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Previous: >>480601703
>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 5 is here
-New Skill Set for Dabi is available on the gatcha
-Shota Aizawa is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Mirio Togta is now available in the gatcha rolls
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date

-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Aizawa, Kirishima, Momo, Ibara), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future (Ibara).
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this large lady is TOO POWERFUL, she could wipe out a whole TOWN with just her KICKS
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>but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future
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More fantasy skins when?
>tfw they would add shorts to this skin like they did with her china dress
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>gamma gamma alphas u
wat do
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Do the same to him.
Mt Lady skillset when?
I dream about using Argy as my personal onahole every night now.
I hate every cunt in faggers SO damn much...
sorry that they rejected your application bro
Argy is underaged.
Even better
wait a minute this isn't /biz/...
Can I convert my ownership points into MHUR tickets?
show up for customs and yi'll think about it
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when will get new players for customs, and the next generation of Froggers since most of the members are dead
Toga looks so happy here.
when the fuck are they adding Mr.Whore 3?
Toga is weird enough that they probably would enjoy taking care of baby Ochako or Deku
customs are cancelled because of a pink card shortage (blame frogs)
>queue with two Ace players that are in an agency together
>get kicked
>queue again
>queue with two different Ace players that are in an agency together
uuh Acesisters? you have your own mode...
>one of my teammates die
>me and the other guy open a big box
>I start reviving him
>teammate drinks the level up pot while I'm halfway through the pink beam
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woah...cool ice fountain...
I thought the lobby would alternate like the stage but I was wrong.
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I won't be able to join this customs or maybe even the next one and possibly also auto-demote (might have a solution in time) in the agency due to my mother board practically randomly shorting out and am now reduced to a disgusting computerless heathen for about two weeks.
Two weeks of no MHUR... muh ticket income... it's over..........
>possibly also auto-demote in the agency
You the director?
I think the director needs to log in at least once every two weeks to avoid directorship being passed to a deputy. But all you need to do is log in, so if you can find even a toaster shitbox to sign into Steam, download the game, and start it up, that would be enough.

Why's it going to take two weeks to get a new motherboard, though?
Oh, I thought it was 3 days or so for auto-transfer. Must've confused it with another game that does it after 3 days. It'll probably be fine and at least there's no premium log in bonus to miss out on :^)
If there was at least crossplatform account data/agency then that would've been a nice solution for me. Next season will have all we've been desiring, surely.

My order is simply that slow for the estimated delivery is all.
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kill frogs
Didn't even need to look at that crap to know it was fake. They'd rather die than to hand out free tickets
how is this allowed?
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I haven't joined customs in months.
>no reward
Fake Tweets
Many such cases...
Shadowmech needs to spice things up with a new gamemode
I'm thinking Mr Compress table tennis
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got bored of the other rapids, decided to finally play the stupid fucking FROG
>play ranked
>kill 5 on my first try
>can escape whenever i want
>revive team 3 times with special action and with pink cards if the enemy finds me mid rez I can just skedaddle in 2 seconds
>2nd place
>Team apologizes for sucking and says i carried hard
>after months of seeing Argy talk about the stupid frog...finally...I
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Glad you learned how good Froppy is, but for the record, most frog posting and "argy" posting is not me
I think the game servers died...
Lobby timed out while trying to load the map, and now my new party can't find a lobby
I'm gonna start kicking people in unranked, I keep getting two low ranked/leveled teammates in the sweatiest of lobbies, this shit makes no sense..
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>giving that much of a shit about fucking unranked that he'd rather take the acefag route than try to help out low levels
don't be a little bitch, anon
The game is not fun when my teammates all have glass bones and paper skin, and the rest of the lobby are sweaty try-hards.
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Will her loading screen ever be topped?
mogged and frogged
By the way, I will be one hour late to customs today. Early Father's Day family stuff.
This of course means customs themselves will begin one hour later than usual, unless someone else volunteers to create the lobby. Anyone can do so, after all.
I'll create a lobby at 7 CST if there is not one already.
>can't make a customs lobby because I crash too much
it's bakugover...
Next season, also coming next season is Argy 2
fair warning /sfg/ have been spamming the catalog so keep an eye on the page number so we don't end up falling off before the jannies do their work
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MT lady needs a new skin...
never mind her, have you SEEN what ibara's got? i demand more sinful attire for her, on the double!!
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>Argy 2
We're doomed
but we already have Argy :3...
She will get a Nun skin
are we talking slutty nun or normal nun?
The first time Mt Lady went giant, she would not have had a hero suit that stretches with her
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must've been quite the sight for her poor parents
I would roll for this.
I found the guy that's playing with Dabi's new moves in solo, he was mentioned here before
One of those moves makes the camera all glitchy
>One of those moves makes the camera all glitchy
the one where he grabs you I assume?
uh bros? the customs?
It's over, no one else wants to host...
my sad drunk ass is probably gonna fall asleep before the customs start...
i swear i'll play next week, and i'll even make sure to get my rank up as well! i swear...
>sitting on the tower in UA Island as Semenman
>see mt lady running up the banner tied to UA
>throw block at her and hit her
>she gets mad and kicks all the way to me
>ignores my semen pillar and combo locks me
>has high damage alphas with perfect aim as I'm free falling to get away
>run into others but she has tunnel vision for me
>downed and even when those other players attack her she still focuses me and almost dies doing it
why are cheaters like this
Did he hit you with his beta? Because when I got hit by it, it destroyed my whole fucking GP bar
The most damage he was able to do to me at once was like 200 or maybe a little more, on my shield.
Also I can't tell his moves apart, Especially since they don't look right since it's hacked in.
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it's so ochakover...
Ochako's not that skinny
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It is finally time!
I didn't see anyone else online. Is it over before it even begins?
Customs belongs to non Froggers
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where is everyone? even the frog is missing
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>tfw we'll never have a customs lobby this lively again
Truly Bakugover...
I suppose we'll start.
>seven users in this image are deceased
it's over
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I like how Ashen Legion is stuck in the wall while Tarot claps in the background
we should make more gimmicky rounds because
>regular round but with 4 people
isn't sustainable...
We could do rounds with infinite tech/speed card glitch. Plenty of cards to go around...
I think we've done pretty much every mono-character theme, although I'm open to suggestions.
All Ibara now that she's changed again
>inb4 one person misses the memo
uh oh
>ibara round
>with Shadowmerch
He is plant privilege, he doesn't miss with vines...
>quirks develop at age 5
>hit with vines
>70% of full shield gone
what was THAT?!
They buffed the damage on Ibara's scoped alpha recently.
>count one single time I don't take damage when I'm clearly touching vines
>meanwhile half my shots don't land when they touch someone
I guess it's supposed to be okay the the hits that do land do like 200 damage...
So what now? Suggestions?
>almost died because red ibara started dragging me along like a backpack and I could only be freed by her taking damage, which also damaged me
>this also wasted my plus ultra
Twice, all spawn on box and fight it out, BUT you can't use gamma at all
>BUT you can't use gamma at all
Sure, why not.
I've seen that bug happen with Shiggy's grab before, but never Ibara's. I wanted to see how long I could go just pulling you around like that, but someone else attacked us pretty quickly.
I think Strike Deku got buffed too much, he is a fucking bitch to fight now
lotta twices at the end there
we need all at least one Cementoss round...
This round, then.
I really need to start just heading into the storm as soon as the circle gets small. Trying to remain in the center as it closes completely is just asking to get interrupted while drinking.
How about, uh... all Aizawa?
Have we done an all Strike Shiggy match since his S5 buff?
i shiggy diggy
strike shiggy is so cancerous now
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>attacking someone
>my alpha zooms into the distance behind my target and kills someone who's downed
I'm done bois, ggs.
If he takes you by surprise, you're kind of fucked if you have no aerial mobility. Now you can't even escape him by running/climbing a wall, especially since the damage from his alpha interrupts both of those so you don't even have the option of continuing to ascend while taking damage.
it's ochacover...
Should we call it here? 4 is kind of the minimum for what really works for customs, I think.
Froggers, your customs attendance....
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All those customs lost...like tears in the rain
>tfw froggers are online but don't join anyway
>Mr.Whore was online
>customs with only four people this week
>one anon said that he won't be joining for the next few weeks
It's unironically OVER
I blame Argy
>Argy didn't show up
Exactly. If he did you would have had 5 people at least.
not satisfied with stealing cards they started stealing players away from the customs
Still livid Byking decided to gut the already mid tier brawler character out of his superarmor special
Bro, you don't get it, he was much of a thread to the fags with an alpha that shoots from across the map, and an even bigger threat to bullshit characters like Momo or Toga, and let's not begin with out speedfaggots!
I agree.
argy is asleep bitches, the extra hour was too long to wait
Argy could've hosted at the normal time himself!
At this point the list of people who have attended in the past, but no longer do, is like twice as long as the list of people who still attend.
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I either get removed or my teammates leave whenever I queue up as Kendo. Hmmmmm, must be on accident.
Toga's beta and kiri's alpha should swap hitboxes desus
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>traps you in the tickle machine
>kill an ochako in final circle in solos
>think i sent her to gas
>she didn't
>ends up killing me
well i feel stupid
Thinking you killed someone is understandable and not really stupid
Dying to ochako on the other hand.......
One day I'll lose a match because of my own faults, and not because one or more teams third party my team
>ibara buffed
>now dabi is the worst character
>BUT luckily you can roll for a stronger dabi moveset!
keep kirishima's the same, but change toga's to have his hitbox
I'm curious how he'll be in practice. The video leak looked underwhelming, but that max-level gamma could prove to be cancer. Like Strike Shiggy's beta except it can follow you around.
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>You have been removed by the room host
>You have been removed by the room host
>You have been removed by the room host
>You have been removed by the room host
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>he doesn't have buddies to play with
kill frogs
Was Aizawa always purchasable with a ticket or did they change that after a set period?
Once characters become old enough, they become purchasable with a character ticket.
Note that on the left-hand side of the character banner, the last four released characters are shown. Any character older than those characters goes to character tickets.
With the release of Mirio, Aizawa was finally pushed out and made a character ticket character. Next season, Endeavor will be purchasable with character tickets as well, and Twice will in S7, and so on.
Are your stats fucking awful or are you throwing with your trash character choice
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have you've been a naughty boy that flamed everyone lately?
People don't like it when you repeatedly throw tantrums in a videogame...
I flame frequently and I have never been removed from a lobby unless I was using the same character as the host
>I flame frequently
well maybe people started to remember you and just didn't want to deal with you.
remember, 80% of the people playing this game are kids kek
>well maybe people started to remember you
I think >>482177692 is a different guy than >>482168821 and he was simply countering your point.
2 weeks to SPY x ANYA
What are you talking about, stupid?
Bandai Namco's next success, which will leave Ultra Rumble in the dust
Eh, as long as Cat Shiggy exists, strike shiggy isn't the worst thing to deal with
>Rapids have strong movement
>Fair enough, thats kinda their thing, and they have low HP to make up for it and are mostly melee based
>Assaults save for Kendo/Kirishima
>They also have great movement options + 300-350 and also have great ranged alphas that can shit out damage quickly AND have an innate defense buff
For what reason?
delusional take, Ultra rumble will never fall. LONG LIVE ULTRA RUMBLE!!!!
Devs probably saw other games that separate characters by roles and thought it would be neat, but then didn't know how to actually make characters fit those roles.
That's why technicals like Aizawa and Toga are super speedy, and assaults do as much damage as strikes, and supports do as much damage as both.
Though the assaults are typically still outran by rapids because rapids generally have faster recharge rates
I just started playing the game today. And they kick me in literal seconds.
sorry anon, you're not allowed to play the game because the devs refuse to put in filters, so you're stuck constantly getting put into the tryhard rooms who can't handle carrying a newb
just keep trying, friend
Supports still feel like the pointless class as their passive kinda sucks + none of them even feel like supports (Momo, Cementoss and Ibara feel more like assaults and Compress a technical)
Endeavor's alpha is ANNOYING
>I just started playing the game today
That's probably why, then. Even in Unranked, and especially in Ranked, a lot of players are very likely to kick anyone who is low-level/low-rank. No one wants to be in carrying new players.

Are you on PC? You could join Froggers, the /mhurg/ agency. I'm sure you could find a few people willing to play with you. You can also play solo matches in order to level up a bit, which will result in being kicked less often as well as letting you learn the ropes.
>Froggers, the /mhurg/ agency
Toga Lovers...
Mina is Cute...
DECEASED agencies....
Does Toga Lovers even have any active members other than the owner? Is the owner even active at this point?
The only person who ever loved Toga in the anime died

That's cool, if only my waifu was in.
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>Another season of my nigga not being in
>Only 1 star left to get all weeklies
>most missions left are the bullshit get top kills/assists in lobby and play 30 matches
>start queueing unraked and leaving the moment I spawn to finish them
heh get owned byking
Make sure you have customized your banner and added something to your bio so you don't look like one of the endless horde of retard mute mexican children
No skill retard
I hope you guys who post shit like this are like 16 because it would be pretty sad to be unable to perform in a lobby full of literal women and children
>in a lobby full of literal women
You lie, women don't play this game.
>game full of cheaters, teaming ACEsweats, and bugs that prevent you from winning
>blame it on something else
i once had this autistic shigaraki fan girl in my game who narrated everything going on in her autistic monotone voice but i was too scared to add her..
>It's everyone else's fault I can't kill anything!
If that's what you tell yourself...
>five seasons in
>Momo's still S tier
my heroine
Not even the nerf to her cannon damage could shake her.
I don't have to tell myself anything, the game tells me when I see my top cards at the end of every match
Why would you lie about getting top cards, that's kinda sad
>those ochakos that can't hit you with their spinning beta but always hit you with their thrown beta
>tfw it stuns you just long enough for them to throw another one
>stunlocked for multiple seconds in midair by car after car doing 80 damage each
>Is the owner even active at this point?
Yes, I still play the game
Give me a continue
Imagine if she met that shiggy roleplayer kid
You blew it anon
PC, or console?
>as long as Cat Shiggy exists
Does he even exist anymore? I only see red shiggys nowadays...
It's time for Mt Ladies to apologize for all the combos
demand reparations from Togas and Mt. Ladies
Mashing beta is not a combo
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They're catching on
>tacitly confirming that there are no other active members
Toga Himikover...
I mean, yeah, I kicked everyone out because everyone else had like 99+ days of inactivity
Isn't this a lag switch thing? I remember an anon posting about it weeks/months ago, among other lag switch tests.
It is, unless the person in the post found another way to do it.
My Mina agency will thrive once crossplay on consoles is added. Also, don't include me in your crap
It will thrive once you leave it
>redditor inadvertently revealed he's been using lag switch to cheat
>was undrinkable until I dropped it from my inventory and picked it up again
I've had that like twice before, I would drink the pot but when it finished it wouldn't get consumed and I wouldn't get HP/GP. Isn't that just a bug that can happen with drinks? I wasn't duping or anything, I don't know about lag switch strats.
Though I think I was actually lagging the last time it happened
>you now remember that old bug where starting a drinking animation while walking off a ledge would make it impossible to use any more pots
At least I think that's what caused it, I don't remember
It's cute when girls do it, but cringe when guys do it.
pc, i still have her steam profile bookmarked....
>think about the Kirishima special nerf
>realize it's just like how Mt Lady's always had the same thing, where she goes giant and it feels like she should be immune to knockdown but random moves can knock her out of it
>except Mt Lady's giant form can still wreck shit and her base moves are better than Kirishima's
What are the devs doing
So is the downplaying of Ochako in this thread a meme or do anons really not know that she's overpowered like all the other rapids are. I can't tell.
>got into a match full of people doing card glitch
>decide to join in
>playing like this is more fun that vanilla
I think I'll hang around these late night lobbies more...
Ochaco has the lowest win rate out of every character.
*Ochaco had the lowest win rate out of every character months ago when her alpha was unusable, and before she got multiple buffs
I promise you she's still in the bottom 5 in terms of win rate.
>promise you don't have to worry about even pretending to keep because they're too lazy to post more win rates
Why even deny that she's strong, anyone can hop into a game and see that she is. Everyone knows the devs are shit at balancing and always points it out, why does Ochaco suddenly make you say
She's not good. Her Alpha is mainly for movement and is shit at dishing out damage. Her Beta needs to be at level 9 to be usable and even then catching people who know what they are doing is hard. And her Gamma is so easy to dodge, it's laughable how easy it is to dodge.

Ochaco's only upside is that she's a movement machine, but that's all she has.
There's a reason people stopped complaining about fighting Ochako. She's not a threat anymore. We have bigger threats to worry about like Toga.
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>Her Alpha is shit at dishing out damage
>Her Beta needs to be at level 9
>Gamma is so easy to dodge
Well now I know that you don't play her.
I don't know why I spent four seasons ignoring Cementoss, even when I knew he was broken. I keep winning when I pick him because no one can stop the SEMEN.
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me about to commit sinful acts upon ibara
Favorable Ochako matchups:
Thought up an interesting way to play
>pick Deku
>do card glitch with red card
>do card glitch with purple card
>only use crouched Alpha
there's your sniper character
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Reminder that Mt Lady wants to FUCK Shoto
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shoto is so lucky
>never get any KO medals because random Mt Ladys constantly steal my KOs
>queue unranked
>get teammates in gold/purple
>expect them to be not bad
>they keep splitting up and dying individually
but why
When will they remove class buff stacking?
Season 11
also happens to be the season when they add options to customs (they add Duos, no solos though)
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Dabisisters, it's almost time
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By offering their assholes.
MY HEROES (minus Froppy and Uravity)
How come dirt doesn't reveal Toru's naked body?
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>main trio, all might, endeavor, and aizawa have damaged outfits
>Oh and Ibara has some too because.... we had no other ideas...
>five seasons in
>no Mt Lady infinite special glitch
Wanna climb that mountain, bros
Meant to link this.
Also I'm a frog if that's relevant
dumb toad
drop kick frogs
I think that they should buff Toga's beta, and change Deku/Bakugo/Shoto's alphas back to the way they were on launch
I'm a frog by the way
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who's trapping heros' souls in gems, and why is it accepted as currency...
Last night I had a dream that I was playing Ibara and I got the bug where your grab fucks up and you just drag the enemy behind you, and I decided to do a kamikaze attack and just run as deep into the gas with them as I could.
what does the gas smell like
why are they gassing students in the first place
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I have the souls of 66 thousand dead heroes in my inventory
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Frog is friend
I'll totally save you, I promise. Don't kick me
Ooops, meant to link these
Also I'm a frog if that's relevant
>ribbits your chest
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i think it's this dude who's supposedly doing the gassing based off the symbol
I love GRABBING people as SHIGGY and THROWING them into the STORM
I love GRABBING people as IBARA and getting SHOT TO DEATH by their TEAMMATES
I love GRABBING teammates as KENDO and THROWING them into the STORM
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disintegrate frogs
integrate frogs
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After an eternity, I'm finally back to 4k+ tickets.
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Your tickets, hand em over
Imagine a 1v1 mode, or even a solos mode, where players could wager tickets. Everyone pays 10 to enter, champion gets 110 tickets, 2nd place gets 80 tickets, 3rd place gets 50.
It would absolutely be drowned in a tidal wave of hackers instantly, but it's a nice idea.
Custom games new features when... customs saturday tournament format challenge never ever without them...
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>have a tournament bracket
>it only lasts 3 fights because attendance is so low now
They'll be adding this during Season 11 along with Custom Games options >>482357172
If only..
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Nice, I'm still recovering from having to use 2k tickets to get Mirio, by the time I have to roll for his shirtless skin and Hawks I hope to have at least 1k left.
I like how the female characters moan while climbing walls
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throw frogs into the gas
picnicking frogs in the grass
>trying to kill a sweaty red deku in solo
>dumb frog starts attacking me and forces me to run
>deku returns the favor by killing her right afterwards
>deku ends up winning with 12 KOs, because red deku is overpowered
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Guys what if Deku had Kirishim'a gamma?
But unlike Kirishima, he can have up to three charges for it
And it recharges faster at all levels than Kirishima's does at Lvls 1-8
And his can damage HP through shield to put more stress on the opponent
And instead of locking him in place if it's used on the ground, Deku's move lets him spring forward
And also he gets a separate move that gives him height to help him use this move
OH and it also gets some more damage and a larger radius if used from higher up
>look through buddies list
>check a profile
>he hasn't been online in twenty days
>see agency details
I think the lowest agency kick time i've seen was like 2 days or some shit.
I wonder how many of them actually end up removing anyone for not playing that long
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Tsuyu-chan thinks Selkie is cute
The super armor nerf still makes me seethe.
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do NOT hug the edge
save me from random teammate hell
>update soon
Are we ready to ruin the game for everyone else ExploitGODS?
Sustaining my teammates with teamheals as momo so they won't die!
>other heroes punch and kick enemies to finish them off
>momo stabs them to death
You should be thinking of a special operation
>there's a bug where teammates can attack while being carried by Iida
Imagine doing this back when Iida had infinite turbo.
>the only reason the two never happened in combination is because every iida with infinite turbo stopped trying to pick up their teammates
>even when testing
they will never be able to add Snipe or Nagant because their attack range exceeds the player render distance
Just kidding, they don't want to add her...
>Mounted Iidaback archery
Who would be the best character for this strat? I don't think Ibara works since all of her attacks lock her in place, but I don't know for sure.
Endeavor, for high-damage decent-range hitscan? He can throw betas as well.
Compress tossing his trucks like that would be pretty funny.
Rapidgo might actually be a really good fit because his ground alpha makes him really slow and his aerial alpha pushes him backwards. Having Iida's mobility on his ground alpha would be quite strong, I think.
Cat Shiggy/AfO/Shoto/Assault Deku would do fine just based on how generically strong their alphas are.

Does non-turbo Iida get any minor speed boost while carrying allies? He won't be able to activate turbo again while carrying a teammate, so I'm wondering if this tech has any value once his turbo runs out and he's just running normally. I guess at miniumum it would allow characters like Endeavor and Rapidgo to use their full alpha durations while in a full sprint.
Try it out with the ghetto version of Kendo with bugged perma blue cards and see how it plays out. As far as I've tried it can only be alphas.
NEW CUSTOMS GAME MODE! BRILLIANT! Duos with one Kendo and a projectile alpha user. Must only attack back while holding your teammate.
Thank me for this idea later. I'm a genius.
Imagine if Ochunko could use her beta during this
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Momo sucks in solos. She's so slow, and with rapidfags Togas and red Dekus everywhere, she stands no chance.
Reminder that we've got maintenance tonight. Supposed to start 30 minutes before mission rollover, as usual.
kill every frog I can before maintenance
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I'm so ready.
what will the 3rd map be?
Inside Mt Lady's body
Area based on the first war (the one seen in Season 6)
>city area + the hospital
>destroyed area
>forest + the villa
>throw in another random location or two, like how UA island threw in the Pussycat's training camp
But if they were based, they would make a map based on the island from Movie 2
Mt. Lady’s ass
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>Eeeeh? Yada...
kick frogs into the stomach acid
average ibara player
made for hotdogging
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Mt. Lady spotted.
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It's up.
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Time to get on.
They (said they) fixed mirio's alpha combo and infinite cards, thank fuck
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gave me strike deku in the same banner, we eatin
>[Togata Mirio]
>Decreased charge speed at Lv9 when activated without charging
What does this mean, exactly?
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Got him in 30 (only had enough for 30 rolls anyways) and was about to be miffed because there Dabi played said a line, but there was no PUR box, only for it to be disguised as a normal gold box. Unless all skillsets are in gold boxes?
Also, played a solo match and won, not that I was against very good players. He feels a little rough to use against anything moving fast considering he has to be on the ground to throw out his alpha and you can't unleash his gamma early for the big blast. At least I poop out damage and his beta seems to be easy to land.
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byking cooked
Just tried, card glitch is indeed fixed
Double Tech and Double Speed exploit still works though
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Good thing the mechanism for the latter has never been fully revealed.
I'm going to miss infinite tech card custom games, though.
exploitsissies in shambles
Pityful ass
This character seems like he's ass so I can't wait for him to get buffed until he's idiot proof and a blight on every lobby
Is this real or is >>482593186 just being a faggot
They fixed the infinite card glitch way faster than I would've thought. I was predicting S6 at the earliest.
It wouldn't surprise me if it's real, they do it from time to time.
It'd be just for one week, though. It's not like they brought back the premium login bonus or anything.
>shigaraki, but worse in every single way
I wanna say it's the actual startup for the alpha but im really not sure
It's real.
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>1 roll
not lucky enough to get the endeavor costume too but i will claim this thread's luck god throne thank you
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>roll points: 2
That looks like TWO rolls to me.
It's because he rolled again in an attempt to 1 ticket the Endeavor as he can't get two rewards with one pull, anon...
When i roll for Debbie's quirk set, should i do i like this guy >>482597486 or do the 10?
10x roll guarantees you at least a 2 star item, so it's technically better. If you've already unlocked basically everything that might not make much difference, but at the very least 10x will be faster.
The odds that you'll actually get it in one roll are incredibly small.
1 roll
i dont know why
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If anyone's curious, the way they patched the infinite card exploit is that now you simply can't level up active cards. Which makes sense and is probably the simplest way to fix that issue.
I wonder if it's a coincidence that they fixed it right as Strike Dabi was added. An infinite heal card completely negates the supposed downside of his kit, though it's not like an infinite heal card isn't brokenly strong on ANY character.
Strike Dabi's level 1 alpha is pretty underwhelming. It's basically Strike Shiggy's, but worse. It has a decently wide hitbox even uncharged, but it has noticeable travel time, maybe on par with Shoto's gamma, except it progresses like a projectile instead of the line lingering. It seems like it will be tough to hit enemies at any distance unless you charge it at least once.

The alpha has two charge levels. The first charge causes it to spawn 3 projectiles and consume no additional ammo, and the second charge causes it to spawn 5 projectiles and consume 2 ammo. While charging on the ground, you hover slightly, which allows some limited repositioning. If you charge in the air you will actually hover in midair and can travel a short distance horizontally, but you are eventually forced to use your alpha and doing so drops you all the way to the ground, so the ability to use this to cross gaps is limited. It doesn't seem able to be cancelled into any other move to avoid the drop, either.

His alpha deals 58 damage and has 6 ammo at level 1, and 74 damage and 8 ammo at level 9. Enemies can only he hit by it once, even if you charge it and fire point-blank so that every projectile in the cone passes through them. Unfortunately, firing the alpha triggers an animation where Dabi smacks the ground and renders him completely stationary for a short time, unlike Tech Dabi who can simply sprint jump everywhere while lobbing fireballs. Additionally, unlike Ibara, it's impossible for him to fire his alpha while in the air. Both flavors of Shiggy are going to destroy him if he tries to use his alpha against them.
His beta is a short forward lunge in the camera direction (including upwards) and grabbing any enemy he hits. Unlike Ibara's and Shiggy's grabs, this one does not deal health damage. The initial kick does not deal damage.
His beta deals 125 total damage at level 1, and 183 total damage at level 9. It has 2 ammo at all levels. Because of the aerial dash aspect, it can be used for mobility, although it's not on par with Cat Shiggy or anything. It feels like he gets roughly as much air/distance as Toga's beta if she does not transition into running.

His gamma is basically what the skill set is themed around. Similar to Mirio's beta and gamma, it's percentage-based except the charge resets to zero when you manually turn it off.
It costs 30 HP to activate it, and consumes 2 HP per second while it is active. It is not capable of downing Dabi and will simply not consume HP at all if you are down to 1 HP, either on activation or while active.
While active, it periodically creates a small shockwave that deals 76 damage and knocks enemies back. Deactivating it manually will create one of these instantly, except it only deals 63 damage. If the gamma is allowed to run out completely, a much larger AoE will be created which deals 175 damage and knocks enemies down. Even at level 1, this AoE feels close to the size of Strike Shiggy's level 9 beta.

At level 1, his gamma lasts 10 seconds. At level 9, his gamma lasts 26 seconds. The damage dealt by the periodic shockwaves and the final AoE do not increase with level, although the radius does get larger. At level 9 the periodic shockwaves feel about as large as Strike Shiggy's level 1 beta, and the final AoE is large enough to cover the entire width of the USJ bridge.
Despite having a noticeable visual element on the ground, the AoE portions do not seem to be ground-based like Shiggy's abilities. Or at least, they don't require Dabi to be on the ground. I can't test with bots if they can damage enemies who are in the air, but that's my assumption. It may be a spherical damage area like AfO's gamma.
The last element of his gamma is that it increases the power of his alpha and beta. Not just the damage, but the effect.
While his gamma is active, his alpha always fires fully-charged with five pillars. The player can still charge it in order to do the hovering, but it doesn't alter the attack. Additionally, his beta travels much further - feels like a similar distance to All Might's beta.

While his gamma is active, his level 1 alpha damage is increased 58->70, and level 9 is increased 74->89. His level 1 beta damage is increased 125->154, and level 9 is increased 183->210. Though if you have the good fortune for a shockwave to trigger mid-beta, a single level 9 beta could go as high as 247 damage even without any strike cards.
The level of his gamma does not have any impact on the damage increases of other skills - it is just as effective at level 1 as it is at level 9. Leveling his gamma only effects how long it lasts before the final explosion and the size of its AoEs.
Overall, first impression is that he seems a bit weak, and the areas in which he is strong will be tough to use effectively.
His alpha will be fairly weak if you have any attention on you at all (easy to dodge the uncharged via strafing, and even the charged can probably be dodged by timing a forward roll through it.) While your alpha does have some height to it, you are essentially unable to hit anyone with it if they spend a lot of time in the air such as most rapids/Endeavor/Cat Shiggy/etc. He also has Strike Shiggy's old problem where enemies on rooftops are immune to his alpha, though at least Strike Dabi can get up there with his beta. Even under the effects of his gamma, his alpha only barely approaches the damage that can be done by other characters' alphas like Strike Bakugo/Assault Deku/AfO/etc, and all of their alphas are easier to land due to having less travel time, aren't ground-based, and don't make them a sitting duck for half a second every time they fire. His alpha is literally just Strike Shiggy's alpha but worse in every way.

His beta, while heavy in damage, is also the only real mobility option he has. Even if you land a beta, that leaves you with only one more to maneuver. He can't cover his retreat like other low-mobility characters like Tech Dabi and Momo can, so I'm not sure what you're expected to do after you rush in and beta someone.

His gamma is neat, but it kind of feels like you're burning health just to get the sort of alpha damage and beta distance that you should have by default. Using the full duration in order to get the big explosion costs 50 health at level 1 and 82 health at level 9.
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>roll for Endeavor
>get duplicate AfO
Wait for next season, stupid
But I want him now!
Nextbot Ibara
>red debbie hits me with grab move
>entire shield destroyed
>health lost too
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>he has two charges and can just immediately do it again once your iframes wear off
>50 rolls for Strike Dabi
>get duplicate white hair Dabi costume
The devs are mocking me.
That's the blue aura right? at least it goes well with it!
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the splinters...
I don't even like white hair Dabi.
I use suit Dabi.
>could have gotten her cool CANON mask
>instead they just give her an eyepatch and make her sweater dirty
Maybe Toga will get a cool skin in season 9...
I've noticed the civvies in SOLOS dont drop team heals or a revive card anymore, it's just 2 big heals
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she's got less BULLSHIT going on in her design in the damaged skin which makes her look smaller and cuter
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is he good is he trash? what's your first impression?
Yeah, but that's already true of the Camie disguise costume and the office lady costume.
Go back to TikTok.
I love KICKING people to DEATH with NEW DABI
He feels borderline unusable when he's not in gamma mode, but when he is, he's pretty fun. His gamma-alpha is kind of like a long-ranged version of Cat Shiggy's alpha fans, and his gamma-beta puts out crazy damage. His normal beta still puts out pretty good damage as well, but gamma mode increases the distance and tracking so much that you might as well always be using it in combat. Plus, the periodic shockwaves created by your gamma can stack damage onto your beta.
I like how occasionally when you use Debi's beta, the opponent will get stuck to your legs until you take damage or use an ability
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That happened to me. It might be the funniest-looking of all the grab bugs.
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Master Toga has given Dobbi a sock! Dobbi is freee!
>team up with speedniggers
>fataraka and shitda
>fat bitch disconnects
>retard does nothing
>fag sees me getting killed
>takes 50 million years to reach me
>cunt doesn't even grab the two revive cards i had
Throw all speed trash in a fucking furnace
I'd be mad

seems like he's really good at 1v1s but would get cooked in a team fight if he uses the grab.
>decide to pick bakukek to have some variety
>queue a team with a speed bakufag
>cunt refuses to switch
>play chicken
>fag kicks me out because of course he's the leader
>queue up again as fast as my fingers let me
>enter lobby
>faggot is there
>pray to dear God to let me kick his faggot ass personally
>we land at the same spot
>proceed to shove my boot so far up his and his faggot team's asses
>end up winning that match despite all odds
>kill the whole last team consisting of an iida, shoto and kirishima
>kirishit tried to hide in a building but grenades go round in circles
>throw his ass into the storm and he just lays there, defeated
Thank God i revived one of the retards in my team to serve as bait, and that those morons didn't want to go up the building near the big water circle. Aizawa was a nice bait. Also, revenge kills against shitters that refuse to switch feel SOOOOOOO damn great. Hope i find that fag again, so i can destroy his ass again
At least Crazy Dabi is better than OG Dabi, right? Now watch as they end up giving him the Strike Deku treatment in the future and overtune the shit outta him
Mine or theirs?
>500 tickets
>no Dabi quirk set
wel[, back to sticking with playing Cementoss I guess... These gacha rates are scummy as fuck and makes me miss Dissidia Opera Omnia more
I've been off the game for a bit, did the quirkset dabi update come with patch notes?
yours, I'm sure the others were bronze kek
I have no idea what to level on new dabi.
I sympathize with hackers that just want to play the new quirk set/character so I do not report them
Idk, don't really care. The other bakufag was Gold 1, and he was with a silver Mt Lady
You level BETA so you KICK really good.
What? How would you new they are hacking if they are just playing with the new quirk set?
>what's your rank
>idk don't really care but here are the other people's rank
ok but what's yours, dingus
Purple 1, why?
What is my auto correct doing
that's pretty cool
Are these for a banner? I actually like the toga's. Now I wish I had been saving up
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WOW, that kendo thing was a bug? I had tried playing as her not that long ago and was feeling like I was going crazy when I didnt have it up
>hide somewhere to scratch my balls real quick
>all might comes out of nowhere and downs me in two betas, the second one even visually missed when I dodged
Nerf doko
>new dabi moveset
>beta is no longer the fire trap
>you'll can't get random hits and downs on players from two zones away
kill frogs
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They didn't fix the latency issue with Mirio's uncharged alpha.
I thought they adjusted the damage numbers, huh
Storm damage counts too right?
There is no more bullshit a hitbox than Strike Deku's dropkick. I was literally snagged under his foot when he wasn't even visible on my screen.
Triple stacks of Strike or Assault characters is cheating
Retard issue
>down someone as giant mt lady
>about to size down to finish him off
>see a finisher prompt even though I'm still BIG
>press it
>mt lady picks up the player and slaps her own ass, crushing him to death
Kirishimabros, we are getting a quirk set
I wonder if Kirishima will finally be S-rank.
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I'm reinstalling the game
How hard is to get characters? That's my biggest concern. I'm willing to spend a little.
Is this gacha cheaper than hoyoshit and cunny archive? How much had you spent so far? Can you farm the 1-A girls? Namely my wife Froppy.
>How hard is to get characters?
How do we tell him?
But at least Floppy is gotten for free
I don't think I'll roll for it, even if it's good, I'd rather get skins and new characters.
>How hard is to get characters?
About half the roster can be obtained just by playing and leveling up the hero license. This includes Froppy. In fact, I think she's one of the earlier unlocks.
A portion of the remaining characters can be unlocked with character tickets. I think you get one of these for free early on, and additional character tickets can be bought with hero souls, which you get when you roll duplicates in the gacha. The current character ticket characters are Kirishima, Momo, Kaminari, Kendo, Ibara, and Aizawa. Endeavor will be going to character tickets next season. I believe you can also roll character ticket characters in the gacha, but the odds are so low that it's not worth trying for that intentionally.
The four most recently released characters (currently Mirio, All for One, Twice, and Endeavor) are locked behind an immensely shitty gacha system. Non-banner characters have a 0.2% chance to drop per roll, and banner characters have a 1% chance to drop per roll. There is a pity system, but pity points are banner-specific, so if you don't have enough tickets saved up to reach the threshold in a SINGLE banner, and you don't get what you want by chance, all those tickets go to waste. It costs 2000 tickets to guarantee a character with pity. Paying for characters is completely infeasible unless you've just lost control of your life, because 2000 tickets costs about $400. That's to guarantee ONE character, although others may drop while you're rolling those tickets.

If you complete all daily and weekly missions, you can get 95 tickets per week. It would take 21 weeks to save up enough tickets to guarantee a gacha character.
However, there are additional sources of tickets.
Occasionally there will be events where you get 10 tickets per day for logging in, for one week. These can't really be planned for, but each one would shave a week off the timeline. One is going on right now, in fact, so make sure to log in tonight so you don't miss out on the first day.

Top 500 ranking on the billboard chart or MVP chart is +50 tickets each per season, which shaves off nearly a week each. Hitting Ace rank is +50 as well.
Plus Ultra league in Elite Agency ranking is another +50 tickets, and this one is monthly so you get two per season. Top 500 agency ranking is +30. As of this season, achieving Amateur, Pro, and Ace rank award 100 tickets each.
If someone managed to reach all of these bars (Ace rank player, top 500 in likes and rank points, in a Plus Ultra League ranked agency among the top 500 agencies like Froggers (the /mhurg/ PC agency)) that would be a total of 580 tickets for this season. This would cut the time needed to spend on dailies and weeklies down to just under 15 weeks, or roughly two seasons. Of course you could get all the aforementioned ticket bonuses in the second season as well, but they only come at the end of the season except for the Elite Agency ranking, so you'll ultimately still need roughly two seasons to amass the 2k tickets.
Additionally, you get 30 tickets for each rank tier you hit in a season, so that's another +120 from hitting Ace. You also get +100 for the first time you hit each rank tier across all seasons, so that would be +400 for going from Beginner to Ace for the first time.

tl;dr, in the best-case scenario if you do all the dailies and weeklies and are good at the game and are in a good agency, it will generally take someone 3-4 months or two seasons to save up 2k tickets, although the very first time they do so it might be more like 2 months due to the hundreds of tickets from first-time rank rewards.
Oh right, and I forgot to mention skill sets. These are basically the devs going "we want to add a new character, but we don't want to deal with new emotes/voicelines/costumes/etc." They're radically different movesets for existing characters, but are functionally new characters except that you still can't have two of the same character on a team even if they're using different skill sets.
The skill sets have their own gacha with its own banner. It has all the same frustrations and limitations of the character gacha, and the two don't even share pity points, so if you spend 1k rolling for a character and 1k rolling for a skill set, you get no pity despite having spent 2k total.

Another thing I forgot to mention - you can use rental tickets to try out a character that you don't have unlocked. You get 3 per day. Most characters only require 1 per use, but the newest character requires 3 per use, and the one before him requires 2. Rental tickets can't be used to try skill sets at all, so if you want to play around with those, you either have to use training mode or play Toga and try to grab some of their blood during a match.
>red shiggy exists
>yellow shiggy releases
>it's red's alpha and beta, but you can throw them
>red dabi releases
>it's shiggy's alpha and beta again
>dabi teammate goes down
>he uses special right as a deku punches him, most likely trying to start a finisher
>fire activates but he doesn't self revive
>because of one melee hit
I just realized Deku has no special voice line for when they finish off All Might, kinda surprising
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He does in japanese
Horny frog
He does, his usual non-special voice line when doing a finisher is "You're done for!"
But when finishing all-might, he instead says "Get out of my way!"
Oh wow, I don't play Deku much and the line seemed so generic I just assumed it was a standard one.
translation still dog shit i see
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I look and act like this.
do you fear the angry frog?
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thoughts on invisible girl?
Frogs ain't shit
Like most of Hori female characters: cute design, shit character
Just fucking shoot him
this but with Toga, beta goes in a straight line, just shoot her
they cant handle the KICKS
Strike Dabi might be my favorite new character
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>throws spears at you from across the map
burn frogs with fire
another ochako win for me
cook frogs over a pyre
fuck frogs over a school desk
It is impossible for a frog teammate to be helpful
no revive for you then
>implying that they ever use it
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It is apparently possible for items to be encased in Shoto's beta ice.
No but I fear that someone else will kill the angry frog before I can do it myself
that's how you make slush puppies
do people even play denki anymore, feels like I rarely see him
Only in discord teams where they have a dedicated stunlock comp
Who has the better KICK? Mirio or Strike Dabi?
Mt Lady
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>I wish for an Ibara skillset
how could the monkey's paw possibly make ibara worse?
>Ibara skillset
>one move grows vines along the floor in front of ibara
>one move creates a circle of vines around her
>it's just red shiggy's alpha and beta again
red shiggy's moveset is so good that all the new skillsets have to copy it
Yellow Ibara.
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>Shoto technical skillset
>move that first creates a small path of ice in front of him, and then follows up with a path of fire
>move that has shoto use both sides to create a circle around him, with fire on the left and ice on the right
>red shiggy's alpha and beta, but temperature
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Doubt I have time to save up but when is that new toga outfit coming?
>Mt. lady’s finishing move isn’t her sitting on the enemy’s face
Shoddy work
She only does that to enemies playing Shoto
S6 at the earliest, so you have a month at least.
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>fight a Toga
>almost kill her
>Froppy interrupts me
>try to chase down the Froppy
>Cementoss interrupts me
>I'm pretty low on health at this point
>Cementoss downs me, but I manage to hide long enough to get back up
>run away to heal, Cementoss on my tail
>a Dabi interrupts my full potion right as Cementoss catches up
So, how long until we get damaged versions of unrelated gatcha outfits? Like Damaged Winter Bakugo, or damaged Alpha Todoroki
end of service before that happens
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>Rapid Ibara
>Alpha is a vine grappling hook (bugged, doesn't grab players or surfaces)
>Beta shoots vines along the ground in front of her (Red shiggy's alpha :), also has low damage)
>Gamma is a "jump" where she uses her hair to push herself upwards, but it leaves her unable to move while in the air for too long like Mirio's beta does
>Bonus: It takes away 100 HP too
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>>Alpha is a vine grappling hook (bugged, doesn't grab players or surfaces)
The worst Alpha in history VS the worst alpha of today
>Technical Ibara
>Alpha is like Cementoss's Alpha except one charge and one vine pillar wall at a time (because she has to retract it of course)
>Beta spreads your vines out all around you like Red Shiggy's circle one, except it can only be used outdoors and has reduced damage in the shade
>Gamma lets you disguise yourself as a plant, reducing your movement in trade
Bonus: fire attacks deal 10% extra damage to her and can destroy alpha and beta twice as fast
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help stuck frogs
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>no results for relevant tags on R34 or Sadpanda
You'd better have some sauce for this.
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>Gamma lets you disguise yourself as a plant
lmaoooo bro just hide in a bush haha
Ochunky alphas still bounce off of walls for me sometimes...
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Mirio was right his quirk is like a buggy game.
>having fun with elden ring dlc
>have to quit playing so i can do my dailies
I hate this game
>GET pops up for the first grab
Did you glitch it because you detransformed right as you grabbed it
could just... not do the dailies
he needs his 5 tickets bro
> not do the dailies
And what miss out on the newest characters? Fuck you, those 5 tickets add up.
I missed the latest patch notes did they fix the card glitch?
Nice I can play the game again.
I don't trust patch notes
I only trust Shadowmech
>Argy only believes in his boyfriend Shadowmech
Argy's boyfriend is actually menhera.
>see two teams fighting
>my team keeps separating because they're both rapids (frog and ochungus)
>but at the moment me and the frog are near each other and near the fight
>ping danger at the fight's location, so they know where to avoid
>frog runs in and almost dies
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Fake news
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>ochako gets covered in lard instead of blood when she takes damage
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>check this game out
>spot a toga in the lobby
>look up her skirt
>black void
>no panty shots
Massive disappointment aside, the game’s fun
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just had a great Ochako game
me, Toga and Kendo worked our way to number 1
we went through many trials
the Kendo lag out arc (pictured)
the lone ochako seeking revive cards arc
the final arc cleaning up the lone tryhards
what a great adventure
>3 girls just fuckin around having fun
sounds like the way the game's meant to be played
Ochako torturing Kendo with her quirk
>steal Ibara's moves
>get shot to death trying to use them
Did Mirio get buffed this recent patch? I'm landing his alpha a lot easier.
! >>482653986
remember to always take the items from the gold box that your frog teammate is opening, the frog can always her own items using her speed
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Iidasisters, they called our legitimate strategy an "issue"...
>spawn next to an all might
>break his shield
>do like 325 damage to him
>he tries to run into a building to escape
>a yellow shigger is inside and clicks the ground, hitting all might
>all might goes down
>the ko is his now
I will be the only player to show up to customs today
>customs attendance reached as high as 12 people exactly once and then never again
How many weeks has it been since we've even had 8 people?
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Froggers, more like INACTIVEggers
Before AFO released, for sure
customs are gay
I got my mobo and now just need some thermal paste because I didn't think ahead, but if I am fast enough tomorrow then I may show up to customs! Then you can't brag about being the only one to show up.
customs are epic
>My Strike Dabi goes down in storm
>I go to pick him up (successfully)
>Seconds after I pick him up we get ambushed by another strike Dabi and they down him again and melt my HP
>I run off to heal because attempting to save him is obviously not the play
>He gets mad and starts spam pinging when he can clearly see I have only 50HP left

I truly hate the game sense of casual battle royal players, they will try to make you make all the bad decisions if it means they have a shot of being picked up.
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If Dabi fuel can melt steel all mights, how come the Dabi towers didn't collapse?
Because they got pissed on.
When are they going to add this as a loading screen?
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what did she see?
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It was a text from her friend saying that she was having fun at her new school.
It's from one of the OVAs.
fucking m*tants
I'd kill myself if I was born as a scalie
melt frogs
pelt frogs
pet frogs
Iida is LITERALLY unplayable now.
Momo alt costume without her belt?
Get it for 100 rolls or with a .8% drop chance soon! (it took us 2 minutes to delete the belt and compile the model)
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they already altered the design to be less sexy, no way that belt ever comes off
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the lack of skimpy outfits for a girl who NEEDS her outfits to be skimpy is a tragedy
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Season 13 will introduce lewd outfits
Trvst the plan.
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She tried to beat the cock
>i go to place near itembox in mountain zone
>around me 3 teams
>the other Mirio leaves me possibly due to sympathy idk
>Twice notices me and attacks me, later I kill their Kamiński
>also Dabi teammate arrives
>later i get team KO against Twice
>I want to thank him in chat, because the voice line wasn't enough I think
>connection interrupted, game crashes

Oh they NEED to fix this
Newfag here, i like the game quite a bit so far, and i wanna know, is it worth spending money or is the gacha just fkn rigged?

Also, what would be the best way to spend my money here? do i purchase license levels or character rolls or skill rolls or what?
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Don't do it bro...
Just use crystals you get for free to buy the season license
the cash to crystal to tickets value is ridiculously bad, it's not worth spending money AT ALL
what about the special license levels and the battle pass?
the events that go on throughout the season give you enough crystals to buy the battle pass without ever having to spend money
as for the special license, just be patient with it - there's no point in spending money on shit you're gonna get eventually anyway, if you're desperate to play all might you get 3 free plays of characters you don't have every day (less if they're a new character but that's just the suits making the devs at least TRY to get people paying, everyone on the special license only takes 1 of 3 tickets regardless)
>is it worth spending money
GOD no, absolutely not. At the absolute most, maybe spend like $5-$10 if you're right at the edge of affording pity and won't make it otherwise.

The exchange rates are fucking awful and it is NOT worth it to spend money on actually trying to roll for shit. See >>482702873
>2000 tickets costs about $400. That's to guarantee ONE character, although others may drop while you're rolling those tickets.
I had to spend 800 tickets on AfO. If I had paid for those with money, it would've been nearly $200. For a character in a video game.
Buy the seasonal license as soon as you can afford it (with crystals gained from missions and such.)
Completing the seasonal license will give you more than enough crystals to afford next season's license, plus 150 tickets and other unlocks on top of that.
Man, Twice is retardedly good if you get him to uper levels. His gamma is essentially a "Fuck you, you ain't shit' move" to ANYTHING. Toga's beta? Fuck you. Decuck's runaway shit? Fuck you. Aizawa's kicks? Fuck you. You just need one to completely fuck up someone, qnd the best thing is that it tracks SO hard on anything. Can't wait for season 7 to unlock him, cause i ain't getting him on this shitty gatcha
Don't ever spend money on this shit, EVER
It also prevents both attack and escape. With max gamma charges Twice absolutely RAPES Froppy. There's literally nothing she can do.
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next character leaked
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so sleepy...
>Random chance of being born looking like this in the MHA world and there's nothing you can do about it
>cool power not even guaranteed
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It's time!
Things might run shorter than usual this week. I've been awake for quite a while and am just now beginning to run out of steam.
one of these days i'll get a free saturday night/sunday morning to play on...
>downed by Endeavour
>left alive out of pity
>get back up and try to heal
>downed by Mirio
>left alive out of pity
>get up and try to heal
>downed by Dabi
>left alive out of pity
the pitied ochako...
>not quitting your job to play a gacha-riddled anime tie-in video game with a handful of other people
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>$2,600 dollars spent on MHUR
What the hell.
Yellow Deku's crouch shot recharges way too fast.
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>Me and FROG land on MY BOX
>I immediately KICK her off my territory and go for the box
>FROG gets up a few inches away from me and considers her options in quiet contemplation
>FROG jumps and attempts to lick me but i anticipate this and KICK her again
>FROG nopes the heck out this time and rolls off the building
>I manage to open the box and just as i do the FROG comes back for one last attempt and i KICK her off the building and make off with all the pink cards

dabi hugs frogs
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>use Dabi's gamma
>drop exactly onto the wall of other Dabi's gamma and deal like 100 damage to myself and go down
Semen match next round?
next one will be my last one
As is tradition, then.
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>had PU
>didn't think I'd need to use it because I found cover to heal
>Cementoss beta shoots through the cover and downs me
I'm not even sure if he was even aiming for me.
>now 3 players
>and host is sleepy
it's over
I merely stood my ground against a HOME INVADER
we fight club
I actually have found a second wind since playing. I feel pretty alert.
That said, 4 players is kind of the lower acceptable limit for custom games, isn't it?
Might be best to call it here rather than trying to wring blood from a stone.

Or one fight club match, perhaps.
>fight club
>expect a good clean fight
>instead get two mirios
he punch real good
I kept mistiming my permeations...
Fuck the storm honestly ggs
unless we're going to go pubstomp, i think it's ochacover...
End it there, or one more?
host tired its bakugover
You actually just reminded me, I still need to finish my dailies.
We could do a few rounds in Ranked.
But i'll crash, especially in USJ landslide zone...
You haven't crashed so far tonight, right? Good omen!
>go solo
>hacking deku
>go solo
>cheating deku
>go solo
>DEFINITELY NOT cheating deku
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>destroys your house by accident while BIG
You would forgive her right?
Oh she'll apologize alright.
That branch in her right buttcheek? Me.
She wouldn’t need to apologize, I’d prostate on the spot
How broken would it be to run strike Dabi, Denki, and Shoto together?
It would be extremely painful
Wouldn't Endeavor be a better pick than Shoto? His alpha would pair great with both Denki's stun and Dabi's grab, plus he has greater mobility.
I picked Shoto because I was thinking about how all three can lock you in place and melt your health
But yeah, he would be better (worse)
It's time for civilians to apologize for not spawning when I really need revive cards
Pick AFO and just wait for him to land his pull.
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take your pick
Blue > Green

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