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>EVO Arena Stage: Top 6 GBVSR, GGST, TK 8, SF6

Previous Thread: >>683308119
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Main schedule
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Punk isn't winning anything today
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It's up!
How did Capcom Cup X winner UMA do at Evo?
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Side tournaments schedule
Anytime I want to root for Punk he behaves like a massive whining faggot again.
So Endingwalker it is.
He only shows up to big tournies like Abang Bald Head Cup #5
Did Kawano not come to EVO or did he not make it to top 6?
Why top 4?
I hope not. I fucking hate Punk.
I'm rooting for whomsoever Zhen
Jwong just jinxed it, all hail our new ed overlord
Did Leffen win Evo yet?
>not other stream to watch while main stream is on ads
Missed top 6 with 3rd strike because I fell asleep between the insane downtime between matches. Was it any good?
yes, last year
He's not even in top 6.
He washed out
just watch the side tounaments
leffen getting knocked out right before finals feels like waking up on christmas morning
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how the fuck do you cover up this design

fucking arcsys
God I hate Twitch. I'm glad they put shit on YouTube now
Link some, because I can't find shit.
Me too. I despise the people running shitch. Worthless subhumans that defend other subhumans and attack innocent people.
Both him and Umisho are out. Strive is healing
Um she's a queen now so it's justified. (Conveniently ignore that she was also a queen in xrd but still used her old battle outfit.)
Yun vs Chun like always. Genei-jin spam.
I don't care about that. Twitch streaming just sucks dick
god dizzy is so hot
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Soul Calibur bros, we are here: https://www.twitch.tv/majinobama
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>Already covered for Xrd compared to her old look
>Still not good enough
Lol, lmao even
She wasn't out as a queen in Xrd. Ky announced he'd been fucking his pet gear at the end of rev
how are THIGHS being censored.
>fat washed up wannabe black asian
Why should I care?
She killed BILLIONS
>Expecting secondaries to know the story
Don't waste your time on Dizzycoomers anon.
Hayao saved it, though GF reset into Chun vs Yun
Loving the cyberpunk collab announcement. Strive stays winning.
Hey it's fat chun li

>huuum Dizzy is covered up because she's a queen!!!
OK, why is she dressed in Asian clothes? She's not Asian and she's the queen of Europe.
why should you care about what?
It makes sense though. She's basically feral in her OG outfit, then Ky tries to dress her nicely in Xrd, then she's a Queen in Strive so she has to be dignified.
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JP vs EN Mai for the SNK game art.

why are people in the west gay?
i am more disaapointed in Lucy.

if the idea is 'use the main protag', they should have gone with David, he really deserves his position as MC, if the idea is 'go for the waifu', by god! they should have gone with Rebecca!
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Is cosplay anything other than OF advertisement nowadays?
It was easier to copypaste and edit Asuka's clothes. Just like Elphelt's model was copypasted from Bridget.
I hope the rapist wins GBVSR so the tranny community that game has seethes to hell and back
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You can tell an anime fighter is completely awful when it is more popular with americans than the actual japnese.
Sometimes it's an ad for at-con prostitution too.
No, old cosplay died after 2010s, now it's just an OF ad
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>fuudo gets to go out and eat good food in LA with Sajam for a video and then gets to go home and plow his butt model wife
Damn… it pays well to be good at fighting games
>good food
The Japanese don't play fighting games anymore. In fact, they don't play much of anything anymore except gachas.
oh boy

sajam eating
>back in my day women dressed like fantasy sluts for no reason, and things were better then
lmao, fucking boomers are so stupid
that's mexican food isn't it?
Melty Blood AACC casuals are on, tournament later.
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> Strive top 6
> No Trannysho fraud
> No Tempest
> No Leffen
Guilty Gear is healing?
maybe you should tell the japanese to stop giving china their god damn gacha money desu
unless actual mexican people are working there cooking with standard cooking equipment instead of the machines they use, you cant really call chipotle or taco bell 'actual mexican food'
What a lad. I wish he got to finals, but it is what it is.
They should be eating Chipotle with it’s made fresh every day meals
yeah just like american "pizza"
Japs don't even play most fighting games anymore

Koreans and shitskins play it

>Anime fighters
They basically gave up

Mexicans and chinks were always the most dominant presence

Street Fighter is the last hold out for japs, and they too will be surpassed by gajins
>side tournaments on finals day
VERY few and VER far between my man
Has there been a single good announcement or leak yet?
I just want CVS3. I'll take a re-release of CVS2 at this fucking point, anything man.
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> Doing anything ever for any other reason than monetary gain is stupid
> scamming lonely simps is good actually
Would ex DP win it for Frankie?
Every character model is just an edit of the base anon, except for extreme cases like Goldlewis and Pot
>scamming lonely simps is good actually
Yes actually
Spoken like a true femonid
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>food fight
>there's only food and no fight
There's actually more running today than before I think.
>The Top 6s of most everything from the last 2 days, Soulcal, Marvel 3, Samsho, Xrd, BBCF, DNF
They even have Playstation All-Stars but I don't think it's getting streamed.
>There's only fights and no food
Japs dropped traditional gaming to become gachapigs. The only reason they still play SF6 is because Capcom was smart even to get vtrannies to shill it in japan
I love taki and ivy fighter!
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>trying to save my leftovers for when this shit actually starts
>opens with 30 minutes of footage of artery-clogging calorie bombs
It's funny in individual cases.
But poison for society long term. It produces more trannies and other mentally ill people.
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Why post the cut off pic?
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>THREE Dragunovs in Top 6
>Fuckmar or Marduk for sure getting into Tekken 8 next
>Meanwhile, Street Fighter 6 will have a diverse Top 6 and it will get Terry fucking Bogard next
Tekken-bros, it's not looking good...
I heard sf6 has a big casual audience in japan at least
you get good cosplay at stuff like comiket, that's actual professionals and not just camgirls.
they always choke at evo tho
what's with the furby?
Watching this stuff makes me wish I was a hot girl so I could get attention and have an OF.

I can see how people with less of a grasp on reality would... anyway fighting games.
Explain how women draining money from retards is bad. Are you also mad at the lottery? Las Vegas? People who lease cars? Fucking commie
cute mai
What's the deal with Sajam? He never seems excited about anything.
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it's at this point fuudo became more legendary than daigo. what a guy.

He will win. Always root for the dude people hate. Better reactions better entertainment.
He's a corporate plant.
He seems plenty excited about food right now
It's fun if you're actually successful but there's nothing quite as soul draining as uploading pictures of your tits and pussy for $5 a month for retarded indians to gawk over
It was over the moment money got involved.
He's a leftoid reet.
Stop noticing things anon and eat at Chipotles
Typical Asian baby
Well chatter let's see what the streets have to say about that.
This was always the case, though pajeets were too poor for plane tickets.
>anime fighters
Still the kings.
This was always the case
I don't need your retarded doomposting, fuck off nigger
The extremes are eating from the middle.
Nowadays you have either:
- Highly professional cosplayers doing the most impressive cosplays and craftsmanship ever.
- Trash or mediocre level camgirls doing any flavour of the month cosplays to desperately advertise their shitty OFs or rope in some sucker with money
Average cosplayers that just enjoy the hobby and/or actually play the games are dying out.
This is fucking disgusting why are they showing lardass sajam open mouth eat hot dogs?
I’ll take it over chair and screen ads
industry plant
This shit is so fucking embarrassing. I wouldn't even care if it was "and here's another fucking ad, cunt". But the "and NOW for a CHIPOTLE break with our friends at CHIPOTLE, let me tell you Steve they sure know how to make some tasty slop at CHIPOTLE"
>Still the kings.
>Can't even name a single alive anime fighter that is jap ruled
I accept your concession
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I am
SoulCalibur beggining
I'll take Sajam over Max every day of the week desu
Ever since Sony took over, EVO has no fucking soul. It was a sellout before but this is some next level shit.
Calling Sajam on you right now, you vill eat the Chipotle
that has to be the most generic western shooter I've ever seen, "Concord", sounds like a corporate work app
>Ever since espn airing
Fixed that for you
Max is a better person than Sajam
No you can fuck off with that aids infested ex-porn grifter
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higher res?
Someone post that Daigo interview picture from yesterday
It's the fate of every event like this if they go the corpo route for sponsors
would the streets agree?
Damn how old is this? Aika looking rough.
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it started when capcom sold out to Disney with ESPN airing it
Yeah the way they incorporate that shit into commentating is just sickening. This whole event is a fake.
>that clip where she sluprs all 5 different cum filled condoms
possibly true but every time I see "EPIC HYPE RAGE WACKY REACTION! GRIMBLUS REVEALED FOR MARK OF THE WOLVES??" on my feed I die inside
Tekken has 2 japs in top6 and they've won a couple majors including Evo Japan a few months ago and 2nd at CEO. Tekken is a japanese game.
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fuck arcsys. we are in an age where we can fix these designs in seconds.

rev 3 Dizzy:
Lady in the middle seem to be in need of help
oh boy!

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Capcom has always hated fighting games and always acted to destroy the genre.
Looks like shit.
Nobody’s here for Granblue
what was announced? hard mode: that I care about
Dogshit fucking game for toddlers.

Hate dumbed down fighter
How the fuck did Granblue even get a slot at finals sunday? What the fuck.
>tranime opening
you can't save her
>only did one lesbo vid
>regularly does harem vids but never touches the other girls
why she so afraid of girls
evo music always kino
Oh I didn't know there was a leak for Strive.
Cygames money
him winning would make twitter explode so I'm rooting for him. too bad he plays bea
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>even the side tournies are doing Top 6
better than burka dizzy.
Who could have thought that making the game a gorilla mashfest would save it
Based on entries, It one of the most recent and actually one of the best fighting games around atm
Entrants, you fucking doof.
This shit is so forced. Just play the fucking sets already. Persia you fat cunt
Pretty neat video. Lyrics were pretty meh, as always.
What did he do?
>Top 6 instead of Top 8
This shit is peak soulless
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Who is /our guy/ in this top 6?
writting english songs like anime openings will never not sound off. the sound of the language simply doesn't fit
No. Your lazy aislop is just bad.
How long until hoyoverse moneyhats their own fighting gacha game slop into the sunday slot
lmao someone is actually doing a SFV tournament on sunday
does that woman in the middle need help?
What is going on there?
probably cool for the players
Is 10 AM really considered that early? Do these people not have jobs or a life?
Wtf 2B is in this game?
At least we don't have to sit through Netherrealms BS this year
accent core dizzy had less clothes
Can any of these pro FGs players do motion inputs?
what are we watching?
Drowned in pools
if you have a job that requires you to be up before 10 am you should rethink your life
Yeah 2B's in Soul Calibur... oh you mean Granblue? Yeah 2B's in Granblue
Jesus, I get these faggots hate Shinku for some benignly ambiguous reason but they just can't even clap him for making top 6 to fucking EVO? With a nerfed Beatrix at that?
>alright coming out next
Think of new words you cheating whore.
Has dizzy been leaked why is this guy schizoing everywhere?
>MK lasting until 4 in the morning
You know why it is Top 6?
They had to cut the timing for ads.
I hope you like Chipotle.
The big gay is spreading
They look embarrassed doing this sellout wannabe shit.
man those entrants look awkward as fuck
Yeah, that doesn't change the fact that your aislop simply looks bad anon
This sounds kinda schizo, but Mario Odyssey getting vocals for that one song, and then Smash getting a vocal theme resulted in what feels like far too many games thinking they need vocal tracks now
It's much too widespread and almost always sounds like ass
the kind of shit that could make a black man vote for trump
both side tourneys already started their matches, I hate the eports faggotry
well yeah they're anime players.
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They specced into DEX and INT what do you expect?
Hopefully next year they make it top 3 with a money in the bank challenger.
>no Jiyuna
6-2 is the kino work time
QRD on this Shinku drama?
Americans ruin everything with forced hype and endless monetization. Like just fucking chill you money hungry assholes.
Tororo assuming he plays Percival a majority of finals.
Otherwise I guess Shinku for the meltdown it would cause.
You'd be embarrassed to if you played gbvs
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Bankrolled by gacha
At least 3 will have a pedo accusation thrown at them in a couple of years
Meter in Soulcalibur was a mistake
The YouTube chat makes me laugh sometimes.
Yep. The trailer was 'unlisted' and people got the link.
It can work but you actually need to know what the fuck you're doing IE: be an expert songwriter

Most are not.
why haven't gacha devs made a fighting game?
>Ebonic Plague is going to do his very best to downlplay Shinku
I'm soooooo happy this motherfucker is probably seething on the inside
Aris waiting room ResidentSleeper
>mostly burgers
Does Japan not play this game?
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I hope he loses for the rest of his life for this.
Fuck that guy.
He looks so dull too
Today I will be watching
and that will be all.
Really wish I had some cheap shiity booze to get drunk off, but I'm embarrassingly poor. Let's get this shit show on the way
I don't believe it, Strive is supposed to be the last bastion against guest trash
the persona 4 champ doesn't show up for any old kuso
Why are the women all in burkas?
>cyberpunk anime character
What the fuck? Looks so desperate and lame
>anime game
>all players except ONE are mutts
where did all the Japs go?
Anon, I...
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Quick rundown for viewing purposes on GBFVS for a SF6/GG player?
I would gladly look dull while fucking that in the ass.
the best player is japanese, he got 17th
can this guy in the purple shirt hunch forward any more
How many more hours until kekken?
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it rarely works
This is anime now, they even had a hard time in UNI pools.
Is SF6 at least good to watch?
japan only plays street fighter
Imagine if anime fighters were even gayer.
the correct choices, I'm adding in BB and UMvC3, but those likely won't be as good as soulcal and samsho
Yeah me too, that's why I hope he just loses everything forever.
6 hours
Japan doesn't play games anymore
the English version of Smile Bomb is 11/10, and I'm not just saying that because I grew up with it
if you want twitter to seethe: root for shinku. otherwise, the top 6 is all the cancer characters
WHERE'S 2B!?!?!? I ain't going to watch this without fapping.
Japs don't play baby shit game like this and strive.
fuck no, only if you have a player to root for maybe
Golem get ye gone!!!!!
Ayy my main from the first release. Glad to see he got buffed into relevancy in Rising,
not really.
strive/tekken are decent to watch though.
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Why the nike ads?EVO pros usually sit,not run.Flip flop sponsor would make more sense
Depends heavily on the characters on screen.
how do dizzy thighs get censored, how are LEGS censorable
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Found Jam's new outfit design too
He got 0-2ed by con rot and spent the whole weekend in his hotel room
Advertisers have too much power.
This will continue until California and New York have been sunken under the sea.
Legs are no longer acceptable goy
Hot take, foamposites suck.
He was absolutely dogshit, he got buffed recently to mid tier at best, so Tororo is crazy for playing it specially against Bea
>decent to watch
I actually play Strive and can't standing watching Strive because of all the shit all over the screen and most characters are boring.
They got destroyed by US Nier players
wasnt beatrix nerfed into the ground?
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I'll root for Shinku then.
What did he do?
This game looks like fucking ass.
What is a better side tourney to watch?
Yeah but Shinku likes her
hayao is gigabrain
yes. they put out a public apology because she was too broken
Good job hosting a EU-popular game in midnight EU time. BRAVO!
No she just went from brain off gorilla to sometimes brain off gorilla.
>striver opinion
>to the ground
is this Unika character a girl or another one of "those" characters?
I meant as a commentator.
Why the fuck are we getting guest characters in Strive now of all times? And if they wanted to get waifu bucks then they should've picked Rebecca over Lucy.
she's still s tier. went from bonkers broken to broken
This might as well be dead air to me with how fucking boring GBVSR is
Are any side tournaments on the Youtube side of things? I hate twitch.
Yes, he's not commentating cause he's sick
how is this costume for the chick allowed? this isn't gonna be on espn now
she had one move be changed to not be plus anymore all the time, into the ground is saying too much.
These are already going for 800-1000 resale. I wish I went now.
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>AACC players don't come to EVO
Make AACC the next throwback game, Pokimane. I don't care what happens.
SC6 looks so fucking bad. Why did they turn Soul series into some ass 2D anime fighter with specials and shit?
Damn shame there is no full ver of English Smile Bomb in better quality out there.
no one could possibly want these that bad
why does this witch have a sword?
That was just 100% fundamentals from Tororo's side, Jesus Christ. Does this dude play Street Fighter?
Damn, I got respect for that guy then. I switched to Soriz and Sieg so I didn't know how Percy fared in Rising, though I could take a wild guess since I amost never saw him online.
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If Shinku's a rapist, how come they let him play? They've barred people from even entering for less.
not if there is a shoto ape, otherwise yes
Censored shit
Its over
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Strive Dizzy: Daisuke more belts edition:
Oh, right. "Con rot", as in the generic flu etc. you get at big events. I are stupid.
it's not to wear, it's to collect
rape accusation but its mostly twitter troons piling on him
The game itself runs at 60fps, the stream says it's running at 60fps. Why does it look like 30fps? Tech incompetence?
do all NA anime players have shitty unhealthy hair
Shinku's a rapist only in trannies' headcanon fan fictions lol
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Is it me or does this fucking game look like it's not even running at 60 FPS?
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Halloween costume
Because 5 was worse
Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuuuuuuck up, you fucking retard.
Japan thinks he's A tier
I see no difference between GBFVR at evo and me playing drunk. This game is so gay.
>100% fundamentals
The fundamentals of being a gorilla
More belts
how can hair be unhealthy
You are underestimating sneakerheads. While I don't like foamposites myself they are very popular, especially exclusives.
David would have potentially been cool with his super speed but I think they went with Lucy since no one in the existing cast uses wires as a weapon. Plus the between HC, Elphelt and the new girl the gun quota is probably filled so they’d have to work hard to make Rebecca different.
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where sheep
mk1 looked like shit too yesterday I've never played it but the stream looked 30
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That's just her battle pass costume based off her Halloween version. This is how she normally looks like.
It's Arcsys cancer mentality of drawing shit at 24 fps or some shit to make it look like sprites.
Japan values players over anything and Tororo is good with him
what a qt
based narmchad
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Why are capcom simps like this?
First to 2 in top 8 is disgusting man
Why is she wearing these ridiculously tall clogs
>american winning SF at EVO
mental illness, they'll call SF6 shit as soon as SF7 is out
Guilty gear is so shit now. Strive destroyed it.
This is just how every fighting game person is now, regardless of game.
platform geta are /fa/
He's right.
Imagine playing Hwang and not using his kino default outfit
And /v/ will call it good.
SF6 is better
why do nerds like this get literal model wives while I'm terminally alone
I have gone outside and talked to women by themselves and gotten their numbers and then they only reveal later they had BFs the entire time
damn, she looks generic as hell in her default
>capcom simps
>Pretending it's not a shit mentality that goes across the board
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Poorfags have to stick to their one game a generation.
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Jam-bros... it's over.
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>platform geta are /fa/
Hello king
He's based and right
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That's just mikos sometimes do.
a good chunk of jp players and players from other countries didn't attend because getting a visa got a lot more difficult. many good playes are starting to skip EVO due to this. has been happening for like 2 or so years
OL STI this is kino compared to burka dizzy
Based and true
that must be it, it literally looks like every animation is missing half of its frames
What time is Max taking over the main stage to reveal MvC4?

>B-But he's not! He's just streaming on the stage, and he said Capcom are keeping him in the dark!

Don't kid yourselves. Dude gobbles dev and insider cock for a living
2B is getting raped by this flamboyant looking dude.
2B is literally in every game huh?

I wonder why...
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pick me
i want to squish that tummy
just like the game
He is clearly just the target du jour for Twitter trannies.
Fuudo just got the luck of a lifetime.
You shouldn't expect that from life
No lies detected.
I feel for you Jam anon's, at least I got my Slayer and he's still has his loving wife.
"I will do anything for money." ~ Yoko Taro
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>ST so old that they've got announcers from the retirement home
belial's hair is stupid
She’s surprisingly not in Fortnite
>censoring cleavage
>not censoring the yuri handholding
Revenge for Adam and Eve
I don't care for Jam, but anything would have been better than guest character trash.

Granblue looks like shit.
I really like GBVS but watching it being played is fucking shit
is midnight too late for you, grandpa?
There's something about that male character that is just wholly embarrassing
if you think thats bad, wait till you see sf6
Brain Drive Rushed out of building.
It's always the same with them anyways. They get last spot so they spend all day whining. And when it's finally Capcuks time it's way past their bedtime.
Her legs are visible in every frame in the fucking concept sketches you blind faggot
Percival is not a gorilla. He literally is the character that has to play catch up with the roster.
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oh word gamer? *runs fingers through hair* is that how you feel? *grins like a retard while reading chat* the streets will NOT like this *wipes deb's cum off his lips*
Belial is the most generic "lewd anime villain" guy and I have no idea why hes so popular
This is the most depressing shit
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they are COVERED up, unacceptable: it's like putting Jam in track pants.
His sole purpose is catering to fujos
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So that is why I keep seeing tjis shit.
These fags keep posting it every time there is an ad on to try and get ad revenue

Fucking KYS
vermillion is such trash. got bodied the entire match
wtf is this music?
Square WISHES Lightning was as popular
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Da Gay to strong
If Sajam wasn't white, nobody would give a single shit about him.
But he's le horny though....
Black guys buy brand shoes as a status symbol and there's a lot of black guys in the FGC
next season bro
fuck no
/v/ like Jive now
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How many anons here actually play fighting games?
You should reflect on how much of a unga game that makes gbvs when that bullshit is your honest fundamentals character.
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why do this to yourselves kek
I don't understand why anyone would watch his content or enjoy his personality. He's incredibly low energy and has the coldest normie takes in the galaxy.
Too bad.
Forgot how ugly this game was.
>play video games?
why is the fps so low? Is it better on youtube?
If Nier wins again how bad is it gonna be
Everyone except the MK guys
I haven't been playing them much recently but I play them.
There are more chipotle ads than actual sets played.

how am I supposed to be motivated when it seems like everything good that happens is blind luck
not me, just watch
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It is the main theme of Bubs
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I play the boomer ones
I do
I can even upen up a lobby for UNI after grub
Do trannies still hate Saudi Arabians which means I can cheer for Big Bird?
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>meanwhile m2k
your favorite girl gets into a game but she gets censored. yes or no?
>muh sc2
Kum is boring thoughever.
ever since i moved and wifi became my only option, ive been mostly an observer
I play SF6, GG and UNI
I don’t care what anyone’s opinion is, this game is ugly as sin
i play grub but i'm not good
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this nigga lookin kinda zesty
the only one I really enjoy is soulcalibur
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Time for a break :)
Got to Masters in SF6 and grinded a bit but I'm taking a break because I don't find it amazing.
I play KOFXV regularly but I suck at it.
Looking forward to Fatal Fury.
>blazblue goes to ads
>instinctively unmute second stream
>it's also ads
>unmute third stream
>fourth stream
>hasn't even started
: |
It's fucking obnoxious ear rape.
I hope Yosh wins Rev 2.
Why does no one like MK?
What bullshit? Waking up with DP at the right time is not as gorilla as you think it is. Its on Shinku to set up safe jumps if Beatrix has access to it to stop wakeup DPs. Lord knows most of the roster have access to it. He did it enough times to STOP Shinku for going for meatie pressure which let him walk forward without challenge.

Are you just a fucking spectator?
I used to
strive elphelt main, almost made into celestial a couple of times
>no DoA
Why does nobody care about the games that I like?
All these Chipotle ads but literally every Chipotle within 30 miles of me is ass dog shit. Believe me I've checked them all.
I've never felt so jebaited by a sponsor before.
That's just how he lives. He's inoffensive here but when an opinion is challenged he becomes the most obnoxious passive aggressive bitch unless you have clout.
will a $2000 gamer chair make me better at street fighter 6?
This top 8 (6) sucks so far. Last year's was a lot more soulful.

Back to ER until Tekken, I suppose.
It's only one Nier in top 6 it ain't so bad.
If she sweeps though it's over.
Faggot. I wish the design was more used, boob and tummy windows are too haram for games today.
if i have to see this fucking majin obama commercial again
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>i got ABA
>Jambros and Zappabros get nothing
Sorry bro...
>3 minute match setup
>3 minute match
>3 minute match analysis
>5 minute ads
There are no Chipotle where I live
My man thinks this is the kinoplex.
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You and your AI don't understand the character at all.
Strive's japanese new year's doll design makes more sense than your bikinis.
Hell, current thing would work with a couple of skin windows.
Here's a two minutes edit from a colored pic from somebody else.
That Strive top 6 actually looks decent. Nice for it to not be a Nago/Sol/Leo/HCfest and to see an Anji there.
Sonicfag is never losing
Any anons wanna play
>Fighting EX Layer
with me? I'ma go get some groceries before SamSho is on then can play lobbies.
It is better that they rest in peace rather than have their corpses defiled by this corpo shilling event
KOF, MK and Garou showed that the stream goes to shit everytime too many particles effects are on the screen yesterday.
>getting ads
i fucking hate phoneposters
Damn this sucks maybe I should watch a side tournament while I wait
>Ads there too
I hate this.
SamSho was one of the side games.
Samsho has a side tournament after SC6
It's the game everyone buys but noone plays.
Le funny new fatality and the fact that normies recognize the name is ~70% of the appeal for most.
Ultra fucking based KINO design

Burka wearing trannycoded abomination

Hire fans.
i like a little bit of everything but mostly uni2 and melee now
As Snake eyes said:
>When sf5 came out people wanted sf4 back
>When sf6 came out no one wanted sf5 back
Core values
no, the new design is bad cause it's covered up and dizzy has been like rev 2 (or have even less clothes) since accent core.

i-no was covered too. it's a stupid trend.
I want a footjob with these kind of socks.
Looks perfect for that.
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Every time I flip over to the SoulCal stream it's just the two fat asian guys talking.
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They're baked right into the stream are you even watching? Imagine being in the audience. PAYING to watch this.
which fightan should i pick up from the steam sale? note: i suck and will ruin your game
Very accurate description of Sajam. He's mild to the point of being boring. If his shit takes are called out by someone random, he'll get very passive aggressive like a woman.
If his shit takes get called out by a good pro player (even if it's the same take in the same way), he'll just bend over and agree with the pro player and slobber on they/them's dick.
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>Could have paid for my evo trip with reselling exclusive sneakers.
>block ads
>5 minute countdown screen
ah yes, much better
The Chipotle shilling is baked in the intermissions you tard
I keep thinking I'll start one and get into it, but I can never just pick one
The Lucy leak at least removed Strive from my list of fighting games that I might (but won't) try
Any recommendations?
A match is starting right now
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Who do you play in SamSho anonymous?

Killer Instinct Anniversary is easily the best thing on sale.
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that's the secret
Anyone craving some Chipotle right now?
>open xrd stream
>chat is complaining about strive instead of talking about the game
I can't remember the last time I opened a stream of Xrd and this has not happened.
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My two irl buddies used to play with me a lot but they just lost interest and life just getting in the way. I play online sometimes, but it's just not as fun.
>Waking up with DP at the right time is not as gorilla as you think it is
You know something doesn't magically stop being unga cause it worked right? It worked isn't the dividing line, everyone playing like an ape who mashes in each other's face is. The game is not about carefully controlling space while trying not to over extended.
>your brain on coom
Dizzy is a mother and a good woman, no shit she would notice that wearing skimpy cotilting everywhere would look silly eventually.
They are never letting Infil in again, huh?
Not at all, no.
i'm not even watching it, just use an adblocker phoneposter fags
>says the AI fag doesn't understand the character
>shows that he himself doesn't understand the character
Dizzy is a fat cow that needs to wear fetish gear complete with belts and tighhighs. This fucking trash is anything but.
Oh thanks. I'm watching SC6 right now. I honestly don't care about GBVS. Will watch SamSho too
>When sf5 came out people wanted sf4 back
No one actually went back to 4 though.
KEK this is literally sajam posting this. Also someone post the south american sajam headphones advertisement.
She's already covered up, I dunno what you would do to her. Take away her sandals? I'm not a feetguy and she doesn't wear them all the time so...
dizzy was walking around like that for decades and now it's a problem?
>Killer Instinct Anniversary
It is dead on steam though. Unironically you want to buy it on the MS store if you want to play online
Censorship is actually bad for society, I know it might be hard to wrap your tranny brain around that, but most people don't like it.
Uh oh aceman you fucked up

I can see it
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>I play online sometimes, but it's just not as fun.
Playing online just feels like playing better bots. There's no soul.
I got a free burrito from the code last night. Was pretty good.
being into guilty gear is being drafted into a proxy war between people that don't play the games
sex with dizzy
>Will watch SamSho too
When is it?
I don't believe in blindly supporting any company, but in this instance he's right. GBVS sucks ass, it got pushed as an SF alternative because SFV was ass.
You are a spectator. Okay. I'm not going to bother.
he was already coaching someone during evo
>infiltrating evo
All I have seen is this Shinku guy get bodied. This game is horrible.
I just play with friends.
>top6 ft2 but ft3 finals
How can they stretch this shit to 3 hours baffles me, you can play this in barely an hour.
did they nerf siegfried yet
Yeah, because SF fags are just money chasers that will just eat up whatever Capcom is serving them. If Capcom drops SF6 this instant and move all tourneys to SF1 for no reason whatsoever, the playerbase will move.
Are these people for real?
Sure mr wake up dps are fundamentals, amazing nooch
That’s what happens to chuds do think women are objects of lust
Capcomfags are just all feeling like hot shit now after a decade of SF5 being total ass and Crapcom treating their fg devision like shit
xrd players are the literal worst
too bad to play +r
too contrarian to play strive
Why would they?
I've already watched this episode
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Damn I thought that would be Tokiyuki.
lol that goblin just gets completely rekt
Goddamn this dude is getting washed all over the place
Is it worth watching? I just tuned it.
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Is that Cecil?
Dizzy does not wear skimpy clothes everywhere, those are her battle clothes. In XX she had different intro animations where she wears normal clothes then transforms into her battle clothes before the fight begins.
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This is a pretty good lineup for sf6 top 6
Infiltration should just change his name to something like invasion and use a fake moustache, he's asian nobody will tell the difference
kys, trip fag
Look I like to coom too but a company using a different idea for a character design isn't censorship. Are they only allowed to do the same thing over and over forever?
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I like her tummy and glasses but not at the expense of her upskirts
Eh, not really. Soulcal and Xrd are looking good tohugh.
Wol of Light actually
Stop defending censorship.
you're absolutely lying. ad block does nothing. its made into the stream.
you are getting baited my man these people will never listen to reason
Should I buy Granpoo...
this isn't a gdq/esa thread you fucking retarded ritual poster
go back
She was more naive back then, and now she's in the public eye she wants to dress more proper.

>Muh censorship
If Dizzy in a dress going to make the community upset, then I'm sure we're going to hear about it, but unfortunately most have fully accepted Bridget being a girl now so you're shit out of luck in your crusade.
New Thread: >>683329723
No mena? Fuck yeah
try the free version
Seriously. He's korean. Just get some plastic surgery, change your name and go back. Capcom's not gonna be doing background checks
It doesn't have cross-play? I'd rather not rebuy a game just to play online, especially after I FINALLY beat Gargos in Shadow Lords. Now I got to do it again on hard mode.
Stop defending censorship.
I will as my PC is broke atm
Some bro bought me that and sunset overdrive because I gave him my granblue relink and rising DLC code for the mobage game.
I already owned dead rising 3.
Only 3 games since the xbone launch i have wanted to play.
That is how shit xbox is.
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All this cope

She's censored bro
game stinks
Fuck off
You can try the free version to see if you like the gameplay before buying it. It's good thoughbeit
Is Nier nerfed yet?
>Dizzy does not wear skimpy clothes everywhere, those are her battle clothes. In XX she had different intro animations where she wears normal clothes then transforms into her battle clothes before the fight begins.
There's a chance this might happen but knowing Strive, I have doubts they'll have that.
>GBFVR: Siegfried on stream
>SC6: Siegfried on stream
tummy waifu
You are such a fucking dick, Plague.
Didn't Shinku rape somebody.
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Send your love to daigo, he's crying...
commentator really want artorias to win lmao
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Shinku would win if he didn't betray Vira.
No and even the anniversary edition fucked it up and didnt add crossplay with steam. So MS store version can play with xbox players which is where the community is of course. Steam players are in a separate server and its dead on arrival on steam because of it.

Out of all the xbox games I would really want that specific one to release on PSN
You'd be crying too if you had to play SF6 for a living. He even said he's forced to do it.
....Did Shinku just fall for a shimmy?
>the antihero is out
it's over
What EXACTLY did Shinku do?
Nerves getting to him.
Homeboy looks fucking miserable in every photo. Hope he’s doing okay.
Wow the open and sanctioned hatred against Shinku is pretty sad
we don't even get pantsu on i-no kicks

it's woke censorship. on LEGS. legs.
I've never played Granblue but Siegfried seems cool. Id play this character, love big swords
Don't rape niggas.
probably just hate something spicy
Jezas, just ban him instead
Tranny playing SC6
i just watched some 2xko and it looks like boring dogshit

one direction specials in a slow ass game. They want people to fall asleep or what?
You mean Soul Calibur?
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absolute units on SF2
gonna need a QRD, chief
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Why the tears?
it's probably gonna be fun to watch since it's 2v2
There is a seigfried with a bug sword in GB as well.
He is in relink as well, he is powerful and a heavy hitter
That's a shame, at least I've got a good amount of fun out of just the single player content and I still have more to do. Crazy how KI does so many good things for a fighting game compared to others.
Literally who
Fuck esports man
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Here she comes...
just imagine blazblue tag, except far worse.
Tranny character
Old men always get nostalgic for the past, doesn't mean it was better, it was just a moment in time he tressures.
>cut away from the super
but why
It was better.
Try to prove to the universe the world was worse back then. You can't.
its been done
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I don't know anything about GB but this character looks like it would attract the same kind of assholes and faggots as Bridget
You can use the nostalgia argument all you like to disregard something that happened in the past, but I've watched EVO and other tournaments every year since 2009, and I much prefer those to the modern ones. Sure, I had my big fighting game times with friends during those times, so it's obviously nostalgic to me, but the tournaments and the scenes were objectively completely different back then too.
The sheer irony of this statement while getting blasted by ads and preached about chipotle every other moment
Back then it was about the sport of the competition, not shilling Chipotle
Yeah yeah, I'm sure humans were happier when we rode horses and hunted for food but shit changes.
nier attracts tranny gooners, yes
Yeah, I saw some pictures of a really big demon lady character and I'm interested. Any hans grubers have anything good to say as to whether I pick the game while it's on sale?
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I never played Strive. is Bridget a piece of shit OP character that is the cheapest thing in the universe that plays in an unique way and has retarded setups?
It was better I dare you to tell me how it was worse
Almost got me to reply seriously for a second
Tempting bait, so I'll nibble and just call you a dumb fuck
I don't think so. She's just babby's first yandere.
that was fast
people who go to evo don't experience that
Losers like you get to watch the ads
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they need to add Dress Neir
And to tell you the truth, it actually was better under some aspects even back then, yes.
You just think it was
> tranny gooners
More like tranny groomers, but that is kind of inherent with trannies.
i can play DBFZ for a bit, that shit has been collecting dust in my steam library, post a lobby in next thread
Pretty sure they show these ads on the venue as well. Plus, they get to experience the ad breaks regardless.
Its just so weird to fall for a shimmy in a game where teching is a button but yeah I get it
And you think it wasn't because you're young, nice argument bro
Astro game actually looks pretty fun
Not buying a PS5 for it though
nice cope
Your memories of evo will be ads
The people who vist evo will experience memories they'll always treasure, regardless of the time it took place.
why is this first to 2? It can't be because of time given that they've got a 5 minute chipotle break between every set
Its really funny we're pretending that ArkSys didn't come out and say "Yeah we censored we have to follow ESG guidelines".

They LITERALLY said it.
Bait or a mouthbreather? Probably latter
so whats SF announcing today? More tranime avatar collabs for the hrthub community or can we get outfit 4 for characters?

what? shouldnt they be selling boxing gloves or something?
You think it was because you're old and you can no longer experience new things.
I'm coping that they get the same ad breaks as us watching the stream? Weird cope from you.
You are not wrong lmao, its either baby weebs or internet addicted troons
I have not actually played it.
I want to, just my PC is broken atm and I have not fixed it. My specs only reach the rec specs too but my PS was more powerful than an xbone when it launched.
I do plan on fixing it by the end of the summer. As well as I do actually have and IRL friend to play with.

Still you might be able to find people to play matches with on steam via groups, steam chat, discussions or even discord.
some in game ads and some terry reveal

very exciting stuff
They're not watching the ads, they're in a room filled with people talking about fighting games as they wait for the next match.
Perspective is a magical thing anon
Is it the same incel zoomer who was seething through the whole third strike or are there more of you
Neither am I, dear anon. What possible reason would I have to watch the ads.
The ad breaks this year are aggravating in person.
Probably Terry
I can just mute the ads. the people in person cannot
>they're in a room filled with people talking about fighting games as they wait for the next match.
Probably about how BO3 top 6 is a horrible format, especially when it takes three hours to get through a game.

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