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>Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection:

>Origins Portrait Rips:

>Origins Font Fixes:

>EO3 "Liberating" Mod
PC hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/AwKKreQ8
Switch hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/mNu4HEeH
Edited portraits:

>Beginner's Guide to the Series:

>Etrian Odyssey Resources (Mods/Patches, References, Data Dumps, Calculators, QR Codes, Skill Sims, etc.):

>Etrian Odyssey Art Books:

>Etrian Odyssey FLAC Albums:

>Etrian Odyssey Lossy Albums:

>Nexus balance patch mod:

>Document containing some resources and information

Previous thread: >>480841258
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I could beat a ronin in the fight
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what the fuck is their problem
they're trained by some guy to take your wires so he can resell them to you for 1000 en each
not sure why they show up everywhere though. Probably let a bunch of them free just for fun.
The coolest rodent
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etriam needs more bosses like this
Your Party < 5 Dancers
They're planning a fullscale invasion of every human settlement.
A bird landed on my arm while I was chilling on a bench
I'm literally becoming a rover irl
He'd be an Earthlain Rover, which is decidedly not very sexo at all
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The NPC earthlain girl is pretty cute however. That being said anons can never hope to reach this level of sexo
I could 1v1 the star devourer
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EO skins in Metaphor
The protagonist skin looks okay, WHERE IS SIX ATLUS
6 is in hiding, it's cowering in fear of 7.
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I wish bird would land on my arm.
While I don't like seeing EO in this garbage, maybe it's a subtle hint that 6 is indeed coming. If the series was truly dead, they wouldn't bother making crossover costumes like this.
Favorite skill?
Head Pierce
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>Multiple resets because of this
I will always hate this boss
Which etriams enjoy a good read?
Dance Oracle
Zodiacs use book
that ninja petrify is pretty satisfying
How do zodiacs in 3 use star powers when they are underground?
they check the night before going down
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They just didn't bother giving the gremlin creature a costume?
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There's nothing quite like getting a big meaty Arm Heal off.
The Primevil did nothing wrong
What's the strongest unit in 3?
Hard to pick just one since there's a lot of strategies that require either subclassing or party synergy, but I'd say Gladiator is just very solid all around, from start to finish, main class or subclass, involved in multiple cheese strategies, but even standard "click strongest attack" gameplay is strong with them
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wish she had normal hair
What's your favorite Katana class?
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I like EO2 ronin a lot, but havent ever given Matsuro a fair shot. I should play V again soon.
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Helped save humanity instead of letting it die as it rightfully should. Thankfully our HEROES are here to correct the record.
Komori is finally free from SMT5 hell right? EO6 will finally start development
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Charged Front Mortar
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Direct this week with SQ6 announcement. They wanted to wait until VV was out first before having the Direct, that's why they've been waiting until later in June. Trust me bro, it came to me in a dream.
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I love Princesses
your sword also being a scepter seemings very inefficient to use
I will marry a princess irl
Its not designed for combat, Sov isn't a phys DPS class. The sword aspect is symbolic, it represents the strength of her country, and her authority as princess.
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Nah it's Etrian VV
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me ;)
Bratty princess lynx, needs hoplite provoke correction
etriam but Shadows Over Innsmouth
That's basically countryside EO3
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Add new loli portraits and I'd be sold.
etriam but At the Mountains of Madness
Optimal 3 team
Front; gladiator sub:arbalist, princess sub:farmer, monk sub:hoplite
Back; arbalist sub:gladiator, zodiac sub:buccaneer
okay but consider:
5 blond princess
>EO5 with all the cut content and races
God that would be great
I'd actually be okay with that. Add a new race with 2 new classes for it, new portraits of each class as the other races, and then maybe some MINOR tweaks to the original class skill trees and I'm sold.
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A very useful censor desu
EO5 is my favorite, but I'd still rather have a completely new one even with the risk of it being bad
What content was cut?
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I still haven't forgiven Atlus.
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there's this big world map from the art book, as well as playable demon race. Playable lizard race too I believe who show up as enemies on the 4th stratum.
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We don't know, it's all just speculation. However, everything beyond the fourth stratum feels like it was rushed during development.
Isn't that bunny the one from the nexus artbook that never made it into the game? So she was double scrapped?
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>Shamelessly leaving the card with the horned-race's crest in the Shaman's portrait.
Nothing was cut. There is concept art of alternate races that were considered, but I doubt they ever intended to include that many.
Do any of the other games have cut content we know about?
Untold 1 does yeah.
let's try that again
If you count the unused FOE/Boss grimoires in U2, then sure
My gut says they were cut. And I trust my gut more than I trust your logical argument, anon.
etriam but Voices of a Distant Star
what's the best team I can make in 3 if I want to sub everything gladiator?
Sounds like optimal play to me
5 gladiators
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imagine being in the center of that fluff, being cooked to death like bees on a hornet
are chase teams good in 3?
no, unless you count shogun's broken shit as chases

i assume you mean just buccaneer chase setups, which are not very good in the long run even if they are fun to use
(`(`ㅅ´ ( `ㅅ´ ) `ㅅ´)´)
The problem with bucc chases is that they are AOE in a game where the vast majority of bosses and FOEs don't have adds. So with only a few notable exceptions, bucc chases are basically only good against random encounters. That wouldn't be a problem for a normal AOE skill, but chases require more SP investment and are something that you build your whole team around, and you do not want to build your whole team around clearing out mobs.
Warrior's Might is a chase skill and yes it's good. Bucc's chases aren't quite as good but still not bad either, they're just more annoying to build around. The bucc chases have a chance reduction after each chase while I think WM doesn't but I might be remembering wrong. Shogun/bucc can feed a ton of chases when swashbuckling kicks in enough. I never used Ygg bots but I've heard that they don't chase on the turn you summon them.
etriam but phantasy star 2 dungeons
I could easily beat a princess in a fight
prove it
I tried using Bucc chases in EO3, got past the Gatekeeper and immediately retired my entire team to use Warrior's Might.
she loses easily to the cock
Ygg chases are actually kinda good
Starting EO5. Thoughts on this party?
Spirit Broker/Divine Herald
What's the optimal rotation for Berserker Vow and Charge?
Berserker Vow > Charge > Blade Rave
In 3HD is actually Charge > Berserker Vow > Blade Rave since charge skills don't expire if you don't use them
it depends on what version of the game you're playing
in the HD version it's charge > vow > attack > charge > attack. In the original that don't work so you can only do vow > charge > attack > attack
should be good
Is there a single game where chase teams are good?
4, 1U, 2U and 5.
In 2U a chase team is actually one of the best team comps you could have if you want to comfortably beat postgame.
They also work fine in Nexus
I'd say probably every game except 1 since they only chase once in that game. They are good in 3 because WM is a chase skill so it seems weird to exclude it. I just did a chase team in 2hd and while there are probably stronger setups, it still worked fairly well.
Hate chase
Never make a chase team ever
Why do you hate Chase?
I used chases in 5, all you need is fencer+shaman and three fillers.
Chase teams are the highest iq teams in etrian
t. cameron
Chase teams are for gorillas
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Is there a problem with that?
Stratum 6 is bs, just wanted to beat the final boss before move to EO 2
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I am a gorilla irl
nees gunner gf NOW
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Forging is sorta weird (talking specifically EO5, don’t know what it’s like in the other games). It encourages grinding in a way I’m not sure I really like.
Cause like, the optimal thing to do is to - as soon as you are able to - always upgrade weapons to max level because they’re all linear upgrades, so there’s functionally no reason to ever have the lower level weapons.
It just feels like busywork, and I’m not a fan of it because it leads to exp flow as well.
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It's better in 3 and 4 because you get a choice of what you want to put on the weapon such as stats or ailment/binds. You really shouldn't be grinding materials too often, just play the game and you'll get most of the drops you need usually. There's also ingots or whatever that can upgrade the weapon in V but don't waste those on weapons with common drops. In 6, I want the ability to forge effects onto weapons like in 3/4 again but I also want weapons skills to be included in that pool of effects you can add.
the worst part is that you can make ingots by chunking maxed weapons so the easiest way to upgrade is to go floor 1/2 and kill low level mobs to make their weapons and then smash them into ingots. Which as you said is a bunch of dumb busywork.
> often, just play the game and you'll get most of the drops you need usually.
Where it’s come up for me, and what’s making me think about it is that - up to this point what you’ve described has been the case, where just regular exploration tends to give you what you need. BUT I’ve managed to kill the big caterpillar FOE, and the drop you get from that is used not only for a substantially better scythe for my harbringer, but also a substantially better cetus for my pugilist (which poisons alongside the much better stats).
So what the game “wants” me to do right now is kill 9 more FOEs, which is just insane.
Weapons from bosses/FOE are usually what I save the ingots for. Another tip for getting ingots is that you can just buy weapons that you have a lot of material for already, upgrade them to 5, then recycle them until you get enough shard to form an ingot. I only do this for materials I naturally obtained a ton of.
>Sat 23 Nov 2019
>NEXT STAGE any day now.
Any day now.
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heh the face on the blanket is all o_O
You don't have to max forge every weapon. Eventually you'll get a better one that uses common drops.
w-what's up with her leg?
Heavy armor classes are natural party leaders
Wrong, class on the game cover=leader
With VV out the time is now at hand. We either get 6 at the Direct this week or at the one that comes before TGS.
That's not her leg.
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NEXT STAGE news this year
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don't worry 6 will be out by 2026
If there's a Direct tomorrow, how would you rate the chances of EO6 or anything EO related showing up?
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The rate of your head bind only lasting one turn
Direct confirmed tomorrow
Next Stage will be real, trust the plan
If they do more remasters do you think they'd skip the Untolds in favor of 5 and Nexus?
I'm fine with that, 4 and 5 are peak EO.
If it's not tomorrow it's all Logre
What if we get untold 3/4/5 for the new switch
No thanks, I don't want more Untolds and their story mode nonsense. Regular enchanced ports are fine but I really want 6 the most right now.
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Only 22 hours left, trust the plan.
Not gonna happen. Nobody in Japan want untold. Also it's gonna be pc/switch.
Its still too soon for a new game announcement from ATLUS.
Next Stage isn't exactly "new" at this point...
Having a fucking speed toggle would make 4 bearable.
EOVI for the six year anniversary of the Next Stage trailer?
>In 2U a chase team is actually one of the best team comps you could have if you want to comfortably beat postgame.
What kind of chase team? I know about the survivalist bullshit that can kill ur devil in a few turns but it doesn't seem that strong otherwise.
I recently replayed it with the patch in that EO doc and found it pretty bearable
Landy, Palmchemist, Gunner, Beast + Troubadour or Princess (medic can also work).
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Same anon here. I probably shouldn't get anyone's hopes up because honestly I don't think we're getting anything at this Direct. There's probably a very slight chance but realistically, a Fall 2024 or Winter 2025 Direct would have a much better chance. VV did come out but it's probably still too soon for a new game announcement and they still have Metaphor as well.
I want to believe in Butt Master but I don't know, it might be too soon. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
Don't worry they added etrian costumes to metaphor that means six is in the works
Recommended reading material for etriams?
artist:"mashiro shirako$" + parody:"etrian odyssey$"
The EO2 gunner girl manga, it ends before they get to the later strata but it's still a fun read and it's what I would have wanted out of a EO2 storymode instead of what we got but I guess they figured they already blew their gunner load with untold 1.
Ero Hero's costume was added in the TMS#FE port and we've still had no EO news.
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because they added the wrong ero hero costume
The hd collection was "news".
_____ ____
>Get a preemptive strike
>Still make my protector use front guard out of habit
Good damn it, I keep doing this.
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Next Stage...
Dragon themed etriam parties
I read that as panties
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She is so cool
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The Primevil did nothing wrong
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explain this
Shouldn't have stepped into the lions den
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What is this passive skill called?
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9 more hours, bros.
Etrian Odyssey but with playable Napier portraits
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remove fang
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I never realized 7th Dragon had such cute flatties. I don't know why I haven't played this yet but I will after the ER dlc.
All good RPGs need good characters and music.
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I played iii code vfd ages goes. Was pretty fun, I dig the class portraits (which you can mix and match) and some of the classes have really fun gimmicks like playing yugioh mid fight
I somehow didn't realize the DS one was translated and now I feel silly for passing it up for so long when these designs are right up my alley. I can see the EO similarities after firing it up in the emulator and messing with it for a few minutes.
I just fished out my 3ds and cart of it, I might take it for another spin myself
Who wins in a fight? The primevil or the star devourer
should I try finish EO2 or EO3
I like my team in EO2 but I'm not that far in
I'm up to the Deep Lady/One boss fight in 3 but aren't super happy with the line up and might scrap it
Release order. Why did you start playing one game before finishing another?
I'm a free spirit
I like my custom party members more than most RPG characters
Well yeah, they're good characters
Already read that, but thank you for reminding me to back it up just in case
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God I had to stop watching with how painful that was. I knew it wasn't happening but at least they showed the only good thing right at the beginning.
>more bing bing wahoo slop
The only 'good' thing is that DQ isn't dead... but it's all just remake shit anyways.
I seriously doubt the translation of AAI2 will be better than the fan's as well.
Gaming is fucking dead.
>not slop
I'm so fucking tired of all the ports and remakes, whatever making up more than half of "announcements" in these
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Subliminal message, trust the plan.
Next time for sure...
>The Next Stage was Prime 4 all along
I'd be down for a Metroid Prime style etriam game
I'm pretty much a space pirate irl
Same. At some point they'll run out of things to remake right?
It could be worse though. As soon as I saw that metroid text appear and Samus fly in, I thought for sure it was just going to be Prime 2 remastered. It's nice to have my miserable expectations subverted a bit.
I mean, they're not going to show anything interesting until the next console is announced. I'm surpised MP4 even made an appearance since it's obviously a BotW situation.
Man, nothing at all in the reveal really appealed to me, that was rough
I wish the Fairy Tail game was more like the DBZ Xenoverse games where you make your own character, that would have been neat
>At some point they'll run out of things to remake right?
Did you see all the people expecting Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD HD? They're just going to remake the remakes.
I mean by the standards of the average normie EO would have been another "shitty JRPG" or whatever, so I had a sliver of hope
I want to fucking scream.
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we already predicted this it must be true
I don't really care, these ports and remakes are made for a new generation, I may grab something I never had the chance to play back then most likely, but only if it is a good port/remake.

I think games that were born in the current landscape of videogames have no excuse to be remade (Like the snoys games being remade after 5 years, or remake of games made in the digital era)
That's fair, I'm actually pretty excited about the Romancing SaGa 2 remake since it looks completely different and seems like it'll change up the combat a lot too, but these lazy ports I could do without
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I wasn't expecting EO but I'm happy with the Phantom Brave announcement.
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Where's Waldo?: Zodi Edition
All I know about Fairy Tail are those amazing Tamagoro doujinshi
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>wake up
>no etrian news
>the only thing that seems slightly interesting to me is the phantom brave sequel
Romancing Saga 2 has cunny.
It also has those sexy spats wearing warrior chicks
For my it's Maria.
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Found the image I was looking for
They could easily pump out babies
chase teams are peak etrian design
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This but ailment/bind teams
>trying to 100% EO1 DS
>most of the info is vague or incomplete
>can't figure out how many items I need for the blacksmith to sell me stuff
>can't figure out where to get the drops for the items I need for the blacksmith
gooning with my dragoon gf
Getting sticky with Ricky
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I need to post the word "loli" more so it appears larger in those word bubble things.
larger loli
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remove fang
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>finally dug up the info for clover spawns in a 16 year old gamefaqs post
this has been an arduous journey
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Fluffzilla loli
yeah pretty annoying how they only spawn on certain tiles at low odds.
>recall seeing decent maps on the steam forums
>see posts about them
>maps are hosted on discord
>"this content is no longer available"
I hate discord so much. Why can't people use more permanent hosting options.
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>loli posts
the best kind
that ded is looking kind of big
>People marking river tiles as walls
you can't walk into it so there's clearly some kind of wall blocking you
Fundamentally different. Rivers can be seen through, and some FOE’s can go through/over them.
You paint them a different tile color (blue/purple/whatever it is) and draw the walls of the room around them
been playing this again
forgot how neat some of the battle animations are, lot of character there
The game needs to give me river tiles so I can paint prettier maps in that case.
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What game has the most fun chase team?
I enjoyed double fencers in 5
Dancers are kinda nuts, so I’d say 4
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Rush dancer is fun.
lmao4kat hell slash
ride or die
Double Hell Slash + Lure is peak fun for chase teams
2 is where ailment/bind teams peaked
That sounds like a really expensive party comp
Go big or go home
Why does she wear bras?
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with therian
and brouni too
those shoes...
You save money by not buying any equipment for your Fencer. Then you immediately go into debt buying 8 katanas
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this is fake hexer wouldn't do that
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He lost the sex appeal over the years
even for smaller boobs it is important to support them so that they remain perky as long as possible
Truly the sexo appeal peaked in 2019
>1st turn + maxed thor
total stratum extinction
I'm pretty much a survivalist irl
2019 for me
What a delinquent
how do zodiacs powers work so they just look at the stars real hard then element's come down?
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high school samurai girl is cute
I don't understand why people had money trouble with 4kat. Are you buying 4 copies of each new katana you unlock at the shop? Just buy one and don't sell your old katanas, then equip your 4 newest katanas.
How do you map 14F for the boat things in Etrian 1 HD?
Walls are short hand for anything that's impassable via player movement. Blue is for ice tiles or stuff like in Golden Lair in 4.
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That’s the lake yeah? Just use arrows to mark the launch points, they all go straight in lines so the map is pretty easy to read once you’ve done the legwork.
You could number launch and landing points but that’s a lot of unneeded clutter imo
I ended up using the old treasure chest icon since it looks like a water lily. Even more so since the first one you see doesn't actually go straight.
>Even more so since the first one you see doesn't actually go straight.
Huh. Well there goes my memory.
there's only 1 that doesn't go straight and it just takes you back to the start so use an X for that one and arrows for the rest like anon said
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did anyone else try out witch and lilies? It feels like a game that really wants to be etrian but aimed to copy etrian 1 for some reason.
Definitely has some balance problems like medic being completely worse than items starting in the 4th stratum (but feels almost mandatory until then) and while I didn't use one knight (protector) seems pretty sad once bosses start using multi hit elemental aoes so they can't even block them properly, also starting in the 4th stratum.
I powered through the first layer and haven't been motivated to continue. For a game that's aping Etriam so transparently, it's missing a lot of the stuff that makes Etriam enjoyable. Some of the skill trees are silly, like the Bestia having a Fist Mastery that you need to go through before you can invest in the stances, and I've had a lot of trouble figuring out who can even do damage. The main thing for me is that it's a lot harder to plan and fight effectively when you can't tell what's working; unless I'm a complete moron, you can't see enemy weaknesses/resistances, so you don't know what elements or statuses to use aside from trial-and-error.

There's a bunch of the aesthetic stuff I'm not fond of, either, even aside from NPCs beating me over the head with a lily bouquet, but those could be ignored if the game were more enjoyable. I don't feel like this was a waste of my money, but I am disappointed at just how barebones the experience was.
is that the yuri one
>did anyone else try out witch and lilies
they had me until they revealed it was a yuri game.
>you can't see enemy weaknesses/resistances
they did a band-aid fix and made it so hitting a weakness or crit shows a "weakness" or "critical" text pop up but I agree that the game is very lacking in communicating things to the player. You can't check enemy buff/debuff information or even see if they currently have an ailment, and there's no bestiary so you have no idea if you're missing drops or such from enemies. And some drops are annoyingly rare; I had to farm at least 15 of the dumb nautiluses to get the better ice resist accessory for post game, and that's with a character with maxed out drop rate and rare drop rate passives.
yeah. It gets pretty annoying having to skip through all the date cutscenes every time you go back to town.
>yeah. It gets pretty annoying having to skip through all the date cutscenes every time you go back to town.
how hard is it to pretend one of your characters is a dude, I need my self insert
you actually do have a self insert that you name yourself as the invisible party leader separate from the fighting characters, so you have that. But your self insert can't date characters or anything.
I also got through the first stratum, found it mostly very easy, but also just too unpolished to continue, lots of untranslated text, shitty formatting in the skill tree etc.
Kinda pissed I didn't get a refund for it just because I went over the 2 hour limit of Steam, I tried multiple times and told them shit is way less translated than they advertised, but no dice
same but eo1 hexer (useless and does nothing)
You're just waiting for your binds to wear off...
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It's basically just a paid alpha version right now so it's not surprising that it's buggy and rough around the edges. I'm interested in it but I'm waiting until it's actually fully done. I also need to see what these new classes are because they did say that they're adding more. I will be pretty angry if there's not at least one more loli portrait. I like yuri so that aspect is no issue for me since I've always shipped my Etriam girls together from the beginning.
But muh max dps
etriam but The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
etriam but Rance
oh wait that actually kinda exists already
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>feel confident with my lv70 team
>cleared all the way to B30F
>decide to take on picrel blind
>deleted with 2k damage aoe on turn 1
hope you have a protector on your team
I really wanted to go with minimum protector use but Plan B is to spend half of my squad's kidneys to afford elemental resist gear.
Grab a dark hunter, feed them axcelas, and keep them permanently locked down with binds. Also use a survivalist for 1st turn so you can get it off fast enough. It's cheesy but you can beat all three dragons this way. Then I just had an alchemist spam megido until it's dead.
You barely loose anything, I'm pretty sure some of 4kat's skills only use the 1st equipped katana's stats for all the hits.
And you can use the Charge katana to save money too
Max dps would be 3 kats + shokudaikiri in the fourth slot for double damage.
The charge skill only really boosts TP economy, not DPS. Although if you're in a battle where you want to occasionally spend a turn not attacking (like against someone with a predictable phys counter skill), then yeah boosts DPS there.
The blue one is worse.
Which FOE is erect here?
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I just started playing this series after playing a few other games of this genre. I'm starting with 1 and it's fun but I wish the characters were as cute as they are in the later games that I've seen.
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Then just skip to like 3
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You take those words back
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She's cuter with boots.
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Persona Q without the heart
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le millenom girl
Didn't he change the title on that
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Himukai's art was weaker in 1 and it does bring it down a bit.
I like how flat all of the girls are
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Thine homie.
Has it really been ten years of this? Christ.
le decade girl
where is millennium girl 2?
Okay atlus you released fantasy persona and the V dlc where is 6?
Fall Direct when they announce the new Switch with a second screen.
Persona 6? It's being worked as we speak anon! ;_;
I hate the EO2 female ronin portraits. Holding a sword in a reverse grip is just retarded.
Reverse grip has no weaknesses as long as you have enough physical strength
Have you heard of range?
New sex hot off the presses
as an unofficial blobber general, can any of you guys tell me Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi gets any harder?
I'm a few bosses in, up to the cemetary area and have pretty much steamrolled my way through everyone. I dont necessary want it to be super hard, but could stand for it to be a bit more of a challenge
Undernauts is Experienceslop.
It's the same shit the entire game for all of their games.
I'm liking it a lot more than Sword City, which I liked the visuals of but hate how all the character builds needed to end up being bastard child multiclass abominations
But Undernauts is feeling a bit too easy and I doubt its because I've stumbled on some amazing team that breaks the game
Why are 90% of drpgs uninspired slop?
What are some good drpgs apart from etriam and potato flowers?
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my personal one to shill is starcrawlers
its not the hardest one out but you still need to build a decent team, and there are lots of minor events based on your class/specialisation in most dungeons (your gunslinger smuggler might be able to shoot down a drone before it can report you, your force psyker might throw up a barrier to protect you from a booby trapped chest, etc)
the visuals are also really fun, easy class has different affects like a cyberninja doing hurricane kicks across the screen or a void psyker spawning tentacles everywhere
you can also pick which corps to piss off/impress with your runs, which can lead to them hooking you up with special gear or sending hit squads after you (some of which are damn hard)
I went back and replayed some of the might and magic games (3, 7 and 8 specifically) and they're all still pretty fun, I should play 4 and 5 again too
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so you put walls around chests?
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I enjoyed the SMT drpgs, even KMT and if... if you count those as drpgs
do you not
Oh yeah, classic SMT are drpgs.
I already played every mainline SMT, currently playing Vengeance. KMT2 is the best classic MegaTen.
>Decide to brows through the "dungeon crawler" tag on Steam to see what they got.
>The tag is filled with games that aren't dungeon crawlers, some I can understand, but others are really pushing it.
>Fucking Content Warning is on the list.
>Okay fuck off.
it looks cool though
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mischievous seeker-chan up to no good
I feel you, there needs to be some tag that really only applies to DRPGs or whatever you want to call EO and similar games, half the shitty action roguelites get tagged as dungeon crawler because of their setting and nothing else
we already have another name for the genre, blobber
I don't care if its blobber or drpg or whatever, just something that lets me find them on Steam without having to wade through games that are different
Steam tags are absolute dogshit and nothing will ever fix it. Trying to search for roguelikes is impossible, though honestly you shouldn't be looking for those on steam anyway.
Indeed, why search for them when you can just emulate Azure Dreams, one of the greatest roguelikes ever made?
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Need a dragoon gf to goon with
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Will those massive shoulders be enough to keep us above page 10?
>leveled hexer to compliment my dark hunter for landing binds
>fight boss
>DH lands every bind, damages monster in the process
>maxed curse hexer fails to land anything
>no binds, no ailments
>no damage
Hexer is only useful for sex
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You're doing something wrong if your hexer isn't repeatedly telling monsters to kill themselves.
You need to boost her Luck somehow. Are there any rabbits nearby whose feet you can harvest?
My Hexer kept the final boss head bound for like 20 turns allowing my trash underlevelled team to take him out without taking basically any damage.
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Did your hexer remember to do her pre-boss warmup stretches? This is important, she won't perform well if she doesn't do them.
which etrian classes are the most gooner core? Dragoons are obviously massive gooners but who else?
I don't browse SA so I wouldn't know
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Necromancers and Princesses and especially Arcanists
NEED to get off my butt and actually play V
I believe in you, anon! And if you don't believe in yourself, then believe in me who believes in the you that can get through that game!
you should, its pretty fun
etriam but The White Ship
How do you browse a Switchaxe?
It gets better after the 2nd stratum
I deserve to eat fencer pussy
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Finally reached Primevil.
What in the fuck
should have got a protector bro
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I did, and wanted to 100% the game but seeing those superboss item drop rates is making me reconsider. I couldn't figure out Primevil without looking up his absurd attack patterns though.
Which etriams prefer tea, and which coffee?
The only etrian I can think of that would prefer coffee over tea is wildchild landsknecht, and maybe eyepatch dragoon
Hexer drinks coffee because she thinks it makes her more mature
After doing extensive research in the labs, here are my findings.

Prefers tea: Female EO1 Medics, Alchemists, Female Troubadors, Ronins, Hexers, Black War Magus and Female War Magi, Bear Beasts, Sovereign, Loli Bucc, Ninjas, Monks, Female Zodiacs, Shoguns, Nightseekers, Female Snipers, Female and the young male EOIV medic, Runemasters, Dancers, Arcanist, Wolf Bushi and Female Bushis, Highlanders, Fencers, Turban Pug, Harbingers, Masuraos, Generic Therians, All the Celestrians, All the Potatoes, The DLC isekai protagonists, Heros.

Prefers coffee: Male and redhead female EO1 Sharks, Protectors, Survivalists, Dark Hunters, Male EO1 Medics, Old man War Magus, Male Gunners and Mascot Gunner, Arbalists, Every bucc except the loli, Gladiators, Wildlings, Male Fortresses, Imperials, Lion Bushi, Normal Earthlians Female Pugs and the Muscle Wizard, Dragoons, Generic Earthlains,

Preference uncertain, could go either way: Brown haired female EO1 shark, Male Troubadours, Glasses gunner, Hoplites, Farmers, Male Zodiacs, Male Snipers, Scruffy EOIV medic, EOIV Sharks, Female Fortresses, Rovers

NA: Tiger and Wolf Beasts, Yggdroids
The fact that they didn't include a not!olympia portrait for the yggdroids in 3HD is baffling to me. They knew it's what everyone wanted give me my red and blue haired Olympia to use.
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Are there any must-have classes in EO2 like in EO1? Also is the xp grind still painfully slow because I like playing with multiple teams
If you're playing 2hd you can switch to picnic mode and farm bosses to easily level a second party. You can do it without picnic mode but you get more exp this way and it's obviously easier.
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>Dragon actually dropped the 5% chance Volt Scale
oh no
the sunk cost has set in. I have to get the rest
Don't do it
what are they for?
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Strongest weapon in the game, plus completing the item compendium gives the strongest accessory in the game. Both have no real use because you've beaten everything by that point.
Too bad you can't use for a medic because it doesn't work with her skill.
Do it you have nothing better to do.
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Do you minmax before every boss or do you just go with whatever skills you have?
First time - go with what you have + general boss items.
Second time - adjust party to see where we lost, maybe get specific accessories or something - coming in with a better plan.
If I lose twice, then I consider resting. But not before that point.
Whatever skill I have at the moment.
I just look up guides so I have the best skills when I get to the boss anyways
>why yes Fenrir I do have ice wall levelled already, get fucked asshole
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She cute
What's the highest iq team comp?
Auto attack teams
Would 2U be the best game for that due to Landies and Troubs?
ronin and hexer feel pretty hard to pass up
Probably creating an intentionally bad/flawed team and making it work regardless, like too many frontliners dancing in and out of the front row or 5 support classes.

I think EOU Gunner probably has the strongest normal attack build. I think with enough work you can oneshot the superboss with it.
Tricky Ricky…
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>travel across two separate stratums to reach a superboss
>blindsides with 2k party-wide damage
Who even uses Shinryuu in EO1?
Anyone who gets really lucky with drops I guess
I meant classes.
don't you need 100% for the better starting accessory in EO2?
Finally completely undubbed mediocrity
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>switch 2 will have dual screens
audibly laughed at this
>tested out a single screen with the HD project
>displayed that the series works with a single screen
>somehow fatlus/sega didnt get any dev kits of the new system where a core feature is a dual screen again

I'd believe nintendo being incompetent with dev kit distribution
the dragon trio rare drops are so miserable that finishing 100% up is pretty much a breeze after you've gathered up those items
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With some smaller studio sure, but with Sega?
>I think with enough work you can oneshot the superboss with it.
Your definition of oneshot must be as loose as your asshole.
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Thats old news, but more importantly, getting a patent on something doesn't mean they plan to actually make it. All it means is that it was considered at some point. It's certainly still a possibility though.

However, as I have said multiple times here, even if it doesn't have 2 screens, the Switch 2 will 100% have some sort of support for playing 3DS (and WiiU) games. Nintendo would never miss out on an opportunity to resell their old games on new consoles, especially not with the DS series which had a really good library. They'd be leaving a shit ton of money on the table if they didn't do that.

The 3DS Etrian games may or may not get HD remasters, but if nothing else, they will at the very least they will get a simple port to the Switch 2 at some point. As for Next Stage, while there is no way to know if it will come out, it certainly will NOT come out before the Switch 2 does. The Switch 2 will just be a better fit, and it wont be too much longer till it comes out, at this point there is no reason for ATLUS to not wait and make it for the Switch 2.

Because even though the Switch 2 will be a better fit, there's no reason to not also consider making a Steam version for Next Stage or any future EO remakes as well. Like you said it was a test.
But it works a lot better with 2
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etriam but The Great God Pan
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i am interested
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Just beat EO 1 hd final boss, what a bs, story was like 25 hours and this guy took me an extra 40 hours due to retiring my team, farming better gear and doing the dragons only to get a katana and no cinematic or nothing?
Congratulations anon, EO1's postgame actively hates the player so this is the expected outcome.
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bureiku faia fisuto
The Nexus Overhaul guy giving that skill to Pugilist was a neat idea. Hell, Overhaul Pug is probably the most interesting aspect of that whole thing
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best hub town
Thanks Ricky
Ricky sure like that artist in particular.
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I wish I too was a giant flying manta ray and could kidnap adventurers with my tail
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>EO2 has smug brats
my weakness...
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Today I found out why this post was made.
now you are a real etriam
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Sick nasty etriams
Etriam but Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.
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Grindest EO of all.
*steals your map and claims credit for it*
>Having to grind.
LMAO git gud scrub.
Just do a vert build.
What class is best for hangtime
etriam but SUPER-REFLEX
Do you guys ever use portraits for a class that comes from another class? I made my protector look like a dark hunter for the masochism.
flavio as a gunner
botanist(poison) as elf/human
I used the red Yggdroid as a gunner in Nexus and named him E-102 y.
no, that would be wrong
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There is only one correct choice, and she is adorable!
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Just look at her!
I'm not adverse to it but most of the time dont have a reason to
I did make kerchief landsknecht my hero in nexus though
Highlander tummy bnnuy
Shogun busty choco Masurao

Carried my Nexus playthrough.
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Please tell me numbers
I really like etrian's gameplay, but I'm a fucking zoomie who started the franchise with the Millennium Girl. Do y'all have any recs for games that play a lot like Etrian, but have more of a story and character development?
How hard would you guys say Abyssal God is compared to the other games superbosses? Took me nearly all day yesterday to finally beat it but I'd like to know what's ahead before I get too proud of myself
Sometimes it works fine visually, like turning a Masurao into a Fencer
EO2U story mode is more well liked than EO1U, but in general the genre is rarely story heavy
>episode 7 of surviving party member drags 4 corpses back home after a dungeon trip
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Can really feel the Overexertion if you know what I mean
EO2 FOE's don't give exp?? Why make a difficult fight less rewarding damn it
>bindings/paralyze never hits
>force break only gets one or two bindings on the boss instead of a guaranteed three
>useless in mob battles unless there's a specific drop that requires binds
>nonexistent def so have to pay extra attention to them
Love pug in EOV
H A T E pug in EOX
Wining a difficult fight is its own reward.
If you don't enjoy a challenge, then you should unironically just play on a lower difficulty setting.
They still have unique drops, a few of which are quite useful.
>not just using them as a panic gas bot
you're doing it wrong

for balance reasons. A completionist who kills all the FOEs will be the same level as the person that dodges all of them. Therefore they can balance the rest of the game for both parties equally.
Too bad people bitched and they reverted the change. Then we got games like EO4 and EOX where it's so easy to accidentally be overlevelled.
She should remove her shirt desu
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I do not like the tank
The tank is making me reset Raquna
I liked the bird and the manta a lot more
>anon loses to literal mustard gas
any EO's where landing debuffs & binds is a worthwhile strategy vs bosses?
All of them?
my eo1 hexer did not do well in that department
Ailments are kind of bad in EO1, but binds are pretty good aside from certain postgame fights. The final boss for example has only a 3% vulnerability to ailments but 50% for binds.
All of them except 1
3 also makes it rather tricky/situational, but in some fights Wildling status/binds are great
In every other game they're a viable option
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C obviously
a if not interactable
e with star/questionmark if interactable
I saw some sickos who never draw walls on their maps before
C, baring a few exceptions.
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What kind of parties do you guys build? All cute girls? Self insert surrounded by cute girls? Equally balanced team? Boys club?
honestly she may be the peak sexo npc for me.
the shopkeeps sister in 3 is close but suffers from having less screen time
>What kind of parties do you guys build?
the general set up is 3 girls, 2 guys, though 3 guys 2 girls or 4 girls 1 guy are also options
1 guy is my MC character, not necessarily my self insert but the character I would have rolled if it was a tabletop campaign (because I'm a forever DM and need to get it out of my system somehow)
I will generally pair couples off over the course of the game based how things go
D of course
oops all cute girl
I usually end up with unintentional harem FFV style, or 2:3 boy girl ratio
I like having an even gender ratio, but god damn is it difficult to pull that off. The female portraits are just so much better.
I agree that c is the most correct, but d is the most aesthetic, and the one I go for
D is superior. In the golden lair there are tiles that are sometimes water and sometimes ice which can be marked with unwalled blue to differentiate them from blue tiles with walls you can’t walk on.
>he doesn't know
Imagine being the psychopath that does A
can't walk on it don't need to see it
Which one's worse?
>People that don't draw walls
>People that use automap
>People that play on Basic
>People that take the words of LPs as fact when it comes to classes and builds
You know there's someone out there that does those four things, right?
I refuse to believe that
>People that use automap
This is fine.
>People that play on Basic
Little weird but as long as you aren't bragging about it that's okay
>People that don't draw walls
pretty strange and I wouldn't want to talk to you
>People that take the words of LPs as fact
absolute scum of the earth
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Five of the loli-est and flattest girls only. Anything else is heresy. Why would I self insert in my anime dungeon crawler game? I want cute girls, good music, good combat, and good dungeon crawling. I'm not here to pretend I'm some anime dude.
Bros having an adventure without any nagging.
Devs knew players were skipping paths and possible puzzles in EO1 so they doubled down on making you avoid FOEs in EO2.
what if you could isekai into one of your builds and bang all those flat lolis though
He might simply have a voyeurism kink and not be interested in actually touching people.
Fair enough, just hard to imagine not wanting to be a busted adventurer in a cool fantasy world.
That would be great but as far as I know, I can't turn myself into an anime character.
Well if you ever figure it out, let me know how to do it too.
All girls - Good mixture of flat and not
Except gathering parties, they can be mixed, as they don't see battles
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translate pls
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Summer is hot and a Pasaran exploded on her.
Why is nuRonin's katana lime green?
Same reason blue boys katana is red
Needs a couple strands of pit hair
It's made of Zol-Orichalcum like the SRX's sword.
Can she do the cool thing where she jams the sword in an enemy before making it explode?
Yeah, that's her Kubiuchi.
Does this scenario happen even a single time in the series?
V has a few water tiles in corners, but then it's for fishing, so you'd put the Fishing Symbol on it
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Teach should be naked
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>No bikini Teach portrait.
atlus pls. himukai has already drawn her like 4 times.
She gives strong cuddles
I would March into battle for this
Technically no.
I don't think I've ever seen that specific example, where a water tile is at a dead end. However the conventions in that example can be applied to a much more common occurrence: a decorative water tile surrounded by two connected land tiles and two walls.
mint, my beloved
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She could tank that.
could she? gunner is known for having high attack and low defense
after a lot of thought
etriam but Sweet Ermengarde
me as the self insert + 4 loli on my team
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etriam but The Devil's Dictionary
etriam but that one p3 dungeon where they level grind to 99 just so they can fuck in the middle of the dungeon undisturbed
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The lave cave in 3 has sapped all my will to play. Please tell me I'm doing something wrong. I'm on the second floor of it.
>I'm on the second floor of it.
The first half to get to the prison is easy, don't bother trying to map the whole floor and keep following whatever has the least lava. The dragon den in the second half after the prison will fuck you up, maybe consider bringing along a new guild member with an encounter reduction skill.
Alright, that's good to know about not bothering to map it all right now. I feel like I need to do some grindan. Truth is I dropped the game for a bit since getting there after getting walled by the whale (for like a year+ until I randomly decided to pick it back up) and it's been a slog since then. Maybe I should decompress with some sea quests AND do some gathering/grinding for better equipment.
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What conventions do you guys follow for names? (of guilds, members, etc). Also how retarded am I for making my first party in 3 a Buccaneer, a Gladiator, a Zodiac, a Monk, and a Wildling? It's been years since I last played any EO game.
I need her lady boner
that team's nice
For party members, unless I already have a specific name in mind, I usually go with giving them a name that starts with the same letter as their class.
Also, that team's pretty good.
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>game hands you an unfinished map
>it draws walls in front of doors, item boxes, geomagnetic poles
what the fuck
Its unfinished anon, part of finishing it means correcting the mistakes.
Good party comp for 3? I normally run a prince, hoplite, gladiator, arbalist, and then last party slot flex either wizard, healer, or ninja.
Front=two princesses and a monk
Back= double arbalist
Regal Radiance party.
Glad/Zod, Sov/x or x/Sov, Sov/x or x/Sov faster than the other one, Shogun/x, Hoplite/x.
I just stare at the portrait until a name comes to mind. Sometimes it happens instantly sometimes it takes 10 minutes.
I used a very similar team on my most recent playthrough and it went pretty well.
I just started playing V.
1) Is masurao really that good? I remember playing through some of the first few floors years ago and it seemed a bit underwhelming. Is there a better alternative or am I just remembering things wrong?
2) There is no farmer class, so how do I make a dedicated "farmer" party like in EO3? Should I even bother doing that?
B because that's what automap tells me to do
Impact Pugilist is the one that can be described as "really that good". Masurao with 1 katana is pretty standard for a damage dealing class. Masurao with 4kat is a powerful but dangerous meme that doesnt always work.
Helm Splitter/Petal Scatter mostly, otherwise Hell Slash memes.
All races have a corresponding passive gathering skill (or fishing or something whatever) among other more notable passives. You have to spend SP on the non-class skill for that.
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>Impact Pugilist is the one that can be described as "really that good".
More like gamebreakingly strong with one of the best earlygame skills and all-game buff in Thunder Fist and Overexertion at base, and even stronger to the point of dealing enough damage to oneshot the superboss with proper setup.
Oh yeah, I actually wanted to use dragoon and pugilist. I just wasn't sure about what else to pick.
isn´t it a bad idea to just spend my main party's SP on those kinds of skills?
Not really. You tend to stop midway per skill to maintain tp costs, union skills are generally ok to throw out, and some of the passives are really good. For example, Sorting Skill from humans gives you +5 inventory space per unit with that skill, Chain Blast breaks the difficulty apart, and something to boosts stats (like Talent for INT + WIS) scales the higher your level is, so it's a great investment for Celestrians for just 1sp.
>isn´t it a bad idea to just spend my main party's SP on those kinds of skills?
It's not a total waste because they come with a very minor stat boost. It's the union skills that are a waste of SP.
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These walls are too high. We cannot pass through!
Why aren't you playing the remaster?
>isn´t it a bad idea to just spend my main party's SP on those kinds of skills?
You're probably going to have a fair bit of spare SP for some classes early on anyway, not to mention that you're likely going to Rest once you hit the 3rd Stratum
>you're likely going to Rest once you hit the 3rd Stratum
Prestige titles. Look at how tiny the skill trees are that you have right now.
I like the nds versions. Remaster doesn't look good to me, especially the UI/text fonts. Maybe mods fix it but I'll stick with the originals
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zodi loli
Shaman or botanist?
If I'm running hop, gladiator, sov, farmer, who should be the 5th? arbalist or zodiac?
Depends on how you want your coverage early on: more STR to go ham with (but with a near-nonexistent tp pool to work with in the first stratum) or TEC to help offset your Glad.
Only consider using Botanist if you're running damage Pug or want to use the Smokes
Ok, how about Dragoon, Pugilist, Masurao, Shaman and Celestrian Botanist?
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Yeah, sure. A consideration to make is that the Pugilist synergy mentioned is likely Overheal+Heavenly Aid, which means not going Poisoner. Though having only a 4x damage multiplier instead of 5x isn't going to ruin your run or anything.
nta but playing on a ds/3ds is way more comfy than playing on an undocked switch
Does 2HD reuse the 2U assets, or is Heavenly Keep a piss castle again?
V is the kind of game where nearly any party will work, and that one especially has several different end goal builds you could strive for (Buster Cannon, Hell Slash, Heavenly Aid), so you're more than fine. The only thing real thing of note is that not having a Rover or Necro means no meaningful interaction with the summon row outside of Dragoon Bunkers, which aren't as interesting as the Pets or Wraiths, but that's fine if you have no interest in that mechanic. There's also the fact that running both the tank and healer classes is quite a lot of defensive focus, but you're running both the best and arguably second best offensive classes alongside them (not to mention that said tank can later become a very strong offensive class itself), so that balances out.
why would either game reuse untold assets?
Gooning with my draGOON gf
Ok, i checked out how heavenly aid works. Do I get any big instant heal spell with this party? because therwise it feels like a bit of a waste.
Just use a Medica IV
With Heavenly Aid, for maximum returns you need to do something like Lingering Scent -> Delayed Herb -> Healing Herb IIRC
Doesn't zodiac kinda fall off late game though?
also if I were to swap glad for a yggdroid when I can, should I sub them as punch monk or glad? And who should get the ninja sub?
talk me out of an eo1ds replay using a troubadour for elemental damage
pal, land, medic
surv, bard
Do I go for P/M or M/P in EO3? I want real healing instead of Protect Order and I know that M/P heals better but P/M is way more tanky (and I like the portraits more lol).

My only elemental damage in EO1 was my troub and I cleared the game with no major issues, even had a fucking Hexer. I don't know how the postgame would go with your team.
I go with P/M due to portraits and buffs
Only mild nuisance with troub ele damage is that normal attacks can occasionally miss otherwise it's a pretty normal playthrough. The only time I used an alchemist in eo1 was to powerlevel new members with 1st turn aoe attacks
Usually they just come to me but if I get stuck I start looking up flowers
Going to give EO3 another run after fading out on it last time
I want a Princess and a Zodiac for sure and wouldnt mind running Arbalest again. Whats a good way to fill out the last couple slots? Was considering Monk and Hoplite or even a second Princess and Hoplite but was worried it wouldnt have enough damage.
they fall off a bit, but still usable. I never thought they became bad at any point.
I prefer ygg/monk here. glad sub is probably stronger, but it's just going to do the same things base glad would.
hoplite/ninja could be good if you plan to have multiple berserker vow users. otherwise, it's a nice option for elemental zodiac. if you keep glad, sov/ninja could be good for regal radiance stuff, but you could also go /sov on farmer for that.

wildling is a nice partner for zodiac since head bind boosts tec damage and ailments let you use wolf howl to boost elemental damage. also lets arbalist use snipe/sharpshooter if you want. lion/tiger can do decent damage with support from stuff like otori/blitz command, so that could be fun.
second princess sets you up for regal radiance spam so it's not that low on damage
fuck you, Zatoichi is the coolest
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I live life on the edge
I remember it happening in third stratum of EO1, I think it's in the superboss area
Depends on the team, but in general I'd say Shaman. I can never pass up on exorcism prayer.
That and the fact that nearly every team can get some use out of Dance Oracle if they really want to
Princess is the best class in 3
damn, both those ideas sound pretty good. I've been meaning to use a wildling one of these days, but double princess sounds solid too and is entertaining from an RP perspective
Nexus lush woodlands 3F has one but it's for a quest so you also probably block the tile with an icon to mark it as such.
etriam but The Rats in the Walls
Princess is where class design peaked
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Dancer bellybutton rubs
If you're playing 3 HD you can use Princess portraits but have main class Monk, that's what I did
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>eo1 5th stratum looks like clown vomit
>eo2 5th stratum's piss-stained halls
I haven't played 3 yet, is their 5th also cursed
It's actually really pretty.
I'd rather have her as the merchant in Nexus, she deserved it
etriam but Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
etriam but etrian
How easy is it to overlevel in the first game? I'm going through the 11th and 12th floors in the 3rd stratum with a team at around level 32 and I feel like I'm breezing through each battle. I remember fearing for my life in nearly every battle in the early parts of the first 2 stratums so I'm wondering if I accidentally fought too much and overleveled.
You should appreciate the ease right now.
The first 2 strata don't let up.
You're actually in the lull phase of the game where it gets somewhat easier before the clusterfuck by the end stratum 4 and the cancer that's stratum 5's design.
And then the even more cancerous postgame stratum.
that'll never work
3 & first half of 4 are pretty relaxed. Past that point the concept of overleveled ceases to exist
if you do all the quests and dont run from anything and have a decent enough team to fight FoEs you can level up pretty easily. i remember retiring in strat 5 just so i didnt waste exp
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Need to release my pistol into her
etriam but The Dungeon That Kills All Adventurers
Fear and hunger?
Suggestions for next OP?
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Strange looking Warlock
Fat slut
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why is she so flat?
Etrian but instead of subclassing or second names you can SaGa glimmer improved skills of each branch that change based on your party (e.g tank in a mage centered party glimmers skills that redirect hits while tank in a frontline melee party glimmers more stuff like Fortress life steal)
Boring and more restrictive.
Saga’s stuff isn’t actually an interesting system
>Saga’s stuff isn’t actually an interesting system
It's alright but I greatly prefer the out-of-combat mechanics, especially from Minstrel Song and Romancing SaGa 2.
I'd like to see grimoires again but make them only obtainable as chest/quest/etc rewards and have no RNG drops involved at all.
Grimoires, but only for enemy skills.
I too love FFV Blue Mage
Now that I think of it, I'm surprised they haven't done a sandy Egyptian pyramid inspired stratum yet.
etriam but 4chan
In the next game you will go through different dimensions. The first stratum with be the third dimension and the second stratum will be the forth and so on.
I feel like you could make a pyramid into an entire labyrinth with the right ideas, though that would be another franchise
That's because sand = fucking garbage shit
Basically Kowloon High School Chronicle
Kowloon but instead of veering off into Japanese mythology it becomes hollow earth Western Occult instead. Oh and since it’s Etriam we need a direct rip of that one pharaoh loli Himukai made for a gacha
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just finished undernauts
probably the best of the experience games, though a little too easy
now should I start a new run of EO3 or try remember where I was at in my old game
translate pls
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>whole etriam collection for 50 bucks in steam summer sale
Should I buy it?
Yes definitely
Seriously, Sega are mega retards for not removing this shit years after a game release.
I don't really mind if you want to "protect" your shit when you release a game, but 2 or more years after that? Insane.
piracy is the morally correct answer to such things
etriam but Ambrose Bierce
Remind me, whats so bad about denuvo again?
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I was about to say etrian but infinte random dungeons for the post game but then I remembered how bad that was in labyrinth of refrain.
Last call on this
This >>482095492
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As of right now I will be going with this due to it being new
How does
sound for eo1?
no protector is pretty rough postgame but it's certainly doable.
bravery will megabuff your three physical attackers and immunize will keep you alive for 99% of the content except a few superbosses
>eo1 stats cap out at 127
>my retired landy overcaps into 128 str
i fucked up
Do frontline medic
New thread:
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