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Chinese companies really be like
>Forget about gameplay, THIS is what gamers want!
And they're right, considering how much money these earn.
false, what we really want is immersive weight gain systems
why can't you have both. why do all those games have to be skinnerbox nonsense with less complex gameplay then titles released 30 years ago. Why are no devs willing to make a DMC-tier action game already?
Part of the reason these games make money is that they're braindead. Gacha that gets too intensive often becomes too inaccessible to people, even a lot of ultimately popular and successful gacha games end up with retention problems if they ask for too much from their regular playerbase and require a lot more effort to maintain. It's not really any different from how people get excited over hardcore video games, get there, then bitch that things are too hard, but unlike Elden Ring which already makes its money the moment you buy it, gacha has to keep generating revenue.

We're well over a decade into the gacha industry so it isn't the market it used to be where a lot of experimental shit came out between a ton of low effort shovelware. Devs have it down to a science now and they know that the way to sell a new gacha is to make it beautiful, make it easy, and go hard on the writing.
They're not gamers because gacha isn't games. It's like calling people in a casino gamers.
Gamblers do call themselves gamers, and casinos call themselves gaming companies
>Why are no devs willing to make a DMC-tier action game already?
Naraka isn't a gacha game but last time I played it, the game was basically unplayable since servers are hosted in China or some shit so the rest of the world has to deal with hyper precise combat subject with iframes and parries under ping conditions. It was the kind of game that I think would've exploded if the technology were there.
Based. In all seriousness I think these chink cash grab games are slowly but surely getting closer to it, I unronically would not be surprised to see something like that appearing in coomer games by the end of the decade.
don't they usually release mmd models of their stuff lately
how about mmd models of these swimsuit models pls
dunno when you played it last but it's been almost 3 years since release. game has evolved big time since then, though it's still niche in the west. i guess that answers your question though. the learning curve is far too hard for western players, so they just quit. it's an actual miracle that such a high skill ceiling game is doing well anywhere.
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lmfao. relax, wang, naraka is an objectively shit game and most of the civilized world can see that at a glance. enjoy your chinkoid slop, .0005 social credits have been deposited into your account.
now post more
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It's unfortunate because if there was a decent multiplayer shooter full of cute anime girls like this I'd pay $250 for it and let the CCP install their spyware "anti-cheat" to look at my porn collection.
lol, you're try way too hard m8. here, have some more gameplay.
uma musume does that
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Western companies really be like
>Forget about gameplay, THIS is what gamers want!
what if i like the gameplay though
Nobody cares about gameplay anymore. Gacha retards are into jpeg slot machines. Western "gamers' are into ugly, badly written movies. And /v/ is stupid enough to defend one of them because it makes their pp hard. There is no salvation for this hobby.
Now post the gameplay
Base of all gacha games lol
Based Chinese
All you have to do is put a couple dudes in there and women will buy it too. women are just as bad for wanting sexy girls in games, well girls that aren’t ugly
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>oh yeah, that happened
The absolute state of play.
a bit rude
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>meanwhile brown women in china
When your game is nothing more than an anime girl collect-a-thon, yes it does make sense to focus on that instead of gameplay. No one plays gachas primarily for the gameplay (most gachas are some form of auto-battler).
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>Singularity was kino beyond kino
>Now i'm stuck here on Continuum Turbulence hearing the Commander's headcanon
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>unironic pronouns under their name
It's a sad state of affairs when I consider the Chinese the good guys.
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>game only has 1 standout character
How many they/thems?
>generic aim assist shooter
>soulless cartoon shit graphics
>ugliest fuckers possible
i hate it so much, it's actually unreal.
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>chinese browns meet the west
are americans really just cattle ?
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goyim is the preferred term
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we get a thread on this game every day but nobody here can play it yet
we want both, but your statement is the least we expect from a game.
Global release fucking when goddammit
Its the easiest and cheapest way to implement inclusivity-memes. No need to model or rig anything, just add some splotches to the character's texture.
Brown women owe me sex
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Name fits, it'll never take off lmao
It's super rare in the real world, but it's categorized as a disability and leftoids can use it as ammo for race is just a skin color memes.
Chinese companies be like fuck this will bait weebs then we will make dogshit gameplay limited by power bar and shut the game down when it stops getting money from the trust fund kid we caught.

Then they do it on loop. Works every time and they are hunting a new kinda blubber.
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why do ((((they)))) keep doing this
You ever think about how these groups get away with putting their cow fetish all over characters
>xcom garbage
waste of good material
>lark and soldier 77 the only ones that look like they could fight
>still look stupid as fuck because they're natural looking in a game of random character generation cast
Because they're all made by the same people.
*lonely and horny gacha weebs
Hana Lupita and Twinkle don't belong in this cast.
>western mech is a litteral cooler
>meanwhile in china
Because a) they think hero shooters are still doing great and will post big numbers and b) they can use the excuse of "every hero needs to be unique" to fill it with unnecessary diversity for ESG points.
>>western """""""""""""""mech"""""""""""""
>average disposable bad guy grunt
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stop lumping in black with brown, do you know how fucking impossible it is to find latina belt type women on google images because blacks populate the results of both 'black' and 'brown'
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Seriously though, how the fuck do you manage to make a robot look unappealing? That's my first time getting put off by a bot's design
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for me its the token white guy
none at all
that was a funny game
Any anon playing this right now and how?
The only smart thing China ever did.
you either give your info to zhang or commit identity fraud to impersonate an uygur
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tranny game for trannies
a gacha shooter would be worse and nobody plays those for the gameplay
Nta, but that looks like shit.
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Left girls regular outfit is better.
why does the belt in africa only touch the north?
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okay but here's what i want, yuzhong
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>no pubic hair
lower = black africans
north = arabs and stuff
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>makes yuor gacha game fun
Tits way, way, way, way, WAY too small.
>Join the ACK!
That's all I remember from the game
I've seen a few people who have old bilibili accounts from before they required ID verification get in
Raymond is so lucky...
You think Chinese would be happy being cucked by a white guy? Such horse shit. He's obviously Chinese.
Because you don't want to play wuwa and shit on it whenever it's mentioned. You get what you deserve: nothing.
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>those earn
GFL2 is dying.
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Anon was wrong in that the game is GF2 not snowbreak
But SKK is also white (slavic) anyways
They even updated him from the beta (left) to look less chinky
That's because he's a cuck..
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>chinese humor
>literal paper cut outs
budget cuts hitting GF2 hard, I see.
I just like that they updated him in such a way that he looks more like the fanarts.
I am now pro-China.
>male mc actually looks cool
>game treats him like a bitch
its all so tiresome
what a dickhead
But SKK has plenty of cool moments?
They are property of Mr. Raymond.
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>Game is from China
>Italian girls are shortstacks with fat milkers
Many such cases
is that so
Gamers want modeled nipple bumps
But enough about overwatch
Oh wait there's a female skk ? So am I right to assume it's just going to be mixed toilet shit, with no (you) pandering whatsoever ? Hope I'm wrong
Where's all the white people at?
it should stop at india, more to the right the asian slit eyes features become more and more pronounced, sure they're brown too, but latinos have normal round eyes
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>meanwhile in Korea
Anon the game launched with a shipping controversy that permanently tanked it's revenue, you take a guess.
To make things funnier the character used was the patriotic Chinese character and jade beauty archetype.
i forgot naraka exists I should play it
Breeding finns
Their other games have femMC option too
PNC in particular has some quite explicit stuff
And both have oaths (marriage rings)
IDK where people get the idea that having a femMC option locks the game out of having anything
what the fuck is wrong with this pineapple
Didn't PNC launch extrenely sanitized and with shipping? I remember people called it a game for Genshinfags when it launched.
god i love anime girls why cant they be real
now this is something i can fap to
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Literally the first event banner was a big titty bitch who is borderline stalker obsessed with (You)
And the main half-anni skin for the non-MC lead ended with implied kiss/sex
And there have been multiple wedding outfit skin batches
There was only shipping if you descend to twitternig levels of "these characters are friends and have lines together they MUST be fucking"
Because having a female mc block the more "horny" interaction you can have, since the Chinese governments doesn't really appreciate same sec relations.
So you're left with a sterile gacha game.
I'm sure gfl2 didn't have an oath system, did they change it ?
Wow, that's even more than what GF1 had, how did they fumble PNC to that degree that it sometimes make less than GF1?
Because it launched within like a week of HSR
>I'm sure gfl2 didn't have an oath system, did they change it?
That's not a good metric because none of these games had oaths on launch. Even Kancolle that started the system added it later on. And the AL and GFL took it later on too. GFL2 is getting oaths later on, the mechanic is already in the game files but incomplete.
Holy shit that's bad timing
it's also just general lack of advertising which is the MICA special
there is 1 (one) Akihabara wall ad that has been there since 2022 that has not been updated since
Well how much they shat the bed they can only do better, did they replace the writing team ?
Actually made me lightly chuckle.
Still only gonna look up the porn though.
>MICA games
>getting porn
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what did anon mean by this?
All we have are rumors but supposedly they have, and Star was removed from writing. But again,
Nothing concrete like Seasun and Kuro outright firing the lead writer and everyone can see it, Mica's stuff is behind closes doors.
Thought this literal slop was F2P? They want $40 for shit not even DEI shills would bother with.
you'll get 2 fanartists that make bizarre fetish porn, a few comms, and like 3 doujins that never get scanned or translated
just like all the other MICA games
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holy cope
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>but it's ok when you turn King Arthur black
Why do you have to forget about gameplay in order to have hot girls?
If you have a way to ensure GF2 gets lots of non-degenerate porn please share
I am simply telling you how all their other games have gone
That would be the perfect game and that's impossible
the people who make games think they're above cheesecake and fanservice and otherwise don't want to just be known as "that booby and ass game" in the general eyes of the market
and the people who make gacha are looking to optimize their cost:return ratio. so they can shove out the most barebones definition of "game" possible while still getting their addicts hooked and spending on slot machine pulls
there are the live service game devs who decided to take gacha monetization and inject it into what is an otherwise normal game. only occasionally will you see fanservice in these, depends on the title. but they'll get your balls in a vice due to rampant FOMO and other psychological tricks.
then there's porn devs, wishing they could rake in the dough that gacha do, but instead use the patreon subscription milking scheme.
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hopefully it inspires more pvp games like it. fast paced high skill ceiling melee combat fighting is fucking non-existent while the same copy pasted soulless hero shooters are dime a dozen.
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GF2, the ball's in your court now.
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for me its upping the body count
its just a meme, its not about getting really accurate, its just about picking general areas where you get darker skintones that arent black and in SEA going down to like indonesia, they can get pretty damn "latina" over there, no epicanthic fold or anything
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I'm amazed at the tourists and total secondaries in this thread saying it's doing anything but flopping to the bottom of the charts after it pulled that cuckshit. I can't believe I'm fighting side by side with chinks but I can't stand feminist trash hating male gamers.
>still pretending to be this mad
PGR got one girl for (You)? Nigga that's too low
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that's some good old slapstick
so what's the story about then mr primary?
How often is there a controversy so bad it actually wipes the game's playerbase and revenue?
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Just another diversity box to be checked. Don't need to think too hard because the people who put it there sure as hell didn't.
so there's no ntr then, got it
Look up that image you moronic cuckold.
>thing happened
>can you show me thing?
>no look for it yourself
ok cucky
>get shown proof
what a retard
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>Shay trying to memory hole the time the thing got translated and proved once and for all there was no NTR
cucky excuses
a picture of a npc isn't "proof" cucky
kek /gfg/ is here
How many failed Scaramouches are there at this point?
>Raymond from GF2
>Gavin from Snowbreak
>the kebab from Calibayou
Snowbreak's is funny because they rewrote the chapter and removed the "I CAN FIX HIM" sequence, they just shoot him instead.
Scar was a failure too, Nahidafags fled.
Western GFfags siding with Chinese and Korean feminists is funny. It's one thing to hate waifufags, but to side with the radical feminists is hilarious.
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Chinese or Janitor
Call it
My cousin looks like this
I remember Scar being well liked, but then again, no idea what the overseas communities think.
>We have join the ACK at home
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EN release this year right?
Their game is dying and they take it out on everyone else.
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But devs are koreans.
>well liked
By who? Not Nahidafags.
MICA is in shaghai, you're confusing them for someone else.
>le ntr
Only ONE single anon's opinion on this problem matters.
If by EN you mean EoS then sure
how I wish this isn't gacha
Scar isn't a shipper character though, he's a yumejo character. Shippers have no reason to like him because he is for Rover. He's closer to Childe than Scara.
>whale hunting
government gibs then ?
Chinese companies really be like
>we would like to make a profit on this venture

and then proceed to do so
why the schizo always show up at this hour?
we had great discussion, thread slowing down then the schizo always show up.
Why does this make westoids seethe so much that it make faggots like OP posting about this daily?
>By who?
By me. By anyone that played that far into wuwa. The guy was one of the stand out characters in wuwa's shitty story.
>but he's a male!
And he doesn't rub anyone the wrong way because he's not trying to fuck your girl. He's interested in you.
He was only liked by fujos and westoids. Chinks and japs didn't like him cause he was annoying and took away screentime from nahimama and other waifus in exchange for a mediocre story
Bro, the game your talking about fucking cratered on release and has been in damage control mode trying to bring in players ever since.
wait really?
>took away screentime from nahimama
Fucking who? I don't even know who you're talking about since only a handful of characters in wuwa's story were actually memorable. Scar was one of them.
or the 17 hour meltdown
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MICA games never EoS
but at the same time
Nah, but GF2 is in danger of going into maintenance mode early into it's life should Mica try another game.
Wrong guy.
We do though. Throw in some good or okay gameplay and you have a winning plan. It's like everyone turned super gay by the end of the 360/ps3 era.
Genshit you retard. We're talking about Genshit's Scar.
gomen gomen
so it's not going to live
pack it up boys
see you next week when the exact same thread is remade
If you ignore GFL2's earnings sure lmao
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>muh sales
quick reminder that sakura wars killed itself in half a year
well, both male and female character are for (you) and the whole base of operation treats you like a living legend. The last artist that tried to push some shipshit got dunked on by the based chinkcels.
He rubs me the wrong way because I don't want a stinky male on screen and definitely not one that wants to fuck rover-chan. Way to go, self-reporting your cock obsession. You self insert trannies are so uppity these days it's unreal.
bwo GF2 isn't a .png game like GF1 and Azur Lane
We can't win.
>dislike male characters
>like (for you) male characters
bros should I get into neural cloud
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and you want to know how much it cost to make sakura wars? $18,906,000 USD. EOS'd in 7 months
By that point GFL 2 is already doing better lifespan wise
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Oh no no no. Bwo, don't tell me you picked female rover.
>token white guy
It's always the female protag players.
Sadly they are right. Waifus are nice, but too many people only care about that, and will consume literal shovel ware quality slop for it.
They know how to milk lonely asian men and it translates well somehow to the west.
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How does that much money go into making a jpg gacha game. End me pete
it's japanese humor because they are the biggest spenders for gacha
throw millions into advertising
They went all in bro, Sega really thought they had the next FGO in their hands.
The fact that they managed to fumble a waifu game in the waifu genre is genuinely funny.
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>Why are no devs willing to make a DMC-tier action game already?
Because those are phone games. They do hack and slash gameplay just because it's the easiest action genre to turn into a button masher.
gacha games spend gorrilions on advertising because the people that would spend money on gacha are easily susceptible to it. make games for cheap and use any and all profit on advertising.
>Why are no devs willing to make a DMC-tier action game already?
Anon-sama-tachi I literally cannot play the harder WuWa and Genshin content on mobile, I have to do it on PC which limits how often I actually can play the harder content.
I could never get into that because
>auto chess
otherwise its more GF side story stuff if you want to get into that
Native Americans actually have slanted eyes. I am mestizo and I have pretty chinky eyes.
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now's kind of your last chance to get the Seins;Gate characters before the event ends
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Actually, now that im looking back on it they shut off in-app purchases in april.
So it was 4ish months of life before it became a walking corpse before it got buried in july.
You soulless salesniggers have no idea what you're talking about.
smart sexposter
Why do they wanna be literal cows with those spots? Vitiligo is fucking retarded and looks gay
>every country that got buck broken by Arabs for 1000 years
I live in NY and ppl look like this trash heap everyday.
This is why video games should never mimic real life.
punishing gray raven
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>One game out of a bazillion gacha money sinks doing bad is a sign sex and guns don't sell
I still dream of a squad milsim kind of game but with anime girls.
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>Shay goes to bed
>thread instantly dies
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Have sex.
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>tfw chinks are the horniest race but the CCP stops them from reaching full potential
never forget how the CCP let a PTN banner run globally before censoring it in china because they didn't realize how lewd she was
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i still lol at the cucking drama for this game. even if it wasn't actually cucking in-game, you should know well enough as a developer to just play it safe and steer clear of something that could be even interpreted as cucking. but they just didn't, and the game got kneecapped out the gate in the most unnecessary and hilarious way.
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More like the chinese will do literally anything to get their grubby hands on your money, especially optimizing hornyness because it's so easy to get money that way.
the ccp didn't force mihoyo to censor genshin or zzz
>what Raymond wants
Honestly the funniest thing is that it's so half-assed that I'm not sure who it's supposed to appeal to besides teenage girls.
You have the flower imagery and the love songs that are supposed to portray Daiyan and Raymond as romantic, and some of the dolls teasing Daiyan and shipping her with Raymond, but then when the two actually interact it's super platonic. What was the point? Shipperfags don't get their ship, and purityfags go nuclear.
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Realized reminder
>it's super platonic AND shipping at the same time
is it that hard to admit you may have been wrong than trying to explain this mickey mouse position
It's dying because they fucked up so much in a row you'd think someone is sabotaging the game from within
>mica earning money
>the song is someone who is homesick and missing their hometown
>become love song
where did you get this shitpost from?
any links that sum up all their fuckups? length dont matter I'm bored at work
i want both but apparently we can't have that
Gachas are low cost money generators
Making an actual game and risking ruining it with slotmachines is a bad idea
If you make it as shit as possible weird nerds get defensive over it but if you make a real game people set expecations
>nakara is like dmc
Ultra kill yourself parry spamming zoomer
>>>honkai impact 5 is like dmc
>dude this random 4chan post explains the entirety of a culture i know nothing about! source: it was revealed to me in a dream!
chinks are disgusting but not for any of the "reasons" laid out in this retarded post
so you think they released a banner, made lots of money off it, and then voluntarily decided to censor themselves for no reason? retard
>exploiting porn addicted teenagers
I still don't understand why the CCP doesn't crack down on these quasi hentai Gachas. Shit must be responsible for so many bad grades and bad productivity
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Looks dumb
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I have like 15 of those. I would post more than one at a time but this shitty imageboard doesn't allow more than one pic.
gambling was called gaming before video games even existed you stupid fuck
>screaming robot
>random lightning
Pretty gay
>trash tier girl helps reform some autist off screen
>in beta files
>bugs lose their mind
I was talking about to seperate points in the story though?
sakura wars gacha was literally FGO but 3d with full animation for everything which severely jacked up the costs for a game no one was playing nor cared about.
of the same exact event at the same time....?
Lena shipping Daiyan and Daiyan talking to Raymond were two seperate scenes.
Ofcourse r*edit defends it lmao, it's funny, if there was no cuck/slavery drama, they wouldn't defend all other fuck ups, but for some reason they are obliged to defend anything that has cuck connotations to it.
all i got from this was how bad things got found and removed and people are still mad after the fixes got applied
>I shat in your plate and presented it as good
>why are you mad??? Okay, sorry haha, I'll clean it
>why are you still mad??? I cleaned the shit. What do you mean you aren't gonna eat from this plate that was covered in shit 5 minutes ago before I washed it???
>the waiter shat in your plate
>oh sorry I'll get you another plate
>why are you still mad??? its been half a year and you're throwing rocks at the windows
Those games are for me. I'm a gamer and more importantly I'm a proud goomer
would you really trust food from a place that intended to shit in ur plate? even they're almost certainly trying to do it if you haven't caught them b4 the act?
but he didn't get me another plate, he washed the one he shat on, anon.
Throwing rocks? Nigga please, it's akin to laughing at and discussing shitty restaurant that keeps getting worse and worse the more you hear about it, when it was a decent establishment before. When you have a shitty attitude towards your customer and complete lack of awareness of what customer wants, and you keep doubling down before finally getting on the right tracks, it's not easy for a customer to forgive you and he will be wary and make fun of you. You reap what you sow.
i wouldn't trust the same guy to serve me again, not blaming the eatery itself
right, like the entire place would willingly serve customers shit on purpose when "it was a decent establishment before" . newfags will get turned away but the regulars who're in the know won't be as shaken
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>food analogies
Please be in London.
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Also that Lionboy from Wuwa was supposed to be some scarafag too. Snowbreak devs are good for realizing what players want, shame about absolutely obnoxious faggots that their fanbase is.
>moved from tacticool/cute to generic commer swimwear
I will be playing manjuu new game instead, lost all interests in glb launch for this
>obnoxious faggots that their fanbase is.
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>newfags will get turned away but the regulars who're in the know won't be as shaken
That's why you haven't seen vidya butts freak the fuck out about this and quit.
>not blaming eatery itself
but they hired the guy, at least I'd be wary of what they are serving me, and I would be quick to give them a kick when they do one thing wrong, because they are on thin ice for me.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's an impossible situation to get out. But they probably have to have atleast 1 year of extreme good will and top notch service for people to stop shitting on them and try and actually defend them and say "they are changed, they are good now"
Exactly, newfags will not get in the first place, but oldfags will be wary and suspicious of what the establishment has become and how it continuously trying to get rid of old customers by making them disservice with how they are treated.
>Gacha "game"
>Forget about gameplay
Is this revelation shocking?
Because the vast majority of gamers do not stick with the same game for too long, but player retention is the top priority for any gacha. So the solution is making a braindead skinnerbox that constantly rewards the player with micro-hits of dopamine while being low-investment on both time and attention.

A gacha can't have DMC-tier gameplay and thrive because most people will burn out in a week or two and drop once they've had the action itch scratched. Making "good" gameplay is both a bad investment from the dev's side and actively conflicts with the monetization model.
Just annoying, shitting up the threads unrelated to their game, making up lies about other games while saying how much better their game is than yours etc etc, while posting atrocious gameplay, fanservice that is just poor taste, etc. Also MC looks like shit, snowbreakdevs, fix him, his outfit is dogshit.
/snowg/ schizo whenever they forget to take their meds will go to other gacha general that have male characters and start spamming cuckoldry, Nikke was a victim of this when Dave the diver collab get announced
It was even before Dave, he would say that it has cuckshit, when I asked him where and at what point, he would say "I read such and such about it, I didn't play the game, I just seen it has cuck shit on reddit" or whatever.
Because Tumblr became the main social media for "creatives" and Tumblr is a literal LGBT/diversity cult run by grifting white and black middle manager women HR types all trying to ladder climb over eachother by constant, more absurd purity testing. (Hence why they allow agp trannies as an ultimate purity test because it weeds out huge amounts of free thinking women.)
To network as a creative, you have to play to that agenda, you internalize it (especially if you are a teen or early 20s) and then you take that ideology with you into creative jobs, where 80% of the new staff there are also Tumblr who have internalized Tumblrs ideology.
This is why so many ugly black women characters, when 99% of actual black women irl think video games (and nerd stuff in general) is lame loser shit for faggots.
Honestly you probably have since white people can have it too. It's just not all that noticeable on the vast majority of people or easy to dismiss as something else if it was there before you became aware of vitiligo.
Don't this schizo go around multiple gachas? I feel like he was with wuwa at some point
Im never forgiving the chinks for what they did to DMC mobile
My penis says Chinese companies are right.
girls frontline 2
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But the gameplay is actually fun too?
What could've been
>that cuckshit
You're a secondary.
For the simple crime of talking to another man the unironic chinkcels proclaimed it haram
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I'm glad that despite everything, we still have dolls who are chuunibyou dorks
Ahhh not on steam, I guess I'll stick to Snowbreak.
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which is funny because the girls spent 90% of the screentime thinking about the protag while the screenshot he keeps posting is just the girl thanking dave
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Suomi's is literally a 1-to-1 recreation of her GF1 costume, the franchise has always had a mix of stuff
Didn't Shay get his ass beat when Daiyan's event got translated? I haven't seen him since
Does he still post?
Nigga, GFL had regular swimsuit skins since year 1. Like yeah I like the tacticool skins, but those have always been an absolute minority in the swimsuit line.
he had a colossal meltie the entire day when it dropped but he's still around pretending it never happened and when its brought up he copes hard
Basically, other gachafags are mad that snowbreak didn't EoS like they wanted and instead rose from the ashes so hard, other gacha devs are taking cues from snowbreak. But when other devs do it, it rings hollow because they don't engage with their playerbase as openly.
I'm not sure about Daiyan's event got translated part, but pretty sure he got btfo'd when he started posting his own fanfics as truth, laying it too fat that even naive retard like me could see through them.
Yep and as usual xhe goes in complete nuclear meltdown the moment xhe posts
he is still around in gbfg
I know he had to flee to /vmg/ for a bit but I didn't know he still posts in general and /v/ lol
What a loser
He's still shitting up threads tougheverbeit. Think he's behind NIKKE
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Is it too much to ask for designs like those in a game that doesn't feel like shit to play?
kek it's an 8gag refugee
look at all those 2016 dates
I think it looks pretty fun
Singleplayer anime game that gets budget is a rare sight unfortunately
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Why is she like this
I think being threatened by men existing is tranny behavior and betrays the inherent weakness of the chinkoid.
Haven't bothered with Girl's Frontline but now I'm interested because of the 3D boobs
How is the story in the first game? Is it easy to follow through the game or is it told through a bunch of limited events like some other gacha and watching it on youtube is better to get the full picture?
>But when other devs do it, it rings hollow because they don't engage with their playerbase as openly.
Except most of the games accused of that have been at it for years before Snowbreak's resurrection.
Typical women. It's honestly a wonder that our society has managed to sustain itself despite all the women currently in charge.
Even with the client fixes the original game is filled with features and can be overwhelming if you never tuned in earlier. There's a site where you can read the game as VN https://gfl.amaryllisworks.pw/#. Main story is very linear and is progressed with main chapters and limited-time events (which eventually gets added permanently). There's side story events and collaborations, which doesn't have much weight over the main narrative.
Pretty much all the main story events except for the latest got put into an archive available for everyone. But if you don't wanna pick up a whole-ass new game with years of teambuilding autism you can just read the story here.

Takes a while for stuff to pick up though. If you wanna get into the universe without reading loredumps or story, there's also a proper full game. It's a distant sequel, but disconnected from GFL1 and 2 enough that you can play it without being spoiled on any actual events.

but the gameplay is usually decent enough too
Did they announce if GF1 going EOS anytime soon or do they plan to continue supporting it? I might just try playing it if its the latter, but if not then I'll probably go with just reading through the story on that site
They target incels since the one child policy and son preference coursed their current young generation.
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ayy. It still exists, it's just unfortunately on the 100pph mark
It's not about men existing. Snowbreak still has plenty of male characters showing up in the story. The males themselves have never been the problem, they're just one of the tools this seemingly new wave of gacha writers use to shit on male gacha players. Someone itt brought up the furry boy from wuthering waves. That's a perfect example of why chinks kneejerk at male characters.
LOL your cripplechan died like all the rest
Xi won.
Yeah, it's not that I hate male characters, it's just I prefer them not existing or not having attention on them, because they are written like retards. I like most of HSR men, they are pretty cool and leveled wis/cha without coming off as obnoxious. Boothill, Welt and Blade are coolest niggas on the block, but if I'm pulling for waifus I don't want Yanqing to dilute my pulls with his fag ass.
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Whatever, cuck. Keep giving me (you)s so I can keep spamming anti china propaganda
Unironically I think SB would've been a lot better without other males
they need the white patches or else they are just regular nig... i mean POC!
The idea that
>gacha games are cheap to make, market, and mantain
Was always a gigacope.
Running costs for an average sized team (~50-100 people) will be several hundred k to a a couple million, when you include office space and external costs, which depends on quality. Churning out content continuously is not cheap.
Sexy beauty + gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sexy beauty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest
Just deal with it and give normal people what they want
>Didn't Shay get his ass beat when Daiyan's event got translated
You have a screenshot or script for that by any chance? He often visits a general I use and he always brings up gf.
The latter, Mica already announced that once the main story campaign concluded they will do side stories.
No we don't, that's shay, and we'd love it if he fucking killed himself already. He cuckposts us too.
please refer to these threads
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>No we don't
yes we do
NTA, but here.
It's a bit more than "talking", it's soft shipbaiting, but still shipbaiting.
Just give me the release date and also LWMMG
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Fritofag you're getting the paddle.
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I'm done asking
global NOW
Why did Japan lose the gacha war?
they relaxed too much and fell for the western consultation meme
There is no war, they only focus on themselves and doesn't want to market it outside.
>This item is currently unavailable in your region
Wtf I love Sony now?
Swimsuits have been a staple of literally every single gacha ever
The design their gachashit to EoS within a year or two then move on to pumping out another one.
Give me GTA SA with waifus(make it online if you want don't care)
ciao zhang
How is GF2 actually doing now? Don't try to bullshit me.
got complacent and thought they could keep pumping out low budget FGO-likes forever. And now they're super far behind and are trying to play catchup super hard in both trends and tech. IIRC FGO only got a pity like a year ago and it's still super hard to reach.
the meme sensortower chart said ~500k for last month, and the same for the month before that
but of course that chart is only a tiny part of the story since it only counts IOS
total revenue JUST from sensortower is IIRC ~20 mil against a reported budget from the dev itself of ~13 mil
Japanese gacha industry is run by scummy, greedy studios. They invented the gacha genre specifically because they're cashgrabby sons of bitches and would be shoveling kusoge if not for the invention of gacha. Cygames is a prime example of a bunch of greedy & arrogant fucking retards. and those FGO devs had their shitty Sakura Wars gacha shut down because FGO is carried by Nasu's writing not by dogshit gameplay and pitiless greed.
FGO is carried by sunk cost at this point. The last popular servants they released were just the LB6 ones again but in swimsuits (featuring Kuro in a slutty bikini).
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>meanwhile brown women in china
Holy fucking shit.
what if this is all a power play by some country to destabilise western dominance by making all their stuff utter SHIT, and then in comes the saviour "CHINA" with all the stuff people want, JUST to make china seem better than usa?
>reported budget
If you think they haven't spent anything since mid 2023, when that interview happened.
As I said in
They have a big team, and they splurge on high quality subcontracted work. I have no idea what their server cost is, and I can't estimate myself because I work with financials in startups and manufacturing. But their payroll plus office space is in the million+ a year estimating from their location and reported size, plus servers, plus subcontracting (Two language full VA, music, models)...
Bro you know that is braindead simple shit
*cough* jews *cough*
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>deepthroat animation
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Why are you even bringing up Wuthering Waves when someone asks for good gameplay? WuWa is pure style, zero substance. There are multiple characters that are played optimally by holding down LMB. I'm sure someone is going to post a webm of some air juggling nonsense as a counterpoint but that's not how you actually play the game because it's inefficient as fuck and there's no reason to do that over simply holding LMB until something dies.
Shit I forgot to respond to you here >>682835481

By my estimation, they are probably in the green and financially holding on, but they don't have much margin and need to improve their cash-flow asap.
So you've seen one webm of Jiyan gameplay and think all characters play like that? Ok. Not even gonna bother arguing with your shitty bait.
ESL vs ESL, you hate to see it (ESLs on /v/ that is)
Good morning saars
Concession accepted.
>Cuck Frontline 2
Never saw a dev shoot themselves in the foot like that.
this is how I imagine Thai ladyboys look like
Does anyone actually eat Popsicles this way? I always just bite off chunks
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so, are t-dolls actual gynoids or does gfl follow that lazy THEY WERE REAL GIRLS ONCE bullshit?
this is important
based, I will pick it up when global launches
I'll probably check it out too, if I don't miss the launch, it looks too good to not check out, despite my hang ups with mica about everything.
Why even qualify it with "Singleplayer"?
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>they only focus on themselves and doesn't want to market it outside.
Nice "focussing on themselves" if they mostly draw fanart and spend money on Chinese and Korean IPs.

I know you are a normie so you can't even read these babby tier kanji, but in the first column is "China" an in the second "Japan". You see that for Girls Frontline and Azur Lane (two very old games) respectively, Japan was once a 5x China's OWN HOMEGROWN revenue and more than 2x China's own home revenue, respectively.
How does it change anything he said? Most of their gacha stays in Japan, how does the fact that Chinese and Korean gacha bring more revenue change that exactly?
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Chinese companies can be cocky as hell until the CCP comes a knocking.
>no mention of japanese arcades or any game from dmm or nutaku
yeah you can tell your post is wrong when you're trying to say japan likes azurlane
Jesus fuck why won't this shit release globally already?
95% revenue drop and massive player exodus, they are doing all they can to prevent CN from falling apart.
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I'd rather play a game with actual gameplay
I'd like to engage in a dom/sub relationship with twinkle. Her ass is built for spanking, plus she'd probably have pretty cute graphics when you spanked her.
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i feel like characters should at least look appealing and rememberable? am i wrong? what's with all these "realistic" ugly designs, designs that look like some rando you'd see at the bus stop, where's the appeal in that? how is that iconic?
as a cuckGAWD i hate people calling shit like
>she literally just talks to a guy once
fuck you
call me when shes raping him and on the phone to your character calling you a pencil dick
People agree. All of these games on that chart were either cancelled or not released yet, and when they release they will flop.

Sometimes low IQ is just low IQ.
not him but have a you

Posting threads from 2016 is not convincing anyone.
If China wasn't a massive industrial and technological threat the US wouldn't really care or run 24/7 doomposts to psyop goyim like you.
tell me, boeing on it's like 4th whistleblower?
but westerners love getting cucked, so why not release it already?
It's unironically feminists in China causing censorship. CCP only acts if people complain and start reporting. Unlike in the west, the Chinese don't believe in a "self regulating market" They see the government as the first thing to talk too if there's a problem. That means even the radicals can affect shit if they scream loud enough at the government.
Cuckfags pay in twitter likes and leddit upboats. Genshin has a bajillion casual normalfag players so they can do what they want, little Timmy and little Jane play Genshin and buy the monthly passes. GF2 doesn't have a legion of normalfags.
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>in twitter likes and leddit upboats
You are right, I think the same, but I don't know if mica knows it kek
But it's always interesting every time gacha fucks up and hurts it's player base there is always extremely woke/LGBT "people" come out of the drawers to defend the feelings of chinese devs, despite them not being interested in gacha, or gloating about how devs dropped their virgin audience, but them never playing it.
Man what a naive faggot. No wonder indian IT support scammers make bank by scamming westnoids. I thought the phrase "if something sounds too good to be true, then it's not" came from the west, or is it just that most westerners don't get the memo?
Like those people crying about buying a 1tb USB from AliExpress for 10$, which turns out to be fake.
Really 1tb USB for 10$? The fact that the price tag was so much lower than all other sellers didn't raise any questions?
>Why are no devs willing to make a DMC-tier action game already?
Because phonefags don't want that.
They just want something to distract them while they're commutting to their jobs, or waiting for an appointment, or other dumb shit.
Since these games continue to release on moblie, they have to accommodate touch screen controls at any point of the game.

As long as gacha games continue to release on moblie, they will never be more complex than a Dynasty Warriors title or the first Final Fantasy if you're turn-based.
Don't talk shit my chinese brother, I ordered quite a few expensive things that came in good, clean and new from there. You just have to be barely literate to not get scammed there...do people not do the same with Amazon anyway? I never bought anything from there, can't you get scammed too? Or from e-bay
Isnt this dead in china ?
wow so inclusive
they even included a refrigerator in the top left
I know people are probably tired of healing about Snowbreak, but the devs did that this month. Back when the game was being developed, they had lots of women on the dev team, who pushed for removing the male MC or hiding him, and pushing for shipping and yuri. Version 1.1 was literally the yuri and NPC shipping patch. People praised the game for "not being an icky incel game" but never spent money. Leddit praised it, but never played.
The women jumped ship when the game was close to EOS, and the men proceeded to make the game they wanted to make, and outright just said "we will never again cater to social media tourists". They made most of patch 1.1 non-canon and removed the yuri shipping.
It makes slightly more than 1, and it's a full 3D game, not a 2D quasi-autobattler on PNG backgrounds. It actually sold well for a single month before the drama drove everyone off.
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What if we, /v/, make a gacha game?

We already made two great visual novels (Katawa Shoujo, snoot game). This seems like a reasonable step up.
Incredibly niche at this point, alongside zero effort png collectors in earnings and playerbase.
That's good. Honestly, I've been meaning to check it out, even downloaded on steam, but it's been a few months probably and I haven't booted it up, I dont like how janky and low quality gameplay looks and how the visual representation/design of MC screams "malnourished chinaman". Also I guess retards here played a part where I wasn't in the mood to boot that game, and now with ZZZ I feel like I have too much gacha on me. Even though I play everyday only 3 out of 6 gachas I decided to pick up.
Also some fanservice, I remember webm where the girl goes under the glass table to like "suck your cock", it just feels distasteful and too on the nose. I'm not denying that overall Snowbreak is a good change in gacha though.
The game is getting rather shamelessly horny now, so really, it's fine to give it a miss. Sometimes it's very cutesy and vanilla, and then can veer into hardcore.
>where the girl goes under the glass table to like "suck your cock", it just feels distasteful and too on the nose.
I think we need this to shift the Overton window about ecchi games even more than it already has.
If some games dare to put in literal cocksucking references, that may or may not be beneficial for future cocksucking content, but it sure as hell with embolden developers to put in pantyshots and other such mild fanservice.
These are literal whores btw
I'm surprised japan dropped the ball when it comes to fanservice and now china and korea are making it out like a bandit with easy money, japan stopped trying after only selling jpegs and the other jp companies trying to be western devs.
Sure, I just wish it was more sensual and tasteful rather than a girl goes and does that like it's some sort of pornshoot with shitty acting.
I don't mind hornyness and cocksucking and stuff, I just want it to be tasteful instead of making it like some sort of a checkbox on your list. I don't think I can explain properly, if you get that then you do, if you don't then you don't.
Like, imagine if instead of that, you get same scene with the dining table but instead she caresses you with her leg. That would be much more sensual I feel like. Or if you want that cocksucking, make it pov with soft kisses on thighs or stomach and then black out with the implication of having sex.
But they won't, because people will eat it up, I've seen so much shitty mmd porn getting thousands of likes from japs on twitter it's insane that people think some stuff like that is good.
Because you fell for the prison of 2 ideas, now all sjws need to do is shout coomer at any game with attractive women and your brain will think it's a bad game
NTA, but that was a trailer shot. It doesn't happen in the game.
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It actually is, the Cherno table was added in the Siris patch along with the Siris aquarium.
Naruhodo, well, my point still stands, it's a poor cutscene without any buildup to make it sensual, but I believe in devs that they try to bring out an experience that correlates with money/time spent on the game. So, it's just my personal autistic hang up really.
I thought it was some sort of bond story.
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Sexo. I see sexo I post sexo.
Wait, it's the animation only on the new table, and not on the one in the cherno patch? I have a special furniture cherno table, but I haven't seen it.
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Not the basic 300 dorm currency version, it's the 800 dorm currency version from the Siris patch, they use the same spot but one has the animation.
I'll check later which I have
The funniest thing about Raymond is it's way tamer than what Snobble was supposed to have.
>writer's OC Do Not Steal, Chad Thundercock who the game portrays as better than (you) in every single possible way keeps taking the spotlight and main character role and get all the girls except for one and there's no reason for (you) to even be in the story because he's (you) but better in every way
The thing is: why would I play a PC gacha game that is 25% as good as DMC when I can just play DMC there.
>better than (you) in every single possible way
I hate when they do that in both anime or games. You add this super unique chad thundercock MC and then for some reason there is this giga super chad thundercock that mogs the MC in every possible way. Just why? And it usually used as some sort of humiliation towards MC.
Reminds me Johan in Nikke, he is the same, giga competent commander when our commander supposed to be already best of the best, normal human, except as strong as any nikker and can kill a rapture with his bear hands, while normal humans can't even shoot a nikker gun that is used to kill raptures. At least he acts more like a mentor and your girls dunking on him.
If you wanna make a good character, make him cunning instead of being better in every single way, it's just lame, and comes off as authors OC he made up when he was eight years of age.
yeah this. Gacha games trying to get into the PC market never appealed to me. I can play *actual games* there with zero gambling involved. Why would I want bluehair girl with knockoff Judgement Cut when I can get actual Judgement Cut.
>I hate when they do that in both anime or games. You add this super unique chad thundercock MC and then for some reason there is this giga super chad thundercock that mogs the MC in every possible way. Just why? And it usually used as some sort of humiliation towards MC.
The funny thing is that it's worse than that. MC had no powers at first, and no combat or military experience. MC was some guy while Chad Thundercock was this suave, experienced leader with magic lightning powers. In the end they just wrote him out of the story and put MC in his position, with a different power that better suited the story (non-combat powers), and a backstory where he was in the security taskforce so he better fits into the world.
Yeah, and it took eight months of near EoS, downsizing the studio, plus the devs grovelling and releasing sex and pandering as hard as possible to get people to even consider giving them another chance.
And ten months until they were redeemed in the public eye.
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>8 post(s) on this page require a Gold account to view
people don't define a what does or doesn't qualify a game by their monetization model, sorry
I think Japan made the same mistake German developers did where they prefer to rush out 3 mediocre low budget games rather than focusing on a single big one instead.
What monetization model a game has will definitely inform the gameplay, and by the nature of gacha games they will always have the simplest, most braindead "gameplay" there is.
Also, "Actual game" refers to a game I can buy and have access to the entirety of the gameplay within by playing it, without having microtransactions or lootboxes blocking my way at every step. Thus, gacha games such as Genshin and Diablo Immortal are not real games.
You haven't even played the game let alone beat holograms. You can't close your eyes and press one button to win. The only thing that slightly correlates with what you're saying is the current banner girl who's a bit OP after you level her up, but defeating strong bosses requires precision dodging and understanding of how your characters interact with each other. Every survey I ask them for stronger bosses and with the new crownless hologram they're definitely listening.
It's dying. Tencent blew a lot of money on this.
Even Genshit is starting to get spooked.
The monthly passes aren't what make the majority of revenue though and we know this because of how wildly different the sales are between banners.

If welkin+BP was most of the sales then it would be consistent but it's not. Some characters top charts while others flop with a wet fart.
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I honestly don't even intend to shill Snowbreak but credit where it's due. Sex sells and it's good to see at least one (1) dev doing the thing we all know to be true. I still think that game sucks and it would need to have better gameplay for me to get invested but I'd rather all gachas pivoted away from the mihoyo shit and did more GF2 and Snowbreak. Hell, HI3 wasn't half bad in the very early days when I played it even if there was yuri but it's all gone down the tubes.
>it just feels distasteful and too on the nose.
Yeah I was looking for the words but this is my opinion. It's like the Cherno thing I keep hearing about. I'm all for sexy clothes and I think basic nudity is boring but when *everyone* is dressed in stripper clothes it kinda ruins it. I played an old mmo back in the day called Scarlet Blade which did the same. It was nice at first but it quickly got old. They need to leave a bit more to the imagination in both the animations and the clothing.
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We need more AK12 type of girls.
You said it xister!
play the game before spouting nonsense
>There are multiple characters that are played optimally by holding down LMB
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nigger why you lied that dude is 100 year old cyborg from neck down and every nikke in his squad likes you more than him. in fact, he actually likes you more than them, changed his entire attitude and even begged you to stay at his base (but you refused to go back for your personal mission). his entire future is entrusted on your magic blood shit. the scientist baba that worked with him also backed you up and kept secret how potent your blood is from him just to protect you
I do indeed like giant fat bouncy titties, even of the animated variety. This would never get me to play a game though
is it socially acceptable to be pedo now?
That's why he isnt bad, maybe I phrased it wrong, but what I wanted to say is that you are a normal biological dude and everyone is a normal dude so far from what we've shown, with the exception of one character on futuristic life support, and then you have this literal male nikker that survived for 80 years somehow, better than you at everything except blood crutch, very smart and very cool, but ass to be around.
He is good because he isn't used as a prop to humiliate and show how pathetic MC Is, instead he is used like a mentor figure on surface, and that you are quick to catch up on his tactics.
chinese women don't look anything like this?? are you stupid????
there is only so many things you can chance around in same base waifu model to make them "unique".
>fat bitches
>fat bitches: asia
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American companies really be like
>Forget about gameplay, gamers want old hags and morbidly obese LGTBQs!
How are so many of you anons playing GF2

Isn't it only released in Asia?
Reminder that the shitty Jiyan webm was done in Illusive Realm too and during a boss fight, *and* during Crownless. The guy would have juiced up Jiyan with tons of buffs before fighting the one boss that can be countered easily with spam while during his burst ult. Unbelievable levels of dishonesty but /v/ doesn't play the games it shits on.
Yeah I got scammed buying apple headphones (not airpods) for $15 instead of $30 on amazon a while ago.
Bros... I really regret coming into these threads...
>spamming anything in naraka
lol, good one.
great now I have to see CHINA AND KOREA TAKING OVER talking points about vidya now, just like has been the case with shills on /a/ posting their donghua and webtoons
Kill yourself
Emailed bilibili telling them I'm an Amerifat and they waived the ID verification for me
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ball joints
Haymar, It-Z and maybe Roka could be a thing behind the helmet.
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She likes it when you touch there
Which is good because I like to touch there
Have they made a recovery after the the cuck stuff or nah
Yeah it turned out to be a big nothingburger
isn't this a pvp game? That's nothing like DMC
Not until I've finished cooming
Right one sleeps with black guys
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How the hell did they animate them to look so heavy? Is it some new voodoo animation magic technique I've never heard of?
zoomers care about skins and in game badges over anything else desu
When are we getting something like an anime Team Fortress 2;
>nb4 "Overwatch, LOL"
Overwatch is not TF2; competitive 6v6 is the opposite of what we like(d) about TF2.
>Forget about gameplay
ah yes, the always creative western gameplay
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