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>Extremely fun new weapon type is DLC only.
>DLC is gatekept by a very late game boss.
My only problem with Shadow of the Erdtree.
How do I git gud enough to destroy Mohg as early as possible?
Git gud.
But I specifically requested instructions on how to do that, Anon!
Just learn his patterns, he's one of the easiest late game bosses
You had 2 years to beat him bitch nigger.
Just use cheat engine and spawn it in
summon a friend and get him to drop it for you
or just do >>683202390
This DLC is such a mess, whoever directed it is a fucking retard.

>lategame boss needed to access it
>for some reason create new parallel progression for the DLC based on getting collectables (????????????????????????????)
It's not early but Mohg's Shackle can stun him out of his bloodboon ritual.
mute the video
please tell them they patched this bullshit
>Steamroll DLC because you're over leveled
>WTF this is too easy??????
Summons or spirits and use shackle.
Let them do the work for you.
I've done this personally and can confirm it's not that hard.
You'll have to sprint through lots of areas.
The fragments are so bad they're ostensibly about forcing the player to explore instead of boss rushing
If the sword is literally all you're after, just download the Great Merchant mod.
It's easy to figure out and will save you tons of time.
Don't grind the game for like 12 or 14 hours for a single weapon. Just get the mod.
jump attacks still do like 5k damage without many buffs at all for half the weapons in the game bro
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>mimic tear
>stagger physic
>bloodhound fang
>jump attacks
>arrive in dlc underdressed
I was level 70 and nearly skipped his second phase. Still took me a few hours to get there though.
How do you know it is an extremely fun weapon if you're getting filtered before even getting it?
Trade for it. whoop-dee-do. By this logic, no new items should be given late game
>steamroll the game because you're overleveled
>WTF where are my skibbidi fragments this is too easy????????????????????????????????????
I play multiple characters with different builds in Elden Ring, as intended by God.
Is this the great katana?
What kind of game only has a single save slot?
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dlc scales with you right?
Dragon's Dogma.
No, the DLC tuning begins at Haligtree levels and it only increases from there. Skibidis exist to help you keep up with the tuning curve, which is why bosses at the end have ungodly amounts of HP.
Nothing in Elden Ring scales with the player.
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>>Extremely fun new weapon type
What even makes a weapon fun for you in this game?
Good looking visual animation? Strong stats?
Not like different weapons actual change the "gameplay" of this rollslop.
wa... was she almost pakied ?
>very late game boss
not really late game if you know what you're doing
Yeah. The poo noticed she was recording.
Idiotic frogposter asking stupid questions about game he has never played.
>How do I git gud
>I play multiple characters with different builds
if both of these are you OP then I know you're a turboshitter
summon lmao
get comet azur, dungeater and just enough int to hit 60 with gear/cerulean and int tear/talismans. nuke 90% of his health before he gets to you. ezpz
Grand Merchant Mod

There, you're welcome.
Does anyone actually ever get summoned to help fight Mohg, I've had his summon pool enabled for ages and I do a lot of co-op and I get summoned all the time for Radagon, Godfrey and Maliketh but never Mohg, do people just not know he even exists?
You can only get summoned for Mohg if you're in the vicinity of him, probably to ensure phantoms are using that one tear that prevents bleedout.
You have to jump through some hoops but you can get to the DLC in 2 hours from NG if you plan it just right:
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I've gotten summoned by leaving my sign outside his door pretty quickly while I was fucking around with an obvious INTfag build before the DLC dropped. Dunno how true since I'm a boomer that never uses them, but I thought I heard some shit about the summon pool thing for him being so far back in the level that no one uses it
there's a consistent mohg kill setup involving bloodhound fang at base stat reqs.
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Prior to the DLC releasing, a patch changed Mohgs summoning pool so that only the signs of people within the palace show up, probably to help people get summoned specifically for him, or for network stability reasons. Who knows.
You're probably outside the window that people fight him at level wise.
When I tried to do a low level run I never once got summoned or saw summon signs at the effigies because I was below the summon window the gen pop plays at.
please fromsoft, please add martial arts to Limgrave
why do people find mohg so insanely hard? there have even been cheese tactics that you can use to nuke him really early anyway. just use google for fucks sake
They don't
Mohg is one of the easiest bosses around. He only has like 3 combos. And they're all extremely slow and highly telegraphed. You can beat him at level 1 without any upgrades relatively easily. I did just that and I suck. Took a few tries, but no more than an hour of trying.
It's so you don't get summoned for Mohg without the right physick set up
1. equip a bleed weapon
2. equip the antspur rapier, put poison on it too
3. get his health down to about 25% with the bleed weapon, then switch to rapier
4. use rapier for the remainder of the first half, the objective is merely to poke at him and inflict scarlet rot + poison BOTH.
5. if you didn't get the physick tear that lets you survive his latin chanting then you're a faggot so be sure to get it.
6. if applied at the right time, the scarlet rot and poison will work to chew away his health bar. switch back to bleed weapon to supplement damage
7. ???
8. profit
there are already guides out there
you can stunlock mohg to death within three hourse from the first step
great katana moveset is boring as hell
and just use cheat engine
All you have to do is get there from Varrr and you can farm as many levels as you need on the cliff
Mogh is actually fairly cheesable due to the shackle and him needing to pause the fight three times to set up nihil after a bit of damage.
If you stack enough damage with somber upgrades and learn the fight you can probably get decently good at killing him early.
>over leveled
That's pretty smart, I see what you're going for there.
that would require actual work on From's part so no
>>DLC is gatekept by a very late game boss.
In hindsight, what's even the point of this when Miquella's real body is forgotten by the DLC plot?
But either way they could have made an earlier access point and just locked you out of the DLC's final boss until Mohg is defeated.
That would lock you out of Freyja and Ainsbach's quests until you kill Mohg though. Actually, Ainsbach wouldn't even be in the Shadowlands to begin with if it wasn't for Mohg's death.
what I want to know is why the dlc is filled with absolute shitstain loot like smithing stones. Endgame characters have no fucking use for it. You should be finding max level upgrades and exalted fleshes.
following instructions and guides is how you wound up in this situation that you were unprepared for in the first place. just be a heterosexual and play the game.
There should have been more rune arcs and larval tears replacing the smithing stones. And they should have added an NPC selling infinite smithing stones and gloveworts for the players who missed some of the bell bearings.
Even at +19 skeebies I'm tickling some of the later bosses in NG+3. Fucking Midra had like 60k HP and I would be lucky to do more than 1.5k per swing unless I pull out broken shit.
shit is fucking bad I dont even bother picking up white items anymore, only purple. Worst loot ive ever seen in a video game
I don't know who started this rumor of anything scaling, but I remember reading it back before the DLC was even released. People were saying that your level wouldn't matter and all sorts of nonsense. There is no enemy scaling whatsoever in Elden Ring, just the scadutree fragments which just multiply your attack and defense values. If they were too ass to start with they are still gonna be ass after being multiplied.
do you mean to tell me you don't want to pick up the moldy cumrag used for crafting fermenting mystery jar?
Enjoy your shadowbart cookbook [9]
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It's not a boss-rush game.
Just use summons? You can skip a ton by doing that
get the biggest weapon you can wield
put wild strikes on it
infuse it with bleed
hit him a couple times and he'll start chanting
stand behind him and hold down l2
he'll die before he reaches the first nihil
>It's not a boss-rush game.
you're right but rushing bosses was an option
>How do I git gud enough to destroy Mohg as early as possible?
Use bleed and mimic tear. This is coming from someone who made multiple level 20-40 twinks that beat 99% of the game to get +2 rings/weapons/azlshes/all flasks etc to invade at low levels with prior to the change they made to invasion range.
You can reach Mohg in under an hour and cheese him with bleed using gear and items found just a little over that time. Just stop sucking and panic rolling his attacks.
I don't get this. Do people finish the base game, grind a bunch of levels and never go to ng+?
>>Steamroll DLC because you're over leveled
irrelevant, From could have balanced the entire dlc around a late game build without skibidi tree shenanigans, you find dragon smithing stone before Mohg ffs
that doesn't mean "every single replay of the game with a different character requires you to scour the map for these shitty little things to do damge" either
I made a new character and did everything as efficiently as I could, beat Mohg and Radahn at ~50hrs of playtime at level 12
Most important thing is getting the physick from Eleonora
could’ve done it much faster but I was making sure to complete all the npc quests and not break any
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>how do I kill mogh?
You aren't fighting mohg early without a guide.
His fault he even knows what this weapon is.
Radahn at +20 even at NG+1 and 2 has a ton of health, it doesn't even feel like you leveled it up.
If you are not a consolecuck, you can just do this
>open elden ring without anticheat
>download cheat engine
>download this table https://github.com/The-Grand-Archives/Elden-Ring-CT-TGA
>go to the part showed in the picture
>if you look for SWORD OF NIGHT you will have a problem because there's another sword with a similar name
>instead, look for "Horned Warrior's Greatsword", the sword is right below it

I started a new game and dropped all the weapons from the DLC to enjoy the entire game with them. For now, except for the ash of war from that "hands weapon art", everything seems to be balanced.
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Mohg is one of the only late bosses in this game that is fair. I don't get why so many people had problems to beat him. I even wish he had more HP to make the fight better.
And yet, when I complained about repetitiveness in the map, I was told to "just skip the open world part bro, just do the bosses instead of exploring the WORLD"
Yeah, ok zoomer
>le boss that people say is le hard is actually le easy!! I don't get it x(formerly twitter)-bros, why should I help??
when he's going to hit you, use the button that makes you invincible to not get hit. and then hit him when he's not hitting you. rinse and repeat.
>How do I git gud enough to destroy Mohg as early as possible?
I've done Mohg RL1 and it was one of if not the most fun fight of that playthrough. There's no trick just grind it out.
Or if you just want to skip it there is a cheese you can do with bloodhound + mohg's shackle.
The mohg requirement for the dlc is slightly annoying, bringing DLC goodies back to the main game is half the fun but having to B-line for Mohg on every fresh character feels silly. And I'd like to fight Mohg himself with dlc stuff on NG.
+10 bloodhounds fang can kill mogh at like level 40 within like 10 hits
yeah, i guess everytime you make a new character you have only 5 flasks at +3 because you dont want to "scour the map for these shitty little things" lol
It was patched ages ago
I found great katanas to be very middling desu
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Fromsoft has the data to prove it hence this scaling system. Some people don't cap their levels and just keep exploring or doing PVP or helping out other people with bosses. It's been two years since the base game came out. You could easily get to level 200 if you do the above without having to do the game over again in NG+.
This is why they implemented the scadu system. Everyone starts at level 1 and are on a generally equal playing field.

You have like double digit new DLC weapons and they give you the stones generously to try them all out. I already have the bell bearings but this helps people who haven't 100% the base game. It's also nice to not spend all my runes on new stones. Not having enough of them was a complaint from the base game since there were so many weapons and for the early/mid game you have to commit to a handful.
DS2 was even worse. Items behind dlc AND ng+
I'll always prefer starting fresh with a different build over doing new-game +.
>very late game boss
you can fight him within the first few hours
and it's just Mohg, he's one of the most honest bosses in the game
mohg is easy, webm is lv87 with a +18 weapon
I'm sure you can do it even earlier
He's just a damage check as long as you don't let him reach phase 2
You meant DaS, good luck getting to ng++++++ just to get all of the bosses weapons.
You can skip the boss fight this way (still isn't patched, it's not the "shoot over the fogwall" method)

You could get to DLC fast enough, and ng+ you could get around by using bonfire ascetics to skip it directly to there.
The clear solution is to wait for the randomizer to update with the DLC drops
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Yeah just abuse bleed, even easier with the shackle. Webm is RL1 +25 for example
it's the best of both worlds
mohg is probably the most dark souls boss in elden ring. pretty much every single one of his moves can be countered even on a pure melee build. imo he's one of the funnest fights because of how interactive he is.
>mohg is probably the most dark souls boss in elden ring
that would be the dragonic tree sentinel
i think people just panic when he starts to NIHIL and throws blood everywhere in phase 2
By following this guide
i cannot get used to the stubby jump attacks
>more rune arcs
these are just nowhere to be fucking found
great rune system is practically non-existent at this point
you get them for invading
invade someone nigga
You can get an infinite supply doing co-op clownshoes.
Ah yeah, that's it.
Completely forgot about that lmao
i sucks that you don't get them with taunter's tongue
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Just spawn it in with ce so you can do a playthrough with it.
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I lost
Last time I fought him underleveled I got it in two tries, everything he does is telegraphed and easy to dodge if you roll the right way and he leaves plenty of room for you to attack and even heal up because he loves being idle for a few seconds at a time. He's only a problem if you don't run around the arena enough to avoid the blood or if you don't stick close to him. Then again phase 2 does a metric fuckton of damage so you can't commit many mistakes.
There are some items you can gather to make the Mohg fight trivial
look them up

also you can just chug crimson tears to heal through Nihil if you need to

Stay on top of him, he's highly bullyable
>The player can find the Mohg’s Shackle item in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds under Leyndell just before the Leyndell Catacombs Site of Grace at the bottom of the pipe/water area. Can be used similar to Margit’s Shackle during the boss fight to tether him for a short bit. You will NOT be able to tether him once he has reached the health threshold for second phase; use it while he is just above that to give yourself a generous window to burst him down.
>Mohg will recite Tres, Duo and Unus at certain health thresholds, placing a red ring around the player. At the start of his second phase, he will chant Nihil three times, doing large damage and healing himself for each ring on the player. In order to survive this attack, you will need a potion made with the Purifying Crystal Tear, or will need to heal. The damage will cancel any ongoing healing and interrupt the player, so the optimal time to do so is during the interval between the second and third Nihil.
>The Purifying Crystal Tear will provide the player with a shield, which prevents all three counts of bleed in the mid-battle attack described above. This is obtained by defeating the NPC invader
really simple though desu
>Medium shield
>bleed weapon
>dodge into him and to his left to avoid bleed
>get charged or jumping heavies during the blood drop move
>heal during nihil
Technically speaking, you can really just rush him from Varre's quest by running to leyndell. You'll get fucked by the DLC with being so squishy though. If you grab the physick and the tear at the the leyndell church he's a pretty easy boss
That's fair but the bell bearings are really easy to get, and they're relatively cheap. If they were going to have so many upgrade mats they should be level 6 or higher. It just kinda sucks. On top of that, interesting consumables or bell bearings for hard to find materials get replaced by shit loot and the "rare"ish crafting materials like arteria leaves
the startup to phase 2 takes forever though so you're pretty much guaranteed a free stagger/ bleed/status proc etc just as long as you can tank NIHIL. you can reliably get him down to like 25% health before he even gets a chance to do anything
Yeah but he heals so much from bleeding you (even with the tear) that you can only get much damage done there with frost/bleed. Still helps build up his stagger meter though so it's a good idea to do whatever you can anyway.
He has really delayed attacks. Maliketh, Godfrey, Radagon, they're all far more "fair" than he is. The blood on the ground is also stupid especially when he just stands in it in the second phsse.
>painstakingly kill Mohg early to get into the dlc early
>still stuck out of upgrading weapons above +6 before Shadow Keep
Fuck this, next time i'll just cheat in the weapons i want at the start
You can just stunlock him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvIPt-WPB-U&t=1810s
>next time i'll just cheat in the weapons i want at the start
I don't understand why from put all the interesting shit right after or right before the DLC's final boss
Mohg can be your first boss actually
It’s the most unfun new weapon type.
slow and clunky to use.
Low dps.
Mohg at low level was annoying because i kept dying from the blood pools in phase 2

Then i summoned two bros with bleed weapons and Mohg died before he could finish saying UNUS
No he can't. You have to beat Morgott's phantom and Godrick for Varre to appear and give you a portal to Mogh's place.
You can beat any Shardbearer to make Varre move but still.
Second phase always fucks me up.
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>grab weapon with bleed on it
>slap bloodflame weapon on it
>grab a fast weapon like a club
>slap black flame weapon on it
It's that easy. This was level 1 with no weapon upgrades.
I beat him at level 60:
>Do Varres quest to get to him ASAP
>Get Mohgs shackle (not necessary but makes it fairly easier) and the physick tear that nullifies his phase change attack
>Get mimic tear to +10 (you can get upgrades 8-10 at mohgwhyn palace)
>get pully crossbow or another ranged weapon good at applying status effects, get reduvia or put blood blade on another dagger, then get another weapon of your choice and put freezing mist on it. I used great mace because thats just what I use and it can stagger him fairly easily but its not that important
>walk in boss room, drink physick, summon mimic and drink flask (IMPORTANT, make sure you have the dagger equipped when you summon the mimic so it uses it)
>use crossbow to apply rot and poison, once thats done take out freeze weapon and mist him, then take out dagger and start using the ash of war to bleed him
>at some point he will start doing his countdown animations and then his phase change, you can pretty much keep spamming your ash of war in his face to double up on bleed application. hopefully your mimic will be jumping in to attack him during this too to add more bleed application
>even with the physick he heals, but regardless after spamming the ash on him during the whole thing he'll probably be at like 10-20% hp once its all over
>back off once hes up and attacking again, at this point you can just use any combination of your status effects to finish him off. hes probably done rotting, freezing and being poisoned at this point so you can reapply
a greatshield helps in phase 1 but in phase 2 most of his stuff will go through it. your mimic should be a good enough distraction for you to get your status effects in. it will probably die early in to phase 2 but you dont need much more time at that point. Moghs shackle can give you some really long windows to freeze and bleed him in phase 1.
Probably to make people do NG+ runs. Now if only NG+ wasn't dogshit...
You don't need to interact with Varre at all to get to Mohgwyn Palace
There is a teleporter near the western woods in the consecreated snowfield
You will be invaded by a Blood Noble or whatever as you get close to it. Kill them and use the teleporter. It's on the cliffside, on a lower ledge.
And what do you have to do to get to the Consecrated Snowfield, Anon...
but then you have to do multiplayer shit
I know, but you don't have to interact with Varre at all
that's my point
you need 1 (one) great rune and a bit of busywork
his first phase is easy
only hard part is learning positioning so you don't die to his covering the ground in bloodflame in the second part
Does weapon level matter for mimic ash?
>There is a teleporter near the western woods in the consecreated snowfield
You have to beat at least four bosses to reach that. Draconic Tree Sentinel OR Radahn+Mimic+Tear+Valiant Gargoyles+Fia's Simps, Godfrey shade, Morgott, and Commander Lightning Leg.
You don't need to, but if you want to get to the Palace (and Mohg) early, you will have to.
When doing Varre's quest to access Mohg, you DID invade other players instead of exploiting that offline failsafe they patched in, right?
>Want to do a Carian Spellblade run with the Sorcery Sword
>Either RL1 rush into the DLC, or just give it to myself
I'm not suffering for this shit, Cheat Engine it is
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Why of course I didn't
i was cheating offline with cheat engine so i couldnt :/
I couldn't care less about online shit in these games
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This. like I said here >>683223262 , I'm having a blast with the DLC weapons.
Playing with modded weapons made me realize just how shit Souls combat is and how much better it could be.
>I beat him
>>Get mimic tear
Do I even have to say it?
its the noob proof method. if you dont need it you dont need it.
What if I don;t want to risk getting banned.
just fucking imagine if there was a way for Ranni to help you in the Miqueldahn fight
I just did something similar earlier today.
it opens the game for you with easy anti cheat disabled, as long as you don't try to go online with the cut content in your inventory you will be fine
there is no risk of getting banned unless you cheat in something that is cut content. you can trade weapons and armor in this game so it doesnt look suspicious to have endgame gear on a level 1
'co in the 'ead
missed opportunity. One of the things I really liked about Bloodborne was that you could get many DLC-only weapons shortly after beating Vicar Amelia. Even though the game had way less build variety than ER, it made replaying the game more fun
What are your current player characters for Elden Ring, and what are their concepts?

For me:
>Int/Faith Archmage with a focus on necromancy and lightning spells, but is not shy about bringing his other spells to bear upon everyone who stands in his way to become Elden Lord. Picked up Death Knight's Twin Axes as the weapon complements his focus on spellcasting and summoning the dead.
>Arcane frostbleeder rogue scientist. Originally a bandit, she aspires to master perfumer skills and cold sorceries, dabbling in many disciplines and studies, and so her skills are manifold. Her fighting style generally sees her with a dagger in her main hand and a glintstone staff commonly used by Albinaurics in her offhand, freezing foes with glintstone sorceries of ice and cold and cutting the weakened enemies with bleed-inducing daggers. She is also an avid practitioner of dragon communion as she's not a big fan of gods and would rather take power than have it be gifted to her through divine attunement.
>Int/Dex spellsword focused on katanas, a former prisoner who was a Carian squire prior to imprisonment and eventual banishment. Had a fascination with the Land of Reeds and wants revenge on the world. Extremely talented in fast casting spells.
>Former knight and vagabond, now another seeker of the Elden Throne and the title of Elden Lord. Skilled and strong but magically inept to the point of being unable to cast magic, he has nevertheless managed to fulfilll his dreams of manipulating lightning by using his trained skill with many different weapons as an intermediary to access supernatural abilities.
>Land of Reeds Fight Man is only really interested in the thrill of combat and master his own self.
>Faith/Int Golden Order Fundamentalist who began as a bored noble who's heretical dabbling in some of Goldmask's later revelations (the ones that got him killed) got her branded a heretic and sentenced to the lands between, over time she has also embraced an Ascetic lifestyle and styles herself a seeker of truth.
> Set/Fth Warrior Dame who was dishonored and banished for discovering her connection to the Crucible that now sets out to seek more of the power found within.
Don't worry they'll probably make an Elden Ring: Scholars of Marika's Ring edition which will add some irrelevant new content and merge the DLC with the base game better
lol the sister copes are so goofy.
And rather than not early, the other route is literally at the butt end of the game.
>Former Gelmir Knight who disilusioned with Rykard's fall, became a dragon communion junkie for the power to save the land. Insists he can quit dragon hearts any time he wants. str/arc, some fth

>Draconian sorcerer who's unapologetically ambitious. Disdains Carians and Raya Lucarians for focusing on the heavens and disregarding what's right in front of them, but still takes to their magic like a fish to water. Pure int/dex, base 6 prisoner fth
Anyone waiting on the randomizer? I liked the DLC a lot but it felt so separated, and it made me not want to swap weapons because I stuck with something for so long by that point. All the DLC shit being added to the base game will give me the chance to actually play with stuff if it's shuffled in.
Elden Ring probably need a full blown remaster if you want it to be coherent and consistent, there's just too much random shit and dropped plot threads
Cheat Engine and play with it from the beginning. Who gives a fuck. This is why builds are always retarded in Souls games. Especially if it's your first playthrough and you're doing it blind. You don't know what you fucking want until you get there. On subsequent playthroughs? Cheat. Get it and make your builds then.
lol no
>DLC adds 100 weapons
>but less than 10 max level smithing stones, that are all in very hard to find places
>when the dlc expects the player to use max level weapons to progress
Kill yourself.
>>when the dlc expects the player to use max level weapons to progress
assumptions by a scrub
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You do the cheat, close the game, enable cheat again and that is it. After I beat the game for the first time, I used cheat engine to upgrade all my weapons and get 999 larval tears so I could play with all weapons with many different builds in order to see which build should I go for the next NG+. I have already 336 hours and no bans.
Sorry, I mean to say "enable the anticheat again".
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That would be amazing, specially because you can actually marry her. I bet they didn't do it just to not piss everyone who went for the other endings.
How much horseshit do I need to wade through for the monk weapons?
One just requires you to beat a NPC.
The other is near the end of the DLC.
You get the fists early and the kicks right before consort radahn.
he's a very repetitive boss. A lot of people get scared of phase 2 because of all the bloodflame spam but all you need to do it get comfortable staying close to him. His moveset is simple af once you learn it, both of his explosions can just be rolled into and you don't even need to be very precise
the first time i did it, yes bc I didn't know there was an offline option
I don't understand how people enjoy the pvp in ER. All 3 invasions it spawned me fucking miles away from the host in random locations in liurnia. The third one I just immediately killed myself and it still counted
This bitch's quest is already parasitic enough with multiple items and game areas accessible only through it.
You could just do something for the other endings too.
>Shabiri burns Radahn away with the frenzy flame giving you enough time to finish with Miquella
>Golden Mask mathematically transmits the solution to you and distracts Radahn for a second when he spots a half naked man pointing at Miquella
>Pee Pee Poo Poo man pee pees and poo poos on Radahn
>Fia brings in an ancient dragon squad to help and finally brings about true death for Radahn
>Marika comes in and scolds Miquella, spanks him and sends him to his room
Use a trainer to give yourself the weapon in question at the start of the game.
>she's still trying
the femanon that rages about ranni
As someone that plays at level 1 on runs.

2curved bandit swords. Bleed infusion. I don't summon but use tiche or mimic tear.

If you want full ez mode equip the talisman that generate aggro, summon mimic tear, change talisman. Bleed boss down in seconds with power stance jump attacks
i'm assuming you're talking about the schizo who seethes about how her quest it the most heckin obtuse thing ever made when it's the most straightfoward questline in any fromsoft game
Diallos' quest is more annoying. He exists in a very specific spot of a very open and empty area of the game that it's easy to just miss out on seeing him entirely, all because you decide that there is nothing worthwhile to see in that very specific spot of an otherwise empty area
Lots of people hate Ranni.
I often leave messages disparaging her and lately i've been getting a lot more approvals than disparages, especially compared to how it was during release.
I'm talking about the femanon that seethes about ranni.
Nope. It is just troons and women because they are forever alone losers. Its fine that they seethe it just highlights that they are bitter losers.
Knight man with big sword who kill thing good x5.
Just cheat it into your game. Who the fuck cares.
Ranni is an evil witch and not a particularly good looking one.
She deserves nothing but fully charged R2s.
>>but less than 10 max level smithing stones
nigga you don't need max upgrades, +24/+9 is already good and the dlc showers you with runes so stocking up on stones is not a problem
See, a bitter loser. You've lost the plot on your life femanon.
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nice cope sweetie
Imagine simping for the lamest most forced waifu in all fromsoft games, holy shit.
Imagine crying about fictional characters.
This is why anons are calling you a bitter loser.
Nice one, anon.
the actual most forced waifu is the Fire Keeper from DS3
she's probably one of those incels the news talks about.
Don't talk about my wife like that.
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They do though. Fighting a boss with Backhand Blades is very different and uses different strategies from fighting a boss with a Giantcrusher. You intentionally make reductive arguments to cloak your legitimate stupidity in "ironic" retardation, and it shows.
>I-It's just a fictional character!
Pathetic. You never even tried to defend her, truly normalfag zoomers first waifu;
There are people who legitimately don't like the Great Katana?
Yeah it is pretty pathetic how much that femanon is seething over fictional stuff.
Its probably a result of the inceldom.
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cry some more, disgusting landwhale :)
The scabbards that clip with the floor make them unuseable.
Yes, i know normalfags like her, thanks for confirming what i said.
>Finishing games
>she's still trying
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>equip the talisman that generate aggro, summon mimic tear
wtf, it's so obvious and yet I never even thought about it
Works with any of the gladiator sets too.
>delayed attacks are unfair
Just don't panic roll
>they all simped for ranni
>the person that gave them the summoning bell
They didn't beat it
Yeah. The moveset is slower than DS1 and clunky to boot, everyone compares it to MH LS but it's more like the old GS before the charge attacks were added. You've got one single normal greatsword with changeable ashes and then two that have boring Ashes of War. The sheaths don't match any armour at all and float lazily 10cm above your model, so the only weapon that doesn't look terrible is the one that's only for gimmicky builds.
Pretty disappointed sadly, since I really wanted this weapon type.
I will never EVER understand the muh delays copers
especially the ones who cry about mohg. You press B when he swings his weapon, what's the fucking problem
They have very low self esteem. When I get caught by a delayed attack I know they got me. No need to feel insecure about it in my opinion.
I don't really get hit by delayed attacks much though, if at all. But when it happens I get why.
Same problem as the "Muh Lingering Hitboxes" fags. They don't ever want to change or adapt, it's all the game's fault instead of them just doing something wrong.
Anyone want to help me kill him on PC? I'm level 51
level up retard
You need a bunch of levels before you can hang with the real tarnished it would be a waste of time even getting summoned into your game.
I can’t collect all of the forager cookbooks because I told Moore to go ahead and stay sad about it when Miqella broke the rune
I'm on my 6th character. I just wanted to get a great katana early is all...
Pretty sure he drops his Bell Bearing later on.
No one wants to waste their time with an idiot way too underleveled to do content themselves.
no such thing
i don't have any characters at that range but if you give me a multiplayer password I can dunk on him myself
Then go fight him you retard. You're the one begging for help lol.
yeah i mean it's way faster if you're not already at altus, you don't even have to win the invasions, just do em
I killed MOG last time at about level... 80 or so? 81?
Inquisitor's girandole (locked ash of war weapon that does split fire damage and a little bit of bleed) so it's definetly doable
Simply dodge his mogging, or grab a greatshield and MOG him back with guard counters that do a gorillion stagger damage
get someone to trade you the weapon dummy.
To add to this, I haven't played the DLC yet, might buy it today
I think I'll play a sorcery-only mage using weapon and miner spells
My last character was STR/FTH (using the beast mace and beast incantations after I got them, previously using fire / blackflame, killed rhadan with a fire longsword at level 40, did the same to the godskin apostle in caelid after 30+ tries), same one I killed Mohg with using the girandole, I liked how it looked so I started using it
randoms don't do that apparently, even leddit links you to a mod that lets you buy ANYTHING from Kale
>get mohg's shackles
>use shackles
>get raped by the dancing hornsent in the first area because scat tree level 0/1
>How do I git gud enough to destroy Mohg as early as possible?
Just practice? Like how you get gud at any boss?
If you go to NG++ cycles you're kinda supposed to use broken shit
>muh fair
this word has completely lost all meaning
If you have trouble with his blood flame you aren't going to enjoy this dlc

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