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>Those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death. In the embrace of messmer's flame
The way he says the last part really pisses me off
That's because he sounds bored, which makes sense canonically in that he's killed many a tarnished before you with ease.
I was surprised at how easy he was. He pretty much commits suicide in phase 2.
It's a great fight, one of my favorites in Elden Ring but they really need to make phase 2 stronger
Its not a strength thing, the giant snake heads end up having him stand around afterwards too much so you can get so many free hits in on him. I don't think the snakes even do anything they always miss you.
>Those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death.
and he was right, he smashes his "grace" right before you kill him.
>the giant snake heads end up having him stand around afterwards too much so you can get so many free hits in on him.
It's pretty easy to dodge. So yeah.
But it's interesting because if you block it with a shield it'll send you flying back super far and stun you for so long that you don't have time to counter. That move stuns our block far more than most attacks.
Maybe they should just make the actual hitbox of the attack last for long enough that you have to dodge away from it. Or something. I don't know.
I have a rule: boss drops a gay one liner, I drop a mimic
I think it made me enjoy elden ring as a whole a lot more
Maybe it'd make the fight too easy. But phase two should fully heal Messmer. Boost his max HP by 3.
But then constantly hurt him until he dies.

This would
1. Make the fight last longer. Allowing you to see more of his cool moves and making it so that you actually need to learn how to deal with all of his attacks and such.
2. It'd still make it easier. Even a sub par player would be able to squeeze out a phase 2 victory simply by surviving long enough even if they never quite figured out how to properly counter with their own damage.
3. Countering with your own damage would of course speed up phase 2 significantly. Giving players an incentive to deal damage even though Messmer would eventually self-immolate in time anyway.
He was just right. Not every fight has to be malenia levels of drawn out and tanky you know
It's to compensate for the fact that his regular melee attacks now have a dash chained to them that puts him out of range
I noticed every boss that didnt just stop taking damage in phase 2 felt overly fair in comparison
I got the impression that hitting the snake's head did more damage than it should, too
He doesn't sound bored, he puts emphasis on the SSSS sound because he's a snake
why were people on /v/ seething about him being too hard when he's a very standard fight
he has that one sort of super combo where the second part has that super fast flurry that's just there to be scary, I really don't get
in the embrace of MESSSmer's flame
Messmer is a near-perfect boss. There's 1 or 2 moves that are kinda dumb but otherwise he's easily the best boss of the DLC (with Midra being 2nd).
so what does becoming the elden lord actually mean foe your character? what does the elden lord even do, just sit on the throne and chill with the erdtree?
O lightless creature… Embrace thine oblivion, as shall I.
The move that kind of annoys me is the one where he drags his spear, but he's really fun with light roll, playing aggressively
they get to plap marika
I'm not a huge fan of the snake nonsense in phase 2 but he's pretty fun overall
he has really satisfying animations to dodge kinda like midra
It does, you can hit both the snake head and messmer's body for double damage
charge R2s on phase 2 opener is big dick damage and a free stagger
>get summoned to help with messmer
>host dies to the scripted phase 1 opener

how do these people even get to the dlc
The spear drag is his best move because it lets you jump under it AND get a followup
He doesn't use it in p2 and it sucks
>3 different snake combos that are all near identical time wasters
>"snake rush" that has him erupt in a huge AoE and does DoT if you're too lose
Phase 2 is so much less fun than phase 1 it's not even funny
/v/ermin don't actually play video games. Messmer is one of the most honest, fun and easy to learn boss fights in this game. He even gets EASIER in his second phase for fuck sake.
I hate niggers who pronounce his name as mezmer

Which is literally every single person i heard speak his name outside the game
yeah that's kinda my problem with it. I was expecting more of a show with phase 2 but instead it was just that
They summon good Samaritans to help them with Mohg. Summoning for such an easy boss should've been their wakeup call that the DLC was about to kick their teeth in. Now that I think about it, you can literally go straight to Messmer without beating any other bosses. Shitters probably lost 3 times to any boss they found and wandered around until they found the back entrance into Shadow Keep.
Why didn't Melimeli just talk to her big bro?
>would of
I beat him on my first try. I sort of dropped the expansion before I beat radahn though. got halfway up his legacy dungeon but some of these mobs are kicking my ass and I dont feel like going to find skibidi fragments. Im also at Midir and the tree thing. The tree I got to his 3rd phase but kept dying, bitch has a lot of health.
Messmer is alright, his snakes in phase 2 are boring in that you can only just roll them. The best bossfight in the game is still Morgott.
I wonder if that's because it's a root word the name was obviously derived from (you dumb cunt)
It means you get to sweep up Leyndell.
i did a shitton of mohg co-op and that still doesn't explain it to me
hosts are super dumb on him but I would still win like 80% of the time just by being autistically good at him.
Co-op in the DLC seems like all host IQ points just jump out the window, on Rellana I had to hack my name to be something like "pls just let me fcking dodge her attacks 4u" and they would still die immediately
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>oh you never saw Tower Town at its height
>for a labor camp it was the very model of order and efficiency
>and why, for that you have to look to the top
>to me!
>my word, my very glance was law, and the verdict was always the same
>ohhhhhh no no no Tarnished you can't dismiss me that easily
>I did what had to be done!
>my men understood that and thats why they loved me
>I would order them to go out and kill Hornsent scum
>and they did it, they murdered them, and they'd come back covered in blood
>but they felt clean. Now why did they feel that way Tarnished?
I don't care about your fucking excuses stop saying things wrong
at this point i'm convinced all those people just got caught in a combo 1 (one) time and then started seetheposting
nothing else makes sense because his moveset is so limited
I really dislike bosses that speak when you die. I’m not pissed off or anything its just the repetition of hearing it that annoys me. Sekiro is probably the worst offender.
I like him but prefer Gaius or even the sunflower.
i don't remember any of the sekiro one liners unlike I AM MALENIA BLADE OF MIQUELLA being ingrained in my brain until the end of time
messmer won't stick with me either bc I beat him in like 5 tries
>show this dude like he's important
>has 10sec of dialogue
>nothing else

fuck this DLC
No, not really. Tarnished are extremely uncommon in the Land of Shadow, and Messmer bemuses about Marika's intent when he sees you're Tarnished. The graceless people he massacred are the Hornsent.
Pondering my orb
Gaius alone deserves to be in the top 3 just because he managed to make a horseback combat boss feel actually pretty fun
actually a pretty gud spell if you buffstack enough
For whatever reason, casual players in Elden Ring are encouraged to completely give up learning anything about a boss after dying 2 or 3 times then they see every summon as Let Me Solo Her. If I see the host do fucking nothing, I just leave.
i could be let me solo her level as a summon on some of the dlc bosses if they would stop fucking standing in combos like 60IQ retards
rellana is a very repetitive fight with very obvious combo enders and chances to heal and yet hosts just walk into combo openers pressing R1 which is why I pointed it out. It's insane
Wow so instead of a boss instantly transitioning into some BS move Fromsoft had restraint and let you hit him a few times?! Sounds like good boss design to me.
thats everything in this game
Is that guy the biggest dickrider in Fromsoft history?
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Nothing wrong with dickrider your dad
he should've been the final boss for as much marketing as he got instead of the dogshit they threw at us
what did you do against rellana
not that anon but when I started rolling towards the boss to avoid their attacks it became a billion times easier. Relanna was the best example because most of her combos can either be easily avoided (no room for follow ups) by simply rolling into her or straffing (if you have +150 IQ

I noticed that a lot of the DLC bosses were especially punishing if you rolled backwards or to the sides, but rolling into them (and also unlocking your camera during wind ups) really made them a breeze.
I haven't has anyone in these threads explain to me yet why I'm wrong in thinking Messmer is another child of Marika and Radagon. He bears a curse, he has red hair, he has fire monks, his fighting technique and moves are parallels to Malenia especially the snake spam having an almost, if not identical, pattern to Malenia's clone move, etc. I feel like I have missed something obvious because everyone seems to agree I am wrong, but nobody explains why. Is there some item description or something that says who his father is?
Lady butterfly made me want to shoot my screen
Who the hell is telling you Messmer isn't Radagon's son? He fucking reuses parts of his theme.
People/a person in the last few threads when I mentioned it. I had assumed it was a given, but I got a load of "the timeline doesn't fit" and shit so it made me doubt myself.
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You get double hits on them sometimes.
>If I see the host do fucking nothing, I just leave.
For me it's the reverse. I hate dancing with a boss for five minutes only for it to end in some stupid fashion because the host thought he'd get a hit in and the boss switched targets and promptly butchered him. If you summon me you better stay the fuck out of my way and let me handle it, I will get you through the boss and we can high-five after.
You can run back and strafe the snake barrage but strafing his basic snakes is kinda esoteric.
Radahn 2 is the peak rollslop boss, sadly. It's like they saw that complaint and didn't understand it was disparaging it.
I unironically wanted the option to spare Messmer, make him get over his bitch of a mother, and find some other method of burning the sealing tree.
Should have been an option if you have the frenzy flame as a parallel to "saving" his sister Melina against her will.
So who was Godwyn's consort, if he's Godrick's father? It's certainly not Lansseax, Godrick does not have dragon genes.
It's from soft, honestly DS2 did this best where you could team up with actual boss tier enemies to fight other bosses.
he's also working off of old news
he doesn't realize that grace has returned to the Tarnished
I'd put Bayle over everything, but that's just because I like dragon fights
Midra, Messmer, and Romina are the standouts in the DLC for me
I'd like to put Radahn on that list, but sadly phase one only lasts 30 seconds
Miquella probably would've chosen him if he weren't omegafucked
That doesn't answer the question. If Marika isn't Godrick's mother, then who is?
some hoe
I imagine the absolute chad that is Godwyn had no shortage of options
Radahn robbed the shit out of this poor fucker in his own DLC lmao
So what actually was his problem? He says we're stripped of the grace of gold even though we are one of the very few that can still see the guidance of grace? He also realizes that we are actually one of Marika's champions but he still wants to kill us because we are devoid of light or some shit??
Ruby of the Old Caelid Road whorehouse.
He's a boss innit bruv.
That seems rather inconclusive, both for someone closely related to Godwyn and to Godrick and Godefroy. Especially when family relations are so important in this game.
I mean you say he doesn't have dragon genes but he stitches one to his arm. He clearly liked dragons.
but the golden lineage was thinning out
that's why Godrick is so weak; he barely has any golden blood left
so clearly, they have to be coupling with regularish people
Oh also that image I quoted, it has Messmer paired with Melina and separate from Malenia and Miquella.
He can stitch one to his arm because he has Numen blood, and so can fuse his body with other people and creatures. His blood is weaker, so he can't perfectly fuse like Marika can.

You've never heard of one pup in a litter just being a deformed, weak runt? It happens.
>Especially when family relations are so important in this game
Exactly and Godwyn is not Godricks father you retard.
Fuck the timeline, the game literally doesn't have one that the players didn't make up themselves.
I meant that he reveres dragons and wants their strength, maybe because he is of dragon blood but turned our a little bitch and has dragonlet insecurities over it. Is like Arnold Swarzenegger's non-bastard kid, the fat one.
Qordt instance of that is when Rogier tells you about the shattering. Can't remember off the top of my head but he basically contradicts himself in the same sentence about the chain of events.
I should go to sleep, I can't type anymore.
He's Godricks great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather. Godwyn never fucked an empyrean so each of his children is losing his divine powers slowly, but they of course inherit the numen genes that let them bond foreign appendages to their body.

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