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Cute And Wholesome Edition


>Public Servers

>-Game Information-<
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>Official Wiki
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>TShock - Server client
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>TerraMap - World viewer
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>Omnitool - Creates world from image, unique world generation options

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Go to Properties > Betas in your steam library to activate this, if you're a GOG user you're out of luck
>Mod List - Summaries of the most recommended/popular mods (mostly outdated)

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>/tg/ Texture Packs
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>Player Resource Bars and Visual Radar ports to 11.x (PRB appears to be somewhat buggy in MP, VisualRadar works fine)
>Autohotkey Terraria Autoclicker
mega.nz/file/fExgUaRY#0wfxlVdBLDYUMfrH-qfI_0CSWnUShbeNKxPQS7FPRMY (raw: pastebin.com/mPDZRst1)
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Ran into anon
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princess love
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backup modlist
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>tfw will never get raped by a harpy
why live?
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For anyone who cares to answer and has played with Assorted Crazy Things, The mod has NPCs and critters that turn into pets when caught with a bug net. Some of them are actual enemies, while some are critters. All of them are extremely easy to accidentally kill, and they have inconsistencies across the board (like some critters being treated as enemies, and some enemies being treated as critters). Assuming the mod gets a small update in the future to address this, how do you feel it should work?


Strawpoll or (You), either is fine.
I haven't played it recently, but I did use it alongside a few other mods, but I think making them "critters" might be better. Accidentally killing something you want to capture would feel like shit. Not that I am replacing my knightly slime girl anytime soon.
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just beat WoF on my first run of calamari. did expert/revengeance. Am I retarded or is it actually really fucking easy? I was intimidated going in because of all the "calamity is super hard" posts but so far this feels easier than my last run of thorium on normal. the only thing to kill me so far was the sand worm, because it was my first boss and I had no real gear. everything else got melted effortlessly. does it only get hard after moonlord or what

also r8 my house, tried to organize my commie blocks slightly differently to not be a generic grid. slightly outdated but too lazy to grab another pic. probably going to replace all tiles with granite (unsmoothed)
Wall of Flesh is easy in Revengeance. The weapons and equipment from Calamity at that level trivialize the fight. The "Calamity is super hard" posts are only talking about post-ML and any Infernum content. Though, they did release a trailer today saying that Master Mode is getting reworks, and I recall seeing they wanted to add mechanics and such to Master Mode while removing Vanilla's stat bloat.

>Wall of Flesh is easy in Revengeance
i guess my issue is that everything (except the very first sand worm boss) felt easy, easier than other mods, which caught me off guard. I'm even a few bosses into hard mode now. that video looks interesting though
that planks texture should be a crime against humanity
I said I'm probably going to replace it with granite
pls don't bully me I'll cum
Technically its at the same time as EoC
Oh no i wasn't shitting on your build lol, I'm shitting on that texture pack cuz it looks godawful.
That build wouldn't nearly be as much of an eyesore if the texture wasn't so awful
someone told me to use the calamity texture pack. I figured why not, I'm already using calamity and the calamity music mod
this is why you use infernum. Vanilla bosses don't crumble in 20 seconds and some of the fights are legitimately interesting. Skeletron is my personal favorite but he's an absolute pain in the ass when doing true melee. best infernum song too, besides slime queens song and bereft vassal.
>have to share the thread with calaniggers
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Why are they all sucking him off?
.nosaer a rof krej elcric a dellac s'ti ,lleW
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I accept your concession.
what, I wasnt even arguing or defending fagsol.
i am schizophrenic
Hey it's my first time trying it, and only because I've already played every other big mod
we know
>Calameme is still being updated
Well, good on fabby for not giving up, but let's see if it fixes any of the problems of the mod.
I don't even think he works on the mod. It's just other people, judging by all those other add ons and other people who work on the original calamity.
I had a ridiculously hard time with WoF in the old Malice Mode. It feels that after they added the difficulty buttons, everything became considerably more fair, even in Death Mode. And Infernum bosses aren't always harder, I'd even argue Infernum's WoF is easier than the Master Mode vanilla one.
Supposedly fabsol is working on the NEXT MAJOR UPDATE
But like... its been 4 months since the last patch+hotfix, let alone the next update.
>gen world
>it has tin/lead
>delete world
Needs to be a setting on world generation to get rid of this ugly shit.
>Just use tedit
Seed isn't organic then, and if it's loaded up you get the ugly ore.
>Copper and Lead
Ahhh, the joy of the industrial revolution.
why do some people use fairy boots over terraspark?
is it a mod thing?
dunno about fairy boots but I personally prefer the amphibian ones over terraspark. easier to craft and free'd up balloon/bottle slot.
I don't think they do...
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noticed it when watching a couple people play calamity, so I decided to look at guides to see if they were suggesting this, and they ALL suggest fairy over terraspark. google can't seem to tell me why
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It seems that calamity changed how fairy boots work
huh, neat
I just had Platinum armor, ironskin, and lucked out with defense modifiers while finding and crafting acessories. Had around 50 defense when I checked after fighting it a second time.
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I keep getting the itch to play terraria but when I actually load up the game I get bored and don’t want to. How do I stop this feeling. Red make terraria 2 already
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I've been thinking, I think terraria really is one of those games that just can't be replicated. It's like when people made back 4 blood to be a spiritual successor to left 4 dead but it sucked ass and never got the things left 4 dead got right. Terraria 2 or otherworld couldn't possibly be as good as terraria 1.
If it's even half as good I'll play the fuck out of it.
Just a rework targeted at 4k displays mite B cool.
I only got over this by installing like 30 different mods each run, with at least 2 big content mods
but there's like 100 l4d clones that didn't bomb like back 4 blood did.
and besides the only real/complete attempt at replicating terraria was starbound, and the starbound dev was beyond retarded, like more retarded than the dumbest person to work on calamity
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please keep your AI slop confined to its own threads
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when was the last time you played vanilla?

did you finish your run?

what class(es) did you play as?

learn or do anything new or noteworthy?

build anything you were proud of, or even just satisfied with?
>when was the last time you played vanilla?
2022. I've never played modded, i'm not really into modding. Either i like the game or i don't. Probably a little autistic
>did you finish your run?
>what class(es) did you play as?
I'm not really into gimping myself with classes. I just use whatever i find fun. In HM i usually end up full melee Hallowed armor with brain of confusion and master ninja gear. Usually mainly use swords and guns depending on the boss/event, and magic on the side
>learn or do anything new or noteworthy?
Not really, off the top of my head. Besides the Labor of Love changes ofc
>build anything you were proud of, or even just satisfied with?
I've built worse bases i suppose. I play with my brother but i'm the builder.
>when was the last time you played vanilla?
Last year

>did you finish your run?
No, I got raped. And then my world got raped.

>what class(es) did you play as?
Pure Summoner

>learn or do anything new or noteworthy?
Do not even fucking bother with Dreadnautilus on Master Mode before the Mech bosses. Unless you cheese it, it isn't worth it. Especially now that Sanguine Staff is nerfed so hard it's a skip every playthrough.

>build anything you were proud of, or even just satisfied with?
Not really, no.

I got advice how to better proceed next time from this thread previously, but the world is completely fucked by the Hallow and I can't farm up resources from the purity so I'm going to restart trying summoner only master mode come 1.4.5. The jump in difficulty going from Mage pre-black spot nerf to pure summoner is clown shit.
So uhh... what do you guys make of this?
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Holy shit bros I hecking love bullet hell
Nah, fuck that shit.
>the world is completely fucked by the Hallow and I can't farm up resources from the purity
Mind elaborating a little? What would you need to farm that the hallow disallows?
>bullet hell
Come on now
Forced "epic" feeling. Get as much bloat on the screen as possible, add in a dash of "bullet hell" that's actually just bullshit projectile spam, slap some awful music that people mistakenly think is good over it, and give it a very blatant Muslim influence and South Park reference, and it's pure clickbait. It's a fucking mess, nothing more. I hate that we have to share a game with people who think that is good. It's gratuitously excessive.

The only praise I have for it is the background art, the black hole effect, and how loot is awarded when you load in after the game crashes. Excellent stuff, wasted on a stupid meme character.
How do you "mistakenly" think a piece of music is good?
That's gotta be the most contrarian/hipster thing I've ever heard.
I'm in the middle of a vanilla Ranged playthrough, beat Plantera and have been doing Solar Eclipses for the Nail Gun and messing around in the dungeon for stuff. I have only built nice rectangles for the NPCs (except the Truffle who gets a floating island).
Being able to make the Cursed Dungeon Walls is interesting.
>How do you "mistakenly" think a piece of music is good?
it's more colloquially known as having shit taste


hey I've seen this one before!
Terraria progression meme fodder
what the fuck, where are the muslim and south park references? One of the images used for nameless deity is literally a statue of buddha. The projectiles aren't even that bad, I've seen worse shit in infernum, fargos, and other mods.
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>get two Uzis in 23 Angry Trapper
>still can't get the Nail Gun after four Solar Eclipses
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Good night
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Finally found two Nail Guns, I just had to get literally everything else from the Solar Eclipse first.
princess sleep
>the same stupid "complaints" that make no sense
Hasn't everyone?
I beat the Celestial Towers, playthrough over
People used to try when baiting.
what's with those fart noises
but he's right.
>you will never have a harpy gf who plays terraria with you
why even live
What didn't you like in Starbound?
No they're all retarded posts.
>heh I could easily make a better mod, but I just won't because everyone is dumber than me
>bullet hells are le bad for some reason when late-game vanilla bosses are already softcore bullet-hells
>there are no modded bosses that use terrain or don't require movement items even though the discussion was about late-game superbosses and base vanilla bosses still mostly require movement items to beat
>forced arenas when the base game does this with bosses enraging outside their biome and shit like golem or the cross-over army completely disabling creative mechanics
There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Calameme but these are dumb and sound more like skill issues.
>just realized you're supposed to press a key to activate rage/adrenaline
I don't think they're binded by default, you might have to do it manually.
Yeah that's why I didn't think to use them up until now. Calamari is now easier than I already thought it was because I played way too much of it without these
is someone finna life support bump this thread or what
While we're bumping, may i ask a couple questions lads ?
So i have 2 achievements left :
- find all town slimes (ill do it whenever)
- 200 angler quests (obviously)

I did like 60 quests when i played with a friend like 3-4 years ago, and theyre counted in steam. All good so far.
Now im reinstalling the game and i did maybe 10 quests in a new world (i wanted to start off "clean"), to realise a week later none of them counted towards the steam achievement, what gives ?
Does the game think my character is cheating by having the best fish rod in a fresh world ? Any new requirements introduced in recent versions im not aware of ?
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Have you seen the new calamity bosses, then ?
They added new ones?
Not that im aware of, i just figured thatd bring more attention than my angler question
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>Does the game think my character is cheating by having the best fish rod in a fresh world?
No, more likely it's just not counting the 60 you already did
imagine the paizuri
paizuri insanal
I'm really tempted to try the new calameme update once it drops, out of curiosity more than anything, but last time I dropped it after moon lord because it got WAY too grindy. Fabsol cannot balance a mod to save xer life.
How grindy does it get post ML? Currently working on my first run of calamari and so far I don't have cancer yet but I'm sure it's coming
Tons of useless ores start spawning that you'll maybe use once, you have to grind for crap in 5 different biomes just to summon the profaned guardians, then you have to grind for crap to summon providence, then you have to re-fight old bosses to acquire new drops that they now drop, then you have to re-fight past events with every enemy now being a damage sponge (IE the frost moon, solar eclipse, blood moon, etc). Then you have to grind some more to fight the sentinels of the devourer, then you have to grind to fight the devourer, inbetween that you have to grind to fight that star god worm, then you grind to fight that infection robot aureus.

Geez, thinking about it is making me reconsider my playthrough.
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buff life drain
what part
what part
what part
what part
think im gonna rope up and platform across the desert at the start from now on
>no cozy warm background and atmosphere
>skyway is an empty blue gradient with a couple white patches
>no sound of your boots in the sand
>no ondulating pixels
>no pyramid
>no cozy oasis
>no palmwood armo(u)r
>no woman, no cry

ngmi, anon.
ovulating pixies... begging to be impregnated...
>sandstorm at start lmao fuck you run the other way
I'll build a pylon there when i get a hook
palmwood armor a shit
cacti armor a good
palm helm is neat I guess
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save it!
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ovulating harpies... begging to be impregnated...
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I haven't played in a super long time.
Is the mod loader thing up to date and can I make a quantity over quality + very lewd mod run on the current version?
Yes but not for long. What lewd mods?
>travel close to the ocean
>some wormhole opened and corruptors start spawning from it in a non-hardmode world
What is this? I only have thorium mod as primary content mod
Modlist? Probably fargo souls because thorium doesn't break vanilla progression.
Can't check at the moment but from what I can remember
>fishing qol
>quality of terraria
>magic storage
>summoner ui
>library of terra
>recipe browser
>pinnacle reforges
I keep my modlist as light as possible
How do you make a good spaghetti farm?
excuse me?
I'm still waiting on the armor rework and dragon resprite from like 7 months ago. Also maybe subworlds working in multiplayer one day.
Just get the alchemist NPC mod.
Can't pin down which one is giving you the weird portal. Through process of elimination, I can tell you which ones aren't causing it.

>Magic storage
>recipe browser
Those are in my modlist, and they shouldn't cause this issue. the others I'm not sure of. If you really want to be sure, you could make backups of your character and your world, and then slowly remove mods one at a time. See which one breaks the portal, though this might just crash the game as well. Test on your own recognizance.
The current state of Thorium is so underwhelming I hope their recode goes well
What's wrong with it
The ancient code kind of bogs it down especially in hardmode, hardmode thorium content sucks so much.
Can't go wrong with the classic setup in the granite biome, you could also just wire up some granite golem statues on auto while your summons kill them as you idle, but that will probably take a lot longer. Why not farm burgers instead? Less work with a tiny lava pool on the surface while you're several squares above the pool with platforms as your summons kill the flying guys.
how is "code bogging it down" and "hardmode content sucks" related to eachother
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Can't these dumb bitches leave me alone already?
I can only give Fabsol one thing.
Wulfrum makes early summoner fun, plus the other weapons are cool.
i wish they expanded the sky by having surface biomes expand all the way up and have unique backgrounds. Desert Sky, Corruption/Crimson Sky, etc.
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My eyes
sleepable thighs
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What the hell is with that lighting?
>Fargo's update
>-Removed Extra Buff Slots config
why god
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love harpies
Good afternoon /tg/, I am making chanko nabe.
How's the sumo career going?
Negative progress, I am a skelebro trying to put on weight.
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page fucking 10
>harpy posting keeps /tg/ alive
>still no romanceable harpy NPC
>not even in a mod
This is Cenx's fault.
I hate the angler quests, fish finder never ever
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So what does /tg/ use to light up their elevated railways?
I like living ultrabright fire blocks because you can set them directly on top of the tracks - or underneath if that's your style.
Unfortunately you can't get them until hardmode and living fire blocks can be tedious to farm.
Alternatively you can slap down walls and attach torches but that looks kinda messy.
bro use fences and torches
I don't
I use Pylons instead of making rails.
Good evening /tg/, my shoulder has a cartilage deficiency.
Go see the Nurse, or the Goblin.
I'm going to ruin my other shoulder smacking the goblin upside the head 30,000 times.
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Realistically, what is stopping me from raping the Dryad?
>she's OLD
Sex with hags.
she'll turn into a tree
good lck getting splinters in your dick
That's too bad, that trick won't work because she already gives me wood!
I cast sandpaper
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you have to purify the world first or else there's just plants under there
Light and shadow mod. I uses it for aesthetic only.
Is anyone aware of any Terraria-like games that are in active development?
How do slimes reproduce?
>yeah the game is okay...
>get to the first boss
>holy shit
The game has some really strong points, but it's very jank and I'm not a fan of the base management. No idea if fast travel unlocks later but unless you gear up your towns they're gonna get invaded.
Early early bed for me. Please keep the thread alive, i'm going to hibernate for like 10-12 hours
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harpy... sexo... If Cenx gets them removed from Terraria 2 I will riot.
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better not let her know you like 'em
sword go meow meow meow meow owowowmeow
harpy badonka
I hate Calamameme so much but fuck, Stained, Brutal Calamity has no right being as good as it is. It's really upsetting Dokuro washed his hands of it all, but I don't blame him.
consider the following: it's not, and your musical taste hasn't developed since middle school
I'm embarassed to say that I used to simp for Dokuro's themes. I even liked the Roar of the Jungle Dragon, aka Linkin Park with cringe lyrics. Nowadays, his more subtle themes are where its at.

Dokuro is a good composer, a shame his talent was wasted on an ungrateful community. I still listen to his new stuff, he just seems to rarely upload now.
>Liking any of them except Calm before the storm and 1NF3$+@+10N
that and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt5HdAHyvjI is pretty good too. It reminds me a bit of metroid primes soundtrack
I'm also fond of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-kqGESk64w

Its just so atmospheric.
Speaking of calameme, this trailer came out recently and the new music sounds eerily Dokuro-like.
Did he not quit doing cala music?
How much work will it be to add all these lewd sprites? Do these /tg/ sheets even still work with the current version?
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Why did dokuro quit?
Basically the fans annoyed him too much
He didn't quit, he made the track in this trailer >>474870227
they used ai trained on his music to make that
the real derkuro is in a crypod in fagsols basement
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What killed me inside is realizing that, if I loved the zoologist as a waifu, then I should be accepting of her even when she's back to human form. If I can't accept her then, I don't deserve her cute fox form.
Wait... she has a human form??
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human zoologist is not the zoologist so it's ok
it's like if your gf asks you if you'd still love her if she was a worm - you say no
>it's like if your gf asks you if you'd still love her if she was a worm
Depends if she's a sexy anthromorphic worm.
alright listen, lenni is a very special exception and i will concede that she makes the johnson the big johnson, but it's definitely not what women think of when they say worm
>Zoologist goes aggro every full moon and /or blood moon.
>Only way to ensure her safety is to keep minions, other NPCs etc away or hit her with a tranquilizer dart from the witch doctor
yea or nay?
seems a bit pointless
can you make it a sexo dart so she's horny instead of asleep?
I really don't understand why people simp for this one
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Can one use resource pack to resprite modded content as long as the modded content is loaded in?
It's fun, upbeat and way more light hearted, very different from the other boss themes he made.
Come to think of it, you make a good point.

>other boss themes

>tee hee crabs
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yes anon, resource packs for modded content exist
made for sex
is there a good resource that tells you whether each enemy type requires a specific biome and/or brick to spawn on? i can't seem to find a comprehensive list on the wiki
the gg wiki should say what biome an enemy type spawns in, but afaik it doesn't say what blocks it can spawn on
it's also not entirely accurate and there's no push to correct it; for example, you can get surface corrupt/hallow desert enemies spawning just fine outside of a desert biome as long as the space they're spawning on is corrupt/hallow sand
marble/granite biome enemies are the same way and don't need to be in their biome, just have granite/marble spawning platforms in the cavern layer
cool, so it's only sand/marble/granite enemies that are the exception? at least it's good to know it's not actually on the wiki and i'm not blind.

my enemy spawner is a jungle biome by having x jungle grass blocks (near me so nothing can spawn on them) in it, but i noticed that if the blocks where the enemies spawn is stone then it will still spawn normal cavern enemies even though it's a jungle biome, if i replace the stone with jungle grass then it spawns jungle enemies, and i also figured out that marble would spawn medusas.

my next goal was to try and farm some ice enemies and i was basically wondering if i could just replace the stone with ice like i did for the medusas but it sounds like i'll need to convert to a proper ice biome too.
there are probably far more exceptions, those were just the ones I knew for sure off the top of my head
I still don't fully understand how the spawning works sometimes, and I say that as someone who thought I had an above average understanding of it
>my enemy spawner is a jungle biome by having x jungle grass blocks (near me so nothing can spawn on them) in it, but i noticed that if the blocks where the enemies spawn is stone then it will still spawn normal cavern enemies even though it's a jungle biome, if i replace the stone with jungle grass then it spawns jungle enemies, and i also figured out that marble would spawn medusas.
This checks out
>my next goal was to try and farm some ice enemies and i was basically wondering if i could just replace the stone with ice like i did for the medusas but it sounds like i'll need to convert to a proper ice biome too.
In my experience, yeah you need the full biome. I recommend snow/ice brick since they can't be corrupted, but by all means feel free to experiment with simply changing the spawning area to snow biome blocks (slush, ice, snow, maybe a couple others I'm forgetting) and seeing what results you get.

I will say if you're trying to get flinx fur, you're better off making a long tunnel in the ice biome cavern layer, preferably at a higher elevation. The deeper you go, the more bats spawn allegedly, and in my personal experience. Same thing with Tim; he spawns more frequently the deeper you go, up until hell.
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spiders and spider biomes are kinda weird
they seem to be able to spawn
>on unsafe spider walls
>if you're in front of unsafe spider walls
>if there's a spider biome even just nearby
idk what size constitutes a spider biome but ive seen them spawn in adjacent caverns when im not in front of any spider walls ans theres no spider walls for them to spawn on
Mini-biome like Granite, Marble and Spider only need you to be near enough to them to spawn the enemies, and they don't need to spawn on those blocks themselves.
Cavern enemies can spawn in places like the Underground Jungle because it's still the Caverns, but they need the plain blocks in order to spawn.
Certain enemies, like mummies, just require a block to spawn on, in this case sand. It says it spawns in the Deserts, but that's because there's a lot of sand there, they'll still spawn on bits of sand underground or anywhere else, unlike other Desert enemies.
Most enemies require blocks of their biome to spawn on (Rainbow Slimes are the opposite), many of them won't spawn on blocks like Stone because there isn't meant to be Stone there.
Then, there's the post-Plantera Dungeon which is just a complete mess. If you throw Dungeon Walls in Shimmer, you get the Cursed variant that spawns enemies, so find and make a big area in the Dungeon and just place them yourself.
Terraria and... ass blasters!
Anyone else think that NPC happiness should be reworked? I heard alot of good ideas from anons in this thread.

>remove the negative penalty from NPC happiness, like with torch luck, so making them happy can only yield positive benefits. Making them miserable assholes won't raise their prices beyond the standard
>they take into account furniture that you put in, like the pirate enjoys gold furniture, and the angler enjoys a dock next to a lake or the ocean to fish
>zoologist loves having animals in her home, but will get angry at you if you give her animal skins
>arms dealer would love weapon trophies hung up on the walls
A personal idea I had cooked up.

>some NPCs like being with other NPCs, but you expand this to include 3 or more. Like if you have the barkeep, the goblin tinkerer and demolitionist together, they'll give you quests where you can join them on an expedition into unseen territory

This would work great with subworld library, where you can join a quest in a unique zone where you can';t just blast your way through everything with an explosive shuriken, and it would play out like a quest.
Found this guide for happiness on leddit, is this a good setup?
House 1: Guide and Merchant
House 2: Zoologist and Golfer
House 1: Arms Dealer and Nurse
House 2: Steampunker and Cyborg
House 1: Goblin Tinkerer and Mechanic
House 2: Tax Collector
House 3: Santa Claus
House 1: Tavernkeep and Demolitionist
House 2: Clothier
House 1: Angler and Pirate
House 2: Stylist and Dye Trader
House 1: Dryad and Witch Doctor
House 2: Painter
House 1: Party Girl and Wizard
House 1: Truffle and an animal
yeah that's pretty decent
I put the guide, taxman, and clothier in hell though
You should have one more person with the truffle, so you can teleport to him.
Thanks for confirming, I've been trying to identify the filenames that modded content recalls but I wanted to be sure I wasn't wasting my time before going any further.
animals count
use the calamity texture pack as reference ig?
It's been 13 years. It's about time Terraria gets a remaster. Or a remake. The ugly pixel graphics need an overhaul to something more modern. like how Minecraft changed the ugly graphics for beautiful ray tracing and ambient occlusion.
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>be me
>sees op thinks its bait
>"I'll bite" and googles princess terraria
>all safe
Wow, it actually is wholesome.
groovy slime
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I'm playing modded for the first time in years and I've lost my old mod list since then. Is there any item in a mod that makes summoner summons always alert? I swear I had an item that did that, but I forget what mod it was from.
>remove the negative penalty from NPC happiness
Nah, screw your commie blocks.
>they take into account furniture that you put in
This one is really missing. Dragon Quest Builders for example rewards you for more lavish buildings.
>some NPCs like being with other NPCs, but you expand this to include 3 or more
Some NPCs you'd think would enjoy being around as many others as can fit, the bartender and party girl for example. Only the Princess works this way though, I think.

Jungle: painter, dryad, and witch doctor in that order.
Desert: dye trader, arms dealer, nurse in that order.
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Any good content mod suggestions that are updated for 1.4 and work on multiplayer? I'm already using Spirit and Thorium and I'm not planning on playing Calamity.
Why is Stars Above bad?
remove granite
>waifus are annoying and take so much screen real estate
>bosses don't even have movement they are just static hitboxes with projectiles and are literal bullet sponges
>majority of the subworlds have absolutely nothing in them
>donator items, ones that cost 20 dollans no less
>voice acting, AI voice acting even
>overall just feels super jarring next to vanilla content
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subworlds - can't mine, can't build, low enemy variety, low drop rates. I haven't seen any mod make good use of these yet, it's just fags showing off their builds.
weapons - xbox huge descriptions and multiple new hotkeys for alt-fire gimmicks. I'm of the opinion that modded gear should stick to vanilla's simplicity and damage class should not be configurable. Still had a few fun items but balance was at least as bad as Calamity's at times. Pre-hardmode terraprism clones.
bosses - really easy, even the progression-breaking ones, some cringe voices
I didn't mind the waifu overlay in theory but modded UI elements kind of suck right now and they don't have many unique lines anyway
Thanks, sucks because the pixel art is really nice. Hopefully it gets fixed at some point, but I won't hold my breath.
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>multiple new hotkeys for alt-fire gimmicks
Oh I fucking hate it when mods do this shit. I feel like weaponout was the only mod that ever implemented this correctly with the fists. All you had to do was press up or down while you were attacking and you did an uppercut or a down slam kinda attack, and then right click also did a unique move.
Why won't more mods just do the same implementation for their alt attacks? You have all those directional buttons that are right under the players hand at all times, just make use of them.
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you want the dye trader with the goblin+mechanic to maximise the goblins happiness. and obviously have him underground. goblin is where 99% of your money goes and you can use him to sell too. the rest of the npcs are mostly inconsequential and you can put them wherever you want to RP them living.

happy angler is also nice early while you're still doing his quests (ocean with the party girl and demolitionist at that stage of the game)
goblin's actually happier with just the mechanic since a third NPC counts as minor crowding
incorrect. it's easy enough to test. with the dye trader he sells his pylon for 7g50s, without it's 7g90s
I never understood the issue with npc happiness. Money is trivially easy to get in this game.
rerolling and bulk buying drain your bank account super quickly in pre-hm
>just rush into hm
no pre-hm is comfy and i wanna take my time
If you have calamity installed, you can just quicksell items you get from bosses like the desert scourge.
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>If you have calamity installed
>look at me hating popular and good mods, do I fit in yet guys?
>popular and good mods
only the best mods shid out an ad when you start the game and demand you to bloat your game with extra mods "for the best experience".
>only the best mods shid out an ad when you start the game
Things thast never happendnd,
what's the source on this image? all my searches came up with nothing.
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I think people who complain anytime calamity is mentioned are just as annoying as fagsol.
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as the great old ones once said,
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Are the labs in calamity useless for summoners? I haven't felt the need to go to one yet
Then you have never played cacameme
consult the lore
Are they really just lore things. That's finna gay
ong fr
You get the schematics to unlock new weapons recipes.
Some of those are summoner weapons.

No they aren't.
What summoner gear is specific to the labs? I can't seem to find a list like that
Put "Dubious Plating" into a recipe browser.
If you are playing Calamity without one then stop.

Fr fr no cap why you be addin these fanam tax ohio rizzlers in the middle of my gamin' sesh? At least thorium is straight up skibidi gyatt.
lord above i loathe zoomie lingo
I think it's funny as long as it's ironic. Kids who say it thinking it's cool is what i loathe, with their broccoli haircuts and gay clothes.
Assuming you're a bit older yourself, our lingo as kids wasn't much better.
Playing too much FTW makes me forget how strong Starfury actually was.
My brother is 18 and I've never heard him use that kinda slang, at least not around me.
>zoomie lingo
you mean gen alpha lingo
the 12 year olds whose brains have been fried by literal nonsense which is why they can't speak
most zoomers are adults by now
nah, there are some zoomers that do it too. I'm a zoomer and saw a few acting like the stereotype. Most of the people don't do that shit, the perm, the shitty internet slang, it was just a weird fad with people, usually middle class, that did it.
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>Devourer of Gods now looks like this
What the fuck is this shit
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That's so damn funny, did a special seed cause that?
this looks like a monster from a japanese tentacle rape anime game or something
It's just in the Temple, at least it didn't delete the Shimmer.
Holy fuck the difference in difficulty between master and expert is insane. I was fucking struggling post moon lord in master + death i decided to download a difficulty changer. I am now melting bosses like butter and facetanking like a retard.
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unironically kino, share the seed
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Just beat moon lord in my first run of calamity and honestly I'm starting to have fun
Massive Penis
Terraria didn't need a consistent artstyle anyway.
Thanks bro
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Man, I'm bored. Are any of those old mods planning on being updated, like shadows of abbaddon or polarities?
Hey, what's the deal with story of red cloud? I've seen that mod very few times and I want to know if it's good.
Story of Red Cloud is pretty good. I'll offer a description in a bit.
So basically, Story of Red Cloud is an adventure map. Ideally you have to follow proper progression set by the game, in a sort of linear but kind of open manner. Alot of blocks are indestructible, so you can't just blast your way through a cave. It hides secret paths by making them only one block line thick, which is the game's way of telling you that you can dig there. It's selective as to what you're allowed to dig through, but it make sense once you understand the game's logic. It lets you fast travel using a sort of pylon system modified to not need NPCs (and it's a big map, you'll be using it alot).

It's pretty fun, would recommend. Just a warning, the mod dev dicksucks Dark Souls, so there's dodge rolls and Zanzibarts everywhere. You even fight Dark Souls bosses.
sounds interesting but I got a big question. Are most mods incompatible with it? Not the big content mods, but smaller mods (and terraria overhaul.) I generally play with terraria overhaul because I can't let it go, the changes to ranger and melee are too fun. It also adds a dodge roll system, by the way.
You really can't use any mods with it, it's pretty insular. The ones I remember working were recipe browser, magic storage, boss checklist, etc. It's a safe bet that Overhaul won't work with it.
damn, I'll still give the mod a try despite that.
It'll take you about 30 hours, I reckon. Enjoy.
Fromsoft joke.
Eater of Cocks
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yeah even as a fromsoft consumer this isn't hitting me
whoops meant for >>475291068
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>clearly liquid metal like mercury or gallium
>sword still *plong*s off the slimes as if they were solid
that's a suspiciously accurate king slime though
I can't believe Dragon Quest had the audacity to steal the concept of King Slime from Terraria.
>the mod dev dicksucks Dark Souls, so there's dodge rolls and Zanzibarts everywhere

Oh my god, picked the fuck up thanks.
Anyone use block's augment mod? How is it
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any mods with gear or accs that have effects like "reduced minion count, increased minion damage"?

My current mod pack has me with like 30 minions and it's starting to tank my FPS.
Doesn't just have to be summoner gear
Amulet of many minions have something like this iirc. Also how the fuck you gets 30 minion slots, mod(s) name?
Would you still love your favorite boss if it was a worm?
There's a calamity joke here somewhere, but I do like DoG.
That's just the Corruption
Where should I put my cavern village?
My world is from an older version, no Aether
What's the second best place to put it?
Make a new world.
between jungle temple and hell
>It only reduces by one slot
I might just have to edit this mod or make my own mod to get what I want then
Anyone here have experience modding? How hard is it?

I already have like a year of C# experience from unreal engine but I know that unreal's version of C# is extremely easy compared to the real thing since it handles so much for you
It depends on what you want out of modding.
Unless it's a copy paste, nobody knows how but you. Nobody will do it the way you want it work. At least for me, it's more of how much I wanted certain mods to exist.
The most complex mod I want to make is similar to the Squire from amulet of many minions, but instead of using premade items you have to select your own armor and weapon and now the summon consumes all your slots and actually uses whatever weapon you gave it

Basically the artificer armorer from DnD
somebody post Opens Ur Door
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I'm fucking retarded and just remembered most of my unreal experience was C++, not C#. Did a little bit of engine/ide modification with C# but not enough to feel confident with it. Guess it's time to learn more
no I meant the cute baka girl one
camping with the wife and she builds a big comfy nest :)
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shut the fuck up
It's time again...

Anyone got any advice for improving tmodloader performance?
I have a good rig and manage to run 90% of games above 200 fps, but for some reason I can't keep this at a stable 60.
there are a few screwy mods to increase fps. Nitrate and, I think frenetic optimizations. I never tried that second one but the first one is kinda buggy. You could also go into task manager and set tmodloaders priority on high. That helps it run better for me.
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Holy smokes. I've acquired a water bolt!
That's gross and ugly I will never play it. Thanks for the warning.
It's not for everyone. I don't blame you.
>Infernum Wall of Flesh
Damn, this shit kinda kicking my ass.
I really don't want to build a long ass fucking arena.
Are u a wubcub 2???
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there's like 30 different mods that can solve this. Or are you playing calameme+infernum with zero other mods installed?
Won't this destroy/ruin the Profaned arena on the right of the underworld?
Also yes I have QoL mods and ways of speeding up the process, I'm just feeling very lazy atm and building an arena for one boss is annoying.
It won't, it "avoids important blocks". I've used it before
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Unnerf when? Fuck ponzi pyramid trap.
>frogs outside of /v/
don't expect modders to know to optimize anything. It will run as fast as the least performant mod.
>Just beat devourer of gods @ 30 fps
To be fair I'm on a Thinkpad I picked up for dirt cheap used but still, this is pain
right? which reminds me that weapons out is still not ported with its cool gear... for the love of God if anyone that can port that mod sees this please do so! i would be forever grateful!!
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Got to mechanical bosses on my first expert run as an archer but now I’m stuck. Can’t kill any of the 3 cause I take too much damage and don’t have enough mobility to dodge yet, have terraspark. Don’t want to use a minecart. Any tips? I’m probably going to try killing mecha worm with jester arrows since it seems most doable
-things you NEED in hm
>wings (pixie are fine and probably the easiest to get, but if there's a snowstorm you could make frozen wings with an ice feather. you might get a frost core for later too)
>run+flight boots (sounds like you have them)
>agility item (shield of cthulu or magi-luminescence necklace)
>ranger emblem (go farm WoF or shimmer whatever emblem you got)
>magic quiver (go farm archer skeles in the caves)
>assuming expert diff - free choice. sharktooth necklace? charm of myths?
-mine enough titanium/adamantite for a repeater, then make a bunch of ichor (or holy if you don't have crimson) arrows
-try to farm hallow biome mimics for the stormbow
-get adamantite/titanium or frostburn armor OR try killing queen slime enough for the crystal set (classes armor, good mobility). if you're lucky, you'll get her mount too
-reforge your shit to menacing or lucky, ideally 50/50

with all that you should be set to melt the destroyer. make a big ol' flat platform of solid blocks, say, 150 blocks above the ground (just stretch 150 rope up), but keep a 15-wide hole of platforms to shoot through. rain arrows on the destroyer with the stormbow, but focus on killing the probes first since they're the real danger and they drop health.
-use destroyer parts to make hallow repeater and armor, then do twins and prime
Darn I’m like 80% this setup already. Didn’t want to live in hallow farming mimics. Is admantite armor really better? The set effect seems kinda shit compared to oricathium
you don't have to live in the hallow especially since biome mimics only spawn in the cavern layer, just craft a few chests and keys of light made from light souls which you can also farm in the hallow caverns

adamantite's bonus to defense is nice while the buffs are still decent, but if you think you can make orichalcum armor work then go for it. maybe swap out your free choice accessory for a worm scarf/crimson brain for additional survivability.
I have terrible autism over these things. Like objectively they're timesavers, but it just feels wrong to use them. Same with that instavator from fargos, or the boom shurikens. Is it wrong to feel this way? They're QOL items that cut down on grind and time waste, but thats kind of the whole point of Terraria, to waste time doing stupid crap.
I have a friend that loves stuff like this for his games but every time he uses them his attention to the game TANKS and he doesn't come back to it. It's not just you, as humans we need things to put "elbow grease" into. If it's all effortless, then how do you care? There's no investment and there's no stake.
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>Like objectively they're timesavers, but it just feels wrong to use them. Same with that instavator from fargos
I feel the same exact way, except it also bugs me that the instavator deletes a bunch of what it clears out, and most of the rest falls out of the world
>I have a friend that loves stuff like this for his games but every time he uses them his attention to the game TANKS and he doesn't come back to it
this too, 110%
The instavator does a good job of not destroying ruined houses and such, or are you worried about the ore
I use all of these QoL items in terraria and more, and it never kills my motivation for some reason. In other games too many modded QoL items can ruin my fun though. Not sure why this game is different for me

Maybe it's because I like to fight bosses while undergeared or doing very unconventional builds with uncommon accessories, dying over and over, and that's the "elbow grease"
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i've had it cut through those houses so many times, idk if they tweaked it so it stops doing that, but...
also yeah, ore, heart crystals, stuff like that, but mainly because it basically cuts out the caving/exploration portion of the game. yeah sure, early picks such at digging, but it's not difficult to get a good one, or make some mining potions, god forbid
>it basically cuts out the caving/exploration portion of the game.
Does it? I still find myself caving for ores regardless of it I use the item or dig my own hellavator. Especially so with mods that add new ores
digging your own hellevator, you would naturally explore side caves as you find them, or at least dump the water from your flooded shaft into them
with the instavator, you just fall down until you start seeing massive ore pockets right above the lava layer, and start exploring there since the mineral density is so much higher
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I also feel the same, the only reason I ever use fargo in the first place is for potion stacking only. Put 30 pots in piggy/safe/whatever and done, you never touched it again.
Ok this made me realize I'm just autistic because I basically never actually explore from my QoL hellavator and I always look for a natural cave entrance to go caving
I mean I think everyone does that at the start to look for starter gear and some iron/lead/silver/tungsten or gems for hooks
they should add a police car miniboss that spawns cops that shoot at you for no reason in a hidden update and not tell anyone, but only if your character's skin tone is below a certain hue
fast board
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back when life was tolerable
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what's this?
he look like a potatoe
This has been in the base game for like 3 years, why are you acting like you're just seeing it for the first time?
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>Using Fargos
>Enemies don't spawn while a boss is alive
>Deerclops arrives
>I leave
>Go explore dungeon without Dungeon Guardians popping up
Maybe they fixed that exploit since?
Lost my creativity 'tism today, don't know what kind of base to build around my hellevator
I've had terraria since 2013 and I've never noticed this. Am I just retarded
Same, but I think it got added in Journey's End, but I haven't touched Journey's End until a week ago
Journey's End was in mid 2020. Deerclops was added in the Don't Starve crossover update in late 2021

If you've played for more than a few hours after the update that added him and you still hadn't noticed, then yeah i'd say so
wooden fort / stockade / logging town
For me, I like building houses on stilts. They're the most practical while still being aesthetic. If there's a hill nearby, then I go full Hobbit mode.
Do you think Terraria should have more story? It seems like the game would be ruined if they tried to give everyone character arcs or more personality, but then again Calameme tried this and it was miserable. I just started tuning everything out after it was revealed that eyeballs had souls.
no, it should have less story even
that lore booklet they dropped was CRINGE
More vague lore/story would be cool. I don’t want things completely spelled out though.
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I think you would have to revamp it's content for it to have more story proper. It's very much a rule of cool sandbox setting where shit is just there because it would be cool/fun/funny to fight/use it and cohesion was an afterthought at best. They could totally make a narrative out of it, but it would ironically have to be it's own side thing, like a special seed so people can ignore it and it can be freely tweaked without much controversy.
they should leave the lore to otherworld or T2
Retroactively adding lore to Terraria would be a disaster. And to be honest i don't really want lore in Terraria 2 either. The game is too silly for serious lore, and adding silly lore on top of an already silly game would be too much.
If they absolutely have to add it, i'd want them to do it like Valheim where there are randomly placed monoliths in specific biomes with text relating to said biome/biome boss etched into them
I'm sure you were also able to do this in vanilla. Dungeon Guardian(s) won't be able to spawn if you already had max npc capped. EoC + its minions should be enough.
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Should there be an alternate Hallow biome?
Any mods that do this?
alternate hallow would suck because it wouldn't have rod of discord
>want to run modded terraria again, particularly through eternity mode since I've already done expert multiple times
>Already did thorium and spirit recently
>Calamity is >>>>Calamity
>Starlight river is seemingly buggy and clashes too heavily because it doesn't even attempt to fit in visually with the rest of terraria
what are the other big content mods I could run?
Mod of redemption? It's not as big as Thorium though.
There aren't much really.
Calamity is the only real "big content" mod we have right now and it still has a roadmap of content to come.
Starlight River is still pretty early in production so yeah.
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It depends on what you mean by story. Some background lore you can get from NPC dialogue or in-game buildings? Okay. Unique NPC behaviour? Great.
But I don't think Terraria needs it. It's already fun as is and I fear the idea others have for more story will just make the game less enjoyable for me.
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Cute froggo.
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what if there was an equivalent item that gave you like, 999 defense but locked you in place
use it too often and you turn into a statue like the medusa attack

modders get on it PLS
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Guys... This thread is so slow we should just move to /vmg/... Especially since there's a mobile port. For fucks sake every other post is a life support bump.....
lantern flail
fuck off, /vm/ or bust
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now this, this is a blessed image
Should I do another playthrough of Clameme, or should I wait for the update?
there's supposed to be an update? when? I care way more about the add ons and their updates than calamity itself.
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Ended up beating Infernom WoF without an arena >>475499704

It's not as difficult once you get the hang of the eye-laser timings and avoid the death-ray.
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I got to say, anon, doing a melee build in infernum is painful as fuck. The wall of flesh is one of the most stressful fights as a melee build with infernum on. Stuff like ranger and mage, like you're doing, is way more viable but damn it hurts when my favorite class gets fucked up so easily thanks to that mod.
Tbf Melee is generally the shittiest class overall.
That's why half the late-game melees are just sword-beams.
Nah, ever since 1.4.4 I'd say that melee is one of the funnest now. Moon lord weapons are kind of shit though, since they never got overhauled. Terra blade kicks ass though, even though it's still a sword beam. Night's edge is legitimately great and wrecks pre hardmode bosses and it looks really cool now. True knights edge is also cool looking but I do miss the larger range of the original sword, and it's also a sword beam, and true excalibur is just great now.
I also admit that I'm a "turn your brain off and attack shit" kind of guy, so managing bullets and mana, and not hitting things directly through summoner, gets in the way of that.
damn, I didnt realize how much I used the word "though" until now. i'm sorry sharty.
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>Astral biome spawns right on top of my base
Of course.

>managing mana
Just use flower lmao
sexcellent base homeboy
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Thanks man, I really recommend the furniture mod.
red should add gas traps so I can euthanize lizardpeople en mass
boy do i have news for you
>drops camera
>pulls out shotgun
time to eat
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Wow I forgot how insane the Destroyer is on infernum.
Which mech boss do you guys normally do first?
first one that spawns
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Twins if I'm doing melee or summoner, otherwise destroyer is a free kill for ranger and mage. Skele prime is dead last cause I needed asphalt to outrun him. Also his prime bomb is annoying.
Is this some kind of 2d minecraft, lol?
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The only thing that kills my motivation in a mod pack is when I'm like 90%+ done with it and I feel like I've basically seen everything the mod has to offer.

For example after I beat calamitas I had no motivation to beat the exo mechs or whatever else after. I feel this way with pretty much every mod and every game desu
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Looks like Sonic fanart at a glance. Grim
I never feel that way unless I specifically have Calamity installed. The mod just feels bloated. It's always fun fighting Thorium and Redemption's final bosses.

Fargos I could take or leave.
I saved it because it looked funny
I agree with everything here but that calamity add on "wrath of the gods" is a legitimately fun time. Noxus and nameless deity are cool final boss fights. Goozma is also cool but damn it's a wee bit hard to see what's going on.
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>Terraria is still surprisingly wholesome
That's the real magic of Terraria. After leaving the shitstorm that is the Stardew community, it's great to be back here again.
what's wrong with SDV? is it a bunch of ntrcucks
Stardew is still fine as a game. Interacting with the community though...
also yes
Terraria has a subsection of rabid creatures and frothing retards, but it's mostly chill these days.
yeah I could've guessed that a mile away
maybe I'll try to get into it again; a while ago, a friend bought it for me and we were doing a playthru, but I got fed up with the seasonal planting system being unrealistic or too restrictive or something, and I tore up the garden since we were going to lose like 80% of our investment, then we both kinda dropped it and I felt bad
Terraria is a nice game for me to unwind, since among other things, the fandom is nice and calm. The worst we have to deal with is Fabsol.

t. has to contend with the Starsector and Skyrim communities.
True, Terraria does has its bad side, but compared to Stardew fans, I'll take the worst of Terraria any day.
Is anything even going on in skyrim threads anymore? I've gone to some and only found people posting their shitty coomer characters. Sometimes I wonder if the beyond skyrim team or the creator skyblivion posts there and it tempts me to look, but I'd rather not sift through all that garbage for something I have no idea about.
Ancients Awakened or whatever had Fagsol beaten with tulpa rape of whatever, he should take notes for Calamity lore.

Absolutely. We've got it pretty good all things considered, even compared to Minecraft.
>The Terraria fanbase is chill
Aren't you guys forgetting about that one guy on /v/ who says that Terraria is one of the best open world games, and even says that it's better than modern Zelda games like TOTK and BOTW, and The Witcher?
/v/ posters barely qualify as human, to say nothing of half the board being bots. They are generally the exception and not the rule.
Thanks for letting me vent out, and sorry about derailing the thread a bit. Anyways, we should get back on topic.
Good point.
why the fuck doesn't skeletron give you a 5-second grace period between you clicking the summon button and him actually spawning?
because you don't need one? no-hit runs exist and they don't need a special setup. likewise, you can make a hoik elevator to your arena so you can get away fast as soon as you summon, or get rid of the roof over the Old Man entirely for more mobility
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Weird world gen is weird. Never seen 2 pyramids stacking each other.
I'd say to move in if it wasn't in the bad part of town
I'd love to if the entire surface isn't corrupted lol. Maybe later after I got cletaminator from steampunk girl.
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harpy wife happy life
Is the right supposed to be a Nymph?
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Yeah. Some anon remade this pic in 3d, which itself is a reference to that one anime pic with the same text
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I just found out one of calamitys devs is an eceleb. He's a faggot so it just adds to my distaste towards calamity. Atleast the add ons are cool I guess.
>chill farming game
>looks into threads
>filled with degenerates
Sounds about right
How bad can it be? I dont know anything about the game really, but from what little i have seen it seems innocent enough. Not much that would lend itself to degeneracy. Vanilla, at least
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From the looks of it you can marry NPC's. That alone can bring up degeneracy.
>How bad can it be? I dont know anything about the game really, but from what little i have seen it seems innocent enough. Not much that would lend itself to degeneracy.
you can apply this to any somewhat wholesome game of the last 20 years and find the most degenerate specimens
Which Terraria soundtrack am I thinking of?
Space (Night)
>lgbt troon
Like fucking clockwork kek

Are there any mods that make Thorium Healer class useful in single player?

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