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>Emio: Detective Club

>Famicom Detective Club
This kills the tendie
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aw shit, it was just garbage in the end...
Disappointing, I was looking forward to a horror game, not visual novel shit
>Detective club
lmao even
Not exactly what I was expecting but it's nice to see them not abandon the franchise I guess.
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>Nintendo always does Mario and Zelda what a bore
>Nintendo finally does something with an old IP
>What the fuck where are my Mario and Zelda
Make up your minds
Oh wow, more shovelware
>marketing made everyone think it was some kind of first party horror game developed by nintendo
>its just a fucking anime visual novel
aaaand dropped
I hate this fucking board
Fuck this shitit seemed like nintendo was gonna do something out of left field for once. Not a good sign for switch 2 and the future
Sorry anon but nobody gives a fuck about Famicon Detective.
Visual novels aren't games
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>Sakurai's obscure waifu comes back to life over 30 years later
How is reviving a 30+ year old IP not something out of left field
get ready to learn how to read /v/
Blooper fags lost, but I’m not sure we won in the end either. Sakamoto isn’t someone I trust for storytelling and I’m reluctant about anime VNs, but he seems to talk about it as if they put some effort into making the game higher budget than the usual powerpoint slideshow VNs tend to be.
smiling man
take me by the hand
lead me to the land
that you understand
I'm surprised. I figure the remakes flopped because they were overpriced. Still let down it wasn't a horror game.
Because it's shit and has never sold well. Is reviving ice climbers something people want?
it's a point and click you fucking nigger
You know exatly what he meant, disingenuous tendie
It's a VN
It's a VN, fuck off
Wtf? Is that the same guy from the Trump assassination attempt?
>Because it's shit and has never sold well.
Maybe the fact they're making a new one means it actually sold well?
Use your brain you fucking retard
>$60 VN
>made by Sakamoto (of Metroid Other M)
Fuck me, this is the worst timeline.
God, this new art style is fucking ugly
>Sakamoto isn’t someone I trust for storytelling
Other M was shit but The Girl Who Stands Behind is great.
For real. This is way more based than run of the mill AAA bloober horror. This board really has been infested with normalfags.
they already brought back another code and endless ocean but nobody gave a shit because they were filler games for a system on tis way out
>Famicom Detective Club
We're so back.
Looks interesting to me...
Honestly the remake was pretty fun. Definitely will get this one unless it’s another fucking $60
>Is reviving ice climbers something people want?
Absolutely, if Sakurai could turn Kid Icarus into a modern game, so can Ice Climbers.
No one cares about your opinion, tendie
That just makes it even more out of left field.
Remember when people were pissed that Blooper could be the developer of this game? What a bunch of fools.
Shouldn’t they call it the NES Detective Club in the localization
>*It's actually a brand new entry in a reviewed beloved series"
it's 50$
I would like a new Ice Climbers game.
A new Excitebike would be cool, too.

Shit I'd settle for a Switch port of Punch-Out for the Wii
Didn't buy the remakes cause of the censored easter egg, likely other stuff too. Are the JP remakes fucked with at all?
>actually making a new FDC
Okay, fuck, give me those Kyle Hyde remakes and a third game then.
Who the fuck is this for? Nintendo being arrogant and tone deaf yet again
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No because this game never released on NES
don't be too harsh with snoys, they've been bullied for years let them have this
The people who bought the first two games
Why is this guy still employed
>Tendies once again completely overhyped themselves
fucking kek
Eric managed to fill multiple threads with seethe within hours of the Ezio teaser. Obviously he is going to shitpost the actual reveal too.
>Sakamoto isn't working on Metroid 6

/v/ just hates every single thing in their mind. It’s ok
So10 people?
You'll only get those Hotel Dusk remakes if you buy this game and the Another Code Collection.
>Beloved series.
Is extremely niche, most of the people will go "who?".
Played the first game recently and it was good. The MC being Yuri's child and the heir was a good twist but I had already kinda guessed that Amachi\the lawyer was the bad guy since Amachi disappears halfway through the game and you suspiciously never see the lawyer, from there it was an easy assumption that they were the same person.
finally a good game
>Tendies thought Nintendo was making their own Silent Hill
We shall now point and laugh at the tendies AHAHHAHAHHA
Have both on my switch and enjoyed the first was exhausted after beating it. Is the 2nd one worth to beat?
>t. underage silk song beggar
>M-Rated FDC
I'm down for it. Fuck /v/.
Eric actually won, this is quite literally a game you can YouTube and get the full experience
/v/ is below dead
I like bloobers nonlienced games and was looking forward what they had. Instead it's nes vn.
Screenshots from website
I bought the FDC remakes and I have both the original Another Code games and Recollection plus Hotel Dusk and Last Window. Been a fan of Nintendo adventure games since before half the posters in this thread were born.
Team Silent members worked on Luigi's Mansion 3.
>M rated
>Blood, language, violence
Why the M rating then? This is the same shit as Uncharted.
This but instead the image describes dark souls normalfags claiming their games are hard.
TGWSB is great, don't miss out on it.
If it's like $30 I'll give it a shot. If it's full price Nintendo can go fuck themselves
>literal who games
Funnily enough I remember somebody speculating if Sakamoto was working on this because of The Girl Who Stands Behind.
>cringe movie/anime-game weebslop
I deserve the monkey paw because I hoped anyone as long as not Bloober and now I deeply regret it
Hi zombie
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Lmao you can get the paper bag for yourself
Fucking yes! This is even better than everything we feared.
Fuck anyone who isn't excited by this. Hard. In the ASSHOLE!
Listen anon I like VNs too but you’re delusional if you think the vast majority give a shit about them especially when Nintendo tried to hype it up with mystery marketing
Confirmed 50$, so not full price but close.
>if you don't mindlessly consoom every nintendo slop product you're le... NPC!
I can't believe Nintendo is racist against Indians
It's fitting, but still hilarious that a literal paper bag is part of a collector's edition
That was me. Maybe I was the Famicom Detective all along...
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Feel free to highlight them among the names Jason Rodriguez, Bryce McTexan, Donald Levine and Thomas Smith.
$64 for two games if you have NSO
has anyone here played famicom detective club games
how are they
They say “fuck” as punctuation
wow it's literally nothing
You lost and got raped, snoy
Expected of a zombie poster worthy of a zombie board who can't stop with meaningless buzzwords.
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Is this a Columbo reference?
>two options that say the same thing
gonna be that kinda game huh
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consoom harder and keep calling everyone else a zombie while the irony is lost on you, consoomer.
At least Sony doesnt deliberately make shovelware
There's a physical release in the west this time. Nice.
the one on the right is kinda cute
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>Detective Club
one means you think the smiling man is real, the other means you think it's just a legend
now I do think that this choice doesn't effect anything in the game in the slightest, but they are very different sentences
>okay looking backgrounds
>ugly, generic AI-like slop portraits
what did they mean by this
Ah ah, it's a paper bag IN an evidence bag.
That has no signage or indication it's even an evidence bag.

I'm leaning on Columbo reference but it's also just possible they knew the basics of what your stereotypical gumshoe looks like, which happens to BE Columbo.
I dunno if he's big in Japan, but I know Cooper from Twin Peaks is.
>This is how F-Zero died
>This is how Star Fox died
>This is how Kid Icarus died
>This is how Fossil Fighters died
>This is how Chibi Robo died
>This is how Mischief Makers died
>This is how Sin and Punishment died
>Nintendo makes a rated M game for the first time since the GameCube and it'll probably sell 2 copies
I'm a Switch owner and I hate Tendies so much it's unreal...
Bet you guys wish it was a Bloober Team horror game now lol imagine falling for unsubstantiated twitter rumors
It's more embarrassing that their shovelware is made deliberately.
Unirononically yes. Just a normal fucking Zelda. Not ubisslop, not a rerelease, not a gimmick spinoff(although cadence of hyule is cool)
You /v/ subhuman will never understand
>playing visual novel yourself is an amazing experience
Columbo nooool
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Ayumibros, we WON.
>likes cadence of tranny
Opinion discarded.
I want CONSOLE games. If I want to play a VN I'd just buy a book. If I want an on rails shooter i'd play a mobile game.
Looks like Rean haha....
I've heard from the ever reliable, anon, that Columbo was indeed quite popular over there. Very cool if true
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Can't wait to see Arlo cry and bitch about this like he did with the Famicom Detective Club remake
Kill yourself tranny
You people killed the rail shooter genre by not buying kino, forget mobile, you can only find them in arcades now.
Bruh like who play those shit games outside of small dick people
the gimmick spinoffs are the only good games in the franchise
How do I filter threads by text?
>I want CONSOLE games
Nintendo is sure as hell not releasing AAA console games in the last Switch year.
You gotta wait next year for Switch 2.
filter words
VNs are great for handhelds like Switch
Looks trash
Pretty good detective thriller VNs, if I were to put it in as basic terms as possible, they're like shorter and more dark Ace Attorney games, except you spend most of the time doing the investigation segments instead of being in court.
The two remakes do feel pretty dated (a lot of go here, ask a character every question, now go here and back to progress the plot), but the writing is strong enough that I'd say they're worth checking out on sale if you like adventure games or VNs. Very interested in seeing how far they go with things now that this one has a M-rating.
You will never be a man
You will never be white
You will never fit into 4chan
>famicon detective sleep
no thanks
My sides
Why are you talking to yourself?
Filters only increase the problem like a pest, the only way to fix this place is by nuking the goddamn website.
Based especulation anon
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>You will never be a man
>You will never be white
>You will never fit into 4chan
>more dark Ace Attorney games
AA is pretty whimsical for the most of it but their darkest cases do get pretty dark, wouldn't expect that from a game with detective club in the title
but since they are shorter I will play probably them some time
This is the SMTxFE intriguing teaser to disappointing reveal situation again but at least it didn't took TWO FUCKING YEARS between each one.
I am not surprised if these fags are arlo fans or any other shitty nintendo youtuber fan who hates everything that isn't the typical nintendo shit.
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>was investigating the case 18 years ago
>would be old enough to be the killer back then
>Sakamoto says the ending will be "controversial"
Utsugi is the Smiling Man SCREENCAP THIS
It's rated 18+
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Trying to grab something not too spoilery from my screenshots but yeah.
Arlo likes things that aren't pikmin?
To be fair if you did cross together those two series you would get a story about pop idols who release their personas who are fire emblem characters
Of course the fuckers here hate it because it's not F-Zero, Star Fox or Golden Sun
As a fan of the Zero Escape series, this actually sounds kind of interesting. I only wish I got to see some gameplay.

How about google the last Famicom Detective game that was released a few years ago. It barely sold anything.
Yo is that Ayumi Tachibana? She still a QT
No, FUCK YOU! Me and most people expected a PxZ like crossover, not whatever the fuck fucking TMS was.
FUUUUCCKKK, that teaser was misleading, like fake mobile ads misleading. Nintendo being shit yet again
If you talk about the physical release that came in Japan, that was a limited release and they announced like that.
I will give you this about bing bing wahoo, Haii yaa, and kantoooo but VNs are kino.
How many units though? VNs really aren't that expensive to make, odds are they still turned a profit.
>how dare people get mad that Nintendo hyped people up with a book
How bad is the Treehouse trannylation going to be? They better not region lock the Japanese text like they did with the remakes.
Do the remake sell well?
I just hope with nintendo giving this series a new game, other series can get it too
Cmon nintendo , new hotel dusk and new another code please
>It barely sold anything.
Sold enough for Nintendo to invest into a higher budget Another Code remake and make a brand new game in the Famicom Detective Club series.
You don't do that for games that don't sell.
Why isn't it gacha? Everything should be gacha. Gacha, gacha, gacha
Even commissioning new art and voice acting, the number of copies needed for Nintendo to break even or a profit is peanuts compared to normal Nintendo games which are lower than every other publisher. Probably expecting and got 100k-300k copies sold

Not everything has to be AAA slop and sell millions of copies.
She's playable this time
>she's been.... unalived.
>everyone getting hyped for the MATURE rated nintendo game
>its literally fucking nothing kid's first horror "visual novel" which isn't even a game

>none of the fdc games are translated in my language
fuck me
Hot. I hope she gets captured and tied up and you have to escape as her.
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Maybe, but The Girl Who Stands Behind was written was over 35 YEARS ago while Other M is only 14 years old. Now you might argue that 14 years is still a long time, that it’s more more than enough for Sakamoto to become less shitty, and while that that may be true it’s still much more suggestive of what he’s currently capable of than a Famicom VN he wrote before the fall of the Berlin Wall
nobody gives a shit about tranother code
What is it? The new game will have FIGS translations.
Very nice.
t. AGP
>famicom detective club

let's go i actually played that shit
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Fuck you.
Should have just made an anime or ova. Visual novels are not video games.
I dont think there is anything can top the experience from zero escape series. So definitely lower the expectation
RIP tendies
I would have clapped if it were Hotel Dusk 3, but instead they had to revive the shitty VNs that no one gave a shit about
>Eric chimping out in both threads
Mental illness
>in m*necraft? or no cap???
FDC remakes > FDC new game
AC remakes > ???
Why would you not just take it as a good sign for Hotel Dusk?
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He really didn't do much since other M it seems. Also
>responsible for Ashley
truly, a force for evil.
I saw a fair few people suspect it might be Detective Club related. The rerelease must have sold beyond their expectations.
Honestly the another code remake is suck a laid off. Shame on nintendo
>/v/ trying to shitpost a FDC game
Happy for the 3 or 4 actual FDCfags that are itt, that's a long ass wait for a new game.
Why do zoomers hate books?
It’s literal 30 years. Any teenager has become oldass by now
They burn them
FDChads winning
Luckily I only became a fan with the remakes.
>the ending might be controversial
Is this gonna end chinatown style?
you understand english clearly so just play the games in english
the ending is controversial because
Ayumi is the smiling man serial killer
I'm fine with the game being this, but disappointed by the art direction.
Ayumi's gonna get BAGGED
I seem to be the only one genuinely hyped about this
I always wanted a new FDC game
>I dont think there is anything can top the experience from zero escape series
Uh yes there is, the superior Infinity series from before Uchikoshi became a hack and started recycling his old plot twists over and over. The only truly great ZE game is 999
>controversial ending
>emio offers girls a mask and kills them
would be real crazy if just as the case is about to get solved ayumi gets killed, now that would be real controversial
>people keep btiching about Nintendo killing off their IPs
>brings back FDC
>people still complain
>Ayumu dies
>your boss Utsugi is the serial killer
>your speculation here
It's just a urban myth, emio isn't real.
>revives a book series
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>the random guy who made no sense in FFXV was at the Trump rally
This is a video game board. Go to /lit/ retard
I was expecting to be some kind of visual novel. Interesting. Hopefully it isn't overpriced.
HOW did ((THEY)) know bros???
actually kinda neat
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>game about exploring mountains with your cute childhood friend
>look over beautiful icy landscapes with aurora borealis shimmering in the back
>discover ruins of mysterious mountain civilizations that have been lost to time
>fight at least 3 whole yetis
>get trapped in an avalanche, have conserve body heat by cuddling together after you finish fucking
>collectables include delicious mountain recipes that you can cook IRL
I dunno, could be based
>isn’t overpriced
It’s Nintendo, the remake collection was $60 and was never discounted once.
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Well, yeah, but it was looking like horror movie schlock so this is at least just slightly better.
Recommended way to play these?
KWABOTY contender
Another game that wont get a physical releas outside of japan. Fuck off nintendo.
Those first games where like that.
if he isn't real they wouldn't be investigating, girls really are dieing and found with paper bags on their games which was my main point
It was $50 if you bought both
If words upsets you so much then why are you hear instead of tiktok?
So not 70 dollars with 22 special editions that cost $1448 you need to buy all of to get all the MTX bullshit?

Yes, that's what he said.
Could be mass suicides.
Could be a group of culprits, not a singular entity.
Dude: https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/emio-the-smiling-man-famicom-detective-club-119249/
VNs still aren't games. They'd be called Video games if they were.
Should I go and find translation patches for the original games or are the remakes not too substantially different?
I’m usually one to play the original then remake but
>NES era VN/Detective game
I’m a smooth brain so I’m gonna get lost pretty much instantly.
How about you get a good grasp on the English language before you judge people about hating words.
I hated Atlus and IS for TMS at first, but then I realized in hindsight that they had the pulse of both fanbases, but just sold it at the wrong time. TMS is an idolshit waifu game and both FE and SMT/Persona faggots are obsessed with waifus. Just check their threads.
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it's 2024, soul is dead
Oh no lol, I'm just an S with a strong fetish for bondage peril escape. The main character just makes it a lot more likely to happen. I don't self-insert at all.
I looked it up, it’s EMIO is $50
The progression in the remakes is very similar, you still have the whole command window with Move/Talk/Examine/Look/Whatever and you have to speak with everyone and look at everything to progress. There are only very minor QoL improvements, though I never got stuck because there are never too many NPCs to talk to or places to check at any given time. The new game looks like it's streamlining the UI a bit.
>Paper bag in a zipbag
That'll be $100, prease
It's a VN in the sense that Ace Attorney is a VN
you can go to multiple places and collect information by talking to people
I guess that would also fit the controversial ending statement and explain it
a suicide group like blue whale, "emio" being behind it but physically causing the deaths
Alright good to know, I’ll go with the remakes. Also it seems only the second game has an English translation patch so I’d only be able to play the first game’s remake anyways.
but not*
PSP version or Eternal edition. You can honestly skip it unless you really care about the series lore, it's a very mediocre galge with hardly any plot elements until the end
Himmel Edition patch on PC
Gestalt Edition patch on PC
If you can read Japanese, the PSP version, otherwise you'll have to wait for the fan translation
This is the kind of poster who will turn around and buy the Donkey Kong Country Returns port.
>30 year old detective series
>reboot it to look exactly like every other AI generated VN trash with identical troonime artstyle
into the garbage
I've been sleeping under a rock since I played Ever17 decades ago. Is 12Riven the only one untranslated?
Oh hell yes, that right up my alley!
Pretty much, there's code_18 too but it's complete dogshit that none of the original staff worked on and it's not even in the same universe as the rest of the series.
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Does this mean Ayumi Tachibana’s chances for Smash 6 have increased? Genuine honest answers only, I’m still open to Emio himself too
well it will still need to be solvable by the player so I don't think the culprit can be too much out there.
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Chicken sandwich supremacists rise!
There are way too little fanart of her.
Less people would be mad if it wasn’t for the initial cryptic marketing. This is a fact
People wouldn’t give a shit otherwise, Nintendo knew what they were doing.
yes, I reckon she's got a good shot with the remakes and this game now and she's definitely more likely than emio since she's a main character in all 3 games
It was the right decision, the original remakes got zero fanfare outside of Japan, not even the AA/DR fans that would have been interested knew about it. If they had announced this in the direct it would have been drowned out entirely yet again.
Hey stop using my waifu for your shitpost
What would she even do, out of curiosity? I like JP detective stuff a lot, and wouldn't be opposed to it I'd main Ayumi, but this'd probably feel like more of a stretch than Phoenix Wright in Marvel vs. Capcom, I have no idea how the hell Sakurai would've done it in Melee if he were crazy enough to stick in Ayumi back then.
Smashfags have turned against Emio now.
Pretty fun. I actually got stumped on the part where you're supposed to pick the Save & Quit option because that's the first time I had to do that in a game.
>This kills the tendie
Why would Nintendo fans have any reason to dislike a new Famicom Detective Club entry?
This is kind of huge. Like legitimately.
some retards will be pissed but they never would've bought it anyway, the cryptic marketing brought attention to the game/series to people who never would've noticed it otherwise despite it being something they'd be interested in
so I don't see the issue
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Never7: Not at all, unless you really want to play what's primarily a plodding experience that only gets a bit of plot at the end. There's a fan rebuild of it here (old version, new ones might be floating around) https://www.mediafire.com/file/nshjldhr3zzm760/n7e.love/file and I have no idea how to run it, you're on your own.

Ever17: PC version using the Himmel translation patch here https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2473-ever-17-himmel-edition/

Remember11: PC version using the Gestalt translation patch here https://www.mediafire.com/file/vryj2gcw7v49tf3/R11-Gestalt-v1.2.1.zip/file

12Riven: learn japanese lol
She has combat skills
This seems lame, but I don't play VN.

What are some MUST play VN?
>Raging Loop
>Steins Gate + 0
What else?
They're comfy, old-fashioned VNs. I don't remember a lot about them but I remember enjoying them.

You know how in the original ace attorneys though, you'd have those moments where you get stuck during an investigation and you're just walking around investigating random things and presenting all of your evidence until you get the reaction you need? That's like the entire game. the "game" is perceiving points of interest and where you should go next to not get stuck.
It's hard to believe that bloober shills are actually a thing. They haven't made shit but the whole internet is drooling over them.
They wanted Star Fox. f-Zero or Golden Sun.
>naginata/spear user
should've happened with aqua/azura instead of corrin
I don't really care about anything released after KID closed down. The Ever17 remake already looked terrible enough.
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What IP should they have revived with a new game then? This question is for anons who are obviously complaining it wasn’t something completely new
>Ever17: PC version using the Himmel translation patch
Is this just some QoL changes? Still uses the official translation?
It's not a visual novel you dumb faggots. it's an adventure game in the vein of day of the tentacle and such
Anything that has a playable character in smash.
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VNs/Point and Clicks are niche so I understand some disappointment, but counterpoint: I like them and therefore I won.
Are the first two worth a pick-up? I was reticent since they were $60 remakes of pretty short Famicom detective VNs.
>Star Fox
got a huge big budget revival that headlined E3 and fell flat on its face.
just got some attention in F-Zero 99, a surprising amount of it. It's not dead yet.
>Golden Sun
Who Cares
I like them but they are indeed very short. I'd suggest you wait and see if Nintendo finally puts them on a sale now that a new game is coming out.
They have reading difficulties.
Funny puppet man seethes with rage any time nintendo talks avout something that is not Pikmin or Kirby
Isn't it 60$ for the bundle? I remember getting them pretty cheap at some point or another.

They're fine for an afternoon, potentially frustrating if you get tripped up by progression often
It's a modified version of the official translation that had script-wide grammar improvements and occasional retranslations because the official translation was rushed as fuck in the first place and the existing improvement patch didn't go far enough, all it did was remove an accidental spoiler and the more glaring grammatical stuff. There's other changes too, it's all on that page, the only objectionable change is swapping the text boxes but you can get rid of those by deleting the new text box images from the folder

Remember11's Gestalt one is the same thing but way more in depth and with a shitload of retranslations because the original translation for it was done by a TLWiki who didn't communicate well and had a lot of inconsistencies and mistranslations that didn't ruin the game but were noticeable if you looked closer
Also when the FDC remakes got announced this is how he responded iirc
>I have no idea... how to respond.... TO THIS
Anon the marketing was fine. It was just for people to pay attention. When there is no marketing and it flops people complain. If the game is not for you why should you care so much about the marketing?
Ayumi Tachibana in her hottest outfit
Who's making on rails shooters now? I want that.
Joy Mech Fight kicks ass and should at least become a minigame in something like Animal Crossing like they did with Panel De Pon.
Katawa Shoujo
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Is there a game that actually has great interrogation scenes? I cannot think of a single game.
a very mediocre one
>"They want game trailers that tickle their nostalgia only to not buy it."
A literally who +30 years old IP nontheless kek
VR shooters are the natural next step for on-rail shooters. You should try 'em.
Resident Evil already exists anyway
>Star fox
Zero sucked and Miyamoto just remakes the same game over and over again.
Sega made those games and nobody working at Nintendo now really cares about making another one
>Golden Sun
I think those devs are making Mario party games or Mario sports games. Golden Sun wasn't that huge. Most people played them on emulators.
A new FDC sounds damn cool. You cab tell Nintendo cares for the IP now.
desu, who does care about Golden Sun? That was an entirely generic JRPG, even for the time
They make like ten of those a year, and JRPG fans don't play them, despite constantly saying they want them.
who ACTUALLY played the latest DQ, seriously? Who actually played SMTV? Who actually played Triangle Strategy?
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>Played La Noire
>Played Policenauts
Fuck he's right.
YMK is THE entry level romance VN.
How serious do you want them? I love the chessiness of Logic Chess in AAI2.
I would love a remake of it or a new game
Nintendo loves their detective daughters.
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Thanks, anons.
Unless it's just stupidly long on top of everything, a simple galge to start with might be fine. I'll see when I get around to actually playing
>They wanted Star Fox. f-Zero or Golden Sun.
Ok. But I also wanted Nintendo to revisit VNs and mystery games. This is what all the fans of the genre hoped for when Nintendo remade the original Famicom Detective Club in the first place.
Not gonna play LA Noire, as it's 30fps locked.
I'll check out Policenauts though. I always avoided it because it's Kojima.
More serious than not. Does AAI play any different to regular AA? I've only played the first 2 through Steam atm.
>the first two
do you mean the first two games in the original trilogy or the first two trilogies available through steam

the third OG ace attorney game is arguably the best in the series
What do we call the protag?
I heard the original remake was censored for it's english release? Is this true? what was changed?
If someone at all thinks Nintendo green lighting a new FDC game means anything about a new Star Fox or F-Zero they’re actually retarded. Like actually check yourself in and get medical help retarded.
I always name him after Dan Hibiki but doesn't he get a real name in the first game
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Katana Zero has A really great interrogation scene although you’re also being interrogated in it.
Your tape was kid shit.
That plus there are million horror games these days. It's like the go-to AAA genre lol.
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Lmao call him out and others who actually bought downgraded Mansion 2 when Luigi’s Mansion 3 has been around longer
First 2 games in the 1st AA trilogy on Steam. I played the 1st 1 or 2 cases in Ace Attorney Chronicles too. Very fun.
>Does AAI play any different to regular AA?
Yes, you control Edgeworth directly in the environments and you don't wait to go to court to solve the cases. Since he's the player character instead of a defense attorney, he's a lot more aggressive in how he presses witnesses.
>who ACTUALLY played the latest DQ, seriously? Who actually played SMTV? Who actually played Triangle Strategy?
Yes to all three. You should've picked some more obscure Jarpigs over games which all sold at least a million. Replace SMTV with Soulless Hacks 2, for example.
Is Famicon Detective Club even good? Is it a visual novel? Or like those Corpse Party games?
>entry level
Maybe back in 2012. Unfortunately YMK is obscure nowadays.
>FDC got a new game before Donkey Kong or Star Fox or F-Zero
With F-Zero the anime bombed hard and so did the GBA games based off it, which is why that franchise died. As for Golden Sun, the games were apparently only really big in the West, and the third game bombed hard
Great Ace Attorney and the OG trilogy are as good as it gets, IMO- but AAI is pretty solid too. Enjoy
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>What would she even do, out of curiosity?

Well I saved this from a Smash thread
>Does AAI play any different from AA
Not meaningfully. There's the new gimmick in Logic Chess, but other than that the big differences are you can see edgy walking around in the map, and there's no hard division between Investigation and Courtroom, the courtroom-like gameplay can pop up at any time instead.
I see that you're silent on Apollo Justice. Thoughts on that trilogy?
Very, very nice. I was hoping for that instead of just another AA game, but you're Edgeworth.
>Star Fox
Not a single game after 64 was good so who cares.

99 is good enough. I can wait for a mainline release whenever.

>Golden Sun
Quite possibly the most overrated RPG I've played. Only dicksucked by snoys like you because it was on GBA.

Tendie here and I don't care about any of these. I just want Prime 4.
>Is it a visual novel?
It's Point & Click Adventure, but with lots of text.
It's like YU-NO. If you ever played that.
I fucking said that
>Smashfags have turned against Emio now.
What the fuck does Smashfags have to do with Emio?
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>Japanese text is region locked once again
FUCK NINTENDO AND FUCK TREEHOUSE. They're going to mess with the script again aren't they? At least with Fire Emblem it's easy enough to switch the language to Japanese when they butcher it.
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Amazing how people forget 99 exists and got an update this month
You want a new excitebike game? Well we got TurboKid now. That games pretty close.
Which is a shame, YMK really holds up.
Disco Elysium
I'd kneel until my knees break. Your mentor being the killer.
So the director of AA and TGAA is a guy named Shu Takumi. He has a hand in Apollo Justice- but every mainline AA game after that is directed by other people and IMO you can really feel it. I don't think they're bad, but they don't have the same feel to me. I was caught very off-guard by how good I found TGAA until I read who the director was.

I'd heavily recommend Ghost Trick, though.
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WTF do you even mean?
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Ice Climber? Punch Out? ARMS??
>t. braindead de spammer
Even DQ, which in theory is the biggest JRPG series, has like no one talk about it, outside of Japan. That's what I was getting at.
>Ayumi Tachibana, who is now playable in certain sections of the game for the first time in the series!
>A student has been found dead! His head was covered with a paper bag with an eerie smiling face drawn on it
>there's actually male victims too
okay so what if instead of ayumi being killed, the player/main guy is killed by emio for getting too close/discovering to the truth near the end which is why you'd need to play as ayumi to finish the game
She’s so cute :D

Cute Feet :3
I actually think it's the perfect time to make a wild new Ice Climber game with the amount of climbing games shit like Bennett Foddy has ushered in
Not even Golden Sun fans like GS3. Let the franchise rest in peace lest it become a zombie like other franchises Tales of.
it's kinda silly that it's still famicom detective club and not nintendo detective club or something. kinda like advance wars (which yes I know also started as famicom wars) though that at least still kinda works outside of its GBA context
didn't F-zero just get a new game like last year?
They thought it would be a new IP and Emio would be a Slender Man-esque character. Now that he’s attached to some literal who game, nobody wants him anymore. Also Ayumi has now higher priority, making his chances extremely low.
my gut instinct from "the ending will be controversial" is that ayumi dies because she's the one character from this series anyone has any serious investment in
Really more of an Adventure game.
>Sakamoto made Emmi in Metroid Dread
>Now he makes Emio
Bravo! Clap clap!
He has a real last name, but still no actual name.
I never played YUNO, but I heard it has romance. I might check out Famicon Club if it has that. Not really into adventure games atm. Kinda got burned out after Spirit of Justice was so mid.
Where are you looking? Even the Nintendo UK website includes all languages.
steer clear from Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice
what went wrong with the localized script?
You think they would go that far? I would expect serious backlash, not just it being divisive
people only care about ayumi because sakurai threw around the concept of her as a joke retro pick in melee almost 25 years ago
the way everyone is STILL talking about it even in this thread is absurd; if anything these remakes make it even less likely she'd be in the next smash game since she doesn't have that hook now not that I expect many newcomers in general, unless they pull off a second miracle that game's gonna be a hard reset on the roster size
Huh, I swear it said that earlier, I refreshed the page and it is indeed different now. I can't believe Nintendo fixed the mistake at the worst possible time just to make me look like a schizo.
That or he'll be the final victim, I imagine that's the meaning behind "controversial".

Or even Fire Emblem
>I never played YUNO, but I heard it has romance.
It does. And legitimately one of the most ludokino things you'll ever be able to play.
Just remember to exhaust all text when clicking stuff. Keep re-investigating points of interest until the text repeats. And you'll be good. The text is interesting anyway so you'll want to exhaust the text anyway.

Also stay away from the remake.
>Sega made those games
They made one.
>All that potential attention for a new horror IP, thrown out the window just to get maybe +100 sales on a niche VN series and making the fans of that VN have to go on damage control the whole time
Nintendo at idiots
>or Kirby
Lol, he despises Kirby.
>Also Ayumi has now higher priority, making his chances extremely low.
She should have had a higher priority even before. No disrespect to the new game.
>>All that potential attention for a new horror IP, thrown out the window just to get maybe +100 sales on a niche VN series and making the fans of that VN have to go on damage control the whole time
>never advertised it as a new IP
>retards just jumped on it and then said it would be a bloober team AAA nintendo exclusive because of some coinciding schizo "leak"
F-Zero 99 is so fucked because I honestly think it's the best execution of the core death race concept the series has always had, and it's largely slept on for being "not a real game".
If you think you're meming, all three of these getting a new game would be based.
Three Houses was good tho.
I wanted to get into 99 but I got intimidated by how good people were getting at it so quickly.

People wrote it off so quickly, though. 99 player multiplayer sounds like exactly what I wanted out of F-Zero.
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Maybe he could be an Assist Trophy or Boss at the very least or a background on Ayumi’s Stage, I know I’m getting ahead of myself. Ashley Mizuki Robins would be great too
>Mischief Makers
>Nintendo game
I’ve seen plenty on people online say they’re disappointed at what it ended up being and giving some pity shit about the VN. If your surprise has people leaving with sighs and disappointment. You fucked up what could have been something more
It absolutely was advertised just like a new IP
I remember seeing a moveset someone did where they basically recreated Phoenix Wright’s gameplan from UMvC3: start with a more defensive moveset where you gather evidence which represented her more timid personality in the prequel and then switch to a more offensive one after you built your case which represents her more active persona in the original. The move that I really REALLY liked, however, was a projectile where she chucked a cup of coffee and after it dropped (or the opponent catches it) anyone can drink it and restore some health with a 40% chance that she spiked the coffee with sleeping pills and the opponent would fall asleep after a sec which sounds like it would really funny in an actual game. If you’re wondering, the only tell would be Ayumi herself would not pick up any spiked coffee since she would logically know it’s spiked
fusion and Dread have shit stories too
>didn't F-zero just get a new game like last year?
Yeah, but most people only care about presentation and it uses modified assets from the original game, so certain crowds bend over backwards to pretend it's not new. Most people who dogged on it and claim they'd support whatever they think a "proper" F-Zero revival would look like haven't actually played any of them.
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>Not gonna play LA Noire, as it's 30fps locked.
>It absolutely was advertised just like a new IP
Based on what?
In what way did it not look like a mysterious IP revival?
I fucking love f-zero 99, sad it just goes ignored by the people crying no f-zero I have never won a single race, people are fucking monsterously good at this game, probably doesn't help that I only play fire stringray
NTA but are you being serious? That fact that barely anyone connected it to FDC when the teaser dropped
Doesn't matter when they're gameplay-focused, Dread in particular barely has dialogue. It does matter for Other M when the story was pushed so hard it even had forced slow walking sections, and of course it's all that matters for a VN/adventure game.
Kill yourself
That's why I worry that a proper new 99 player F-Zero game wouldn't work. People would rarely if ever win because a skill based racer requires assloads of practice and memorization to be good at and unless you had a really big playerbase people wouldn't stick with that shit
>famicom detective club
Neat. Like it when nintendo gets experimental with shit like this and another code.
I’m cool with this. It seemed odd to me and others that there would be a new series released on the switch right as the console was phased out. Seeing it’s a Famicom Detective Game is both an odd twist and kinda cool. Nintendo getting back into VNs might attract more outside writers to the company. I’ll get this when they bring it down on sale.
How was the localization of the remakes anyway?
Amusing how so called Nintendo fans are so buttblasted about it.
>right as the console was phased out.
It still has a year or two left at the very least.
>That fact that barely anyone connected it to FDC when the teaser dropped
That's why it was a mystery. If they wanted to actually a tease a brand new IP it would have had more context.
Nintendo fans hate anime.
Magbe because no one wanted this shit series to be revived instead of kino like f-zedo, starfox and kid icarus ?
There's a weird, sizable demographic of Nintendo "fans" that hate it when a Japanese company does something to appeal to their home demographic.
Nintendo fans hate being reminded that Nintendo is a Japanese company. They liked it better when they thought Nintendo was Made In America.
>Famicom Detective Club
I love how my favorite Nintendo IPs make tendies so mad kek
Nintendo fans hated fire emblem for the longest time and some still do and you expect them to like a weeb visual novel?
Were the two remakes worth playing?
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Probably the last physical PC game I bought, when Hirameki was still around.
If Never7 sucks and 12Riven is still japan only, is Remember11 the only one worth playing?
So all the games the west hate sell like shit?
I hope he kills himself.
F-Zero did have a revival though?
I wonder what's next.
Hotel Dusk + Last Window?
I guess Nintendo owns the rights since Cing is dead?
You people like to pretend to have no common sense whatsoever.
I noticed that interest in EMIO has completely plummeted since the reveal overall
If you can read the Japanese version anyways, there's no problem with it not being included in the English version. Even if it WAS, if you're against bad localization, then you shouldn't buy the western version, cause even if you're not reading the localized script, you're still supporting it with $. It's a drop in the bucket that won't do shit to their policies, but even if just for a principle, you shouldn't give them that extra sale.
Muh nintendie slenderman
nintendo fans are the least self aware group of consoomers possibly ever
I don’t have hard numbers but I think the mascot games by Nintendo sell more than their anime style games with Zelda being the exception. Maybe Fire Emblem sells a lot more these days but I’m not sure
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Things are looking bright for Nintendo
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Nintendo has always owned the rights to both Another Code and the Kyle Hyde games. Another Code Recollection was developed by Arc System Works which is where some CiNG staff went, and it had a cameo of Kyle in the credits so that's obviously the company that would work on hypothetical remakes for him too.
whoa no shit
i fucking wonder why
Pokemon is anime style.
No. Nintendo fans love anime.
Smashfags and Nintendo Youtubers hate anime.
DQ is definitely an oddity in that it's a series that never really found a foothold in the West, but I do think among wester JRPG fans specifically everyone knows about it and will discuss it when new games are released. As for the other two: SMT has a particularly dedicated cult following in the west, but Triangle Strategy I'll grant you. I loved the game, but it's clearly been mostly forgotten by most at this point.
Nintendo fans hate pokemon. They just happen to share the same console as pomefags.
Oh. The samefagging is going wild already.
>retards don't know the difference between a VN and a Japanese Adevnture Game
The (real) Nintendo fan checklist
>Only plays Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Animal Crossing
>Has never finished a Kirby game but buys plushes
>Has never played a Metroid game
>Bought but never started a Pikmin game
>Hates Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, and Kid Icarus because of Smash Bros.
>among wester JRPG fans specifically everyone knows about it and will discuss it when new games are released.
This simply is not true. /v/ never seriously discussed DQ7 or 8.
Get off your high horse. You never played those games too.
Not all Nintendo fans are smash bros trannies
I genuinely feel like Nintendo fans do not view Pokémon games as an anime game
you forgot
>has never played f-zero, star fox or mother but constantly begs for new entries
I hate woke trash as much as the next guy but let's not pretend this lineup is anything but mid for Nintendo
It’s fine. Just fine. The only censorship I remember was altering the Easter egg in The Girl Who Stands Behind where you creep on Ayumi by making it about not protecting her from a bee or something (it’s been awhile but a bee was definitely involved) but you have to go out of your way to do that anyway so it’s not that distracting and I think she was 14 in that game so it’s at least understandable as opposed to some Sony tier "WE MUST PROTECT THESE 18 YEAR OLD WOMAN CHILDS IN THIS M-RATED GAME FOR THE CHILDSRENS oh you want explicit doggy style western man? That’s cool as long as they’re ugly" retardation so I personally found it hard to really care about.
What the fuck are you doing if you haven't played KI:U, FE or Xc?
Get out of here now and get to it right now.
Yes. Not flawless, but the story and atmosphere is great.

The Girl Who Stands Behind is the better of the two in my opinion. The Missing Heir can be frustrating at times, there are more parts where you need to do things in particular order to trigger the next options. That's something they improved upon the in the next entry. You should play The Missing Heir first though.
I'm so happy this is a series I like being revived and not some Blooperslop.
I dont want to spend days to understand the convoluted mechanics.
>Star Fox
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Once again relevant

Credit to @TheNCSmaster
>it's not Bloober
Thank God. Now if only the remakes would go on sale.
Hasnt had an original entry for over 20 years

>crediting a meme
And all of those games sold like shit.
>I genuinely feel like Nintendo fans do not view Pokémon games as an anime game
People refuse to acknowledge Pokémon games as JRPGs for some reason.
>as JRPGs
Most Pokemon fans are too retarded to understand any jrpg so they think Pokemon isn't one because of how brain dead easy they are.
>Nintendo fans love anime.
Lol no, most Nintendo fans don't care about it.
Xenoblade and Fire Emblem sell like shit compared to the major Nintendo franchises.
>nintendo fans seethe when nintendo refuses to touch their dormant IP
>they revive a dormant IP
I used to see this dude all the time when I used to use the shit hole that is twitter. Dude was annoying as fuck and I genuinely hope the worst befalls him.
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>you creep on Ayumi by making it about not protecting her from a bee or something
kill nintendo for this
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>I did everything from the plot, script and cutscenes.
>Most generic concept for a serial killer imaginable with absolutely no room for character depth or motive delving.
>Urban legends are spookier than ghost stories because muh realism.
>With the most unrealistic premise fucking imaginable.
>A daring plot never used before... Columbo with serial killers.
>Forgive me father, I must go all out, just this once, on cutscenes and animations... in a VN.
>This game will be the zenith of the Famicom Detective Club franchise, a series that practically no one fucking cares about.
>The ending will be controversial, and I'm hoping that people all over the world discuss it for years to come... or rather, compel YouTube video game essayists to endlessly bloviate over my dogwater narrative to generate marketing hype for my own personal vanity project.

This dude is so high on the scent of his own anal vapor it is astonishing. He seriously believes he has created Paranoia Agent: The Video Game and that this will be some cultural landmark for the medium. As someone with a strong interests in cults, serial killers, human psychology and media around them, I can tell at a glance that this is going to be absolute fucking trash and a complete waste of money. The bar for writing in video games, including VNs, is already on the floor, which is a shame because video games have so much narrative potential that goes regularly untapped.
>Not all Nintendo fans are smash bros trannies
Cry more, Eric. Smash is more popular than your favorite franchise.
>they revive a dormant ip no one asked for
>the game bombs
>proceed to only release the reliable sellers
Even when they revive dormant IPs "people ask for" they still bomb.
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>retarded extrapolation
Same energy as Doug Walker reviewing kids movies where a character dies or something spooky happens and he calls them "dark" and then proceeds to praise them for that reason and that reason alone
Should probably revive the ones people keep asking about
Only if you’re a shitslop eater
>the game bombs
clearly didn't considered they look at the sales of the remakes and approved a sequel
They do and they still bomb anyway. That's why they're trying out other dormant IPs, and I think that's a good thing. Every IP should get a chance to be brought back, whether it's asked for or not.

In the case of FDC it's doubtful to even argue that the remakes flopped because why else would they then immediately greenlight a full sequel? They must've been satisfied with the profit and the budget couldn't have been too high either.
Stafy was always a shitty forced meme character
Glad his series is dead
Chibi-Robo and Lip both deserved better
I mean how much do you have to sell to green light a budget for writing a story and drawing art for it
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Watch the video again, tardo.
>Stafy was always a shitty forced meme character
True. I added Starfy to my filter list because the forced threads were annoying.
Dropped HARD
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The only mechanics I would even slightly called convoluted is Xenoblade’s and even then you can totally unga-bunga your way on easy mode through most of the main stories just by using break and topple moves
>Stafy was always a shitty forced meme character
ah so like wario
yeah they're pretty cheap games to make, which is why it's even sillier to compare it to like star fox
Depends on what kind of anime it is and the game genre too
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i did
now go wash your face
>noooo guys believe me it was going to be a super edgy and gory new IP, finally Chad and Tyrone will stop bullying me for playing my Switch in public!
THIS is what the board lost its mind over for roughly 24 hours? People were really saying shit like this would be on the level of Eternal Darkness and it turns out to just be some VN sequel to two games nobody in the US has ever heard of let alone played. Lmaooooooo!
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Yeah but Pokémon is mostly about catching cool, cute or badass elemental monsters
>noooo stop bullying me or I'll call my wife's boyfriend to beat you up!
Cry more faggot
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>DQ is definitely an oddity in that it's a series that never really found a foothold in the West

And it’s probably for the best since there was that whole gender debacle situation
This filters both Nintendo fans and Horror YouTube Content Mill fans.
>snoy projection
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Excellent work. Now, I would consider practicing basic reading comprehension. It will aid you in your journey to becoming a productive, contributing member of society.
that's an
moment for nintendo drones if I ever seen one
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>Kid Icarus

Fuck off, Greek Mythology is cool don’t lump that in with Fart Emblem and Xenolame
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>retard tries to shit on the game by extrapolating details out of simple sentences
There’s an alternate reality where the SNES Dragon Quest games got localized and the series stayed nostalgically relevant long enough for westerners to demand changes and ruin it.
>snoy out of nowhere
Rent free
Fuck off fake fan, you never cared for Kid Icarus before Uprising.
Mother fucker I bet you don’t even know how much of KI: U is a love letter to R-Type.
I bet you don’t even know what R-Type is.
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Lol lmao people actually enjoy this clusterfuck of a mess
lmao based. So much normie newfaggotry here.
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>r-rent free
>a thread full of chads turns into schizo brawling at a very specific time point
kek I sure wonder why
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>autist projects because he can't determine intent from context.
Yes that's how you look when I mock your Switch, thanks for confirming that
Wario started as a forced meme character, but at least his games are good and he's a fun character
Stafy is just soulless amalgamation of children's anime tropes, which is also reflected in the mediocrity of his games
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>retard projects when his shitposting goes nowhere
I wanted something new
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Perhaps the same could be said about Fire Emblem before Marth and Roy in Melee and Xenoblade before Shulk in Smash 4, even Earthbound before Ness and Lucas got in

I know what R-Type is and even Sin & Punishment call down there little anon-chan
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>shitposter cries about shitposting because he has never read a book before.
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>Yes that's how I look when I shit my pants seeing your Switch, thanks for confirming that
sure brah
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Thank you for playing her game and telling Nintendo you wanted more of this genre!
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Thread is almost over anyway, Schizos are like Blue Bumpers in F-Zero 99, they suck so bad and try to fuck up your GPs but in this case, they’re fucking up the thread
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>retard thinks his rotten brain can read books
Hopefully this means the switch collection will go on sale for once
Time for a new Another Code too?
>twisting my words so you don't cry
>confirming you have a Switch, so Tyrone and Chad do bully you
I'm not your schizo friend. Smash bros is full of normies that hate fire emblem and Xenoblade.
>Muh popularity
That's exactly the problem
People wouldn’t be shitting on FDC if it just stayed in its own lane as Nintendo direct filler
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>correcting my words so i don't cry
>confirming i don't have a Switch, so Tyrone and Chad bully me
I love Another Code and I'll never buy this
Good. Let him stew in his retardation.
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The SNES remakes should’ve gotten localized imo they have better music that doesn’t loop too quickly and aren’t archaic to their NES counterparts, you now remember Super Famicom Wars!
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I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s almost as if you’re making up shit like the Schizo you are and are just replying to yourself
>two emio threads
>both of the full of retards seething
You mean Paper Mario right? I never saw Arlo talk about Kirby. That retard literally only plays two games.
Famichads won.
Both were good threads discussing real stuff. You just came in too late
yeah, i noticed
kinda sad too
>he read the post
This is a video game board. Go to /lit/ retard
>new famicom detective club
Holy kino
I have to actually finish the second one but the first one was great
>All that potential attention for a new horror IP, thrown out the window just to get maybe +100 sales on a niche VN series
I can't believe Nintendo saw the reaction to the Emio teaser and decided to make a VN instead of some 3D horror game. It only takes a week to make games right?
Shouldn't it be called the Nintendo Switch Detective Club?
>no u
So you're angry over someone mocking a system you don't even own, peak cuckold you are
take a look at his fingers
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Min Min needs more games!
Get the fuck out of my series, faggot.
No shit taste allowed.
>So i'm angry over someone owning a system i don't even have, peak jealous retard i am
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Arms 2 should revolve around Min Min
Most anime games sell like shit compared to major Nintendo franchises.
So angry you're making shit up in your mind, whiteknighting a system you don't own you're so sad man
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Well yeah, like how the final splatfest determines the star of the sequel, so does the final arms fest.
>So angry i'm making shit up in my own mind,
Yeah, I know. You're retarded.
>ur retarded!
If you say so, but at least I'm not crying because someone made fun of a system I don't know like you do ;)
Yeah, you're retarded because you're defending a person who's talking nonsense.
Literal schizo when did I ever do that? And you're still seething about people making fun of the switch btw
I feel like an outlier because
>Never played animal crossing
>Detest pokemon
>Haven't play a mario or zelda game since the wii
>Played and finished every Kirby game
>Played and finished almost every Metroid game
>Love Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus because Smash introduced me to them.
What kind of bullshit I'm been avoiding this entire time?
You're doing it now.
You're defending a schizo talking about cuckposting, of course you are retarded.
>no proof
Okay schizo, don't let Tyrone and Chad let you down
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>still cuckposting
Nintendo won.
>first thing he thinks when those names are mentioned is cuckoldry
Oh no, you're an actual cuckold, I was just joking dude I'm so sorry
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>snoy projects his cuckposting
it's so easy to bait him
Ayumi is practically a lock at this point.
>Not only an actual cuck but obsessed with Sony
Dude I'll pray for you just don't do anything rash
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>not an actual snoy just obsessed with them
oh even worse!
>page 10 shitposting
wow, this is retarded.

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