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fromdrones will defend this
>has shield
>doesn't use it

>blames the game

Fromsoft fans are the new Bethesdrones.
It's actually insane how they sekiro-deflect all criticism. They're allowing Fromsoft to stagnate, and get lazy just so they don't get their feelings invalidated.
How come we don't have numbers show up for our health bar?
Maybe instead of standing and drinking you should ran out of range or used a shield?
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So what you're saying is that you would

defend this
filtered git gud shitter filtered git gud shitter
>This is the game /v/ says is too hard
I can tank that, and it's also very easy to dodge.
Yeah, that's what anyone with a brain would do rather than chugging like a retard and begging to get hit, especially when you have a fucking shield, why aren't you defending?
What he's saying is OP is a dumbass.
>gets hit by his most obvious and most telegraphed attack
>probably didn't get any scadu fragments since even with light armor at level 12 it only does 3/4 of my hp
>didn't wait for one of his relatively long windows to use a flask (like the 3 second one right after this attack)
You could've used the cross attack and had a better point
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spontaneously defend actually
>boss can do DBZ tier combat moves but you are stuck poking them with a shitty blade
People who play these games are masochist cucks. Soulsniggers must all be femdom trannies.
i fucking hate the goofy slowdowns mid combo that are explicitly there just to catch you off-rhythm. it looks so fucking retarded.
how did you get that much guard boost on the dryleaf fists? even with the sekiro tear and the greatshield talisman, each slash takes like 30% of my stamina
They have a play style for fags that wanna dance around, just level your DEX
Elden Ring is for masochists
Sure you can make the game your bitch
For most people that would involve a lot of pain
I enjoyed it for awhile but it just became tedious
Does it really do that much damage lmao. I've never been hit by it
>kid pretends to play while the real player is on the couch
>its an autistic kid watching youtube footage of someone else playing while holding the controller
Fromdrones excuse shit game design because they think it gatekeeps journos.
discord troons will posit this as indefensible with zero context or explanation.
What games are you good at?
havent fought radahn yet but can't you just iframe this attack? what's the catch?
Actually fucking based.
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>15 years since DeS and cinematic crits still teleport the player model
Both the boss & player are invincible during the whole process - is Miyazaki dead set on having your weapon perfectly connect with the weak point, or is the engine just that stubbornly dated?
The bosses are the worst part of Elden Ring.
It's insane how badly designed they are.
But the fan base isn't ready to have that conversation.
If they want to have these spastic bosses they have to give us a better camera system that doesn't obscure the boss and a more mobile and dynamic combat system that lets the player keep up instead of being forced to either play extremely patiently or just cheesing the boss without ever having to interact with it.

And we know they're capable of it because Sekiro and Bloodborne both have bosses that are perfect for the player character's abilities. And DeS and DaS both had slower bosses to account for the player character's slower more methodical movement.
Pick one.
I think From just doesn't know how to progress their technology, or they're afraid to after they made DS2 on a brand-new engine.
One of Godfrey's grabs moves in phase 2 was the most ridiculous shit I've seen as far as random slowdown. Big guy lunges at you fast with a shockwave effect behind him, then goes into slow-mo halfway through the lunge while in midair, then goes back to normal speed and does his grab. FromSoft has completely lost the plot on its Souls bosses, they just throw in the cheesiest movesets possible for the sake of spectacle and difficulty and call it a day.
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DMC which is the exact opposite of Soulshit. You style on enemies there. In Soulshit the boss styles on you. Shitja Gayden is also for cucks because the bosses barely let you do anything.
You can dodge it quite easily. It's one of his few "free strong attack" moves.
now if only your enemies fought back in DMC hahahahahah
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>player and boss do DBZ tier combat trading blows with weapons of colossal size
people that play these games are banned from competitive sports due to supraphysiological levels of test
>even with the sekiro tear and the greatshield talisman, each slash takes like 30% of my stamina
you aren't timing your guards right
The shitty open world is the worst part of ER
Coping Soulsissy who enjoys being made a BITCH by his bosses. You are a bottomsissy.
I liked the open world, especially the first few areas. Probably why I got so far in it
>supraphysiological levels of test
>swaps to misericorde
yeah well every single devil may cry character is a flaming homosexual so you're one to talk, cumbreath.
name a single non fromsoft game with better animations and more accurate hit boxes. don’t bother since you cant.
>yet another doomfaggot cope thread
nevermind, i found out the problem. infusing a weapon with a non-physical affinity tanks the guard boost
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Post scadutree level, but yeah elden ring has horrid damage scaling problems. I never know why I level up vigor to 60 nowdays since shit either oneshots you or twoshots you
beating an enemy that fights back is the fun part, enjoy your low IQ button masher i guess
From's animations are terrible. There's zero weight or momentum to anything that happens. Every single swing is just snap-animated and most everything moves with swivel joints.
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>You style on enemies there. In Soulshit the boss styles on you
in DMC you "style" on pathetic punching bags that can't even fight back, in ER you style against worthy opponents
the move has max range guess you shouldn't hve ran too far away.
60 vigor is a total meme. Your effective health against most late-game shit will be the same whether you have 40 or 60. i.e. you're getting 2-hit in any case.
Monster Hunter is just the souls combat, but like 55X times better.
use a shield, nigga, and wear some actual fucking armor. I had like 45 vigor for that area and never had trouble with getting 2 shot.
>not a single other game named
told you dont bother.
>enemy holds up stance for attack
>sees that you're consistantly moving out of his range faster then he can turn
>instead of attacking anyway like a robot, he instead switches up like a human would
if anything this is impressive [/spoiler] Yet it still feels like bullshit, its a shame we can't have enemy AI be too responsive or intelligent or else it just becomes pvp (unfun)
More like everyone hates the inputs lag and just finds the cheesiest shit to beat the game with, then passes it off as some skillful moment.
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Monster Hunter
this attack does 40% of your hp bar at most, how did he get oneshot
Either on NG+, low scadu tree blessing, or no defence talismen. No move he does 1 shot me at 60 vigor and even lighter armor than what that webm had.
Go play DMD and say that. The enemies are plenty aggressive. But the game is fun because your character controls well.
Unlike ER where it feels like you're underwater.
Radahn is very well designed in the end.
His design is meant to require this strategy:
1) Near perfect dodge game in phase 1
2) Summon to get you space to get him to comet mode
3) Final 25% of health you just have to be really that good.

It's a final exam for the game, and not designed to be esoteric or require arcane perfect skill like Malenia.
The dodges in phase 1 are easy to learn just take practice and patience to master.

It's just literally a "hard" boss.
It's not a git gud skillz check, it's a work hard and earn it skillz check.
55x times jankier*
yea fromsoft and capcom are unmatched. agree.
my problem wasn't my health damage, it was the stamina damage. and yes, i did end up equipping a shield
>You actually have to commit to your attacks instead of the floaty ass souls combat that requires lock-on to work
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this. the animations are really great in monster hunter especially if you've seen lots of animals irl. I saw some eagles playing by just jumping at each other at the zoo and it reminded of some tigrex and rathian animations, they must have been inspired. I simply play elden ring and pretend i'm playing monster hunter. the thrusting shields in the DLC have some guard points for gimped charge blade gameplay and the new carian ash of war is basically a level 3 greatsword charge
Or maybe it's a child playing it because it's a child's game.
anon you were supposed to be a retarded brand loyalist and start pissing and/or shitting yourself over this post. booo!
>retards who have no idea how effective health works in this game
Nothing in this game 2 hits me at 60 vigor.
Every single non-remembrance boss is so pathetic. ER did nothing right.
I was 60 vigor in that webm you lying faggot
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Why did Elden Ring, especially this DLC, have so many terrible hitboxes compared to Dark Souls? Radahn sword is like 3x the size of the fugs
No other boss fight in the game is more tedious to fight melee than this, how the fuck am i supposed to hit him when lasers come out of the goddamn ground every fucking attack of his in his second phase and fucking stun lock me until he hits me again for 80% of my health, no way this shit is possible without cheesing him or being a magic build holy fuck
>I simply play elden ring and pretend i'm playing monster hunter.
The new great katana weapon R1 chain is almost one-for-one the longsword basic attack chain
Works on my machine
artificial difficulty
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It's compensation for low framerates, so hitboxes have to be larger.
You also got hit from behind while rolling, both of which increases the damage you take and had little physical negation.
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I'm convinced that From just drag-selected everything post-Leyndell and upped the scaling and called it a day. Zero tuning involved.
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just jump over it bro
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>mh fans when you have to shit and cum prior to starting the set up of spirit cum dispenser but a fly that happened to pass by touched you so you gotta start the whole thing again
>also you gotta use nose plugs so you don't get intoxicated when a monster farts on your face
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>how the fuck am i supposed to hit him when lasers come out of the goddamn ground every fucking attack of his in his second phase and fucking stun lock me until he hits me again for 80% of my health
2-hand whatever weapon you're using and use deflecting guard tear. getting the instant blocks isn't as hard as you think.
>not possible
yet there players doing it without taking damage at level 1 and no scadu fragments.
git gud.
>git gud
>no not that good!
You play DMC on tutorial mode if you think this.
So tough setup and dumb shit is good in ER
but bad in MH?
Actually, why is Radahn so small? His swords are also like 1/5 the size of his other boss fight one.
Every game does this for animation matching. Think an enemy grabbing you in a game, or killing you and playing an animation. Something has to slide to something else.
Don't pretend like DMD is a challenge when jump cancelling gives i-frames.
>anon its ok that you got 60% of your HP deleted at 60 vigor from a basic copypasted overworld enemy swing
>why you ask? you got hit after rolling so you get the rolling defence debuff! also you got hit from behind so you get another defence debuff! Oh whats that, your character was also *gasp* moving you get another debuff! also you were mid animation doing whatever for another debuff. also another debuff or whatever just because haha.
>also your heavy armour doesn't mean shit because uhhh no helmet or something
>Hitbox comes out before the thrust and extends 5ft ahead.
I knew this move was fucked specifically when I hit early and kept getting it off completely on accident. From is a fucking joke.
>facetank his damage and spam lions claw
nioh is dogshit. you can smell posts made by nioh enjoyers because their posts reeks of shit
I remember some people theorizing back in the day that having the shard of the Elden RIng makes you grow larger but I bet there's no reason and they're large because of readability but idk why Radahn shrinked.
We get it, you got filtered
You definitely can't consistently jump-cancel in DMC3 if you're crying about Elden Ring being too difficult.
in the world of mh you're forced to get a circumcision because you can't afford to lose time pulling back your foreskin
you don't need no setup for souls games unless you want to one shot bosses or smth
>vigor nerd upset his inflated health pool didn't save him
Why are vigor nerds like this?
>sucking the dick of a lazy company
Souls peaked with Bloodborne.
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Once you learn how to jump buffer you can royal gaurd everything and thats assuming your dogshit and can't just time them normally, after that enjoy your free 20% instant dmg move on bosses (25% if you time it and this is with hardmode mission 20 vergil). And this is on bosses, on basic enemies one launcher and you can just ragdoll them until they're dead
>i want to just tank everything
>dungeon traversal should be easy, i should be able to just leisurely run past enemies
>there should be no variables in how i recieve damage
>investment in vigor should mean automatic survival in one of the hardest levels of the game
maybe you should try a different game anon
This dlc has a lot of these moves that look jumpable but aren't. Very annoying.
And this is bad because? Why do Soulsissies think being anally raped by bosses is fun?
Why do DMCfags think brainlessly mashing buttons is fun?
>I don't want to be challenged ever! Every game should be just me being cool and winning everything!
so it's way easier?
ok lmao
Is this NG+7? There's no way first playthrough does that much damage. That's easily 60VIG.
60 vigor is just the start, you then have to take into account damage negation sources. You can have millions of hp, and thus break the game, depending on how much damage negation you stack.
Combo stringing in DMC is not as easy as you make it sound.
You're just as bad as people that accuse From of being rollslop.
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Here's one that's jumpable but doesn't look it.
FromSoft did such a shit job of visually conveying what an enemy attack does in this game.
Funny how you've gone from:
>Nothing 2-hits me at 60 VIG
>It's fine that things 2-hit me at 60 VIG
Defeating yourself entirely.
Ummm no? You just don't waste time and land hits right away no time for retarded setups
Also Mh is easier, monsters have like 6 moves at best, what makes it "hard" is their hp pool and the damage they are able to deal in one hit
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>>i want to just tank everything
There's a diffirence between "tanking" something and getting oneshot at absurdly high HP, at that point what even is the point of leveling health if the survivability between 20 and 60 vigor is the same. That's a fundamental design flaw at that point and goes against basic rpg principal. It is sadly the natural endpoint of marketing a game as being "difficult" if the player isn't dying from their own mistakes just throw in some bullshit that will make the game unfun, redditors that worship the series as "le hard game" will lap it up and continue to play it to wave around their digital micropenis so clearly its working.
Is it one of those
>Jumpable only by certain weapons because the arms have hitboxes so you get hit anyway if you're using the wrong one
Or always jumpable?
Game's jank as shit and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
You don't need to git gud in your garbage game nigga >>683246313
>Says monster have like 6 movest at best
>Historically Fromsoft bosses had at most 3, most complex had 4
ayyy you just didn't say that
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I've been noticing a lot of overlap between eldenring fags and ds2 fags lately...
here's that peak encounter design I was telling you about. real game of the decade stuff.
>stupid fucking anime lightning in the background
nice "fantasy" game too, zipperheads.
Anon of all things, complaining about having to account for different variables in damage calculation, in an RPG no less, is not a valid complaint.
you got two shot, with some of your health already missing, against a high damage enemy MEANT to be threatening with lots of situational damage negation working against you. you also suck dick at timing your rolls and were too big a pussy to actually fight the npc for some reason. i don't know what you expect or want except that your character should be fucking invincible.
Dude, he literally takes his hand off the controller while his character is still in motion multiple times. This is fake as shit.
I am confused. Bosses have always been able to one-shot players in the Souls games. This is the first time I've seen people care so much about the HP though.
We live in a world where a woman can beat this boss in 2 different games going at the same time controlling one game with a dance pad and the other with a keyboard and mouse while talking to a stream and you faggots can't beat it with a real controller by yourself at one time.
If you defended, you wouldn't be making this thread.
>two and a half goddamn years of shazamfag seething because they were denied their tortanic
What a blatant lie
Their one-shots were always big slow attacks or telegraphed grabs, and even then they only one shot low defense characters.
Not sure but at a glance they look about the same height as your character, which is also about the same height you jump. Coupled with the i frames on the bottom half of your hitbox, that would make it universally jumpable. near the peak of your jump.
what debuffs did >>683240184 have?
kek you literally proved >>683246506 right
>INB4 "NOOOOO you can't argue back using other people's experiences/talking points"
if your arguements only worked in a vacuum then you arguements were fucking dumb
This is NG+7
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The assylum demon (ds1 tutorial boss) has the same amount of moves than a mh monster and ds3 bosses are far more complex and formidable, you're straight up wrong here and you know it
The spiral attack is super telegraphed.
I mean I WISH all of Radahn's moves were that easy. Beats shit like the afterimages, promised consort combo and the gravity pull any day.
I defend this
im not reading a screencap of your shitty post but i will say you need to git gud
I'm pretty sure the DLC doesn't get much scaling out of NG+s, like Melania. OP probably just had 0 Skibidis or something.
NG+7 and/or without blessings. OP makes these bait thread all the time where he posts retarded out of context clips with some variation of "fromsloppers will defend this" and just watches fromfags and antifromfags fight. Most obvious one is the ds1 clip where he goes back to parish at high level and aggros every enemy while swinging only at walls.
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>enter radahns boss fight with 0 scadus on NG+7
>see guys see! the game is bullshit see!
I've had light roll characters tank some of his attacks on base ng scadu 12, the amount of HP he's doing on a heavyweight just doesnt make sense in that clip
Also using the moore set with a fucking med shield is actually just sinful and disgraceful
Missmikka's runs are fake as fuck
Damage scaling in SotE is fucked because it's partially level-based, which is why SL1 runs for it aren't nearly as impressive as they sound.
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>i-i won't read y-your arguement but I won because of my reddit catchphrase hehe
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you're funny but I respect you for following the golden rule of
>Anime pic
>Retarded opinion
I literally don't believe you
a counter hit as well maybe
He got hit in sippy recovery? Thats a crit. Do you not know that?
Elden Ring reminds me of Bethesda games where they've tried to make the games more action focused and expand on the combat but it's still built on the decade plus old engine so it just feels like shit
>light shoots up
>but that means it's jumpable, why didn you know that?!

fucking hate this company
it only count as a crit for thrusts
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>Doesn't refute and proceeds to Ad hominem
It's so easy to bait midwits with anime pics
Go play your garbage game, mh mild is coming out soon i hear
I've never upgraded my HP playing Dark Souls. And bosses can still kill you in one hit.
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>work as a repairman
>get given a toolbox
>dont use the screwdriver, hammer, drill or wrench
>complain your job is too hard
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>There's a lot of overlap between the least popular Souls game and the most popular From game
>But not the most popular Souls game, don't be ridiculous
It's more like people using a normal screwdriver instead of the powered one.
>Damage scaling in SotE is fucked because it's partially level-based
So you mean that me levelling up my dexterity. When my weapon has E-rank scaling on it. Does less for me than it does for my enemies?

That's fucking bullshit.
That's exactly right.
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>attack charged up for literally 10 seconds
>still does less damage then a quick attack that sends the cross hurdling through the arena at breakneck speeds
So you're a liar then? also you fulfilled step 3 in >>683246506 officially make eldenringfags as mentally ill as ds2fags
he's making up shit lol theres no level scaling
It isn't worth it to discuss with someone claiming Dark Souls bosses are complex, specially compared to Monster Hunter.
Anyone who disagrees with this is a certified normalfag and IQlet
Because you aren't doing anything to increase your damage reduction ie heavy armor, talismans, or psyflask.
because rollslop. You are not meant to position yourself or think, just time your iframes, gaijin
Everyone knows the damage in ER is fucked, why do people still pretend like it isn't? There's a reason the normie option is heavy armor and taking a shield.
>defending an attack from below your feet
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I personally play Greatshield/Lance because I like MH Lance.
Any hit in recovery frames counts to my knowledge. That's always been the case.
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>hit from behind? crit!
>hit while attacking/casting? crit!
>hit while dodging? crit!
>hit while healing? crit!
Do the devs just want you stand still or something, I don't think punishing you for just playing the game sounds very fun...
Why does this game look so slow?
you got nothing to discuss because i'm right, the only thing different is that the openings take longer to appear both because the monsters dont stop attacking and the sluggish movemnt of the hunter
there's nothing "complex" in mh
no it hasnt. youre just making up shit now. it only counts for attack recovery frames
Using all your tools in Elden Ring just feels cheesy. You permastagger a boss from your turbobuffed charged R2s and kill them with no effort. Was also true in DS1 and the others if you knew all the cheese strats, but in those games it was easier to find a middle ground between bashing your head against the wall and launching a nuclear bomb at it.
The problem with ER is that it bosses have stupidly cheesy movesets that force you to rely on trial and error to a greater extent than any previous games, while at the same time having notable input delay and frequent input eating that can screw you over even if you play it right, so fighting them "fairly" feels like crap. The design and control problems push you into cheesing them just to get it over with and get back to the better parts of the game..
Sippy has recovery frames too.
Everything does. Rolling too.
>i.e. you're getting 2-hit in any case
armor matters in ER, it's not DaS3 again, retard
you can tank shit in this game
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>he can't style on enemies in Souls
>So you're a liar then?
No. I simply thought that attack one shotted you.
Your screen shot isn't exactly debunking my claim when the HP is upgraded like that.
>Just get 60 VIG
>Actually you need a shit ton of armor for it to matter
Continue making my point for me.
GS only loses to aerial hammer in terms of UNNNNFFFF
>That attack
Are you 80 years old or are you just pretending to be retarded?
Devs want you to time your actions and watch your position.
>opening take longer to appear
>argument used to defend elden ring
you forgot the anime tho
Does anyone have the radahn hitbox webm where it hits him while his sword is several meters away?
>both of which increases the damage you take
No they do not, this is completely false. Enemies don't have counter damage and never have in any From game ever. There's also absolutely no such thing as taking more damage from behind that's fucking nonsense.
No it isn't? Fuck are you on about.
Yeah and I use the UGS because I'm not a homosexual. I see little pansies flipping around and getting carted while I smash the monsters skull into a thousand pieces
yes anon the attack radahn throws out >>683240184 is so fast that shitters claim they can't summon for this fight, this assuming you didn't make the mistake of assuming I was talking about midir's attack, the one he charges up for a full 10 seconds like I said in my post. in the case you actually made that mistake congratultions on being an illiterate fucking animal and perhaps even a shitskin ESL i hope you take your own life soon
How do i just become super tanky? get all of the heaviest gear?
Basically, yeah. Damage reduction is the name of the game. Get a high equipment load and put on the heaviest armor you've got.
ER plays itself
The spin attack is not fast
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>Big guy lunges at you fast with a shockwave effect behind him, then goes into slow-mo halfway through the lunge while in midair, then goes back to normal speed and does his grab. FromSoft has completely lost the plot
Potion of wonderous physick has an ingredient that gives a big defense boost. Use it for a big easy boost.
>sends him from one edge of the arena to the other in less then 2 seconds
>start up takes half that time
>He can't dodge the easiest attack to dodge ever
Skill issue
Eat crab
You dodge it then attack, no catch.
It's like 5s overall until the actual impact.
Again of all of Radahn's moves this isn't the one to bitch about.
Prove your claim.
Weird since I like DS2 but am mixed on Elden Ring at best since I don't like open world and too much anime combo shit.
Some of the RPG stuff they added like status effects is neat but some of them are basically only used against other humans so there is little point
Webm proves it. So does that other webm with the cleanrot
>then 2 seconds
Then 2 seconds what? What happens then?
>Enemies don't have counter damage and never have in any From game ever.
There is literally a sound cue for it in DS3
Being visually cool doesn't make it less cancer from a gameplay perspective. Like having to watch Sephiroth's 2-minute-long attack animation before getting to play the game again.
if your build includes a shield, there's really no excuse to lose any boss fight. you can only complain about this shit if you're running no shield and no deflect tear. how did you even make it this far without knowing how to dodge an AOE like that? lol
thats still fast relative to both the amount of damage it does and compared to the attack seen in >>683247873 (which does less damage) also it takes less then 5s for the whole thing to connect and even less if he's relatively close (80% of the time)
That doesn't prove shit retard, you need at least another webm of him getting hit without the debuff for there to be any proof
It's not fast though, which is your claim
It's the easiest shit to dodge anon
>equip bloodhound step
>easily dodge every attack by 10km distance
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>attack that sends boss across the map and into your hitbox within 4ish second somehow isn't "fast"
I guess the only thing you niggers would consider fast would be the boss instantly killing you from anywhere but i'm sure you guys would somehow argue that it isn't fast enough

that guy you're replying to is a mondo fag, but that's only how DMC works if you play on Easy or Medium difficulty. if you play on Hard or Very Hard, the enemies are much more aggressive. i like Elden Ring, but i do think we're reaching a point of boss moveset power creep where we as players do kinda deserve more flashy shit. Ashes of War are cool, but being limited to one per weapon is kinda ass when bosses have 12 Super AoW tier attacks a piece now. it sucks that i still don't feel like there's anything the Tarnished can do that's as rad as when the first Elden Lord shoulder checks your ass 30ft in the air and then flying powerbombs the fuck outta you. i'd kill for a FromSoft game without the vast disparity between what i'm capable of and what a boss is capable of. cause those niggas really are doing Dante tier 10 hit sequences now that engulf half the arena in lava you also have to avoid or tank between poking them back with R1 and R2.
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The first time I came to /v/ and /vg/ after beating the Souls trilogy I was genuinely surprised by people's constantly bragging, but then you open the screeshot and they have asburdly high HP, wear whatever is the best armor regardless of fashion or the cosplay build still having the small shield & dagger equipped.
ER and Sekiro times and times again served to expose that 4chan endless elitist attitude awlays came from beating the game using googled builds and cheese starts. The constant whining is honestly hilarious.
Just beat the base game, it felt too easy and boring.
Boring in, like, a sense that there are zero stakes
Even if you die, you just run back and try again
The bosses should be more fair, but there should be some gimmick like permadeath or one chance encounters or something
>there are zero stakes
>Even if you die, you just run back and try again
Like 99% of videogames?
Jump attacks with colossal swords smashing into the ground will always feel retarded to me
dsp beat him. without mimic tear even. You can too.
If you're contending to be the best, you should be better than 99% of videogames
he takes his hand off for the duration he's animation locked, that kid is locked in and probably autistic
dsp just beat him without shiled and without summons
i'm playing through ds1 as my first souls game and i'm confused why can he just tank multiple hits without losing HP as the character, in ds1 every boss can pretty much two-shot you if you dont hold the shield up
lol what a dumb fag
>Lack of logical thinking
Is the world flat as well?
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You cut the video to not include the beginning of the attack because if you did people would see how stupid you were for healing at that time. And the boss has other stupid attacks you could have shown instead.

But since you cared to share this dumb clip, get gud.
>but i do think we're reaching a point of boss moveset power creep where we as players do kinda deserve more flashy shit
But Soulsfags are all whining about how we can do anime shit now instead of muh grounded combat, the DLC added even more flashy stuff with both spells like Messmer's Orb or the weapons like Star-Lined Sword.
If anything I'd argue the issue isn't what our movesets can do but rather the fact that bosses get true combos with launchers and shit while we don't, Gaydahn for instance has that vertical swipe that launches into a downward slam while we have no such thing mechanically, all our launchers just lead to canned animations but no actual combos from there.
Another system problem is how the game handles grabs, grabs only work on human enemies of a specific build and do nothing against the rest, this wasn't much of a problem in something like DS3 because 90% of the enemies in there were just humanoids that could be grabbed, so something like Sacred Flame felt alright to use due to the fact that only a minor part of the enemy roster couldn't be grabbed, in ER humanoids are less than half of the roster so all of the grabs are very limited in usage, which is a real shame, especially since they took the time to do things like the Fire Chariot special takedowns where you can jump from above and instakill them with a special aerial backstab but didn't bother do similar stuff for anything else.
I thought /v/'s weird hatred for Sekiro was a fluke but then it goes on to inspire one of the top 3 beat em ups ever made and /v/ hates it too.
fromsoft died with DS3 and every game they've made since has sucked
Hahah wtf, you fucking children I swear.
I've given examples.
That's just a lie. Enemies in DMC never evolve past being useless punching bags that can't fight back.
These games have always been ugly as fuck in every regard
it doesn't have the most important aspects of soulslike combat
>being not a complete retard and understanding the very basic RPG mechanics in these games means you looked it up
DS3 sucked.
Which is?
imagine getting btfo'd and this being your only response
ER confirmed to be just a generic open world game
Which is...?
From missed the opportunity to give us an exploding/shooting lance, considering they made Great Katanas almost identical to monhun longswords.
DS2 sucked, DS3 was them desperately trying to stay relevant, sekiro was them circling the drain and elden ring is in the septic tank
the problem with MH is that while in a soulslike, you can intuit a boss within a couple of tries, and learn to do it hitless in a couple dozen hours, in MH you need to fight the same enemy with the same weapon for literally hundreds or thousands of hours to make that fight feel smooth and satisfying.
But ER also has easy builds you can google
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yes monhun truly is renowned for its excellent hitboxes
the problem with monster hunter is it's designed like elden ring, which is also why elden ring sucks
>hip checks you
It's literally the same shit
I first try most monster in MH and afterwards know enough about them to shitstomp them
Then you look at youtube and see faggots spending 3 weeks in 1 Souls boss
>doesn't i-frame the hipcheck
let me guess, 3dsbab?
Post talismans
target lock and reactive dodging (doesn't need iframes, just needs to be an actual reactive tool). but target lock is the bigger one.
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>the DLC arbitrarily and invisibly nerfs the player's damage and defense by up to 90%
>none of this is indicated anywhere
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the definition of artificial difficulty?
What was the name of this anime? something something fairies?
it's the definition of fromsoft doesn't know how to design games fundamentally
This is one of the easier attacks to dodge. You're a retard for healing after he turns purple.
It's kind of a pain in coop when he targets another player because the spikes will hit you a second or two after he lands.
>Target lock
crutch used by Fromsoft because most of the combat is so floaty and hard to direct, plus some of your own attacks send you flying in different directions
MH has no need for this, you have total control over yourself
>Reactive dodging
play monster hunter.
I don't doubt that, but that wasn't my question.
If you heal right before he starts the move you cannot dodge it
good for you god-gamer kun, your right end of the bell curve opinion is irrelevant
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>Monster Hunter is just the souls combat
HAHAHAHAHA yeah no and thank fuck for that, MH is great
>As opposed, of course to Dark Souls, where you have to fight the monster a millions to kill it.
You don't need lockon in Souls games either if you're not terrible at games
daedricar's woe
radagon's soreseal
marika's soreseal
fine crucicle feather talisman
You should wait to heal until after dodging a heavy attack like this one.
so it's a useless mechanic?
gotcha so how does it differentiate it from MH then?
>not Talisman of All Crucibles
you didn't beat the game
>You don't need lockon in Souls games
Yes and no. Technically it isn't all important, but on the other hand your attack angles will be strange (too low) if you leave the camera in its natural position (pointing a little below the horizon for the best visibility). Lock-on locks the attack angle all the while providing the best visibility. So yeah.
In Souls games, once the monster dies, it's dead. In Monster Hunter, once the monster dies, that's just the beginning. Now do it several more times and make equipment out of it.
the fuck happend to "hard but fair"?
it looks so fucking goofy when the character jumps and is spinnig at set speed only to randomly fucking accelerate when the spin is almost over
this is why the game is shit, a hard game should still be beatable 1st try if you are good enough, here no amount of fucking skill will help you because if you do not dodge/block right before he speeds up you are fucked
the game just requires you to autistically remember all of the boss patterns and how to answer to each and every one of them
Don't confuse haters with /v/. It's less apparent with Elden Ring because it was massively popular but Sekiro and Sifu were extremely popular at release and got constant fairly positive threads. Hell even something like Signalis had AMAZING threads before /pol/tards found out the game had lesbians in it and one autist got his Lore interpretation BTFO, resulting in shitposting spirals.

There are just autists who are extremely upset about anything popular or who get called out about a shit opinion and then just make it their mission to hate on a thing.
>dork souls retards still rolling into everything instead of using the fucking JUMP button where appropriate
for fuck's sake it's been 2 years
so how do you get most weapons, armors and drops in Dark Souls, again?
>a hard game should still be beatable 1st try if you are good enough
Says who?
Making equipment outside of weapons is completely optional.
Every sekshito thread was bait about people getting filtered by chained ogre, it's trash
And monster materials are just 1 of the many ways to make weapons.
Not to mention you can get monster mats without fighting them
Learn about the game you are shittalking first.
if something is impossible to do because you have not seen it done before then its not "hard"
if I make a section in a game where you have to press spacebar 10 times in specific moments and the only way to learn when is for you to go into that section and die then its not "hard"
but if the enemy shows consistent attacks, animations, and overall does things that you can reasonably expect from them then it will be entirely possible to beat first try
Dude, literally everyone in this thread except you knew this already
The hit that kills is doing counter damage because they were caught out of the iframes of a roll
Do people still not know about counter damage? How many deaths in elden ring that people complain about have been from counter damage?
See this is a prime example of an autist who go thrashed by chained ogre, hyper fixated on the fact, and now to him every Sekiro thread was about his personal inability to deal with a boss. So he probably went into them to vomit shitposts everywhere.
See this is proof that fromsoft hasn't released a good game in 8 years
You go, champ. You're doing great.
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>if something is impossible to do because you have not seen it done before then its not "hard"
Okay, go watch Liberatore draw shit like this and then try to draw as well as he does, you only need to watch people to learn things, right?
Living things are clearly preternaturally good at things, there's no need for practice, which is why no professional ever had to actually train or learn things for years eh?
>inb4 b...but vidyagaems aren't work...
The logic comes after the "because", anon. No need to cry.
yeah for players you stupid secondary
Wow he really clocked you huh. I'll remember this interaction next time a thread gets derailed by your brand of bullshit. Back to your decrepit hole with ye!
Agreed, From designed the bosses to be fought with ashes/summons. Not a design philosophy I appreciated anyway.
The problem is that there are now several bosses that shrug off ashes or even make the boss more difficult to predict what they'll do.
>I won
Fromsoft didn't, they're in the landfill
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ER sucks because they design fights around buffs, shields, bleed, etc. In previous souls games all of that was optional. In this game you will suffer immensely for not brining an entire toolbox to a fight.

Pic related is a good example of shit design.
er sucks because they didn't design it around anything, they threw a bunch of features in a bucket and shook it up
how the fuck are you getting two-shot in dark souls 1
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how do you get filtered by this tutorial boss? literally soldier of godrick 2 lol
Not only do I defend it, I actively go on the hunt to fight in its h0onor
is that reskinned astel?
jesus christ how cam you find L2 spamming an engaging form of gameplay
I'd get bored of the game in 10h if I did that
She doesn't require you to do anything besides dodge and hit
Her laser attack in phase 2 is weird at first but you can avoid that with positioning
that's what happens when you don't put points into ensurance.
Had no real problems with this guy by just rolling his shit. Git gud.
only for giant camera eating monstrosities, not worth fighting the camera and rollslop 10 times to avoid aoe spam while it teleports to the other side of the arena and you have to run after it to slash at its ankles for 10 minutes
>slash at its ankles for 10 minutes
How shit is your build and weapon for this to be the case?
Nonsense. She loves to fly in the air where she can't be hit by melee while also blasting laser or spinning around like a bayblade on top of you. If you dare stay near her flank she'll do that finger flick move you can't roll out because it wont knock you down.
but it's true that's what happens when you try to fight bosses with normal attack melee
bleed and ashes of war deal 7x the dps of normal r1 and r2, no matter how hard hitting your weapon is
You Died.
That sure does a lot of damage. Too much damage.
>Be on another plane of existence
>This guy's hip check still hits you
Why is this one the worst about it?
wdym? Bleed has been popular in this game since release for that very reason
>fly in the air where she can't be hit by melee while also blasting laser or spinning around like a bayblade on top of you
She almost always only does that move once

>If you dare stay near her flank she'll do that finger flick move you can't roll out because it wont knock you down.
Then don't stand near her flank?

Calm down with the exaggeration holy shit dude
hard but fair is dead. enjoy your flashbangs
you had issues beating elden ring?
you might not like it but you can get 4 impaling thrusts off by the time you finish doing your 2 fully charged R2s with a greataxe
just to deal a fraction of the damage
yes, i got scammed by miyazaki
It's his strongest move and you were caught in the drinking animation thus also getting bonus damage from counter done to you ontop of that.
>She almost always only does that move once
She has alternate versions of the same flying move with aoe spam instead. The fights just a pain in the ass.

>Then don't stand near her flank?
Don't stand in Front. Don't stand to the side. It can't be hit because it loves to fly.
Sounds like a shit fight to me anon.
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>enter elden ring thread
>retards believing shitposters
>retards that are just fucking terrible at video games
every time
>from counter done to you
Who is miyazaki?
no one
i cannot stand medium roll
i have about 1k hp because i was told to aim for that, the rest is in strength, dex and endurance because i use a claymore
I combined the beyblade thing with the first move you mentioned but even that doesn't last long and is easy to dodge
All her moves from the front are easy to dodge
You are bad at the video game
reasons why this is fake:

>radahns moveset, reused movesets from godfrey, maliketh, and even pontiff from ds3 (see the end of the fight)

>horrendously slow and chunky animations

>nonsensical lore implications

>neither radahn or miquella say anything throughout the entire fight. every major boss so far has said something when they die, at the very least. just look at the messmer leak too, he says something while dying. but radahn and miquella are completely silent. it also doesnt help that the cutscene was skipped both times.

>when he dies, the player gets 12,420 runes right away, then suddenly 500k.

>when you receive the rememberance of the boss, what the fuck would it even have? radahns armour or greatswords, items that players already own?

>when the transition cutscene happens, it looks suspiciously like godfreys

>miyazaki has explicitly stated that base game characters will not interact with the DLC, except very minimally if so. what makes you think one of the most major bosses would somehow be reused?
fromredditors btfo time and time again
>All her moves from the front are easy to dodge
If you run away

>You are bad at the video game
actually I beat her. You just don't have an argument against the whole fight being shit so you think calling people bad is an argument.
Enemies can in fact counter you, anon.
Western society views quick adaption new information as the strongest indicator of intelligence. Eastern society thinks its memorising a thousand details. This different world view shows in their games.
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Your initial post was about how the game makes you "suffer immensely" if you don't go into a fight with a full toolbox
Your only complaint about the fight was you can't hit her all the time and some of her attacks are hard to dodge
Counter damage does more..? What else do you need explained
Killed it faster spamming blasphemous blade
why is he drinking at full health in front in melee range of a boss who is attacking
Yes not being able to the hit the boss because they like to fly and spam aoes unless you brought a toolbox to the fight is suffer. We finally agree on something.
Your only addition to this was saying I also can't stand to the bosses side when I finally can hit her. Its a shit fight.
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I beat Radahn, didn't use a shield, and I fucking suck at the game.
It's weird that this keeps getting posted despite being fake. The kid keeps taking his left hand off of the pad while the player keeps moving and turning the camera simultaneously.
Typical low IQ soulslop enjoyer
It's weird how Kingdom Hearts has a much higher skill ceiling than Souls despite Souls presenting itself as dark and edgy.
>He can't remind some keys to a ddr dance pad but an 8 year old autist can
This is like... so unreal. How did this 10 year old beat that boss meanwhile I struggle on my 50th attempt as a Souls vet? Fuck this hard ass game.
Love demons souls
Love dark souls 1
Love dark souls 2
Love dark souls 3
Love Bloodborne
Love elden ring
Simple as
(Haven't played sekiro)
How do I hire this kid to beat Elden Ring for me?
the niglet unironically watched guides
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>this is fromsharts new audience
So let me get this straight, you want a boss to stand still in melee range the entire time and never attempt to make distance to attack even if the attack causes it to close the distance after 2 seconds and you also never want a boss to have a big fancy attack because you want to hit it 24/7?
>oh my sus I hav beenn..... LE KILLED?? what the sigma!
welcome to games, we have: games
i really enjoyed the horse riding knight in the dlc that stops in mid-air before attacking. holy shit really?
>you want a boss to stand still in melee range the entire time and never attempt to make distance to attack even if the attack causes it to close the distance after 2 seconds and you also never want a boss to have a big fancy attack because you want to hit it 24/7?
Can we not strawman?
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i will never understand the "when is it my turn to friggin attack!!!!" crowd
stop getting snoycucked by the CHAD boss and kill him, be aggressive
play like a bloodborne for once in your life
How is that a strawman? That is all you have complained about. You're annoyed that the boss moves to attack and that you can't hit it all the time
or never buy a fromsoft game again because they're donzo
but the wiki says counter damage only applies a) to pierce damage and b) during an attack animation, while cleanrot sickles deal slash damage (nevermind that most non-tarnished deal Standard instead) and that guy in the webm was rolling
>How is that a strawman?
Because it fits the definition and that's not what I said
uhhh no! i will never swap off my colossal weapon and spamming r1's (which are the worst possible attack)
I've always called it counter damage but some people call it instability damage.
>enemy is attacking me!? oh my science!!! *roll roll roll roll*
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>remind some keys to a ddr dance pad
LOL, even e-whores are capable of that but /v/ somehow isn't. How does it feel that a woman is better than you?
Are non-tagging reply posts just passive aggressive?
You literally can't though.

Roll through their attacks? You'll be able to do one hit.

Try to block and counterhit? Better time it well or you'll just get hit for your trouble.

The only way that you can interrupt their attack string is a parry but that has its own issues.
You're missing out on kino
non tagged op replies are normal, talking to yourself about anything else is schizo
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ok that's a thing in DS3 but can I have a source for ER instability because the only relevant result is a reddit post saying you're wrong
>I simply play elden ring and pretend i'm playing monster hunter.
I'm playing eldern ring right now with a heavy shield and lance and I do the same.
Why is that kid not doing the proper Souls method of beating that boss?
Because it's Mohg's body
Ok, pretending to be retarded it is then.
Fromdrones are actually worse than DSP at vidya
He was panic dodging chudbeit
You can THOUGH
You can jump through a fuckton of attacks, you can safespot a ton of them too
Some moves are faster than others (especially when it comes to slow weapons)
You can stagger bosses
People need to stop pussying out, hit that bitch, find out when you can do it without dying, stagger it
Eat a hit for that lions claw into a stagger into a hit into a stagger-crit
This seems like entirely too much damage for how big your HP bar is and what armor you're wearing.
>water section in dlc
>remember sekiro had full swimming and underwater sections

why did they just abandon it completely?
It's only that way if you have 0 damage negation in game (aka 0 IQ irl)
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that's the intended hitbox, so says capcom.
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Most normaloids don't like being underwater because it genuinely confuses them
>t. saw vash'jir in wowgame die because of this
Good grief, you people really can't fathom something being criticized for any reason other than difficulty, can you? Literal one-dimensional minds.
It's in every souls game
what the fuck has that have to do with the webm you're responding to you absolute brainlet
>He was panic dodging chudbeit
True, I thought I timed the first dodge but the weird flight arc got me and the rest was me flopping about because I knew there was a second cleanrot knight in the room, I knew getting hit once more would bring me pretty low (little did I know one hit would do more then half hp)
Oh is the WEBM you
The defense values on your statpage are a % btw
If you habe 23.0943058993408 phys it's 23% damage reduction
I generally agree with this sentiment but Radahn doesn't really let you do that unless you're using the Sekiro tear.
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I don't know why people post this in an attempt to BTFO people. In the post the dad made saying his son finally beat Radahn he stated that it took him like 300 tries. How the fuck is that impressive? Kid fucking sucks.
the main issue is that people are still playing ER ike dark souls 1
>dysgenic niglet beats the hardest souls boss ever made
It took you 300 tries too.
like dark souls 3*
unlike Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 1 gave you reasons to press R2 and R1 instead of just R1
>cuts out health bar, item brackets, runes counter
This was so fucking based of them. I lost my shit when I first saw this happen.
You don't have kids and it shows.
Hell, you don't even have family members who would trust you around their kids to know you give the annoying child a controller while an adult plays the game.
It's not DLC Radhan, it's base game Radhan.

No, it really didn't.
seeing stupid tardos go 'oh my kino!!! why r1 no work!!!!' boils my blood too
live a little, there's a jump button and stagger system
guard counters are so fucking broken you can tell a lot people dont use it
>an adult is playing the game
>I simply play elden ring and pretend i'm playing monster hunter
Wasn't demon's souls supposed to be a monster hunter clone at the start of development?
yeah man they are comically busted
>guard counter twice (blocking so no damage)
>boss staggered
literal retardbrained and people still huff and puff about "when is it my turn"
hipchecks are made to be iframed.
3dsbabd wouldn't get it.
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Fuck you carlos.
the game is a pile of shit, what makes guard counters so special
I have no source, and I'm just coping.
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Literally the easiest attack in his moveset to dodge.

The average /v/ermin is actually retarded.
If you have to trade to get in attacks that isn't a simple poke outside of recovery windows your game is trash.
People want to play an RPG like an RPG. Freedom of expression should be paramount.
>stand still and let the boss hit me
>"but it's an rpg where is my freedom of expression"
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Do fromdrones genuinely believe they can gaslight people into thinking DMC enemies don't fight back? Are they fucking retarded?
it's mostly sheer desperation, they claim wildly inaccurate things about elden ring with the hopes that nobody calls them on it

their entire ego is attached to elden ring not being a bad game
>in ds1 every boss can pretty much two-shot you if you dont hold the shield up
You need to upgrade your armor in DS1 and DS2, for DeS I don't remember
it looks retarded
Man, every time I see one of these webms I just think about how Elden Ring letting you spam flashy supermoves on every weapon by pressing a single button makes them feel mundane and boring, same as rewarding you with stance break that takes 10% or more of the boss's HP every fifteen seconds just for holding R2 in their blind spot. At least DMC's special moves require some mechanical skill, and bosses don't
It was meant to be sony's elder scrolls competitor
what armor? i only have some pants
anyway i'm not a homo to do that
>time actions and watch my position
>about to attack boss after 30 seconds of this
>he slashes his sword and backflips 20 meters away all while leaving behind a huge aoe
what now?
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>the storytelling doesn't exist
>the setting isn't interesting
>the world is shit
>the characters are so ugly we have to use a literal off-model character model from some hentai artist to market our game
>the game is pozzed and features tranny-pleasing corpo terminology
>the game features zero variety in animations or encounters
>the game looks ugly
>the game runs like shit
>the game plays the exact same as all the other soulsgames
>the game has insufferable feature creep like stealth in an "action hack and slash game"
But that's all fine because apparently, the DSP-tier drooling retards here think it's actually totally hard despite being aced by literal children >>683240507, Twitch pornstars >>683261351 and the sheer power of knocking your gamepad on your forehead >>683261550. Apparently the perceived difficulty is the only thing that redeems this shitty kusoge. It's literally easier than God of War, but we don't talk about that. Instead, let's jerk off this mediocre astroturfed bullshit for the next 5 years instead.

DMC is easy but let's not kid ourselves here, it's a far better VIDEO GAME than anything Fromshit has EVER made. Everything from the presentation to the variety of moves in combat, the level design, the characters in the story and the infinitely better setting proves that a lot more thought went into it than ANY Fromshit roll slop. Even the UI, something so simple to do right, is utterly broken in Fromslop games. The game is jankier than Yuroshit games, it's utterly embarrassing for a Japanese game from 2010 onwards. The bosses in DMC games actually have personality, it's not just ZANZIBART.

You know what Fromshit should do in the next Fromshit game? All LOTS of coombait. Yup, maybe then the game will actually be worth playing and not mediocre unsalvageable slop for an audience of fat Americans.
based gowchad
>fat Americans
to be fair that kid video is a niglet/spic hybrid
No one plays Elden Ring, we just watch streamers play it.
don't you discord shazamtroons get tired of bashing on fromsoftware all the time? what do you get out of it? does it make your shriveled excuses for genitals, that you cope by calling "clitties", engorged with blood enough to get a little heady or something?
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Finally someone who actually plays games and not just a single game for his whole life like fromtards
>or is the engine just that stubbornly dated?
ding ding we have a winner
fun fact elden ring still runs on the bloodborne engine, it's called Dantelion and its a piece of shit, it has no phisics or proper hitbox detection and has to rely on havok to do it
>Bloodborne Engine
Considering some bugs have appeared in every Souls game game until being patched in ER work the same as far back as Evergrace... it's probably much older than BB.
its not, I can guarantee you its the bloodborne engine they developed with sony japan studio, which is now defunct so they cannot even reverse engineer it, which is also why there's no bloodborne remaster / pc port

sony is just that fucking stupid
>they cannot even reverse engineer it
True if big
Damn, you can actually squeeze in counters mid-combo with at least fists, nice, fuck Milady for this fight I guess.
You couldn't even properly attack this, mostly because you didn't play the game, otherwise you'd be seething about an actually fucking cancerous fight that happened right before the one you've posted and that would've been at least justified.
>Pic related is a good example of shit design.
I shat on pic related first try using the weapon invader before it dropped for the first time ever. This shit is easier than half the regular enemies in the DLC. You're tremendous fucking shitter.

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