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when did Xbox become so anti-consumer?
Who on the FTC did Phil piss off? They've been on his ass for like 4 years now.
Xbox started paid online, they've always been anti-consumer
1988? I think that's when Microsoft was founded.
Actually Sega did paid online first. Xbox followed. Sega had a game delivery service for Genesis, an IP service for Dreamcast, and a subscription service for PSO on Dreamcast.
>spend tons of taxpayers dollars trying to stop them from acquiring activision
>fail and get literally chewed out by congress for wasting money on it
>I know guys lets try again
What causes this?
Didn't they already do it?
More they are still mad at Bill Gates for the whole Windows thing in the 90's and see xbox as the easy target to get at Microsoft, the fact they keep failing at it just makes it funnier. Especially the last one when they kept bringing up things Microsoft could be doing which Phil just responded that Sony was already doing it which shows they didn't even do five minutes of research into the video game industry before bringing that suit down.
gamers win
once again dreamcast is xbox sr
Shhh, don't disrupt/v/'s narrative
A mad desire to prove your hiring wasn't an abject horrible failure.
Diversity hiring instead of merit based
its just a legal argument for the upper court case against microsoft buying activision
>heres a reason why they should not merge : companies degrade their existing services as a consequence
From the start. MS has always looked at vidya as a way to generate revenue.
lol, the FTC didn't do shit when Sony jacked up their prices.
The ftc is okay when sony does things, they just don't want microsoft to do it. Judge had to bring up that they're basically arguing to protect sony.
Congress did as well. Was kind of funny how many times it kind of came up.
>so phil would you say your indiana jones exclusivity deal is anti consumer
>well it's no different than sony's spiderman deal
>ok lets move on

>if they had CoD they could release skins that are xbox exclusive
>sony actually already has deals for playstation exclusive skins
>ok moving on
Legit hilarious to see.
And then the Dreamcast vanished off the face of the Earth so maybe that should have come up in the Xbox brainstorming room.
The ftc's attorneys were either unprepared or put forth a shitty argument on purpose. The amouny of questions about that shitty model were hilarious
This is all theatre to make it seem like the FTC is doing something.
Actually it was Sega themselves who went to Xbox and said "can you make it so you can play dreamcast games on xbox?"

Of course that request wasn't granted but what you got instead was multiple Xbox Sega games and the Sega Chihiro Arcade board which is a joint project with Microsoft.
Was funnier too when they had to argue Nintendo didn't count as competition despite the marketshare they have because it basically fucked over half of their points.
Around 2012 or 2013 when don matrick said something about the xbox one that almost resembles the "You will own nothing and be happy" phrase
Also the pc arguments. Ftc attorney called pcs ultra luxury items and that console users were bus riders. At least we got a federal judge saying that the switch was the best.
Oh how all Phil had to say for a lot of things was that they did extend deals to release games on Playstation for the standard 3rd party rate and it was Sony who said no.
Didn't they mention they didn't get ps5 development kits timely, which is why there weren't ps5 versions of minecraft?
I think it was funny since basically every other company that wasn't Sony came out saying they had no issue with the merger. Valve, EA, Ubisoft, basically all the western groups directly said there was no issue while Sony is out here saying it will hurt them somehow.
>Seething Jim Ryan boohooing all the way to the courts
I think so, it does scan Sony has always been the ones putting up their own roadblocks like how console mods are handicapped for Skyrim because they have like 50 more rules. Or original Skyrim not even getting dlc releases on PlayStation. I believe they were usually against crossplay for the longest time.
Emphasis on streaming was also funny because microsoft came out and said that it's not currently not a product and is rather a feature since it's not cost effective. Despite that testimony, people think they're going to go stream only with future devices. They already have stream only devices developed that they haven't released. That testimony was likely the reason why they never released them.
They charge Epic an obscene amount of money a month for cross play
Sony was right they just couldn't articulate the argument needed now consumers have to suffer for it.
Sony is literally more jewish and anti consumer than MS is.
Okay and? The alternative is doing nothing and letting the anti-trust and fair market laws go unenforced. Which led us to this place, where even judges are too brainwashed to enforce laws against companies. Reminder that if I killed you I'd go to jail, if I company did, they'd pay less than CEO's monthly rate.
Of course congress is angry at FTC actually doing something, they are literally on these companies' payroll.
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Phil Spencer has been stabbing Xbox in the back for 10 years btw.
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so far the deal has only really been bad for xbox
>internal xbox studios shut down cause no game on game pass sells worth a shit
>AI hasn't turned a profit for MS as of yet, meaning their 70 billion xbox bid is burning a massive hole in their pocket now
>xbox game pass price increases just in time for the first major COD game release about to hit the service (only coming for the highest tier too)
I'm not too surprised the FTC isn't happy with that latter point
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Xbox post Activision and Bethesda buyouts has been spiraling out of control.
Xbox was always anti consumer
Did you watch or see the hearings? Part of the issue is they had no legal arguments against it and had to manufacture evidence.
Good morning, sar. Even if Microsoft didn't start it they did popularize it, which is just as bad.
It's okay to be wrong. At least you participated. Thanks for the upvotes.
>Say incorrect statement
>Get fact checked
Nice damage control
this part, this is what causes it, they constantly fail so they are desperate to prove their worth but that desperation leads to more failure in an unending cycle
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Sony did too by making their free service such garbage. And pc worth all it's hackers and BR
I'm not the same Anon.
They only did because Xbox did it. Which is why 360 is completely dead and millions still play on PS3.
based, if xbox raises the price I will simply stop paying their system. Most Xbox players actually shitted on Xbox when they tried rising gold, and they pulled back to suck our cocks. We should actually go and cancel goypass the same day to just fuck with xbox and show that the small player base is better to keep them happy instead of trying to shit on them
>quake 2
And because they couldn't do it for free without shitting the bed lmao
One of the best games ever made? OK?
>Which is why 360 is completely dead and millions still play on PS3
not even remotely true lmao, i find more people playing on 360 still than i ever did on ps3
It still works on PS3
Poorly sure
>The alternative is doing nothing and letting the anti-trust and fair market laws go unenforced.
What laws are being broken?
What games were you playing?
Xbox and not Netflix and Amazon? I hate the game pass pricing now but Netflix and Amazon are so much worse.
Nope, it works fine.
Around the time they had a bad idea (gamepass), and doubled down numerous times, making the consumers out to be the bad guys because they didn't get their buddies to buy Xboxes and simultaneously subscribe to gamepass
For the third world, sure
Let me guess, it's bad because Sony doesn't have a comparable offering?
killzone when it worked, cod which is barely functional now unless you played it before a certain year, a lot of games got shutdown already over the years
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If a game cost 70 dollars and GamePass most basic rent model is 10, Microsoft would have to keep that person on there for 7 months total to offset 1 game sell loss. This is very difficult if Microsoft is the owner of the studio that sells the games because they now incur a bigger upkeep cost for the ENTIRE studio. As opposed to a pump and dump check they do with 3rd parties like SEGA deals on GamePass. And they've been operating in this grey zone of
>1 dollar trial loop stacking
>Microsoft rewards free conversion
For years just eating that cost to keep the service up and running. Something drastically changed post Activision and Zenimax because even Tango GameWorks at a AA budget got shitcanned. It proves that Microsoft going forward only cares about games that affect the monthly renewal and new sub numbers that their accounting tell them. HiFiRush didn't convince people to buy in and if they spend another AA budget on a game 4 years from release, they don't get a return on their investment. It's simple mathematics and accounting bean counting going on after Microsoft saw Phil spend 100 billion dollars and a court trial that leaked very damaging internal stuff.

All these layoffs, internal leaks, and studio closures so that uh Call of Duty can be on RentShitPass for 20 dollars on day one. lol. They aren't going to be reviving fucking Spyro or Crash Bandicoot if they know they'll just be HiFiRush tier, that's why Microsoft is so aggressive with Bethesda pumping out a new Fallout game ASAP and cancelling anything that isn't part of their new AAA soulless initiative to keep GameShitRentPass from flatlining. Them raising GamePass prices is another marketing trick, by putting an awful baseline and expensive tier, they psychologically condition people into buying into the middle pass for Day One. Unfortunately, the record low hardware sales and dwindling userbase means they need to keep adjusting the prices upward on their subscription ShitPassDRM scheme.
When has Microsoft ever been pro consumer?
when has any company?
Microsoft as in Xbox? When gamepass was $1. Obviously it was to try and build customers but that is as close as you get to pro-consumer now.
Microsoft as in Microsoft? Not for the last two decades at least. They're practically anti-government now, let alone anti-consumer
Nigga they wanted the xbone to have 24 hour checkins or it would brick the console and make you unable to trade in games.
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If you don't have internet get a 360
>say you won't increase price of game pass
>because of this FTC loses
>increase price of game pass
>now FTC has a rock solid case
The FTC has to at least TRY to stop monopolies from happening. And Microsoft buying one of the country's biggest game developers falls under that.

Honestly, I'm just waiting for the day that AT&T buys Verizon. If the FTC fails to keep Ma Bell from returning from the grave, you may as well say goodbye to stopping monopolies.
Xbox is the pet project of Microsoft. Microsoft Gaming Studios is their parent company and Microsoft's CEO is very obviously rebranding Xbox to be Microsoft Gaming Studios. I predict they'll call themselves Microsoft Gaming period and that's that, you have no idea how toxic Xbox brand is. Their consoles just don't sell worldwide, that's why Xbox can't lock their Activision IP as exclusives. No consoles sold, no games revenue. It always goes back to hardware.

And PC gamers like me have hundreds of cheap games on Steam or GOG. I would be literally be pissing away my cash renting from GamePass.
Sony isn't an American company, so they get treated differently. Thanks for playing.
>Xbox started paid online
Wrong, you had to buy the PS2 & GC network adapters where as the xbox came with one built in.
lmao steamie
>literally chewed out by congress
Congress is owned by the corporations chudd.
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It’s official, my Xbox’s are now property of GameStop. It was a good run. With my disappointment with first party releases, lack of Japanese games I want, and price increases to GamePass, I’m leaving the Xbox console senpai.
Netflix and Amazon are bleeding money, which makes it harder to bring a case against them.
sony interactive entertainment is
Mutts are never pro-consumer
Microsoft is a decade older than that. William H. Gates III made his name in the industry by circulating a letter demanding payment from users of the Basic programming language.
>bro the megacorporations haven't broken any laws they sponsored, so stop trying to do anything against them, they're doing everything legal according to their own standards they wrote up for Congress, okay?
Gee, I wonder why nothing ever gets done.
Companies will never care about you and will get away with the most heinous shit imaginable if you let them be
>wasting federal money with a weak, it's okay when sony arguments is fighting back! Fight on you brave ftc warriors ! Just because your case has no legal merit doesn't mean you shouldn't bring it!
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What is this cope? I look at this year's top sellers and they're all on PS5. Not all on other platforms, some are even exclusive outright. The whole "no games in 2024" narrative aged like milk.
Microsoft is weird
The FTC hates Microsoft overall.
FTC sees Sony as a dying company in decline due to bad PS sales. Basically in their eyes since the switch and PC are different, Sony failing is more important than Microsoft failing.
Imagine being so obsessed with snoy you're mad that the FTC actually stopped microsoft from extorting more money from you faggots hahahaha
It's pretty fucked in general, Most third parties now don't go on Gamepass unless they get paid a couple of million upfront. (Microsoft paid 30 million for Persona 3 Reload and 5 Tactica, where one people stopped talking about with the game going for half off a month after release, and the other bombing in Sega's eyes overall where it became 20 dollars less than a week after release). They had no idea what they were doing to devalue themselves to get people to join.
Also with stuff like Microsoft rewards, you can get a free month of game pass every other month, meaning you don't actually have to pay for a full year.
When Xbone blew up in their faces and they focused on backwards compatibility but that’s it. They killed that in 2 years and have been downhill since.
No more day one gamepass makes the service dead to me. And I mostly made new accounts for the 1 dollars special and cancelled right afterwards. So I only spent 5 dollars max with making a new account when a new game released.
>spend tons of taxpayers dollars trying to stop them from acquiring activision
That's what they're supposed to do
Phil said he wouldn't raise prices. He raised prices. Phil got caught lying again.
I didn't even read what the price hikes were until this thread because I don't give a flying fuck about xbox, but learning this shit
>You must pay for ultimate to play first party releases day one
People who were saying they'd let CoD be on gamepass standard were fucking delusional.
>n-nothing will happen
>s-stop the agency that fights on behalf of consumers
Hey fag. This will be used in the future to stop Xbox from buying anyone else. They 180 on all their promises to the court and Feds. Also Xbox is a dead last console brand outsold 10 to 1 by Nintendo Switch and 9 to 1 by PS5. Worldwide every month. The closest competitor to Xbox consoles is the Playstation Portal a throwaway accessory.
FTC almost got Microsoft to break up into smaller companies back in the late 90s - early 2000s because it abused its monopoly on the OS market to seize several software markets, including browsers.
US government subsequently sued Microsoft, but DOJ and MS later came to a settlement instead of pushing for a breakup.
I could see why FTC keeps going after Microsoft, they're a proven monopolist, however, there's no way in hell they're ever gonna win against it.
This. Xbox has consistently been destorying the gaming industry.

What games has xbox actually contributed to gaming? and its literally not halo because they stole that from apple.
>What games has xbox actually contributed to gaming?
>"We're not in the business of out-consoling Sony or out-consoling Nintendo," Spencer said. "There isn't really a great solution or win for us. And I know that will upset a ton of people, but the truth of the matter is, when you're third place in the console marketplace and the top two players are as strong as they are – that's on us, not on anybody else…"
>"I see it out there, I see commentary that if you just build great games, everything would turn around," Spencer said. "It's just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of a sudden you're going to see console share shift in some dramatic way. This idea that if we just focused more on great games on our console, that somehow we're going to win the console race, I think doesn't relate to the reality of most people."
>"I see a lot of pundits out there that kind of want to go back to the time when we all had cartridges and discs, and every new generation was a clean slate and you could switch the whole console share. That's just not the world that we are in today. There is no world where Starfield is an 11 out of 10 and people are selling their PS5s. That's not going to happen."
>on the verge of going out of business, Nintendo and Sony dictating the terms for a decade now
>le Xbox bad
Hello what about Ouya, SEGA Dreamcast, and Google Stadia?
The question is why do people pretend Xbox can force their will on the industry after 2013? Everything bad came from what Sony and Nintendo did since then.
You Xbox shills always spew this false talking point. A SegaNet subscription was not a requirement to play games online. Xbox was the first to lock online multiplayer behind a subscription.
A company that does business in America must abide by America's laws and rules.
microsoft is a disgusting monopoly and has bullied smaller companies out of business for decades, luckily they couldn't get ahold of PC gaming
>luckily they couldn't get ahold of PC gaming
Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email September 19, 2023
Hey PC Steamie fanboy. Tick Tock. Tick Tock Phil Spencer has been on a spending spree with daddy's money. He's hungry for one more.
The Dreamcast had online dumbass. I also used to play games online in like 1999 by Sony online entertainment that required a subscription. Dumbass.
Sony basically is the Jews. Niggerlovers.
>Microsoft Could Stop Pushing Xbox Consoles In Europe, Other Regions
>Spend 100 billion dollars on Zenimax and Activision Blizzard
>ACCCKS the entire brand
>Phil Spencer still in charge

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