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Name a better developer. You literally can't.
This is really going to trigger the usual suspects kek.
this has been debunkd by plague of gripes
Where is Déraciné, Monster Hunter Diary, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Another Century's Episode, Yatsu Hakamura, and the Armored core series in this list?
From Soft makes some bangers but not everything they had a hand in was good.
You are pushing it saying Dark Souls 2 was good.
Is DS2 the massive shlong and balls that's removed for normie sensibilities?
Game recieved poz. Likely in the form of elevating. They do this on purpose, because digital advertisements are high value real estate in the park of judgement
Hey dipshit you forgot the only good souls game, Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin
i guess all those hundreds of awards somehow don't exist then huh
Where's Dark Souls 2?
DS2fags are annoying but honestly it's a fun game that's very replayable.
In the trash where it belongs
If something is popular it's just hecking good okay.
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I wonder if they will ever go back to King Fields style. First person action dungeon crawling. Indie games are cool and all but I want something more modern with a bigger budget. Not ps1 graphics.
Elevation is to put you above your peers. Done through cheap as fuck entertainment channels that gaslight and lie to weaken your perception before attempting to rewrite core beliefs superstructure. Creates leaders of the empire. All hail the empire. Thank you empire. I love empire now.
me (my unreleased kinogame series)
then how come ds3 and elden ring are there
>You are pushing it saying Dark Souls 2 was good.
Look at the picture again
Insane, insane, totally massive. Totally safe suicide nets guarantee
Unironically, Nintendo.
Also Subset Games
buy an ad, faggot
Fixed it.
literally fucking WHO
Capcom and it's not even close. From makes one game and re-sells it to you every five years in a new coat of paint with the same bugs and shittier invasion systems. If you actually think From Slopware can hold a candle to Capcom's gigantic catalog of genre defining games and quality IPs you are a zoomer faggot who doesn't know shit about video games - which is probably why you like From Slopware to begin with. The de fact 20-something zoomer retard developer.
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>talking a furry farmers opinion seriously
Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring are fucking garbage.
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Did anyone actually have fun playing sekiro? I thought the combat was the worst part of the game.
If one of them is bad then all of them are bad.
Elden Ring is the greatest RPG of our generation. Not liking it is fine but saying is "garbage" is just wrong. They took the Souls formula and perfected it.
Dark Souls 3 is trash.
That video is dogshit.

I can't believe he got so assblasted by the shield description in Bloodborne. It's talking in-universe dipshit, hunters are meant to be aggressive to take down the beasts, not coward behind a shield.
Elden Ring is terrible.
Terrible image. Doesn't even make sense.
I approve of the exclusion of DS2.
>le dark souls is bad after anor londo meme
opinion discarded
Open world games are just regular games but with more empty space.
this is the most unfunny thing I've ever seen
Fans of Dark Souls 3 fundamentally fail to understand what made Dark Souls 1 good.
Honestly bizzare this meme has kept up for so long. Some of the best stuff is usually done after Anor Londo. Painted World, Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants are top tier dungeoncrawling kino. New Londo is atmospheric kino. Dukes Archives is pretty good. All of the bad areas are generally pretty short. Lost Izalith is tiny and Crystal Caves takes like 2 minutes to get through the entire thing. The part of the game I've come to dislike the most over the years is Anor Londo itself.
youtubers parroting each other because none of them have genuine thoughts of their own
Does he actually farm? I thought it was just a bit.
I'd be more impressed if they did other kinds of games. Their games are all the same aside from armored core I guess but who gives a shit about that?
he used to live with his parents who are/were farmers.
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Haha even
Nonsense. Elden Ring has more content than any other souls game. World is full of it. "More empty space" complaint isn't valid when fast travel can teleport you directly to the gameplay.
Pic unrelated.
DS1, BB, and SKR are pretty good games.

DS2, DeS are mid.

ER is possibly the most overrated game.
No slander, they are the kings of reusing assets. JP developers do it a lot, yet every western dev sees FromSoft reusing stuff from over a decade ago and still refuse to do it
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There you go
Fried zoomer brain detected
>let's copy paste all these bosses around the world.
>more content
>empty space is not problem because you can teleport and ignore all the empty space
I'm a huge from fan but people like you are gutter trash
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Shut your whore mouth, bitch. Truth bomb incoming.
This. The only good thing about DS2 was the co-op. The game was rushed and downgraded to the extreme.
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You know what you're doing
>Participating or instigating a flamewar
lmao even
>He hasn't even played the games and thinks he can criticize them
aw sweet a schizophrenia thread
Armored Core 6 is a fantastic game and should be on that pic too
The most ironic thing here is that FromSoft used to be known as the devs that flood the market with so much kusoge until the west latched on Dark Souls and thrust it into heights where it's the only thing they make now.
There's a really mad guy in this thread
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the canon version
Rockstar San Diego
Naughty Dog
Nintendo EAD
Obsidian Entertainment
Japan Studios (Nowdays: Team Asobi)
Sucker Punch Productions
Your mother riding my dick all night long.

Just to name a few.
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a (you) for your bait, keep it up
I am all ears
You must be 18 to post here.
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'nuff said
only ninja gaiden was good, nioh is slop
They defined action games.
I will beat you to death in the street you piece of refuse scum sucking shill.
Insomniac has always had a really strong track record
tiles 3,4, and 6 should be poorly drawn. They popularized the rollslop and boss fight spectacle of things.
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Capcom and Square Enix
Ok good someone beat me to it
PS1-era Square
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I can. Quite easily, in fact.
Sekiro is the only game in this image that I have even the slightest interest in maybe playing one day.
Nioh is better than all of that slop.
Sekiro sucked
Fippy bippy
sekiro rocks
it’s ok. don’t play it hoping for a samurai experience. it’s more like cyborg ninja bullshit
This. I can’t remember what line it was during that plague video, but it was about Miyazaki’s direction preference or something. However it was a prime fucking moment to mention Armored Core 4/ For Answer. Since it seems like most people tend to ignore this, but THOSE were the first games Miyazaki directed with From. Yet nobody ever uses those games to help explain or try to understand Miyazaki more. Apparently Demon’s Souls is the first game and only game that existed with From and Miyazaki. I am only convinced it never gets mentioned in videos like this is because they’re just head bobbing other souls only players limited perspective. Even playing King’s Field gives you more perspective on this topic. It’s painfully annoying with the intentional ignorance.
And you totally missed the point, he doesn't like the other games because he is a austitic that hates getting hit and losing small amounts of HP, yet, all the points against the other fromsoftware games are true, DS1 is still the best by far and the others are good for other reasons.
I would play FromSoft games but i'm too scared of the difficulty
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play them now
Good one pal
I've thought about DS3 and Elden Ring but I can't spend a lot of time playing games now or for the foreseeable future and I think I wouldn't enjoy how hard they are. Just gonna stick to Fifa 14 manager mode
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Careful anon, you ready to defend hollywood too?
Rockstar shits all over roll slop
>Only DS2 has the chutzpah to have a horse cock
>Shittily drawn
Perfect description
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From, CAPCOM and Konami are my favorite studios, I am so glad they exist too bad the later two hate their franchises
replace 2 with horseshit drawn by a toddler and elden ring with a novice drawing and it's accurate.
I knew he had a blistering hatred for Bloodborne, but really? Over the shield?
>zoomer needs constant stimulation
Hello Games and Camelot.
Warhorse Studios.
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Statistically speaking, it's very likely Nintendo EPD 8 and its predecessor entities, as the 3D Mario developer. You go back far enough, its only real speedbump is Super Mario Sunshine.
New Star Games Ltd.
11 bit studios.
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It's more like this.
>omits ds2
goddamn that game was a pile of shit
DS2 is underrated
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It's honestly comfy that a decade on you guys are all still arguing about dark souls 2. I feel like I could cryogenically freeze myself and come back in 2074 and I'd still see the exact same threads (with the next 30 souls games appended to the image ofc). It's nice to have constants like this in life.
No, it gets shit on appropriately. Everything after it is just overrated, exponentially so.
DS1 is overrated because it is blatantly unfinished and it ruins the immersion when the time and financial constraints become so apparent while playing
I think it's fine. It's just the Dark Souls with ice horses
DS1 and 2 are masterpieces.
DS3 is serviceable.
I haven't played DeS, Bloodborne or Sekiro.
Elden Ring is garbage without soul or an understanding of what made its predecessors great.
It baffles me how many of you gobble that shit up.
Everyone always says that it falls off pretty hard in the second half, it's not all that overrated and is getting less so as each new game brings in new players that can't handle the pace and jank
DS2 is shit, Sekiro is kinda shit, and elden ring is shit but shit with a lot of content. Include Ac6 you cowards.
>mgs1 tier jank: game 1
>mgs1 tier jank: game 2
>now we're getting somewhere
>actual good videogame
>ubislop: >:( ....ubislop: japan :-O
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>open up my 4channel
>finish my rounds on /fit/ and /tv/
>go to my from software discussion board
>then finish it up with the animal thread on /wsg/
this is the life
While I agree that the series is worse now, some of his points were quite stupid. You must always filter plagues rants through the fact he is a 40 year old man who has been raging against his conservative parents since he was 13 years old. Sometimes he just says stupid shit for its own sake.
all those games suck. they're difficulty porn for people without jobs.
>watch video
>dood Demon's Souls always had le reputation as le broken, janky game!!
>thumbs video down and close it out
Retarded secondary revisionist history opinion
Zoomers love open world games, though.
I think Bloodborne, Dark Souls and Sekiro are some of the best games ever made. Sekiro in particular is astounding how fucking good it is. I love From
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it really does seem like they want to make a good product. even when the game isn't what interests me or filled with crappy DLC, it still is a game that was supposed to be good
>vaxtard that openly states he doesn't have friends and lives a miserable life
I will not take any of his opinions seriously
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It's weird how Dark Souls 1 is often the one with the highest praise despite it being the most flawed of the bunch. Every game that game after improved on it in some form or way
based brainlet
Who the fuck is Jessica?
>he doesn't know who Jessica is
You didn't beat the game
Based and true, post-Anor Londo is underrated
no elden ring especially just has large swaths of empty space you don't use for anything, world should have been condensed, if you want a game that makes good use of open world space play Genshin Impact
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Everything after DS2 is goyslop
>literally the same shit
lmao accurate
new to me
>if you want a game that makes good use of open world space play Genshin Impact
the world being barren wasn't even the problem with Elden Ring, it was the weird fucking difficulty spikes that just prevented you from exploring what you really did find fun and the amount of recycled bosses.
If anything, Elden Ring deserved a content trim.
all bad games. the whole horse would be drawn like a 6 year old drew it, ds is normie slop.
Why do people hate the Crystal Caves? it's fucking neat.
>elden ring replay value
People praise DS1 for the amount of ways you can go at the start of the game, and the order you can tackle the bosses. Elden Ring, especially the DLC, does this better, which incentivizes replaying. People praise DS2 for its build variety and classes of weapons. Elden Ring has far more, which incentivizes replaying. People praise DS3 for its more fluid combat compared to DS1 and DS2, and its ability to make itself more fun on a moment to moment basis. Elden Ring has more expanded combat, more options, and therefore more fun moment to moment gameplay, which incentivizes replay. All these things make you want to play the game again immediately after finishing it. You don't get these feelings with the previous games.
literally every other
>People praise DS1 for the amount of ways you can go at the start of the game, and the order you can tackle the bosses
that's not replay value and those who think it is are retards
30k SM run in Scholar is, without a doubt, the best Souls challenge run.
>weapon scaling is shit
>flynn's ring
game 2 easy
Nothing about Elden Ring made me want to replay it ever again, much less right away.
I never said it's hard, and for me it's not.
DS2 gives you the best options for builds, considering how many equipment pieces give you stat bonuses.
>S tier
Sekiro, Bloodborne, DS1
>OK tier
DS2, DS3
>ruined the franchise for ever and there's no going back
Tranny Ring
you are right
its more a 72/100
vessel shield is pretty OP, I'm a little sad that I will always go to the rotten first because of flynn's ring though
I go for Second Dragon Ring asap (since Third D.R. is waaaaay late in the game). By killing scorpion guy, of course.
>They took the Souls formula and perfected it.
Said no one ever.
>ton of copy pasted fights
>ton of copy pasted areas
>shit load of zones devoid of life or content
>ton of completely unusable weapons, spells and items
>unnecessary bloat created by "crafting"
>every 3rd miracle requires some sort of clown suit or different seal to cast effectively
>stat bloat
>instead of "hard but fair" you get "zanzibart and fuck you"
>has the most cut content out of all from's games
>completely dropped the ball on covenant system and coherent faction system
>cut endings
>limited crafting items
>rune arc, the most useless unique currency known to a man
>pick a purple/yellow item, it's weed
>side content is mostly useless if you don't utilize spirit ashes
>has the most walls built around features like co-op and PVP
>forces players to cheat on subsequent playthroughs just to avoid consumable/gear bloat
>has the most endings, only two of them are not copy pasted crap with different color scheme attached to it
>has the most broken quest lines in the series
>abandoned sense of fantasy world grounded in reality in favor of presentation and anime-sque bullshit
I can rant about this game for hours. It only perfected "souls formula" if your personal peak is Lost Izalith.
>>unnecessary bloat created by "crafting"
can't believe they missed a huge opportunity of having an armour set or weapon be craftable
You missed the best one bro
Well you are very alone with that opinion. Likely because you didn’t beat the game
I always liked his takes on the story, he was usually on point about stuff.
But the recent video about the more general game design is stunningly bad it really surprised me how nitpicky and stupid the criticisms were.
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Don't worry. I got it right here.
I wish. If I could go back and stop myself from playing past Leyndell I would.
>you can’t
you’re right…I concede.
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not a shred of original thought found in zoomers without their jewtube jesus
kek based
pity (You) for the brutal ratio
Dark Souls 3 is the only one from game I never 100%. Because it's shit. And your pic is shit.
>One good game
>'nuff dev'd
don't start looking into the mirror
based kings field chad
no, top down rainbow loot sims killed your genre
dark souls 2 is way better than 3 at least
What are you talking about, From has a mountain of shovelware, B games and terrible kusoge on it's resume. Soulsdrones are just stupid and think the company popped into existence with demon souls.
holy shit fpbp
Does appeal to braindead normalfags though
put me in the screencap
Does not*
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Its time
Wait a second...
Yep, game falls the fuck off past the first 20-30 hours.
>boomers need 10 minute long loading screens all the time
Evergrace remake when?
>skyrim is cheap on gog
>only ever played the game on the 360 at release
>realize my potato of a computer is more than capable of running it and I've never played with mods before
>game loads so fast with my SSD I don't even had time to spin around the little things
it felt weird
loading screens on bethesda games are when I got household chores done, you could clean the fucking gutters and mow the back yard in the time it takes a late game bethesda save to load
How can a string of games be so mind-bustingly similar, yet massively inconsistent in quality?
Capcom and Nintendo have more range while still maintaining a high quality
>Elden Ring has more content
Copy pasted caves and dungeons with copy pasted bosses at the end that give a random (probably useless) reward. Lol who likes this shit?
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You wish OP. It's a rollercoaster

>Bloodborne this low

If the non-linear levels wasn't so shit so far this would've been in A.

>H-he holy filtered
Enlighten me how the fuck am I suppose to know to buy a key to progress to get to Amelia.

It would've been better to have the blood-festering beast drop the item for you to backtrack but no. I needed a guide for that.

Also I can't sit at the fucking lamp but for some dumb fucking reason or teleport from the lamp instead going to the dream first.

Unless the level design gets better it's staying in B. Also There's like one good boss I went through and that was father g
What's the combat like in Rise of the Ronin if you don't dodge or parry? Is it like Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox where you basically just have to do combos, get out of the way of their attack (not a dodge button just moving the character around), and then wait for your opening to attack again?
people already call elden ring dark souls 2 2 so better fix up your ragebait image
makes no sense since ds3 is literally bloodborne without rally system
I never got lost in DS3. Also I can sit at a bonfire and reset enemies and hp without the need to going into dream.

Also the beginning bosses I've gone through are miles better than the ones I did in Bloodborne so far.

Gundyr > Father G

Abyss Watchers > Amelia
Likely bait, but also true
I played network test in Elden Ring. Even then I noticed some things that reminded me of DS2 and taljed about it. Of course, everyone ignored it because they like to pretend how DS2 does not exist. It only took them 2 years to fibally admit it.
>pic related
from Lies of P and its inspiration was not so easy to ignore, tho.
Forgive my phonepostingism.
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true i wanted to do this
Where's Dark Souls 2?
Capcom 1990-2006
take your L, From Drone
>studio that only ever made broken unfinished meme shit
>better than studio that only makes broken meme shit since 2006
your brain is broken
As someone with +10 clears of ER, the replay value is dog shit. Once you know where everything is, the game is just slowly riding from point a to be to c before you get to the meat of the game, thay being the bosses. Its a slog. Like, I dont see myself replaying the dlc becauze of how long it takes to get there ON TOP of ACTUALLY having to run around to pick up fragments. I have double the characters in all the other souls games because they arent a chore to play. I don't wanna have to run around collecting bell bearings, seeds, and shit. Not a problem with the more linear games because its all mostly on the same path.
When I first read this reply I thought it was a joke. Like your opinion was debunked because a bunch of people complained about the games, a plague of gripes. Its less funny with context now.
Name one capcom game in the last 10 years that was actually genre defining. Their biggest games of the last 10 years have all been sequels, rehashing the same gameplay with a new coat of paint, with the exception of RE7 which went first person to chase the horror trend of the time which had started with amnesia and continued with outlast.
wait, so the zoomer brain is less fucked than millenials?
Bloodborne is their magnum octopus
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Wasn't made by FromSoft
ESL bro...
>same game, but progressively worse and more repetitive to point EA and Ubisoft blush at how brazenly rehashed the content is

i guess they are 'better', but being better than the other annual rehash slop developers doesnt mean much.
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fpbp, fromtroons on suicide watch
literally the opposite, every bethesda game is fucking shit
This is why I only do replays on NG+, respeccing my character into what build I wanna do just before moving onto the next cycle. The whole collect items thing is a slog, and I don't like having to spend 70% of my run prepping and only being able to use the build I want to use for the final stretch of it. NG+ is so convenient to just jump right in and ignore all the stuff you don't want to do.
>Dark Souls 3.5 now featuring infinite Skyrim tier copy pasted dungeons with some mushrooms in them as a reward, the worst combat in the series and the most boring lore and story imaginable yet
what an achievement
>that's not replay value and those who think it is are retards
uhhh... yeah it is. You are the retard. Having many roads to choose from when you start the game 100% adds to its replayability.
DS remaster is better than PTDE
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idk I like team ninja games alot also armored core games are better than ds
DS3 is trash
Nice try
Only <18 care about literal whos and take their game opinions as fact
The list would be shorter if you named devs that are worse than fromsoft
Better than ER. And by a lot.
You missed a game there friend, 2 games actually they made that VR thing
not even close
3 is the definition of trash and worse than even 2
3 was their last semi competent game, which isn't saying much in the grand scheme of things.
Regardless of which is better between 2 and 3, it is inarguable that there is a massive rift between them and ER. ER is comically boring and lazy.
agreed same and based
undeniable, undisputable truth
FROM Soft have not made an honest game since Sekiro
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whoa elden ring looks like that?
Replace 3 with 2 and it's accurate. 3 is where it started going downhill
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>fromsoft can't design games
gtfo newfag
I lel'd
>Elden Ring has more content than any other souls game
>169 repeated bosses
>Repeated bosses from previous games
There is barely any new content
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ummm why did you remove the Goat?
amazing how much DS2 makes so many people seethe, you can almost see them crashing their control onto the ground for falling on yet another avoidable gank
DS2's broken hitboxes and animation out fromsoft as hacks that have never actually made a complete game

every one of their games has major issues, they just get better at hiding them
>funny how pajeets eating shit is vile to other people
It really isn't. You just lack the self-awareness, Kumar
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Yui ""co-director"" Tanimura
Its a bummer that lost kingdoms was totally forgotten
not funny, amazing. it's not funny to share the board with shitters
>ER's only pro is being better screenshot fodder
As long as you don't claim the game is actually good, we seem to be in agreement
everyone produces shit, even Tanimura. But Sanjays and DS2 cultists are the ones who eat them up
What does DS2 have to do with pajeets?

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