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>He linked the Fire
Linking the fire? Anon don’t you mean getting the Elden Ring to become the Elden Lord?
Sekiro>Bloodborne>Dark Souls 3>Elden Ring> Dark Souls >Dark Souls 2
i didn't. i just wanted to look around a bit, and then the next thing i know, i become the dark lord.
of course, it was a bit chilly in there
no wonder gwyn was so upset
>Before Ringed City
We don't truly know what the age of dark will mean. It could be an age of freedom or terror, and there's no way to know. Linking the fire may be the right move.
>After Ringed City
LMAOOO you linked the fire what a retard there isn't even a single positive reason to possibly do that
>he linked the fire

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>He claimed the throne
I linked the fire because it was cool. I hated DS2 so I dropped it two hours in and never touched the third. So as far as I know, it was the right choice.
>We don't truly know what the age of dark will mean.
we've known since Ds1 lorelet
>It could be an age of freedom
>or terror
of course it is
> and there's no way to know.
ffs the game shows you a localized age of dark in new londo with the abyss
guess what, everyone is fucking dead and it's pure evil shit
> Linking the fire may be the right move.
no it is 100% the right move as shown by the game in an incredibly unsubtle fashion
>LMAOOO you linked the fire what a retard there isn't even a single positive reason to possibly do that
none of this is in Ds3 lorelet-kun holy shit you are retarded
literally the only thing ringed city did was show that Gwyn made a gilded cage for the pygmies to keep them from going full Manus
>fanfiction game about a random toilet
>remaster treeman dilates incessantly about sitting on a toilet
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>The age of dark is Le good!
>he thinks the sequels are canon
because if you ignore 99.9% of the game and just pretend 1 line spoken by Kaathe is fact, that is what you come away with

of course the rest of the game contradicts that but hush, vaatyjizzmop said le fire bad
>same person wrote 1&3
>REEE 3 is not canon
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>Linking the fire or not is a constant cycle spanning endless periods of time
>Aldia breaking free of the cycle is some huge thing
>No one ever just thought to have a fire keeper take the flame out
Miyazaki you fucking hack lol
>muh cycle muh aldia
not canon
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of course i linked it, how was i even supposed to know that you can end age of fire
>Muh cycle
Nigger the cycle's been established since the beginning lol
To link the fire is your choice. It's also something a lot of others want to prevent, or do themselves. You can see it as a cycle of violence, which ending would bring an end to the suffering of humanity or you can continue it so that life may flourish again.
How the fuck was i supposed to know the bonfire at the end of the boss wasn't a bonfire this time? I thought "THE FIRE" would be something else for fucks sake
it's not that it's "good", but it's inevitable and a natural part of things. also, the gods stopped it because they simply feared the cycle/pure self preservation, nothing less. to keep it going just puts prolongs the decay of the world and stops the new age of darkness that gives birth to new flame anyway
Sekiro > Dark Souls
none of the other games matter. as they are just
>dude what if like dark souls but, like....le again
yes, even bloodborne
>he actually believed the prophecy that the gods made up to trick powerful humans into killing themselves to perpetuate the age of the gods
no it wasn't faggicus
that's a shitty das2 fanfiction addition
there has only been 1 age of fire in ds1, and only one lord of cinder prior to chosen undead
there was never an age of dark
aldiachungus is just a dogshit sue that rapes lore with every poorly written fanfiction sentence
Sekiro is a great game. But the story is ass.
there was no cycle in dark souls 1. gwyn kept the fire lit for too long and you're the first person to come after that
literally confirmed at the end of DS3 when it actually shows you what happens when the age of darkness begins. you and the maiden are still alive and the first thing you see is the beginning of new flames (of man)
>it's not that it's "good",
it is literally depicted as a civilization nuking apocalypse :)
>but it's inevitable and a natural part of things
nope :)
stop guzzling dogshit vaatilore like cum
> also, the gods stopped it because they simply feared the cycle/pure self preservation,
nope :)
stop guzzling dogshit vaatilore like cum
>to keep it going just puts prolongs the decay of the world
nope :)
stop guzzling dogshit vaatilore like cum
>stops the new age of darkness that gives birth to new flame anyway
nope :)
stop guzzling dogshit vaatilore like cum
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>Go to level up at the level up station
>Sudden game over
bad game design
there is no such thing as too long
Gwyn has just been completely burned up so the flame is running out of fuel
>as a civilization nuking apocalypse :)

whose civilization? the gods.

>nope :)

confirmed by ds3

>more dumb shit

you so mad lol
>He didn't do frenzied flame or ranni ending
Imagine being that much of a basic bitch falling for marikas shit
>stop guzzling dogshit vaatilore like cum
try taking your own dick out of your mouth and provide some counterpoints then
>he did the frenzy flame ending
>the only frenzy flame reps are literal demons trying to deceive you
>new dlc confirms they pulled the same shit on midra

What makes "natural" good? Why *not* postpone the inevitable if it's inevitable?
Midra got got by some hornsent who put a golden sword down his head.
And he forgot to kill the source of order first
schizophrenic faggicus L
>peep no poof out of existence instantly REE ME RITE
actually typing this retardation in a post
as the age of dark is treated as the saddest ending ever
>you see flames (??????)
are you confusing the game with your dreams faggicus you are schizoiding out rn
>whose civilization? the gods.
>New Londo
>the gods
actual retard
>"confirmed by ds3"
>completely deconfirmed by ds3
>no counterpoitn
I take your concsneedsion
don't samefag seethe pissy+missy, you will break your nails
The only one of these I’ve ever agreed with
because DS3 actually shows what fucking happens when the age of dark comes, you and humanity survive just fine and the flames of men arise. even if you trust the god's, the game always makes it clear the age of dark is associated with mankind's rise. the age of dark is simply the new world unexplored, all the dark shit just reps unknown eldritch shit that man has to overcome/conquer with their new flames

midra is like the second sucker after Vyke, frenzy flame literally goes around tricking people and is only worshipped by merchants

>brown retards want to set themselves on fire for giant illusion tits

this turdie is projecting heavily
and has literally not even seen much less played DS3
look, you are stupid and very likely ugly, just kys
>lorelet kun
Blow your head off
>esl mental collapse
Holy shit Vaati you are upset your secondhand lorefaggotry is being ripped apart KEK.
vaati is retarded and is the reason why people keep bringing up aliens in elden ring
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the Dark ending being inscrutable and its consequences impossible to know is LITERALLY THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT
it's the great plunge into the dark unknown, an unwritten future where you have to trust human nature and your peers to create a better world, it's a HUGE RISK specifically meant to contrast just clinging to the safety of what you've always known even if it's getting kind of cruddy, you have to weigh your experiences with the online elements and judge whether humanity really has the capacity to do something good or not
but no, fucking muh cycles muh nothing you do matters cause it loops bro xD just suffer for eternity bro
I want to personally kill the lead writer of DS2
Or because elden ring is full of aliens nogames.
Midra kinda doesn't make sense because I assumed he's a failed lord of frenzied flame because he didn't want to be hence not pulling the sword out. But then there's the spine torch thing which I assume was his kid caused by him touching the untouchables then cumming inside his whore, but then his whore seems like she wanted a frenzied lord. Was she Jewish?
I don't think the Chosen Undead has the benefit of seeing how DS3 plays out- everything asociated with the dark in DS1 just completely sucks and gives no indication that the "age of man" is anything but a choice on moral grounds to make things worse because it's, like, the truth, maaaan
the outer gods aren't aliens, tard

yes, the entire frenzy flame cult is basically a commentary on judaism. merchants, women messing with their own children, etc. some jewish guy wrote an essay whining about it a few months ago

>muh nothing you do matters
>keep the flame going and the world literally decays worse than it already is, the only capable god gets vored by some monsters and becomes a meat puppet to a slime

linking the fire is unnatural
>Try the darkness bro
>Trust me, it's good for you
>Horrendous mutations? Stop being problematic!!
If it comes from space it is an alien
I link the fire, because the dark is scary
>because DS3 actually shows what fucking happens when the age of dark comes
yeah, it's complete pitch black darkness that is treated like a fucking funeral for the world
>you and humanity survive just fine and the flames of men arise.
what the fuck are you even talking about? are you conflating the lord of hollows ending with the age of dark ending?
there's nothing in the waifu old yellering the first flame ending like this
> even if you trust the god's, the game always makes it clear the age of dark is associated with mankind's rise.
wtf are you on about, both DS1&3 show the age of dark as a fucking nightmare for everybody but the most evil pieces of shit
the only person who lies to your face that is "good" (isn't even really what he says desu) is Kaathe, and he is doing it with the promises of power ie, he expects you to be the most evil piece of shit out of all of them
> the age of dark is simply the new world unexplored,
>all the dark shit just reps unknown eldritch shit that man has to overcome/conquer with their new flames
"the eldrich abominitations are misunderstood" holy shit you literally never played these games
they are not complicated dark = bad
wow what a subtle concept, did you think that a DARK AGE was somehow good????????????
>some jewish guy wrote an essay whining about it
But on the aliens it's clear the stars are aliens and the finger mother as well
Greater will isn't anything just probably a sun going supernova into a black hole making a light show and metyr came from that direction and interpreted it like tea leaves
Not real darkness, didn't count.
>keep the flame going and the world literally decays worse than it already is,
omg lorelet-kun stfu
you don't evne know basic shit


now go home
everything in DS3 quadduples down on dark being shit
literal cannibal locust monsters come up to you and talk about how you are brothers because of dark btw let me partake of your face
>but one day tiny flames will dance across the darkness
>in 41751974 billion years there will another planet like Earth!
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Sekiro >powergap> Bloodborne >> Dark Souls 3 ≥ Elden Ring first playthrough >
Dark Souls > Dark Souls Remastered >>> Elden Ring consecutive playthroughs >>> Dark Souls 2 Vanilla >> Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the first Sin Edition
Anon "dark" just means unknown, unmolded. The Dark Soul is humanity, the literal substance that makes someone human, which brings with it both good and bad things, because human beings are complex and multifaceted. Kaathe personally is a bastard but humanity leading to shit things is not a given. Oolacile went to hell because the (non-human) inhabitants dug up Manus' grave and probably experimented on him or some shit, tricked by Kaathe. The horrors are described as specifically humanity "running wild" because Manus went insane and was a powerful as fuck sorcerer. Darkwraiths rape and pillage not because it's the nature of humanity or the Dark but because their leader is a bastard who encourages them to be evil. In the ending you literally become the Dark Lord, the top guy in charge, it's an unprecedented situation. It's entirely up to (You) whether your reign is gonna be one of terror or one of compassion.
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I don't wanna be the lord of a buncha hook-nosed serpents, the game ends there anyway. Let there be warmth and sunshine.
Dark souls > og demon souls > ds2/3 > bloodborne > nba2k23 > elden Ring > princess peach showtime > Sekiro

Sovl and atmosph3re ranking
>Anon "dark" just means unknown, unmolded.
>The Dark Soul is humanity, the literal substance that makes someone human, which brings with it both good and bad things,
uhm no
it's a lump of black shit that is inside every human being that gives them desire to a destructive degree
this is basic stuff the game tells you

yeah I'm not reading the rest of yo shit it's, it's generic chatgpt 2nd hand lorebutchering shit
>some jewish guy wrote an essay whining about it a few months ago
I accept your sneedcession
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>so-called "darkfags" on their way to rest at a bonfire
>seething mad
lol fag really expected an ebin reddit gold asspat for chatgpt lore shit lol
Marika doesn't give a shit what order comes after her. Hell, she'd probably be find with the Frenzied Flame too. Her only motivation seems to be "free me from this prison" and she doesn't care about anything else.
>yeah I'm not reading the rest of yo shit it's, it's generic chatgpt 2nd hand lorebutchering shit
You ran away without refuting anything, because you're a moron and out of ideas, so much so you repeated the same phrase in the following post.
You gave up and now you're throwing a tantrum.
holy ESL sperging
>still mad
lol I gave you 2 chances and you fucked both and you expected me to clap reddit gold for the rest of tripe lol
>seething samefag butthurt
>still mad
to a new lvl lol
dogshit taste, don't post these ever again
maybe you should go back there since you can't seem to stop thinking about it
>samefag in anger
>seethe about being called a plebbitor
>no u
tourist bro, you're not doing too hot lol
uh oh the dragon chick is starting to call anons samefag again
Grace us with your superior opinion Anon-kun
My interpretation is that Nanaya was deliberately trying to turn him into the Lord of Frenzied Flame by telling him to endure. She knew that the longer he suffered the more the frenzy would build within him and maybe if he endured the pain long enough it would be enough to turn him into a proper lord. She was expecting him to snap just like he does in our fight, but she wanted to delay it for as long as possible to maximize the effect. The torch simply tells you that there have been many attempted Lords before, doesn't mean they have any relation to Midra.
unfathomably based.
Why do U MAD DOG? types always get mindbroken the hardest? Still not refuting the point and now you can't even go two full mins without posting umad
Raaawgh Raaaaaawgh
>dragongirl still calling anons samefag
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You just samefagged and now you're out here calling everyone else a samefag?
Mind status: broken
>still seetihng
>having melty over u mad
I didn't even say u mad tourist bro, are you ok
are you ok schizo
I'm still waiting for the rebuttle
What are you crying about?
>provide some counterpoints then
I'm not that anon, but I think it is very clear in the absence of any sequels to Dark Souls, the fire fading is entropy. You are only delaying the inevitable by linking the flame. There's nothing in the original game to really suggest this whole cyclic "it's all the same whether you link it or not" business. I can see why they did it to enable more sequels, but it's not an interpretation that Dark Souls 1 lends itself to.
T-this! P-please just ignore that you can literally see the age of dark with your own eyes to see how there is absolutely nothing other than undead abominations and decay in it. H-humanity will t-totally prevail in it and b-being hollow is a-actually good for you according to researchers!
>posting twice is le samefagging
holy shit tourist
you are not doing well
DS1&3 literally operate on the same logic lol
the fire is a fire
a fire needs fuel
the fire is running out of fuel
bad shit happens when it is running out of fuel

it's like saying that your car rnning out of gas is the same either way, it's like no it's obviously not
Were you even on the internet during the time of the crane eternal sumerfag?
It's directly analogous to Lovecraft's cosmology. The Greater Will is Azathoth, Metyr and the Elden Beast are like Cthulhu or Yog-Sothoth. The Greater Will is no doubt powerful but everyone assumes it has some grand master plan or specific intention for the Lands Between. In all likelihood, like Azathoth, it's not even actually sentient.
>rebuttle the thing you already rebuttled REEE
>tardraging schizo
>I'm not reading that lol
my sides have left orbit. Also I'm not the original fag you were arguing with, I came in at >>683235054
>rebuttle first 2 points, both of which are laughably wrong
>b-buh why didn't you read the rest of my drivel aaaaa
>I am not me I am just samefag
your sides are in your butt, hurt
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Linking the fire isn't prolonging the decay, its literally reversing entropy to keep things going at full pristine existence again until the fuel starts to run out and shit begins breaking down once more.
Who the fuck thinks that linking the fire is just keeping things as you currently see in the game?
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you got farmed lmao
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Frenzied redditor ending is the worst one.
Took you 3 mins to edit all of that in a straight line.
Mine wouldn't have been able to be done and ready to go within one min having to be careful and go around the edges. stay broken.
Have a thread where I got one retard going for 9+hours and broke him with video evidence https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/673749016/
you know you've lost when you start claiming everyone who's shitting on your dumbass opinions is the same person
Demon’s Souls (PS5) > all of that kusoge
So you admit you lost then right here >>683235587
snedcession status: accepted
I didn't know other boards had their ACK equivalents as well
>Thinks he made the sequels out of his own will
lol, lmao
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>Greater Will
>When he btfos himself
Suicide is wrong folks
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>Demon’s Souls (PS5) >
New to the discussion:
I always assumed it functions over souls: You collect souls, get stronger, then defeat the big bad at the kiln and die there by linking. The sould you accumulated through your travels get burned, so you actively work against the ongoing entropy. In DS1 the point was, that if you choose linking, it will happen again that the fire fades. If you choose walking away, then you become the lord of the age of dark. It is the age of absent fire, not like the age of stone dragons from before, because: The age of stone had no disparity. And if the age of dark is AFTER the age of light, that is already disparity. So there are 3 options how the future of the age of dark could turn out: 1) Someday, someone starts collecting souls and starts kindling the/a new flame again (could've been an interesting plot and final boss in a better DS2) Ending A: Reverse Dark Souls
2) Fire is gone and so dark is the new hot stuff. But even Dark will stop moving someday since all energy has to go somewhere. Humans are the new stars in this universe, and if even those burn out, then nothing remains. Ending B: heat death of the universe
3) It's of cyclical nature, and even if the age of dark is here, then someday souls will spontanously combust and bring a new age of light. This will go on as long as there is fuel to be burned in the world. Ash is fuel thst was burned and is no longer suitable, so if everything turns to ash, then this would be the end. This seems to be the route DS3 chose to fix the direction DS2 took (which was more focused on the psychological side of being human and turning hollow) Ending C: barren universe, infinity ending
Age of Dark would objectively be terrible because you need light to see in front of you and to live a normal life. Darkfags are literally unable to refute this.
Look chuddy, dark is the F*CKING age of humanity ok?? Don't question it.
You're doing it again. 4chan is an anonymous image board where users can post anything without any identity being attatched to them. Anyone who claims to know which post belongs to which person is schizophrenic, nothing more.
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>He didn't link the fire
>Age of Dark means there's no sources of light
Holy fuck do you think people during the dark ages never lit a fucking fire?
Yeah seems that the age of dark denizens would have to evolve things like sonar, enhanced sense of sound etc.
Maybe it's an age of bioluminescence, who knows.
well it's not the fucking Age of Well-Lit Streets now is it?
>4chan is an anonymous image board where users can post anything without any identity being attatched to them.
Which is why it's very fascinating that you are trying very hard to maintain some kind of "image" in this thread.
You've been seething ever since the first surrender, but your emotional instability is refusing to allow you to walk away a loser and you keep coming back and sneedenduring and coming back. Geez dood when will you stop getting farmed?
I refuse to believe you're this much of a fucking retard. There is no way modern medicine has lead to decline this badly, you have to be pretending right now.
literally what the game says bro
DS3 has lore?
there's just no getting through to you is there? I'll try one last time in big letters: MULTIPLE DIFFERENT PEOPLE ARE REPLYING TO YOU. IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW WHICH OF THESE PEOPLE ARE WHICH YOU ARE SCHIZOPHRENIC
Got it? Probably not.
ds1 still has the best story lore and characters
among many other things
they will never EVER top this game which is a huge shame, but expected. it is one of, if not THE best, game of all time
they should just try going in a different direction with their new games instead of the same decaying world shit, everything after ds1 is like a cheap parody of it
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>mfw didn't know gwen's bonfire would burn me alive
>he literally didn't even have to sweet talk me, I just killed Zeus/whatever and fell into his firepit
See what I mean? You're still pretending.
>block simulator anywhere near the top
i hate zoomers
reddit is unironically better than nu-/v/ for discussion
the abyss isn't the same as an age of dark mate
You are retarded.
He won't because he knows he will only embarrass himself doing so.
And this anon is objectively correct.
Because let it fucking end already so I can sleep
Every time someone agrees with me on this it's almost like hearing the bell now that I can't play online without buying the inferior version. Thank you friend
Ds3 fans should be prohibited of even talking about dark souls or any fromsoftware game for fucks sake
What if I only half-link it?
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The age of dark doesn't really mean there's no light at all. It just means the bonfires go out and humans aren't immortal anymore. Not sure about the last bit, however... You, the player, are lord of the dark. Chosen Undead are humans who have a broken piece of the dark soul inside of them which is literally called Humanity. You're the lord of dark and since you ideally beat the Lord of Light, the age is defined by you. Gwyn owned the Light Soul and realized that the immortality caused by the Dark Soul would eventually mean his own age of Light will end. To stop this he branded every undead with the Darksign to keep human's weak and controllable. But all light fades over time and eventually Gwyn used the last of his power to rekindle the First Flame and keep the bonfires linked and lit. With his power gone, the Age of Light is ending and all the human's darksigns started weakening. Gwyn used the serpent to guide, or trick the users of the Dark Soul to come link the flame, killing themselves, strengthening the darksign again, and taking Gwyn's place to fight the next to the flame.

Ironically, a few players in this thread ran straight for the bonfire to link it with the idea of spending their souls to get stronger. They got straight up tricked over their lust for power (levels!). Gwyn's age conditions you to look at the fire for strength.

Correct me if I'm wrong with any of this. DS lore is ridiculous...
>Be ds2 fag
>Play bloodborne first time
>Enjoying General Yharman
>Enjoy interacting with the doors, reminding me of Majora's Mask.
>Ends up fighting Father G theme is kino and his line is pure wine, but the boss was alright, nothing like Gundyr or Margit.
>Ends up in Odeon and entering to Old Yharman, explained that it was abandoned by the gunner.
>Slowly seeing more problems than old souls games.

>Can't roll unless unlock so it feels like I'll get hit regardless.
>Limited blood vials
>Limited lamp shits that are bonfires so if I die it's a long day.
>Ends up with blood festering beast, garbage boss
>Slow poison is bs, why is the build up so fucking fast.
>After beating a shit boss, have no clue where to go.

Why do you fags suck off non-linear levels so hard to shit on ds3? When it's on the same level as open world design? At least with open world I end up going a whole circle but with this game I need a guide because I went the wrong way.

Does this game ever get better?
mark my worlds when the ER honeymoon period is completely over and bloodborne is playable on pc and the snoy shill illusion wears off, ds1 and ds3 will be considered peaks of the genre again
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>never did, never will
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Yeah well it surprises me that noone agrees with you. Of course my view is tainted with nostalgia, but the setup, lore and archeology all feel just right in DS1. DS2 was disappointing because it went in a completely different direction, when it should have had a theme of "What if the Dark isn't bad?", and DS3 was fine because it feels like a logical end point, but the lore was a tad too much obvious nostalgiaflagging. I thought during my first playthrough: If you have all of these blatant references (Abyss Watchers, Yhorm, fucking Anor Londo) why don't you do something more interesting or at least cool with it. Instead of the Abyss Watchers only being a group fight, make it, so that after the group dies by a shared health bar that the ground swells up with Abyss, explodes and you have to fight what they held back. Instead of Yhorm just being a gimmick fight, make it that he uses some attacks of Drangleic origin, at least as a call back to DS2. Instead of Anor Londo but ICE, make it a fake-out illusion as a call back to DS1 and hide an actually interesting, previously unexplored area like Vinheim, Catarina, fuck, even Carthus as a desert area would be cool. Imagine thinking its going to be an ice area, and then you get whiplashed with the hot desert. Classic ice/hot disparity,.
DS1 had the funniest memes too. But gameplay and ending wise i still stand by my opinion (>>683234197 >>683238238)
your fanfiction sucks bro
this is not the story of the game
and DS lore is really, really unsubtle just cause it uses weird phrasing and show don't tell doesn't mean "DARK" and a "DARK AGE" are suddenly le good

omg there darkness in every person and it is called LE HUMANITY *tips fedora*
yeah, it's that blatant, darkness is bad, like it is bad in literally every non-contrarian faggot story concept made in the last 5000 years
>DS2 was disappointing because it went in a completely different direction
It literally didn't. It was just a dog shit, nonsensical madlib DS1 rerun that felt like playing a crappy fanfiction mod with MMO designs.
>You beat reincarnations of every DS1 boss in bootleg Gwyn's bootleg Lordran kingdom with his bootleg bestie Seath who had a bootleg demon war against giants to link the bootleg kiln in his basement under bootleg Anal Rodeo but Manus' bootleg Manus daughter is the main villain behind everything secretly who is a really shitty bootleg Gwynevere in bootleg Anal Rombus + extreme abuse of lore to a comical degree
Everything in that fucking game is a shitty memberberry/ripoff of DS1 only nonsensical with 0 thematic or narrative connection, like a bearded lady with a sword being the bootleg Bed of Chaos(??????) or bootleg Quelaag with a bootleg Fair Lady you need to talk to with a bootleg Witch's Ring in a random forest. It is nostalgiafag central.

DS3 is actually a sequel with narrative and thematic ties that build on the first game written by the same guy as the first game which is why it ties everything back to the first game. If you think he is nostalgiafagging for himself you are fucking retarded.
>Nigger the cycle's been established since the beginning lol
There is no light and dark cycle, the English translation misleads you into thinking that's what is happening. What is actually happening is more akin to day and night, a solar and lunar cycle with the recycling of souls. The Age of Dark only happens when a human consumes the First Flame which we see in The Usurper ending.
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Does the game ever explain what they are?
Proto dragons, chaos incarnate.
I literally said DS3 is fine, but the obvious nostalgia callbacks could've had better twists. I actually love all of the lore in the Ringed City DLC and the Gael fight is the ending Dark Souls deserved as a whole, although it flies over your head the first time how a random dude could be the end all of this series.

You made me remember that Manus eas the whole plotpoint of DS2. You see, its just so dumb that i couldnt even remember it at first. DS2 lore truly was a mistake. Thats also a reason why its dissapointing.
What i meant with different direction is that it focused on this whole "losing memory, going hollow" shtick. Plain uninteresting in a game where you rarely act with NPCs, and if you do, your character is not really talkative either.
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They are abyssal serpents as in they're born from the abyss and live in it. The abyss is just a giant collective that's the bedrock of the world. You can see creatures being born from it in the Ringed City such as the Harald Legion Knights.
>>He didn't do frenzied flame or ranni ending
>Imagine being that much of a basic bitch falling for marikas shit
braindead nigger the ranni ending is literally the most basic bitch ending of all
that's why it's the #1 most commonly gotten ending, at least according to steam achievement charts
that said frenzied flame is great so at least you were right about that
Yeah DS3 is much better with how it lazily reuses entire areas from 1.

2 went in a different and more interesting direction, obsessed seethers will never admit it though because they've made their entire identity hating 2 because they didn't know what adp did 10 years ago.
can't believe the second post isn't a mirrored image with
>he didn't link the fire
what a waste of a thread
ds2 went in a different direction alright
the direction of being an ugly puke-inducing chinese bootleg
you'll lose your souls, over and over
without really knowing whyyyyy

*achievement unlocked* THIS IS DARK SOULS
End of Fire was the good outcome. Literally being jewd by the primordial serpants if you bring about another age of fire or age of the eclipse.
that's really the beauty of it. Most players are simply tricked into it by muscle memory
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What are your favorite DS1 builds anons?
She hit first.
lvl 100 with 50 int, Avelyn, MLGS and Crystal set. I remember playing through the game with that setup basically every day even though it doesn't scale past ng+7
back in the good old days before greatsword swing speed nerf
Baller Swag Sword Darkmoon Blade
falchion + buff for insane boss dps
2hand taurus demon axe for oneshotting tough mobs with the forwardL2 like the skeleton dogs (works even in ng+)
sorcery if i really don't want to try
reinforced club for sl1 was fun
you really dont need anything else for pve. pvp i can't remember because it's been so long

i never had the opportunity to play with the faith/int upgrade paths because i never really wanted more damage up until the boss gate and that's where i'd buff the weapon, but maybe at higher ng cycles those are more useful? and probably useful in pvp because people can just stall out the buff
>getting hit by Slow Souls bosses
dirty fucking casul
get out of this thread
oh i'm also (probably) one of the few people who tried making a grant build. it kinda sucks. the wrath of gods effect is slow as fuck and the hammer moveset is ass. damage seemed alright but i had to go in on both str and fth for it, and it was probably worse than on a regular str weapon thanks to split dmg
Doesn't matter. I came for a footjob and she attacked me.
Darkness walk with me

>They linked the fire

I will continue the circle of suffering and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
i fill her with cum
usurper gods, where we at?
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>get all the crowns
>sit on the throne
>fuck your fire
Dark Souls 2 is kino
it makes no sense
It never did retard.
In no universe is ER better than Ds1 or ds2. Kill yourself with your shit take.
>muh hecken fanfictenerino!!!!
being infested with maggots is better than ds2

Why do faggots complain about Gay Radahn when Soul of Cinder does 5 attacks in a row?
Gwyn was trying to artificially lengthen the age of fire by keeping it lit with sacrifices.
>There was no fire
>Then they discovered the first flame.
>The first flame is going out.
if you don't see the cycle here you are literally fucking blind.
>if you don't see muh crappy fanfiction then REEE
And you are supposed to die, so why are you artificially lengthening your life by breathing you dumb faggot?

Just an hero because muh cycles.
>I want to personally kill the lead writer of DS2
You want to kill Miyazaki too from the sounds of it, DS2 and 3 merely continue on what DS1 already established. Every age comes into being and fades. Gwyn was just keeping the age of fire going as long as he could. The age of dark would fade too, especially if a flame is found again.
My vision is pretty sensitive so an age of dark would be easier on my eyes
>continue on what DS1 established
DS2tranny go home
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>The Age of Dark
I really don't understand what about the cycle triggers so many people.
You're a butthurt lorelet by the sounds of it. Your shitty headcanon should fuck off back to the abortion ward with the rest of you.
BB>DaS1>Sekiro>DaS4 horses jump twice>DaS3>DeS>DaS2
Notice only DARKfags are butthurt.
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>you and humanity survive just fine
Everything, not just everyone, every THING dies at the end of DS3.
I really don't understand why cycleniggers get triggered when people who actually know the plot make fun of them.
Ds2 IS shit, but ER is a different type of shit as well. It's midder than da3.
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>never get to find out what kaathe even was
>tease you with gay statues in 3
I hate Dark Souls 3 even though it has some great boss fights.
are you going to explain it or just continue being vague and dismissive?
They're demons, aka Jews.
>Vague lore meant to make the player create his own headcannon
>Everyone just either goes with what the Youtubeman headcannon is or argues their headcannon is
Way to out yourself.
Shockingly accurate although I think Elden Ring is just a touch above Dark Souls 3.
I liked the story of Dark Souls 1 and 2.
I stopped caring about the story part way through 3 because it was obvious devs didn't give a shit. Just throw some references here, don't answer anything, add some angels and deep shit that makes no sense. Wah Lah!
They are serpents which are shitty dragons that can't grow wings because they're shitty. This is lore people put together in DS1.
You don't know, do you?
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because dragons like dark right? whatever man.
What the fuck was their problem
and enter DS2tranny with the dickripped dilation KEKAROO
repeatedly stab fat faggot DOminik Leys in the face especially the eyes
unfathomably based
>Y-you can't explain why the Earth isn't flat HUH?????
>because it was obvious devs didn't give a shit.
They absolutely did give a shit. The entirety of DS3 is heavily thematic and a continuation of DS1's conflict taken to the extreme ends.
>don't answer anything, add some angels and deep shit that makes no sense.
If you're talking about the serpents, yes they are mysterious and kept that way. Their reasoning is probably as simple as "I like it dark/I like it light". The angelic imagery is based on the worship of wings and freedom and the relationship to dragons. Even the pilgrims sprout wings and start flying away at endgame. It's just another coping method to try and deal with the eternal cycle.
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uh, right
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Many of us are by the fire forsaken.
I speak of thine kind, and mine.
Behold this city! We are kindred, belike two eyes which gaze upon the other.
Fear not, the dark, my friend.
And let the feast begin.
>to walk in DS2 is the real curse
what did Tanimura mean by this
The earth being a sphere has observable facts.
So does the dark souls cycle.
>the flame is lit -> flame goes out -> flame is lit again -> etc.
then there's the cycle we're stuck in as of DS3
>Flame is lit -> flame is going out -> sacrifice someone to keep it lit -> etc.
The main graphic or symbol of the dark souls game is this ring of fire.
The game was originally going to be called Dark Ring.
Rings/circles are cycles.
look at this poor misunderstood person
this is why I vote for the age of dark party
to make monstrous cum shooting cannibals like this locust abomination feel welcome
>ds1 playerbase split by the devs and killed
>ds2 playerbase split by the devs and the game sucks + soul memory
>er has shit multiplayer
ds3 won the long game. no shitty rereleases and romhacks. decent replayability and multiplayer. has covenants still + big player limit
We need to import more horrible bug people.
Not the plot of the either game:-)
Sucks to be you lorelet-kun.
>>the flame is lit -> flame goes out -> flame is lit again
flame literally never went out once
stop guzzling vaatilore fag
>Rings/circles are cycles.
It's the symbol of bondage, as in a chain for a slave.
Darkfags want to open the borders to this
>Played through dark souls 1, 2 and 3 around release
>Don't understand any of the lore, never read item descriptions, pay attention to dialogue, or watch YouTube videos
I just play the games. The only lore I ever paid attention to was Bloodborne and Sekiros because they're simple.
there is no biological difference between these and humans
Frampt was a traitor to the dragons that was seeking self-preservation. Kaathe was seeking revenge for the fallen dragons and was willing to bring the world down with him.
yes. And literally a brand, a mark of slavery.
>*dilation sounds*
why did you make this noise while typing dogwater fanfiction
If Ds2 isn't a bottom of your Fromlike list you're simply a lesser form of life.
>He linked the Fire

Yes. Becasue I played without usignt the wiki.
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dark souls 1 opening cinematic
>big sword
>that's it that's the whole build
honestly using anything but melee feels like cheating
The fact that a flame was lit spontaneously at all means it could happen again, or are you saying once the flame goes out it's gone for good and it'll never ever ever happen again?
>jpg that has nothing to do with shitty fanfiction dot jpg
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3

I haven't played Sekiro yet.
it's a png
next you're going to tell me to prove that, too.
Sekiro's pretty good, has some really beautiful locations and cool bosses, but it was literally too hard for me, I quit after beating the guardian ape. I'd say give it a shot.
that is literally the plot of the game yes
and the final cope by the firekeeper at the end of 3 is that her rotted eyes make her trip balls and that means there $$$$$$$$MIGHT$$$$$$$$ be a new flame in the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar future

First Flame is one and done and it going out is a disaster. That's the plot
>autist dilates about format while he is being mocked
autist confirmed for autist
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>show up
>teach the cripple bros how to cast Soul Arrow
>tell them I'm an angel
>tell them not to link the fire
>the madmen actually believe me
>their father spikes his own infant son into the ground while screaming
>I love these guys
damn is sekiro that good? if i ever bother with souls games I guess I'll play that one
that's Frampt
it's not similar to souls at all
>trying to deceive you
I haven't played the DLC but nothing shabriri said was wrong
I saved meline from sacrifice and chaos took the world, just like he said
>ds1 dark lord ending
>ds2 Aldia ending
>ds3 Unkindled Ending
>elden ring Goldmask if optimistic/ Chaos if pessimistic
any other ending is reddit faggot stinky anus shit
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Why would Frampt, who wants the fire linked, go tell Prince Lothric not to link the fire?
It's Kaathe.
Frampt's statues are in the Ringed City, not Lothric. The Ringed City was gifted to the pygmies by his BFF Gwyn, so there were statues of him littered around.
This also explains why the body of each statue is radically different.

Think before you speak, retard.
Both the serpents in souls and the fingers in elden ring are allusions to jews. The jews in real life keep you divided between left wing vs right wing and support both sides so you're too distracted to raise any threat to them.
Except the Dark Souls 1 DLC showed what an age of dark might look like and it was a hellhole.
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I've been roleplaying in the DS games my own headcanon timeline where all three main characters from DS1 to 3 are the same guy reincarnated and he kept making the same mistakes until I chose the dark ending for DS3
So the world kind of just died out but everyone escaped into the new painted world the girl in the painting was making and that's how Elden Ring happened.

Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are their own separate thing, but to me they're connected.
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>until I chose the dark ending for DS3
I'm interested in seeing what a Usurp The Flame future would be like.
>Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are their own separate thing, but to me they're connected.
To me as well. I mean in the DS3 DLC you literally make a painted world Borne of the Blood of the dark soul. Pretty sure that world is Yharnam and everything surrounding it.
Lothric has statues tied to linking the fire, because that was what the kingdom was based on.
Ringed City has Kaathe statues because Kaathe literally has a church there where he spoke to pygmies.
also why the fuck would they proudly call their city the Ringed City if they want to break the cycle?
It's called Ringed City, not Cycled City faggot.
There are no muh cycles, bicycles or unicycles.
Dark Souls>Elden Ring>Bloodborne>Dark Souls 3>>>>>>>>literal shit>>>>>Sekiro=Dark Souls 2
There, I fixed your grammatical mistakes. Next time spellcheck before you post.
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I know you're trolling now, you can't keep the facade up anymore.
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To me it was just
>Boletaria learns the soul arts
>Old one wakes up
>Demons eat everyone
>Hero puts the old one back to sleep
>Boletaria is fucking annihilated either way
>People eventually recolonize the area
>Yharnam is founded.
>Other "Old ones" are either discovered or wake up.
>Soul arts are replaced with blood arts
The only thing I'm basing this on is the knight corpses you can find in the chalice dungeons and that Gas can says "Umbasa" in the Blood borne network test or alpha or whatever it was and I'm sticking by it.
Sekiro = Bloodborne = Dark Souls > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

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