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EN version """"""""soon"""""", what do we think of the gameplay?
Looks terrible
It's over jannytrannybros... we lost...
post it faggot
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Canon cuck
Operation Tinder when?
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A quick reminder
Comparing this to Reverse Collapse, holy fuck does this look bad
Is that the cuck gacha?
I think it looks like shit, but it's a gacha so that's to be expected. Still, if I want to play a gacha it wouldn't be literal cuck shit
The gameplay looks fun and that's bad. So now the shitposts will go into the happenings for the 20th time
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh janny????
>The gameplay looks fun
Maximum level cope
>cuck gacha
vydia butts poster was a cuck all along?
Is it true there's an NTR minigame where you choose the best bull for your waifu
A fucking chibi game has better animations and visuals than this, how?
vidya boobs?
honestly deserved
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This is who posts about cuckshit in all gacha and vaguely connected to gacha threads
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Looks good, and XCOM style gameplay is a logical progression from the turn based combat of GFL1
Let's be honest, this debacle is fucking radioactive at this point, it'll stay with the game until it dies and cause irreparable damage to Mica's reputation, profit and goodwill. You just dont fucking do this and expect to comeout of the other side without some drastic moves. This whole thing makes turtle look like a playground fight.
>For super duper real this time guys
Which dolls are you hoping will return? Even if you think there's a low chance
is there a way to make an account yet?
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all they've done so far is put up the website which is just the preview video and links to social media which they have finally started posting on
Loudly plapping Spas-12 with the door open.
Hmm so probably still a good while away before we can even signup
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Almost guaranteed all things considered
I sometimes wonder if these screenshots are faked because the idea some mindbroken faggots are so upset they create a discord just to raid gacha game threads seems mind-boggling.
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Would probably sound just as loud with the door closed
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Dunno but Shay has been leading that crusade for some time now
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This thread is eerily silent compared to the last one.
Last thread was a honeypot, janny rangebanned everyone who posted in that trashfire.
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Their discord server hasn't found it (yet)
Quick we should take this opportunity to discuss GIrls' Frontline lore and story
atleastitsnotchimerasquad tier
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Will they get a cameo? They truly were one of the highlights of the story for me
Usually takes a bit of time for the ntr posting to start lately.
Eh I want to continue but I think I have made my point. Now, I just have to wait for the launch date.
IIRC the Warsaw incident that made Beria who he was only happened a couple years prior to RC which is in 2092. While GF2 happens in 2074.
So they're guns but they're robots but unlike the other game where they're robots they aren't massively discriminated against but are instead idols
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The truth is people just don't really care about this outside the controversy. It's 2024, we have Nikke and Blue Archive now.
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Considering how far ahead Reverse Collapse is, it's doubtful
I agree it would be funny to see them though
>it already looks like old shit
They're still generally second class citizens but it's nowhere near as bad as nikkes have it plus they (generally) don't go cyberpsycho like nikkes can.
>Cuck game
LMAO no thanks
>Gun but robot
No they're robot designated as their favorite gun... but not so anymore in GFL2, the robot doesnt have to carry their iconic gun anymore and that they are now named with retarded american style naming instead of their gun. Which kind of a disappointment.
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Dolls are often stolen to be sold on the black market, or in some cases some fully functioning and conscious dolls just straight up stripped for parts
Plus some dolls cite their mistreatment in civilian life as the main reason for signing up with a PMC like G&K (like Cx4 Storm)
looks better than diversity squad and maybe phoenix point, would rather mod the shit out of the original xcoms though.
is this the ice cream gacha?
Do I need to install ARC if so then fuck that no.
> Their discord server hasn't found it (yet)
Your narrative here >>683058656 says otherwise
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It sure is
>So they're guns
GF1 rode the gijinka wave but never fully commited, they were always just gynoids with guns assigned to them.
>they aren't massively discriminated against
Depends on a place, but they're still mostly considered property.
I dunno about what other guys do but I spend a minute doing a drive by cuckpost when I see shitty threads, if it's contributing to some schizo awakening, I sure as fuck am going to continue
this is how you get a 2nd vidya butts spammer
Only secondaries who haven't played PNC complain about this
aw that's a shame, the cyberpsycho sex doujins were my favorite.
Just how many variants of this image exist now? Easily like 2000+
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Vidya 2
Vidya Splits
There’s also AI variants too one that looks like a pastry desert, clouds in the sky and rolly chairs
I said everything I had to say.
none of the cuckposters want to engage with the butts
>if you dislike literally any change in the ip you're a secondary
What did you expect with something containing skindentation?
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We're a milkshake thread
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The refugees are coming home.
Isn't even a change
Theory of Etching and C-dolls have been a thing since the first game
A lot of Snowbreaks players were just waiting for GF2
it was a change form around when the arknights writer got sacked
>mistreatment in civilian life
I'm so tired of this allegory for racism bullshit.
No AA-12, no buy.
....? Yeah?
There are still some lunatic dolls, including one that became a bodysnatcher. They are just the exception not the rule.
It's called snowbreak: refugee zone in china for a reason. All it takes is their player's home games getting one good patch and they're gone lol
no thats blue archive
Two more weeks, bwo?
Gun naming convention with initials and numbers got stale (and nigh indecipherable) years ago in the original.
It's entirely separate from actual racism and nationalism that are in full force since the setting is filled with refugees who are getting shat on constantly. Dolls are simply not human.
Snowbreak got popular because other gachas fucked up. That's it. You think the refugees are gonna stick around after the games they actually care about stop fucking up?
>Dolls are simply not human
Right right. And I'm sure there are scenes where the message is something like, perhaps the dolls are more human than... the humans
basically what this anon said >>683062893
There's plenty of actual racists and nationalists in GFL lol
How come I never see you niggers post gameplay?
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No but there is scenes where their faces get ripped off because they're so beat up and getting puppeted around by an elite Nyto
>local racist is upset because he's seeing things that don't exist again
it's xcom, doesn't work well for the tictoc generation
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I literally don't think I've seen a GFL2 thread on /v/ where no one has posted gameplay
So if the dolls truly are just soulless machines, why would anyone care about them?
Wait but how does skk...
They look like cute anime girl.
this doesn't look like xcom...
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No? Most people don't have time to give a shit about androids, and most dolls accept their fate since they're programmed to.
Some are made to be appealing, that's it.
It's in the op, you nigger.
Release date for EN/Global?
>srpg garbage
Miss me with this GAY shit.
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They emulate emotion very well
And they look like cute anime girl
What's that? Too IQ demanding for you?
Wait, so if the dolls really are just glorified appliances without any ghost in the machine, why do they care about getting mistreated?
>Only voiced events will be major ones
>Monthly challenge stage announced to be permanently suspended
>New levels are just shitty reskins of old maps
>Still nothing has been rewritten

It seems Yuzhong is running out of money and time to spend with the players, and is releasing Global as a last ditch effort. I wonder if Global players will save this game.
If you didn't like the first game you won't like the second
The company programmed them wrong as a joke.
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Yuzhong will never run out of money
He has infinite Ferraris
And he still has enough money to pay jade concubines to dress as his characters
>5 minutes to take down one turret
>I wonder if Global players will save this game
lol no. westoids don't spend. their only hope is the japs.
This lol
>Griffin and Kryuger has been dismantled by the government who felt it had become too powerful, but the Commander continues to lead Tactical Dolls in the frontier region between contaminated and safe land after their retirement, chasing bounties aboard the Amos mobile base. As they return from a delivery mission in the contaminated zone, they are attacked by an unknown force who seizes their cargo, which contains a mysterious girl. The Commander must retake the cargo and uncover old secrets and conspiracies linked to relics.
Is that the rewritten premise of gf2 ? got it from IOP wiki, or is this outdated ?
because despite that they are inarguably sentient, sapient, feeling beings. They are without a doubt NOT human, and their consciousness can be broken down into ones and zeros because they are created by people. But they are still alive.
Yes he's found the secret for infinite money, that's why he had to beg Tencent to invest in them so he could finish the game.
So then it is the ghost in the machine and racism allegory tropes. Stop trying to mislead me, you faggots.
NTA just curious
How is it racism if they're sentient but not if they aren't?
>chases the fujo audience
>go broke
good riddance
>Miss me
That's XCOM baby!
Explain to me how you can be racist to an appliance and you'll have your answer.
He is talking about PNC which indeed was clearly an attempt at chasing the mixed toilet audience and it failed horribly
I mean, if you expect someone to bring up "le robots are more human than real humans", you'd be disappointed. There are special robot characters who are abominations came from human experimentation, but I'm not kidding when I said the presence of the average robot is not central to the plot.
>updated GFL1 with a female mc option to try and get women to play their harem waifu game
>Put men in their sequel GFL Neural Cloud to get homos to try the game
>GFL2 removed males but still has female MC option to try and get women to play

GFL series is the classic case of trying to expand to a wider audience but failing.
No I'm confused about the other way around
Why does it become "racism" if they have sentience
w-what's she gonna do to the janny...
Human-like dolls range from childlike level of intelligence to walking skynets, it all depends on model and purpose. Most have restrictions on how much they can learn and grow, but most of the can develop their emotions and reasoning skills.
Discrimination against dolls is barely a theme within the game, I don't get what you're trying to push here.
>GFL2 removed males
Doesn't sound like they're chasing the fujo audience too hard then
That game where all the characters are for you? regardless?
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why are you incapable of understanding that not every case of discriminated peoples in fiction is an allegory for american racism
Because then they are sentient creatures facing mistreatment for merely existing.
reminder that this game is "cuckshit", "ntr garbage", "raymond literally fucks everyone" and other wild /v/ fanfic because of this
>american racism
racism is a world wide thing. there's no reason to narrow it to america.
>That game where all the characters are for you? regardless?
Come on let's not shit up the thread, but you know well that Mica would not make male doll for their core audience, they tried to gather the mixed toilet crowd and failed, sure they were for (you), but my point stand
But like, take the black market case for example
people aren't stealing dolls to sell on the black market because they hate dolls, they're doing it because dolls are worth money
>Discrimination against dolls is barely a theme within the game, I don't get what you're trying to push here.
I'm just going off what this anon said
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Play her game
Anyone can confirm this ? I really don't know if that wiki is outdated
Except they do
When the male dolls in PNC get valentine events and other shit like that, they're not pining over the other dolls, they're pining over (You)
sounds about right, the base is called the elmo though
That's correct. Some details like the exact circumstances of Commander leaving the PMC are still unconfirmed, but that's close enough to what has been hinted.
lol cuck game
Mixed toilet means the target audience that the company is aiming for. Neural Cloud is a game where they tried to pander to every possible audience, for example they let you spend money to oath your waifu then you're rewarded with a homo in the next event saying how much he loves you.
Right, so not a "Fujo audience" then
Doesn't Neural Cloud let you oath males even if you picked male commander?
Neural Cloud lets you freely switch like GBF.
I used to play GFL 1 back in like 2019- to like 2021. Got bored but hopefully the second one is cool
It also lets you oath female characters if you're female
By your logic it's equally going for a "Yuri audience"
If anything even more so considering how many more female characters there are
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Worst examples of discrimination are probably from PNC where the boxing bot was being abused but even then she only seethes at the fact that she was made to fall in fixed fights when all she wanted was fight for real.
Dolls don't like it, but they're still programmed to accept it.
Family :3 was colluding with a band of scrappers and BSODing dolls for them until she just caught an opportunity to free herself from them, but never really gave a shit after.
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I like the XCOM direction they went with, but that boss fight looks like shit and it's still a gacha game at the end of the day so it really takes away any interest I might have in it. GFL was the only mobile/gacha game I ever gave a chance and it was enjoyable for a while, but it just got boring and chore-like.

If GFL2 was just a normal video game, I'd be more into it. I think I'll pass.
Alright thanks, so they did rewrite the
>Skk was believed to be KIA or something
They did that during the beta I suppose ?
Yes, that's why I said they try to pander to every possible audience.
Yes hence why I called it mixed toilet, it tried to pander to the Yume and self-inserter, which I have no problem with but they did that as an answer to mihomo, and the issue is that pandering to the yume will often bring the fujotroon seething over the fact that their male doll are not attracted to each other, hence it bring shipshit etc...
>they did that as an answer to mihomo
In case of Neural Cloud, I'm more inclined to believe they did that as an answer to Arknights.
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Too late chink.
I now main Zenless Zone Zero, the only mobile game worth playing.
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I dont know anything about gfl but I will post jefooty
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I already play ZZZ and Nikke i can't throw in another gacha game.
>ZZZ and Nikke
Kek, Nikke really was taken over by normalfags
GFL chibis are adorable and sovl, even more that buruaca, hopefully gfl2 does not do away them them fully.
Thanks to the retard that praised the "deep" story.
But then how come gf wasn't overtaken by normalfags ?
Because of shipshit? Looks like it, idk why they wanted to put shipshit into a waifu collector
Yeah except that GF2 doesn't have hit percentages. Do you even play your own game shill?
It was supposedly a female writer that was promptly fired following the backlash.
It's even jankier than Nikke, only true autist can stand playing it.
It was, the fanbase is filled with the ironic weeb types. The ones that over praise the story and get all caught up in the le serious story shit. It's why they seethed so hard at chinks for getting Raymond removed.
Amd cucks apparently. Even VB said he likes shipshit in his games since he doesn't see it as cuckshit
he found the thread btw
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"Shay" also known as foxcuck
>is a LoLfag
>unironically watches normalfag streamers
>unironically likes normalfag streamer tweets and verified account tweets, the most NPCdrone move possible
>literally likes r/wallstreet tier reddit posts
>has liked literal corporate shilling humor
>is a muskdrone
>likes actual reddit-tier humor
>potentially may be an actual spic or a nigger himself than a pure white burger, making his BBC hatred absolutely ironic in retrospect.
>his mother never loved him
>has had a twitter account far longer than he has been playing gbf
>actively engages using twitter far more than it shows
>is a trapfaggot that literally likes an unironically actual tranny character from black souls
>is a shotafaggot despite his virulent hatred of men. His brand of homoposting is indistinguishable from his so called fujo-homo menace
>wants to be a wifebeater
>refuses to ever say tranny for some reason, always uses troon. Probably because he is one.
>literally replies to almost ALL of mimonel's gbf posts in broken japanese, including mimonel comissioned """cuckshit""" art (characters not fucking danchou)
And most importantly
>is an oxflopper
foxcuck can't help but try to start wars between gacha generals
Before he calls a post reddit, troon, flop, shill, this is the hypocritical normalfaggot that ruins the threads. Literally the very thing he hates. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of all of his hypocrisy.
Never let this retarded tranny in denial pretend he has any worth or value anywhere.
Do you niggers have sources for ANY of the diarrhea you're about to spew in here?
Chinks are truly the most based schizoid, putting on a blindfold and shooting at anything remotely not appealing for (you) pandering.
I don't get why /gfd/ hate them so much they saved them from a bullet
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So how come mica removed oaths from 2? And did stuff like use the female MC over the male on in spin off content? AND stuff like having a dorm feature but not letting you walk around and interact with the girls as skk, you have to do it as one of the girls.
We know it's not some le CCP censoring since Snowbreak did it with no issues
snowbreak is a literal porn game. GF2 is trying to be more mature and tell real stories.
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GFfags don't see it as a bullet, they WANT content where they're girls are all over other men. Content that's all about their dolls and another dude with skk not around at all. They feel superior for liking that sort of thing, like it makes them better than the waifufags they totally aren't. Basically the type of guys that act all high and mighty for letting their girls have male friends
Is that why they're doing this? >>683057382
Nah, when they need money they sell out. You can bet your ass they'll add dorm stuff and copy stuff from Snowbreak and add oaths back in lol
Western gachafags are a special brand of mentally ill, it's not exclusive to GF. They would cheer for actual netorare and cuckoldry for no other reason than it makes the chink side of their gacha playerbase seethe.
Hello Shay, you're late.
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>GFfags were so high and mighty before, but now hope in their dreams that GAWDbreakCHADS come and save their flop game
GF is simultaneously more sophisticated and deeper than typical gacha coomer shit, but also has always been a coomer harem game.
i gotta say, this bizarre /dbs/ arc shay has been undergoing is the weirdest one yet
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I love those "mature real stories". They make my dick hard.
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>GF is simultaneously more sophisticated and deeper than typical gacha coomer shit
The shit you hear from these weird ass mfers. They just cope so hard over playing a waifu game its crazy. Why are you so ashamed? Make it make sense
I need to see her feet
>Why are you so ashamed?
It's just insecurity. They can't just enjoy gachashit because they like the characters. There has to be a "real" reason so they come up with copes like 'ackshually the story is really good' or 'the gameplay is surprisingly complex for a mobile game'.
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does the team already have a designated retard yet? if not, maybe she's got a chance
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Why does xhe do it?
Yeah, the devs themselves for tanking their biggest release
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>add oaths back
Show me at which point in time GF2 had oaths previously.
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Vepley might be even dumber than Uzi.
? Lil blud...GF1 had them, but they've always been trying to move away from it. NC added males and didn't have oaths at first and only added then since the game flopped and needed it. Same thing for 2, they wanted to get the normalfag audience and move away from waifu stuff. Didn't work
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is such a thing possible
you don't understand, he's already pre-coping for when GFL2 inevitably adds oathing a year down the line like every single one of their games, 1 included
GFfags are a enemy to every waifufag out there
>B-But they're waifufags too!!!
Yeah, the type to want less pandering in their game and content where your girls are all over other dudes and try to shame you for not wanting the shame
We are talking about GF2. Show me at which point in time it had oaths previously.
"Removing" thing is not the same with "have yet to be implemented".
Where's the point GF2 had oath previously?
but you like traps so it shouldn't affect you at all
GF1 was because it was a new feature. NC was because they didn't want to add it but had to since the game giga flopped. GF2 is the same, and I can't wait to see how you fags act like you always wanted this type of stuff after how you acted during the Raymond stuff lol
The oath argument doesn't really work because even Kancolle who did it first implimented it later on, and Azur Lane and GF copied it. That being said, putting oaths in what was intended to be a shipshit game confises me. I guess the idea was to triple dip between the waifufag audience, shippertroon audience and normalfag audience like Nikke? Snowbreak tried the same and almost EOSd.
Uzi is dumb, but that aspect is a bit exaggerated and her core archetype is that of a tsundere. Even in GF1, Astra is dumber than Uzi.
Vepley is a genuine cheery airhead.
every Shay thread makes me feel like Jefuty
both the experiencing the same thing over and over and over part and the wanting to blow my brains out part
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This is really funny when GFfags tried saying it didn't have it before because of CCP censorship before Snowbreak raped that narrative kek!
Even funnier since for real games taking out features just to add them later to pretend your adding more content when in reality your just making the game equal to what you got before is frowned upon. But it's just so gosh dang based when mica does it!
i wonder if he takes sentences out of flashcards
snowbreak did it after CN's economy tanked from them attempting to put in more restrictions
You need to work on quality of your fanfictions, Herr Retard
reminder shay has somehow not posted a single unique snowbreak webm in the whole almost-year he's been using it as a cudgel to schizopost
Idk why you guys keep using that as a example. Kancolle released it after the fact because.....it was a new feature. GF1 did the same, but actively made sure to remove them in their sequels, only adding them in after the fact when the game flops. Fact is, Mica didn't want to add oaths to 2. Their hand is just being forced
Doesn't matter, snoggers already welcomed him.
GF2 launched with plans for oaths in the game files though. Not sure about PNC.
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GFfags be all like
>Oaths? Hell yeah! It's just a shame my wife won't be able to hang out with Raymond...
are these thread just seanegros vs chinks or something like that? what a bunch of faggots
u wot m8? Since when? He shits up our threads almost as much as he does yours.
I genuinely don't know why people bother giving the shitskin replies.
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Which robot girl has the biggest cock? I need this info to determine who to roll for.
>implying its not terminal samefagging
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snogger here. can confirm.
I personally forward all my snobble oc to him so he can post them here.
His typing style is very distinct. It might be partially samefagging, but there's obviously more at play here.
well he ain't using em
Whatever, just bring up vidya butts and he'll start seething instantly or will fuck off.
Holy shit, if I still play snobble my myopia gonna get worse.
Come on fuck off, do you welcome a parasite ? it just leech on you
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Because I'm right, and no matter how much you cope deep down it bothers you. So you NEED to reply or else in your heart you'll think you LOST. But you already did LOSE, literally BROKEN. Also there's genuine shills so they can't let me say what i want since all I drop are trvth nukes, and any newfags they want to shill to coming in will be swayed by my posts
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Guess for yourself
I'd say more of haremfags vs storyfags. Which makes sense, Kancolle's design kept the two seperate, which basically led to a divide between two distinct audiences. Azur Lane did the opposite and integrated the player into the story as the protagonist when previously he wasn't part of the story, and basically reflected it in the story that all the botes like him. GF1 kept the two segregated, and eventually leaked players that wanted more than to be stuck in the "corner of shame", but at the same time, the main audience weren't the spending kind, which led to sexy skins and oath rings still being the main earner.
>B-Bring up my hero Vidya roon and he'll save the day epic style
KEK! Lil blud....he already posted in this thread....its over
Apart from the rampant shitposting, are we going to be synced with the Cn version or are we fucked ?
It's gonna be behind
Fucked, most likely.
slow but inevitable syncing most likely.
>are we going to be synced with the Cn version
not likely from their track record
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Snowbreak doesn't have this issue btw, just throwing that out there
Posted it again award
But you don't play Snowbreak, shay
Unstoppable schizo vs immovable autist, who will win?
no saru no play
you wouldn't even know that retard lmao
ACSHUALLY global propped the first game up from like 2018 to 2020
Honestly that's the biggest thing. Drama aside, the main story is supposedly really mediocre for a bunch of chapters because Yuzhong really liked the lead writer's blowjob techniques. Apparently for GF2's Operation Cube equivalent, she was taken off writing duty and more GF1 writers were brought in (according to rumors, source is it came to them in a dream), it's really in Mica's best interests to have new players not be stuck in the launch content which CN players said is really mediocre.
That's not really saying much considering how much it makes
So there is hope ?
>(according to rumors, source is it came to them in a dream)
like everything around this game, including this thread
Never contested that point
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i did
i loved it
Posted it again award
Playing dumb award
gfl2 or new skin?
so this is what shay is reduced to in his presence...
For syncing servers? no
The Ntrcuck, FEAR The straight butt poster
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I'm sticking to my Enigma Balls. Wyfe will give me a seizure.
is the NTR stuff still in the game or did they remove it after the chink backlash?
It a 99% of being fun, it will miss.
Cherno get the fuck back to /snowg/
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Posted it once again award
I honestly can't wait for the global release, to see GFfags last hope get crushed right before their eyes. For the realization to set in that Raymond really did ruin the game chances lmao
They rewrote everything.
remember this post >>683071010 ? LMFAO
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Removed, much to GFfags dismay. They were forced to by chink waifuGAWDS
XCOM-like is the more familiar term, but it's actually closer to Mechanicus.
lame, I wanted to see the shitstorm
Curse of being born a cuck obsessed poo, I pity you shay
That's a trvth nuke right there
Yup, but we do know that they kept her to continue writing after launch for a few months. All of a sudden she vanished so now it's rumors.

It wasn't quite NTR depending on your stance, it was light ship teasing that let nowhere. Whether it is NTR or not depends on how you played 1. But it was enoigh to make the game's and Mica's reputation implode even though it was removed.
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No new nothing for awhile, just the silence as mica watches GAWDbreak ascend to new heights. Mica only having one thought...."It could've been me"(kekypow!)
It wasn't even shipteasing.
took long enough for her to get a mod, jesus
here's the removed content
>I-It wasn't NTR it was just content focused on your girl being shipped with another dude!
Who wouldn't see that as NTR
Isn't this a little late? Global players don't want to be a year plus behind in content these days but accelerated content also fucks over the playerbase. Also, how did they survive all the cuck shit?
Just bring up Raymond to any GFfag and watch as they hurry to defend him like this anon >>683072287
The hurt is still there, the wound is still fresh
That's what I don't get, you would have been alright with the ship if they went along with it ?
They tried, Raymondo-sama was so powerful he persisted even in death.
They removed his character, sprites and dialogue, but forgot to remove a picture of him that was relevant to the event's story. So he STILL appeared in the rewritten story that actually launched, but they removed that afterwards. Even in death, he serves.
They survived but that's not saying much
so point out the ntr here >>683065395
GFfags are fine with their wives having one night stands
if its removed from the game it doesnt matter anymore thoughever
What I mean is there's an amount of the GF community that doesn't engage in the Kancolle aspects, and would rather ship T-dolls with each other or NPCs. The twitter/leddit side of the community.
He can't. There is none.
>Also, how did they survive all the cuck shit?
They didn't, revenue dropped 95% and has never increased much outside of the summer skins.
It's dying and they're hoping Global players are suckers stupid enough to spend money on this game.
he's going to point at daiyan picking a terrorist out in a crowd because he's a broken record
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I've done it a million times
>Type95 notices Raymond first out of a whole crowd
>It's so unusual her sister comments on it and even teases about being jealous(since it's obvious it's a sign if attraction)
>also points out how there's another regular customer there, but he was invisible to Type95 and she just focused only on Raymond
That alone is enough, you can tell a woman wrote it because it's such a cliche romance set up. Any fag who says they're fine with their wives getting content like this is no waifufag
sucks for them cause i know exactly how long i need to wait for wa and suomi now that they delayed global for so long
Oh alright you scared me for a bit, but who cares about what leddit and twitterfags think anyways ?
They are the minority, the majority are just self inserter which are as in every gacha community the most silent one, well except for CN.
20 seconds later
>D: Mr. Raymond likes writing in his notebook very much. You don't see that often nowadays. Isn't it normal for me to notice that?
Nobody does that at a concert cuck
>since it's obvious it's a sign if attraction
You're literally imprisoned by your own mind worms dude.
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And the next cope form GFfags will be
>Erm....Type95 knew he was a terrorist because uh....he writes in a notebook!
>the majority are just self inserter which are as in every gacha community the most silent one, well except for CN.
You don't know GFfags then, they'll act high and mighty about self inserting too, that they're too good for it and actually skk is his own character to them lmao
Don't you love it when people who know nothing about anything act like they know it all?
>someone writing in a notebook is enough to pick them out of a crowd
The cope, also ignoring how the writer uses her sister to just further push the shipbait lol
>who cares about what leddit and twitterfags think anyways
Mica does, they want the normalfag money.
reminder that shay's entire year-long crusade started because a girl picked someone out in a crowd
vgbutts2:the revenge

coming soon (never)
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Nah, it was because GFfags defended shipshit and tried to shit on and shame chink waifufags for doing the based thing and getting that shit removed. If you fags had your way, more girls would have their very own Raymond. And given how mica not only needed to rewrite the Raymond stuff, but a lot of future content as well? It's safe to say they had more planned
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The queen of /v/
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>snowbreak rewrites half the game because of cuckshit
>gfl2 rewrites half the game because of cuckshit
Let's not even try to pretend GFfags weren't seething about it here too
I don't care what anyone says. vidyabutts is the most based thing to ever happen to this website.
Not him, but why /gfg/ began to hold such hatred for CN ?
I mean as I said in my previous post, shipping shit or not, they made us avoid a bullet
remember that snog LAUNCHED with it
the GF2 content never made it past the beta
Snowbreak's dev didn't have to be forced kicking and screaming to do it.
Snowbreak has been very up front about what they do. And even have straight up said they know their audience is straight men and are gonna just make content for them now. Even said they won't listen to complaints from people that don't play the game. That's based
Mica isn't based since they were forced to do it, and they beat around the bush. Not naming the issue and instead using cuck corpo speak since they now want to act ashamed of their audience, like they're too good for them. That's cringe
I feel that both sides are going too far away from what the actual situation is. On one hand, Raymond wasn't installing a baby in her IOP SVidia WombForce 9000, but on the other hand, there's a ton of light teasing and romance tropes (that don't go anywhere and are fanservice for the female audience). It's a bunch of teasing done by a writer who wanted to do her own thing.
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don't take that pill
Snowbreak didn't launch with it, it was beta too
>shipping shit or not
It's not.
Therefore the only think chinkcel achieved is delaying the global servers.
>snog LAUNCHED with it
The male operative was removed during beta.
yeah, they just had to almost EoS
that's not being forced?
You lying nigger, Snowbreak didn't launch with Ling yi, he was put into the trash in the beta as the story was.
>Ling Yi/ the game
>Marian/ Li
>Gavin/Enya (not necessarily romantic)
It's a god damn miracle the game didn't burn down.
>Snowbreak has been very up front about what they do.
yeah, very upfront with their cuckshit when the yuritrash content in their game made very far before being removed
you only give it a pass because you're demented
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vidya butts notice me senpai
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Did happen, you can pretend all you want but I remember
Because GFfags are all caught up in the le serious story game shit. They see themselves as above waifufags(they're ironic weebs) so they NEED the le serious story shit or they'll have the face the reality of playing a waifu collector. So chink waifuchads getting Raymond removed, getting in the way of their le serious story shit, wanting waifu stuff to take priority and not have shipshit because of it? It was a reality check to GFfags that yes, Girls Frontline is a waifu game
I get that, but still Mica was pretty retarded to risk that story (even if it was not shipshit) knowing well how much CN was schizophrenic of such things
Snowbreak's male playerable character was removed before the game launched. When it did, any and all mention of him had already been removed.
>okay but EoS
That's a separate matter. If you want to talk about that, we can. I find it pretty interesting tbqh.
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Amusingly enough, no. The reason why Snowbreak could change was that all the crazy women who led development jumped ship and left the men to deal with EOS. I'm not even kidding, they are down to like 80 employees and the female employees jumped ship after their failed normalfag-pandering game bombed. The leftover staff now had total control over development.
If you defended the Raymond content you are a cuck. You want your girl to have all her content be her all over another man instead of it being about idk....her reunion with skk after being apart for fucking years??
Why did you reply to me? What's your point?
it wasn't only that one guy
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Thanks nigger I respect your work
No, the anon is right, Ling Yi was removed in beta. The three things I'm talking of are seperate matters and way less of an issue than Ling Yi. It's two cases of yuri shipping and one shitty "I can fix him" scene, nowhere near as bad as Ling Yi who hijacked the game.
It was the only one that mattered. The other stuff wasn't nearly as egregious as you think. The chen and siris thing especially is way overblown compared to what it actually was.
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The bulk of the story is not the so-called shipshit. Out of 90 minutes audio file, the dialog involving Raymond was like 15 minutes top. The rest is what Daiyan's and other dolls did before the start of GF2 timeline, and most likely Mica didn't see it as risky because such format worked for PNC.
>The chen and siris thing especially is way overblown compared to what it actually was.
where have i seen this before?
>Manages to cuck two of the same person at the same time.
How did Lusica manage to be so based?
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I don't need to. All that matters is I know it's the truth. Maybe one day I'll make a archive list of the threads with you GFfags defending Raymond and seething at chink waifuGAWDS. But I just really don't feel like it
I'm simply not mentally ill enough to consider a videogame character "my girl" in any capacity. Waifufags are mentally ill.
>"I can fix him" scene
It wasn't even that. It was just enya insisting you trust gavin because they have history and she knows him as someone trying to do the best for his people. It wasn't shipshit, it just made her look gullible and weak.
Ironic coming from "truth doesn't matter" nigger.
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KEK, yep this is PEAK GFfag right here. Plays a waifu collector but thinks like this
So you spend money for characters to watch them have sex with each other? There's only one mentally ill here and that's you.
It's true when I say it. The characters barely interacted at all.
>there's a ton of light teasing and romance tropes (that don't go anywhere and are fanservice for the female audience)
I mean to be honest I would be still dissatisfied with that, I'm not gonna defend that writer, that kind of shit should never have made it in the first place
this series is cursed
can't walk in a GFL thread without schizos and psychos with with a proxy farm loadout for internet arguments
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There are so much fictions out there trying to humanize whores. That they're kindhearted and hardworking, just happen to be unlucky in life. Totally wife material if someone try to know her for who she truly are, actually better than normal women who never went through hardship.
However the truth is closer to that anon's experience.
Kindly and respectfully, end yourself.
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>truth doesn't matter even though multiple trvth nukes have been dropped in this very thread
GAWDbreak has marriage and is acknowledged in the main story. GF doesn't and even if 2 gets it it'll be non canon shit KEK
kys shay
>GAWDbreak has marriage and is acknowledged in the main story
So it's a cuck game? What about the other girls?
>...or so my headcanon dictates.
Yeah, but the scene gets funnier and funnier given we've now seen what a fucked up person Gavin is.
I've actually never played this game at all and also don't care for collecting waifus. My favorite gachas have men and women and I collect character with cool moves, not the ones with the biggest boobs or whatever.
I don't care. Why the fuck would I care? It's not like the character I'm playing in a videogame is actually me. This is like saying all porn is cuckshit because you're watching other people having sex and not having it yourself. It's insanity.
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So why don't you play it then? Put your money where your mouth is.
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cucking is okay when it's happening to females and I'm the one doing the cucking.
It's a harem game anon, you know like gf1 is...
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>4 hours ago
>vidya butts and foxcuck fighting for hours
mods taking a day off?
Unless there are rewrites I don't know about, I wouldn't call him fucked up. He's a zealot for sure, but not fucked up.
it's not acknowledged in the main story for a reason
You can keep making gfl thread but we will keep ruining it
You guys lost the gacha war
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>Put your money where your mouth is.
.....is what GFfags should be doing considering the dire state their series is in
GFfags already went mask off >>683074706
>cucking is okay
We know, shay
One man and his army of retarded strawmen vs another retard and his army of proxies and porn images.
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>Yeah I don't play it
>but he still defends it
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Foxcuck, you're acting like a third wheel with all this fellating you're doing but won't even marry the girl you've been shilling.
i took a raincheck from until an hour ago
this post should be a /v/ banner at this point
what did you even buy with that Butt poster ?
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>It's beautiful
Can someone fact check this post?
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>you're acting like a third wheel
So like SKK with Raymond and Type95? GEGAROO!
this is the most undeleted vidya butts i've ever seen
Fucking kek I knew recognized that girl.
The protagonist may not be you but you are seeing things from his point of view, so if characters are having sex with each other then you'll just be a camera watching them. It's fine if you're just a cuck who doesn't care but most people aren't going to pay for that when they can just go watch porn for free instead.




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>reddit spacing
>Snowbreak disrespect
>gacha cartel defending
everything he says is projection
reminder, he cuckposts every all girl game, but plays mixed toilets exclusively
his old kin talking about cope over actual shipbaiting:
him being gay
just ask around there, they'll tell you all about mr. foxfag
he accidentally admitted he doesn't play considering he didn't know shit about mihomo trying to fuck with the game, and said it was no big deal. don't forget he's a honkek too now
so keep all this in mind: he refuses to play anything resembling a waifu game, always goes back to mixed toilets and is an actual shipper, lol
That shit is scary, 13/16 VAs quit on the very day Mihoyo's sound director made a thinly veiled threat about them not getting jobs in the future.
They aren't ready for this trvth nuke
And the ones that stayed are already getting harassed for it.
Doesn't surprise me that GFfags side with those faggots
if gfl2 had this happen to them shay would be filling the catalog lmao
Nothing of value etc etc
Shay has his supposed game get completely reamed in the ass no lube by Mihomo yet he sees fit to keep kicking his perceived dead horse franchise instead of doing anything about it
Truly a cuck
this is the vidya butts girl?
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and might as well post this
It's CN now, JP next
It would suck even harder if it happened to GF2 since snowbreak's dev at least has daddy kingsoft to cry to, but mica has no one. What could they do if nearly all thier VAs got pressured into quitting, take out another loan from tencent?
Not EN, CN. Mihoyo has ties and power with the VA industry in China.
At least Genshin are flat out enemies. GFfags try to act like waifufags but then will stab you in the back for Raymond
>t. the guy who tried brushing it off as nothing
Spread it wide dude, hope you enjoy it lmao
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Explain these posts foxcuck
Bwo, it was with the CN cast and happened a couple days ago.
JP is too insulated, and it's VA industry is too mature for shit like that too work. Imagine trying pull that same 'think about your careers *wink wink* ' bullshit when so many jap VAs have done ecchi stuff as well as more serious roles.
>he says as GF actively WANTS to be like Genshin
>If it looks like a girl and acts like a girl and you fuck it then that's fine
He's a literal tranny enabler.
Are you too scared to kick the mihomo hornet's nest? Very uncharacteristic
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>gameplay is good by itself and great as gachashit
>shitposts go to year old drama instead and avoid talking about the gameplay
That's a trvth nuke albeit
heh based, mind giving me you're UID ? I'd like to have the butt poster on my list
Shay WON
This is because he PLAYS mihomo games like honkek
>wyell you see ITS BASED to love little boys
Shay has never been wrong
I've only used one once and she was really nice, but it's obviously all an act. That 45anon somehow forgot hookers are for sex.
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GAWDbreak won
ok but >>683075893
Snowbreak is Mihoyo property now
Not rewrites, but it was literally his job to make sure the human sacrifices don't escape.
>shitposters go for low hanging fruit no matter how stale it might be instead of trying to argue something they have absolutely no traction with
Color me shocked.
>scroll down
is his seethe against gfl/nikke/ba/al because he's a homo?
>gameplay is good by itself and great as gachashit
Yeah, on opposite day
Nothing of value etc etc
Nihongo banzai (9.9/10 Chinese agree too)
>in 7 days from now, Fenny will be wearing a ring on her finger in this cutscene
>gameplay is good by itself and great as gachashit
lol sure bud
Where the fuck does this Shay faggot come from exactly?
shay would love that since it means little boys
It's affects game development so you should probably care bwo.
He comes from me. Shay is my alter.
Yep, he doesn't even play snobble and have used them as a toilet
Did anyone try the chink version? How friendly is in terms of dailies and automation?
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lmao I'm so looking forward to the shitshow that will be the Girl's Frontline 2 General

>every second poster will be accused of being Shay
>vidyabutts trying to nuke every other thread with porn
>"guys i failed to roll Daiyan did I get cucked by Mr. Raymond?"
>halfway in the thread gets derailed into talking about Snowbreak instead
>fights between people who picked female commander and those who picked male
>every upcoming banner will get cuckposted, especially Daiyan reruns

It's gonna be more entertaining than the game itself lol.
>ai generated porn
this explains the random sudden bursts of /dbs/ lingo on /hdg/ (/h/'s ai thread)
incidentally that place has been shitposter hell for over a month now
so this tranny cuck is a mihomo player.
not that surprising.
>Here's you Girls Frontline FPS bro
it just gets worse lmao
big surprise
Okay sure but where is my Famblyman sidescroller? It's been years.
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He's actually a versus secondary, but I think the game did mold him into what he is today.
Used to ritualpost link related and obsessed over pic related before he posted about Yuel.
People said dailies can be auto'd super fast.
>/nikg/ 2.0
with the same people too?
That's already every gacha general
Shay used to raid /nikg/ so yeah
/gbfg/ is his home general. Faggots there actually enable and call him ShayGOD and whatnot
>one of the posts literally complaining about shay
Not really good detective work there
2 minutes of sweeps and auto
They'll enable anyone who isn't their local boogeyman.
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wrong retard
This already describes so many generals including snowbreak's own i don't know why you're acting like it's novel
we enable locals too, don't worry
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you could do a scientific study on the list of schizos /gbfg/ has cultivated
>thread slows to a crawl when his history pops up
he's been WARPED by gfl fags...
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There's no cuckposting in snowg and no discussion of female MC since our game isn't for little roons
you have to be a schizo to keep up with all that grind it throws at you
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...on opposite day
there is and only when you post funny enough
/snowg/ only gets rough when there's a new version because that's when the cartel shills come out.
Could you even say he... DISTORTED?
Shut up, Carmen.
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GFfags be like
>Man fucking traps is gay as fuck
Then be like
what a horrible way to do a model.
>Man fucking [MALES] is gay as fuck
...but cumming from your ass isn't. We're safe GFbros...
even when not talking about GFL you can't help but bring up evil "GFfags" bro
as warped as trooneraph, perhaps more
Why are you defending trapshit Shay?
cuck gacha
we love galgeraph around here
factos, cunnyraph is the protagonist of /gbfg/
Traps are galge, end of
i don't know, saying you fucked a MALE but he looked feminine so it's fine is pretty gay bro
KEKYPOW We love Poz
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another thread

another foxy victory
QRD on this troonraph? Being seasonal grubber I missed this latest schizo's lore.
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a non closeted fag who unknowingly acts very similar to shart
No lies detected
also a massive slurper
>probably cuckshit too
fuck off.
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What the actual hell is going on here
>/gbfg/ schizos are here
VB, nuke that shithole please like you promised
Shitflinging aside, I see that the continued existence of this debacle in itself as a mark against mica. All this time and nothing has come out to either augment or shut down the shipping argument, no future content, no reassurance, no transparency, nothing. Mica has so far failed to alleviate what is a very volatile situation involving their core playerbase which will directly affect gfl2 revenue. In fact, in their message, they said they would modify current, as well as fufure content, which makes people think what exactly did they have in store for gfl2 for it to be removed in the same sweep as the controversial shipshit, which really does not help the situation. Either the female writer actually sucked yuzhong himself off or this attempt at emulating mihoyo runs deeper than a single feminist out to destroy a company. I guess my point is that mica is on a timer here before this shit implode into itself
Numperscord has decided to invade other gachas
/gbfg/ got linked
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He won't do shit just like he didn't do shit last time
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Now it's a party
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>All this time and nothing has come out to either augment or shut down the shipping argument, no future content, no reassurance, no transparency, nothing.
> In fact, in their message, they said they would modify current, as well as fufure content,
dumb nigger
that's how you know it wasn't censored
no u
never ask a man his salary, a woman her age or a gatchafag about the gameplay.
all gatcha games are literally just lootbox creditcard-swipe simulators with no actual game behind them.
When is ""soon"" and why are people calling it cuck gacha?
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this is a level of mental illness I cannot comprehend
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meanwhile a PERFECT and HYDRATED character
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>Marge why is VB defending shipshit?
so can I play this game on PC?
Because mica wanted to go the genshin normalfag route and leave behind waifufags. Type95, who has been separated from you for years, had all her content be about another man who she had heavy shipbait with
Yep, idk if they'll put it up on steam.
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Yes, there will be PC support.
I'm not into cuck stuff, I'd rather fuck my sister in ZZZ
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>put it on steam
>we get to see GAWDbreak btfo it in real time
Yes please
>7 more years of GF fags saying their series is misunderstood and isn't like those other gachas
niche status maintained
2 months short end, end of year max.
One buckbroken granblue fag that has made hating it his entire personality
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>settling with incest bait when this ludokino has real incest
What is their purpose? Are they trying to get other people into the fetish?

Jesus christ. I guess I'll pass.
Kill yourselves, Shitraph and Shart can both get hit by a bullet train.
You will guys will never be able to promote this gacha here, not on our watch lmao
Good luck trying tho
Ew sh*y replied to me
>/gbfg/ general cross linked
they are easily the worst general on /vg/, indistinguishable from /trash/ 13 hours a day
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is there a gfl equivalent to the big meaty?
See how /gbfg/ enable their schizos even on another fucking board? Just kill that place already
looks like anchorage from AL
lol you fucking wish, /gig/, /xivg/ and /vn/ are easily worse by default and that's just the ones I know
Dick obsessed incel
Only foxcuck deserves to be raped by VB
so when did /gbfg/ cross-pollinate with /dbs/
>Rex is here too
No way you're not larping.
It's literally only done to own this other schizo he occasionally fights who's actually not even here since it's another board.
Unironically because shay warped them that much
i've stalked all of those, /gay boyfriends general/ is easily worse more consistently
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rex post
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Ultimately, I think it says a lot that we're 500 posts into this thread and the only thing that's material that has been posted, is this >>683065395
more media should portray whores as lesser women/humans (they are). And prop up decent, non-whore, for-you type female characters by contrast
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this thread took a turn
I don't give a shit, fuck off from GF threads
/vg/ is a /dbs/ colony, thanks to moi.
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you can thank /gbfg/ for reeling this faggot in, you're welcome
Need to see her with Raymond bros....Vidya butts btw
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Granblue Fantasy is a pyosg
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Is this a gfl thread, a snowbreak thread or a gbf thread? The answer might elude you.
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which snowbreak is for me (me in the middle btw)
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nyit's jyust...fyacts.
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>snowbreak is a literal porn game
show me the porn IN this game. You can't, there isn't.
>GF2 is trying to be more mature and tell real stories.
>he RAN
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
>Shay meets his maker
>runs like a little bitch
Absolute pottery.
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VB really did be running like that. My HOUNDS came barkingand he skidaddled
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All of them.
your hounds?
I always mixup the gachaslops. Which game is this image from? Snowbreak, Frontline, WuWA?
Sorry, I asked for a QRD on Raymond and he took his time out to write a fucking novel.
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the biggest flop here is still foxcuck
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the one and only
Shay really isn't that interesting
short sweater dressers are hot and prime slutwear
Amazing how one mention of Shay was enough for the combined schizophrenia of a general to descend on this thread.
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Yes, my HOUNDS
even the GAYlo poster is here
Shay IS the halo poster lil sis
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having sex with a woman is straight, yes, you got it right this time.
go ask actual gflfags for it, he hates actual galges so he wont ever not bullshit
mod or SFM?
GFfags really be like
straight from the game
bro... you jumped straight to strap-ons.... not the gflfags in your walls
something you wanna tell us?
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hidden in the game files
but not yet... How do you guys play it? Been considering buying a tablet to play mobile only gachas but I'd rather just play on my PC if possible
Right now you can only play if you verify your bilibili account which requires a chinese ID. So you either have to be a chink, or steal the identity of one. Some anons actually managed to pull off the latter.
usually on pc, mobile if i just want to sweep
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>girls frontline
>Yeah I uh....I'm completely fine with anal stimulation but I'd NEVER do strap ons. TRUST ME.
Hell nah
/gbfg/ found out their local schizo was here so shitposters came to fan the fire and post random memes
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haven't seen this much projection since antis in loli threads
Yuel will never touch you shay
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My knees hit the ground so hard just now
>meanwhile, at the same time
the only big difference between you and shitraph is coming out of the closet lmao
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Wait, the fag that can't stop screaming about cuckoldry is not only a shotafag, but also a futafag?
Shay is freaking nuts..
so most of us in these threads a just waiting for PC/global release then. Do you think it will be censored?
I meant, what does GBF stand for?
Yes, and he despises every single waifuge.
Oh the wonders I have to show you...
Yes >>>/vg/486637676

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