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Oil Rig Edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

Minecraft's 15th Anniversary, get free cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use PollyMC to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Current Flavor of the Month Launcher
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC (say no to M$!)

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers:
Create mekanized: https://pastes.dev/2mRhDCgdXf

Feel free to add your server info in the OP

Previous Thread: >>481584145
First for psi 1.20
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And lo, anon made the new thread
and all was good in the world

have the blessed oil chart
I would be interested in seeing what the irl process looks like, not the crude goes into factory 1, then petrol goes into factory 2, but the actual machinery involved
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In retrospective making my base in an island doesn't really make it easier to handle hordes, it just makes them laggier, at least I got a fire spell already so I can pack quite a punch to their numbers if I manage to hit them from the right distance
What the hell is that? Netherite wearing Drowned?
looks like drowned amish.
It's just rusted chainmail from epic knights mod, all zombies wear them and they keep it after they drown, all naturally spawning drowned are naked but they have tridents like 90% of the time
Is that Iron Spells? Been meaning to use it but it seems complicated and it seems like I have to go out of my way to get cool spells from dangerous dungeons.
Finally back from my trip, all I needed to do was drive home to finally get back to this accursed block game. Luckily, my car’s fucked, I think it’s the drive belt but I’m not sure, so I’m not going anywhere.

Then I figured why not just pull out my laptop here, since the fucking wifi card decided to spring back to life back at the last hotel where internet access was 20 bucks a night, and maybe check out the world download for the create serb to check on what all I missed. Plugged my laptop in only to get shocked, there’s a hole burned in the side of the cable. Luckily it only got the back of one of my fingers so it was very brief, but I’m still not messing with that shit anymore.

Instead I shall continue to live vicariously through you assholes. Sad.
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Yes, it's not any more complicated than electroblob's wizardry, and the spells aren't common but they aren't rare either, so far I only ever cleared this + a few smaller ones
NTA but irons spells is really simple. You can craft most spells, the only thing you need to get are the inks from any chest. Only thing to keep in mind is that you have a higher chance getting good ink from harder dungeons and spells can be melted to give back their ink 50% of the time (configurable, I have mine at 100% chance).
Just put glowing blocks underwater to prevent spawning bro
Horde zombies spawn IN the water, I would have to light up in 3d and I don't even know if that even stops them from spawning in the first place
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There you go
Level maintained platline. That was way faster and less painful than I expected.
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Specifically for oil refining, or machinery in general?
They don't detail all of the machinery, but CSB animations might scratch some of that autism itch.
Based I know what my next megabase will look
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Divine Journey 2 update - I finally got automated LP after stabbing myself with a dagger a billion times. There are horses below this altar being tortured until they die, and that is outpacing even my biggest crafts using alchemy tables.
Next goal is to make a bunch of slates for runes of acceleration, so I can move LP between my altars at a non-horrendous speed (it's like 20LP a second without it, so completely unusable) and automate slates fully as well.
Once this is all automated, my life becomes so much easier. Blood magic is currently a pain point for me, and this will let me turn a lot of the on-demand processes into passive processes.
This is becoming my favorite pack, even surpassing E2E. Definitely recommend if you want a longer pack that has a big variety of mods, instead of how GT-focused most other packs du jour are right now.
blood magic is such a dumb fucking mod
>no faucet dropping mobs from a mob farm in front of the altar for quick and on-the-go sacrificing
>horses being tortured instead of witches
blood magic? more like light scrape magic
I have access to powered spawners, using witches and hoping they heal each other seems like a lot more effort.
what do you mean hoping? they always heal themselves with potions at the rate the ritual damages them
I'm going to place down multiple overlapping wells of suffering though, and eventually I might even need to accelerate them.
This pack really demands a lot of LP, since it's huge chains of recipes and the foundation of it is blood magic.
Controllify or Midnight Controls?
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CABINbros, remember to update Embeddium and install Entity Culling if you want some free FPS.
I should probably try updating ModernFix too.
>captcha: GAYR
i've held off on updating embeddium because the newest versions are incompatible with the oculus version for 1.18.2 so that causes some massive fps loss
>crack open coconut
>eat the copra
>now i have an empty coconut shell
>slam two mushrooms in there, liquifying them into soup
>eat the soup
>now i have a wooden bowl
is there a way to disable generation of nether rose quartz buds/clusters from BOP
the full blocks are fine, just not the little growths all over the place
can't really remove BOP from CABIN without a lot of work, and it's too late anyway
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sorry it came with the modpack bro
in its config files, maybe? else you can use kubejs iirc
Reddit is that way.
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it's time to spend another entire day writing kubejs scripts
>toymy or reddit
what the hell is this take
I can't make a modpack like CABIN (Create Above and Beyond In Newer)
even if I could, all the recipes would be boring to me at that point
and it would be a hell of a lot of work
bump i hate this mod it makes my game stutter for a second when i tab in too
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Working on a spawn hotel/raiway station
cool stuff
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I should mention that the design is almost completely stolen though
well the implementation is still alright
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i'm going to fucking scream
jesus christ, why would someone be presented with the opportunity to use java then write javascr*pt
There's no server or common BOP config, and the client config doesn't have it.
KubeJS might work.
KubeJS dump registry minecraft:worldgen has given me some things to look at, might be able to remove the rose quartz gen with that.
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>Load My Fucking Tags doesn't actually fix my problem from yesterday, it only spits out an error every time i log in
>can't find the source of the tag problems, probably a compatibility problem
>game seems to randomly decide whether or not it feels like loading tags, for example, the first time I boot up the pack it forgets what a pickaxe is, after a reload it remembers which items are pickaxes but forgets which items count as mushrooms - even though I did not change a single file before reloading, and after a third reload it knows what both the items are... and forgets what axes are
I miss modding 1.7.10.
honestly I've never had this issue, it's baffling to see the download count but that shit has to be because of a particular mod no?
yeah but i don't really want to remove the mod it's pointing at in the logs, especially because it worked fine until i started installing some other QoL mods. i'll just have to do some guesswork to figure out which new mod is the culprit
binary search time
cut modlist in half, see if the problem persists, repeat
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>found and uninstalled the problem mod
>no errors
>the horrors persist: this time it decided ingots cannot be used for repairing anymore
end my fucking life
toymybros... not like this
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Not my problem.
this is why you make changelogs instead of adding mods willy-nilly
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if the errors that were being produced were unrelated and the problem is completely incoherent who the fuck knows how long this bug has been in my pack. this time it decided to break every fruit recipe.
If it's affecting random items it's probably not a problem with the mods themselves. Maybe JEI isn't fetching the recipes properly. Try doing the recipe even though it's showing as broken.
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holy shit, thank you anon i would have never thought of that. looks like EMI was the problem all along
>left: anon when modding 1.7
>right: anon after modding 1.12+
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I noticed a similar issue making my own pack, all of the Farmer's Delight addons I have were telling me the pot_cooking tag was broken but testing it in game all of the recipes were working completely fine, showing up in JEI and crafting properly
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and it gets worse every minute
i miss minetweaker so goddamn much.
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Are you actually telling me that every single memeversion modpack with the slightest effort put into it loads the entirety of the game's resources twice in succession?
Memeversionfags you actually live like this?
our sons have a hard life.
If only we knew how good we had it...
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at least it works now...
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erm, is this the so called fun you guys are talking about?
that was just 2 hours of crafting!
Are you feeling it now, Mr. Anon?
omnicrap isnt good
that's gregtech for you, it kicks microcrafting up a few notches
>open eidolon manual
>game crashes from a rendering exception
so this is the power of magic mods
Works on my machine
>Little frog villagers
>They trade amethyst for some stuff, including axolotls in buckets
>They can suddenly start jamming out with instruments, and your own instruments (can be found or traded for) play along with their songs
Holy soul
>A frog can randomly whip out a pride flag
Can you edit mods' textures easily? I have never messed with them before, so I don't know. I want to change this out of place crap into a little frog flag. Or the French flag.
>memeversion tranny schizo modding
why would you subject yourself to something even worse than dealing with regular 15 year olds' mods from 1.7
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>update pack I havent touched in a while
>join my server
>no power in base
>none of my multiblock gas turbines are forming now
>troubleshoot and check recipes
>gtceu had an update and turbines now need turbine casings instead of regular stainless steel casings, so all my turbines are junk now
open mod_file.jar with winrar or 7zip or whatever and find resources folder inside
>Can you edit mods' textures easily?
You can overwrite mod textures with resource packs, all you need to know is how the Minecraft resource folder structure works and how to use 7-zip.
you already had a meltie about this yesterday >>482073092
any memeversion mods that actually add shit to do to the nether and end? I don't mean biomes. there's a lot of those mods, they're pretty good, but they're not gameplay.
Well there was this one mod that overhauls the entire End Dragon fight, and in turn, makes every other End mod likely incompatible. Forgot the name though.
you can't expect him to shitpost about nothing and not get any (you)s. The man clearly needs them to survive.
Wow, it's that simple huh. Good to know, thanks. Gonna fix a few mods then.
That anon wanted violence. I wanted a peaceful solution. We are not the same.
I want some kind of long-term goals for those dimensions. the overworld has most of the game's progression for obvious reasons, but there's very little reason to go to the end or the nether beyond getting an elytra or getting nether fortress loot

the end is particularly bad, I guess you can repeatedly grind end cities for mediocre loot if you're 12 years old and have nothing better to do, but it's pretty dull after the first one. the elytra seems purpose-build explicitly to make exploring the end easier, but then why the fuck would you ever do that? I want an excuse to actually build things and spend some time there
giving you a step by step because of the other anon
>open .jar
> assets > ribbits > textures > ribbit.png
>open image editor of choice (not MSPaint, it needs to support transparency) and edit the 9x6 flag in the top right
>save, replace the same file inside the .jar
>drop .jar in mods folder as usual
alex's mobs adds a few mobs to the end
without configuration, they don't spawn on any custom End biomes from the million "end expanded" mods out there that add empty and deserted biomes though so good luck finding them if you have any of those
I've been using nullscape and they seem to spawn properly there. They're quite nice ambience, but they don't do much

honestly I hate most of the end overhauls. they just add gaudy glowing biomes that feel totally out of place while adding nothing of substance to the dimension at all.
create: mekanized world download:
instance download for anyone who doesn't have it:
it was a lot of fun...i think it's worth downloading the instance if you didn't play the server just to see the builds
endergenic expansion is the only one that comes to mind, though i didn't think it was that interesting or worth installing at all
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looks like the hosting provider already runs a different instance on that IP, lol
might give it a try
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i rented the server and my month ran out on the 15th so its not surprising
sorry sir, our modpack does not have any coke ovens. is a pepsi oven ok?
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how the fuck do these work, I have no experience with create
gregtech + create?
what the fug
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bro i ain't memorizing all that
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I wish crafting cards weren't unusable server killing laggy shit
Is there an ultimate 1.12 modpack or modlist?
tfc+greg+create actually, tfc and greg DO NOT mix well and create is just kinda there for the lv part of the game I guess, after lv its just greg methinks, modpack is very cool but unfinished in some parts
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>ultimate 1.12 modpack
meatballcraft? I think that's the only huge pack with custom content still being actively worked on with retroactive updates
on 1.12.2 I mean
think that version's pretty much dead
not gonna lie anon, that sounds pretty scuffed
kill yourself
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It's a piece of shit, it's got "cheat" items in there but fuck it I'm proud of my peabrain for even bothering to put together something that wasn't just a single block. I'll figure out a use for it later and maybe even optimize.
What mods am I looking at?
xycraft, pipez, resource chickens, advanced reactors and flux networks
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>Kevlar line is technically accessible to me right now
Be honest, is it good or at least decent? It looks kind of fun but idk
it's dogshit and has ruined the perception of modded minecraft for many, it's just streamer ragebait and getting op loot out of chests
I watched a few smaller channels play it back when it got popular, and it's alright. Like the other anon said, RLCraft is tailor made for screamer streamers to play and get killed over and over by Ice and Fire dragons or Lycanites mobs. Pretty much every goddam video about that pack is edited the same way, where the streamer tries making tools on their first day then gets 1-shot by a dragon that's too far away to see, then cuts to them finding a house but they die of hyperthermia because of Tough as Nails.

What i ultimately did was just take the mods I actually liked from RLCraft and play them together. Including Ice and Fire, but I configged the hell out of that fucking mod. It adds way too much stuff.
>download count
stupid kids will download anything that claims to improve performance.
there is unironically an MCCreator mod called "fps optimizer" with 4 buttons
>disable entities - runs the commands to turn off mobspawning, set your game to peaceful and kills every entity that isn't a player
>lower tickrate which actually lowers random ticks and leaves it at a value 6 times higher than the default when you turn it off
>reloads chuck[sic] - actually reloads datapacks and leaves a message in the chat log to press F3+T (because MCCreator mods can't call those functions)
>artificial intelligence optimisation - literally does nothing lmao
it has 300k downloads
biggest yet succinct rundown I can give:
-many anti-QoL mods because lol dark souls or something
-a levelling mod that gates every kind of tool so you need to cheese hostile mobs in any way you can to get 40 vanilla XP levels in order to be able to use an iron shovel
-that shitty health mod where each body part has 3 hearts, spoiler, on hard difficulty everything JUST SO HAPPENS to randomly hit your head on the first hit and oneshots you
-Lycanite's mobs mod, in a vacuum it's a chill guy's pet project that doesn't pretend to fit minecraft's gameplay or aesthetic but the end result in RLcraft is everything you do spawns a hostile mob that oneshots you due to the aforementioned 3 hearts
-ice and fire, an outdated 1.12 version that doesn't have the useful materials and only has the anti-player bullshit at that
-nerfs everything that players use to get a slight advantage

If you want a challenging minecraft "rpg" play custom maps from 1.7.3 or early release minecraft, every non-tech pack like RLcraft or Dawncraft is layers of jank around the same structure mods
>custom maps
RLCraft is dogshit but come on man who the fuck can even stomach the inescapable jumping puzzles every custom map fucking has on the year of our lord 20fucking24?
I liked blightfall's custom map
CTM maps let you break and place blocks, three_two only made like 3 but they stretch the limits of MC's mechanics even if he places a lot of railroading bedrock
Better than GTNH
oh that's what you mean by custom maps, nevermind

never heard of those. maybe i should give those a try sometime
vechs' super hostile ones are alright
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Upgraded the fusion reactors to mark 2. They look way better now and this unlocks void miners!
Just took a piss
Good job.
magnetohydrodynamically compressed bump
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Got two altars full of runes (one generating blood, one crafting) and have runes fully automated.
There's ID connectors on the back reading all of the drawers, and it turns off holystone insertion if all of the slates have at least 200 (although that's easily adjustable).
I can do a bit of reconfiguration to get hardened blood droplets in there as well, but for now this is working well. It means I can focus on other things and just rely on this working.
Is there a mod that lets me easily export as text all items of a kind?
For example if I do a jei search for all "green AE2 -facades" or if search for all wearables, etc
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ae2 has oredict cards
so for example crushed ores would be
I mean as text, to change config files and whatnot
Project Ozone 3 on Garden of Glass (Skyblock map) is pretty interesting, it's a shame it just loops back to mystical agriculture carry the early game resource production.
Ok this might be the closest I can get, I just need to do the search outside minecraft which isn't that bad
Tin alloy bump
Fuck it, if I die in an electrical fire at least it'll have been during the brief period of relaxation I'll get before I head back to this shitty job, it's not that bad a hole in the wire, electrical tape should be fine for the next few days before the replacement cable arrives...

Unfortunately that leaves me the problem of wanting to play multiplayer again, and with the towing and repair for my car (thankfully only a dead alternator, it seems) I can't quite rent a server yet. I have a 12 year old laptop I could try to host it on, but it wasn't exactly fast when it came out, let alone now, it could barely handle a three person vanilla Terraria server. Doubt it even has enough RAM to load a pack. That, and I'm not knowledgeable enough on safely running a server at home for you chucklefucks to join and not just a couple friends.

If money isn't as tight in the near future I'll heavily consider it.
Just start gambling
I woke up at 1pm today and went to panera and got a $7 bacon mac and cheese bowl
it was pretty good
Do you want to get rich quick?
Just give me your money and I will DUPLICATE, yes you heard me right DUPLICATE it, and I might even return some of that to you, don't let pass this wonderful chance
gtnh was way cozier when I was in HV... take me back...
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I'm not in dire straits or anything over here, just not able to spend any more than I have to thanks to life's all too common bullshit. Thanks for the help, though, much appreciated.

I like their french onion soup.
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What a mess. I'm honestly trying to get to the twilight forest, but I was delaying the need for tinkers. I don't want to progress any further in Mystical Agriculture without those damn Shards of Water.
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Got the first void miner up, alongside a fancy (and expensive) auto maintenance hatch. This baby outputs 8 ore blocks per second.
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Let's goooo
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this is how many ores this thing popped out after 5 mins of me sitting here, yeah I'm a little worried my ore processing system might not be able to keep up with the 3-4 of these I need to get all the ores at my tier
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Don't open
NTA but I didn't realize .jar files were just compressed folders. That makes me feel a lot better about having to make edits to mods when I get to that stage in making my own pack
It has Create so there should be pondering which basically gives you an animated tutorial on all of the Create shit. You need a Create power source to generate kinetic energy and then connect that power source to other things using gears and shafts
The .class files are compiled though, not easy to edit.
Some stuff like .json and textures, however, are easy enough.
(Or you could use resourcepacks and datapacks to do it properly.)
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The only thing I want to go in and mess with is this error I've been seeing, it looks like it's just a typo. Blocks affected by it don't show up in JEI when I launch the game
there is absolutely no way the chinese cultivation mod is good
It's a fun novelty at first, but once you actually get into it it's a pain in the fucking ass
>Have to grind dozens of exp levels just to be able to craft basic blocks, grow food, and use tools
>Get teleported randomly to a different part of the world on death unless you're lucky enough to find a bed
>Torches are crafted unlit, you have to manually light them with flint and steel and the torches you place go out after some time
>Mod that adds locational damage giving each of your limbs a few hearts each, and with skeletons always aiming for your head they're guaranteed to cripple it which is an instant death
>Mobs spawn with randomly enchanted gear including armor with "advanced thorns" which will make you one shot yourself
>All of this gear drops onto the ground which makes inventory management a nightmare
>Have to hide like Anne Frank from the Ice & Fire dragons who will fly around their territory and completely destroy the area after they spot you from a hundred blocks away
>Random themed invasions can occur around you, including one that spawns mobs who can turn certain blocks into lava. Better hope your house isn't made out of them
Mine was, and that's when I deleted that Minecraft instance
people will look at this and have the gall of saying that shaders and high res textures don't look good baka
looks awful
what do you mean
most high res textures don't look as bad as that, but they still don't look good either
is joke
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don't die
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oh ok sorry
>watched direwolf20 video
>now feel depressed
This must be what being dead feels like.
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You have learned a valuable lesson all of us knew already. Stay away from minecraft youtubers for the rest of your life.
Why depressed?
if rlcraft sucks what's mmcg's opinion on rebirth of the night?
dev literally made it as a "what if rlcraft was good" type pack
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please work
we're praying for you buddy
>this pic
distant horizons before distant horizons was a thing
I'm... not quite sure if it worked.
I just noticed that I start in a "Crytstalline Chasm" biome, so it could have a separate feature.
I'll have to go digging around more to see.
For the rest of the nether, I don't have a before/after comparison.
Or maybe I just need to restart the game to get it to work.
I'll look at it again tomorrow.
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it's legitimately worse than rlCraft, even if you overlook all the weird slop by the devs
that layer of shit separating the trans and pride flags always gets me
Even with this, it can't that bad right?
Any flower mods for 1.20 like Ferdinand's Flowers or Plants?
Because he's been doing the exact same thing for like 10 years; only thing that changes is the mods getting increasingly soulless.
Trans are currently pounding gay bussy and lesbian pussy simultaneously so it checks out.
God I want proper rivers that flow down from glaciers than these stupid water channels that are stamped into the ground flat with the ocean.
God I want a proper terrain generation where biomes are adjacent to each other in a logical way instead of completely fucking random garbage everywhere.
quit praying to god for it, the man who did that image made that world himself.
It sucks because it's not GTNH
Gregtech new poop lol
Dead modding scene.
What's even funnier is that the brown and black is meant to represent black people, for, some fucking reason. That and the fact that the rainbow was already meant to be inclusive to T's, but like the cancer cell that they are they had to eat into the LGB for attention.
it's pretty alive, thread's just fast.
yo i added a list of criticisms to the feedback on minecraft feedback and it got deleted, would u agree that they add a bunch of useless shit and everything is like biome dependant and the underwater caves suck and the new cave generation is harder to traverse without water elevators and the resource generation blows ass except for diamonds, wtf i remember playing this game and having a system for strip mining and finding gravel finding coal then getting iron in that vicinity, swedish tranny devs who cant take criticism hello????
who gives a shit, mod the game to your liking, crying about vanilla is a foolish endevaour
>build a big wall around my base after a bad raid. It's a big base filled with machines and stuff so it's gonna take a while and there's no room for aesthetics if I want to do it fast
>want a moat but know it's a complete pain in the ass especially if I actually want a big one
>have Blocky Siege too and put those automated Ballistas on the battlements
>but based on the angle of the wall once the mobs are directly under them they are likely to never hit the mobs hence why I need the moat to slow them down
>realize I don't need a moat "per se"
>just have a standard Minecraft wall that mobs can't jump over unless they are modded
>build them a few blocks away so that the ballistas can hit them from that angle
>light up the wall under the ballistas so mobs don't spawn there
>jut out some ballistas to have them crisscross when firing
>killed an Apotheosis boss with this method (so and so has awoken) already with my help just firing normal arrows in the distance without engaging in melee
Oh yeah, it's gaming time. I wonder if I should put cobwebs on the outside of the encircling fence like barbwire or if there are easily obtainable/craftable blocks that slow mobs down
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>start up minecraft for the first time in forever
>c418's sovlfvl music replaced with tranny piano
This mod trivializes power gen too much. Which is a shame because it's very aesthetic.
what's your favorite music disc, bros?
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there are plenty of c4 restoration data packs / raine removers
c418 music still plays on the menu and in game.
tie between mall and ward
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looks like a massive dildo with a condom on top
the custom midi doom one from the toymy serb pack someone posted here in 2018
>iron spells n spellbooks
>have flimsy spellbook with 5 slots
>can input level 3 uncommon scrolls in there using an uncommon ink
>use three slots
>try using 4th slot with another uncommon spell and uncommon ink
>doesn't work
And I thought I was getting the hang of it despite none of the spells being entirely useful.
You needed ink? I just put scrolls in mine at the table without anything else.
>for some fucking reason
it's an anti-normalcy flag.
it's ok anon i also learned .jars were just archive files from modding minecraft too. who know META-INF was hiding inside that bizarre .jar extension all along?
whenever i uncounter an unknown file format i always try to open it in 7z first
more often than not it's just an archive
Better Villages, or ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village?
towns & towers
there's nothing wrong with vanilla villages
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>Download Twist space
>It's a chinese mod that mainly stops all the multiblock spam in late game gtnh by adding their own expensive and super OP multiblocks
pic related is an automatic infusion altar that's way faster than the regular thaumcraft one and (I think) works like an assembly line.
>forcing players to build aesthetically
My one weakness, fuck
yeah I was surprised, compared to the gt++ shit all the multiblocks look great
is that a star of david aieeeeee
orientals fucking love kabbalah for some reason
I know fabric has one but is there a template mod for forge 1.20.1?
>downhill rivers
one of the few things in voxel terrain gen which is completely impossible and unfeasible. no streams doesn't count because it's a small structure.
Kabbalah and by extension Hebrew language is peak esotericism
wasn't there a mod for 1.7.10 that generated rivers fairly well? it even made really good grottos for when the river needed to go underground.
How come vanilla Minecraft doesn't have waterfalls?

How come no terrain gen mod has ever attempted to add waterfalls?

Why doesn't ReTerraForged have waterfalls?
>one of the few things in voxel terrain gen which is completely impossible and unfeasible.
I don't think that's true, if you dowscale the heightmap you can delimit drainage basins very well, how do you think any other procedurally generated game can make rivers
A waterfall just made of water doesn't look that good, there were some made by mistake during the terrain update snapshots but the devs removed them because they want rivers to be flat
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Reloaded, it works.
No more small crystal spam.
Large crystals are still there, but that's fine.
Normally pic related would have a ton of small crystals spread all over the netherrack.
If you're playing a 1.18 modpack with Biomes O Plenty, like CABIN, you can add this as a .js file in kubejs/startup_scripts:

onEvent('worldgen.remove', event => {
//console.debugEnabled = true;
event.removeFeatureById('underground_decoration', ['biomesoplenty:small_crystal'])
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yeah idk if I'm actually ever going to build one of these multis...
>think any other procedurally generated game can make rivers
by generating the entire fucking map at once
Has killing a MultiMC instance EVER corrupted the instance? I've killed my instances hundreds of times despite the "ooh nooooo watch out you're gonna corrupt your entire modpack FOREVER (a really long time)!" warning and nothing has ever happened.
who the fuck still uses multimc?
No, just the drainage basins
if you're killing it while it's loaded the main risk if worldfile corruption. however if you're killing it while it's loading it's a coin toss chance for if your instance corrupts
>delimit drainage basins
lay off the chatgpt buddy
that's probably because you're a competent person who only kills his instance when there's absolutely nothing else to be done (i.e. crashes or becomes unresponsive) instead of using it to shut off the game during regular gameplay
I never in my life used that thing, and I never will, I made a small "game" with terrain gen before in pygame and that's how I did it
>update create from 0.5.1.e to 0.5.1.f
>game crashes on startup because of a gigant wall of red text about mixins
really glad we got this mixin and datapack shit instead of a proper api
datapacks are the number one reason i dont even touch nuversions
if youre playing in a premade modpack dont update individual mods or youll break dependencies
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mods reported broken or outdated dependencies fine in 1.7.10. fucking minecraft modders have to keep reinventing the wheel every time the version changes, and with every version the wheel becomes ever so slightly less like a wheel and more like a square. how is this even possible?
Yeah, it's called Streams. A river running through a hill is cool the first time; not so much when it's every river.
Would anyone play a Reika modpack server?
I would
Okay. I'll put one up in a few hours time once I write something to launch it with, keeping with the theme of debilitating autism.
host gtnh instead
Well I didn't mean now, I'm kind of busy on weekdays
Different kind of autism in greg, been there done that
post your stargate then
I can't I got filtered
I thought about playing a reikapack when I was finished what I'm doing currently.
But EQ2 origins is releasing soon so I'm going to go do that for at least a month.
>>>Applied Energistics
>[I]Lag due to pathfidning
Channels are disabled to HELP with pathfinding???
>Watch my buddy play it
>random mobs spawn out of nowhere and brutalize him in a few hits regardless of armor
>any time some actual powerhouse mob pops up if you couldn't fuck off at the speed of light it's bound to fuck you into submission
>thermal mechanics with hypothermia and hyperthermia but no practical heat zones
>bunch of tedium slapped on for fun
>description page doesn't really describe much about the modpack
ah yes
You just have to trust the autism, anons... Just give in...
wrought iron bump
Why does botania have a tranny skybox that is enabled in Project Ozone 3?
I'd be willing to play but I'd like to know what this plays like in general either way.
Honestly, it being described as Reika's personal modpack basically says everything I need to know.
>thermal mechanics with hypothermia and hyperthermia but no practical heat zones
im pretty sure temperature stuff got cut from the pack in an update
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galena bump
soldering alloy bump
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>mine ore with pickaxe
>smelt ore
>mine ore (or alternate versions of it)
>crush it
>crush it again
>spin it around
>smelt the dust
what was this nigger thinking?
industrial processing is cool
you wouldn't get it
I don't want to reenact the industrial revolution in minecraft
then dont download gregorius technetius industrial revolution in block game simulator?
the problems with the industrial revolution are in social and environmental issues
machinery and productivity itself is kino
>the problems with the industrial revolution are in social and environmental issues
>machinery and productivity itself is kino
I agree but that's why you have other people do it for you, making microparts by yourself for yourself is an exercise in headache for brainlets like me
Any good mod for simple airplanes? nothing complicated, maybe STOL or GA type ones.
almost every modpack I've played that's included thermal shit had it terribly imbalanced. Love the highest form of cooling lasting a MEAGER 10-15 seconds in the Nether, and having to have it in your offhand to work. And then of course the fucking settings from it requires me to modify the Jar with very poorly defined variables to make it last longer. Do people play their fucking modpacks to test? Could've fooled me. Same with some of the older versions of MineColony or Fire&Ice (Dragons) where there were a billion calls every tick depending on what was happening.
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Feels nice to be rich enough where I can spam Volcs in passive lines like titanium. Each of these is the speed of 16 Electric blast furnaces.
The recipes for making reinforcements by casting liquid metals onto obsidian panes, disappeared from JEI.
It still works ingame.
Any idea why?
Modpack is CABIN but modified.
oh hey, reika serb
time to see what all the fuss is about
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Seems like the server is working, going to write a small discord bot to notify me when/if it dies then post the IP I feel like this was too easy and I've forgotten something
qrd on the pack? Is it highly autistic?
reika is the chris chan of modding
It's a different kind of autism so far. I haven't really played too much of it but it seems pretty unique, but I think just by looking at the site and the instructions for installing the pack, you can tell you're in for a superdose of autism
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surely we are playing on easy mode right
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Guess again :)
Bot done for now join if you want, don't if you don't. I wont be on much/at all tomorrow so if it's destroyed then too bad. It takes like 5 minutes to start so here's hoping it doesn't crash lol. I can't see chat messages because they're not logging to console for some fucking reason but I will periodically send messages detailing what food I'm eating .Also it'll be laggy as fuck because I haven't pregenned anything, which is intentional, it should add to the experience of having the cripling sensory issues of autism.
Forge has MDKs on their site, that's the closest thing they've got afaik. You still have to set up mixins yourself though (at least on 1.18.2 you do).
There's also Architectury which has a template generator, but it uses an entire different Gradle plugin instead of ForgeGradle.
Just a question, can you add seamlessauth? I lost my 10 year old account in the '24 mojang-microsoft wars and I never play multiplayer, but I haven't touched reikashit in like 6 years.
Given Reikatism I give it a 50/50 of either working with some performance hit/hidden bug or just outright failing
Ooooh right right right
reika has that thing where he really doesn't want you to play it in offline mode
oh man
yeah no you guys have fun I don't want you having an aneurysm trying to get that to work
Unfortunately it seems like it crashes. I'll see if I can do a workaround with my launcher, but it wont be for a while
don't we need the same config and scripts? which one should I get?
Hard mode,I probably should've mentioned that oops
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Working on getting my blood magic catalysts and essences automated passively - I had them all on demand in one table, but it had some clogging problems and I'll need huge amounts of them over time.
I'll need to get hellfire forges going as well, but those have to be in my will chunk so they'll be somewhere else.

You have merely just begun your journey
Edit your JVM arguments bro. It's as shrimple as that.
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he just had to put the downloads and installation info on a different tab
dead actually
it was not an adjective
it was a verb
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reikashit is enjoyableso far, deranged in many ways but pretty cozycomfy. We shall see if it survives into the morning
cute flaoting islands
does the reikapack have modern conveniences like a NEI that won't shit itself doing a search?
with the amount reika deliberately breaks things I don't think you can just drop in GTNHNEI or updated AE2.
maybe he has his own forks
with blackjack and hookers
He does, a few of the mods in the pack have tweaks/fixes done to them that are exclusive to the pack. It's very autistic
battery alloy bump
backup every 15 minutes
server autorestart script
a way for players to revert to a backup without admin intervention when shit breaks(unless you're online 24/7)
where do i find marble in GTNH?
i want to build with it
i mean what do you expect of an extremely schizophrenic tranny autist from cucknada
If you had one mod to play for the rest of your life, which would you pick? It can still receive updates.
>it can still receive updates
OpenComputers II, maybe that would revive it :^)
Isn't that a modpack? I'm talking about singular mods.
Pack? I like zombie packs
CABIN for 1.20.1 when, anon?
ask pansmith
Redpower 2
it's so well integrated it might as well be a singular mod
>I'm so retarded I might as well have a singular braincell (screaming gtnh)
He didn't say that.
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I'm translating from retard.
It looked like you were translating it to retard (your native tongue)
Oh thank you but no, I only speak a few passing phrases of retard. I've learned from the incessant gtnh shills.
I dunno man, maybe ExNihilis?
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yes, at this point it's almost better to filter the thign
Except that GTNH is completely on topic
GTNH Derangement Syndrome
Creatroon seething at GTNH episode #459372
what do i even do in this pack?
thankfully it doesnt feel like this really applies here yet

i can go and make a number go up machine with no networking AE2 and unchanged buildcraft but been there done that
im specifically asking about all the reikashit
idk, nobody plays reikashit
you're supposed to reika I guess
oh btw you'll love this
reikapack does not unify the materials
there is 9 different coppers and they all spawn
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What an experience.
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it also ships with this
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Ah, the tails mod
classic reika-adjacent gameplay
don't forget the rawr xd message when you go to sleep
okay that's not real
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reactors are multi-multiblock structures too it seems
it's real, i will post screenshot next post
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Reika's choice modpack, everyone.
What other mods are you using?
I really thought that was a dong selection screen before I read the text
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you also dont get any modern NEI/JEI recipe stuff
It NHEI straight up incompatible
Any memeversion tech mods like IC2?
it's somewhat ancient
on one hand that's horrible, I can't even think of playing 1.7 with old nei
on the other, after what I've seen reika really doesn't deserve NHEI and he should suffer so that's good
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reika is a bit of a nigger yeah
there's also a bunch of these structures around that will kill you if you get too close
no idea what they are
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>look inside furry-made modpack
>furry mods
>abject shock
okay reika, whatever you say reika
>point out the obvious = defending it
i bet you think botania is a magic mod, midwit
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of course not, botania is great biotech mod
thats why you put it in your LSD lucid feverdream pack, reika
Or this but with block game modpacks
you can call me reika all you want but NEVER accuse me of installing shitania
but you love plants reika
that's why @botania in your pack turns up, botania
the true evil of this modpack is gating thaumcraft infusion behind botania
keki means cake
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>say "trans rights" to start playing the modpack
usually in unmodded minecraft you craft a strawman by planting a fence post, then a block of hay on it and then a jack o' lantern on top
this post's strawman is just a fence post
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thank fuck for unification mods
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I have a problem and I could use your help and autism.

I always tend to make the same layout for my base, and I don't know if I'm able to explain myself correctly.
First my base consists of a wall of chests/storage drawers/barrels/AE2.
Then facing that wall all the machines for processing and crafting stuff.
And connected to the machines, power storage blocks connected to various power generators(windmills, solar, nuclear reactors, lava powergen, etc).
Then I stuff all that either in a cave underground mined for it, or in a box vaguely factory-looking.

I started ATM9 and I'm trying to come up with a design for it that isn't as the above, taking inspiration on a Vintage Story server I played at. In which everything was in discrete different buildings in the shape of a small village. But I don't know how to adapt it in a way that makes sense.
Like, power generation would be in a different building, a "power plant", connected with cables to a "factory" in which all the machines are. And somewhere a "warehouse" for storing all the stuff.
There are several problems with this idea. First, the power generators of the "power plant" are generally 1 block solutions, like a Mekanism's windmills or combustion generator. They aren't really designed for taking on a whole "building" in a village-like fashion.
Second having the "warehouse", separated from the "factory" makes that the trips to and from for crafting literally anything a big chore and very dumb.
And finally having to lay down un-asthethitically pleasing power lines from the "power plant" to the "factory" makes it look kinda bad.

I'm a shit buildfaggot, I don't have an ounce of creativity in my body. And I can't come up with a solution for my problem.
Please help.j
you can have cheap convenience or looks but it takes a lot of work to get both
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You have to pick between convenience or aesthetics.
I know i have left many saves to rot after telling myself "I'll make a good looking base this time for sure" only to end up with an unnecessarily large base either full of stairs and rooms or a neat (but mostly empty) village, and I end up getting frustrated because I'm scatterbrained and I often have to make two or three trips for one thing because I forgot an item or two the first time around.
Or you can pick aesthetics and ae2 for convenience
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Pain. But an old pain. A kind of weirdly wholesome, nostalgic pain. But pain nonetheless.
I think that's a GTNH or CE vein that are intentionally made of a bunch of "copper" ores with different dust byproducts
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no this is reikapack
THIS is a GTNH copper vein
luv me tetrahedrite
that's all chalcopyrite faggot, which is copper
I delete my post in shame, as the iron was 2 blocks that are almost indistinguishable from normal stone.
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dont worry about it anon
the top one is chalcopyrite
the bottom one is a lonely pyrite
can you tell the difference?
i forgot to give you a you so here is a post just for your you
>these ore textures
You guys play like this? And have fun doing it?
>t. pastelslop 1.19.2 player
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looks fine to me
took the vomit right out of my mouth
Any good modpacks with Pneumaticraft in it?
Could be meme versions for all I care.
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configure your FUCKING oregen
Ehhhhhhhh just install AutoOreDict or w/e and enjoy the extra copper
I’m looking to start playing Ad Astra, what mods should I combine with it?
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serb status
>reikaserb dead in utero
Where do I build a base?
>gtceu updated
>touch gas turbine
>get hurt because it's running
On your lawn.
make a cube out of dirt* and replace two blocks with a door
*size of dirt cube may vary depending on how many content mods you have installed
that's reikapack
not my pack
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cut down all trees on a 12 kilometre radius
flatten the terrain and coat it with smooth stone.
separate all industrial processes in small groups, build these groups inside factory buildings
All factory buildings must be made of brick (either stone, clay or deepslate)
Most factory buildings must have at least one chimney constantly spewing industrial fumes (functional or decorative)
All logistics connections between factories must be made either underground or through mechanical belts on the surface
There must be a big towering structure in the middle where you'll place your computers and AE devices.
There must be a 14 metre high brick wall around your entire base.
Anon that's more what to build not where to build
There are many lawns out there and since I'm alone in the world so all of them are mine so that doesn't really clear it up
Lawn is where the hearth is.
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I see that is very clear, thank you. I will abstain from cutting down all of the trees since I need rubber but I've located a nice flat dead swap and I shall begin soon enough
>Anon that's more what to build not where to build
i can't read
for me, it's beachfront meadows
>chad image
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my fucking EYES
important! when woodcutting leave the bottom wood block
a big grassy plain is nothing special but seeing hundreds of stumps is much better
That seems like an extra fuck you to nature
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i demand a refund
did you check the other side
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I've accepted it
I downloaded the gacha game and now I'm posting in the gacha threads.
I'm sorry, bros.
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We can't save them all anon
Not that anon, but
>Saint Floudius, patron saint of grooving, bananas, and the number twenty
How do I make enemy mobs spawn more with inconrol ? I wanted apocalyptic setting with the spore mod but nothing much really spawns during the night
iirc there's a mob cap
that's probably what is limiting you
more likely than the number of spawn attempts
Oh ye true I didnt think of that
Jesus fuck raids are retarded.
I spent 20 minutes just sitting in creative /kill @e different raid mobs because they spawn in the caves under the village instead of on the fucking surface.
Couldn't they have just had a god damn "can see sky" check to spawn them on the surface?
No, such simple things are beyond nujang devs, let's just spawn them at y -64 that totally makes sense.
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the sound machines make when they explode from overvoltage in gt is brutal
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I now what I have to do now.
I think I'll leave the stumps until I hit the concrete stage.
Disable raids bro
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Just finished chapter 1 of CABIN, should probably put more details on the actual building holding the machines, but I'm very glad I was able to get anything at all put together

Thank you for reminding me, anon. The biggest bottleneck for me thus far playing these games has been my old PC...
do you guys consider spawning in hard to obtain decorative blocks (like chiseled iron) to be cheating
just make a golem farm
okay how about thaumium or gold
I usually don't bother with decorative blocks anyway
it's just stone bricks for me
alternate stone types and chisel factory blocks if I'm feeling fancy
based bricker
>engaging in combat before acquiring god gear
What's the point?
if you miss one day of dailies your will to play, and attachment to the game and even your favourite girl will get dumpstered

what was that taiwanese rpg mod with a billion mechanics and dailies? just kidding I already remembered it's manametal
>if you miss one day of dailies your will to play, and attachment to the game and even your favourite girl will get dumpstered
t. used to play Azur Lane
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>spent an hour coming up with a layout for "large" multiblock lines
For metal blocks it feels cheaty since those can be crafted back into valuable resources. But if it's something useless outside of decoration, like catwalks or something, that's fine in my book. Though I'd tweak the recipes to be dirt cheap or add a trade quest for it instead of straight up spawning it in.
>all stone bricks
Where's your texturing bro?
what is texturing
do you mean like, a line of wood or different stone pattern along the top edge or something?
he has some stone bricks popping out and indented columns of stone bricks
he's good bro
my man
Pack name? Looks comfy.
Says it's a loot table, those can be fixed with a data pack (just some folders and JSON files)
Cracking open the pack could help you find the JSON file you want to fix, but it will be better to use that info and make a data pack of your own where you patch the issue. Then if you update the mod, you'll still have the override intact.
I love CTOV when using mods it integrates with, but it's OP and most of the structures spawn too frequently. It only makes sense in packs where you don't care about giving tons of goodies to the player instead of making them earn it.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks
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A roof, a second door, some more storage, and I've come back from the nearby village with some bookshelves and stuff now that I've made tools.
Project Ozone 3, Map is Garden of Glass style, night time stars can have trans-stars and can be disabled in botania's mod settings
Misquoted, lol
Here are the mods https://pastebin.com/RvBcM8k8
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>tax villagers for living in my village
>pay them with their tax money
>a portion of all purchases is taxed
They're paying to work and don't even notice it.
thanks anon
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Did they have to make all the gt++ multiblocks this ugly
you mean block vomit?
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little less ugly?....
Thank you
Any good lesser known dimension mods?
you are not allowed out of your pit of eternal despair to mesh with humans
I'll only watch if it's cute Vtuber girls exploring the new trial chambers and getting the mace.
Damn, he looks like a dad now.
yes, it was also blank, and also, that's not how mirrors work
we love pewds here
I'm pretty sure you can't really reflect anything written on a sign becuase it's handled differently from the rest of the rendering
hang, nigger
i always encase all my ass-ugly multiblocks in an aesthetic shell of better looking blocks. i thought more people did this.
nothing can really save the shitshow that is smegtech multis
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It a brown dildo what could I possibly cover this in
What a fucking nigger
Is there a structure that is only one block?
nope it's multiblock only :^)
why are anyone besides 17 year old supposed to care?
don't interact with it then
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They do, even the useless shit added by BTA feels less jarring in comparasion. Maybe because they actually chose a gameplay design to stick as base instead of trying every kitchen sink RPG idea under the sun they can retrofit in.
Only useful thing they've done is make the game's internals more flexible through datapacks.
go back to your eceleb hellhole, faggot
lapis bump
is TFC the only early game realism mod? it's as good an effort i can ask for already but still, i wanna know.
there's also Vintage Story which is directly inspired by TFC, but it's a different game
Nope. Only TFC. But if you like TFC you should check Vintage Story as that other Anon said.
better than wolves?
I'm going to start up modded minecraft with some friends who are all engineering majors what pack should we do
are they familiar with modded minecraft in the first place?
No I don't think so
>>482618167 (me)
They know enough to have been the ones to come up with the idea though
There was a russian gregtech fork with chemistry harder than real life but I forget what
>Downloaded Aether for some fun since I haven't played it in years
>There's apparently moa skins
>You need to literally pay real money to a shitty patreon account to access them
Any workarounds? Or is there some simple resource pack I could make that lets nametags change the appearance? I remember that was something you could do in the past.
Why would you want that?
Playing on 1.20.1 and got Dragon Mounts Legacy installed. i've got a pet dragon already and flying around. I get to a snowy biome and my game crashes. I load the world back up and it's spawned me hundreds of blocks away to a previous point I was already at. I make it back to that snowy biome to get my dragon, then the game crashes the moment I get there. I read the log and see it's the Waddles mod that adds penguins making the game crash. Uninstalled it then loaded the world again, and now my dragon is nowhere to be found after searching for the last 20 minutes.

I'm losing hope I'll find her. I think that damn penguin mod deleted my dragon.
restore a backup, bring your dragon to a safe location and then try to uninstall the mod again, maybe that will work.
If it doesn't, spawn another one with creative mode. :^)
It's essentially the equivalent of on-disc dlc, whych by all means should be accessible without extra steps, and I just like one of the skins in addition to the other three that are normally available.
I can't open minecraft right now to test but i found these

As for the specific textures, unzip the mod's jar (you may need to replace the .jar with a .zip in the filename) and dig through the files until you find the skins.
>covers are STILL bugged on greg modern
Why the fuck are covers so cursed? it's a great concept and would be extremely useful but it never fucking works right
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What are your opinions on Galosphere?

I like it because it feels like an actual update, a sequel to the cave update, if you will. The boss is cool and interesting, and the few new biomes feel purposeful, rather than just a load of random ones thrown in without much thought.

What I don't like is some of the new "tool" blocks added. Like the phantom block thing and the conveyor belt. It just feels shoehorned in, it feels "modded" when everything else in the mod was going for a more vanilla feel.

Bomb crafting is very cool though, that shit tingles my 'tism.
Anyone know how to remove the troon cat in Nature's Spirit? Such a great mod ruined by one little thing. And by "remove", I don't mean simply changing the texture of it, I want it gone completely.
Build inside a room that will throw instant damage potions at a constant rate when activated. Make the doors of that room out of wood.
Fill this room with the troon cats and deploy the potions.
No, that's just basically the same thing as kickstarter perks. These people are basically working for free on a mod already, the fact you want a moa skin in the free mod just because it's being kept from you it's kinda silly, I'm pretty sure you'd hate them anyway.
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Fuck it, i found a nice world gen combo for Nucraft that works without major bugs (WW's OO and Moderner Beta) but is gated behind Fabric. Kill me.
Doesn't work on everything, but it is worth a try.
Have fun.
elden bump
Is there a way to speed up boot times for E2E
yeah play e2eu
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where to download latest Jenny mod? 0w0
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I think it ended up looking kinda cool the brown dildos look like tanks in a factory
When is psi releasing for 1.20?
Not sure if this supports world generation, but is worth a try, indeed. Thanks.
ask vazkii
he ignored me once in 2017 when I asked him something so I don't want to talk to him anymore
There's a certain irony in having to use RS's crafters just to build out the RS infrastructure. I understand once it's done I'll be able to craft multi-step items without driving myself mad but until then it's just funny to think my only use for this mod is to create itself.
What are you talking about?
It's my first time using refined storage. Prior to this the most complicated storage system I used was rftools. Crafting these processors and storage disks are an extra step beyond what I'm used to especially with how many of them you need to make.
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>see video of how Microsoft is restricting modding on 1.21
>"thank god, finally version chasing hell is over
>its for fucking bedrock and not java
Huh, I mainly use AE2 but from what I remember it works the same and you just need to stack a few stacks of raw materials and craft them as you need, automating the amount of disk space is not really an early game worry I've ever had to deal with either
>using the local public use whore model instead of making your own exclusive
i bet you use public modpacks too
>restricting modding
not just that, they're killing server plugin development for bedrock too.
I wondered how long it was gonna take for microsoft to kill off the non-featured servers.
lo, corporate enshittification when there's no strong customer resistance like there'd be with java
gotta get those promotions, gotta increase shareholder wealth
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Women are like modpacks, the ones you make yourself is always bett- no, wait...
me? I prefer the women my parents made
This is why you stick with java.
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So true
>server game becomes unresponsive during generation
>entities stop moving, can't interact with anything, etc
>no errors in the console at all
how do i even bugfix this
if it stays like that, there's probably not a lot you can do
if it eventually recovers, you can install spark and run '/spark profiler start --thread *' before the issue happens and stop it after it goes back to normal
i've just been letting it sit here since about 5 minutes before i posted that and it's still not recovered. don't think it will at this point. fuck.
It crashed, and if you are post 1.16 probably in the nastiest way possible, by corrupting regions
Hopefully you have a backup
Yeah the math on this stuff is pretty brutal I have 2 isamills (the green things on the right) running at UV power (490k eu/t) and it takes them ~16 minutes to make enough lutetium (needed for americium) to make a single UV motor. And I don't think I can supply anywhere near enough monazite to keep them running 24/7
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going unresponsive is not crashing and i'm far enough away from base that a corrupted region isn't a big deal

anyway, i killed the instance and restarted it, i was a few blocks back before the issue started, i moved in the same direction and it happened again
something in some chunk is causing generation issues but both the log and the debug log say literally nothing. i hate this
Oh and before you say somethin stupid like "if it crashed he wouldn be still in the game" I meant that worldgen crashed not the whole game
All the times it has happened to me it was the spawn chunks that god axed, anyway good for you that it didn't corrupt anything, try making a copy of the world in creative and try removing any big worldgen mods one by one to see if that is causing it
if you can consistently replicate it, clone the instance and test for mods one by one by removing them and replacing them if nothing changes until you can go past the point that causes the issue. every single mod that messes with worldgen.
since i assume you've already explored a fair amount of the world with your "far enough from base" comment i am willing to bet it's a structure so probably start with those.
would you happen to have modern fix installed? also it is considered crashing when the server is completely frozen like that
I would have sworn I had but I checked just now and last modpack it happened with I apparently hadn't
>also it is considered crashing when the server is completely frozen like that
Maybe, maybe not, It's not frozen tho since the server works, it's just that it won't save since that part of the game just errored out and It's not coming to life again.
You can still do other game features that don't save normally right? Like editing computercraft files

At least in my cases what crashed was (apparently) the fact that the game took to long in generating something (iirc it was backing up at the same time) and during autosaving it got clogged up and dumped or something.

I waited for like 3 hours while being able to play semi-normally and then the game crashed
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>server still up and hovel still standing
Reikashit unbeatable
joining soon
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nigga's having a stroke
guys how do i turn off the light mob spawn detector thing on 1.7.10
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thank you
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Glad to say my ore processing system can keep up with 3 void miners
But can your "having a reason to continue playing" keep up with 3 void miners?
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Yeah I'm still having tons of fun I love this shit
But the elden ring dlc comes out in like 2 days and in another 2 weeks I have another part time job to take up more of my time so idk how much I'll be able to keep playing every day
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any idea why these wouldn't stack???
try shift-clicking to clear the belt assign place thing
that was it, thanks anon!
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>37 generations later
I'm so close, unless the jump and speed differences don't even noticeably matter. Just gotta get that last heart on the thing. I need horse mods that make this worth having for 1.20.1, but I don't know what's good.
I'll never get the appeal of playing pokemon eugenics on horses
Terra 1 to 1
>Cubic Chunks
great compatibility there I'm sure
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perhaps I made a mistake with my lava placement... Learn from my mistake and always take care when working around dukies! Their safety should be your #3 priority.

o7 RIP to the three duckies lost in The Great Fire.
What's #2?
oh whoops my b
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Finally got to thaumcraft, but my infrastructure (especially wrt the blood magic reagents) is not up to snuff to really jump into it.
I'll probably take a break to get all my reagents going, get passively made botania runes going, and start making the laggier parts of my base (expanded botania, roots automated pyres) remade in the void world where I'll also be doing thaumcraft.
I don't want a real void base so I might even keep botania in my main base (in the aether) since I love watching my base work, but I do need to make a few automations in the void already (I need to drop soil in lava, and I can't place lava in the aether) so I should keep some lag things there.
I just accidentally cleared a storage bus with 63 ore filters I want to fucking kill myself
what mods should i avoid
anything that isn't gtnh
When is psi releasing for 1.20?
what's the point of the duckies
whenever vazkii feels like it
ask him yourself
I don't care if he ignored you years ago
I can't tell you when someone else is going to update a mod
>what's the point of the duckies
>I don't care if he ignored you years ago
I do care, I don't want to talk to him, I don't have any social media anymore anyways
well then just wait for it to happen
asking here gives you nothing
Ok but when is it releasing?
I don't know.
Nobody here knows.
And how do you know no one knows?
They would have told you after asking all these times.
If you really want to make sure someone sees your question, make it the edition of the next OP.
Then find something else to focus on, this fixation isn't helping you.
But perseverance is a virtue
When properly applied.
When used without reason, it's just damaging to oneself and others.
And how am I supposed to know when is psi releasing for 1.20 then?
You don't.
You put forth energy into more worthy endeavours, and accept what you cannot change.
Or you go lurking in discords and stalking or something, I guess.
But I want to play with psi
So play in 1.19.2.
Last I checked, it had more mods anyway.
I already made a 1.20 world I have like 4 hours in it's a pain in the ass to make a new one now
>4 hours
that's nothing
just take screenshots of your inventories and spawn stuff in to get past early grind
>join my server
>go up to my base
>there is stone in place of my door
>huh, probably a graphical glitch
>check and worldgen just went and regenerated a chunk of my base
uh... hopefully my backup is intact...
It's much easier to ask when is psi getting realeased tho
I will persevere trough bonks an mean posts in my crusade to figure out when 1.20 psi is releasing
by the time it comes out, more mods will have updated or released, and the ideal modlist will have changed
play 1.19 now, 1.20 later
I wouldn't be surprised if vazkii is just skipping it for 1.21 anyway
Ok I will try playing 1.19 but I'll keep asking anyways
>when is psi getting realeased
10000 days
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>I will never understand people that play a sandbox game and lawn base
are you feeling it now, mr anon
Who are you quoting?
His own thoughts at some prior time, of course.
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lategame smegtech new hormones is just a mix of mental illness, nothing better to do with your life and crippling emotional debt from having spent thousand of hours of your life doing something you now hate
>stack of machine components

You may aaaaaaaa, but at least you're doing it right.
as the other anon said, always craft a bunch of something because you will always need more in the future
good effort anon
>even anon's texture is crying
>what's the point of the duckies
if anon's playing cabin then they're an ingredient for the eternal thing upgrades from forbidden and arcanus
Why are you so obsessed with a pack you dont even play
nobody asked
nta but
because it gets posted as the meme recommendation ala gentoo
it gets tiring
the guide book told me to do that so i did, but dear god do things still take so many steps to make
having fun though, i think?
>Why are you so obsessed
who the fuck is "you" nigger
I'll tell you when half of the posts in the thread don't end up being just "gtnh"
it's a shitpack for niggers and all the people who get to lategame hate it and abandon it
why would you dumbass niggers shill this shit is beyond me
name one (1) modpack better than gtnh
That one that only has quark installed
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>who the fuck is "you" nigger
You, nigger. You're the only one that seethes 24/7 about "smegtech new hormones"
GTNH but now with Twisted Space
sorry bro war thunder got an update i gotta play
i'll join back in a couple days
Blightfall 2.0
>you wont play gtnh together with femboy furry anon
it's joever
and this is the main gtnh userbase
kys nigger, furry femboys are the future
im actually playing nomifactory not gregtech new horizon
the microcrafting hell that is gregtech definitely isn't for everyone, but once you get around to automating the stuff you spent hours doing earlier is a feeling unlike anyting else
at least that one is not a cult
ok stagatard
what a mentally ill retard kek
>everyone that uses one specific phrase is only one person
Well I'll be dang diggity dang danged
Sorry anon, you're the boogeyman now.
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smegtech new hormones
smegtech new chorrizos
gregtech NewHalf
gregtech No Homo
gregtech No Hormones
gregtech lowThorizons

I am become the scarecrow, holder of boogers
all shall love me and despair

nobody's playing your niggerpack and you don't have a dedicated hater you insecure manchild lmao holy shit
get a grip and some antipsychotics
what's the hype behind that mod pack anyways?
any better than nomi?
not always.
Just so happens in this case that it's true.
as anon said gentoo tier shitposting that's been going on for years

it used to be a lot more prevalent in the thread like 3 years ago nowadays it's just a couple really loud nigras doing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DY1TCHkOPU
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there there anon, you're a good boy. you'll get your arch-nemesis one day. You just have to fish it out of your head.
GregtechNoTHorizons works better desu but
THorizons is also shorthand for thaumic horizons so I'll give it a 3/5
it is
>i-it's not me guys!!!! I swear!!
>there are a lot of different unique people who hate grugthumb now habitat
>in fact there are a gorillion of people who hate gagagootech nice houses
does this mentally ill retard think everyone is as dumb as him or something
I don't hate it as much as him and I don't use troon as a buzzword but I also don't like GTNH either and will mock it when I feel like it
Anon, we had this discussion last time. There's very little you can say or do when I'm pretty sure you're the same who tried to call out lutum anon as a newfriend.
I think you should take a breather, like last time.
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Can we not do this again?
How hard can it be not to interact with the schizo newfag? Do I have to post the cursed circle again?
I'm posting the circle again.
Look what you made me do.
I'm ashamed of myself.
what is lil bro talking about. who is this lutum anon and who is this newfriend
then you're just the average /mmcg/tard. not everyone likes good things I guess
what's cursed about it anyway
don't take any post about GTNH serious, That's all just a meme or shitposting now. I don't think that this general will ever have any serious talk about GTNH ever again
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Anon, it's even.
It's EVEN.
Honestly the time of gtnh was in the past. We had fun for a while. It sorta became a forced meme. And now it has passed. Trying to force will obviously have some attrition.
He just doesn't know because he wasn't there, that's his saving grace. Granted, I wish he would be less of an annoying little shit about it but we were all annoying little shitlords.

How's the pfft serb going?
I saw one pic of anon blasting off to alpha centauri last week
p sure it's ded
so why is "play GTNH" so much better bait than "install gentoo"? novelty?
>technology board
>install bad OS meme
>minecraft thread
>install bad modpack meme
Boggles the mind how that works innit
truly a headscratcher for the ages
Do mega/magnum torches tick? Like if I spam them all over the mountain my base is built on, will it cause lag?
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Omelette du fromage. That's all you an say
tranny mod
just upgraded to a 7800x3d recently
the loading time speed increase is insane, holy shit
matter of fact, the fps gains are insane as well holy shit, from barely scraping by at 40 fps in my chapter 1 cabin factory next to a village and above an iron spell's catacombs I'm now easily getting 100+fps, and this is with complementary reimagined shaders
god damn
that's almost as bad as the anal worms flag
mods that eat at your time for little gain
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All of them.
idk, create's ok
Is there an addon for create to offer an alternative to blaze burners that is technology instead of a magic mob stuck in a cage?
>install Herd Mentality so that mobs like cows, chickens, and pigs run away when I attack one of them
>months later when I have proper enclosure they just escape especially if they are very crowded and able to jump high enough and climb on each other
>it gets easier for chickens to escape too
It was fun while it lasted.
you could probably find a resource pack that just replaces the block model
Either create new age or crafts and additions adds a boiler block. You heat it up with either solar or a nuclear(?) reactor. I didn't experiment much with it though so I can't tell you how good of an alternative it is.
when will gtnh implement drones like factorio so you can automate base expansion, the next thing that takes hours after you pass the manual microcrafting phase?
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>do exactly this setup with multiple vacuum freezers
>doesn't work and just dumps all resources into the closest storage bus
so what am I doing wrong
I have the provider push into an interface on a subnet which also has multiple storage buses hooked onto the vacuum freezers
mb post what are done? retard
>his tulpa doesn't post on /mmcg/
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fair enough, it's like this now
I could easily make that, but it would still require going to the nether to capture a blaze. So functionally it doesn't change.

That's dumb, why would I need a nuclear reactor or solar farm to turn water into steam.... Its stupid I can't configure just normal fires to be more powerful.
you could just use the mod that lets you pipe lava into the burners and then hide them underground
vanillachud here
is hodgepodge vanilla-friendly?
>I could easily make that, but it would still require going to the nether to capture a blaze. So functionally it doesn't change.
So write a CraftTweaker/KubeJS script that removes the crafting recipe for the Empty Blaze Burner and create a custom recipe that outputs the post-capture Burner. And while you're at it, rename the block to something more fitting.
oh this is actually a good idea, thanks anon, I will do this.
Probably because when a normie tries to install Gentoo he gets filtered much earlier, as in the moment he looks up you need to compile every single binary manually, but in case of a block game modpack he easily installs it, launches it, and only then gets hit with the filter.

Might as well change the texture to nothing but #FFFFFF
isnt shaders are gpu thing?
yeah, but I mentioned the shaders thing offhand because it's known to eat up your frames.
I'm just surprised at the huge performance gains with a cpu upgrade
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I figured out how that complicated mess >>482122130 works, albeit in a simpler way. It's actually pretty cool.

>Have a subnet for each circuit / lens that you want to automate, then have patterns go directly into that subnet with only ONE item storage cell in it
>EnderIO conduits can have advanced filters that can sort by item exact item nbt, using the byte size of the cell you can extract it when it's empty (only the circuit inside) or when it's not (circuit + items)
>Conduit sends the storage cell to a buffer subnet connected directly to the machines, and pulls it back out to it's respective net when it's empty

Here's the kicker
>GTNH adds advanced stocking input busses which directly feed in all of the items from a subnet into the machine
>They're kinda expensive and locked to LuV, but with this setup it allows an infinite amount of machines to pull the items from a subnet (which you just used enderIO conduits to dump)
In theory you should be able to do the same for fluids if you add a fluid cell, however the advanced stocking fluid hatches are locked to like UHV or something absurd for whatever reason.

Cool autism stuff. Not as complicated as I assumed, it just looks hella messy. This lets you parallelize an infinite amount of machines all running the same recipes a the same time, but you'll be limited to only 4 before you get the fluid stocking busses.

shaders add a lot of stress to the cpu as well but the majority is on the gpu
do femboys play modded?
does the pope shit in the woods
I don't think someone of his status would do that
based ESLgod
It's mostly AGP future brickhons, not more HSTS femboys.
Why do zoomers get hard about boys their age pretending to be women
NTA but it's because I look at too much porn. Though it's mostly hentai since femboys irl can't really compare.
>fagboard terminoloy
go back and stay there
based femboy is a cope understander
maybe "the west has fallen" isn't just a meme.
why do millennials spend every day of their lives seething about zoomers and boomers
Kids have been retarded since the greeks nigga
well, now you have your answer :^)
dumb zoomer
yes UwU
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i hired this spider to stare at you
>can't find slimes
>the swamp biome I found is like several hundred feet above 70
>can't even find slime chunks
>closest one I have is in a Deep Dark biome where slimes can't spawn, like it's literally in the same vicinity as an Ancient City
always include an alternate source of slimeballs in your mopack
>>the swamp biome I found is like several hundred feet above 70
look up slime farming on nuversions
but why does it have tits
those are mandibles
no, those are clearly the spider's tits
does spider have a puss puss?
Well, I only found one Slime, but I did find a lot of Slime Girls instead.
What the other anon said. If you aren't aware, the thing you craft with them gives tools/armor infinite durability when combined in an upgrade station. The duckies themselves can only be found in anything with the dungeon loot table or placed in certain structures. So far the only thing I have been inclined to spend one on is my super glue, I get the suspicion that this will be one of those things where I'm too scared to spend them and end the pack having only used the one...

Also they're super cute and play a voice clip of dire saying "meep" when you click on them.
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A mod for luddites who hate content.
yeah, kinda
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nta i just like boys too
The only version I really want all the mods to update to is the caves and cliffs for that sweet world height increase.
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a good mod, then
You might as well just play creative at that point. Why the fuck even play BTA when the only objective you have is building a little hut which is the same as building a big mansion and all the armors are useless because there's no progression. Just get iron armor and call it a day, you've beat this "Better than adventure" experience.

If I wanted to roleplay with other players I'd go play a townie server(which I will never do)
imagine not being gay these days
could NOT be me...
Oh, I forgot it was pride month.
>why people play vanilla
gee I don't know
I wish more mods got updated to 1.20, specifically psi
>You might as well just play creative at that point
But I don't want to.
>I want to build
Then play creative, the literal only difference between BTA and creative is a useless health bar and hostile enemies. It's literally just minecraft with all the content stripped out of it.

It has no goals, It has no endings. It has no unique overworld structures or bosses.
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>world stopped saving for unknown reasons
i have memeversions so goddamn much
Anon, the whole point of minecraft is to make your own goals, the fact that you need a "ending" or "boss" to chase after just shows how devoid of purpose you are.
Also, the hunger system sucks ass.
It's not about endings or bosses, those are some but it's about content and things to do.

Otherwise it's just a building simulator, which at that pointerino, just use creative
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>the reason my world went unresponsive yesterday was because of an MCCreatorslop mod that added no blocks, no entities, just illager camps and other random structures in the overworld
>the issue is apparently fixed in newer versions but the neophile dev refuses to backport the fix even though it's literally breaking your game
>after removing it the terrain also generates almost 4x as fast
I'm going back to 1.7.10.
average memeversion modded experience
what mod
Dungeons and Taverns for 1.19.2
Uh oh
so just another generic building generator mod? it should've stayed as a datapack
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i hate modern modders so goddamn much
wasn't the physics mod creator forced by mojang to make the pro version of his mod free? that likely breaks their rules
Pretty sure Mojang can smack them hard for that.
oh really? on my way to force this faggot to get a real job
is this mod libre software or not?
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What is the best Skyblock modpack?
Agrarian Skies
Everything that came after has just been bloat
Previewing a seed generator's operation doesn't seem like it would fall under the same use case as an in-game mod that affects gameplay.
The seed generator itself is still free, you just have to waste more time skipping undesirable seeds.
Ultimate Alchemy
people call gtnh "realistic"?
i'm not shitting on it, but aside from the chemistry the progression methods and machines, really everything just feels arbitrary. i guess they mean realistic as in it takes a shit load of time to do anything, which it does IRL if you're trying to build a factory by yourself.
I sometimes play Minecraft music while browsing these threads.
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This changes everything!
how will this thing react when you throw a modded biome at it
It will piss and shit all over the place, other than that I don't see why wouldn't it support it
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Finally got around to fully automating chapter one now that I finally had access to better sand production. Pretty much redid my entire chapter one set up because it was a mess, and I think I made it more of a mess. At least it's all connected now!
bro just use the amplified world type
garden of grind
It will probably generate them in wonky places. I'll need to test that at some point.
Doesn't hit the same.
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Building the collection
I want to play with rats+create+psi
When is psi releasing for 1.20?
shut the fuck up about psi youve been asking about it constantly
if you cant find it on the mod page or discord or some shit than neither can we
I wish minecraft comes alive had a hybrid with the other villager mods
having nice looking villagers that I can tailor to taste is great but I want to do more with it
I haven't really looked in there, I don't have social media
November 12th, 2024.
Your mother will die in her sleep if you ask for proof
then make the accounts you lazy fuck
I don't want to they're spyware
As realistic as RLCraft (Real Life Craft).
use a separate browser instance with proper protection then
you're both lazy and dumb...
They will track what I say wether I send it from macdonalds public wifi or over 9 proxies
you don't have to blogpost there anon
It's not a blogpost is a question
so why do you care if the glowies record
>IP address such-and-such annoyed everyone asking for Psi update info
I don't understand your issue
why are you such a little shit
I don't want to create a social media account
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>he doesn't play DCS in minecraft
and here we are back at the start
the only thing you should be worried about is if your retarded antics are annoying enough for someone to doxx you
which is pretty unlikely
there's millions of "update?" fleshbot posts all around the internet
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>They will track what I say
Are we still talking about checking for psi's updates? Do you NEED to say anything to check some mod's discord?
You don't have to, just check the download page every 5 seconds.
mass surveillance can be used to clone me without my consent in the future
>You don't have to, just check the download page every 5 seconds.
I did
>clone me
you mean create a bot that copies your posting style?
I think that already exists
it's still retarded because it's a bot
and it always will be
so who cares
AGI is not happening bro
and if it did
you'd have much bigger things to worry about than the scraping of some posts asking for updates
>I did
so what's your issue
even if you get a tentative release date, it could get delayed anyway
so you can't really build plans off of that
But I want to know when psi is getting released for 1.20
What the hell even is PSI and why does anon care so much?
You can't have everything you want.
All you'll get here is a bunch of annoyed anons.
My favourite mod, Many mods, including Most dimension mods, All decoration mods, Rats and/or Create aren't really fun without it
What do you do in it?
Spell programming https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/psi
Can you stop giving this retard attention?
Sorry but he asked nicely, It's rude not to tell him what my fav mod is about
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CABINbros, is there anything in the pack that lets me farm hostile mobs without having to stay within 128 blocks of the farm? Something like ExUtils's cursed earth.
I know I can just buy loot using coins but that's no fun.
>My favourite mod
My condolences
Yes I don't like that guy he ignored me once in 2017, but the mod is really good
The Feed the Beast pyramid map
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Found the first village after thousands of blocks at long last. Reika is unmatched.
oh man you should have told me that you were looking for those I found like 3 the other day lol
any mods that enable you to make practical builds with gameplay effects that aren't tech/industry?

I'm talking mods that boost your walking speed if you build paths and roads.Maybe gives boosts to villager trades if you build them nice houses.Stuff like that.
just look up paths on curseforge and villager comfort
thanks,anything else you can think of?Don't necesarily need those exact two features just mods in the same vein.
>Mahouka inspired
Where's you obligatory sister-wife?
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honestly i think with all the villager mods in new versions you could make a good modpack focused around building things for them and managing trade, see these two https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/recruits https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/workers, you might want to check out millenaire and ancient warfare if you like the idea
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bigass tree
what mod for the stuff in the sky
they're sky villages and they're added by the mod sky villages
modpack's ready
time to create 5000 worlds hoping for the perfect spawn in my favorite biome
or just donate to the patreon for chunk generator preview :)
try using map.jacobsjo.eu and put in all gen mods. It mostly works and accurate enough. Doesn't have versions before 1.19 tho
>Server Closed
turning singleplayer into a fake multiplayer server continues to be a mistake
I remember you could mine faster in singleplayer by releasing your mouse right as you broke the block or something, although it was so long ago I don't remember exactly how.
dark scoria my beloved but what the hell is that wheat field of barrels
I notice sometimes I break blocks slightly faster if they are at a sweet spot of like 3 blocks away from you.
Like if you stand at a wall and break the blocks straight ahead of you the fourth block breaks faster than the first three. It's only a different of a split second though.
I always wondered if I was imagining that or if it was a weird bug that never got fixed or if it was intentional design.
>he doesn't have a barrel farm
cabin quest with a recursive barrel that eventually ends with a prize
not worth even trying to do manually though
you're supposed to automate placing and breaking jt, and filtering out the trash
i think it's just a case of the block timeout cooldown thing lining up perfectly to let you mine a few milliseconds faster sometimes
my hunger bar is empty
craft me a new bread
I don't think block timeout is the explanation because it is consistent at a certain distance.
when women are jewed to shit what other option does a man have?
GTNH with Garden of Grind
...probably best you don't breed all things considered.
Someone got a bread farm?
it's probably best if i do, how's the weather in tel aviv rabbi?
JIDF got real quiet after that one
bakey bakey, wake up
I'm calling my local bakery for a new brad
we need to cook a new thread
Bakery's closed
bake it yerself
I guess this is it

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