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Why are people boycotting Genshin Impact?
people who don't play the game and aren't dark-skinned are upset characters from the most recent area with some basis in africa/mesoamerica aren't dark-skinned
it'll blow over in a month or two; ignore it
SJWs are trying pozz another game that doesn't cater to them.
Why are they even using Japanese/Korean examples?

Mihoyo is a Chinese company
China is committing a genocide because some people aren't Han Chinese. They are unlikely to want dark skinned people in their media.
>sneaking in westoid fake anime.
Nice try.
White is and will always be the color of purity and beauty.

When you want to sell your characters for real money, you better make them beautiful. No one is going to buy Tyrone from assassins creed.
Thanks for posting a list of games and anime to avoid.
>sword art online
Didn't know the lagoon company expanded their operations
Why doesn't subsahara africans just make games so darkies wouldn't have to dictate what the lighter countries should do?
No one is doing anything
>so few black characters they had to add avdol a second time
why is avdol listed twice?
>top shows one of a few / the token black character from multiple franchises
>bottom shows genshin has at least 10 black characters
>bottom is bad because the characters aren't black enough
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>why is avdol listed twice?
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His Dad joined remember? They have the same name.
hoyo doesnt want to add shitskins/niggers in their game
/v/intendies will fight tooth and nail to reverse this decision
>BODY TYPE 1 and 2 NOW
>Mihoyo: lol lmao
holy fuck hoyo is based
>bleach yoruichi

dont mind if i do
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>Why are people boycotting Genshin Impact?
Unironically, colorism. They're not dark enough, so they're an issue.
No issue with blackwashing characters in Hades2 tho, pay no attention to that.
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>using the shitty cartoon castlevania as an example
Then why is China boycotting it too?
>obsessing over skin color
what is this mental illness called?
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works on my machine
Why are so many posters itt pretending not to know the context? You'd have been the first to complain about dark skin in mondstadt lol
Africans usually aren't the ones bitching. It's always white and negroid americans.
They're boycotting it for completely different reasons
>half the characters are from western slop
>several characters are mislabeled
also Im erect right now
i really don't get the obsession with skin color
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for me, it's barbara...
Like what, seems like you've got the answers
To show retards that asia =/= just china, you can figure this shit out with a scrap of inferencing, are you pretending to be stupid?
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>brighten the shit out of the genshin characters pics
>"see look how light skinned they are!"
Talk about disingenuousness and mentally ill. I hope they add a local natlan character with a thicc accent and ethic name and make him look like a sun burnt Irishman.
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God it feels so good seeing leftist troons getting a taste of their own medicine.
why are americans groomed like this
What do you mean china boycotting it?
are you referring to that twitter going "look at this, genshin is not trending, chinese are upset about not enough blacks!"?
that's constructed lie because the boycotter went to NEWS trending page, which is like going to CNN breaking news front page and not seeing talk about genshin, of course you wouldn't
Genshin is still trending in GAMING section on weibo, the same as it has ever been
genuinely, how do we fix America's libtardation and obsession with blacks?
We build the Great Firewall of the US and A so we can keep them confined within their own bubbles
>game represents mocha people
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Triggered reminder
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People ain't boycotting shit. It's just VAs thinking they're hot shit without realizing Chinese devs will replace them with AI generation in a heartbeat.
You resolve racial tensions that were allowed to fest for over 150 years. So, you don't.
>one of the main boycotter accounts says CN playerbase is angry and posts made up and/or completely unrelated screenshots
>CN playerbase learns of this
>They start clowning on cyno VA on billbili
>Now they are making plans for making hoyoverse blacklist the EN voice actors that's spreading this politically correct propaganda
Oh you done fucked up.
Post some screenshots.
You must be delusional if you think China cares about blacks.
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This is fucking hilarious.
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Why is America so dumb these days bros?
Do people really want to be jobless in 2024?
damn I expected better of cyno's en va
transfags aren't people
let them leave if they hate it
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chat, is this real?
Holy fuck maybe we can finally get rid of the cancer part of the fandom
>bury the bad review with bots
No retard Google and Apple just remove review bombs. Fuckers forgot that they make 30% of any sales through Genshin on their respectiv platforms which makes it a veritable cash cow
Tim Cook straight up visited Mihoyo in Shanghai and spent a day with Da Wei
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Did they want to say the title "Black Lagoon" because it has "black" in it?
Why are wokies so racist?
if that's true EN fags are fucked
the only ones hoyo has ever listened to have been chinese players
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>people who don't play the game and aren't darkskinned
Lol no, don't try to pin the blame on white people like you always do.
Avdol is there twice, I want to beleive that this is a shitpost
>makes an entire nation centered around indigenous/west african/polynesian characters
>none of the characters look like they belong to these cultures
>pointing it out makes you an "SJW" because nonwhite cultures are a playground while white and east asian cultures must be preserved and respected at all times
Seriously if this shit get accepted by the chinese gacha mob who make the game I will fucking lose my sides on real life.
And the God of Indialand looks like a generic European forest elf but no one gives a shit
my ching chong game needs niggers in it or else I won't play
Because for some reason American zoomers think that China is full of negros. I don't know why.
Everyone was grateful that they didnt put real poos in the game, even the few poos that play.
China only listen to whales.
and whales want cute characters.
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Call me crazy, but a boycott about the characters by people who don't play it, much less put money into it to get said characters is gonna be a pretty hard sell to Hoyo.
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>black twitter in flames because genshin won't make black characters
>official NA zzz reddit in flames because game has cute girls in it
>mfw hoyo
You know what? Fuck you. I'm gonna play Genshin Impact now.
Is this bait or people like this genuinely browse 4chan?
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>Xitter amerimutts vs Mihomo slurpers
Holy based let them fight
I hate political correctness
I hate SJW subhumans
I hate the left that started this mental illness
Not everything has to be political
What gets me the most is that they will race bend real people like cleopatra, julius caesar and anne boleyn but they get mad when fictional characters in fictional countries arent black.
It's always amusing when social media secondaries come under the illusion they have any kind of actual influence. What do they expect Hoyo's reaction to be?
>Oh no, not our xitter account, anything but that! Please, superior xitter users, we will blackwash the characters by your decree right away!
All that companies like Hoyo will continue to learn is that this audience and pandering to them is worthless.
Imagine thinking you can strongarm China into accepting globohomo pozz. How deluded do you have to be?
Why would players want to play as poopskinned characters?
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cry moer asshole
This is the most forced drama by a few very loud mentally ill ever. Not even redditors care about this.
They do actually have influence. Not on a chinese game tho.
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Why does a fantasy game with a made up world, cultures and races have to adhere to real life? I think hilichurls should be removed because they are tribalistic looking and black. They remind me of niggers and thats offensive.
God I love black anime girls
Reddit can be wild at times
Anon there are no
>indigenous/west african/polynesian characters
In Genshin. Its a fantasy made up world, not Earth
i wish this was real
Didn't knew reddit could be this based. Thought they were all fags over there.
The part about cyno's VA is actually true.
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>centered around
wouldn't go that far
it's just slightly influenced by their fashion and customs
didn't that fucking guy die
Why do liberals and jews thirst for black cock so much?
The EN cyno va? I hope it's not true. I quite like his voice acting. I don't think VAs should get themselves involved into this.
his korean va did
>put nigger in Japan
>put japs in niggerland
Heh, another libtard pwned
I expect him to get banned and doxxed. Maybe the internet landscape has changed. 4chan has a plenty of kike posters now than before.
Suddenly these tweetards care about IGN of all shitty gaming sites, hahaha! Were was all this energy with AC Shadows with their blatant revisionism?
>Were was all this energy with AC Shadows with their blatant revisionism?

What? Is this bait?
nobody who plays is boycotting genshin
historical vs fantasy
why is avdol listed twice? these retards couldnt pad their list out enough so they just copied some?
modern lefties fetishize blacks, need them in everything imaginable, when they're not there they rage without end.
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lefties took over schools
This debacle genuinely makes me like China more. Fuck these twitter trannies.
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>I expected better of cyno's en va
When Tectone started spreading a lie about how Genshin VA were not allowed to voice in WuWa and his audience harrased Cyno's VA for it. He had this big rant about how it's not true, but prefaced it by telling people that it's not Tectone's fault, that nobody should blame him, and that he's innocent. This was despite Tectone being the source of the lie. He's a coward and a mook.
Dude I really don't like when someone lose their job, but it is becoming increasingly boring to watch them be this virtuous. I'm starting to become a bad person because of it.
>because nonwhite cultures are a playground while white and east asian cultures must be preserved and respected at all times
The people complaining all praised Hades 2 for blacking Greek gods and giving them vitiligo. They don't care about respecting anything.
Sounds like Yasuke kek how the tables have turned
Modern 4chan is toothless, no different than Reddit
Fuck man. Maybe doing business with the west was a mistake.
Shit like this is why Bronya EN VA chooses to remain anonymous
you guys bitch and whine when a female character doesnt show enough skin, shut the fuck up
natlan is not a real place, dumbfuck
Liyue was forced to adhere to CCP guidelines for chinese accuracy lmao
He's trying to grow as vtuber. Many genshin CCs are scared of tectone and his viewers because they saw what they could do.
Yeah, it's a chinese game. But you don't see them making slant eyed yellow skin characters.
Ok and? Go make your own games lol :)
And you bitch when they aren't ugly enough. Wow it's like we're on the side we agree with more, instead of the side trying to shit everything up
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>ratio'd the official account with edits
>they got so scared they changed the hashtag to genshinnatlan to keep their players from seeing the controversy
>stopped playing Genshin years ago
>literally cannot shut the fuck up about Genshin
What form of mental illness is this?
>make your own games
>people make a game with a black protagonist
Nigga, the geography itself are basically based off of real-life places where said cultures can be found. Which is why not-Russian will probably be the snowiest region in the game and Sumeru was filled to the brim with sand. Stop being disingenuous.

meds, troon
you're on the side that equates brown with ugly and expect all brownskinned people to hate themselves enough to agree with you
sumeru is a rainforest
>why isn't every single person on 4chan a drooling /pol/tard with the exact same opinion? where is my echo chamber?
There's nothing they hate more than lighter skinned dark people
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>CN players care
It's a Chinese game. Why do you want more beautiful people to hate themselves, so you don't feel ugly?
I hate all of those things because I'm not a hypocrite, redditor.
Fucking kek
Obviously i'm referring to the desert part of the map anon. Just like how Natian is Africa and Mesoamerica, Sumeru is India and Egypt.
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Shitskins ARE ugly as fuck, yes.
>CN players sucking white dick
not surprised tbdesu
>Sumeru is India
The streets are too clean to be one.
Tanned skin is fine
I'll keep that in mind next time /v/ wants to scream to me about games being pozzed, I'll just sit back and do nothing. Thanks.
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Opps forgot my image
So what? The game doesn't want ugly people in it. The players aren't deluded enough into worshiping ugliness
Based and true
It's the same retards seething at Nahida being white 2 years ago
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>50k petition signatures
>5k actually play genshin
>500 actually spent money at some point
>5 could be considered whales
Inspired and based off India.
>make character darker
>Wtf why are they too pretty? They aren't ugly enough! What about MUH HAIR?

Again they really shouldn't be given even an inch
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Its mostly ancient persia/arabia from what I remember
Remember when genshin was in trouble for making Hilichurls dance like african tribespeople? I bet 100% of the people mad about that just kept playing genshin and now noone talks about that anymore.
Browsing the chinese twitter page is fucking great. It's full of people excited for the game and asking for hoyo to show her belly button and uncensor etc etc. Literally nobody is talking about the skin colors of the characters.
I love chinks
Make your own games. If people want to play it then they will.
FGO has nitocris and sheba. you act like any character with dark skin automatically has to be ugly when thats not true.
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Go play fgo then.
But as that Palestine-supporting African American tweeted, what is sought is not pretty dark skinned characters, but ugly ones.
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im not even a chud im just wondering why the fuck can't these people commit to their boycott? why the fuck would you keep playing a game you consider to be racist? why give your time and energy to that? is it self-harm? because they said this for sumeru and then they immediately went to flicking the bean to haikaveh yaoi porn and spending money on cyno cons. i dont trust genshin fans to boycott anything.
They don't have to be ugly, they could have same generic anime face as every other character, just with darker skin.
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shut it down!
well if they stop playing they cant get their login rewards and thats not fair
It's not about them quitting. It's about others quitting for them so they can be part of a cause while continue playing a game they like.
How did Genshin players end up like this?
>mihomo panders to faggots
>gets caught in the purity spiral
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>watermelon emoji
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Gambling addiction
See >>682845546
Also, a lot of old Mihoyo fans are yuritrannies because of Honkai Impact 3.
Do overseas companies let the voice actors they hire throw public tantrums at them? In Japan they would be gone by next morning.
the vast majority of these people have never played genshin
It's about time for them to ditch mihomo games for other inclusive gacha games that feature strong black characters.
As long they aren't breaking their NDAs or grooming kids in discord, I don't think hoyo give a fuck about them
Because mutts are basically commies who are so used to the total censorship, that they can't understand the concept of the free market anymore. They aren't picking another product, they are waiting for this product to be censored, like it happens in their muttland. The idea that not all products should cater to their goyslop agenda is completely alien to them.
being involved with review bombing might be a bridge too far
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>content creators will keep streaming the game
>voice actors will keep taking the paychecks
>players will keep playing
Genshin fans have the backbone of worms.
Based off of Sumer
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These fags try to boycott genshin every few months and it always fails.
gatchaniggers belong on a cross
>In Japan
Japan can't touch EN VAs working outside of Japan. Hoyo works with a VA management agency in US. They can tell the company to replace those problematic VAs, but it will be a bad PR worse than what they are facing now.
>making daily boycott threads of a game you no longer play while you wife is taking loads from your buddies

>t. long term gacha supporter
self-insert fags ruin anything maybe they should make their own games instead of throwing a tantrum towards other people
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>but it will be a bad PR worse than what they are facing now

twitter brainrot
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don't worry he's had enough (for real this time)
(trust me i'm serious now)
Why does this image list Castlevania under Japan when its an American cartoon?
you think these fags watch or play the stuff they talk about?
>if you don't like it then don't engage with it is not a productive solution
He's right though, maybe if 4chan understood this back then in 207-2012 shit like trannylations, e-celebs, DEI, gamergate, etc wouldn't have had such a big impact on vidya on these days.
>Region called Sumeru
>Is hot and sandy and forested with quests focusing on heat exposure, a stereotypical summer adventure
>dorks: "No its based on india"
>the reason you lost is because you fought back if only you let them walk over you without offering any resistance they would not have won
Even they know that their western slop is garbage and even a racist chinese is worth playing more.
The rainforest section is inspired by India you insipid retards.
Maybe next time take your time and actually try to understand what you're reading instead of showing how much of a retard you are online
I boycott all Chinese products and services
2 minutes left for EU server! You did get Furina this time, right?
you're a fucking retard
I got her to C1.
Based blind retard.

If you genuinely believe that more than 2 out of those 10 are "black", you need eyes surgery to go along with your transition.
already had her
>nation centered around indigenous/west african/polynesian characters
it's not earth, it's a fictional universe. it doesnt have africa
the only fantasy here is your moms fantasy about me raping her
with different colors too lmao
India has rainforests and deserts, its an entire subcontinent
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These are my favorite characters from HSR and I don't support this type of pandering American mental ilness that it's happening.
wtf is wrong with her body
very generous calling some fags on twitter "people".
She's a doll
He is not going to pander for them, the problem is that the State is pandering, treating those people like giant babies just to get some votes and good boy nuggets, everyone, even them, know how bullshit is this whole DEI, Critical Race Theory etc.

I hate racism and I don't support racism but I understand that DEI, Critical Race Theory is as a matter of fact racist.
fucking a wooden doll sounds painfull
SJWs boycotts are meaningless, nobody really cares about their stupid bullshit. This shit will work out as well as their boycott to Howard's legacy.
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>This is what hoyofags want Genshit to look like
I'd love some brown lolis but these faggots shouldn't get what they want
The problem is the west culture that involves either putting something on a pedestal and force everyone to worship it, or cancel it into oblivion. For some reason, we can't do things in moderation.
What are you, gay?
Check out #boycottHYV, full of GO FULL F2P QUEENS and they are harassing even the yumejos from Tear of Themis kek
there arent any whites or asians in genshin
they're anime characters in a fictional universe
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They can always support this
Genshin has blacks? Well im boycotting then.i do not play games with blacks and browns
>He thinks its just /pol/tards tired of americans and their obsession with black people
sorry retard, but you annoying harpies overplayed your hands in a big way, and just about everyone not in your schizo circles is sick and fucking tired of hearing the latest stupid shit you're bitching about
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>the tranny b-list EN VAs are mad! Hoyo is totally cooked!
Lol. Lmao even.
i seriously hope the board that signed a 90k petition to remove a cloth on some character's tits isn't taking the high ground over this, that would be embarrassing
I got her when she first came out.
I C6'd her when she first came out, got her sword this time though
Glad I didn't cave in and get her to C2 now that she's getting replaced by Natlan's first artifact set
why couldn't the final trantasy playerbase do this to their rogue employees and (fucking surprise) EN VAs? japs are losing the edge to chinks, sad!
I got Siggy instead.
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we did it for sexo
they do it for virtue signal
it's different
>final trantasy
I'm going to use this. Also fuck EN VA. Especially the disgusting fatfuck that voices EN paimon.
whatever helps you sleep at night
You rike?
Why did sjw latched into a coomer gacha game?
It dosen't make sense
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the same way they latched onto every straight man's media: to dismantle and take over them
big mistake making that poll on youtube and not twitter. Mistake depending on the results they wanted
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I got her and desu I'm regretting it. I didn't realize her hydro application was shit and her healing was so clunky. She's only helpful for her burst support and even then I don't do abyss and almost never touch the burst button in overworld stuff so Furina genuinely feels worse than Barbara. At least Barb actually heals and applies hydro at the same time and isn't an active partywide hp drain while doing it. Walking on water is cool and having goons beat the shit out of things is funny but outside of sweaty abyss style gameplay against giant hp sponges she feels F tier. I feel like I should have gotten Kokomi instead
wanted it to be below liyue/sumeru
Kill yourself
Kaeya has always been there
They don't care they are just farming brownie points.
>had C4 with 150ish pulls
>got only C5 because hoyo likes to make me ride to max pity literally every time
How do I recover from this? I wanted to C6 my wife
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Genshin is coomerbait for everybody
He will cut the funding of all ESG and DEI programs.
Are those balls or a big V?
Nobody is boycotting it.
It's bots. An astroturf, a gaslight at best.
>"Hoyo needs to fix their game!"
>Me: You mean like getting rid of specific day locked mats to farm, increasing resin to at least be the same as their other games, letting us skip the story, and giving players an actual endgame that allows us to use our built characters?
>"No, the skin color is..."
None of these people play the game, nor do they care about the actual game. Moreover, how the fuck is going f2p a boycott? It's like saying you're boycotting Chickfila and still eating there because your friends are paying for you.
i have the biggest case of jungle fever there is, but i still find mihoyo´s refusal to make dark skinned characters to be incredibly based. sadly that is countered by ZZZ being dogshit
Daily reminder that they only care about this because genshin is one of the few popular games without any woke nonsense. It won't end with blacks. They'll ask for fags and trannies next if they get what they want.
Going to go whale on these new Genshin characters I haven't played it since release but I guess it's time to get into it
it has plenty of woke stuff
there are too many women and they are being censored all the time
>They'll ask for fags and trannies next
>they already have Kaveh and Alhaitham along with other fagbait characters
What bothers me most about the boycott are the people who have Sumeru profile pics weighing in. It like they have no awareness when they complain of whitewashing when their favorite fucking character is this exact thing. And it's even worse because Natlan characters are still actually darker.
Compared to western games it's nothing
they aren't gay
you're just projecting
>Make japan region
>Character clothes/design/culture make sense
>make middle east inspired region
>Most characters as white as it gets and designs are random anime shit
>Make central american inspired region
>Characters are all white and there is no semblance of their culture on the designs
Yeah i don't care for representation but it's very clear the company doesn't care for anything outside china/japan/korea
She's probably made of some weird sci-fantasy superscience material
All the Herta dolls are proxy bodies for a genius researcher who was blessed by the embodiment of the desire for knowledge
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This. None of these retards actually play the game. Isn’t the whole point of a “boycott” is to abstain away from it to prove a point of it’s wrongdoings?
Nobody in inazuma or liyue has yellow skin or slanty eyes. Natlan characters all have oriental clothes as well. Try again.
Reminder that they only really boycott female characters and still rub their molding vaginas to the males despite their being white as well (See: Sumeru).
and that's the best part
Would anyone roll for brown characters with big noses and big lips?
main point is they are white people with tan. Also brown is different from black
probably not enough money donated to Urban "Arts" yet
Didn't nahida sell really well?
>it's very clear the company doesn't care for anything outside china/japan/korea
sounds like the company has good taste, what is the problem?
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Nobody in japan is yellow dude lmao
Also Natlan is supposed to be america, how are oriental clothes supposed to represent that?
I am content with the chinese taking over the world. All the pozzed garbage is seeping from america and the EU.
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>these newfags trying to "boycott" genshit don't remember the 2021 shitstorm
Natlan is Natlan. Not america.
The "boycotters" don't play the game nor spend money on it
these people are bizare
literally every single AAA western game made in last decade is filled with blacks
just play one of those!
Aside from you being a racist fag it does not need to be big lips and nose characters
Also native americans and middle eastern arabs aren't even black and they have very different features from them
The only indicator of a character belonging to a particular region are the clothes. If Yoimiya, Ayaka, or Sayu weren't garbed in nippon wear, everyone would say they were white, and this is your own bias on simply seeing white skin. In reality, anime design of hair/eye color makes zero sense.
>if they get what they want
kind of rude for them to make a japan region but none of them have black hair, what a whitewashed area
You forgot Kujo Sara, which is understandable as Mihoyo forgot too.
Exactly, their clothing is clearly designed by japanese culture. You can't say the same about most of natlan/sumeru characters
Also the problem of every character having the same facial structure is because mihoyo is a shit company that can't be bothered to create multiple different models
We already had 2 fag nations
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Same people that are pushing for nigs are also pro censorship clowns.
Are americans really just dumb nigger cattle ?
>You can't say the same about most of natlan/sumeru characters
I can actually
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Thats blue, her clothes are black tho
Yes. As a mutt myself I hate these fucking people.
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time traveler here to remind you to invest in burgeon cryo teams as that will be the most powerful meta in the future
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bros..... i did it....
Correction, going further into the future, shatter is real meta.
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bros it isn't working
It's almost like Americans NEED niggers in their lifes.
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that is what you get for getting too mainstream chinkshills
thank god Fate didnt get like this
based dead game enjoyer
What the fuck is a cultural ambassador? That's gotta be a made up office job title.
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Type-Moon Franchise will live on forever, unlike GayHoyo
he cute!
whatever the lefty equivalent of azmongold is
Because it's a mixed toilet
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>calling others gay while posting men pictures
here's 2 primogems to fuck off
I feel like this person is just trolling.
I don't even like Genshin but seeing fags get upset over fictional characters not being darker than dark after defending all these Netflix race swaps is making me laugh
Just SBI operatives chimping out after the Black Wukong L
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And they still had a albeit hot rocker nigger
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This dude's supposed to be Nigerian/inspired by a Nigerian god.

Why is it bad when a Western game changes the race of a mythological character but it's okay here?
I don't get it
would be funny if they just dropped the english dub
Exactly. Not a 1:1 copy.
Literal white genocide as in kill the white people dont wait for them to get displaced
>This dude's supposed to be Nigerian
[citation needed]
So if I am making a game, and make up a new Greek god and make him black, that's fine, right?
There are no white people in Genshin Impact
Nah it's already done
even better
You aren't making a character inspired by a greek god tho. You are just saying that this greek god is black.
have you seen hades?
We already have gods. They are literally the Seven (now Six). And now your telling me this fuckwad who dresses as a hilichurl and hangs out with the fatui is another one? Doubt.
He's based on Olorun, the Yoruba supreme deity. his name even sounds like Olorun if you pronounced it with a stereotypical asian accent (Ororon)
Cool, but where does it state that he's Nigerian? Can you find a statement from Hoyoverse saying the character is from the country of Nigeria?
I've seen maybe 2-3 posts on nga complaining, otherwise it's just chinks discussing as normal. Where do you see this?
Not the hecking nigerian god lmao.
Uh, you can't commit genocide unless you're a white cop, CHUD.
He's Nigerian in the same sense that the Liyue characters are Chinese and the characters from Inazuma are Japanese, stop being disingenous.
And I can name dog Thor and give him a squeaky hammer.
But none of those are from any of those countries? Still waiting for that quote by the way
>dissing on my Niger bro because he is melanin deficient
Fucking racist mofo them dayz goddaym
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People don't want you in their games sorry. I know it musk suck.
It's funny it's this that sets these subhumans off, not the fact they are building nuclear reactors or propping up predatory monetary practices.
>This dude's supposed to be Nigerian/inspired by a Nigerian god.

no, he shares a name with them
None of those characters look Chinese or Japanese either.

*from the equivalent of Nigeria in this fictional constructed world made up of cultures inspired by real life countries.

And people don't realize Dainsleif is a sword and not a fucking person. But no one cares because it sounds cool and there are thematic similarities.
hilichurls are sexy
Why don't they make a playable one?
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For the sake of comparison, here's Olorun in Smite.
/v/ would also do that if they saw a single nigger in their game
i can give you another solution: "no blacks in the game at all" either this or "the blacks are so made up in their appearance and behavior that they are just white people with black skin and a bit more muscles ". honestly option 2 is better for blacks - they get to be there visually just not spiritually.
Kek it would be so funny if mihoyo just changed a single letter in his name as a BM and move on.
That's a lot of words to say he's not Nigerian, but glad you agree.
Looks like shit.
except this is supposed to be the actual god, the genshin guy just shares a name
We had this same discussion when Sumeru came out because Nilou or Nahida weren't brown. They bitched for two weeks then got bored and quit. Quit complaining because they sure as hell kept playing Genshin and spending money on it.
If Mihoyo didn't want to tackle this problem then they shouldn't have made a country based on Africa. It really was that easy.

You could have made it into a Death Mountain zone made up of rock-skinned people like the Gorons in Zelda and nobody would have cared. At least they would have been interesting visually.
It's really that simple.
I doubt they actually have any money.
>tackle this problem
There is no problem. Couple of armchair activists on twitter doesn't mean jack shit.
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>here's your exotic african princess bro
And this is Al Haitham. No wait, Ibn al-Haytham. The difference is that one is a person and the other is a fictional video game character based off the person.
What's funny is that Nilou is considered the most prettiest character in genshin by the Chinese and Japs. Outrage of skin tone is a westoid exclusive thing
But its not a problem, thats the whole point of this thread.
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But they DID want to tackle the problem. And they fixed it by making the shitskins into light skinned people.
Imagine how many actual problems in our world could be solved if we could do the same irl.
more like
>make euro inspired region
>designs are random anime shit with some euro influence
>make china inspired region
>designs are random anime shit with some china influence
>make japan inspired region
>designs are random anime shit with some japan influence
>make middle east inspired region
>designs are random anime shit with some middle east influence
>make central american inspired region
>designs are random anime shit with some central american influence
if you don't like it you're playing the wrong game
Nobody has actually explained why it's not a problem, when /v/'s favourite past time is crying and pissing their pants at 'woke' raceswaps.

thank you dawei
keep me posted on femdom porn
I looked at the jp and cn pages today and they were all talking about how good the characters looked. And talking about the game instead of politics.
Mihoyo would tell you to star a forest fire if it means you get 100 primogems out of it.
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Americans are obsessed with niggers. In their porn, in their movies, in their ads, they're just everywhere. Scratch that, all anglo countries are.
Because it's a fictional character and even if he wasn't who cares? Wokies have been doing it for the last 20 years to real historical figures unlike what genshin is doing.
Disgusting, the most annoying character in the series, no wonder she is black
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>claymore boy uses a summon in battle
Hoyo breaking new ground
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>Translation: "I don't actually believe in any principles, I am just against Current Thing(TM)"
>american thinks africa = black
why are you like this
>Outrage of skin tone is a westoid exclusive thing
No it most certainly isn't. If Monstadt, Fontaine, Liyue and Inazuma were filled with browns and blacks whites, chinks and japs would've weeped until armageddon.
scandinavians too
t. /sp/ poster
I shame Genshin design peaked with Shenhe.
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damn, africa exists in the genshin universe?
>but North Africa-
Sumeru was Middle East + North Africa. Natlan is South America + South/Sub-saharan Africa.

Don't even try.
>filled with browns and blacks whites, chinks and japs would've weeped until armageddon
Rightfully so.
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>hmmm do we listen to millions of paying asian people or do we listen to 10k twitter trannies that don't even play the game or are f2p leeches
i hate genshin and this sounds like an absolute nothing burger
shut the fuck up
that sword was made for Sayu
I thought he looked cool in the first teaser but I'm really not sold on the pixel aesthetic of his familiar or whatever it is
Tectone still plays Genshin. No one would care about him and his bitching if he didn’t. He even dropped the so called amazing new game Wuthering Waves to play Genshin on its update day.
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There, bitch.
So you admit that you wrong then, good.
so south africa is just a small part of it, what's your argument again?
he "plays" the bare minimum to keep up with whatever drama he can use for clickbaits
he doesn't even know the names of the characters
Lynette's VA is currently bitching about black rights for Natlan rn on Twitch
People don't want blacks in their anime gacha game anon Idk why it is so hard for you to understand
I'm asking you to reread it and notice the thing connecting all of those things together.
The only way to fix this problem is to send some hot black women to the hoyo offices and cure their racism.
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It probably looks far better in motion
Thats not very like Lynette, what a shame.
nothing connects them together, looks like they're mixing different cultures to create an interesting setting, it's a good choice
No sympathy for Mihoyo. Lay with dogs and get fleas. You wanna pander to fags and dykes and trannies and normgroids and spurn straight male otakus? Here’s your reward, little chinkies.
All of them except Spain (which I have yet to see anything that looks from mainland spain out of Natlan) are from non-white cultures, yet these bitches are so white they look like they would turn into cooked hotdogs if they sit outside for too long.
>when /v/'s favourite past time is crying and pissing their pants at 'woke' raceswaps.

because it isn't the same thing you disingenuous cunt

one is trying to portray actual people that existed and greek gods as being black, genshin has a mexican guy named jesus
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this bitch is the exact opposite of lynette, in every way
goes to show NA talent agency is garbage
>Outrage of skin tone is a westoid exclusive thing
Is what you said, then you agreed that whites, chinks and japs would be outraged if regions based off their countries were filled with browns and blacks. Just admit you're wrong, no need to cling to the obvious fact that chinks wouldn't want their gacha filled with blacks.
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Literally all Mihoyo needs to do is edit the skin tone to be slightly darker. They don't need to change anything about the design itself such as the hair or facial shape, people would be fine with just picrelated.
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How come these people bitch about ANYTHING, from skin color bullshit, to more generosity with primos, to more endgame modes, to more QoL, to an artifact system overhaul, and yet they STILL play the goddamn game?
>yet these bitches are so white
they are? they look like anime characters, they don't look white
and I don't see how being non-white is a thing that "connects them", do you separate cultures by white and non-white? that's pretty fucked up
>Anairis Quiñones

strange this beaner didn't have any problem voicing lynette
This is why you don't hire western VAs, especially American ones. Stick to UK theater actors like FFXIV mostly does (and even then FFXIV made the mistake recently of hiring a burger VA). Americans never shut the fuck up about politics and will eat your company alive from the inside
>all these race swaps actually look pretty good
holy shit, are troons finally acquiring taste?
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>all they need to do is lose a lot of money and waste dev time to please people that aren't even playing
That's not what I said tho
Nigerians have fair skin
wtf based Arknights???
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If you told me picrelated was actually a raceswap and she was actually whiter than this, I wouldn't have believed you at first.
Azn here, tanned skin is fine but I don't want niggers in my anime games
Hope that helps
Okay, Billy.
That's exactly what you said. Stop acting like a woman and just admit that you were wrong.
Have you even played the fucking game?
That's not what I said tho
Of course he didn't. He is a tourist from twitter or tiktok.
didn't they try to cancel genshin last year?
I have, and I bet you're an illiterate dog who misread my post.
they do it every month
it never works because they keep playing it
Bros, why do americans act like this? Why are they trying to give us fatigue?

Why don't they just make their own inclusive gacha game? Nothing is stopping them.
The real answer is that Mihoyo, and the Genshin team in particular, is actually dogshit at making unique character designs. They're so dogshit they're too lazy to even change the skin tone, so they end up just making the same character with a diferent wig and hat on.
Who is the first 3 character you get for free by doing the quest
>he doesn't even know the names of the characters
I dont either because im american and reading a name that begins with an X just floats right though my brain.
id laugh if all the en va's who are making a big deal out of the skin color shit got shitcanned but they most likely wont. hoyo only takes action when its shit like what happened with the tighnari va. this isnt nearly controversial enough.
did nahida's VA say anything?
everyone knows this because the race "swap" is just giving a white anime girl dark skin, once you slap actual nigger features it gets repulsive
I assume you're talking about the first instance quest that unlocks Kaeya and Lisa?
And it seems I was right, you did misread my post, as I said "filled with browns and blacks", not "have any browns or blacks".
>EN dub
imagine lol
I wouldn't be surprised if they get canned. Political correctness is western propaganda and hoyoverse is a CCP company.
libtards BTFO by a chinaman
I wouldn't mind some black characters but I know for a fact then they'll ask for all the alphabet soup next. Give them an inch somethig something.
you know most of these retards are 14-16 year olds that don't have any money in the first place? their "boycott" is practically worthless
>I wouldn't mind some black characters
asia would
Nigga, HI3 and HSR are already dyke city, bit too late to be complaining about that group demanding something from mihomo.
If they don't like it, then why don't they make their own game?
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give them the tip and they suck the whole shaft
Headcanons don't count.
I hate how these faggots act like tanned/dark skinned anime characters are black
Just fire these VA and replace them with AI. Say you'll never work with them again if this is their attitude.
Firing the VAs would also affect the normies so it would actually generate a controversy unlike the current situation. If it was only one it could maybe be ok, but since there's multiple it would also be a pain to rehire a VA for every character.
then log off if you can't handle your gacha fantasy being critiqued you little bitch

They could just git rid of the english language. I remember another game doing that because the VAs did the same shit.
don't you have another coomer blade thread to post?
Honkai Impact 3 isn't headcanon, 80% of the girls are dykes anon. Hell, they had old lore about a girl who got gangraped by dudes, gained powers and started raping women.
reinstalling genshin
>a civilization in a bumfuck desert
>an american's first idea which came to his head
>were my niggur kangz godz at?
You motherfuckers really correlate being in a bumfuck desert is a sole nigger trait
they heard that natlan was full of tribal savages and automatically assumed they would be a bunch of black people.
You can stop being disingenuous now.
Because it thankfully got cursed with bad luck and a lot of people are uninstalling.
you guys realize that if Hoyo bends the knee, its literally over right? they are a multibillion company in a totalitarian country, if twitter gets their way with them they can literally get ANYONE to do their bidding
Even if you dont play genshin you should be supporting mihoyo right now
They can't boycott it by quitting their jobs because most of them are literal who diversity hires with either no portfolio or voiced characters from obscure anime/cartoons no one has heard about.
>brutal savage desert people
>it's actual whites
Goddammit is Yakub the Pyro Archon?
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Just a friendly reminder that the people who care about this somehow did not care at all about regions based directly on China and Japan not featuring a single character who looks even remotely asian.
>>it's actual whites
actually they're anime characters
why do you assume they're whites?
Why are americans so fucking insufferable?
But it already does, you dishonest cunt. We are not talking about a game with only alien creatures, but humans who live in obvious idealizations of real life cultures, yet because of racism they only glorify certain aesthetics while completely ignoring others.
Just grow some balls already and admit you are a bigot, this is an anonymous forum, ffs.
why are these people here
>Niggers see well made design
>Yo why is she not black?
>Niggers see black character
>Ain't playin this kuz of some nigga
It's like what they do with real woman, they pump and dump simple as.
>ever playing with eng va in a gacha
why, hope xi personally visits these talentless hacks
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i refuse, im going to keep putting words in their mouths until they get reverse cancelled on twitter.
pink hair actually looks better brown, the other 2 can stay white
I was traveling china and my guide said "I don't like monkeys" when my group was talking about some negro celeb. They were all shocked kek
No one plays snowbreak except racist coomers who hate ENG dub anyways so it isn't the same
almost like our world's politics and races have nothing to do with the game
Fuck me I'm sorry to assuming they were whites they are 2D GODS
holy esl
None of the characters resemble real life races.
>>Make central american inspired region
citation needed, natlan is a mish mash of cultures JUST LIKE THE OTHER COUNTRIES
Again, you can stop being disingenuous now. You know that you're wrong and are just disagreeing for the sake of it.
Do people still get cancelled on there after Elon bought it?
yo gachafags, what's the best android emulator to play blue archive? bluestacks looks like bloated spyware
I never played it because it's a gacha scam. I gave that shit up years ago after dragon ball z dokkan battles. these people are fucking radicalized Jews trying to take down other game companies that don't fit their narrative.
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I support this boycott
It is always funny to see people I don't like get BTFO boycotting companies that really, truly do not give a shit about them and wouldn't spare the time to spit into their mouths if they were dying of thirst.
yeah, but it's mostly far leftists that get banned now, because they're radical and violent
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Imagine going out of your way to support a gacha game that's designed to make you broke and addicted to their digital hamster wheel by making you sit through 3 hours of dialogue for 1/3rd of a single pull. You shouldn't even be spending money on genshin for the sole reason that you are giving money directly to the CCP.
entitled westerners think a chinese company is going to give a shit about their petulant whining
Try redstacks
mumu is good but requires admin rights for some reason (this fucks with screen capture software) and last I remember blue archive has visual bugs idk if they fixed it, ldplayer is a good option too
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You can stop pretending to be on twitter now.
dude you're a retard. they're Chinese. they don't give a shit about 50k faggots.
>making you sit through 3 hours of dialogue for 1/3rd of a single pull

and yet it's more etertaining and less pozzed than any western game, really makes you think
>let's boycott Genshin!
>same people keep playing it
>even post about still playing it on twitter
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Because they're hypocrites
not just westerners. let's narrow it down to west coast faggots
You have to choose sides mihoyo or the wokes, theres no other choice
>any western game
Not every western game is AAAslop, that's a poor excuse for your gacha addiction.
Kek. Guess that's why they've been so uppity lately.
So you're not the guy I originally replied too, how the fuck was I supposed to know that you retard? You're still being disingenuous though.
>50k signatures for dei
360k sbi, dei detected
Noice, I hope it blows up more so EN dub is canceled.
A single chinese whale rolling for the next archon makes Mihoyo more money than all those outraged people combined. Most of them won't even stop playing the game and 1 month from now they will have already forgotten all about it because some other thing on Twitter already grabbed their attention.
Both of these depictions are shit lol the left looks like an hi3 skin and the right looks nothing like a greek deity
that image is a larp unless you somehow believe that anti-capitalist corporation isn't an oxymoron
>not every western game is AAAslop
you're right, they're just slop except a few indies
these fucking retards who made the petition are so far behind. genshin impact has been around for quite a while now, and already made a metric fuck ton of money. these people are clinically retarded
How am I being disingenuous? You are using a anonymous image board where you might as well be talking to AI chatbots. For fucks sake dude.
why are these niggers so obsessed with vitilago
name one good recent western game that isn't shit
I don't side with the faggots, but I hate gacha games. gambling is an addiction, and the house always wins
>Jump into a conversation
>Gets upset when I assume that he's one of the two people who I initially replied too
Stop being...
BG3 but it’s an outlier
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freak. pic is you being a chomo
I should be more specific. not a western game, an American game.
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They think logging in every day is an act of resistance.
It gets better because they made Hermes Chinese and Apollo black too, plus others that were racebended in the first game too. But they won't say shit about those
I think it's extremely racist to group everyone into one racist term
>fucking POCs
I hate how americans think race = skin color
hermes should be black since he can touch the sun, and get a great smoldering tan
when I think of race I think I who can get to space first
you're thinking about the Jews. they're the radical ones
Yeah very much this, they build a entire community full of yuritrannies, fujos and shippers and then gets surprised when the game full of woke trannies starts throwing a tantrum over the color skin of a nation
genshin impact players enjoy being a part of a community more than playing their shitty game so they just go with whatever the community is saying
I just hope they don't spend their money on trash. gacha is retarded. all you're doing is buying trash
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I deleted Genshin because the quests are boring and I think the Natlan designs are ugly/lazily done. Mind you, I've played 1.0 and quit this year. These people who have been playing for less time than me, are posting 5 tweets per minute about racism but can't even delete the app from their phones. I wonder if it's addiction, stubborness, or legit autism. Maybe all three.
These retards are still going to buy rolls the next time a new character comes out because then they'll be able to talk about it online
let's round out all 3.. looks like you can call them "broke"
I've been there. I spent $50 once to roll for goku ssj4 legendary in dokkan battle. after I rolled the card I felt really ashamed of what I did.
I refuse to spend money on gacha but whenever I get lucky I rub it in the faces of people that have spent money.
Like getting the shark girl in ZZZ 3 times in 50 rolls
That makes more sense, to be honest. Lots of players are kids and SEAsians who can't afford a good PC or console, let alone purchasable video games.
don't spend money on digital shit anon
Asians are pretty much white ppl nowadays
yeah because they keep buying gatcha penny and dimes. gacha should be age restricted
>I have an idea!
>let's turn people into gamblers
fuck this gay eartth
dutch is from black lagoon, not sao.
>increasing resin to at least be the same as their other games,
Bitch what?
ZZZ caps you out on resin in 24 hours, Genshin takes something like 27 hours.
YOU do not play the games
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Okay, but how do people struggle to uninstall Genshin? The game is literal ass. Who sits down and decides they want to listen to Paimon's tranny voice for 2 hours straight to solve a generic NPC's problem? You don't even fight in the quests anymore, you just go from point A to B and click through padded dialogue that is worded in the most obnoxiously roundabout way possible for 20 primogems. Not only that, but half of the game's map is locked behind these quests, so you're forced to sit through them. I can't imagine being a new player having to do all this shit let alone being an old player and tolerating it this long.

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