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Dynasty Warriors: Origins announced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU48saHVmh4
Pastebin for newcomers: https://pastebin.com/Gq3pxGqc
Dynasty Warriors 9 OST: https://pastebin.com/mw6GaUpC
Musou Stars OST: https://pastebin.com/eB09X6D4
Even More OSTs: https://pastebin.com/NBqgNmsb
Recommended Reading: https://pastebin.com/15wPQWNS
Chinese Movies and TV shows: https://pastebin.com/01FPNibY
>How to get rid of the black border in DW9 (So your screenshots don't look like shit):

PS4 Settings > Sound and Screen > Display Area Settings > Fit the area to your whole screen

- Dynasty Warriors: Origins announced for 2025 (Steam/PS5/XSX)
- Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and all DLC is out now.
- Touken Ranbu Musou on Switch and Steam
-Samurai Warriors 5 is out now.
-Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires is out now.
-Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is out now.
-Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is out now.
-Persona 5 Strikers is out now.
-ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Diplomacy and Strategy Expansion Pack is out now.
-One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is out now.

Some good YouTube channels to learn about the 3 kingdoms real history and the Dynasty Warrior franchise.

A history of the warrant of SamuraJapan of Samurai Warriors does note it does begin with the beginning of the period and not openaga's childhood.

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we back
that's his new name
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What's a reliable place to Gan Ning me a copy of DW8XLCE?
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All I'm saying is she wears the most red of any Shu officer, which is auspicious of someone whose daddy started a war over a marriage for her to Wu
>However, Guan Yu, feeling insulted, responded, "This is like offering a tiger's daughter to a dog"
you know she got that dawg in her
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>spends the whole first act berating Zhang Fei for not being diplomatic and benevolent enough
>spends the whole third act putting BETTER DEAD THAN RED bumper stickers on Red Hare
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Who's a tiger and a dog now?
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You just know they're both getting Ya Boy Kongming collab skins
I'm liking SW4DX a lot but some of the story campaigns really just aren't as interesting as others. I'm not complaining about having MORE game and stages but I just don't have the same excitement from the Kyushu and Chugoku campaigns.
>killed by those southland rats the very next moment
GuanYukeks are a joke
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>Play ROTK13
>execute Zhenji
Literally wicked stepmother
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don't show it to daddy
Really wish DW had a fraction of the PC modding scene that some of these games have on Nexus. What I'd give to have a DW7 mod that has universal animation cancels and DW8's Velocity weapon perk.
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>Felt like I almost finished Orochi 4 (was in the middle of getting those darn Persius Fragments_ and was absolutely losing it when I found out the laptop I played with blew up and I have no idea if Steam Cloud has saved all my progress
only played 76.6 hours
>Felt like I haven't done much in DW9 aside traveling China collecting waymarks, watchtower, scenic areas and bonfire. Don't think I've exceeded double digit worth of ending cutscenes for each character
has played 115 hours
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>playing Liu Bei's DW9 campaign
this has got to be the dumbest motherfucker ever
>Hey, I'm with the Emperor, could you sign this document saying you'll assassinate the guy protecting the Emperor?
But benevolence?
Some of the campaigns in 9 feel like they go on for an eternity. I tapped out in Yueying's playthrough but that was largely due to realizing how identical every battle felt to one another
I don't think I could ever bring myself to play through every characters campaign. It's just a lot. Always preferred faction campaigns.
Yeah, once you've done a faction chapter with one character, there's no reason to go back with another character. They tried to mitigate that by letting you do the big final fight of a chapter straight away, but the problem there is you end up stuck behind an EXP wall with someone at Lv1.

It's a shame, because I like the way the rest of the game's laid out, giving you heaps of things to do that contribute to turning the tide over a big disadvantage, but the way it's presented in DW9 kind of shows you the seams of the gameplay a bit too much. That, and some of them needed to be timed, in a way that at least in your first pass you needed to pick one sidequest and give up another, make the player make some choices.
It feels 9 was designed around a being played as a custom character, then last minute they changed it to the current setup it's so weird.
So Origins is just Koei shoving the custom character back in?
I think there's more to it than that. Stuff like that castle exploding in the trailer, you can't do that in open world. Or at least Koei can't do that in open world. I think we're back to stages and set pieces, just much larger ones than we're used to.
I don't want to play as a custom character.
Yeah that's another thing; if they take away the option to actually play as heroes of the age that's gonna bite them in the ass I think.
They've had nothing positive to say about the open world while they've floated the idea of keeping State Flow combat in. I really doubt open world is coming back when it turned out so badly.
I have a feeling it isn't even a custom character, feels weird they haven't clarified that in any of the store pages. I have a stinking suspicion that the nameless hero is just zhao yun lol
Seriously. I have zero interest in playing a blank slate while all the famous interesting characters do stuff and talk AT me or give me menial tasks to do. Outside of empires it very much is a character centric series.
If they can tidy up the way Trigger attacks work, I don't mind State Flow staying. The only problem with 9's combat I have is how the button for zooming in and stunning is the same button as guard breaking, and how often I'm stuck doing the guard break anim from like twenty yards away from anyone.
As primitive as it is, something about DW2 just feels great. The attacks and movements just feel meatier.
I've been dipping back into 5 myself, having a great time
It seems like the idea was to jump between characters to progress through the timeline. They didn't actually expect anyone to really play as all 90 something characters' stories in full.
Presents the same problem as in DW4, that if you switch to a new character in a later chapter they will be severely underpowered and die
Oh they expected it. This is the exact kind of completion bullshit publishers expect and count on out of gamers
Which is weird because 7 and 8 buff up new characters so they're reasonably strong enough for later levels. In 8 I had a bunch of characters I've never used set to Lv20+ because story mode gave them free level ups.
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think I'm just gonna finish some of the Others and DLCs story stuff in DW9 and will be calling it a day. it's a 50GB hunk of dried poop and I can fit in 3 other Warriors games on that size
will need to backup the data though and I'm kinda not convinced with Steam cloud, anyone knows where to locate the save file that I can move elsewhere when I'm done?
to reiterate from this
>I've collected every stuff I can find on the map

>I've collected every weapons there is

>I think I missed a very few amount of scrolls for items (maybe 2-3 scrolls) but that doesn't really matter

>the friendship stuff can go to hell since what it does is just unlocking more conversations in the hideaway and those alt customes, I don't feel like I should learn the trickery to harness those beast stages just so I can gift Zhu Rong some Beast Delicacy. Also some girls need a gift of book that's very rare, I have killed a lot of those head bandit chiefs and I still can't find that particular book called Lüshi Chunqiu.

>also speaking about that book, I also got the book called Northern Architecture stuff and it's supposed to change your hideaway look but I still don't know how to apply it.

>there are animals that just refused to get caught like panda and I don't know how to get elephants as well.
I was surprised when I was playing Xin Xianying, I thought she's a fringe character but she went far back from Fan Castle and she kept on having battles right until Chapter 11 when Sima Yi just passed away I think?
The funniest thing is she can absolutely be included in the final chapter when Wei conquered Shu and she's literally there when you play other Jin Characters that are playable there like Wen Yang or Sima Zhao. But it'd be hilarious if someone like her being given 2 more chapters when her own story mode is already unnecessarily long to begin with, especially with how passive she is on every cutscenes. The Wei/Jin people would have their long ass conversation and she'd just be there among the crowd, staring and paying attention. I swear most of her conversation (or even all?) was with just her father.
Hence I finished her story mode like 2 weeks because the battles were so boring, I ended up just traveling whole China.
I get the feeling that Xianying was used as a proxy for Xin Pi for a lot of the early stuff. Like Koei decided young perky girl with an axe was more marketable than an old man with an axe.
>just saw Xiahouji in a chapter
oh god kill it with fire. please Koei, cut this bitch.
I like the Kyushu characters a lot and they do have a cool story to tell but Koei doesn't handle them too well and their campaign is a bit repetitive in SW4 yeah. The Shimazu wrre badasses but I think from a storytelling point of view in the way Koei does things, following the Tachibana POV might've been more interesting.
I kinda liked the dysfunctional family Motochika, Gracia, and Koshosho had going on honestly, it was cute. They absolutely do feel like irrelevant compared to everyone else though yeah.
You know what Musou's Kyushu needed? Those motherfuckers needed XAVISM.
Sorin would be a good add, Basara's one is too zany but hey at least they acknowledge the whole religious aspect of it
Funniest thing out of all of it is on his own stage, after he's conquered all of Kyushu, all the officers that allied with him got rechristened - even Muneshige Tachibana is called Gallop.

Fuck I miss big stupid Basara.
that is what she says yes
Her and Naotora Ii, the both of them.
>fuck up zhuge and stop huang gai from doing fire attack at chibi
>wei still gets blown out
do I just beeline to the main enemy officer then if the side missions dont do SHIT
DW9's insistence of somewhat being 'faithful' to the original source has done a lot of harm. it's like playing a musou version of a Sengoku VN.
All the side missions do is reduce the level of enemies in the main quest. If you're overleveled for a chapter you absolutely can just rush the main objective.
Why can't we have one game where Chi Bi actually feels like a naval battle, with the boats moving and bobbing along the river, water sloshing up onto the decks, arrows firing back and forth between them, etc.

It was always really weird how the stages had these giant bridge-platforms between all the boats like they were still moored to the dock or something
Well it's not like there's a whole plot point in the source material about how seasick the Wei troops got and how they'd shackled their boats together for added stability on the water thanks to a plot by Pang Tong to maximise the effect of the big fire attack.
Yellow Turbans were the good guys all along
Warmongers and aristocracy brats were not heroes
Yeah I don't know why they didn't make the main stories faction-based with on the fly character swapping. Maybe they wanted to at first but dropped it due to limitations.

Well in the first place Wei's entire fleet was chained together to minimize the boats' bobbing to combat sea sickness.
Chaining them together wouldn't make them a solid stable mass like a giant dam sitting on the river. I'm not really feeling you picturing boats on water here, have you been on one?
A actual naval battle in a musou game would be insanely shitty
You literally asked why they were all connected as if they were docked and you got your answer.
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God you fucking retards, in sanada maru you could still play as any character and that's not going to change in origins. Stop being fucking retarder, koei is stupid but not that stupid, you faggots always cry ablut the most retarder shit and they never happen except when is something obvious like DW9 being shit because it's an open world
Also it's not fucking Zhao Yun, the character looks generic and shitty, it's clearly a custom character.
shut up and post the full pic
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And I told you that chaining boats together would not make them sit perfectly still and stable. Have you never been on a boat? It was clearly done in the game because Koei couldn't into moving platforms
You don't deserve it
>It was always really weird how the stages had these giant bridge-platforms between all the boats like they were still moored to the dock or something
Stop trying to save face, buddy. You've lost to the superior intellect.
hello saar, please do not redeem the dong bai you retarder bitch your mother
We need more Kyushu characters like Ryuzoji, Nabeshima, and the rest of the Shimazu brothers, also fucking Tachibana dad
The western musou fanbase is probably the dumbest community on the planet
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go talk to a persona fan, you'll change your opinion very quickly
I don't know who the fuck is that but post your hand you fucking negroid
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What about a fire emblem western fan?
How would you respond if Origins has a romance function and you could date Dong Bai
retarder bitch!!! I sex your mother!
How would you respond if Origins has a KILLING function and you could MURDER Dong Bai
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Literally any other girl would be better.
I bet Origins will have a feature called the Custom Secret Handshake where you can make custom secret handshakes that you can do with your bros in-game.
do you lot actually use (and buy) the emotes on DW9?
Origins is going to have maps like DW2 and duels that transition into a fighting game format like DW1
Kill Dong Bai
Behead Dong Bai
Roundhouse kick Dong Bai into the concrete
Slam dunk a baby Don Bai into the trashcan
Crucify Dong Bai
Defecate in Dong Bais food
I sometimes use the stroll animation for fun or the turn around and runaway animation for laughs. I like to use the fist pump animation too.
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DW4 is a lot of fun
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>join Dong Zhuo
>he's so happy with me and he's so kind with his allies that he offer me a nice title and her niece
>she's tsundere and is into fendom but I'm sure I can break her into being a submisive wife
>I defeat the rebel rabble, Wang Yu, Diao Chan and Lu bu along my best friends Jia Xu and Li Ru
>Dong Zhuo reign is supreme
What a nice happy ending
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I want to sex with Mitsuki
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The PS2 games give me a vibe of
>Age of Empires 2: The Beatemup
Just seeing all the dots on the map actually moving around in dynamic ways, changing direction and objectives, deciding what the best route would be, etc. I think that's been missing since 6. There's no more DNA of strategy games at all, even in 9, it's just an arcade style beatemup but not nearly as good at that as Basara
Me too, non consensual sex with Mitsuki
There never was strategy
You never could read
The movie Red Cliff shows how it would've been done; giant bracing beams threaded between openings on the ships' upper hulls, anchored in place with chains. In function it wouldn't be too different from a floating jetty.

Only a guileless moron would think it was LITERALLY just chains, especially after describing the sort of bridge-platforms that would feasibly work as described.
>kill his dad
>ehhh why Cao Cao is so angry and killing my people too
Tao Qian is a retard
You got tricked by ps2 smoke and mirrors, sad!
What were the best elements in 4? I just used Vorpal the entire time.

You sort of get that still in the Empires games, but you can also neutralize strategy by turning your character into a one person army. 8E lets you hit something ridiculous like 1800+ ATK and DEF with the right items.
Poison is the worst. I think ice is top 2, freezing motherfuckers for free combos can't really be beat.
Who the hell's this half-assed Wish.com Kasuga?
Fuck ninjas
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Damn why are Basara bitches so hot
AND their moves are good
Damn why basara is so fucking dead and it's never going to get another game?
Oh it'll get more games. That big Capcom survey had it polling pretty high. Whether those games will ever see the light of day in the West is another story.
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Capcom dropped the ball, a tale as old as time
Sex pest producer went too far with making vanilla 4 the most barebones game ever.
I want to see the jungle people in dance warriors origin.
I love Nene so fucking much, that retard Hideyoshi don't deserve her! He's probably infertile and that's why he never got a kid with her! Because she was loyal as the perfect wife she's! I could make her happier
We don't know when Origins is going to finish. If it ends any earlier than Yiling we aren't getting any Nanmans, and people are saying it could finish as early as after Chibi.
Wishful thinking, capcon doesn't do small projects anymore and depend on the west now like the globoniggers they're. Also they release all their games in steam now
My dad works at koei and he said that it's going to end in wuzhang plains
That's all just base speculation
"Origins" could mean nothing at all except "we wanted the mainstream audience to think this a new thing instead of the 10th in a series they all make fun of for doing nothing new"
It's possible, I guess, I just don't think so. Once you get into Wuzhang we start thinking about Jin, and the new logo kind of spells out that Jin isn't coming back.
>He's probably infertile
prolly that's the reality, he had all the concubines he could gather and yet he could only get 2 boys, one who died as an infant and Hideyori
Fuck you bald rat! I'll never forgive you for cheating and making nene sad! I'm going to join Ieyasu, kill your faggot fanboy Mitsunari and take nene with me to Kyushu
Not really ""jin"" has always just been late wei
Jin always felt forced and artificial
Like when they make a sequel to an old show, but it's with all the original cast's kids instead
>handsome boxer chad > an actual dwarf
>insane cursed demon lady > generic doormat wife
>the coolest motherfucker imaginable > bratty fuckhead with a chip on his shoulder
>M. Bison with a fucking shotgun > weird drama talking evil man
>hotblooded sentai hero taken to 11 > hotblooded sentai hero reined in to a 4
>redhead bombshell Big Boss > generic flirty man
>pretty bishonen sword boy who seduces assassins > generic big guy who simps for his older sister
It's kind of amazing just how thoroughly some of the Basara versions of characters just shit on the Musou versions.
>generic big guy who simps for his older sister
This is a good thing. Big sisters deserve all the love and respect in the world.
They aren't really the same characters, at a point capcom gave up on making any of them fit their historical character and that's what killed the series in the end.
In the context of Musou games, "Jin" refers to the in-game presence of a wholly separate faction of officers that historically served later Wei but in the context of the games would form the foundations of the Jin dynasty, and any story mode chapters that focus exclusively on this seperate faction. The statement "Jin isn't coming back" would refer only to their presence as a seperate faction in the game, leaving the door open for particular figures associated with Jin to return in Origins as Wei officers as they would have in games prior to the introduction of the Jin faction.

Most people wouldn't need this spelled out for them, but it seems like you're a special case.
shonenshit design is cringe, SW is a serious game, having a design like Basara does just wouldn't fit
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>SW is a serious game
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Basarafags are so fucking annoying and I don't even dislike Basara. Kenshin is shit btw
So if Jin just becomes Later Wei, who sticks around? Obviously Sima Yi (past games had him show up as early as Chibi), but who else?
We don't know. Maybe just him. Maybe his wife too. Maybe Deng Ai and Guo Huai. Maybe none of them if the game really is ending at Chibi like some people fear.
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Kenmari, son. It hardens in response to physical trauma. You can't hurt me, Fool of Owari.
That post is more in response to the idea it cant end at whuzang plains because of jin for some reason, which is retarded.

It's funny that they have such a superiority complex when the japanese community largely consider the games worse than the warriors games
>the idea it cant end at whuzang plains because of jin for some reason
Literally nobody said this.
Am i misunderstanding this post? >>482062548
why would jin not coming back affect it ending at whuzang?
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Shame it didn't harden your neck, boy
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Any Wo Long equivalent of this?
The first words in the post are literally
>It's possible, I guess, I just don't think so
I mean, fuck, dude, it's
Why don't you think so?
Yeah, I mean basara has designs that I like, Masamune, Oda, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Keiji. Kojuro, Motochika and most than everything Yoshiteru Ashikaga, god I love him so fucking much and his moveset is great but there are more designs that I dislike, and they have a lot of clown characters
Why don't I think so? Because Wuzhang Plains doesn't involve Wu in any way. Changing the logo is a big move for a brand that's had the same logo device since DW2, so not reading into that for an overall direction seems a bit shortsighted to me. The new logo has a dragon, a tiger and a phoenix chasing each other; the symbols of the Three Kingdoms. Based on that, it would make sense for the climax of the game to be a fight that involves all three of Shu, Wu and Wei. To me, that means either Chibi or Fan Castle, not Wuzhang.

As for this guy >>482062548, I could imagine thinking of Wuzhang Plains less in the sense of the final battle that it was in the PS2 games, and more in the sense of the launchpad for the Jin faction's story that it's been since Jin's introduction. Why make the final battle of the game all about a faction not in the game? That'd also dovetail into my conjecture about the logo, seeing as Jin's symbol was the qilin, not the phoenix.
Well by that logic, where would the next game end? Because Chi Bi is really the only major battle that involved all 3 factions equally.
This discussion is clearly referring to where exactly in the period the game will go up to. The only reason it would end earlier than whuzang is if it's one single campaign which is unlikely. Also wu is the afterthought kingdom that nobody cares about, this is a shu world
As I told you in the post you're literally quoting
>To me, that means either Chibi or Fan Castle

>The only reason it would end earlier than whuzang is if it's one single campaign which is unlikely.
Is it? They're making a pretty big deal about playing from the perspective of this singular new nameless character.
It was my first thought too, but the trailer clearly shows you fighting shu and wu forces at points. i think it's likely the nameless hero can join any faction after a point.
>There's no more DNA of strategy games at all, even in 9
Especially in 9 anon. Nothing happens at all on the map aside from some tiny generic forces capturing one of 100 useless command posts back and forth. I'm still convinced something changed in development from all the vestigial elements suggesting there'd be more of a living battlefield compared to the completely static glorified mission select screen we got.
>go back to 5 after playing newer games
The thing I've really noticed is checkpoints. I'm running around clearing bases (which I much prefer doing in older games, that's a whole other thing) and moving on, and noticing the bases I cleared falling back to the enemy because I'd overlooked the checkpoints on the side of the map spawning bad guys all around my base. Those checkpoints just don't exist in newer games. Not saying that's the ONLY reason the games feel easier, there's changes to movesets and lazier AI, but it definitely contributes to it.
That's definitely a part of it, Koei removed any chance that something outside the script they wrote could possibly happen, which removes anything interesting about the progress of the stages.
They're also a lot more liberal with lateral attacks. Big sweeping crowd clearing horizontal swings, instead of vertical chops or thrusts. Good example is looking at Xingcai, her movesets between DW5 and DW789. It's got to be an intentional decision to make it easier to deal with crowds.
Many attacks generally have more generous hit boxes. The most obvious example I can think of is Zhang Fei's running attack with the massive wind up lunch. In the PS2 era games it hits hard, but only hits one person, as you'd realistically expect from a punch. In DW8 the same attack can hit a row of five people, as if Zhang Fei's fist is more than a metre wide.
Taking out the single-target and more focused attacks to only have crowd-control moves makes the whole 1 vs 100000 idea more tenable, but really makes fights against officers dull. They need a better solution to balance this out.

Again, I think Basara did this better.
SW1 and its objective focus started the slow shift towards more structured gameplay that eventually crossed over into DW, what with 7's super linear missions and 8 easing up a bit but still bombarding you with things to do nonstop. Then you have the spinoff games that really started leaning into the gameplay of zipping around capturing bases and doing objectives at mach speed.

I think that ease of access on the map is what's lead them to lose the feel of a sprawling map where you need to plan a little bit about where you're going and how far you'll push a front before you need to relocate. When you can get anywhere on the map very quickly with a horse or you're playing a spinoff where you control 4 characters and half your time is spent in the menu ordering people around and you can be anywhere on the battlefield at any moment, the game design turns into just spewing out things for you to do rapid fire instead of a slower paced battle where you have moments of downtime.
Yeah the PS2 games were more deliberate with having moves that were dedicated single-target, juggles, quick but weak AoEs, etc. now everything is just a screen-wide clear.
It makes fights against the rank and file dull too. They all just stand around now because the devs know with so many enemies on the field if they attacked more frequently you'd just get stunlocked and die in seconds.
You can tell that this poster smells (bad)
That downtime is very important IMO. The time running between objectives gives you a minute to soak up the situation, look at the minimap, read the messages, look for pots on the way, and generally get immersed into the stage.

I really hate how fast paced the new ones are, I don't have a single second to actually enjoy it. Ironically they turned the games into the button-mashers they were always accused of being because there is no point in the stage where you are not smashing the square button. They're honestly exhausting to play now.
Yeah. I love Hyrule Warriors, but I do hate how you have to speed run missions or your morale will drop and your generals will die to a breeze.
my biggest problem with 9's combat is that it feels like I can never tell when you should hit square next to progress a combo. you can't get a feel for your full combos outside of battle so it leads to me just mashing to be safe and since 9's combat is built to let you mash my wrist just hurts after playing it for 15 minutes
The new games are really not that fast paced and are still very leisurely outside of high difficulties (like they've always been)
One thing I won't begrudge 9's combat for is the way Trigger attacks work. Back in the old days if you wanted a launch you had to either do Square - Triangle and hope your character could combo well off that, or go for Square Square Square Square Triangle and hope you weren't interrupted from behind. In 9, it's two buttons to launch, two buttons to stun, two buttons to knock down, you have access to them at all times. It's why I kind of hope they do try and stick with the State Flow style and clean it up a little.
Best we got is this

It's missing Wo Long's DLC characters though
I'll agree with this. The state flow is a little closer to the SB ideal of being able to access all your tools without needing to go through the same static string over and over first.
The funny thing is, I barely use Square in DW9. Some characters have some decent waveclear with their basic strings, but in most cases the other options are just so much better than the basic flow attacks to me. I'll hit Square a few times after landing a guard break, but aside from that I try to Triangle from twenty yards away for the quick zoom execute move.
Maybe I should give 9 another go. I remember really liking the concept of trigger attacks, but the actual combat felt unintuitive because I didn't understand the state system.
This is a good thing and makes the games consistently engaging and actually makes the player think about how to be most efficient.
I give 9 credit for bumping up the officer AI on Chaos/Musou difficulty compared to the PS3 games, fighting 2 officers at once can actually get really tricky
It's hard to understand because it can be hard to tell just what state the enemy is in
I want the stages to feel a little random and unpredictable, not my character
what is that attack on DW9 where the system tells you to press triangle to finish the general?
In one hand that attack is nice because I don't have to drain enemy's blood first just to finish him
but in one hand, it's rather handled poorly when there are bunch of soldiers near you and that triangle attack somehow makes you attack in another direction because the game thinks it's funny you have so much triangle popping up on your screen, making you confused which way you'll attack when you press triangle.
Of all the types of modern musou games, the frantic base capture ones are by far the most fun.
They do a awful job of explaining it and its paired with the open world ruining the flow of combat by spacing every engagement out, so every fight is over in 30 seconds and you never get a feel for it all.
>I'm still convinced something changed in development from all the vestigial elements suggesting there'd be more of a living battlefield compared to the completely static glorified mission select screen we got.
Oh definitely. Even the UI shows that there was a focus on enemies' marching routes. I think there was old pre-release interviews with 9 that implied that the watchtowers were where you would be more involved with enemy routes and your own marching orders.
Then there was the Siege Mode which makes a lot of sense in a game with more strategic involvement.
The Flow attacks aren't my problem as much as the Reactive attacks. Feels like too often I'll hit Triangle expecting to guard break a guy blocking right in front of me only to see my guy pivot on the spot, dash ten feet behind him to this one guy with a bow and doing the counter attack instead. The Reactive attacks need some way for the player to determine at least the direction in which the reactive attack's supposed to go, and then determine which one based on enemies in that area.
Yeah those are the Reactive attacks I'm talking about >>482076536. There needs to be some sort of priority system with them that makes Finishes more important, and maybe accounts for the direction your guy's moving.
Does DW9 not have any kind of lock-on for that? I thought all modern musou had it
It's funny that they added a second attack string for all characters in 9 on horseback and never once mentioned it in in-game hints/tutorials or in prerelease things.

>There needs to be some sort of priority system with them that makes Finishes more important, and maybe accounts for the direction your guy's moving.
Just add directional inputs. Forward+Back for the more general sweeping attack, Forward+Froward for the dash, just press triangle for the finisher when the prompt shows up, etc.
It does, but with musou there's plenty of times where you aren't focused on keeping the lock-on active in the thick of combat. You burn through officers at a good rate in these games.
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>DW with God Hand mechanics
DW9's open world raises a lot of questions honestly.
you see the absolute effort they put to decorate the whole map at least trying to make it like a mini China. Those scenic areas really feel like their show-off like their mountains, jungles, and I think my favorite is somewhere on the most east side of the map where there is something akin to hot spring. they're legit great for exploring as you horse around uncovering the map.
but it's like they built those sceneries before realizing that most battles in Three Kingdoms happened in Central Plains with a handful went up the north a bit (but not even remotely close to Great Wall), and it barely touched the southern map as well. Meaning, you wouldn't likely to encounter these locations except if you go out your way by yourself, forgetting that you're in the middle of a war, to unravel them one by one.
Regions like Jiaozhi is practically just buildings and walls without a single thing happened in that place, but you still need to visit that if you want to complete fulfilling those locations objectives.
So why did they even make it open world in the first place when they realized some of the stuff they made ended up not being used at all, and it's like they just filled those with a bunch of confused bandits so at least you have something to hit.
Maybe the map was made for a different game entirely that got canned, and they shoved it into DW9 because hey that's in China too.
Basically your Square string changes depending on the enemy right in front of you. If they're just standing there, it's a regular string. If they're stunned (stars over the head), you get a special advancing string that'll finish with a launcher. If they're in the air, you'll get a special jumping string that goes into an air combo.
Your Triangle button is your Reactive move - this is the one that gives me grief. It's another contextual one, but you get given more clear signs of when to use it. If someone's blocking, Triangle will guard break and leave enemies stunned. If you're doing an air combo, Triangle will spike them into the ground. If you're some distance away, Triangle will have you sprint up at them and attack. If you're some distance away and they haven't spotted you yet, it turns into an Assault which is basically a run up one hit kill. If you interrupt a charge move of theirs, it's a Counter attack.
And then there's your Trigger attacks. Hold R1 and Triangle to launch, R1 and Square to Stun, R1 and X to knock down, R1 and Circle to do a character specific special. And just circle is your Musou move like normal.
I 100% believe at one point dw9 was meant to be a open world RPG where you played as a custom character, the way the world is laid out, the relationship system, the way quests work. Everything structurally makes more sense in that framework
DW9 was probably going to be more strategy and RPG-ified than what we got, but things had to be cut for development. They basically bit off way more than they could chew with that game.
There are a lot of game features that aren't properly explained. I just found out TODAY you can actually control the Archer Captains to let loose a volley of fire arrows in siege missions.
It's pretty sad, i think if they had just focused it more it would of turned out amazing. It's just a shame that all these good things like the fantastic cinematics are stuck in a uneven final product
I knew it pretty soon but I felt it didn't do much damage so I never really used it
DW9 would have been perfect for something like DW4's Xtreme Mode. Start a fresh save at a random part of the map, difficulty ramps up the further you progress in the map. Maybe throw in some original mumbojumbo to frame it all like Gauntlet Mode in WO3.
honestly my guess they ran out of time, 2018 was 5 years after DW8, their biggest gap between mainline DW games (before now), so they thought they should've released something by then.
DW9 was rushed, game was undercooked as fuck
props for DW9 though, its historical accuracy is better than previous games. although I found the 'Attacking on Five Fronts' stage a bit huh. it's like they wanted to make Cao Pi more aggressive by wanting to invade Shu as soon as Liu Bei passed away, and Koei also used the stage to illustrate Wu's unwillingness to honor their alliance with Wei, and prolly also to make those Nanmans getting more stage to play in their story mode.
You're going to be hard pressed to find any game dev who can pump out a game with:
>Redone combat system
>50 movesets
>94 unique characters models, all playable
>Every line of dialogue is fully voiced in a game that's adapting a huge as fuck novel
>Open world
>94 cinematics for each character, not counting the cinematics that happen in the standard gameplay
>Enough missions to cover a war that lasts from 190s to the 260s
>Presumably strategy or RPG mechanics
Even Naughty Dog and Rockstar would be spread thin with this work order, and Omega Force is definitely working with a smaller budget, tighter deadline, and a smaller workforce than those two.
But I'm not a zhenjiposter
Stuff like this is why it bothers me that so many people call them lazy, i really can't imagine how they pump these games out so fast.
They may not be 'lazy' per se, but they do have terrible project planning and predatory DLC models.
After 9 they've given up on DLC bulslhit, we're back to 'whose the smartest!' stages.
from the fanbase's perspective, it's kinda understandable since they don't play non-Warriors games they also put out, sadly their current money maker is just making so many spinoff musou for other popular franchises and by doing so, your DW and SW games seem to be an afterthought nowadays, like SW5 having this unique artstyle but mediocre outside of it (and this was after waiting for around 4 years after Spirit of Sanada).
I mean do you expect DW/SW fans to also gobble up Touken Ranbu Warriors or Fate/Samurai Remnant just because it also has the button-mashing gameplay?
Only a stinky person would think that the very smart and energetic Zhenjiposter smells
They were chasing the open world trend and feature bloat kept creeping in on top of a total overhaul of the combat while not cutting any characters. Work was put on extraneous content like fishing, animal hunting, etc. you have a whole lot of content to do but none of it is particularly interesting or fleshed out
I have more hope for Origins because the current head of OF and producer on Origins has been talking about wanting to make a more tactical large-scale battle game since 2019, so they seem to have a more focused vision at first glance
Gotta say I can't really get into many of the spinoffs. I like the setting of RotK more than the gameplay.
It's a really insane game when you think about, complete unchecked ambition
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>complete unchecked ambition
One could say the development was full of CHAOS
>went fishing
>it had like 3/4 different baits for some reason
>it only had 3 different fishes, based on its rarity
>the rest are either garbage, some precious metal stuff that got thrown there for some reason, or those coins to be traded to buy scrolls or emotes (LMAO)
>you now fish just for the sake of piling up Gorgeous Saddles
If I was going to have a side-game mode for DW, it would unironically be one of those castle-building tower-defense games
To be fair, fishing for coins is how I unlocked the top tier weapons early, so I spammed that.
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juri left her phone somewhere so I picked it up to return it to her but I noticed she had me in her contacts as "free food"
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based, Yu Jin was a faggot
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DW's all the way.
I mean, I got FSR because I'm a Fate head. Now there's a franchise you could do some comparisons with Musou
He smell like fried noodles!
My plan is to have sex with Bao Sanniang for 24 hours straight, effectively fucking the slutty bimbo out of her and turning her into my sex addicted tradwife
What were they thinking?
This but Wang Yi only to be killed by Ma Chao the next day
This but with Yi Province
I would never do such unbenevolent things...
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There are more Sengoku ones than ROTK ones
Wait that's Zhou Yu!? Really?
Cheng gong>Zhang Jiao>the rest. I like Reines but she isn't Sima Yi
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>no Red Hare
Also Fate's Zhao Yun thought Gilgamesh was Cao Cao until Gil denied having a fetish for married women.
>A general from China's Eastern Han dynasty. The Servant Zhou Yu is a mix of both the historical person and the fictional version from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story, though his mind is based more on the historical one. As such, he feels like his Servant abilities associated with the Romance of the Three Kingdoms are a bit overpowered and given to him for no reason, though he doesn't reject them
I though he was a downgrade in ROTK and that he was more overpower in real life
>Also Fate's Zhao Yun thought Gilgamesh was Cao Cao until Gil denied having a fetish for married women.
Zhao Yun never made an appearance in fate, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Zhao Yun never made an appearance in fate, what the fuck are you talking about?
Muscle memory. I meant to say Zhou Yu but my fingers had other plans. It's a common mistake.
Oh, yeah something it happen to me with Zhang Liao and Zhang Jiao
I want a DW game thats 100% faithful to the romance, so we can get zhuge liang trolling zhou yu to death.
as of Fate/Samurai Remnant, yep, that's Zhou Yu. He's probably one of the cooler new servants from that game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgYYm_zcFZI
I want a DW game that borrows more from Records, so Sun Jian gets the credit he deserves for basically soloing Dong Zhuo's army
thank you chen gong for making my farming easier in fate
Sun jian was so badass a real shame how quan turned out
Ehh i don't know his personality but his design is kind of shitty for me
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Nobu gets his own picture because Fate has too many fucking Nobus

I had a feeling I was forgetting something. Oh well
Hey not all your sons can be badass like Sun Ce or hot like Sun Xiang
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I'd kill for a Fate musou spin-off of the Curries
Is it normal to want the redhead one to step on me?
>or hot like Sun Xiang
Have you seen Quan's jawline?
Arjuna is playable in F/SR, and both he and Karna are playable in Extella Link
The only good sengoku servants are Nagayoshi Mori, Nobukatsu, Yagyu and Kojiro
The only acceptable spin off I would accept of Fate is a game like bladestorm but with servants and with more complex gameplay. Also an H-scene when you max your bond with your servant
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Not so fast.
Sun Xiang was Sun Ce's third cousin.
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Begone slut
Weak to anal
battle maniac
Shit too but then again how can a guy who makes tea be interesting? Basara did a cool thing making him a schizo, Hideyoshi did the right thing killing him
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I wish more bladestorm characters got featured in WO other than just Joan

Or at least had them playable in their own game. Really not looking forward to a CAW being the only playable in DWO because I hated that in BS
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>how can a guy who makes tea be interesting?
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>Really not looking forward to a CAW being the only playable in DWO because I hated that in BS
Does your dad that works at koei told you that or are you just a retard jumping at conclusions?
But he doesn't eat fried noodles that often... wouldn't he smell like nothing since that's what he usually eats
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There are probably a few I forgot again
Ranmarubros... they made us servantverseshit and probably a woman because likes to do that shit. How do we cope?
Ranmaru always was a woman, she just didn't know it yet
Damn whoever drew Fate's Ranmaru knows how to draw some tasty legs
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see I told you
holy shit Himiko
Rude! Gyuki is not Raikou!
Shut the fuck up Nobunaga! Stop grooming him!
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Do we prefer FGO's Zeus or WO4's Zeus?
Fate sucks, always has
Yeah, my cock. Specifically Rin.
Fuck greeks gods in fate and fuck Nasu mecha and alien obsession
>muh TM was always about aliens and mechas
Kill yourself
Dear DW9....it's a damn shame your gameplay sucked. Because you did have good character scenes.

9's depiction of Lu Bu has been my favorite in the series. He's less raging retard and more absolute jock swagger who won't expend more than the bare minimum of energy to put some mutt in their place.
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I forget what the context of this was, I saved it in 2017
Man what a good looking game
Almost makes me want to pirate it
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it's over
I'll never complete the game. I get too distracted whenever Kai's cleavage is on screen.
the life of someone who isn’t a general or a government official, the life of a bandit or dare I say a rebel
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Same but Kunoichi.
oh get a job
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Raikou is Ushi-gozen, and Ushi-gozen is a Gyuki.
Not even all the gameplay either, really. The combat is good, when it's good. Sort of happy they're sticking with the State Flow system, once they fine tune this it could be something really special.
I hope they release empire too! I want to marry my beautiful wife Ginchiyo, also I think I never played the story mode of 4, I only play chronicles.
Kojiro has one of the best ones
I was replaying DW8 and it really made me realize how pointless the weapon customization is. There really only one optimal build in the game that you'd need (Slash, Velocity, Flurry, Cyclone), which accounts for four of the six attribute slots and a fifth one would be dedicated to attributes like build musou/build rage per KO or build musou/build rage per hit, or for health regen.
SW4's system works since it's all RNG and you can't make a custom god weapon with Reaper and Stimulus, and resources are more scarce in WO3 so it takes way more time to build up a weapon, unlike DW8 and WO4 where you're rolling in resources at all times.
>caring about empires
they didn't even bother adding DW7E to Steam
XL nerfed Cyclone (only deals damage on block), but then the meta weapon setup for most characters becomes

Which is a shame. DW6E/DW7E/SW4E are all stronger than DW8E, but are locked in emulation hell for the foreseeable future.
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Is Zhu Rong ever not a total babe?
I don't mind being able to forge weapons to get particular attributes onto a better weapon, they just need to rein in what exactly attributes do. For instance, anything elemental needs to go back to DW5 style, lock it all behind an Orb.

DW9's not bad in that sense. Each Reactive and Trigger attack with a weapon can be assigned a Gem, which gives it an element and random stat buffs set on creation. Gives you a bit of flexibility while not giving you everything straight away.
DW9's is really robust since every attribute is increased by a percent, meaning you can really fine tune a moveset in any number of directions. Pump up the Trigger attacks, Flow attacks, min-max the attack speed, increase range, etc.
I'd say they need to get rid of attack speed bonuses. Temporary buffs are okay, but permanent bonuses are just way too good to never not use them. The only exception I can recall is WO1, and that was largely because Agility 10 made some attacks so fast that their hitboxes no longer worked, especially if stacked with other bonuses like Tech's Enhanced Strike or R1 buffs from certain characters.
All the time and energy I put into the Yuan family and still Yuan Shang is named heir. AND if I rebel, only three cities and like eight officers join me, Yuan Tan is cursed
This, but bring back Light / Mid / Heavy weapons from DW5 with different hard set attack speeds. Light weapons are quicker but more interruptible, Mid can only be interrupted by charge attacks, Heavy is slow but can only be interrupted by Musous.

If it were up to me, weapons would be:
>a set speed of Light Mid or Heavy
>up to six attributes like we're used to, but with no elemental effects, just stat buffs or special effects, some stackable up to 10, others just flat features
>elemental effects controlled by slotting in one orb, which can be a combination of up to two elements
nice, my new 8bitdo controller is finally here so I'm back playing hardcore Warriors All Stars again.
>collect experience points to level up
>collect items dropped by officers that permanently improve stats
Honestly I think SW4 letting you control multiple characters is a better way to mix up gameplay variety than recent DWs reducing characters to moveset clones. Not every battle should have you play as more than one character though, just the bigger ones.
Items for stats
Kill points for ranks / costumes
Character swapping and moveset variety provide different solutions to gameplay. They aren't really comparable.
DW8 has all unique movesets, but that doesn't make some of its stages any less of a slog to go through. Same can be said with WO4. The breadth of movesets available has little bearing on the ability to traverse a map.
SW4 could have clones, but so long as it still has character swapping, the pacing of the stages wouldn't change.
I kind of miss hunting down items. I felt like it also gave more incentive to be thourough in taking down all the officers and guards
anything that DW5 got, it's perfect and it's shameful they never want to return to that way of developing your character
will be even nicer if it also has that WO4 experience points system so that you can develop your other characters without needing to play them first.
Am i the only one who actually likes Yoshimoto Imagawa's moveset?
When was the last time they actually made a new theme for him? SW3?
Think this came a year after SW3

Sir, that quite plainly states Ieyasu Tokugawa
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Just finished 1 Yomi ending from Warriors All Stars, shit is so relentless
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I liked Ohatsu in Onimusha and would like to see her be adapted to Samurai Warriors
Hypothetical of course but if you had the means to make a new musou what would you make?
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Liberty Warriors
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Dragon Ball Warriors
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in Basara Tadakatsu is just Ieyasu's pet Gundam
Civilisation Warriors
Semi-related but I actually feel that Warriors Orochi should just stick to Japanese and Chinese mythology/history, the Greek gods in WO4 felt odd and out of place
You sicken me on a profound level
Also semi related but Giant Robo is surprisingly germane to this thread
Honestly, since my favorite musou is still Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate, I would make a sequel that ignores 4 and continues with its own continuity.
The main warriors uses their DW8 and SW4 weapons and designs. You can do updates of moves without using the mystic items or transformations, maybe more on team up moves depending on what the team is. No franchise guest characters (no DOA for example), only characters from east asian history and mythology. A long time ago in another site I proposed a story idea where after the events of 3, the god of the underworld, Yama/Enma, is pissed since all the time travelling shenanigans meant all the souls of the warriors killed by Orochi no longer goes to him for judgement which he feels is a breech of his view on natural order so he becomes the new main antagonist to fuck with the deities and get back what he is owed. His minions could be past souls of warriors who he had already claimed in his court (and this is how you bring in the Strikeforce characters and have new ones like more warriors from Kiyomori's and Yoshitsune's time).
You can also bring in the DW9 debut characters and give them movesets more in line with DW8's, a bit like how Zhou Cang in All Stars had a more traditional Dynasty moveset than how he played in 9. For characters that debut in SW5 you could include them in too, hell you could even do a "multiverse" thing and bring in 5's Nobunaga and have him interact with 1-4's Nobunaga.
The Orochi games need to add a Jubei Yagyu. I know he's a good ways off from when Samurai is set but Orochi already gives zero fucks about that shit.
Super Robot Wars OG Musou
After all the Gundam games you'd think a SRW one might not have been all that far off.
Samurai warriors but with all the characters I want and I would redesign a few too
disloyal and vile dogs
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Shin Megami Tensei Warriors. All the main protags, including some spin-off ones like Digital Devil Saga. And as many directly controllable demons as could realistically be managed.
Persona 5 Strikers doesn't count.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
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I wanna bonk goombas
This, Dong Zhuo and his trusty generals Li Jue, Guo Si, Mara and Succubus ruling the land
Dissidia Warriors if I had to choose a franchise

But i also have my own manga/comic i'm working on that i would totally make a musou of if i had the ability
I'm surprised they never added Sun Tzu to WO
So did any of you guys ever try out Sengoku Basara? How is it compared to the Musou games?

I sadly never got to try it out but watching it on youtube the combat looks quite fun and a littlre mor intricate than Musou games.
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Would have to me M-rated, of course
Combat is top notch, definitely better than anything Koei has done, which is to be expected from Capcom

The game is much more arcadey, linear short stages with gimmicks.

However, they have a pretty in-depth customization scheme with items and inscriptions, that can really change up how you play a character.

Character designs are love it or hate it
There were a whole slew of historical Chinese figures from Strikeforce that never made it to Orochi either. Xiang Yu and Yu Meiren, Xi Wang Mu, King Mu of Zhou, Shi Huang Di... I'm surprised we never got a Mad King Zhou to go alongside Orochi's existing Daji.
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How did these guys not make it into Orochi 3 or 4
I played and loved the third game when it released in the West. Made me wish it got more of a chance outside Japan. Love the combat, love the gameplay hook, love the aesthetic, love the music. Missing a lot of my favourite Musou characters, which is the only real downside for me, but the flipside of that is I prefer a lot of the Basara treatments of characters over Musou.
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Man, Capcom and Koei just can't stop fucking with each other
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Warriors All Stars is actually pretty kino but good fucking God the save system is genuinely disorienting
think they really solved the morale system in modern Warriors games by having this bravery rating so you can't just go defeat the enemy boss out on a whim. You'll get killed pretty fast if the difference of Bravery is pretty far.
Isn't that just the old morale system? Fighting a 6-star general in DW3 without your boys backing you up was a pretty tough order
true, but back then it relied more of killing sub-generals and smaller generals first, before getting into the leader
in WAS you need to gather more KOs first to fill up your Bravery rating. Musou Rush AKA that party thingy also helps to fill your Bravery rating faster.
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so who actually played this thing and what was it like
Kill this dork
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Why the fuck can't we just have his river sword back
Hell I'd take the knives at this point, the flail is so fucking bad
You know remember that Godseekers exists.
It's like they can't allow Gan Ning to be cool anymore. He had a great dub voice in 4 and 5, then 6 gave him a pretty boy voice that doesn't suit him at all.
Shi Huang Di would be a cool secret boss in DW, he's supposed to be immortal and all that
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Always liked his ROTK look. I think they should have leaned much more into the pirate theme for him
i don't think i would catch too much flack for it, other families killed each other all the time in this period, i think i need to kill shen pei and feng ji as well, they put him up to it
Don't like it
I only played Devil Kings. Characters and combat were cool, but stages felt more like linear 3D beat em ups than the actual battlefields you would get in Musou games from the same era.
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Kirby Warriors or Disgaea Warriors.And if it's the second game series everyone from the same game is at a different point of development because they came from a different point of the time line of the characters development.
Musou would actually fit really well with how purposefully stupid and over the top Disgaea is.
Jesus Cao Cao really shit the bed in this timeline huh
Warcraft Warriors
Adaptation of WC2 or WC3, sprinkle in more strategy elements from Kingdom Under Fire or Kessen 3, full map editor support
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Mutant Warriors (X-Men)
I like seeing eastern artist interpretations of western characters and I think it would just be fun.
I didn't play it for long, butt it was like DW5 but online with mmo quests.
it's solid all things considered
The Rock Band series should have gotten a musou and you can't convince me otherwise.
Shining (Force), based on the original Sonic/Camelot run and not the slop that came after.
>no vest
>no vest
I like that they have an alternating theme going on.
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Remember when they turned him into a fucking blitzball player
This would be a great costume without the weird feathers
This is like when adding a fur cape instantly makes some badass but adding feathers instantly makes them fabulous
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Koei needs to release some scans NOW
Do they even see the state of this general??
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Change ONE thing about any musou game to make it perfect
Just one? Oh god.... no joke characters then
The relevant Other characters need to have campaigns and what-ifs just as detailed as the three kingdoms
Any game: minimap colors reflect faction colors
Bring back the cheesy dance party endings where you can edit the officer positions
Or cool editable intros like this
This one's my favorite design of his. His lions mane hair and the larger bells stands out more as a design.
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far as I'm concerned, Gan Ning should always be bare chested, showing off those pirate tats
I think DW character design as a whole is really underrated
Because you're not often given much opportunity to appreciate it. In a lot of cases fights are over before you really get a chance to see who you're fighting.

DW9 TRIES to do something about this with the big zoom in on enemy officers, but that just gets tiresome. As sick as some people are of hearing about Basara this is something those games do well; everyone gets a cool intro, everyone gets their own theme music.
Yuan Shao, the true tragic hero of the ROTK
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Koei games used to do intros
Honestly, on the whole I'd be pretty content if they were to step back from the more "serious" direction they've been heading in and go full ham again.
Intros for every playable character made sense in DW3 when the cast was relatively small and every enemy general was a threat.
I think DW5 had the sweet spot for a larger playable cast, where only 'big deal' enemies like Lu Bu at Hulao, or Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun at Changban, get intros. But then they need more enemy generals that function as boss encounters.
Who's the best non-playable advisor during the time of Dynasty Warriors and it doesn't need to be unadvisor to someone playable even.
I'd like to see Jian Yong. Shu needs some characters that aren't so beholden to the fucking Peach brothers.
I actually have Jian Yong meeting Cao Xiu and Yue Jin scouting unit he's the only one in Liu Bei army going to fight Dong Zhuo/He's the only guy in his forces who doesn't openly believe Liu Bei is probably not an actual relative of the emperor.Liu Bei did hire him to be his strategist after he was advised to get one from Cao Cao in the yellow turban Rebellion.
Tian Feng, Xu You, Pang Ji and Shen Pei
Forgot Ju Shou and Guo Tu.
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>and he was never seen again
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Yes. Played them all except for Yukimuraden. Fun, arcade-style beat em up. It doesn't really have that battlefield flavor like musou does as your army in Basara means nothing. Too bad only Japan wants a sequel and by Japan, I mean the stinky fujos.
I imagine since Strikeforce was technically built upon DW6, they didn't want to bother remaking their movesets to fit with DW7/8 for WO3/4.
If they simply made a Steam release of Sumeragi or even Utage I bet a lot more people would be interested than they expect

Basara as a series isn't unpopular in the West as much as its existence is simply unknown. A real "hidden gem"
4-II or Sanada? I already finished 4 and Empires.
Wow huge push for Dino Crisis. I'd like to see Onimusha higher myself, not that anywhere in the top 10 is bad, but I feel like the people who vote for things like DMC, Mega Man and Resident Evil are voting for sure things anyways. Seriously does anyone think they're NOT gonna make RE9?
>Mega Man
>sure thing
>Nooooo my series that has over 100 games isn't ever going to get a new one ever. We're such a victimized fandom.
Fuck Mega Man and fuck you.
>but obscure spinoff that didn't sell well the first time
Fuck. You.
I'm not even a Mega Man fan and I don't like Capcom's modern output anyway. It's just obvious that it's a bunch of tiers down from stuff like RE or Street Fighter.
Slightly. if Capcom ever decided to get out of their SF and RE rut then Mega Man is first on t he queue. You want to talk down on the rung look elsewhere. Stuff like Dark Stalkers which has been teased for entire console cycles but never followed up on.
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Where's the Famitsu article, harlot?
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This is possibly one of the greatest designs in the franchise
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Due to egregious abuse, Koei's half-robe privileges have been revoked until further notice.
9 designs are so wasted on that game. The near perfect fusion of new and old.
For me its the mobile game exclusive ABYSS Guan Yinping aka gyaru Guan Yinping or as I call her Gyaruan Yinping
>I deleted my cute bear playthough by accident
It's over... i conquered all Kyushu, Shikoku and I also defeated the Mori but Nobunaga was about to rape me
for me it's taking sides in a civil war that happened in a country across the world 1800 years ago
All under Heaven want unity for the country and to repay the Han
Nah, too many characters felt like DW7 designs, all pleather and fake looking. Far as I'm concerned DW5 is peak DW design.
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Is this the most busted a weapon has ever been in a Musou game? I know, it's a big call, but frankly if you're playing DW7 or DW8 and not using the curved sword dash loop to get around you're doing it wrong.
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since the thread in /vst/ is dead I'm going to post it here
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/eagg/ is struggling!
>Unsheathes Miaodao
Does anyone remember Godseekers?
Apparently this guy >>482196648
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Lord of The Ring: Warriors of Middle Earth
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fuck this request
I take it you can't spam the halberd Switch Attack buff in All Stars.
Does anyone remember Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 for PSP?
getting 100% health in WAS is exceptionally tough because enemies just surround you and those include a lot of archers as well. Especially with 10 Heroes requirement like this means it can only be achieved by playing Rush Battle and that also has a time limit as well so you have to be relatively quick.
Maybe it's possible to do in Beginner difficulty but I used Nobunyaga who is great for this type of battle due to his gun so you can spam your C1 to hit people on the distance, and I still got hit because Generals hit their Hero Skills pretty quick and most of the time it's really hard to evade.
Also there is a stage called Death Match Battle if you want to get those 100% health since if you get hit, you'll lose the battle but I don't naturally touch that due to obvious reason and it also only has 6 heroes to beat.
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Fate's trying to steal Zhao Yun
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>Zhao Yun
>Zhao "PETA No.1 Animal Abuser" Yun
>he's a Rider class
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I won't let them!
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Do you think Bao Sanniang was originally supposed to be Xiahouji?
Good they can keep him
Yes. I remember Cao Bao being a really good lieutenant officer because he gave you permanent True Musou and the ability to lower enemy morale for a really low equip cost.
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>Nah, too many characters felt like DW7 designs, all pleather and fake looking
You really don't remember DW7's designs. They aren't anything alike.
>put this in any Musou game
>let people make a cool video of all their favourite officers doing cool things
>sell multiple millions of copies guaranteed
Fuck yeah, bring back this shit please
>Lu Bu's chop at the end creates a V shaped shockwave
>I thought this was a reference to it being DW5
>the Japanese game would've been Shin Sangoku Musou 4, and the shockwave was a complete coincidence
why is DW5 so timeless bros? it's just so perfect
Being the one the Orochi series started with definitely helped, same with SW2.
>always thought it was weird that Bao Sanniang was holding baby Liu Shan when they're supposed to be around the same age, because they weren't supposed to be all along
>always thought it was weird that Zhang Fei was getting so handsy with his peach brother's daughter in law, because it was supposed to be his wife
>they had the character design, thought it MIGHT end up being Xiahouji, whipped up the video and then decided to make it someone else
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well it IS someone's mother
Bao Sanniang is Liu Shan's mother
nobunaga truly lucked out in that battle
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Chu-Han Contention Musou when?
How the fuck a drunk fat homosexual like Zhang Fei produce something so perfect?
Maybe he was a pretty boy in his youth
The only bad thing is that Nobunaga died, I was going to marry him to my daughter and make the strongest clan. My son and succesor is shit
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7itz-TOJJU for me it's Limpid (WAS Version)
I forgot the lesbian goggles vampire was in WAS. I have her game but never got around to playing it.
>50s-60s want to see a Darkstalkers revival
Based geezer coomers.
What did she mean by this?
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>created just to act real cunt to everyone but particularly Diaochan
what was Koei's fucking problem? even her DLC scenario is nonsensical.
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I believe she was made to humanize her grandfather a bit and this scene was at the she already got her Grandpa killed. Also she did have some pet the dog type moments with Hua Xiong* in his DLC campaign.
Ideally she should act as a joke character who just shows up randomly in battles throughout the whole period only to die in one hit.
She's a BRAT
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I love her so fucking much
40 minute Nintendo Direct tomorrow anyone hoping for a new Nintendo IP Warriors game?

Since Koei is focused on Origins, I doubt it.
This, i dont want them splitting their attention anyway. This is the make or break game for DW and they cant afford to half ass it
What if they have another team besides omegaforce making Nintendo IP Warriors game?
God no.
Not particularly. I don't really care about Fire Emblem, and they've already shown us that if it's going to be another Zelda one it's going to be set in BOTW Hyrule which fucking sucks.
I hope no
>start Warriors Orochi 3
>get hit with this song
and that's Stage One. Holy shit.
They have way more IPs then just Fire Emblem and Legend of Zelda.
What are you looking for then, fuckin Wii Fit Musou?
Warioware Shove It Up Yo Own Ass Musou
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>invented wooden oxen, tiger tanks, and eating box
Necessity is the mother of invention.
If only she could have invented an umbrella for her husband
Why? It's not like he was ever in danger of wetness around her
Musou should move closer to MOBA

Such a peculiar weapon. Basically a minigun without calling it a minigun.
Nest of Bees
Yeah I think its time for the Wonderful 101 Warriors
Was Yueying's bladebow ever any good? It seems like every time she has a strong moveset, they nerf her in the next installment.
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I miss Lianshi's bow
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If the choices are
>Lianshi gets the duckhooks and Bao gets her stupid spinny thing
>Bao gets the duckhooks and Lianshi gets her crossbow
I'll take the former
Lianshi boobs in my face or I will kill the next anon I see
Literal trash moveset.
I unironically scream "yas queen" whenever I use Koshosho's musou and I don't intend to stop.
Choose a DW game for each category:
>Best Costumes
>Best Music
>Best Musou/Story Mode
>Best Upgrade System
>Best YTR stage
>Best Hu Lao Gate stage
>Best Nanman stage
>Best Chi Bi stage
>Best Wuzhang stage
The oldest musou game I've played is DW7 but I want to try an older one. I was thinking of DW5, but I'm open to suggestions.
Sun Quan is drunk again
5 was my starting point, I enjoyed it
>Best Costumes
>Best Music
>Best Musou/Story Mode
7 probably but I like 8 more because I can have what if routes
>Best Upgrade System
>Best YTR stage
>Best Hu Lao Gate stage
>Best Nanman stage
>Best Chi Bi stage
>Best Wuzhang stage
Also the best Red Hare is the one from 4/5/6, the one from 7 and 8 is fucking disgusting shit
The Giant Robo OVA is an absolute masterpiece
And the Mazinkaiser OVA as well! Surprised to see these good faces here
>Best Costumes
>Best Music
>Best Musou/Story Mode
>Best Upgrade System
>Best YTR Stage
>Best Hu Lao Gate stage
>Best Nanman stage
>Best Chi Bi stage
>Best Wuzhang stage
No. Sun Quan is hung over. There's a difference.
A new Zhenji for my collection, thank you!
What's an eating box...
I'm hungry
it's not a thing, it's an act. Yueying, like most Shu women, is an eater of boxes. She's a box eater. She's seen the inside of more boxes than Solid Snake.
>Best Costumes
>Best Music
>Best Musou/Story Mode
8 with the what if routes
>Best Upgrade System
>Best stages aesthetically
>Best stages mechanically
And here I thought Zhuge Liang should be the one eating the box.
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>a Shu man
>interested in women
Best Costumes, prolly 6 I think despite some of the bonkers design there
didn't care much about the music
Musou/Story Mode prolly 8 due to its hypothetical route
Upgrade is definitely 5 since you just need to pick up shields and swords to grow yourself as a character, and also its choice of items you can equip is also nice.
YTR maybe 5, the size of the map is decent (not as simplistic as DW7 and not as cancerous as DW8), also not as divided into 3 different stages just so you have to defeat Zhang Jiao's brothers like DW4.
Hu Lao stage prolly either 5 or 6.
Nanman is 5, not many choices really since modern Koei tends to treat Nanman as nothing more than a footnote so they end up just reusing maps there.
Chi Bi is 5, don't like the bullshit part in 6 where Cao Cao can land safely somewhere far and suddenly he can attack your camp from there, 8 map irritates me, 7 is whatever
Wuzhang is 5
I always preferred her pick desu
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Ina's sword bow is cool. Why can't they just do that for someone
They kind of did with DLC
i think her moveset is whatever, but a person who decided to design her to have her cleavage shown while wearing that armor is a genius to say the least.
Fujina Aoi would've made a perfect cosplay.
I also think the dagger axe was YY's best moveset, but I can't deny that her bow in vanilla 6 was OP as fuck.
Does 8 have any GOOD maps
Uh there's that one map that's like two long corridors that bend at a 90 degree angle and they connect two squares together. That's probably the least bad stage to navigate.
I remember 8E overall had better maps than 8XL, but half of those were repurposed old maps like 5XL Mt Qi.
The only way it's worth keeping all four of these characters is to give them all costumes that look just like their normal designs but with massive fake beards. Yes, even Yinping.
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Skyrim Musou
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Not seeing her in Origins is going to suck so much.
/eagg/ is on the verge of defeat! Assist at once!
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My lord, your reinforcements have arrived!
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liking that WAS has a small amount of characters here so you can get them bantering each other (if you're on that grinding life)
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WAS is so fun man, I wish it had more story and less grinding stages that kinda tempts you to do to finish those requests.
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>it'd be dead easy to recreate a lot of classic maps in a newer game
>replace all the old generic officers with their updated versions
>it will never happen
She will be in Origin screencap this
Didn't they do exactly that for some of the DLC stages in 7 and 8?
Some of them were. Others were just rehashes using the 7-8 maps.
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I miss the Boat.
Well guys, it was fun while it lasted. Guess we wait until the next news update.
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Which girl has the biggest boobs in musou?
No guest characters please
I think you just posted her
why did Ginchiyo have a divorce with Muneshige anyway?
She was a dyke and no longer needed his clans support
Not sure the exact reason is known, there are theories about Muneshige wanting total authority over her clan so marrying and then divorcing her removed her from authority, or that maybe she was just infertile, a bunch of other theories probably exist too
In SW she obviously prefers the Big Shimazu Cock though
>she was just infertile
Muneshige was equally infertile since he also had no biological children after he remarried. guess we'll never know which one was more responsible for the lack of kids.
Yeah maybe that's a theory too, was just repeating stuff I've heard. I'm sure there's more speculation on it than this
Maybe she didn't want to convert to Xavism
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Dong Bai after I’m through with her (I’m a barbarian so she is okay with dating me)
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I was happy to see Rio in it. Her anime was an enjoyable guilty pleasure.
Page nine, Zhenji is divine...
This page 8 you dumb korean fuck
It said 9 here...
>I finally unified the land as Yoshimoto Imagawa
>since I didn't destroy the Takeda, Hojo and Shimazu I got the bad ending were after 100 years everything goes back to normal with daimyos killing each others
It said 6 here
I hate Shu that is all
It says page eight (Zhenji is great) here
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An ugly woman and Yueying
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Soft comforting pillows

saggy bimbo
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But Zhenji's the prettiest woman in the world..
>page tenji
I watched the Nintendo Direct and there was nothing new warriors on it.
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I watched the Nintendo Direct and they announced Blue Archive Warriors using a new experimental engine called the Brat Engine.
No wonder Sun Quan turned into a drunk, imagine losing that hot piece of ass and never making her your empress
It's a better fate than what happened with Zhenji and Cao Pi's relationship.
>omg she’s being annoying she must DIE
why didn’t he order Xin Pi to kill himself, the guy’s Wikipedia page is mostly him bitching about Cao Pi’s every move
Unironically depressing, I wish I could have saved her.
I hear Samurai Warriors has an anime is it any good?( And I mean that for the average anime fan,)
Xin Pi did his job well. Lady Zhen fucked up her job of managing the harem: the political intrigue and backstabbing had gotten so bad that the women in there were outright killing each other.
>Xin Pi
He should've been in 9, not his daughter
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he's not a cute girl
Painfully mediocre. Total Sanada wank and character fights boil down to Pokemon battle SPEEDLINES. Kunoichi is cute though.
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Kinda meh.
His daughter is my girlfriend/fiance/wife
My headcanon for Quan is a guy who already lived his best life with his father and brothers, his friends, his best gal, but woke up one day to find them all gone and realised life just isn't the same without them and just stopped caring about life, and when he goes his spirit is at peace again reunited with everyone he missed so much.
he doesn't want you dating his daughter, look at him >>482540295
I think it was mostly OKAY. A lot of people were comparing it to the Basara anime when it came out at the time though and expecting it to be like that.
Wrong. He's extending his hand for a high five. He's even wielding the ceremonial Axe of High Fives
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Man fuck this guy
>'lads, we're cutting down weapons from DW8 because muh realism'
>made this
I just looked up what even is that, turns out it's supposed to be this thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_fan so huh yeah that's totally understandable.
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I want to rest my head on her lap
Yeah but the Qiaos already had those.
nah it's more like Ishida's weapon but in blade form, what a whacky ass design.
Ishida's weapon isn't exactly not-Qiao-like either
yeah Ishida's weapon is actually good
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how do I get this asshole's horse in 9? I've finished Lu Bu's story, thought that'd update the shop.
It's on the internet m8, something about finishing Lu Bu's, Dong Zhuo's, Guan Yu's story mode. I personally never bothered since the horses I got as DLCs from buying DW9 all had better stats and now I have almost all of them in level 90.
I remember getting two LoGH horses for free, and I only played the demo version.
Guan Fraud
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Guan Ford
Was pretty bad in DW, but they made it a frigging machine gun in Orochi.
hey, after Lu Meng was done with him he was Found On Roadside Dead too
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Tadacarsu Honda
Yeah that's were I'm more fond of it from. I had actually forgotten how underwhelming it was in DW proper but if they could keep it how it was on WO I'd be very happy.
Using the DW6 costumes with DW5 movesets was absolute peak in MOZ
truth be told I thought the DW6 outfits were hot garbage but at least the DW5 movesets aren't
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I mean, you can hate something like this if you want, but I can't cosign it
So you like ONE DW6 outfit
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I like the majority of them
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Most DW6 outfits are pure garbo
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SSX is the only bad one
How the hell is that "most"?
This is the coolest Pang Tong has ever looked and they should have stuck with this theme
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Even if you don't like the weapon, the costume is great
motherfucker looks like a cockroach
>croptop vest
>no Lincoln beard
>fuck all texturing so all the fabric looks like pleather
>ZERO tiger pelt
not my Sun Quan
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iirc that's literally his nickname in China
>all this flowy fabric because wow we have a physics engine now let's tank it as quickly as we can with fabric simulation
>again, no texturing so everything looks like cosplay pleather
>feather hair accessory and eye makeup so there's no possible way he's beating the babygirl accusations
>what the fuck is up with his toes, did a truck run over them
True. He's better than your Sun Qu'ran
It's what he deserves for being such a downgrade from jian and ce
>coolest Shu officer
>let's make him look like a moth
fuck outta here, the DW9 look was better and that was him wearing a giant wine cup as a hat
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If you don't think moths are the coolest shit, get the fuck outta my thread
moths are cool
people who dress up as moths are fucking furries
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he's supposed to be Ma Chao the Splendid not Ma Chao the Fucking Average
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There are generics in DW6 that look more like a proper officer than Xu Huang did
First of all he was known as "Ma Chao The Retarded", and they were very generous with this great design he didn't deserve
>UGH why is this so outlandish and unique??? I hate it!
UGH why is this not outlandish and unique??? I hate it!

You sound like you're just a whiny faggot and don't even know what you want
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why the fuck is Xiahou Yuan showing more of a beer gut than fucking Xu Zhu?
He took the L so Meng Huo could take the W
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it's almost like the design philosophy for characters in DW6 was all over the fucking place and had no consistency outside from everything looking like pleather

>Sun Quan
>outlandish and unique
Except it wasn't, you beat me to it but I'm about to shit on Guan Ping for exactly the same croptop vest bullshit
Croptop is peak fashion, get some taste.

And they were working on a PS3, and everyone knows PS3 can only do pleather. If you recall, DW7 and the original version of DW8 had the same problem so bad they had to release a PS4 version JUST to update the textures.
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Look at this shit. Whole damn body made out of pleather, even vanille's hair is pleather.
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Personally, I'm a fan of the Dynasty Tactics designs
Well they're a damn sight better than 6. Actually these are pretty cool, feel more like 4 or 5 than anything else and I dig that era
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DW6's design is hate it or love it kind of situation. the artwork though, a big step up compared to DW5 and I think it's better than most artwork from its successors.
why the fuck was Zhao Yun, the posterboy of Shu, wearing Wei blues? somebody make it make sense
Yeah, I dug the mothman shaman look. The mysticism feel was pretty good.
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If I could have a DW5-like game with DT graphics and designs I wouldn't need another game
Xiao was at her prettiest in 6.
More inline with his ROTK look
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Are there any significant characters left that haven't been made playable yet in Dynasty Warriors?
>ever caring about any of the useless Qiaos
hope Origins can delete their existence for good, shitty movesets, flat curveless body, whole character is just uggu my darling.
Plenty. We'll never see all of them in one game.
Take your pick from late era wu
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there's just something soulless from DW9's artwork. what is that?
I wish Lu Bu could get something like this back. Love the helmet.
Cao Cao invaded the Southat least partly to steal Xiaoqiao from Zhou Yu. That makes her more relevant to the story than half of the Shu kids.
DW6 outfits were the most up and down. The good ones were really good. The bad, really bad.
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It's digital. All of 6's were obviously trad paintings

the ROTK covers are still the GOAT though
also what even is this, I thought Koei working on so many spinoff musou and yet could only give us some mobile games that weren't even published by them (prolly only giving some license for some third party companies to develop them) truly showed how much a fuck they gave to DW. Origins better be good.
That's not for 9. That's art from a mobile game.
"I need to FUCK a blonde bitch with HUGE boobs" - Sima Zhao, 231 AD
I don't get the fanboyism over Yuanji. She's generic and boring. Just a random anime girl.
She's tsundere. That's enough for some people.
hers are especially saggy compared to the firmer one like Lianshi
I like Koei girls
>Grandma Pang Tong
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Joe (You)
Which new weapon from 8 was your favorite?
Big fan of Zhuge Dan's baton which he can launch people in the air before grabbing them and choke slamming them to the ground. Does that fit Zhuge Dan? Not really no, but fun as hell.
Ring Blade or Quan's fire sword
My wife Guan Yu...
I like the ring sword
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Make a family guy cut away gag out at the Dynasty Warriors series.
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Ok, but let's talk Strikeforce Fury forms
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Hit or miss, either way they go hard
What We Really Know About Yasuke "The African Samurai" - Interview With Japanese History Professor

Literally interviewing the top expert on yasuke and the best argument to say he's not a samurai will be to say that they didn't use the word Samurai at that time for what you would call Samurai today .Also he was not the Jesuit slave but there Bodyguard.
The baton is right up there with Guan Xing's wing blades for worst fucking moveset in the game.
>low range
>low power
>longer charge attack animations make it overall a slow moveset
>grapple attacks have nearly zero AOE unlike the rest of the grapples in the game
Fucking pointless weapon.
Okay Fate's Zhao Yun is pretty whatever but he's got a sick animation where he kicks his spear in a way that makes it spin in place like a buzzsaw then the follow up attack is to kick said spinning spear at a crowd like a projectile lawnmower blade.
DW origins better give me gigachad Huangfu Song
He was weapon bearer who lived in Japan for like 3 years. He was bought from european merchant cuz of his dark skin. After 3 years of servants he was released.
That's it, samurai shit is just a myth.
The monkey was a sandal Bearer there was no time amount you had to live in Japan to be part of what's considered to be the samurai class or the warrior class plenty of people got born into it after the monkey took over. The merchants never owned him he was a mercenary working for them that's why I saying the United States owns the Army soldier ( he may have gotten to India as a soldier slave like what you were consider a janissary to be) He wasn't really so much as the guy who was his boss was dead and so was his kid the man wasn't fired from the company as much as the company cease to exist.And being the a dimeo weapon Barrel let alone D dimeo at the Times weapon Barrel probably would have gotten you the lack of Samurai after the monkey solidify who and who was not part of the soldier class. Not to mention he had subordinates working directly for him. And the biggest thing of all is most Japanese call him Samurai because they're not obsessed with the culture War of the United States.
Sandal Bearer to the lord isn't some peasant position. The guy who wipes the King of England's ass (that is a real title) is still a Noble and far above you in rank and power.
That statement isn't any less true for the guy who holds a Daniel sword let alone Nobunaga sword. I don't know if there's anything special in Japan about the guy who wipes the diamonds butt but that doesn't change the fact get holding the dimeo sword is a trusted position you don't give to just any random person.
Meh, it was pretty gun I found
Yes, gun.
Lianshi... Lianshi where are you?
Kessen 4 when
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A cute and funny musou featuring all my favorite girls from western cartoons I like battling some random evil force.
I'll call it, Cute Musou
/co/ shit is always so aggressively ugly.
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(You) are ugly
Now if Diaochan could just rest her breasts on my face, I think we'd be in business.
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Ding Feng's circle blade came in 8 right? If so then that one
Pure hideous garbage. Western cartoon fags have less than zero taste.
No, that was DLC for 7.
Zhao Yun is very Zhao Zilong. I'll probably get this game whenever I build my new PC.

>Level up your happiness
Also didn't realize KT had a new slogan.
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Benevolent time!
Is she as big a bitch as the real one?
Nobody cares, go find an Assassins Creed thread
I liked Yue Jin's hookswords. Was going to say Xu Shu's ropedart sword but that was 7 Empires.
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Yasuke is a Samurai Warriors character chud
It's not like there'll ever be another Samurai Warriors game.
>/eag/ contaminated by this shit posting crap
Well it was fun having you fucks back while it lasted but that's that I suppose.
That shit will die down after the game is out.
Hell, after any sort of news drops
well it's either this or going to leddit and dealing with everyone sucking Guan Yu's dick and three page diatribes about how he's not actually arrogant but really just a perfect guy
Samurai Warriors Origin coming 2026 (Yasuke will not be playable)
Stop being drama queen
What are some non-Koei Musous?
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There are the two Fate ones, Extella and Extella Link, but these are only worth it if you like Fateshit or VNs in general.
there's Drakengard games, but those aren''t the most polished things
We don't even know who's going to be playable in Dynasty Warriors origin yet don't be counting out people for a game that haven't been announced being playable yet.
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The Kingdom of Wei has too many pretty boy strategists. Please eliminate three.

I am not a crackpot.
Man Chong unironically was needed since he lived the longest (till 242) so if they want to show later era Wei where they slowly lost their influence compared to Sima clan, he can still be there
dunno who the fuck Xun Yu and Xun You are.
>so if they want to show later era Wei
new game's called Origins so I'm betting not
What is this image from? I know who's in it and I know he was introduced DW9.


Xun Yu What's the guy who basically advised Cao Cao to get like probably half one year that many of his big name people he had working for him in his lifetime to one part of his family including the original playable Sima (His older brother worked Cao Cao back when he was still your little kid it was his advice that the beautiful of the 5 Elite generals got recruited into Cao Cao Army and him and Xiahou Dun Managed to save one Cao Cao major city when he lost most of his territory to Rebellion not to mention he gave him most of the best advice he ever followed.
... What?
Stop using ai to post, you lazy sack of shit
Is the Fate one salvageable if I like Fate but know nothing about the FGO story, because I'd rather not sit through another musou unless I'm falling in (romantic or platonic) love with every single character
I was happy when they stopped putting her in those frumpy robes
It's not FGO's story at all, so no problem there.
Extella/Extella Link have no links to FGO and I think Samurai Remnant doesn't either
So it (hopefully) won't be convoluted, whew
The only thing I know about those is that Nero is from that, so I guess if anything it should be a new story full of surprises, thank you
>So it (hopefully) won't be convoluted, whew
It's Fate. It's gonna be convoluted. That's part of the brand.
While >>482702305 is right, if your driving interest is Nero, half the game is her dating you. Whether you think that's worth it is up to you.
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Alright, fair enough
Is that "only half the game is about her and the other half is shit you'll hate", or "a whole half of the game is solely dedicated to her", because the latter sounds tempting
I am so lonely
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>Is that "only half the game is about her and the other half is shit you'll hate", or "a whole half of the game is solely dedicated to her", because the latter sounds tempting
It depends. Extella has a plot that isn't very good and really shits on pre-established Fate lore with some awful lore retcons, but if you don't care about Fate lore you wont have the same reaction. Nero's a protagonist and a faction leader in Extella and spends her time flirting with you and in the spotlight, so you'll get your Nero fix.
Extella Link has no substantial Nero content and the game is 99% pointless filler shit. Not worth touching
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>Shuists near me

The 94 adaptation was a bit more violent than the 10 they made the nanman thing as faithful as possible to the novel by burning animals with the juggernauts I doubt CGI was that advanced back then
>dunno who the fuck Xun Yu and Xun You are.
Cao Cao's chief of staff for civil affairs and military affairs, respectively. Xun Yu managed the civil government while Cao Cao was away on campaign, Xun You accompanied Cao Cao on campaign as chief military advisor.
>Xun Yu managed the civil government while Cao Cao was away on campaign
So he's precisely as fitting for a Musou game as Zhang Zhao would be?
You could conceivably spin that into "Xun Yu defends Xuchang while Cao Cao is away" for a one off stage. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's the basis for DW6's Xuchang, when Sun CE invades. You could replace that with Ma Chao (during Chibi) or Zhang Lu or whoever else is nearby.
I mean, I liked FSN and Fate Zero, and meant to finish FHA (the Emiya lunch one was very fun)
I will stay away from Extella Link, how bad are the lore retcons?
They only extend to Fate/Extra and Fate/Extra CCC
I-I don't know what those are, anon...
It's Dong Zhuo Ganon!
Turn based JRPGs. They use a rock paper scissors system, at least until half way where you can just ignore the system altogether by spamming skills instead. Strategy doesn't mean shit when GARcher can nuke your opponent with Caladbolg every other turn.
>They use a rock paper scissors system
I'm sure glad musou games have never ever ever ever done that!
>can just spam skills with your favourites
At least that's fun... unless the enemy can do the same
>At least that's fun... unless the enemy can do the same
That's the neat thing, they don't. Theoretically they could (infinite MP), but they're effectively hardcoded to not do so.
slander against a true patriot
Zhang Zhao also adds funny petty arguments with Sun Quan tbf
His biggest feat in ROTK is begging Sun Quan to surrender to Cao Cao before Chibi.
I don't think he's a good add within the context of what DW, was just saying that he'd be funny if nothing else. Wu has loads of characters at all parts of the era they could add over him anyway
I like that Wei hypothetical stage in 8 where it's just Zhang Zhao and co going 'I told you so'.
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If DWO doesn't have a joke ending in which all the Shu officers are marching down a road being led by Yueying walking like this, Koei have not understood the assignment
>Elden Ring dlc dropped
dead hours
Soul games are dumb
Elden Snooze
Xing Cai should have threesomes with Guan Ping and Liu Shan.
Xing Cai should have threesomes with Guan Yinping and me
Add Zhou Fang in so Wu can have The Three Zhous.
People don't like or care about the people who have to do the boring bureaucracy stuff of making shit work. Funny thing is that this is true for everybody, even the historians writing the history books. Yeah, they'll write a biography entry where they talk about how boring head of state guy was loved and respected by everyone, but usually that's all they can do, because there generally aren't any cool anecdotes to share about boring bureaucracy stuff of making shit work.

Even when there are cool anecdotes, they're usually "upper class in-joke" shit that would fly over the peasants' heads (like that time a minister wrote a whole bunch of math calculations in a stuffy finance report as a tongue-in-cheek criticism of Cao Rui's spending policies), and therefore don't get told by storytellers, who may not get the joke themselves.
I hope hypotheticals remain a thing, there's still so much more they could do with it. Even simple stuff they haven't done yet, like how Pang Tong surviving potentially completely changes a lot of shit that happens with Shu (the still militarily inexperienced Zhuge Liang isn't stretched as thin, stuff like the Northern Campaigns likely going completely differently with Pang Tong in charge of them, hell I'm pretty sure Guan Yu gets put in charge of Jing by Zhuge Liang as part of a shuffle carried out after Zhuge Liang takes the deceased Pang Tong's position on the military side)
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>page 10
Well, then that sounds exciting!!!
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"Benevolence" is literally one of the ten points attributed to Cao Cao by Xun Yu (or Guo Jia, depending on your source) as to why he is a worthy ruler and Yuan Shao is not.
Being more benevolent than Yuan Shao is like claiming to be less obsessed with tigers than the Suns
The "benevolence" thing is funny because under the actual metaphysics of the time, Han's associated virtue would be "justice" (yi) not "benevolence" (ren).
The thing with hypotheticals is that Dynasty Warriors will never be able to make a satisfying alternate history story for any of these games. Albeit 9's hypotheticals were more fleshed out and better than 8's, but if hypotheticals return in the future, I think I'd prefer them be one-off stages or some kind of series of two or three stages unlocked in a secondary mode. Sort of like how 7 did hypotheticals, but with a little more production.
I feel like Pang Tong does fuck all in recent games in general, he gets overshadowed by all the newer guys
As much as I love the midget, he's never done much in these games. His big contribution to the story has always been dying.
Yeah his main feats in DW are chaining ships together at chibi and then dying but still, he had more overall presence in earlier games.
Didn't Cao Cao bury a massive number of Yuan Shao's troops alive after defeating him?
Matter of fact getting the entirety of Wei drunk in 9 is probably the most I've ever seen Pang Tong do
Possibly. It's uncertain if 坑 is supposed to mean "buried alive" in that context, or just "destroyed" more generically. While you can figuratively "destroy" and say so in an official report, literally "burying alive" an entire army is not really physically feasible.
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Maybe not the whole army, but I'm reasonably sure Cao Cao could trick Yuan Shao with a version of pic related.
What did he accomplish, aside from trolling Cao Xiu that one time?
There is probably enough lore in Elden Ring to make a decent Musou, come to think of it. Plenty of playable characters too
>Golden Order's rise against the Primevals
>the conflict between the Order and the Carians
>Godskins, Black Knives, each of the Empyreans' factions
>Recusants, Bloody Fingers, Those Who Live In Death
Wu should add Han Dang first
There are at least ten Wuists I'd add before Zhou Fang
>Dong Xi
>Zu Mao
>Pan Zhang
>He Qi
>Zhu Zhi
>Sun Yi
>Sun Luban / Luyu
>Sun Hao
>Lu Kang
He takes some adjustment after playing fast characters, but once you get the timing down on Hideyoshi's grab combos he is fun as hell

It's like when you finally understand how to play King/Armor King
yeah the only real case for him is "they've already added Cao Xiu"
I've been clamoring for Pan Zhang. Some money grubbing shit head cunt who's too important to hold accountable for his douche attitude and decisions. His death by Guan Xing in the RoTK would be a good culmination of an arc for Guan Xing too.
Not just for Wu either. Wei and Shu need some dickheads too. Add Jian Yong, have him lounging about like the fuckin Hedonismbot. Add Meng Da who carries out more betrayals than Liu Bei himself does. Add Cao Hong who basically pisses money everywhere.
And Sima Gan. We need him.
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They see me rollin
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Damn I was gone for so long that /eagg/ is back. Glad to see you back from the dead.
Now we wait and see if we can last until Origins gets details.
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passing the time until news
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>eagg and dqg get news at the same time
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>tfw nobody takes you seriously because of your deadbeat dad
I appreciate the attention to detail for the headwear and facial hair.
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yes mommy
It's funny seeing Lu Bu hold regular sized weapons. They look like toys in his hands.
may the Sima Clan be cursed for all...
uironically kino voice acting
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Jin and Nintendo's Kirby
Some of these are obvious but which one of these images is supposed to be who?
I hope that thanks to wo long he'll use his bow more in his DW moveset
It would be cool to have some bow/halberd combo weapon
Wouldn't be particularly hard to do with State Flow. There's at least three character-specific attacks available at any one time, shouldn't be too hard to make one some sort of big bow attack. Hell, make it one of his Musous like Fate/Extella did.
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The one bad thing about State Flow is that weapons will never be as unique as they were in 7-8. Everything has to fit in the mold of x normal strings, x strong attacks, x trigger attacks.
Yeah i prefer the gimmicks of the 7/8 dlc weapons with unique button inputs
Anybody got any good screenshots with the text of what they were saying in it?
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It's kinda incredible just how fast Jin nose dived, real karmic retribution

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