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Are there vidyer tattoos you would be willing to show off?
Tattos is peak NPC test from our creator who doesn’t talk to us. Imagine inking your skin permanently for some stupid messages when you could have it on any stone, wood, or computer on earth
Oh nonono is this one of Elisha Longs discord buddies?
Also “don’t go hollow” means finding a purpose/dream because you will become undead. Thats worst than the retard who thought the “the dark soul” meant hollowing when anyone can go hollow. The dark soul is humanity at its peak
But I have to stand out! That's why I have to dye my hair and get piercings too, to show that I am an individual and not just some NPC that is a part of a group!
This is what they actually think
If your gonna stand out you better look cool
the cattle brands itself.
total doodlenigger obliteration
Yeah. If it’s a subtle one and it’s small, why not.
I doubt I’d ever get a tattoo in my life and if I did I’d think about it for a month at least before going for it though.
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go ahead and bully me
Hitler stood out despite being a retard and stole the coolest images, colors, and used Hugo boss.

At least dress like a goth bitch to hide your ink that stands out with a normal t shirt and Levi’s. People have no self awareness
Do you even understand that everyone who sees that knows that you are a deviant pervert you autistic retard?
Man that's actually so fucking cringe.
all the people that have seen it call it cool and have no idea what it even is.
why is it giving the bedroom eyes?
ITT: conservatards who have no fucking clue about people
I feel like dying of cringe if I have to go outside in a graphic t-shirt on laundry day. I'd probably kms if I put some dumb pop culture shit in my skin when I was younger.
isnt that manaphy or whatever that pseudo legendary little water pokemon??
looks like it.. its cute but its also retarded having it as a tatoo.
so i ask : what were you thinkiiiiiiing
why are you this insecure?
its a Chao. I got it after my first gf broke up with me and I got obsessed with sa2 chao garden. Sometimes I regret doing it as it was pretty impulsive. But nowdays I keep forgetting I even have it
None, Tattoos are cringe, and you will never like whatever you get tattooed on forever, so why try something less permanent?
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Here's mine dude
meant >>683249707
I'm just hyper aware. Graphic tees are low culture and I also judge other people who wear them.
tattoos are kino, 4chan incels crying about fashion are not
>gf breaks with a man
>he goes full Sanic fandom cringe
im sorry anon.... you deserved better than falling that low.
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>Graphic tees are low culture
This. I don't dress up by any means, but I draw the line at graphic tees. Plain t-shirts only.
The fact you're going to have to sheepishly say "it's a chao" when they ask what the fuck it's about is funny.
I don't think many people are going to care though desu
kill yourself tranny
>it's a chao, you know, from Sonic Adventure 2?
>oh! You're autistic! It's okay sweetie!~
>reddish skin
i guess its recent? i dont care for Touhou shit but it looks nice
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But also kinda based to acknowledge our bro Laurentius
When people ask what it is I just say that its a figure or something. Many people have asked what it is and there has not been a single person know what it is.
What fuckin angle was this taken at?Balloons on bottom belly on top some kinda fat spider man
hyperaware of how other people potentially could judge you? yeah, insecure af.

imagine caring about what other people wear, holy fuck
I lie to him every run so he wont go to blighttown and die.
the hairy "stomach" is my leg closed hunched and my arm over it. I look fat on the pic lol but I am skinny and 6'6
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>tfw the catalog is reading my mind again
Stop posting about thoughts I had a few hours ago.
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I don't mind tattoos but I just cannot think of something that I want permanently inked on my skin. Meanwhile there's people that get them on a whim. Am I just overthinking it?
Getting a tattoo for any other reason besides thinking it would look cool for yourself is gay as fuck.
This. I genuinely think most 4chan users are too ugly to pull off tattoos so they cope by saying retarded shit like
>o-only NPCs get tatto-ACK
I'm not going to bully you. You got a tattoo that lets everyone know to avoid you. You're doing the lord's work
I was out with a few high school friends and we passed a tattoo parlor. The one who has a few tattoos was like "yo, we should all get dolphins tattooed on our arms!"
I laughed it off, but he was serious. I said no way, but our other two friends were on board. An hour later, they all have very crudely drawn dolphins tattooed on their arms.
The mind boggles.
No. Tattoo's are degenerate 99.9% of the time
Just means you have a normal level of inhibition. Having tattoos correlates with all kinds of retard behavior.
not him but
Dude when I see someone with shitty tats i know they are unreliable and that they probably dont take life that serious. I get that when you see someone like that you probably thinks something like "oh another low life just like me. maybe we can be losers together"
I care because Im not a fucking loser.
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Imagine fucking up your filtration system for this shit.
>Am I just overthinking it?
Yes but the real redpill is that a shitty tattoo looks good on a fit body but most of /v/ is obese so they can't imagine any tattoo looking good on themself
You're a fag for not joining your friends. In 50 years they'll still have the bond of that tattoo and you'll be all alone.
its a miracle I didnt get a fallout new vegas themed tattoo between 2011 and 2015
some argue tattoos create a permanent state of alarm for your body and does stop your body from getting sick from smaller infections, but some counter this by stating its tiring your system out

theres no conclusive evidence but both agree tattoos are not a huge deal
no you do sound insecure
Trust me, some people recognise it and think you're an omega autistic faggot. Those people don't bring it up to repress the cringe
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I like to keep it subtle
You are this person, I recognise you from fit I think. You'd look better without the retarded tattoos
Imagine being an NPC who needs their messages on stone, paper, or wood instead of just memorizing and knowing them.
okay so, I can tell from the Euro experience, you might be in the right but there are some caveats

if you are young AND hip, graphic tees are cool
if you are european AND not hip, graphic tees are cringe, yes

for example I'm a 29 year old guy whos from a circle that started to buy rolexes, so I wear polos and long sleeve white/brown tshirts and be done with it.
but a HS friend of mine studied art and is a designer and he's wardrobe is full of graphic tees. but he's actually properly cool. like, Berlin levels of cool. so you gotta be cool to wear graphic tees.
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hey mister...

What's the point of getting a tattoo you can't even fucking see?
berlin is cool(tm)
so are amsterdam and marrakesh

but I can tell you friend whats really cool rn is copenhagen
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I want to get a giant Yakuza tattoo on my back. Is it allowed for gaijin to do this?
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>if you disagree with me you're an ugly incel loser chud
Man, seeing this shit more and more recently and its really just tiresome.
bitch should've talked to us then
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Tattoos are only cool when they symbolise exclusivity/belonging to a unique group.
Tribal tattoos (as in tribes of a particular ethnic group not the cringe generic “tribal” style)/gang or organised crime tattoos/secret societies, etc.
All other tattoos, i.e. a gay quote you like or a piece of media you enjoy or a pattern you think looks cool, are incredibly cringe absolutely the mark of an NPC that is completely lacking in individuality or personality and thinks getting a tattoo will help them seem more interesting. Same goes for extreme/unusual piercings.
Why is he so smug?
>whining about npc behavior
>praising getting tattoos that are needed in a group just because "you have to" versus choosing to get one
just say you're a shut in that likes yakuza tattoos we know
This person should be shot
You wouldn't know fashion if it hit you in the face. Tats are for hood rats and low T hipsters.
>muh incel
Happily married for eight years. Degens stay seething :)
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I need to get him coloured but I like him
They increase sex appeal and make you look edgy, which can be attractive to low-class people. Lots of the anons on /v/ could benefit socially from having tattoos.

>t. Guy who wanted to be a tattoo artist but couldn’t because no tattoos
retard post. Same tier as
>a bad haircut looks good on an attractive guy
No retard, the person looks good despite the tattoo/haircut
>praising getting tattoos that are needed in a group just because "you have to" versus choosing to get one
That’s literally what makes them more cool you plum.
Anybody can choose to get shitty pattern on his arm. It degrades the art of tattoo when every prick has one.
Tatts used to show that you were on the fringes of society, or that you had taken certain actions in your life that made you belong to a distinctive group. They used to tell a story.
Now they mean nothing
>They increase sex appeal and make you look edgy
Not anymore they don’t. Now they make you look like a nerd who wants to be cool
They always meant nothing
Any group that used them would have been the same with or without them.
They vanish after death and decomposition so it's not the same as say english longbowmen which had longer left arms and such.
Tattoos are just a cope to stand out
>not anymore they don’t
They still do— they always will, especially among younger people. The main problem is that they are low-class and attract people who are typically seedy or unscrupulous. But to claim that they don’t raise sex appeal is genuine nonsense.
circumcision is peak NPC test. Imagine cutting your dick skin permanently because some schizo told you the creator told him.
Tattoos are so cringe. Are gen z and gen alpha even getting tattoos? Seeing aging millennials with tattoos fills me with disgust.
Zoomers get them as a right of passage on their 18th birthdays in America.
I don't know a single woman and maybe only half a dozen men below the age of 26 who don't have tattoos.
>Are gen z and gen alpha even getting tattoos?
Yes but these generations have a big gap between tee totalers and complete degenerates.
Tattoos in gen z also means they 100% also at the very least use weed, if not other stuff. Also heavily increases the chance they are a hairdye fag or something
Not true. Only people who have huge insecurities and issues with the concept of authority get them
t. '99fag
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>don't mind me, just fucking up the 40,000 year plan of a godlike entity, as a joke
No other expression would be appropriate?
I wish he would talk to me :(
i would instantly coom if i saw one of these in real life.
>Only people who have huge insecurities and issues with the concept of authority get them
How else are you supposed to prove to everybody that you're a legal adult if not with a tattoo?
Tattoos are for people with low self-esteem who need to identify with something and must signal outwardly that they identify with that thing.
Shallow, the ink is permanent, and even if removed that ink ends up somewhere in your body.
Used to be only prison population had widespread tattoos but I guess nigger culture found its way into the broader college age world.
Dilate tranny
Yeah the prison population and general degenerates sure were the kind of fringe you'd like to identify with.(well if you have failed self-actualization in adulthood that is)
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>Get pressured into taking my autistic family member out for drinks
>Live in a somewhat posh neighbourhood so ask him to dress decently
>Shows up wearing a Buffy the Vampire Graphic Tee and a filthy Ash Ketchum cap
It was like 8 at night and dark, he didn't need a fucking cap. I might be autistic but at least I have self-awareness.
Trannies are exactly the kind of people who get them.
Low self-esteem, low imupulse control, no real identity, failure to self-actualize.
If a shitty drawing of a dolphin is what keeps them together then they weren't worth keeping as friends.
No, trannies hate tattoos
Showing off any tat is a sign of weakness and subserviance.
Showing off a vidya tat is basically the same as proclaiming to all that you're a hard masochist who doesn't require consent.
what is it with the "it's for attention!" cope all the time? all of my tattoos are hidden by clothing when i'm out, they're only for me.
People that get tattoos are incredibly easy to trigger. Even atheists and vegans aren't as easy to piss of as tattoofags
you'd be too if you did absolutely nothing wrong in your entire life
So you don't have any family of your own?
Why did you get them in the first place, whatever you got inked with was probably important enough for you to remember that you didn't need a permanent reminder.
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Reply to this post if you have no tattoos
I met a guy who was a heroin addict who liked tattoos because they’d relax him. Lots of people get hooked on the feeling. I used to draw with sharpies on a girl I know, and she thought it was really relaxing.

I should hit her up and try to fuck her. That sounds like it’d be fun.
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Doesn’t get better/worse than this
They're people who have never tried sitting or laying down and just relaxing their mind without it being sleep.
They accidentally found a method of meditation but are still oblivious on how to recapture that feeling without it coming from the same stimulus.
Bitches can see it when we fuckin.
Post body.
imagine this with soijak/pepe variants
damn this is old, I wonder if they ever got to fix this shit kek
holy mother of midwittery
I'm in the same boat. I don't hate them like some of the autists in this thread but there's just nothing I want forever.
cringe tier
>this tattoo represents a special moment from my life
>this tattoo is some poetry or philosophy that i think is super deep
>this tattoo is from [media franchise] i like
respectable tier
>this tattoo is something i got because it looks nice

It's just skin.
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I earned kiryu
It's your largest organ and almost entirely how you present to the world. Don't say it's just skin, it's your fucking skin, man. If you like a piece of art frame it and put it on a wall or set it as your phone wallpaper.
Not inject fentanyl in it with dirty needles for a year just for lulz.
Sure, i'm not saying you shouldn't take care of your skin.
But the pretense of wanting to show your "true self" on your skin somehow is ridiculous.
The best you can do is have it look nice.
>It’s just skin.
People forget that your skin serves a lot of pretty important functions in the maintenance of homeostasis. Tattoos can fuck up your sebaceous glands and make it so that you can’t sweat from the parts of your skin that have been inked. For people who are chronic drunks, having a huge tattoo will put even more pressure on their liver and lead to all sorts of problems that they’d otherwise have been (most likely) able to handle.
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I think tattoos are ugly, but at the same time, nothing really matters in the end. So getting a tattoo on a whim or not getting one at all, are basically on par with each other. Each are just "whatever".
How much did you pay the guy to draw this shit on you? Whyd he make it's head so fucking big too, God damn it's ugly as hell.
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based or cringe?
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Tattoos are only acceptable on men really, I got a bad ass snake and some small ones on my shoulders that my best bud from middle/high school did at my aunt's house. One is the Freedom patch and the other is Bazett's command sign.
I've seen fucking military instructors and no shit killers with Final Fantasy crystals and naruto shit tatted on their forearms so I've kinda stopped caring.
The problem isn't vidya tatts.
It's that you mother fuckers a paying the most random fucking artist on the street to ink you up.
There's also context. I'm not worried about what shirt I throw on for my gas station/shopping. Hanging out depends on the spot, a graphic tee would be fine at something like a concert or bar, but I'd dress up a bit for a club or dinner type outing.
Dude was probably blacked out with ink.
Haven't humans been marking their flesh for fucking centuries?
Nice tits anon
N-no homo
Life expectancy was also dogshit back then, so it’s not really much of an argument to claim that since people have been doing it forever it’s a safe thing to do.
Cute bra, show tits
Is this better or worse than the Napoleon tattoo guy?
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>tfw passively judge people with tattoos but don't actually have any strong feelings towards them
I'd never get one, but some of the coolest guys I know have at least 1 tat
It's the weird "fuck me" eyes that really get me. The tattoo would still be cringe without it but that just elevates it to incredibly bizarre
sensible chuckle
so just a soulless version?
Are these "bitches" often behind you?
here in west coast, working a retail job, about 95% of my coworkers in my age group have more than one tattoo. One has a design that covers his whole right arm up to his knuckles. am 21, no tats.
this should be on american flag
Sorry but I don't want to be cattle branded.
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>two friends get some chibi shit done on the same part of their upper arm
>the cheapskate of the two's was so bad i didnt even know he had it for years until the other told me
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it looks absolutely retarded I'm wheezing
Tattoos are for criminals and other human scum. Anyone with a tattoo should be locked up.
I don't think normal people are even aware what the fuck "Sonic Adventure 2" is
it will be more like
>uhu. [akward silence]
>It's a video game!
>okay, nice. [akward silence] nice picture.
Isn't the protag holo and thus a badass?
the protag's just undead, hollows are undead who go schizo from severe humanity withdrawals
It would be against the law for me to say
>Sealed bottles of tattoo and permanent makeup ink, including some marked as sterile, contained millions of potentially dangerous bacteria, according to new research by the US Food and Drug Administration.

I am not a Fed
>sex appeal
Tattoos are alcoholic retard "fashion".
You're not an illiterate dock worker you dumb cunt.
It's not my fault you're fucking retarded.
Same. Do your parents give you Walmart tees with graphic images of shit you liked 20 years ago? Mine have given me courage the cowardly dog and Playstation enginnering shecmatics and stuff, that people compliment a shit ton. I don't get it. I wear them when I visit or laundry day. Not my style. I'm 33. People LOVE them tho, so I'm happy they have good taste in norm core, at least. People always say I like your shirt when I wear them. 8 outta 10 times.

Why the pepper?
mods working with feds confirmed again
why would the feds care about tattoos
I have the l'cie brand for Final Fantasy.
>Tattoos are only acceptable on men really
Explain your opinion
nothing is acceptable on women besides my cock and balls
Sleeves just look cool dude. They can be good conversation pieces too if there's some meaning to them and you're not totally autistic.
Also what this anon said, tatts on women are 9 times out of 10 a signifier for low-status if it's anything besides their child's name in small lettering somewhere like on their shoulder.
I hate tattoos and hate having to see them on you idiots
The red dragon skeleton from FF Mystic Quest cracks me up every time.
Of all things to get a tattoo of.
Why aren't they allowed on women?
This goes both ways
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Bro out here showing off tattoos that can only be seen while he's getting pegged
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If you just want to show off something from a game you really like, why not just wear a shirt or a trinket from that game?

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