidden Villages" because they were hidden from the modern world. They lived a rustic lifestyle removed from modernity because Japan's cultural zeitgeist is about technology vs. nature. The reason the Zabuza story is so important is because the illusion of the Hidden Leaf Village being peaceful and idyllic, even far beyond the Uchiha Clan massacre. Team 7 is being trained to one day be hired out to kill people on behalf of real pieces of shit, and every time they would come back to Konoha, they would have lost another part of their humanity. The peace in Konoha is a lie to trick more families into letting more child soldiers be trained so the Village can have the security it needs to be left alone from major industrialized forces that could have bulldozed them over with superior firepower. We saw what "Hokage-tier fighting" was with the Third fighting Orochimaru, and it's clear ninjas would lose to oppressive assault rifle fire.

I'm just fucking kidding dude it's about space aliens throwing moons at each other and fuckin' I don't know crazy contact lenses
>the Third fighting Orochimaru
it's so weird going back and rewatching that scene. It feels like so primitive compared to the powercreep shit in the late series.
It was when shit like a kunai or shurikens mattered in a battle.
>creates TenTen whose entire gimmick is being able to outspam anything with weapons
>said weapons become fucking useless in any fight not even a quarter into the series
You'll hear the same thing about Dragonball fighting versus DBZ fighting, and then again from DBZ fighting to GT fighting, and then again from GT to Super fighting. It's just unavoidable that shounen will eventually get more and more fucking stupid over time as both the creator gets older, more tired, and given more freedom. By the same token, Naruto wasn't able to become seinen, and it's doubtful that would have even helped keep it solid and consistent.
Hell even the most popular shounenslop of today - JJK has power escalated and the main villain killed everyone remotely powerful that could land a hit on him the fans have no idea where the fuck is it even going anymore.
she was just made to job to Temari and then literally does nothing until Shippuden where she jobs again to Sasori
>Well if you take filler as canon
Kushina didn't put Minato in the cuck chair
Are you kidding me? They kill off Kurama in Naruto just to put him in Himawari? Are you fucking kidding me? Is this some joke?
the fuck happened to this art
artist changed
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If you want to know their reasoning, read pic related.
>we haven't taken a big enough shit on Naruto and Sasuke yet to try to elevate our dogshit characters so despite the entire series being nothing but that we decided to rob Naruto even of his most iconic companion and power
God, I fucking despise this faggot series so much. It fucking obliterated Naruto's legacy.
Damn she's cross-eyed in the first panel
He was right about those swirly eyed uchiggers
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...should have been a woman.
bitch you dont even know what his motivations were in the first few arcs

They were all built for KILLER BEE
The greatest RAPPER.
>write show around Orochimaru instead of Uchihas
>nonono you couldn't possibly add more content to support a change in writing oh jeez oh man
Funnily enough this makes Minato’s choice to seal Kurama 100% the right call over Kushina’s initial plan to take the bijuu down with her. Like imagine pre-friendship asshole Kurama respawning inside a sealess Naruto years after the attack.
1) Immortality
2) Every ninja art
3) Destruction of Konoha
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Honestly I'm just glad that Killer Bee wasn't associated so much to NTR like Raikage is. Dude's a genuine bro
Why didn't Sasuke end up with Karin?
She's related to Naruto so he'll still be dicking down an Uzumaki like he wants to.
He did, that's why Salad wears glasses. Kishimoto wrote that Sasuke and Sakura are a couple solely to piss of NaruSakufags, and when they bitched he doubled down by making Sasuke a deadbeat.
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Are you saying Orochimaru should NOT have been a female? Because that's a notion I wholeheartedly disagree with.
I'll never understand how people can like Naruto enough to take it seriously like you nerds do.
I like Naruto because I stopped after Lee jobbed to Gaara and never looked back, since I knew right then and there the series was going to shit.
>Naruto vs Neji was about proving how hard work could beat destiny
>lol jk Naruto is actually ninja jesus
Don't worry, we take it serious but only ironically.
This. On the surface it always seemed like it's ancient history but once you think about it for a second it makes no sense.
I'm glad I never was a mentally ill shipper.
Sakura was always annoying and never liked Naruto. People at the time (including me) just liked her design and were horny kids.
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the Hyuga clan looks like THAT!?
>having to be stealthy, smart and fast ninjas
Because the show was never going to be about that from the very start. It was always about crazy jutsus and chakra monsters, they just had to work up to it slowly.
>muh Rock Lee
It was a nice message but just as in real life, some people are just born genetically more gifted and there is nothing you can do to outperform them, even if you try really hard.
In fact doesnt Sasuke just copy his style with sharingan easily during that same arc?
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Himawari is going to be the next Kyuubi, not jinchuriki.
Proof: Daemon didn't get 2 shits about Naruto but flipped his shit when he sensed Himawari.
Also, hair tails instead of chakra tails.
>Also, hair tails instead of chakra tails.
Kushina had that too
I’ll add this to my mountain of retard takes from the internet
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>Daemon didn't get 2 shits about Naruto but flipped his shit when he sensed Himawari.
Because the entire premise of burrito is to shit on Naruto and Sasuke.
Her VA makes me diamonds.
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Anyone remember this bitch? She was my favourite as a kid.
>recently made a Jonin
>gets schooled by Itachi then proceeds to get knocked up by Asuma
Apparently their daughter is a good ninja.
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She looks familiar.
But Kurotsuchi is the most underrated tomboy of the series. I dont think I've ever seen anyone post her in these threads.
she's like a mean shizune
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The problem with Naruto's tomboys is that they just look like the faggy male characters in it that instead should have been women.
Well they look better in motion.
I dont think theres another character like Sai in the entire show. And I'm pretty sure he was specifically made to be as an edgy Sasuke replacement for girls.
why was saskue such a whiny faggot
i remember her. i thought she was cute.
Her sister is hotter.
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>10 minutes of non stop incantations to summon a stupid ass water dragon
>shippuden war
>dragon ball tier explosions, earthquakes everywhere, massive energy blasts, infinite chakra cheat for everyone, bullshit powers coming out of their ass
>final boss losing to naruto's reverse perv move

even dragonball super is more tame and it has gods

and Anko
>Takes Hinata under her wing
>Hinata nowhere to be found once her new mentor becomes a single mother
Lol. LMAO.
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there’s a reason so many incels seethed that Sakura didn’t reciprocate Naruto’s feelings

She’s gorgeous
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Naruto is simply ugly in canon, this is specified MULTIPLE times, he’s an immature ugly manchild

Sasuke is your prototypical chad with mental health issues, it doesn’t matter how much chemistry you have with a girl, the chad ALWAYS wins
I mean to be fair didn’t Itachi’s plan kind of pivot after meeting Naruto?? I’m pretty sure that’s what was supposed to be conveyed from the like 2 times they interacted in the series, he no longer needed to hide the truth from Sasuke since he knew Naruto was around to reel him back after he went to deep into the darkness

When was Naruto called ugly?
>>final boss losing to naruto's reverse perv move
Unironically kino.
Tsunade taught her well.
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both of them are dogshit
/a/ can be decent but the mod are schizo
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You try getting mindraped twice and come out mentally stable.
the fuck, kakashi got married??
What the fuck is this from?
>Made Anko fat
>Made Tsunade flat
I'll never forgive the japanese
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>Like Jiraiya taught him absolutely nothing in two years.
this is a common misconception, jiraiya did actually try to teach him better chakra control and advanced techniques but the problem was that whenever they tried naruto would accidentally tap into the nine tails reserve and go berserk, eventually seriously injuring jiraiya which made him switch courses into taijutsu and foundational training.
remember how they needed yamato for safety when naruto was learning rasenshuriken? yeah.
I only watched the original and a bit of Shippuden but Naruto becoming Hokage? Great. Him becoming Hokage and working on paperwork and other shit? What a bizarre choice. The guy is so far removed from all that shit prior to becoming Hokage that it could not have been less fitting.
>lack jade eye
You not fooling me
no he temporarily abandoned the hokageship to follow a woman but backtracked in the end
What is Naruto's tax policy?
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It’s always odd to see people complain about how Naruto hasn’t progressed as a character and didn’t contribute much in the first few arcs after the time-skip when that’s kind of the point. Dude is getting continuously frustrated by all of his failures revolving around not being able to save Sasuke, not being able to save Gaara before he died, not being able to take down Deidara, and more, which eventually leads into him tapping more and more into the Nine-Tails’ chakra until he ends accidentally hurting her.
Was it rape?
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No taxation on ramen
I was actually hoping he'd give up the hokage dream and end up like Jiraya.
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. . .
Sakura but with huge heavy naturals
>unnatural cow udders on an otherwise proportional character
this idiotic trope is everywhere in r34 and it fucking sucks. fuck you
Meanwhile Naruto pretend to be Sasuke….
Any non-h art of her bigger bust?
Always prefered the younger design with longer hair.
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Neither does sausgay
those characters look like fucking shit jesus christ
Special lewd medicine
unbelievably gay
>he doesn't like cow udders because the character canonically doesn't have them
wow its like the whole point of making smut is to make them as appealing to as many people as possible.
people like big tits, get over it already. jack off to still frames of the show if you want canon proportions.
>he thinks Hinata and Naruto got married five minutes after Kaguya gets yeeted
After the war is over it's obvious they sat down and took the time to really bond. Naruto never bonded with Sakura, she saw him as a simp orbiter from beginning to end. He liked her because she gave him attention as a kid when nobody else would, so he misinterpreted this negative attention as good. As soon as he learnt what real love is, he lost interest in the pink whore.
Technically Tsunade is also a distant aunt of his (she's a Senju, and the Uzumakis are a cadet branch of the Senju)
there's big tits, and then there's monstrous udders only pajeet-tier deviants find attractive
>then there's monstrous udders only pajeet-tier deviants find attractive
why are you gay?
Is this what Boruto is like right now? What a gay story.
i love how they shit on naruto and sasuke powers everychance they get even tho they literally became ninja gods at the end of the original series.
>Aryan chad Naruto gets submissive obedient oppai Japanese ultrarich wife
As it should be
Disgusting subhuman filth.
Honestly Sakura his real sister in sense
Pain was also related to Naruto.
Tsunade is more closely related than other Senju since Hashirama's wife was an Uzumaki.
I like fapping to her in Rawsource free for all HMVs.
Anko built her identity around Orochimaru so when he dumped her for prime Uchiha boipussi she went off the rails and became the ninja equivalent of a catlady.
Say what you want about Naruto but those vests ninjas wear are fucking ballin.
Nobody cares about Bleach after the Rukia gaolbreak arc
>Saharu Wataru
Flatkura is better
Uchiha is the Japanese clan. Hyuuga are the Koreans.
>fatherless girl becomes a whore
Many such cases!
The only guy who makes good Sakura stuff
I rather have Naruhodo though
>I rather have Naruhodo though
Here you go
Terrible off-model garbage.
God I hated this shit so much. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with it anymore.
Constantly feeling the need to justify extreme fetishes as proof of your sexuality reeks of closeted homosexuality, amigo
Not him, and I also hate the titcows they draw on Sakura, but like massive breasts doesn't make you gay anon.
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whatever you say buddy
That's fucking hot, she'd probably be a huge cunt just so he'd be her and that pussy up
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Loudly declaring an obsession with uncanny gigatits and calling anyone who doesn't 'gay' sounds like projection. Lady doth protest too much
So who makes the best Naruto smut then?
Only if male Hinata has a 14 inch horse cock and is super shy.
In hindsight she actually held up pretty well for someone without magical reincarnations of demi-gods, broken genetics, hashirama cells (the worst plot point in Naruto; why even bother having medical ninjas if this shit is just Tsunade's crap with no downside?) and a completely retarded fighting style
Probably some bullshit where like Shikamaru handles most of the actual management, but like he still has to sign off on shit and be there.
I'd frick pudding
>AI shit
pick fucking one
God I want some autistic pussy.
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tss, Speedo-sama if you can come here and work saturday that would be greeeeat-rinsu
Man Uchiha bitches are the kinda girls your mom warns you about and your dad disproves but understands your actions.
NaruSaku is shit in the story but the porn is amazing
They are still Uchicia shits
Sand Village girls seem to be the best overall
I wasn't saying that they were good, I'm saying that they make my balls sweat and ache.
Naruto should honestly do the needful and marry every single ninja female in his village.
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Wait...why is Sarada dressed like a....like a...
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She's canon not wearing anything under that mesh chainmail shit.
Can you blame her, dude(currently female)'s cock is so long he turns into a snake.
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Fixed btw.
meh, original is better
>big tits are a fetish now
why are you so goddamn gay anon?
men like big tits
you like flat bitches because they remind you of men
>missed the sakura thread
It's Sakura, your not missing much
3x bigger than her head* projecting homo
i didn't ask your opinion faggot
the bigger the better
also i find it so rich you call me a homo when you are the one complaining about big tits of all things
She is one of the worst girls, you literally can't name a worse one
>bros I'm straight, did I tell you how straight I am? I love WOMEN and TITS and CHINA I ain't no dang homo
Okay, dude. Real heterosexuals don't need to constantly affirm it
anon, there's nothing wrong with being gay, but you doing these kind of mental gymnastics to try and prove how you are not gay when everyone can see straight throught it is just sad

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