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You already forgot about me anon?
it already fucking exists you colossal faggot
"oh everybody forgot about it" doesn't count, even if the original idea is kinda dumb
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>giving Sphene a massive pair of tits instead of keeping her cute flat chest
not my Sphene!
farty cow
what is this low quality shite?
get up you lazy cow
where is my breakfast?
maybe if u post more i might remember
How did the Tenacious Tour Guide stay active after we unplugged the system and deleted Living Memory?
I didn't want it in the Omicron quests but the fact is that it's there and there was no reason to kill the Endless like that when an alternative exists. There has to be consistency in the story. A new writer can't come in and just ignore everything that came previously.
ooooohhh cutscene skipper, oh cutscene skipper~
Cow print lingerie make me act up...
by not being an endless.
I don't see what the difference is, didn't Sphene stop living people from going there years ago?
he's very tenacious, as the name suggests
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I need a dump of Sphene lewds fast
>focus on armpit
imagine the smell...
tf going on with her neck
why y'all bustin nuts to this goonslop while blender artists are making kino every day
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the cat that saved the game
new car mixed with a slight burning oil
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nice reaction image
Imagine grabbing the base of her tail
I never liked you in the first place
so the m1 catgirl is erichtonios (?) but female?
Cahciua says that some of them are emotionally potent enough that they'll linger without the machine which proves they're not just AI projections.
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I'm so sick of people posting this garbage image. The person who made it had no idea how to correctly handle facial poses and the end result is something utterly ugly.
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I'll be late for school!
yea pretty much
pretty big improvement if you ask me
Kill yourself.
Yoshitpiss killed Final Faggotry btw.
Imagine putting your rod in her moisthole
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Oh for fucks sake and here I was happy as a melee actually having to work for uptime reminding me of SB raiding. If they make bosses full uptime again I'm going to freak
I dont need to imagine ktisis will get updated in like a day.
Hey! Hey! How big are those tits?!
Is unironically crazy how much better everything is with a lack of wuk
>Wow! This arena looks fun!
>Mind if I join in?
controlling bones in ktsis sucks ass. i thought it was supposed to be better than anamnesis. also, is anamnesis the only tool that can go beyond character creator sliders for things like muscle toning? sucks having to use customize just for stuff like that
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>reach the final fight with Wicked Thunder
>get knocked down
>Wuk Lamat appears to save us
>story is now about how Wuk frees the souls in the Everkeep
Ktisis is already updated
oh i thought it broke with the raid patch. cool
I had no idea so many people were into armpits until the Sphene stuff started
Do you think that by being just as annoying as woke lemutt was in the story you are somehow contributing something to this thread. go on ao3 if you want to write fanfiction.
Any hot blooded male would get enticed by those pits.
>Do you think that by being just as annoying as woke lemutt was in the story you are somehow contributing something to this thread.
yes, more than you in fact
Pitfags make no sense to me.
I spent the last two threads talking about patch content while you and every other unfunny retard wails and moans like a bitch about a bad character and shits up the thread with your inane gobbledygook fanfiction. I've objectively talked about the game more than you have by every measurable metric and you would be made to chop off your left ring finger as penance for your behavior if this was a just world.
No lalas and Tural has been in constant peace thanks to lizard dad keeping the plotting scheming gil rats off of his continents.
Still a few quests away from finishing DT. Overall, the story was a nice break from the usual shit going wrong in Eorzea, minus the western town. Im in Living Memory and I feel with the urgency, we'd beeline to stop Sphene but Lamat's wanting to learn about cultures thing got an audible groan out of me. XIV really loves to hammer in the lesson just in case I missed it the first 80 times, word for word.
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so what kind of mental illness is this? men transitioning to women?
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>My sister went missing years ago it was very tragic and I miss her a lot
>Whoa she just reappeared right there
>I'll just stare and brood from a distance, talking to her now would be weird
>I wonder where she was though... guess I'll ask my new hero who I just met to ask her instead of pursuing this myself, for I am a demure coquettish wallflower and not a headstrong tomboy arena fighter after all, wait what is my character again?
Botched implants.
everyone is extremely proud of you for talking about vidya on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum, I'll be sure to bring up the same Living Memory arguments over and over next time so we stay on topic
One of the only moments I liked in Dawntrail was when the pink haired girl comes running up to your party and says "Yo, you guys wasted so much fucking time looking at farms and following around a tiny lizard that the final boss just got bored and left."
At least they acknowledged the complete lack of urgency.
Actually maybe I could make a 3 hour retrospective video explaining how Dawntrail is actually a masterpiece self-aware deconstruction of the Final Fantasy formula that is doing everything wrong on purpose.
It's called being gay. Many gays hate trannies, actually. As for why so much gay smut draws men with tit-like pecs, I have no idea.
ZAMN! lucky ginger
>Casters are used to interrupting casts or using shitty instants to avoid mechanics since ARR

Giving melee 20 foot arms for bosses was a mistake.
...those are supposed to be pecs?
what the fuck
I'm sure you will because it will fit your personality of being a broken record instead of talking about actually interesting things like what the .3 trial will be, or what systems they're going to combine from bozja and eureka for 7.2, or what cosmic exploration is going to entail, or anything actually interesting.
I am bisexual leaning hard towards dudes and that shit is disgusting and almost never consumed by men. It's consumed and propagated by ftm and fujos.
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I'm actually having trouble maintaining full uptime on some of the fights, which is nice, there's actually ways to improve as you go, this is probably the most fun normal modes we've ever had at launch, can't wait to see how Savage measures up
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Browsing gay smut long enough will expose you to this kind of shit. For the record I am bi and find it retarded.
Yeah and having to actually to work for uptime makes the fights much more fun on melee.
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>be a faggot
>into muscly shit
>have no idea where muscles are and what they look like
it's not just the tits, but even the arms look all out of whack
do those people not have a mirror or what
Like how straight men like big tits, many gay men like big pecs. Artists exaggerate the body parts they like.
its not a faggot its a fujo.
mantit fags are retarded, give them a wide berth
what you posted is still definitively pecs instead of stapled on breasts like the image in question. The image in question is posted by a stupid fujo retard with a male lactation fetish.
Fuck sphene, I have my new tomboy cat and a complementary loli
you aren't doing any of those, you are off topic complaining about my posts, you should try talking about the game instead
Yeah, that's the only problem, not the off model and disproportional body.
I talked about all of those things for the last 4 hours. you've done fuck all nothing. eat my entire asshole retard
holy sex
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>adjusting VPR so that positionals are not difficult
what are they going to do? remove the positional requirements on the main combo?
How the FUCK can I parse if I need to use brain to get uptime?!
>I talked about all of those things for the last 4 hours
>and now I'm gonna spend hours complaining about your posts
you ever think you should spend your time better?
>Game get fun
>Retards start screeching because MAH NOOMBAH YOSHI PEE PLEASE MAH NOOMBAH
I can't fucking tell anymore if I live in a crazy world or I'm just the crazy one
No I'm actually gonna go to bed in about 9 minutes
>why yes I do only bench 7 times per week how could you tell?
hopefully, as positionals suck dick
the real melee skill differentiatior should be uptime, because then as a tank I'd be allowed to cuck out parsefags out of their numbers 20 seconds before the kill
Kate's bravest little soldier right here
They're both using the exact same body mod with the exact same large pecs.
nothing good happens when an online game becomes popular. "Popular thing bad" is real when its a game that gets updates.
You care more about a scapegoat to whine about than you actually do about this game btw
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oh, that's good, sleep tight anon
It's normal you fucking clown, people will find uptime strats for savage like hallowed wings or ifrit football
No, the actual titty ones have been modified with customize+.
I hope she/they sees this bro
Good thing everyone is shitting on that guy there
>not only have to maintain uptime, but also have to hit the correct part of the boss
we call that depth, that's a good thing, missing one or two positionals isn't the end of the world, missing little to none of them is the mark of a really good player
I do. I won't fuck him though. Also Alisaie will have her big moment in the next update, look forward to it fellow americans :)

Viper positionals are fine since they're color coded and should be retard proof.
Both the images in question are from the same gynoschizo.
i don't understand how people think like this, ff logs works on how EVERYONE did not how the game works, everyone is going to have shit uptime so your parse is going to be in accordance with that, why the fuck do people care about uptime so much.
the loporrits were better than all the races introduced in DT, their story was more interesting than the xpack too
No they haven't, I should know because I made both of those pics.
So they can jack themselves off thinking they're so fucking good at simon says. That's it.
Because people who can use their brains a little will have better uptime and it means their parse will be better.
except it's boring as fuck rather than engaging
fighting for uptime often needed the group to do weird shit so meleecucks could stay on the boss, which was vastly more fun to come up with than going a little bit to the left and then to the right for 2 gcd
thinking of trying for necromancer
are there any guides? and i'm not talking about enemies/mob guides there are sites for those but rather
>best jobs
>when to hoard pomanders
>when to stop hoarding and just rush floors
No they weren't
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Such a fucking mistake to pick Twintania, god damn germans everywhere
I kneel
prove it
Let's not lie here, Anon.
You didn't hear it from me, butWoL will impreg her in the post patches and Wuk Lamat dies of heart disease.
loporrits were the only time I started skipping story
>Literally the last set of floors.
>everyone is going to have shit uptime
no I won't
skill issue
Why are we calling the raid M1-4? What does the M stand for?
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My wife
Your wife is being PRODUCED to fat old hroths
anon you might be the big stupid
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I'm ready to coom
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I dunno man
Cute nose
Hot blooded married and constantly horny man here- never want to fuck my wife's arm pits. Pussy is plenty great.
the last set being what 190-200?
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most of the time positional are just a potency increase though, no one fucking cares and missing them is not the end of the world, they should fuck up your rotation for missing them causing you to adjust.
B is for benis
>sub renewed yesterday
>forgot to turn it off
They won't give me a refund will they
post more of this girl
Why does the Genshin Impact main theme play in Heritage Found's daytime BGM?
if not for space bunnies we wouldn't have this great dance though!
Also all the shennanigans they got up to were great too. Puddingway was kind of dumb, but the rest were pretty good. They wanted to be helpful, but made things worse and then they would get cross.
i hope the story is bad from now on, so all the msq mains leave.
Just do a charge back pussy.
I made a portrait like this for a while wearing that beach top, never ever got so many commies in my life. I'd get max after every duty.
No, they're very clearly going to remove the positionals in the Dreadwinder combo because they don't like having jobs that have to do rear/flank back to back and vice versa. The only job that DOES still have that is fucking RPR, and you can just rip True North for every Gluttony window anyways.
>doing ex2
>war tank forgets to push a mit button
>dies instantly to projection of triumph

I’m starting to think WAR are very overrated.
you people are over thinking this and just going well these are memories and those are memories they must work exactly the same. We are never explained how the endless work exactly, beyond oh we have some memories on a electrope computer thingy. There is the fact that they also specifically need souls to be reconstituted as an energy source by the machinery that operates living memory, and the fact that they cannot leave that area. There is enough wiggle room in all that to easily say they cannot be just dynamis reconstituted.

Finally there is the other major issue with you theory, well it worked in ultima thule so just do it no problem. What part of meteion hoarding dynamis there for literally 10s of thousands of years did you forget? We dont know how meteion made ultima thule, we dont know how ultima thule works, even in the omicron quests it is not explained, beyond oh look our thoughts and feelings have manifested things. There is more than enough wiggle room in that vagueness to say that even if you could take all the machinery and computers in living memory and some how move it to ultima thule (a big fucking ask because we dont know how much of that shit is needed to sustain itself) that we could just conjure the people out of the computers as dynamis constructs. How are dynamis constructs made is it from the memories of the actual things, or from someone else. The implication was that the memories reconstituting ultima thule were the meteia's collective memories, not the actual substantive memories of those people. SO given that youd probably need to get sphenes memories of all the people, except she doesnt have the memories of all the people, and you would need whatever has the memories to be able to manipulate dynamis. Therefore it is a safe bet that the living memory machinery cant do that, and frankly it would be a tremendous asspull to have some random scion or other npc suddenly figure out how to do that. TLDR: think harder
I don't really see how its boring as fuck, is having no positionals somehow more exciting?
back in ARR, if you missed your positional for certain attacks, you'd miss the buff, Dragoon used to have Heavy Thrust which had to be refreshed but also had to hit the flank to activate the buff, this caused some issues in early fights where omnidirectional bosses weren't a thing
used to be that positionals used to give more Kenki to Samurai, but they changed it to flat damage instead for more homogenized job design
Good WAR can survive anything, the problem is that idiots hear that and think it means "WAR can survive anything" and a lot of idiots gravitate to WAR because of that.
I thought Shiva was the kraut world
They're the same type who loved EW's massive circles, ie ranged phys players who want to look like kirito instead
Blizzard gave me a refund a couple of times in the past for accidental payment when I wasn't playing, I guess SE probably can't afford it though
Nah I don't want my 11 year old account deleted just because I don't want to play the game right now
Just thank God you didn't pick a French server.
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I was raped in Limsa Lominsa today.
WAR is amazing, but attracts morons
same reason why there are people that somehow fuck up SMN despite the job quite literally being retard proof
>my 11 year old account
Stop being such a sunk cost faggot.
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She's not that busty, she's flat in game.
>is having no positionals somehow more exciting?
no, but neither is having positionals in the first place. it's a non-mechanic that doesn't add anything.
have blm in your group? they do big damage (well, they did once lmao) but you need to work out how to make it so they don't break casts. same with melee: have the group figure out how tanks should move the boss so that melee can keep attacking.
since, y'know, savage is a TEAM effort
EU is just fucked
>pick Chaos
>get stuck with clueless frogs
>pick Light
>get stuck with retarded angry krauts
you can't win
Blizzard have been pretty lax about those things in the past. Hell, they've even given me like 4 months worth of game time for free over the years just by sending a support ticket
>is having no positionals somehow more exciting?
Even MNK only hits positionals like 6 times in a whole minute now I'm shocked they haven't ditched the idea entirely
WAR is to tanks what WHM is to healers. It's the easiest and most used, so you will have a lot more baddies than good.
the admiral's on the prowl again, eh?
what race?
Was it a catgirl
I've had a good time on Chaos, it gets pretty quiet in the downtimes and there are a few godawful shitters who refuse to give up but once you blacklist them it's not bad.
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And i'll do it again.
Just a typical day in Limsa then
I actually think GUB might hold the candle for that title though since people think "Oh it's just a DPS but blue!"
I've seen some fucking terrible GUBs that have no idea how to handle a single tank mechanic.
>>get stuck with clueless frogs
almost everybody migrated to light for PF content tho. it started out that chaos had savage and light got ultimates, but ultimates are always semi-active so there were always some people that might join your savage shitruns 3 months after release where savage was dead and over time everybody migrated to light
I saw this video and it gatekept me.
I didn't play this game for 4 years because of it as I assumed the players were all fucking weirdos.
Hate this vid….
lalaboys deserve better
>There is enough wiggle room in all that to easily say they cannot be just dynamis reconstituted.
there's the whole "clone of a clone of the original" thing going on there too where you are knowingly making a dynamis reconstruction of a soul consuming digital reconstruction of the memory data of a person that's been dead for a very long time

MUH ULTIMA THULE is a media literacy and critical thinking issue
I’m thinkin’ DT won
Next time ff shouldn't make such a funny char to shitpost. You are clearly upset people are shitting on your nigger cat lol.
this might be the weirdest xiv video that exists and this includes all the deranged modbeast shit
Light has more parties and more shitters looking for carries basically.
>it's a non-mechanic that doesn't add anything
it forces you to think about your position relative to the boss at all times, meaning that if you want to maximize damage, you have to be mindful of where you are positioned, being too liberal with True North means it won't be up when you need it. Positionals don't add much in a vacuum, its when you layer them over your rotation and fight mechanics that it adds a layer of depth that would otherwise be missing, it gives you more to think about and allows for skill expression
people have suggested they will remove positionals for years now and its never happened, even VPR before the announcement of changes has a lot of positional requirements in a short amount of time, they aren't ever going to prune them fully, if they intended to do so, it would have already happened
It blows me away of just how many bad tanks there are, I've had tanks that don't use a single aoe, or they keep stepping into aoes, or they never use mitigation, or they forget wtf arms length is.
They deserve worse.
The Gayming Awards 2024? Yes
so the new Eureka/Bozja will have FFX gear, right?
>it forces you to think about your position relative to the boss at all times
no it fucking doesn't when boss repositions every 15 seconds on its own, or stands in the middle casting for a minute straight, assuming it's not a wall in the first place
ah whatever, i don't really care about positionals enough to talk about it anymore
sorry she's not taking off as FFXIV jiren without forcing it really really hard anon
It's pheromones. The same way that guy odor can make some girls horny.
I was doing M3 yesterday, tanking the boss.
Other tank was a GUB who came in with stance on and I figured I'd let him go for it. I didn't turn on my own stance until a minute into the fight to give him a safe headstart, at 2 minutes I had to shirk him, at 3 minutes I just said fuck it I'm tanking now because he wasn't doing any damage at all.
When the shared tank buster landed on him he just freaked the fuck out, ran into the party, they ran away from them, then he ran away from me and died without using a single mit.
I do not understand how these players reach level 100.
I don't see the link. X has all the tropical shit.
patch MSQ will have your party be lightning, zero, lyse and wuk lamat
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Today I will remind them of the forbidden knowledge that was shared earlier.
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Yep, mods are back which means we're allowed to play FFXIV again. You like this. This is why (You) play FFXIV.
That doesn't work in an image though
Personally I just like the strapless top look
To match all the futuristic stuff
I really hate how Endwalker made practically EVERY single boss jump around and position itself for mechanics and that trend is continuing with Dawntrail, it used to happen before, but never to the extent that Endwalker did, I can't think of a single boss that doesn't behave like this
the fights in DT are good, but I really hate this style of combat, its fine for some attacks, but it feels like its how 90% of mechanics start
Good except for Wuk.

but that's mostly because of Alexandria, unless they swerve hard and include Zanarkand/Ronka shit to justify that
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>New ability unlocked: Seppuku
It does, men are extremely visual, the brain just associates armpits with some good female pheromones, specially if the girl on the screen is cute.
>That doesn't work in an image though
Of course it does, you can look at a picture of a steak and your brain will make you think of the taste and smell automatically, you recognize what it is visually and the almonds activate.
>When the shared tank buster landed on him he just freaked the fuck out, ran into the party, they ran away from them, then he ran away from me and died without using a single mit.
Same thing but with a warrior
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>catbox linked pic
“Pushing a mit” is literally the only gameplay that exists for warriors and about 40% do not do it.
>I really hate how Endwalker made practically EVERY single boss jump around and position itself for mechanics and that trend is continuing with Dawntrail, it used to happen before, but never to the extent that Endwalker did, I can't think of a single boss that doesn't behave like this
and the reason for it was that melee were crying about missing positionals
so, cool design. same as melee crying about uptime that caused hitboxes to take up more space than your mom.

All lalas deserve death. And I don't just mean the characters.
you liked it
I dunno maybe it's different because I know the game but like literally, forget holmgang or any other death immune, if you just pop your short CD alongside your 2 minute you can eat any shared buster outside of savage.
Even in fucking EX you can solo the soak with just one mit.
Athena did nothing wrong.
Why are meleefags the biggest bitches in the game?
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Its kind of bizarre how some players genuinely learn nothing while playing
not their rotation, not how their skills work or interact, not their raid buffs, never looked up or asked how their job works
I still make mistakes, but I know how each job works just from inferring it from tooltips or combo structure, part of the reason I think they attached big finishers to raid buffs is to try make shitters actually use them
if you don't bitch you don't get stuff
if you bitch you do
t. WAR
My tiny brain was so used to playing jobs with rigid rotations for so long so PCT is actually impossible for me.
MNK is still such a shit class to play when compared to the other melee. I leveled it through MSQ first as I've been doing since HW and was actually starting to like the class again for the first time in years until I started to level the other melee.
I bet he posted about it on reddit and his 'tanxiety' too.
>Its kind of bizarre how some players genuinely learn nothing while playing
because they aren't here to learn
i spent 2k hours in csgo and basically never moved in my rank because i never tried to learn
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bro, have you never seen Scholars complain?
shitposter posting about wuk for three weeks watches cutscene featuring her for the first time.png
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What if the soul rot was just a wrasslin storyline to get the WoL pumped?
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What the fuck is Yoshi-P's problem? Do you really trust this guy to fix all 21 jobs next expansion?
I mean, if this were a single player game with romance, we hit all the flags, so not surprising.
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Unironically delete this fucking shit dude what the hell is wrong with you?
I don't recall this, the only time you saw your wol sleeping in the msq was right before she visits you no?
it was fun in EW
nu-MNK is shit, managing twin snakes and demolish was fun
if the encounter design team can finally get their shit mostly together the job design team can too
>faggots from the other thread links to this one
it was a good run bros
They're masochists at this point, the devs haven't known what to do with SCH since ARR
>spam 1
>motifs and muses on CD
>occasionally spend your meter and spam 2
Wow that was hard
The biggest drop of mind poison for PCT is the fact that it's not actually a damage loss to sit there doing nothing for three seconds while you paint motifs. Combine that with swiftcasting a motif not actually being helpful unless the resulting ability is a creature motif and therefore an OGCD.
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>would 100% a Femhroth
>feel absolutely nothing towards Wuk Lamat and would reject her
I'd honestly feel like I was taking advantage of a literal retard, I couldn't do it
biggest appeal to retards, SAM, RPR, and VPR aesthetics in particular
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>Every patch healers are more more obsolete
>Healers get so fed up healer mains go on strike
>No one even notices
I didn't know that Arenvald was scholar all along...
Their first mistake was tying it to Summoner.
You niggers have never been close enough to a woman to know the smell. You are making shit up.
>swiftcasting a motif
I only use it for the (not)leylines
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I don't think so, Tim.
DT is sexo kate kino gatto golbez armor motivations!
They removed the damage on GNB's dash because they're hitting a gorillion buttons already during burst and god forbid you miss 100 potency to actually mitigate something
DRK I have no idea
it's pretty gay not to fuck a willing woman even if you don't like her, as long as she's not fat
I miss old sch, when it literally was as good as 2 healers, if you knew how to control your fairy and eos and selene actually did different stuff.
healers is way harder baseline this expansion, they are just going to swap roles again like they did in abyssos when healing got harder 1 (one) time
The melee in my static tried playing caster for a tier but gave up after a few weeks because it wasn't making him angry enough.
Which characters do you expect to show up in the XI 24man
same exact reason, DRK is also vomiting ogcds constantly during burst
bruh wtf is this, just do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-sfG8BV8wU
people who live in their heads and overthink stuff are so weird
its hot when they are practically retarded
if you want to heal come to turtle wow. they fixed druid and paly tanking so there's no healers on the server. it's 60% warriors 25% mages 10% druid/paly tank mix and then the rest of the classes which honestly is a better class distribution than any other iteration of wow i've ever played with metafags thinking muh parse is the end all be all of life
I just wish they'd fucking remove potency from all movement spells.
It's retarded that it still exists on WAR and PLD. If you want them to have more off globals to use in burst, give them more off globals.
>I had to press Rampart during raid buffs and lost 20 potency because I couldn't get Rough Divide out on time...
Some tank players really do think this way. The question is why are the job designers appeasing these people.
John Final Fantasy XI
You aren't supposed to fuck them idiot, it's a tertiary erogenous zone like the earlobes
lowest iq role
they're actually trying to remove positions on fucking viper of all things because of difficulty complaints
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>MNKs are masochists who accept that their job is fucked all the time in terms of how it plays
>DRGs are content because they've basically had the same job unchanged for nearly a decade
>NINs change up a lot but they generally eat good so there's not much to complain about
>SAMs are weebs who heard it was the strongest melee, so they flock to it and play it like shit
>RPRs are edgelords who don't know how to play it but dig the aesthetic and have too much anxiety to play Dark Knight
>VPRs are pic related and have no clue what they are doing
Gotta update this for Dawntrail dumbass talking points
>wuk lamat
>endless ultima thule
>speeen xD
>random irrelevant Dragon Ball Super references from /a/ crossies
Because the spergs are loud on the official forums and they've been scared about scaring any group of players off since like Alexander
Is it just me or does the whole second half of DT feel very ...mechanical? Unrealized? lacking confidence?

Like im not saying EATING SOULS GOOD (Obviously) so much that it feels like it was written way too uninterestingly and mechanically for what it conceptually is and how much time is spent on it because the conclusion was basically already reached before the exploration even started when Alisae says (in optional dialog) she dislikes the whole thing because she seen the "Beauty of the Aetherial Sea" like they couldn't actually risk people liking the whole Soul Eating/Overdrive/BEAST TRANCE shit like they like(d) Garlean shit. Let me put it this way, it feels like i accidentally clicked on a preachy Longform Youtube Essay about something obvious more so then experiencing a story.
Viper isn't difficult it's just poorly made, the fact I have to look at the hotbar nonstop to see which of the two buttons is glowing instead of the fight is extremely stupid. I don't have to do this with any other melee.
Wuk Lamat.
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I like how the new scouting top from the raid is literally just Kirito, like the whole tier was just an excuse to add it.
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this is LITERALLY the only reason to play ffxiv
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GUK, for better or worse, is simply pretty fucking stylish for a lot of people because hey a sword that also double as a boomstick how cool isn't that, and WAR just have, like a previous anon said, the "game will hold your dick through everything ever" label with stupid behavior encouraged by that overcompensating baldy. Honestly both WAR and GUK are just retard magnets.
DT MSQ blows through every possible conflict in the least interesting way
modbeasts are truly the most pathetic sort
I am maining WHM and with a WHM cohealer we crushed the Valigarmanda EX heal checks. I like having heal checks in general. Less DPS focus so Healers can focus on mandatory HP management through a fight is a good thing.

I definitely have a hard time reading mechanics when I'm in the middle of healing people's egregious errors though and I play on controller so sometimes I totally blow it and eat shit but my wife plays RDM so we cover each other's mistakes. I'm actually excited for savage for the first time.
The expansion would go up a whole point if you deleted Sphene
It would go up 2 if you deleted Wuk
It would go up 4 if you deleted both
Who let the Arcadion fighters out?
What causes someone to devolve into this type of behaviour?
Most melee DPS players want the aesthetic fantasy of playing a melee fighter, but they don't actually want the gameplay of one. They want to play a physical ranged DPS that looks like it's a melee fighter.
Having to figure out how to maximize uptime, adapt your rotation when you cannot avoid downtime, figure out ways to miss as few positionals as possible: they hate all of this. They want to play Machinist but they want the Machinist to look like it's a Dragoon.
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Your players are weird
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Have the menace spread to Limsa Lominsa?
I'm gonna pay you 100 gil to fuck off.
>I take one look at you and I can tell you're a virgin slut
Sounds like a /v/ insult.
That’s just male au ra
>or asked how their job works
I won't defend the behaviours you listed, but I want to be a little fair and say that nobody ever communicate jack fucking shit in this game, I guess out of fear of looking like the tard of the group or because they expect someone will naturally point it out, which most people won't do because you can also have players taking it the wrong way and freaking out at you, it's a vicious cycle. Very rarely have I seen a player doing content for the first time, obviously not understanding how a mechanic work, and just say "hey how do this work?". I can count those interactions on my hand. Though that's admittedly just my personal experience
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>used to have 2 different fairies with their own skill set
>used to have AoE Esuna
>used to have multiple damaging DoT spells it could spread to adjacent targets
>used to have a ground spell that inflicted slow on targets within its radius
>used to have a trait that shorted the recast time on Aetherflow
>Expedient's sprint effect used to be 20s, now its just 10s
the thing is, SCH is always strong, its always meta, but my god, the entire job is just disappointment incarnate, all the cool shit gets nerfed or pruned
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Rapelander strikes again...
You're gonna look extremely retarded in 8 months when the next set is going to be cruiserweight M1-4
Now that's just cute come on, it was probably a kid.
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haha, who leaked my chatlogs?
Honestly every tank is a retard magnet for different reasons
>PLD for people who think it's the "protagonist class"
>WAR for previously stated reasons
>DRK for edgybois and people with a victim complex
>GNB for "haha blue DPS"-fags or even worse, FF8 enjoyers
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get with the times, its hip to get mindfucked
Wuk is too retarded for sex
FFlogs completely destroyed the minds of FFXIV raiders and those raiders in turn proceeded to spam the devs with the most retarded feedback imaginable and the game is garbage now because the devs were too stupid to just ignore them.
Raid design got gutted for like four years because melee DPS players overreacted hysterically to E6S, particularly Dragoons, who acted like having to hold their jumps during Garuda was akin to the devs torturing them.
Wuk is for public execution.
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don't open this, you've been warned...
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>FF8 enjoyers
Hey you be quiet now.
>having to hold their jumps during Garuda
But I was just attacking ifrit instead
It's been years since I cleared e6s and I don't remember the two DPS in my group complaining about it, what was wrong with it?
It's amazing how wordy and consistly mediocre smut writers are. They must take after the dev team.
From my experience, PLD is the job people who don't know how to play tank but want to give it a shot gravitates toward, most PLDs I see fucking up are just doing rookie mistakes.
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It's good we didn't have the WoL being a savior of the native population, that'd be le bad.
I miss Miasma II so much it's unreal
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My WoL only fucks her retainer, I'm sorry you're a cuck who got raped
Lala bodies are so weird
They don't even look remotely human
They look like traffic cones
>No one even notices
I’ve literally had no time to ERP for the last 7 days due to static / fc members asking me to help them clear. I can never say no to anything
>FFlogs completely mindbroke raiders.
>Mare Lamentorum completely mindbroke casuals.
>Now the game is in fucking ruins because half the playerbase only uses FFXIV as an avenue for weird unofficial minigames driven entirely by third party tools.
So kazematoi only increases the potency of aeolian edge? So I make sure to refresh it to make my 3 stronger?
This is why I don't RP in MMOs. I always wanted to, especially since I spent countless hours RPing in NWN PWs, but something about MMOs that attracts the most mentally ill, which considering we're talking about RPing to begin with, is an impressive feat. Assuming you don't bump into a clique that just have the same scene over and over again to circlejerk their characters, you encounter incels that sweet talk you like they're a serial killer who just doxed you.
I respect FF8 enjoyers in the same way I respect Dark Souls 2 enjoyers
the whole world is against them, but they hold fast and never let anyone get them down, even if their game sucks and they don't do a good job at defending it
>I can never say no to anything
Hey anon can you give me all your gil :^)
You would get separated from the bosses for like 4 seconds when both were on the field in the first part
Hes even being polite too.
That wont last.
I've never had issues defending FF8.
Challenge me on anything related to the game.
I'll make fun of you queers all I want because I'm one of you
Sure, what’s your char?
genuinely if you only msq from 1 to 100 and do nothing else there are a bunch of standard things in higher level content that you will not know. how many times does msq content have tankbusters that actually matter and teach the player (read: they die to it until they understand its meaning)
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NTA but what are your thoughts on the amnesia plot twist?
*pokes bellybutton*
post discord!
>SCH lost most of their DoTs
>AST can't inflict Heavy
remove Stun from Holy you bastards and put a potency on Benediction
>FFlogs used to have a single DPS metric back in Stormblood, and having a party full of raid buffs would increase this metric and make it seem as if you were a better player than you actually were.
>Based entirely on this, tryhard raiders excluded BLM and SAM the whole expansion, no matter how much they got buffed, because they didn't pad other players' parse.
>FFlogs in Shadowbringers completely changes how raid buff DPS is measured, it no longer directly pads the parse of other players.
>Suddenly tryhards no longer have an issue with bringing SAM and BLM.
It's insane how much this single website defines the game's meta.
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I saw a whole group doing it once in western coerthas while I was in the middle of gathering some cottons, some shit about traveling from falcon nest to the camp in the middle to provide "aids and healing magicks". Was kind of neat, a bunch of WHM being escorted by PLD and DRG.
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Bros I haven't bought Dawntrail, are the normal mode raids really comparable to Savage now? Are we finally back?
looking at all their jobs, their looks seem tailored to retards
I think Alliance raids are the purest form of what your average retard ape wants the game to be.
You go and do your rotation badly on a glorified training dummy while ignoring all mechanics while the rest of the raid has to take care of it for you and you're part of a large enough group that not everyone can instantly notice that you're a lazy useless piece of shit.
Or make Lustrate a % heal again its felt totally worthless for like 3 expansions now
I knew it, the bellybutton is the Au Ra weak point
>>Suddenly tryhards no longer have an issue with bringing SAM and BLM.
what are you on about bro?
BLM has some of the worst damage right now
I suspect a lot of people go through life with their brains turned off. Completely disinterested in learning anything, not even from what is supposed to be entertaining and fun to them.
I’m not helping you clear
I was talking about how the meta changed in Shadowbringers based solely on changes to fflogs.
How’s Nin? Thinking about leveling it and using it for DT
When it works, it works. I've participated in a couple of cool events too, but you have to sift through so much shit to get to something good. Or maybe it was just my experience. On three separate occasions I just picked up e-stalkers who took forever to shake off.
People were bringing BLM to raid in the middle of SB because BLM got buffed so hard that buffs didn't matter anymore
but pre-nerf cid was fun and myths as a whole was dogshit?
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>make generic enemy npcs plot relevant
Most war players you meet jumped on the job in Endwalker when it turned into a blue healer every thirty seconds.
I think SE devs are way too focused on making everything super balanced and it makes some jobs just not fun to play at all. Also the over simplification of SCH is frustrating. Just because WHM is easy af to play, doesn't mean all healers need to be training wheels easy.
Nah, one look at Limsa and I know I can just take your words for it. XIV just attract mentally unhinged even among the mentally challenged, 98% of the RP is just weird fetish ERP.
it's fine
biggest draw is lower GCD if you're into that. it's not that complicated otherwise. its main gimmick is invoker orbs from dota 2.
>I can never say no to anything
they're the same level of difficulty as EW normal raids
I really hate the idea that dying while learning is considered poor design, what ever happened to
>reach boss
>boss kills me
>seen what he can do and go in with a more fitting strategy
SE doesn't care, since it's been repeatedly reported to them
sphene just needed some good pingas and she would've behaved like a proper queen and ruler
My rage will never simmer, my soul never know peace. God fucking damnit, why did they make ambrosia only yank it away. Are we only here to be tormented? To only know what we can never have? Is this hell?
>Meracydia will have a sub-plot of Namazu buying up all the land
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she got dicked down hard by Zoraal Ja and that just made it worse
i didn't want help clearing....i haven't even reached 100 yet
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why is white mage so gimped? it barely has ANY ogcd heals at all until very late levels, benediction is barely useful for how long its cooldown is, its only good animation is glare
but compared to AST its trash. current AST gives you a fuck ton of ogcd heals right from the start, you get 3 stacks of benediction (basically), you have numerous mitigation and shields on top of all that, and you have multiple ultimate cooldowns that are all extremely useful
whats with the disparity?
They're pretty easy but also very fun
Not all alliance raids are like this. The problem is that Crystal Tower raids are so severely powercrept that they no longer have any meaningful mechanics, and people go fucking insane when they get non-CT raids in roulette.
So CBU3, in their infinite wisdom, decided to design all the alliance raids in Endwalker to be comparable to what CT is like nowadays: completely braindead.
Your image depresses me and now it's too late.
XIV casual in particular are REALLY scared of failing anything at all. It's perplexing because the entire process in any progression environment is to learn through failure, but I guess these guys don't prog anything to begin with.
I'm not talking about just ARR raids here. I see this in HW raids, in Ivalice (not in Orbonn because a third of the raid instantly leaves of it's Orbonn) and it takes until SHB for people to try a little harder.
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and it was the best decision they made
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>actually making the people play the game instead of sitting at the same spot spamming his rigid rotation the whole fight
>lazy, bad and uncreative design
Do xivtroons really?
failure just makes me give up
>super tight timing windows
what? where
the first fight had the slowest left/ / right cleave i've ever seen, i'm pretty sure certain zadnor CEs and dalriada had more punishing and tight mechanics
most parties that i've heard cleared all 4 fights blind in the first pull or close enough

these are the people doing a 'healer strike' too I bet
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Just what is it with auras that attract these people. The females, I can understand, "haha cute and small dragonlet looking thing", but the male don't even look good and their animations are fucked up because not only are they tall by default, every fucking maleras crank up the height slider to eleven.
According to many users in these threads FFXIV has not lost any depth whatsoever, never had any depth to begin with, and you're simply insane if you think that HW SCH (with like 5 DoTs and Cleric Stance) had more depth than any modern healer.
Of course, I don't find this perspective very agreeable, but some people insist on it very strongly!
I will repeat it to the end of time: Make every job have the versatility of Blue Mage, let us fuck shit up and rip and tear through the MSQ. All jobs are made with Savage in mind, but their kit does not translate to non-sterile enviroments like that. Remember when they realize PvE skills was not easy to balance in PvP and made an entirely new system just for that? Where are they hiding that genius when we need him the most?
a man with daddy issues that severe can never properly satisfy a woman
I don't think the robots have working parts. She was just a hologram projected onto one of the androids.
No his just a shitter, the only mechanic that's slightly difficult is the bee fight where she starts spamming aoes and lines absolutely everywhere.
I'm pretty sure he's talking about the M4 floor destroying move because that's the only one I can think that's even remotely close
Pretty much all the old alliance raids are severely powercrept nowadays. Weeping City and Dun Scaith used to regularly cause tons of wipes and you simply had no idea how long you'd be in there because you could get a bad group that would repeatedly wipe on a boss.
It may sound crazy nowadays, but you would sometimes have vote disbands go through in alliance raids!
the dumbest part when it comes to savage is that not all jobs are equal, like MCH sucks ass and will prob have trouble finding week 1 groups
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he makes you do all the work while he just lazes on the throne
Tfw Urianger's Gravity has Heavy and Slow effect
>I will repeat autistic shit only a literal retard could think
The damage is already done, anon. The healers in this game has been in a vegetable state for longer than they have not. The playerbase have doubled, maybe tripled, since Shadowbringers and one button DPS is all they know. If the OF is any indication, the veterans who call for a more return to form or just the middle point (Stormblood) is met with contempt and open hostility from newer players. A few are more curious than nothing else so its not all laste.
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Some in the official Forums are...dare I say it, based.
oral rape
Its lost depth by the way of job homogenisation, QoL updates and general changes that make things easier at a base level, like bigger hitboxes, more on-demand healing, etc
whether or not this is better, worse or if there's still enough depth is another matter, I still find the game fun to play, but the game has undergone a decade of changes, not all of them are going to be universally agreed on
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>get most of the comms as DPS because I was the only one who didn't die to the floor break
Do you like to go fast while crawling up the boss' asshole feeling like you're playing a rythm game then having to suddenly stop everything and just do 1 2 3 and start spazzing the fuck out again and have the weird dead zone when you fuck up making you feel like you're crashing down from a speed high? If so, it's nice.

It's entirely the devs' fault. They don't require you to learn shit to progress nor do they make any effort to teach you how to play beyond "hit the bad guy until he's dead :)". And no, it's not up to the players to search some third party shit to learn how to play the game, especially given my first point. If the devs don't make any effort to teach the players then the message it sends is that learning the game isn't important. The average skill level of the playerbase reflects that truth.
honestly the bosses feel very bloated hp wise. especially in normal when they have only like half of their move set. wow, I'm going to see bomber man do his clothesline attack 200 times, neat I guess.
One brings lala, one brings Hrothgal
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
>search some third party shit to learn how to play the game
All you need is in the game, stop being a fucking retard mate
I like to think it was a grandpa or grandma.
Yeah cause we're still early in the expansion when people still don't have BiS.

I sure fucking hope they feel long when you have shit equipment.
Does the JP sister thread have gold like this too?
>male viera player
>retarded opinion
>wants easy shit to be even more easy
I fucking love this playerbase holy shit
They'll probably die a lot faster when the tome gear is available
I like that they're more willing to punish repeated fuckups with statuses besides vuln and danage down now
was it really the worst thing in the world to give healers a dps rotation
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Huh, I suddenly realize why I never feel quite comfortable with any of the single tanks despite wanting to tank. None of those pitches actually call to me that much.

Fifth tank fucking when?
the only thing you'd really have to look up is the opener to your job, being able to play your job at a base level should come naturally, you're pushing these buttons for dozens of hours, surely you can intuit how it players after a while
I picked up Viper and Picto and pretty much learned everything about them at 80 in about 10-15 mins of hitting a dummy
healers not having a lot to do is a combat design issue and not a rotational issue
scholars having nothing to do however is a scholar issue and neither a combat design nor a rotational issue
I mean I'm kitted out with everything I can get currently, but I guess most people aren't.
>Job balance only meaningfully affects content that a minority of the playerbase plays (Savage and Ultimate).
>Even when raid job balance was at its worst ever (Heavensward), all that was needed was for the devs to pay more attention and be more willing to give potency buffs to severe underperformers like PLD and MNK.
>Instead of this, what we got instead was the complete dismantling of encounter design, job design, job uniqueness, elimination of anything resembling real utility, etc.
>They've simplified everything to the point that the only thing that matters is the enrage DPS check, which now means a 3% DPS discrepancy can result in the playerbase abandoning a job completely in Savage.
>This means that we lost a lot of what made the game fun and didn't even get perfect balance to make up for it.
they gave us energy drain back at least
shaming players for being justifying being bad is a good thing, they should actively want to be better
if they are trying to do better and struggling, that's fine, at least they want to improve instead of asking for shit to be brought down to their level
At this point they'd have to reduce the overall healing available or condense healing potencies into less buttons to give Sch or Ast more damaging spells again because they're running out of room for a typical cross hotbar setup
I'm still in favor of a change like that though
You can tell the casualshitter Roe didn't actually play Stormblood. Mist Dragon in The Burn was way harder than any of the garbage dungeons we've had in years. What this person actually wants is Endwalker's braindead difficulty, but also to push the narrative that Endwalker's braindead difficulty is just how the game has always been.
>Job balance only meaningfully affects content that a minority of the playerbase plays
BEHHHHHH WRONG pictomancer ripping aggro from tanks and black mage and summoner being weak in places where they were previously strong is a fucking enormous balance problem that affects everything except solo stuff
yes, because they're struggling even with mashing 1
>announcer calling out dead people
What kind of tank would YOU like to see?
I actually like it a lot. I think the biggest shortcoming of FF8 narratively in that situation is once the actual problem with using GF is made known to the party, they continue doing so with no consequences. I think it would be phenomenal if FF8 had two endings depending on the usage of GF or if Squall chose to forge more relationships with others to keep him grounded.

>Ending A - Overuse GF
Squall defeats the Sorceress but is unable to find his way back due to memory loss from GF influence. Rinoa goes mad and becomes Ultimecia, triggering a time-loop in which she forever searches for her knight, ultimately forgetting herself the same way he did. Causes the plot to repeat until ending B is achieved.

>Ending B - Overcome GF
Squall defeats the Sorceress without needing to rely entirely on GF. Enough of his sense of self and memories are preserved to guide him back to Rinoa in the promised place.

Basically, Ending B is the canon ending already in the game. There's a ton of content in FF8 that is to the wayside as non-essential so it would make sense that Squall being detached from anything but the mission would lead to a loss of the self rather than him growing beyond being just the dedicated SeeD that he is who isn't interested in other people's problems.
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Well anon? Can you refute her?
the announcer and boss changing their dialogue to reflect if people died, got hit or all dodged is really cool
We don't need to gut the entire job system to fix problems that can be addressed with potency changes or by increasing the aggro modifier on tank stances.
Anyone else notice Wuk Lamat has about as much tits as Brittney Griner?
>Praet as Reaper or new job.
>Have like 9 different things I can do.
theyre right
a dark day indeed when I find myself siding with Macchi Ato
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what the fuck why would i argue with a forum screencap
rogue and ninja were 2.3(?) jobs and so were balanced for 50 content.
No need to refute anything the argument is already over.
On one hand Macchi desperately needs to move on from this shit game.
On the other hand I love how much he makes cultists seethe and go insane.
>Just changing potency modifiers.
You'd think they'd do that to quickly adjust selfish jobs that are only taken for their damage but they refuse to even do that. Instead they buff Warriors over and over for some reason.
>look at the hotbar nonstop
use the gauge
>no one likes attacks you need to memorize and learn
Jesus Christ.
Imagine failing even a single time in your life and trying to learn from it.
Fuck that. Nope.
because the person who posted that on the forum is also the one who screencapped it and posted it here
Hi Macchi.
*have like 3-5 different things i'm actually going to do in practice
hyoton was NOT useful at ANY point in this job's life all the way up until HYOSHO RANRYU
>Look at the gauge not the gameplay
Wow what an improvement...
>muh uptime!
I fucking hate parse fags so much.
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No one would do that, would they?
Learn the mechanics Macchi.
Would she be upset if i came on her goggles?
macchi would never have the self awareness to admit that he needs to leave ffxiv
It'll still be called M5-8
honestly i think they should go back and just make the damage on the gap closers a constant 100 potency, unaffected by buffs/debuffs. then you can still have the cool plunging sword move that deals damage without also feeling like you need to weave it into raid buffs.
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They don't even play the game.
The B stand for Breedable
PLD was doing like 25% less damage than other tanks at the start of Heavensward, they dropped a PLD buff in 3.2 that left PLD still doing 15% less damage than other tanks. PLD was not touched again until Stormblood.
For some reason these devs hate fine-tuning potencies on jobs. Nowadays they seemingly prefer to just do full job redesigns that turn underperforming but flavorful jobs into generic garbage that does okay numbers.
god this game looked so bad to me.
Her face looks like the scout from TF2
logs are cringe
You don't say?
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What are the chances Macchi is the same one who spams "JEET ENIX" in these threads?
Finally caught up on all the story shit except role and crafting/gathering quests so I wasn't posting in XIV threads until today and my thoughts on the plot are as follows:
>Constant Mablu sex
They're like traditional haunted spirits after a fashion; they stick around if their emotions are strong enough. That's why a few new ones pop up with sidequests after each area.
Wild West was such filler garbage agreed, but they didn't really think out a lot of the worldbuilding shit once you get past that part. What aggravates me is that I'm totally ok having comfy vacation adventures and supporting a character that's not me, but having lurked on some other forums, ya'll not with that shit so we're back to insane capeshit multiversal threat faggotry until the end of time
>Fuck sphene
Gladly. And I'll take my new catgirl gf, her loli sister, and my questionably legal loli duck as well
High God tier trolling
Like I said before, I liked my comfy hunt for the golden city, and while S9 is cool as shit, the second half left a lot to be desired. Endwalker was a clusterfuck in the last two-thirds, but the first third was still maintaining Shadowbringers afterglow peak so I'll give it the edge. As it stands:
Shadowbringers > Endwalker > Heavensward > Dawntrail > Stormblood > Base ARR
This is not counting post-expac patch content, I usually finish all that shit in a day and it blends together too much.
More to the point I was already thinking about what sex position to commission for my character and Yaana when she invited us to her place
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>party wipes to the first hearts phase for 20 minutes
Let the battle team write 8.0's story and Meracydia will be a haven filled with extremely xenophobic babes that call you a cunt but then offers you a vb when you prove what a chad you are.
>doesn't even do extremes
casuals are the reason the game the way it is
No retard, you don't understand. The devs think that PLD should do less damage than the other tanks because it has Hallowed Ground, which is the strongest immunity of all the tanks. Right? RIGHT?!
This never happens
Not having a clear of Zeromus Extreme, one of the easiest extremes ever released, means I am not going to pay attention to anything you type.
This is one of those xivg faggots, nigger is so bad even by thread standards
>surprised an /xivg/ attention whore doesn't play the game
I can think of a few ideas.
>Spear and shield tank.
>Whip tank.
>Dueling shield tank (probably not right after ER).
>Alchemist tank like the one Dragon's Dogma Online had.
Just reflavor them in any way that is fitting for FFXIV.
logs are cringe
go back to wow faggot
But then AST and SGE are missing a %
Is MetalScathach a better evolution than QueenScathach?
>constant mablu sex
The best part is when you decide to be a good lil raider and soak a tower, only for one person to not and then the explosion causes you to fall in love with the bee.
Literal prisoner's dilemma.
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>it's le bad to ask for more difficulty in raids
they literally did that this expansion and everyone couldn't be happier with battle content
>Zepla is reading 4chins greentexts on stream
Yep, based.
I remember when cultists in these threads were arguing against it lmao
The only MMOs I have ever played for longer than a few hours are Maplestory, OSRS, and FF14. Logs just show what content you do.
Parsing is fucking cringe and anyone who deeply cares about their precious number should be hospitalized when the difference between the current skill floor and ceiling is razor fucking thin.
>less damage than the other tanks
>worse mit since important stuff was magic
>no int debuff
>no slashing debuff
>str debuff (lmao)
>stance swapping on GCD while DRK dropping stance was free and WAR could swap freely
>No AOE damage
What the fuck was SE doing with PLD in HW?
What's a class from any of the previous Final Fantasy game (including side games like tactics) you'd legit like to play no matter how bullshit it'd be?
Macchi simultaneously wants the game to be braindead but also gets really mad about AFK Limsa idlers who don't do any combat content and constantly demand the game become more braindead. The mind of /xivg/ers is inscrutable.
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DRK lost like 4 ogcd's from the Blood Weapon merge and gap closer nerf. I think I'll switch to WAR for my static because it has like 4 gap closers that do damage.
did she even finish the story yet? was it too much for her?
you can literally look at the shit in the lodestone instead of third party gay sites faggot.
Sphene couldn't eat, that's why she was Wuk's kyrptonite.
who wouldve thought endless coddleling is actually a bad thing for EVERYONE.
Chemist (FF5)
There's no real place for it in game, but it'd be cool to do mix combos.
Bruh standing in the meteor gaps was so fucking hard
PF literally couldn't do it, even with Hector guidance
he's just a shitposter, that's all it is. he's just a really basic old fashioned troll that makes posts with the sole intention of getting angry replies. it really is that simple, and you all just keep feeding into it
She's just past Wuk being named successor. From now on it's gonna be hilarious.
>Alisaie will have her big moment in the next update, look forward to it fellow americans :)
What the fuck did this mean and why is it so ominous?
mystic knight
Mystic Knight
>zepla stream
>"macchi ato thanks for subbing"
reminder that GC squadrons still use old skills
the ACN uses miasma and it deals absurd DoT damage it's fucking funny
Did they get pinkii to do the bee song?
Mystic Knight is just going to be the tank in 8.0, and it's going to play exactly the fucking same as a currently existing tank.
You already look extremely retarded and new right now because the whole community naming scheme for raid floors started with exactly that scenario - Coil floors being named Turn 1-5 and being shortened to T1-T5, and then the second tier came out and was called "Second Coil of Bahamut Turn 1-4" and people still called them T6-T9.
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Why did it have to be this way?
why would anyone go through japanese webdesign when you can just go through fflogs
Before they settled on AST they were considering Chemist for HW
Juggler could be fun for a phys ranged. No idea what the gimmick would be since status effects don't matter though.
I'd say an actual Thief/Treasure Hunter job but they'll never do that now that there's Viper.
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But do you get cool weapon effects?
>Faggot posts OF screenshots to rile people up.
>Won't even link the thread.
Fuck you.
iirc they've demoed chemist two or three times but they couldn't get application of a flask or party member to self or a party member to not look stupid

they mentioned time mage being an idea for a job as recently as dawntrail but nothing came of it, they've apparently decided after all that astrologian is not a time mage stand-in
I've seen nothing but drama come out of XIV rp groups. It's always full of fujos and trannysues that lord over everyone because they "own" the group discord. It's worse because many of them share members with the dregs of Gposing who have a collective melty essentually once a day. If you're gonna do it, do it with your closest friends and ONLY them. Sucks but it's the only way you avoid some psycho taking things too seriously and gushing all over everyone about their IC love for fucking ishgardian cardboards cutouts or important NPC no.57.
Why are there no petite body mods? There are flat chest ones, but no thin thigh ones. Its awful.
this is a failed /xivg/ "ebin" (their name for avatarfags) who went mental and turned into a full-blown shitposter because people made fun of him for performing like shit in a /xivg/ learning party. Keep in mind that people were not only making fun of him, other people were performing even worse than he was, but he decided to have a mental breakdown about it, and now he dedicates himself to shitposting. And that was years ago, btw. During ShB. He's been doing it for years now.
The "This is the reason why people play XIV" alongside modbeast images posts are probably him (or at least some of them are, he's well known for doing those kinds of posts in /xivg/). Could also be a copycat
Shantotto for sure. Would be cool to see the XI Cid from Bastok.
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>200 apm burst window
>still doing less than the viper messing up doing 123 over and over
that has ever been the ninja life my friend
Healers have always been useless in dungeons.
Having 2 healers in normal raids and raid24 has always been stupid, you can heal everything solo.
The casual content is extremely undertuned for healers because of drooling retards, there's no point in playing healer if you don't do savage / ultimate
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Alchemist, Mystic Knight, Rune fencer, Necromancer and Mime.
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Rune Fencer… little lala Ravness
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>post saying dungeons could be more interesting, maybe take some ideas from Criterion with less punishment, or take the concept of Variant dungeons to make rerunning the same dungeons for 4 years less mindnumbingly boring
>get dogpiled by insane weirdos claiming you saying that asking for dungeons to be remotely more innovative or in-depth than '2 pack brainless boss 2 pack boss with half of a mechanic 2 pack boss with one (1) mechanic' with AOE spam is actually totally evil, the game isn't for you anyways and you should play something else because the game is for HONEST casual gamers and not EVIL AND WICKED toxic elitists like yourself
Extremely funny to see DT actually ramp up the difficulty. Hope they don't back down, EW had some promising designs that were slowly stripped and dumbed down until we ended up with casual content being the last two experts.
All the other pedos just play lalafell.
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I want to push her onto a bed.
Reminder that Sphene was about to ask us to take care of shit if something went wrong. Not Wuk.
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Can't have skinny girls. They're heck'in minor coded you know!
It might be mental illness, but some of his insane shitposts do get a laugh out of me sometimes because he's good at parodying the most insane segment of the FFXIV playerbase.
I don't think this relentless shitposting crusade he's been on for years is good for him or a sign of good mental health, but that's not my problem.
Necromancer. Gambler.
Yeah, they're not human, only Hyurs are humans.
>The night after she "meets you back at the cabins" with the slow scene of you waking up and smiling and Alphinaud commenting on how you must have used your leisure time well.
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All the mods for lala are fat too, so what's your point?
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You never forgot about Yugiri, did you, Anon?
i have not, even though the devs have
I’m trying to start up Bozja again to get the riding maps since my autism prevents me from not letting go of seeing the empty stars on the mount speed list. I don’t remember shit about it and I need 30 more clusters to buy both. What’s the fastest way to get them?
Come now, it's 2024, Alphinaud simply had a twin brother all along.
Hiii Pinklala :)
i want her to push me onto a bed
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>WoL lost his virginity to a furry
>let me check if they have cleared any extremes
>do I:
>autistically scroll through every battle achievement they have
>or check the website where people upload clear pulls
There's a type of FFXIV player that has no actual opinion or belief besides "agree with whatever the dev team is currently doing, even if this means you have to constantly contradict your past self".
For well over a year you'd get these people defending Island Sanctuary and shitting on "Bozjafags", but as soon as Yoshi-P announced forays were coming back but Island Sanctuary was done, suddenly nobody ever liked Island Sanctuary and everyone had always agreed forays needed to come back.
It's unhinged parasocial shit. I hate having to share the game with these people.
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Clusters are just from farming robots IIRC but its been ages
I can't wait to see the hope leave her eyes when she realizes there is no getting away from Wuk ever.
Stop it stop it STOP IT
Ask in shout if anyone's cluster farming, you basically just pull as many mobs as you can and aoe them down until you have enough.
This doesn't make sense for femWoLs, unless Wuk has a cock.
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With the line about Conde Petie millalas also sharing the "lali-ho" tradition of the First and living near the Iifa Tree, obviously being intended to stand in for FF9's own dwarves, I think they're going for the long haul that lalafells are only native to the Source and might be an Allagan creation to step in line with that waste vat fish sprouting lalafell hands from all the way back in Heavensward

Therefore my current theory is that both Garleans and Lalafell were human experimentation and resulted in two distinct new races that fulfill opposite ends of an intellectual spectrum
>Garleans were vat grown from midlander hyurs, are completely incapable of magic, are supposed to be pretty physically hardy (but this doesn't mean much when normal humans and even beastmen can augment themselves with magic to higher levels), are extremely mechanically inclined by nature, can be forced to use magic as with Reapers and with entities possessing a Garlean body like Ascians, or a Garlean soul that's been touched by a primal like Zenos
>Lalafell were vat grown from Elezen as the only other race with large pointed ears, are the Garleans' polar opposites as incredibly mathematically and magically inclined, physically frail compared to the other races but can do menial work in a pinch or push past it and become marauders and Warriors and shit, the Aloalo lalafells became the Dwarves of other shards
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Why my Speenus Weenus of course :)
have you considered that not everyone "uploads their clear pulls" because logs are fucking cringe and just wanna play the game instead of caring about third party sites?
Which quest?
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Too thick
Sphene is a petite gemstone
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>unless Wuk has a cock
>lemon pizza? I'll give it a try, sure!
XIVmodders are dysgenic niggers. It is known.
wol lost his virginity to lyse on rhalgr's hand, wuk got her sloppy seconds
i guess he has a type
>Rune fencer
legitimately struggling to think of anything it would do that isn't already covered by dark knight
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I want a boss-form like Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, and Full Throttle from FFX-2
I want to sniff her toes
Ever notice that Wuk's voice never matches the scene? This tranny only knows the overly cheerful voice and can't emote for shit.
Like how Sage is different in XIV compared to other games, they'd have to reimagine it to differentiate it. Which defeats the purpose for those that want it.
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average ability of a wuk obsessor to separate reality from fiction and a character's actor from their character
???? Did you even play XI? They have a whole rune mechanic, there are practically no similarities to DRK.
Make it Dark Arts: The Job
Garleans, Lalafell, and Highlanders are all Allagan creations.
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Only one person in the party needs to do it.
If you have literally no parses on record at all you're either not raiding or you're exclusively raiding with a group that has something to hide. First being far more common.
With the latter, usually even wait paid ultimate purchases you can see it, some dude has an average parse score across the board of 11, plenty of parses, is trying to play the game but just fucking sucks, and then also has one single DSR clear with a purple parse.
That's okay. Tanks being basically identical but with different particle effects is what FFXIV players like. Rune Fencer will be DRK with elemental particle effects and people will love it.
Ejaculate in Alisaie's anus
>overly cheerful
She sounds like she's doing customer service.
rape, even
sphene's sphenis...
Uoh... maybe Dawntrail isn't so bad...
>Rune Fencer will be DRK with elemental particle effects and people will love it.
Can confirm, I'd love that.
I just don't like the edginess but man I wish I could use a greatsword anyway.
Sounds painful
For you
like humping a piece of plywood
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>Decide to use my alt character for dawntrail
>buy story skip to get that character up to speed (I finished up to Endwalker on my main)
>decide to grind to 90 instead of buying a level skip
>spend a week to get up to 80 on reaper
>try to unlock bozja
>next highest level job is blm at 70
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There is one, but its unironically a loli mod. Despite vanilla being sticc heaven, the modders are unenlightened.
Based on trends, if anything, they'd turn GNB into WAR 2.0 then make it play like current GNB with easier cartridge management
DRK also completely took their anti-magic and greatsworder niche not that scythes were even useful for DRK, in practice it was a greatsworder too and runes (elemental damage applied + elemental damage resist) are useless in FFXIV's context
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Still mindbroken by Macchi with such little effort...?
Some things never change.
we better be getting some of these customization options.
Maybe she has some hyena dna in her mix.
I basically only RP with friends at this point, yeah, I just miss sometimes the continuity of a whole setting and the chance of meeting strangers. In NWN PWs you could just hang out IC and chance upon an encounter. People valued writing and ideas more over aesthetics, connections or popularity (although of course sometimes cliques existed anyway, albeit for different reasons).
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>Tanks being basically identical but with different particle effects
One of my favorite parts of FFXIV threads is people totally unwilling to actually talk about the differences between tanks and how they play and instead they hyperfixate on shared skills. And now that I've pointed this out you are going to feign getting pissed and go on a tangent about how they're completely the same and outright ignore the ways in which they are tangibly and mechanically different, and you are going to prove my point, and I am going to pull up one of my fat folds and scratch underneath it and laugh.
DRK has no anti-magic flavor, and having one anti-magic ability doesn't change that.
Honestly, they might even be closer to
>Ninja : tank edition
With runes working like mudras.
can someone clarify the fag canon for me? macchi is also claire? the last time I visited xivg there was a mexican with a jew fro that was terrorizing them
Hiroi is going to permanently be FFXIV's lead writer and you retards are still going to get hyped for 8.0 because you have no pattern recognition.
and that's how WoL got raped by Poochie Lamat
I want them to add RUN anyway because DRK has sucked ass for longer than it has been good.
I had no idea who you were until this thread and you don't play terribly heavy on my mind even now, sorry.
The differences are utterly minimal compared to Heavenward and Stormblood design. You are a Shadowbaby and you are coping.
or maybe logs are fucking cringe and you should kill yourself your fucking retarded idiot, pelase cut off your balls and neck yourself already.
>Honestly RUN might be...
I accidentally a word
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I think only like 3-5 of my clears in any extreme aren't logged because there's always SOMEBODY livelogging in NA PF. This isn't Stormblood anymore, where it was a pain in the ass to upload logs: it's pretty automatic.
If you have zero clears on FFLogs and I have to check your lodestone to see if you play the game outside of casually, then that begs the question why you're hiding your clears of actual content. Every person I've spoken to with hidden logs either has something to hide or didn't know that the general in-game culture is that hiding your logs looks very suspicious and unhides them. Show me your shitty median, I'm not gonna give a fuck if you're grey or pink. Clear's a clear.
I just want to cry when I fuck up and everyone suffers because of me as a tank. Same with being a healer. It's why I mainly do DPS, I don't have to feel guilty when I fail. Nobody cares and the healer just ignores me.
The major difference is that savage is full of body check / towers / limit cut, there is none of that in the normal raids and they're pretty easy I don't know what this guy is smoking
>accountability is cringe
Okay, shitter.
You're right unfortunately. Ishikawa is going to get promoted and probably be spending quite a bit of time writing the next mainline game instead of working on expac or patch stories
Holy melty, sorry you got bullied by trannies for your grey parses bro
Feeling like you have to check someone's records, be it logs or lodestone, is already pretty fucking unhinged to me niggas ngltbqhfamalamdingdongus
mamool ja are gonna be kino!
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>Has no clue that melee has positionals or simply doesn't care that he's tanking the back half of the boss in a death zone.
Built for having the 1-ups strangled out of her between creampies.
What's more unhinged is feeling like it should be hidden and trying to deceive parties you have no right being in.
I cannot adequately express how much I want these things to die screaming.
Heavensward design was outright awful
Stormblood makes up the basis for current Paladin and Warrior, Dark Knight was scrapped because Dark Arts sucked for anything that wasn't Abyssal Drain. I do not understand the job design wanker memory hole where Stormblood is concerned
what's maehiro up to?
>Voidsent imps have an easier time getting through planar fissures since they''re small.
>Lalas are small and deformed but resilient.
probably attacking his wife, going by how he usually writes
making dogshit like xvi
i hope he stays gone. hw only looked good because arr was snoozeworthy
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xvi was released a year ago, he's not doing anything with it now
XIV forums are weird beast, it's some weird hybrid of what forum discourse used to be like before the dark ages of the internet (aka not a hug-gulag hypermoderated by turbo leftist staff) and modern 20's brainrot.
It really isn't, not if you actively participate in end game discussions. It's perfectly fine to be casual, and if you simply don't do Expert (optional end game content) and stay in island Sanctuary or w/e then no one will be checking your logs/lodestone.

No one will listen to you talk about thermodynamics if you're a college dropout.
Anyone else forget about the existence of the Unending Codex? That's okay, so did the dev team.
Probably already working on one of the two unknown projects CS3 is developing.
They don't have to make RUN a tank like in XI they could make it into a DPS job.
Leaked music for her raid fight
>before the dark ages of the internet (aka not a hug-gulag hypermoderated by turbo leftist staff)
lmfao this is an incredibly kind portrayal of old internet forums, basically nothing has changed from then to now with insane discord mods and confusingly laid out forums/servers with loads of pointless subforums/channels that don't get used
Judge (FFTA)
Foebreaker (I just want a hammer class)
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Just make one yourself please...
im in the middle of ARR, someone give me more motivation to go through this. atm i'm really not seeing why this game is so popular. it's not even fun as an MMO, nobody talks and you cant even do quests with anyone.
They made Picto fun and people are fine with it being a bit goofy so I want the next ranged job to be Gambler.
You throw dice and darts and cards at the enemy and do shit like bonk the enemy with a roulette table.
Left is better.
based wuk enjoyer
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They'd probably defer to Mystic Knight for stronger job flavor than RUN, the fact that RUN itself is a Mystic Knight expy, and that something like "Fire Stance" can be easily accomplished by both Ignis and Fire III Sword. To this day I think the only reason they didn't use Mystic Knight in FFXI was they already thought they were being super original in giving its aesthetic to Blue Mage instead years prior.
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>it's not even fun as an MMO, nobody talks and you cant even do quests with anyone.
If that's what you want out of an MMO, it's not the MMO you're looking for. Move along.
Pretty much. If you're going to discuss endgame or high-end, I want some fucking proof you play the game. I'm not taking Timmy Alliance Raid's opinions seriously on the game when he's all greens with maybe a blue outside of extremes and you can rip all 90+ in that shit if you even REMOTELY try to engage with the game on any job. My bar isn't 'you HAVE to be purple+ or I am ignoring you :)', its 'are you even trying to engage with the game whatsoever?'
Logs in general are a meme in anything serious anyways. Ultimate logs are 90% KT dependent and knowing how to manage downtime. Unless you're a terminal grey it doesn't really matter, and even then this is a video game that is very easy to improve at over time. The better and better you get, the less and less likely it is you will have bad logs outside of pulls where either you fucked up or there were wicked PF assassins.
what kind of mmo is it then? what's the appeal?
People like the story, they like the dress-up/RP/ERP, they like the endgame raiding.

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