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What so much anger over this game? Pretty inoffensive in the grand scheme of things.
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Fromtards still can't defend this.
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Shazamfags still can't recover from this.
According to the retards on this board, you're not allowed to like video games
Same with every game. It's because everyone likes it and I decided I don't after playing it between 0-1 hours. They should hate it like me or I'll invison them being the people I hate.

Fuck you op!
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go play your garbage nihonslop at 720p.

Kneel to elden chads
this post basically proves that tendies are behind all the anti-from threads. But we already knew that. In fact I have already proven that there are about 5 tendies responsible for about 75% of the posts here.
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>dodge until there's an opening to attack
Thanks for proving my point.
Because it's not on Nintendo. Once a switch 2 port lands you'll see significantly less shitposting about it and images like: >>683264170 will likely never be posted again.
Why defend it when you're just clearly lying?
The greatest unintended benefit of all those sbi threads getting moved to /pol/ was finding out that most of the autistic rage posting is just a single guy with a pass
Its mostly just 1 russian chinaman and some troony discord sisters.
/v/ LOVES elden ring like you wouldn't believe.
welcome to /v/
It's 3 types of people
People are are genuinely too terrible at games to actually get to see any of it
Salty game devs who think they are working hard, but don't know what gamers want.
This looks really impressive until you realize that BotW has, like, five bosses. Elden Ring has literally hundreds.
We already know it is dragonarian doing it. He has been caught like a million times.
He spammed "I accept your trancession, Eric" for like a week
it's filtered millions of trannies and shitskins
It's a mixture of tendie rage and contrariwn fromsoft fans who can't like it anymore because of its popularity.
His eric spam dates back close to a decade. He killed himself recently though.
Eric killed himself?
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480p is already enough to be satisfying, anything above is only marginally more enjoyable. Also, no point having higher resolution when you have no interesting content to show. This black screen is also 1080p.
>dodge but also attack at the same time
Thanks for being a retard.
>garbage games
git gud nintentranny
>hundreds of constant rolling until that small moment when you can attack
Not doing it any favors.
I'm not sure. ER has some legit flaws and I say that as someone with almost 600 hours in the game. That being said, it's one of the better games to come out in the last 5 years and it's pretty inoffensive. It hasn't even spawned that many copy cats outside of the souls-like that gets released every other week on steam, so it's not like ER is a massive influence to gaming as a whole. I can only imagine it's either people sick of hearing other people talk about it because people like to be contrarians, sour grapes from people that tried it and genuinely didn't like it, but are sick of being in the minority, or people that got filtered/got shit on for using summons or something.
Dragonarian did. Eric never existed.
Why does nearly every OP post contain broken English? You typed like 10 fucking words how are you this stupid?
it's big enough, in the public mainstream and good enough that you can falsify a personality around it for a few more years. that means youtube content, contrarians, lore wizards, chinese bots, outrage farmers, geniune souls fanboys, actual critics and normie game enthusiasts all have their hand in the pie. any big piece of monoculture has this happen.
It's popular
It's popular so /v/ has to hate it for some reason
/v/ loves elden ring though.
It took a spotlight from a lot of games, that should ruffle some feathers.
The minority is probably tendies or filtered shitters. Any sane person just doesn't open the elden ring thread, though I guess having constant ER threads everyday for over 2 years would be mildly annoying for some people.
...from what?
There's nothing to defend when you post a list of bare faced lies, in a more civil society your kind would be in an asylum
Its a chinese chick living in russia doing 99.9% of the shitposting. Her name is dragonarian, anons bully the shit out of her.
They're both fun games
What lies? These are actually game content.
honestly all problems would be solved if we just removed grown men playing nintendo games from society
trips of truth
>use menu
>do action
>use menu
>do action
>use menu
>do action
>hit jab until godorkon whatever is dead or your weapons break like a sissy
What's this obsession with claiming all criticism for a game is actually 1 person? BOTW fans also say there's 1 guy named Eric who is responsible for every post criticizing it
Anons just know dragonarian does almost all the shitposting. When he is on a 3 day we have literally 0 shitpost threads.
Damn you weren't lying. All the replies are pure cope
With how reductive you're being, every game might as well be:
>press buttons
>press buttons
>press buttons
>press buttons
>press buttons
>thread turned into a tendie console war
kek why am I still using this shitty site especially on a saturday night
elden ring destroyed
Most of us are here to make fun of the lolcow draganirian
Only fromkeks find doing the same shit over and over fun.
I think he's right about BOTW being a menu simulator and the original poster was being reductive so he threw that criticism back at him.
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kek he stopped replying to himself after this.
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playing a jumpy dual greatsword INT build. (dark moon greatsword + steeple) does the DLC have anything spicy for me? reworking alot of my talisman and I'm wondering what I can put for these? honestly feels like i'd have more fun if i was playing a dex build although the fire knights are actual bitches.
>green turtle talisman
Nobody cares about your boogeyman dragonarian, go make a thread yourself instead of being a pussy like always.
>What so much anger over this game?
I dislike that with every game they push further and further into requiring timed rolls to avoid being combo'd to death by bosses.
Thanks Bandai Namco marketing team, cunts
The gameplay is stale and the bossfights are obnoxious. I don't have the reaction time to fight ER's spazzy enemies and I don't have the patience to memorize 87 multi-phase bosses. I'm glad people like it but I'll pass on anything similar to this From puts out in the future. I didn't really feel much other than frustration for 99% of my playthrough
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I wish Fromsoft just release their next soulsclone already so it can get mogged by Echoes of Wisdom as well.
A tranny is literally the most powerful being in the universe. The tranny can rape you and make you love xer. If that’s not woke, nothing is.
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Nobody is good at every game
From proved me wrong with I said there's no way they could possibly release something worse than DS3.
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Anons mindbroke dragonarian a long time ago
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For me and many others, it has a lot to do with FromSoftware losing the goodwill of being an underdog studio that delivered quality games on a AA budget.
We wanted a meaningfully iterative AAA souls game and got big Dark Souls 3, except most of the game is considerably lower quality than DaS3.
Never have I heard this name once before on /v/, or being used to call you out, eric. Pretty likely that is just someone else with your name
Post a post an /a/ that says "Dragonarian" because it has not been said there if you want to actually prove this "dragonarian" was exposed on /a/
No one cares dragonir.
>No argument
>Can't cite any posts on /a/
>Admits to lying about everything
Well. Looks like dragonarian was never real and eric has been btfo yet again. Oink Oink!
no one cares dragon chick.
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Fromtrash is the bottom of the barrel shit like CoD and FIFA even below nu GoW.
People addicted to social media need attention, the easiest way to get attention is to make offensive and contrarian statements, so modern discourse is 90% outlandishly over the top screeching
Because people enjoy it. And it drives me crazy when people enjoy things that i can't enjoy. And i can't enjoy anything because I'm a gullible idiot that can't see the difference between realism and pessimism.
So people should get fucked in the ass and not enjoy anything (not even getting fucked in the ass).
>"Dragon Chick"
>So mad he forgot the name of his boogieman
My fucking sides eric. I bet your crying right now
No one cares ivan.
That's not my name eric. Unlike you I didn't doxx myself defending Mighty Number 9
>eric spends 4 years shilling cyberpunk
>CDPR crashes and burns
>eric spends 2 years shilling elden ring
>everybody realizes fromsoft are hacks
>eric spends 4 years shilling BG3
>like 4 webms of gameplay were ever posted and there's more discussion in the BG1/2 threads
You sound like the game tanned your hide so bad that you get butthurt every time someone likes ER.
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>ran away to another year like a pussy
>got beargaped by another game instead
Will never not be funny.
hey eric, on one hand can you count how many bg3 webms were ever posted
>Pretty inoffensive in the grand scheme of things.
that is exactly why, it doesnt innovate or add anything new to the fromsoft formula, its just the same thing from the past decade but extended over a shitty open world
by taking away level design and decent boss design it's actually massively regressive rather than just lacking innovation
>Worshipping the most woke game in history
I thought you hated trannies eric?
Eric's cope about BG3 being written by preschooler tier intellectuals is that "you can kill the homosexuals". I'm sure you've seen him spam the webm of him smashing the actual facescanned tranny into gore.
I like how the ericposter fag couldn't find any TOTK threads to derail, so he decided to derail a dying elden ring thread instead. did the same thing here >>683267601 kek! What's the point of this?
Fromsoft games are nothing but pressing an invulnerability button if you remove the level design. Elden ring is such a derivative open world game that handheld slop like zelda takes fat shits on it
This thread was derailed because you made it, eric. The jannies may worship you and delete threads that mock you, but all of /v/ thinks you're a faggot.

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