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What is the scariest video game creepypasta?
fuck toy bill
is there a backup of the blog at all or is this shit just lost to time now?
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sad satan was cool if that counts
that's just a king's field character
I was thinking about this cunt while playing Ocarina of Time earlier. She might be the contender for the scariest one to me. Really eerie premise.
whats this one again? some low poly girl appears in your game and makes it crash or some shit?
Is there any racing game creepypasta that is good? It's an odd juxtaposition of genres to think about.
I bet you could make something of the adventure mode in Diddy Kong Racing
It's got that kind of atmosphere
Ben Drowned
the one where they actually talk about playing video games
Jvk probably, even though it’s not that scary imo.
>can you believe this faggot inbetween us? he sits at home and talks about video games on his computer all fucking day
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You know what time it is?

Time for the official 4chan approved Creepypasta list!

I dared my best Friend to ruin my life
I'm a search and Rescue officer and I have some stories to tell
How to survive hell
My Family was stalked for 4 years
Lost Episodes Can Be Found Again
How to successfully ransom a child
The Portraits
Worlds best school psychologist
My grandmother lived under the floorboards
Pale Luna
Tales from a gas station
The strangest security tape I have ever seen
One in the Oven
Rat King
Every year on my birthday, I receive a letter
The Princess Society/If you see her turn off the game.
The first murder on Mars
The girl the universe forgot
The Pancake family
The Harbinger Experiment
Ted the caver
Candle Cove
Feed the Pig
The Third Parent
Room zero
Normal Porn for Normal People
Snuff film
We danced
The Devils Game
Dog's don't talk
Happy Mommy
Would you spend the night in the Yellow Room
Lolita Slave Toy Creepy Pasta
Anansi's Goatman
The woman with the orange
The Portraits
NES Godzilla
I found a strange chat log on my dead friends computer
If you’re armed and at the Glenmont metro, please shoot me
The Antiguan Giant
We Know You Are Out There
The showers
Bizarre Encounters On a Tour In North Korea
Advice from the end of eternity
Long Fingers
Digital Heaven
The Horror from the Vault
11 miles
All Eighteen lives of Omen, The Cat
Billy Smiley’s Cul-De-Sac
The man who ate ghosts
The Museum of Humanity’s Final War
My wife has been peeking at me from around corners and behind furniture
Ben Drowned
The Hidden Webpage
The Six-Legged Rape Centaur
Rabbits in the creek
The Tale of Robert Elm
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Any good spooky stories to listen to or short web movies to watch? Can be spooky, just not loud.
This one was good until it turned into a cringy bossfight
That gif made me semi shit myself. Classic
None, it's all shit.
Jvk was decent you have to admit. Its fucking hard to make a good gaming pasta
come on dude
The amount of Nosleep on this list alone warrants you a punch in the gut. Why the fuck would a 4chan-approved list of creepypasta have fucking Reddit all over it? Fuck you.
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how would you know which are from the nosleep reddit
Will this ever be topped?
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This one is real. Just a creepy message but still.
>Why the fuck would a 4chan-approved list of creepypasta have fucking Reddit all over it?
4/chan and reddit have been basically interchangeable for years
the only difference is we say slurs here
This makes redditors shit and piss themselves
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>I do
The creepier one is the Lion King game with pedo messages
>hidden "boy love" difficulty mode
>"Suffer little children to come unto me" message
responding with a wojak is functionally the same as pressing the downvote button
thank you for proving my point
What's your point?
I replied to you to by accident tbqh
The wojak was meant for >>683176801
Is that Radagon of the Golden Order?
Mine, because it actually happened. In fact, it's so scary that I can never write it down.
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see >>683176671
no harm done
I actually think gaming pastas are easier to make work. We're all familiar with glitches and weird crappy games or bootlegs feeling off and unnerving. It just builds off those feelings.

I prefer when it's just a story about a creepy game without any explicit supernatural elements. Like Pale Luna or Godzilla NES before it gets dumb. Stuff that you could believe is just a creepy game or hack someone made. I'm honestly surprised more people haven't started loading creepypasta hacks onto cartridges and selling them to used game stores.
Basically, it's easier for me to believe creepy things happening in a game over a movie/show and especially real life ghost or monster stuff.
A downvote makes your post less likely to be seen. A Wojak does the exact opposite, anon.
4chan isnt a hivemind however. Thats the best thing about this cancerous shithole compared to reddit.
So did you updoot my post or downdoot it? Im confused >>683176801
The dialogue completely ruins this one and turns it into a fucking comedy. Especially the parts where people try to "fight her" and you can really tell a 14 year old wrote the whole thing.
Even aside from that, the concept itself is more annoying than creepy.
>playing a video game
>having fun
>suddenly your game starts getting buggy, slowing down
>this bitch shows up
>you're not in any danger unless you decide to keep playing which no one would logically do
>forced to reset the game or switch to something else and hope she doesn't show up again to ruin your session
Like imagine you haven't saved for a while or you just got done with a difficult part and then lose all your progress because some attention whoring ghost decided to pop in.
Imagine If instead of you randomly getting killed to death after seeing her you woke up inside the game and got raped by her haha wouldnt that be scary
i think the fact that you know this is telling
that mostly depends on where you're standing
ask someone who only uses one and they'd tell you the other is a hivemind, but ask someone who doesn't use either site and they'd tell you both are hiveminds
How can she rape you, she literally looks like shes made out of paper.
I don't know, I could conceivably see a bunch of autistic manchildren obsessed with the paranormal behaving sort of like the the people in IYSHTOTG.

I assumed that the point of the entire narrative was kind of supposed to be that everyone involved is way too obsessed with this ghost princess that isn't even actually "alive" or "sentient" in any true way and is just the combined psychic echoes of some crazy artist and all of the people who suffered as a result of his mental breakdown, which congealed into this autonomous egregore fueled entirely by people being obsessed with it. I think it's supposed to be like Paranoia Agent, where mass hysteria literally creates the monster.
Do creepypastas still exists? none of you fags are making it anymore
>I deeply regret to inform you all that I received some bad news.
>The Admins of the Creepypasta wiki have finalkly decided to delete Sonic.exe offa the wiki, on the grounds that it was "badly written" and "had too many cliches" and "was a bad example of what should be a creepypasta".
>As you can see I am FURIOUS with the fact that my masterpiece, which has won the hearts of millions and has made a massive impact on the internet, is being brought down by a bunch of jealous, arrogant, retarded FURRY-HATERS.
>That does not mean I am just going to sit down and take this lightly.
>They have been messing with the bull, and now they've called out the horns!
>Listen everyone, I need your help with this. We are at WAR here. I want every Sonic.exe fan who is reading this to get the word out! I want you to tell every other Sonic.exe fan out there, every fanatic, every artist, every follower of my creation about this. Tell your friends who are also Sonic.exe fans if they have to! Tell them we have to keep the spirit of Sonic.exe alive!
>Make more fanart, make more videos, block the haters, praise Sonic.exe like you never have before, build websites dedicated to his greatness, whatever you gotta do to keep him alive and strong, JUST DO IT.
>The deletion of Sonic.exe from the wiki is but a minor cut on our flower of greatness, my friends! And that cut has done nothing but further the spreading, and we are the pollen of this flower! We need to prepare for our victory over the Haters! The Haters need to BLEED for their crimes!!
>Rejoice, my fellow Sonic.exe Fans! Our glorious little Hellspawn shall have the laugh yet!
>THIS will be his ultimate victory!
>The absolute subjugation...
Now that the dust has settled, was he right? Was it bull friggin horse shit.
this guy was absolutely right considering how sonic.exe hit zoomers like an asteroid immediately after this
now because of FNF, zoomies consider sonic.exe one of the all time great creepypastas
He was sort of right, Sonic.exe fans did ended up outliving most creepypastas, good or bad. However I'd say that him getting eliminated and booted off Internet after grooming kids into killing themselves was probably what truly gave Sonic.exe the possibility to survive
Since /x/ is basically dead, nosleep is unironically one of the only place on internet left where you can find some decent horror stories once in a while
They became analog horror now.
if it comes from reddit i immediately conclude it's a fake story. i know people make shit up on /x/ too but i'm more inclined to pay attention
"Every month a parade would pass through my hometown, but we were never allowed to look at it" was pretty good though.
That was an updoot, my fellow redditor ;)

Edit: omg guys thanks so much for 2k heckin UPDOOTERINOS!!!!! I cant believe it!!! Thank you all so much!!!
I liked that challenge one of the anons in the previous thread came up with so I'll start it up again. Come up with ridiculous r/nosleep titles.

I'll start
>Upon working up the nerve to ask out this girl I've had my sights on, I spilled more than my spaghetti
>The George Floyd protests were not riots, they were rituals
>I got a glimpse of an alternate universe's wojak posting and I'll never engage in it again
>I attended a secret Smash tournament after being invited to it through the dark web and learned the truth as to why these people need to stink
>After finally getting my hands on a beta, every game no matter how beloved looks soulless to me now
>I'm an intern at Microsoft and I found out the real reason behind XBox's self-immolation, here is why they must not see it through
>I'm from a timeline where Chris Chan's predicted dimensional merge came true, it's pure hell
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>>The George Floyd protests were not riots, they were rituals
>I was an admin on Moistcritikal’s Discord server - this is the real reason he started showing his face
>tfw he came back and made an actual ending that was completely soulless
>Blowing up my casserole is the second worst thing an intern did today
i was mad when it dropped but looking back it was incredible
>I Got The Position As Janitor On /v/. It Came With A Set Of Strange Rules
>I spent 1000000$ on gacha rolls, you won't believe what I pulled
>supossed to be scary
>fapped 3 times to it
am i broken
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Pale Luna is bretty damn gud. You could probably turn it into an ok short film.

The only other one that has unsettled me is that happy mommy one. Think it came from here even. It's about an anon talking about a classmate who was living with the corpse of his mother for days and made a text game about it. Does anybody know wtf I'm talking about?
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most likely yeah
what is even titillating about it to your brain lol
Yeah that one, thx
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I had a slow ass computer back then and that site somehow scrolled down smoothly.
If you read this post your next ironman run gets corrupted.
I missed that part what the fuck
Those two have always had a special place in my heart because they're creepy video game stories that don't rely on the video game being haunted. I like JVK for a similar reason even for the whole "ZOMG IS THE ASSASSIN REAL!!!?????" element
good thing I was already sitting on the toilet
Just like how the scientific revolution made mysticism rare, exposing the web to "fact checkers" and "analysis videos" ruined online mysticism like creepypastas, and scary easter eggs
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Hmm maybe not.
waddafuck, princess porn
i thought this was like a kings field unused character or something so i went looking for it and see a bunch of power level dbz shit, the people writing this creepypast shit are so cringe
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NTA but Nosleep's culture is complete fucking dogshit and single-handedly tanked the quality of the average creepypasta, everything about the subreddit is utterly toxic reductive sludge

>le "plausibility" rule where it has to read like it could have happened IRL and there needs to be an realistically logical source, so no third-person stories, no stories where the MC dies at the end, no apocalypse stuff, no stories written by mythological entities, etc. and are basically pigeonholed into "so one day this happened to me, any help?" shit
>le "immersion" rule where you have to treat everything put on the board as real, so instead of being able to provide criticism or praise the writing quality you have to write stupid crap like "have you put a salt circle around your bed? rape dwarves hate those"
>reddit updoot culture incentivizes bloated 12-part stories and pumping out stories ASAP to get more karma, leading to decreased post quality

You're better off with the Creepypasta wiki or the .org site. Even the 4chin horror compilations on Youtube provide more bearable stuff.

All that being said, most of my disgust comes from MrCreepypasta selling out and reading terrible Reddit stories and forty-part anthologies. Nice QA, cunt.
>no stories written by mythological entities
man, fuck that
acting like mythological entities can't read or write when a large percentage used to be human
hikers are NOT a reliable source of social interaction
MrCreepypasta has a mediocre voice and is an overacting faggot, also stinks of groomer from miles away.
that was a masterpiece.
i dont think you can even do this on modern browsers.
nosleep is directly the reason creepypasta have become way less fantastical and, and I really have no other way of putting this, chock full of shit only women care about, IE overly intricate backstories, interpersonal dynamics and an obsession with shoving in character over story. Most modern creepypasta feel like a normalfag's fucking blog where something mildly spooky happens at the end.
training.bsp mogs
It's simple, disturbing, and entirely realistic.
It also features one of the main autists trooning out and the author demanding respect for xer at the end, lmao
>I hacked into Nintendo's servers in search of beta content, you won't BELIEVE what I found...
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Nah, man. You fucking hit the nail on the head. All these diverse friend groups that include both sexes, the shipping fodder scenes of sappy teasing dialogue (with little to no cursing by the way) and dreamy moments where the male MC acts like a knight in shining armor towards his love interest or girlfriend/wife, agonizingly long descriptions of physical locations and the "lore" behind the setting that ultimately have no relevance to the plot, constant repeating character archetypes (some annoying boomer neighbor set up to be death fodder, that poker-faced sarcastic co-worker, the hopelessly devoted love interest whose purpose is to constantly express worry about the loved one that's acting weird, etc.).

Any other examples of tropes where you can immediately tell that the author was a woman?
All this talk about old creepypasta recently has put me in the mood to pick up my old idea of horror inside of an operating system game, but KinikoPET has already done the whole "AI Assistent takes over your PC" idea now. What else could I do? That creepypasta about the hole is neat, but I'm not sure if I can pull off the "reality breaking down" inside of an OS. Anyone got ideas I can borrow?
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You look them up to read them, what kind of question is that
Do you just read the title and go "nice, that was a spooky title", then go to the next title and go "AHHHHHH
Anytime characters are given unorthodox names I immdiately picture an overweight woman with funky colored hair behind the screen.
the only creepypastas i like are ones discussing events that occurred in the past or describing obscure remote locations in the world where weird things have taken place. if the creepypasta reads anything like:
>one day i went camping
>then i smelled a smell
>i saw a spooky monster
>it was pale and bald and the skin stretched over the bones
>i ran away it was so scary
>the end
then it's just a made up fanfic that never happened and is a waste of your time
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My favorite is the Morrowind "Watch the Sky" one because it's about weird broken shit happening in an already weird as fuck broken game
What if they fuck it before running away?
then you're a fag who reads erotica
stories like this? asking for my cock.
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Okay, so if the protag's family can just leave in one day because they got attacked by the spooky parade, why didn't they leave earlier? There's no way they were okay with everything else
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I guess that is what /x/ is now
>hehe im actually the monster from ur story ;)
so cringe that people are still doing this
>and then she turned into the hottest human i could ever imagine
boring as fuck.
Does that say Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
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The assignment was for skinwalker sex, not for greentexts I actually like
>I'm from a timeline where Chris Chan's predicted dimensional merge came true, it's pure hell
This one NEEDS to be written
I just found the buildup to the parade, in addition to the way that they give us just the right amount of detail about what it entailed that it answers questions but also raises more of them, to be sufficiently creepy. The parents' reasoning for things is irrelevant to the story but if you're curious, there could be many explanations. The whole town is part of a cult and being outside but otherwise not looking upon the parade could be considered sacrilege, making them pariahs or putting them in danger to whatever supernatural element is at hand. Also, moving in general, especially with a family to support is a bitch in a half and people usually only do so as a last resort.
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>WHO WAS PHONE but kinda spooky
Oh that is freaky
Shit, I always forget that part. What the fuck is wrong with trannies man? Why do they have to insert themselves in everything.
>>hidden "boy love" difficulty mode
Proof or you're a nigger, page doesn't say shit about that
Nevermind it was in fact I who was the nigger
Idk man, I'd rather prepare as much as I could to give my kids an upbringing that makes sense, instead of leaving them with demon cultists and be like "no, you can't have issues with demon cultists, you just can't okay"
Should have just kept it as King Kong for the rest of eternity. Far better legacy.
>dude remember all that spooky shit? it was actually technology to put people in games
>and then some random chick in a super cool weird hotel outside of time and space beats a video game

Yeah, Reddit I know but this guy went all-in on his theory of what the cosmic hellscape would look like.
>from the author of that godawful sugar daddy story that made me stop browsing r/nosleep for years because it was the top post of all time and I thought that was what r/nosleep had become
I don't trust you.
like some sort of
going into games machine?
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Yes that's literally what fucking happens in Ben Drowned.
>Something ancient got summoned at my local pride parade and the marchers were in on it
Hey, that was actually pretty good. Thanks for sharing.
>>le "plausibility" rule
>>le "immersion" rule
Oh my fucking god.
I only know of that shithole because of couple youtube narrations of stories that are decent for the worldbuilding like "How to Survive in Hell" and the one where there's a race of insectoids in the depths of the NY sewer (NY sewer is fucking enormous irl) but why the absolute FUCK would any of those rules exist when it's all immediately thrown the fuck out the window since the stories are posted on a fucking reddit titled r/nosleep.
I know the average redditoid lacks self-awareness but this is genuinely retarded.
>Watch the Creepcast episode on Ben Drowned
>They didn't watch King Kong

Fucking insane.
It's crazy they didn't.
It's really not the type of stuff they shy away from, especially since papa meat was making fun of ben's character the whole way through.
I always loved this one. I want to do a big video adaptation of it but analogue horror is so played out now.
If You See Her, Turn Off The Game
The one story where the two dumbfuck friends find her in a game and have an ebin boss battle against her and lag and then she kills his friend because he didn't run away from the house and wanted to beat her so bad was such utter and absolute dogshit that it completely ruined her for me.
Granted, it's just a kid out of hundreds of others writing the dumbest shit about a popular concept, but it's still fucked when you see so many people include the story in compilations about her and stuff.
underrated, wish someone made a playable recreation
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This from experience, especially in lucid dreams I had with this character and the environment..
she's a slut for player's wishes
you've been posting this for years
The problem with that is the language used and the dialogue. Like the concept is fine and believable but it really should've been glossed over much faster and described much more coldly and methodically. It has such unnecessary gravitas to it that when King Autismo starts pulling "YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN A TENTH OF MY POWER, REVEAL TO ME YOUR FINAL FORM WENCH" tier dialogue you're completely taken out of the story.
>you've been posting this for years
This is the first time I've ever posted anything about her in my life, but I commend the fag that pissed you off years ago (?)
>she's a slut for player's wishes
If a multiple pages long erotic story about a player finding her in a porn game somehow pops up out of nowhere, you'll know who to thank.
>I am college student who lives alone in a dorm and gotted Nostalgia for the good old days.
>I saw there sale was pokemon emerad on (etsy (hipster ebay) so I buy.
>when I get catridge it was emerald only BLACK with SHIDDY on the front instead of Rayquaza but with blood-eyes.
>on the file, I am in Elite four vs. Lance and only have 6 pokemon in my party. They all unknown and they spell... "SHIDDY"
>Preety suspicion," I think but probably just something in my eye???
>The music is lavender town but backways and when I go fight he he has 666 pokemon too! hE sents one out and I HEAR ITS CRY.
>It turns out hte pokemon they are ALL MY DEAD TEAM, but HYPER REALISTIC AND BLOODEYE.
>ITS SO SCARY YOU GUYS that I throw the playstation across the room broke the game in half.
>Next day I get roommate to play. He's like "Ehehehehe probably IS not that scary," but she turned on the game and the screen was a picture of US,
>and but we were SHIDDY,
>and the scariest part of this story is that WE was YOU
>and WROTE this...
The kid legitimately dying over it was also stupid. That was just whoever wrote the thing blowing their entire load on the shittiest possible thing.

If the dialogue was fixed, and the end result was the console dying or catching fire, and the kid that stayed in the house getting crippled by trauma over the princess invading his mind or whatever it would be less cringe.
Anybody have the screencap of that guy who could play games with his mind by making his hand have a seizure?
Holy shit this is kino. Thanks for posting anon.
The continuation was actually pretty good at first, but the cinematography got too "good" and the story far too elaborate and outrageous, with more of a shonen action feel than anything.
I'm shocked the Rape Centaur trollpasta has YT readings of it yet this gets none.
Yeah it was surreal
>it was a trollpasta
It's perfect in it's simplicity.
It's a completely generic spooky monster story with a purposefully shocking title to get reactions out of people.

I mean the rape aspect of it doesn't even come into play in teh story.
>I watched colleagues get abducted by speedy balloons during my time in the military
are there any SCP films that areactually good? overlord is fucking 40 minutes of nothing and that other one in a dark house is kinda goofy
i feel like the antimemetics/055 story is the best thing we're ever going to get out of SCP
I'm a FNF developer. I know the real reason why our game attracts pedos
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>I mean the rape aspect of it doesn't even come into play in teh story
Because the story doesn't explicitly imply rape at all aside from describing the thing as having a limp cock at one point and the name rape centaur was given to it by dumbfuck anons who made the connection with their last remaining brain cells.
Story-wise it's a demon who wants a child's corpse for ungodly reasons.

If you want to believe it's for rape then suit yourself. The fact that it's implied it can also bring back the dead puts it way beyond rape for me.
>I post a thread about vidya butts every day because I'm scared about what will happen if I don't
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Herobrine. Thinking you are alone when you arent activates a primal fear respone.
Fear of the unknown, fear of the dark, it all boils down to the fear of a predator sneaking up unnoticed.
They could have had something very cool and scary with the secret mingebag addon gm_13_beta or whatever adds but they wasted it on a meme.

Could've made it so 2 players can find themselves in an exploration map and see each other as completely different entities or monsters.
dude what
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creepypasta is old and busted analog horror is the new hotness
Not that anon, but recently there was a sort of gmod map that advertised itself as a remake of gm_construct that followed scrapped beta designs instead.
Except really it was le spoopy creepypasta map with some, at first, rather subtle shit going on. Overall it is pretty neat project.
Anyway, they somehow managed to make a special multiplayer function to the map even if you play solo that makes other players appear in your game.
Except it's sorta wasted on other players being mingebags aka old gmod meme while making it something more subtle could be way more interesting when 2 players see each other in what should be completely singleplayer for both of them.
Oh yeah I heard about that
This is just 5am.bsp from Action Half-Life, down to the murdered anime girls. This exists in real life, at least as far as I read.
Wouldn't poachers just hunt all these prehistoric species back to extinction? there just big fish at the end of the day.
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The dude who made the pancake family created a whole anthology of stories of demons that preyed on human flaws of character and i can't find the book anywhere and has been taken off sites i genuinely want to give it a read because the pancake family was the best pasta i've ever ate
i really am posting this on the off chance one of you fags has a link and is kind enough to share it
Why are zoomers suddenly saying Jeff the Killer is good now. why do they like it now?
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It's a neat idea but the most generic execution possible.
Besides, these fuckers are just going to starve themselves to death quick, this isn't some paranormal shit but literally just prehistoric fauna coming back. It's basically wrecking the ecosystem but then what? They're going to just lose their food supply eventually and starve to death besides the small fish which I imagine would fucking suck to have in waters all things considered but not all that different from having shit like alligators around.
The ecosystem getting absolutely fucking obliterated is way bigger horror than some dumb big fish.
I refuse to believe 90% of modern human guns couldn't easily kill a Delunkleosteus
I think most people acknowledge the story sucks, but the image itself definitely leaves an impact and the mystery behind the original image is still ongoing
not technically vidya but this is my favorite techno-related story in a while
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This one is a cut above the rest because the ending actually made my stomach drop the first time I read it, which has basically never happened with any other creepypasta
I fully believe someone has made a Doom 1/2 map or a counterstrike 1.6/CSS map, threw it up on a server to let it get on peoples harddrives so they can host it on other servers, and left coordinates inside the level for where a body or stolen money is buried and has written a manifesto in it as well
I just got to the gamer rage part.
I'm laughing, all that atmosphere is just gone!
>"I should say right now that the clan weren't the type to be easily shocked. One of the things I respected h0nk the most for was drawing a line on the kind of 'edgy' humour that a lot of online communities at that time indulged in"
The author sounds like such a faggot.
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This one is actually believable, secluded people do some weird shit as coping mechanisms when their parents die, though it's usually like, 70 year old guys and their 95 year old moms. I remember reading a story in like 2009-2010 of some guy in Iowa or Indiana whose mom died and no one knew for 2 weeks because he logged into her e-mail and kept responding to messages and tried embalming her to resurrect her in the future a la some expedited eqyptian method that I'm pretty sure was just the plot of some movie he saw
Okay, but what are the best PLAYABLE creepypasta games? I don't mean regular horror games but rather games that behave like creepypastas, where the fact that they are a game is built into the horror aspect
stuff like IMSCARED and B3313
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deltarune chapter 2
>When a Demon Tells You Their Pronouns, You Better Listen
>I'm a Moderator for Dozens of Subreddits. I was Given a Strange List of Rules.
>I was Friends with the Shooter on Discord. He was Aiming for the Entity Behind Trump...
I fucking hate the overuse of the word entity. They treat it like it's a word that instantly makes whatever unspecified thing they refer to spooky, but it just tells me their main influences are SCP and Backrooms Wiki and that I should close the tab right there.
damn, pretty fucke dup
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>"This was a fair call, and divisible ended up leaving with our best wishes. Divisible got into WoW instead and picked up some new pronouns somewhere along the path. (Sorry about the older posts, by the way, I will go back and fix them when I can.) We still speak from time to time."
I'm wheezing of laughter here dude.
Pancake family is the ultimate litmus test to see if someone's young or easily impressionable.
The story is extremely retarded and they'd be dead by week 3.
>it's a demon it's actually paranormal
Actually made me care less.
>the perpetrator was the one who gave me the tip all along!
Now I legitimately hate you

Hate when something is paraded as good here and I go check and it's a level of trash even below my expectations.
Yeah I guess stuff like that counts too. "Secret" paths in otherwise normal games where it feels like you're breaking the game itself.
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>Candle Cove
Reminder they made Candle Cove into a TV show except it wasn't actually about Candle Cove and instead it was about two gay psychic twin faggot brothers that subconsciously made the show in their spare time to stress out their ugly wrinkled crone of a mother so she would stab them to death in the future to prevent aliens from invading Earth. What a piece of shit.
>the perpetrator was the one who gave me the tip all along!
I don't get that part. Was it really a woman (female)? Was she hot? Can I fix her without becoming a pancake?
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>Dude what if shitty map had a photorealistic room hidden as an easter egg that unlocks the real part of the map
>Several people get traumatized by a fucking anime girl, one of them troons out
>Want to uncover what the fuck is going on and even tried opening it in Hammer but somehow nobody ever thought of simply using cheats despite hosting their own server
>Nor even using a fucking bot to watch the anime girl (which would actually make sense and then prove useless once you have to get more involved by typing in chat whatever she instructs you etc.) or simply just fucking afking because initially you could just leave your PC with camera looking at the girl
It's filled with shitty cliches and I just can't take it seriously when the spooky part is a literal Golden Source dismembered anime girl 3D model. At least all the tricks it mentions to get you to break eye contact are kinda neat, it could be kinda interesting co-op map if someone recreated it but it's a garbage creepypasta.
I applaud the author for actually waiting 2 years before dropping the ending to make it more legit though.
That story basically happened with Chris Chan. Sick stuff.
>There were dead corpses all over the tables and chairs, and lots of blood in the soda machine. We puked in the trash can that was next to us, but before we did that, I saw mutilated arms and legs inside, which made us puke even more.
>Anyway, we were so hungry, so we ran into the kitchen.
My favorite part is them randomly finding a bomb inside of a table because it was convenient for the story, and the newspaper somehow knowing all the details of what happened when they were in there alone. Masterfully written trollpasta, never gets old no matter how many times I see it over the years.
It feels too genuine and consistent in its construction to be a troll
The twist is she's the killer and gave the mc a tip about this magnum opus crime she comitted since she wanted it to be seen by others.
Something actual investigators in real life actually would account for because it's not that much of a twist really, a lot of killers do it. So suddenly getting a tip out of nowhere from someone entirely unrelated to your white whale of a case should have raised enormous red flags.

The twist beyond the story is she is a demon who belongs to a family of demons who all do horrible shit because they're demons.
The pancakification process is entirely un-realistic already in terms of biology (shit don't work that way idiot) but even if it wasn't the family would be gone mentally in a matter of less than two years, way before they were even pancakes and with minimal deformities at most.
But since the perp is a literal demon from hell it's all explainable cuz of hell magic since demons be doing that. (trash)
Thanks. I wonder how far you could get with a genuine pancakification.
This one started ok, minus the author trying to sound overly modest to hype it up, which is so fucking pretentious. Maybe it's just cause I did a bunch of mapping but the whole "look at this object or else you die" trigger was not possible in GoldSRC, or at least in the version of hammer available for half life 1 and sven coop. Same thing for "type this thing into chat box to trigger something". It's also retarded that he was like "I just couldn't handle it anymore!!!! We saw goatse but looking at less than 20 polygons of 32x32 texture of pixelated blood on a shitty corpse that's probably no worse than half life human gibs after a scientist model walks near a fucking grenade is fucking me up AAAAHHHH HELP ME". The ending was alright at least.
>>>Dude what if shitty map had a photorealistic room hidden as an easter egg that unlocks the real part of the map
this part is real at least, it's inspired by the 7am map by holdo for action half life. quite a few things in the story are inspired by real stuff from his map, like how opening them in hammer would crash shit. not sure if using cheats or a bot to watch the anime girl would work though
A good trollpost is not low-effort, it is carefully crafted. The goal is to actually be funny and for that you need to have a good sense of comedic timing.
woop, i mean the 5am map. im a retard
Pale Luna is still the best one just because it feels like something that would actually happen IRL.
I mean the guy going out and digging at coordinates and shit was a bit much.
>ben drowned actually finished for real after the king kong fakeout

holy shit
So many of these are okay, some good, but holy shit almost every single one save a few have dogshit endings. Is this just a problem with horror in general?
Norma porn for normal people is an example of this because it veered too hard into snuff shit at the end instead of keeping the creepy mystique of weirdos getting off to mundane shit
Not really. When Gravity Falls ended, the creator started a scavenger hunt by leaving a picture of a real life statue in the woods at the end of the final episode. People them analyzed the image and found its location.
Nothing will ever come close to Ben Drowned and Jadusable dropping a new video, even if looking back it's all probably fucking retarded and cliche now

>Everyone freaking out a jadusable changing his profile picture on youtube

good times
Horror's main weapon is the unknown. And a story ending usually requires some sort of resolution to the main conflict. These are often incompatible. If you explain everything, the horror dissipates along with the unknown. If you don't explain anything, the reader feels cheated. "I didn't get any conclusion out of all that?".
Ted The Caver did a great job by ending the way it did. It actually took me a moment to realize it.
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Was there a severed head?
Worse, the fans continued to fight over shipping to this day.
I didn't understand Ted the Caver. Who was cave?
The final entry is him saying he will return to the cave hoping to find answers and saying he will have an update tomorrow. The update never comes.
The cave was Ted's virginal asshole and his fear of digging in deeper and figuring out the truth was his closeted homosexual feelings for B manifesting in the shape of an ill-omened creature that lurked within its depths that he ultimately rejected.
This one would have been better if she just gave people aneurysms and heart attacks, rather than the full 'mauling'.
If the characters sit around panicking and thinking about their problems over and over again, without trying to fight back or take them head on (even if it is unwise), its probably written by a woman.
Terraria: The Womb
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I had a favorite hentai artist (Kruttafan) and I checked his blog page every day until it went offline and he never uploaded again. Is it like that?
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What was his problem?
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Having read this and the Princess made me come to the realization why I like jvk and Pale Luna so much. The writing in those two doesn't have the same emphasis on the scariness and is mostly a guy recounting a story from his past, and it feels so much more eerie and believable as a result. The flowery language in TRAINING is like a less egregious version of Blood Whistle.
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I looked it up out of curiosity, since I never used to play AHL (I was more of a natural selection and resident evil: cold blood type of guy)
God forgive me for posting a reddit link, but:
>this is what traumatized the people in the story so much one of them trooned out

Was the early internet just wiped out of the minds of some people or does the author just have vague memories of watching his older brother play half life mods?
Most horror stories have kinda bad endings.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ends with a random trucker passing by and fighting off Leatherface for the MC and them both fleeing. It kinda sucks. And that is one of the best horror films ever.
Everyone knows the Lovecraft memes, that aren't as inaccurate as you'd might hope.

What makes a good ending in horror?
The MC winning? Losing? Just running away with no closure?
No matter what you do, getting to a satisfying ending is hard.
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wait are you saying they made a sequel to the Pancake family and made it supernatural? God that is fucking lame man. I don't care if the scenario is basically impossible in the moment reading about what happened to the family for the first time was some scary shit. it's not scary at all when you make it some stupid black magic shit.
Just listen to HorrorBabble's stuff.
Algernon Blackwood is a very underrated spooky writer.
Yeah I fully agree with you there, especially on Ted the Caver having a great ending. I think part of the issue is the type of angle a horror story is going for. Many of the stories in that list hinge too much on the draw of the unknown and use the ending of the story for a cheap shock reveal twist. Many try too hard to be shocking so the delivery just falls flat.
Feed the pig had a decent ending in my opinion and that was largely because that actually had an underlying narrative about the character so the feeling of resolution comes not from finding out what the deal is with all the spooky horror components but rather from that other story we’re exposed to.
Ben Drowned was good until it was some cult thing. Godzilla NES was good until it was completely fucking tanked by "muh dead girlfriend".
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Have you been to /x/ in the last decade?
The creepypasta culture just isn't there anymore.
The prospect of carrying some doughboy Disney manchild's kid inside of you is pretty nightmarish.
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NES Godzilla is infamous for it's dogshit ending. a lot of creepypastas are really bad at endings.
Only rare stories like Penpal or No end House have good endings.
Attention whore.
Tyrant in a world of kaijus where might is all that matters finds out there's a world he can barely influence let alone conquer and it makes him MAD.

I like to think from some of the implications of the pasta that the actual makers of kaiju movies and media in that world could somehow get glimpses of his as well and that's why so many older kaijus appear in the cursed version of the game and so many of them have weird unseen forms.
Like in Pancake Family, it was weird how the hardened detective constantly took breaks to cry and vomit and shit himself while being interviewed.
Normal Porn for Normal People is funny to be because I experienced more dread from browsing /gif/.
I'm subscribed to one or two of those narration channels for background noise, it's mostly nosleep stuff (can usually instantly clock them from the titles and writing conventions) but I don't expect it to blow my mind or anything, it's just background noise while I grind in a game.
/x/ has really gone to shit, the nobodytards have started splitting off into splinter circlejerks and squabbling with each other
Abandoned by Disney and Room Zero are peak too bad the writer for them is a bit of an asshole.
>acacius is one of the smallest
>but also the strongest
Manlet self-insert? He cute tho.
I felt bad for the dog though.
>it was good until it wasn't le super secret xd
Contrarian tranny lmao
Lots of horror stories are based on that premise.
Someone sees something fucked up or weird and investigates when they really should have just ran away or ignored it.
Its one of the stock scenarios of the genre.
so many of the newer* kaijus and forms
like from after the game was made
/x/ now
>tarot and horoscope
>how do I give myself brain damage to summon my waifu succubus tulpa
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I don't understand why /x/ got taken over by unironic incels
You fucking mouth-breather.
He means cult as in literal cult, as in a literal cult in the story called the moon children.
Its scary because its realistic, lol.
>Reuses the same royalty free "spooky music" track in your path.
>The Pancake Family
That is at least realistic.
>Actual real world Disney has an entire history of fucked up shit
>Like all the deaths that happen that Disney refuses to acknowledge because they technically weren’t the fault of the park or franchise itself
>Including that one kid that was dragged off by a fucking alligator and Disney went “not my problem”
>Or that one kid that got a brain eating amoeba from the water at Disney
>Or that one woman that disappeared off of the cruise ship and Disney was cagey as fuck about the whole situation
>but dude let’s have spooky Mickey Mouse instead
I sleep
perhaps i can help anon,
you see the anon you were replying to posted a soijak
reddit soiboys stereotypically get very “upset” whenever someone mentions a god dang wholesome pupperino getting physically or emptionally hurt, which your entire message is about, therefore anon is making a joke at their expense to mock them
the condescending tone doesn't really work when you type like a teenage phoneposter
the moon children cult shit was cool, it was new and exciting
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I think the main reason is simply that a lot of creepypastas are written from character's perspective. This limits you severely since you can't really have your character die and then somehow write about it so you'll often have massive copouts where the big scary demon calling himself ANUSFUCKER ULTIMUS will just leave the main character somehow because he has to live to tell the tale and writing stuff in second person is similarly hard because it's like - how the fuck do you know all this in-character?
Because those are just cases of corporate negligence and they're the boring bread and butter of the world we live in, and ironically you would not give a shit about them if the mouse wasn't involved.

The whole abandoned by disney saga is sort of the same, it's a set of pastas with extremely fucked hauntings related to real world issues (mowgli's palace being built on sacred native land or whatever, gascots being the result of ww2) that have the mouse plastered over them since they're scary to think about for the same reason you care about randos dying in that specific theme park. It hits harder when it breaks didney worl's whole facade.
The introduction of the gascots thing including the real protocol disney world has where you have to sit next to the dead body in the suit and pose and stuff as to not draw attention to the fact that they're literally dead while you wait for EMS to move them was amazing too.
I don't really understand the ending. What happened to h0nk? Am I just retarded or does it make no sense.
Probably got doxed, murdered and his entire identity stolen.
Nosleep isn't particularly akin to the rest of Reddit outside of the commentary below the posts because it's basically just a repository for spooky stories. It's very similar to old /x/ in that regard, the difference is it promotes longer-form writing (which is good if you want a long read) and there's an inherent understanding it's fake instead of old /x/'s fun middleground of "It's probably not real... but we have no way of knowing."
The solution is to either write "present day" entries, where the protagonist writes down things the same day they happen, to keep a record alive in case something happens, OR to not have the story end in death, which shouldn't be that hard to do.
If you were a child, sure.
>My mom left her dildo on a nightstand, and it's not what you think; part 5 of 91
>the real protocol disney world has where you have to sit next to the dead body in the suit
Oh no.
Ones like this will always mog the 50,000 word bullshit you'd find on nosleep or something. Brevity is the soul of wit.
One of my favorite spooky internet stories is this one -
The big spoopy face in the sky still scared the piss out of me because hidden spoopy shit underneath the game geometry has always been one of my most irrational fears. Made falling under the map in WoW a fucking nightmare.
Borrasca was good
Happiest place in the world.
Then they pay literally everyone involved so that you're only legally declared dead once you're off the premises, so they can technically say nobody ever dies at disney.
it might help if you stop getting defensive about jokes not even directed at you. or just continue making yourself look like a fool by being irrationally upset over nothing
>"The sheriff shrugged. “If that’s what it takes. I’m only here for the power and the women. I’m an alpha, Sam, that’s why I can’t figure out what the fuck happened to you. You’ve got the blood of kings running through your veins and you fill them with tar. That shit is for the fucking women but I have to send it out to your handler every month. My only son is a white trash drug addict. How do you think that makes me feel? This should be your birthright and you’re too weak to take it.”
Reminder that this is a real line uttered in the follow-up to the story.
I dunno, I feel like the author being a bit of a ponce doesn't really take away from the story. A lot of people on the internet are really like that. The "who the fuck are you" at the end gave me a little shiver, which immediately elevates the story above roughly 99% of all creepypasta.
Oh those ones are shit, I'm talking about the one-shot ones, I should've been clearer on that. I think the only multi-part nosleep story I like is the search and rescue officer one and that's entirely due to my bias for Missing 411 stuff.
I just miss old /x/ spooky stories to be honest. The original 4chanarchive (the one where you had to VOTE to get a thread archived meaning every thread archived was something that had a consensus leaning towards "This should be remembered")'s /x/ archives were gold for that. Lots of spooky stories, tales of strange rituals, and discussions of ideas that instilled the same feelings as the opening to Tales from the Dark Side.

That just doesn't exist anymore. Things are too transparent now. Hard to make a good speculative fiction sort of horror where you can't know the verisimilitude due to the writer being anonymous on a website where the odds are high their musings will stop existing in a couple of days due to a thread pruning system when everything is archived and everyone wants to profit off of their weird little cinematic universes.
I'm not even the anon you were replying to, I just think you're a faggot
>if the mouse wasn't involved.
Honestly I find theme park deaths/incidents to be really fascinating in general. People go to theme parks to have fun, not expecting to die or get injured. Despite that, almost all theme parks have a history of violent shit happening in some fashion
One of the worst was that little girl that went to one and just got fucking scalped, or the Batman decapitation. The only reason Disney has any draw different from other theme parks is exactly because of how strict it is with maintaining its image. The additional layer of a theme park going out of its way to cover up the entire thing is what makes it interesting, pretty much exactly what you described with abandoned by Disney
Even that. /gif/ has sadistic fucks who make threads about torturing and killing animals.
Anyone know that story about a family of four camping in the forest and then some howling moose like white creature appears and scares them away.
Children will see it up close from the back seat of a car.
Every now and then I see a screenshot of some obvious underage trying to "troll" r/twosentencehorror with some really retarded shitpost story that always has the same punchline every time,
>"Oh no I am thirsty" he said
>so i got him a glass of milk from my creature
It was painfully unfunny the first time, and gets even more groan-inducing every time it's repeated. Most of the time it's the guy who posted it who took the screenshot too. Is this really what redditors think counts as humor?
Sounds like 50% of the posts I read on here.
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You'd like this:
redditors love to spam the same "funny" quotes over and over, so that checks out. its a site full of borderline-sociopathic autists
Pixels, polygons and fairy tales do not scare me since I stopped going to church.
Literally doesn't happen, one of the people changes pronouns towards the beginning and they get used ONCE at the very end.
Good damn I hate this podcast. It's like twice as long as it needs to be because the long hair asshole keeps saying "Oh my god hunter I'm scared" every other sentence.

Papa meat on his own is cool tho. But Christ the other guy really ruins it. I feel like he's just trying to make clips for tiktok or something and just defaults to make every other sentence try and seem intense. No idea if it's gotten better, I stopped listening after a couple months. Fucking unbearable.
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To fling yourself into the void dick out is to follow the Faustian Spirit. Fear of the unknown is tempered by our desire to fuck it.
4chan famously empty of those
I like two sentence horror stories
>...she said last time, we're stuck in a time loop
>Which really pisses me off because that's what...
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>suddenly a unknown [REDACTED] entity appeared and [REDACTED] the [REDACTED] and even [REDACTED]
4chan is full of slightly autistic people, sometimes NEETs, who know they're weird and don't belong. Reddit is full of border-line sociopaths who love spamming the same "funny" quotes from the same "funny" sources for years on end, are completely delusional, and live in bubbles so thick that it doesn't take quick for a Redditor to casually expose themselves as an awful human being with truly baffling morals and values even for your average 4channer's standards. At least on 4chan you get to talk to people different from you, that really helps with the bubble thing.
Think of whatever forced meme you see on here. In 6 months to a year it will hit reddit and they'll force it in an even more repetitive fashion and for far longer, even after everyone else has long since stopped laughing.
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It still baffles me this pile of shit has such a huge fanbase.
>overlord is fucking 40 minutes of nothing
What the fuck do you want from a Secure, Contain, Protect film retard? The expendables?
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Your reminding me of how Creepcast did an episode on Tommy Taffy and zoomers lost there minds because Tommy Taffy is a rapist
All they seem to do is complain about horror stories being too disturbing.
My parents took us to this in 1995, we lived in NJ at the time, I just moved to PA like 6 years ago, but now I'm close enough that I can go to pretty much every park in eastern PA, NJ, or NY, including this one, which is now called mountain creek. I liked the video but two things bugged my about it. The alpine slide itself was safe, you just had literal drooling retards that couldn't control themselves and never brake, and the video severely understates how fucking cold the water is. They do not heat it, at all, it comes right from the mountain. I went again in the mid 2010's, the tarzan swing and the cliff jumps are still there, they are a lot of fun. They don't have the looping waterslide anymore but they do have another high one that drops you at really fucking steep angle, you fly on that thing, also a lot of fun
I'm reading it, and damn it is good.
Managed to make two guys dressed up in bee outfits sound scary
Not bad.
I'm feeling the goonish urge to make a porn model of this and upload it for animators.
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>The last game you played is now cursed/haunted
What happens bros?
I just wanted to shove the word entity into some annoying current events/culture wars thing, but yeah, the general premise of "person generally understood to have done a really bad thing was actually doing it to prevent a secret even worse thing" is pretty interesting. Like the meme about how everyone thinks Kim Jong Un is crazy for constantly firing missiles in the ocean, but really he's the only thing holding back [REDACTED] or whatever
>I Downloaded a HAUNTED Gacha Game... Here is What I Rolled.
I'd read this one, sounds terrifying.
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wish people made some creepypasta mods for games in general really, whole lot of missed potential there
I'm 99% sure this was an actual conspiracy theory for JFK
coronation day and i hate you and sonic exe exist but i dont know any other ones
She won't look so smug when I print said pic and cum over it. Take this negative presence over your cute face. Here comes the rope storm, you better brace.
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>pokemon clover
>very few npc missing
>slightly different text in others
>some off mentions about "staying safe"
>Triport gym is closed
>Singles Island's mood is different
>islanders talking about staying safe from what is in Fochun
>you return to Fochun
>it's night
>most houses have closed doors
>Parax Town
>they fear something in the Burial Tower
>Edgie warns you about it
>you find skeletons there
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schizos come up with the funniest and sometimes most interesting shit
This sound like ultra bullshit, but "clues" is the pic talking about?
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that was an invasive species of tumblr/twitter refugees albeit
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Flywrench is a cult classic platforming game with a loose story about you playing as a spaceship trying to pinpoint a signal coming from somewhere in our solar system. The signal you spend the whole game trying to hone in on turns out to be you in real life. The ending of the game shows a live feed of you sitting at your computer but with some kind of filter to make it match the game's vector-style visuals. If you move around during those few seconds the live feed is active, it looks like you're being rotoscoped. That's it, then the credits play like normal and nothing else happens
im literally never going to escape this series i wrote it in twenty fucking minutes lol
There's the Doom MyHouse.wad thing, and a very recent one is the Friday Night Funkin' mod Hit Single that has an esoteric 3D platformer hidden inside the mod's files that you can play to unlock more songs in the mod itself
I'm not sure how you'd turn an Ace Combat game into a creepypasta.
how does it feel being one of the like main 3 sources along with the Local58 douchebag and horrortubers that ruined internet horror forever
Seconding. That sounds kino
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>tfw end up getting a scratched psx spyro 3 disc
>think it's haunted
>it actually just has its anti-piracy stuff activated
at least i only wasted 20 bucks back then, if i had bought it now it would've been way more expensive
really fucking bad.
when i wrote the series my intention was to make something fun for myself that i could worldbuild with and what i got was a bunch of retards that couldnt tell what was fiction.
the entire goddamn subreddit changed because people just copied me. over and over.
so, yeah, sorry about that. i quit horror and dont intend to ever return in that capacity so no worries there.
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i had the disc with the anti piracy stuff too, even reached the sorceress multiple times, i thought the game was just really glitchy, kid me always thinking "no this time it's gonna work for sure." and then it wiped the save again at sorceress every time.
i mean, don’t feel too bad. the whole trend of people badly adopting the vaguer Slimebeast style of horror as kind of a puritanical step away from the past as opposed to trying to scare anyone more effectively was mostly a thing that started after your story, not during it. the original was pretty okay as far as nosleep stories at the time went. it was really with stuff like Tales From The Gas Station that the bad step was cemented and we knew shit was never going back. you could probably make a few good horror stories if you really wanted to, but the real attention grab would be making an ARG with no explicit blood or gore and nothing harshly disturbing so video essay scumfucks don’t make a million hours worth of footage calling you edgy without a purpose and going too far
>I shit you the fuck not, had been fucking his mom's corpse almost the entire time
It was good until this part, that made me crack up
i have things going in the background, but to be honest, i don't feel that the horror genre has much legitimacy to it anymore. im not saying this to be a pompous dick, but i have a very good understanding of what makes horror work, and people just arent doing that.
i cant stand any more fucking movies like Sinister or Conjuring or Evil Dead 8. i want more stuff like Aniara or Where Evil Lurks. i want people to CARE about what they produce.
horror thrives in an envioronment where people are happy and ready to explore those themes. i can't think of a worse environment to try and do stuff in than the one we have.
Normal Porn is probably my favourite out of those I've read, it perfectly hits the creepiness a lot of pasta miss out on in lieu of visceral spooks
>Sonic autism
>Creepypasta autism
>even the creator is terminally autistic
>very simple design
It's perfect for kids.
I hate this story cause I knew someone just like that at school
Had that same weird thing wet mustache and was a total spreg who seemed lost in his own world

Still scares me to think if I was just that but more autistic id be just like that retard
Thank god I was born on the spectrum
Every time you call something autistic, a psychiatrist readies a full needle of a drug that they’re going to inject into you on your deathbed
Can you fap to it?
My sister visited the other day and I mentioned this in passing as if it was a fun little urban legend, doesn't seem all that bad. Then again, I don't have a clue about how the internet twisted it
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I like this one because of how surreal it is.
>ghost starts to haunt this fucking game
>controls no longer work
>audio is fucked
>more and more reasons come in for me to abandon it forever
>corrupts my save file
>taken off my library
Oh thank god
>room zero
What happened in that bunker, /v/?
Unexpected entities or events in singleplayer or private multiplayer lobbies is spoopy.

Non-gaming related, "Every year on my birthday, I receive a letter" is pretty good.

I always liked that music. Fits well. ScareTheater always did the same.

For any KingSpook watchers when his channel was still up, a lot of videos got uploaded recently https://archive.org/details/kingspook
As for good game ARGs, there's
>minecraft alpha versions
I'm not sure how creepy it is desu but I love the early-minecraft-but-different aesthetic.
the problem was that it escaped containment and people didnt understand that nosleep was a "suspension of disbelief" kind of thing. i cant prove this but i think a lot of kids got a hold of it and just... did not exercise any modicum of critical thinking. i had to cut the whole thing short because people were calling actual fucking police hotlines to tell them, hey, this random fucking redditor solved a million missing persons cases.
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>The strangest tape I've ever seen
Man anon thanks for reminding me of the good times of listening to creepypastas while myuu was playing in all of them. Shit was tight. Also the holder series was pretty good.
king kong.wmv is canon and nothing can change my mind. It's the perfect ending.
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>people were calling actual fucking police hotlines
The hell, now I get what you mean
>Also the holder series was pretty good.
Shit, I didn't think there was still anyone around who remembered that. good times.
that animation was really good and then I read the webcomic its adapted from and its endless drama
Everyone has to be known for something.
At least you're not the guy whose built a dozen bridges but fucked one goat.
link me up to that animation
One time, mom said too sick for school too sick for video games and she turned the console off before you could save. This is a true story, it could happen to you.
I skipped my first day of kindergarten to stay home and play Sonic 1. I remember it well because it was the first time I beat the full game.
B3313 1.0
Slimebeast is based
david paulides fucking HATES my ass dude like he almost pursued legal action against me because people wouldn't leave him the fuck alone

i could also be known as the guy who bought a 20k furry comm so yeah it could absolutely be worse
thanks nigga
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>david paulides fucking HATES my ass dude like he almost pursued legal action against me because people wouldn't leave him the fuck alone
Creepypasta fans are retarded.
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40 year old boomer, checking in. Anybody else remember reading about The Hands Resist Him when they were young on the internet?

i just do not have it in me to explain this does someone else wanna tell this guy what the deal is
yep, solid creepypasta! really shows how well they work when they're tied to something tangible
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jvk is lore consistent
the holder series was a mess but by god I loved that kind of shit. all the absolutely absurd rituals that essentially guarantee no one will ever manage to get most of them. I miss the old communities around creepypastas.
Finally I get to post this random thing I found on a confessions site while looking for degenerate stories.
I get what it's going for but it's way too general and slideshow-y. Even more hilarious, it's almost like a documentary until it throws in the usual 'yeah it also eats humans'.
Was this from the follow-up? I don't remember this from the main story.
If it were a gif you would just have a bunch of fags replying with


and not bothering to read it.
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>I was so happy when my favorite streammer invited me to hang out, but then I got disrespected
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>really like creepy pastas
>everything on /x/ or 4chan in general is skinwalker slop about a group of friends going on a camping trip and having one of them act autistic
>everything on reddit is 47 part epics where nothing happens to people I either don't care about or openly hate
Did you mean to reply to >>683182262 ?
>Battlefield 1
Haven't played it, but this just sounds like Amnesia the Bunker
While that one's a favorite of mine, I can't help but imagine the threat she offers is coming out of the game to bare fist pummel you to death + performs wrestling holds and throws and that makes it hilarious to me.
>the least psychotic anti natalist
Ok but tommy taffy sucks as a creepypasta. It's literally just a checklist of clichés nonsensically strung together.
>we were raped by the rape monster when we were children... and now my sister is le pregnant...
>Nier Automata
Most of the potential's already done by the story itself. Though now I'm wondering about 9S hacking (You) and ruining your life.
I will never not say "There wasn't even time to eat the fries" to someone who tells me a spooky story now. It never fucking lands but I just don't care.
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I have some that aren't
Someone the other day described it as someone's poorly disguised fetish and that's exactly what it is
Some NTRcuck's fantasy. Couldn't make it through the whole thing without getting bored and annoyed
Not exactly a creepypasta, but Minecraft Lilypad fits the theme of mysterious scrapped betas or "what could have been" though it's somewhat barren out of context.
Selling video games as physical media is still huge in the 3rd world. So these stories are still possible out there, somewhere.
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Oh right I forgot about myhouse and b3313.

>has a 3d platformer hidden inside it to unlock more songs
That's fucking insane, and also awesome.
Monument Mythos is fucking amazing
I fell off after the first finale.
I liked it when it was all vague references to weird American landmarks being supernatural or creepy. But I felt it got too narrative focused for its own good by the end.
...for me to poop on.
the drb0sch shit is really good. it's also based as fuck for referencing Mad God among other things
>The Third Parent
I refuse to believe this isn't just fetish material like, seriously.
It's literally just NTR.
NoEnd House
the final redpill is that 99% of fiction is literally just a way for the author to insert their fetish into something
enjoy that knowledge
>listening to creepypastas while myuu was playing in all of them
I wish Mutahar still read Creepypastas
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>How to survive hell
>I’d guess that the only one who knows the truth is the Slaughter Man himself and he isn’t saying anything. Since the day he arrived in Hell, he’s only spoken once. The fleeing slavers heard it as the Slaughter Man tore their tribe apart. Naked, bloody and surrounded by corpses, the Slaughter Man looked up to the storm-wracked sky and bellowed a single word…

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>War Thunder
Hmm, I play air RB exclusively, so maybe some sort of plane with no textures, a weird model, and UFO tier flight mechanics that randomly dives in from 30k meters and rams players while taking no damage.
Ghost planes off in the distance and warped distress calls talking about "some thing"
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It really should've ended here bro.
That was a fun story but the author and honk are still massive faggots and should 41% they/themselves
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Do you think Slenderman will become a legend in the future? like how Minitours became legends despite being just fiction for Romans in the past.
Minotaur is Greek
>hey anon check out this spooky creepypasta
>it's a 20 page novel pitch or a 12 hour podcast
I'm so tired of this shit
Yeah nah you're a cunt
drb0sch wouldve fooled so many fucking people back in the day, its honestly the closest the modern internet has gotten to recreating the old creepypasta landscape
Urbanspook is peak I love unapologetic fucked up horror.
UrbanSpook would be better if he first settled on how the films are being produced and by whom and staged everything around that viewpoint.
As is, I don't think we can assume the vids are made by the killers, themselves, but they're also clearly not police tapes or news documentation.
A bit of focus on making things feel really diagetic would have paid dividends.
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Fellow "janky low-poly 3d model" fetishist... you're indeed broken... just like me...!
True. Happens a lot with writers
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The final chapter of Danganronpa 2 has a fuckload of shit straight out of a stereotypical vidya pasta.
There's also a really pasta-esque moment from the first game's finale that made me actually pause irl for thirty seconds. Pic related.
He got le PTSD from looking at a hyper realistic Half-Life polygonal corpse
The software was so sophisticated it knew if he was looking at it with his real eyes instead of doing something else while the others were running the map
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>wanted to emulate socom 2 because why not
>found a iso on the classic vimms lair website
>fuck yeah lets go time to play the best socom
>play game as normal
>accidently kill teammate
>oh boy here comes the court martial bs and they are going to kill me
>that doesnt happen
>slightly confused i keep going
>kill squadmate just to see if it happens again
>same result
>getting confused even more
>kill last squadmate jester by shooting him in the head
>he does his death scream/moan
>i start to get creeped out because that does not happen in the later games only socom 1
>all alone continue mission anyway
>press circle to open the command menu
>menu that shows able and bravo are missing
>makes sense of course they are all dead but why did i not get mission failure for this
>continue mission anyways just to encounter all enemies i run across surrending in front of me
>okay wtf is going on now i do not like this
>pause the game menu and find that only Abort Mission is showing all the other options are gone and when i clicked on it
>Yes was missing but No stayed
>more unnerving shit why the fuck did i enable this code
>whatever go on with mission anyways again
>complete mission even with all the odd bullshit
>mission complete menu appears oh thank god that was weird
>press x to continue and save
>wait something is not right
>the save menu is all distorted and text is unreadable
>save anyways and exit the game to take a break
>hours later play again to be greeted by error loading data popping up on screen
>realize i have to start all over again
>delete this cursed iso off my pc for good
>play another game instead
No no man
We TOTALLY had people in the mid 2000s insist on going by they/them pronouns
We have always been at war with eurasia
It's from the fifth part of the story that's basically a sequel to the main story.
Borrasca is good, but the follow-up story is unironically one of the most awful things I have ever read
That got me so bad
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>project diva
hyperrealistic miku with bloody eyes comes out of the game and sings for me.
I remember during the days of IRC chats I got PM'd by someone who said he knows 100% that Bill Clinton was the antichrist. He said he lived in DC and saw him get shot but nothing happened. Funny stuff
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Godzilla NES
Ben Drowned
Anti Sonic dll
The Theater
Vermilion City Construction Project

Most are objectively bad, but i find them enjoyable atleast
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>Batman Arkham Knight
Batman is a total schizo now and he kills everyone in over the top brutal ways when you play and the villains are the victims here.
The real creepypasta aspect of sonic.exe is that the story is one of the most famous pastas and is still relevant to this day in spite of its laughably bad quality while nearly everything is forgotten about
bretty gud
That already happens in the game.
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Just gonna casually curse this thread.
Is Ken doll ugly bastard mass-scale underage rape NTR the most specific fetish to exist?
Just a hint of implied supernatural there, the 2015 ending was ambiguous and could be anything from showing him something super fucked up to something that affected him in real life like some sort of unspecified spooky ghost curse or whatever. The 2017 ending makes it clear someone is impersonating h0nk in an effort to convince the former players that actually h0nk freaked out over nothing and it's all fine, and to play the map again, but can't be the real h0nk because he gets some basic personal details wrong. Personally I think it was handled pretty well, gives you just enough info for the spoop factor while leaving everything else ambiguous so it leaves you wondering.
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>limbus company
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Jokes on you, that's not the real image. HOWEVER
Do people even give an honest attempt at vidya creepypastas or anything equivalent these days? Seems like they fell off hard.
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But when you play it you literally go to hell.
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NES Godzilla was fucking cool until the end. At least the sequel seems to be pretty good, if it ever gets finished.
>I went to get a penis implant, I think the implant is alive....
>I joined a GMOD Roleplay server, we have some very weird rules we need to follow
>Mad Max
Max and Chumbucket venture into a tunnel and then a realistic skeleton pops out
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I legit miss listening to creepypasta readings during my high school days playing Bitfield Bad company it was a comfy ass time.
>I Just Learned The Reason Why There isn't a Sonic Adventure 3 and it's Horrifying
>The Mods Don't Do it For Free
>Why Do My Pets Keep Dying Every Time I Upgrade My PC?
>Everyone's Waifu is Real
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This is a really good and comfy thread.
Are you a tranny now?
Some of these are actually super neat and creative
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creepypasta threads tend to be pretty laid back and chill it's 50/50 with analog horror threads sometimes they are comfy sometimes it's just zoomer and bait posting and I swear SCP threads are always a shitshow.
i used to do this while playing terraria
digging around in dark-ass caves while listening to stories was kino
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Why do I always check?
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>"wahh wahhh i am evul demon in videogame i kill you grahhhh!!"
I still look up SOG's Haunted Gaming playlist every now and then. Good playlist to take a nap listening to.
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Centipedes are cute.
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>Mfw listening to creepypasta readings while playing Dark Souls while smoking weed back in 2014
Man I miss those days yet it only feels like yesterday.
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>Death Stranding
There's a bunch of shit from the private room that would make fine enough IRL jumpscares. The game could have been really spooky if Creatividad wanted to lean into it harder.
>sitting inna room
>door opens by itself
>black void
>look through doorway to see the... uh... ocean floor?
>a crab scuttles by, upside down but somehow walking just fine on nothing
>I am then eaten by a beluga whale that can only swim sideways
Also if you get got by the BTs in game you cause an IRL voidout
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You could write some existencial dread from a pilot that accidentally discovers he is actually an AI in a simulation
>Calm patrol mission
>AWACS calls
>"Anon, we are detecting [former squad member] signal in the AO"
>"[former squad member]? Impossible! He got shot down a week ago"
>You check your instruments. Nothing. You check for visual contact. Nothing.
>"AWACS, are you sure your systems are working right?"
>"Yes. We can clearly see him in our radars"
>"He just formed an element with you"
>You look around nervously. There is nothing there.
>"What? His signal suddenly vanished"
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Damn man I've had nightmares about that I have no idea why but I sometimes think I'll open a door and it's just a portal to a vast ocean filled with sea monsters.
One time I was playing a video game and a skeleton jumped out
Thumbnail made me think of the blueberry girl from willy wonka on the computer
Anon, I was hoping to be able to sleep tonight...
UFOs and junk. there's tons of stories of pilots seeing weird shit up there, just build off of that.
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Dude me too!
>Vampire Survivors

There's already enough unsettling shit that could be expanded into creepypasta territory.
>Some of the monster designs are slightly fucked, like the giant fusion of all the reapers or the reanimated corpses of other fallen player characters.
>Intentional glitches like the one time the screen flips and the warning text is crunched up.
>The yellow hands messing with the UI, dragging the player into new areas suddenly and altering what enemies appear.
But the gameplay is so simple that I'm not sure how you'd actually make it scary to play.
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In a different timeline, that one could have been a published short story
Whaaaaaaat the fuck is it eating?
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A little burger made out of bugs.
That shit reads like some 15 year old who just discovered gore sites trying to be as shocking as possible. There's a reason why a lot of normalfags don't even find it scary. It tries too hard.
>Team Fortress 2
I can only hope that backstabs still do 6x the enemy's health in damage and the things still run off bot logic so they're completely retarded vs the YER
Sometimes people don't watch gore and slashers to be scared.
Sometimes people just want a cheap thrill.
There's a few random interactions in the private room that feel lifted right out of a bad dream. Idk how their determined or if there's even a real order to them. The first one I got spooked me pretty good.
>go to check on BB
>Sam taps the pod, which is a new interaction
>BB taps back
>Sam taps again
>BB taps back harder
>this continue escalating
>BB starts slamming his head on the pod wall
>thud thud thud thud
>breaks the pod wall open
>flies toward the camera
>Sam starts awake on the bed
I really wonder if there's ant significance to them besides being something that some designer thought was cool. It's become kind of a treat when they happen.
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>Hearts of iron 4 with the old world blues mod

Oh god oh fuck does the AI have a brain now? Do they know that making 500 different division templates is a bad idea? DO THEY KNOW HOW TO MAKE NAVIES?
A good friend.
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I'd love to have a house boat
>You could write some existencial dread from a pilot that accidentally discovers he is actually an AI in a simulation
SO the plot of Ace Combat 3 but Nemo is self aware of the plot twist at the end of the game?
Considering how batshit insane Ace Combat can be, I doubt UFOs would mean much to the pilots.
Maybe. But cheap thrills can get old fast, especially if it's just the same shit over and over again without any real variation to it.
Shipwrecked 64
>I was driving along the streets of Los Angeles with my friend, Zack, and he asked me what I would do if a funny little critter came long and murdered my beautiful wife in front of my very eyes
>final level is literally just Independence Day except the flying saucers die to three sidewinders
Eh. I'd play it.
>murdered my beautiful wife in front of my very eyes
But this isn't my beautiful wife
This isn't my beautiful house
How did I get here?
Honestly I'm waiting for the day Project Aces goes over the top and the final mission has an AC protagonist stopping the end of the fucking world.
Coule be kino
Yeah, pretty much, but leaning more on the terror aspect. Nemo seeing some oddities and inconsistencies in the world that are actually glitches. Not recognizing characters that everyone else knows, or remembering others that no one else does. Errors in his memory from faulty updates, etc
I'd feel safe in any situation with my OGS fron the Grove
>This was a fair call, and divisible ended up leaving with our best wishes. Divisible got into WoW instead and picked up some new pronouns somewhere along the path. (Sorry about the older posts, by the way, I will go back and fix them when I can.) We still speak from time to time.
>Nemo seeing some oddities and inconsistencies in the world that are actually glitches. Not recognizing characters that everyone else knows, or remembering others that no one else does. Errors in his memory from faulty updates, etc
That could work, especially in the UPEO route. That happy ending can be suddenly taken away by Simon and only Nemo will remember what happened, and it all culminates in the true ending.
>My imaginary gf telling me she'll try anal
>Dark Souls 3
>at pontiff suhlyvan bonfire
>have plenty of embers so I can duel all night
>find a red summon sign for a guy named "dynamicinvadertest"
>strange name but who gives a shit probably a ez fight
>summon him and get my gesture out the way so we can fight
>he just stands there im thinking he's afk
>go for backstab to see if he wakes up
>backstab isn't registering
>fuck it he can just stay there ill get someone else in
>summon another guy in
>as soon as he in he disconnects immediately.
>try a bunch more times but same thing happens each time
>give up and decide to make it to the next bonfire
>as soon as I look away from the first guy I summoned I get grappled immediately by him
>loading screen comes up now I'm confused
>find out I'm warped to firelink shrine and I can't use the bonfire to get out or walk out

Save is practically fucked what do I do here

(First time doing something like this sorry if shit)
thanks have this one too and this one is real creepypasta
>have ps2 ready to play some classics
>get my atv offroad fury 2 disc to put in
>check the disk to see a scratch on it but very minimal its only one mark
>play game as normal everything is fine as usual
>hours in sound starts to skip
>screen glitches appear causing the words to be scrambled and the music is stuttering
>suddenly it stops and the game continues as normal
>it happens again minutes later but far worse that the game froze seconds later
>reset ps2
>the startup is taking longer
>sudden realization
when I saw the name dynamicinvadertest I thought it was gonna lead to him invading you in real life
In 2007, a little boy named Timothy was standing in the hallway inside of his house. He then turned towards the place where the hallway connects with his mom's bedroom and spotted a box of graham crackers. This made him realize that there was a new rule in his house: anyone who walks past the box of graham crackers must allow the large black man standing near it to fuck their ass! Then, for some reason, he tried to run past the box of graham crackers and was grabbed by the large black man. The large black man looked at his bootyass naked ass and screamed, "There is no hole!" Timothy then escaped and ran into his mom's closet, and the black man followed. The black man then bumped into a cabbage patch kid in the closet and angered it. Timothy managed to escape outside while the black man's ass was turned into a rumblehouse. Then, Timothy noticed that a close friend of his had his car parked in front of his house and was signaling him to get inside. Timothy did so, and the car took off down the road at great speed while Timothy explained his situation to his friend.

While Timothy was celebrating the fact that he escaped, the car began slowing down; his friend then said, "Now, now, now's the time right now!"

Timothy asked him what he was doing. His friend grinned evilly and replied, "What slowness can I offer you? I'm copyright owner Madow!" and turned into an old man wearing a butler's outfit.
>be le me
>27 years old
>I like playing Doom 2 wads when i'm bored
>some anon suggested to play 'Ancient Aliens'
>playing it and it was not fun
>got a mysterious DM on discord
>opens it
>'dude don't play it, it's a trap. those wads are cursed, it makes people turn into trannies'
>I delete them all and never play Doom 2 wads never again.
The car continued to slow down, and the cabbage patch kid was catching up to them. Timothy then got out of the car (since he could run faster than it was moving) and began running. However, what seemed to be an invisible entity lifted him into the air and thrusted him ass-first around the world at a speed greater than the speed of light! Eventually, Timothy's bootyass naked ass crashed directly into the very cabbage patch kid he was trying to escape from! The cabbage patch kid was then sucked into Timothy's ass as if his ass was a spaghetti noodle (just like grandma)! At that point, his ass became a bouncehouse for the cabbage patch kid, and major tickle was inflicted upon it!

Now that you have read this, the very same cabbage patch kid will get sucked right up your ass as if your ass is a spaghetti noodle, and major tickle will be inflicted upon it!

You can prevent this by doing the following: repost this story in three different threads
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Someone collected a massive number of creepypastas from /x/ but he was retarded and saved them as screenshots instead of text. At least it annoys the phone posters.

i think their old friend king made the map, killed honk or something and larped as him to get them to play again
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I always felt Godzilla NES could've been partly saved had the ending been tweaked somehow. Like, maybe the dead gf backstory still happens and the game still taunts him with it, but instead of her literal ghost showing up to save him, it could've been some other being in the game, like one that wants to fuck red over or something so it helps the mc or something like that.
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Was this ever explained?
or Red realizing that he actually has to fight Acacius to kill Zach and has to approach it himself (cautiously)
There used to be a youtube video that replicated this story perfectly. It's gone now, I've been trying to find a reupload of it for years.
I liked it but it was getting a little repetitive which makes me wonder if it was as a "fuck you" response to his haters or if he just kind of sucked at writing. shame he's dead from the internet now.

I asked him early on how much of the series he had planned out and he essentially said he was making it up as he went.
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He's the best, and still the best, anon.
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just a thing he made up, pessimistic anons will say he did it as a forced meme to promote the creepypasta
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Anyone knows how was that slenderman arg called, unlike the thousands of vhs horror shitty videos these ones were actually well done and creepy as hell.
In the first video, there is shown a birthday video with a mother singing in the bathroom, showing many photos of a family and the birthday video.
In the second video, the police got a phone call from a child, but only a distorted child screaming can be heard. When the police arrive at the house, the parents inform that they never had a child to begin with.
In the last video we see the same birthday video from the first one, except the birthday boy is missing in every single old picture as if he never existed. In the end, there is a picture with the child with his cake.
There is a black box hiding his mangled and gored face. I may sound like a pussy but I was never so terrified by something to simple before, that author really did know how to use sound effects and ambience correctly.
Next time I'll leave the writing to you
here’s your pity reply fedora tipper

That story is ripped straight from a Thomas Ligotti, story, it's word for word on certain parts
I always feared the Theseus Gnomes, but they were trying to save me
thanks hon
>I told him I would stomp that thing until it was nothing but a little green stain if it even dared to touch my beautiful wife
Thats hot
dying at 499 posts?
no way
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Good thread.
Fuck I miss old /x/ so much.
Thankfully I have it bookmarked: https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/401316274
I'm watching through UrbanSpook's videos
And I'm not really sure what the major issue is people have with it besides the fact that it's not an ARG and is just some dude writing stories around his cool art.
Reminds me of The Pooghkeepsie Tapes, which is ironic because everyone including me loves that movie.
Before the thread dies, can you offer proof you are literally him?
Cause he told some pussy who said he can't have bad things happen to kids in his horror an autistic retard so now he's "problematic" So now everyone nitpicks his series to death despite most of these complaints I hear can easily be applied to tons of analog horror series these same fags love.
Didn't the main person who shit on him end up being a pedophile or something?
He didn't turn out to be a pedo that was just his ex GF faking shit to ruin his life.
But it is still funny the guy who tried to act like he was high and mighty got shat on from left to right for these fake documents and he's not fully recovered still.
sounded kinda stupid until the end, imagining the ending cutscene in my head looks kino
bravo kojima
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Ok a lot of these are just Garbage Pail Kids

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