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Previous: >>481368548

>Game News
Regular Banner: Jungle Pocket (3*)
Rate up on 2 SSR, select cards from a pool of 10 cards

New Training Scenario announced; more details coming soon in June

CM Classic will be held in mid June, Tokyo 2400m, turf, left, spring, cloudy, heavy condition
LoH Sprint will be held in July, Niigata, 1000m, turf, straight, summer, sunny

>IP News
'Umamusume Party Dash' will be released August 30 for Switch, PS4, and Steam
The Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
>>396945814 (Dead)
>>396946167 (Dead)
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Public morals...
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sex with mares...
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sex with stallions?
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Yes please.
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i really like tosen now, she's so precious
Buta Buta Buta Buta
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Laurel Guerreiro and Medeia making ritual
looks like the CinGray tls are back
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Damn, I can't believe it's still up on Pixiv.
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cafe sexo
Just click the iqdb button?
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ook eek
do we know if milano and/or decile are going to kikkasho
Who's the most popular Uma among female artists?
Tachyon or Sirius
Gimlet, Kris, Sirius.
My cute wife in the morning
Poketaki reminds me of Chamuro.
tachyon was hugely popular among yumejos during initial release, guess her being one of the earlier playable umas with a decently deep voice and bossy (needy) attitude was all that they needed to go weak in knees for her
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Phantom of the Opera O
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Not flat enough
god stirrup type leggings are the most unattractive footfag related fetish in art
That's the worst opinion I saw this week.
You can't reason with coomers, especially footfags.
Got a source?
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I'm sorry, you have terminal homosexuality.
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How're going to hate something that's such an integral part of the body to an Uma Musume?
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The prettiest jobber
I hope she came out so I can give her a creampie like her 2 sisters.
>got her with pokke
>first time training her
She is made for me, her campaign is great
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She doesn't look very happy about this result though...
Her ovulation day doesn't match up with the onsen trip
It's said that enough female orgasms can induce ovulation... trainer just needs to be on his A-Game
Is French Dia good? Good enough to warrant swapping out with NY Dia?
French Dia is geared more towards mid distance and vice versa with long distance
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retard posts normal leggings as if it supports their shit taste opinion
What's wrong with stirrup leggings
I love gyarus bros
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Do NOT fuck horse girl.
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Beisball is starting we're the second match today
>try to bet on horses
>JRA Direct doesn't support any of my credit cards (Visa, Master, Amex)
>Soku PAT doesn't let me use my bank account because it only allows you to input names in Japanese last/first name format and my bank accounts is in my gaijin name with two middle names so the system won't authenticate my bank account

gee thanks JRA
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Today I learned you can’t access Japan uma (on phone) from Taiwan. Thanks regions.
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We're up!
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We're up 5 already
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Can we reach 30 though?
>elong disabled viewing likes
>risky uma fanart getting more likes now
lol were people really scared at umapopo?
who are we playing
damn, 10 at 3rd inning?
/hsrg/, who’re too busy fapping to firefly to notice their ass getting raped.
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We have successfully mercy ruled /hsrg/ meaning we might be able to go onto the wildcard round and do more beisball later, I'll let you know when I know, in the meantime look forward to our divegrass match against /alg/ tomorrow!
is there any wiki for this shit?
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I've been seeing a lot of Brian, Mayano, and Tachyon at doujin events.
Time to go to your local WINS.
Yay. Hope this keeps up, manager.
first sexy non-hhkg cafe art
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I bet on mystic lore in the sleipnir stakes
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Don't forget to roll for free stuff.
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>women who also enjoy uma cunny
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Mayano topgun’s shoes
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The puppets are bigger than I thought they'd be
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They're adorable.
Did you bring an offering to Vodka for good luck?
Do you guys like Cinderella Gray
Yeah it's great, I hope it gets an anime.
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I fucking love it
too bad they replaced Osaichi George with a mob, though
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I love my wife's manga.
I don't care for it.
It's alright but none of the main cast are characters I care about whatsoever, and they're mostly dull to me.
Is this enough to proc Sirius
Machitan sexo!!!
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Replaceable hags...
SEX with all of them
1300+ guts
No. Aim for 1300+ guts and int. also kanata is actually pretty shit because everyone is running sashis
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It's Sunday
Wouldn't it be precisely because everyone is running sashi that running it is better on one that has a strong midleg to begin with
idk you need to be in position 5 or 6 to proc the skill and a lot of time your hors will be at the front. also you will be seeing a lot of debuffers that fuck with your positioning even further, just join some room matches and test for yourself
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A Marvelous Sunday!
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Hishimi got new bridle
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>only 3 genuine ningen out of them all
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Looks snazy
I'm trusting you, anon.
The best sports manga around. Amazing blend of LORE and Uma Musume: Derby, the only bad thing I can say is that they're wasting so many amazing designs on mobs.
Holy shit, Alice Verite. Now that's a fast niger.
The jockey really knew how to utilize the weight allowance, great rides
About to watch 4DX version of Uma. Wish me luck.
Don't get pegged too hard.
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Looks like we're in the wildcard round and it will be streamed Tuesday.
Fuck, I keep missing these. Any archive?
It wasn't that bad, the seat shaking was pretty fun. The only annoying thing was getting sprayed with water during the summer training camp.
They really did go a bit overboard with the seat bumping though, why would they sync it to every footsteps and ahoge movement.
>why would they sync it to every footsteps and ahoge movement.
Huh? Who else did we beat?
Stop making /v/ threads
Some of the 4DX choices are really baffling. The seat shaking for the race was great, the wind blowing whenever they're on the turf or seeing quick movement were ok, but goddamn some of them are just weird.
>Smoke effect for bath scene, but the smoke takes forever to come out so the scene just end and you have this cloud of smoke on a scene that doesn't fit.
>Getting slap in the ass every BAKYUN DOKYUN in Umapyoi Densetsu
>The fan engine's revving up just drown out everything else
What you don’t like the idea of getting futa horse cocked in the butt to the tune of ZUKYUN DOKYUN? What are you, gay?
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>>Getting slap in the ass every BAKYUN DOKYUN in Umapyoi Densetsu
That was the best part
When you put it like that...
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trolls can't threaten you for liking umashiko now
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We beat /gig/ and /hsrg/
Elon making the most based move.
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me on the right
me on the bottom left
is white kita not meta in this CM? it's all just sashi in room matches
Yeah she sucks here
So many cute onaholes...I can't choose!
oikurabe sashi gaming
lol u are right
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Hey umadachi we have a divegrass match today against /alg/, we're the last match of the day again so in about 5 hours.
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bakushin... nyoooo
[x] squishe
[x] squishe
[x] squishe

>파일 비밀번호는 터보쟝의 생일 네자리임미다
Not sure if gook stating if it's taabo
nyooooo...violated and sullied by Mr. Carnivorous Babe....and I'll just get called a dirty ningen slut if I try to make a misconduct report......
tosen jordan best girl
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She is ballin
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She really needs a new alt she's such a fun character
yeah her and Brian could use actual event alts now that it's been this long since their random alts dropped
Brian's alt is lame as hell too
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nyooo but i like it...but yes i'm definitely hoping for a better looking brian alt at some point before too long
It's an all around downgrade on her base if you ask me.
They should definitely give her the JoJo hat tho
>Consistently will approve memeshit but won't even bother giving feedback for actual art, labeling it as "disinterest" most of the time
The website has an admin team who thinks they know what quality art is, when that couldn't be farther from the truth.
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Best girl to breed maybe
i've been ambivalent to her default, i think it's decent but the outfit design itself never was one of my favorites. a delinquent design with hat would be a good general design for a new alt for her
Bakushin swimsuit alt soon...
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We definitely need some delinquent alts.
Maybe they'll think up some pun for next year's golden week
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We'll be ending this abhorrent matchday in 10-15 minutes. Come and pray for /uma/, we'll sure as hell gonna need it.

it must be funny for senpais to explain digitan to new students
>i-is she always poorly hiding herself and watching like that?
>hm? oh yeah that's agnes digital, she just kinda blends into the background anyway after you see her enough times
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We've got this!
Link to luckswing wiki?
Thanks dachi.
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I can't believe /uma/ actually won again.
Also, manager, please tell the commentators to fucking stop saying AY AY MUN next time around.
Horse... Too strong...
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>both of /myteam/s broke their curses this season
holy fucking shit kino season
UAF training finally paid off
>Miss Victoria
Pure unfiltered kino...
/gfl/ are our thread allies.
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You did it, honses! Congrats!
holy shit, bravo!
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WE FUCKING DID IT! /uma/ curse is broken. away team curse is broken. And we're even topping the group! As long as we don't lose the next one, we're through. See you on Saturday, umadachis.
the tanuki memes of the strongest G1 umas always wanting to hang out with ulala are more fitting now
Break a leg /uma/!
Also the gooks were looking forward for our match. No new posts yet for today's match though.
Urara is too sweet to not be around everyone
i love the ones where the mob uma who says Ulala doesn't fit with them is caught by Orfe+Ramonu+Rudolf+etc. and is taken away by them
Just kidding they were watching
>immediately pumped out AIslop in celebration
It's always funny to me how the gook's website looks like some old gamefaqs knock-off
I'm quite happy we did it, umadacchis, but please don't forget that this was literally against >/alg/, possibly one of the (other) worst VGL teams historically.
But who doesn't like an underdog story?
I tried it once but those retards started bitching about it, so no.
>cafeschizo was gook all along
But I'm American????
post hand
but I'm a yuro...
Pero onions latino...
Van a pensar que onions gringo si digo "yo ser latino"...
burgerlards rise up
You lads can help me find a Daiya pic I saved long ago? She had 'secondary tier' huge tiddies, her new year alt and more cleavage than the design canonically has. I don't remember if her hair was down. I think it was but I'm not sure. It was also from behind and a bit from above, empasizing her cleavage seen from above. It was a pure white background iirc

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Is it on the archive already?
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She looks really cute in Falco's outfit
Everyone does.
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literally me
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Are you carrot?
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Your tyrant
Takarazuka kinen this weekend
though the field is pretty week this time, because most of the big names are resting or training for abroad
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no i am can
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cafe feet sexo
indogs should go back to facebook
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lmao is this shit really fucking paywalled?
absolutely low quality tier artist

and the hint is so fucking obvious that only an indog wouldnt be able to figure it out without the leaker literally spelling it out
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Sorry I don't speak gook, but what is that dog is saying?
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I don't know why I never noticed Super Creek and Arisa having the same va.
>certain uma's birthday
>type it
>doesn't work
either I'm an idiot or I don't get it
It's the taabo's birthday represented in four digits, specifically date format in korea(MMDD)
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>Tags: humiliation, male genital mutilation
>Not new
That falls in line with the humiliation tag
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It's in less than 2 weeks now. What support type will we get this time?
I want stam but I'm betting power.
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Buta Musume
you now realize it's already been almost a year since this song came out
Uma peaked here
That explains why I keep not getting it. I need to sleep.
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One gorillion
>ABEMA broadcast Euros for free
Why would they? Japan is no longer an honorary European country.
Fujita not throwing money at ABEMA!? can't happen!
Forever Young's going to need to work even harder to support this family now.
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>Nowhere near top ten & can't even beat soccer animu
wow the movie is much more of a flop than expected
>Blue Lock
They're still showing these at cinemas around Tokyo. What the fuck. Fujo money is too strong.
what was the expected?
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holy sex cafe
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>sundayman bloodline
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Why did I think Cafe was super tall?
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Midget tou-chan's blood
Huh, I expected thin Mirako to be taller.
Probably because she's very slender.
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I want to lift her up and put her to bed.
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This artist is literally me.
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so you want to get monopolized and fingerblasted by CB?
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Anyone know the pic?
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>Delinquent ghosts at Tracen
>Rapper ghost at the summer camp
>Evil ghost in the forest
>Tons of partying ghosts at Arc
Why is this world so haunted?
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oh haha, seems like you lost your mind! come this way for your meds
Silly anon, ghosts aren't real.
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Landing strip
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Who has the thickest bush besides post-marriage Kungu?
Brian, Mirako, Amazon.
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GOD i want a face full of wolflet muff...
what bonus does S running position give?
i think it's an int stat bonus which is probably the least useful thing to get
10% more int
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does it go over cap?
Brian has a neat band she paints white
Yes, the green skills also go over cap if you can activate them iirc, but you really dont need that much int, S distance is almost essential for pvp tho since it gives +10% speed
Yes, all S aptitudes adjust and increase based on their current stats by 10% (S apt. in distance results in +10% speed)

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If Ryoka doesn't start her event chain by the first race, should I just abort the run?
Yeah I almost always do it, you miss out on some hints, free energy and max energy
I'd say do it if she doesn't show up before New Years
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my anaconda don't
>tfw can't tell if this is literal or something about cum
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I'd love to see another super tall uma.
>Bono is taller than me
its over
Taiki Blizzard never. Don Frankie never.
Karate never. Zenyatta never.
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Jo Cappuccino when...
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Bigwa. Fluffy white bush every morning.
When's half anni again? Mid July?
Mid August
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*LOUD SNIFF* treats?
delicious horse meat
hors are demanding treats!
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Need a taste of her cowtits
Good janny get treats.
Fat Fuck need to go on a diet.
I want to creampie Shima.
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Thoughts on video AI?
kill yourself
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I want to bury my face into Dantsu's giant tits
i want to have sex with cafe 24/7
No one ask you indog.
>ESL insulting Indonesian
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Chevel Grand is now a part of Tomakomai
there's a decent chance one's a jungle latino and the other a jungle asian
Will there be a new Party Dash trailer in today's Nintendo Direct?
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Big titty oguri... need it or keep it?
Sarc is getting too horny lately
>too horny
>no puffy nipples
>no cameltoe
>no naked girls
Nah, he reverted from what he was before.
i think it goes for alot of uma artists as of recent
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Not really but a lot more are more open liking risque shit kek
I don't know how objectively true it is but I've noticed that as well.
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Our boy!!
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>Bread breeding Australian bitches
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None secondary take
rare race where there's 2 winners
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They even create a team to handpick mares for Lassa
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Machitan sexo
I like to imagine the umamusume version of him, imagine how hype it could be, she takes after twin turbo and looks after equinox as her fated rival
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oh no no no it's over bros... uma movie is a massive flop..... even worse than S1 & S3...
Do japs even use MAL ?
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Holy seethe
What's with all the brunette Gold Ship art? Yes I am a tertiary.
Gray horses have a brown coat as foals that with age turns gray and then white. I don't have the pic handy, but this is basically what Golshi looked like before growing up.
See the irl horse pic alongside the fanart you posted on the original tweet
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Uhhh interesting pairing..
Collab when?
horse spawn got an amalgam of both parent's coats and will only get their own coat as they grow older
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t. aryan
is this also why some pngs of rori mcqueen have black hair?
I hope his seed is good. I want to see his kids race against Nox's kids like Hat Man wanted.
Yeah, McFatty and Gold Ship are grey, they get their grey coat as they grow older.
Real white like Sodashi and Aoraki are the only type that have white coat since birth.
Party Dash global trailer in one hour. Trust the plan
Finally uma global
>Show jumping
>Not actual races
No thanks.
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Why are all the rooms full of debuffers now? Don't tell me this is going to be meta again.
I dare say there are not enough BM skills
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>No trailer
Stop making /v/ threads
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Debuffers have always persisted in the meta
A lot of the debuff rares also happen to be mid distance too
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at least doing this got me enough stuff to boost nearly everyone up to 3*
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>Elfie has vocals for 爆熱マイソウル
>can't select her in the theater
Incredibly lame
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nyoooo...there's no escape from sekuhara by your tantou uma...and rijichou sends complaining torenas to umapyoi correction....
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i will pet and pamper both cats
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Been a while since I've seen that gaijin WHY JAPANESE PEOPLE gag
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Beisbol time, we're playing against gbpen

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Top Sex
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Narita Top Sex... NTS...
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What's the red string for on Oguri's outfit?
>wake up in some unfamiliar locker room with no memory of the past 3+ hours
>see this
what do?
For me to grab during sex.
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It instantly removes her entire outfit for sexy time
why was this deleted?
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What do Sakura butts smell like?
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And we're fucking dead. We'll, there's still divegrass and that mugen thing.
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Well we had a good run all things considered
>there's still divegrass
Not for long.
cherry blossoms
nah we'll win
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I want to have Sakura butts on my face...
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>Famous last words
Even if we don't it'll still be our best run
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Bed breaking SEX with Ryan
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good fucking lord the Ryan one is especially doing things to me, i need to nakadashi this boyfag's gay fertile womb
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these are definitely some of the funkiest creatures
Sex with Bright. Although she should be wearing a more girly casual outfit.
It looks like something she'd wear when gardening
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Winning Live 19 preview
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I like Pokke's song
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Not this time.
Why are they so silent on party dash despite being one month away from release?
They're going to announce that party dash will be postponed to 2025
>Still no steam store page despite being one month away from release
>Games announced on yesterday's direct already have their steam store page up
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I want to hump Chiyono.
I know the pic you were looking for, but I don't have it and I don't remember who drew it, sorry.
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what a beautiful smile
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Sakitama in 5 minutes
First time it's being run as a domestic G1 as well
As expected of Lemon-kun.
4th G1 for Lemon Pop
Pretty much the expected result, 1st to 3rd favs on top 3
Have you tried danbooru? Put Daiwa + another relevant alt and go from there. You can also go on Pixiv, open a popular Daiwa artwork and check what's relevant at the bottom.
trust me on this
cygames is cooking up something special with miyuki for still in love's game
demon pop
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Mystery hors seiyuu
buena vista
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who hors
I missed it. How was Igniter?
It's just going to be another scenario-only girl like Benis and Sports Bakushin.
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NAR official
>2nd place
That's my fucking boy. Just gotta wait for Lemon Pop to go overseas to sweep the JPN1s.
I'm guessing that she's either the seiyuu for the new scenario's new character support like Riko/Mei/Ryoka or an extra hors character like Elfie and Meek.
Apparently she's another WUG VA so she might actually voice a newma
the winning live 15 event still hasn't been uploaded to bilibili
it's fucking over, chinks won't even bother pirating it anymore
bros why did none remind that it was Ascot season ?
Japs are hyped for admire groove
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T.M. Opera O Blanca?!?!
Who is the upcoming mystery nigga?
I like this trend of bro horses
Most likely Admire Groove
The nip theories are
Admire Groove
>Still's rival
>raced with Kraft once
>both VAs also in pakatube
Calstone Light O
>2 time Ibis Summer Dash winner
>Sprinters S winner beating Durandal
>same gen as Pokke
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pui pu
100% it's gonna be just a way
If only...
Durarararararara's going to her mom soon mente.
some other nips speculate the newmas will be Epi & Kizuna
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>miyupi has recently started playing uma
>both this year's haruten and takarazuka are before pakalive
>miyupi is riding deep bond (from north hills, still in love's owner) on both races
>takarazuka is one of the two g1 races he hasn't won with still in love
this is why i want pubo to win, miyupi need to recreate the cinema with akai ito's queen elizabeth
Player 2 Opera O
They've been foreshadowing Deep Impact and King Kamehameha tons but I feel like they're saving them for another year
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'21st gen still best gen
I find it strange that some keibafags think Akai Ito is also a weirdo like Still-chan.
Akai Ito means "Red String," as in the Red String of Fate
It's Dia not Daiwa.
Ive checked Danbooru like with five different searches but I cant find it. Same with Pixiv.
I dont remember if the pic was from Twitter but I know I got it from here and somehow went to the source but lost it
more like alluding to with vain hope, they already mobbed kurofune....
they mobbed a bunch of horss they have the rights to, it means nothing
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Official Wife Neicha
Cygames should just give in and sell ASMR.
Auguste Rodin race in 10 minutes
Rodin wins his 6th G1s, he's on his way to be Deep's most successful kid, probably gonna aim for his 8th G1s this year
>Deep's most successful kid is from his last crop
>Trained in UK
source for that? I only got he nude version...
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>indog artist
The finished or still in progress one?

meh who cares anyway?
the shit skin you replied to apparently
I haven't visited this general in a month and that guy is still assblasted over indos lmao
it's not hate as much as adherence to basic sanitation
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>finally playing dula training story
>visibly a lot of kita scenes added to make up for kita's own story not having dula at the time
updated training stories when?? they should be different choices at the start of training for affected characters
is he gonna run in the Arc and Japan Cup
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Next anni trust the plan
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Idk why I expected Bakushin to be taller
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Maybe you forgot Japanese people are tiny
>ningen athletics still exists in uma musume world
a-are there any uma coaches who force themselves on their ningen trainees, a-asking for a friend hahaha
>being smart enough to be a coach
I mean I wasn't thinking her Bono tier, just around 165cm or something
Happy Ruby best Ruby.
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WHEN can I have her? Why do you tease me so with her beautiful wedding support? I hate this game.
The trainer actually wants him to go to Breeders Cup Classic as his main goal for whatever reason
actually can't he do all three races? sure it would be a tight fit schedule-wise, but it's feasible
or maybe they're waiting until next year to try the arc and jc
It's the Classic this time, not the turf
huh, well that's even weirder
Seems he had an obsession with winning BC Classic with his champion turf horse after he failed to do so with Galileo
ah, well Galileo does seem to have dirt genes judging from Mozu Ascot so it's feasible
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Pincer attack!
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Takarazuka barrier draw, all the good horses are on inside gates
I'll kneel to O'brien if he could make Deep's run on dirt
Why do I feel like Dodo is gonna job real hard?
because theres miyupi on pubo
>Ace simp is now also simping Janpoke
Handsome umas are in demand
What is the logic behind the SAT.8 to aceschizo pipeline?
It's so damning when you have a mostly good deck, only for you to fall short in the meta because of one card being powercrept
it's because performing in classic is good for their NA business, see giant's causeway
i hate how the race AI makes your uma go so wide into the final straight when there isn't any need to

it fucks you up basically because you get no oikurabe when someone tries to overtake you
Love boys
A prequel movie about katsuragi ace would be pretty damn good
How do these horses keep breaking into the trainer's dorm?
There's an unwritten rule that they are allowed to enter and stay in the trainer dorms umprompted
Stop shilling your dead cuck game.
Chill, shay
Why do we somehow end up attracting schizos from other threads whilst shitting up ours?
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Sadly, we're still in 4chan. Nothing stops the schizos from hopping over our general and blather their useless drivel.
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Christmas in summer!?
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>have all the meta umas for the CM
>spent last 2 months minmaxing them for the event
>get some insanely good UDs with the meta skills and distance S aptitudes
>"I got the A group win in the bag"
>forget to sign up
>put in the open group
Somebody please, please, please blow my brains out
Hors brain...
Now you get to spend a few hours more minmaxing for open
Having to do signups for open and graded is super gay and retarded
You want clueless new cuties to get destroyed by giga whales?
If only there's this foreign concept called matchmaking
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if irl shens apply, Dantsu's trainer allow her. As if they're childhood friends.
and a ribbit ribbit honhon baguette to you too
Here, while the other anon is being an asshat about x/twatter posts not realizing how hard it is to search for images in xitter
>go-golshi, w-what are you doing??..
>i'm about to make 12 billion yen disappear
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There's so many sashi/oikomi this CM that my NY Neicha went nige twice (and won twice). Crazy.
besciamella ?
It's nige paradise in here I love it
hopefully the new uma is as skinny as cafe or variation
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I wonder who this mysterious beauty is.
I don't want to alarm you but I think that's Mr CB.
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>hors calling me cute
k-kyaaaa, hazukashiiii~~...
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the dula fanfic training story was a lot of fun, very satisfying to see the sankan that people were hoping for and in general she's just an adorable autistic dork you wanna root for in that gen. it's precious how she is beloved by so many around her between her family and school and how she (very deservedly) gets headpats on multiple occasions from different characters
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I cringed
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who talks like this, you fucking faggot
are you accusing me of being gay? because that would be ___true
new banner announcement soon?
or is it tomorrow
no idea because of pakalive is coming near.

Either new uma or Samson Big gets voiced.
not for another week dachi
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but there's still a banner before the alts
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I wish we got autistic Durararara considering that the actual hors was a bit of a spaz, but normal Dura is pretty cute too.
Nice gold digger.
i already find Dura pretty autistic, but i can see how she could be even more of a sperg and all spastic. love that she's both a strong hard-worker and spoiled with affection
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>uma musume world has miracles that defy and overwrite tragedy
>but you have to deal with near constant hors ghosts
is this a good deal?
Meikei Yell's fullbro will debut tomorrow
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I found the pic
Congratulations, anon! I'll make sure to rub one out in your and Dia's honor.
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Outsider here, just one question:
Do they refer to themselves as mares?
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the absolute state of for (You) uma
Most hors ghosts aren't bad because they're still as dumb as normal hors.
Happy for you, I know the feeling
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>She only has 30% int growth
>Inherited 5 power and 1 Int
>has UF6 on stamina
How in the fuck
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Go watch the movie again
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>fapped so hard to cafe then blacked out for like 20 minutes
Camrip status?
hors ate my camera
Next pakalive
Rank 12 now available for bamboo, bijin and festa
Uma Musume: Derby is best Uma.
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sexoooooooooo i gotta prepare my jar
I'm thinking of some special keiba race with once in a lifetime chance. Not a miracle comeback like Oguri or Teio, but something like Fujin winning Derby in front of 190k people, Almond Eye beating undefeated triple crown and triple tiara on her retirement, Equinox setting world record in front of the emperors in Tenno Sho, etc. Any other mentions?
Forever Young winning Kentucky Derby undefeated
Maybe in other timeline..
I'm also struggle to put Contrail and Tact triple crown and triple tiara as a special race or a freak phenomenon. I put Kita's Akiten in typhoon as a freak phenomenon, but might as well Fujin's Derby..
Fuck this movie is ugly
ugly? how?
It's the faces. They look like they're constantly about to shit themselves. It has more common with modern Trigger's gag facial expressions than actual 90s-early 00s animation style.
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This is the kind of alt I want.
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My wives
Not a once in a lifetime thing, but I just want to mention Buena's Japan Cup victory. The field was full of G1 horses like Jodan after his record breaking and Danedream the Arc record holder at that time, Iwata was being bombarded with criticisms for how he was riding her, it's the first time she fell from ichiban stinky, things were looking bleak - but then, just like her dad, she managed to pull a win by rushing from behind and show everyone that she was her father's daughter.
Cygay please release her.
Equinox going nige for the first and only time in Dubai, with Lememe looking back at the pack left in the dust right before slowing down to hit the goal, breaking the record time by 1 second.
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>transcends you
>pshhh nothin personnel kid
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God I hope we have photo finish feature and last stretch head view camera
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>7 times 2nd and 2 times 3rd in G1
Poor Buena
While that was a great performance I can't really say that was on the same realm to the few special race I mentioned
wtf UF Ulala won, how?

what are you a zoomer? The artstyle is like 2000's or something.
Did you mean to say "I wish we had"?
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It's ok, she got her revenge against most of them in Japan Cup.
Dirt wasn't that difficult tho
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Was using leader (Acute, Copa) and nige (Falko) but was getting rekt anyway.
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>level 2 Kikkasho
This event is so fucking gay.
same stuff
Yeah the race sequences are a bit too heavy on the trigger bullshit. TM Opera O looks like she's from fucking Gurren Laggan when she makes the declaration.
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in Meto's cat mind both his original farm and Northern Lake are just different parts of his territory right?
No, it's not the "same stuff". Writing like shit is nothing to be proud of.
that's just how cats work
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Who are we rooting for?
>nyaa this land and the accompanying creatures belong to me nyaaa
unfathomably based, oh to be a comfy meto....
Pradaria to avenge Nagoya and Yell
pubo because ultimate underdog
rousham park to avenge persian knight and blast onepiece
karate because big and old hors
Palace go
>noooo you must have X, Y, and Z to win it
Yeah, that's what I said: it's fucking gay.
anon i won it kitasan negro with 898 power and zero pink skills
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Be proud of your odeko.
Anyone betting on the Takarazuka?
>I got lucky once
And? Were you trying to make a point?
Epi longshot doing great lately, all in for Blow the Horn
yes and the values of X, Y, and Z are a, good, hors
Except I won with a shitty one.
You not need good horse, only need lucky ones
in reality probably palace or dodo will win
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But if the horse is lucky then it's good
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Sexy bed hair Kingu...
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i love the history of those 3 G1s, hishimi just needed to saunter along slowly and simply let the others tire themselves out each time
sex cafe
So he just had a lot of stamina and took it easy? Didn't even accelerate at the last spurt?
he did """accelerate""" but had a terrible knack for it, his stamina over the others was the much bigger factor each time
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will the next early summer event also obliterate public morals?
not umafied yet but i guess apapane/santemillion oaks tie, haven't seen another case like that before
>I'm also struggle to put Contrail and Tact triple crown and triple tiara as a special race or a freak phenomenon
tact's triple tiara is pretty much a result of well-laid plans while contrail's triple crown lucked out on his gen and he isn't the only one who won triple crown undefeated before
Public morals will never recover
is there a good way to replicate the Yomichan->Anki integration on an Android phone? the closest thing I see is a guide where you install the Kiwi Browser and install its version of Yomichan/tan but then from there you need to reconfigure your desktop Anki to be wide open on the LAN it's on and it sounds like the Kiwi Yomitan integration with Anki is only to your desktop Anki app and only if you're on the same LAN when trying to add new cards. I have Yomitan for the Android version of Firefox and not sure if there's a way to get that version of the extension to integrate with the AnkiDroid app
>tact's triple tiara is pretty much a result of well-laid plans
tact's also lucky that Lei Papale skipped the classics
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Looks like we'll have mugen today right after the divegrass, so in an hour or so. Same place, as always
When is the footy?
We're next!
did i miss it?....
We won our first match
Here's the bracket https://challonge.com/ohsp7uzr
Second match starting now!
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shonbori nyooooooooo... ︿
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Rudolf got her ass kicked
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Unfortunate loss
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Canon wife...
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he's losing it again
What the fuck is this nigga talking about is he hallucinating pokke being with him or something or is this a fanfiction?
Maru is the last uma I'd trust with heavy equiment. Yes, even less than Golshi.
"Dream novels" (夢小説) are a thing where people write stories where characters are inserted into their real lives. It's mostly associated with female otaku.

I don't get it, it's cringe as fuck.
I can kinda get it, it's still cringe though
So like a reverse self-insert? I've heard worse delusions.
What other sports do we have?
That's not so bad, at least it's not like the old school kind of fanfic where people self insert themselves into a world and just make it all about them.
We're not involved with any more at the moment but there's also a wrestling side event and a Touhou ai vs ai side event.
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that's cute
the original ogre of the meta
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All of that pool training really paid off.
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Wrestling, touhou, and there was also basketball one vgl ago. Speaking of which, we might actually get our VGLCW debut today!
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New monster Satono on 2yo make debut
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Won by 7 lengths on a sprint
wolfletbros...sweepiebros....not like this.....
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Strong independent hors who need no ningen
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Buta love
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>Almost have good runs with 4 rentals
>Each of them got sacked by bad RNG one by one
>Fifth run immediately sacked by failing an early speed training
Fuck this dogshit, please let the new scenario not be this volatile ffs
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I don't even blame this mode solely for it's crapsack RNG, it's more of the entire gameplay loop of one shit thing happens = failed run for every mode, and you're especially screwed if you're renting parents

UAF just requires you to be extra scrupulous, which combined with the RNG makes it especially stressful
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t. metafag
when will this artist draw porn
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git gud
Bro, you're team is composed of the two most consistent girls for this race ON TOP of a debuffer
fuck outta here with that "git gud" lmao
You did not win.
skill issue
>pay 2 win
Alright, then.
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