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Tips for being a good taichou:
>Its golden week and the friends know it!
>Partaking in the holidays is what a good taichou would do.
>Take a rest from spoiling friends (work) and go spoil some friends (vacation)!
>KF3 is having an event with mythical friends! The sickle weasels, yatagarasu, goshingyu and more!
>Spend golden week with a cute golden fishie, Kinshachi!
>New interior banners, and gym uniforms alts for several friends!
>Kingdom's rate up friends are Serval, Hippo and Giraffe!
>Active Kingdom codes: EastereggKFK WorldKFK

>Kemono Friends Kingdom
>Official Twitter
>Kingdom Mate Codes
https://pastebin.com/E83JZa8Z (embed)
>Spreadsheet of KFK Friend skills

>KF3 PC Version and Mobile Version
>Chokotto Anime
>Official Twitter
>KF3 Friend Codes
https://pastebin.com/Jjh09inL (embed)
>Guide and Skill Sheets

>Model Viewers
>Moose-Taichou's Repository
>Moose cache backup

>Previous Thread: >>475028373

>Tip of the day:
Taichou sometimes gets sleepy during the weekends, plan is to feed several friends sugar and release them in the room all at once, let's see him try to snooze now!
She really is up there in the big tail competition.
honk shoo
She's got such a fat tail you could probably use it like a daki
golden fish on golden week in a golden bikini...
taichou is dead...

this is vtuber shit but the chipmunk is back
Oh wait that's her PL?
Guess it really was her contract finishing up or something along those lines. Nice to see she's still around in some form, even if she's no longer a furenzu
How strong is the gold fish anyways?
Yeah you can find her collabs with Shimahai from before she joined KemoV. They had to turn off comments for those videos because her voice is so recognizable.
Ball massage for Taichou, hehe
Huh, that's pretty funny. I wonder if she might collab again with KemoV girls sorta like how there were a few collabs with Arai's VA where it was known but not acknowledged information
Three of Coyo's friends went onto be Hololives but they haven't collab again yet. Maybe Cover is just shitty about that though.
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what is it about Kako-sensei that makes her a swirling vortex of sexiness even when she's just standing there
Yeah, I'd imagine Cover is generally pretty uptight. Honestly I'm amazed by how much it makes for how little they do to progress vtubing
Hags. Simple as that
Progressing vtubing = collabs?
They can't collab with most western vtubers because of how political they are. It's also difficult to collab with someone when they are a much smaller channel.
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No, just a separate thing that the topic of Cover made me think of. Stuff like their tech, the transition from everyone being 3d to everyone being 2d and taking a long while to get 3d, etc.
That's not a topic for Friends though
which friend makes this sound
Her tail is so big that if she ever had an English dub, she'd definitely yell "Touch my bass Rebecca. TOUCH MY BASS!"
I've found interesting website article that explain about friends relationship status with captain and mentioning which friends is on the captain sides (they group on "Captain Love group"), friends that just "friendship mode" with captain and which friends that become backstabber (potential enemy) if you cross certain red line.

There the website link : https://w.atwiki.jp/proposalwiki/pages/114.html
A goose, probably.
There i found interesting conclusion on that website
went fishing today
caught 1
father caught 5
>White Serval calls Serval "Serval nee-chan"
My heart was not prepared for that
just like the other girls, not as strong as my discipline stick
Poor dhole.
I dont really understand the difference between the GRRRs and the Fu- s
Probably because the b*rd can't be reached easily cause she flies
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Havent been here in a while, when the next /vg/ league?
next vglel starts right at the end of the month
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Official date will be June 7th for the league to start proper, qualifiers for some teams the week before. Which we're quite well and free from this league.

Last thread had the official announcement but suggestions for replacements or any changes are always welcome.
So far the Dragons are looking to be quite popular additions to the roster, but still plenty of time and room for any other changes.
Inoue Kikuko is 17 years old!
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look at that bummy
friends in tracksuits are about as dangerous as friends in sweaters, which is very dangerous
The amount of sealed up potential that is released any time one is unzipped...
The interactions between Friends are way too cute and definitely feel underappreciated compared to their lewdness a lot of the time nowadays
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mmm friend belly
friend navel
friend belly should be covered though
makes it more special when it's exposed
>friend belly should be covered though
yeah with spit from my tongue
bird, more like turd
Birds are so desperate that they're having sex with dogs now.
>Dhole has to deal with all the birds that tormented her instead of getting access to her own taichou
Poor dog...
Wild dogs, not Dog Friends.
It's only a matter of time
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Excuse you? Wild dog is for lucky beast and taichou only.
>dog friends being permanently scarred with the memory of birds assaulting them before being sandstar'd
Poor dogs...
How do we make taichous less sleepy?
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kiss dragin tummy
bratty dragon needs to be taught how to act around taichous...
Damn, gotta give it to the autists for finding her this fast. Even if she ain't a fren anymore I'm glad that she's doing fine.
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No, leave her be
Bratty byakko lizard needs some manners
>posts sexy dragon tummy
>won’t let me kiss it
People knew who she was beforehand. This isn’t some great mystery. The rest of KemoV seem to be all first time streamers.
With all these new dragons, do you think we might end up getting any other new dragon Friends any time soon?
Wild bird...
I know birds are supposed to be good at singing and all but do they actually know how to handle instruments?
i want a new snek friend
like a burmese python or boa constrictor friend
I'm surprised we don't really have mythic snakes yet, but I guess we'll probably see some next year
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Hululu's gone Sanrio style
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>we don't really have mythic snakes
But what about this one!?
Oh sorry my bad, I didn't understood at first. I wasn't aware she wasn't a first timer. So this one was her first project before joining kemov and now that her contract or whatever is over, she returned to this? I would thought she would start with a fresh new project.
Most likely she wasn't making as much money as she wanted. The contracts aren't made public but kemov (kadokawa) must be taking a chunk of her earnings. So instead she bet that most of her fans would follow her back to her previous persona since it is well known and then she keeps more of the money.
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she's so cute with that hat
Anonchou. Does there any friends that probably have an bad terms with taichou (indifferent, dislike, hate) besides European Hare and Margay?
Hmmm i doubt we getting another new dragon (red dragon) in this may. Probably Next month we go a new dragon
That makes sense. Being an independent vtuber not attached to any agency or whatever (as she seems to be) is quite an advantage. Not sure how many of her kemov fans will follow her since some may be kinda envious since she's isn't attached to 'their' brand anymore, but it seems she had quite a following before, so I guess she'll be fine.
I'm trying to find if there's an animal that naturally secretes a stimulant, but google keeps getting confused and thinks I'm asking about feeding stimulants to animals. As far as I can tell, they're all plant-based. There are a couple of insects and arachnids that list insomnia as a symptom of their venom, but sandstar is a shit and won't give us creepy crawly friends.
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>puts u to sleep (through lack of oxygen)
The forever sleep doesn't count.
all Friends can play the flute
I don't think it's going to be a lack of oxygen that puts me to sleep
the way they play doesn't count!
Oh yeah I totally forgot about her
There are more that would be pretty cool though
I meant more completely new dragons, something beyond the ones already previewed.
Not any that can be easily thought of since Friends are meant to be Friendly and stuff, but the trend does seem to be yuri Friends...
yuri Friends are just a Friend harem that doesn't know it is one yet
dykes WILL get corrected and they WILL like it and their power of love WILL let them share Taichou better than any other harem
Stupid people think a good friend is one who will always support you.

Smart people know a good friend is one who tells you when you're being a fucking retard.
Very true. You can get that without playing with fire just fine though!
I don't know taichou, with the competitive nature of animals in regards to that stuff some Friends could get quite dangerous in that territory.
Not to mention, the competition between them and taichou is fun and you lose that when they get "corrected"
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There are girl taichous you know. And the unstoppable friendship Mirai and Nana have with their animals.
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Fishes are back at menu let's fucking goooo
finally cleared the puzzles
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Moose bird police!


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this fox is relentless
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I need that game but with friends instead
Genet would probably play it too. She's a dangerous older sister type.
Moose with Moose bird art when?
These stream have been fun, but I still struggle to get into these Friends played by real people. They just don't feel like Friends anymore. Wish there was a bit more acting going on to feel the part more.
turbo stinky friend
only dead fish are stinky
she's still gonna smell like the ocean and seaweed and stuff
very stinky
Lots of things advertise they smell like the ocean as a good thing.
Smelly fish mentioned
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Some taichous will see the stinkiest Friends and think hell yeah
Hell yeah!
Least smelly sea Friend?
hell yeah
she's not stinky though
definitely not as stinky as the foxes
You have to think of it differently taichou. It's not a type that's in direct competition with mammals, but rather a different flavor
To me, stinky is bad.
Bad or not, there can still be very different types that'll affect you in different ways!
Money can be exchanged for Japari Buns and extra special Taichou services
Did you know? Wild penguins have been observed practicing prostitution.
wonder if any other Friends do that sorta thing
I did not sign up to provide these services.
Who printed these "Night with Taichou" coupons?
Have you considered the most terrifying possibility of all- another taichou
What Friends, just any or a specific range?
Host club ran by deer friends with nice racks...
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I am alive once more, and come with more Mega updates.
Sort of a typical smaller update with the usual mgmg, shiko and ransu selections which is padded by the fact that this was a bit delayed. Most of the shikoripa stuff this time around is kinda weird, but ransu's stuff is pretty great.
Also added in the three folders that one kind taichou helped provide, which includes hntk, loistaa and wonderful_waon.
No new updates for Moose art yet, but plans are brewing and the next loli Moose image should be done pretty soon here hopefully. The rest might take a bit though
Hope you enjoy, taichous!
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Part of their appeal is that they're with a legitimate brand but are allowed to do what they enjoy. That said, Caracal is so weird she's probably the closest thing to a Friend becoming a Japanese youtuber.
Tsuchinoko male swimsuit challenge…
More art of Friends like that in general is needed
i like furenzu but gacha games suck...
You just need to be patient and then you can avoid the gacha-ness of things!
I do agree though, a proper KF game that's non-gacha would be great.
Non-gacha KF game never
I'm honestly surprised KF never ended up hopping on the open world action gacha train
reposting updated kingdom char data since OP's not updated
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KGhnJCtEUTwRE_F_ycMHRZpT_etfTFLctyFjbGddNC0/edit?usp=sharing
i don't mind if you prefer to keep the old one
I hate thiose Yuritroons artist that draw male Taichou to femoid. We need artist that turning Taichou fucking chad
do the same raids change without telling anyone?
Toki was able to kill the mini bastards that kill you if you don't kill them in 2 turns just fine yesterday
but today she doesn't even get to the last health bar
if I get Panda in the shop, I will get the +3 miracle levels
so I want to get it, but I will not be able to get the next shop friend
how likely will Moose, Crested Ibis, or Tsuchinoko be in the shop next?
i wouldn't think so
there's probably some RNG mechanic in play
last one was emperor and before that i think was lion
>+3 miracle levels
does that go over the limit of 10? or is it just saving you resources?
looking at the numbers, hare seems to really be giving other healers a run for their money
imho protagonists should be drawn androgynous so it could go either way
kinda like the undertale mc
it goes over the limit
the max miracle level becomes 13 and it gives you those extra three levels for free
for example, if the miracle level is 8 then getting the +3 miracle levels will make it 11 with a maximum of 13
getting +3 miracle levels is important for all characters and gives them a massive buff, which is why I want to get it for Panda since I have the opportunity
but I don't care that much about Panda, I have her raised to A2 90 with level 10 miracle because she is used in raids sometimes so she will get used
but there are many other friends I would rather get from the shop, such as the ones mentioned in my previous post
I asked the question because it would be extremely useful to get those levels, but getting them and then having the next shop 6 star be someone more important for me that I wouldn't be able to afford would seriously suck
well there's still plenty of time until the panda rotates out
a banner might show up with some of those characters (including the panda), and even if it doesn't, a 6 star drop could still be them from daily x90s
fingers crossed
Even in the official projects they usually look androgynous to feminine, so you can't really blame the fan artists for that one.
Even if the "secret" official answer is that there's the obvious male taichou, why would you complain about girl on girl action? Are you gay?
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why not make both the chad

And I'm sorry taichou but the first KF manga was yuri.
>you don't like gay content therefore you are gay
Are you a woman?
dog x dog is still dog content even if you're not a dog
That's not the same and you know it.
Sorry taichou but if you can't appreciate girls kissing as a man I think there might be a problem
liking seeing opposite sex is straight even if it's gay, liking seeing same sex is gay even if it's straight
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time to go back in the sea
>Another sea rapist
Oh god yes
>Fluffy hair
>Lazy eyes
>Sea mammal
I can't resist...
I like her extra long front hair
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I mean, most artists draw the eyebrows one a boy. Most art made of him being female are commissions from fetishists, which for the record I don't have a problem with because it's not my thing.
This just makes me wish you could personalize your own taichou.
When are we getting Irish Elk mama
Please M*ne...
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cute and fluffy
You will be coerced to consent Tye Cho
>Sea Rapist
Genuine ask. Where does this slander come from ?
Dolphins are known to perform rape. There's a common saying that there are dolphin rape caves. Thus, since every friend is the epitome of sexiness and femininity, dolphin friends are rapists.
from real life
they rape each other, other sea animals and even people
rape as in literal, as in non figurative
Til. Well i guess. i don't complaint about that now lol (i want to get raped by dolphin friend). Hopefully more sea rapist added on KF
The real question is where is that sweet sweet cave in Japari Park...
It's a slow process but the new aquatic friends from over the years have been great. Maybe if we're lucky they'll keep making them
i just want more stuff that feels like season 1 of the anime..
Sorry taichou, but we're way past that point...
>trust me bro, you're gay, because you don't like gay content
sounds like something a groomer would say
I mean I guess its a matter of how proper you want them. there's some downright amazingly fun fan works that I've enjoyed.
you guys are talking past each other
I think there's two types of issue being conflated
a sexual preference: (I like girls, more girls is more hot)
a moral objection (I believe homosexuality is wrong)
I feel both, so I'm rather conflicted
Yeah, that's definitely true. Just sucks that there isn't anything that feels higher budget, and those projects from way back in the day that seemed cool are dead/never ever type things
>a moral objection (I believe homosexuality is wrong)
higher powers aren't real and the world is overpopulated as is, moral objection solved
>you're a groomer because you like seeing more women
Just admit you have shit taste and move on gaychou
>higher powers aren't real
>and the world is overpopulated as is
I seriously doubt he's gay
and there's no need for hehehe insults here
might just be insecure about losing his girl to lesbians
even if they are, they're probably into gay shit too, tons of higher powers are depicted as such
While you're probably right, the way he goes about responding to it sure isn't tanoshii
I'd much rather he be one of those "I'm going to conquer all dykes" types cause at least those guys are tolerable
that's not how that works
I don't really feel like arguing this though
>that's not how that works
it really is tho, don't let some bigots from the intolerant ages put words in your deities' mouth, if they even exist
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Kemono Friends?
I just saw an even more annoying tangent in another thread
wonder if it's a timezone thing
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Kemono more-than-friends.
Kemono Friends with benefits
Friends are the employers now!
I want a Razorbill Friend. Mine should make a bird of futuristic design who would enjoy Daft Punk music
I could also see them being designed as Friends that wear goofy masks
I already do not like and trust this bird
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>>doesn't like gays
Why are cats so cute?
Their parasite already got to you...
Picking up cat Friends and giving them lots of small smooches on their cute faces
doesn't that parasite only make you a little less fearful? when I looked into it, the only negative side effect was maybe driving a little more recklessly
it doesn't reduce your lifespan or have any other negative side effects as far as I'm aware
and it doesn't even remove your fear, it only slightly suppresses it. so it doesn't even change your personality
and in cats it is a symbiote because they use that reduced fear to hunt better
in other words, that parasite is based
everyone should have one
unless we are talking about different parasites that can also infect humans, of course
I only know of this one
also check kingdom's event notices, it reset and now mentions the opening celebration in august of last year
maybe we'll get a second opening celebration?
some studies suggest that particular parasite gives you schizophrenia
probably bunk but you never know......
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no swearing no swearing
they're just singing in a very screechy way
like a death metal song but with less djent, and the singer is a high treble instead of a low bass
Bad girls
I can't believe those b*rds would do that...
I thought it was the one that makes mice end up getting attracted to cats and their piss and stuff
wtf birds
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why she so sex
Its just a fishie
she's dressed to impress
It's the giant buttplug fish tail. She has a really, REALLY strong butt to be able to run around with that gigantic tail.
it's connected to her spine, way higher than the butt
taicho you ought to stop reading Gray Wolfs' mangas
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you have to have a high iq to understand kemonoplasm
No. You need to have a single digit IQ.

Like you might see this and think "Oh, that's an optical illusion that can't exist in reality."

A friend sees this and thinks. "I am going to run up those stairs."
>having a bad dream
>friendwife comes in and beats up the bad thing before I wake up
Thank you Friends
I mean people not Friends. Do you think Friends understand how their bodies work? It's why Kako has to research them.
this is a divine being by the way
What if gods wore crocs like us
Moose... Defeated...
Putting my hand up her dumb shorts
She's just practicing how to get out of that situation!
Moose is never truly defeated!
Teaching a Friend how her body works...
>losing to a dumb cat
Not a good look Moosechous
She's not actually losing, otherwise she'd be making a different face!
She's simply training to get out of grapples like that, obviously!
Lion fell asleep. This is going to be a very long wrestling match.
Does Friend can get pregnant?
It's your responsibility to help them find out!
Hmm. Honestly i only want to impregnate extinct friends only. Just want to resurrect extinct animal from the extinction.
That's a dangerous job, taichou.
Anyways I have to reminds you to all m*mmalchou. The Birds are more superior than m*mmals. When the mammal was a just size of rats, scurling the grounds, cursing and scheming the plan for ultimate revenge. We know about they evil plan. So once again, Bird wins against m*mmals on animal struggle and the m*mmals Will cease forever as a sad note in the earth history
Mmm... Japari coffee...
I guess this isn't nearly as crazy as civet coffee.
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Bird rider!
>b*rds become mammals
>then try to claim mammals are inferior to them
Pick a lane and stick to it featherbrain
New pangolin
Notice how birds always look angry and malicious
Does it come with a cute cat
More like birds ride me haha
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>>the one with the sharpest fangs wins
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Birds are smug because they are confident in their sexual prowess unlike some cringe dog named D-hole
I have my doubts about bird Friend sexual prowess.
Confidence, aggression even, but skills?
They sure don't look smug in that real bird image
I bet they're jealous of mammals
which Friends would be awkwardly fumbling the first time
which Friends would be naturally skilled and know just what to do
Malayan Tapir
>マ、マレーバクだよ。私を連れて行くって... ... 本当に?
Blue Whale
does lamma always give 55% shield on overflow? since the description says "sometimes"
i only need her to survive 1 turn, is it better to lvl up the rabbit instead because of 40% res?
bird brain too
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>>no thoughts
>>head empty
I'm pretty sure the overflow shields are guaranteed
Cute scaledog
Hmm So they added new friends as filler for upcoming big event. My 100 japari dollar bet Will be divided 60% either that new dolphin event (collab event) will be the next event or 40% red dragon event will be next event.
>The strongest
>Defeated by the weight of a single fat cat...
Mooseless friend
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I was actually a bit disappointed the KF3 Keroro collabs don't have flirting with the player unlike the Nexon ones.

In general, they tried to keep them more "in character". No oddly energetic Keroro singing while cleaning the park either, rather than that she boasts about having to do nothing while in the park unlike back at home.

Even with Giroro, although they reference how the previous Friend Giroro spoke in a feminine way, 90% she talks like standard Giroro just with a female voice. Only right when turning into a friend again and in the Lion scene at the end of the collab she reverted to the feminine speech pattern from Nexon (although these two moments aren't voiced). Also if you do the rubbing interaction in the cabin her voice breaks.
Please don't call her that...
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May 10-16 is Bird Loving Week!
To commemorate this, a "Bird Loving Week Login Bonus" will be held!

You can get luxurious items such as "Four Divine Beads" and "Kirin's Blessing"! Take them and get to loving your birds, Taichou!
>Bird Loving Week
This holiday sounds made up.
it's not gay when sandstar is involved
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Yeah we need at least a bird century to properly appreciate birds.
I'm going to take them and use them on my mammal wife, sorry birds
>Stalker leaves a gift
>Taichou uses gift on another girl
>Japari Park headlines include a nice boat
We really need a bird-eating spider friend.
Everyone knows the birds stole those items to begin with.
Mama..just killed Taichou
Shoved her tits against his head
Smothered him and now he's dead
Sorry but that won't be happening
Hope that poor bird is into watching
That’s why her motto is “a headshot from the jungle!”
Taichou was doomed from the start
Taichou coming to Japari Park was the ultimate mistake
Mama would do it to fem Tye Cho too. Her Bunny Garden streams have been just as relentless as Shimahai’s. These friends are gal game experts and have so much love to give.
listening to grunge trash smoking shit brick weed with chuuni friends under the japari park bleachers...
>Taichou chose the bear over the female staffer
Taichou hibernating with grizzly...
Taichou hibernating with nice and friendly birds...
There are mythological creatures in Japari Park, so I suppose this is possible...
Day 1 of bird week. A lovely seabird wants to snuggle with you.
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It fucking it is, that KF3 such a downgrade compare to the original (Nexon) when it comes Friends personality. The Friends personality in Nexon ones are much bolder, honest, And don't give a fuck to other friends feeling for expressing dislike (Ask Hakase and Mimi an opinion about Toki singing in Nexon). The KF3 altered the friend personality because they think that Nexon personality is too meanie for an friendly franchise. So there where are.
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Loving the Birdgirl a day, to keep the loneliness away
I think there's definitely a point at which you can have a good balance, but it's definitely not what we have quite right now
Taichou, the cats are snoring again
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stinky hat
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>Stand behind
>Press A
>Rotate control stick
>Press A once enough momentum has been gained
>So long, gay Bowser!
This and the fishe made me wonder, which friend has the actual biggest tail?
>bird “week”
Who do I have to complain to have this holiday removed
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Probably one of the gators since their tails are kept in proportion to what the real animal has. I'm surprised the porpoise all have theirs a lot smaller.
Holy shit, she killed her. Truly cold blooded.
She's a doll. She cannot die.
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Clingy frens
I know smell is a pretty important sense for a lot of animals, but would Friends focus on a taichou's scent to that extent?
Newb looking for info on how to start making quality shmups. Imagine all the art is done and conceptual work, I just need to put it into a playable game
Find an existing moddable shmup.
What that other taichou said, I'd imagine it's a fair bit easier to start with modding first rather than building something up from scratch.
Depending on the style you could also use something like touhou modding tools, I think one of them was called danmakufu
In addition to what the above two posters said, I think it's important to have a tangible prototype of your core gameplay loop early on. That's what's going to give you the foundation on which to build everything else. Just take the path of least resistance when establishing that first foothold. It may start out as an humble game mod, but it can become more further down the line once you've built up your knowledge and skills.
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/kfg/ is better at /agdg/ than /agdg/, apparently.
Taichou will wake up, say something nice to a Friend and then fall asleep for the rest of the day
not surprising, that's a pretty low bar
Taichou is a real gamer
Ezo Red Fox's gamer smell...
>already stinky animal
>but then a gamer as well
That's a dangerous combo
>taichous this sleepy
This is definitely because of b*rd week...
Isn't that a cat thing?
You'd think it is and normally it would be, but a whole week that taichou has to deal with birds?
He's basically a corpse at this point
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Bird week, day 2. A big shy bird takes you to her secret hideout.
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Definitely the cutest and nicest bird I can think of
You know how you feel when a non-Friend version of a bird chirps outside your window at 4 am?
Imagine that but a Friend version.

I feel exhausted just imagining it.
I like this bird.
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It's maid day of Bird Week, Taichou! Your birds are changing into maid uniforms to provide you the most unforgettable service this evening!
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Bird pirates!
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Her little fangs with that smile is so cute.
Shoob is a very trustworthy bird. Taichou is in very safe hands (wings?).
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bat butt
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Bird week... It's in full swing, Taichou!
little cute fangs are top tier stuff
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Feeding birds!
Sex with nerds.
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Friendly skeletons
Flat friends just need a bit of manual help from taichou to be un-flat, turns out
She's got bows, eyeshadow, the mind of an otaku, and is an extinct dog.
actual peak friend material
Looks like silver's x-ray glasses worked a little too well.
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Even the Friends are amazed how fast their streams lead to bold new fan art.
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god i wish there was more kemono friends merch
for a second these looked like pancakes
KF pancake art would be pretty cute
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Moose bird's pancakes, open wide Taichou
>Spend week raising Jagga because Shoebill's lack of a decent AOE debuff makes this week's boss horribly inconsistent
>Finally have Jagga maxed out
>Turns out she's even less consistent than Shoob
Cute fake deer
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For you deer taichous, there's an anime adaptation coming in two months for this gem. It's about a deer that goes to high school with a reformed delinquent girl, and not one person cares that she looks like a human girl wearing antlers. She's also maybe but not really but possibly a god, as well. She genuinely defies physics and reason at times. Figured you guys would be interested in this. I know it's a long shot, but getting Noko-tan in KF3 as a collab would be a fever dream.
Maybe this will be the year deer get love from more than Moosechou
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>Talking about modding Friends into games yesterday
>Playing Into the Breach today
>See this randomly generated name
I wonder how much work it would be to just implant a few custom sprites.
Shoob needs to hit the main body on the first turn(where the core is)
if she hits the head or tail, she will only reduce the attack of the part she hits
hitting the main body reduces the attack of all parts
unfortunately, the core is misleading
if you aim at it normally, you are likely to hit the head and miss the core(and also the main body)
if you want to hit the main body and core, then you need to aim for the lower half of the core
the top half will hit the head and miss
you will know you did it right when there is only one catapult damage number(hitting the head/tail also damages the main body, so there will be 2 numbers)
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I've been pretty excited for that one! I feel it's pretty rare to see cute deer girls in anime, and the little bit I've read of that was pretty fun. Think the online TLs stopped a few years ago though, so even though I've wanted to read more I've been stuck between wanting to buy the few volumes of the physical translation that exist and just being patient for the anime. It'd be pretty funny to see her in KF3
I'd imagine the hardest part would probably just be getting the art made if you're not too savvy on that, but otherwise for a game like that I doubt sprite swapping is too hard. There are probably guides online for it out there
the world needs more deer love
Fan translations died early. You'll want to grab the volumes. Alternatively, go grab the volumes from madokami.
The world needs more cat love
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Thanks for the recommendation, taichou.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to treat myself to some deer girl reads
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Don't interrupt Taichou during Bird Week, fleabag
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2 foxe 1 horse
I blame this on all the taichous complaining about umas
going to bed early, sleeping with the door open
I think Sandstar missed that one
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How do you know they weren't a horse friend until the foxes fucked them so hard they died?
Can taichou even handle having to deal with that much tail
Why do crocs and gators get such FAT tails
they're Americans
>shikoripa drawing my fetish

>shikoripa drawing other fetishes
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Bird week, day 3.

A pair of particularly intelligent birds requires you to solve their dispute
If they are so smart why are they b*rds huh? Checkmate
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taichous these sea friends are out of control
>my little dolphin daughter is over 2 meters tall
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This Usako fan magazine got release for free

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Bird week special! Meet your new Friend, Taichou!
Sad there's not a Caracal one.
Rock beats Scissors
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>Have to wait over 14 hours for my stamina in KF3 to be fully recharged
Pain. I can just use a few dozen drinks, but still.
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Smug bird... Moose bird...
That's something not quite smug
and not very comfy either
Sorry but for Dhole that doesn't mean scissoring!
Well that certainly isn't Paper. Taichou should've taught her better. The poor girl is trying to play against herself!
big family...
Whats the relation?
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Bikini bird...
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Bird week, day 4

A charming Bird prophet calls you to her mystery booth, promising to tell your future and your destiny...
Would any Friend call her a witch?
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it's dog day
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she already has like 8 wings. she doesn't need 6 ears too
she's turning into a chimera
friends are for mating pressing
Taichous are for overpowering and taking advantage of
needs an extra pair of hands and an extra pair of boobs
What about the cowgirl way taichou? I want friend ride above me
thinking about coyo tummy
What about it
its cute and i want to touch it
I need convincing
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>Roll on KF3 Bird Banner
>Get a Bird

Why did I do this.
You can get free birds by just leaving the window open.
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That's how they do it in nature, so if taichou doesn't act first...
Just kill kingdom already, Im kinda tired of doing the dailies and the raids but I can't stop doing them.
Better yet, give the game to a company that can actually manage running a gacha. Whoever the current guys are, they're pretty bad. While absolutely nowhere near as offensive, Kingdom is to season 2 as KF3, Pavilion, Festival, and Picross are to season 1. Kingdom is managed so poorly that I feel sorry for the players.
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I've made some terrible decisions in my life but spending a small sum of change on my favorite because gacha and buying her outfit immediately after is arguably my worst one yet
Kingdom really makes me sad. The guys running it already gave up on it, so I'm not sure why they haven't just pulled the plug yet.
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Yeah it's pretty bizarre, I just don't get why they keep it going when they won't ever do anything to improve it.
Hululu said in a recent stream there is no romance in Japari Park. Maybe that’s because she’s an idol.
There's no romance in Japari Park because her husband lived in Tobu Zoo.
Too soon.
>unaware of romance
Not only fitting, but very true!
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Delivery to help taichou awaken
yahoo is old now, silly cat
Is that a water stone? I hope not...
Least smelly friend?
Pancake Octopus. Because she's got no nose.
I thought they could smell stuff with their arms?
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Bird week, day 5

A pretty Japanese bird takes you to the petting zoo...
She was on the subject of couples that meet in February and break up in May. The relationships of the human world do not concern Friends. Japari Park is a Friend zone.
Penguins going on secret dates with Taichou that could put their career at stake…
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What song would you let her play
Smoke on the water
They look like animal
Sniffing extinct Friends
yes, they're animals turned into humanoid Friends, that's the entire setting
it has everything from normal animals, to extinct ones, to even mythological ones
Nta but literally built for belly rubs and kisses plus conceptualize the good girl(dog) scent
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If vicious predator why so cute
I dunno taichou, coyotes are kinda smelly
Are you saying Coyo is a stinker?
Yes. A cute one, but still
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She's stinky because she's a Tekken obsessed gamer.
imagine how stinky and sweaty she gets playing fighting games
Wouldn't it be easier to ask who isn't stinky?
just as a zookepers job is to wash the animals in the zoo, it is your duty as Taichou to wash the friends
grab the stinky and carry her to the shower, scrb her all over, and if she tries resisting sneak a few headpats in to keep her calm
Everyone is stinky in their own special way
I always appreciate the JP Bros giving this American woman some love.
Coyo's gamer aura...
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Sheep are powerful.
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Well a couple of friends are more capable of handling those matters themselves.
they still would appreciate company
I dunno seems like clever ploy..
Not so clever if taichou can see it coming!
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coyo belly button
He's just well perversed at this point, it's dangerous when the friends come up with a plan together.
I really wanna touch it
The complexities of Friends is already hard to deal with, just how much harder would it be factoring in a Frienddaughter?
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Not very much.
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What did she see
Me rape-correcting Weasel
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Today we're having a coon stew for dinner, Taichou
I just realized how scary fluffballs with sharp weapons are
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Bird week, day 6

The one and only Moose bird, flies in the Lodge to spend plenty of quality time with you this day...
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the meme about women choosing the bear but men are choosing the bear too, and children are choosing the bear as well and in fact everyone is because bears are just nice
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Bird toy!
sleeping with a Friend
No taichou would pick a h*man woman over a bear
Nah bud, b**r are fucking scary especially b**r fr*ends.
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come on baby America
coyo’s spats covered butt on my face
You know bird poster.... you're so lucky that birds get lots of art all the time
Arai is dead...
They may be a little scary, but especially as Friends? They just end up being like oversized dogs!
Best non-cat cuddlers?
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That's a no-brainer
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Mose bird... Truly a bird and a half...
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mama has needs
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This but i want mama to be the one showing the goods
Coyo's indecent gamer body
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I wonder if tsuchinoko is ever going to be offered again before kingdom eos's.... I've saved and saved in hopes she does.
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Oh shit, thank you for the heads up. Gotta check it out
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(our) horseys? Super duper the fucking best!
the (other) whorses? Super duper fucking horrible!
do you think friends would like butt scritches like real horsies?
Would not be surprised, I mean I'm sure anyone is familiar with a little butt itch from time to time.
And then with Friends, you can always transition it to something lewder
Another regular Kemono Friends artist has been sucked into doing giantess commissions...
Who this time?
never ever
Why is such an innocent gamer allowed to be so lewd
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Silly birds!
need more bunnysuit friends
Taichou you need to wake up
Weasel is going to cry
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You WILL bring the birds snacks
Every old canine is new again.

I'm gonna feed Moose bird until she bursts
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Her vest looks like it would be itchy.
New KF3 update;
>Can see how many points of EXP and nakayoshi needed for each level now
>Game warns you when a friend can't earn nakayoshi points
The latter point is really annoying since I use a level 10 naka White Serval. Extra button to click every single time I start a mission makes me want to bench her, but I can't bring myself to bench her. Seeing numerical values though is fantastic as hell.
>Game warns you when a friend can't earn nakayoshi points
Please tell me if they add a way to turn that off. It's super annoying because nearly all my friends are maxed.
I'm sure they will at some point. They did add the warning skip for converting extra friends into purple gems, after all. It's just a matter of how long that will take.
this guy put up his KemoV yuri doujin

he ships the dogs

Looks like some cringe MS Paint scribbles
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Cute outfit. Shame she ruined the hat.
Tbf, they could make jackal ear disappear when wearing her casual outfit (the ones with hat) and just pretend that jackal ear are under her hat.
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Bird week, day 7

Surely it is wise to spend the final day of bird week with the wisest of Friends, Taichou?
Yuri shipper are deserved to thrown into the woodchipper
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How does she play piano with flippers?
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fat stacks
>[intense autistic screeching echoes from the desert area]
We are pumping $JPCOIN, taichou, you in?
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>Yesterday, i was to play Uma instead kf3 but somehow i don't want to play either games (mood issue)
>play KF3 today and try to roll on current banner (the ones with bear and pronghorn ones)
>got brown horse and dupe chestnut horse
What gachagod try to tell me by this result? Accept the fact that Horse girl are best girl ?
>squishing her poor ears
I think the real better solution would be shaping the hat around her ears
>46 whole pages of it
No! (our) horseys and only (our) horseys are the best! Don't lump them with those horrible yakuza ones!
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It's a sign, taichou
I know their kemono parts magically phase through their default clothes but how does it work with anything else
Option 1) They don't think about it and it just phases through all clothes because whatever, don't think about it
Option 2) the alt outfits are treated by the magical phasing thing as furs, aka same as default clothes, therefore noclip is ok despite them not being made of magic like default clothes.
Option 3) like 2 but the alt outfits ARE the same as default clothes, powered by their power of belief (i think in one of the guidebooks its said that if a friend were to be told they have no ears then the ears fade out, possibly the magic is related to their sense of self, which is why we see Kaban slightly fade out when told all humans are extinct) and regenerating when lost
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Yeah Kemonoplasm is sugoi.
kissing coyo's tummy
Which friend has the most worshipable feet?
Secretary Bird.
it's taichou's job to undo that
Well the extinct friends aren't gonna breed themselves
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I need more frens with outfits that add glasses for not other reason that to make them look more cute (because obviously it doesn't make them intelligent). There aren't enough
Teaching the weasel how to ginger a horse
glasses on non-dorky friends is definitely a cute idea
Tbf, all friends have an excellent sight (sure some of them are colorblind but can't fix that genetic issue). the fact that some friend wearing glasses is actually fucking weird.
Anyways, i wish that appirits add more casual sexy outfit on friends. The fact that most of friends wearing so outfit are so modestly, it's actually make KF3 the most anti-fanservicey in all JP gacha
It's usually more a thing related to aesthetics and stuff like rings on the eyes since sandstar just translates features into human clothes, but there are genuinely lots of animals with pretty poor eyesight if you want to be fully serious and accurate on that front. Sandstar probably gives buffs to those animals with poor eyesight, but that doesn't change the fact that the animals themselves allegedly have pretty weak eyes. Stuff like rhinos, armadillos, allegedly even moose according to some sites which is pretty funny considering they're all on the same team.
>ginger a horse
More like how to finger a WHORE!
Birds of prey are supposed to have very good far sight but very bad short sight.
Okay stinky weasel, go back to you're smelly hole
isn't that basically what gingering was?
I can't believe the stinky slinky was smart for once!
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I still think the best outfit in a while is this one for that exact reason
Doesn't focus on being overtly sexy but it does the job well
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Taichou... Please hug Hakase-sensei... She didn't make it to you during bird week...
>Promise 10% rate on 4* friends
>No 4* friends appear on second and third ten pull
I guess, i rather have a guarantee 4* friends each ten pull than a bs rate.
>wishing for more whore tier outfits
Nah man, I'm pretty ok with most frens having more actual casual outfits that you could see irl girls actually wearing. There pretty fanservicey in their own way too
the spectacled caiman has glasses because she's "spectacled" haha get it
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never has a sundress on a nerd been so lewd
what makes a friend a dork anyway
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Combing Moose bird's hair...
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anyone have more kemono friends pictures similar to picrel? looking for some new wallpapers
Finally maxed Keroro in pretty much everything. Next probably will start raising Byakko's level cap more, although probably won't max her level or anyone else's. I will at least get her to max photo slots though.
Why is she like this
That's because she is the great satan. Not even the Halloween and chuuni trio are blush when it compare to her
such a vile creature
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Chama signed the poster at the pop up shop...
>maxing le evil frog
based and Mine pilled
She's watching from the shadows...
Such a cute comic. I wanna brush every friend that have wild hair
Which fishe do you prefer, Taichou?
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Maki Goto is now a friend of the Friends.
Where slutty pink one?
Friendlets... Everytime...
I'm gonna groom maruka and naruka chan
All aquatic friends should always be barefoot desu
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What lack of mayo does to a mfer
All friends should always be barefoot
They have the proportional strength of their animal selves.
Kingdom can EOS now, I beat the game.
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I've still never seen a cake... and only about 2 bangles. shit sucks.
Do you have the "get 3 6* friends in a single 10-roll", taichou?
I got a 5* without the special item once, good times.
Not always
sometimes they should have tights covering them
Bare feet > tights
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Silly cat and silly bird...
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Wrong wrong super wrong
benngal tiger....
Do you think Weasel masturbates thinking about Marvel's Wolverine? like wolverines are mustelids, aren't they?
Taichou cosplaying as Wolverine to have BRUTAL sex with Weasel!
Sorry taichou but that's where you're wrong
If weasels do it anything like the wolverines I saw at the zoo the other day it's crazy how rough that msgk probably would want taichou to be
reindeer seems to be bugged in this raid
her skill will only heal and not give the attack boost even after their health is full
it happened yesterday too, but after a second try it gave the attack boost
today I wasted all 10 tries and couldn't get the attack boost, so my damage is lower than usual
I don't know what causes the bug to happen or how I got it to work yesterday
is anyone familiar with this bug and how to fix it?
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hot urufu
I dunno how to fix it but I thought taichous have said Reindeer was bugged for a while
then maybe I've just been lucky until now
I use leaf teams all the time, but this is the first time I've noticed this happen
maybe it has happened before and I just missed it?
It's very possible, I mean hell with stuff like how Reindeer's last upgrade just makes her worse according to some taichous they could easily just have made some oversights
Never seen Reindeer use her miracle but not give an attack buff before. Regularly see Reindeer just flat out refusing to use her miracle (a ? appears above her).
I don't think the question mark is a bug though
her miracle only targets damaged friends, the question mark appears when nobody is damaged or she can't target someone for the miracle for whatever reason
side note: I've also found that her targeting might be related to hp percentage instead of hp amount
there have been times where Lion has had the least hp, but Reindeer would instead target a friend with more hp that had a higher total hp resulting in a smaller green bar
for example, if a friend with 8000 hp is at 50% hp(4000) and a friend with 10000 hp is at 45% hp(4500) then Reindeer will target the friend with 10000 hp despite them having more health
I've never had a problem with her not using her Miracle when everyone's at full health (given I use her with Arctic Hare who outputs an absurd amount of healing). If everyone's full, she just targets the Friend with the lowest Max HP.
for me, her miracle has never activated while everyone was at full health
it will always be a question mark unless someone is hurt
I have no idea why our Reindeers work differently, but for mine at least that never happens
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why does he have big bap
All mustelids are violent at sex, even small weasels.
Get out of the sun then? Is she stupid???
>Is she stupid???
All dogs are stupid by default
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Canines need a leash and an owner to stop them from making stupid decisions. No exceptions
Japanese summers are not for the weak or extinct.
how could the goat never figure this out
Not surprising considering how they act
Maybe that's why weasel is such a brat, it's to get taichou to respond properly
Manboobs full of fat from being lazy and bad diet of only Japari-brand product
He has no belly fat because daily exercise of working with the Friends
a more actual reason could be "so both avatars look like they could be guys or girls because author has autism" but i don't and can't know for sure.
Caturday is finally over.... In some parts of the world....
>She literally wants to be rape corrected
She enjoying it might take some of the fun
Taichou doesn't have to know
He just has to keep correcting when she acts up
>he doesn't know
Mustelids are superior to every other friend
Quiet shorty
>even otters are mustelids, and all mustelids have violent sex
Turns out it's not even just cats, taichou is just tired
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Japanese Dragon
Next doragon when?
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Caracal's caracal
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I hope some day they add this outfit to the Genetto in game
That violin...
I don't know but I want the next one to come out already
Just think about how many buns he has to wheel around the park everyday

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