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CYOA Edition

Previous Thread


>Official Site:
>Special Delivery:
http://fnafar.com/ (defunct)
>Security Breach
>FNAF: The Movie: The Game
>Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2
>Writing Archive:
https://justpaste/ dot it/5NAF_Writefag_Archive
>Voice Archive:
Do you think any of the known upcoming projects in the franchise will bring life to this place again?
It will only get deader
All of out drawfags are gone, starchy passed away two weeks ago
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studios regularly scoop up rights to develop films based on internet fads, and they typically bomb as they release when the iron is stone cold (Slenderman, Dear David). they're making a horror movie about that scam Willy Wonka thing for fuck's sake

the fact that the FNAF movie released close to ten years after its inception and was still a monumental success is a testament to the series' mainstream status, it's unlikely it would've done as well if it had released all those years ago too
>Hello, Charlotte. Or do you prefer Charlie? That's the name they gave you, isn't it?
>I was Fazbear Entertainment's chief financial officer, your father our foremost technical officer and the company's chief executive. The only thing we agreed on was that Freddy's was on the road to bankruptcy.
>In return for my efforts to protect our business and save our company, I and my fellow employees were confined to the safe room.
>And then, the destruction of our establishment freed us. We were recumbent. Destined to lay among the ruins of our life's work until we rotted.
>How did you find your way to Hurricane?
>We managed to retrofit the spring lock suit into an exoskeleton. Your father made a similar modification to the animatronics that entertained you here. And so the instrument of our damnation... became our salvation.
>We sought out the old sister locations looking for signs of life. But all we found was death. Cut off from Fazbear Entertainment these locations withered and died long ago. We salvaged what we could. Animatronics, decorations, even a torture device.
>For 33 years we prepared. Until finally, we detected a telephonic transmission which you triggered when you accessed the antiquated security office.
>You led us here, Charlotte. And now it's within your power to save what remains of your family's business.
Reminder that Brits are inherently jerks.
>they're making a horror movie about that scam Willy Wonka thing for fuck's sake
That's a bad example, that one was absolutely mainstream. It made it to the news, they were interviewing the actors on TV, everyone everywhere was talking about it.

>the fact that the FNAF movie released close to ten years after its inception and was still a monumental success is a testament to the series' mainstream status, it's unlikely it would've done as well if it had released all those years ago too
Most of the people who went to see it were teens and young adults who have been fans since back then.
t. Phil (still mad at GODko)
something doesn't have to absolutely dominate the minds of every member of the wider public to be considered mainstream, a mainstream franchise just has to have a considerable amount of exposure and huge following

you can't tell me we aren't currently mainstream when the movie is among the highest grossing horror films of all time and we're seeing shit like this: https://files.catbox.moe/rfqmux.mp4
Post Gregory and Roxy
So does this place still have any oc these days
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Will you be buying 16 inches of Baby
The girl you posted definitely doesn't have a cock, I think you're getting her confused with another puppet cosplayer who got posted here a few months ago. Check the archived thread from Nov. 3rd and ctrl+f "puppet"
Sorry forgot to hit reply
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Next game Freddy and Cassie swap so Roxy and Gregory can be together and solve their differences. Chaos ensues.
I love it in a doofy kinda way.
Did anybody hear what happened to springlockanon?
He got springlocked.
Such a tragedy.
Nice co-op right there
An hero'd.
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He scream.
the new funko jumbos look like they seen some shit
I own this bonnie one and will probably buy the baby too because I have the collectortism
Jokes aside he got doxxed and outted as a zoophile. Fucking crazy, it sucks I thought he was pretty cool too.
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Fuck, I just realized it Mike might have been a better fit for this scene given he also gets put through similarly weird mental thingies to whatever Zod does.
>starchy passed away two weeks ago
You lie.
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Out of everyone I miss the guy who made these
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as woeful as the idea is the bookshit game might give us things to talk about
outside of that its just waiting until Steel Wool put out another game or DLC
>the bookshit game
Ruin already WAS a bookshit game, pal.
the ITP game is literally just adapting one of the books
its the PRIMO bookshit game
FFPS and UCN were bookshit games then.
1000 yard stare looking ass
My point isn't that FNAF isn't mainstream now, I know it is, my point is that it also was back in 2014-2015. I've seen someone compare it to Pokémon and I think it's pretty accurate: it was massive when it came out, everyone everywhere was talking about it, then the popularity died down and while it was still very popular, it was nothing compared to its peak popularity, until something made it big again and more popular than ever way down the line (remember when the whole world was playing Pokémon GO? That's the FNAF Movie) then it died down again.
u guys wanna do another art collab?
isn't there a site we can upload our fanart too, that has art from the general a booru or something? i think we do
it is a mystery
if only there was some kind of post where various relevant links about the general are all gathered, a post that is easy to get to and is present in every thread...some kind of...Original Post...
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Dawko's making a fangame.
The screaming British man will finish his fangame before I finish mine im gonna kill myself
How big is the chance this joins the fanverse?
Seems like the guy who made shipwrecked 64 might also be involved https://twitter.com/SqueaksDCorgeh/status/1780958727736279522 I hope this ends up in the fanverse, this seems like it has a lot of promise
>dawko will start and finish his project in less time than it took Phisnom to pull the plug on his
lol, cool. i know we have some talented draw anons here thats why I asked. I wanna make more fnaf art
>want to make fangame
>too burned out from work to learn
Am i become boomer?
It has to be easier than doing a full real(non fan game) right?
they'd probably have to rework it somewhat seeing as this is just straight up based on the Nintendo 64
Registration is closed :(
you can never expect to become talented at anything if you're not willing to lock in and study, it's a struggle but it's worth it and the sooner you try the sooner you'll be capable
It's just as hard, making a game is making a game, think of it like uh, you're contracted to make a game with a preset of what it'll be like, sure you have the concept done for you, but you have to do all the coding, model work, sound stuff, etc, you have to put hard work in either way.
Making a game takes hard work and a bajillion years no matter how you slice it.
Unless the console is straight up a n64, nintendo can't take legal action. A lot of games inspired by the console have no problem
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I posted in the thread last night and somehow missed this lol. Don't worry I'll exist forever.
Oh yeah, a guy working on popgoes evergreen and the blast to the past mod for security breach is also working on this https://twitter.com/breddy_e/status/1780966148290310558
Damn you for invaladating my easily disprovable lies
>blast to the past mod
Oh right, I totally forgot about all that
Didn't they do something that made people disinterested or something?
Just a texture change is nice but not a whole lot
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They announced today it's coming june 20th
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what are some cool fnaf boss themes outside of
>watch your 6 from sister lactation
>stone cold from fnaf world
>attic from tjoc:sm
>londonistan bridge from JRs
Does Swan Song count?
I hope this is alright to post but I saw this and it reminded me of fnaf mainly due to the robot bunny and soul transfer into a robot stuff https://twitter.com/Danyzerome/status/929137635402039296/photo/1
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why bro looking at me like that
phil clearly didn't give a shit about FNAF and hadn't for a long time. He actively hated it even.
Phil was never going to complete Plus. He had no reason to. The whole fiasco with the kid and gore spamming was just an excuse for him to finally quit.
Post withered chica
She looks strung out on ice cream.
Funny, this is basically what fnaf plus was going for
it sucks there is so many controversies involving the fangames. i just wanna play some fnaf without the drama
Fans are drama incarnate lmao.
the fan games thing scott did by endorsing the player made content is great so its a shame that stuff happened. fan games are still cool tho
I think FNAF Plus was the result of someone getting so increasingly high off of their own farts that they thought they could do FNAF 1 better than Scott and fell completely on their ass instead because they had no actual idea what they were doing.
i love fnaf
I hate fnaf, all around mid franchise.
Poppy did everything fnaf wanted to do and did it better.
I loved fnaf
Yeah, that's pretty much what happened
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Can anyone top Chaddington?
Nah, Phil's games and vision were good imo. He's just incapable of not self destructing.
Plus there's just something about FNAF 1 that nobody else has been able to recapture, not even Scott. Lightning in a bottle.
Fnaf 1 was more an originality thing, nothing like it had been done before, so in an attempt to remake fnaf 1 you're not doing what made it popular in the first place. It was made in an era of a lot of horror games being open ended with 3d movement so locking you in one place made it far scarier since there was constantly nowhere to run. That's been done to death now, so the next 'fnaf 1' will be something with more original gamplay.
the next fnaf 1 will be a fully playable ARG
So something like Shipwrecked 64?
I think it also had some mysticism that is lost nowadays, before we were familiar with the concept or the animatronics, before seeing the fanbase and its creations, and when it was a self contained thing with no sequels and lore, it just had a different vibe and atmosphere to it.
No fnaf 1 remake can replicated anymore, it's just gonna be the same game reimagined with different graphics or mechanics, but since we already know the concept and the characters, the original magic will be gone
That bottom lip makes the whole thing very unsettling.
Kinda hot
Would you smooch the bear?
OG Freddy? Sure.
This thing? Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
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>what are some cool fnaf boss themes
>no one posted it yet
I was thinking about that just yesterday. Nothing will ever capture the vibe the original game had when it first came out, because a huge part of the appeal was how new and unique the concept was. The idea, the gameplay, the setting, the atmosphere, the characters, the mystery, everything came together in a way that not only grabbed your attention, but also made you want to learn more, come up with your own ideas to fill in the blanks, and maybe even expand upon the concept yourself.
Any attempt at recreating the original FNAF vibe will never fully hit the mark, because we already know what FNAF is. We've already seen it, we've already talked about it a million times, we've already created hundreds of theories and thousands of fanworks, we've already done basically everything we could've done with it.
We're probably never getting another game quite like it ever again. We might get something on a similar level of uniqueness that will spark interest in a similar way, but it won't be like FNAF. People have been hyping up Poppy for a while now, but I don't think that's it. It only feels like "the new FNAF" when you compare it to what FNAF currently is, but it's nothing like what FNAF 1 (or even 1-3) was like when it came out.
I think when VR gets big it'll have the next fnaf 1 like thing, just feels like the natural evolution of immersion.
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It's true that FNAF 1 was totally unique and you can't ever really replicate the impression it originally gave, but even if we ignore that FNAF Plus very obviously didn't understand what made the first game effective.

>animatronics are all blatantly disgusting abominations that no sane person would ever consider acceptable children's mascots, sunken lidless hyperrealistic eyes and overly-human teeth with heads that blatantly look like skulls as opposed to the original designs which were creepy but also obviously cheaply-made felt animal costumes draped on top of the overproduced walking OSHA violations that the company used
>everything made to look as dark, grimy, and scary as possible to the point where most of it is so poorly-lit you can't see anything, whereas the original game simply portrayed a regular run-down dark building and let the atmosphere provide the spooks
>no Phone Guy, an enormous lynchpin of what made the first game's exposition so effective, on top of that it's so iconic that any attempt to replace it is just going to be compared unfavorably to the original
>pandering to lorefags with the appearance of the (very poorly redesigned) Puppet even though FNAF 1's story was so good precisely because it was a total enigma that didn't overelaborate
>promotional teaser videos were all structured around the then-popular analog horror genre with all of the cliches that entails (spooky slowed-down music, long pauses with nothing but VCR static, epic glitching effects, closeups of le terrifying distorted black and white face), simply screams that the creator is desperately trying to remove any sense of dark comedy or levity from the series and turn FNAF into "real, mature horror" which ends up just being chasing another flash-in-the-pan zoomer trend

Call me sour grapes but I honestly think that even if we got this game it would've been painfully mediocre. Doesn't help that the dev also acted like a huge faggot.
this image was Phillip's best contribution to the franchise I think
If you brought a spirit box next to the animatronics, what would happen?
man i love fnaf crossovers
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Something I will defend about plus is that bonnie and freddy's design aren't tryhard.The only thing that makes them scary is the uncanny valley of looking in their eyes, which is exactly what made the originals scary, chica and foxy are trying roo hard though, the thing that makes them scary is the broken eye and lack of pupils, which are not subtle at all and every child would find creepy.
Come too think of it, every broken down and teared up animatronic isn't made to entertain children, the withereds, the nightmares, the scraps, ennard and springtrap don't have the intention of pleasing children, hell even Foxy who is slightly broken up in fnaf 1 is out of order to not interact with children.
Yet Phil doesn't understand that and makes chica a main stage player despite looking bad for being broken. In the in game posters that were shown, chica still has the broken eye as if it's an intentional part of her design to be advertised by the pizzeria, while foxy still has his eyes pupils in his, by comparasion, it's really bizarre
Okay, I found out that disabaling HAGS (Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling) helps HW2 not crash and play somewhat. I'm still getting jittering and shit though, i don't think anyone here plays VR though
>jcm2 drew cassie again on stream
my goat
No Phone Guy is such an odd choice, he's your one saving grace each day and gives you the feeling you're not alone being being ripped from you on the final night which makes the stakes even higher since you don't have the friendly voice to give you tips. It's immersion, yeah, other people have worked here before you, you get information on the place, it's background noise but also makes you feel like you're at a proper job.
Shit, could've have him being an EDGY and JADED phone guy who says 'fuck' a lot, that's right up Phil's alley, but lack of Phone Guy gives the game and in general the idea of Freddy Fazbear's pizza a lot less flavor, for the sake of spookiness.
The series in general I feel hasn't (yet anyways) sacrificed giving the games a unique personality for the sake of being scary, with the closest probably being Fnaf 4 and Ruin, so it's an odd choice.
Do you think Steel Wool learned from the mistakes in Security Breach?
Yeah, Ruin shows that, hell they brought back resource management with the mask mechanic even if that's easily cheesable, made the scares better, had actual puzzles, less open ended maps, no hiding space bullshit, a more palatable story, cute main character who isnt a psycho, I will say I don't want the next game to be like Ruin fully, I think a lot of the locations were same-y and boring, but it's a good step away from Security Breach for the better.
Security breach has a lot of fun ideas, its just underbaked and the actual marketable enemies are barley there compared to the generic enemies
I don't know if they're gonna make another big game like security breach but i think they learned enough to make something better
I do think they made the base game less intense for younger audincess(not something they only watch through youtubers) but ruin is a step in the right direction. If they actually captured the tenseness of the first fnaf that would be something spectacular
I want the next game to do something like Little Nightmares 3 with cooperative mode between Gregory and Cassie. I had this fun concept of Ruin Roxy using Freddy's head to guide herself too.
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You've got that, but at the same time there's something REALLY special about how FNAF was handled by Scott after the first game.
At a breakneck pace you'd see Scott put out new games once every few months, teasers would release every few weeks that sparked a shitton of discussion, and every time a new one came out it was something else.
People like the Banban devs can shit out games once every few months but it just won't be anywhere near the same level. FNAF is something where you just HAD to be there.
>"These are Roxy's eyes?!" Freddy asked, calmly
>*Freddy asked while stabbing Gregory repeatedly with a knife, calmly
How about we make our own 5N@F plus?
what about when he kills his therapist or whatever
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Given the great vibes recently, and the millions of amazing FNAF fans (that's you!) I feel like the time is right to finally share an unknown link between FNAF 1 and FNAF 4. Remember the FNAF 1 guard? Bite of 83? SAME. GUY. (No, NOT the biter!) =P
meanwhile I am forgotten
Therapists aren't people
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I do not care who Scott sends, this is what Fredbear actually looks like, not some cheap recolor.
With Blackjack and hookers?
RE the whole FNAF 1 discussion

FNAF 1 was a lot of things coming together at the right time. Echoing what another anon said, a lot of indie horror games at that time were the "walking simulator" sort. Slender and Amnesia really propelled that genre to the forefront of indie horror.
Another aspect is the "DEEPEST LORE" which people are tired of now, but at the time it was still very much the in thing. I've always thought Adventure Time was what really kicked that trend off in entertainment at the time, but that's just my personal opinion.
There was just enough given to us to make it interesting, but there was so much we didn't know. So, of course, all that factoring together is why I think FNAF 1 blew up to the level it did.
It's also why, no matter how good the quality of the game is, no FNAF 1 remake has ever hit the same for me. It was true lightning in a bottle and came out at the perfect time.
and yeah, I agree with this. The animatronics being so ugly and scary was a strange design choice. I think even adding a minor detail like the restaurant giving Chica an eyepatch or something could have worked though. Of course, she takes it off when she starts going for you, and you could do creepy shots of it as a straight up human eye.
I only accept Breadbear as the legitimate heir
Alright which one of you FNaF fuckers was this?
Yeah you'll get faz-tokens after every night to gamble with for skins for the animatronics, custom jumpscares too so sec guard gets that boing boing
>I've always thought Adventure Time was what really kicked that trend off in entertainment at the time
Feels like a combination of that and Gravity Falls rocketed that shit in to popularity.
me sorry
Me too
Weird how things turn out because I would spend hours arguing with people that it was bad back in the days of the trilogy on Google Plus
Link? Blog, twitter?
Not me, I'd the be the clown throwing ice cream at everyone.
Five nights in the hospital cuz you got a little too intimate with Toy Chica.
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this Steel Wool man's vaugeposting better pay off next week or else i'll be sorta bummed out and promptly move on

I want to dust off the psvr2 I bought solely for HW2 with some DLC
>springtrap song
>look inside
>mimic song with constant book references
Mimicbros won.
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Tommy Wiseau
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FNAF news sources forgetting to fact check like usual. They're making corrections now but I'm hoping they get their shit together soon
Do the movies even need Henry? He only showed up in one game.
He's probably Mike's dad, just he's Henry Schmidt, or Mike changed his name. Makes sense, gives William a reason to kill Garret as well if you want to have his own son die, or Henry did something to tick him off.
I don't think he's Mike's dad, but someone unrelated.
Mike's family seems to be a representation of the Afton family in movie universe, Mike is Michael, Garrett is Crying Child and Abby is Elizabeth.
this slaps
this fucks
Am I missing something, or have they now somehow blended into the same entity?
>that Tiger rock reference
yeah, I'm thinking we won indeed.
Does this mean that Charlie is gonna show up too by extension? Provided someone doesn't already take up that same role.
Virtually every non schizo FNaF theorist thinks Glitchtrap is The Mimic so yeah
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Also references Edwin's factory, Edwin beating The Mimic, The Mimic's spider form, Mimic breaking apart the construction workers...
it's actually good
Yeah honestly first good tiger rock model i've seen, it's a creative song as well even if I don't really get a lot of the allusions persay and it mixes game movie and book stuff a LOT, the visuals are amazing.
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>"Mike, can I get your autograph?"
>"My autograph? I'm not exactly famous, but sure what'd you want me to sign?"
>"Oh, just a book I bought. I thought you might've been the author, but nevermind."
>"A book? I mean maybe a relative? Let me see."
>"I know, right? It's stupid."
>"You said you bought this?"
>"Found it. I, no, I wouldn't buy this. That'd be stupid."
>"Is it any good?"
>"I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. It just got here today."
>"Found it today."
>"Right. Yeah."
>"Do you have a pen?"
>"That's a nice signature. Thanks Schmidt."
>"I try."
>"No it's fine keep the pen."
>"Well thanks. Enjoy your book."
>"I will."
>"Was there something else you needed?"
>"If, if you're hungry I got this extra cake in the kitchen. A birthday cancelled today and it's just going to go to waste. I could use some help eating it. Might still have some leftover pizza the stoners couldn't finish too."
>"Who's the birthday boy who missed out?"
>"I didn't catch the name."
>"Of course. I'll see you there. We'll wish him a happy birthday anyway."
>"I think you should dress for the occasion."
>"Yeah y'know any fancy clothes you might have. Something formal."
>"I see. I might've just brought along something just for today that matches. See you in forty five?"
>"C'mon Mike that's just corny. Make it fourteen."
>"Was that a pun?"
>"Nein. Just a glitch from all the second pot smoke I inhaled today."
>"Uh huh."
>"You're running out of time."
>"You know your eyes do look a little red."
>"Shut up."
>"I'm going I'm going. Maybe I'll find some eyedrops passing by the lost and found."
>"Whoops must've been a wild case of reefer madness."
>"I can't feel my arm."
>"I barely touched you."
>"Good thing I signed your newfound book beforehand."
>"I'm giving you free cake and pizza quit whining."
>"I'm going to be late at this rate."
>"I thought you people were always on time?"
>"You people?"
>"Dammit Schmidt, you know what I meant."
>"I'll sieg you soon, Chica."
That was us when we got moved to /trash/ btw. Right now we're in the FNAF 6 pizzeria waiting for Henry (Scott) to burn it down himself so we can finally be free for good.
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how did Mike not see this coming
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He hid it well
I been trying to find the original snickers.txt, but it seems like its lost to time. Sucks.
It was so obvious he didn't think Willy would actually do it.
New FNAF game theory, and the first one without matpat
Tell me if you want the tldr
>Franchise went from serial killer in a pizzeria to a potential Skynet level threat wanting to exterminate us
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guess i'm old and mentally illand also a bit of a queer btw the rest of characters with lots of variants like chica, freddy and foxy need a rendition of this template.
Oh boy I can’t wait to play this free totally not sketchy version of fnaf 2 I found on aptoide
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it'd be really funny if all this Fallfest prequel game speculation was all for naught and the next big Steel Wool game turned out to just be Security Breach 2

hope that won't be the case though as I love the idea of a FNAF circus game, im especially intrigued by how it'd even play assuming it's set before the days of haunted/intelligent animatronics. maybe it'll simply be mimic or some killer chasing you while wearing the mascot suits, they could get truly creepy with it
In your opinion, do you believe the Fazbear Fanverse Initiative failed?
I think certain devs have failed the fanverse but the fanverse is ultimately still a fantastic idea that's worth keeping around and expanding
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What’s your opinion on those weird ransomware videos people are making now
The Fanverse was a good idea its just that the developers couldn't fucking behave themselves and failed the project
Funny that The only time The Mimic has any amount of quality attached to it, its when its in fanworks
BurnAfton? In MY general?
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it's interesting seeing particular faucets of the internet evolve alongside its audience, like ten years ago we had creepypastas about haunted nintendo consoles and now we have analogue horrors about downloading FNAF from scam sites because we're in the age of zoomer nostalgia
It changes, but it stays the same. It’s like how realistic eyes and agape toothless mouths is the new sharp triangle teeth and red bleeding eyes.
They're kind of fascinating to be honest, since as >>474514464 mention the people likely creating these video (and those in the audience who are receptive) are likely to be within that same late 90's/early Y2K demographic. They'd probably recall creepypastas (username666 or ben drowned for instance) floating around on old YouTube or how ransomware first took the internet by storm with CryptoLocker around 2013.

Or at least, that's my perspective from being part of that demographic (and also being rather into technology and especially computer viruses at the time). Used to have somewhat regular nightmares about my precious machine and having to deal with all manner of malicious programs appearing on it and wreaking havoc. Wipers were just the worst.
Hold the fuck up.
>camera map is actually just a map of Utah
Kek, I thought that part was AI generated (like the rest of the image presumably) because it looked so messed with the compression until looking closer.
Imagining a fnaf game where they start all the way at the other end of Utah and every night is 6 real hours long is scary
Honestly, pretty cool. They're scary as they feel like they could actually exist. Possessed video game cartridges, lost episodes, anti piracy and analogue horror are old hat.
The FNaF 3 ransomware video is probably my favorite. It just hits all the buttons for me as far as "making you feel unsettled" goes.
despite the name, I can't see Spring Bonnie as a Bonnie variant, they're just too vastly different to me
Probably because Bonnie actually a Spring Bonnie variant because he came first in the timeline.
It's weird, why is it called Spring Bonnie when is the original Bonnie.
I imagine he's called 'spring bonnie' by the staff while publicly and in ads he's just called "Bonnie". I feel like that'd make the most sense.
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im now deeply suspicious of those of you with extensive knowledge about Scott Cawthon history
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>Fuck you for posting this
Fuck me yourself you coward
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>"lore" is part of her name
>doesn't actually have any lore beyond being possessed by at least one of the MCI
Very cool, sauce?
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Keep the thread bumped. BUMPED! Bumped...
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This is worse than the time I took that position as a nightgaurdsman for a low budget pizza joint
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A kid in FNAF 4 calls his plushie "Spring Bonnie"
I like them. Some of them are scarily accurate to how dreams look like, so as someone who's fascinated with dreams and how abstract some of them can be, it actually manages to creep me out in a way none of the other "analog horror" type videos do. I agree with >>474529593, the FNAF 3 one is in particular is my favorite, it feels just like something I would dream of right before I wake up in cold sweat and breathe a sigh of relief that it didn't happen.
Mike kill all.
If AR was still alive, this would've 100% been added as a skin if Burntrap was in.
Froggit from Undertale??
That's Mettaton, dipshit.
It's Yellow Bear and Yellow Rabbit get it right
Father... It's me, Michael...



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who else is going????
yeah, I'm down to get groomed and kidnapped
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No thanks, I don't want another Willy's Chocolate Experience.
Worth it
As if it wasn't already suspicious enough without the furfag oc.
>self insert character
>simulate a average day
>meet your favorite youtubers
>win free shit
>William Afton in the back
>not responsible for damages or death
Yeah someone's gonna be killed lmao
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Hey, you guys like other mascot horror games here?
You don't mind humor images that just so happen to be NSFW?
>actual children or annoying at best adults
>youtubers i don't know
>the furry OC
This prospect concerns me
>address is for a soft play place in Arizona
Any Arizona anons in the thread?
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Should i make a mascot horror general?
Would you guys like a mascot horror general?
Indie horror general perhaps?
I refuse to believe that any actual anon would want to discuss fucking hello neighbor or baldi's in not a shitposting way
That's just an outdated image of indie horrors i got. Feel free to ignore those two if you like.
There's lots of indie horror to discuss other than what's in the image.
Might be too similar to /exeg/ ?
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How so?
Isn't the guy organizing it an underage youtuber furfag? How much is the chance it ends like a rainfurrest?
no, there'd be less shit flinging and self insert spamming
do you think william was really horny in ucn hell why did he keep thinking about chickens in bikinis
the fnaf 3 one is pretty good, the fnaf 1 one is too random to be scary
there's a finesse to making it look bootleg, going overboard on the spelling errors and so on just ruins it
that being said it's pretty clever as a concept because it's both believable and gives a proper reason to make it overly 'scary', i can see these being tricks to get little kids to download the virus, scare them into submission, and pay the ransom
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Do you lift /5N@F/?
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I thought it was pretty cool, but I think the concept got oversaturated when multiple people started doing it, which naturally makes people fatigued
the Fortnite roadmap for this year doesn't list a FNAF collaboration

should I hold out cope or just end it all now?
It was so stupid how people got mad at it for using AI images for Rat Freddy and the ransom screen. I swear "AI" just became one of those things everyone hates regardless of context because they've been told it was bad so anyone who uses it is evil and HATES artists.
If they make Charlie the puppet while ignoring Garett i am going to self-immolate
Have you read the silver eyes?
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Black woman jumpscare when
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It'll be funny if the movie stays true to the games by having the younger brother of someone named Mike get snubbed by Charlie Puppets being crammed into the lore. PS and UCN should've had CC instead of Puppet and Cassidy, IMO
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Would fnaf 1 be too hard if Foxy could go into either office door?
Thread so dead, even the "ded thread, ded kids" anon left
It's "ded thred, ded kids", tyvm.
That's because he's dead too. At this rate I'm worries that even if we are trashed that all the traffic will just be cumbrains
Wake up, you.
I just realized
Fnaf would make for a good competitive E-sport
If you see Foxy gone/going you immediatley shut the left door and are safe. What would you do here if Foxy flipped a coin before choosing the door? Just close both? Or do you argue the player shouldn't let Foxy leave the cove to begin with?
I mean it is very easy to just lock Foxy in cove by just flipping on an interval, as for the original question it wouldn't make a difference. I would argue it would make it easier because you are going to have your right door locked most of the time anyway because of Freddy
If youre counting movement intervals would you be so liberal with the right door staying closed? Fyi I may not know the main strat
>Fnaf would make for a good competitive E-sport
Don't you even dare bring up that name in a series like this...
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Fallfest teaser tomorrow, trust
Removable face plates or hinge-door faceplates?
I like shipwrecked 64 if that counts
So would this count as the first ever fnaf convention?
Five Nights at Freddy's: Circus Bonanza could easily be one of the greats if they play their cards right, one of the main detriments holding back Security Breach's horror was the fact there's nothing really scary about a futuristic entertainment complex. It was fun to explore but also way too lively with the lights and robots everywhere, I can't imagine how they'd fuck up the inherent creepiness of being some kid stuck overnight inside a classical circus type location situated in bumfuck nowhere during the olden days

or maybe the theorists have it all wrong and the next Steel Wool entry is set in the super duper mega pizza plex, i'd die though as i've wanted an amusement park FNAF game ever since those old FNAF3 hoaxes
Think they'll actually kidnap children and take them into some back room?
>methlab chica gives an interview on tv about how the Afton actor was given a Winnie the Pooh costume, told to just smear ketchup on himself and make it work
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Ruin should at least get a followup before we go down the fallfest route, i may hate The modern story for all its mediocrity but it would be nice if we got a conclusion before suddenly winding back the clock to exposit the origins of fazbear entertainment.

i also admit i'd like for the fallfest game to have Henry and William as protagonists because it would be funny to have them get up to animatronic themed shenanigans
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>stone cold
There's something about Scott's boss theme that just fills me with indistinguishable joy for some reason.
AI is bad no matter what the context is and i came to this conclusion on my own.
AI is for the lazy and the weak and such things should not be supported.
It does.
You are obtuse and unimaginative.
The FNaF movie should have done for the series what Christopher Reeve's did for Superman.
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Ruin is on xbox now I guess
Says the guy defending AI.
Garett's probably going to take the role of Charlie if I had to guess
So are these.
Yes. I find your mentality to be regressive and begrudging for little reason. Digital art formerly was cirtisized as a bastardization of traditional art and would never be valued, yet digital art is highly respected in its own field. The benifites of digital art are quite great for companies, team projects and individuals alike.
The amount of good AI will do for this world hasn't even been capped conceptially yet, and I just find your view on it shortsighted and overtly vitriolic.
Anything AI can create humans can create themselves. Humans have become more lazy and dumb over the years and the use of AI is not only proof of that but it's also enabling it.
People over relying on AI would mean that more people would learn any skills and those who take shortcuts will get rewarded more than those who actually work on what they create.
A future of AI is a future of humanity regression.
Wanna talk about shortsighted views? How about the shortsighted view of blind optimism that is allowing AI to rule over how humanity thinks and acts.
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Where did you get that name from
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I conjured it from my enormous brain
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no sense in debating a bot friend, these people guise their intellectually dishonest talking points in flowery language because they're desperate to be taken seriously when in reality it's all just another grift from those who drank the crypto and nft kool aid. it's funny because AI indeed isn't going anywhere but the more people become accustomed to it the more they'll realise how hollow it truly is
There's a million things that humans used to create themselves before their process got automated by machines and made way more convenient for everyone. That's been happening for fucking centuries.
Kek, based.
Although i do have to get this off my chest before ignoring him once and for all.
>Why be against the regression of humanity? It's been happening for centuries!
That doesn't make it any better.
"convenience" is just a poor excuse for laziness.
I find it strange yet funny that the children who complain about this AI stuff tend to make artwork that is about the equivalent of fast food take-out, very cheap looking for a small price with the only difference being that it has "soul" or what have you.
What is Stable Diffusion gonna do other than streamline the process of making shitty art using references from Xitter and DevaintArt?
There's no point in telling them why it isn't the work of the devil. They've already made up their minds on it because they think they know better or they're told that it's bad. You're better off generating those pictures on your own time regardless of what they think of you.
>"convenience" is just a poor excuse for laziness.
If everyone thought like that, you wouldn't have a computer/cellphone today.
Assuming you aren't the guy who i'm trying to ignore.
Yeah, you're right, and look at what those did to humanity.
Seriously, the younger generations are fucked and it's all because the older generation relied too much and computers and phones to raise their kids for them.
Also, i do not own a phone, i can't afford one.
You guys better stop being mean to each other and start being nice to each other right. now.
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how I sleep knowing it's new mainline FNAF game reveal eve and that the one Steel Wool dev was 101% hinting towards it and them releasing Ruin on Xbox today can't be a coincidence and Fallfest game is real and
>Assuming you aren't the guy who i'm trying to ignore.
There's at least two people that you're talking to.
>Yeah, you're right, and look at what those did to humanity.
Improved communication, distribution of information, and entertainment in a monumental way?
>Seriously, the younger generations are fucked and it's all because the older generation relied too much and computers and phones to raise their kids for them.
That's more of a problem with social media than computers. Kids who just played flash games and watched funny videos are fine.
You could just look at both corridors when you see foxy exited and close accordingly, sorta like fntr or onaf 2
I recently learned that that's the same infamous e621 artist that draws a bunch of guro and fucked up shit like people being hanged, executed, boiled alive, etc.
So do you think there will actually be a new game announcement tomorrow?
Since 414 is bendy day, we could have 424 be fnaf day
What happens next?
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>What was Ballora doing during PS?
bad ending
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get up, you
Two people, OK.
Don't ignore how the internet turned humanity more hostile and created more fighting and bad behaviors than ever before. It's been a terrible influence.
Social media is apart of the computer experience, they go hand in hand. And no, kids who only just play game and watch videos are not fine as it creates a horrible addiction in them that messes up their minds. Also i doubt there's a lot of kids who don't use social media these days.
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The thought that we're probably moving on from them soon feels surreal. They've become as emblematic of fnaf as the originals in my mind.
Anyone here feel relieved about moving on from Security Breach?
I just wanna play the top-secret Clickteam game.
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Mangle will be real in 5 seconds
>cliffhanger ending
>is cassie dead? Is the mimic trapped? Whos with gregory?
>Lol not important
This is par for the course im afraid
>moving on
Yeah, we've probably got at least a couple more years with this setting. I'm sure Steel Wool wants to save Chica and Cassie's dad at the very least before they move on.
Can't comprehend the attachment. When FNAF I think of the mango long before the glamrocks I soon after think of Foxglove
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any moment now haha

im sure they won't hold off all the way until the 10th anniversary to reveal the new game haha

Fallfest is real haha

any moment now haha
he thinks he's so slick
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At the risk of sounding like a schizo, are you the same guy from last thread that said shit like "Henry was morally wrong for freeing the children's spirits"? Because "Luddites were right, technology *should* have been stuck in the 1800s" is almost on par with that.
i'd be pretty pissed if they just dropped the list of cliffhangers and never went back, i already don't like this 5 year stretch of shitty storytelling but that isn't an excuse to just do worse, at least give the good parts a conclusion
How much you wanna bet this was just hinting at the ruin release on xbox until they decided to release it a day earlier for no reason?
i won't bet anything but thats what i suspect, this could also apply to another announcement about flat mode that i think happened, either way its a shame because good god the games are dead and i'm craving some actual fucking news
How long until the new book series begins?
When they hire me as the assistant writer.
what kind of sicko gets hyped over ports though
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Why does FNaF as a whole feature girls as protagonists as much as it does anyway?

pic unrelated
So there’s nothing new today?
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5 months in the year and almost no news on anything. The most hype we got was from a game that was leaked and not even supposed to be announced.
These are such dark times I need to post another picture of the dark Vanessa I found
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it's still only like the start of the day in Steel Wool land friends, don't let the fire die
New jgems video, its 30 seconds long though
Why do people who model characters for SFM or Blender ask ppl not to use them for nsfw? That holds about as much water as asking ppl to return their shopping carts at the grocery store.
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they're the fanbase's silent majority
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We got a steve reglan youtooz
All horror has a tendency to have female leads. FNAF is actually quite behind compared to horror movies
Are we counting most horror movies?
Lot of the time it was literally just sex appeal
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>Lot of the time it was literally just sex appeal
Somehow I doubt this is the case for FNaF considering neither Charlie nor Vanessa have been used in that fashion
What other female protagonists are there besided Vanessa and Cassie? Is there a lot of them in the books or what?
She's cure. I checked and apparently she's character for an SB fangame or something?
a character*
Pardon me, I just had a burger so good it soft-reset my brain.
But Anon what if i don't want a fallfest game?
Charlie is the only other significant female protag (and the first) that I can think of
your negative aura is causing imbalance in this dimensional plane, jump into a wood chipper for the good of us all
Does Charlie count as a protag? She's a major character, but I wouldn't say she's a protagonist.
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There's not gonna be a teaser is there
it'll be out when it's out, and we like that
She's the main character in the novels
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Do you think /5N@F/ will still exist 5 years from now? Will it ever reach a point where there's so few people left still interested that threads will be constantly dying until we stop making them? Or will we keep going forever or for as long as the franchise lasts?
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What if this was never supposed to be fnaf related and this guy was randomly showing his autistic appreciation for the date for no reason
>apparently she's character for an SB fangame or something?
Yup, this one https://gamejolt.com/games/securitybreachbotnet/741580
I think it's made by the same guy who made baendy downward fall
meant the last one for >>474979465
Oh right. Still, that's only 3 female protagonists out of... well, who knows how many male ones given that we still don't know for sure which ones are actually just Michael. There's at least 5 of them though.
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Get up, you.
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Big girl
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I'm afraid we're immortal.
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I didn't say that, I just said we aren't full of mini-rinas
I can't believe Steel Wool is hard at work developing their next big game in peace instead of revealing it as soon as possible to fuel my need for instant gratification, this is so fucked up. Surely giving into the fandom's fever by putting things out before they're ready could never have adverse effects on the end product's quality
>they don't know they're holding off until the release of the HW2 DLC, which will end on a confirmation of Fallfest as the next major setting similarly to how Curse of Dreadbear revealed the pizzaplex

patience young one
no news whatsoever is beyond boring especially when they've ended on cliffhangers (Ruin) or complete filler games (HW2), they haven't even officially announced they are working on a DLC we found that out by checking steam archives, lack of communication destroys interest, it'd be nice to even have a infinitesimal fraction of actual news to discuss over
Jesus fine you autists
I work for steel wool
The next game is like phasmophobia set in the 80's
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leak it then, just to be funny. like purely for the lols
As much as I like to do things "for teh epic lulz", its a broken buggy unfinished game becuase of course what did you expect
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you telling me you can't even post a sneaky peaky pic? forgive me for being accusatory but im starting to believe you do not in fact work for Steel Wool studios at all
Is there a new FNAF game coming or not?
at least three but we might not hear more until closer to the tenth anniversary, and if that's the case it's going to get dire in here
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you want leaks? here's FNAF 2
There is 1 confirmed game and I THINK Clickteam are working on something else too.
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if Scott weren't such a LAZY HACK he would've released FNAF1 a few months earlier back in 2014 so we'd have the tenth anniversary right now
what if he were called will yam crapton
What Security Breach mod is this?
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Janitor was not happy with what was deemed self promotion. In future, I'll be posting all chapters individually to an anonymous writebin. Sorry team.

justpaste dot it/c3u87
fuck i looked up when Fnaf 1 first released, fuck this is gonna be a dead general for 3 more months, hopefully at least they might start marketing stuff around July
Does anybody else feel like the FNAF fanbase is winding down?
And I don't mean as in "FNAF has fallen, billions must get springlocked. The movie was the most popular FNAF has been in a long time, and before that Security Breach caused a massive resurgence but that was a couple of years ago now.
The FNAF fanbase is going back into dormancy, without a game to release in awhile. It also seems like FNAF is leaving the Security Breach era, for better or worse, which will sorely be missed.
There just really isn't a whole lot to talk about in this general right now, funnly enough because /v/ threads do pretty well
All we know for certian for games upcoming is..... a roblox game and some okay at best itchio game
It might be sleepy time for this general for a while unfortunately
I should also mention this is not bad, the 4x general is waaaaaay worse
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indeed, the upcoming things are Help Wanted 2 DLC, The Into The Pit game, the roblox game (which i personally forget about) and people are just speculating about a fallfest game
the closest confirmed date we have is the anniversary which is in about three months, so in all likelyhood we are looking at total thread death for about 2 more months give or take a teaser in the month before the anniversary date
It's not her fault, she's got those fat plastic fingers and cant roll it properly.
Why is Asuka piloting Foxy?
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>not having sex appeal
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If we express interest in the /vg/ League 22 in May we might have something to hold us over
Unless someone or a few were to wake up and start posting again that is.
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I “can” what?! tell me!!!
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Wanna see my head come off?
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>pov you're william
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It's funny because Sonic also has a Mimic and a Tangle
they literally have a "hot charlie" in the third novel
it is permissible
Why was Gregory so aggressive towards the glamrocks?
They're trying to kill him. Yes, it's because of Glitchtrap/Mimic infection, but he doesn't know that.
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That's not charlie
That's some weird thing
It's like saying Baby is eleanor, I won't stand for it
Charlie is a robot and 18 years old in TTO/TFC
I would like the Stitchwraith Epilogues if Elizabeth killed William instead of Charlie. Then Charlie would get to keep her ending
Fucking kek
1-6 were all guys
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I would like the Stitchwraith Epilogues if William unceremoniously keeled over and died of an old man heart attack. Then Elizabeth and Charlie made out over his corpse
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>Mimic got springlocked and the bolts are still inside the right leg
>Same area on left leg is completely missing implying it was springlocked too and was ripped off
>Rest of body is spotless
I know its head got replaced or something but what happened to the rest of it?
He probably just got more replacements. Lucia mentions in the last epilogue that she thinks The Mimic might be able to "self-repair", and given that he was really fucked up by the springlocking..
at this pace this thread is gonna last 18 days
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Michael was pretty buff as a teen. That or fat
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How about we make our own fangame to replace fnaf plus

lend me some suggestions.
hoodlum phone guy
Add in some general ocs as easter eggs
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Does that mean Mimic's next form will be a fucking animatronic octopus?
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He already turns into a spider so???
Looks gay. Let's fix that with a controlled shock
Get back to your stage.
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Stop dying this instant.
anon, i'm afraid that will not happen, not until we get some actual news which is months off
we need someone like the Into The Pit leaker back in here again
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Does anybody else like Fetch? He's cool to me for being the only quadruped animatronic.
Him and DJMM stand out for me as being unique because they're the most animalistic animatronics. We need more animatronics that aren't the standard two legged design.
New content isn't even guaranteed to help us all that much. We talked about Help Wanted 2 for like what, 4 days? Unless one of the upcoming games brings something new to the table, things probably won't be getting much better in here for a while.
>We talked about Help Wanted 2 for like what, 4 days?
HW2 was pretty light on lore, other than the implication that the player character is Cassie's dad, the Bonnie bully from FNAF 4 and Map Bot.
When Security Breach Ruin launched, it was a big deal. Albeit most of it was seething about the Mimic.
HW2 did pretty much confirm GlitchMimic at least
exactly how?
HW2 was an exception because it was pretty much just filler, Ruin revied the thread pretty hard (and also ruined it because degenerates) and that was just a DLC that had things to discuss, if new content is actually meaningful then it will give some life back to the thread
I said it wasn't guaranteed, not that it wouldn't happen. ITP is the only game we have proper news and a release window for, but what could be new about it in terms of lore? People thought HW2 would be a huge deal, and it wasn't.
Glitchtrap giving the mask that frees The Mimic + Helpi's inclusion as Glitchtrap
ITP has some degree of importance to the lore because it can possibly confirm or deconfirm whether or not Fazbear Frights is canon to the games which is a debate which has raged for years at this point so at least it has that going for it
some anon already tried (more than one actually) a while back but they got sick or something
holy shit this is cool
thought this was mangle for a moment
that might only be the case because I was listening to quack music while writing this
FNAF would be better if all the animatronics were lolis.
Cope. This is the new villain of FNaF and you WILL like it
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>That's not charlie
>That's some weird thing
So it's still Charlie then
I doubt that'd give much to talk about though, besides everyone just going "FINALLY"
I would be quite upset at this
They technically are
Why was Fiszi ever hired in the first place?
would you want it to be a somewhat serious one or a well developed shitpost is first question
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the blood of Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Epstein ran through her veins
I finished destroying him (just with my stare). I'm the new villain now.
Now that I am the new villain, I can do all the swearing I want
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I thought this was where Roxy's arc was headed...
Screw off furries' heads and go bowling
You don't want actual children anywhere near this
Only took 'em 9 months
Moving on from Ruin with zero followup or answers would be the most grievous thing about the series' story yet
What is the verdict on Roxy's future
youtooz hasn't made a Help Wanted 2 merch line yet? no one?
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It will be.
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She will come back. No way SW gets rid of their milking cow. The only real question is how Roxy and Fresdy will fit the Fallfest or carnival aethistic
Possibly enacting revenge with Cassie against the Mimic AND Gregory. I think Cassie and Roxy will be responsible of destroying a lot of animatronics wearing costumes in Fallfest in order to find the Mimic and the real one is hiding awaiting as the final boss
they still talking about this rumored carnival game?
Destroy Metal Gear Greg
It's the most likely thing to happen. Besides the Mimic has those two bigass costumes laying around. He will probably use them in the carnival to hide from sight.
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Get out of my chair!
I just want fnaf world 2
My party would consist of Roxy, Baby, Ennard and Vanny
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Get out of my stage!
Five Waps at Fetty’s
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You won't die
What would they make merch of? Carnie and Jack o moon?
Watching Glamrock Chica actually shovel in garbage in her mouth in a frenzy is the funniest thing I've seen in the franchise. They canonized Chica's ability to eat and fondness for food well before SB but to see her follow through with showing it feels like other lore-related things are told but eventually get revealed like a long term buildup, but the reveal is even funnier than you could imagine it. I think it helps that the game doesnt make that big of a deal about telling us her habit before seeing it, playing it off nonchalantly.
I wish I could.
I fully expect HW2 DLC to be announced and released next month similarly to Curse of Dreadbear (five months after the release of HW1), which will hopefully end our suffering by getting the ball running on teasers for the next major mainline game
What would the DLC be about? Cassie's dad is either possessing the mask bot or is eternally trapped in the AR world, probably the former, and Vanessa has every reason to fuck off and focus on containing the Mimic. If the normal ending is canon and the DLC is just trying to kill Glitchtrap again that would be insanely redundant, although gameplay was the real focus in HW2 so I wouldn't be surprised if the continued to prioritize that.
>martyred as "another victim of the TOXIC five nights freddy fandom"
Definitely not going to happen, when Fiszi got dropped her only defenders were Pinky (who Scott told to keep quiet) and Theft King. If Pinky gets dropped, the only people who are going to complain are maybe Chris McCullough, who's already unpopular enough to want to keep his head down.
Pitch me new office or animatron mechanics for a traditional FNAF game
sex with greg
Barry the big fly, he's a butt ugly fly animatronic you have to swat away with a comically large fly swatter
>theres a chute of trash that piles up over the night in the office
>the more trash in at once, the higher chance Barry has to movement roll in
>Pressing the garbage disposal button takes power or diverts a resource so you cant just do it willy nilly
i'd like a DLC that focus's on explaining how gregory got brainwashed
I miss cassieposting, as degenerate as it was it livened this place for the time being.
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i miss him
Man can this bitch just get fired please, I'm tired of her tainting this franchise with her shitty art while infinitely better artists remain obscure.
Unfortunely it doesn't seem it's happening considering the bulk of the controversy was long ago. The Jannies on freddit even made and pinned a compilation post of her bullshit but either Scott hasn't seen it or he thinks she dindu nuffin
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It doesn't help she has a Harley Quinn shit feeling towards Scott. It makes me think if the Scraptrap/Baby and Burntrap/Vanny duos could have been suggested by her. Maybe a stretch I know but I hope to god it is entirely dropped by the next game now that Vanny is free
Exactly! Where's my yandere stalker? It's not fair!
I just find it funny that they play it realistically. Yeah, she can eat garbage but she wasn't built with that in mind, she just started doing that one day. Thus, they have to often perform maintenence on her because all the garbage clogs up her endo.
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As an electronics tech if I had to clean rotting mozzerella and tomatoe sauce out of a robotic endoskeleton more than twice I'm either demanding a raise or getting the fuck out of there.
FNAF is filled with thr working man's woes as jokes and zingers but I can only imagine how unmotivated the underpaid staff is at their highly dangerous and secretive jobs.
Do you think OG fnaf1 Bonny got shafted and tossed aside, or does the Spring Bonny/glitchtrap/etc bunny line carry his reputation on?
I don't care how soul-crushing and potentially fatal it is as long as I can hear Freddy say "See you tomorrow, superstar!" at the end of my shift it's all worth it
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Music Man is one of the best designed animatronics. One of the best things about Afton robots is the referenced "questionable design features" in them. Why does Music Man have solid black eyes? Why is he anatomically arachnid-like? Whatever the fuck it is, he's really eerie and that cross between creepy and cool, not as much as Mangle, Molten Freddy, or Ennard, but still top 10 material.
Why did UCN give him the FNAF 1 jumpscare sound?
How odd, I never noticed before. Think it's intentional?
More Roxy plushies with makeup designs on her
does Roxy have fluff in her ears
This has been said like a hundred times already, but this may be the best place to discuss this franchise. Not like theres much discussion in the first place but compared to other social media, this may be the best
sometimes i wonder how many times the fans can remake FNAF 1 before it gets old
Well Skyrim does it, but that game is longer.
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He will come back
I just woke up and got my shit rocked by a lost song people were searching for years, was from a porn movie.
I know it's only tangently related to FNAF through lost media and analogue horror. But I'm losing my shit to the fact that people have made AMVs, tributes, and even FNAF animations to a porn soundtrack.
Anyway, if I had a dollar for every good song I discovered through porn, I'd have 3 dollars. Which isn't a lot, but I'm surprised it happened thrice.
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More like without the makeup on them so you can design your own Roxy
Is FNAF real?
should have been the final boss theme imo
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>introduce cool reptile 'tronic
>kill him off in same game
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Holy shit, Security Breach looks really good as some indie title as far as art and graphic design go, if only it was
>mechanically well designed
>not riddled with bugs
>had a story that wasnt quarter-assed
Silly Willy was sillier
I just want some merch not made for actual children or man children
on model figures doing cute poses
No, but if you die in FNAF you die in the real world
>not made for actual children or man children
Literally your entire customer base, lol
I am a man child, i just want merch that dosen't look it came from one of the Wax animal machines zoos have
Whats your fsvorite FNAF fan game and fan animatronic?
I never got the appeal of remaking games that were already considered good in the first place
I, for one, desperately want to see a Sister Location remake that could maybe even take liberties on the story
hell, a fnaf 6 remake that not a slog(the office sections) would be wonderful
oh god...imagine the security breach remake...
>Huge FNaF lore document leaked that got leaked was covered up by a ton of massive names in the community
I hate that the part of this community that actually has some sway in things are the faggots on Elon's hellhole. What happened to being a homie and dumping that information online for everyone to see? The community outside this thread are such prudes, terrified of pissing their wholesome 100 daddy Scott Chungus off.
What, The Talbert Files? I'm pretty sure that's just an elaborate hoax.
It got confirmed real as of today.
Phone Guy is a guy named Steve.
I know nothing about this
What are they?
Fnaf 3 on console finally got patched for the few people like me who care
Okay, I looked up what they are, in summery;
>afton family is not real, was all a simulation/experement as part of afton's evil robotics company
>CC is NOT controlling GF
>mimic was mentioned as early as fnaf one
Can someone actually post a link to the fucking document, everywhere people talk about it but don't post the actual thing.
The consensus I found so far is that it's real but some of the stuff might be outdated and retconned for today. I don't even understand what's happening, who leaked, how they got in contact with scott, etc.
It's an early Freddy Files draft that found last year that contained lore information that was meant to lead up to an early conceptualization of FFPS. The people who found it figured it would fuck up the lore discourse if it leaked because it's all dubiously canon early notes, and Scott told them he'd prefer to keep it hidden anyway, so they made up a story about a fake ARG to promote their fanfic.

Then, yesterday, some unknown party leaked the discord logs revealing it was real to the public. Now, everyone involved say it's real and that they helped cover it up.

The document that was leaked was an overview of the prototype one of them made, not the original book.

The document -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/898350959196004432/1234313649515135008/The_Talbert_Files_Overview.pdf?ex=663047aa&is=662ef62a&hm=7fa635cf8ca52ec31c9e3e2342c1b3a88cd18178b57cf380d9293a5bc8a64061&
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Why did he do it?
is this the latest addon for gregtech?
Honestly it’s hard to be super invested in the FNAF lore once you know that none of it has really been planned out and a lot of it after the sixth game has just been outright outsourced to completely different people.

Like honestly would anyone actually care or be surprised that Scott has always just been making this shit up as he goes along? Even though he’s openly said that, publicly?

Most of the reason why FNAF discussion fell off so hard is because the whole lore lost momentum and no one gives a shit about Vanessa or Cassie or the Mimic or whatever the fuck since it’s not interesting and wasn’t built up or executed well at all. There’s a very good reason why most modern community projects with big followings are just remakes of FNAF 1 over and over, and why the movie is entirely centered around the first three games.
I don't know why everyones being all hush hush about it
>Honestly it’s hard to be super invested in the FNAF lore once you know that none of it has really been planned out
Thats every horror thing ever
Literally every horror franchise is made by the ass of there pants no planning involved
Horror is about experimentation and new idead and voices, you might either be an acutal normie or retard if you didn't know that
When I realized the backstory was some generic sounding creepypasta thing with dead kids my interest was already starting to wane, but SL and FFPS pulled me bsck in quite well. As much as people hate Scraptrap I actually think Pizza Sim capped the lore off well; supposedly all the dead kinder souls have moved on, Afton went to Hell (Christianity canonized, Scott you sly fox), and it all burned down for real this time (arson does seem to be a favorite plot device, doesnt it?). If the franchise were rebooted ala Starfox or Pikmin I would have hated it less, but the obsession with making it all revolve around Afton ironically made it feel like how every Starfox game had to somehow pin it all on Andross (Command instead making his old research base relevant instead of making him some twist big bad villian is the best thing they could have done).
I was excited to see if they were going to make Glitchtrap someone else or just another Afton with a different flavor, but when Security Breach rolled around I felt so bummed that they did the worst of it all. I feel so rustled about Vanny
>so obviously akin to Vanessa there is no way she is this creep, Vanessa has to be a red herring
>Turns out she actually IS Vanessa, which makes Freddy's blatent "huh, their names are so similar..." comment not just an accurate observation but spoonfed so hard you are choking
>BUT doesnt matter, she was being MINDHACKED by Afton, which was never explained in the base game how he could wirelessly hack robots let alone humans, making Vanessa still a red herring but not responsible
the way she was handled sucks so hard because I actually loved how the Princess Quest arcades were made as dripfeeding story of her, they took a page out of Scott's book and nailed that with how he puts plot in secrets within/with minigames, wish theyre other attempts to copy him were that good
Holy fuck I could bitch about the wasted groundwork potential SB's story had all day
Probably showing Scott courtesy, which is pretty rare on the internet
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I think Entom should've released the Talbert Files under the very, very, VERY heavy pretense that nothing in the book is canon anymore according to Scott, instead of holding it and dripfeeding it through a fanfic
If it was deconfirmed as canon who would want it? I can only see hardcore adult fans caring since it feels so behind-the-scenes but since its marketed towards kids it would feel like Al from Toy Story 2 collecting Woody lunch boxes, toothbrushes, etc
its just neat to see what the direction of the Lore was at the time pre-Pizza Sim, plus its nice to know that Scott was intending at one point to actually shut the door on that chapter of the story.

Help Wanted 2 is still dangling pins from the clickteam era to us to try and make new connections with past shit instead of going forwards
As I understand it, Cawthorn was in direct contact with the team for writing Security Breach, right? Its cool he was there to put his original touch on it but seems a bit sucky that he undid his own ending for a 2nd time now.
But I digress. I do aee what you mean and agree, its a fascinating read.
>The SAVETHEM Victims were teenagers who broke in

I can safely goon to possessed Toy Chica now
Scott still has direct control over where the story goes, Steel Wool just executes on his vision, but did occasionally try to chime in something to him

ultimately that was all for nothing as the game was rushed to release with still no clear answer as to who to blame for that disaster.
Imagine getting killed over bullshit, your spirit haunts a robot, and people start getting off to it. No wonder why the animatrons just stare intensley at adults.
>go into pizzeria for funsies
>get murdered
>wake up
>you're balloon boy

I would kill myself again
I thought the original animations were possessed. The toys are just going after you because of their programing, no?
The FNaF AR emails mention that they can't get Mangle to crawl on the ceiling like the original could, despite having far better technology.

This, alongside the fact that the toys often black out their eyes for no reason + there being 5 arbitrary dead children for no other reason, indicate that they are possessed
Kind of weird that the Toy kids are completely irrelevant while the MCI are still coming back despite supposedly being freed twice
The toys were dismantled and then their shells burnt in Fazbear's Fright. Plus, if them being teenagers still holds true, it's probably easier for more mature minds to pass on.

Plus, the MCI probably aren't around. I don't think Blob is Molten Freddy
It's possible that Scott changed his mind and has it so there wasn't a second batch of victims for the Toys. Maybe the Toys got possessed by the MCI through having the Withereds' parts be used for them.
I just like to thing that because the kids weren't stuffed, they weren't attached to the toys and just acted as poltergeists throwing them around for the week. Then they just went to hang out in the afterlife/FNaFWorld/flipside for 30 years before helping out with Happiest Day.
>I don't think Blob is Molten Freddy
How come?
The thing about the mask is that it's far too colossal to actually be Molten Freddy's mask. This is especially true when you think about the altered color, the fact that it's literally just a big Funtime Freddy mask and not made of smelly garbage, and that Tales gives an entirely separate explanation for what The Blob/Tangle is.

Ultimately, if it is Molten Freddy, he makes up an extremely small amount of the amalgam and the MCI's spirits are most likely gone. I just don't see them being back, especially if Burntrap is The Mimic.
Heh heh I have a closet full of smol Roxy's
funny when the bugs and glitches were the most entertaining thing about it by far
If it was pre-Security Breach, and by several years at that, it's probably all been completely changed by now
This person is bullshitting. The list of confirmations is actually...

>Cassidy was originally both Golden Freddy and The Puppet. She seemed to more or less have Charlie's role, killed by William after BV's death after he noticed how he "shattered" in a big ass monologue. I swear to God, you can check for yourself.
>Phone Guy was named Steven Callahan, and was close to Cassidy, who had a piece of her soul put into Golden Freddy as an apparent "gift" from William
>Cassidy was the daughter of someone named Emmett Tucker, who seems to be a proto-Henry. He made the Mediocre Melodies, with Happy Frog being made specifically for Charlie.
>The DCI were teenagers who were killed by William, presumably after breaking in.
>Mike is confirmed to be the brother
>The MCI's names are revealed; Susie Mosteller, Jeremy Fitzgerald Jr., Fritz Smith Jr., Gabriel Gardner, and Cassidy Tucker
>The Scraps are mentioned as being 'cryptids' in Utah. Scrap Baby is mentioned as mutilating people, and Molten Freddy kills a boy's pet rabbit
>BV isn't Golden Freddy
>Michael is the Stitchwraith

Among other things. I swear to god, I'm not fucking trolling. You need to read it.
To be fair, I can easily see the Scraps being cryptids as still being canon. Would you believe someone if they said they saw this mutilate their pet?
>Jeremy Fitzgerald Jr.
So if Jeremy is Cassie’s dad... Bonnie and Cassie would have been siblings?
>>Michael is the Stitchwraith
What does this change?
Yeah, that would be the case. Coincidently, the guy who found this book in the first place, Entom, actually was the first person to theorize that J. Fitzgerald, HW Jeremy, the guy from the SB logs obsessing over Princess Quest, and Cassie's father are all the same person, and he even managed to connect Princess Quest to it to say Jeremy and Cassidy have a connection. He actually would have already had the book HW2 came out.

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>in addition to Cassidy, William would have killed Marianne, Emmett Tucker's ex-wife
>Marianne Tucker
>Marianne T.
So would Puppet have been Emmett's wife?
Ok so you're telling me Jeremy has a son who just so happens to posses bonnie AND that Fritz may be an actual person instead of a fake identity for Michael? And that the toys are possesed by random teenagers too??
Do you consider non canon leaks canon?
>accidentally assists in the murder of Michael’s five year old brother
>later gets a job at the same place, where his own son is killed by Willy
>haunted by his dead son, given impromptu lobotomy by another haunted robot
>survives, has another kid, goes on to work at the plex
>gets sent in to salvage after it’s destroyed, nearly killed by the remaining robots
>tricked by a sentient computer virus that thinks it’s the guy who killed his first kid, gets soul trapped in a shitty staff robot
>forced to give his daughter the key to freeing the super killer robot trapped under the building, almost certainly getting her killed in the process
Jeremy... had a hard life.
Honestly if Cassidy were Golden Freddy and her mom were The Puppet like It's Been So Long, that'd be cool.

Sadly it's pretty clear that Cass is both GF and The Puppet at the time of this book.

He just walks around as a scary purple corpse putting human remains into plushies. Tweaker.
isnt BV the puppet since Afton made it in this canon?
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BV is nobody under this book. Not in the typical way.

Willy's monologue mentions that a piece of him is everywhere. He was shattered
i thought Afton made the puppet to capture him and make him whole or something idk
Nah, he says he's going after that "Tucker girl", Cassidy, who at this point was literally just Charlie.
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This poor fucking guy man
also, dont the ITS MEs of fnaf 1 kinda hint that BV is somebody? how would that be explained based on these books
IT'S ME probably has the same meaning it did when it came out. Just a spooky ghost word that happens to be relevant to Golden Freddy -- or more-so Cassidy. She uses it in the Logbook and all.
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His kid died and he decided to write some heat
The Talbert Files, in image form. Read through if you want
this is exactly how i imaged game afton speaking honestly
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Mfer is John Kramer
Can someone give a summary of the whole situation? I still don't get how Entom got an unreleased copy of the book or what people meant with releasing it as fanfiction.
Also I know we shouldn't take any of it into consideration, but given that one way or another this was all in Scott's mind in 2017, some of the things listed in it do have some weight imo, and it's hard to completely ignore all of it.
>Jeremy wears Bonnie mask once
>Forever gets him and his children associated with rabbits
Fucking brutal. But I'm still trying to figure the genetics of it, I think Jeremy might be better black? Jeremy Jr. is black in the movie, his movie equivalent Jeremiah is black, Bonnie bully is tan and so is Cassie, but yet Jeremy Jr. looks white in the games. Maybe he's mixed and white passing, I don't know.
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Once you Bonnie, there's no returning.
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Living version of mangle
Give life.
>The Scraps are mentioned as being 'cryptids' in Utah.
That would be funny if scraptrap is not among them, and everyone just thinks hes a particularly scary crack head
I've seen this before and i still hate it
Idk why but i'll always prefer the idea that afron is severly mentally ill like in the vhs series, but no jury would want to not have him killed
Someone said that they got the leak from some rare books website, the fanfiction is one based on the same concept, read here
I think it was used as a coverup to make people believe talbert took things from this fanfiction and was therefore fake
If that version of the freddy files got released, which actually made the lore clear, perhaps we would be in a much better state right now
It's too far gone, at least for me. The lore is beyond saving.
You're just saying that cause mattpats gone
Can Scott please respond to Talbert. I want to hear what he has to say.
Let's hope he sees how much people like it and he makes an au in a book or a new series of games where it's canon
Are those magma drops at the bottom middle, what is that?
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Freddy is appearing in a Funko Third Person Shooter that's coming out this year.
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We got this but not fucking DBD
I'm so mad
I hate Funkos so much
>Wish for TT to make a Lego FNAF game
>Get monkey pawed into something similar
It sucks, I really hate funko and don't want to support them, even if their FNAF pops are their least worst ones.
Sometimes Travelers Tales is its own Monkeys Paw.
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he was NEVER going to solve fnaf
in fact, the fanbase as a collective should stop trying to solve fnaf, it's diluting the brand
This is so gay. I liked it better when he was just some asshole that killed kids.
>The Puppet is possed by a girl named Cassidy
>despite the minigame in FNAF2 showing her death referring to the kid as a boy (SAVEHIM)
>"her" father tried to erase the event from existence instead of getting justice for the murder
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at most from this I'll probably just take the names of the 4 MCI kids, minus Cassidy since she seems to just be a proto-Charlie at the time of reading this.
>once you know that none of it has really been planned out and a lot of it after the sixth game has just been outright outsourced to completely different people
Time for a reboot!
Man thought he could do better than Scott, who gave him the opportunity to do so and he bitched out.
>MCI bodies were never stuffed, they were sealed in the safe room
Did anybody predict this?
Why do people hate Mr. Hippo? I love that old nyc jewish rambler
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>in fact, the fanbase as a collective should stop trying to solve fnaf, it's diluting the brand
Hi Matpat
I don't actually mind the fnaf Funko pop's that much, though that might be the Stockholm syndrome talking considering I got like half of them when I was 12. That being said: why the fuck?
Man, that trailer is quite something. Why are they taking it so seriously with the whole ass villain monologue? Why does it have a story? Why does this even exist?
Better yet, what are they even gonna do with fnaf characters? Are they gonna fire fucking guns? Have special abilities? Are they gonna be enemies?
>Foxy has too much rum and comes to work drunk
>hides bonnys guitar and shoves chicas face in pizza dough
>causes the fight of 87' in front of the children
>even after all of that
>foxy’s is still the best
Stuff like the names, the MCI being undeniably in 1985, the DCI kids coming from outside, "summer job" not meaning anything, etc should definitely be taken into consideration. It really annoys me that this franchise retcons itself so much that stuff that would otherwise be hard-confirmed by that draft despite its non-canonicity will be disconsidered because for all we know literally everything, even stuff that fits perfectly with the knowledge we have, could have changed by now.
The bodies not being actually stuffed is a theory I've seen before, usually elaborating on Give Gifts Give Life, which some see as taking place in the safe room.
So. according to the Talbert Files
>William was born in 1944/1945 and got diagnosed with schizophrenia after claiming to see the Shadow animatronics
>Elizabeth's (formerly Abigail) death was passed off as a gas leak, and she was dead by 1985
>Mrs. Afton divorced William in 1983
>CC is dead for real
>Michael was born in 1967/1968 and got into a fight with Phone Guy
>CC is dead for real
Fuck, not Candy Cadet...
>Elizabeth's (formerly Abigail)
ooohhhhhh so that's why she's called Abby in the FNaFCU
>William was born in 1944/1945
That would make him in his 40s during the backstory stuff, 50s during FNAF, and 80s during FNAF 3, he's one spry old man. Also that would make him his 90s during Security Breach, so all the fanart of Burntrap in a wheelchair is accurate.
>Elizabeth's (formerly Abigail) death was passed off as a gas leak, and she was dead by 1985
Nightmare gas strikes again.
>CC is dead for real
I'm pretty sure that was implied at the end of FNAF 4, he flatlines.
>Michael was born in 1967/1968 and got into a fight with Phone Guy
Yeah, that tracks. That would make him 15/16 in 1983. Old enough to be a teenager and do dumbass shit.
>Phone Guy was friends with William, knew about Remnant, and very likely knew he was the killer before anyone else did.
Is it possible he was only there as night guard to help William out? Maybe he was only at the FNAF 1 location to get the MCI's remnant for the Funtimes.
>people are going to start unironically using and referring to details from yet another not game source
It's all so tiring.
>Shows who the protagonist of the second game is
>Gives actual lore to the shadows
>Give real characterisation to William
>Clarifies why so many fucking characetrs are named jeremy
>Gives an explanation about Mrs. Afton
>Explains what is the dci
>Gives lore to phone guy
Bros... Is the lore actually better than what we got?
No, i'm not. I wasn't even in the last thread.
And apologies for taking this long to reply. I was busy with other stuff.
It looks so soulless.
eh, like I said, if this was from 2017 or so, it's almost certainly been all changed since then. And everything Help Wanted/Security Breach onwards is basically its own mess.
The Toys being teenagers explains so much. Like Toy Chica making suggestive jokes and Toy Freddy being a keyboard smasher
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DAMN BOY this thread actually did finally die with fnaf's hype dropping off
gonna repost some old babies and then fuck off

>i miss those days
Shadows are time travelers/omens of things to come
>extreme bonnie
Somehow, I feel like this isn’t the whole pic, can you link the original pic
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>Susie Mosteller
But can we have a Susie molester?
What if he was the "Pink Guy" everyone was losing their shit about years ago?
what the fuck is this frame
just accidentally fullscreened into it in my dark room
explain to me how this is not likely just a compiled list of stuff posted by ideafags in this general over the years
Because it's been verified to be real
>Because it's been verified to be real
I mean, yeah. Entom (the guy who leaked the book) has interacted closely with Scott before and participated in an entire elaborate cover-up to paint the book as fake
Hell, he could even be the killer of the Toys. We've gone full circle and looped back to PhoneKiller now.
I just remembered that the "Pink Guy" actually appeared in the FNAF 2 Foxy Go Go Go minigame, Foxy was his favorite. You may be on to something.
Nah, that one was Willy. Phone Guy mentions somebody prior to him working the night shift. Presumably the Toy kids broke in while he was just working on his shift and William was like "shit, alright I'll take some free kills"
>unreleased fake book trolling as real
This isn't verification.
Massive major players in the community, Entom being someone who not only got early access to every book but also leaked massive insider information about the movie before release, have verified it as being real.

The document has multiple screenshots including long detailed emails from Scott Cawthon. And there is a still-up Steam post from Scott about The Freddy Files originally being narrated by a deranged investigator, which is literally what the Talbert Files is.
>It's meant to look soulless because it's a robot
>It's not meant to look soulless because there's a literal soul inside
Which team are you on, anons?
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i HATE funko
I meant the game, it just looks so soulless, like Universal wanted their own big video game crossover the milk and nothing more.
I think the talbert files actually say the toys are possessed by teens who broke into the pizzeria and got murdered
This technically means there’s a chance toy chica is possessed by an 18 or 19 year old girl
Anon, this is early stuff that's evidently not canon anymore.
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picrel needs to be in a real game its too cool and scary not to use
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fnaf characters when its time to do a sex
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What do?
isn't he the size of a chimpanzee? Wait, he usually has razor teeth, now Im much less afraid
that's a really good idea. Surprised nobody's done it in the billions of FNAF 1 remakes.
fnaf 1 just has a spookiness to it that the others haven't been able to replicate. well maybe 3 but it feels much more tryhard ontop of the charm of the spooky
>i HATE funko
Does my opinion threaten you, anon?
Do you prefer if Hasbro made the fnaf toys?
Freddy Fazbototron would become real
And they'd capitalize on Transformers being namedropped in TSE
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What's the FNaF game/fangame equivalent of pic related enemy?
>freddy fazbear could've become freddy fazcar
Kino... I want Hasbro to get the fnaf license NOW
>fnaf 1 just has a spookiness to it that the others haven't been able to replicate
None of the retcons have done anything for it, either. Mike Schmidt being the alias for the Australian zombie son of a serial killer only detracts from the spookiness, IMO.
He's not a zombie yet at this point thoughbeit.
I think I just had an aneurysm.
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so fucked up how I was dying for shit to talk about over the past few days, and then had to sit out the discussion in here as the biggest bombshell in some time presented itself......

don't have much to say which hasn't been said already other than it's crazy that the one FNAF fanfic i've ever read was ultimately a psyop with writing and ideas straight out of Scott's discarded lore bible, the lore being chronologed as a set of in-universe investigative journal entries is just a neat concept in of itself. the fanfic was a better read though (it was changed to be written from Henry's POV and obviously had the benefit of being released last year as opposed to pre-Pizza Sim so it encompassed the entire timeline), im glad we don't live in the Talbert reality
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Got it from a fangame here
There are rumors it has an actual virus due to some drama with the creator, but as far as I've seen, no one that has actually played the game confirmed it so maybe it's a nothingburger
It doesn't really contradict anything + the SAVETHEM victims will never be brought up again so it might as well be canon.

Also explains why Toy Chica makes sex jokes
I'm definitely inserting "Toy Chica is possessed by a horny 18yo girl" into my headcanon.
I mean the sex jokes never happen in anything that isnt the magical dream world, update 2 even happening is... vauge at best, and in the case of UCN you can just chock that up to Cassidy fucking with William.
Valid headcanon since the DCI doesn't really matter though.
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She's so sexy bros
i wonder whats happening with that roblox fnaf game that got leaked
i hope marky moo gets his cameo in the sequel
dats where I wanna be
What a coincidence, I just saw a scene that perfectly describes that would happen if anyone on the general found circus baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21tZtLgXw5E
i just don't get it
Wrong, Circus Baby would rape me instead.
Where is mr.phobos with his hot art of Blackrabbit? I crave more of it
For me, either
>Glamrock gang
>Scrap Baby, Mimic, Burntrap and the Yellow Rabbit
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>You, Her, Bed
>Someone mentions me when I haven’t even done any art in like months
Weird feeling but nice. Honestly, I have other things to do and I’m trying to get other stuff done at the moment. The franchise’s quiet state at the moment as well as me trying to do grander things with my fnaf art is also effecting things, I thought my interest in the series was dying but I think it’s more that we’re seemingly in the calm before the storm at the moment so things are a tad boring, that and I feel like as hw2 is, it pretty much feels like filler and probably could’ve done more. I’ll try and post some art in the next few weeks, though, but in the meantime, here’s these two wondering where they’ve gone.
Well, actually, the movie does have a scene where freddy’s gets broken into with all the criminals dying, so maybe those guys will become the toys in the next film.
how can we make baby even sexier?
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