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This thread is dedicated to Nier, aka, best girl.

>EVO Arena Stage: Top 6 GBVSR, GGST, TK 8, SF6

Previosu thread: >>683329723
Good thing this faggot dropped the combo
that fucking drop
he was pissed
granblue nier vs nier automata on the nier automata stage while nier automata on the nier automata stage in sc6
get fucked nier
by me
imagine using this busted ass characters and still dropping an easy combo to win
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what a choke holy shit
Any good lewds of Nier getting fucked by her death puppet?
>giving maj*nobama views
nah, I'm good
Those are some based shortstack tiddies
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Main Schedule
>People wanted top 8 of this
where is she bros...
this dude losing his hair over this match
Nobody expects anything from a fraud, carry on.
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Melty Blood AACC: twitch.tv/milkmandantv
Street Fighter V: twitch.tv/tenomedia
Street Fighter 2: twitch.tv/funkyp
Skullgirls: twitch.tv/bgcallisto
BBCF -> MVC3 Top 6s: twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
Soul Calibur 6 -> Samurai Showdown -> DNF Duel Top 6s: twitch.tv/majinobama
I think the crowed cheering against Kockco is making him pissed off
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Nigga I have no idea who that is, we just like Soul Calibur.

Side tournament schedule
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Just watching DBFZ GF now from yesterday, literally started with a Perfect wtf
Man Soulcalibur is so good
Maybe if there were less Chipotle ads, it wouldn't be so bad.
Puppet characters have always been AIDS and I'm glad everyone realizes it now
Fuck nier, nakadashi nier and death to nier players
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The Nier remover
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Hell yeah, fuck Nier and Nier players
Tororo activated shonen protagonist powers
>he's back
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Just wish female characters were viable but alas the meta is against them.
fuck w*men characters
how many registered for these non main event games?
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>does 10% cheap damage off a single move
>is a puppet character with no downside of a puppet character
peak ArcSys balancing. the JP player is basically playing against a Unlimeted Character from BlazBlue or a Gold Character from old GG games that is legal. Good on him for winning against that fraud getting carried.
>inb4 we get a runback in GF lol lmao even
Deserved desu
>0 bp
waow so strong
Just use streamlink lol
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>All waifufags eliminated
What's Percival's charging gimmick
long live nier (forma de grand finals)
Behead nier. Dropkick nier. Set nier on fire. Feed nier’s corpse to the wolves.
Powers up his special moves.
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I've played against percy since 1.0
I still have no clue what his fire stacks are doing
DBZF had the most with over 100, but who knows how many actually made it to the pools instead of getting DQ'd for no showing. All the anime stuff had not many for sure.
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I don't play Granpoo, why do you guys hate Nier?
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>every other puppet character gets hit and the puppet breaks and becomes disabled and the character becomes worthless
>Death gets hit disappears for 4 seconds losing zero gauge and then returns which buffs Niers normals
Niers tongue my anus.
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When... IS... MAHVEL.
So, is Nier the Carl Clover of Rising?
those are men
>Deal with death
>Nier can punish you for it and Death comes back in time to bolster her punish combo
Carl looks like a joke in comparison
breaks the rules of the game
>puppet char
>dlc p2w
Gives him some extra properties on his specials.
Carl takes skill
Why does Zasalamel look so much lighter in SC6 than in SC3?
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>dying with 9 talismans
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Hsien-Ko won't hurt you anon
It is what it is
best character in the game since launch and has only received slight wrist slaps for nerfs
This radiates Yoshi-Marth grab range
If you play fightan, you should know the hatred towards puppet characters
JP vs literal mutt
alright getting some hype here for a change
Insufferable and dev favorite in both games
Lord Raptor's wife Hsien-ko
I also don't play it, it's confusing because 2B is in the game but there's also a character named Nier who looks incredibly cheap
lmao this is some bullshit
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>male characters grand finals
change the channel
>Big meaty men slapping meat
>Cool sword dudes clashing steel
Only proper ways for an Evo grand final to happen
The main stream?
It's the final day, you obviously only watch the main channel.
How bout stop being such a doomer with a busted killer doll next time?
My nigga Boom.....
Anybody watching SF3 Kino right now?
why do these GB male characters have to look so gay
>homo final
So this is the power of fujoshi...
Fujos prefer Lancelot
You can come back after you're nerfed down to the PL of the other characters.
Knight looks cool
>mass murdering 100+ boyfriend whore
It is a mystery.
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I just read this girl's lore.
lol she just gets killed by her own Death thing and that's it? Surprised they went that route. I thought it was gonna be sunshine and smiles.
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When.... is.... MAH-VEL.

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SamSho waiting room desu.
You're too strong for your own good Nier
what, that's not remotely true, top 2 are chicks, bottom 1 is a dude
it's mostly by coincidence that the handful of top NA players lean towards male characters.
So that Fujos and Yumes would like them they actually have huge purchasing power in japan
SamSho on main stage would be so hype
SamSho V Special even more so
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why are shit being announced ahead of time now?

gbvs already showed its big bitch boss right
gooober showed off the 4 DLCs

what happened to top 8 trailer HYPE
>smelee pedonig
>yfw SOIVE is after this
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I kind of want to play sf6 again
should I keep trying to learn Ed or go back to cammy?
You on PS4, anon? I need someone to play with
>less than 100 posts
smashee please shower
how do I turn on auto scroll on 4chanx?
I'll be watching BB the superior game
To be fair the Strive shit got leaked cause retards still don't know how to use youtube.
Gonna be a fun top 6
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Steamerino friend
Ed is the future. Count on it. There's like 2 Ed's in Top 6 too.
What the fuck happened to DNF duel? That game had 2 characters with fat ass tits

I stopped playing cause it didn't have arcade stick support.
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>7hrs until the only finals that matter
Which has been the case past all EVO's for SC6 pretty much. I don't watch otherwise SC6, so no, in this instance females are not top dogs.
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>no Nier
>gbvs already showed its big bitch boss right
The advertising wasn't subtle before they just went "YES IT'S HER OKAY"
>gooober showed off the 4 DLCs
The trailer got leaked so the surprise was pretty much over
it's under the little arrow dropdown in the header
She also lures boyfriends to her house and murders them
You can play more than one character. Just flip a coin if you're not in a particular mood.
These matches are so much more intense without a puppet forcing standstills
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I hate Strive
GB has enough hot bitches to balance it out
Have fun regardless
>I stopped playing cause it didn't have arcade stick support.
What are you talking about?
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Bets on James Chen crying time this year in minutes?

I'm calling 7 minutes total of crying on screen.
>homoangel player is relying on gimmick and B rank shit
complete desperation
Still holding out hope for another cotw trailer
Because granblue is designed to suck as much money out of weebs of both genders as they possibly can
Belial is also extremely good and a top tier but Tororo is good + Percival is kinda annoying to play against
People were talking about Nier so much and it didn't register to me that they weren't talking about 2B
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Why is this sony event shilling displate like some Z-tier youtube e-celeb
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>Literal top 3 least used character
They are obviously setting it up so Max cries during the MvC4 reveal.
the cast in general is full of handsome mans, heck people call them the homo knights and angels for a reason, that also aplied for women
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This is legit what killed SamSho btw

>add rollback
>still no crossplay so still a Discordfighter
>added fucking always online
Man, how does MBAACC look so fucking smooth compared to every other fighting game. The sprites weren't very pretty even at the time it released but movement in that game is so beautiful.
because EVO this year is one month early and devs aren't gonna change their development and marketing pipeline only to announce stuff on it. july is a horrible month to announce shit because every other big game of more popular genre are announcing stuff left and right and "leaks" are going overboard to get that early summer hype
Offscreen he'll shed a tear every time he sees Drive Impact.
>Why can't I react like that?
Honestly I think they just took too long with DLC and balance patches. Needed faster movement too.
you and I will bang ok
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what's the character spread looking like?
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incendiate plays 2 waifus with his geralt, he won evo with ivy
I played the beta test and bought the game and the arcade stick support was dogshit. The game was clearly made for pad.
This Belial gameplay is some of the worst I've ever seen in an EVO GF. Him getting rewarded for it half the time isn't great either.
Super oppressive top tiers (super oppressive in general really), both of the characters you linked took forever to come out, and the dev team hibernated for like a year instead of announcing anything which activates the signals in the average FGC player's mind that the game is dead and won't get any more support so they drop it for the next thing
It was never anyone's main game to be fair to the last point but if you like it just play it.
>MvC4 reveal
Please let this happen so that all the NeverEvurfag Doomposters get sent to the shadow realm.
no shit its aarondamac
game is horribly imbalanced despite what grubbers will tell you
>SC6 top brackets all burgers
SC used to have a a strong euro presence. What happened?
>no anila
>gay boys
>these fake in-game cheers
>deadpan players
>music too loud
Granblue always disappoints
I think Tororo isn't going to be able to win even if he resets the bracket.
The sprites are well animated at least, and the game has a consistent theme (Tsuki's late night themed stages + Raito's DnB, Jungle, Jazzy music). I honestly think that old Melty is a piece of art (with no online).
lol why would there be a mvc4 reveal now
if they were gonna do it, it would have been last year at the mvc tournament
Except we agree with him kek
when are the finals?
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>Sabrewulf made KI GF yesterday

That top 16 run was fucking kino. I wish MS would stop sucking their assholes and make a new multiplat KI game. KIAE is near perfect, but it's also basically a dead game outside of the psycho devotees. A new Killer Instinct right now would be perfect timing and if they make it a multiplatform title it'll get massive traction landing as a new fighting game into the market a couple years after the most recent big 3 releases.
Dogshit how? I played fine on stick before I made the switch to leverless. I've never heard anyone having issues. To answer your other question though, one of the reasons it died was them going radio silent for a fucking year only to announce a character pass like nothing happened.
Right that was two years ago.

I think the French just stopped caring about EVO. It was their national fighting game for like two decades straight. Don't know how it's anymore there.
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When is.... Mahvel?
The pools were good and most of the usually boring/annoying players are out so I think it'll be good.
Who we rooting for in SC6?
haven't been to the general in forever but i remember on launch everyone was saying it was the most balanced fighting game currently
3 dlc and 3 og characters
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Ed is the first character I think is cool and fits my play style but I honestly don't care about sf6 enough to really try and learn another character, especially a complicated one
I played cammy because she's hot and that's really my only motivation left
also punk is about to win evo with her
I think there was an interview this week where some capcom exec expressed interest in working with marvel on more versus games. Implying that they aren't working on one currently.
I always see big praise for KI but watching it just seems like any other fighting game just with the weird combobreaker thing. Why did people like it so much?
I don't play GBVS, but the devs should put me in charge so I can remove 22L
NevurEvur fags already lost with the MvC collection. If Marvel and Capcom can work together for that there's no reason an MvC game would be off the table
It's still popular in Europe, but sponsorships dried up and it's very rare for players to travel for cross-continental tournaments now
please give Tororo your energy...
>belial spam super
>percy never do it
percy super is bad or what
>on launch
Oh yeah on launch it was believed to be an over exaggeration, but as players got better we realized how fucked up the game is

There's basically a giant line dividing the roster, on top of it there's the viable characters, under it meme characters, there's no middle ground

Right now in screen Percival is a meme vs maybe top 4 character
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bros i hate belial so much
no one said gb is balanced right now
>but sponsorships dried up
Even the sponsors huh? lel
The big black man > Gerald
It's just an okay super but he has an extremely good 50% bar ultimate skill in the fire carpet.
Zas he's really fucking nice. Also did he just wait for geralt to blow meter so he could go into next round empty?
He has to use meter for his ultimate skills to be competitive
What happened is it's not a main game. Ain't no one flying across the world for a community tournament
Do they give out medals for side tournaments?
It's so over
>new deadpool/wolverine movie

yea it's mvc4, disney is probably desperate for the boomer xmen hype
I just want to see Yuel or Narm players.
SC6 looks so fast compared to Tekken. Geralt dashing across the entire arena in 1 sec
It definitely should have been last year but Disney was smoking more crack back then. I think execs took notice of the 100k viewers and they want it to happen now.
No one's going to EVO for a side tourney and SC players don't really play other fighters so they're not just gonna happen to be there. Kayane is there but she's probably busy and I don't know if Skyll went to enter Strive.
Capcom paid more.
Blazblue is killing my ears.
Because it has less entrants than SF6
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zas, unless incendiate goes Ivy
Man has Tororo landed a single reversal
AnimEVO had their own made for their tournaments before they rebranded, don't know about now for the community showcase stuff or the current anime stuff.
sheep tiddies in my mouth
well that was gay
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Man this sucks aaraondamac is such an annoying faggot
Source friend?
weebs lost
gayest way to lose
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It's Ivy time
cringe homoangel
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>Right that was two years ago.
what did he do?
totoro-san :(
what an awful game
i watched dota2 over this shit
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>negroid won
Ivy is such a great design and now we have arcsys putting Dizzy in a burka, sucks
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Rooting for Sodelic. His Carl didn't looked that good though so I doubt he can pull it off.
USAKINGS, we won
gbvsr is the worst modern fighter
games so dogshit aarondmc wins evo
this dude is bottom of the barrel garbage
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>zas gonna win
Not be Japanese
When are the SF3 finals?
ugly brown people play fighting games alot
MURICA won, get fucking anniemay troons
I couldn't map what I wanted where I wanted it. I tried to make more traditional and easier on my muscle memory. Then i picked up a controller and it immediately felt more natural(?/ergonomic(?) but that just not how I wanted to play the game.
He looks so crushed
It hurts
gbvs is dead
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What a painful expression.
Ed isn't hard. Hardest thing would probably be his lv2 because its very specific timing to combo into the ball and juggle across the screen with it. I haven't really tried to practice it too much and I do fine. You can really fuck dudes over by just playing keep out with his kick buttons, his 236X, fireballs, and target combo into command dash follow up. Don't coomerpick if you're already not that interested in the game, Ed might ignite some interest at least.
Too bad, maybe next year.

At least it wasn't Nier mirrors GF. Well played Tororo.
>japanese man beat by an american 56 percenter
Is it really gonna take another 50 minutes to get to strive after this?
holy shit i thought that was pat for a second lmao
Typical American won
>Time freezing Ivy in the air
How can you not just take her there and then sexually? Is Zasa gay?
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But he'll pull through!
Why can't I be positive like this after a loss
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Who tf is Todoro? What happened to Gamera and that one other American that always comes in 2nd place I forgot his name?
anyone else only buy that game because they are a massive coomer?
I'm a bit confused, why are those slaves allowed in the venue?
bel is dumb but USA USA USA
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Holy shit
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God damn good-ass Soulcalibur always makes me want to boot it up. Emphasis on ass
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I mean I like cammy, you can play her footsie/poke based and I got to masters and played 200+ hours of 6 exclusively with her already
I already have a game I'm obsessed with and cammy 's ass is honestly my motivation because my main game is a sausage fest, I rarely get to play cute or hot girl characters
hot and top tier, as female characters should be
Tororo won Versus EVO last year.
Gamera drowned in Top 24
Xerom (Charlotta) and Elsa (Nier) drowned in top 24s
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They will definitely delay until the appointed time, yes.
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didnt even shake his opponents hand after he won
That's odd, I configured it fine to my liking. Maybe it was your stick's firmware? Or steam and its controller setup shit. That used to fuck me up on some games sometimes.
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>Evil top tier prevents soulful JP player from taking the trophy home
We got the bad ending
I think I'd like SC more if it didn't have a block button. Maybe I need to give it another shot.
No one cares faggot.
sonicfox won a shit this evo?
shinku does look like a creep
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Who we rooting for?
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No i have standards
yeah for a game nobody plays
Literally the only reason I buy fighting games is to look at girls with big titties and big asses
what are they even gonna show, jpegs for concept art like mature and vice lol
anji and jack o
Rooting for this to end quickly so we can get to Tekken
the jew
What characters?
gotta get those chipotle ads in
Whats your main game?
Unfortunately, recent releases show that fighting games still have their fear of sexy female characters that the west instilled in them.
I'm rooting for nitro jack-o is pretty fun to watch I guess
anyone but sol or happy chaos
this isn't even a coomheavy game retard
How tall is Brian L?
Boring Johnny Cage mirror match
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>extremely good balancing after ten years of updates
>hugely variable cast of characters that each have unique traits ranging from interesting to crazy (Arbiter's arsenal management and overshield, Eyedoll switching movesets on a meter back and forth, ARIA three bodies, Spinal's skull debuffs, more...)
>combo system that basically lets you freestyle on people in creative ways
>Combo Breaker system balances out the freestyle combos makes it not just a put down your controller for forty seconds while you get combo'd game but instead gives a skill aspect to breaking
>Counter Breaker system adds another layer of mindgame to let you Charles Xavier someone
>phenomenal music by the DOOM Eternal guy
>hitfx and sfx make hitting people just extremely satisfying
>rollback and ranked crossplay
>best announcer in fightanz

Easily top five fighter of all time now with the Anniversary Edition update. Satisfying to play, great mechanics that balance out insane combo game with fair skill-based counter-play. Just a shame it came out so long ago now and isn't full multiplat.
>a literal kike on an anime game top 6
what the FUCK are the Japs DOING???
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I love Watame so much!
Umishit eliminated?
Oh, Gamera won? Damn, my memory is going I guess.
How many of them are trannies?
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>Wins again
This nigga Aaron just won $500
sonicfox at an MK tournament is basically fighting for 2nd place nigga. isnt tweety one of the only people to actually beat him? i dont follow MK much
Zasa bros... this ain't looking good.
Oy Vey
Zando because I like Asuka.
>dogshit combo system
>ost combined with sfx and announcer turns into complete ear rape
The FGC is healing
>extremely good balancing after ten years of updates
>when robot bitch exists
yeah nah. didn't even read the rest
Barely any Japs travelled for anime games this year, they all came for SF6.
Not playing this shit game
sony wouldnt allow it. its a microsoft IP
He's tall but robtv is a manlet
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solution: hook up a foot pedal instead
not the j*w of course
He could sell that stick for more than that.
I get the super turbo Nips are old and don't have a ton of money but it really bums me out how American tournaments like CEO and Evo's side dish can't attract any of the actually good old dudes.
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That bitches voice was like nails on a chalkboard to me
>top 6
I thought these tournaments were supposed to be top 8?
Only here, in fighting games, the bad guys can win.
yen is too weak...
so chilean brothers lost
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Nitro my GOAT
I miss DoA
evo decided to trade 2 players for extra ad time
More time for a Chipotle run brah
Yo, is that Guymam from Jiyuna's streams back in the days in BBCF's stage?
He got a glow up
Not since EVO went complete retard.
>getting filtered by ARIA

So is COD now.
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your sheep is cool too
They've been top6 since Covid, blame American companies and sponsors ad money.
what happened to smash at evo?
They didn't even do well in SF6. Only Momochi and Nemo made it to Sunday.
evo would rather spend more time on advertisements
It's time for the announcement we already know bros!!!!!!!!
damn Ron is so good at guard impacting those 66As
smash isnt a fighting game
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oh no
I wonder what the announcement is
hopefully it involves a big red lady
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Let's go, announce Shiro!
i love persia!!!!!!!!
have you seen beatrix and sheep? pure sex
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Yooooooo this SC6 finals is lit
snoy owns evo now, so smash is out
Motohiro Okubo ran from SC6 to get here
bro it's Marvel vs Capcom. Crowd would go nuts if they even hint to a new game on stage with or without a PowerPoint slide
who is going to be the next dlc?!
it is going to be a big surprise...
That GFs was actually rad to be honest but MAN does this shit need a tweak so it's more than just taking turns doing hit confirm BNBs.
>a whole ass minute spent with red guard
>finally breaks it to win
God, I fucking love SC6
This chink really wearing lot 13 off the off white duck low collection
next char is sandy after tall mommy
its so weird seeing okubo on stage and not hearing him say do your souls still burn
nintendo banned it because they hate melee and melee fags in general. also the entire event thanked them because smash fags smell like pure shit and dont wash.
>running from Harada clutches to Los Angeles
Ivy > you're waifu
FGC is peak
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How come MvC isn't in EVO anymore?
This dude has that Todd Howard voice. It's weird for a non-white to have that coice tone.
>are you ready for some more gay ass shit characters because we are too pussy to embrace draph?!
Who fucking cares granblue a shit
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Sent to the garbage where it belongs
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Let me dream for a minute
sorry i meant lot 50
>muh singularity
why do people still like gbf
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3rd strike
but I also played melee before that and that game is also a sausage fest
only other game I've played where I got to play a cute girl is Sakura in alpha 2
Nintendo, sony and too many players
waow what a surprise
MvC2 will be at Evo next year
you're so right anon
There's so many times a nigga wants to see Zero vs Zero finals.
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>gay black player in GF
>not playing the big muscular black man
>playing the big tiddy white bitch
Susanoo (female)
Wow I don't give a shit
>anon who doesn't play fighting games doesn't understand what good balancing is
It means the tier list ranges from S to B tier not S to F tier.
Top 6 is killing the tournaments, it's not like scrubs are finishing in 7 and 8, it's the most famous names in pro fgs
why she is so tall?
>oc donut steel
worse than a guest character desu
Stop liking evil women
Multiarms hugs are overrated
She looks broken
Seriously, Zasalamel looks more like a tanned perspm rather than actual black dude in SC6 compared to SC3.
Wonder why they fucked up his skin that much.
Granpoo character design is the most generic chinky anime shit I've ever seen, literally no style.
but thats my mom
muh big mommy dommy
I feel like since mechanics are so watered down and moves are just more all-purpose than situational that they have to make regular moves look flashy and cool because they can't really make them cool in a gameplay perspective.
Still not a fan of them going with a Versus original character, but I gotta say, her design looks way better in motion than than expected. She's got the energy of a Hindu god.
I need to temper myself with this Soul Calibur shit.
I love this game, but I know its not getting another, and if it did would be censored to hell and back.
But can't help but imagine and hope they make another great one that isn't catering to America.
Mine waifu is also in the game though. picrel
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Why did the Asuka player have to be a jew
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she a beautiful babygirl
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tall women good
I like her visually at least
People say this about every anime games
a fucking rat
Everyone loves the rat hebe
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I hate Vikala and Sandy so fucking much
Sex with rrats
Disgusting english voices
>crowd got more hype for cute rat
All these characters look like vtubers...
Cheesed to meet you
Now I remember why I stopped playing GBF
wtf soulcalibur is fun
Funny how crowd went wild for Vikala, but not the actual character the trailer was all about.
oh my god the mouse is back i'm gonna cooooom
is vikala playable or is it a story thing?
loli chads stay winning.
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>Homo angel
retards on /v/ will type anything these days
Reset fuuuuuuuck so good I love Soulcalibur bros ahhhhh
God, I fucking love Soul Calibur
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Why did the crowd lose their mind over some generic dude catching a feather?
What the fuck is wrong with weebs incels that get hype for such garbage?

The big demon girl or whatever was already being showcased on the floor as a playable character, so everyone already knew about her. The rat was new.
>Balance adjustments for entire roster
Does this mean Nier will finally get nerfed?
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>my waifu gets bracket reset
>tfw you have to watch an absolute scrub, an absolute shitter, pilot your waifu this badly
rat took dragons spot, fucckkkkkkk
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Wait, how's that Sandy's just about to hit the game? I was pretty sure he was already in.
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Why do these characters look like vtubers?
everyone already knows about her, she was playable there
vtubers are made to look like gacha game characters, not the other way around
Will the ears be considered a lawsuit from gisnep?
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My GBF girls are already in, so I'm more excited for Sandy.
this anime game looks so disgusting and awful, it's almost like a parody
who the fuck is this supposed to appeal to? who finds this compelling?
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Me after winning in Blazblue.
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why the FUCK is SOUL calibur 6 more fun to watch than the main evo game I play? (UNI)
We're getting another set of pure SC6 kino, I'm so happy bros
I guess that's right
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>Emotional trailer for the red demon woman, heavy plot relevance with the main characters
>Immediately followed up by magical rat girl transformation sequence
Hell yeah.
it looks fucking amazing
>Does this mean Nier will finally get nerfed?
Lmao. Do you remember how they "balanced" things in GBVS even after a bajillion updates/
granblue won
best announcements so far
fujoshi are more important to Japan's economy than the prime minister
no because she didnt win evo
You must be thinking about the other homo character with wings
love me some ivy
that's like the most popular dude in grubble
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The cheese aims to please
anime board, you have to go back
hes a big deal in the mobage I think
Anime combo strings arent as fun as 8 way movement into reversal edge
Vikala is TRASH

Notice the audience didn't cheer for her but when Sandalphon came everyone cheered.
Anything that involves overdone cute will get that reaction. It's cringe when people get hyped for this instead of something badass.
Who will be the crossover character?
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Incendiate is downloaded. Fuck it's over Ivy bros
Under Night has too many block strings and oversized normals to be entertaining.
GBVS balance was shit but the main philosophy for most of its lifespan was absolutely stomping anything decent into the floor until the game started entering quiet mode.
This, I only respect games with high quality animations like MK1.
Fuck I love Granblue! Here is hoping we return for EVO 2025.
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He tops the popularity polls in every region for GBF.
Chipotle will pay for this.
Don’t know about you guys but I’m thinking Chipotle
any epic troons in the crowd?
Does Chipotle even have freezers bros? I'm starting to think they don't...
how fat?
Should I buy Granblue or UNI2
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And now a 2-3 hour brake to take a good nap, yay!
Chipolte game when?
I kind of wish I went to EVO just because that bracket looks pretty free.
It's nice to get a like 4 hour break now
Shame Tekken is the only 3D fighter going now, the variety of ranges you can play at in Soulcalibur is more interesting.
Because she's a minor wearing a short skirt and shaking her ass which is hecking problematic for the game's tranny community. Super gay homoangel faggot is great though
okay, time to do something else.
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Soulcal is so fucking fun to watch
>they run the ads for the live crowd
what the fuck? why?
I dunno. they're completely different games.
MC of the most popular arc/events of GBF. Also women and gays love him.
would let her breast feed me
Because Soul Calibur is the best 3D fighting game ever made and no one will accept it.
Because hes cool and part of one of the biggest / most popular Granblue Fantasy story lines.
Soul Calibur 7 when ?
>that Ivy fumble
People just love him, he is a fem looking angel,
GB is a great IP but some people are mad for it.
I have got into it since playing the 1st GB and relink is GotY for me.
you can test the free version of granblue. granblue is better in every way except uni2 has more combat depth.
Please be patient, groobers think they invented F2P fightan
who knows lmao investors think they farm more money
shut up and consume
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>30min to strive
Play the free version of Granblue.
Then decide upon that.
He is a major part of a gb storyline, practically the mc
>ywn palm tits that big
my previous gf was a C cup bros.....
the schedule is posted
They'd ruin it. I want to wait 4 years at least.
You don't need to test it, you can straight up just play the full game for free.
Nevermind he's back
Pretty relevant in most of the storylines since 000 event happened. And it was a pretty damn good trilogy of events, so he's now a beloved character within all the fandom.
Why not just get a beeg booba gf anon?
I still don't know what the fuck a chiptole is. Some sort of burger?
yea but you wont be able to play your favorite characters unless you buy it
ivy is unfair, she is distracting and a zoner
New thread: >>683339501
In hopes that the whole trannie garbage blows over, and we don't get a pozzed game ?
No one knows that whores age from that. Vikala is the most forced GBF character
At least it means chipotle is paying more
they need to have ad breaks and to setup anon. do you really think they're going to just jump into the next game instantly? this shit has to last all day
The .exe trick still works last I checked (when Beatrix released.)
there's an exploit to turn the free version into the paid version
im ugly
spoonfeed me, i beg you
2k people watching SC6, there is an audience for another SC
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Yes, genuinely.
I'm sick of watching things I love be bastardized. I'd rather them just die great.
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nigga wtf
He got into relink first
granblue for sure
But does it really take 30 min to set up a next game? it would be like 10 min tops if not for the ads.
Saving him for an emergency
idk how to do it i bought the game
really? havent they fixed that already?
You're gonna have to wait forever, because we're not going back.
they need to setup. wrangle all of the autistic competitors, let the audience piss and shit, have ad breaks. so yeah.
I have the Playstation version but my PS5 owning roomate moved and my PS4 is ded :(
Otherwise I'd just rebuy it
Makes sense, though it would certainly take years for the game to be developed and released. And Tekken 8 has reasonably attractive woman.
Granblue for beginners
Fine tasting Mexican food like burritos, bowls etc. Its a bit on the expensive side but it at least used to be decent quality. Over the years its just degraded.
granblue is the harder game though?
no it isn't
GB is kind of boring ngl
SC finals are kino bros
I like Tekken, but something about their visual style is weird for me, hard to explain what I mean in that regard honestly. They never quite played into fan service like SC did either.
I don't play fighting games solely for sexy women, but I absolutely think fan service in all regards should in be in fighting games. Sex appeal, over the top characters, etc, etc.
I don't know how "late" into development character designs are finalized in these games, but I'd imagine if development was started now, certain things would be set in stone with "todays standards" in mind. Maybe I'm wrong on that though. Probably a little less true in fighting games than other genres honestly.
wrong, this mokou is dead
right now we have on the overall Waifu Standings:

>Granblue VSR
>DNF Duel
>DBFZ = DB Sparking Zero
>HxH NEN impact (Unreleased yet, only on the grounds its an old animem it cant be censored really)
>CoTW (Unreleased yet)
>Tekken 8 = SF6
>An Exa Arcadia cabinet bathed in shit.
>soul calibur fan
>doesnt mention anything gameplay related and keeps rambling about how woke a new sc would be
he's right tho
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>strive gets dizzy wearing 5 layers of clothes
>granblue gets big red dragon cheeks and vagina bones
You're on /v/, you should expect this.
>vagina bones
vagina bones
people still use this virgin term?
I'm still astonished to this day that Amerimutts call burritos "Mexican food". But over here I rarely see places making them. I swear I can find 5 different burger places but I still have to find a decent burrito.
Tacos is the true Mexican cuisine.
That's Gran's mom btw
Daisuke's vision
Nobody plays SC6
Strive caters to its new American fanbase now unfortunately.
Ive never been more disappointed in a games change in direction than GGs.
Its a meme you dip.
also your 14y mom
I like SC but SC6 feels like dogshit to play, they made it into a 2D game
GG is westernized slop
Ironically Versussy looks more like old Dizzy than Dizzy now.
I don't mind the redesigns but it's funny.
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I'll give you a (You) even though you won't give me one, you massive faggot.
Why wouldn't Americans call burritos mexican food? Only mexican restaurants serve them
Gonna get sued like that
Why is SoCal dead again? Just asset flip Tekken 8 and make part VII
>Sidestep nerfed
Prove me wrong
the exploit is on pc
harada wrote a wall of text about this
>Asset flip
These games are too visually different for that.
Also the way clothes sit on characters in Tekken is weird as hell imo
Nah, your argument makes sense. Need to finalize a design before you can do the anything else. I am all for huge tits and ass. Fan service is a part of fighting games. So maybe it's for the best we haven't got a SC7 in recent years.

Gonna check out Granblue, GGST I don't know man, after the whole Bridget thing. Tekken 8 is fine, to some degree I don't even mind SF6 though it is barely tolerable in terms of character looks for the woman. Well, Kimberly looks like a fucking caricature.
And somewhat admitted to fuckin SoulCal over due to their rivalry.
Was a good read though, but I wish SoulCal had someone as dedicated to it as he is to Tekken.
The only thing about her that looks like Dizzy is her blue hair, which isn't even the same shade of blue as Dizzy's. Dizzy still looks more like Dizzy for having Necro and Undine alone.
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He is going to be the strongest character
Why does Toothpaste look so upset? Shes in top 5, but looks like she wants to kill herself.
I just remember posting a drawing of a goblin I had drawn in a drawthread once and it devolved into a gigantic argument about the term between two anons.
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It originates from from Tokyo Mirage Session censorship.
The term has just kind of stuck around ever since instead of pelvic bones. People almost instantly know what you are referring to for shit in an anime-esque style.
>dizzy is wearing 10 layers of clothing

whelp DEI has gotten to guilty gear.
Even legs are no longer allowed.

...we're never getting Fanny, aren't we?
I actually don't mind new Dizzy, looks cute
If I even want old Dizzy I'll just mod her in

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