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I heard there's some shit going down with windows, anyone got their vidya interrupted by this?
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sorry, my Mint and Debian testing systems are both fine. good luck XD
xbox servers went down for a few hours yesterday but idk if it was related to this
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>using windows or mac OS in 2024
it's not windows
it's intel 13900K and 14900K (and KS) chips being all defective at the design level
Nothing happening on my machine
this happened due to a botched update in an EDR (think anti-virus but much wider scope) in enterprise settings. normie PCs don't have the specific software that has the issue, so they're fine. some online games might be facing issues if they're using that software and Windows, but lol @ u if you host your game servers on Windows
basen 7 enjoyer
I updated windows the other night so probably but I'm at work right now and like half the workstations are bricked
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My laptop crashed while I was sleeping, but I don't know if this had anything to do with it
My AMD laptop with Windows 11 unironically runs more stable (albeit a bit weaker) than my Nvidia Intel desktop
i feel i dodged a bullet getting a 12th gen rather than a 13th or 14th
no, no one outside of businesses who specifically uses crowdstrike's software to protect against cyber attacks should be having any issues

the whole thing is that they put out an update that causes a BSOD loop
OP is talking about a faulty update that got pushed on windows machines running some commercial security software that's causing them to blue screen.
Those businesses are going to wish it was windows since they'd be able to patch it. Otherwise they're all looking to foot a hefty bill replacing all those intel chips.
Troonix cope thread.
Are you serious? What the hell is causing this?
As a Linux user, I just want to say: Wait for Microsoft to fix it. Do NOT switch to Linux. Explaining that file paths don't start with C:\ to a billion panicking people in one day is too much work.
No I don't have an Intel CPU.
>commercial machines


Who the fuck is playing vidya on their work computers?

I have my PC next to my work computer and all I have to do is turn my body slightly to play
Dualboot Linux, that's what I do. Also, use LTSC or Enterprise
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Games for this feel?
>memoryholed in 1 week
Enterprise antivirus (Crowdstrike) uploaded a bad patch causing BSoD loops.
>using linux ever
It's not really that big of a deal
there will probably be some lawsuits or something.
You are right. One weekend.
This isn't a windows issue, this is a retarded corporate antivirus issue. Crowdstrike also operates on Linux.
Seeing Linuxcucks try and push their OS here shows just how stupid and misinformed they actually are.
why the fuck would you post something like this?
I mean yeah literally everything will be fixed in 1 day. Hell I'm pretty sure everything was already fixed by now.
Why wouldn't you?
But look at windows error screen! That mean windows is le bad!
>shitposting french cunt
>has a website about fake news
I guess this is an elaborate hoax for his website.
I don't have normalfagbrain. My brain is more superior
>This isn't a windows issue
Good. Now I won't have to deal with you people.
>Seeing Linuxchads try and push their OS here
Don't cry to me about something I didn't do. I want you animals to stay in your cage.
The cope... the seethe....
9th gen chads still eating well
Nope, it was just the usual nothingburger for commercial Windows machines with some custom security bullshit that you could fix in a minute with CMD.
I wonder what it would feel like to be the person who merged in the code and then waking up the next morning and seeing what happened.
I wonder what the timeline of this was, it shouldn't have been deployed WW over a single day, usually this stuff gets deployed out region by region to minimize blast radius
>-y day cuz I'm not retarded
yeah anon now repeat that for hundreds of thousands of machines manually because the machines don't even boot so you can't push the fix remotely
you also forgot to mention that you need the bitlocker recovery key for bitlocker'd machines
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Unless you’re using crowdstrike on your gaming PC you’ll be fine. It’s not a purely Microsoft issue
>give third party niggers kernel access
>not a window issue
lol, lmao even
From what I read this one is Crowdstrike pushing an update that somehow bsod'd any windows machine with it installed. Absolutely incredible display from Cloudcels today.
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Nope, I switched to Linux the second Valve started supporting TF2 on it back in 2013.
No because it's enterprise grade software that fucked up.
He doesn't actually work there and Twitter pays for engagement on a tweet the same way Youtube does these days.
it was crowdstrike not windows specifically
only effected a bunch of corpo computers because like 95 fuckin percent of them use crowdstrike lel
>Commercial decision making is a windows issue
Yep, troonix users really are this dumb.
I enjoyed watching the crowdstrike CEO cope and seethe on the news as if his company isn't about to get shut down by the feds
dude's company caused a nationwide groundstop and he thinks there aren't gonna be any consequences
He's not running away, I don't think he's that worried.
The illiteracy...
Only because if he runs it changes from a fine to prison time.
>paid for twitter retard
not reading
>(((cloud))) (((antivirus))) takes systems offline
lol. lmao even. it's literal malware
But anon, he said he is "deeply sorry" for the "impact," not just sorry. That change everything!
>paid for twitter
How can you tell from that image?
cloud computing moment
>>Commercial decision making is a windows issue
yes, because microshit are the ones with the signing keys, you fucking cunt. it's on them if they approve defective software
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It's not your machine.
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I work in IT for a large hospital system. Everything is fucked
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windowsisters...they are making fun of us...
he edited it
if the ToS says they are not liable, they're not.
cope and seethe stupid retard. it's not crowdstrike's fault if you're too stupid to read the ToS
Cloudstrike software is integrated into windows dumbass
Based jeets
I basically had the day off today while the IT department was on fire
>He's not running away
Planes aren't flying anon, he's not getting out of the country unless he drives across the boarder to the Hellstate of Mexico where cartels will might butcher him if he crashed their computers too instead of just fining him like the feds will.
How is it affecting you or your team? Are you running around like a chicken with its head cut off?
the fix is fairly easy, get to work on it wagie
>or mac OS
GOOD MORNING, macos is not experiencing the error
no it isn't
I always fuck up when I type that. Never figured out why.
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>bro just update windows dawg it's not like it's gonna brick the internet or anything g
wtf microsoft just came into my home and stole their computer back! I wish I had installed superior open source software now!
simply restart every single computer in the entire hospital in safemode
get to it wagie
I'm on W10 haven't had anything odd happen on my machine although I wonder if anything happened at my job since I took the day off. Oh well not my problem lmao
>update windows
Actually I'm using Windows 10
Godspeed, feller
My 7 works fine. Probably just you OP.
>doesn't read the ToS
>starts crying about lawsuits
every single time. learn to read the ToS stupid boomers
>all these posts that don't know what happened
this board really is infested with alpha teenagers
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Like 90% of my company uses Macs, except the engineering department, which uses Linux. Absolutely nobody was affected. Azure also had major downtime, but we use AWS. Its nice dodging multiple bullets just by avoiding Microsoft crapware.
As if we needed any more confirmation that the people who spend 90% of the time on their computers troubleshooting technical issues are retarded, this thread provided many such examples.
I actually read that image as "tech outrage"...
I think that's enough 4chan for today for me
>but it's not even 9 am yet
Yes I know
yes, did I stutter you bitch?
Why are people who are wrong always so confident about saying stupid shit? Just fucking google search it before spewing lies.
mostly the latter
there's been enterprise-wide tech bridges since like 2am
We have hospitals across multiple states lol
From what I understand, the problem was due to a Windows kernel update that was not compatible with the latest version of the Cloudstrike kernel-level monitoring software.
Sorry, I haven't been using windows to play videa in a long time. Is it true that the only windows exclusive game, The Solitaire, is pay-to-win now?
Nothing Ever Happens on my machine.
holy shit crowdstrike just flew over my house!
>retard doesn't know what drivers are
holy shit you're actually doubling down. i thought you were just trolling
way to out yourself as a tech-illiterate retard
This, my private pc got bricked by this too
you have to install it you unbelievable moron
it does not come with windows, it's a cloud scam product for corporations to integrate into their infrastructure for """"""""""""security"""""""""""""
It doesn't let you. Used to image for a hospital as a temp during a cyber attack. The only solution is generally to reimage the device. Every. Single. Device. This takes literal weeks. In the meantime, the help desk is going apeshit because every single doctor is a self-serving sociopath narcissist that whiles because Dragon misheard it or the wrong information is on their EPIC tabs, much less "my computer doesn't work" and people don't stop dying because your PC's are borked. God speed, anon. You're gonna need it.
>there's been enterprise-wide tech bridges since like 2am
My condolences
I knew that feel
thank god that was 10 years ago now
none of this would have happened if you had updated.
stupid lintrannies trying to blame microsoft for their tech illiteracy.
fuck lintrannies, they're worse than boomers
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>we're just collecting some error info
They're scanning your loli folder
it wasn't bricked by this, it bricked itself because you didn't take your relationship public
if I can help it I want to work a job where I'll literally never have to touch a computer again.
Leave this site and never return. You have a single digit IQ.
my rock solid linux 5.15 kernel does not have this problem
>top testimonial on crowdstrike website is intel

it's like poetry, it rhymes
>hurr durr you're wrong because... BECAUSE YOURE DUMB!!!!!
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I just know the niggerfaggots championing an ever increasingly centralized society will forget this ever happened the moment it gets fixed.
Congrats, neither does anyone a personal computer. Did you have some kind of point or did you just want to announce your sub-80 IQ to everyone?
atleast ur not this guy
please understand, that's the peak zoomer rhetoric skills
>Entire workplace is basically on fire over this shit when I come in this morning
>Not remotely in the IT sector or field
>Bypass it within 10 minutes
>Literal new who at my job and I'm a hero now
You're actually retarded if you think a third party antivirus that companies pay $100K+ a year to use is shipped with Windows.
yes, you are literally retarded if you were being serious with that google search post
Can a Linux tranny explain why all Linux builds over time just deteriorate? I've tried 4 different distros and every single one after some time would just break down, in particular the UI will start to crash frequently and random programs won't work. Pop OS was the most stable for me, but even after a year it still would fall apart.
fake and extremely gay
i hope you can recover from this because you really embarrassed yourself here today. probably best to just close the tab if you haven't already
>csagent.sys just flew over my house
you guys have no idea how many bitlocker keys I had to type today
>all the wagies waiting for the outsourced poojeets to fix their PC as a result of this corposlopware update
>Guy who had the bitlocker pin got canned months ago
This is pretty funny
Yes, I trust Google more than randoms on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Do you know the definition of “integrated software”? It means it comes with it out of the package. That would mean every computer with Windows has it, like my computer. Pro tip, there’s no shitty third party program of such on my computer, retard.
It's a feature :^)
>still not telling me why I'm wrong and just resorting to ad hominems
>entire company uses linux
not my problem
suck my dick wintroon lmfao
Shit, i was actually studying for the CCFA cert. What's a good AV/EDR tool cert? Is Cortex good?
yes windows comes preinstalled for everyone with enterprise server level AI anti-breach server that costs tens of thousands of dollars per year software
you are clearly the smart one in this thread
because you touch yourself
I'm sure all 6 of you are very happy.
>no u
>entire company uses Windows
>don't have this problem because we trust our employees to not need to hire Indians to spy on them and have on-site antivirus.
If you're affected by this that means you're a stupid nigger who stole a work computer crowdstrike is for commercial customers only and there's no reason why your personal computer should have it installed.
my pc blue screened like 3 times the other day for the first time ever but only with windscribe open and it's fine now. is this related?
wtf i love linux now!
sir? no it is integrated into the windows >>683127835
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>It's still trying
>Work IT in literally best hospital on the planet
>they weren't retarded enough to use crowdsrike
Smooth sailing for me, baby.
should I buy the crowdstrike dip?
i live kinda close to an airport and it was very nice not being woken up by planes this morning ngl
Anon there's not gonna be a Crowdstrike after the weekend is over.
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>hindustan times
Good morning saar!
This is Ranjit speaking, how may I help u today saar?
nope, my SNES still works fine
I woke up one day in the middle of my windows being closed and on the do you want to save prompt. When I never closed any, and in locked screen when it wasn't
I'm thinking about going to Linux because I'm getting paranoid
no it's not you retard
sir i am afraid that your windows computer has been infected by the crowdstrike virus
It's funnier when you realize he's a poo and thinks this because poos can only "afford" work laptops that would have the software by default
>rename it to 'My Computer'
It is now.
the corpo retards will simply move on to a different cloud meme product
there's no coming back
if it happened more than 12ish hours ago then it's unrelated
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>tfw on the ground IT liason
>have the day off
Feels great
I have never in my life seen a company cause more damage with a software update. Easily hundreds of billions in losses.
Probably pass on this dip.
Whats with all the retards in this thread running corpo-spyware on their home PCs?
it's going to dip more, wait a week
>home PCs?
Work From Home PCs, anon.
>pajeet itt who stole a work laptop thinks that all windows pcs have this slop preinstalled

they aren't sending their best
I don't own a Windows PC anymore I only use Linux and Mac they are both working fine.
Wish I knew which one so that I could buy now.
i use both linux AND macos
macos for workshit office 365 slop integration
arch for daily drive and gaming
eat shit OSwarrior
Tos is not legally binding it is a suggestion you didn't agree by signing with the X button dumbass unless it specifically has a place for electronic signature like in court etc
>boomer just starts screaming yelling "do your job" and being unreasonable

i believe it. old fucks need to die off already.
My 4070 Nvidia machine has so many issues dog. I tried ddu and everything and it still ends up being a worse experience than my bros 6800xt machine.
Welp, the post office is FUCKED
>running some commercial security software that's causing them to blue screen.
not unless you somehow installed vidya on your locked down company computer
>Tos is not legally binding
>t. tech-illiterate lintranny
but sir read? it is integrated in the windows >>683127835
Rajeet jumped the gun and now it's all fucked up. Now a random overworked white man has to save the day at every major company in the world atm. Should we try caveman speak next?
but i need my mail to complain that all i get is bills and junk mail
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WAIT. is this why all the airlines were trying to get the FAA to ground all flights yesterday? nigga how do you even goof this hard lmao
the post office is always fucked
>had nothing to do all day
>it's already the weekend
>the person on on-call is going to make a bank
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>hindustan times
the software that is causing the issue is a business class security suite
home computers almost certainly don't have it unless you tied your computer to your company's network
>and now it's all fucked up
What is? Windows 11?
You never said what the supposed problem was.
It's another episode of the 3rd world ruins everything.
it definitely started at some point yesterday. I saw a random IT guy tweet about it during the day and he had already figured out that it was crowdstrike
became more widespread later in the night
we got 3000 servers stuck in a boot loop
very based
>all bills are online because they charge a fee for mailing
>all I get is junk mail
>post office sells my name and address to anyone who asks
I hate the postal service so much.
yes, and it's not just airlines
911 call centers
train stations
shipping companies
it's all over the place
Windows 10 has been sabotaged by Microsoft to make people desperate enough to upgrade to Windows 11 in hopes it will fix their issues.
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yes it is, fagotron
i hope i can get my nugs delivered today :(
wtf is up with his arm
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>fall asleep watching youtube
>wake up
>my PC apparently restarted while i was asleep
yes, people like gui
>get "security" software suite
>allow it to updoot because it is mission critical
>updoots telemetry that is entirely irrelevant to the security part
>bricks your system because to update the telemetry it has to replace a driver
Fuck "security" suites. Literally all scams with massive backdoors anyway.
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Which Windows version is better for vidya? W10 or W11?
>6 linux users in one place
Imagine the smell...
Trendmicro bros, it's our time.
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Mine still works, so I have to keep waging.
Waging as in working 10 minutes and shitposting for an hour.
What are the chances Microsoft is going to lose a lot of its user base after this?
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>gui for a server
0%, it's not their fault
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10 is literally breaking down.
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Just don't update win 10?
It's not hard.
I didn't update since 2019
Neither. Anything after 7 is too full of bloat, ads, "telemetry" and ml shitware. Just bite the bullet and look for a Linux distro
I was wondering why I woke up today completely unaffected by this before I remembered I have a pirated LTSC windows on my PC.

I fucking wish Teams and Outlook went down so I could get a long weekend
>cloudstrike is integrated into Windows
yes it is. see >>683127835
you niggas need to get a job, because there are more things to do than running ftp server
you can stop now
at the very most, Microsoft will retool their cert process
and even that is unlikely
Windows 11. Why would you use 10 when it's depreciated and vulnerable now? All your vidya will get hacked by russians.
>he can't write shell scripts
how do you manage to breathe
>not telling me why I'm wrong
Does it come preinstalled with Windows?
It fucked the company I work for this morning.
>economy grinds to a halt because of a bad windows update
The absolute state
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I torrent all of my vidya from the russians
nigga, the company has been running for like 30 years and you blame me, who's still in the 20s?
wtf this gorilla is a hero
You can find some blogs from people that accidentally killed cloudfare for a day. Mostly they just sit down and work until the problem is solved and set up measures so it can't happen again.

Whatever happened here wasn't just one guys fault. There's supposed to be systems in place so one guy can't ruin everything if he makes a terrible mistake.
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do corporations really
You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just throwing out random terms you've heard.
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context? is this what kicked it all off
you genuinely never heard of Windows Server?
AI kino
What? Pay other companies for goods and services?
it's a joke
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probably a joke, any serious company wouldn't let you push anything to prod on your first day
>tfw there are some poor guys in intensive care and their ECG and life support bluescreened
is this a possible death scenario? death by BSOD?
Apparently the corporate offices of my job are suffering from this too. Not sure what's going on at work though, it's my day off and I don't give a shit.
Akira, no!
OS =/= application, retard.
you can have a GUI for the OS, but the servers and shit you run don't have GUI interfaces.
There should be public executions for this level of destruction.
>all future versions of windows 11 will force bitlocker encryption onto your drives
>so when your windows shits the bed like this, you won't be able to access the drives, or even fix your windows install through the advanced boot methods, because you won't be able to boot windows normally and decrypt the fucking disk encryption
It's beyond fucking retarded. Why force encryption on every fucking storage drive, broadly? Even consumer drives? Why the fuck?
You encrypt your disk if you've got like, job files under an NDA or copyright. Why the fuck would you encrypt your disk otherwise? Illegal shit aside.
>works on my machine
based, production deployer
>any serious company wouldn't let you push anything to prod
Well they'd have at least 3 people double checking it even if it was something small
Whatever happened here was a bigger fuckup than that though
>liked and retweeted
Got a better one for you.
shut up goyim and just install windows 11
Mac OS is an error on itself.
the ToS clearly say they disclaim all responsibility, so they're not liable, idiot
i've worked in enterprise settings, and usually they don't run Core Windows Server (don't ask me why), they run it with a GUI
It isn't. Most of it is effectively legal tissue paper that would fold the second anyone would actually try to sue the company.
Quite literally the only reason microsoft gets away with it is that they own every court in washington.
only if they're funny
asocial retard, having Windows Server makes it easier for support, 3rd line and customer's IT team to work with anything.
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Yoooo, is that real?????
>muh tos
good luck in court bro
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>YFW millions of corpos all over the world are paying retards $200 a year per computer so they can break their computers via da cloud for "security" reason
At least they had it easy
>It's beyond fucking retarded. Why force encryption on every fucking storage drive, broadly?
so, uh... the computer repair guy can't steal your data!
it's totally not so you can't boot up your OS on another computer, goy!
what sort of retard uses this clownstrike?
this but unironically. i havent had a bluescreen in 5 years and when I did it was because I had a bad stick of ram
This Man loves corporate cock.
no refunds
Me, sowwy UwU
yes, ToS trump everything, even laws. haven't you heard? an EA rep told me that
competency crisis
>ToS stated that nothing is their fault and that they cannot be sued
Can this hold up in court when you have God only knows how many organizations effected and in the case of Hospitals could very well lead to people dying?
It’s just a prank bro
oh my heckin ToS!!!!!!!!!!!
*never actually posts it*
Do you have the corporate enterprise product Crowdstrike installed on your personal PC?
Then there is no issue
>their ECG and life support bluescreened
I doubt they'd allow those machines to update automatically and unattended, let alone be hooked up to the internet at all.
*jews not wanting to pay competent people a decent wage "crisis"
Where's the list of companies that were affected, so I can avoid businesses that hire lazy retards.
a tragic case but literally PEBKAK. the problem was the controls were bad and the input buffer was was implemented in a fucked up way. It wasn't comparable to random BSODs (and in fact, the Therac-25 encountering a software error would silence the beam)
the meme website didnt clarify what this is. What is going on?
>reboot in safe mode
>manually delete a file
Do zoomers really have trouble with shit like this? I remember it used to take hours of command line fuckery just trying to get a printer set up
I have the misfortune of having to work with it once. Now I see the use of it as a huge red flag that shows the company is incompetent and only propped up by either nepotism, government contracts, or non-IT products.
he's not wrong. a lot of enterprise server suites have GUI interfaces and most IT people seethe any time you mention powershell
I don't think you understand how many people in various companies and jobs barely understand how their systems work. They know enough to do their job, but not enough to fix shit. This is why every single company has IT departments.
>Do zoomers really have trouble with shit like this?

absolutely yes. A lot of them view computers as a thing that just always werks
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Videogames, but
what did more damage?
>Do zoomers really have trouble with shit like this?
yes. anything beyond pressing the power button is beyond the abilities of the typical wagie.
>government contracts,
i did IT in the military and have never heard of crowdstrike until now. we used mcafee lol
nothing beats the china virus
2 weeks day off (extended to 2 years lmao)
>we used mcafee lol

why does that not even remotely surprise me
Eh, it depends if this bug rendered all that data irretrievable.
If it isn't, the crowdstrike stuff by a massive amount.
You have to understand that the average IQ of a Windows user hovers around 70. To them, this is a monumental undertaking. God forbid you ask them to open a command prompt
of course, it's garbage. even VBScript is more tolerable.
why is his hand baby sized wtf
you'd be surprised
but even more than that, it's the fact that all these computers are locked down so no one but the teams specifically tasked with computer maintenance can get into safe mode
If I were a brainlet, I'd think this is some large scale cyber attack and that the government and Microsoft want people to believe it's just a coding error to avoid causing panic.
imagine getting FILTERED by a scripting language literally designed to be readable and object-oriented

set-alias, and most things from bash are preset aliases for the similar functions in PS
>anon learns perspective for the first time
i cant even get into the disk because its secured by help desk who is bombarded right now, otherwise id have deleted the file myself hours ago
people are staggeringly ignorant about computers unless they grew up in a typical /v/irgin backstory of being a nerd who is terminally online all day every day cuz they have no friends

actually no i take that back todays zoomers dont understand shit even if they did grow up always online, because the systems have been made so fucking kid gloves 'user friendly' by locking away regular features that they know nothing about the inner workings of their computers anymore
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This didn't effect me and my place of work in any way. Cool.
Good. Now do that to over 70,000+ computers.
this. it's a nothingburger
Works on my pc
Not if you're not a retard who doesn't know how to set up the LTSC version.
That version is designed to never get interruptions of any kind.
I think you underestimate how stupid people are. When my dad was in hospital I was able to compromise the wifi of half a dozen various machines ranging from ECGs to dialysis setups using my phone just for kicks. I didn’t break anything but I could’ve
How is that cool, I would have like some paid vacation
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Yeah same lol. I wish my wfh VM had shat itself.
unless you gayme on a corporate computer, its a nothing burger
the worst that can happen to you is not being able to order tendies or buy games for a while
>just tinkertranny
how about I use the OS that just works instead?
The problem just causes bsod on boot up, to fix it you just have to boot into safe mode and remove a single file.

Except the problem is the bitlocker and if you don't have the recovery key, you're fucked.

Also I don't think it can be automated lmao
>VMs using Azure
so it's not even affecting work computers, it is straight up just servers. oh no. stacey can't access het shared drive. no different from any other friday afternoon
oh I was wondering why I saw an IT friend having a mental breakdown about BitLocker earlier today lel
that explains it
Is there anything that doesn’t immediately make you think about trannies?
>so it's not even affecting work computers, it is straight up just servers.
Wrong. It affects both on-prem servers and work PCs
Remind me of Xbox360 reset glitch hack
it affects anything that has crowdstrike installed on it
yep, no need some uber l33t troonix hacking, just turn it on and off. based.
but Windows just works as always. it's not your fault if you're stupid and break it
so far there are no driver differences between 10 and 11 so you can play all games on 10. I'd recommend 10 because it will soon stop bothering you with updates whereas 11 will push updates onto you whenever Microsoft feels like it
Nice hrt pills, tranny
wrap it in a towel and let it overheat
ah i remember that old workaround
>"I updated like a retard"
lol, lmao even
unreal, I could waltz in into the hospital lobby and install Lockbit 3 on those ECGs? lol
Neither is Windows.

Maybe don't install shitty third party security clients?
>linux PCs using that shit work
>mac PCs do too
>wangblows be itself and break as always
>wintroons: ItS NoT WaNgBlOwS FaUlT Ok?
Depends how retarded they are but in all likelihood yes. Please don’t tho
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(((they))) are finally doing it, its time to DAMP IT
just reimage the computer then?

last place i worked it took months for routine windows updates to get cleared for adding to system images, let alone servers. lmao leaving auto-update on anything ever in an enterprise environment
It's something I am capable of doing and most people who have a gaming PC can do. The problem is at an enterprise level. Corporate machines are locked down because letting employees tamper with the OS is a huge security risk. So companies are gonna have to mass recall their employee's work computers and manually fix every single one.
its just a deceitful marketing stunt from amd. if there were real issues with intels it would have been made known long ago, not when amd is about to launch their new lineup
it's over...
ok bro how are you enjoying Valorant oh wait ohnonononono
>yeah bro reimage this CNC machine where you have to open the panel and wiring to get into the super hidden USB port and then wipe the internal drive and losing the data on it cus it used bitlocker
>repeat for 5 other industrial machines
>repeat for 30 other VMs
>repeat for o 100~ other PCs and laptops
Terms of Service aren't shit.
This might become worse than the holocaust.
Good. Fuck those guys
Not reading all this shit just saying after 2020 they are absolutely gonna clamp down on the internet with falseflag attacks
lil bro thinks CNC machines aren't running the same garbage they came with back in 1989 (now running through 7 layers of VMs on the 2016 model)

also why is your CNC not on its own intranet?

>repeat for o 100~ other PCs and laptops
your own fault for letting shit auto-update
>last place i worked it took months for routine windows updates to get cleared for adding to system images, let alone servers. lmao leaving auto-update on anything ever in an enterprise environment
.t doesn't work in an important field
Sorry! Not got a problem on Windows 7 :)
>he can't cd
>he can't ls/dir
>he can't programname(.exe)
Gaming benchmark sites already reported on it when Hogwarts Legacy launched.
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How do you think Alex YIIK feel about this?
nigga, you don't get a job as junior and demand everyone in the company to switch from windows to linux
Based retro gamer
ironically, the more "important" the field, older the software and mainframes are. techbro startups making "disruptive" apps so you can order smoothies by drone? they have lost everything because of this. manufacturing? they're still on Win XP Embedded. banking? them niggers is running COBOL scripts on solaris boxes still, only impact is the customer service department and HR staceys can't send out spam emails for a week
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For the tech illiterates on /v/ who genuinely think this is some stupid windows shit here is the rundown

>Crowdstrike is a cybersecurity software that is used all around the work in countless businesses
>jeets roll out an update on fucking friday of all days
>computers either connected to the network or have it installed are fucked
>Flights are being grounded in airports
>Emergency services are facing fuckups
>Some government websites don't work
>A number of banking systems are affected
>Most companies that would use this software would disable safemode on employee systems for safety reasons, no workaround to delete the necessary file
>If your PC is encrypted and you lost your encryption key or the company keeps them separate on another machine also effected by this issue you essentially ransomwared yourself
>If you had the encryption key in a file on your computer you're fucked
>If systems have recovery environments and aren't encrypted and have safemode enabled then you can boot in to delete the file and your set, but this has to be done manually on hundreds of systems
This has nothing to do with microsoft, if your computer isn't some work machine with Crowdstrike installed by your company, which I imagine would be the case with all your gaymen machines, then literally nothing will happen to you.
>in the middle of hiring process with crowdstrike
I'm actually unsure of what my next step should be.
>needing to alias in powershell
>when bash does it automatically for you like a SANE terminal
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Windows.
fix the glitch
You lost me at cybersecurity.
>They don't back up the bitlocker key in escrow
The absolute state of IT departments.
The company probably won't survive this. It's potentially billions of dollars in damages.
no average joe would be affected by this, a cyber security firm updated their software that ended up bricking a bunch of fortune 500 companies that used crowdstrike.
>if your computer isn't some work machine with Crowdstrike installed by your company, which I imagine would be the case with all your gaymen machines,
a shocking number of /v/ posters have admitted that they don't own their own computers and game on issued laptops.

>automatic aliasing
what, you have some AI magically intuit that you want "asdf" to alias to "ls" every time you reinstall arch for a /g/ thread?

embrace the zero competition you will have and collect a paycheck until the company folds, then steal as many office supplies as you can carry. maybe an ergonomic chair too
doesn't linux come with malware preinstalled usually?
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>he didn't buy the dip
there's nothing they can do to fix affected machines themselves
>tfw too retarded to buy stocks
Give me a good for europoors bros...
>just install a rootkit with backdoor on your device
lol lmao
>a shocking number of /v/ posters have admitted that they don't own their own computers and game on issued laptops.
Then all that matters is if their company uses Crowdstrike
nta but basically it's like if a particular xbox game would make it consistently RRoD. it's not microsoft's fault, it's teh game's fault
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For once, it's not Microsoft's fault. Also this only affects Enterprise PCs that have Crowdstrike installed.
People are retarded tech illiterate cattle.
so how do I install linux?
I am very retarded
miss when error messages actually told you what was wrong
you burn the iso on the usb stick
then you boot it on startup
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>so how do I install linux?
>jeets roll out an update on fucking friday of all days

This is propaganda
Indians are code monkeys but they’re not responsible for actually pushing the update out, this had to have been done maliciously
>cybersecurity software
>freaks out when installed on windows machine
>he thinks his device doen't already has backdoors
lmao even
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>This is propaganda
ok update u next week
send bob
>dude just give every wagie in the world root access to their work computers and expect them to do this simple task without fucking it up/doing something malicious or spiteful/not leak private data
unemployed post
>microsoft news
Ok explain it to me like I'm black
maybe yours do
Oy vey, they're in for it now.
accept the job if they give it to you, but seriously look elsewhere even if you do get hired, because their days are numbered after this. mass layoffs soon.
I've seen company mails where someone from India says that he pushed release on a customer's environment and the follow up mail from Europe saying they were supposed to push something completely different, so they rolled back.
nigga just put the cd in the computer
This is why all my money is in tangible shit not made up nonsense like "banks" or "credit"
>This has nothing to do with microsoft
Painful levels of cope. Microsoft digitally signs crowdstrike's drivers. Without that signature the update couldn't have been deployed in the first place. It's crowdstrikes fault for being jeeted and microsofts fault for not having a functional quality assurance program.
>However, for a public release you must sign your driver with a certificate issued by a trusted root authority.
Windows is not a console.
>It's crowdstrikes fault for being jeeted and microsofts fault for not having a functional quality assurance program.
Had it not been for microsoft actually code reviewing shit that goes into linux the XZ backdoor would have ravaged fosstards a few months ago.
everyone says this but I can guarantee you have never read a stack trace in your life

modern BSODs still do include error titles and when it's hardware related are actually pretty descriptive

that's not what driver signing is for. all driver signing does is let you confirm that the driver indeed came from Crowdstrike and isn't edited.
>head of products
>head of engineering
Neither of these guys are the ones responsible
Just wait until WW3 starts and malicious actors start doing shit like this intentionally.
yes they are, you stupid gamer. you don't own nothing and if you get banned you deserve it
Yes, tech illiteracy is on the rise again and Windows is a huge contributor to that.
Instead of providing any kind of useful information a modern BSOD screen just goes
>:( oopsie woopsie we did a fucky wucky, please sit back while I do something unspecified in the background
Of course the average tech illiterate zoomie is just gonna sit back, do nothing and hope their system eventually just magically starts working again, that's what they're conditioned to.
they actually are responsible. they didn't literally write the bad code or hit the publish button but they would be the final signing authority/oversight body for letting it happen
Hear me out, OpenSUSE is all that you need, trust me.
>Painful levels of cope. Microsoft digitally signs crowdstrike's drivers.
They digitally sign cloudstrikes drivers, not all of their small pushes.
>>Most companies that would use this software would disable safemode on employee systems for safety reasons
lol serves corpos right for being such uptight cunts about (((security)))
>they would be the final signing authority/oversight body for letting it happen
Then it's the CEO's fault for letting HR hire them.
>Download iso of your choice of distro
>Download and use program called Rufus to put iso contents on flash drive OR burn the iso to a cd
>Turn off computer when done. Put cd/USB into computer. Turn on computer and enter bios. Select to boot from usb/cd
Just find your system32 folder and delete it. The rest is easy
This shows a complete misunderstanding of what code signing is
>Microsoft digitally signs crowdstrike's drivers. Without that signature the update couldn't have been deployed in the first place.
Microjeets BTFO
but it does. if microshaft approves it, it means they're confident that it works. no company would approve drivers that don't work
there is LITERALLY a stop code in the OP and Win 10 has stop codes for basically everything that's its own fault


CEOs have stepped down for less but usually for this kind of stuff they throw the CTO or COO under the bus

code signing has nothing to do with certification for the code being competently made and in good faith/non-malicious
>waking up the next morning
Optimistic. His phone would probably be blowing up throughout the night.
Retired tyvm. Back in your cagie wagie
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OK so how many gorillions are being lost right now?
>misunderstanding of what code signing is
it means they allow them to run on the system. if they're defective they shouldn't sign them.
otherwise don't force driver signatures.
>but it does. if microshaft approves it, it means they're confident that it works.
that's literally not what code signing is for and microsoft does not review third party software for competence or maliciousness.

code signing and digital certificates are there to let the user confirm that data they have received is intact and unedited. that's it. that's all it's for. (technically you can use it for encryption too but this is not common)
>that's not what driver signing is for
It's not what microsoft's authentication of third party kernel drivers is currently for, that doesn't mean it's a good idea to take their basic functionality on faith.
>microsoft actually code reviewing shit that goes into linux
*A microsoft employed engineer in working his spare time. Not that I'd expect someone who complains about fosstards to know how much even microsoft uses and contributes to open source software.
No. Microsoft signs off on driver authenticity. They should also sign off on whether it works in the first place, like other vendors (apple/linux foundation) do, because authenticating malicious or exploited code is pointless.
>code signing has nothing to do with certification
microsoft shouldn't allow malicious drivers to run. this driver is clearly malicious, therefore it's their fault.
If you are retarded, don't switch.
It takes about a month or two to get accustomed to linux even with a minimal degree of competence.

It's a good system but if you're not prepared to learn its quirks it'll just make you rage.
authenticity is not the same as being competently written

they don't sign off on it actually working. busted up drivers get deployed all the time. it's just that it usually impacts gamer LEDs not blinking or some stupid shit like that rather than causing BSODs (though in ye olden days, plenty of banged up software got to store shelves)

desperate cope
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>bro but the stop code tho
Yikes, imagine being so far up Microshaft's ass you defend nu-BSOD
if you force signatures down everyone's throat, you make sure signed shit works.
if it doesn't work, then it's YOUR FAULT. (You) are forcing mandatory signing with CAs only (You) approve on people.
It effected Black Desert Online, the servers were down for a while. At least I have my vidya while this clusterfuck of a happening is going on.
you've never so much as used the memory viewer in an emulator let alone combed your own stack trace. even with XP they dropped stack dumps in favor of simpler stop codes. the stop codes just have names now. when it's hardware related win 10 will also give you the actual hex number of the code in addition to the name

>if you force signatures down everyone's throat
windows will let you happily run unsigned code by default.
jews are seizing all over the world.
the entire point of code signatures is to make sure the software publisher is legit
if the software bricks your computer then the publisher is not legit and it shouldn't be signed.
>Do zoomers really have trouble with shit like this
Nigga, you don't know the half of it. Gen Z are even worse at this shit than boomers are. They don't even know how zip files work.
>In his spare time
Citation needed
Microsoft contributes to and donates billions of dollars to linux
>run unsigned code
nice try. unsigned drivers won't run, you jewish cunt. you need to pay daddy microjew for their seal of approval, and they don't approve any faggot who shows up
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Anon... did you know what you just posted?
Why would you industrial machines need an enterprise anti-virus? Or one at all. Or even be running Windows.
A fuckup of this magnitude could be malicious, bribe the right person and they'll make it happen. Too much crazy shit is happening all at once right now.
Please tell me you don't actually work in IT. Your knowledge on this stuff is way below any jeet I've ever seen.
>sign someone's drivers saying they're legit dudes
>they ship broken malicious code
>look the other way when it blows up
microsoft is to blame for approving their drivers
They dreamed about a future that would look loke star trek

But reality is a piece of shit OS made by incompetent pajeets

Reminder winjeet 12 will be subscrption based
I don't even know what this crowdstrike shit is but they seem to have convince a shitload of low-brow IT faggots/C-suites to buy their shit and now they're all fucked and have to restore their machines by hand lmao
>you don't know how to quit
why bother? at this point, just relax, chill and wait for stack overflow
i mean...
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>Being part of the Microsoft defense force anno 2024
Damn, wherever I am in life, at least I'm not as thoroughly cucked and pathetic as this guy lmao
My internet went down, but it's back now. Might or might not have something to do with the update.
I think there’s enough fault to spread around. Crowdstrike for pushing broken code, MS for allowing broken code to be pushed and corpo retards for using this trash in the first place
>>Emergency services are facing fuckups
aren't they supposed to be off-grid to you know, never be affected by external actors????
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"legit" to code signing and certificate authority only means that it's actually the same data as provided originally. it's just a sticker that says "this wasn't edited in transit", the digital equivalent of a wax seal. you could send someone a letter simply reading "ur a faget" and crudely drawn saggy wolf hag titties drawn with your own AIDS blood but if it's in an enevelope with your complex hard to replicate wax seal it's "legit" in that it's definitely from you. certificates try to accomplish the same thing in a digital context. they don't care about the good faith or competence of what it signs, it's just proof that it's as-is from the originator

true, they even ported powershell to it

i don't know why they did it, but they did it

adding "busting fat nuts inside kerfus bots causes loss of data purity" to the CVE database as we speak
if you update your software a microsecond after an update comes out, you're a fucking fascist nazi, chud
in big cities they are and have multiple redundancies but i could see some hick town that spent all its money on gulf war surplus instead of functioning call centre equipment getting fucked over by its 911 dispatcher using a second-hand chinkpad maintained by an IT department composed of the mayor's son and his techbro friend(singular)
>it's just a sticker that says "this wasn't edited in transit"
shut up kike.
they sign software because they don't want you running shit that's not approved by microjeet.
if they want that kind of control, they better be prepared to be on the hook when shit they signed breaks your machine
You're so stupid it hurts, you're indian arent you?
>they don't sign off on it actually working
Because microsoft likes to profit off third party driver support without doing basic quality assurance. Apple and Google don't allow broken third party modules to reach the public.
Chinese whispering retard. The backdoor was found because the microsoft engineer obsessively benchmarked his software every release.
>With the backdoored liblzma installed, logins via ssh become a lot slower.
t. shill
Crowdstrike is yet another example that digital signing and build reproduction is security theater. Linux nearly got a global backdoor in an official release of software that thousands of packages depend on. But at least it was digitally signed ;)
Trump's assassin was republican though
and he is gonna win
code signatures verify that the software comes from who it says it does, and it hasn't been tampered with by a third party since being signed
>>they sign software because they don't want you running shit that's not approved by microjeet.
you can run unsigned code by default

are you confusing App Store rules for digital signing?
kill yourself you megakike pajeet
correct, he also donated to democrats
>the digital equivalent of a wax seal.
is the SHA-256 and similar publicly available algorithms, retard
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>the CVE database as we speak
Far-leftists have been registering as republican just so they can try to sabotage Trump in the Republican primaries. It didn't work since he beat Nikki Haley in a landslide.
God I hope the same thing happens to retards that install gacha/multiplayer games with kernel level anti-cheat on their PC.
it's a metaphor, you fool

this poster likes kissing boys
>the head of engineering has nothing to do with final signing
ok sar
You absolutely can, it’s just a couple of clicks. Not being able to is one of the few things iOS does right, except that they do it for purely selfish/profit reasons
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>this poster likes kissing boys
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video games!
And Trump was a fucking Democrat at one point. What of it?

This is why video games are dead, because of one way politics
we're talking about windows not letting you run unsigned drivers you fucking kike cunt
microsoft should be sued for approving these broken pajeet drivers
i thought hospitals specifically don't use the newest windowsslop for this reason
Tell that to my cobbled together chinese Audio interface running basement code drivers that aren't signed in any way shape or form. Windows doesn't even know what the fuck they are. You can force it.
Nah, cuz they actually make money and are trying to protect their golden gooses.
while these agencies are trying their hardest to make money(cuz they survive bail-out after bail-out)
If you can’t comprehend my posts please don’t respond to them. Good day to you sir
>someone mailed me a pipe bomb, I can't believe the post office would just let them do that, it had stamps on it and everything!!!
go to your coworker's computer. try to install unsigned drivers. see how well that goes
St. Jude's is getting fucked up right now too
hospitals are notoriously bad with IT but more because of HIPAA shit and their actual cybersecurity and normal IT protocols are generally pretty wack

it's an industry that still insists unencrypted fax is more secure than e-mail
>holy shit, you need a password to install stuff?
>can't install whatever software you want on locked-down work PC
>somehow this means you can't install unsigned drivers
Why the fuck did you even install Crowdstrike on your gaming pc?
anyone can send mail at the post office. no need for background checks or screenings.
windows refuses to run drivers unless the publisher is approved by microjeet beforehand.
lol no, they also got affected during the internet outages when AT&T took a shit in several US cities awhile back

the official advice was if you needed to call 911 go to a neighbor that had a different provider cause otherwise you were fucked
>around a billion computers
What’s the actual number?
>go to your coworker's computer. try to install unsigned drivers. see how well that goes
Or I could go to my computer and do it, which I did. You know there are multiple tutorials all over the place to do this right? The only downside is it might disable itself again after boot but you can write a command for it to reenable itself on startup.
>antivirus software
This is the first time I've ever even heard of Crowdstrike. I thought Windows Defender was enough for the majority of people.
About tree fiddy
Can't play diablo 2 online.
It wasnt windows it was the update to a specific security system, which bricked the systems it was on
microsoft doesn't "approve" shit. you have a mistaken understanding of digital signing/certificates. it's not a certification process like a machine shop or hospital goes through

to be fair what are they really supposed to do about a particular carrier fucking up if they can still receive inbound calls from other carriers? it's not on their end
>I thought Windows Defender was enough for the majority of people.
it is, only companies use crowdstrike
microsoft shouldn't sign off on broken drivers. their signatures are supposed to protect consumers, not endanger them
>Or I could go to my computer and do it
cool now try to install them on stock windows out of the box without rebooting into safe mode. you know, like 99.99999999% of people would do it
When did technology turn from "awesome I cant wait for the future tech" to "oh God I m already dreading the next pajeet scan/product/fuck up"
it is good enough on home PCs. in enterprise settings, IT needs an excuse to be employed, so they waste company money on mostly useless "security" shit like Crowdstrike
>microsoft doesn't "approve" shit.
then why can't I just submit random shit for them to sign? I thought you said they didn't approve anything and just signed shit?
it's your fault for delegating everything to jewish corporations. now (((they))) decide for you
products for consumers and products for big businesses can both do the exact same shit but have zero market intersect for a variety of reasons
>Work for a company that uses Crowdstrike
>Had the day booked off and only heard about this midday
>mfw I could have basically had a free day off anyway as we wouldn't have been able to do shit today
Fucks sake.
Somewhere around Windows 95
It is, world spanning corporations that can result in death if a computer isnt working kindof want to make sure they dont have some Russian turning off air traffic systems in return for GTA leaks.
>we're just collecting some error info and then we'll restart for you
Did they ever consider that maybe... giving the user a CHOICE would be a good idea?
whenever you specifically turned 20
>wants to play games
>can't because of a failure from a 3rd party security system
Absolute state of peesee
This has nothing to do with your racist bullshit and everything to do with American CEOs mass laying people off or just fucking over their teams.
>zero market intersect for a variety of reasons
there are many (((reasons))), actually. the main reason is the software is designed to let the vendor have enterprise customers by the balls. if they aren't good goyim they get sued for piracy.
>cool now try to install them on stock windows out of the box
I did, how do you think I did it when I reinstalled windows.
Regardless, you're moving the goalposts, you specifically said you can't run unassigned drivers, and you can.
>Why is my corpo-provided PC hooked up to skynet wtf!!!!!!!!!

on home installs you can skip it, and ofc do lower level shit to turn off or block telemetry in general
Mass laying people off and hiring/outsourcing indians
>muh raisins
go back.
it's all poojeet fault. if jobs hadn't been offshored to 3rd world shitholes none of this would be happening
if indians weren't the lowest bidder it would be some other third world country with half-decent phone coverage. a while back it was all polacks. like literally polish people from poland
Depends what you mean by good enough. That just checks the fingerprint of files and compares it to a list of known malware. But bad actors have caught on and began to add random data to their software to change its fingerprint for each user. CrowdStrike detects events that happen on your computer and sends it to some statistical models that determines whether or not its behavior that acts like malware..
>you can't run unassigned drivers
fucking pajeet kike sympathizer, kill yourself
crowdstrike's poojeet drivers shouldn't have been signed
it's microsoft's fault because they approved faulty drivers
How is that possible? Didn't they grow up on laptops and phones?
Bitch, I work for a huge company and ALL our IT department are Indians. The racist meme is real. It's no coincidence that code has become buggier and shitter over the years.
>on home installs you can skip it
I would believe you if we weren't talking about Microsoft here
You can't even use an offline login anymore can you? You need to make a MS account? Fuck Microsoft.
Not the first guy, but he's not wrong. On modern windows, you can't load unsigned drivers by default, software distribution and updates are increasingly centralized around microsoft's app store and boot time hardware attestation is required. Microsoft has been trying to build a apple like walled garden since they mandated secure boot. Doing that comes with the same expectations that Apple and Google, especially for enterprise users, where software that is allowed to run by the vendor shouldn't be broken or malicious. Signing off that the people who signed driver X are who they say there are isn't good enough. You can't have a walled garden except for the WinXP like wild west for enterprise critical software. We all know the alternative is spending the money on more GUI redesigns instead.
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who are crashng in 2024 :)))
>a while back it was all polacks.
>like literally polish people from poland
yeah that's what polack means
ToS is subject to being pissed on and thrown out on the Judge's Judgement in any court case. In legal terms, it's a "Boilerplate contract" which means as long as the terms are reasonable and fair they will hold, but unreasonable and bullshit terms can be thrown out, either individually or along with the whole thing. And it's the Judge who decides what's bullshit.
There are ways. Works on my machine
Different guy

Pure cope. You forget that not every republican is a trumpfag and there's plenty of them that hate trump, it's why nikki got all those votes (not that it matters, she bent the knee). Your guy is an imbecile and an embarrassment to Reagan republicans. I will never vote for a guy who fellates russia, especially when we're destroying the russian army at no US lives lost and he wants to stop that.
plenty of filthy gypsies in polan
>You can't even use an offline login anymore can you?
you can. it is hidden behind a command, but the option is there
not defending this bullshit, but you can do it if you want to
>>you can't run unassigned drivers
>fucking pajeet kike sympathizer, kill yourself
>crowdstrike's poojeet drivers shouldn't have been signed
>it's microsoft's fault because they approved faulty drivers
Moving the goalposts again
You don't understand how driver signing works, and you can install unsigned drivers, which you claimed you can not do. I accept your concession.
>and an embarrassment to Reagan republicans
>You can't even use an offline login anymore can you? You need to make a MS account?
not true at all. i'm on win 10 and have a local profile only. though on enterprise editions you can do fuckery to delete all the local profiles/force signing into a domain to make sure IT departments have a reason to still collect welfare

on win 10 or 11? on win 10 it's not even hidden. it's a smaller button when you install for the first time but it's the same screen and everything

some people confuse it for /pol/ posters because they are retarded. i felt the need to be clear
>ToS is subject to being pissed on and thrown out on the Judge's Judgement in any court case.
so you're telling me ToS don't apply if you're rich and powerful, and only the masses get burned by them, got it
How do you make these
> Explaining that file paths don't start with C:\ to a billion panicking people in one day is too much work
people dont know what file systems are any more
Thats the exact reason why they are retarded. Im a neet and I have to help in my mom's work place for free because all the stupid zoomers dont know shit like installing printers, zipping files, changing .doc to .pdf

If someonething isnt in a place like gogle play store, zoomers have no idea how to install it
lmao look at this stupid pajeet crying, imagine being a shit eater like you
i crash for shee
crowdstrike won't last that long
>red herring
it's microsoft's fault.
they shouldn't have signed the drivers
you can't install unsigned drivers because you need to boot into safe mode which no one does. and then disable windows defender will stop you. and no one knows how to disable windows defender
Reagan would've provided all the weapons necessary to kill as many russians as possible. We'd be at 3 million dead ruskies right now instead of just 500k.
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see >>683138151
if they sign the drivers, it's their fault. they need to screen and vet the organizations before signing their drivers.
what's the point of signing defective software?
Newer W10 versions hide the button if the OOBE setup process detects it's connected to the internet, and W11 just refuses to budge from its internet-required state until you use Shift+F10 to swear at it and reboot which makes the hidden button finally appear.
Signing drivers doesn't mean what you think it means
Have you ever been around people? Being unreasonable is not a boomers only trait, the problem is when you cant tell the unreasonable party to go climb a wall of dicks on the spot because they're your boss instead of a random faggot on the street you can flip off.
so you mean that once I get a cert I can ship broken garbage that crashes every windows user's computer and no one will bat an eye?
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Asks for correction.
Good shit
i'll cede that it's not a default option, but the point still stands that:
>you CAN use them after changing some settings
>driver signature enforcement is not an attestation to code quality, it is an attestation that the driver is unedited

you're confusing App Store rules for signature enforcement. you can't put stuff on the App Store without passing some actual testing, but getting a cert is as simple as paying VeriSign like fifty bucks.

>Signing off that the people who signed driver X are who they say there are isn't good enough.
it's not M$s job to inspect every piece of software in existence that runs on their OS. at a certain point it's on the user/administrator to do their own homework. like i already said
>last place i worked it took months for routine windows updates to get cleared for adding to system images, let alone servers. lmao leaving auto-update on anything ever in an enterprise environment
the accepted best practice is to have a test environment for this stuff before deploying to lots of users, since you can't be sure that the guys you're buying software from are doing that themselves. i don't know if CrowdStrike specifically lets you turn off auto-updating but if it doesn't and I were a CTO, I'd advise against using it in favor of something that can be tested before updating en masse

yes. nVidia does it all the time
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Essentially. The cert just confirms that you’re the one doing it
>turns out to no one's surprise that the people who whine about pajeets are literal noobs themselves
I love this thread.
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yes, as long as you pay for certification it's free game
I got a new computer only a year ago and threw Win 10 on it and it didn't do that. havent even bothered with W11 though because I had to use it at work Literally Once and it was offensively bad
I'm ashamed of my tech illiteracy and want to get better.
Where do I start?
>so you mean that once I get a cert I can ship broken garbage that crashes every windows user's computer and no one will bat an eye?
Yes, the cert just proves its from you.
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>Pure cope
Its true
yes. it's like sending something certified mail. there's a record that it's definitely from you and was sent from a certain place and time but there could be fucking anthrax in there for all the post office gives a shit

have a problem with your computer and then fix it yourself instead of getting a new one/calling geek squad.
Install gentoo. Seriously tho, have a system dedicated to fucking around with and lurk /g/
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unironically yes
crowdstrike lawsuits incoming.
yeah. all this "shouldnt be malware" stuff is App Store rules. digital signing just shows that it wasn't tampered with, not that it wasn't shit in the first place. 4chan uses SSL and has certs, doesn't mean this place isn't a shithole.

>have a system dedicated to fucking aro
other than hardware stuff, is there any real reason not to use a VM for this? setting up VMs itself is a good exercise for a noob who wants to start hacker larping
>it's not M$s job to inspect every piece of software in existence that runs on their OS.
If they allowed all windows computers to run unsigned drivers by default, I'd agree.
>b-but you can run unsigned drivers
the "disable driver signature enforcement" setting eventually reverts itself after a reboot you disingenuous cunt
Of substantial scale if factual.
Here's the autistic 4chan tech wiki
>set up a VM
That sounds brilliant to me, be may be too advanced. I’m old and geeky so it’s like muscle memory to me
>4chan uses SSL and has certs, doesn't mean this place isn't a shithole.
go back to xitter pajeet
>the "disable driver signature enforcement" setting eventually reverts itself after a reboot you disingenuous cunt
Startup script
ok but driver sig enforcement still isn't for preventing bad software from getting out and isn't an actual certification process. certificate =/= certified

imagine you bought a nice Armani jacket and it came with a certificate of authenticity. that certificate just means it's real Armani, not that the jacket isn't full of moths and cum
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Well well well
Wow, some deranged bitches on a reddit witch board totally disprove that a lot of republicans do not like trump and what he represents. Also reminder trump is the most pro kike pro israel fuckhead ever and he'll still let shitskins into the country, they'll just be le legal and based so it's fine. Lol, lmao.
>y-you can, you just need to follow 10 steps of bullshit and it only lasts for a reboot
that's like saying that you can shoot yourself through the head and survive if the bullet doesn't hit critical areas of your brain
Pretty cool huh?
The claim that some radicalized far-leftist register republican just so they can vote against Trump in the primaries.
Your statement is actually closer to being sound.
>>y-you can, you just need to follow 10 steps of bullshit and it only lasts for a reboot
Not even close to 10 steps and it can run on every reboot with the startup script, as I said.
Is google translate fucking up for you?
>send out driver that bricks people's PCs
>can trace it to a particular driver
>company can't say it wasn't their driver or the driver had malware after the fact it because it's signed and legit authentically 100% their code
>company gets BTFO in the press, people stop using their product
the system works
Anyone who knows how to write a startup script has already jumped ship to an OS that doesn't hate them.
Pretty much, at least I know who to blame.
name one good OS made in the past 20 fucking years
Pretty much, but you can still do it within windows which was the point of discussion. Most people I know who run retarded hardware have a duel boot for another linux distro just to make it a little more simple.
>driver signature enforcement is not an attestation to code quality, it is an attestation that the driver is unedited
Which is pointless and that's my entire point. The xz backdoor was signed off on by multiple developers on the project. The current form of driver signing has always been security theater that only stops the most low effort malware.
>it's not M$s job to inspect every piece of software in existence that runs on their OS.
It certainly should be their responsibility to audit or pay people to audit software they co-sign, whether it's a driver or a program in their app store. Otherwise they'll made the digital signatures worthless if things like this >>683138562 continue
Debian Sid
windows filesystem is intuitive because it starts at "which physical drive is it on" and then goes from there through logically named directories

linux filesystem is unintuitive because despite still having reasonable names and logical progression through directories no one actually follows any standards so every distro and every piece of software just vomits shit wherever it wants
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How the fuck did you get this screencap of my desktop?
And this is why I turn off updates.

Better than letting Microsoft ruin your computer.
>Can a Linux tranny explain why all Linux builds over time just deteriorate?
what do you even mean?
are you somehow inventing rapid bitrot by existing?
are you this retarded?
Yes but people can sue and target you.
yea itll dip to 0, then you can buy
based shooting on these linux animefags stuck in 2011
People, people never change
>It certainly should be their responsibility to audit or pay people to audit software they co-sign,
they do that for App Store stuff.

Also, after looking it up, apparently drivers have to pass automated testing but other than that you basically just need to hand 50$ over to Entrust (who are notoriously garbage) and pass an automated testing suite that's designed for hardware rather than software.

no, because this only affected enterprise edition users who were customers of a cybersecurity company using their software in their deployed machines
anyone here saying this affected their personal computer are larpers trying to play pretend

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