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Welcome to the Dragon Quest General! Everything related to the Dragon Quest series, also known as Dragon Warrior, is discussed here

That girl nobody married Edition
Last Thread: >>473348091

- Dragon Quest Builders is coming to Steam on February 13. It'll include the all QoL that the mobile port had.
- Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is now available on Switch.
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is now available on PS4/5, Switch, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Treasures, a treasure hunting RPG featuring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is now available for the Switch and PC.
- Dragon Quest Champions is a 50 player battle royale RPG for iOS and Android that's now out, but only in Japan.
- Dragon Quest X is available in English via a fan translation. Check DQX Resources for more info.
- Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced. Details aside from the title are unknown.
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has been announced with a simultaneous worldwide release.

/dqg/ Beginner's Guide to Dragon Quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kE7vCn2
Versions to Play/Buy: https://pastebin.com/TcW5bgqv
DQM3 Resource: https://dev.metalkid.info/DQM3/Monsterpedia
Dragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: https://pastebin.com/Paf0Ypme
DQB2 Resources: https://pastebin.com/ykdKc201
DQX Resources: https://pastebin.com/kE3XGQNS

ROMs/Hacks/Mods/Translations: https://pastebin.com/QbQS5i2S
Anime/TV: https://pastebin.com/a2cRRuzi
Music: https://pastebin.com/NceqwLAa
日本DQ Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/
DQ Art, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: https://pastebin.com/GnaCV4vW


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You have to come with a class using the Ranger, Pirate and Tamer.
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Favorite DQ7 class?
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Favorite DQ7 monster vocation?
they are all garbage besides
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im taking a break from the internet, good bye /dqg/
Be well
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Claiming this thread for Bianca, the queen of Gotha
I'll miss you, anon.
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shepherds are funny
35 days until DQ Day
I rabu Jessica!
New thread motherfuckers
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The roamers are basically just inbred pikey aren't they?
Yes, up until CHADfer's powerful genes fixed them.
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O-our day?
>Deborah will never keep calling you her servant through her moans while riding you

Why live....
>Debora will never steal your breakfast
>ywn tame Debora
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DQIX magazine spread from the UK magazine Nitro!. The game was rated 3 bolts, meaning MEGA!, which is the highest rating offered by the magazine.
Zenethin Trilogy:

Dragon Quest IV: Best Cast
Dragon Quest V: Best Story
Dragon Quest VI: ?????
Best lost opportunity
The real DQ VI is Chrono Trigger
I want to be pegged by the DQ11 loli...
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Nera and Bianca are the best!
Turdbora fags need not reply
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Best world. DQ6 was the first time the world itself had a persistent element of mystique to it beyond "the monsters are acting up again". Having the player navigate both worlds to solve conflicts was great on top of the way exploration gradually opens up the more you play. DQ7 of course did something similar with its setup but the concept in my opinion wasn't as well integrated to the general gameplay or story.
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>le bewbs XD
Jess has a shit personality and a butter face, similar to Debora
>The real DQ VI is Chrono Trigger
some people aren't ready to face this truth
>Having the player navigate both worlds to solve conflicts was great on top of the way exploration gradually opens up the more you play.
Zelda A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time did this concept in a less schizo way around the same timeframe.
Druid. I like the "Special Summon" skill, and he overpowered elemental attacks.
Black Bishop, for the spell list.
I guess you really didn't like the Monsters in V huh?

Your opinion on Debora is shit! SHIT!
Jade and Jessica both were kinda wasted huh? In the formers case, Serena and Veronica contributed much more (one literally died saving the MC). In the latters, I can't really think of much Jessica contributed other than burning some vines. Granted, Medea wasn't any better due to being a horse but Jessica could have done a bit more.
>You're the thousandth person to use the tunnel! you win 2000 casino tickets
>talk to everyone at the casino and can't get the tickets
what the hell is going on???
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Wot's Yangus givin' the 'orse princess the stink eye for?
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Jade entire raison d'être was to atone the mistake she thought she made letting baby Eleven die. As such, when she finds out you lived her entire character arc is finished and she simply exists, reason why she "has the personality of a door", barely interacting with anyone but the player onwards.
Jessica is also misused cause she actually succeed in avenging her brother but instead of leaving the party she kinda stays there with the faint hint of having fallen in love with the hero.
The japs just wanted boobs let's be real.
Good thing we enlightened westerners have outgrown fun things.
I haven't.
I'm pretty sure you get the tokens right then and there.
Who are actually the best handled DQ females writing wise in your eyes anon?
she is so sexy in that
Breed Maribel repeatedly while she shit talks you.
AI wife fozu
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I missed this. Cute that you caught up.
I want to watch some more tomorrow or something.
Writing wise? Nera for sure.
Lassie stops being a yes-woman, finds resolve for herself and her family and becomes a heroine while mother of two. The fact someone so caring like her couldn't experience early motherhood also gives a bit of melancholy to the whole mix . Not even a nerafag but she is by far the one that changes the most out of all wives. Shame that gameplay wise we don't really experience that.
Serena was about to be the same but act 3 exists.
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>Check out www.begindragonquest.co.uk/ for loads more!
>doesn't exist
wonder what veronica anon is going post. speaking of which, I wonder when Ireburn will show up in Tact. they have been doing true DQ# events with MC in the events.
Tips for gambling in V?
Make use of saving, and save after each decent-big win, may take an hour or two but you will get more than enough to buy everything in that time.
i should replay builders 2
will do
manifesting divine bustier vero
savescum lol
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I hate shores like this glad I picked Bianca
Best girl and taming her with my dick was worth it.
Yeah lets go. My sleep schedule is pushed back an hour or so. Should be easier to stay awake.
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Happy Bianca day.
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Angelo and ms titty look very nice in this image
Even after all these DQVII posts I can't understand why people like it so much. Last year I began playing all DQ games because I was going to awajima and had only played I and XI, had a lot of fun with II to VI but VII is so goddamn boring. I can't bring myself to keep playing and I just got to the volcano island, when does this game get good and fun?
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>He completely super hates Aishe and wants her to die
wtf anon
W-who? I don't even know who that is... I only have MC, Kiefer and Maribel... Maribel is kinda cute but I don't really like her... is that a cute girl you find later? If so it may help me want to keep playing...
Yes. But it'll be some time before then.
Yes, just give it 50 hours.
I hate VII
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How do I beat this blue shithead in DQ4?
Make sure oojam is first in line and if youve already done that get some levels
line placement matters?
Generally monsters will prefer to target whoever's in the frontmost slot. As far as I'm aware this is true for the entire series.
Monsters attack people at the front more often
Just level up a bit more bro. MC, Alena, Kiryl/Meena and Borya is a good party.
Just went through V again...I always get a kick out of the ending dancing scene when you have picked Debora for your bride compared to Bianca/Nera.
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Almost done with IX, and in a lot of ways, it is disappointing.

- I don't like how the vocation system works, although I do like what they did with the skill system of VIII.
- I didn't care about any of the stories after you get the boat, but the ones before that point, even if they were thematically kinda samey, were pretty entertaining.
- I like that alchemy makes the items instantly, but I do not like having to return to Stornway every time I want to create a new item.
- Since the only items you find in the overworld are ingredients, if you don't care about alchemy, the exploration doesn't feel rewarding at all.
- Coup de Grâce is pure wasted potential. You can save the limit between fights, so you can't use it strategically, and since it also triggers completely randomly and their effects aren't that interesting, you can't consistently rely on them.
- The map and locations aren't visually interesting.

Here's hoping the final stretch leaves me with a good impression.
>You can save the limit between fights
>if you don't care about alchemy, the exploration doesn't feel rewarding at all.
It's still a massive step up from the previous games which had literally nothing in the overworld (Aside from 8 which did have stuff hidden on nooks and crannies)
>Here's hoping the final stretch leaves me with a good impression.
If you have the right autism the postgame could consume your life. Doubt that'll happen to you since you don't care for the vocation system, though. Either way, I found a lot of the the early game story stuff generally more engaging while in the late game messing with vocation stuff got more fun, so I'm afraid your opinion is unlikely to change.
I'm playing X and the way Coup de Grâce is just random is super weird yeah
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It's a very cute touch.
The interaction with the guy who badmouths Pankraz still might be my favorite bit of party chat.
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Mario could probably befriend anyone.
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Would any of the DQ Heroes befriend Mario in Smash?
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My bad, I forgot my image when I posted that.
Play Dragon Quest X (10)
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remember that Mario is a fellow jrpg hero himself
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DQIX question: I am going on vacation to the states from Australia and planning to bring my copy of DQIX to play with a bro. Can we local multiplayer between regions? Or will I have to get a flashcart and put a US copy on it? Cheers.
I believe you can since back on the day you could trade maps with japs in Japan while having the us version of IX.
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Cute and funny
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Best girls
>there's another bait thread about DQXII filled with FF fans seething about Square Enix
XII's release is going to be a shitshow on this site, isn't it?
Why make Veronica the half naked one
I wish we could buy X without having to resort to bannable offences on Steam. It's actually kinda dumb how many games from Japan are region locked for no reason.
FFags are in panic mode because their series can't stop flopping.
>can buy every Nobunaga's Ambition and Romance of the Three Kingdoms game on steam, despite 90% of them being only in Japanese without even fan translations
>DQX Offline is STILL region locked
Absurd. Guess they don't want retards to buy it?
Does steam give a shit if you buy just DQX (or just one region locked game in general)? I've been looking around and have seen people saying that as long as you aren't a consistent offender, the most that will happen is the game getting removed from your account.
don't blame them seeing how the localization of pso2 went, and how ff14 is now
I meant moreso people buying the game and missing a warning that would say "NOT AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH".
theres plenty of other games like that on steam already though I think its just square being square and not wanting to even give gaijin a chance
Does anyone have any good ways to get Japanese currency that I can use on steam to switch my region?
Using a VPN to make a Japanese account also doesn't seem to work anymore, so I'll have to switch via using local currency.
Follow up is, if I buy the game on a separate account, and then switch that account's region back to my own country later on, would I be able to family share the Japanese exclusive games I would have bought in that time? Pretty damn niche question I guess. If not I'll just do this on my main.
>inb4 you'll get banned
Personality-wise, Veronica as the Maya equivalent makes sense.
plus the fire too. I really just want to see serena in maya's dancer costume, as opposed to more of her own.
I don't know about that. Veronica and Meena as the responsible tard wrangler sister and Serena and Maya as the tard seems like the clear parallel.
In the Abel episode that DQ11 borrowed Veronica and Serena's debut story from, it was Meena in the Veronica role and Maya in the Serena role.
I'm going to agree with the other anon cause to me the parallels are simply Meena and Serena as introverts and Maya and Vero as extroverts.
maya is more of a tard then serena. serena isnt really tarded.
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I want a new wallpaper.
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>Eat any good books lately?
You can change your account to another region if you prove you "live" there with an address, id and/or phone number. After that you must wait another 90 days to change regions again. These are the official rules if you're visitor or moving to said country. The thing is that if you're going to rely on a VPN to do every step here; the chances of you getting a ban are very, very high.

IMHO you should just pirate the game.
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Is the game bugged or something why can't I zoom in on her?
you can't zoom in on female monsters or charactera.
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What the hell is this?
Kiefer is the one who started the whole adventure with the other characters just tagging along and now this. Please tell me he comes back soon.
He's gone,anon. Let it go.
I'm with you anon. I like the stories more than you did. I really wanted to love the game. And I would if the item system wasn't so tedious, and the vocations and combat were more engaging.

I'm shocked at the amount of normies who like the game frankly, but I think they're running off nostalgia mostly.
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how do i get my gf to dress like maya
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Just use the equip menu
Post your charisma stat
thats not in dragon quest
my ds wont turn on is it over bros
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...and Veronica.
i dont like how these scenes look
Just me that wishes they shouldn't dropped the concept of trilogies?
But I guess when the mainline titles slowdown to almost one per decade, that happens.
theyre trilogies but they also arent. its cool to play V after IV and see wow zenthia i recognize that! but its not that big of a deal
I like the ones we got, but I prefer the games being standalone.
Do you think Debora talked shit to Madason while fucking him?
That seems like more of a Maribel thing.
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i love art like this thanks for posting
Yeah, how are they carrying all those crates 'n shit around
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>Do you think Debora talked shit to Madason while fucking him?
She does, and he definitely thinks it's funny.
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In the bag, where they put all their excess stuff.
Sylvando is so funny
Shit, I forgot about the bag
Did Serena win?
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Some journo (works for rpgsite, don't know anything about him) said this in regards to Square's lineup this year on Twitter. Obviously, this means nothing. But those of us desperately seeking news take what we can get.
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Forgot to say earlier, but I'll be streaming some more DB in about 3 hours. I'll post the link to the room before we start.
Sorry, still busy devvan stuff. I'll post new art tomorrow.
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In every reincarnation
Starting in about half an hour.
so 9anime became aniwave
>bulma at school
>Jaco retconned her graduating university at 5?>>474861890
I think the explanation is that she was skipping teaching school, which is kind of a cute idea.
Dragon Quest.
So, what do other DQfags like outside of DQ?
For me, it's
>Dragon Ball/Slump
>Detective Conan
>Resident Evil
I only play DQ4 on repeat
Is Rocket Slime 3 worth beating? 2 is one of my favorite games ever but 3 has been pretty disappointing so far, and unless I'm missing something I still haven't unlocked crewmembers yet. Does it get better?
>Debora: All the pain Grandmasters Nimzo has caused my dear family....I'll make him pay

Chrono Trigger is my favorite Dragon Quest game.
Dragon Quest is a series dating back to the 80s that has far too many sequels that are all the same, so it's natural that I should also enjoy the platforming series dating back to the 80s that has far too many sequels that are all the same.
I enjoy Metroid
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Tokusatsu and TRPGs.

Currently learning Sword World (aka the TRPG that was only made because the people that had the D&D IP at the time rejected a project with the creators of Lodoss War, so they went to make their own system), I'm planning to run a long campaign to my group of friends, estimating around 8 months to 1 year.
Monster Hunter
thanks for streaming.
among other things
Thanks for coming by. Shame we ended on a pretty boring episode, but pirate robot is still a cool design.
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Monster Hunter
One Piece
Monster Collection genre in general. (i.e. Digimon, SMT, Yo-Kai Watch, etc.)
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>foreign master
>has metal slime
>almost kill every monster but the metal slime while feeding meat
>the metal slime uses Massacre and kills itself

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Why does the story of DQM3 blow so much?
That's it.
Finished DQIV for the first time
I liked a lot the 1st half of the game but the 2nd half is a downgrade
i mean, it would be about damn time for them to at least show something, it's been 3 years
that sounds pretty interesting, any "current thing" one might get into about it?
i don't have friends interested in anything tabletop so that's out
2nd half is basically DQ3 part 2, and I liked DQ3 so I liked it too.
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Imagine jobbing to two toddlers.
Yotsubato, One Piece, some other manga
Some western cartoons
Cheers, Police Squad, and one or two other shows from around then
I don't play games all that often outside of DQ but relatively recently played Case of the Golden Idol and replayed Ace Attorney 3

It really didn't do anything with the chapter structure past that point, which was a bit of a let down.
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I finished IX. I have little more to add to what I said before, except that I like Corvus and Serena's story, even if it feels like a retread of Psaro and Rose from DQ IV. It is a shame that both this and all the stuff related to the empire were brought up pretty late into the game. Given how little I cared about Stella, I can't say I found the ending sad at all. Maybe if the game had party chat and allowed me to talk to her instead of her showing up at specific moments in the story, I could have taken a liking to her, but alas. I already did Jonas's post-credit story, and I roamed around on the Starflight Express for a while, but I'm not going to bother with the side-quests and the grinding, which seem to be the main focus of this entry. Time to give X a chance now
> first boss jobs to two toddlers
> last boss too
It all comes together.
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FSN and Metroid
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Zelda, Pokemon until BW2, Paper Mario up until TTYD, shoujo manga
Why people dislike DQ6?
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I like all kinds of other videogames.
phone game devs with no talent
I wish level-5 would develop DQ again
DQ XI was originally released almost 7 years ago.
>shoujo manga
Which ones?
>The time difference between DQXI and now is the same as DQI and DQV
Puts in perspective how quick these games were coming out back in the day.
In another timeline DQ9 is an action RPG
Game releases in the late 80s and 90s were incredible. What a pace. I guess way more games are released every year now overall, but I'm talking about releases within ongoing series.
I remember reading about this years ago and initially thinking it was an idea they considered early on but later abandoned But they actually featured it in a trailer, so they put some amount of work into it before the backlash
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A manline action game...the series would have changed forever
Imagine if it's XII
Wasn't there early comments about intending to change the battle system for XII?
Not to become an action game, but a different kind of turn-based RPG (or even just a big gimmick slapped on the top of what we already have?)
The comment Horii made was pretty vague. There've been a lot of assumptions and speculation, but no one has any idea what he really meant, and it's also been so long now since he said it that things could've changed completely.
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>check guide
>every panel has a cute statue of a protag
>make it to XII
>see picrel
>check date
>january 2023
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More footage of the early version of IX
This would be a neat spin-off, just not as a mainline.
Apparently, at some point in development, they debated whether it should be a spin-off or a main installment, according to an interview between Iwata and Horii.
Why does youtube started spamming anime muscles female clips to me all of a sudden? Anyways, are there muscle DQ girls ?
warrior dq3
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DQIII's female warrior, before Toriyama forgot how to draw muscles. Maybe Daisy from Abel or Maam from Dai if you want to be extremely generous.
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I really don't like this type of gameplay
>no panties

I can't be...
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Oops, can't have that
Erdrick doesn't wear panties either.
Kissing Serena's forehead while she eats...
I like this Your Story for all the wrong reasons. Dragon Quest V is my favorite Dragon Quest game and when they announced the movie I was already expecting something average.
At least an adventure movie with romance and their children would be good, but when I watched the film I was most of the time irritated by the pacing. ''Why didn't they cut it?''. ''Why didn't they develop the romance better?'' ''Why did it take a potion for him to change his mind?''
Some scenes didn't make sense to anyone who had never played the game and that bothered me.
However, at the same time I was really enjoying the aesthetics of the film. It felt like a Dragon Quest made by Dreamworks.
And then came the plot twist at the end. I was already waiting for Nimzo to appear and the movie to have a generic ending but OUT OF NOWHERE things change
This film is not about DQV. It's about a DQV player playing a DQV Remake VR in the future and in the end he is attacked by a hacker. The idea is stupid, but it saved me from the disappointment of having watched a ''bad adaptation of DQV''
Of course, I think this film would be better if it had cut some things (the confusing beginning + some useless parts for the film like the plot twist with the orbs + the plot twist at the end) and made the entire movie focused on Madason/Luca's family with Bianca or Nera against Ladja (No need for Nimzo) but I don't hate this movie thanks the stupid ending
Also I like the movie design. It's not Toriyama but it's not bad too
The only good thing about Your Story is the soundtrack.
But that already existed
I actually like the twist. It's a great message. My real issue with the movie is that the story is rushed. It should've been at least 2 movies.
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How are you, John?
Is 11 better than 8?
I need a Dragon Quest hit.
I just watched a non-manipulated run of Dragon Warrior 1 and it was really interesting and I did it myself and it's fun because it's all about break points in an otherwise linear game. Plus I felt excited going to areas I wouldn't have as a kid at lower levels.
Just played 3 recently last year too.
I liked the art
Nevermind. I'm getting it.
After all why wouldn't I? I never even got to play 8 for more than about 10 hours when it came out and I want to see where Dragon Quest is today, especially knowing there's a new one on the horizon.
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Canonically, Erdrick is female.
That's the ONLY way we know for sure they're her descendants and that some princess didn't just cuck the male hero.
Just like we know the princes and princess are descendants of princess Gwaelin.
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Ashlynn begins doing something...just...disgusting! Something HORRIBLY disgusting! Everyone pretends to ignore her!
Both are good
Unless Ashlynn got two left hands what the fuck is going on with this picture?
I haven’t played dragon quest xi yet, should i play it in 2d or 3d mode? I feel like 2d mode will be immersive and i already like old dragon quest games, and a lot of people seem to complain about the lack of expression of the protag in 3d mode
3D mode is better. 2D mode is closer to the awful switch ports then it is to any of the actual old dragon quest games
2D mode could be a novel way to replay the game, but without a doubt go 3D for the first time.
Big ass, big forehead. Dream girl.
is getting the gringham whip worth it. Im half way there in the casino and I think only nimzo is left
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What the others have said. 2D mode is really just more of a side-bonus thing. Absolutely not meant to be someone's first time experiencing it. The Protag's stone cold face is the only exception, everyone else expresses plenty.
Plus, if you're playing XI S (which you should), there's an optional thing unlocked early on that's entirely in 2D anyways, even if you're playing in the normal 3D mode.
I never finished tickington because I dont like the 2D in this game.
I finished it on my first playthrough but yeah, not much motivation to do it again in others.
>closer to the awful switch ports then it is to any of the actual old dragon quest games
But the switch ports are also the old dq games
the switch ports are soulles the old games are soul
The Switch ports look and feel cheap. XI S's 2D mode isn't as bad as those, but it does have that feel to it. The out of place HD text, the lack of monster animations, the weird battle speed problems, it all makes it feel like an afterthought.
And those games were better than XI, i want to go back
the ps1 art for IV is the best art in the series
Two out of three of those were problems with the original 2D mode, so the only thing that changed there was the text.
PS1 IV as a whole is just a great game
if every remake was like it people would never complain about them
I see people complaining about V and VI's remakes all the time, and they are exactly like PS1 IV.
Wasn't the art for that version done by an understudy or something?
It's OK, but it's not as lively as the art from the original (peak Toriyama) or the fresh art for VII and VIII around that time. I'm really not a fan of the PS1 version of Sofia.
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I'll never not be a fan of comfy downtime.
It’s not as lively but I like how clean it is but still not digital
She doesn't look like a dragon..........
Did they ever... you know...?
any tips for DQVIII post game?
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3DS I assume? If so Grind Slimes and put Red in your party at all times. If PS2? Grind slimes at Slime hill. It'll just take longer.
The collection grows.
I play a bit of everything really, but my fav franchises outside of DQ are Metroid, Monster Hunter, Kirby, and probably a bunch others. Also been replaying Spider-Man PS4 and Pizza Tower recently. Outside of vidya, I like to cook, read manga, watch anime, and build PCs. I'm currently building my first NAS. Gonna run TrueNAS Scale on it and use it primarily for Jellyfin and file storage.
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very based anon
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best girl
Starting to think I should have turned on Super tough monsters and no weak monster exp.
For the past week I've been laughing to myself that DQ1 hero picking up his ancestor's hero gear is just him finding DQ3 Hero's loot.
You could have had any armor and weapon when you beat that game and I just think it's funny that DQ1 is risking his life against enemies that will put him to sleep and kill him at level 12-14 (speedrun strats) to pick up vendor trash.
It's very autistic and very niche but it's the best chuckling I've done all year.
>The out of place HD text,
I hate this too, but it dawned on me recently why this is so common. No one in Japan wants to read low resolution kanji ever again lmao. I don't blame them
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Has anybody else here read Bonfire NEET?
Cute and saved.
Tough monsters is 100% required to enjoy the game.
I like Inomata's art and I still can't believe she died 9 days after Toriyama.
I am so mad. I just spent the last hour fighting Nimzo only for him to start spamming desperate attacks killing my party.
Claiming Bianca for Kon, king of the anthropomorphic horses. The thread now passes to its rightful queen Debbie.
>shitborafag is a cuckfag
not surprised, only a masochist cuck would pick that literal who cunt
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May Mutsumi Inomata rest in peace. Her art will always be remembered
What does this face convey?
I'm playing V for the first time and just got the zoom spell and returned to Coburg. Harry's letter legitimately made me a little misty-eyed.
He's a true bro.
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What is her problem?
She's just getting some exercise.
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Clerical faces convey piety.
>not posting the gif
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That's a modded screenshot that removes her buttcape thing.
But I can post it for you instead.
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Thank you anon.
Very cute.
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Would Cleric and Flattress get along?
healers and tanks are best friends since ancient times
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Oh good.
At the snow area in DQ Heroes II, and even with the latest weapon upgrades, I feel like even regular enemies are being awful spongy. Is it supposed to be like this, or have I somehow ended up horribly underleveled? I'm not gaining all that much xp by killing anything though, so that doesn't sound right.
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Why is she so tall
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>Metal slime appears
>Everyone is like, "Holy shit! Get him! Don't let that shit get away!"
I'm loving DQ11.
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"Tomorrow" was days ago.
The Master of Destruction's GF is the cutest!
Maybe he died?
What's the highest number of zing failures you've had in a row? Mine's 9.
6 just today.
Fuck you, Kyrill you dumb russian simp
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/dqg/ bros, starting May 1st I'm gonna get off my ass and take another shot at learning Japanese. All 3 of the rpgs I was looking forward to this year have had localization fuckery and Eiyuden's the straw that broke the camel's back. I doubt I'll be fluent enough to play DQXII in Japanese when it releases, but I hope I will one day.
Is this still the guide people recommend using?
You think it's stupid that sometimes i unironically ponder which dq game world i'd like to reincarnate in after i die
Not at all, sounds like a fun thing to fantasize about.
But you can't just post that without giving us your current answer.
Not sure about effectiveness but there's a dedicated general for learning japanese on /int/ last time I checked
Thanks, found it and that guide I linked seems to be the one from their OP, nice.
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i'd reincarnate into dqx because dying and then reincarnating only to die again and possess a corpse is funny
Same old story. Anons start here, then bail once they realize there's nothing to gain. Can't turn (You)s into commissions or sales, after all.
Not any more stupid than me thinking about going back in time with my computer and just being like, "Hey Miyamoto! Check this shit out!"
Hey, me too, anon! All it takes is time and practice and we'll get there.

Shigeru or Musashi?
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>Hey, me too, anon! All it takes is time and practice and we'll get there.
Good luck bro!
I wonder how badly you can fuck up the videogame timeline if you went back and beat each mario game like a speedrunner would.
Dragon Quest Paizuri.
new mobile game?!
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I'll learn Japanese for it.
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Akino is currently speedrunning all DQ games back to back. This time in chronological order. He is currently at DQ3.
Will he beat his old record? We will know in the coming days.

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>see three seconds of gameplay
>want to replay dq3 again
madlad. godspeed.
Watching this
Made me replay DQ1. It's a lot of fun when you look at it the way speedrunners have to. I would never go into that cave but it makes sense because you get money faster. Also there's no rule saying you can't have the broadsword until a certain level. And I would go to Rimuldar at like level 12, not 8, lol.
Everything up to Erdrick's Armor is very very interesting. After that you're just on the grind until you have enough stats to not die to the Dragon Lord. Unfortunate but what can you do?
They managed to make an almost very tight start to finish game on the first try. And Enix doesn't need my praise, it clearly worked for them.
I’d reincarnate into 4
If I choose six, do I run the risk of finding out I was only a dream?
You're not getting brown fortune teller/dancer paizuri
I NEED it.
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Veronica wearing the Dangerous Swimsuit '23 and wielding the Charming Ribbon.
Love how DQ just put front and center the "She's actually not a child, she's ____ years old" witch trope.
When we first hear about Veronica it's all about how she was captured in a bath house so your first thought is...
Akira be horny in heaven.
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cute robo wife
Grilled Metal Scorpion claws.
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Fuck forgot image. Now my shitty joke is ruined.
I've seen a few people playing as arale in DQX and zero gokus or any other dragon ball characters for that matter
glad to know DQX players have great taste
I saw a frieza and saiyaman. Oh and some chrono trigger cosplays before.
Nice work!
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do NOT play any DQ tomorrow.
Sure, no problem, I got a backlog to clear out anyway.
>*plays Dragon Quest anyway*
I think I will play Dragon Quest tomorrow to spite you.
Man, going back and playing some of these games just makes me feel old as fuck, even though I'm only 37. I still remember looking up videos to see what people did differently than me in the early days of YT only to realize that was 20 years ago. Fuck.
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It's already tomorrow and I'm already playing some. I should go to bed though.
where do the tobal #1 characters hang out
i just started this game like a week ago I have no idea
i was joking lol, i'd be surprised if there were any
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Start a trend.
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i just hit level 80 i don't wanna
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Five, i think. I'd just work as a bartender in Roundbeck or something.
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IX won.
>not divine bustier
not like this.
>dangerous swimsuit 23
the what now?
looks great tho
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Dragon Ball tonight (8 and a half hours from now).
Link when it's almost time.
I might not make it since i need to be awake at 1am pst
How did the koreans manage to cook a better bunny suit than whatever DQ has provided in ages?
There's no rush. We could always put it off.
You free out of touch on your old ways, old man
I would be free tomorrow.
Im still hip and cool.
this is a dragon quest thread
That is true.
Ayo he's me fr fr ong
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I feel more like this every day.
this is canonically how /dqg/ looks
I think I got Maribel pregnant after last night....
Why is Borya on the slots?
Using crack to stop the slots on the jackpot. He's the only one who can do it.
im morrie
I turned 34 today.
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GIGANTIC mammaries.
Happy Birthday anon.
Thanks, lads
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It should have been Deborah...and she should have stepped on his crotch
Me on the far right
Happy Birthday Anon, I'll be 35 at the end of this summer.
deborah fags are disgusting
Huh I've... actually legitimately never married her even though I've played the game three times.
Works for me then.
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happy birthday anon
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is /dqg/ really just bunch of ojisans like me?
I'm 35
I'm 33. It's true.
I remember my dad playing DQ1 and when he cast a spell the numbers would change and I didn't know what was going on (he cast heal).
I have many a fond memory of fighting in the peninsula with Wyverns, Wolflords, Goldmen, and Wraiths south of the mountain cave.
38, baby
I need a comic where Dragonlord tries to bully a level 18 Erdrick's descendant but Erdrick and his party are behind the Dragonlord decked out in their final gear at level 30.

If only I had any artistic talent...
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I turn 36 in 2 months.
I'll be 43 on the 26th of May
I turn 35 in half a year. I also hope to see that girl at mass again.
Same as this anon. >>475541912
I'm just a baby, I'm only 31.
I’m 25
I’m just 20
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sleep tight, goler
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Did Koichi Sugiyama directed orchestras to play music other than his compositions?
Also, I hate that the symphonic suites combine three pieces in one track.
That's what a suite is. A set of musical pieces considered as one composition.
>Did Koichi Sugiyama directed orchestras to play music other than his compositions?
He must have, since you don't magically acquire the skill to direct an orchestra
Just go to Alltrades Abbey, switch to the Composer vocation, then beat up some slimes in a tablet with no level cap. Zero to Jerry Goldsmith in about 30 minutes.
How long is Dragon Quest VI???
How good is the game after beating Murdaw? Not a fan of grinding for vacations
30-35 hours
Don’t really need to grind vocations unless you really want to
No dying
i'm 29 and my first game was VIII
in my defense, i'm also a yuro
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DB stream in 9 hours. For real this time.
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>Not the seventh
You lost
The kingdom and a horse.
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On a quest back to page 10
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Page 6 :p
Starting in about half an hour.
You lil devil :p
Where are the news?
They arrive in 27 days.
This is the newest >>475699041
this hentai artstyle reminds me of a doujin or hentai manga i've read 15 years ago

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I fucking love onions, let me at 'em
Am I losing out on much if I play DQ8's PS2 version instead of the 3DS version? From my understanding, here's what it has over the PS2 version:
>Some skill rebalancing
>Option to save skill points (I'm assuming you have to use them right away in the PS2 version)
>A fast forward (probably negligible with ultra turbo mode from PCSX2)
>Additional story
>2 extra party members
>You can apparently marry the girl with big tits
>Some shit about alchemy that's more convenient in the 3DS version
>Field enemies instead of random encounters

I'll probably have fun either way, I'm just really not in the mood to play with two fucking screens so I'm asking the experts here (you motherfuckers) if it's really that big of a deal which version of Dairy Queen 8 someone plays. And yes, I know the 3DS version can be modded.
Sounds like you're set on the PS2 version, so just play that one. If you really care about the additional story details (it's not really much) then watch a video on it.
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That's pretty much it, but there are a couple of other things:
>Full heal on level up in the 3DS version (arguably hurts the challenge)
>Menus in the PS2 version were redone for the western release and are kind of weird and ugly, 3DS kept the normal menus
>Photography side activity in the 3DS version
To me the main thing is the field enemies, VIII has big open overworld areas and the visible encounters are less annoying and liven it up a lot. The extra party members are nice but you don't get them until very late.
It's a wash.
>Option to save skill points (I'm assuming you have to use them right away in the PS2 version)
Yes, and if I remember correctly you also have an upper limit on how many points you can dump into a single skill based on your current level.
Honestly, the 3DS version isn't any better or worse than the PS2 version. It's more or less the same game, on account of being a port with some modifications. It just has a few more options and a different encounter system.
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All right cool, thanks for the info and confirmation.
My wife Red alone is worth it in the 3DS version. Plus she's broken
That's pretty good.
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Who did Erdrick canonically marry?
Zoma I think
sometimes i wonder why i even got treasures and the dark prince physically instead of digitally due to the amount of GB it contains. Hell, the deluxe edition for TDP gives you the burgundy outfit alongside the three pieces of DLC. honestly wish i could get more costumes in TDP. Meanwhile builders was actually worth purchasing.
In my opinion?
PS2 version emulated(with on/off random encounter cheat if you want a better experience) and watch the new cutscenes in Youtube after you beat the game
>Cheat to turn off random encounters
NTA but ugh that sounds nasty.
I can get behind fast-forward in emulation but not this.
Dragonlord's grandma
so Zoma
zoma it is then
Has anyone here played DQX offline with ENG translation patch?
Did you have fun?
Any tips?
Thanks for streaming anon. I was so tired yesterday my eyes started blurring from episode 1.
Fun episodes. The next ones are great aswell. See you next time.
I'm gonna marry page 10!
My beloved 10bora
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Haven't played it yet but there is at least one anon here who has dumped hundreds and hundreds of hours into the game, so it's probably pretty good.
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The DLC tablets available in DQVII (3DS) were doomed when Nintendo made the decision to shut down their servers, but a dedicated fan was able achieve then preserve all of them
we already knew
please never post shitty gaming news sites ever again
Why didn't we get other ports of DQVII besides the mobile port that's JP exclusive?
Honestly, why haven't they ported DQIV to VI to any platform besides mobile?
This fucking company.
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No, 19. DQ is just that appealing and Squenix is dumb for making ff grindmark
why the hell haven't we gotten mobile ports of the Zenith trilogy for switch?
First DQ was when I was like 13, played the DS version of DQV.
It's genuinely astounding. There has to be some reason for it, right? Like, instead of only 3 being remade, it's a 1 - 6 collection, which would also explain why that's taken so long. Of course that's not what I expect to be the case, but just as an example.
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How big was the last dragon that you gained experience from?
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f l a t
perhaps DQ Day will have it. speaking of which, DQVI never got a 3D version unlike IV and V correct?
What does "3D version" mean? Either VI got one or IV didn't, depending on how you look at it.
PS2 version
IV never got anything like that. The PS1 version is basically the same as the DS version.
this is good, SE is realizing they've been giving big budgets to shitty games
It feels like every 6 months Square Enix has an epiphany about how stupid they've been, then they proceed to continue being exactly the same
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who is this semen demon
Good thing Dragon Quest doesn't get any HD games.
I would replay all of them with HD remakes.
Including and especially 1. No changes to enemy and player numbers. No changes to items or prices, only fix the chest bug and the dragon scale bug.
Maybe make the Warrior's Ring do something.
Maybe not.
Make the overworld music have like 3 different themes, the sad one, the triumphant one, etc.
Same battle music but give it a few flavors as well.
Good morning.
Just wait for the Blockchain Final Fantasy. It will make bajillions. Well or not.
I hope DQM3 is still coming to PC.
XI PS4 was kind of HD, I think.
not yet!!!!
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What's up guys?
Jesus Christ how horrifying
This is the kind of Easter egg they needed to program into 3.
Low chance of encountering it. Code it so there's only ever 1.
and make it run away
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You now remember Island Breeze
piss off.
Games ought to have fun creepypasta type shit in them that the devs deny they put in. I want a 1-in-20,000,000 chance of some weird shit happening.
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The internet ruined stuff like that. Can't keep a secret for 5 minutes anymore.
DQ fighting game when?
get to work
DQ news when?
In 25 days.
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Is this in the game?
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Flowing Dresses have been a series staple since their introduction in II.
Water Flying Cloth...
New link just dropped
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I'm replaying XIS. I installed the mod that turns off the minimap, and it makes the game so much better. I don't know why some developers insist on implementing that sort of stuff when the only thing they achieve is that the players are going to spend more time looking at the minimap than what's in front of them. It is especially irritating in XI because the maps are so linear that they don't need that sort of help.
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Really weird choice in DQ1 for the first Golem enemy you meet to be the Goldman.
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How many days does it take to beat Dragon Quest VII??? I intend to play the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VIII but I want to give 7 a chance too. Is it worth interspersing the two? Or is it better to play one at a time? Which do you recommend playing first?
I beat the OG first back in 2010 and took little more than an month due to work, I did spend the weekends playing the game though, while in my neet days it took me little more than two weeks as I spend all day playing the game.
Never played the remake.
Dragon Quest Gangsters unite
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*enters the thread*
Why are we this fucking dead atm? Haven't seen it this bad for half a year. Last week was pretty lively aswell.
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I think it took me 70-80 hours, spread out over the course of a month and a half-ish (Working full-time). I think it's worth playing VII first because despite its problems it has some really great moments and also going directly from VII -> VIII is funny because VIII basically acknowledges most of VII's flaws, intentionally and not and ends up being extra refreshing. I wouldn't recommend playing two JRPGs at the same time personally, but that's entirely up to you.
We're building Tension for DQ Day.
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I've been keeping busy.
It's not just /dqg/, the entire site feels dead. Threads that were pretty lively one or two years ago are now ghost towns that either die 200 posts in or need a week (sometimes multiple weeks or months) to reach bump limit.
I guess I'm at fault, too, because I stopped posting as much. Though the overall quality of threads has dropped significantly, so I feel less inclined to post.
We're lucky we got the Bump Limit update a few years ago. I don't think /dqg/ could exist without it anymore, considering how fast we reach page 10 now.
What's there to talk about?
No new games in years, no remakes, no rereleases on steam even.
DQX still locked in japan, not even the offiline one will be released outside of asia.
SquareEnix is still terminally retarded.
I mean, sure, Bianca is my waifu. That's all. No more topics, dude.
The 3DS version or PS1 version?
Which one is better?
>No new games in years
Treasures, Monsters 3, and Infinity Strash all came out last year, dude. No need to exaggerate.
I played the PSX version, but my understanding is both versions have their pros and cons. I personally lean towards the original because the monster sprites are really nice, it's easier to fast forward through when emulating, and I'm old. 3DS ditches random encounters though which may or may not be a huge selling point.
>Treasures, Monsters 3, and Infinity Strash all came out last year, dude
Right, no good games then. Talking how garbage these are only gets us so far.
Anyhow, 27th May is theoretically our best bet but they haven't featured anything relevant in the past few years.
>3DS ditches random encounters though which may or may not be a huge selling point.
It's not. The way it was done it makes very little difference.
Only in dungeons, but you're going to be in dungeons a lot of the time anyhow.
The Unknown Page 10
the very known page 10
>No new games in years
Other anon already talked about that, in addition to DQX being mostly playable in English now.
>no remakes
>no rereleases on steam even
DQB got put on steam like two months ago.
>DQX still locked in japan, not even the offiline one will be released outside of asia.
And it doesn't matter because you can still play it in English.
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>own most DQ games on steam
>don't play any of them
>instead continue to emulate other DQ games
Maybe one day I'll play XI.
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You should play XI.
doing adult activities with Veronica
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Thats slime abuse ..
But you hate Slimes
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We love slimes
Then why are you always antagonizing them in Rocket Slime
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That was 20 years ago.
Literally Satan. Call the police.
DQ characters who have or would eat a slime
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Why would Veronica tempt /dqg/ like this bros...?
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Veronica wins again!
i fapped to veronica today.
There isn't one. It's something Anon is working on, and posts progress webms from time to time.
I don't know. I got it from here a while ago.
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>i fapped to veronica today.
Why is he sitting on pigmat?
Don't tell me there's a deranged maniac who took that picture who thinks it's real...
We can talk about square enix shutting down every non AAA game and one of the games on the chopping block was Builders 3 iirc. Also we can talk about DQX because its comfy
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"Behold! The most powerful spell of all."
I'm doing a Dragon Quest marathon and I've already finished: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,Builders 1 and 2, Treasures and Heroes 1/2.
What other Spin offs do you recommend? I want to play just the “best spin offs”
You gotta play Rocket Slime, Anon
Moving away from random battles was a mistake for RPGs.
There's not *nothing* inbetween towns and other set pieces.
There's peril. In case anyone has forgotten, the world is being destroyed.
You should have to spend resources to go farther unless you're a little more powerful than the area you're in.
bro your X?
you can solve the issue with on-screen monsters making them aggresively chase the player and blocking all sorts of paths
random encounters feel like a ruined orgasm when you want to explore
Etrian Odyssey fixes this with an indicator.
I don't know how you make the indicator loreful though.
The only other way to fix it is extensive map size testing.

Sometimes you need 4 battles in 5 steps so you can have a brain orgasm when you walk 70 steps with no battle.
>This wand always cast twhack
the best
Doragon Kuesuto Monsutāzu
>And it doesn't matter because you can still play it in English.
I literally can't. I live in a terrible shithole, i can't even get DeepL api.
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Its always X
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Sorry. I died.
I encountered 4 magicians in DQ2 at level 8.
How foolish of me.
How DARE you!
It was my fault, really.
I should have killed 2000 more big slugs first.
>go to small local sushi bar
>old japanese guy who owns it sees me, says "Oh anon, how good to see you again!"
>order one of his rolls
>packs in extra pieces of eel and an extra half a roll
What a blessed day.
There is no DQ message here.
That japanese guy who owns it?
His name is Fiver.
XII never ever…
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DQ FanGames/RomHacks?
How do you guys deal with the Class Grind in DQVI?
Try to play normally as long as possible, and if a grind has to happen, shut off the in-game music and my brain, put on a playlist, and grind.
The ones I'm aware of are Dragon Quest Plus (Remake of DQ1 with some extra bells and whistles, janky but fun) and Dragon Quest Legacy of the Lost (Have yet to play it, supposedly has some in depth monster taming), both made in RPG maker in English. There are some ROM hacks as well, such as DQ32 and a FF6 T-Edition/Brave New World style hack for DQ3 SFC (Its name escapes me) but they're JP-only. There's also a Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy crossover game in RPG Maker but that's also JP only, I think someone was working on a translation but I don't know how that's going or where to get more info.
by not playing VI ever again
By playing the DS version
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>Its name escapes me
That's it, thank you.
New chapter of peak just dropped.
I am seriously considering reading the rest in french now.
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The biggest machine so far.
jobs to a single metal slash
he's made of metal
okay you got me I don't actually know who that character is
is he made of flesh or something
does metal slash not work on killing machines and such
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Although made of metal is not a metal enemy that provides ton of exp like the metal slimes. That said, killing machines are the coolest species of monsters so I recommend checking all variations.
For years...
I've been metal slashing robots for years...
Isn't there a theory that true metal enemies are made of orichalcum? Is it true or holds as much weight as the wives were actually siblings or loftinians descend from Psaro.
Only in 6. Beyond that Metal Slash only deals damage to Metal Slimes and it's variants.
Can Opener is the skill that deals extra damage to machines.
Funnily enough, they are weak to zap attacks, semi consistently throughout the series
I am, just picked up Terry

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