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gato sexo
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vtuber boss is SHIT
Did healers find Arcadion more difficult than Pande 1-4 normal?
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When will we get eyes like this? It’s not fair
I'm happy for Erich's transition :)
Trannies not even hiding that this is a general


Sage in all fields. Do your job mods
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ffxiv enjoyers really don't need much, also after that msq the raid did feel like we finally got something
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my bet is 7.1 is adding customization options because theres actually a shit load of colors for character creator that exist but just aren't enabled in the files. And also new facial hairs that showed up. It would line up with True Vue's potential as a store area, and what the npcs are saying.
Same how flight is just set to disabled in s9, and can be turned on whenever they want.
The story is shit
It's suffering since the tanks and DPS don't use their mitigation tools
I miss Varis, I miss Zenos, I miss Emet, I miss Vauthry, I miss a compelling villian, I miss being the main character, I miss my character having some relevance to the story. I miss playing a game where I have something to do rather than watching a Visual Novel of how Wuk Lamat is the bestest character EVA!
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gross nigger
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It was pretty funny people talking about the MSQ and Wuk lamat on that hunt train, most people bar 3-4 absolutely hated Wuk lamat, the other people saying we were just the vocal minority and should be ignored.
Then we got talking about how the raid tier was so much better than the MSQ, how the new characters are far better than Wuk Lamat.
>not gonna get into it but if you disagree you can kick rocks
PSX era sports games audience.... soul...
mods will just bad u for announcing sage you retard lmao
This didn't happen
Most runs I'm in the healers get hit by shit constantly and I have to use all my mitigation on them just to keep them up.
do it for her and her sisters
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Ah yes, shallow quests and recycled fantasies, with a playerbase dominated by femboys and transformers, who confuse repetition for accomplishment, desperatly looking for crumbs of digital validation
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How did they manage to fuck up the gear scaling for Female Hrothgar so badly?
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It ain't rocks I'm gonna be kicking.
What games do you play anon.
your post reads like chatgpt spat it out.
>and now you're telling me if you remove the wol it'd also remove all the dungeons and trials
so what gives?
No, read again I'm saying that the MSQ we weren't needed at all and we weren't needed for the Trials as Wuk Lamat could do the trials without us there, and the dungeons took she was tanking them, again we weren't needed, which is why I said think about it. She had an incredible power up out of no where. Dynamis is a bullshit handwave, I want to see training, technique, struggle not just "Oh I'm stronger now because I am".
Just when I get a whm cohealer that can't stay alive.
He plays fucking Lost Ark, it's like a meth addict talking to a heroin addict about how stupid his drug is.
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Multimillion dollar company btw
Just like every mmo?
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Fuck I hate American VAs so much, sorry lads if you're a yank, it's not you I hate it's your voice actors.
And no this is not a mod, this is actually real

Don't bring FF into this, MMO addicts is on another level of enslavement.
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Alpha this morning, 10am UK time. Heather Polaris was running the train.
Yanks and brits have good VA's, it's just that they employ union nepo babies there instead of gods like Michael Bell and Simon Templeman.
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>you can kick rocks
what kind of zinger is that?
it sucks
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viera and hrothgar are limited races, please understand
Happened to me on Chaos in Heritage Found. I stopped to talk in shout chat with a bunch of people to air our grievances about the absolutely abysmal state of the DT msq and some troon got upset at us and said we were "spamming the chat" and that we should be reported and I told him to block us if our conversation upsets him so much. That was on the last day of early access.
things that never happened
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Are you kidding me?
Is Dawntrail another 'accept death' story?
Do they not get tired of writing this?
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I knew picto glam will be hard, but I didn't expect it to be this fucking hard. Give me ideas bros
male viera didn't have this problem
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Things that never happened, I can answer this one, you never being a woman.
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all the garish color options better not find their way into the rest of the game
Fair enough. Personally, I like using all of my buttons and feel like they actually contribute something.
Not my experience at all. Done savage/ultimates when they were current and savages on min ilvl no echo. People might need to be whipped into shape, sure, but you don't NEED a dedicated shotcaller
JP are known to be the whiniest bitchiest, most anti social neets of the world who constantly call for nerfs to content and are mostly the reason why all jobs play the same, so yes, they do need it. You literally whined about a BLM not using addle because he forgot midfight during his rotation, it's quite common to get stuck in your rotaiton whilst doing mechanics and to have to use mits so a shotcaller is to keep everyone focused so they know whats coming up as a reminder. If your'e serious about raiding you always have a shotcaller and yes its usualy the healers who do it because their rotations are simple enough.
This coming from the race that lives like 300 feels incredibly hollow
they definitely will. they already exist in the backend, they're just not enabled for character creation. you can confirm this by the fact there are no au ra whatsoever in solution 9 but those colors all exist for their limbal rings. Please look forward to it.
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You thought JEET ENIX was a meme?
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Sorry wrong opinion
i've sold 3 honey bee orchestrions. People are really overpaying for this
Thanks SE for not tanking my FPS by rendering thousands of polys on hundreds of audience members that are a mile away while I'm trying to resolve mechanics
I'll make sure to take a screenshot next time, just for you, troon.
We're going to get a tag team fight against twin lalafell that transform into a cactaur and a tonberry
>you literally whined about a blm not using addle
I did no such thing you fucking schizo people are allowed to call you retarded without being some boogeyman further up in the previous thread that got your titties in a twist.
>get stuck in your rotaiton whilst doing mechanics and to have to use mits so a shotcaller is to keep everyone focused so they know whats coming up as a reminder.
colossal shitter mentality. Learn the fight. Learn when damage is coming up. It's not one person's job you fucking pikmin
tranny hair
>Hunt train
Imagine being such a fucking loser that you do this shit. That you do every xpac in one night.
I just tried black desert and it was fucking barren compared to ffxiv.

I wish there was a popular action mmo. But in the meantime I will continue to play this mmo. Thank you for your time.
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Listen to me.
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Ivalician Arithmetician set
How else are you supposed to get materia? committing to tanking or healing when you don't play one?
>Imagine having fun
Why do I keep seeing this? It’s clearly an old model that hasn’t been updated yet. Why do you keep posting it like it’s some kind of gotcha? Do you need attention that badly anon?

Bad character writing that people are sick of by that point coupled with "how did SHE escape and not G'raha or literally anyone else?" and really bad VA that was happening for the entire story.

And then she comes in and does more damage than everyone else in the instance combined (10% in a single hit btw) because she just HAS to be the main character in every single scenario. I really hope the ex version doesn't have her barge in..
The only difficulty is retard dps who eat every telegraphed aoe
I have fun NOT doing Hunt trains because I'm not a moron.
>How else are you supposed to get materia?
buy it off the marketboard, you aren't a poorfag...are you?
tell me how you get materia anon.
You're not a woman either.
>You thought JEET ENIX was a meme?
Well, it's not, cause you're the only one saying it.
>that lives like 300
Try 1200 years.
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This is about the guy who kicked someone for not using addle, when he literally just plays it by ear for mitigation, it wasn't the BLMs fault for not using it, they literally do not have the luxury of ogcd weaving like other jobs do.
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Please shill me on RDM!
Strong black womyn and troon expansion. When will it end?
I have 50 million gil. Buying 20 materia is nothing.
I do want a tag team fight. Though who the WOL would be tagged with is the question. Or maybe it's just a dual boss with no extra npc for the WoL.
Of course I'm not a poorfag. Because I'm the one selling you that materia you fucking paypig.
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The new 12s are literally 10k gil
I don't think xiv viera live that long
>Each XI expansion has a waifu
>They all join (Your) harem
How can XIV even compete? It's all fujos and faggots over here lmao
Is this what y'all are considering good design now?
the fuck else do I spend money on?
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Jeet enix
Maybe if you're on Gilgamesh. The materia has to come from somewhere, and I'd rather actually play the game instead of sitting around doing nothing and just buying power.
More like 20k on primal unless retards killed them yesterday
Viis on the First do and they're the same race.
you don't like simping for strong nigger bulldykes with danger hair?
They're 30k each on my server, benefits of not being on a hyper populated server.
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>Beast Master is going to be some gay regulator furry transformation job and not you know a beast master
As if I needed another reason to hate Dawntrail.
Hroth women have shoulders so wide and large they kill their mothers at birth, hence why they're so rare
looks kinda autistic
I prefer relatively unified arena with at least some flexibility, such as p10 single side
but then every last boss is a dogshit puzzle fight so I should be used to it, I suppose
You seem to be under the impression that the trials are there to facilitate the story and not the other way around.
Most of the time the MSQ has to bend itself over backwards to justify a dungeon or trial happening when it's supposed to - don't you remember Lakshmi?
This is still a game, the gameplay is the most important part.
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UHmmm bros?
30k is a lot of money to you?? Lmao
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You don't need a world ending threat to make a good story, just a really good villain
when is the dt story skip going on sale
>This is still a game, the gameplay is the most important part.
I agree, if only the devs remembered this during the MSQ.
It adds up pretty quick when you are pentamelding anon.
Hey thats not too bad of an idea, but how would it be different from BLU?

Your catgirl is basic
Your glams? Bland
Your taste? Forgetable

Phanta into thighlander for some energy, then everything you wear will look better on you
>Koana's skin color is way darker than canon
is...is this blackface?
mm yes lets invite our enemies in who are still tempered btw which turns them into fanatics incapable of reason and try to convince them to not summon their deity... what could go wrong?
>MCH lunch box but it's on your head
they wouldn't
would they?
I don't understand why they wont make normal raid gear overmeldable. It would help make the gear stay relevant for more than two weeks. They literally give you materia XI as reward for the normal raid quests for fucks sake.
just like that he casually reveals how much sway Kate and Sena had on the development of Dawntrail
fuck this spic
Jokes on you, I play elezen
>Wuk known about for months
>Barely any porn
>Black Cat and Honey B Lovely out for 1 day
>Multiple images
Wukbros.........I don't feel so good........
>play MA'AM race
>get MA'AM race
I don't understand why you're upset
Troon community
I'm not buying I'm selling, 30k for a single piece, I get around 30 per hunt train, hunt trains plus fate farming has got me almost 20million gil since Friday.
Your 50million is nothing to me.
It's not going to be a transformation job. The game literally canonized your personal disdain for soul usage in the first fucking cutscene of the raid. Lyon will return alongside pagaga, train Erenville to be a beastmaster, and he will be a new scion to fulfill his mothers wish of seeing everything. This will happen in 7.4, the job will unlock in 7.5, and the game will lead into a Dalmasca/Meracydia expansion. The writing is literally on the wall.
makes me sad to think that people who loved XI back in the day likely haven't experience or at least watched Rhapsodies. It's the perfect ending.
I have 100mil, all gained passively.
retard, WoL does not want to use souls as it's inhumane and the Arcadion story literally told us overuse of beast souls causes your soul to dissolve
That idea would be literally just blue mage anyway.
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You need to understand that this expansion is absolutely devoid of the female form. The only character you could even lust for is NTRd quite literally in front of you by a furry tiger woman with a dick.
B IS FOR ___
>WoL does not want to use souls as it's inhumane
>and the Arcadion story literally told us overuse of beast souls causes your soul to dissolve
wol surely has enough soul nutz for it to not be an issue
then again it probably wouldn't work nearly as well due to this
I'll have that much at this current rate by Monday, that's just from Dawntrail and not including what I already have. You lads are sitting on a gold mine of gil ignoring what you can earn because?
B is for Balls
Anon we literally summon primals... elder primal bahamut and phoenix, they literally break the lore whenever they want.
Buttstuff with Honey!
Wrong I want to fuck Cahciua forma de robo and those two pink twins.
>can't equip helmets or hats
they have worse problems
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Meet your new goon material
you summon egi's of those primals you jobquest skipping bitch. they're not remotely comparable and you are told the explicit difference.
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I want to see left and mid fucked by right's massive horse cock.
I prefer their monster forms.
I personally want Melancholy to mix my drinks and change my life.
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Who is Alisaie talking to here?
I only care about their morphed forms
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>Keep getting revisit procs on miner
>Never once got it on botanist
>Now my miner is two levels ahead despite be gathering the same nodes between the two
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>blm schizo
At least we got a juicebro to drink with
The raid chicks are being thirsted on, no one gives a shit about wuk
>Honey B canonically has Simps
I'll allow it.
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>completely stops fighting for 30 seconds to chug a monster then kills the ref that DQs him
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>imagine playing the game
Fuck, Kill, Marry
I love her
>>blm schizo
Bakool Ja Ja
Cahciua & Sphene
Wuk Lamat

Bro, why are you bringing up the MSQ? We're on the raid now.
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Yugiri sexo
Theres no use for money outside of mounts
Sadly that fight had the biggest feeling of them holding shit back for savage. Ended up being the lamest of the 4 fights because of it.
shame that the fight is a total snoozefest on normal despite oozing sovl
and then m4 is even worse lmao
It's a more polite way of saying fuck off. It used to be pretty popular in the 90s and early 2000s
Ballsdeep inside Wicked Thunder!
He will chug a second monster and start doing 3 mechanics at once.
You retard, the 90 summons are REAL primals, you are skipper.
>still no porn
>Koana pretending to be openly gay in a poor attempt to hide the fact that he's a major siscon
He's not fooling anyone
There's no way to buy power you mean, but there's lots of uses of gil. Sucks to be you, womp womp.
Why did they give honey b lovely the worst most ugliest hairstyle? It's like they didn't even try. Just like those background crowd cutouts.
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Dont worry summoner we are definitely going to fix you next expansion. Just take a peek at your brand new capstone that's coming.
iI' none of the anons you're talking too and every time i try to figure out gil making it immediately becomes wildly unprofitable. ive made about 4 million gil so far crafting in dawntrail but I'm just not seeing returns. is there a market (that you don't have your fingers in so as to not fuck with your own profits) that you would recommend I look at more closely? I'm trying to learn as I'd genuinely like to stop being such a poorfag. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ah yes, the hair colours to signal to all potential mates "I am mentally ill". How attractive!
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Horse pussy
man, what a nothingburger
Old weapons and armors for gc turn ins always are profitable
Horse COCK
I already killed all three thanks to Regulators keeping them safe. Therefore, I should be allowed to fuck and marry all three as well.
I’m playing the free trial. It’s neat but I can’t afford a sub right now.
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if by real you mean "suffused from our own aether so still fit the definition of egi" sure.
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Bros I am struggling so hard to get through the post-MSQ for Endwalker. I just beat Rubicante and ever since the leading up to Cagnazzo shit it has been so repetitive and tedious
Like nearly every cutscene
>Scion explains they don't know how to do shit
>Go walk to the other side of Radz to learn that they still don't know how to do shit
>Go talk to filler NPCs (Repeat up to 3x)
>Scene or Vrtra being an emo faggot soaking up screen time or the 500th "Zero doesn't understand le humans and then tips hat"
Stick to the Kekarooo posting
I was doing that but they were only selling for about 100k each and I was getting maybe 3-4 sales a day. It's really, really paltry and I can't help but feel like I'm kneecapping myself by focusing on it. I sold hq viper 90 weapons for a while and that was good money until someone bought up all my stock and then crashed the market.
are they straight up adding tranny characters in the game now? good thing i grew out of FFXIV 3 years ago
My Hotqueen
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Never forget that Tataru is canonically a better summoner than us. She skipped straight to ancient magic that creates true life.
I want to get squeezed dry by those thighs
Feel free to skip everything because it doesn't get better.
>he didn't take the gathering pill
I've made 30+ million just by mining a bit while waiting for roulettes to pop/friends to log on, at the start of an expansion, fuckers will pay 4 digit sums for a single bit of rock
you can also send your retainers out to get silver lobo skin, which can be sold as is for good money or crafted into leather for big bucks, all gained passively too
naturally, as we are weeks in, the prices have gone down massively, but for a while, you could make sick bank for little effort
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What's this guy's problem?
and they say XIV faggots aren't mentally ill trannies
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>koana wearing a "i heart boys" shirt
>is canonically obsessed with Wuk Lamat
The jokes write themselves
You have to have 4 retainers to begin with and keep doing it. Everyday whenever one sells make another and just keep doing it.
Why is this anthropomorphized troon flag wearing a beyblade?
I wouldn't mind hanging onto erenville. The scions could use a new straightman.
hes a gamer
lol if you think that's bad, you haven't seen nothing yet.
he's a chad trapped with a bunch of slutcats that demand attention all day and he's sick of their shit
he's the heel
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This post made me realize the entirety of Living Memory is targeted toward people that can't let go of the zodiark/hydaelyn arc
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>Thighs thicker than her torso
>he didn't take the gathering pill
I did! I have fisher at 100 and I've got miner and botanist in the 90s. I'm just not at a point in my life where I can commit to timed nodes so I'm probably missing out on shit loads of profit.
im just waiting for the 24man raid, 14 sucks.
Americans shouldn't be let near media.
I want my dick in between a cat sandwich.
Anon thats what every woman looks like.
post her ass
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>Everyone went into DT thinking they would get a spicy latina gf
>This did not happen, a disgusting tranny furbeast instead tormented you for 99% of the MSQ
>Everyone hates it

>Raid gives you MULTIPLE spicy latina gfs in 1/100th of the time it took you to do the MSQ
>Everyone loves it

they seeded a lot of cutscenes about his competency with animals in the expansion. its inevitable.
Pretty much
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This Savage tier is going to be kino.
How come people are so salty over woke Lama when this game has had shitty character designs from the very start of the game? I don't understand anyone saying the story in this game us SUPPOSED to be good? What do you mean, like so bad it's good? Cringe kino? I don't understand, the game's tone is even less mature than kingdom hearts. Why are people acting like they've been insulted with Woke Lama? That character is simply the embodiment of everything ff14 is to date.
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Game didn't center arround them
The question is
Ark Angels or no Ark Angels for part 1?
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Imagine the horsecock...
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New poll!
What are all faggots farming gold for? There is nothing to spend it on, even if you pentameld every tier.
>failing so hard it integer underflows and loops back to supreme success
What do your farts smell like? You're huffing them good and proper all day long so you must be able to give a compelling review.
Because this is the first time the story doesn't mostly revolve around their character. Literally every flaw in DT is something that has existed since ARR, people are just waking up to it
I just got chills this was SO badass
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Go away, marketer.
in my experience, FSH makes very little money in comparison to Miner, which I levelled up super early and made absurd amounts of money, there was one particular rock that was selling for like 9999 gil and you could sell it in stacks of 99 and it would sell immediately
I think it's funny how they followed up the eyerape of p3 with another eyerape in m3
its still pussy if her dick is big enough for urethral fuck!
Kill yourself pablo
The female characters in raid series are designed to be disposed of immediately after the raid ends and never come back into the story so the JP side of the company has more leeway
You have to learn to let go
you can't lash out at everyone else forever
It's weird to me a person in a videogame board on a weeb Website, looks at a Japanese game and confuses stereotypes of real women with videogame girl hair.
ra'kaznar ore? it's seriously dropped in price.
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>portal opens up in cowboy land
>Shantotto runs out and demands we help her after we fucked up her giant robot doll last time
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>still at it with the skitzo tranny behaviour
I'm screenshotting your post to rub it in when you get BTFO'd
>tank LBs your mechanic because healers can't be trusted
nothin personnel
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doomies blown the fuck out
nah, one of the later ones, purple ore you mine in a lake in Yak'Tel, which has also seriously dropped in price
makes sense, everyone can get it now, the trick is to get into the market well before its flooded
You've been astroturfing non stop for hours, take a hike, marketer.
>total fucking retard liked the MSQ
what's the surprise here
It's the only MMO left on the market. Everything else is either a pale shadow of itself, failed to live up, or was designed to be cheap garbage from the start.
it's really weird too because beast master is already an established job in the game. Like what level of retardation do you have to be on to think it's not going to be what it has already been established as.
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lmao you're trying too hard to fit in
I've got... terrible fucking news for you.
WoW is better. So is Runescape.
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>M11 will be the president using a beast soul
>M12 will be the president not using a regulator
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We better fucking hang out with Lyon and his lalafell slut.
I think I was there. Plenty of complaining in shout chat about wuk, so I’ll believe you.
I'm probably fucked then because the market has stabilized and will remain that way. I guess I should focus on trying to save up for the crafting gear so I can try to take advantage of 7.1
You can do sick backflips.
MSQ sucks and the raids being good doesn't change that. Ack yourself right now troongoon.
>vaginal walls strong enough to destroy your dick
Adventuring with Estinien would be going wherever the winds take you. Being forced to guide and mentor someone is not an adventure.
Where is Wuk Lamat?
It doesn't get better.
They're going to train Erenville and probably be our in to dalmasca so most likely.
I think she just fucked it up so bad that it's permamently draining her aether and that's why she can't really fight
Real Australia hours in here

Speaking off, I guess there is a non-zero chance that beastmaster is exclusively tied to the new exploration zone.
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>yoshida: here is the new expansion where you are in a more supporting role and your Wol is an adventurer first and foremost. they are no longer the main character, they simply go where the winds take them and influence the world in that way. here is the new main character the the Wol will guide and mentor as she grows into her own...

What part of this makes sense, please someone explain
>simply go where the winds take them
>here is the new main character you have to baby sit throughout the entire expansion
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>no argument whatsoever
>has a tranny obsession

go outside
It doesn't get better and what follows after is even worse. I suggest you cut your losses and abandon this sinking ship. Play good games instead.
wuk is hated and you will never be a woman
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>Living Memory and its artificial simulacrums are to show you how far Sphene is willing to go for her 'people' but at this point, they are already long dead and she's doing no favors to anyone by clinging to their memory in this way and that it is important to let go, especially if its at the expense of the living
>players genuinely mad you can't save them and liken it to genocide and point to Ultima Thule as proof that memories can become sentient and basically alive
the lore in this game is basically nonsense at this point
>asking random cat and rabbit people if they're furries
living memory reminds me of that black mirror episode where dying old folks live in a virtual world set in different time periods - its sad
Can't wait to see how the XIV writers ruin the everloving fuck out of XI
Yeah, the complaint is a nothingburger. I’d rather they go back to cancelling Sena Bryer and Kate
Yoshida hates anything XI related so not gonna happen.
Did you reply to the wrong person anon?
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>President is a Zenos shard
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Did Wuk Lamat slip some testosterone blockers in your glass of cold piss?
lmao okay
sure thing champ
don't forget your meds
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Can you blame the poor guy? It's like our version of Balmung
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>contrarians now doing everything they can to defend wuk and the msq
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What bothered me more was how we were presented with no moral dilemma about shutting off Disneyland and everyone we met was all for it.
That's litterally the smart way to do it. Having that many fully rendered NPCs in the background would be retarded for every possible reason.
Didn't they just fucking do a number crunch in EW? How the fuck are we back to ShB numbers already?
Honey B. Lovely is a dead fish in bed
>heh that's cool, they must've had a lot of fun making that
She cant fight because she panics. When she helps you fight the turtle she is fine at the start but the moment her carbuncle runs up to the boss it stands there then turns around and runs out of the arena since it's capable of independent thought so there's another one out there like the first one she summoned.

Then she just starts screaming and running around dragging aoe onto you but is still perfectly capable of stopping and healing you when you really need it.
After weeks of the MSQ getting relentlessly shat on and them being unable to do anything about it because there's literally nothing to hold on to to defend it, the raids came out and they're actually pretty decent so they've all rushed back in to try and pretend like the MSQ was actually fine all along because of content unrelated to it.
Even back when they did the initial number crunch, it was obvious we were going to hit this point again pretty soon. The initial crunch should have brought us down to like, 3.0 levels, not 4.1.
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No, we wanted something a new direction for the game something interesting. Good writing and characters and what we got was Wuk Lamat.
Is it a lack of education or limited IQ as to why you can't understand why people don't like Dawntrail's MSQ?
Defenders need players to survive DT's MSQ so they can have more people to do raids with
Marketers are in shambles. They outed themselves as marketers by trying to shit on Pandaemonium to shill ACKadion, despite the fact that at the time pretty much everyone agreed that the story was pretty good and definitely better than the msq.
DT has been such a flop that they're now desperately trying to over hype a mediocre raid with 10 lines of dialogue.
>desperate doomie replying to himself

what makes somebody like this
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>Red Mage outdamaging Black Mage at the 75th percentile in ex1
What the actual shit
The President is gonna be an Ascian
The gold seller meme isn’t a meme
There's no moral dilemma because the endless are basically just ghosts who are bound to living memory and you are performing an exorcism, if anything, what you are doing is morally correct, what the hell are the ghosts gonna do? say no?
he loves (You)s
you'll be doing all the stinging if you catch my drift
Honest question, is my Troubador and Nature's Minne noticeable or am I wasting an OGCD?

>not letting her peg you
We did more mentoring woth Yaana in the Arcadion than anything we did with Woke Lamecat
These brainless fucking retards can have the game. I'm done.
why did summoner get nothing in dawntrail? why does physick still exist? Why do the Garuda, Titan, Ifrit summons all still do the same exact thing
I did every fight only once so far. The fights have bleeds and specific aoe placement that i don't remember tripping people up in P1N-P4N as much. The damage output isn't that crazy, but you can't be slacking with heals or a ranged dps will just die.
Why is my PF dead?!
The refusal to even consider a discussion comparing it to Emet's statement of not considering you to be truly alive, therefore it not being murder if he kills you is by far the most egregious misstep of the entirety of that zone.

Black mage takes skill, so its 1-100 is on a broader spectrum

But also yeah black mage is kinda fucked
No money
No players
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don't open this...
Oh my gosh sisters I’ve had it. This is the last straw Derrick what did I keep telling you. IM DONE *sobbing*

Why is every doomsissy so feminine?
If it's for a raidwide that doesn't do much damage or apply a dot, no it's not noticeable. If it's for a multihit raidwide like bomberman's tulmut or a raidwide that leaves a dot then yes it is noticeable.
EX1 is movement heavy and BLM now has a rotation with zero flexibility because of star flare while its potencies are massively undertuned
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I've seen people mad that Ninja is below Pictomancer, but is there a reason why Picto shouldn't be?
It's just absurd that literally nobody doesn't like the idea of being shut down.
>why did summoner get nothing in dawntrail?
Because there's like 5 people working on this game now. The rest are on the other 2 projects. SE has always used FF14, our money, to sub their shitty projects, it's just now YoshiP is doing it to. He can suck my anus.
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BLM is in the gutter rn, it's ridiculous they didn't address it in the 7.01 patch. I'm guessing all BLM mains will switch to PCT (more damage, way easier) for the tier
Ironic when you have faggots posting lyrics from a faggy song
It's all nonsense
>You're an adventurer again
>This means you're banned from being the main character, or even having any agency in the story at all for some reason
>You also mentor Wuk. When? Shut up
I figured picto and viper would be near the top because they always tend to make new jobs slightly OP to get people to play them
>Good writing and characters and what we got was Wuk Lamat.
nigger you posted graha, get the fuck outta here
Derrick come back I’d didn’t mean it when I said I’m done! *sobbing*

As Otis demonstrates, they aren't even the original memories of the person who died. They are literally copies of memories without their own soul or body, and said copies of memories are simulated at the point they were happiest without consideration of the authencity of the individual.

They are basically glorified job stones.
Because they probably know it's unnatural, and that other's have to suffer for their convenience.
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Post more hrothgals
>casuals have nothing to do for 4 months
Casters have always been slightly below melees because, well, having range makes it easier. PCT should be SMN-tier.
People meme about ranged tax but it's true, easier and more consistent uptime shouldn't parse higher than the guys who has to stick their dick up the boss's ass, especially now that they seem to be going back to smaller boss hitboxes.
It's hard to justify existing when you're long dead, like centuries-long dead, and the cost of you continuing to 'live' is that other worlds- of truly living people who can grow and change and pass their legacies on, etc.- have to die.
>hurr mentor
I don't wear that faggot crown. I don't want to mentor anyone, and if I had to it would be the twins.
Because every other ranged job is below melees with the excuse being "ranged tax". BLM was historically the exception because "hard to play and no utility". PCT is not hard to play and has utility.
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>they always tend to make new jobs slightly OP
that's mostly true, but AST was fucking atrocious when it first came out
Cool, will stick with it. Sometimes it feels like BRD is a retarded kid running around waving his arms yelling "I'm helping!" but that's the job, I guess, and despite it all, I still love it.
They've already died before
This is when I level all jobs
they can operate outside of living memory, as proven by erenvilles mom, so there was very clearly something more going on.
That's a man
There's no moral dilemma because beast tribes are basically animals and you are performing pest control, if anything, what you are doing is morally correct, what the hell are the beast tribes gonna do? say no?
You pay money to log in for 2 hours on a tuesday? lol
all of the hw jobs were ass on release. does anyone actually remember how fucking terrible hw machinist was?
>beast tribes
Yes I posted Graha, a well written and developed character well liked by the player base with a talented voice actor in both English and Japanese.
Wuk Lamat is an awfully written, overbearing, insufferable character that is voice acted by someone completely inappropriate for the part who has split the player base and brought real world culture war politics into the game. Not only is the character badly written, but almost all of the player base is in agreement that she is a bad character.
tits or gtfo
>memory can have ptsd
maybe we should reconsider
the beast tribes are explicitly alive, the endless are explicitly dead, living creatures don't blip out of existence without a trace when you trip over the plug
>what the hell are the beast tribes gonna do?
summon primals and fight back?
Picto should be slightly higher than RDM and Summoner and below all melee. Picto is a high mobility job with a raid damage buff and a heal, and a shield and the highest possible damage in the game. BLM is the one that should be where Picto currently is because it brings absolutely nothing except damage and once you burn triple cast it's sitting there doing 3 second long casts.
those are lore accurate models, they're supposed to be virtual avatar projections, that's why they're all 2d cartoon bees in the second fight. wait, did all you retards fail to clear the first fight? on normal? jesus fucking christ how do you function?
Uh oh femra troon feeling disphoric
I don't disagree with you but it's way too convenient (and not realistic) if everyone has this outlook.
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brown catgirl tummy EROTIC
>3rd favorite expansion
but there's five expansions, if that's really the best you can do post game clear when your hype is supposed to be at the highest i don't know
>, a well written
Graha Tia is a cringe adoring fan from oblivion. Exarch was alright and should have stayed dead in 5.3.
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>Catch up on my roulette because I couldn't play yesterday
>Sprout tank says it's his first run on it
>He play cautiously
>Edgelord sam aura go pull trash and try to bring them into the tank's AoEs without a single word
I understand that it's one of the most basic bitch dungeon in the game and we're all used to ludicrous speed TA runs as if our lives depended on it because shit's piss easy and actually difficult to fuck up, but is it so difficult to simply chill once in a while and let a new player discover content at his own pace?
Honestly who the fuck bothered to run savage more than one to experience it? Fuck that I’m out after beating it until next drip of content, not about that ilvl grind.
Professional troonster, you
MCH was at least designed around that terrible idea they had for phys ranged changing out auto attacks for cast bars. Ammo mechanic and other oGCDs that helped them out, while BRD just had it slapped on with almost no thought put into it.
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>HW MCH was already undertuned
>First 2 fights of Gordias played massively to BRDs strengths and none of MCHs
the job was fucking woeful until Midas where it was actually worth bringing when they effectively doubled the power of Hypercharge
DRK was pretty good on release, but that might have just been because PLD was just shit
Red mage itself feels kind of awkward to play now because of the way acceleration works
Before, you just used accel for movement OR to line up your globals with your off-globals after doing your finisher
Now it seems they only want it for movement/burst damage, because it gives you two instant casts
If your GCDs/oGCDs are already out of alignment, two instant casts will do nothing to fix it; you need one instant cast to line them up again
I suppose you could save the grand impact cast for later, but the problem is that it overwrites both impact and jolt, so you can't go back to casting your usual spells without using grand impact
I guess they want us to just use swiftcast to line things up and just use acceleration for movement/burst/on cooldown
Imagine living happily for 300 years.
I'd be okay with dying too, before it gets boring
Its going to call out pets to battle momentarily, they will do something and leave a la summoner. In other words it won’t be any different to blu. The same thing will happen with pup.
We will never get a conclusion to the bozja storyline and lyon will suddenly be a good guy hanging out somewhere in eorzea doing nothing related to the bozja conflict and the tease at the ending just like Martyn doesn’t and will not care that we went to tulliyolal.
I like how we're somehow so stretched for texture space that we can't accommodate low res correct arm colours.
New rule: Every time Zero's animation for the hat tip plays I just skip the cutscene.
>wahh options hurt

shut the fuck up child
>Defending Wuk Lamat
You're not wrong. But anyone with that outlook would be a bad guy and we'd ignore them anyway
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>Graha, a well written and developed character
If horse ramuh gets to be a savage mount so should she
Wuk Lamat is so terrible I'm very close to uninstalling the game. Graha Tia is still a cringe faggot.
>endless: have knowledge of the working of a whole bunch of high-tech stuff that could be used to massively reduce whatever misery happens around the world
>beast tribes: provide nothing to anything outside of occasionally summoning primals to kill some random fishermen or miners
whoa you convinced me
>living creatures don't blip out of existence without a trace when you trip over the plug
why is it even relevant? "kill" an endless and he disappears, kill a sahagin and he disappears in the aetherial sea, big fucking difference
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Grahas character was assassinated and he's never been the same after SHB.
He's only there now to sell merch, and that's sadly most of the scions, the writers lost their teeth.
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gross, why are you all playing minimum height catgirls/femra/lalas?
they should add the pelu pelu as a race next
the cowboy town makes me want another Wild Arms

Out of 10!
Bomber is the mount and you ride on top of his giant bulge

Yes, but she also wish for oblivion. The Endless all seemed at least subconsciously aware of how hollow their existence were. They had accepted the fact that they were dead already.

Anyway, it's not like we had a choice here. It is no longer a moral dilemma when the Endless are literally an existential threat. When Garleans incade, we kill Garleans. When Endless invade, we kill Endless. Neither the Scions nor the WoL are pacifist, so them acting to defend others from an invasive and destructive species isn't a moral dilemma.
Yes. That's what happens when you give players what is essentially a second job and have them run it everyday. Not to mention that any dungeon below level 70 is brain numbingly boring for anyone at endgame.
>that's sadly most of the scions, the writers lost their teeth.
Pretty much. There's plenty to do with the characters, the writers just don't want to. So the game is stagnant shit.
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if we have time to sit around and eat fucking ice cream, we have time to at least entertain the discussion of the moral quandry.
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>n-n-n-no u!
Classic troonroth meltie.
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We ARE getting another Wild Arms retard.
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Yes, compared to the writing of Dawntrail and for Wuk Lamat the writing for Graha and his character development is Shakespearean.

Show me the comparison scene in Dawntrail where the writing is of the same quality for Wuk Lamat paired with voice acting to match. I'll wait.
>au ra

there's your problem
they're played by the most insufferable cunts on the planet
I read that XI usually goes on sale in August, is that true?
They said they are fixing BLM potencies in the savage patch. But unless they either nerf the shit out of PCT or buff BLM so much it does 2000 more dps than PCT then you are still never ever going to bring the 0 utility caster that does the same damage as the utility caster
>compared to the writing of Dawntrail
Dragon Age 2 is godly compared to the writing of Dawntrail. So what?
>compared to liquid diarrhea, solid shit is good
Yeah, not getting into your false dichotomy
I don't care about any of this fag shit. I wanna go on an adventure with my bros Alphinaud and Estinien
I don't give a shit about Wuk, but you're posting the fujocat as the "contrast" to Wuk being shitty which makes you a subhuman with an awful taste
Graha might as well have fucking died at the end of ShB and we got a joke of a character whose story is "I pig out on hamburgers and deepthroat ice cream". fuck wuk, fuck graha and fuck you
Funnily enough, G'raha has the best scene in the entire MSQ. And I say that as someone who's gotten pretty fed up with the guy
I quite frankly don't give that much of a fuck about parsetrannies ramblings because all I care about is if we clear or not, but a job having some fucktarded damage, mobility, range, various utilities all in one is kind of dumb.
Sphene and the 3 hot raid bosses saved this expansions
>before it gets boring
why don't you kill yourself now? it's pretty boring if the best you can do is post on 4chin
Why don't you read the comment chain before clutching your pearls?
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holy sexxxo
Until they give me back my full potency thundercloud procs I literally could not give a shit about what they do to BLM.
post tits or kill yourself
nah, she fucking sucks and the robot is objectively more attractive. actually ruined the character for me, seeing her viera form.
Will we get a Grand Cross remix this expansion?
how did they make every single female character other than Wuk good?
Anon those games are dead in the water. They ran out of money.
His voice actor carried most of that, the delivery went a long way to conveying the characters drive. I watched that scene of Graha on the boat in both Japanese and English and it's very poignant their delivery.
It's so bad when you have to go back to hearing Wuk Lamat talk, in a typical anime voice in JP and a man pretending to be a woman in English.
When Sphene comes back as a giant zombie wife
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The gameplay is exactly the same for tanks whether you're double pulling or not, the sam was right
Quit trying to lump that retarded Wuk-worshipping chatGPT slime in with the based raidwaifus
I queue roulettes for the exp bonus, not so some shiteating sprout can behold the immersive surroundings of fucking brayflox in flummoxed awe

You claimed graha was well written. People outside of the conversation jumped on this claim because they didn't agree with it. That doesn't mean they love wuk lamat, I see nothing wrong with it
wowfags ruined this game
You bought Dawntrail. Don't pretend you have standards or don't fund shit now.
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People are very bitter and jaded. It's not healthy.
posting on 4chin is fun, but I've also haven't been alive for 300 years
you are literally rewarded a first time bonus when a new player is present to convince you to be patient with them you festering asswipe.
Compared to Dawntrail and Wuk Lamat, did you forget to leave that out?
This game was already WoW derivative before WoWfugees
Sphene has a great design but is a completely flat character that is killed off for no reason. Missed opportunity.
Are you a trans furry?
Is it because of the furry race?
This is what trust were added for. Same with people who watch cutscenes in dungeons USE THE FUCKING TRUST ITS WHY THEY EXIST.
>All the other cat and rabbit players are furry and/or trans.
I can't blame him for thinking that.
Bee's theme is perfect for slicing my penis off.
its funny that you think she is gone.
>why is that even relevant
because we should save the living and let the memory of the dead be allowed to move on instead of being paraded about by a women who can't let them go and is fully willing to commit actual genocide to preserve (which is dialogue is any indication, none of the endless want)
the point is to let them go, they're already dead, why do this to them?
Fight until there's one left standing

lmao what a retarded grasp
>Decided to level up DRK
>Haven't played it in a while
>Get Aitiascope
>Doing mostly wall to wall pulls but being somewhat cautious because my health is permanently at 25% during pulls
>Au-ra DRG sprints ahead to every pack and expects me to get emnity off him
What's wrong with these people?
Do it with Trusts is you wanna take your time. I'll wait for you to watch the cutscene but I'm not here to sniff the flowers too, the sooner you learn there is no excuse to not at least double pull, the better.
you've been seething for 24 hours straight, go outside faggot
Cute catboys scare the boys
i gave up on the story so i dont care about her plot or anything, i only care that her pitpussy shots saved this expansion for me
>omg I want to press 4 and 5 when being attacked by three mobs
>pressing 4 and 5 when being attacked by five mobs causes me immense amount of stress (I don't use mitigation anyway)
stop being a faggot and pull more, you have a healer on your ass
Why would you lie about this anon?
when trusts allow more than one person maybe but until then I'm going to run dungeons first time with a friend and I'm going to watch the cutscenes. You can seethe all you like about it, but it's not going to change anything.
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okay erenville
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Maybe they should buff the bonus if that's the intended purpose. I never even realize if there's one or not
All etiquette died in Stormblood then what was left of it was mutiliated in Shadowbringers when the games population exploded.
>Sphene has a great design but is a completely flat
yea she's hot as fuck
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>Whiteknights in these threads suddenly coming back and getting cocky again
What happened? Did you bootlickers think we just suddenly stopped caring about all of Dawntrails problems? The expansion is still dogshit and one good normal raid series isn't going to save it, especially since it's gated by several months between each tier. (as always).
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yellow one in the middle has the gigachad face
Just kick the samurai. What's the dilemma here?

Send the cockhead back to the queue.
its a pretty significant bonus. no amount of buffing will fix your obliviousness.
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>No BLU exclusive deep dungeon mode where you start with an almost blank book and need to learn spells as you climb.
found your problem
okay baldo
I would have vote kicked him. Was it a legend?
If we trick players to finish DT MSQ then we'll get more people to do content with, please understand...
Yes yes, we all know Stormblood 2 is getting its Yotsuyu 2 arc, where everything will magically work out. It doesn't make her character any less shit
Yeah I know. But it looks cool
Resetera trannies came back in full force to defend the game since they realized doomers had managed to overtake these threads.
I assume its a Malera thing
they could pull the plug themselves thoughever
and they never did
>ok they don't have souls and thus aren't alive nor can they die but they should be allowed to "move on"
you're confusing yourself, sweaty
DRK players are actively griefing in expert dungeons, 100% the worst tank and the only one that needs external healing
You can tell by their posting style and argumentations that they aren't from this website.
its not going to work out she made it pretty clear that she was doubling down on things, and shes going to come back as a bootleg Necron because they cant help but retread the message of the last two expansions.
Didn't had to, the healer called him out on it and the passive aggressive bickering eventually exploded into the malera quitting. It was funny to watch the sprout not sure if he should proceed or not while the two were flinging shit at each others in chat.
>Fighters in the Arcadion retire at the age of 20
So you are telling me I'm fighting to the death with a bunch of teenagers and children?
DRK is just bad thoughbeit
>raidchads who just wanna fuck up the boss and don't really give a shit about the story praise the fact the bosses are good
are you for real you dumbass
What? Unlike every other JRPG?
I liked that the raids have canonized that the WoL hates regulators and thinks that keeping the Endless around is wrong
thread's level of estrogen continues to rise as more freaks start astroturfing from there
Depends on the time of day when it's EU hours especially eastern europe the total tranny death force comes out. When it's US prime hours you get a lot of people trying to pretend Wuk Lamat isn't objectively awful and that Sena's voice isn't terrible.
>they could pull the plug themselves thoughever
Apparently not. Krile's parents were trapped in Living Memory because Preservation wanted to extract as much scientific knowledge out of their memories as possible
Japanese tournament arc
>they cant help but retread the message of the last two expansions
It's a message that certain people just don't seem to understand
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>no hags allowed
Everything makes sense now
I wish they would've just stuck to the wwe stuff and dropped the trying to explain where they are getting souls, because it's dumb af if you try to think about it and how no one notices there are no immortalized around.
I like that Dawntrail canonized that WoL loved Lamat'yi and approves of everything she says and does.
haha that's pretty cool
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Ironically enough, G'raha was a lot better in DT than he was in EW, even if there was very little of him.
>I'm fighting to the death
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I chose every option that shit on her and never once called her Lamaty'i
Nah she'll come back through the crown (but be put in a human body so she can age and die) and since the Endless are gone her primary programming will be gone and she'll finally get to eat tacos with Wuk
I miss your scoopi di poop posts :(
>they could pull the plug themselves
why didn't Erenville's mom do it then? it was her idea
the point is that they had no souls and are not alive, nor can they die, so why not pull the plug? what is the point in keeping Living Memory going? they even mention that the entire thing is unsustainable and Sphene can't stop because she literally can't
>Shadow the hedgehog race that's the posterboy of the job that caters the most to high school bullying victims
You think?
I would've sided with the tank and vote kicked you instead.
My queen
>I chose every option that shit on her
There were none.
> never once called her Lamaty'i
You were just too embarrassed

This is canon.
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What are the japanese tags for Yaana and Eutrope? For research purposes
is this actually pulled from files? no way
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You'll notice the whiteknights ITT always defend the trannies.

>"Bro why do you care so much about trannies?"

>how no one notices there are no immortalized around.
Yeah, why would the city where people regularly get their minds wiped think something is fishy wjen someone up and vanishes?
You're fucking blind if you don't see the giant "FIRST TIMER IN PARTY YOU GET REWARD IF CLEAR UNGA" at the start of the dungeon.
Yes. May, August, & November
wuktroon can't even type lmao
I think it's a bunch of things compounding together but the latest narrative is the "trans" men who pretend to be women who play this game, were really hoping that Wuk Lamat was going to be well liked, a beloved character that they could use as a cudgel to shut up people who are tired of them. Because in their minds if one of their own mentally ill is now the mascot of FFXIV, then they by association are now accepted as women.
But it hasn't worked out that way, if anything this has made people who were on the fence so fed up with these types of people trying to insert themselves into places that are clearly not for them, that and saying that they're not women why are they voicing a female character e.t.c.
It's all compounding and they're reacting to it in the only way they know how, spam message boards and try and shut people down.
It won't change that people do not like Wuk lamat, they do not like the voice acting of the character in English, at all.
The funniest cope from people trying not to get cancelled by these people is to agree the VA isn't good but they're blaming it on poor direction and saying the VA is good, they swear.
Bro? Your reading comprehension?
I want to become a drone
They're really on an extra level of cope right now
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>EU confirmed as chads
>US confirmed as troon enablers at best
I also want to add that most of the western euro faggots in my FC are acting like americans and trying to cope about Wukkie and the DT MSQ not being really that bad. Bunch of faggots content with being served shit if you ask me.
the tank was new retard legend
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>all these people playing with all that visual nuclear weapon effects running

I swear to god these are the niggers following me around as I resolve mechanics because they sure as piss aren't seeing it themselves.

I need to steal Honey B's style though, that coat looks nice.
just because i hate the MSQ and wuk doesnt mean i have to hate the raid and its story bros...how is this a hard concept
>the finale song with all the actual FFXI players singing
kino of the highest order
So you're telling me I'm going off to fight in the Trenches of the Western front at age 14?
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The virgin WAR constantly complains, bitches and cries, getting the devs to coddle him and constantly buff him in every sense, sustain, mitigation, damage, best invuln, everything. To such a point that the entire game must start to be molded towards WAR above everything else, disturbing the balance and making every other job worse by comparison, until they all get lobotomized and made to fall in line with the greatest babies among jobs. All through sheer entitlement and loud whining.

The Chad DRK endures, no matter how much the balancing team turns their backs on him. He respects the content and appreciates his teammates, giving the healer a real chance to do the job he subscribed for instead of usurping it's role. Though the world might become a more hostile and dangerous place to them, they persevere, holding on to their beloved greatswords, a true heroic underdog story from a beaten and battered, yet not broken, playerbase.
Most jap media protags are teenagers that defeat God.
holy tl;dr
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what the fuck Yda?
What fucking story?
Or she will have redownloaded herself into the crown, be fucking PISSED that we deleted the endless, and decide to go full murderhobo in retaliation like she was already trying to do. which sets up a 7.3 epilogue trial and a Necron fight because they cant help but go for it.
is this some weird roundabout way to say they're ugly?
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As did I.
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>mfw savage statics fighting over voice chat while Honey B's theme plays
Troons behaving like snakes. Repulsive
did you not read any of the dialogue? they remove the regulators, so they don't lose their memory of the fighter who is put out to pasture, it's dumb af
>first Wuk Lamat's shonen journey
>now this
are we sure the failed theatre kid writer didn't just want to write shonen manga?
Euros are also where all the Trancers come form.
>eyes same color
I want her to pin me down and piss on me
This is why DRK keeps getting worse and worse btw.
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>To such a point that the entire game must start to be molded towards WAR above everything else
das rite
now go cry some more to your tulpa, faggot
the story that was told in the cutscenes before and after each fight?
>Get to Garlemald
>They're all just reskinned Hyurs
>Their entire civilization is just 1/2 of a bombed out shithole ruins
An expansion died for this
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my static is forcing mandatory wrestling glams for prog
Why not just say British, what's the purpose of saying coded? The fuck does that even mean?
yeah keep dying in wall to walls because the healer didn't want to cast cure II kek
I sometimes like to pull ahead in dungeons when a tank is obviously wall to wall pulling on melee, particularly reaper, because i can pop crest and arms length, shit out a slow on all the mobs, and pop the crest from the damage to throw a regen on the party if the tank is quick enough to take enmity off me. it is a fun little thing to do and i've only had people get pissed at me over it twice until I explained what I was doing.

Explain to me why that is wrong.
Assmad trannies aren’t people
Nah. Preservation will hijack her into the 5.3 trial in a cheap echo of Yotsuyu and Asahi but Wuk Gosetsu will actually save SPEEN instead of being forced to mercy kill her.
they hire brits/aussies/kiwis, because they work for cheaper
what would audience bees do when you straight up raped her in the ring
Girl on the left reminds me of Buta's gyaru doujins. Very good.
>if I dont completely hate everything about DT it means im a tranny
how did you retards become this bad?
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predict the story beats of the 2nd and 3rd tiers of Arcadion
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Is that uh, allowed?
Kek you know it’s doomtranny meltie time when the vaguepost spamming starts
No they aren't. They're Topaz Titan, Emerald Garuda, and Ruby Ifrit. They're just more potent egis. Which is why you need Carbuncle out to use them because he's the catalyst that transforms into them.
I get that dawntrail pissed you off by being mostly shit msq wise but I'm not in the business of intentionally imagining things that aren't going to happen just to make me mad so please refrain from doing that in response to my posts anon.
Wuk comes in and wins
workout montage
cat sex
Splatoon got nothing
2nd - Same shit, but again
3rd - All of the plot suddenly revealed
like always
>Come home white man
someone tries to put multiple souls inside them in order to win
Ah I see it's a gift, she takes the fall instead of me
it's not wrong, but
(a) you're being sweaty in braindead content, which is weird
(b) the average healer will probably shit her panties when a dps goes before the tank
the only time when it's beneficial is when I'm leveling a healer and we do a run together because I'll do my best to let you die on purpose as sweats dying to their idiocy is always funny
2nd tier = Championship
3rd tier = Breaking into the soul vault with your harem of tournament waifus and fighting the President
I'm saying S9 is a city that's been culturally conditioned to accept gaps in knowledge and memory as commonplace. As the Immortalization conspiracy is less than 30 years old since they only started using feral souls under Zoraal Ja. There hasn't been enough time for a retiree to die of old age
Who's the president?
Based and soul. Reminds me of my old static enforcing jomon/yayoi caveman glam against seiryu
No its the devs farcry
So, what should I blow my normal raid tokens on for PCT?
if you normalfaggots played with the JP dub we wouldn't have such a bad tranny infestation
too late now, though
we can only hope they'll boot Kate and Sena
>being sweaty
NTA but I also do that and I'm literally just playing the game, how's that sweaty? And who gives a fuck what the healer thinks, I can literally AOE lifesteal into a pack of mobs + second wind.
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graha got a big popularity boost after getting shot in shb and rode it to the catboy wave victory
I play on a 50 inch tv so I see stuff just fine, only time you should turn it off is for hunt trains because that’s 300+ spells
This is it. The only person defending Wuk in my FC was our token tranny that was having meltdowns whenever anyone pointed out how bad Sena is at voicing Wuk, it's turned in to a culture war thing. The narrative has shifted several times, first it was "They haven't been given a chance, you're a chud!" then it was "Okay, so their voice acting is bad, you're a chud!" now it's back to square one of "Uh.. actually um, uh, this voice actor everyone really dislikes for doing a poor job? And Kate for casting them? Uh, yeah um, uh, CHUD!" Next month the same trannies will be saying actually Wuk is bad at voice acting but at least the content outside of that is good.
I dont think it's a sweaty thing it's just a fun thing to do. I'm not particularly trying to make things go faster. By that logic using addle/feint in a dungeon just because i can weave at the moment would be sweaty. To be clear I don't do this first pull, I usually do it after the first boss, long after I've gotten an idea of how the tank and healer are functioning in the particular run.
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>off the top of the ropes finisher

Holy fuck I know the bonnie lasses are top tier but I love this bomb asshole so much.

Even the english guy did a decent job.
>Let's get some loot brother
>how's that sweaty?
either you're retarded or you just argue for the sake of it
whatever, who cares
Just got past the Garlemald/Radz trade agreement arc in post-MSQ EW and I'm in full skip mode. It sucks because I really liked the 4 archfiends depiction + Golbez shit but instead this storyline focuses on the most boring ass shit and now I have to go talk to the fucking rabbits again apparently just kill me
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My queen
You're coping by imagining DT will wildly shift tone and completely drop the kids gloves the entire MSQ had. I'm just being realistic.
Cruiserweight tier will be the most popular, due to it being all luchadores & luchadoras.
Heavyweight will try to outdo cruiserweight but will be lame in comparison. However, Savage will see the Ligjt Heavyweight Bomb guy do a run in.
They aren't. Get a better monitor.
Just quit you idiot. Dawntrail is much worse.
I miss you slampig
Jessica nigri cosplaying as ixion?!
it's not a tone shift when the character quintupled down on "no fuck you they are my people and i will murder every one of you to protect them" despite trying literally everything to convince otherwise. it stands to reason she will come back for vengeance, not for some happy ending.
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It's not wrong to do if you're playing with a tank that's fine with it or just competent enough for all the fucks that mean in this fucking game to smoothly take it off you. Pulling for the tank is only a problem if the guy is a sprout newbie or running content for the first time because it's basic fucking courtesy to not backseat the shit out of people.
I'm amazed people are arguing about this shit.
I wanna raid and then unsub
So anyway here are the Omicron quests where you turn the memories of long dead people into new lives.
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>Black Cat
>Wicked Thunder
b-bros, should I be worried I really like their designs...
you havent even seen wicked thunders final form yet.
I don't give a shit if dps pull trash as long as they make sure to run back onto me instead of jumping around all over the place like a spastic.
Made for my male min height midlander WoL.
something something dynamis did it
should be noted that they aren't hurting anyone at the edge of the universe, the Endless are causing issues by simply existing
Bullshit, they weaseled back and forth with it constantly and had multiple NPCs tell you it's not Sphene's fault because she was just programmed that way and how perhaps in another life she and Wuk would've totes been besties4lifa. And then there was the post-trial conversation between her and Wuk.
Thoughts on the Omicron quests?
>somebody cares enough to run ahead and pull in leveling roulette
There is no universe in which this person dying won't get mad as hell, and thus there's no chance I'm pulling mobs off of him before he dies
She is quite tan, yes
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I agree that the MSQ fucking sucks but there are other things in this game other than the MSQ and I'd like to talk about those too. Am I not allowed to do that? The story is shit, therefore it is the only thing we're allowed to discuss anymore?
I'd sooner kill the cunny than have her be BFFs with wuk
they literally fake you out in that dogshit cutscene mid trial with trying to make you think she will tell you to shut her down and a retread of "silence my song of oblivion" only for her to go "no fuck you this is me, i will in fact kill you all" she wistfully laments a potential timeline where things could be better but that is not the same thing as going back on her ideals. they are inviolate.
Don't worry Anon. Wuk will back to haunt us in the future because people like Kate operate on a spectrum of narcissism most people will never know. Mark my words she will return to shit up the story and the Anons here will lament it.
no you dont get it somehow only the story matters now
eventhough in endwalker threads also have constant spam of how the good story is doesnt matter if we have shit content
I would be because Black Cat's face looks uncanny as fuck and Wicked Thunder's shitty textures make her look greasy as all hell.
you would have to actually stop playing the game to not pull mobs off someone using arcane crest, arms length, second wind, and bloodbath. at which point you're getting reported for afk/refusal to play. or you can communicate with the person instead of being a passive aggressive little cuck.
yes, you can only be a doomposter or a white knight
sadly normal discussion is nigh impossible because there are too many subhumans getting a hit from repeating tranny or doomposter
bunch of fucking faggots
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This raid tier is way too good for the disgusting faggots defending Wookie and the MSQ.
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but I want to be a doom knight...
It's not gonna happen but it'd be cool if there was a tag team match with you and Estinien
>not seeing them for a few days let alone 30 years... bruh
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>oh the endless? they're just simulacrums based off of memories of the long deceased. what are they fueled by? oh just the souls of the living. the souls of the living which we must harvest from living people from other realities like CATTLE
>wait 2 gcd before he dies before doing my aoe
- you wouldn't say shit
- "oh sorry cat jumped on me, mb, maybe let tank pull lol"
>at which point you're getting reported for afk/refusal to play
lmao there's no chance you believe it yourself
>instead of being a passive aggressive little cuck
see what I mean about "There is no universe in which this person dying won't get mad as hell"?
Maybe read the rest of the reply chain before you chime in an hour later.
Does he really need to? It's the same shit every thread
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Arcadion raid weapon
If you intentionally let someone die rather than communicating with them, yeah, you are a passive aggressive little cuck.
I don't care if I die, at minimum I wait to get rezzed and the mobs all still have a 15s slow which makes everyones life nicer. on top of arcane crests regen.
You're kind of a fag.
>read weapons aren't wrestling themed
I'd be fucking furious
i always pull ahead if the tank is being a wuss.
and if i die i literally teleport back to the boss room we just cleared and catch up quickly, so there's nothing to even be upset about.

(i don't die though since i use my personal mits+arm's length+blood bath to heal)
Sorry, but the human sacrifices will stop.
I'm shutting down Living Memory.
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you know damn well we will solve the endless power source problem for them in the post msq and it will all make even less sense that sphene and co. couldn't figure it out in hundreds of years
I've read the exact same reply chain 20 times since this expac
enough times that i know the exact answer
They aren't hurting anyone because they rooted their own existence in the dynamis. The Endless would be able to do the same. But also, if you're supposed to accept that the dead are dead and just snuff them out if they're persisting somehow, why are the Omicron quests about how not having a soul doesn't mean they aren't alive and that if there's an opportunity for life then it should be taken?
Stop defending this shitty story that wasn't actually thought out at all, written by people with no knowledge of the stories that came before.
yes, wol has a habit of making locations souless after he visits them
i think the only places that become cooler are the dailies areas
you will die and you will be mad about it while I am mildly amused by the situation for the next 20 seconds
on the upside you'll get to post a bunch of shit nobody will read on Balance about how DF people are just the worst fucking people in the game so everybody wins
>The Endless would be able to do the same
But they don’t do the same. KWAB
The real answer to this is that the expansions were written by different writers and Ishikawa liked to toot the horn that all life is precious whether it be naturaly occurring or artificially created. Hiroi clearly doesn't think this way.
>you know damn well we will solve the endless power source problem for them in the post msq
Why would we do that? We've made it pretty clear that we are anti-Endless.
unless you're in ultima thule, in which case idk you shouldn't accept death because eternal life is fine over there but not elsewhere
>the balance
I dont use trooncord. You also clearly didn't read my previous posts where I said I actually communicate with people to explain what I'm doing, and I don't do it when someone clearly isn't up for it. You just wanted to start an argument because you're an insecure little faggot who thinks being a tank is gods gift to mankind when any monkey can successfully play warrior in any dungeon in this game with their eyelids stapled shut. you aren't special.
The tank does not set the pace of the dungeon, the party does.
>The Endless would be able to do the same
So they are not. My bad, thanks for reminding me to not have my second monitor at an angle.
I like how a potentially poignant and interesting story with Living Memory is undermined by the entirety of Ultima Thule, Dynamis and the Omicrons
I mean, there's still the whole thing that Living Memory is drinking aether and is unsustainable, but that's kind of a footnote considering we fuck around a lot before actually unplugging anything
I like how you present Ishikawa's opinion as "tooting the horn" as if not being part of a suicide cult is some outrageous and immature opinion.
>Why would we do that?
male playerbase wants to breed sphene, and since pandering to transfolx didn't work out with wuk it's time to correct course and pander to meteion/ryne enjoyers
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>Endless need souls to continue supposedly
>Everything else (Sphene included) discuss the need for aether to sustain them as well
>Even during the trial and before the trial they literally talk about having all the aether they'll ever need to bring them back

So...what the fuck is it? They're both unsustainable since the numbers will only always go up but aether is a bit less insane comparative to the literal souls of the living.
It's not fine over there either. Those beast tribe quests are shit and the phantoms should have disappeared when Endsinger died
I don't think anyone reasonable cares about a melee eating a little damage and bloodbathing it off. What is really annoying is that one picto that rips aggro during the run and decides to stay in narnia casting and getting auto'd to death.
You people genuinely have zero reading comprehension
>Everyone agrees that DT has an immature and infantile story
>People want to make it worse by introducing immortality with no drawbacks
You are all part of the problem
>male playerbase wants to breed sphene
I don't, I want Alisaie and Shtola pussy, and maybe have a go at Yotsuyu's worn out asshole.
I refuse to believe somebody actually "communicates" in leveling roulette to set up strats because he wants to pull and pop arm's length to "make it easier for the group" (???) in an age where tanks are invincible and you can't pull more than 1-2 packs at once anyway
good god you're a clown
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what would Emet have thought about Living Memory and the Endless?
>and maybe have a go at Yotsuyu's worn out asshole.
That's gonna be pretty damn difficult considering she's probably a skeleton by now and she didn't bother showing up to say hello at the Aitiascope.
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NTA but for what it's worth the only thing I communicate, and if it's only if I tank, is put a 1 marker on the odd fucking annoying trash in dungeons like the colossus on Doma castle.
>choosing to pass away when you have done and seen everything you wanted in life and returning to the planet the massive stores of aether you had taken from it and the living beings to come is...le bad
If the ancients had chosen to never return, they would have drained the lifestream dry eventually. They had an understanding that death is a necessity for new life to be born on a purely metaphysical level of their universe, as seen by the eyes of individuals like Hades that could literally see the souls move to the lifestream, something Sphene could not accept.
Apparently he though they were neat and left them alone. Because otherwise he would have shut that shit down immediately
Ultima Thule already introduced immortality with no drawbacks.
She's fictional I can make it work in my head.
the fuck do you mean what would he have thought
he literally already had seen it
i hope we don't address that paralyzed kid either as it contributes to the world building of s9
He would have thought that they're an abomination, because they would have destroyed the star eventually and the ancients killed themselves to save their planet.
>damn I sure wish the writers gave my race the newest asspull immortality technology the ascians (us, btw) came up with BEFORE we got fucking genocided, especially since all it takes is a bunch of aether and we had a nigh-endless amounts of it
something in that vein, probably
He thought it was funny
He was going to sacrifice others to bring his dead back to life.

Sphene is sacrificing others to...keep the memory of the dead alive in a semi-literal fashion.

He'd bully the shit out of Sphene.
>An interesting quandary, isn't it shard of Azem and Scions? Suddenly you find yourselves on the other side of the mirror, faced with the difficult decio- oh they just turned them off without even discussing it. Alright then.
>being forever stuck in a pseudo dream of twitter bird made real
>not a drawback
you can just azem crystal up her copy, who cares
And it was shit then too. Your solution to bad storytelling is to double down on it
>>being forever stuck in a pseudo dream of twitter bird made real
name the downsides
no, having a legion of fuckable depression birds around isn't a downside
Souls good
Wallowing in the past bad
I'm cuttin it down
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Watching Zepla play through the story reminds me how shit this xpack was the whole time.
>emet jobbed to hypocrites
>no drawbacks
nigger you did NOT pay attention to why ultima thule even existed at all
The downside is that once you've seen all there is to see there, which isn't much, you can't even die to escape it. Eternity of boredom is hell.
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reminder that you will never get another cool instanced moment again because of these people
>Watching Zepla
of all the titty streamers you pick the one that's old enough to be a grandma?
Oh I see, DT defenders don't do content. Well let me explain. In the Omicron quests the dynamis ghosts conjure new shit in the dynamis from their own hopes and there's a new planet forming itself based on their hopes and dreams. Sounds like a real nightmare.
>daily quests
It doesn't count because uhhh...
Nigger you did NOT do the Omicron quests.
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>xiv players have more empathy for literal simulations based on already dead people than for the thousands of lives needed to maintain them and a dumb lion woman just because she makes them feel uncomfortable
>only for her to go "no fuck you this is me, i will in fact kill you all"
I take it you entirely skipped the post-trial cutscene where she thanks Wuk for saving her from herself and wishes they could go eat tacos together. Not that I blame you for skipping that trash.
Retard nobody is fucking saying we'd trade all of those lives, just that it's fucking stupid we didn't even try to guess whether there were alternatives.
I'm surprised WoL doesn't play interdimensional courier more often.
>Oh, your world that's on the brink of extinction needs rare medical supplies that's a dime a dozen on the source? I've got you
>once you've seen all there is to see there, which isn't much
you can create whatever shit you want if you hope for it enough
Everkeep is fucking huge. They moved to the Cloud District where plebs like you aren't allowed.
And thats a good thing
>nobody is fucking saying we'd trade all of those lives
I'd gladly offer all lalafell and male viera desu
>the dynamis ghosts conjure new shit in the dynamis from their own hopes and there's a new planet forming itself based on their hopes and dreams.
And you want this type of infantile, asspull shit to come to the main story as well?
You're telling me in 30 years no one has ever tried to find a family member or friend? It's dumb
t. skin cancer limsa idler
>im gonna run ahead and grab the mobs with arms length to give you extra mitigation, ill live through it so long as you aoe on top of me when i teleport back to you
i would literally do this every dungeon if i had the opportunity to do so if only to break up the monotony of these dogshit hallways.

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