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And it is the most disappointing thing I've ever seem. At least Blooper would've done something interesting instead of of this anime shit. You can thank Xenoblade and the titty sword for normalizing this.
An irrelevant sequel to an irrelevant game series, literally no one cares about. No one asked for this. No one wants this.
A rated M anime game, holy shit Nintendo has lost it's fucking mind.
>No one asked for this. No one wants this.
I did thoughbeitever
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kys faggot
Anime website
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Where did the SOVL go?
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So did I. Zoomers are confused and angry, which they should be because fuck them.
Mystery and horror adventure and visual novel bros, we are, as the said zoomers might say, "Feasting quite jovially"
>He's not gonna add her because people would be pissed
Did you even play Ultimate? People were complaining about "another anime swordsman" since day one. He didn't care.
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I'm actually sad cause I had high hopes from the fact that Emio was such an outlier on Nintendo's channel's, I thought this was bing bing wahoo man company's chance to do something unique, and instead they give us weebshit. fight konami Nintendo, please give us Mario silent hills I beg you I wanna see that
>Japanese game company makes game with Japanese anime aesthetics
color me shocked
Spirit Hunter is based
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Isn't that villian just Joker from Persona 2.
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There is so little in this genre I'll take anything
Absolute brainrot
You know you don't have to buy it just because it's being published by bing bing wahoo company right? Have some self-control
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you know that if you take drugs it will help you with your inability to conceptualize that other people think differently to you?
Did they have to it in the style of a cheap copy pasted trash VN from 2012?
>An irrelevant sequel to an irrelevant game series, literally no one cares about. No one asked for this. No one wants this.
Shut the fuck up OP
Japan is done
I plan on playing FamiDetective Club eventually anyway. I'm glad they are making a new title. Ace Attorney filled the void.
Name of game?
Have Nintendo made an M rated point and click game before anon? I also notice you inexplicably claim that a 3rd person survival horror is "something unique".
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>Square Enix comes out with a one-off VN
>it's pretty decent and we have some good threads
>Nintendo comes out with a one-off VN but from an established series that is popular in Japan and niche in the west
>unmitigated seething
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Me on the right btw
Divi Dead and don't bother unless you speak moon. It's MTL, and not the modern "I can kinda understand this" MTL, it's the 15 year ago MTL that makes your brain hurt
>to do something unique
>give us Mario silent hills
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>visual novel
Point and click adventure game*
>zoom repellent working as intended
got lost on your way to a gacha thread, lil' broccoli?
they already made the last 2 Famicom detective club games available on switch, plus if I wanna be an asshole, one of the ace attorney games is rated m as well
>non eroge visual novel
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>And it is the most disappointing thing I've ever seem. At least Blooper would've done something interesting instead of of this anime shit. You can thank Xenoblade and the titty sword for normalizing this.
Xenoblade 2 Pyra mindbroke you.
I definitely miss that grit on the left. I would much prefer anime titles if they could look like they were made in 2000 or earlier. Original Trigun vs NuTrigun is a perfect example of the problem.
unique for Nintendo at least
oh, you mean the ones that outsell the bottom of the barrel Yuzuge?
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>At least Blooper would've done something interesting
>I want a terrible third person "horror" game by hacks because it's in 3D and I'm frightened of anime pictures
>Mario Silent Hills
Have this:
>mass replying idiot is, in fact, a fucking retard and includes posts agreeing with him
why are mass replying idiots always so fucking RETARDED
The remake wasn't rated M. It was rated T, or PEGI 16.
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>people actually thought kojimbo was working with nintendo on this
>turns out to be another diamond dozen anime vn
I like how your idea of "unique" is just "uh....silent hill?"
yeah, why is this?
>>people actually thought kojimbo was working with nintendo on this
No one thought this
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It's actually Emio the smiling xir. An Otokonoko who hit the wall.
you first sperg tourist
American website.
I'm sure this is really cool for FDC fans.
hey look, the fucking RETARD managed to not click like 25 posts this time. Well done, you fucking RETARD
has Nintendo ever done anything horror before? go back to grade school grammar class and learn what context means
Sakurai is probably thrilled.
>aww look hes smiling :)
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>Nintendo teases something scary that catches normies' interests
>Delivers by giving them the scariest thing they can imagine: anime
Hey you got what you asked for
He clicked seven posts
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>At least Blooper would've done something interesting instead of of this anime shit.
blooberfags are a riot
normalfags love anime. It's not 2012 anymore, grandpa
Luigi's Mansion
Majora's Mask
who makes these threads? Is it really Snoys, who I can't see caring about a VN? Or is it Smashtards who are interested in telling you your game didn't get X amount of sales and therefore doesn't "deserve" Smash?
IQ filter.
Is that you? We don't use avatars on 4chan, newfriend.
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actual horror, not baby's first haunted house
You know what, good for him.

>Snoys, who I can't see caring about a VN
They'd care if it was exclusive to PS5.
That's you, actually.
I like how people are disappointed in Emio being a title in an existing IP, except they've never played a FDC game. Like, what's the difference between a new IP and an IP you've never played?
Those weren't "people".
I mean, I understand that Nintendo might've could've maybe put a interesting new spin on survival horror games or whatever, but really what would you expect them to do? Juxtapositioning cute characters with horror elements has been a done a billion times before, so it couldn't have been that. Something like a Eternal Darkness spiritual successor? Maybe. Some kind of reimagining the classic survival horror formula for the new era? It's not really something Nintendo is experienced with in the first place.
something something anime aaahhh where is my 3D
No, I'm pretty sure you're posting avatars. Again, we don't do that here. Read the rules.
How is Japan reacting to this?
It's just buckbroken trannies who hate anime
Franchises you weren't expecting to get a revival.
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Goddamn, it's unreal how much better the left looks. Are these games actually worth it? I don't mine learning some moon runes if necessary.
That teaser has made me hate this franchise. Hope the extra few book sales was worth the false advertising you fucking faggots.
I imagine that most were hoping it would in a different genre besides a visual novel.
Gee, no wonder
Kys retarded faggot
Changed cried to fapped
We went from the remakes not being announced for western release for a year and eventually having an English-only, digital-only release to this game being announced simultaneously and having a physical release with all western languages. Nice.
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>scat artists out of nowhere
Demiforce fan tl'd these bitches loooong ago if you don't wanna use the new ones


that's actually where I first played these
He has done nothing of value regarding this game.
why are you so fat and red?
What does Famiboards think of XC2?
Im curious
you first newfagged sperg tourist
>personafags trying in vain to shill their dead game
how embarrassing
originally when Emio first was teased I actually through it would be in house, and the idea of a horror game in the vein of fatal frame or eternal darkness with Nintendo's big fat official name on it would be absolutely wild. I wanna see what its like if they actually go and make something entirely out of left field. I can see the issue a la walt Disney coping about not having the respect to make "to kill a mockingbird" but taking a shot would definitely be a notable spot even if they don't land very well
Too bad it will flop and kill the franchise.
why are you so fat and red?
We will never have good threads about this game, will we? Just full of doom snd shitposters.
>dude it's gonna be a sequel to Eternal Darkness
Anyone who still expects things from Nintendo is just asking for it really
Let him cook, retard.
The best thing is that Nintendo is finally realizing that while maybe small, there's a market for games that are unabashedly Japanese. No need to localize them to remove the Japanese setting or not release them at all.
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I hope MSG gets the full FDC remake treatment.
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I know what I'm doing this afternoon. Vielen dank, anon.
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This. Producers just oversee shit, and are the most involved in advertising and payroll. Directorrs make all the real calls.
Eternal Darkness is poop, imagine playing any game by the Too Human devs.
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Seeing snoys lose their minds over Famicom Detective Club out of all things is beyond bizarre.
It'll probably get censored to death like the SNES remaster....
No worries. I like the remakes but I 100% understand wanting the 'mood and atmosphere' of the original games
shitposters are what keep threads for niche games alive
The author still wants to make that prequel too, let him do it.
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He's a sugar daddy? Wtf
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Kill yourself. No memes, no irony, please just make the world better and eat a bullet.
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We really need that Nintendo Dark though
Who gives a shit? They're the reason gaming is fucking trash now anyways. Stupid anime masturbation material disguised as a video game. Xenoblade is legit just softcore porn with the same retarted "church is le bad" "God is le evil we mist kill him" bullshit. How do we get from actual cool shit like Half Life to Swords with tits?
Persona 2 is bad, cope
I was hoping Emio was a new IP, but I also like Nintendo throwing a bone to their old IPs as well. Might check it out even though I'm not a VN enthusiast.
No, Pokémon normalized stuff like this, get that your thick skull.
OK.... but what's their reaction to it
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>3 new horror games in the Switch's final year
I like Ace Attorney, thoughbeit.
That's my biggest cope. He'll make it happen one day. (I'm being delusional)
>Xenoblade is legit just softcore porn with the same retarted "church is le bad" "God is le evil we mist kill him" bullshit.
KEK this sounds like someone's grandma trying to describe a video game, it's so fucking off
Xenoblade 2 seething for 7 years.
I think I should play Xenoblade
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>Seething about an obcure first party series getting a new game instead of le epic new horror IP his favorite youtuber has been hyping for a week
>Muh japanese company is making japanese game, and I'm mad
>It should have been made by a shitty westernslop studio instead
>The old Nintendo wouldn't have done this, please ignore that this is a 30 years old series
>This is all Xenoblade's fault!
It's insane that he broke cubies' minds so much that they keep bringing up his work in unrealated threads for almost 8 years now
Not a fan of heart-shaped pasties?
They have SFW lust threads about Pyra and Mythra all the time, they love it.
By your logic Nintendo is shit because they made Amiibo Party
That's not even a real face the guy is making. Looks like anime Mystery of the Droods.
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Well, not always. Sometimes producers get involved in the creative process, but it's the directors who are the main driving force behind games and producers have their own shit to be busy with. Sakurai did a video on it recently. Considering there are people who don't know what the difference between these roles are or even what the difference is between a developer and publisher, it's something that's been sorely needed, I think.
I can tell you've no idea of what Xenoblade even is because you keep mentioning the "swords with tits" shit.
The girls from 2 are not swords. Why do people keep saying that?
Watch the blue muppet deflate in real time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAKmdIbeVzw
Holy FUARK, the FOAZ bickering is FUNNY!
Are you fucking stupid. They are responsible for the sorry state of the industry. Honestly fuck the japs. How about that? How about fuck them for ruining this hobby. Fuck that perverted ass anime. Fuck anime games. Fuck it all. Fuck them.
If the West has fallen the holy shit the East is buried.
Why does nintendofags hate anime this much?
Famicom detective club, the game series this is part of, you fucking retard.
This sounds like a Smash Bros. tier headcanon, so probably there
By the way eShop listing confirms playable Ayumi.

"A student has been found dead! His head was covered with a paper bag with an eerie smiling face drawn on it—much like the victims of Emio, the Smiling Man—a killer of urban legend who is said to place such a bag over his victims’ heads.

As an assistant private investigator, you are tasked with helping police solve this crime, which is reminiscent of a series of unsolved murders from 18 years ago. Has a serial killer returned, or is this the work of a copycat? Are these crimes inspired by the Smiling Man story, or the origin of it?

Discover the answers to these questions and more as a member of the Utsugi Detective Agency in this intense story of suspicion, isolation, and fragility.

Explore an interactive drama full of interesting characters

Continue the adventures of the Utsugi Detective Agency with the return of familiar characters—including the returning protagonist from previous games, and Ayumi Tachibana, who is now playable in certain sections of the game for the first time in the series!

Playing as the investigative duo, you’ll need to learn a lot about the personalities and backstories of the other characters if you want to discover the truth. Who is harmless, and who is keeping important secrets? Ask questions, reference your notes, and make connections—you’ll have to order your thoughts and examine your leads carefully to draw the right conclusions."
Is there something less organic than the hate for animes that came out of nowhere on this website?
Jews truly hate anything that's beautiful.
This was for you
This twitter user was found dead. The coroner tried everything, but it took them two hours just to get the smile off his face.
oh wow, edgy ace attorney, so spooky I'm literally shitting my pants reading this text
Consider the possibility that someone might have played those games and is still disappointed.

Or don't.
>snoys are seething over this announcement that tendies hyped up and didn't turn out to be what they expected
Actually buckbroken schizo
Jesus Christ.
It really does scare me though.
Is it genuinely something wrong with their brain? Its gotta be right?
How do people live with some random game just gnawing at the back of their head for little to completely no relation?
Is it a form of schizophrenia or autism?
I'm genuinely curious.
I literally just asked what their response to this is, do you have an answer or are you gonna schizo rant further
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>for the first time in the series!
I am...forgotten...
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Yes and it's great but they never made a fucking sequel despite renewing the trademark.
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>Consider the possibility that someone might have played those games and is still disappointed.
My theory is that before the Switch, a lot of the Nintendo more "anime"-ish games were almost exclusively on handheld, so the the people who just had a home console and their entire definition of Nintendo was "Mario and Zelda" could pretend they didn't exist.
Now however those games are getting the same spotlight because of being on the same system now, and for some reason this causes those retards to have some kind of mental breakdown.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: inventor of anime
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That's it? More dated anime shit?
only complete retards like nu anime >>682960698
I know damn well retarded shitposters like you have never played this shit.
>unhinged babble
Actual mindbroken psycho
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>Nintendo ACCIDENTALLY made something that appealed super hard to Nintendo kids because Nintendo kids are super insecure about Nintendo being the kiddie anime system and desperately want something dark and gritty so they can feel better
>Turns out it actually is just another anime game from a long running franchise, confirming the stereotype even more
I would almost agree but even the SNES had some anime heavy games released in the west

I think this is just N64fags and GCkiddies who never even saw anime beyond toonami runs
Remember when he whined about the FDC remakes getting announced on Switch?
>I have no idea... how to react... to THIS
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>Pyra frightens OP
>OP has a Xenoblade 2 live mental breakdown on /v/
>7 years after release
Sorry but according to >>682963451
Eternal Darkness was never good because they made a bad game later on
Microsoft in Smash was a mistake
The weebs that gatekept Smash from westies was fighting off a bigger menace.
You couldn't have picked a worse example
now that's better, but that still goes back to my idea from the first cope post where I had thought it would be made in house by Nintendo themselves
Because they don't have a team that can and wants to make it
Sakamoto is the driving force for new Famicom Detective Club games and the team they got wants to do more after the remakes did well (for VN standards)
>ESL struggles with basic, simple language
suicidate - Is that better?
You wanted him to pretend to be excited?
I'm confused as to how an M rated point and click "confirms the stereotype". FCM hasn't had a new entry in 30 years.
Oh no, i said ED was shit, wehweh.
Not what i said either.
Okay, well I think you haven't played it. What now?
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Bottom isn't even from the same area or characters you fucking retard. The remakes were great, even if you prefer the way the SNES remake of 2 looks or sounds the Switch remake adds a ton of new sprites/animations which makes it feel much more dynamic, a lot of soul and effort went into them.

Anyone I'm actually pretty excited for a new FDC, do we know who's devving it? I thought mages went bankrupt.
sure, retard. but first, think of a niche game you enjoy and make a thread about it right now. see it get no replies and go warpspeed to page 11.
Buddy, no one knew who Joker was before he was added, people to this day complain how lots of spots were taken by generic anime swordsmen
Fuck off with your history revisionism
Reminder to disregard all Nintendo Youtubers
Mages is still kicking and considering they were the ones who went to Nintendo and pitched them the FDC remakes, this is definitely still them.
>Nintendo fans
Are we sure we're not talking about N64orfags and their nostalgia for bloody shooters and their childhood for the Xbox duke?
Who is "they".
>Still liking golem
No, I want him to be open to Nintendo IPs that aren't just Mario, Zelda or Pikmin. Every damn Nintendo Youtuber has this problem where they refuse to broaden their horizons and at least try something new with the possible exception of AntDude
Nintendo tends to hide the developers until very near or after release now but I'm pretty sure it's still mages working on this
>hating on the NeoGeo
It had more soul than the entire Wii to Switch library
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>literally out of nowhere unprecedented levels of seething about Xenoblade 2 Mythra and Pyra in a niche horror visual novel thread
Gotta be a mixture of Smash Bros roster DLC faggot mindbroken mixed with Resetera puritan homo.
I wish nintendo would make new entries in metal slader glory too
Wrong, Persona 5 is part of that "i hate anime, but except this one!" zeitgeist with 3D Zelda, Final Fantasy VII and Mega Man Legends.

Also the anime gatekeeping was a thing before the ballot happen, when one retard kept spamming the "Super Anime Bros" image.
>zoom zooms shit up the board is supposed to be some kind of winning argument
Meanwhile apparently he grew up on shitty licensed games and didn't play Mario Galaxy until he was 15
>Still liking golem
I remember when he got Shadman to draw some and people fucking HATED spaz for that.

Surprised it never caught on, like what the two faggots were into did.
It's snoys thinking one youtuber represents all Nintendo fans because snoys can't understand that people play games instead of watching people play games.
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So does the original author hopefully one day he'll get his chance
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Will we finally confess and date Ayumi for a while before being killed in the climax of the game, bros?
>you're not a real Nintendo fan if you didn't came out the womb playing Super Mario 64
Actual cult mentality
ayy lmao
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I love her so much bros
>Obsessing over youtubers and snoys
I'd hate to be your therapist
I'm dead serious it is LITERALLY Xenoblade's fault for all of this and I can explain why.
Here is a secret that Xenoshills never bring up. The character designer for Xenoblade is is LITERALLY A HENTAI ARTIST. Yes he literally draws pornography for a living. Family Friendly Nintendo saw a pornographer and hired him for their big system launch game.
Because of that shit not everything they do is some weird borderline satanic anime slop. If you think I'm going too far by saying "borderline satanic" then think about this.
What the fuck does "killing God" mean. Really think about it, a video game where the developer is so perverted that the made a sword transform into a human and dressed her like a stripper. Is the same game with the message "The world would be better if God was dead."

The Japanese has been waging a silent war on our public for decades now. It's a form of culture war, a propaganda war. If you don't believe me than go watch Synthetic Man break down how the new Zelda is satanic.
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British web
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You learn to love it eventually
You do know not every Nintendo fan has to like EVERY Nintendo franchise right?
People just prefer distinct genres
I'm not the biggest fan of Arlo, but a neutral, apathetic response makes the most sense especially for someone who doesn't understand the broader context of why a remake of Famicom Detectivd Club coming out to the West is huge in a historical perspective
It probably is, but I've also seen a lot of (minority, but still very vocal) fans who grew up in various eras ignore the existence of anything that isn't Mario, Pokemon, Smash, etc. and even in some drastic cases they outright ignore the existence of Zelda
These are even people who had a DS or 3DS which was filled to the brim with weeb games.
That's not to say there aren't any N64fags who also happen to be weebs and enjoy anime games, but the former is a trend I notice from time to time. Much like there are Sony fans who ignore the existence of Ape Escape, Gravity Rush, Motorstorm, etc. (doesn't help that Sony themselves ignore those) or Xbox fans who have zero idea about Microsoft's weeb phase they had in the OG Xbox and early 360 days and only got in on it when Gears of War and Halo were at their peaks.
I thought they went bankrupt? I could see Nintendo hiring those people to make the new game.
>Scott the Poz
Still doesn't disprove or discredit the still ongoing complaints of anime swordmen clogging the roster
>I'm not the biggest fan of Arlo, but a neutral, apathetic response makes the most sense especially for someone who doesn't understand the broader context of why a remake of Famicom Detectivd Club coming out to the West is huge in a historical perspective
And this is exactly Arlo and other retardtubers are worthless wastes of time.
Banjo will like to have a word with you.
Because Shadman is also a bad scat artist too, despite being an edgelord who draws bloodshed.
Mages is still kicking, barely but still they haven't closed doors yet
For the record the most commonly used tryhard word on Resetera is "zeitgeist" and this is a on-going Xenoblade 2 seething thread. Your post really activates my Famicom Detective Agency Batman vision senses. The trail on your post leads back to Resetera TransTown, better whistle for an invincible horse called Roach and gallop to the medieval puritan village of Resetera led by the court jester. I'll mark it on your map.
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>Nintendo's edgy phase is...a guy with a paper bag on his head
>I'm dead serious it is LITERALLY Xenoblade's fault for all of this and I can explain why.
>Here is a secret that Xenoshills never bring up. The character designer for Xenoblade is is LITERALLY A HENTAI ARTIST. Yes he literally draws pornography for a living. Family Friendly Nintendo saw a pornographer and hired him for their big system launch game.
>Because of that shit not everything they do is some weird borderline satanic anime slop. If you think I'm going too far by saying "borderline satanic" then think about this.
>What the fuck does "killing God" mean. Really think about it, a video game where the developer is so perverted that the made a sword transform into a human and dressed her like a stripper. Is the same game with the message "The world would be better if God was dead."
>The Japanese has been waging a silent war on our public for decades now. It's a form of culture war, a propaganda war. If you don't believe me than go watch Synthetic Man break down how the new Zelda is satanic.
successful threads happen because of shitposting. you even have to start the thread with an inflammatory bait remark to get it jumpstarted. is /vr/ having visiting today or something?
I'm disappointed in the sense that I was hoping for a new survival horror game since there aren't really any good ones anymore from major developers and publishers. All indie these days if you want a good horror experience.

It's fine. I'm happy for the FDC fans. I played FDC2 and it's a perfectly good example of why I don't like point-and-clicks but that's just me.
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>I'm dead serious it is LITERALLY Xenoblade's fault for all of this and I can explain why.
>Here is a secret that Xenoshills never bring up. The character designer for Xenoblade is is LITERALLY A HENTAI ARTIST. Yes he literally draws pornography for a living. Family Friendly Nintendo saw a pornographer and hired him for their big system launch game.
>Because of that shit not everything they do is some weird borderline satanic anime slop. If you think I'm going too far by saying "borderline satanic" then think about this.
>What the fuck does "killing God" mean. Really think about it, a video game where the developer is so perverted that the made a sword transform into a human and dressed her like a stripper. Is the same game with the message "The world would be better if God was dead."
>The Japanese has been waging a silent war on our public for decades now. It's a form of culture war, a propaganda war. If you don't believe me than go watch Synthetic Man break down how the new Zelda is satanic.
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Not unless Fire Emblem gets substantially trimmed down to wash away that stipulation of a term, Fire Emblem itself is responsible for that term existing and being thrown around. Funnily enough when Pythra got revealed someone on twitter came up with Scrimblo Bimblo term despite them not even being Scrimblos
You know, Sakamoto said the ending way controversial so I could see it happening.
Mate, I get the occassional frustration that not every Nintendo fan on the planet doesn't recognize every thing the company published like the back of your hand but you can't expect everyone to acknowledge games like fucking Sennen Kazoku
Even diehard Nintendo nerds barely know about that (and for good reason)
Is this supposed to be some kind of shocking revelation? Plenty of of Japanese artists that have worked on games have also drawn hentai, it's totally normal and nobody actually cares. Just wait until you hear about the Etrian Odyssey or Mega Man Legends artists
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>uhhh game is le bad because....le heckin hentai artist was hired
Don't play Pokemon TCG or FE Shadow Dragon
I'm not mentally ill. Here is my full explanation here >>682965503 Now I'm being nice and trying to reason with you.
You cannot rebut a single thing I have said. It's all true.
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>Be american kid in the late 90s/early 00s
>Anime as a medium is barely even known to the general public
>Anime games have mostly been on playstation since the end of the SNES generation
>The N64/GCN are the absolute worst Nintendo gens in term of game diversity
>You latch on the few games from their top IPs that are coming out since it's the only thing you have access to
>Latch on to weird Melee characters as the height of what an obscure Nintendo IP is
>Wii and Wii U are casual town despite having more variety so you can get by while ignoring anything too niche
>DS and 3DS have anime games but who even play handhelds
>You still trashtalk the new games from popular Nintendo franchises because they are too "safe" compared to your beloved shitty Gamecube games
>Nintendo comes out with the Switch and combine both their ecosystems
>Suddently bigger budget anime games are flooding your home console
>Nintendo start promoting their niche games that would be sent to their death in past gens as well
>Nintendo has so much money that they keep bringing back anime styled IPs from decades past
>It keeps outselling their old games
>You weren't even alive when this was the norm during the SNES era.
>All this time you thought Nintendo was the company that made weird low selling games on the Gamecube
>Why are people buying this?
>The only cope you have left is to bitch about it online
>Hentai in shadow dragon's style
Jesus christ how awful.
>Famicom Detective Club
Can I play the original two versions with a translation patch on an emulator, or do I need to buy them on Switch?
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>shillie posting
Kill yourself
The artist of Valkyria Chronicles 1-4 draws porn. Didn't know MM Legends had a porn artist, no wonder Roll is so good looking.
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I don’t care what people say about this model, I just don’t like how we were robbed of this

>Hentai artist works on Nintendo game
>Hentai artist works on Capcom game
The Famicom originals were never translated, the second game already got a remake on Super Famicom which got a fan translation so you could play that, but the only translated version of the first is the Switch remake.
>visual novel
Not videogames
>The character designer for Xenoblade is is LITERALLY A HENTAI ARTIST
Most Japanese artists have drawn hentai retard
What's wrong anon? Don't like greasy horse dicks?
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modern anime style is peak sovlless
The remakes are better.
I don't expect randos on the street to know everything but someone trying to be a youtuber should at least be INTERESTED in learning about the topics he talks about. Youtubers like Arlo don't event like Nintendo and just leech off it for clicks.
I kind of missed the days when Nintendo fans were curious about other projects they made. There are so many cool Nintendo series that have gone dormant, yet fucker now only care about Mario and Zelda. Its why I liked old Smash since it highlighted these other games. Of course, that series has been raped by roster fags who want MUGAN and can't be bothered with classic Nintendo Kino.

What I'm really saying is Grezzo needs to get on that For Frog The Bell Tolls Remake
Well that answers that. Alright thanks.
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Sakurai says YES to Hentai
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Not those with a strong moral character or self respect.
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HAHAHA, you have no idea what official artists are like.
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Schizo are you still here? What do you think of the female Boo from Paper Mario 64 that has a crush on Mario and she's a party member?
>Blaming Xenoblade for Pokémon's faults.
I kneel
Scott the Poz, The muppet, the Crocfag.
>stop pointing out what I am talking about in this thread!
We will when you go back to your groomercord.
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>It's Xenoblade's fault if we are getting more obscure Nintendo IP revival
WTF?! I love Takahashi now!
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>Hentai artist works on Fire Emblem/Xenoblade game
>Hentai artist works on Pokemon game
You won't find any of that in the manga industry
Nigger, most (proper) artists will draw porn eventually

>Inb4 coomer
It's not for cooming its to learn proper anatomy, the only ways you can do that is by practicing and reading books on it, and you can't practice that without drawing nude characters
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It's okay when Pokemon does it.
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>walked into a supposedly boring thread about some visual novel horror game remake
>get a front row set to puritan YouTuber schizo
I kneel. Clown performance at its peak.
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>porn artist asset flip
It's really just something unique to Nintendo Youtubers who are so autistic that they're making Youtuibe videos about Nintendo in the first place. Most Nintendo fans appreciate everything they put out even when it's not something they're terribly interested in. It's nice that Nintendo brought a Japanese only series outside Japan and are making new games in it.
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Do you think Square Enix knows what their DESPICABLE artists are doing?
We should tell them or something in a strongly worded tweet.
Shame about that firing.
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>still obsessing over two unrelated thread topics
I hope he's getting paid well for dealing with nutcases like you
Did they fully model Amy or something?
Why are tendies so schizo?
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>The random seemingly niche Nintendo thread is actually a Xenoschizo seething thread
It's way more common than you would think
.... Pokémon, not Xenoblade.
Yes, that's what you fags were saying until earlier today
I will be honest. The guy worked on Metroid Dread and I was pretty scared from playing that game.
Maybe this game will be more of a suspense thriller, tho.
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Religious LARP Niggas who cry about sex worker/hentai artists getting hired to do normal stuff.
>Maybe this game will be more of a suspense thriller
that's exactly what it is
Play the remakes of the first two games, he wrote them all the way back when. That's what you can expect.
Why would you ever "read" a VN and not read an actual novel instead?

15 years ago there were debates on /v/ whether VNs are games or not. They are clearly not games. They are just choose your own adventure mangas. If you are lucky, each panel is its own artwork. If not they just show you talksprites in front of a sterile background.
Therefore the question should be reiterated: why should anyone ever, ever play these? These are it seems to me, intended for an audience of failure otakus. Why would anyone in the west ever be interested?

Are there GENUINELY people who think these things are worth more than a quick look for the sake of novelty?
Rafa Knight tussled with Aaron Webber and got fired for a vague NDA violation.
>Why would you ever "read" a VN and not read an actual novel instead?
because the story hasn't been released in novel format
horrorfags btfo once again
back into your bottomless hole of resident evil and silent hill remakes, empty rooms (very scary) and mascotshit
You've been having a mental breakdown over this shit for 7 years. Anime is here to stay, now get over yourself zoomer
>stop pointing out what I am talking about in this thread!
We will when you go back to your groomercord.
No, Schizoanon made it very clear that we are only getting those new games because of Xenoblade. He also probably think that Xenoblade devs are controlling the entire gaming industry like some really horny jews. You can probably make him blame them for the lack of games on other consoles if you bait him hard enough.
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Do you think they know about
"that" image?
Because theyre not books how else am I gonna read then?
>famicom detective club
Aw yis!
Oh no I broke your mind, my bad
I've had no problem finding good horror content without any of that shit.
Why are you talking about visual novels in an adventure game thread?
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>terminally online snoy can't differentiate between people talking in a video game thread and what they spend their days thinking about
Good to know you even seethe about tendies when you aren't shitting up threads here.
This isn't a VN though
Buddy, there's a reason no one made a new game for this kind of horror in three decades, because it fucking sucks
Man what a clever way to boost an IP!

I can tell you right now if this was revealed in a Direct as a full trailer, no one would've cared

Genius marketing
>snoy! snoy! snoy!
Shitted and flopped.
Only the SNES remake of 2 got a translation patch. Just play both switch remakes, the switch remake of 2 actually lets you use the SNES remake ost if you want as well.
How did xenoblade manage to buckbreak one schizo so hard?
Xenoblade 2*
File deleted.
>Ishikawa: "I drew Aerith bukkake'd and her tits getting hooked."
>Square-Enix/Nomura: "Holy based, you're hired!"
>TPC and NIS: "Come work with us next!"
>At least Blooper would've done something interesting
Oh anon, that's a good one
No, Pokémon is why we're getting these games.
>calls others obsessed
>seethes and malds over the imaginary snoys in his head
Well at least I'll be one more thing you'll seethe about 24/7
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Xenoblade 2 has utterly mindbroken people on /v/ and Resetera. 5,000 worded post seething over Pyra and Mythra as DLC in Smash Bros.
Ok, but the image you posted looks interesting. The video OP posted looks bland.
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If people want dark aspects from Nintendo games I suggest they watch this ongoing series
Sauce me up
It was just a little teaser, why did you expect it to be this huge thing?
Next time temper your expectations
Why is /v/ so retarded
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Gotta weed out the fakers
>thread about a new FDC turns into a schizo fuming over Sony and another one fuming over Xenoblade
My first mistake was believing/v/ talked about videogames
This but unironically
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Nah, this started back during X, beginning with this.
Nickelodeon was also infamous for that on baby cartoon that feature hyperscat too
The person who posted that got banned for using the LGBTQ+ flag which is not allowed on the forum (he was banned with in minutes after he made that post with that avatar); Just as a heads up.
>false advertising
How. Do you even know what that means?
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His only mistake was drawing Megaman porn while working on the Megaman series. That's the only thing they frown upon.
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I'm sorry anon, but you already know what was gonna happen no matter what

Just laugh at the schizo posting
No, but she released "aged up" models of Maria, Medli, and Roll in the past
producer roles are weird at Nintendo, people like tanabe/sakamoto/aonuma etc. have more input than general producers (note that Sakurai doesn't work at Nintendo)
calm down snoy
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>*Worships the demiurge*
>Xeno: Hey maybe you should stop worshipping the demiurge
Seems like a pretty cut and dry story from what I could get from his meltdowns
>Coming out basically within a week of the AAI collection
Shit, niggas, we eating good.
Lin Lee Koom
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>Not those with a strong moral character or self respect.
Should i tell him?
They would never do this, they're loyal to Rex
>MegaMan Legends artist draws porn
>Xenoblade 2 artists draw porn
>Valkyria Chronicles artist draws porn
WTF I'm now buying all 3 of those, Pyra and Mytrha Amiibo, and Famicom Detective Emio.
>so mad about being called out he had to reply twice
Haha fucking loser
>something seemingly big and grand is unveiled
>it's difficult to disprove
>internet goes rampant with speculation and debate
>several days later, the reality check arrives and hits like a truck
Nintendo has made their very own Grinch Leak.
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>the smiling man
Oh fuck.
oh man I love visual novels, my favorite is secret of monkey island with a close second in day of the tentacle
>You cannot rebut a single thing I have said. It's all true.
oh u
Do we know his "official" name yet?
Simon Keyes was such a good one, I doubt the new one can match it.
Pretty good way to get attention for a niche game.
this but also quest for glory
No. I doubt they'll reveal it before the game is out.
Do you see that video and if so, does it have anything new to say about TTYD instead of the same shit everyone's talked about for two decades now instead of summarizing what's in the main plot?
I like to simon keyes when I go to the zoo
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>Xenoblade 2 Anime swords change the course of Nintendo history in 2017
>Nintendo in 2024 releases a VN remake 2 Trace Memory games and a Famicom VN game
T-Thanks Pyra and Mythra. How about some Hotel Dusk remakes for desert before the Switch 2?
I actually learned from this video and I’m glad Sakurai did it, much more interesting than counting in binary for a series everyone is sick of.
>Nintendo FINALLY does something original, bringing a new title on a series that hasnt been touched upon since the creation of the famicom.

>NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! i want my edgy live action crap!

nintendo should never do live action crap because its exactly the same as a movie game. its good we got what we got. and i dont know why you sonygras are even crying when you dont even play nintendo games!
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Even like 3 of the original mario artists drew hentai retard.
Someone post the full frontal mario
N64/GCN kids brainwashed by NoA marketing.
Yet they still hire him whenever.
the teaser wasn't LA
im sure that new game is gonna be as dark as sonygras want, but they will still diss it because ANIME.
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Lmao he made a video about wanting DLC for Pikmin 4 when that could backfire and not let the devs focus on a possible Pikmin 5
I liked the part where I read a wall of text for 3 hours and then the game asked if I wanted to swordfight, rob the governor or find buired treasure and all three options lead to more walls of text.
MegaMan Legends artist is based. >>682968694
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I get the sneaking suspicion that several posts in this thread are purposefully being misleading and inflammatory
Much as I wanted an original horror game, this is the best case it could have been for an existing IP.
uhhh... im sure the emio teaser was live action. dunno why you say otherwise.
Taisen soon bros??
I do a little bit of that here and there
Kill yourselves. Visual novels are great and I love detective shit.
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Scott the Chad
Define "satanic"
Ice Climber 2 when?
Remember when Barry spammed this? Good times.
Thank God it's not mascot horror brainrot
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I am not the XB2 Schizo I just wanted to post this because it’s funny
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Left really isn't even anything special but right is such genuine dogshit
Looks more like a fucking moege than a detective / horror game
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It’s over, let it fucking go, you’re fighting a big uphill battle you’ll never win and people will just keep laughing at you
They do, but it's more about showing appreciation for his past contributions. I don't think they'd ever have him work on an actual game again.
Not really a fan of the remake look.
he was surprisingly respectful this time
Trip does wear leggings lmao
Microsoft Co-Pilot summarize this thread for me
>In this thread the Original Poster, hereby after known as Resetera Twitter Zoomer OP, implicated Xenoblade Chronicles 2, incorrectly calls Pyra and Mythra as anime swords, and Satanism for why Nintendo released a visual novel remake of Another Code 'Trace Memory' in 2024 and Famicom Detective Club Emio in the same year as well
>The Resetera Twitter Zoomer OP bemoans Nintendo for releasing ZoomerCore Jank QuestMan Survival Crafter Multiplayer feat SlenderMan and Music by VTuber of the Month as a Halloween game
Thanks Microsoft co pilot AI.
You're such a tosser holy shit
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Ace Attorney is why we’re getting them
Those don't exist in Japan you neo puritan cocksucker
>Getting your opinions from a muppet
Goofy ahh Sesame Street ass niggas.
Is this just some kinda ai thread?
Whats with these posts?
Im happy it was not bloober team. We would have an infested sweet baby inc game with woke shit and shit story about white men bad.
>viscerally horrified by anything sexual
>muh slop
Yup, it’s a zoomer post.
I wonder how these people avoided getting super into Pokemon and other anime on TV that laid the foundation for an interest in anime later. Kids would've have to have been the ultimate contrarians to not be into the stuff everyone else was into at the time.
Previous threads were kinda calm

>zoomies having literal panic attacks about reading
no surprise there not gonna lie
the crappiness is what makes left good
They were gatekeeping Banjo as well
>bringing up xenoblade for no reason
Uhhh ok
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I honestly wouldn't be shocked if the sudden push for adventure games/vns from Nintendo is because of how much Capcom has dropped the ball with new aa games, and nintendo wants to capitalize on the lack of aa7 to capture some of the ace attorney/adventure game audience.
Rawk Hawk sent a Poison Cake to Prince Mush to cheese his way to victory
>ongoing complaints
You mean retards crying it's not the swordman they want.
Zoomers attention spans are as the modern internet language is these days "Cooked"

These motherfuckers want to skip everything, gotta cooosooom and move on to the next product they can't appreciate anything at its own pacing now
Megaman is here to save this thread from the Schizoshit
>doesn't call out the "tendies hate anime" shitposting
How interesting.
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>Ace Attorney 4-6 Collection
>Trace Memory 1 and 2 remake collection
>Famicom Detective horror comfy kino in time for Halloween
Cry out in pain zoomer cunts. Don't forget to take your adderall meds for your crippling ADHD lil' zoomers. But I'm afraid the Xenoblade 2 Pyra and Mythra/anime/porn is le bad schizo is incurable, whatever he has in his head.
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>>Ace Attorney 4-6 Collection
Not too surprising, personally I'm happier about the AAI Collection since they aren't mainline games.
Will Emio have his way with Ayumi?
Silly anon, Pokémon is not anime if you deny reality hard enough! It wasn't an "anime" broadcasting on TV, just another cartoon! Why would a western minded company like Nintendo ever do an anime inspired series? Are you going to tell me that Zelda is anime inspired next? Don't be ridiculous!
I wonder if nintendo will ever bring over buddy complex, they didn't make it but it's still an adventure game and they published it themselves

probably never though
>they do exactly that four times (Famicom, Advance Wars, Another Code, Endless Ocean)
Why are Nintendo "fans" always like this?
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FUCK I forgot about that one. We got The Great Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright 4-6 Collection, and the Miles Edgeworth games physical. Goddamn we are so lucky or eating well as zoomers favorite bespoke phrase.

Zoomers are you still here? Anti Xenoblade 2 Schizo don't reply. Do the words in this text hurt you? Does reading hurt zoomers? Show me on the smartphone at what age did you find reading too overwhelming.
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>play FDC2 (classic)
>get to the part where you're questioning a teacher in the school office
>he doesn't say anything
>try clicking around to see if I can trigger anything else to get him to talk
>no luck
>try questioning him again
>no luck
>try clicking around to see if I can trigger anything else to get him to talk... again
>no luck
>try questioning him AGAIN
>game finally advances
This kind of shit is why I stopped playing point-and-click games. Was really hoping the teaser was for a new survival horror IP or something.

But hey, they're bringing back a classic IP, I still think that's pretty cool even if it's not one I care for.
>It's literally nothing
I told you so. Only /vr/ would give a shit about this.
I just wish they stuck with an 80s anime style
Big chungus
It's the same way Dragon Ball Z or FF7 isn't anime.
It's not [thing you dislike] if you liked it as a kid.
I know, I was just being provocative hehe
>Why are Nintendo "fans" always like this?
They are just snoys using excuses to attack Nintendo
Old Nintendo IPs means N64/Gamecube IPs or whats in Smash (if it's not too 'anime' looking).
Basically everything about your post is either wrong misinformed or comically misunderstanding. First off
>much porn
Basically every big Nintendo IP uses hentai artist. It is beyond common and would be weird if they didn't. Point me to a nip game and I will find a guy who draws porn who worked on it
>muh kill god in xenoblade 2
That doesn't even happen in xenoblade 2. And generally in jrpgs you do kill a god it is a false god or not a chief diety
>go watch this zoomers video on how new Zelda is santanic
I don't need a zoomer to state the obvious how link went from a crusader to a baphomet worshiping cuck. TotK is shit yes I'll give you that one
>Retard thinks it's any IP and not 1st parties
You mean the 1st party games that are ALWAYS getting attention? Retard.
Famicom was 1st party, drumpfy. The remakes are EPD7 with assistance from MAGES
oh lol
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>Visual novel players be like
this gameplay fire yo!
>zoomers gamers be like
Logging into server, server wait time 1 hour, place in line 55th, BattlePass purchase lasts for 48 hours, dailies progress [5/55], gacha box not pulled today, renew subscription next week charge ready to auto renew.
>Zoomers only play gacha now
I thought /v/ hated cinematic experiences, so seeing them get excited for a visual novel is confusing.
>Itks another "Tendies hate anime" episode
FE. The answer is too much FE. You can also blame Smash for that too because of "anime sword fighter" meme.
They meant ones from shit they played like Star Fox, F-Zero, Kid Icarus etc people asked to get a new game for well over a decade
AW was one of them but the new game wasn't really good
>"TotK is shit yes I'll give you that one"
>giving anything to xenoschizo
Smashtards are not human
>don't praise a downgraded product
>get called a fake fan
I mean, I can't name a good anime game. Either it's cinematic experiences like Xenoblade, or visual novels like Fire Emblem, or boring QTE fests like Trails in the sky or Tales of series or even YS.
>luv me Mario
>luv me 3D Zelda
>luv me Metroid, aven't played one but I eard its pretty gud
>luv me Paper Mario (only TTYD, the rest is trash)
>luv me Pikmin. I bet u didn' expect that!
>luv me Smash (I heard they have Banjo innit)
>luv me Gamecube
>'ate modern Paper Mario
>'ate Mario & Luigi (They should make a new paper Mario instead)
>'ate Kirby (the lil' fucker gets too many games)
>'ate Fire Emblem (the devs should make more paper Mario games)
>'ate Xenoblade (its a bit too anime innit bruv?)
>'aven't played any other Nintendo game
>simple as
He's right. Broken clock twice a day and all. TotK is either willfully or accidentally inherently satanic with all its bullshit retcons
Exactly. Glad you get my point.
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here friendo use this one next time.
F-Zero 99 is a new game though
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>describes themselves as "nintendo fan"
>only likes one or two unpopular nintendo series
>they're from the Gamecube era
Stop listening to these people
>The answer is too much FE
>two mainline games and one spin-off is too much
All of those were done exceptionally poorly. Stop being dishonest.
Did AI make this post?
Try Grandia and Wild Arms. Xenogears if you have high IQ.
>its a shitty 1:1 remake with nothing new and a horrid online system
No they were not, they wanted Banjo because hew was a part of Nintendo history.
He's not wrong
I'm more mad they said no DLC or not putting production to BOTW3 featuring a shota Link protagonist.
Xenogears has too much talking. I look down on pretty much all JRPGS because of too much story.

If you have more story than a Mario game, that's a humongous red flag.
He's the most honest poster in the thread retard. Nintendofags seethe that nintendo forgets IPs but whenever they DO bring them back nobody buys them. Money talks. And nintendo fags only "want" Mario/zelda/smash
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>FE. The answer is too much FE. You can also blame Smash for that too because of "anime sword fighter" meme.

Yep blame the over saturation of FE not just in Smash but in general throughout the 2010s
You definitely weren't around before the ballot or before Ultimate's teaser, i can tell
>hate paper Mario
>they should make more paper mario
>Xenogears has too much talking
Still gets less slack than people treat with Golden Sun
Kid Icarus got a new game
And regular retards can’t read
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Nintendo's obsession with Fire Emblem is honestly fucked desu
>Xenogears has too much talking.
Well he did say if you have a high IQ. And that's OK! There are plenty of games for people like you
>a direct for an anniversary year that only announced two games (one a remake) and a mobile gatcha
the horror
>Only 2 mainline games in 5-6 years
Stop making new entries of series if you're just going to half ass it. Stop expecting people to buy it just because it is a new entry. Put in effort.
>Hurr Mario and Zelda
I actually would prefer if one of these games got a budget like them because maybe they wouldn't feel like projects they threw to the newbies and gave them pennies to make
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>Anti Xenoblade2 schizo "subtlety" shifts the conversation to drag Fire Emblem into it
400+ posts in, could it be just Smash Bros DLC Resetera cross boards poster seethe all along?
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Why are you so full of shit? There's loke 7 games, each 2-3 years released apart from each other.
Lots of JRPGs fall victim to the “Slow Start” complaints

Even the TTYD remake since you can’t speed through text
over a decade ago
His angle is that if they decided to make more Paper Mario, it would automatically mean that it would be in the style of TTYD instead of Nu-Paper Mario. Yes, it's retarded.
And it was very good. Also check the date. It is almost old enough to post here
2017 is just a random year lmao

2015 was the the 25th Anniversary dumb dumb
I was there since the N64 days, people wanted Banjo.
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>if you don't like TLOU and Uncharted, then you don't have high IQ
Sorry, I think gameplay is more important than story.

I actually played through Grandia 2 and Wild Arms 3 to their respective ends. The stories were absolutely atrocious.

>dude what if God was actually dead, and the devil killed him
>actually neither exist, they're just people who turned into gods with technology

It's like I'm really watching Rick and Morty.
Why the fuck would you expect lesser known IPs to get massive manpower and budget you fucking dumbass? The only nintendo series to that kind of attention is probably metroid and that's because metroid fags. Wait for ACTUALLY BUY THE GAMES

There's nothing wrong with small ips getting small teams. that's how the old game industry used to work. Megaman was never high budget. But it sure as shit was easy to make and produce because you could thrown any small team on them.
Sunken cost falacy's a bitch, huh. Enjoy your weebafied Marvel series, troon.
you can tell this post was written by a smashfag because they're seething about anime
>bringing up dogshit western movie games
Book games>movie games. Thanks for proving IQ point though
Even if you count Wii U games rereleased on Switch that only gets you to five. And those extra two games are also just spin-off shit.
Man, the villain[/spoiler ]of that game is pure fucking sexo
Fugg I thought it was way more recent
Anyone and I do mean anyone who complains about anime as a whole on 4chan is a sub 90 IQ retard
Off topic
There's no difference between Fire Emblem, Famicom detective club, TLOU and God of War. They're the exact same story told over and over.

>weak humans talking about their feelings, instead of just killing everything in their way

It's unbearable to suffer through.
You're not going to want to talk to this guy. He's literally retarded and only interested in console wars
>Whines about lack of gameplay in a story driven genre
>Whines about shit story in a story driven genre
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Stop torturing yourself.
The circle is now complete
Don't know if it's Resetera, but the seethers are always the same.
you'll survive
Ever since I came here, this board hated snoy movies. What exactly happened to change public opinion?
What does FE have to do with Marvel?
I know. I am insulting him and he isn't even arguing the core point
Based Metroid Dread outselling nu-Armored Core
>The Japanese has been waging a silent war on our public for decades now.

I think you forgot to take your autism pills, jesus christ.
Now that they announced this, recommend some mystery stuff for switch since I love this shit, jap or non-jap.
Ok thanks for agreeing with me, retard.
He's only seen marvel and disney films. You seriously can't get any other reference from him, there is not a cultured bone in his body.
more than half of /v/ is perpetually mind broken about anything Ninty related.
>Brand new Famicom Detective Club
Based. Glad to see those remasters of the originals apparently generated enough interest for them to continue the series proper after all these fucking decades.
thats actually faust
A few Wii U leftovers aren't destroying Donkey Kong Country, anon.
>He didn't play Toothpaste-chan/kun's game
Its just
>guy who has only seem boss baby says other movie has serious boss baby vibes
At best he is ignorant. More likely he is just extremely low IQ
This is a remaster of a DS game but I'm going to recommend it first anyway because it's the forever GOAT.
In JRPGs you kill a god, not THE God.
Think of killing Zeus, not the Judeo-Christian God.
Also, Xenoblade is a relatively niche series and a passion project from the studio. Monolith Soft didn't invent VNs, let alone Anime.
You're replying to ACsnoy.
He likes to call an form of action "Marvel slop" but ignores pic related because he's a Primetard too.
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Nintrannies need to kill themselves
>In JRPGs you kill a god, not THE God.
Name ONE (1) single individual visual novel made in the last 15 years that actually accurately apes the style of the 80s.
Then show me an anime game where you can kill everyone, including the waifus, and lay absolute waste to the entire world. Every time there's an anime game, it's always about making you a slave and you having to obey whatever corrupt authority exists.

>play Xenoblade 2
>Mythra smacks you and treats you like garbage
>no option to snap her neck and shatter her crystal

>playing Zelda
>the princess treats you like slave labor, goes on vacation while you do all the hard work
>doesn't even consider you a real person
>not allowed to backhand her with a bokoblin club

>Samus continually works for corrupt feds who keep trying to kill her
>she keeps going back and worshipping the ground they walk on, without question
Great Will is God, YHVH exists out of the will of humanity.
Never implied it was, just that Nintendo's obsession with FE mindbroke tendies, biasd-kun.
hang in there champ
You literally never kill the great will who is the actual God controlling the universe. Congrats on outing yourself as someone who doesn't even play the games he is screeching about
You're a psychopath. Please show this post to a family member and have them arrange a therapy session.
Yeah, but that's an exception.
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>OP, in xhis literal cocksucking life, does not know about famicom detective club
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Can't go wrong with Ace Attorney. Ghost trick like that other anon said,

You might like the Another code remake
make a thread
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>you're a psychopath
Have none of you PLAYED Engage? It's Marvelverse as fuck.
Damn, I can't believe that Marvel has made Dissidia, Sonic Generations, Persona Q, Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros.
Based actual players. YHVH is just another demon in SMT while the GW is closer to our understanding of YHVH
>no option to snap her neck and shatter her crystal
That would kill Rex
into the garbage it goes
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Kek who the fuck asked for this shit
Which SMT game lets me rid the Axiom
everything ok at home, sis?
Better to die a free man than live as a slave.
>playing garbage
Like or hate the plot, Engage is far too genuine to be a Marvel movie
SMT IV:A you kill literally the entire cast then destroy the entire universe. Then remake the universe from the start
>What the fuck does "killing God" mean. Really think about it, a video game where the developer is so perverted that the made a sword transform into a human and dressed her like a stripper. Is the same game with the message "The world would be better if God was dead."
Xenoblade 2 is literally about giving god hope that humanity will find its way forward. The only reason god dies in Xenoblade 2 is due to events completely out of the parties control.
I think there's a Last Bible game that does
Well Marvel did start it, Zoomer.
You've got the passive-aggressiveness down, but you'll still never pass as a woman.
>Marlel invented collaborative teams ups against big bad
So tired of you mouse shills.
>destroy the universe
>then remake the universe
Aaaaaand you lost me.
unironically Last Bible it's the only game in the series where you actually take the fight to the Axiom and win
Good luck expecting him to read. The second a dialogue box appears, he'll skip any text and attempt to kill them. He's completely illiterate hence the unprompted demand for that kind of game.
Well I'll take that as a concession.
>Last Bible
>you don't like movie games that don't respect your time and shove 500 hours of exposition in your face? hah, must be illiterate

Nice try Druckmann.
If anything, I thought Nintendo was gonna do their own Silent Hill analogue with Emio being their Pyramid Head
Mythra was justified in hitting Rex. He refused to run and put everyone's lives in danger and ultimately forced Vandham to sacrifice himself to try and save everyone which was completely in vain and forced Mythra to reawaken.
If it was Marvel, the characters would constantly quip about how cliche the plot is instead of taking it at face value
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<- This is Marvel pandering.
Remakes it in his own way. Not just snapping it back to what it was
you'll survive
You forget what era these FE games came out in, faggot. Your insecurity won't save you from Nintendo's overzealous worship of FE that's pissed of Tendies.
who the fuck are you even? Josue Yrion? what were you even expecting from smash to spout this shit about franchises you dont like?
>can't handle a character talking about the player
>can't understand any form of emotion
>death is the only interaction with others
>can't even understand what other posts mean
actual mind of a child
Except she hits him completely at random, anytime she has an emotional episode.

>Nia makes a comment about a one eyed snake
>Mythra hits Rex for no reason

>Mythra sleep walks into Rex's room
>Mythra hits him even though she's responsible for it
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Retro Mystery Club, which is pretty much directly inspired
Oh my god
you can stop posting anytime faggot
>in-series crossovers are marvelshit
The brainrot is real
>Le semantics
It's like I'm surrounded by robots.
Why would (you) have any influence on the plot. You aren't Link, you aren't Rex, and you aren't Samus. Self insertfags get the rope.
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>talking could be time spent playing
>emotions are just time wasted on inaction
>death is the most fun and videogamey interaction with the world

Video games, not video movies.
Why does it look like shit compared to the actual 80s games?
Triggered you so hard you started samefagging,
>why would you have any influence on the plot
Because the entire point of a video game is to interact with it? My actions should be able to shape the plot to an extent. When half the game involves actions out of my control, then it loses the game part.
That's what the gameplay is for, not the story
I guess Mario games are shit then, considering your actions don't shape the plot in any way or form
He wants to have his cake and eat it too. ACfag's gone as far to say vidya shouldn't have any music production since it gets in the way of producing "pure gameplay", in his view. I don't get it either.
so glad you agree marvelshit like armored core is bad then since the game involves actions out of your control.
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I dunno dog looks pretty faithful to the 80s to me
Soul Nomad in NG+
Then why is it always those games. you have hundreds available and obviously own a steam account given your insistence on TF2 reaction images and comparisons. Why choose to complain about games that never intended to have those interactions and that nobody else wants them to have?
Play literally anything else that was made with that in mind.
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Okay but consider the following: What if Mario was evil and he killed peach at the end?
you'll survive
No it's not, we been though this before.
>the princess treats you like slave labor, goes on vacation while you do all the hard work
>doesn't even consider you a real person
>not allowed to backhand her with a bokoblin club
All of that happened before the game (You) weren’t a part of any of that
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Spider-Man looks kinda weird in this pic. What Marvel movie is this suit from?
Man you Tendies really are insecure. An attack on FE is an attack on the whole of Nintendo vidya to you niggers.
Maybe because your personal idealized views of the 80s don't correspond to reality.
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>mooooooom Nintendo is making games that doesn't appeal to toddlers! I won't stand for this!
Which then gets discarded anytime it's convenient for the plot. How many times have you fought a JRPG boss and beaten them, and then the game decides "nope the plot says you lost lol".

At least Mario isn't shoving 500 trajillion hours of cutscenes in my face. I'm not being asked to care about Mario's emotional state or his tragic backstory.

It also happens mid-game with her "fighting calamity ganon" or "turning into a dragon" which is basically just her slacking off while I do the hard work.

I'm just criticizing these games, that's all. People keep trying to shove story heavy games in my face, and I have to politely explain why I don't like them.
HAHAHAHAHAHA you have no grasp of emotion whatsoever
Missing the forest for the trees.
>People keep trying to shove story heavy games in my face
nobody is shoving anything in your face except the fucking door. we want you out of here
Yes, a lack of emotion means that objective criticism shines through. Facts don't care about feelings.
>I'm just criticizing these games
There's criticism, then there's an unhealthy obsession of entering every thread to criticize games 24/7 with wildly schizo opinions, like the music thing, ACfag.
Brother, seek help. I'm being honest.
You need to distance yourself from shitposting this place 24/7 or you will never be happy.
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Looks pretty close to me
What would you like IS to make instead?
>Acfag wants to petend to be a ben shaipro factsfag now
Come on man, this is sad, even for you. You can't get your own facts right most of the time
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He actually said it, thats too funny
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>you want games to emphasize gameplay over story? Heh, this is sad!
you'll survive
You talk about story more than you ever did gameplay, I can't even remember the last time you talked about Metroid's gameplay
>Define "satanic"
Overtly adversarial or antagonistic to the Lord
>criticizing gameplay issues in Metroid's gameplay is bad
The artist of these games is the same of an older one called Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin, which also got remade.
wait kozaki is a hentai artist?
you'll survive
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I don't pretend to be a deep gameplay seeker (but also bring up Sony moviegames). Nice try though, c-
People wanted a fucking vidya, with fucking gameplay, not a PowerPoint Simulator.
Anime or not, a VN being the big reveal is disappointing to anybody who isn't a double-digit IQ coomer.
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>I don't pretend to be a deep gameplay seeker
Then you don't have the authority to look down on others for wanting gameplay, instead of cinematic experiences. Really, that's why people here hate me so much, I care about gameplay above all else. This has become a horrible thing in the eyes of modern gamers.
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I hope this gets released on PC like most anime games on the Switch. Nintrannies don't deserve it.
You don't even play, you are simply scum that hides behind games.
Kumazaki is a hack
You'll survive.
>crying about a Japanese company making Japanese oriented games
>on a website called 4chan
>whose mascot is literally a small, green haired anime girl
You don't even read other posts and insist that anything which interacts with NPC's that isn't killing isn't gameplay. You don't actually understand with your underdeveloped mind what you want.
>wanting gameplay,
Stop, I'm dying of laughter right now
ACfag already called Metroid Dread "Marlel shit" while ignoring Prime
4 build up, it's not just FE lol
The thinks Fusion is a movie game. Theres no hope there.
trolling him is so fun
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They wouldn't be nintrannies if they were smart. They are perpetual manchildren with developmental delays stuck playing games made for toddlers forever.
2014 called
They want their shitters back
you'll survive
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>actually retarded now counts as trolling

Yes, please keep defending terrible games. That'll sure show me.
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you'll survive

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