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Werewolf edition

Previous incident: >>481154825

>Upcoming and recent releases
>Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts (OUT NOW)
>TH18.5 100th Black Market
>TH17.5 Gouyoku Ibun + gote update
Dream Logical World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664410/
Wonderful Waking World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1901490/
Hero of Ice Fairy https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955830/

>Recent official manga
Lotus Eaters
Cheating Detective Satori

>What are these games?
Touhou Project is a series of doujin bullet hell shooting games made by ZUN where cute hags shoot other cute hags

https://pastebin.com/Vu7p9R0z (includes FAQ, netplay guide, training tools and more)

>Where can I get these games?
https://nyaa.si/view/1743411 (all in one pack)
https://pastebin.com/hPmDczz6 (separate downloads)

>Support the official releases!

>What other official Touhou media is there?
>Semi-official web magazine

>Touhou media hoarding guide (fan art, doujin music, etc.)


>/2hug/ high score spreadsheet (feel free to edit)

White men...
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I want to Okuu
Total gacha death.
You guys are pathetic.
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Again? Really?
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>last thread ended with gachatranny shilling his offtopic garbage
No fucking wonder everyone just closes the tab and calls it a day while spammer faggot is just sitting their alone waiting for a response patiently.
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I want to play an indie shmup called Radio Zonde but I get this error, what do
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Shut it witch. We're just reclining
This little youkai is so cute, I want to do so many lewd things to her.
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Live inchling is a delicacy I want to try sometime
catgirl marisa...
Touhoubros, I stumbled upon a gem of a fangame last week, Nightmare of Sleeping Girl. It has a wiki but I've been playing for hours and some of the good items listed there never drop. Are they only available as drops for the very hard bosses, or does it just take luck? I am at level 60 if that matters.
the same old song and dance
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catgirl Youmu is best catgirl
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>Werewolf edition
>No werewolves
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It was bait, only myons here
This thread is vampire territory.
according to elon, this is a catgirl
It's a dog
Looks like a person to me
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The youkai of fun
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What even is a half ghost?
Is she dead or not?
half dead so if you fuck her youll be a half necrophile
Just be careful to stick to the human half of her and don't try fucking myon or you'll end up with serious injuries or frostbite to extremities.
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half phantomhus
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Okuu is a high grade Wife Hu
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im high
damn this /vg/ is so dead holy shit
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is there a discord or something? this is dead
main activity resides there
i talked about 2hu and jannies warn me about "offtopic" and kinda got tired of it so i came here
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can i have halfsex with youmu
Yes, there is a discord, you can find it if you search touhou on the menu with the community servers.
No, it has nothing to do with this place. Feel free to stay there.
containment zone you mean?
It fails as containment zone as I also post here and on /jp/.
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I do not want to fuck a dog
How do I force myself to enjoy these games? I've come to accept I just don't like them all that much, but I don't want to be a secondary. Cheating is always an option, but I'm willing to give them another chance before I resort to that.
If you're playing just to not be a seconday and not having fun, you shouldn't be playing and just accept that you are a secondary.
Cheating through the game makes on par if not worse than a secondary btw.
You git gud or you return to /v/hu
I'm a secondary.
I don't want to be a secondary, I want to enjoy these games.
ideas anybody?
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Forgot to debrief last match, but today is our second VGL game against /hanny/! If we beat them, we'll be through to Ro16 (I believe) if we lose, whatever we continue or not will be up to our third match.
The VGL starts in 20 minutes, and we're the first match of the day. Hop in at https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague soon!
I believe
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This womb won't be dead much longer AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
We are going to start!
this post aged badly
Fuck off, stop asking this shit.
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This was an awful fucking match, but we're through!
Sorry /hanny/ for this absolute dogshit, I also wished the game was better.
So I believe we are through to Ro16 now regardless of next week results, our match against /pg/ on saturday, same time as today! See you then!
I thought Rance doesn't like lolis?
Haniho! Don't worry about it /2hug/bro, Our team was fucking washed! Now if you excuse me, I will continue to burn down the /haniho/ thread and shitpost to relieve some anger. Aiya.
Ok actually I THINK the situation is that we go through no matter what, but if we lose and nikg wins, there'll be playoffs to see who goes to Round of 16 or survival round, if we win we should be through to Ro16 regardless? Never been good at reading those number stuff.
I'm not sure why you're so angry, I'm actually trying to get into the games.
If you were, you would listen to our advice instead of asking the exact same thing for the 5th time.
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I want to lick her so much
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bat love
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bat hate
But why? She's a good girl.
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smug bats
anal bat
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gote > bat
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Bat is for cunny
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I need to Okuu
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you should leave this general to die instead of saving it every time goes to page 10, is dead as shit.
>Why don't people use Marisa in games?
in MoF-UFO she has a ridiculously large hitbox compared to Reimu. in general her shots have been getting worse and worse over the years. her lasers don't even pierce anymore
marisa... fat?
wow a SakyaB 1CC. I still struggled with that on Normal even after getting a few Lunatic 1CCs. I feel bad for only posting this now
I apologize I've gotten a lot lazier about posting in/reading this general for some reason. sometimes interesting posts that give me something to comment on completely fly under my radar unless I deliberately search through old threads in the archive
pretty sure it's not a representation of her physical appearance, purely a gameplay mechanic that was made for balancing (Marisa has higher DPS than Reimu typically at least in older games, so the large hitbox is supposed to balance that out
second reply was meant for >>482359062
>her lasers don't even pierce anymore
And popcorn fairies casually tank master spark.
Gacha niggers will not win
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No. I still like it here.
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>Werewolf edition
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sex fox
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Slow thread
I want to rim ran
Rim Ran
Bite bat
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hina has a big ass
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I'm going to desire Miko.
Yachie would never this happy
Of course she can
she has (You) for a husband
Nothing could make her happier than that
the plaphu
For me it's this one.
Not sure this bony ass can make any plap noises.
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No bully
You must be mistaken
Look who's next to you on the bed
Which 2hu would be the best gamer? no cheating
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Seija plays with inverted camera, only top tier gamers do that.
Overall probably Sanae, because she has experience and actually has played video games before.
In some game genres youkai with superhuman reactions and reflexes could beat her because she is a human.
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Which 2hus are futas?
All youkai, maybe except former humans.
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Is a vampire a former human?
Frog loli
Mountain shrine is good shrine
>he fell for the mountain god meme
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loli frog girls are justice
hey tourist here, does anyone have that one picture of two of the girls standing over cirno's shoulder, one of them pointing at the screen saying "now tell him to kill himself" or something like that I need it urgently
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I want the larger version of this
I only have the SDM version
Yes. She might have grown a cock if 2hu vampires are like Legacy of Kain vampires getting weird mutations with age. But if they are like World of Darkness vampires stuck in the moment of their embrace then no cock.
Firefly and Sanae have the same seiyuu and fought hordes of insects.
it would have been tiny and underdeveloped, just like her womb, dead and undeveloped
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Get this ancient nigga out of here
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Well actually, Cirno is #1!
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Cirno is the #1 fairy, and Marisa is the #1 magician.
if anyone have some mood for saga-ish 2hu jarpig
this one got fully translated few days ago
Mountain god is good
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I barely masturbate to 2hus these days because they aren't brown.
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Only chocohus can save 2hu from reclining.
How about summer cirno?
My 2hu can't get a tan and that is not fair.
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Bullshit. Suwako is a nice girl and would never.
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monke aids
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It's Thursday!
10 page thursday
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I'm starting to like Aya a bit.
Ayayayayaya has always had immense sex appeal
its just that her personality is atrocious
Aya is cute
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Why is there no slime girl 2hu?
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But enough about WHOREtate
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Are there any japanese legends about slimes?
This cute bird needs her eggs fertilized
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tengu thursday
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Idk, Dragon Quest
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I saw that.
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man im tired and getting annoyed for some reason
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There should be.
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You think you do but you don’t
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I want Kagerou to eat me
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Too... many... pixels...
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You can't write 'basement' without 'semen' inside 'bat'
>You can't write 'basement' without 'semen' inside 'bat'
True and good.
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My semen
Saving the thread!
Extremely good post
just let this general die already
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It's never dying.
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We love dead hus here.
is reisen flat?
I don't think so.
My dick prefers stacked Reisen.
Even more than Seiga does
canonically speaking, sir.
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das boot
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Okina tried eating my hat once. That's why she's in a wheelchair now.
that's why she's pregnant now
If you re-arrange the letters in her name it spells OINK aha
Is fat tits Patchy canon or thin flat Patchy?

This is very important.
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Divegrass frens, we have a whole list of things happening today for those interested. Roughly four and a half hours from now /2hug/ are playing today in our final /vg/ League 22 group stage fixture against /pg/. We're already confirmed promoted to the knockouts but still have the top of the group ranking to play for so no nothingburger match. There are also not one but two preshow events, the main one is in an hour and a half from now Bullet Hell Cup 2 begins after an absence for the last VGL with 14 teams competing for their general in a league table of COM v COM PoFV matches with /2hug/ included. There's also before that a blind 1cc LoLK 1cc challenge as the warm-up event.

Stream link for all three events is here: https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague

Full information and bracket for Bullet Hell Cup 2 is here: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/VGL_Bullet_Hell_Cup_2
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Me on the left.
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The bullet hell cup is on now!
It'll start with a 10-15 minutes explanation of how PoFV works so don't feel bad for being late... You DO know how it works right?
Tutorial is over, and the cup proper is starting!
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Now the VGL proper is starting!
Oops we're the second match, we'll be on in 40 or so minutes!
We are on!
>lost to /pg/
Corrective eye surgery for the forwards immediately
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We lost to /pg/. That's all that needs to be said.
See you next week to see if we make it out of Hell's Wild card!
I don't want to see any more batposters.
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I don't want to see any more broke ass shrine maidens
reimu's armpits
my tongue
do the math.
I need to know what Sakuya gets. The hug or the money?
Shut it, you winged monkey.
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Okina anal
You don't know how anal works.
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Okina oral, then
toes of hoes
Okina euthanasia.
of my penis through days of sex.
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Don't make me post AI again...
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This is canon
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Second day of Bullet Hell Cup is streaming nao btw.
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brutal. in every way
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Kagerou is a good girl
She only nibbles
She's a dog
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Those are some drippy boots
Koishi fr fr got that shit on tho
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Do you guys play touhou hisoutensoku
Some years ago I got thumped by an anon over and over and quit
Maybe if they made a fighting game which has countless techniques that can be invented on the spot :(
i tried and i didn't like it
Left is better.
Yes, but not very well.
cute cirno!
I'm white so I don't play fighting games.
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>worst wishes: [up] [down]
Is that seija signing the board?
That's Kirby
Sex with Suwako-sama!
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Frog loli
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Too fat.
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frog cunny
You don't even know how a cunny looks like.
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I know how Suwako looks.
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Suwako's looks like this
I actually do the exact same chest-squeeze thing after being done with my workout.
What are you guys’ favorite fan games? I recently tried the shmups and fighting games and have unintentionally become obsessed with the whole thing o_o
Canon momhu
Mystia's Izakaya is well liked
ZUN is a genius.
Lost Branch of Legend is really good
Luna nights, Hero of Ice fairy, Yoiyami dancers, fumo racing.
That's some new kind of bait.
It makes her hotter
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I hate that thing
thanks anons! I have most of them downloading plus a few more I found.
idk ive used it since like 2004 so maybe im just out of the loop on something?
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Artificial Dream in Arcadia, was really good
El Ratto
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Is it ever stated how villagers get to the Moriya shrine? Is there a safe way up the mountain?
Tengu and Kappa run the mountain. Tengu and Kappa answer to Kanakp who wants as much faith as possible so presumably humans receive some kind of warm welcome. Also I think they built some kind of lift to the shrine buy I can't remember if that's fanon or if that actually appeared in the games/spinoff.
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It's canon, they built a ski lift just for them in a chapter of WaHH.
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>The tenthteenth page
is mine
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W-What kind of exercise is this?!
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Wolves arent even real
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People haven't been using emotes on this aztech pyramid building discussion forum since at least 2015, probably even earlier, exception made for the cheeky smiley :^) when the situation warrants it.
Nowadays they're only used by newfags and by people baiting for replies by pretending to be newfags or redditors.
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>nuenny doesn't use emotes
Lol... :p
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that's not seija
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