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This is the place for all sorts of discussion about OpenMystery. Post screenshots, discuss the story, simp your favourite witchfus!



>What is OpenMystery?
OpenMystery is the open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs similarly to an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
This gives it the advantage of being able to remove all the annoying mobile mechanics from the game since we have complete control of the engine.
It's also able to play new content whenever the base game updates.

>Where can I get OpenMystery?
Here's everything you need to setup and run the game.

>What can OpenMystery play?
OpenMystery is capable of playing the main quest, tlsqs, sqs, quidditch, creature quests, dates and more.

>Is OpenMystery complete?
OpenMystery is constantly updating, with assortments of bug fixes and improvements.
While a bug-free experience isn't guaranteed, you should be able to have fun with it.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Is OpenMystery moddable?
Yes, the game supports mods. This is the link to the modding guide.
Here's the link to the moddb page

>Snydebooru - Merula fanart & OpenMystery art-related

>Fanfiction and greentexts
https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (currently broken)
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Previous Thread >>480395037

>HPHM Blender Models

>Other related games
>HPHM Visual Novel
>Unity game
>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>ClumsyDrawfags' "An interaction with Merula VN"

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar
Question of the thread:
Do all witches owned wands smell like fish?
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You guys still here??
refer to the OP of last thread
You mother fucker, where did you get my extraordinary rare meru coins!?
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AI video is getting better
Is it really?
Afraid so
Whole witches movies soon
if two witches were watching two watches which witch would watch which watch
that potion was so corrosive it instantly melted her ladle
Good enough to wash Ismelda
No, that's what happens to the water after she baths.
i dont know if "better" is the word, but its certainly gonna give JC a run for their money
not reliable tho, she gets boobs at the end, everyone knows Penny is flat
Its on early stages, give it time and it will recognize proportions
More like HOT if she sells the water in bottles
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Well, yeah, that shit WILL burn the fuck out of you
Now THAT is how Hogwarts uniforms should look like
You dropped them
Not deh, just sleepy
Brewing with her eyes closed is a bad and dangerous habit
When you forget your protecting goggles there's nothing you can do
Then wizards will have an overpopulation problem
Well, they wanted to increase their numbers, didn’t they?
Sounds like a grave error to forget safety equipment near such unstable magic
Does beg the question, how often do wizardkind plan for such things? I don’t recall any other magical field besides Care of Magical Creature and Herbology to have any kind of protection
too many wizards would be hard to hide from muggles
Magic makes you feel invincible, that's why they experiment with new spells and potions without care
Fucking Penny on all the clubs
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Would only last two at best before she drains you
Uncanny for some reason
MC´s lust knows no limits, well, maybe A limit
Code name: bimbo Ben
Lose the cloak and it's a superheroine costume
>Merula in PowerGirl's costume
Code name: futa Merula
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we need more fun comics
>pulling down her skirt
>on the side facing away from MC
Classic tsundere behavior
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Wish we could post in the cool Harry Potter general
you already are
>taking the bait
It's the unnatural movement
would buy one ONLY if the shoes are removable
Stop cumming in her shoes, dammit!
sex with boggart merula
She likes it
Probably uses it as body lotion.
I believe if they get close enough they kill you, right?
Disgusting but also hot
Well they say it's good for the skin and she certainly gets enough of it. Bet Merula is mad jealous of her though once she finds out what it is.
only if you let them scare you
>Implying she doesn't get enough in her boots herself
Only in the docs tho, spiky boots get no love.
How rude of MC! Her skin is way more delicate than her cousins. He should fill all her boots!
That's not how you bump a thread.
Speaking of ways not to bump a thread...
Would BUT drunk, very drunk
Some shoes are more equal than others
You definitely would bimbo Ben, sober
nah he still looks like a boy
Dream dead
>go to booru to look for some stuff
>click on random image
>page loads
>anti-virus blocks the image
>test with several images
>all blocked because reasons
i just used the booru yesterday, what the hell? anyone else?
what anti-virus?
and what is the reason?
Reason was URL:Blacklist
Which is weird because I haven’t moved anything with that, I also just tested another boorus and they worked fine
I just tried turning Avasts web shield off for a bit and it worked, but came back as soon as I turn it on, so that’s probably it
Tulip prank
Tulip was hackerman all along? Damn it, pranked again!
Why on earth would you need an anti virus ever. Antivirus companies don't have some special knowledge of security vulnerabilities that microsoft or google wouldnt have already fixed.
Penny the sigma where that's my skibidi gyat
What the fuck are you saying?!
I got brainrot
Did Rowan think it was a broken friendship? He suddenly became sad.
Fuck JC for doing that. They distanced us purely so people wouldn't cry when they killed him. If it doesn't make you cry, then what's the point in killing a character? It robs it of any meaning.
>They distanced us purely so people wouldn't cry when they killed him
JC was trying to do the opposite, idiot
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No they weren't, they wrote that chapter in the train station just because they remembered they weren't using Rowan at all
Imagine being so brainlet that you can't understand the meaning in a kids game
Merula Sneed
More like *clack*
My teeth hurt every time i see this pic
Brush your teeth
>be me
>check this
>all the image pages just say "img" instead of actually loading the pic
Try turning off your antivirus for a bit
I has to do that to be sure that was the problem
Good morning /omg/
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whats a more scotish way to start the day than a morning drink?
why is the lower Tulip blue? is she cold?
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>what is lighting
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My two pets
That feMC always bothered me because she looks too much like Tulip if she wasn't crazy
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something went wrong with my merula
She looks normal to me
i kinda like the idea of Merula with a hoodie under her flannel shirt, feels like something she would wear in winter while keeping her usual looks
she can steal Skye's, she surely doesn't need with all the stuff she wars
yeah, how much DOES she wear anyway?
She has at least 4 pieces of clothing, the crazy witch.
This happens when the game tries to load in an npc as well as an enemy player from duelling for some reason. The game tries to bind the random player meshes to the npc rig but since they don't use the same face armature, it gets super distorted.
guess its still pretty chilly in scotland even in summer
sounds like a rookie game programming mistake
wait, thats not Tulip? i thought it was
Nah it's an oc
She needs the body warm of MC
what are some recognized/popular MC´s in HM?
Ravie the GOAT
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"psst, hey anon, eat my ass"
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>he actually does it
Merula has the best faces in game
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if the witches were to go and get themselves a car, for the novelty of it, what kind of car would each go for? I figure Merula would actually get herself a muscle car, while Penny something like a volkswagen beetle
The loading screen from that time was weird, looked like merula was givinga a handjob to Charlie
Chug that rape potion down
i can also see Merula with a Pick-up truck
a powerful and useful vehicle
Chiara: A practical and reliable minivan
Merula: A sleek and expensive sports car
Penny: A fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly car
Tulip: A quirky and unique car, perhaps an old-fashioned model or one that's been customized
>Tulip: A quirky and unique car, perhaps an old-fashioned model or one that's been customized
she is 100% getting a DeLorean
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Merula: Dodge Charger 1968
Tulip: Nissan fairlady z s30
Or the one Mr Bean drives
The fuck is that, that's not a charger
damn, she looks good
C'mon I'd say it looks close enough to the charger 68, I don't expect a model trained on thousand of boorus female characters fanart to replicate a specific car with a 100% accuracy anyways.
that's MC shirt and car
What sort of play is Flitwick producing with outfits like that?
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that's neat, we should do a chart with the witches and their cars
Ismelda: black scary looking subaru.
Agree on muscle car merula, beetle penny, and hippie van chiara
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I just wanted to see Chiara sleep
Ismelda, being the edgelord, has to be a long and black 70s Chevrolet Caprice or a Cadillac DeVille
Agree, also wizards tend to be a few years behind when it comes to muggle artifacts and technology so the witches cars being from the 70s and 60s is more fitting.
>cheating on your lover
you disgust me, anon
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Now you guys are talking about cars, so sad to see your general so dead
No matter how bad it gets, I'm glad we don't have an ERP problem in this general.
True and based
Is it really cheating if you just let them sleep on you shoulder?
not dead enough to go bump other threads we dont care about, thanks for the bump btw
That is your special place!
a shoulder to sleep on is something exclusively reserved to your lover, anon
every single time
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nighty night
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Good norming!
Oh man, Ismelda is at it again
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Merula stop, I'm not cumming today.
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Perfect chance to pull It
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Netflix adaptation Merula
Skye doesn't care if you see he naked but Erika gets uppity, that's why Skye is best quidditch autist
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Need Corey
skye isn't a tranny
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still would
She just has a very big clit
Brain damage
no no, he is right, it is hot
well, it is summer.
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you think you funny, funny man?
Better than tulip
aight, fair enough, carry on
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Weird combination
Well they are the ones we definitely banged.
Tulip? That was just a bj
As Head Boy, she practically lived on your dick with all the shit she pulled.
no wonder she disappeared from the story in that year
Need Skye sweat damped socks
buuuuulllllshit it was "just" a bj
Tulip is exclusive with Dennis
Those are some big tits
thats why she always wears some many clothes, she has to hide them or people will ask for them
So that's why she shaved half her head
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the ultimate distraction
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Bitch, please.
Date this week
Unlike quidditch
even Rath is like "gurl nuh"
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maybe, but its still more possible realistic than quidditch
quidditch is real but it's at least 1 year from releasing
I do wonder if insiders actually request quidditch
i doubt it, that thing is a glorified quick time event
Merula Sneed
Bump before work
Chiara lora for 1.5 sd
Training with Barnaby to maintain that vaultbreaker physique
He must have a pretty serious training
Who wins between him and Rath?
Good morning /omg/
Is it still morning?
It is for me
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dont be rude
This reminded me that there's still no explanation to why Barnaby is the only buffed boy in school
all energy that should have gone to his brain instead got redirected to his muscles, his muscles being big is the only defense mechanism his brain could create with what little energy its getting
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I just know Ismelda sleeps naked
of course she does, her layers of dirt and grime protect her from the cold at night
I pity the house elves who have to clean her bed
they must have some sort of magical hazmat suit or something, right?
did they?
you know they did
Merupuff because she's bigger so she destroyed that poor skyepuff
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MC using Merupuff as an onahole when?
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Ah yes, the potion we already have
every night during summer break
i know this potion tastes awful, but i´ve always wondered WHAT exactly, something tells me it tastes like plasticky medicine
Knowing wizards, it probably tastes like bone marrow
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No, they're thrown into the incinerator along with the linen.
stop elven abuse
This is actually a mercy. Besides, there's always plenty of more.
elves canonically like it
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so...he is eventually coming back, right?
Feeding Penny some hard boiled eggs
does she have to eat ALL the eggs?
Every. Single. One.
>Don't show his deh
>Madeye said they didn't find a body
Yeah he's coming back, probably in his redeemed Darth Vader arc
needs penny edit
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The sex afterwards was wild
it also had blood
chinese Merula
That's how you make evil babies
penny belly dancer
Tulip it's getting hot, but I want to see you naked at this time of year
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i can offer a Merula instead
Would buy for my harem
Now that's too many, imagine all the bickering
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Where the nose at?
in my mouth
what she doing down there
ghost blowjob
Must be a tiny dick ghost
woo woo
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new SD model dropped
you mean sd3?
sd3 Medium
oh no, I've read that its dogshit, and even civitai banned it since it appears there was a legal fuckery going on
Did it produced cp?
No, it just produced worse results than sdxl for some reason and, apparently, people making loras of it would have to pay. I'll play it safe and upgrade my loras up to sdxl only and call it a day, not feeling like playing with sd3 even if they clarify the issue.
That sleepwear looks comfy ngl
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Only if you wear it with nothing at all
how do you know this, anon?
Mr Snyde was a physical punishment type of guy
It's now up to MC to correct brat Merula
wait, hang on, when? i dont remember a similar outfit to that one
>Merula's mean girl persona was just an attempt to bait MC into punishing her
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why boner.jpg
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summer festival outfits are back, they could at least change them up a bit.
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she NEEDS it
is this a new event or is it the summer date event again?
New date, it's okay, not the worse date but not top tier for me
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fuck, and im still locked out of my account
thanks a lot facebook...
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Tulip cucked by a fat girl, poor Tulip
she deserves it
I have a fear of missing out so I have been making my way through every Hogwarts Mystery thread that was archived. Do you guys know that in the September of 2021 people were asked what the now named OpenMystery should be called? Luckily cooler heads prevailed or we would have been using OpenMeru instead which just doesn't roll off the tongue.
yeah, dodged a bullet there with that name, tho i cant really talk, since i join these threads when OpenMystery was already a thing
i think it was around the 900th /hpgg/ thread, i even made the shitty celebration pic that was used for the OP
I will keep an eye out for you then. I'm almost at the 800s.
I was always the one to advocate changing the general's title to the Hogwarts Mystery General, and never understood why there was pushback. It would completely solve any and all of the issues we had before and people would get what they wanted with separate generals. But nope, people were stubborn and what happened happened instead.
did we even have a /hpgg/ before hm?
What's sad is that she was dancing with Tulip the dance prior this one
Because retards, aka that faggot Argentine and his group of fags, used the general to roleplay way before HL was even a thing, and they wanted to keep it open for other games so they could be gay and roleplay with the other games.
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she is horny
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Merula is the only one who looks like in-game in these ads
You can't make her uglier than she already is
Remember kids, its ok to roleplay when /omg/ does it
Nobody in /OMG/ roleplays so your bait is weak
All of them end up wearing horns at the end
Has it really been that long? OpenMeru was meant to be similar to OpenLara for the tomb raider games. I also never wanted to be stuck making a whole port because I thought it'd get c&d'd immediately. But nothing happened and I had to complete it.
to be fair, we are exclusively in some very slow threads, in 4chan, and its a hack of a visual novel that i have strong doubts to even call "mainstream"
the chances of that were pretty low
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Back then there was a very high likelihood that the developers were lurking in the thread though. If they took offense a cease and desist would he likely.
Hmm maybe, but i guess it’s safe to say that we are in the clear now, right?
Yeah the only thing that could shut it down is if griffin starter selling it
She still looks a bit weird, everyone in that weird style does.
Penny looking drunk or drugged up
most likely both
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Damn, she is ugly
Would cum on that nose
not ugly, homely
turn on your monitor
mighty need to kiss that booper of a nose
I like the orange tuft that mixes with her normal brown hair
rape skye
griffin, will we see the new date tlsq added to OM
Yeah, I can do that.
I don't see Skye ever talking to either of them
Just like the stupid theory that Skye and Merula are cousins
That was is based on some dialogue, those three have never interacted
i´ve heard about this several times but never seen whatever caused this theory, what was that dialogue?
Merula but she is overly sweet because she owes you money
Why would she owe me money
She moat likely ran out of potion ingredients and snape refuse to give up more
I hate phoneposting so much...
Is pennyrin evil or just bitchy?
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It came to him in a dream.
Fake news
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why is there so much cat Merula fanart? i dont think any other witch has this amount of "furry" art
catgirls are always cute
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besides dates, whats the next most wanted TLSQ you want in the game?
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This one
The continuation of Merupuff adventures, also one when you prank Penny with a cream pie
silly anon, thats not a TLSQ, thats a webm of Merula dying and nobody wants that
Getting to know some of Bea's friends from her own year
has she ever mentioned anything about friends at all? i only know she hangs out with Ismelda and thats it
>stealing Bea's friend
would actually funny if it is a literal cream pie
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happy Meru best Meru
Telling Skye that I hate quidditch
You just killed Skye, you monster!
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She doesn't care that much, Erika was the one that gave mc shit for playing quidditch without being super autisticly obsessed with it
If mc looked like that I wouldn't blame padre for trying to kill them
You just know that somebody actually made their MC look like that
I have seen worse in the dueling club
>find unconscious Skye
>steal her shoes
damn, she really cant catch a break, can she?
That's what she deserves for shaving her head
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Tulip learns the truth, high IQ witch indeed
New quest any good?
It's mid
better than mid imo
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ok, to anyone who resently installed Open Mystery
not long ago, one of you installed this thing and had trouble with some error that looked like oic related, if i remember correctly, somebody figured out how to fix it, anybody remembers what was the fix?
If I remember it has to do with the name of the folders not matching
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Love that jaw
ok, i give up, i cant fix it, i cant find whatever its supposed to be broken, if it is a name on a file, i dont know which one it is, i dont know if it is the pathing it takes when selecting the assets folder or the APK or the config files, i tried renaming everything, including with caps
im done
its literally bricked, i cant go pass the first loading screen
Visiting friends' houses
I followed the guide step by step and never got any issue, maybe check the steps
Its to do with the config extraction. Try using the ones in the op.
If they haven't done birthdays besides Jae's I doubt they will put the effort to make individual houses for every friend
Funny thing is that if you do the tlsq without being exclusive with anyone Tulip starts naming all the datable characters and then MC acts as if Tulip guessed it on her first try
Was the camara right at her face?
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Merula Sneed
That’s how she passes the time
I’ll give it a try
I thought she liked making trouble
Thats ismelda, Merula only gets in trouble when she tries too hard or gets dragged by bullshit
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>high IQ witch
Me in the middle
Why do they ship penny with every girl
she is one of the most popular characters among normies,and since this is the Harry Potter franchise we talking, normies in this case means lesbians. thats my theory
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she's an easy one
>One of the main girls, so lots of exposure to & interest from playerbase (also, compare the frequency of her appearance in promotional material vs. other characters)
>Inoffensive, agreeable personality, so it's easy to imagine her getting along with other characters
>Prime shipbait

Also the HP fanbase is mostly female
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she is also conventionally pretty, so that gives her a lot of advantage
Need those toes
>HP fanbase is mostly female
wouldn't they ship her with guys? unless 90% of those are dykes
>unless 90% of those are dykes
well, this is the HP fandom we talking about, so yeah, that fits
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>"love us, MC!"
>those pics of other girls with their hair colors changed to Merula's
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its not the other girls, its Merula with their hair
Oh yeah
Well, may as well post 'em if you got 'em
>combine bodies
>combine chances of winning MCbowl
Now I'm imagining Merula with Penny's hair except that the right braid is ginger
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i do, its just gonna take a bit, long waiting times between post
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those are all there are with other hairs, im just gonna post the rest of her regular hairs
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somebody get on this, please
Brain damage
Yet you can still type. Impressive.
oh no, are you ok anon?
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based canon witch gf
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Im tired of merula, lets post some Chiara's tits
huge tits!
Is Chiara Italian? Her last name only makes sense in Italian
Could also be some sort of Spanish or Latin
>Chiara is descendant from Roman wizards who remained in Britain for centuries
Holy flipping based
you making her sound cooler that she actually is
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Chiara is not based
She's meta based
If it weren't for the werewolf thing chiara would be fucking boring
Chiara is cute, loving and caring.
and even then she is still kinda boring, they barely did anything with that
maybe not, but she isnt cringe either, she is in a decent middle ground
i completely forgot that Victor was a thing
JC did as well
that's because if you take the werewolf thing she's just penny
She's really not.
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the only more irrelevant "friend" besides him is Jules
Of all the witches I know she's the one that has a futa cock
Jules doesn't even classify as a friend, she's a friend's cousin who we talked a few times, wouldn't call that friendship
i 100% agree with you, but sadly, she actually wastes a slot in the friend list, so i have no other choice but to call her that, despite my wishes
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time for another midnight escapade for Merula
But where does she go?
She can dom me
Making out with Tulip hatefully
that's the only way
She meets up with MC near the lake of the forbidden forest to be naked together
I am once again asking that someone upload the proposal reaction chart to the booru, but with the quotes this time. However, I have altered some of the quotes since the last time I asked:
>Tulip: Combined my original quote with an improvement suggested by another anon
>Merula: Mildly toned down the teasing and upped her affectionateness, in keeping with her character development
>Badeea: Fixed typo
>Skye: Changed pet name

Anon, this is... Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you! And such a pretty ring, too! Oh, I'm so happy; quickly - put it on me before I faint! I can't wait to tell everyone that Hogwarts' handsomest wizard is all mine! I love you so much, Anon!
...Yeah, it's zircon alright. So - you want to scam anyone with it? ...You plan to swap it for something extremely valuable? Like what? ...My hand in marriage!? Oh, you sly devil! Truly a man after my own heart. Quick - let's brainstorm some pranks to play on the wedding guests!
Oh look, it even matches my uniform! Well, you do - miraculously - meet my exacting standards, and I... suppose I do love you to bits, so it seems that I have no choice but to accept your proposal. But you had better spare no expense on the ceremony, you hear?
...Anon, I'd love to, but I couldn't do that to you. You deserve better than a woman who- I... you... you truly are dead-set on this, aren't you? Well, I... I'll do my best to be a good wife for you. I promise. Thank you, my love...
Oh Anon, of course I will! Honestly, it took you long enough. ...Well, I'm not the only one you need to ask, you know; you'll have to talk to my parents, too. But I'm sure that a man as lovely and smart as you will be able to win them over.
...Marry me? I-I didn't know that your affections for me ran so deeply. You really don't mind that I'm so... Look at me; you just proposed and all I can think to do is ramble. Yes, I'd love to be your bride! Mmm~ Soon, I'll be Anon's bride...
Anon... listen. I always told myself that I'd only ever walk down the aisle for a man who could keep up with me. So if you're serious about this, then I accept, but only if you promise to start training with me so we can work on that flimsy body of yours.
Yes, what is it, Anon? ...Oh - well of course! I can't wait to finally tie the knot with you! I'd say I was surprised you didn't pop the question over some fancy dinner, but you're always on about how beautiful I am when I'm flying, so this is still pretty romantic, isn't it, loverboy?
Cringe proposal
Getting hotter by the day, need that summer TLSQ soon
Based proposal
Is there a Skye reaction drawing? I can't draw so I'll just use the ones from other reaction charts
afraid not
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This image is supposed to have captions in the text boxes, but it was uploaded without them for some reason
t. the guy who requested the drawing
Who's bottom right?
either MC or some background character
Thanks, will use as template, I can't upload to the booru so I'll just post it here and hope someone with uploading powers do.
>Slytherin so united that everyone uses the same pj's
Thank you very much in advance
post it when its done and i can upload it
faking that I tripped so I can pull down Skye's pants
Skye faking that she tripped so she can punch you in the nuts
She will just walk away like nothing happened
Skye is not violent
she would absolutely deck you in the face if she wanted to
she would either walk away or freeze up and do nothing
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Anon, she nearly killed Rath.
what? when?
You don't remember when she nearly framed us for attempted murder?
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well, what do you know fellas, its time to wish Merupuff good luck in her next adventure!
But she didn't hurt Rath, just send a ball her way
Fuck you
wow, how rude
Good luck little fireball
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Womb tattoo curse on Penny
done, it is now in the booru
Curse whoever invented that shit.
this but Bea
Bea is for anal only!
she is a slut, she´ll gladly take it anywhere
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this animation is a bit weird
its the lack of head movement when she opens her mouth, she almost moves like a chicken, her head is perfectly balanced
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Looks drunk
Thank you both very much once again
I miss when ismelda acted jealous because Merula was getting more friendly with mc
what was she jealous about? that she was losing her friend to MC or that she was losing her chance with MC to her friend?
That she was losing her chance with her friend to MC
Ismelda truly is the most interesting witch
are you saying she is...complex?
>Hogwarts mystery characters
>not knowing about the memes
God, i wish that were me
Don't believe Tulip
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One post every TWO HOURS hahahah
Just give it up already and go to /vmg/
lmao lol
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Another man of culture i see
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>replying to himself
Sad even for a roleplayer
well duh, its an anime poster who cant do anything but check the time in the middle of the night and post about it, the guy cant even sleep due to his obsession
how can i join whatever club this is?
>tfw no yoga class with witches
those are so fancy pajamas
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Use this portkey, just put the rope around your neck, trust me bro
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she cute when she angry
funny how there is literally only ONE memory we got from the entire Quidditch thing
not even joining the team, not WINNING the entire thing, just meeting Skye
Skye is the most important thing about quidditch
more like, the only thing
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Does Tulip actually hear Dennis or she stupid?
You are probably the stupid one for asking if she can hear him
A little bit of both
Her dialogue implies that she does
Then you are stupid for believe it
gib quidditch cup now
never ever
f u
are there sirens in the HP universe? and i mean actual sirens, not those mere people things
Must be, maybe on open ocean
you welcome, anon
if you need more pics uploaded, lemme know
who could even teach that class, every professor is decrepit as shit?
Would buy in Fortnite, if I played Fortnite
Convince Dumbledore to let mc teach it and used it as real life yoga as an excuse to see and touch asses
>MC expects a lot of witches to sign up to his extra curricular club
>he gets the entire male Quidditch team, looking to relax their muscles
>Rath is the only witch
worth it?
it should be orion
Her body isn't that different from a boys so might as well become gay
i forgot about him...
How could you?
dont lie, everyone forgot about him, even JC
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honestly? still would all of them
Hogwarts Mystery, but rule 63
Would they really be that feminine?
Malerula's hairstyle works so well lol
>Erika and Barnaby swap places
I don't want to imagine female Barnaby, is fucking a borderline retard okay in wizard society?
Sounds like the regular Hogwarts student in HM
Merula Sneed
Tulip definitely would be, same with Penny
Merula could go either way
Heh, nice
Good day /omg/
BIG peni
If they can use “love potions” to basically legally rape anyone the want, then I think fucking an almost retard is fair game
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>Date rape potions are legal, sold as gag gifts
>Wizard Hitler 2.0 was concieved via said date rape potion
>Muggles have about as much legal standing as a kitten in wizard land
>You are not only encourage but required to obliviate muggles
>3/4 of HP fans are probably female

Huh. Wonder if Rowling has some fetishes.
>Date rape potions are legal
are they actually? i thought it was supposed to be a gray zone type of thing, illegal but not taken seriously
By her view I just know she wanted to either rape or be raped by Chad but she also hated his guts
arent those still being taught at potions class?
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that sounds like it fits nicely in all of this
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>tfw no lil bro to steal
are there more of these?
>there will be a broken down angry and depressed version of that boy in the future
Sadly I couldn't find more
I think Penbro would actually be successful when casting the entrancing spell...
He's coming
oh lawd!
wait, who is coming?
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I mean, they are openly sold. People learned to make them.

Like, it would be pretty fucked if you could just buy roofies at the supermarket and your high school chem class involved learning how to synthesize GHB or ketamine. Granted petrificus totalus, impedimenta, incarcerous, stupify, engorgio spells are being taught to teens so not like it matters much... not a great implication however.

Oh yeah, polyjuice and human transfiguration. Cannon troons. Also someone fucked a goblin which is where Flitwick came from. And... yeah, half giants like Hagrid. Half or quarter Vella.

Was Rowling going through her midlife crisis when she wrote the books?
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Bimbo Ben
I used to thought that Hogwarts was like some kind of military school, they teach kids a lot of killing spells
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Only if MC is female in this scenario
For the soul purpose of pranking. Anything else will get you a firm scolding!

Yes, but I think it was so you could better combat it.
So, like poison you drink a bit every day to create immunity
Maybe. I think it's more like recognising it when you see it, though.
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That would be a fun twist.

I mostly think about it being like an Ivy League thing. Witches and Wizards are basically the aristocracy or the elites. Every one knows everyone since they are all at the same place for 7 years and are likely somewhat related. And yeah, of course there is antagonism between the old money and the new money. Purebloods and muggleborn. Then you have halfies, of course, whose parent just married in...

But regardless, Hogwarts is Egalitarian. So sure the ruling class of humans gets to learn how to toss around magic grenades, kill the fuck out of people. Live the high life.

Like the Weasleys were depicted as comically poor, for wizards, members of the Sacred 28 at that, but were still well known and could raise six kids off a single income.

Harry was born almost into nobility, given how well regarded the Potters were and that they are related to the Prewetts. Got a massive fortune out of it. Oh yeah, and the Prewett are also part of the Weasly family tree. Harry basically married his cousin thrice removed.

It hurts my head to think of all the crap regarding the setting, so I am just going to go back to playing the games and jerking it to Merula.
>I am just going to go back to playing the games and jerking it to Merula.
best and most based choice
how is the RowenaXRaven thing goin?
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still less repulsive than Corey
Wish her hair was that way instead of the way it's upkeep
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thats a BIG head
Ape like proportions
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someone put some collars on her ankles
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she just pranked somebody, didnt she?
Perfect size to shove two cocks inside
thats just their weird wizard fashion
Going to try and finish by the end of the weekend, I think. Have a long one starting Friday so very few things I have to focus on IRL.
fucking sweet! post it in my quest if you cant find a place to post it
Feels animesque
weeb wizards?!
I bet she could throat 2 cocks, the dirty bitch.
I like to imagine their spell casting is basically the same as in the animes with long ass verses to cast one spell
Take my money!
Merula bumping her toes in the night
Late-night revision in the library with Merula
Getting kicked out afte arguing which subject to study
Should I start playing the actual HM again or should I stick to OM?
I meant: Any reasoning for that?
It's crazy how she was the first character to lose all personality.
Did she ever had one to begin with?
Yes, she had a lot of personality at first, like most characters, you even had the angle about her betraying Merula and clearly trying to get stuff out of you as well as her rebellion against her parents despite seemingly desiring to be like them according to the Mirror of Erised.
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Merula if she real.
Too cute
I want to put my pen in Merula's mouth.
Apparently HM gave you a new buddy and killed them again in an attempt to get a 'Post Hogwarts' version of Rowan?
Brain damage
he's here
Bimbo Ben is here
They gotta stop doing that, it didn’t work the first time
So they really did it?
im not sure, i havent started the Beyond section of the game, but i heard something about it before
so maybe? i could check later with OM, but i dont know in what chapter to look that for
turns out, she was evil or something and she faked her death
Damn, Wikis are really out of date, the game is really dying.
trust wikis only up until year 7, after that, you on your own
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ngl "dumbshit MC" is such an overdone trope
If I wanted that I'd read a battle shonen
>That last panel
Need to cum on her face
"dumbshit MC" is accurate to the game tho
it stll funny when done properly tho
Please let us merge back, /hpgg/ is dying and need your help
lol, lmao even.
Let's decide it with a poll: https://strawpoll.com/NoZrzLeGDZ3
Mentioning that I fucked up the poll is not appreciated
>10 votes
I'm starting to think I should checked the 'one per IP' security measure.
>Inconclusive results.
Oh well.
catching Merula and Ismelda in the middle of a tryst
Knowing MC's charisma he could probably squeeze his way in
He will probably thing they are wrestling but natural instincts will take over when one of them does a hold on his dick
All those people living in Barnaby's house .... must be having orgies all the time
knowing him, he is probably not even aware of them
how do i get in?
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sweaty skye flat chest
Andre is such a nothing character, I'll never understand why he was added to dating.
most likely a diversity check box
>filler for male options
Even from that front there were better options tho, no?
To be fair, every character became a nothing character overtime.
find any other male character besides those that are already dateable
Diego? The Asian Vampire dude? Don't remember if they were dateable.
It's sad how everyone is now a caricature of themselves.
sadly all the rooms are already filled
They'd need to still have a personality to be a caricature of themselves. I dare you to compare the year each characters is introduced to Year 6 and Year 7, the gap is insane.
Most characters had more than one character trait when they were introduced. Motives too. That's a personality.
Yeah and? Now they have no character trait, they are just vague NPCs who kinda all act the same
Yeah, I know... Did you forget what we were talking about?
>Did you forget what we were talking about?
No? I think you misread my post.
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>Total Jam City mobile app revenue in May 2024 was $15m
>cheaps out in hiring a 3d modeler
>now it cheaps out in writers
I'd say it can't get any worse than this, but something tells me I may be wrong.
They are using ai writers
Sorry. Sounded like you were still arguing.
>I'd say it can't get any worse than this, but something tells me I may be wrong.
Just look at their Jurassic Parc games, they are so much worse. There's no story, just PVP with even less fun than HM and some fake 'management' mechanics.
AI would be an improvement to what we got for year 6 and 7.
Feed them the entire script of the first 4 years and it would do a better job.
We should test that.
I have no doubt of this considering many loading screens looks ai-made. But when it comes to writting, they may be using it in a very amateurish way.
I have no idea how to train a AI model on anything so I can't help with that. If you know how to or know people who do, I'd be very interested in the results.
Had my first Hogwarts Mystery themed nightmare after seeing Rowan's death. Merula is not even my witchfu so I don't know why it's about her.

>Proffesor Skander takes you into the muggle world for a field trip pairing up you and Merula. She gladly declares "At least I know my partner is the most reliable wizard in all of Hogwarts!" You and the class are portkeyed to a small rundown muggle town and told to split up and learn all you can about muggle culture. At first you're excited. How could you not be when visiting a world so strange and foreign? Your good mood lasts until while you're trying to figure out what how a lampost works Merula screams. 4 muggle teens had grabbed Merula when you strayed away and the minute Merula started casting magic (she dispatched two of them wandlessly) they started stabbing her repeatedly. You see red. "Diffindo! Flipendo Maxima! Avada Kedavra!" Your spells may rain death on your current targets but none of them can bring back life. Merula is dead. You failed her just like you failed Rowan by not paying proper attention. You think you know now why wizards and muggles can never live as one.

>Years pass. Many years pass. You've long since dropped out of Hogwarts to perfect your new craft of Muggle extermination. No one has seen you since that day and they won't before your job is done unless something goes wrong and you get caught. You don't want to be tempted away from the right path. Newspaper clippings show a tale of death and destruction writing its way through the muggle world. Droughts coming out of nowhere, farms failing to grow even the easiest crops, new breeds of large dogs with twin tails wagging as they bite people in two (you wonder why Voldemort never took to engorgiong Crups like you do). There are many theories about who or what you are. They only have one clue that makes no sense to anyone. A calling card that says Ole Reliable.
You can't resist the Meru
Sounds like a common dream
Googles AI can do that, the boring part will be copying all the dialogue from year 1-4
I'm sure it was just weird nightmare sleep deprivation bullshit. I vastly prefer Chiara.
keep on talking like that and you will get a Meru paralysis sleep demon
Isn't the Google AI pre-trained?
hey, you're the one chiarafag this general has,
have you played around with the new chiara model?
Deep down, you know the truth. Meru is best and you know it.
Not yet. Right now I'm busy getting my phone version to beyond just incase my shitty ol laptop fails on me.

I can see why you'd think that. I disagree kindly.
>I disagree kindly.
But your heart doesn't
I had no idea you could run lora models on a phone, this is new to me.
damn, thats cool and brutal at the same time
Oh no I feel there's been a misunderstanding. I mean my phone version of Hogwarts mystery. Didn't mean to mislead ya.
you fucker, I did the model for you no not really, some other chiarafag on civitai contacted me to do it for him and even provided the images but I did think of you which is why I posted the link in this thread too
Please forgive me I am Barnaby brained.
I think you are thinking of another Chiarafag.
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Skye isn't flat chested, she has a decent pair but she hides them under many clothes
case in point >>483315282
Now that's a flat chest
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kek based AI knows
>Complex character
Can you make one of hogwarts mystery vs legacy and awakend.
Rent free
finally, an AI that knows his shit
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absolutamente basado
Ai needs to be killed before it's too late
Good luck with that
>Log in
>See full marks
>Log out
Not risking it
>26 away from dead
if it dies in the night, im making the new one when after i wake up
drop pics and recommendations for the new OP
The rule63 of the witches picture a few posts ago
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cute robots
now, with integrated love mode!
Penny DP
whats DP?
double penetration
drinking potions
Da Penny
Demasiado Puta
its getting warmer by the day!
And still not beach tlsq in sight...
still more chance of it than quidditch
Double pussy
In a real language, please
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Meru if she blond
Penny who? I only know Merula
>AU where Bea was corrupted by being put into Slytherin rather than trauma
Her adult design is such a downgrade
How do I get hired to write for HM?
I'm sure they'd go through agencies, contacts and what not, but surely it would be worth the shot to ask them directly how to get in on some of their social media I guess?
Jam City has social medias?
Reminder to use tthis as the next OP pic
thanks for the reminder, baking the new bread now
All aboard the New Thread Express!

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