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Red Forest hangout edition.

>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup? Find your crash log, stalker.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Quickstart Guide
>Mod Guide
>Miscellaneous Guide
>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Why Complete is bad and you shouldn't play it
>Performance Guides, Steam settings
>Common misconceptions about Shadow of Chernobyl game mechanics
>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Running STALKER. on Linux

Lost to the Zone >>473510861
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Mods and Repositories | Often outdated; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrade Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets



>Oblivion Lost Remake

>Joint Pak (Cumulative Pak, OP)

>Call of Chernobyl Repo

>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?
-skip_reg on the .exe starting path after " or if you're using CoC on Steam game>properties>set launch options
Alternatively, use this registry file https://mega.nz/#!uoYinJ7I!Lqj2DNIAkaVkcFUa1PLZzj80cVhAFK5D-9zbU2Iy5KI

>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

>Anons Call of Chernobyl Definitive Edition Repo:

>Shadows Addon + Anon's English translation

>C-Con Modlist
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How's OLR 3.0 treating you guys?
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good afternoon /sg/
>but you can't run
Is it because I have the stamina of a geriatric lung cancer patient or is it because I crash every couple of minutes?
Greetings, stalker.
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Download links for both Gamma and EFP to spite discordfags
is it unpacked or do you still have to use lmaopowershell
GAMMA? Yeah it's a bloated piece of shit that needs to run powershell to download its 100GB of mods. EFP is just extracting a 7gb archive into MO2 and you're good to go.
What is EFP like, exactly? Is it another spinoff from Anomaly?
Paraphrasing the Whatmod a little bit; it's a more straightforward recreation of Tarkov's gameplay in Anomaly. I've never played EFP, so that's all I can say.
Well, that sounds awful.
Howdy ho fellas
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where "bread"?
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here "bread"
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Oblivion Lost has some cool models. I'm using this one for a bandit trader in Chernobyl Freeplay.
> to spite discordfags
we dont care about discord fags.
this isnt discord.
dont ever post that faggot shit here again, stupid ass namefag.
They're both garbage.
based tripfag doing the needful
So where do you find the code to this door?
I could only get in with the ol' SVD bump trick
Is Clear Skies worth playing? I've read mixed things. Bear in mind, I'm playing on Xbox, so I can't download mods to fix broken shit.
in the game files
code to the door exists, but it's not given anywhere in-game
The only problem was bugs/crashes and hardcore balance. The first seems to have already been fixed in the last patches, the second is suddenly can easily fixed by yourself in the configs and the result is 2.5 only better.
Some retards screaming like 3.0 is a completely different modification which become worse than 2.5 is so fucking retarded, because due to their stupidity they are not able to understand that they are annoyed only by a minor thing in the form of hardcore balance, and at the same time they do not notice the advantages in the form of a really cool alife, more freedom in new story and quests, because they have shit taste, “loved” 2.5 and considered it a ready-made “complete” mod. They don’t have the slightest understanding of what is difficult/easy and important/unimportant from the point of view of gamedesign and modding. Adequate fans of the buildo initially regarded 2.5 as damn empty, unfinished, and waited for 3.0 for the sake of the alife, new features and quest, in which OBT satisfied them.
Probably not on console.
Xray engine got ported to console? Unpossible.
it was supposed to be obtainable from one of the dead scientists in the forest, and this is the case in build 2571 iirc. it's unknown why they cut it out in the final version.
Many people go overboard with criticism, the key to enjoy CS is to take things slowly. Focus on obtaining supplies and gear and upgrade the latter, and many gameplay related issues will be solved.
There are some bugs, most noticeable in the faction war mechanic, but many of them can be fixed simply be reloading a save.
Clear sky is bad because it's both a prequel and a rehash especially if you ignore faction war completely, there's just nothing for you there. It doesn't help that it was more broken on release than SoC.
Sultan wants to see you.
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There's nothing of worth inside besides another door that doesn't go anywhere, my guess is that they planned it to be something else much like how they
planned the other road to lead to the actual brain scorcher. My question is, is this tunnel a train tunnel that leads to the complex by the entrance to X-19 or some kind of drainage? where does it lead to, is there a harbor at the Pripyat river we've never seen?
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>Clear sky is bad
into the trash it goes
Maybe. It is unfinished, is the most bugged of the three stalkers, and too focused into faction wars, but it’s probably worth an attemp.
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There's so many weird rails in the zone, Some just pass through like the swamp-cordon-darkscape line, but others just stop, like the one that comes from south west to the wild territory and goes through the overpass doesn't actually have an unloading area, a platform or some kind of transfer to the platforms and hangers at the other side, meanwhile the line that ends at the platform north of the map, goes for a little bit then ends within the same map. They can't be there for the sake of moving things within the same factory because they don't even reach the actual manufacturing buildings

Other weird rails are the one running Garbage-Agroprom and ending at the hangar and nowhere else, a trip so short it makes having a train there stupid, The one in Army warehouse that ends at the base and goes into the buried tunnel east and doesn't seem to connect to anywhere else on the map, then on Cop there's the the main line going south from Yanov towards god knows where, north and west to god knows where, and then around the mine and concrete factory back south into the Jupiter underground, which also connects to a shitload of lines we never see on the surface.
I think there are 3 regular medkits on a shelf.
and what do you suggest?
improve this low quality shit from karma/cyIIIka/etc GSC level designers? or make chernobyl/duga at same level of reliability as pripyat in soc?
Playing with g_god 1 and g_unlimitedammo 1 like a Chad
The true enemy is stack_trace:
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The mods we've lost... the kino we've lost... it won't stop hurting...
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>radiophobia 3
i'm about to lose my FUCKING SHIT dude these anus seeking grenades
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is this mod lost media?

all is lost
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I really want den to release that lil guy
Playing vanilla.
Just finished talking to Doctor.
Still using the Tunder 5.45, but it's at 2/3rds durability so jamming pretty often.
Should I finally upgrade to a different gun, like the Vintar or not yet, and if not, when should i upgrade?
Grab a Vintar. If you lack ammo check out the place in this video
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Also check if you found the stash coordinates for pic related at the red forest. There's more ammo in there.
anyone who reads vodka runes care to translate?
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First one is google translate and the second is yandex translate.
Sweet as, thanks fellas
You're welcome. Petenko at the Duty base at the bar should also sell 9x39 after you do some quests for them/become frienly. There should also be some where you find the custom Desert Eagle near Gordon Freeman in the tunnel at the Wild Territory.
>Gordon Freeman
the last line is "you are in my heart"
vot i pomer, vova vist...
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na perilakh on povis...
more proof that duty has glownigger connections
it is almost openly stated in the games that they have contacts with the military
>vanilla item description
>"Nobody knows who makes the bread but it's still edible and no one complains"
>modded item description
>"Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods. Evidence from 30,000 years ago in Europe and Australia revealed starch residue on rocks used for pounding plants.[4][5] It is possible that during this time, starch extract from the roots of plants, such as cattails and ferns, was spread on a flat rock, placed over a fire and cooked into a primitive form of flatbread. The oldest evidence of bread-making has been found in a 14,500-year-old Natufian site in Jordan's northeastern desert.[6][7] Around 10,000 BC, with the dawn of the Neolithic age and the spread of agriculture, grains became the mainstay of making bread. Yeast spores are ubiquitous, including on the surface of cereal grains, so any dough left to rest leavens naturally.[8]"
why do modders do this
wikipedia articles in item descriptions are good for your soul althougheverbeit
I don't know why but Russian mod authors seem to like writing walls of unnecessary text.
Duty has a rocky past,it is openly stated that they have contacts as well as them being made by army deserters but the Army and Duty arent exactly all hunky dory seeing as skirmishes against both have been talked about
OLR 3.0 is such AIDS even my stash, which I paid good money for, doesn't have unlimited space
I hope hi_flyer gets rectal rabies from a blind dog fucking him in the ass and dies
And yes Rabies is in fact a feature if you haven't played it
He really needs an adult to tell him this feature is just bad, huh?
Play your own game, fuckwit
I haven't even left the Garbage in OLR 3.0. I got a disease on my way to Medpribor and I couldn't muster up the willpower to walk over to Toad for like the 12th time.
I love buildshit but this mod is just bad. IDK if everything in it is approved by the official buildshit committee, it's not fun to play.
I just bought an anomaly detector from Toad and it's already 0% condition. Why does it have condition? Just OLR things. Fuck this gay mod.
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I haven't read all of the buildo design documents but OLR 3.0 pretty much follows them down to a T. It's the most faithful remake of Oblivion Lost yet, almost exactly how GSC intended for it to be. The level of autism is honestly impressive. hi_flyer even got lost in the sauce, an anon here pointed out that he restored some stuff that was only in the builds for presentation purposes.
That being said, I agree with you. It's not fun at all.

This may sound weird but playing OLR 3.0 gave me a similar feeling to when I played the original Pathologic for the first time.
i dont understand the true stalker hate, is it just anti russian redditards memeing?
Is vanilla Anomaly good?
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True Stalker is not entirely bad but the mod sports some of the worst game design I've seen in a long time.
been playing since march on and off, currently at chapter 8, no idea what you mean, its vanilla gameplay minus fast travel and more cutscenes
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idk what do you mean by "approved" because pretty much everyone, buildobratva or not, agrees that the features hi_flyer brought in OLR 3.0 are ridiculous and look like he just used some obscure mentions in desdocs to bring vasyan shit into gamplay for the sake of shock value
is it approved as some obscure concept that briefly appeared in the documentation? yeah
is it approved as good gameplay addition? lol, lmao
from day 1 people tried patching and fixing that shit themselves and from the stories I've heard hi_flyer like every bitchy hardcur vasyan threw hissy fits about how the players are in the wrong and unworthy of the "experience"
>its vanilla gameplay minus fast travel
True Stalker also completely lacks alife.
Have you done the Old Guard quest yet? If so, what did you think of it?
railroading with no a-life
STALKER if it was a in house developed Sony PS exclusive
Really? You don't understand the hate for the UI which looks like it was made for a console exclusive ported to PC 5 years after release as an afterthought? You don't get the hate for the ridiculous amounts of cutscenes that would make even a sony moviegame fan roll his eyes? You don't get the hate for pissant bandits running around in cordon with mint condition NATO gear? I dropped the game before even leaving cordon and already found more than enough reason to hate this travesty. You telling me you "don't understand" tells me you must be fucking stupid. Are you stupid?
didnt even notice, couldnt care less about where mutants/stalker spawn since the interaction is the same as always: shoot or ignore, im not tejastlaker levels of autistic to spend months tracking dogs over the map
>oh no the ui is readable, isnt brown and grey with pieces of shit and rust stretched jpegs on every border its le bad reddit said so
stopped reading after that, dont ever you me again you stupid disgusting retard
>stalker bar is closed
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Hey, look at the upside. When he finally finishes his ultimate vasyanshit vision, the mod will be there to get ripped apart and rebuilt into something more competent, much like Anomaly was a result of ripping apart Last Day and porting it to a custom fork of OpenXRay. And with his autistic attention to detail, he'll reimplement every idiocy that GSC ever came up with, so the work will be more or less dismantling the shit that doesn't make sense and refining the ones that do. Then it will truly be the best buildo mod ever made.
last day and analmeme are basically the same
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That's pretty much what I'm waiting for. I legitimately think it can be a good mod. The a-life is insane.
But it's Analmeme that became a solid foundation for other mods. Hopefully the same will happen with OLR 3.0.
>Anomaly was a result of ripping apart Last Day and porting it to a custom fork of OpenXRay.

they were all based on coc
Eh, you'll probably want to install a handful of mods to skew it your liking. If you like it at all.
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>became a solid foundation for other mods
that's why every mod that strives to do anything more than simple file swaps or ltx editing chooses to go with other platforms?
Yo is there an alternative model for Hip that doesn't look like ass or isn't slutty?. I like the Aurora one but I'm playing inverno and the skank with a cleavage ruins my immersion.
Also, any HD alternative models around that work with Gamma?.
Thanks in advance
I got Rabies twice in OLR
Got my blood tested for another 500 dollaridoos
There's a whole host of diseases to be found in this mess
Try the waifu spore one (clear sky armor) in the OP
Coc repo-->texture and model replacers-->waifu_spore
Wait until you find out you need a hip replacement like this guy >>474965498
Mandela effect again? I could swear that code was 100% in vanilla, but was a really rare drop
Man, that far in and you're planning to skip the entire NATO gun portion of the progression system after dragging out 5.45 for that long?
Do a bunch of jobs for Voronin. You'll get so much 9x39mm ammo you can't take it all even if you're earing an exo.
Spooky OLR catacombs survived
OLR anons how far have you progressed?
here you go bro, cheers
Good enough story but I wish it was built on top of vanilla Call of Pripyat with a-life mostly in tact. Far Cry-esque enemy outposts just aren't fun
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Finally Barman nigga
True Stalker was hyped for years and years, talked about as tho it was THE triple A of stalker mods, and it came out being a generic CoP story mod with higher budget and bloat, looking like The Witcher 3.
Go play smth like Return to the Zone
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>looking like The Witcher 3
thats a criticism? w3 still looks great
driving cars in stalker is fun and im tired of pretending its not
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I wanted to play SoC so I followed the quickstart guide and installed the ZR Project and shaders, going for (mostly) unmodded playthrough first. I looked at the FPS counter and is oscillates between my monitor's refresh rate (just 75hz) and 1400FPS, is there a way to cap the frame rate? V-Sync doesn't do shit here too, am I retarded? (Full AMD PC)
I use Rivatuner to set the cap for the exe. Maybe there are other ways but it works for me.
doesn't AMD have a control panel for the GPU? I have a Nvidia card and it's how I cap it
Thought there would be something since it's such a moddable game and old, thanks though guys.
Not that guy but I've been playing since SoC launched and only tried western stuff on my first playthrough. After that it's been Abakan then VSS all the time.
I don’t understand why different types of rendering modes are separate and require a restart of the game to switch Simple dynamic lighting is essentially full dynamic lighting where lightmaps are used instead of dynamic shadows from the sun
Static lighting is the same as dynamic lighting, but without surface materials (normal map, specular map) and with forward rendering instead of deferred.
It was possible to simply do that when you disable the setting called “surface materials” and “sun shadows” in settings, the materials were turned off, lightmaps were used and the game looked like r1 without restarting
Because thats the way it is. Thats the way its set up in engine, things are much cleaner this way.
Why would you care about that anyways?
You're the kind of tasteless nigger who prefers the Witcher 2 UI over W1 as well, aren't you?
have you seen the menus and the overbabying that true stalker features?
It's like if Rockstar made a stalker mod except the story is mid as fuck and falls apart bc WolfStalker had a wet dream about a UNISG Captain taht can teleport and is a badass
no ded
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hi_flyer tongues my anus
But why? In SOC, warsaw pact rifles suck and are outclassed by all but the L85 in the NATO branch.
It's not common forr games to switch entire directX APIs and rendering engines without needing a reboot.I think technically you can get away with doing vid_restart in the console, but devs aren't going to be telling people to do that instead of just restarting the game.
It's not really a big deal. It's not like people are constantly switching between lighting modes.
Nigga static is DirectX 8
r2 is DX9
r3 is DX10/11
You don't just switch APIs willy nilly
I like the abakan two-round burst and the vss bullet drop. Headshots kill everyone.
But the two round burst is shit. If it worked like the real gun it would be a different story, but the fire rate and accuracy in vanilla is awful. Useless.
>SOS marker
Is it a friendly zombie?
Because you're switching the entire rendering backend, that's the standard in every game that lets you switch between DirectX versions, or switch from DX to OpenGL or Vulkan. Static lighting is DirectX 8 only, so you need to change the entire rendering backend if you want that. That's just how it is.
Static Lighting is Dx9, Dx8 was only ever used in the very first builds and was phased out, never made it to commercial
>Static Lighting is Dx9
i hope s2 let us have long distance combat, the longest we have are cnpp monolith snipers not even over 100 meters, come on pepsiman, the zone has so much potential for sniping, we have the power to render a 1km map without pentiums laptops exploding
pepsiman is in stalker 2 build as a dead scientist
>shoot someone with sniper
>npc turns around and headshots you with a PMM
thanks griga
i also fell for the misery 2 meme, tbf misery 1 was pretty fun and it was the first time ive seen so much hype for a stalker mod
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Usual "talking outta my ass about shit I dont understand"
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>2000 SP4
Man I miss that OS.
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Straight up wrong information,looking at the engine and the game files we can see what version of Dx it uses, it' 9
It would be weird to be using 8
Try running SoC with a Dx8 card
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Is it fun, speaking with great authority on something you know nothing about? Static is DX8 in SOC. Fact. Either CS or COP? Yes, they updated static to also be DX9 by then.
>It would be weird to be using 8
because everyone is using the latest hardware all the time? Tell it to the gtx 660 ti anon, he's somewhere in here
Russian box lists directX 8 as minimum requirement
Burger box lists directX 9
Game itself says Static (DX8) in the fucking options menu
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For the game to be able to use Dx8 it needs to load it as a dependency,using this tool we can check which libraries the game loads
It uses the Dx9 librarie anon
Even easier, get yourself RivaTuner and you will easely verify what Dx it is, Static refers to Dx9 not Dx8
the 660 ti released in 201, wtf are you talking, it support up to DirectX11
>look at what this random program says!
Bitch, I had support for DX10 (but not 10.1) when I was playing these games with a 9600GT. Waht are you even talking about?
660 ti released 12 years ago retards
Rate my haul
RivaTuner doesn't support directx 8 and probably uses directx 9 to render the overlay
You're still retarded
buy that GL, wish I did in my playthrough
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When do you think the 9000 series I explicitly mentioned came out, retard? 660Ti came out long after DX11 was a thing too, and we're talking games from 2007-2009.
retard, people are still using 12 year old graphics cards
and you're complaining dx9 is from 2002 when stalker was developed from 2000 to 2007
>people are using
Who cares? That has nothing to do with anything in this discussion. One guy using a 12 year old GPU to play 15-17 year old games has nothing to do with DX8 objectively being present in SOC.
holy shit you're retarded please kill yourself
Are you illiterate? Completely incapable of basic reading comprehension?
I'm sick of talking to retards. Kill yourself.
based retard autism going on
nta but you're wrong.
Go look at the source code if you donr believe it.
dx8 exists and is used in release soc 1.0006 for static lighting.
>dx8 exists and is used in release soc 1.0006 for static lighting.
this is common knowledge
My copy of SoC, albeit having the unofficial 1.0008 patch, uses DirectX 9. Verified by looking into what DLL's are hooked into the process, no d3d8.dll in sight. If anything, it's possible that X-Ray is written in a way where it will use DX9 for static lighting when it's available, but in case of you having a GPU so old that it only supports DX8, it'll use that for static lighting. Your best bet is probably setting up a WinXP VMware VM with hardware 3D acceleration and giving it DX8 only to test it in a modern environment.
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Been a while since /sg/ had an autism meltdown. I knew we were in for one.
So which non-freeplay mods actually have GOOD a-life? AMK?
OLR 3.0 and OLR 2.5
2.5 doesn't have good alife
r1 = dx8
r2 = dx9
r3 = dx10
skill issue
Surprisingly enough, Road to the North.
Let's hope Stalker 2 isn't going to be like that
How do we tell him
Why is Will Smith there
it aint,cant confirm
thats Woll Smoth
..... anon
I've stopped seeding stalker 2 build at 2.00 share ratio
Honestly it's not worth the disk space
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The Pseudogiant has two communities listed in SoC. The creature .ltx file lists "pseudo_gigant" as the community but the game_relations file lists "giant" as its community. Funnily enough using either one for smart_terrains works.
holy bullet sponge
Christ alive, you're on 4chan. Your name is Anonymous. What bullshit reddit username pride do you have that forces you to refuse to admit you're wrong about something?

You in particular are fucking retarded. Static lighting in SOC is DX8. Full stop.
My system is on windows 11. Using the downgrade patch from 1.0006 to 1.0005 causes the DX9 renderer to suddenly not work. Whatever the cause is, nobody knows. Switching the renderer to r1 allows it to work just fine. Now explain how that would work if both r1 and r2 were DX9. You can't.
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Signing off for the night with this cool screenshot I took of a snork in Agroprom.
Shut the fuck up retard. Kill yourself.
OLR 3.0, how do you get into the Garbage catacombs?
Fucking /v/irgins, man.
So..... coc.
Rttn is a freeplay mod with some quests
You lost. Admit it. What pride do you pointfully cling to here?
The entrance to the garbage catacombs is inside of the hangar tunnels (the entrance to the hangar tunnels is in one of the pits inside of the hangar) Just be prepared to catch the bubonic plague from all the rats down there
no dead
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What's your favourite New Arsenal weapon?
the one that can kill my enemies
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26th of april, chernobyl fuck-up anniversary. it's time to being my annual replay of soc.
in pure vanilla, like griga intended
>flame particles

anon please
nobody plays straight vanilla after the first few times at most
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>nobody plays straight vanill-
I do.
Playing vanilla stalker is like playing vanilla warband. It's a dumb meme perpetuated by clout chasers nobody in their sane mind would put themselves through.
Not even with ZRP?
the one that has visible upgrades
i watched some youtube videos about this game and ended up downloading a modded version of the game
so i start a new save and picked a random spawn that was like inside of this abandoned building
i see some glowing green shit outside so i take a different way out of the building and i just start hearing this weird sound and instantly die
i tried leaving the building a couple different ways but i just die everytime
do you think you are fucking funny??
nothing funny about my first experience in the game i was kinda expecting a skyrim with guns in russia but im just stuck and dont know what to do next
For fuck's sake, play the official trilogy first before trying mods.
You mean the laser on the pistols and scopes on guns?
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>nobody plays straight vanilla after the first few times at most
again, why?
what for?

the game works fine in vanilla. i get why someone would want to use zrp, but claiming that the game is unplayable without it just ridiculous. this is like my 15th replay, and i can't recall any gamebreaking bugs or crashes that couldn't be avoided.
This is bait and you can't convince me otherwise.
New trailer dropped
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>Truck Cemetery
Just need to confirm the inclusion of the F2000 and G36 for the game to be saved.
And the Protecta. Can't ever forget my guiding moonlight.
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mmm Zona
oh and btw. around 0:32, that's a cat (bayun)
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Is that a cat at 0:33? That clip looks gameplay-ish, especially how it runs. Doesn't feel like a cutscene.
Pripyat looks kino
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I should upload the HUD that I found in an old ass NA7 video, its a LOT more usable than the one that comes in stock
Mhe, after Im done with DMX
because ur a stupid faggot
the gay dragonball shit confirms
Said the guy that treats the question of technicalities in a 17 year old game as something super serious and important. All I have to say is: lol calm down
because mods exist
If I was in charge of writing SoC's dream sequences, ALL of them would have just been Strelok obliterating tsunamis of rats with a Protecta even though the Protecta only showed up in CoP.
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I haven't played STALKER since CoC was new and playing it with Doom's mod merge was the shit, probably something like 5-8 years ago. What's the most basic but complete CoCk-like experience nowadays?
That running animal animation looked so bad. What's the point of advancing graphic fidelity if you can't get the fundamentals right?
It's like artists that learn digital coloring without grasping anatomy and perspective, and retards lap it up because they don't know any better either.
Probably still CoC. Maybe DoctorX's version of it.
Anomaly is very stable but it sports Misery-like gameplay very different from the original games.
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>That running animal animation looked so bad.
I know, takes me back.
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I hope this is real gameplay but you and I both know it's all edited to look good. but I hope
Someone here once recommended DoctorX's Call of The Zone with Rhons' Mod Repack; according to their rundown (that I can personally verify as true), it has a great variety of features and QoL stuff while staying true to the core gameplay of CoC/CoTZ. The one gripe everyone who's played it has is the fact that making a profit is maybe a little too quick; something like 30K roubles after two or three missions.
One thing you might want to watch out for that I've personally experienced is that "get this gun for me" quests will return nil sometimes, probably need to install the optional Arsenal Overhaul files included with the repack to fix that.
>New trailer dropped on the anniversary of the Chernobyl accident

I can't tell if that's neat or a little tasteless, what's the attitude towards the whole thing in Ukraine nowadays, still mourning it or just over it?
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Sweet I'll try that then. I did always dislike Misery and every incarnation of it and I'm guessing it's still the same shade of brown and stupid. More vanilla like sounds good. Thanks.
Good hunting, Slutsky.
Still can't post Sidogiant, FUCK.
Because you mentioned Doom's Mod Merge, there are different variations of it out there. A guy on ModDB recently managed to fix the save corruption bug.
People keep propping up Volodymyr Yezhov's corpse like an effigy to encourage people to preorder STALKER 2 so I think we've long passed the realm of good taste.
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I accept your concession.
Hardkkkore mods have really brainwashed people into thinking earning the equivalent of a week's paycheck in a shitty full-time $8.21/hr job, pre-tax, is "earning too much money".
nta, generally speaking I agree with you but the roubles in stalker are the soviet ones, they act like some sort of tokens/crypto currency so comparing it to the shitty russian money shouldn't really be a thing
>Hardkkkore mods have really brainwashed people into thinking earning the equivalent of a week's paycheck in a shitty full-time $8.21/hr job, pre-tax, is "earning too much money".
To be fair, it may be "earning too much". It's all relative to the local economy, right? If you can get 30k roubles in the first 15 minutes and that's enough for a decent assault rifle, some ammo, and a nice suit, that pretty well negates the hobomode part of the game.
It's been discussed a few threads ago that in the Zone you use Soviet rubles and they work like casino tokens. When you want to cash out at a trader, you get hryvnas, rubles or other currently used fiat currencies at the right exchange rate.
I believe that the economy in STALKER should be that you never go out of ammo, meds and food. In SoC it was well balanced where the game awarded you for scavenging in the early stages. But it didn't punish you MISERY style where you could barely get a single bullet while some cheeki breeki bandit could mag dump his AK up your ass over and over again, but if you killed him he'd have five shitty bullets on him for you to take.
its so fucking over
Well, yeah, it's Unreal, obviously it'll look like vaseline smeared shit.
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just watched some documentary video about canceled stalker 2 and it was mentioned how shortly before the whole shitstorm GSC was looking for investors for the game
then it hit me that current stalker 2 could have ended just like the old one if grigorovich hadn't found investors for the studio like that krippa guy last year
The hobomode is overrated and lapped up by autists. Even in vanilla, the only faggots still waddling around with double barrels and maks are the guys who sit around the relatively speaking safe edges of the zone and never go on big raids, loot fallen enemies, or yoink artifacts to sell. Even fire pit-bait like Wolf and the guys who hang around the garbage are running MP5s and Krinks.
>antialiasing every game has
oh no
Sharpening filters, SMAA, etc.
>antialiasing every game has
Yeah because everyone is using Unreal. Doesn't mean it's fucking good, it's shit, and any normal person will say it's shit and that Tim Swiney is full of shit.
But the door is locked?
I thought they fucked off to poland
Cry about it. It's not unreal-exclusive either.
rdr2 has the most cancerous taa ive ever seen, shit literally destroys lod
Czechia to be exact, not that it matters. Gotta remind people it's Ukrainian so that people will blindly preorder it just on the merit of it being Ukrainian.
lol retard
There's a side path that you go into that looks like a non-functional door that is actually a level switch point, i think you are looking in the wrong place. It's in the western part of the tunnels
I'm looking at picrel
>g_god 1
>time_factor 2
Yep, it's Stalker time
also this
and the other door is locked as well
Not my problem.

>flee to safety so you don't get killed in a rocket strike while making a passion project
>nooooo you can't support your home
It's all so tiresome.

Don't tell me whatever this is (OLR?) is pulling that stupid fucking meme where you're forced to use handheld lights instead of the headlamp everyone else has.
>Don't tell me whatever this is (OLR?) is pulling that stupid fucking meme where you're forced to use handheld lights instead of the headlamp everyone else has.
Headlamp is just worse than a torch, I use both
You'd be surprised at how much stupid shit OLR 3.0 pulls overall.
>passion project
It's a commercial product made for profit by a sizable studio. Don't talk about it like it's an indie game made by one dude in his mom's basement out of "muh passhun".

>It's all so tiresome.
Yeah, people using the war to deflect any sort of criticism towards GSC is very tiresome.

Looking forward to STALKER 2 being a mess on release and everyone excusing it's state with "GSC fled from rocket strikes, you don't understand". Announced in 2018. Initial release date 2021. Went from fleeing from the war to getting back to work in three months. It's 2024 and it's still vaporware, but at least GSC has one hell of a deflection for this state of affairs.
>>flee to safety so you don't get killed in a rocket strike while making a passion project
>>nooooo you can't support your home
Yes, they should have stayed and fought to the last Hohol
Very unpatriotic
Found a russian walkthrough, there's a hole in the corner
hi_flyer you're a genius
Oh it's the guy that couldn't handle hi_flyer's retardation and abruptly stopped his playthrough lol
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in awe at hi_flyer's genius
he placed 3 red herring entrances
>"I WANT... NEWS!"
>Here's the news: more cinematic slop
I should stop asking the wish granter
by the way if any OLR anons know which config file to edit to, say, make the Anomaly Detector indestructible (or at least give it a shitload of condition) I'd appreciate it
Mine always break and I miss Shartifacts without it
A-life moment: dead Dutier with a ton of loot in the rat hole
Nobody could loot his body
Also he's marked as a friend so I previsoly must've wasted a medkit on him
Oops I dropped an AK on the ground and his buddies smelled the loot
I Christen Thee: Dead Duty Hole
Most likely you're just friends with Duty, glad you found the entrance
P.S. if you're on the quest I think you're on, enjoy the analicious trek through miles of confusing underground catacombs, only to end in a small room full of fire anomalies and 3 bloodsuckers. As I recall it's also nowhere near to getting inside the lab in dark valley, which is an assfuck on it's own
yeah need to drop some nigga for the killers
Buildo X-16 is always fun
>STALKER 2 being a mess on release
It's SoC all over again!
Holy shit, what is hi_flyer thinking? Different anon here but I would never have guessed that was an entrance, even less so when there's a door in the wall.
>Holy shit, what is hi_flyer thinking?
Wait, he was thinking?
>it can't be a passion project because it's made to be sold
Well shit, I guess indie games aren't passion projects either because they're all made to be sold too. Fucking retard. They wouldn't be trying to make the game, a second time over, for years, while a war is going on in their home country, if they weren't passionate about it. Fuck off back to /vpol/ .
>real entrance: a hole in the floor that's clearly closed off and not physically accessible
It really is just impossible to get an actually good buildo recreation that doesn't get high off its own farts and wind up retarded. Lost Alpha and its abandonment of the goal to chase illuminati fanfiction, OLR with soup-tier trash and tedium mechanics that actually manage to surpass misery and analmeme/gaymma in extremity. Where are the projects that promise to rebuild ca. 1935-2571 buildo as they were intended to be as finished products, or just bring back cut parts like Darkscape (complete with helo chase and a car, any scripted invulnerability needed to make it possible), Cordon having a factory, the entire Dead City sequence, actually meeting with the crazy stalker in the back room of the bar and getting info from him before he offs himself instead of there just being a PDA entry saying it happened, etc.? All without any retarded bullshit or made up stories?
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>actually meeting with the crazy stalker in the back room of the bar
I can tell you that Shadow's Addon recreates this scene and it's really cool. If I remember correctly that mod also did the whole Dead City sequence.
Come to think of it Shadow's Addon is probably the best build mod out there in terms of adding back cut content/story elements and nothing else.
protecta is ancient trash

electricity and impact icons still swapped
>eeting with the crazy stalker in
I intend to keep it that way to perserve the authenticity of the mod
>OLR with soup-tier trash and tedium mechanics that actually manage to surpass misery and analmeme/gaymma in extremity
Just started 2.5, is it really like that or are you referring to 3.0 specifically?
Not that anon but I'm pretty sure he's talking about 3.0. OLR 2.5 has nothing of the sort.
cringe soulsfaggot
olr specifically tries to recreate the game from before build 1935, with heavy emphasis on things from design. documents. for 1935-2571, there is rma and its derivatives.
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Just finished creating entirely new smart_terrains for the military base in Agroprom in Chernobyl Freeplay. In the vanilla smart_terrain the soldiers keep stopping in the stairwell of the main building and it makes it really annoying to get through the building if you're playing as a military-friendly faction.
2.5 definitely has some soupy stuff like sentient talking zombies that instakill you if you attack them instead of follow their stupid questline.
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Sweet dreams, /sg/.
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RIP anon
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anoyone else get a weird ban lately?
its over now, but it was definitely one of the weirdest/
mother fuckers didnt even reference a specific post where i supposedly broke the rules.
they were just like oh you did this, you're banned for 3 days
RMA is the best you're going to get i think
>Chernobyl day.
>didn't bother posting, because of other work
>no rain days ago
>no morels, despite other years of finding them
>still stuck rehearsing
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I suggest cookie clearing and wifi router reset magic but other then that I don't get banned. unless I Sneed post on tv
I dont need to do that, the ban is up anyways
I know how to circumvent a ban if needed.
just wondered if anyone else got a silly ban like this. typically they say which post broke the rule(s)
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wow dead
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Wrong general.
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>post in fallout thread
>"this looks shit, just go play stalker"
>post in (dead) stalker thread
>"fuck off this isn't trve stalker"
I don't belong anywhere
is that a wasteland zamboni mod?
>"fuck off this isn't trve stalker"
Bro it literally isn't STALKER at all. Not even the same game engine.


If you're in the Zone and want to take a shit, what would you rather do: find a toilet (whether it flushes or not doesn't matter) to shit in or throw your shit into the nearest anomaly?
>post in (dead) stalker thread
And that's a good thing. Better to be dead than to be filled with constant sperging and coomshit like /fog/.
what mod
has anyone played "the curved road"
its a new mod on moddb
i tried it and it was great except for finding nimbles flash drive.
i couldn't find it and i gave up. they modded it so that he dropped his flash drive in bushes.
Is CoC still the best option if I want vanilla gameplay with free-roaming, or should I just use Old World with Anomaly?
You shit in a fruit punch. It's the cleanest way.
You could try this.
shit in pants
>not throwing your shit into a whirlygig
had the exact same experience lmao
I searched all around the car park and I could not find the fucking thing, and I play OP so I searched every possible retarded nook and cranny and couldn't find it
You could do that but one day a shit-covered stalker will walk up to you and rock you in the mouth.
Look up Back to the Stalker, anon. It might not replicate all the cut content, but it's got that buildo feel and looks promising.
CotZ with either Mahzra's or Rhons' pack.
>doing ironman run
>not true ironman give myself 5 lives and new life every 24 hours
>makes game a bit more high stakes and its nice death actually matters
>first few days die once but get a new life granted anyway
>really need to get some advanced tools because I need to be able to craft some weapon repair kits so I have something decent to use as I'm not buying from traders except for ammo / meds
>head to read forest because there's a stash with some tool set in it
>okay easy does it
>try sneaking up on a monolith
>bush in the way
>he notices me before and taps me immediately
>okay give up
>back to army warehouses
>take on some mercs at the little house with the bed down from the merc enterance to dead city
>crouched behind a wall
>merc shoots me through the wall because there's a fucking big gap in it I didn't notice
>get new life shortly after
>decide I really need some more crafting manualls
>okay I'll wipe out the bandits in dead valley
>only decent weapon is a german semi-auto rifle in 7.62mm
>can't easily buy ammo for it and ammo weights a ton
>decide to go through the back door with a saiga I scavenged
>die twice to bandits getting the jump on me
>instead camp across the road in the little building with the bed
>lure them all out and kill them all
>head back to rostok with one life remaining
>okay I'll chill here for a while to get an extra life back
>go make a coffee leaving myself in the building with the guy that tells you to "get out of here stalker"
>come back 10 mins later and I've died to something and there's a psy-storm going on

I always though that building was safe but well lost to the zone, maybe better luck on my next ironman playthrough.
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I can hear this image
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...they can get up here, can't they.
I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and think it cool to make some stalker stuff in the 2015 branch of gamebryo, but this looks like ass. This looks like the starting town whose name I've forgotten, but with shitty dayz mechanics and an obnoxious visual fitler. Adding lean to gamebryo/creaion is cool at least, but nah.
Is it worth it to download 200gb of leaked build of STALKER 2?
It wouldnt look bad if it were a tad less dark and the light moon or whatever that it was less intense.
If its supposed to be a moon+fog combo it just looks wrong to be that thick fog but not wherever the player goes.
Could be cool, Id be a better judge if I played it.
the real question is.... is it worth it to you. And do you want to spoil some things for yourself.
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>take image
>make it worse
>yeah this is better now haha
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oblivion lost
Best way to play AMK 1.4 in 2024? Still the usual way (installer)?
what do you mean "oblivion lost"?
go find it then
It's insane how dead VoA is compared to OLR 2.5
The place is a goddamned wasteland, even mutants are missing
Not having fun so far. Boring.
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you are my oblivion, whom i lost
Technically it's a dev leak so it's not file size optimized, but then again the official recommendations are 150GB. STALKER 2 will need as much disk space as having GAMMA and OP-2.2 installed at the same time, or a whole bunch of other quality mods that aren't equally bloated pieces of shit.

Remember when game developers used to give a shit about optimization?
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Although Oblivion was Lost, the Shadow of Chernobyl was found.
my go to is the amk ae 1.4.1 (the stable one)
then if I get sick of the autumn shit, I just use the AA2 de-autumnizer from the Autumn Aurora 2 repo
Oblivion Won
>its so fucking over
I realized it was over once I played the demo back in November of 2023. The game ran like ass on a 13900k + 4090 system, and it had smearing out the fucking ass. At least UE5 lets you disable the shitty TAA through the config files.
Clear Sky is worth playing.

Even though much of the music I am familiar with making is dark-ambient or industrial or rock/metal-influenced, am I the only one who thinks that the perfect music to listen to while playing this game is rap?

I just really like the hood classics.

I think it's especially so while playing as bandit. Listening to stuff like this while gunning down some rival clan member with a handgun perfectly fits the fucking vibe. Get off my block motherfucker.
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pretty sure I've seen the "new" trailer scene last summer when the leaked cutscenes dropped. Also it's obvious they dubbed it with the ukrainian voice using the English lip sync.
At least the last trailer with Strider wasn't in the leak. Kinda sucks that GSC are using last year's shit to market their game.
What type of mutant is this?
You are a faggot.
They prob planned to release this trailer earlier but were halted since UA VAs were not done yet
>unfinished head texture
Interesting outfit though, he's wearing a modern outfit with velcro areas sown onto it to attach patches to. Taking cues from modern military outfits.
>re-using assets
oh noes
>re-using assets
So are they remaking the old Garbage out of old parts? Depressing.
>You are a faggot.
Fuckin A man.

honestly I'm mostly just curious about what the context of some of the leaked stuff will turn out to be (e.g. untextured terminator guy)
I will also say that we Americans are equally guilty of this sin as well, every single American "representative" who has stood in the way of this, has no fucking business in being in office at all. The vast majority of whom are uneducated imbeciles, like that fucking cunt from Georgia.
Very deep, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to listen to some Linkin Park.
fatal fren, shut the fuck up
Cute statement desu, it's childlike.
>bringing this shit to the general again
can you not?
>le heckin epic harry potter heroes against da evil orc mordor army guyz
The fuck are you talking about? There are people who discuss real issues, and people who die of fentanyl "overdoses" or have "heart attacks" and do so as others please, at the behest of unelected people.
what stalker mod are you talking about?
>what stalker mod are you talking about?
The real one.

Back to our regular programming, lots of people malign Clear Sky, but much of the assets and programming from it influenced the sequel.
>assets and programming from it influenced the sequel.
does that make it a good game?
What mod is that? Look like CoP
>does that make it a good game?
This is an entirely different can of worms, Clear Sky was very much "on rails" compared to the other games, which I dislike.
Even that said, there were things from Clear Sky they tested that I liked, the faction war system, and most importantly the entire smartcover system. Combat was "realer" in Clear Sky because of the way the AI handled it.
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CoP with some faction stuff would have been fun to spice up the otherwise infamous empty theme park. After a lot of thinking I think it's just one of those things where the atmosphere in SoC was a windfall, and the compensations that seem silly now weren't enough in the other games
>CoP with some faction stuff would have been fun to spice up the otherwise infamous empty theme park.
The problem from the whole programing perspective is that they would have had to have coded so many of these as distinctive smart terrains, and much of the AI staff that had done stuff like that had left for Metro at the time already.
>does that make it a good game?
The answer to that question is quite literally both yes and no. They introduced new assets and mechanics, but fucked other things up or made things untenable.
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no dead
>start new ironman playthrough
>hard mode survivalist difficulty won't buy anything except meds and ammo from vendors
>take some missions
>package collection for sidrovich in army warehouses
>head through garbage
>going to drop in on butcher for some cheap meds
>turn the corner to walk up the back of the train depo
>two army guys
>run way bandange myself after taking a shot
>pick one off
>loads of gunfire kicking off though sounds like they're attack the depo
>getinto a better position and pick off the second
>start advancing towards the depo
>kill another
>poke my head around the corner to look into the depo
>2 more
>run back and they evetually come out looking for me
>kill them both
>head around again
>pick off another
>check corpses and there were 7 military guys + 3 bandits with one bandit in an exo
>rolling in loot as one guy dropped a 50% OTs-14 Groza with 30+ rounds of ammo and stack of broken ak's and a few smgs

Holy shit, wish this happend in my last run.
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for me, it's the thought of the zona.
the locations, the anomalies, the mutants and the secret labs and lore you get from documents, talking to stalkers etc. the games had jank, but i didnt mind. it felt very immersive and real considering that i grew up in a place not to different from rural ukraine and towns filled with commie blocks everywhere
which is why i dont really understand how some people prefer to play stuff like anomaly/something that resembles anomaly where there is little no to story. it's pretty much always combat or doing fetch/kill quests
>rolling in loot as one guy dropped a 50% OTs-14 Groza with 30+ rounds of ammo and stack of broken ak's and a few smgs
all that to get pretty much nothing lel
call me a zoomer but that was honestly my experience
i watched a short of the game and then looked up a video on it
and it said call of pripyat was like single player tarkov but better so i joined the discord and downloaded the game
anyway im going to play this game from the first one now
wow rude af my guy
>it said call of pripyat was like single player tarkov but better
You should know that's a complete lie.
I hope you enjoy SoC.
my bad the mod was called escape from pripyat but yeah imma start the game properly
>Furthermore, the people of Ukraine are actual heroes, who have bothered to fight while the rest of the "Europeans" sit on their literal fucking laurels arguing about how much aid to send to them instead of actually doing anything.

Article 5 wouldn't put your house in a spatial anomaly, the war would come to your doorstep. Not that you'd have the two braincells required to predict that chain of events.

>which is why i dont really understand how some people prefer to play stuff like anomaly/something that resembles anomaly where there is little no to story
Anomaly is like Bethesda's Fallout. It's open world slop for people who just want to go around and go pew pew, rather than play something like New Vegas where the setting, story and quests is the meat of the game. That and the usual OperatorDrewski astroturfing GAMMA so the fandom got invaded by milsim tourists spiel.
>escape from pripyat
That makes more sense, lol. EFP imports Tarkov-like gameplay to STALKER.
I'm gonna give you a protip: In the starting village in SoC, check all the rooftops for a hole in the roof. One of the attics has a box with something cool in it.
Why do some screenshots of Anomaly look decent while others look like fucking garbage? Is it the ENB? The viewmodel?
Depends on the weather I guess.
which difficulty should i play on? also thanks for the tip
Veteran. Second to hardest is always a good choice for just about any video game.
the dlc for new vegas was better than the story honestly. plus its not like the community isnt filled with massive faggots and trannies who will kill you if you play the game however you want while astroturfing (to quote (you)) its story and everything it does
does anyone know how to fix the crash as soon as you load into the bar in shadow's addons? the version is 3.3 and this is the crash:


[error]Expression : error handler is invoked!
[error]Function : invalid_parameter_handler
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xrCore\xrDebugNew.cpp
[error]Line : 804
[error]Description :

stack trace:
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>/pol/ fags in thread again
hello! and fuck off!
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being a retard that points out other retards isn't something to be proud of
just ignore them dumbass
i dont feel pride i just dont like seeing them here
>stack trace:
RIP. Try again and see if the crash log gives you a different report. If it keeps giving you "stack trace:" you might be fucked cause it doesn't even show which file the error is coming from.
You can also check ModDB comments, if you downloaded it from there.
viewmodel/textures/settings/lighting/weather etc all play a part
the developer of the mod said to another dude with the same problem to check if i have only english characters in my windows name, i'm pretty sure i do. To another dude he said that the steam edition sucks for modifications, so am i fucked unless i buy SOC from GOG?
I've played mods on SoC Steam before. You can also download SoC from the links in the OP.
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is this the cool thing?
One of them, yeah. If I remember correctly you find that artifact in a basement. Check the roofs of the houses, you can jump between some of them with a running jump.
It doesn't. In v1 and v2, it was trying to replicate EFT a little bit. But after v2.5 and now v4.2, it's just a really well put together modpack for anomaly. Devs are cool, but their mods on the discord server are completely fucking retarded.
Why is the apartment building in Meadow not blowout-proof what the fuck
Is the new trailer in Russian or Ukrainian? I'm a southern slavoid and they all sound the same to me
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They sound pretty similar but for me at least I can barely read Ukranian compared to Russian.
Based on current world events, what do you think honestly?
You need to listen more to both if you can’t tell the difference.
t. not slav
Once you know how Russian is meant to sound then it's easy to tell when it's not Russian. Some things make sense, but it's not exactly right. Ukrainian is pretty characteristic with the usage of "h" sounds, since in Ukrainian "г" is "h" but in Russian it's "g", but Ukrainian uses it as much as Russian. Similar thing when you're Polish and you read/listen to Czech/Slovak. It seems similar, you can make some of it out, but you know it's different. You may not be able to tell if it's Czech or Slovak, but you can tell it's not Polish, and that's the main distinction.
>t. zoomer who doesn't know what optimization means
Stick to indieshit if you want games to be restricted to what a dual-layer DVD could hold over a decade after tthe time when that was necessary. Storage is dirt cheap. It's not an "optimization" issue that you're shitting your pants on a 250GB 5400RPM drive in 2006+18.
>last year's shit
The leak wasn't a marketing trailer you absolute shitbrained toddler. Do you think this trailer was made from scratch in a couple hours before it was released? It's part of the game and yeah, no shit, they've been working on parts of the game including the cutscenes for long enough that a cutscene may also exist in the hack dev leak.
I know Ukrainian has a lot of yis and is and almost all Gs are Hs
FO3's atmosphere and feel is superior to that of NV.
NV is simply too whacky most of the time.
Damn that looks nice what mods are you using?
>Storage is dirt cheap
You'd need to dedicate a 1TB SSD to have about 5 modern games installed at once with the modern standards.
>It's not an "optimization" issue that you're shitting your pants on a 250GB 5400RPM drive in 2006+18.
I have a 2TB NVMe SSD for games. The most outdated part of my system is the GPU from 2016. At this rate I'll need a dedicated 8TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 SSD to keep up with the "modern standards".
>t. zoomer who doesn't know what optimization means
Modern games are unoptimized. Devs don't give a shit about optimizing assets or adding mipmaps so that the game doesn't waste disk space and doesn't require a 4090 to run at 60FPS in 1080p because it streams uncompressed 4K textures because instead of optimally using all the advancements in technology, devs just use it as an excuse to be lazy.

I understand you'll staunchly defend the state of Starfield too, because modern computers shouldn't have any issues loading uncompressed textures and tens of thousands of polygons per small prop?
This. The repacks on the OP are essentially gog copies with no extras

yeah i did that and the bar doesn't crash the game, thanks anons.
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Zombied stalkers in the labs is spooky shit.
you would have to start a new game.
There is a possibility of placebo effect
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no dead
Hey, can you guys please stop posting in the stalker threads on /v/? This place has ruined you and you are unfit to discuss the game with others. You need to stay in your pig pen.
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I know this is a bait post but I'm offended that anyone assumes I browse /v/.
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little faggot got upset over us talking shit about his favourite mod lol
he's some schizo that's been there for years, he's accused me of being a "russian schizo" multiple times when I've posted about not liking anomaly on /v/
Damn, you got embarassed.
I've stopped playing Stalker for more than an hour a week since 2016 and I'm very impressed how the modding scene still keep progressing.
Anomaly, Gamma, Expedition and all other modpacks made me feel like I've been living in a cave. Though none of them really satisfy my craving.
I want the old Zone of Alienation style magazine system where you have to spend some time loading rounds into magazines, plus the Tarkov-like healing system where you have to treat each body part when damaged and 3D scopes from Gunslinger. All three will really change how combat works, incentivize long preparation and quick combat like in real life but none of the modpacks include all three.
What I see in modpacks nowadays are dozens of new weapons, armor, attachments, the Tarkov-like healing system and most importantly, thousands of items to significantly lengthen the hobo phase. The scene doesn't really fit me and now I feel like I should go back into my cave.
the post
Is the family rifle located in bar or in rostok? OLR 2.5
All I'm hearing is "waaaah waaaah my low budget selection of a tiny amount of drives isn't enough anymore". There is no optimization issue. You're just a spoiled bitch raised on 7th gen consoles causing 8 years of everything being made for 2005 budget hardware, lulled in by false promises of being able to rock a 2nd gen i5, a 750ti, a spinning rust hard disk with a low capacity, and 4GB of DDR3 ram and be able to play an entire generation of games at 720-1080p high.
Those of us who aren't retarded zoomers and spoiled late millenials remember when you still had to uninstall games when you were done, games that were small enough to fit on a 700MB CD or less, because the standard storage drive of the time was a 20GB hard disk and you needed space for the OS and other files. It is easier than ever for anyone with income (no apologies to worthless NEETs who feel entitled to anything) to have a system more than capable of playing modern games at better settings than before, and equally trivial to have the storage space to store games that now take up hundreds of gigabytes without having to remove things. Unless you're retarded and fell for the NVME meme in an era where the highest end systems can support maybe 4 drives, but that's once again user error.
I'm older than you and this is a boomer moment
Shut the fuck up retards
Looks nice
>Ruskies bitching and moaning
wow a half life reference! upvoted!
bar in the section behind rostock in one of the houses
Enhanced shaders color grading and ScreenSpaceShaders doing most of the work
gravity guns are soul
i tried to install those graphics mods on my anomaly but my game runs like shit even though i have a 3080
Which ones anon? >>475578963 these?
I run at 4k and 60hz and only get a light stutter every now and then. Max graohics aside from lower grass height and density on a 3060ti
If you look around Moddb they're might be a setting/load order or something thats making it fucky
i followed this guide
my game not online does not even look as good as it does in the video, it also runs at like 40 fps
im going to tweak some in game settings and see what happens later...
I have a 3070 and could play it at 2460x1440 with max settings other than the grass density. I also have the screenspaceshaders installed too, but I would get odd slow downs of all places inside buildings but not outside. Also it didn't seem to work great with beefs NVGs, places like the jupiter undeground were pitch black even with nv on.
There's mags redux, you can add it to gaymma
I'm sure there's see through scopes too
you dont want grass density maxed out, its a forest and very unrealistic to boot
Nta, I LOVE the insane tall and dense grass but the enemy AI is bullshit, even with my stealth mods, they see me through dense bushes so I keep it low
Make sure to clear your cache when booting up the game, try to load a default preset. I still have issues at night where its REALLY dark sometimes and I'm trying to tweak it. Anomaly mods can do weird shit depending on what else is installed, sometimes deleting and reloading the mod can help
>Anomaly mods can do weird shit depending on what else is installed
Wow what a stable platform for modding
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>Nta, I LOVE the insane tall and dense grass but the enemy AI is bullshit
Same, its so comfy but you can't see shit so you're at a disadvantage as the AI can see through it.
im new here do we like stalker 2 or not
>do we like (((GSC)))
Kek it's either just works on my machine(tm) or refuses to boot.
Out of all the seethe I've felt I'll give it to the uploaders and commenters for being quite helpful with issues, 90% of the time it's something I've glossed over
google search console?
(gays sucking cocks)*
for X-ray engine standards though?
Can S2 possibly run on 5700xt and R7 5800x?
I'm not graphicsfagging, old games look fine to me but I just don't want lag
actually forgot stalker 2 was a thing before seeing this thread. it seemed so shit and out of touch. am i wrong? has there been any good news?
It's coming out in 4 months so that's good news
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i think it looks good? i dont get what there is to be autistic about
that trailer doesn't do it any favors, the newer one is better. all that one shows is animated item usage mod for anomaly and american voice actors
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what do you mean be autistic about
>i think it looks good?
Yeah, no shit, it's a directed trailer, it's meant to look good to upsell the game. Cyberpunk 2077 also had good looking trailers and everyone knows how they compared to the final product that hit the market.
It's pretty much the same but I miss the animation where you load each cartridge into a magazine from ZoA too. Something about the animation feels relaxing when seen out of combat.
I just hope that OXR CoC releases before Anomaly 1.6 and upstages it
I wish to go back to the fork era
>haha once I pick off these mercs, my m o n o l i t murderhobo squad will wreck this little nerd cav..
Fuck boars and psuedo dogs and snorks and bloodsuckers and chimera fucking hate those shits.
i posted the wrong link
anon pls
hows it going to "upstage" it exactly?
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Vivent Team's (makers of the Dreamcatcher mod) new project called "Tribute" is set to be released mid this year, supposedly in the summer.
I'd share it around but VK link's are flagged as spam.
I will not be satisfied until we see 10 minutes of uncut gameplay.
That last shot of the stalker dragging the player inside from the emission is really cool, though.
We saw 10 hours of uncut gameplay if you count all the Russian channels playing leaks
>saves the thumbnail
It was originally posted like this.
my apologies.
also wtf? 125x93
Yeah, I don't know why it's so small. I tried using reverse image search to find a bigger version but I couldn't find anything.
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Use Yandex RIS. It's extremely solid and does very well with CIS content.
Get a better suit, AND just respect the vision and rules. Sometimes you can’t carry 6 rifles, you just gotta move on
Awesome, thank you.
You are able to see the condition before purchasing. Be more Attentive
Oh it get weird out there man…
DONT SELL DEAD HEADS. You’ll need them for some bartering later on, keep 2.
Jesus Christ you guys are fucked. The generator behind you needs gas to open the door, you’ll also get another suprise in the main hangar.
OLR3.0 just expects players to unlearn a lot of habits from the original trilogy is all.
The more you play the more you adapt and optimize, learn the new mechanics etc. I am shilling this mod because I do actually love it however I can see that it can be bullshit at times.
I think the general consensus on /sg/ is that OLR 3.0 is a flawed masterpiece, and everyone is just waiting on it to get out of beta so that people can undo most of hi_flyer's vasyanshit.
Is CoC the best option for vanilla freeplay? I've heard about Call of The Zone mod but I'm hesitant to try it since the dev has passed away during the development.
I've heard that Call of the Zone is still very much playable even though the dev died.
cotz is basically just coc but better
it has more dynamic quests that are a tiny bit more exciting than generic fetch and kill quests, and it has an active modding scene
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Don't you die on me.
The community took over Doc's torch, there's both updates and modpacks being made. Apparently there's even a standalone mod based on it coming out this year.
i just passed the save from steam and it worked.
Is there a working version of oblivion lost? I mean the one with pyramids and ayys, before stalker
under oblivion lost
Whats the latest and greatest SGM version? Is it still 2.2 Lost Soul?
I misread your post, thought you meant it didnt work. woops
well at least they're in a nice containment area
Anyone tried the OXR Alpha? If so, how is it?
Good morning I hate jannies
ha ha
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OLR 3.0 is so fucking terribad all of (You) should go play it RIGHT NOW
what is "oxr alpha"?
It is extremely alpha, the movement is fucked and has loads of input delay not worth it right now
Those guys working on Dead Sky released a closed beta but you need to contact them on moddb or harmony.
>the movement is fucked and has loads of input delay
worse than gunslinger or did they fuck up horribly?
Way way worse than gunslinger, there's also some weird advanced headbobbing going on bc they render the entire body and make it so first person anims are also third person, its kinda cool but bugged as fuck
It's alpha tho, I expect and implore them to remove the input delay that was present in GA and is pronounced here
do the weapon statistics mean anything in OLR 2.5?
for example it says the FN Hi power does more damage than the Beretta 92FS
get a Stechkin APS and never look back
Matter of factly in OLR 3.0 Stechkin has the same hit_power as 9x39 guns

This is following True Stalker and its Stechkin doing more damage than full power rifles
Stechkin bros keep winning
I thought it was just scenery
Anyway doing what you said has made Shrek and his Warwick Davis friends spawn
Thanks asshole
Thanks anon.
Now can anyone explain to me why is it that some modder faggots started doing this shit of locking their downloads behind a Discord link? Are they doing shady shit where they need a quick nuke button or something? Discord is a terrible way to archive shit in, I don't even know if they have a rollback function in case someone has a pissy fit or decides to troll and delete the whole server.
How good is alife? NPC really can walk anywhere? 2.5 was so fucking bad at this, walking respawnable NPC was only on one short path at garbage between river and railroad and at north of escape, anything else in 2.5 WAS COMPLETELY DEAD AND STATIC
Alife is best, but sometimes there is too much NPCs
It can be ever better if there was freeplay-survival mode without scripted bases and characters, let say CoC 1.5 r7/CotZ at maximum
A-life starts off good but then settles into fairly static smart terrains with little wandering. Offline A-life is state of the art, NPCs will find seekrit documents before you do. Funny things still happen occasionally.
> no squad system from CS
> no state "attention after fight" from CS
> no improved mutants AI from CS where dogs, boars and bloodsuckers surround the player on all sides (chimeras in CoP)
Offline in 3.0 seems not connected with online, some events happening in offline is really happening (loot, corpses) but some never happened in online (NPC movement between bases).
A-life = smart terrains and general NPC behavior
you're describing general AI things, which OLR is admitedly bad at
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I would enjoy this shit mod if it wasn't for anything to do with the main story line
It's both blatant padding and bad design
Terrible, simply terrible
And you can't just ignore it because more than half the zone is locked out otherwise
To improve OLR stuff either needs to be cut or the zone opened up so you can just do the side quests and freeplay stuff without having to do the main quest which is SHIT
We just need freeplay start for OLR 3.0
But looking at hundreds of scripts with kilotons of code I'm guess it's not easy to do
Also I've been True Stalker'd (knocked out from behind lel) 3 times by now
Escaping Sin base to grab guns from Bar stash and then come back
Just a 3 kilometer trek, riveting gameplay
Thank fuck for time_factor and god mode
actually I can't do that, because the game crashes consistently when I come back
guess it's buying a gun from Fake Sidorovich
on top of being shit it's also an alpha that crashes all the goddamn time
>Scheduler tried to update object gar_bandit_respawn_158432
Every time
Ended up having to cheese it with god mode, it's just not doable with constantly jamming guns/belt system/medkit animations
Running away to get/buy a usable gun is the smart option but the game crashes if you try
Anyone know where the Sin guy's safe is? It's different from the safe they stored my guns in
Oh it's right next to him. Last place I would look.
Also there was critical psi-emission levels on Army Warehouses but now that you've done Dark Valley Lab (worst part by far) it's suddenly gone
IIRC Army Warehouses was accessible from the start in OLR 2.5
And I'll bet you any sum you care to name OLR 3.0 won't let you kill the Sin nerds in advance, the leader is probably invincible or something dumb like that
So Barman is gone, and trying to visit Fake Sid crashes the game with
>Scheduler tried to update object gar_bandit_respawn_158432
I guess I'm done with OLR 3.0
I'm off to yell at hi_flyer wish me luck
you might have better luck just talking about things
ap-pro has premoderation so I have to yell at him very carefully
Just play another mod while OLR 3.0 get updated and fixed.
>safespace filters
I want my buildo maps
Only one other mod has buildo maps
You know the one
New Arsenal has both vanilla and build versions of some maps. Vanilla garbage is called garbage while build garbage is called industrial zone or something like that.
Find me a mod with buildo swamps and you have yourself a deal
They are present in New Arsenal 7 (right next to CS swamps and called Dead Marshes). Sid has a quest to retrieve his tractor and gives you the level transition. There are also some bandits near a shack that usually get mauled by pseudogs. One of them drops a unique abakan that can be put to good use until mid-game. There are plenty of buildo maps scattered around NA7.
I talked to OLR nerds and their solution is "wait on a different map", which only results in a different patrol having inaccessible vertexes in its path or whatever
And fixing this shit will probably mean editing olr.spawn file
And you all know that requires a new game lmao
Thanks I'll probably hate it just like I hated OLR 2.5 and OLR 3.0
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It's not trying to recreate buildo. It's SoC with extra guns, quests and maps. A bit soupy since you have dream sequences where you shoot nazis.
Yeah I don't hate SoC but I'll find a reason to hate New Arsenal just for you babe
You can buy a sabertooth in a backpack and deploy it against enemies. That might be one.
WTF I love New Arsenal 7 now
Just like my pitbull grenade from Syndicate Black Ops
Wait Lost World CoP, it should have real Chernobyl on which is based buildo maps. Look at Google Maps, it's basically buildoescape+buildobar polished to ideal.
stakler co-op when?
ray of hope when?
never and never
actually there are a couple co-op mods out
what mods?
xrMPE released?
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freedom board
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Is the enhanced rifle quest from duty in olr 2.5 located in rostok or the military warehouses?
Map marker shows rostok, but quest description mentions it's military warehouses
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I would rather trust the map marker. In SoC fetch quests the map marker is tied to the object specified in the game files. I assume OLR functions the same way.
>freetards get filtered by having to do any story content at all
Can you even play SOC vanilla anymore, or do you need some cheats to let you skip past the psi barriers to fulfill your autistic need to not have any structure?
Is Shadows Addon 0.8.9 buildo themed?
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The normal/bump maps on all the SOC and non-unique CS faces always looked weird. I can't tell what they were supposed to be conveying.
Shadow's Addon adds cut elements back into SoC. It's not exactly buildo, it takes inspiration from later builds than the ones OLR is based on.
What if you break off a chunk of the Monolith, crush it up and snort it?
you will be executed by Charon
You escape the matrix.
You become the Shadow of Chernobyl
You hear the Call of Pripyat
You will find that which Oblivion Lost
am i the only one who seethes about how you can't actually enter every building and room in every lab and every map?

I want to know what the actual full floorplan of places like Agroprom are. I wanna know where the collapsed roads in Zaton go to. I wanna know where the train tunnel in Warehouses lead to.
It does irk me as well. I think every building in Dead City was 100% explorable in early buildo.
But I won't be able to Clear the Sky?
Don't worry, it will allow us to Escape this Garbage life and we will rise like Jupiter.
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Could someone have picked it up? Do stalkers spawn in Rostok? I can't find it anywhere. It's not in the tunnels either.
So I was reading about the mission in SoC where you have to find a weapon for that drunk Duty guy in the Bar and came across this:
>The reason why the item marker points to the middle of the Bandit base in Dark Valley is because that's the last place where the weapon was before it was picked up by an NPC, which causes the engine to stop tracking it.
So it sounds like an NPC picked up your weapon and is now roaming the buildo Zone with it.
its a bump map
It's most probably underground, you are standing above the tunnel system of Rostok
Is that gigantic underground map in OLR 3.0 a single connection of all underground tunnels of all maps or did hi_flyer made that monstrosity for just one map?
it's one huge map that connects to all above ground levels
Nigga fuck you, you haven't seen the things I've seen
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was it good?

бyдeшь кoлбac?
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you really have to go into demo_record to appreciate the scale of the place
it's got layers
No shit retard. These maps are normally supposed to give a 3d depth look to flat textures that follow the texture. These ones look like just random shit.
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If OLR is crashing with
>any vertex in patrol path
Especially on army warehouses
Go onto a different map and medkit + vodka yourself to sleep a few times
This will eventually unfuck the spawns
no shit retard
thanks for trying to explain what we already know
>was it good?
no idea, never played it.
but its free on steam last I checked
I played through it first time with ABR and really liked it.
Actually playable unlike SRP but it doesn't save the story from being shit.
abr has srp in it
you sure you meant SRP
SRP was more task manager than game when I went through it for my first try of CS
If ABR is built off of srp then i kneel
I only wrote that becuase srp is primarily a community bugfix mod
you might just mean the whole faction war stuff was like task manager, i get that.
but yes abr has srp in it. thought abr did some other things from their mod
Then why the fuck are you questioning my post?
In my experience srp got you through 20-30 min before a crash. During my orignal go it crashed whenever I tried leaving dark valley after joining freedom. Faction wars (with a side you picked losing in the background) helped me lose interest
abr with me fixed that. Might not be the purest way of playing through cs but atleast gives you a good first experience you know?
why aren't you questioning your post?
thats the real question
I try not to give too much shit to people who enjoy mods, no matter how different they are.
I've played some fucked up jank shit mods over the years and I enjoyed them, even thought I would not recommend them to anoyone to play.
mostly becuase they were buggy/crashy and your typical play doesnt want to waste their time with all that shit. so if you enjoyed it, then good, more power to ya.
The scripting broke on the "kill big dick bloodcyka" quest
Then it completed itself lmao

>but its free on steam last I checked
It shut down in 2022
>It shut down in 2022
well shit
so just he assets
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Sounds like a bunch of free assets for STALKER mods now, iffin ya ask me.
some models from suvarium were already ported to stalker
desu some of them are really not great. the textures are ok, and they more weirdly colored ones can be touched up, but the models are kinda bad.
still some of thme were ported
Found a random freedumber in the rat catacombs
You can tell he's having as much fun as I am (zero)
On the bright side I now have a PKM
Let's see those bloodcykas tank hits now
This quest alone killed OLR 2.5 and it killed OLR 3.0
hi_flyer never learns
you can in fact shoot your way inside the bunker
but then this guy is invincible
hello brother
why have you come
So it is a connection between all levels, that's not a bad idea, assuming that the tunnels aren't full of pseudogiants and other high tier mutants all the time to make it so that you can't reliably use them for a travel network between maps.
hello? hello
they're full of rats (small and big) that give you anthrax if they bite you
but it's also full of artifacts
but it's so damn huge it's easier to travel over the land 100% of the time
>This quest alone killed OLR 2.5 and it killed OLR 3.0
Warwick Davis fighting a Blyat Suka
It's unbelievably shit and tedious also darklab breaks your headlamp in 2.5 LOL! Hope you brought a spare! Sucker!
hi_flyer is a (vodka) nigger bastard
In this wonderful place I found (and killed)
>6 or 7 bloodsuckers
>1 controller
>1 chimera
>2 izloms
>2 or 3 zombies
Can hi_flyer count? Does he know how many shots each bloodsucker takes?
OLR 3.0 bloodcyka can be killed in 2 perfect SVD headshots, unless it was already injured. SVU deals less damage than the SVD. Also good luck hitting their heads when they never hold still and you can only see their eyeballs and dust under their feet.
Also there are friendly dogs in here for some reason. I guess they're mourning their controller owner.
I must be autistic because playing with the gravitional artifact/hand was always fun and relaxing contrary to what OLR usually throws at you
>go to bloodsucker village
>have to fight bloodsuckers
This village is usually bad news in any mod, but come the fuck on.
And I found the 3 missing stalkers plus one dead monolith dude and the quest broke. 1 exosuit guy, 1 science suit guy, 1 sniper. That makes 3. But it doesn't count lol. Better luck next time.
Can't wait for the entire village to respawn.
I remember being interested in it after the original S2 got canned and everyone involved decided to call out having worked on stalker whether they had (4A, Vostok games) or not (the team behind Tejas Stalker's personally endorsed and never released asset flip Areal). It being multiplayer kind of turned me off, but I meant to give it a try. Then it shut down.
What even was it? Was it an extraction shooter before those were popular?
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nlc is a milsim sandbox?
Just use your brain

R A M M I N G. W I T H. V E H I C L E S
Anyone tried to run OLR 3 on Linux? I can't see map or minimap. I use Lutris with Proton-GE
its more that nlc is real hardcore "survival" game than gamma will ever be
>assuming that the tunnels aren't full of pseudogiants
Motherfucker you jinxed it. 2 of them spawned in there and ass raped me.
Barman quest gives you a free Kamaz and he buys it off you for 75 rubles. I shoulda kept it.
> playing buildo on r2
gameplay showcase never
Is op ogsr still coming out full release may 12 with an English translation?
In june
gonna try the openxray memeslinger mod
wish me luck
This looks like such a massive pain in the ass to navigate.
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followed the instructions and all i get is this
thanks memeslinger
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what are you here?
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i told you bitches once i got the autosniper its over for you
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not even 1 mag
True Stalker has some cool atmosphere.
STALKERfest '09 must've been wild.
the redesigned maps are top tier
>increase annoyances for the sake of being annoying
>wow so hardcore
>brought to you by scam extraordinaire
Ill never forget
just dualboot
I haven't
>What even was it?

>Was it an extraction shooter before those were popular?
It was fun
t. attendee
For fuck's sake I know it was Survarium. I know there was a steam page. What was it? PVP team deathmatch with some objective modes? PVE?
It was a CoD P2W clone with a "promise" of a Coop story mode that was always said and never worked on, we got one coop mission
have you read the steam page?
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ty vryosh
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Major Degtyarev and Corporal Shepherd switch places at the Beginning of each game (for Degtyarev when the the Osprey Crashes for Shepherd the Arrival at zaton) what Shenanigans ensues?
Nothing gets done because neither can speak the language of the locals or any kind of transmission

maybe Deg knows SOME English but what the fuck is an Ukranian Special Services operator gonna do in New Mexico? fucker is going to sweat himself to death just being outside 5 minutes
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What if shepard and marked one switched places? He was an amnesiac and knew what he's supposed to do as much as shepard would
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OLR is a goo-ACK
burner just generated right in front of sid's bunker...
rate my haul
that poor ostrich
>have Golmar's suit gravity artifact enhanced Sunrise
>have to wear SEVA and pray it doesn't get punctured because le parasites lmao
Imagine if Plasma artifact didn't have durability
Shartifact durability is bad in general
you enjoying the masterpiece so far?
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>what if [GR15] and stalker had a crossover? XD
I can't stop playing this terrible, terrible mod!
I'm dislike animations in gunslinger, it's is too slow, I'm prefer unrealistically fast and flick animations like in valorant/overwatch/cod
OLR 3.0, cleared Dead City of parasite bullshit, does Freedumb trader ever show up?
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unironically this except I didn't play any of the aforementioned games and despise the "parkinson meets the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" reloads from cod
>does Freedumb trader ever show up?
yeah, I don't remember when exactly
pls saar do not redeem the rape do the needful saar thank you in advance have a wonderful day
Rate my next haul
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>stalkan next to the pool table
gang shit/10
>stalkan next to the pool table
>not squattin
Digger went to Dead City and fucking diededed there
Shoulda bought better gear than leather jacket and BM-16
bruuhh look at this dood...
so speed them up.
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Good night, /sg/.
Where do you get the Rostok Strelok Stash code in OLR 3.0?
good night
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I saw an OLR dude throw a grenade for once
seems like they never wanna do it even if they're carrying some
night bro
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a fucking dog jumpscared me, i hit my desk and my pc shut down
also who tf told me to use q and e so the npc cant see me, mf in lab x16 have wallhacks, they can shoot me thru walls
>mf in lab x16 have wallhacks, they can shoot me thru walls
that doesnt sound right
i shat myself first time this happened
emmmmm...lab x16 is full of ghouls right? maybe it was lab 19, perdon por el retraso
x16 is the brainlab in soc
there are zombies in there, the wall hax thing just doesnt seem correct

>perdon por el retraso
speak english
ukranian game, russian spoken in game
>speak english
mutts are so funny
I prefer Witcher 1 over Witcher 2 in general.
>buh buh the game comes in non-english

tards are so funny
THAT part doesn't sound right but
>i hit my desk and my pc shut down
It's an American website. Speak the lingua franca.
one thing I care ab it about
the other I don't
Yeah half the country speaks russian or at least they did in the 2000s when it was made
It's actually Mongolian
just saw a couple of zombies on yantar
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I'm taking a break from working on Chernobyl Freeplay. I'm working on a mod for another game that I have to finish.
Modposting will resume in a couple of months, give or take.
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That's bad news.
annoying creatures
>another game
which one may I know?
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
I suppose the servers are technically on land under the blue sky...
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You will fall alright.
>why are you locked in sids bunker
Can someone post the outskilled webm meme with the bandit using a shotgun over the shoulder in the swamps
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Here is the Stalker 2 Ultimate Editon physical map
no ded
>the greedy toad

gonna stalk this so fucking hard
>>476282469 It'll either be pure kino, an absolute mess, I can't envision something in between
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Why they don't make real Chernobyl instead escape/zaton/swamp, like in old S2 map?
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while extracting images from odf showcasing worldmap i found this
looks interedasting to me and i haven't seen it being posted here before
It's stalker

it's gonna be both
full sized Jupiter underground? cool
Words of wisdom.
I expect _some_ jank, I try not to get hyped about anything so expectations can't be ruined lel
Are these maps going to be fully open and connected?
according to pre-release stuff + people who have played the leaked builds, yeah it's one big map instead of separate levels
My body is ready
There's no way they're making the september release date by the way
As long as it turns out OK, I don't mind. Let's be real, given how long we've waited already, a few more weeks/months won't be noticeable.
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freeplay mod built on true stalker maps when?
HL2 looks different than I remember
Yeah why don't more build maps ever make it into any big mod?
Man, true STALKER looks both interesting as well as extremely annoying to play.
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Looks like pripyat and npp are in their irl locations
>they don't know about snow DLC
play the leaked build
remove r1 meme lighting
it's r3
Place of the last trailer
inb4 its r3

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