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>2 seasons
>Master Chief Helmet always off
>Never get to Halo

Next time hire people that actually played the game to make your show.

Is there a more mismanaged series in gaming than halo?
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Who was the audience for this?
Microsoft has $3 trillion. I'm sure they can find something. They have more than enough resources to create their own streaming service if they wanted.
At least with Halo, the fans recognize the mismanagement. With Fallout the """""fans""""" eat it up
Everyone, chud. It was meant specifically to draw a new, diverse audience to the series since we all know Halo fanboys are pussywhipped enough that they're going to watch any slop thrown their way regardless of quality. Just look at 4, 5, and Infinite.
Donkey Kong.
That's a fun game though. Just the story is shit because of so much baggage from Dictator Cortana and the monetizaiton of the multiplayer is horrible.
See what he means?
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>game is fun its just that game is shit
wow thanks
Microsoft didn't want the show, Paramount did. More specifically they wanted it so they could use it to shill Paramount+ to 'gamers', not actually caring about the content and tossing the project to whichever production team could suck the most executive cock.
343 and Microsoft flat out saying the show isn't canon even before it aired was essentially them trying to wash their hands of it because Hollywood doesn't take 'constructive assistance' with their projects, they just do whatever the fuck they want.
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Post yfw Halo is finally fucking dead
>first season was full of 343i and the producers just going "we want people who have heard of halo in passing not fans of it"
>second season was about 6 episodes where the chief didnt have his armor and then one fight with an elite in someones backyard
>ends on finally revealing Halo

what is with this shit and taking a classic series but taking forever to get to the thing people liked
Least sloppy haloslopper.
what the fuck were they thinking? they make a show out of halo and make it the least halo thing possible, and guess what? it ends up being a complete failure. how retarded is 343?
Another DEI projected DIE's.
So no one then.
I'd have to dig up a picture of my face from a decade ago
>the show gets cancelled right before they were going to start adapting the games

>since we all know Halo fanboys are pussywhipped enough that they're going to watch any slop thrown their way regardless of quality

except this slop is getting cancelled and infinite is deader than commander keyes, everyone is still playing the bungie games and the 343 shit is universally hated
Oh nooooooes, not the show that was unanimously hated by the fans!
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I wonder what went wrong
Who ended up watching it?
Anons even 343 avoided this shit like the plague, not that they were allowed to contribute anything anyways.
Hollywood still considers every other entertainment form to be gutter trash.
Chuds keep taking Ls
This is literally unbelievable, how could this happen?
>Mandalorian season 1
>Mandalorian keeps his helmet on the whole time
>people love it
>Season 2
>Mando takes his helmet off
>it goes to shit
What did they mean by this?
the fallout show might be cringe but it's obvious the people who made it played the game.
the wrong games, mind you, but still they did their research.
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Castlevania literally got buttfucked
Is that unironically a real shot from the show? The fucking halo show?
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who cares?
shit games shit TV
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>Boast about how none of the actors nor writers played the games and basically made fan fiction
>surprised when everyone hates your show
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>"mooooom i posted it again!"
You know, it's funny.
With everyone going "ooh it's so AWESOME that vidya adaptations are gOOD now" it's heartwarming that there are still adaptations that kept the good old "unwatchable unfaithful adaptation" torch lit. Godspeed, Netflix Resident Evil show and Paramount Halo show
Mismanaged yes. To something that was the same scale? No. I don’t think there has ever been a series as much of a juggernaut that lost all its influence more than Halo. In gaming sense at least
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>adaptation made by people that hate the source material for people that never heard about the source material
>"wtf why did it fail??"
Microsoft did the right thing, if the Yakuza series is good they will hire the guys that made the Fallout show to do it right.
Helmet on all the time and tons of alien gore
Sadly the existing normie cucks that are suscribed to these services, but even they didn't like it because Xbox is a Chud console, they want more TLOU and ALLOY
>Master Chief's whole appeal is that he is a badass robot looking dude
>get a mutt with a crooked nose to portray him and shove his face down the audience's throats
It's because we're in the weird transition phase where they're still trying to get the formula right. Vidyashit is where Capeshit was in the late 90's early 2000's.
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>no argument
>the one actor that did play the games and acted according was a fan favorite
Vannak acting more of a real spartan than anyone and the show tries to villainize that is quite hilarious
do Castlevania fans like Lords of Shadow or whatever it was called? I have that game for 360 but only played it for around 3 hours IIRC.
that image is older than you
The Fallout show based on what I watched in a bubble would be good if it wasn't FALLOUT and called VAULTS, based on how it was made. Halo in a bubble with the HALO removed would just a bad Scifi movie no one would care about
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It's not an argument, run
>because Hollywood doesn't take 'constructive assistance' with their projects, they just do whatever the fuck they want.
Then how did they get Todd in as a producer with Amazon?
Mandalorian season 2 was just a way for them to advertise all their other shitty SW shows, "holy crap Vaby Yoda look its Ahsoka™!" "holy crap Baby Yoda look its Bobba Fett™!"
the kids who played halo 1 at 12 are 35 now, which means they're older than 99% of all /v/ posters
God it must be hard for them every morning looking in the mirror
LoS 1 and MoF was pretty decent but LoS 2 was awful but the LoS trilogy not that bad compared to what netflix have done to the canon classic timeline
I'm older than your dad
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Family guy nailed it perfectly on whats wrong with stream shows


Fucking family guy
>Bobba Fett's show bombs
>they shamelessly turn it into Mandalorian season 1.5 half way through
This shit was too funny
>Netflix Resident Evil show
Was it that bad, it is one of two reasons I'd get Netflix for a month if I ever had a third reason
LoS is basically forgotten now. I don't even think zoomies played it. It had no brand recognition because even at the time CV was basically a dead franchise. I remember liking the first game and Mirror of Fate but 2 pretty much shit the bed sadly.
More like Gaylo lmao
I mean he's basically what i imagined a Master Chief looked like.
But i don't want to fucking see him.
Its funny to think that the best news Halo has gotten in years is that 343 got massive staff cuts and the show is dead
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now lets hope they actually sell the IP
at least that RE nigflix edition aren't canon and made a lot of cringeworthy meme out of it also RIP Lance Reddick
This is clearly an SJW loss, take your canned responses to Reddit.
>Halo, a chud IP, is dead
>Somehow this makes it an SJW loss
>at least that RE nigflix edition aren't canon

The Halo show wasn't canon either. It's part of the "Silver" timeline that they made up for it. People are pretty sure it was going to be canon at some point but they chickened out at the last second.
Good. Nobody wants subversion for the sake of subversion just like nobody wants inclusion for the sake of inclusion. If that shit isn't organic. Nobody fucking likes it. End of story.
>Make a show that has NOTHING to do with Halo
>Have special effects so bad even a low budget fan project could do better
>Bros out show flopped and the network kicked us out
Skill issue.
Halo hasn't been a chud franchise since Reach tho
the entire show was made by DEIfags so get rekt lmao
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343 won.
Why you (You)ing me you fag? I just said that Halo has been faggy since 4
Star Fox
>made up story
>made up character nobody cares about as protagonist
>helmet-less Master Chief
>filled with DEI propaganda

wow what a surprise
Final Fantasy
there was a second season?
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halo died so the avatar could live
It definetly was changed at the last second, they made Chief's squad mates from the show canon, and i wouldn't be surprised if that was the endgame of the fracture shit, which may i remind you, was a continuation of the multiverse shit 343 added in MCC which may or may not be canon
FF may have lost its prestige and identity, but at least people still talk about it, even if it's almost entirely carried by 14. No one gives a rat's ass about Halo anymore.
Mando kept his helmet on through the entirety of season 3 and it was the worst by a country mile
I couldn't care less about the helmet stuff, actors are literal prostitutes and need their faces to be shown.
My Problem is how they deviated from the main plot to focus on that black oc space marine and his stupid "humans are the real evil, federation bad" side plot.
That shit made me drop the series.
daily reminder that this show was in production since the Xbox One got announced
I think the effects on Halo may have been more catastrophic than other mismanaged IPs, but in terms of raw level of mismanagement:
>Guitar Hero
>Duke Nukem
>like 90% of Konami's legacy IPs
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and nothing of value was lost
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All UNSC ships sound off.
This is the Fancy Dancer.
nope it was planned to be canon to the game but since the series got bad reception they just cancel it
Skibidi Gyaaattt!
Silent Hill
Final Fantasy
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Bombergirl doin well
They waited too long to put a close up of a screaming woman on the screen
Tbf Guitar Hero was destined to die soon, it was just a fad
But at what cost?
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this shit had a SECOND season?
I'd watch Surf Dracula
If it's a fun game why does nobody play it?
they did promos and frank o faggot was defending it on retardera
It's infuriatingly common for streaming shows to get preemptively renewed instantly after debut. This even happened for widely-hated stuff like that shitheap Velma.
that is insane. im glad they wasted money on this
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gee I wonder why

I don't think so. Halo 1, 2 and to a lesser extent 3 were cultural phenomenons and behemoths. There were a good few years at the time where halo and xbox became the generic name for games and gaming. Like if you watched a TV show written by boomers then little Jimmy would be in his room playing halos on his Xbox.

And then it all just sort of came apart. CoD surely helped, and the unjustifiable cost of Xbox live hurt the platform in general. I remember picking halo 3 back up late in its life cycle and feeling like I needed to buy a hundred dlcs just to search playlists where I might get a game.

I dunno I took a lot of time off console gaming around that time and was surprised to find out halo was all but dead when I looked back into it recently. I assumed they would be making one a year that quietly sold tens of millions just like cod.

Can any anons sum up exactly what went wrong? Did the campaigns get super shitty? Or the multiplayer?
damn, and they just introduced the flood..
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The bad timeline is healing bros.
Trump surviving the shooting made us shift into the blessed timeline again.
Nobody has or will ever think of this answer:
Alone in the Dark
Series had 4, yes, FOUR, reboots and all of them flopped. A Uwe Boll movie that has 1% on rotten tomatos and in Guisness book of records as being the "Lowest-Grossing Game Based Movie". ANOTHER movie that made, get this, $144,000. No, not million, THOUSAND.
Genuinely have NO CLUE how this series still exists.
Todds a hardass that said we do it my way or not at all.
Like that show, it is no longer about the main character, it's about finding the Halo, winning the war.
they regularly have gay flags and queer skins and endless retarded faggotry in multiplayer, which you should be familiar with since you're a retarded nigger faggot
So the show was just gay shit?
The Netflix Resident Evil show is in a complicated place because adaptations of Resident Evil are inherently adaptations of the film series, not of the videogames. It's been this way for a long time, and Netflix are planning on shooting a new TV show in January that is basically Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, but with a lesbian protagonist.
Maybe it's because it had bigger problems, like Jack Black and that fat bitch no one remembers the name of now.
I don't care how much they want to ruin RE movies/series as long as they kept my wife Ashley out of it
The halo show is what 343 would have done if they could reboot the series
>Spartans are ... Le evil heartless brainwashed machines!
>UNSC is... Le evil fascist regime that wants to kill aliens for no reason! (Never mind that whole jihad thing they did years ago, we've got virtues to signal)
>rebels are ... Good empowered star wars rebels!
>chief is the chosen one
These are angles that have been played since halo 4 and its accompanying novels, where they boil the nuance or Greg areas out of the story. The show is just the end point
The Fallout show isn't really faithful. It's based on Bethesda Fallout, not Interplay Fallout, and they turned Vault-Tec into Umbrella from the Resident Evil movies. I think "faithful to source material" is really marketing more than anything else. Look at the Monster Hunter movie. That's both canon and faithful to the source material, bearing in mind the source material in question was Metal Gear Solid. But how often do you see people talking about how it was canon?
Every IP is a chud IP, retard.
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Yes and it had gay albino spartans. Not kidding btw
They're probably going to reboot the Halo games anyway because nobody cares about the story anymore.
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Imagine being sexually harassed by Lizzo
they finally going to unfuck those awful comics?
They managed to bungle the Fall of Reach, Discovery of Halo and Unleashed the Flood.
>Mandalorian season 1
>Mandalorian keeps his helmet on the whole time

>except when he took it off in the 4th episode
>and again in the last episode
Lmao I remember when there were articles saying that season 2 was a success or something. This news said otherwise it seems.
Fallout died after Tactics. Nu Fans that bought the Elder Scrolls with guns are literal shit eaters.
This. Just what the hell?
>ANOTHER movie that made, get this, $144,000
What the fuck?
Those are two very specific moments that make sense in character and story, it wasn't just removing it for the sake of it. Which is the problem with modern actors who refuse to act without muh face when the whole point of the character is that you generally DON'T see his face very often if at all
This isn't true.
I thought it was getting pretty good

the comics take place directly after the war, this take places years after the comics when they're adults.
>the fallout show might be cringe but it's obvious the people who made it played the game.
Fallout 3 and after are not real Fallout games.
they had 2 seasons and they didnt even get to the starting point of the first game? what the fuck were they doing?
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It's pretty sad how the adaptation of Halo into the big screen and television devolves over time. Back then at the peak of the franchise, there were people like Peter Jackson with his protege Neil Blomkamp and Steven Spielberg interested in adapting the property, then jump start ten years later, Microsoft had to settle with some random schmuck running the show.
Produce of the Halo game is a tranny that has the tranny flag, palestine flag, ukraine flag and claim that he hates guns in video games
>Do the voice of the AI for 20 years
>Sit in the cuck chair
Being Jen Taylor must be suffering.
>Those are two very specific moments that make sense in character and story
He took it off to eat in episode 4 in front of everyone in that village with a thin curtain in front of him that is half open, nevermind that any of those villagers could walk in on a whim at any time. It makes sense for a normal Mandalorian to do that, but later the shit disney writers decided he is actually in a Mandalorian cult that has a no helmets off in front of anyone rule that never existed before they made it themselves.

If you ever watched Mandalorian (doubtful) it was while not paying attention and only a second screen while you did something else.
Why didn't they start season one with how Spartans came to be in their youth?
Then they can start from there.
>they had 2 seasons and they didnt even get to the starting point of the first game?
They literally did at the end of season 2.
The fact that NMA fags have been seething about Fallout for almost 20 years will never cease to be amusing
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>Boogie gets railed everyday publicly for being an autistic fucking retard, earning the hate of millions.
>343 gets fucked
>Gaylo TV show gets fucked
>Concord tranny slop became, yet another, proof that everyone is tired of faggots and slop games
>All in a matter of days after the Ameritard incident
You might be onto something here anon...
Regardless, that isn't true. Nobody saw him eat.
Handing Halo to business people who's all about expanding the franchise to new audiences turned it from a game series that rivals Mario in popularity and turning it into nothing.
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My bad, I over estimated lmao
I don't get why they didn't just do what the Twisted Metal show did for Sweet Tooth. Hire a body actor and a VA, wouldn't that actually be freakin cheaper in the long run?
>that isn't true
It's completely true that in Episode 4 of season 1 of The Mandalorian the Mandalorian takes his helmet off to eat and puts himself at massive risk of breaking his cult's first rule of never taking his helmet off in front of others. The only reason that happened is because this most important rule was made up on a whim in Season 2 of the show with no regard to having his behavior follow that rule when they were writing the first season. Trying to brush all that off with just claims that it "isn't true" is laughable. All if tells me is that you either never watched the show, watched it once without any ability to take in the information shown to you or you're just shitposting for attention here.
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It was still on Microsoft to tell Paramount that they have to treat the source material with absolute respect and reverence, or else no deal. That's how Bungie treated Halo back in the day, read the foreword of the '06 graphic novel.
>Can any anons sum up exactly what went wrong?

Bungie left and 343 (the current devs) are incompetent.
No really, what were they thinking?
The Witcher
Demoralization isnt a meme ya know
more like KEKtana
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People that wanted to make webms
How the fuck was she not shot down in two seconds?
I don't have a powerful enough reaction image to express how much schadenfreude I feel right now
good riddance
Plot armor. She's the second main character.
They turned Master Chief into a Mexican and every single other character into either a woman, Black, or gay, it absolutely was an SJW failure.
supposedly it was in Paramount's top ten for 177 days? I guess that was a fucking lie
Women on tick tock.
The weirdest part about that is Halo was already diverse as fuck in its cast. Yet they race swapped Jacob and Miranda Keyes while not even bothering to include Sgt. Johnson.
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Warcraft is up there
No Korra no care
>Never get to Halo
Hahaha, for real?
>Halo fans will buy literally anything with a Halo logo on it
>Make a series to piss off the fans
Why do they always do this?
Because it's not about actually diversity and inclusion, it's about extreme bitterness to the Whitw majority and their history in being the major driving force in pop culture throughout Western History and so their aim is to deconstruct, subvert and demoralise White characters and White people.

They just hate White people, it's that simple.
The fallacy is thinking that because the company is worth 3 trillion means the company just has 3 trillion to toss around for any and all projects. Enough bombs can tank a company no matter how large.
>Yet they race swapped Jacob and Miranda Keyes while not even bothering to include Sgt. Johnson.
That practically amounts to historical revisionism, painting Halo as a game that had only wypipo in it before this daring television treatment showed up
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Remember it took microsoft 2 (two) seasons to realize this was a dumpster fire
>Halo fanboys are pussywhipped enough that they're going to watch any slop thrown their way regardless of quality.
This is the opposite of Halo fans, most of the hatred is coming from us. After all, you'd have to be a fan of Halo to complain about how un-Halo this TV show is - normies would just say it's a bad show, which it is. You're confusing us with tendies who will buy every Zelda/Mario/Pokemon cardboard game that Nintendo shits out and call it a 10/10.
>we want people who have heard of halo in passing not fans of it
>we got people that hate halo to make the new halo
I sweat to god someone in 343i MUST have dirt on Phil for it to have gone on this long
Because zoomers are unironically mindbroken bh modern gayming, just look at any criticism of it on the lawn days, everything was "WAAAAA THE MTX SUCKS! I CAN'T PLAY DRESS UP", "WAAAAAA YHE PROGRESSION SYSTEM IS SHIT, I DON'T FEEL REWARDED FOR MY TIME, I WANT BAR TO GO UP, I WANT GAME TO TELL ME I'M A GOOD BOOOOY"

Like, nobody plays for fun anymore.
never heard of it
but I dont watch tv
wait why is this on this board again
Maybe it's an experiment on how far fans would go to support a bad egg of their franchise.
Darksiders has blueballed us for 3 games now!
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But...didn't they say Halo was the most watched show on paramount during season 1 and was a huge success?
What happened with that?
This would be true ten years ago. However, Sonic is doing way better than Halo right now and Halo doesn't have the same passionately autistic fanbase to keep it on life support.
Darksiders basically wrote itself into a corner in the first game by killing off basically everyone who mattered and having all the rest teamed up, I think if they'd ever tried to actually move the plot forward instead of back it probably would have made for even worse stories.
Called it from the get. The Acolyte is likely lit for 2 seasons as well. Thats how streamers pretend the shows arent awful, they preapprove 2 seasons to mask all the duds theyre making.
Uhh, what about the journalists saying it had a billion viewers?
>2014: Sonic Boom
>2017: Sonic Mania, Sonic Forces
>2022: Sonic Frontiers
>2024: Shadow Generations
An entire decade, damn
The infinite free season 2 streaming show gravy train ended with the writers and actors strikes. Now streaming shows have to pay the production staff based on how much viewers a show gets. All streaming companies were stringing along investors by bragging about how many total subscribers they had and refused to share viewer numbers. Now those same studios have to pay based on viewership which means they can't hide how unpopular most streaming shows are.
>Something comes out that is pretty much spitting on the established fanbase
>Thing always comes out with "This was the most watch/streamed fucking whatever on our platform"
>Thing ends up being reported a failure some time later.
I'm noticing something.
The halo show is bad because it doesn't have the same vision as the original halo de-
>Marty is now a republican congressman
Never mind.
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Are we ready to admit that the Doom Guy is the new cool armoured video game mc?
Is this due to the show sucking or more on the fact that Paramount is literally dying and in billions of debt? Wish Sony bought them so that they could suffer as well.
>The Acolyte is likely lit for 2 seasons as well.
Nothing announced so far, word is that viewership was pretty pathetic. Then again, never underestimate Kathleen Kennedy's capacity to release bomb after bomb and still not get fired.
he was here before master chef, you dumb zoomer
Why didn't Microsoft just get the team who made the awesome commercials to make a show 15 years ago?
based tbqh
>breaking, tv series cancelled
The show was made by people that knew nothing about the games and read none of the books, lore or comics, and they where proud of this.
yeah lol, the albino nigger on the left was also a spartan
Wasn't the running theory that it was a written to be a mass effect/some other IP show and they just slapped the Halo IP on top? Hence why the terrible CGI
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I refuse to see Doom Guy and Doom Slayer as the same character.
Never heard of that theory and we have multiple examples of shows based off existing IPs, where the writers ignored ALL the lore and existing stories just to write their own headcannon, predictably all these shows failed.
this, but the opposite
I feel the same as smelling really smelly dog poop while seeing that image
To build on the other Anon, 343 explicitly hired people who didn't like Halo to try and broaden the market share, completely abandoned its traditional gameplay to chase CoD fans, and having all the grunt work be done by a revolving door of contractors so no institutional knowledge was retained not only across project but within a project itself.
Then 343 decided to have "deep" storytelling and trying to make a trilogy from the ground up while also getting cold feet thanks to fan feedback and pulling the same overarching issue as the Star Wars Sequels in flip flopping every Sequel.
You wanna make a more introspective trilogy with Chief fighting a Marvel Villain? I don't like it but at least havingJohn pushed beyond cool robot guy and have him learn to be human is something.
Fans hated it and so you killed off the Marvel Villain in the comics? Cool but at least this new focus on the amoral fucked shit going on at ONI in the background while the Covenant Splinter Factions conflict with each other seems cool, kinda like a Sci-Fi Spy Thriller. Oh you changed your minds half way through development of Halo 5 and instead turned it into Cortana going Skynet on the Galaxy? Sucks that you dragged Cortana through the mud for that but at least we get a new adventure where all the various races in Halo look like their going to unite to battle the AI menace and Master Chief has to confront his yandere former AI partner.
Oh that all was dealt withoff screen and in a book and now the Covenant 2 Brute Led Boogaloo from the (Actually Good) RTS spinoff are the main bad guys? You know its the final game in your trilogy right?
yeah but behind closed doors theyll already have a season 2 in the chamber, and then they make season 2 and announce season 2 and release season 2 and then dont reup(see: cancel) it
It's not bad, but it gets pretty boring, Especially considering it's contemporaries like God of war or dantes inferno. The Patrick Stewart monologues inbetween stages will start putting you to sleep.
>Dmc3 and ninja gaiden are on such higher levels of gameplay I honestly don't consider them in them in the same genre
You forgot the part where they outright ridiculed and refused to hire Bungie devs who tried to apply for 343.
Im somewhat okay with doomguy being ZOOM16 slayer, Eternal is where it goes too far.
I can picture Zoom16slayer as doomguy+1000 years in multidimensional hell, an effective efficient silent killing machine (Im not reading the faggy lore), but Eternal is faggot shit that makes Zoomslayer a soimale with a faggy mancave amd he collects postironic books and vinyl records about bunny rabbits and shit
>Pizza Hut bringing back their buffet
It'll be better when they bring back their old formula, but baby steps.
okay, combat. but what about level design. weren't classic castlevania games full of backtracking and gaining abilities, like metroid? is LoS like that? from what I remember it was a linear action game. seems like something fans of the 2D games would look at and say, "that's not castlevania". imagine if Metroid Prime was just linear shooting.
That's the thing that pissed me off the most. Hollywood get their filthy reptilian claws on Halo and the first thing they do is take of Johns helmet.
Fucking why dude
LoS has moments where you can tell its kind of trying. I think the 3rd or 4th level(where I dropped the game) has you navigating some giant skeleton graveyard where youre fucking with levers and shit to unlock previously unavailable paths, its not at all the same but you can certainly tell the devs were attempting to invoke that sort of feeling
Hollywood is nothing but jews giving jobs to other jews, usually friends and family, to keep USA sponsored propaganda going.
Any Bioware ip
Final Fantasy
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Thank god. This shit was a fucking tragedy.
Microsoft effectively fucked this IP permanently, their insistence on handing Halo off to absolutey clueless pretentious dickheads time after time who have some an unfathomable hate boner towards the Bungie golden age (CE, 2, 3) is just ridiculous.
I sincerely hope the next game kills 343I and execs put the entire series on ice
eh, removing the helmet isnt that big of a deal, its keeping his helmet off more than its on and making him a completely different character and rewriting all the lore of Halo. Im not even a Halo fag but Halofags need to get their priorities straight. John Halo is literally just a guy who is the best at killing aliens in his universe, him having a face shouldnt surprise you.
>vaguely unrelated things happening
>bros we are winning the culture war nature is healing!!!
This is fucking sad. Thank god I don't pay attention to shit like this enough to get some sort self worth from it
Actors are primadonnas and will bitch about not getting to show their face because Face=Recognition and leads to bigger roles.
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It did. Next halo is being outsourced while 343 devs are stuck doing spread sheets n boring business shit
Wolfenstein's up there
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Why can't they make another stealth Wolfenstein like the original?
Isn't one of the games also a fucking remake of 1?
even earlier, there was a badass live action trailer when odst was out
Overwatch is due to greed. They know 6v6 is better. Halo is pure incompetence.

That AR prop looks like some foam shit a teenage cosplayer would make in their parents garage after school
>kid wins coin toss
>later gets abducted from his bed, replaced with a clone (the clone will develop cancer), then wakes up in a military base on another planet with an instructor beating him with a stun baton
would have been too kino
Honestly, just pick any long-running western series and most Squeenix series.
>Command & Conquer
>Mass Effect
>Dragon Age
>GTA (mainly just ruined by T2's obsession with GTAO)
>Deus Ex
>Splinter Cell
>Medal of Honor
>Need for Speed
>Far Cry
>Ghost Recon
>Rainbow Six
>Dead Rising (technically not western, but was ruined by western studios)
>Just Cause
>Dead Space
>Arkham Series
Pretty much all of these series are dead or shit these days thanks to horrible mismanagement and terrible design/market decisions.
Frankly, I can't think of a single long-running western series that hasn't been horribly mismanaged, outside of maybe Call of Duty (and only because it has a fanbase of shiteaters who will constantly buy the new game, complain that it's shit, but go on to play it for 300 hours and then buy the next one as soon as it comes out after spending the 10 months leading up to release shit-talking it) and maybe Doom depending on your definition of "mismanaged."
Maybe Hitman comes closest to not being mismanaged to death since everyone agrees that Absolution was more momentary dementia as opposed to the death of the series.
Fanfiction is being generous. People make Fanfiction because they like the series. This is more like they took some stuff and added it to their original story that's better then anything from an icky video game.
streaming shows NEED melodrama and sex scenes
Then why is Disney still a thing? Please die, Disney. I'm my lifetime please.
This thread makes me think, we barely get new big AAA western IPs that take off these days.
Like gen 7 had stuff like Dead Space, Gears of War, Assassin's Creed, Crysis, Dead Rising, Saints Row, Crackdown, Just Cause, Company of Heroes, Bioshock, The Witcher, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. etc.
Thjs gen has had, what, Watch_Dogs (which was also on gen 7)?
The Division?
Feels like we just got some IPs that left as soon as they came, like those Middle Earth games (no new game since 2017), The Evil Within (no new game since 2017, studio was shut down), Destiny (GaaS so it's going to get milked to death before a new game comes out), and a bunch of licensed games like the Star Wars slop and Injustice and shit like that.
What the fuck happened to AAA western development?
>What the fuck happened to AAA western development?
>bloated development cycles
>went all in on the graphics meme
>gutted gameplay because muh accessibility muh interactive cutscene
>wokeshit in every turn
>$70+tip+dlc+taxes+season pass
>corner cutting at every level so the game has poor optimization and prformance even on consoles
And that's just off the top of my head
Game needs to be protected reach billion dollars in pre-orders alone to be considered to be greenlit.
Give it time, the stock is in the toilet and they've lost billions.
>preemptively rebewed
Most shows are ordered a bundle of episodes which are then split into tolwo seasons, same thing that happened to the very same Velma you're quoting. Online marketers, however, find it handy for others to believe this is a "brand new" season to be greenlit out of the blue, not only for giving the false assumption there was a high-viewing audience but also for contrarians to shout "This is all hatewatchers' fault!", despite that seldon being the actual case.
This also isn't the first time Disney has almost gone under.
After Walt died the company became aimless falling into irrelevancy in the late 70s and 80s. It took the Little Mermaid coming out in 89 to get them back on track.
How will I follow the sexy adventures of John Halo now?
Lords of Shadow is boring and that makes it the worst castlevania. I don't think there any other game in the series that made me fall asleep. Half of the game is just climbing sections
Why are gen y so fucking shitty at writing? They literally grew up with some of the best films, video games and literature yet they all fucking suck
This show should have been as simple as the word simple, halo already had a diverse cast so the the excuse of "they needed to revise stuff for a modern audience" doesnt even make sense in this context. Its like they just hijacked the brand recognition and made their own generic shitty scifi...
Infinite is trash nigga. 343 tricked everyone into thinking it was le classic gameplay but its halo 5 simplified.
It's because modern Hollywood is exclusively made up of theater kids.
And theater kids are all gay, lame, and most of all, stupid.
As a result, everything they make tends to be shit.
Started when people said you can't criticize bad writing because it might be enjoyable to someone and you're hurting the writer's feelings.

The theater kids were always there. The problem is they used to get criticized for doing a bad job and drop out or get thier act together. Now everyone has to get a pat on the back just for showing up.
No. Infinite is actively antifun actually.
>Everyone is muted by default so if you use a mic only others who specifically unmute in the settings can even hear you
>No pregame lobby because toxic banter
>no map voting or vetoing
>no postgame lobby because again toxic banter,
>entire lobby is completely split after each match because toxic banter
>also makes partying up with a good set of randoms nearly impossible since everyone has to manually back out, friend request each other and then party up again
>Halo 2, 3, and Reach all let you do this at a single button press and kept everyone together by default to cut down search times
>team colors no longer exist to show off shitty microtransaction purchases
>BTB has roulette vehicle spawns to make sure nothing in that game mode makes sense anymore
>no player collision so players can phase through each while trying to melee, letting you backsmack other players through the front of thier face
>no control over server regions so the game can just decide to relegate you to 200+ ping games for no reason even when your local server is active
All of that without even getting into the completely deserved criticism of removing mix and match armor and requiring buying colors which were per armor. The bandaid fix to this was adding new universal colors that also have to be bought by the way. No refunds for early buyers ;-)
The gunplay being almost like classic Bungie Halo doesn't make any of these other issues go away or become tolerable.
Imagine unironically being wrong
Fallout died before it was even born
Wasteland will forever be better
Those silent Hill movies were great. Sean Bean is a perfect cast. Just rewatched them the other night
idk why youre getting no (You)s, you are completely right
throw in some turn based strategy series like heroes of might and magic, that have devolved into some mobile moba and 1vs100 autobattler autochess clone, or x-com, which had a shitty third person shooter before it got brought back as capeshit that everyone loved, then became capeshit everyone hated (see: chimera squad), or jagged alliance, which has like 5 fucking titles that all sucked between JA2 and JA3. im glad you mentioned far cry, ghost recon, and crysis, and rainbow 6, but pretty much any ubishit game would easily make the list, including ray man, though it got a couple good games semi-recently, the rabbids shit completely ruined it. siphon filter should be there with splinter cell, or even metal gear solid. 5 was such a fuck up and letdown and now its a pachinko machine. GTA was mismanaged even before GTAO; we never got another game in the GTA2 world, sadly. Ass effect and Dragon Age are still being shat all over, but i "guess" they weren't baldurs gate 3 tier.
I also notice your list is missing any and all shooter games other than wolfenstein. I feel obligated to mention unreal - the first game being incredible, unreal tournament being also excellent, ut 2k3/2k4 being very very good, then unreal 2 being kind of bad, then nothing for a long time, then unreal tournament 3 being a shitty gears of war stylized mistake, then nothing. from one of the biggest arena shooters of all time to a shitty unreleased pre-alpha for ut4 to dropping the game entirely to have the team that was working on it turn fortnite into a battle royale (ended up being a good decision, but not for the unreal franchise).
quake as well - we still have never gotten any other quake-1 styled games. and the huge gap in single player releases from quake 2 to quake 4, and how hard they ruined quake live, and how hard they dropped the ball with quake champions, it's just a really shitty way for everything to end up.
>he disregards doomguys love for daisy

weird that your post is so passionate, yet you just admit that you've never actually played the DOOM games so casually
Halo went from being on the kings throne of the gaming world, the franchise that was breaking media sales records with every entry, dominating its genre, the game every other publisher WISH they had, to absolute bottom tier corporate goyslop in under 3 years.
If financial and cultural success is your metric then there has never been a bigger fall from grace in the history of vidya, ever.
Activison releasing 6 games in a year didn't help.
Original development team fell apart due to internal civil wars and split from the company
New team Microsoft assembled to take over the franchise failed in every way imaginable.
Oh no... Nobody saw this coming....
Mechwarrior / Battletech / MechAsssault
Lord of the Rings BFME
Red Faction
Guild Wars
Dawn of War
Company of Heroes
Dead Space
Quest for Glory
King's Bounty
Master of Orion / Master of Magic / Galactic Civilizations / Age of Wonders

There are other IPs that aren't exactly a series but considering they've gone through like 7 massively different versions or expansions of the game over 10+ years, I would include League of Legends, Warframe, World of Tanks/Planes/Ships, War Thunder, EVE Online, Stellaris, Elite Dangerous (or the elite series in general), Star Citizen, etc...
the grifters on the studio team collecting their hourly paychecks
Netflix Witcher literally killed the franchise...
wow, the world really needs more cuckquean content.
my first reaction to this thread too kek
>I thought it was getting pretty good
>bad guy white
>good protagonist female of mixed asian/black/mutt descent
every time
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Did they use pronouns in the show?
>The Fallout show based on what I watched in a bubble would be good if it wasn't FALLOUT
It was pozzed dogshit like every other straight to streaming TV show
What the fucking fuck were they thinking.

>we never got Neill Blomkamp kino and instead we got the shitty Silver timeline shit
Halo has got to be fucking cursed at this point. How does MS/343 fumble a multi-billion dollar franchise like this?
no but they had a blind gay Spartan that could shoot a grenade launcher with pinpoint accuracy (i'm not even joking)
TV shows started going to shit the instant that women started being significant proportions of writing teams.
Westoid studios are determined to run their industry into the dirt.
>This thread makes me think, we barely get new big AAA western IPs that take off these days.

They can't even maintain old IPs that were huge hits. There's no chance they could make a new one that suddenly becomes a breakout success. The industry is poisoned with an ideology to always produce shit and tell the customer to fuck themselves if they complain.

Shifting away from dudebros as an audience affected gaming in more ways than one.
Halo had some of the most legendary TV ads for any video game I've ever seen.


It would be so easy to make a Halo Movie/TV show with writers/directors that actually CARE about Halo.
Things like this remind me that editing is an art and you can always spot trash if it's edited by a really stupid person like this one is.
>that MA5B that literally looks like it's made out of cardboard
>that CGI
>that VERY OBVIOUS 2022 modern car, despite the show's timeline taking place in 2552
what in the goddamn
Those only got made to try and make his Halo movie project get out of production hell. The executives deciding things didn't want to play ball with Bungie since Bungie wanted the story to be accurate. Hollywood knows better. This dead streaming show is the leftovers after that project got passed around through studios.
I still remember those ads. They are excellent.
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The fucking Chevy Tahoe being in the scene was basically the biggest red flag of the time that none of these people care about Halo. There was never any hope of this series being good.
gaylo has always been shit
Adding this to the list of Halo KINO
>what went wrong?
the main demographic grew up
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At least we're getting one accurate vidya adaptation
>plays gaylo
yeah but what about the nigger
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Fourth time I've heard this joke and I still love it
Gee, no wonder. Next time put your show on a normal streaming platform. I'm on Europe and the show is only available paying another sub inside Amazon prime, that means no one does. Put it on Netflix or prime or Disney, or hell, have your heard about TV?
>Shifting away from dudebros as an audience affected gaming in more ways than one.
It’s funny how some /v/ermin hate dudebro gaming when it was one of the best periods of gaming. Not saying there weren’t downsides to it but it was also an extremely kino era
>>Never get to Halo
Are you fucking serious? I hope the writers end up homeless
Before Bungie made and sold Halo to Microsoft, they made prior games. Myth, Marathon, and ONI being some of the more well known. They earned their own fanbase organically by proving they could make and release video games, Halo merely hit a wider audience.

343i never did this. They were handed a massive IP then went: "We want to make our version of Halo". That phrase makes no fucking sense if you think about it for a second, 343i had never made anything before being given Halo, they were never market tested. They had no identity or community of their own, only the expectation that they would replicate Bungie Halo for Bungie Halo fans.

They didn't, they couldn't (it was never in their ability), and they ruined everything because "their Halo" turned out to be creatively bankrupt insipid retard trash that tried to retcon and ruin the originals.

Basically if Bungie never made Halo, they would have just made Destiny earlier and milked that shit for over a decade until they hit their own decline. If 343i never made Halo, they would have made some other retarded trash and died off within a few years.
Wonder how mind broken 343 employees are, the only thing they did remotely right (which they still fucked up) was just copy pasting bungie's work kek
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here you go anon
>Fucking why dude
Remember when they made a Judge Dredd adaptation where Dredd never took off the helmet and it was a gigantic flop that got its ass whipped at the box office by Resident Evil 5: Retribution?

That's why.
>It would be so easy to make a Halo Movie/TV show with writers/directors that actually CARE about Halo.
Fun fact about that ad. It's made by the guy who made the 2017 Ghost in the Shell film. You know, the one people whined about for not "getting" Ghost in the Shell.
>Donkey Kong.
retarded take, even if you hate Tropical Freeze (also retarded take), at least he's getting faithful games
I don't know how Paramount is even staying afloat these days, everything on that service seems to be unwatchable dogshit
>watched the Halo show
>"Why the fuck are the Elites chasing 1 fucking small human civilian around while they're being attacked by Spartans, they would have formed up and gone after the deadlier and worthier foes"
>neve noticed the Chevy Tahoe
Caring about source material doesn't translate into a better product inherently. The Percy Jackson movie was made by people who didn't give a shit about the books and it is miles better than the TV show adaptation made by the guy who wrote the books.
All that said, having someone who is tackling the material because they're a fan can help. The guy who directed Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, and Monster Hunter was a huge fan of those games, and even if the films didn't always work out you couldn't accuse them of being cash grabs. They were passion projects by a megafan who spent many years getting them made.
To be honest, this is sorta the problem. Halo is an expensive TV show and Paramount+ is not a globally popular streaming service Paramount themselves have been up shit creek financially for quite a while. I half expect someone else will pick it up like Netflix.
Judge Dredd was never a giant series like Halo used to be. There was no chance even a good Halo show would have been successful relegated to a streaming site no one outside the US can even use.
should never have taken the helmet off, not only did that kill the series it destroyed the franchise and the character of master chief
>didn't they say Halo was the most watched show on paramount during season 1

Statistics that companies put out in order to make themselves look good are always misleading.
If someone watched an episode of the show for like 2-3 minutes just through sheer curiosity and then never watch any of it again out of disgust, then the company will still count those 2-3 minutes as part of their statistics under the same category as the occasional retard who actually watched and enjoyed the entire thing.
>Guild Wars

Guild Wars was managed well enough during its time. You can still log in and have a pretty good time.
Guild Wars 2 is just a fundamentally different creature. Believe me, I fucking hate a LOT about GW2, but it's a reasonably successful MMO in an era where MMOs are a dying genre. It's just not Guild Wars and they duped me into giving it a shot I wouldn't have by invoking that name.
nothing after halo 3 is canon anyway, who cares
Technically, they licensed Halo to other streaming services outside of regions with Paramount+, but it wasn't very well done.
The problem with Halo as a franchise is the startling possibility that Halo was never actually good, and Master Chief was never really an interesting character, and the popularity of the franchise was rooted in gamers having no standards.

Frankly a TV show was a stupid idea. They should have just made a movie. Picked some hot director with a popular sci-fi movie and given them free reign to reimagine Halo as they saw fit. That's why the Neill Blomkamp film made a lot of sense.

If he could have made a Halo film of comparable quality to Elysium most normies would have been happy. Another problem is that people don't like watching unfinished TV shows.

Here's an example. The film Pandorum has a cult following. It's the closest thing to Event Horizon. It was the first film in a planned trilogy, but the sequels were canned. It has a spiritual successor called Origin with multiple episodes directed by Event Horizon's creator, but nobody wants to watch a spiritual successor to Pandorum that got canned after one season. A movie that never gets a sequel is different because it feels self-contained. The industry is littered with dead-end TV shows that should have been movies.
It was the most watched show, and the Halo show did actually have solid viewer retention. But it is WAY, WAY, WAY more expensive than most other Paramount TV shows, and Paramount is struggling. They could make so many cowboy shows and Sonic spinoffs where the CG characters only appear for like an hour of screentime with that budget.
What about The Boys? It's nothing like the comics, and super successful?
>outlived all of its supposed franchise killers
>The problem with Halo as a franchise is the startling possibility that Halo was never actually good
Or you just have shit taste and can't tell quality. The first 3 Bungie Halo games are a fairly solid story with CE making good material for a serious adaptation. The story for Halo 2 is better with the split focus to the Arbiter's story and 3 is a small downgrade from that but still enjoyable. If you think Master Chief isn't interesting I can only assume your only experience with him is 343 games or skipping cutscenes in the Bungie games. You're also arguing that the Bungie games were giant successes by complete accident and for no actual reasons.
Stargate SG-1 ignored most of the lore of the Stargate to do its own thing. The only reason this is a debate with TV shows is that TV shows have always been the "muh source material" medium. You're a book author mad that an auteur director made an adaptation of your book that is way better than your books? Well, you go and make a TV show that adapts the books faithfully. And fans of your books talk about how it's totally better than the movie, but nobody remembers your "faithful" TV show in six months.

It's like how there's the 2004 A Series of Unfortunate Events (which is kino) and the bland book-accurate TV show (which nobody cares about). TV shows are no longer being leveraged to tell TV show worthy stories, but they're instead glorified 8 hour movies with piss-poor pacing, bland visual design, and so on.
it was so fucking boring, i think me and my buddy got to ep. 6 before saying fuck it, at least fallout was funny enough to shit on
>The first 3 Bungie Halo games are a fairly solid story
Are they? They're a generic amalgamation of a bunch of books and films. What is solid about the story? It's a shooty shooty blam blam story with some disjointed cutscenes pasted on top. Gamers develop stockholm syndrome from playing a game for 10 hours and start to think that it's super well written and the characters are super deep.
>The story for Halo 2 is better with the split focus to the Arbiter's story
Halo 2's story is terrible, though. It's just a bunch of set pieces where the characters quip a lot.
>and 3 is a small downgrade from that but still enjoyable.
A lot of videogames are enjoyable. That doesn't mean they have good writing.
>You're also arguing that the Bungie games were giant successes by complete accident and for no actual reasons.
Because people like the gameplay. This is true of most videogame franchises. Look at Resident Evil. Most popular horror game franchise in the world. Writing is utter dogshit. The guy who in charge of Dead Space's story once pointed out that your game can have the worst story imaginable and gamers will eat it up. He thought it was amazing that Dead Space fans thought Dead Space had a good story, because it's shitty haunted house with a dead girlfriend twist that the team added as a way of making the boring narrative spun on the fly slightly interesting.
You say that as if it's a literal law that making the adaptation accurate = financial failure and making it however the studio wants = financial success. There are all possibilities. It can be accurate and a succes or failure and it can do it own thing and be a success or failure. The issue is why is this even an adaptation if the studio doesn't want to make the series whose name they paid for and the built in audience who will give them praise for doing it right?

>I have never touched Halo, how could you tell?
It's unfair what happened to Dredd. It got like no marketing.
Also, it's not like the helmet was as any indication of success as Stallone's movie also flopped, even with him being at the peak of his popularity.
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At least I can still play the good ones with the homies

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