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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.


>Current Gacha
[Event] SSR Tsumsted Vil, Idia, Malleus & SR Trey, Ruggie, Silver: 05/20 16:00 JST - 06/24 14:59 JST
Final Banner: 06/17 16:00 JST - 06/24 14:59 JST
[Campaign] Club Jade SSR: 06/17 16:00 JST - 06/28 14:59 JST

>Upcoming Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Kalim: Late June
>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>480258772
Kalimsis that don't like jamikali, how do you live, it was hell trying to find a solo kalim pic
The new room update makes it easier to get to lvl 20
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idiasis how do you feel about your boy being revealed as a good father
You know Idia's son will leave him for mom.
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please join his club
Isn't it nice? I don't really have any complaints about the guest room anymore, except maybe easier furniture searching or filters. The change to 10 hours means your invite time won't slowly move forward and it's actually possible to make a guaranteed Excellent for everyone. And for people who don't give a fuck, three of the birthday presents will bring your boy to level 17.
Did you finish the event + all missions?
Tsum? Yeah, long ago. I had Ace and Jamil's spells maxed really early because I forgot there were only two Rs this time.
Nope. Never did find a tsum ruggie or tsum trey to use. Ah well.
Sis. We're here to help. You have a few hours to get this shit done.
I was a moron and used my extremely recognizable twt name for my account and don't want to dox myself. Feeling real stupid now.
That sucks, but I understand. At least you probably don't need those few Tsum tokens for stuff, right? I don't even think you need to complete all the missions for anything.
Yeah I got the SR key and the perfume so I guess I'm good. Would've been nice to complete everything though. A part of it is being cheap about my rolls because my boy's birthday is coming up and I'm FTP, otherwise I would just grab them from the banner.
wait man, you know you can change those right? All the whales on my friend list change their names to wacky things around exam time.
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Damn I should've thought of that. Will change it next time, gotta sleep. Have a good night shift anons.
Is anyone rolling for Jade? This is the first time I've been tempted by a boy outside my usual favorites. We also have the new and improved training camp with alchemy and a twice a day mini item gacha.
This card is so funny to me. Other gacha have bikini girls with huge tits playing with beach balls and over here we are dissecting how sexy it is when there is a gap between a person’s jacket and the rest of their fully clothed body.
Twst has somehow trained us all into victorian men seeing a peek of ankles
Good night anon. For next time, if you don't want to post your player ID here you can try putting the card you're requesting as your player name and see if your current friends change support. I've seen "wanted: [card name]" a few times before.
EN has beach boy Floyd while JP has Victorian man Jade and somehow they are equally horny
Victorian men you say?
The fujo and yume community would explode if Yana decides to bring a female guest character like this
Oh my god I forgot about that part. For some reason it hits different when Yana does sexy ladies, I love Ran Mao.

Captain Hook, Captain Hook, Captain Hook
Come on Disney let Yana be lesbo on main, she’s given us so many unreasonably attractive men she has earned it
Does anyone have that image of the really disgusting mushroom sandwich that was used when discussing Jade ages ago
are you staying up for the groovies?
I love Ace's VA. Edward was my favorite from Kuro too.
Those were interesting times
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Forgot pic
He is freakishly talented. It’s so interesting to me how Deuce’s VA is on absolutely fire these days but all his characters are just his speaking voice—I saw a Mashle interview where he even said so himself, all like “it’s just my voice, so…”
Glad he’s so popular but surely Ace’s should be bigger? He’s does some amazing work just in Twst alone.
Well Aces va got a shot in Kny
Floyd’s is in there too, Riddle’s is the headliner, Leona’s is in there, Idia’s is in there, Lilia’s is in there, Baul’s is in there, Fellow’s is in there—it’s a Twst reunion.
You forgot Jack, it was surprise when people noticed it
Oh nice, good for Ban getting work, he’s not really one of the busier guys.
VAs casted in twst are incredible, I have to give them props for being bold and casting lots of stage actors too. Vil's, Jamil's, Rook's and Malleus's are standouts and I wish they had more anime va roles.
I checked their wikis and Rook was literally the second role that guy ever had. Jamil’s had nothing. All four of those guys are musical theater and barely have any VA work at all—how did the casting director convince anyone to hire them? Malleus’ I kind of get because dude was in phantom of the opera and all that but damn. It is insane that they were able to get together this specific combination of talent.
what about the rest of the vas, any new roles this year?
Grim's is in there too, in one flashback for like two lines
Leona's is everywhere this year but he's always everywhere. Deuce's might be winning tho. Mashle? Frieren? Ragna Crimson? Plus that gay romance thing with Trey's VA about being a 30 year old virgin or something? If TreyDeuce sisters exist they gotta be ecstatic.
How long until groovies
Maintenance just started so like 50 minutes
genshinsis is leona and alhaitham your favorite character
They really paid off, thankfully we didn't get another kalim/azul piss groovies
At first glance small thumbnail etc I thought he was holding a pizza box
Also I think Idia won this round
>tsum event is basically a cast-wide training camp
>then another training camp
is book 7 going to get an enemy stat raise...
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After five months I come here, just to ask...


I checked. It's kinda weird, for Tsum Riddle and Tsum Leona she specified that she did the art for both the pre- and post-groovy, but for Malleus, Trey and the R cards she just says she did art direction.
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Cute fish.
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Please god (mickey mouse), jesus (toboso yana) and holy spirit (aniplex), please make peter pan as the halloween event, he loved pirates when he was a kid, he dressed as a pirate in the first halloween.
Please give him the most sexo lost boy outfit you could possibly give him, make him the center of the event just like Malleus and Ace were in their halloween events, he needs a main character event after being the R boy for almost 2 years now, I'm BEGGING you.
The lost boys stuff is just BEGGING for twst intervention. That has the potential to be hot as hell.
"Diasofamily" and it's just a guy, his slave, the guy that wants to be his slave and the boy that the actual slave groomed into becoming another slave.
Jamil, Jack and Lilia, my bets. 3 boys that have animal symbolism and kinda fit the theme I guess?
Man I'd forgotten about the animal theme in the lost boys group but you're right.
Jack is go. Vil is Wendy, gonna mom it up. Could really shake stuff up and make Jack into the hook role with someone like Leona in the peter pan role instead of doing the obvious thing.
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What's up with sebek's forehead. Did a big ol giant come and pick him up with 2 fingers there or something
This training camp revamp looks great and much better
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Is this new expression? He looks cute.
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God I wish I was Rook's hand
He'll be Rufio
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Scarabia and Octa really got the piss treatment
just when i start swinging more towards floyd being my favorite tweel, jade just had to be cuter than ever in his club card (he was always cute) and just confuse me on my favorite tweel all over again...
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New updates coming in
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azul mental breakdown soon

the octavinelle manga’s pacing is so quick, though savanaclaw manga had many breaks
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Some good meme reactions
Scarabia would start in 3 or 4 months and Savanaclaw will still be going
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i love tako’s faces so much….

i’m so glad they went with this twst artist again for octavinelle
ahh, his calm, elegant and collected persona becoming completely uravelled; now we can finally see it brought to life through his absolutely unhinged facial expressions. can't wait to see the actual overblot. next chapter? 2 chapters?
lmao dramatic faggot. i like it.
contact? in this catholic game???
maljei is canon
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octa chapter done:


next G fantasy issue is skipping on octa. wonder if it's because it's dangerously closer to finishing than savanaclaw is at this point. probably unrelated though. it'd be funny to just get 4koma next month.
Only Rook is allowed to do it
also, octa manga vol 2 coming in like 2 months. wonder if we'll get some delicious tweel sketches this time around? to typesetanon, you think we can include them when we do september's chapters? since i think you did the bonus illustrations for vol 1, 'cause i have physical copy only. would be great.
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I'm so happy
I need to see his crying face
literally the middle child syndrome
Damn congrats. Watch out, truck-kun might try to send you to Twisted Wonderland tomorrow.
The lighting looks weird on all of the groovies except for the first two.
Typeset anon here, you got it! Will include them when it gets released. Also: starting Octa chapter goo
jadesis do you have enough tokens to make his club room
holy shit first time in 20 years Yana is going on hiatus from kuroshi, indefinite hiatus
Twst did you break Yana
she’s never taken a break before? like not even once? during the entirety of kuro’s run?

and she’s not even taking a break because of health issues…that woman is made of iron….
There was just the one time when they intentionally didn't run a new chapter of kuroshi in Gfan but it wasn't because she didn't make it--she'd completed and submitted everything on time and it was done so she did her work, but then 3/11 hit and it was the sinking of tha campania and Square Enix went "maybe we don't publish a chapter showing a disaster right after a disaster?" and so they held it back.
But yeah no, 20 straight years without pause, plus helping with the Twst manga, plus doing Twst itself, plus the random shit like touken and skating stars and whatnot.
I wonder if the Twst manga has anything to do with it, like the Savanaclaw artist is dropping out so they don't have everything they need for the Scarabia arc or something.
No one is allowed to repeat that btw I am literally making shit up I swear to god if I read on reddit that "it's official" and Yana is drawing the scarabia arc herself or something
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lovely to have you here typesetanon, excellent timing! here's 4koma as well!

didn't she mention something about the story's climax, this seems like the "I know the ending, time to figure out how to portray it" hiatus many mangakas take
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4koma has some as well. i've been laughing at grim throughout.
it’s one of the yana’s assistants, kowono sumire, that’s drawing one of the twst manga (heartslabyul and octavinelle), not yana herself
how many times do i keep seeing people believing misinfo like this? give kowono sumire credit
she also stated she needs to do more research and gather material, she wants to go out with a bang

i wonder after kuro ends, she’ll devote herself full-time to twst (if it’s still around after kuro ends that is
You are the best! Just finished octa layout, will do typeset, add your stuff, proofread and we're gold. Since there's no savanaclaw I prolly could've gone to work today, ah well
I hope this doesn't mean reruns back to back for the next 2 months
I know that, darling. But Yana helps like, a lot. Kowono and Hazuki are doing what they can but Yana has literally posted pictures where she will draw something she wants them to make and then they copy her. She is involved.

And anyway I was talking about the scarabia manga, not the hearts and octa manga. You know how Kowono ISN'T making savanaclaw? The guess is that she won't be doing scarabia, either--she's just doing every other arc. So who is doing scarabia? Either Oda, who is doing savanaclaw, or something else.

My total out-of-my-ass guess is that Oda, who is doing savanaclaw, was supposed to do scarabia but they caught covid and fucked up the schedule right? Maybe she's decided the workload is more than she's bargained for and is dropping out, and they need to fill in with someone. Kowono and Hazuki can't do it (kowono is only the illustrator, give some proper credit to hazuki, the layout artist, will you?) if they'll be prepping for Pomefiore, so maybe Yana would step in, was what I was saying.
That's exactly what it means, the Gfan announcement says that they'll be rerunning old stuff for Kuroshi. It is their cash cow after all, not like they can just replace the slot and then bring Yana back after she's done planning the story.

>hiatus many mangakas take
Huh, so is this pretty common in the industry then? Never thought I'd see the day when Yana backed off but I guess she'd never planned on having to run something like Twst and Kuroshi simultaneously, either.
>the layout artist
Not to interrupt the bitch fest but there is a new layout artist as of this chapter just fyi, some lady named Nagaoka Chiaki? I wonder if Hazuki got busy on Kuroshi and had to pass the torch.
it isn't always a big break, sometimes it takes the form of weekly manga taking multiple 1-3 week breaks during the final arc
splendid! then use your day off work to rest, typesetanon, well deserved. all we need now is turtleanon and i think we've all gotten this month's content done in record time. also,

>since there's no savanaclaw
honestly, i don't ever expect it, i just let myself be pleasantly surprised when i see a savana chapter. it's kind of funny how both mangas are kind of at the same point. just a couple of chapters left. i think octa has only like 3 left, since it follows a consistent pace, only depending on how long the shotafish arc will be.
i’m gonna have to guess that after octa and savana manga ends, it’ll probably take a long time before scarabia manga starts, unless they already have an artist lined up for it already
i hope the octa flashback is like two chapters
>unless they already have an artist lined up for it already
Why wouldn't they? Like not to be obnoxious, legit asking--why do you think they wouldn't line someone else up like how they lined up Oda for Savanaclaw?
Man I am so stoked for the upcoming Kuroshi stuff. I never want it to end but I'm glad that so much time and effort is still being invested in it, despite all the demands on everyone's time by Twst.
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cupcake hand by kowono sumire, licking hand by toboso yana kek
that reminds me, when are they releasing an anthology comic for the third years? why is it not out yet?
When Yana posted about the release of the second anthology she made a comment about how she had no idea how she'd do a similar cover for the third years since they all hate each other, with emphasis on "IF there is a third one," but that is the only comment I've seen about it.
If you look at the list of artists, there are 16 people in vol 1 and only 12 in vol 2, even including some of the same people twice. The second one even has an entire chapter by Sorano Tsuki, who is one of Yana's assistants for black butler, almost as if they couldn't get enough people to fill a whole volume so they had to hire from within.
It's weird because the anthologies seem super popular? I think Yana's editor literally just announced another re-print of the second volume?
Maybe wrangling that many different mangaka is just more trouble than its worth.
Thank you so much TranslateAnon! I had come in expecting to get everything prepped in anticipation of your translations, but you were done before I even woke up! Amazing.
For a status check: just finished clean up, now it is text time.
That's a good point about Savanaclaw's chapters--I wonder if they will scale back to every-other-month, now, instead of running them simultaneously? I cannot imagine how they're gonna fix the publishing timeline, what a mess.
if the whole azul breakdown end up having kino art, i don’t know they’ll be able to find an artist for scarabia that could top the way the octatrio are drawn
hopefully they do, jamil needs a good artist for his fun expressions
but azul would love to hug jamil
I liked Oda's art of Jamil, he was so pretty. Can't find it now, wonder what issue it was in.
I meant on the game
Yeah plenty. His club furniture is the cutest we've gotten so far.
that table made out of a log is so cute
how many was riddle's?
Like one and a half
>didn't she mention something about the story's climax
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Thank you very much for your continued support of "Black Butler." I will be taking a somewhat extended maintenance break. Since my debut in 2004, I have been drawing for 20 years as of 2024. During this long period, I have been able to continue working without any major illnesses or break thanks to your continued support.

During this time, I will be taking care of my physical and mental well-being and proceed with the necessary research and preparation for the climax of "Black Butler."
I sincerely apologize to all of you who have been looking forward to the monthly serialization. I will return in the best possible condition, so I would appreciate your patience for a little while longer.
well shit... i kinda don't want it to end
Same. I never understood the attraction of shounen stuff that just goes on for decades and decades and never actually ends.
And then kuroshitsuji came along, and suddenly I realized what it's like to want something to last forever.
Hello TranslateAnon and TurtleAnon, the Octavinelle chapter is here!


TranslateAnon your solution to Azul's まさか scene was brilliant, I never would've come up with that you are the best
i wonder though, will square enix actually let yana end their cash cow?
To my supporters:

As mentioned in the announcement, the serialization of "Black Butler" will be on hiatus for a while.

This is the first time I've voluntarily taken a break since the series began, and it seems like quite a dramatic announcement.

To be honest, I initially thought about taking a break after the 100th chapter celebration, but I ended up postponing it, thinking "I'll wait until the 15th anniversary" or "I'll keep going until the 200th chapter," and so I continued without any rest. This time, I've decided to take a break to coincide with the airing of the "Boarding School Arc" anime.

During this hiatus G Fantasy will be publishing past chapters on a monthly basis so you can continue to enjoy "Black Butler." I'm very grateful for the warm support from the editorial team.

During this time, I'll be getting a full medical check-up and doing some research on places like England!

Even during my hiatus I'll continue to be involved with "Black Butler" and "Twisted Wonderland," and I'll also make appearances on , so I hope you'll check those out.

I'll be back with plenty of energy!
*make appearances on X
the X disappeared somewhere, should've just called it Twitter but there we are
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please yana, gargoyle hoodie or mascot costume
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Cute eel
i'm so glad you liked the まさか! always good to hear we're on the same wavelength. makes this whole thing even more fun than it already is.

as for the chapters, honestly yeah i find it sensible to release them apart from eachother like you said, instead of cramming three twst works into a single magazine issue. do we know what's up with oda? savanaclaw was going at a good pace after the hiatus and then it's been out for two or three issues again. i hope she's okay. health issues are no joke.
He really is in his element in the mountains
Do you think he'd choose the land over the sea?
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nta but there's no way. he goes turbo autist mode whenever something really catches his interest, but the moment he's done he's fully over it. mountain autism is just jade's flavor of the month.

although to be fair, he seems SO enthusiastic about it and it ties in nicely with his terrarium hobby. definitely a nature kind of guy. maybe what's actually likeable is his pure passion and thirst for more. god dammit jade is A CUTE!!! SUCH A CUTE!!!!! how can a stupid fish be sexy and mysterious but also cute and an autist at the same time? this fish ruined my life....
Thank you lovely TranslateAnon!
I fully agree about Vil, don't like adding to dialogue but it would be nice to be able to retain some of his character that EN doesn't seem to be interested in including.
I wasn't sure about adding "dear" just because it made him seem more affectionate/favorable to Epel, when being stoic and aloof is also his thing, but do let me know if this solution looks ok! Will definitely keep this kind of thing in mind for his future appearances, want to do him proper justice.

4koma is here!

Also shouting out the lovely TurtleAnon for all their work, always appreciated!
Did not expect this month's installment to take me almost exactly 11 hours without Savanaclaw, weird. Maybe the Yana news shook me a bit.
I am most excited for Mal's club solely because we have no clue what he's going to wear
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Great work you guys. I've uploaded both chapters to mangadex now.
You're awesome TurtleAnon, thank you!
Multiple ita bags
I'm sorry to disappoint, Malleusfags, but he would not eat pussy
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So there is an artist out there who does "day in the life" doujinshi of a fennec-fox-beastman at Savanaclaw. It's porn, so it's just that character walking into on Leona fucking Ruggie in different rooms, and the "main cast as seen from background characters" angle is great.
This guy in the manga reminded me of it. Walking in on Azul mid-evil-laughter like "oh god he's doing it again."
Azul and Vil would play up the theatrics a lot of doing evil laugh and shit. Jamil too, but he does his best to hide himself away before laughing like a maniac.
Isn't that better though, I think he'd be pretty bad at it, and he has fangs so being bad also poses a health risk
How Azul would feel about Jamil wanting to eat him?
Isn't it illegal in most parts of Twisted Wonderland to use merfolk as food?
Human rights only apply to humans
JP friends, are you guys are doing your two daily item gachas?
my what?
If you do 10 training camp lessons, you get to roll the item gacha in the event page. Max twice daily, once you do 15 of them they add 500k madols to the potential items. And yeah keys and perfumes are in there too at a low rate like the normal item gacha.
Man what the fuck I haven't even started the training camp. Thanks for letting me know anon
Not illegal for Jamil
Is it happening?
humans and merfolk supposedly get along in twisted wonderland nowadays but merfolk are too quiet on issues that still persist, like being objectified as food, medicine or sex dolls.... when will the injustice end for the fish.....
Can't they ally with beastmen? Don't they also get the same prejudice like merfolk too?
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Has Jade ever interacted with Malleus? I remember Floyd did briefly but somehoe cant recall anything with Jade
he stopped his tantrum offscreen in the first halloween event
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You fucking know why you conman
are they angry vil betrayed them
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did they like the nintendo direct
that's a display of love in merfolk culture
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Twitter recommends the wackiest things to me.
Nothing is canon until they say it on screen so nah, let's go with humans are eating mermaids all the time
Like >>482483115 said we are told they interacted in halloween but we never see it. We see them stand next to one another for vargas camp and port fest.
He didn't approve of Vil's new beastman boyfriend
can someone compare the camp vargas room to jade's club
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They will look forward to play as zelda
Here's Jade's stuff. The tree and the bag near the top are from the card, not the shop.
And here's VC.
Wow Jade's stuff really IS cute. Love the tree, the table, the fireplace, the chair, the lamp, the trunk, everything.
can you put the vc lake (idk if it's the floor or the walls) with the rest of club jade stuff?
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Very exciting. This one will have to catch up to a LOT of new events lol
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Yeah, but the the grass looks off along the edges. You might as well use the VC floor too.
thank you turtleanon! and choice image pick as always.
Remember Idia's scale fig went up by accident on Aniplex's page a few months ago? Anyways it'll be a definite preorder for me once it comes out for real. People were scalping the first one when it was sold out and I don't want to deal with that nonsense trying to find a reasonably priced copy.
I just noticed the compass is mirrored. Literally unusable.
I really wish that for a next room update they count some special wall space as floor space, what do you mean I can't put a dock in that lake or some plants and chairs in heartslabyul's balcony
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These things started to ship. Any pics of the other nuis?
I got a notice that my order was delayed to July 16th, kinda wonder what's going on with Aniplex and all these delays. Ortho looks kinda cute, but exposed in a way? They could have used some more pieces of cloth for details.
I wonder what will be the contents of it
The Vil/Idia/Malleus overblot designs seem like a given, since they weren't in the first volume.
The visual books followed a pattern of basic info and then events and birthdays, so maybe that kind of thing?
we got a class motivation chart last time, now I want a class grades chart to compare
I got that email too. Were people able to order these at the exhibition venue? Maybe that's why some are early and we have to wait another month.
come on anon don't you want to see robo crotch
we'll finally get their blood types
some of them already on mercari
>So there is an artist out there who does "day in the life" doujinshi of a fennec-fox-beastman at Savanaclaw.
what's their @?
Their weights
is there any way to exchange 10 single keys for a 10 key?
Depending on how the pieces are laid out it can draw your attention in. Do you Zettai Ryouiki?

That was a QoL feature for JP this year, maybe EN will get it early.
Where did that "Rook is heavier than Trey" come from?
It’s in the game guide. Something like “when he weighed himself it was discovered that Rook weighs more than Trey. Rook feigned surprise.”
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pov ur a beastman
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God I wish that were me
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He's so cute
Tore my pixiv apart looking for them only to remember they're actually on poipiku
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He'd be a good housewife
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What is he watching?
cater continues to grumble about no mother 3 localization, he doesn't want to play the patch
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do you think idia hates eric because the y-men movies focus solely on wolverine
see, if rook sits on trey's lap he can't do anything about it, you can't blame him of anything
Yuu's recording of himself training (he is shirtless)
Well shit, time to start saving them up again, used them trying to get beachwear lilia
No, in fact he will watch wolverine and Deadpool
Ruggie's ears are so big because he hears all secrets
Is idia a zelda lore autist
Idia looks so ugly
Tsum Vil's groovy got fixed. Can you guess what the error was?
No clue, spoil me anon
Rooks uniform did not have the pome logo
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Second anon is correct!
I wonder if they draw it manually every time or if they have special brushes for it
>"stop shipping my dad with deadpool!"
your royal wedding with malleus
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>meanwhile live vil reaction
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is rook a bird or a fox
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Fox dressed like a bird
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these batch of tsums was really nice, Vil idia and Malleus were acting like parents
why the fuck does every one spell it Tamashina Mina? We got an official spelling on the OST so there's no excuse.
do you think vil acted as tsum vil when he was a toddler
Fandom hivemind. It's the same people who call the glomas song "make a wish" when 1) that is never even once said at any point in the song 2) we've had an official name since it was launched: Wish Resound.
would leona be a good big brother
and shiruba oopsie wasn't so far....
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how is your training camp farming anons?
I'm not using resources on this because I need extra ap for memory tokens during events
It is absolutely amazing. Maxing out my buddy levels in record time, I am stoked, thought it was gonna take me forever to get Leona's clubwear maxed out.
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Oh yeah the amchemy bonuses are so good
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They're doing all dorms
How are they doing right now
The best tsum
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They got arrested
I'm not into Deuce but I would fondle his man-tits, very gropable
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idia they're dragging your capabilities as a mother
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is idia a furry
I see Child Protective Services finally came for Giddel. Frankly it should have happened ages ago.
That fact that the writers thought it was important for us to see Jamil apologizing to Kalim but Kalim never ever apologizing to Jamil for anything is the reason why I am insane
Kalim is an intentional villian...
is cps good tho
no they're not. Ferro's an honest man doing his best to raise the boy and all they'll do is shove him into a foster home with 20 kids in a cage
juice is not that swole
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can idia land a wife
No, but he can be a sperm donor for Ortho and his wife.
I want Kalim openly weeping in his d100 groovy. If Rook's inner self is peace and Silver's inner self is a knight then Kalim's inner self better be a broken, miserable child because he deserves it.
if ortho becomes the head of styx what does idia do for his future
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Kalim bday preview when?
who'll be ortho's wife
vil should dance with malleus
Vil hugging shotas.png
the start of idia's vignette is almost like vil and idia picking up their rowdy kids from the daycare, this is my delusion
Would Idia ragequit with the new bosses from elden ring dlc
does ortho make himself an adult body or does he stay a child forever
It's kind of sad thinking that ortho will out live both his brother and his friend group
Do you think he thinks about that?
I read a fic on ao3 where he and Malleus are chilling long after everyone is gone. It's such a depressing thought. Maybe when the time is right, Ortho will decide to shut down forever.
That’s a fair point. He keeps making himself 12-year-old-boy shells. Maybe he didn’t start maturing mentally until book 6 but now he’ll start actually growing up and will look into different suits?
shoutout to the hypothetical-question anons and fanart anons for keeping the thread alive.
I actually wonder if that will ever be brought up with Malleus and everything happening right now. In a couple of years those two will be the only ones left of their schoolmates
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Does anyone actually like kalim on his own or is he just Jamil's +1
There's a kalimsis on here that will go full meltdown if you say too many good things about Jamil, so I guess Kalim has his autists.
I want to know how Jamil fans feel about him being the actual one who is supposed to represent one of the seven but because he's not the dorm leader he doesn't get the fancy figures and merch
Oh my god a figurine of Jamil would have been so pretty, let Yana draw him. Yana pls.
I like to believe it's intentional.
The narrative of the game forces you to believe evil shall fall, they will never win against "good" etc etc. I like to believe it's somewhat similar to Ferro's UM where they are being secretly influenced to accept their defeat no matter what so they can learn a lesson against heroes. Just look at Rook in chapter 5, everyone accepted that Rook straight up threw weeks/months of training into the trash. Vil had a reason but take a look at Epel for example
>"Oh so I wasted MONTHS being trained by this effeminate Leviathan so he could win this stupid love live-ass competition for nothing? Oh Rook you're- Oh wow you really like Neige!"
They didn't even had a proper answer and way to react (Ace and Epel had one line about this btw), Neige appeared and the plot that he's secretly Neige's fan was revealed, they didn't even QUESTIONED that Rook could be biased towards Neige, they just accepted and moved on.
Same thing happened to Jamil, both Yuu/Grim, octa and now Kalim (the whole reason chapter 4 drama started) knows he hates being a slave, does anyone ever speak up about this? No, because Jamil as a villain must submit and lose to the heroes.
Kalim could easily free him and give him everything he wanted in return of YEARS of servitude, but no.
I always thought it was weird that Kalim offered donating money to Fellow's school but never did anything remotely similar to Jamil lol
Has jamil ever replaced kalim in the fancy merch? I can't remember
Gonna summon kalimsis like beetlejuice but
I used to understand the argument that it's not technically Kalim who is keeping Jamil enslaved it's his dad, so maybe his dad is the real problem (always wondered if possessed!kalim in spectral soiree acted like his own father) but no, that man gives his eldest son every single thing he wants. He could do it.

And what's worse? Kalim was able to get the wild animals on his family compound into better living conditions than the cages they were kept in before, as we learn in Firelit. Not on purpose, but the parallel was there. He improved the lives of animals despite being ignorant to their suffering, but reven after Jamil's overblot he still hasn't improved things for Jamil or his family despite not having the "but I didn't know" excuse of ignorance anymore.
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Not that I remember ever seeing. He's treated the same as every other non-housewarden character.
My hangup is the flashback scene, where Jamil refuses to play a game with Kalim and is smacked by his own parents and forced to obey, all right in front of Kalim himself. Kalim had to be written as a clueless sunshine-child character because if he has even the slightest bit of self awareness he is the game’s biggest villain.
to be fair, 2 characters have attempted to end the world and a further 2 have attempted murder. Sure, they were driven mad at the time, but at least one of them did still have a desire to kill after the fact. Plus another one was also forcefully enslaving his schoolmates after tricking them. There was also an irrelevant one-off event character who was a human trafficker. So I wouldn't really say he was the game's biggest villain.
I dunno man those were all one-off events. Jamil has been an indentured servant for Kalim’s entire life and Kalim gives no fucks.
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First kalim & vil duo
They'll have more dialogue between each other in his duo magic than they did in book 5
Was their only interaction that random scene where Vil lectured everyone on their skin care routines, using Kalim as a model? I have to wonder what the point of that was. So much dialogue to write/record and for what? It gave us Vil calling himself male though so maybe that was why.
There was also that interaction of Kalim trying to defend Epel when they were doing dance rehearsals.
Ooo you’re right, and I think they exchanged like two lines when Kalim was showing Vil the inside of his luggage filled with snacks that he had Jamil make for him less than a month after telling Jamil they would be equals.
If an afterlife exists in twst will ortho go there
Poor jamimi...
Eels and Rook are the only three left for platinum duo magic.
Floyd Leona
Jade Ortho
Rook Riddle
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riddle looks so good
I hope when the anime comes, get this type of dark vibes
rook goes from queen to queen
which one is the ugliest
you'll get cloverworks default and you'll like it
wait weren't ob roddle's eyes red
This is to reference Persona 4. where most of the Shadows have yellow eyes.
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the new alchemy training camp is so good
Dude it's fucking amazing, I love it. Also it taught me that I hadn't touched my Dorm Vil's buddy levels since I got him, I have been running around with unleveled buddies like a moron.
>mobs try to non-consensually touch tsum vil
even the tsum version of vil gets harassed...
It's so good with the popcorn item. Once I'm done with the missions for everyone I'm gonna burn some konpeitos maxing out buddy levels.
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my silk vil is so close to having 10/10/10 buddies
Why this wasn't a thing before
Proseka collab never ever
they really wanted you to believe flying is an important class
hey the animations look really cool. I'm sure they put a lot of effort into those chibis flying upside down.
Hindsight 50/50 I guess. So much effort into the Chats that nobody cares about and the flying classes that nobody does. All a part of the development process, figuring out what players actually are interested in and what they're going to skip over, hello 3x speed battles.
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idia figure at the current event, he looks so grey.

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They fixed the skull from the promotion pics at least
Ohh is that the metal bar everyone was harumphing about? At least they got his face right. I enjoy how everyone else is in battle and Idia is just "guess I'll just die"
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going through my old twt likes like "damn I've got good taste"
you know, I didn't buy my boy's nendo because I thought that in the future I would grow out of the interest and then I'd have a hard to sell figure, but recently they announced kaleido star and ashita no nadja nendos and I really want them, and man, it's been more than a decade and I still love them, am I going to regret not getting my boy's nendo in 10 years?
idia loves the triforce though
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I think it's close to how his sprite skin color would look under normal light, it looks weird because he is weird by nature
I feel like Idia would be an annoying gimmick fight that would force me to change my team.
I'd care about the chats if we got more of them, or those bond lines and duo convos utapri got
The Chats always seemed to me like Disney intervention. "Can't we shoehorn MORE mouse stuff into the anime boy game?" The hometown events can read like that sometimes, too.
I thought I'd lose interest in Tourabu after the EN server shut down, but then I went and bought 3 boxes of mochi mochi mascots. Even if you lost interest, you'd probably still hold fond memories unless it did something to sour them. I wouldn't worry too much about "will I grow out of this in the future", you can't really even know "will I live to see the future". If you wanna get your boy's nendo, there's no better time than when the yen is currently in a wheelchair.
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We’re in the home stretch for birthdays. Wonder what the next theme is going to be.
Pajamas please...
>Wonder what the next theme is going to be.
infinitely more interesting than the shitty d100 set
I mean, Hades is grey too. Might as well be accurate.
Do you think malleus can speak as a dragon
Malledragon be like gao gao
yes but he sounds like barney
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Your boy in his source character's outfit. Vil, Riddle, and Malleus in dresses, Idia in whatever the Greek version of a toga is.
normal clothes without the colors of their dorms, sick of seeing Lilia with green clothes
Captcha: STD
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Sometime this is all a person needs, a date with the cutest boy on earth AND twisted wonderland
Is that too much to ask for
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>Making bday fanfic for jamilfag friend
>Finished re-reading chapter 4, time to see his personals and his voice lines!
>Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim Kalim
I get why Jamilfags hate him, oh my god
Hey there's also azul sometimes
>this is how I find out Tourabu EN shut down
Man, I'm really out of the loop. Now you have me wondering if my JP acc is still around, I haven't watched the newest anime either
I mean. I don't have much twst merch, maybe I should change that too...
team formation being important like those old-school rpgs
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This was the first piece of animu merch I bought and it still makes me feel happy. If you really liked the character that much picking up some merch isn't a bad idea, at least if it isn't wallet-busting. That being said you should really only purchase for absolute favorites. Years later I only kept the merchandise of my favorite Tourabu sword. I will probably end up doing something similar with my twst merch in the future.

>Kaleido Star
Good taste, that takes me back. I should do a rewatch.
Better check out your tourabu jp account anon, last I heard they were purging accounts that have not logged in for a while, forgot how long though. More than a year perhaps. Speaking of tourabu, there's a lot of overlap with twst fans huh. As a sword fan myself I cannot be more happy with the amount of story content in twst. Tkrb has barely any in comparison
It shut down like a year ago. I'm still a little upset and bitter but I've mostly come to accept it, though the actual game isn't worth restarting on the JP server, so I mostly just consume the supplementary material nowadays. I think they started deleting accounts that haven't logged on in a year to save server space, though. The newest anime was decent, but I wouldn't have watched it if Souza wasn't one of the main characters.
What they do to make the hair color match the image better? Currently it makes me think his hair is water than fire.
I hope those nendos sell well, I'd love to have a Layla nendo and a Nadja with the pink dress
I'm so happy, so many of the people in my friend list have club Jade, farming tokens is so easy
Best outfit
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His hair always reminds me of water because of the color. On the fig, making the tips of his hair pointier could help but I dunno how fragile the bits would be. Honestly I'd love to see him with glow in the dark paint over the translucent plastic.
I think I've made my peace and will do what >>483037896 does, just vibe with the supplementary materials. There's no gameplay to speak of and we can all agree the "plot" in the game itself is paper thin, Tourabu has been hard carried by an extremely dedicated fanbase and side stuff like the musicals and stageplays. Speaking of, twst musicals and stageplays when?
Different anon, but I just hopped on and noticed they added a walking feature? I might actually start using it for that.
>twst musicals and stageplays
Cause of the mouse drama seems pretty unlikely that Twst will get any of that. And kind of hilarious since so much of the cast are musical theater actors already.
the second floor is so funny, I make the first floor the actually nice room and the second floor is the storage closet
That's a great idea, damn. My second floor is nicer than my second but I never get to see it. Do the points for furniture in the second also apply to the overall score?
yes, that's why I put the style rugs up there
Post room
Damn, gonna fill up floor-two with pomefiore stuff and get Vil leveling at more than a snail's pace
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You can look at Sebek's attic
Why didn't I get the 3rd tsum event frame...
you kinda need excellents post lvl 15 in order to not move at a snail's pace
Yeah I've kind of accepted that it's just gonna take months to level people up in the guest room
Needs more rugs
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Vil loves rugs (this is the first floor)
I really like this artist
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Is it blasphemous to not think stitch is cute
He's not even fluffy
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it's kind of surprising how little in-game content this ship gets nowadays
killed by mallerollo
They're always being stuck in separate events. I would say it's because they're kind of the big two of the game, but isn't Floyd actually significantly more popular than Malleus on JP? Might have changed with Book 7 I guess.
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Poor Sebek is trapped in the corner.
How would Rollo, Fellow, and Gidel handle Stitch if he had lived in Ramshackle (since Octavinelle and Diasomnia are trying to work out living conditions for Stitch to stay in)?
I'd say Idia is more popular than Malleus, if next halloween event has both Leona and Idia cards then Malleosis have a right to complain
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This is what it feels like everytime you anaona talk about the boys having girlfriends
What the fuck just happened, I just wanted to type ANONS
Oh great, Idia is into giant women.
I didn't know Idia was a Vilfag
So Idia's type is Vil and Malleus, I see.
I do find it cute that this person does their own translations
Just say Vil you homo
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please don't replace him with a peanut
This artist has reached a new level of cuteness
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octos are meant for hugging
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cater in vil's body would be a menace
can he please be the next halloween ssr
Sorry anons, I made a mistake about the item gacha. Once you do 15 rolls, you earn the 500k madols as a guaranteed reward.
Are any of the tsum cards meta? I have all three of them already, but if they're good I'd rather roll for uncaps than use perfumes.
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It's funny when their expressions differ
This is my favorite Vil facial expression. He looks so tired.
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I love the front facing version, it's like he's pleading to the player
probably malleus because everyone assumed he'd have huge tits if he was a woman
yeah I already got them, any anon lagging behind?
You just reminded me that I haven't been using items, never gonna max out everyone at this rate oh god
vil is sorta good? but I'm not sure if he's very good
this tsum batch is kinda middling
Imagine how badly you had to fuck up for him to give you this look.
Vil breaks the fourth wall like that every time he has to explain something that Rook has done. It is one of my favorite things about them.
>anon....this isn't an instant ramen with broth....you were supposed to put the sauce packet AFTER draining the water...
kind of a shitty gift
you failed at cooking rice
How many times do you think idia has died in the new elden ring dlc
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he says none, ortho says otherwise
>0 deaths
>It's his 100th attempt to beat Mesmer
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does anyone have these? are they nice?
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rate the octa menu
wait what the fuck why does this maintenance last so long
Stingy, just like the octopus. 10/10
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Yeah he's cute.
I think Rook still wons for light
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Someone made a Fellow Honest AI voice model, so had him test to sing a song in another language. Specifically Corsican. Song is called Veni sonne di la muntagnella.

Make him sing the life is gay song
Yeah, aren't they usually one hour instead of two? Maybe they added some stuff for surprise late June content.
Since training camp ends on the 28th, probably we have July schedule by the end of this week and new event or whatever starting on Friday
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Happy birthday Kalim! Thanks for the 10-key!
I think Rollo is a better partner than Leona or Idia for Mal
anyone's better for mal than leona. leona hates mal with a passion and mal hardly gives a fuck about him. completely lopsided
Who knew that to set Malleus' passions ablaze you had to literally set him on fire
no point in getting with a dude if he doesn't make you feel fear
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Don't forget to buy the birthday gifts if you have gems to spare! Friendship leveling goes so much faster with them.
Malleus only likes true bad boys, and what's better than an arsonist
But it's so expensive...
Are they in malleus' funeral
azul likes his portions small
But they only work for the bday boy in question?
kalim and vil's vignette was cute
yeah they're labeled for each one
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at first before clicking on the image i thought his thighs were fat
Any highlights?
kalim once pretended to be a servant and he thought his disguise and act was so good no one found out because they didn't call him by name, but since they called him "lord servant" and were telling him to go rest vil pointed out they obviously found out and were just playing along
What Disney screenshots did they see?
one with hades and his minions, one of the alice tea party, i think the first one was jasmine and aladdin with the sultan?
Decided to put duo magic spreadsheet here:
I used dummy email so no worries.
>Captcha ARA2
kalim has an hyper-realistic dollhouse of his mansion
How do I unlock the rest of the Stitch event story? I'm pretty sure I'm not at the end since I haven't obtained the cards. Do they just unlock over the next few days?
to be specific I just completed Book 3 (Chapter 5)
oh my god you are a pillar of the twst community anon thank you
Just wanna let you know I always appreciate the fun spreadsheets and charts you make. How long did this one take to assemble?
Yep, Book 4-5 are coming June 26 at midnight (PT). Usually the times are in the event notice hanging on the left side on the event page, but I wouldn't feel too bad about missing it. DESU the game needs to put that shit right in front where the "You have reached the end of available story content" banner is.
Fuck me, I forgot about the desu filter.
There is no way in hell they're gonna translate this straight on EN. The scene of Vil talking about how Kalim needs to act like a servant and Kalim trying to figure out how to change his speaking patterns to talk like a servant? Good luck Disney localizers.
Is it me or is this game kinda stingy in giving out gems? Even the pass isn't enought for a 10-pull by the end of it
Vil has absolutely no patience for Kalim's nepo-baby shit in this vignette. Even their DUO line is Vil like "oh for fucks sake." It's the closest we've gotten to someone calling him out since Ace in Playfulland. Maybe one day.
That's our Vil
>"you need to act like a proper employee, embrace the wagie life"
I mean vil is a biiit of a nepo baby as well, it's just that he's not a glue eater
Oh it’s true. But I enjoyed how he interrupted Kalim’s dollhouse talk with “yeah no I’m done listening to this” and ended their entire conversation NTA the just like “nah, you know what, bye.”
My Vil-respect-ometer just went up like 20 points, what a great character.
To be honest, i don't remember. It's been so long since i created it.
part 3 of the vignette was funny
>aren't big parties the best
>I prefer quiet parties
>what kind of parties do you like
>I already told you
>I want to invite you to one of my parties
>I'm leaving
Oh yeah Vil kinda is isn't he but I respect him a lot after tapis rouge, he recognises that and is the reason why him being Eric's son is not open knowledge, kept secret until recently iirc? He says he understands he has been afforded a lot of unique opportunities being born as Eric's son and is grateful for all of it but he wanted to succeed on his own merits. It's only now that he has worked hard and made a name for himself he doesn't mind their relationship being known as much. Mad props to Vil, what an incredible character
I find it funny that a common headcanon before tapis was that vil and eric looked nothing alike and that's how they managed to hide their connection, but now it's as if all of twisted wonderland is blind
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It's just you. Game hands out pulls like sweets on halloween, I've never not been able to get a card I want.
Vil who looks like that one kpop idol and his dad looking like Mads Mikkelsen is still a believable enough difference to fool people, it's not like they are Malleus-Meleanor carbon copy level of similar. The Afterglow Savanna people not recognizing their lion prince in a lion mask though, now that is funny
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They forget Leona exists...
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Any predictions for late June? There was an update saying they added stuff.
How long are the eels
Maybe Crewel is coming
That mask was very convincing though
Could be that at the end those purple end make the different, Vil is just Eric but younger and femme, as he grows as a full grown adult people would start to notice "hey you're Eric's son!"
Maybe young eric looked like dream vil
Twst works on Perry the platypus logic
A platypus?
*wears hat*
Perry the BEASTMAN Platypus?!
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If Crewel is coming, he better bring three perfumes like Crowley.
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Acesis you're winning so hard
This event is so AceYuu coded. I think AnyoneYuu is dumb as shit because "Yuu" is not a character and even I am aware of how heavily AceYuu this event is, it is hilarious.
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the back and forth between beach azurido and red carpet jamiazu is hilarious
this is how ace beats malleus
>sometimes the scroll down function dies
small indie game
It happens too often to call it "sometimes." I touch the screen and the thing flips between the top and bottom like crazy and I have to restart the app to fix it
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Rook Hunt is that you?
Mal was out of the game long time ago
malmal is a lazy dragon
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don't make me choose
You know who is superior. Accept it.
Any chance we'll get news tonight?
Prolly tomorrow
and we can't shuffle guest cards...
goodbye grim...
is it worthwhile to use cupcakes in the training camp? or do the bonuses not stack?
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why is rook so greedy
I do find it interesting that vil's answers are basically how jamil would talk to kalim if he wasn't a slave
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Welp i guess Crewel has the highest base atk surpassing Riddle
Also Crowley duo
yeah I'll roll for him
Whoops forgot to add "dorm" before "Riddle"
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I believe it stacks. Here's what 30 AP gets you for no snacks, just popcorn, popcorn + cupcake.
dropping this right before leona bday is..........cruel
Would you let Crewel skin puppies or endangered species just to make a fur coat?
Rook is so lucky...
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Does anyone have the tamagotchis
Are we finally going to learn which dorm Crewel belonged to
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>Beach Riddle took 25 pulls, wiping out my single keys
>Beach Ace took 4 multis (10 of those were singles), got like 6+ lab/ceremonial SRs before him
>Floyd came on the first multi
These rates are rigged, why have the SRs become so hard to pull
Why so soon? Has anyone been able to get better meta cards in between crowley and crewel? Do they expect tapis vil to be enough of a game changer?
>queen of wands + six of pentacles
>3 single pulls
>pic related
Another one, thank you
Is this card useful?
Not that soon if Crowley happened back in February, expect Vargas in September or at the end of the year
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More scrap drop is nice if you're the type to minmax your farming, at the very least. Grats on your pull, Tarotsis
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Choose your fighter, Pome or Hearts?
I'm going to guess pome since recently he's been more vil-aligned (his furniture is elegant/stylish)
You guys are gonna get hit with another surprise savanaclaw student and you're gonna like it
he used to be an ignihyde nerd, if you remind him of those times he gets angry
does x5 give you less gems than doing the battles one at a time?
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Love how you could tell this art was made for Fellow but got reused last minute for Crewel. It's fine since it means Fellow will get better card art.
Also I don't think they're giving their best anymore to do the "hidden mickey" thing
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Something about the art looks off. Like his face is too long. It also doesn't feel as shiny as Crowley's, but idk maybe that's what it's like in the Rose Queendom
>the queedom being a shithole
aiiieee brit bongs
>owning a car
go back to your tuk tuk ferro
>gets Vil as buddy support
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>Same face
>Similar eyebrows
The similar face can be explained by "yana's artstyle for tall effeminate men" (Vil's fireworks SSR for example) but the eyebrows... I can FEEL it. I just KNOW it.
I doubt it, didn't crow man get vil?
my guess is either jack + idia or the science club
octa, his fashion business started in high school
his secret brother
Or Adeuce
Arent the long faces yanas signature
In her announcement on twt she didn't say she made it, she credited it her studio. Usually she says "I did this and my studio did that" or "my studio and I did this."
This "credit to my studio" thing is the same thing that happened with Playfulland. I wonder if she's pulling out a bit on Twst as a part of her hiatus. She didn't even credit herself with art direction like she usually does.
it's very imperative that she learns more about england
he'll get vil's best friend
I like to imagine that all the ridiculous shit in black butler like Seb's flip phone or Idols is stuff Yana actually believes Victorian England had
can you imagine if we get more twst makeup and one of them is for ferro's look
which anon here is going to wear pea green for work
so if crowley is stylish/basic and crewel is elegant/stylish, make predictions for the rest of staff and ferro+giddy
Basic/Elegant for Trein. Sam is some mix of Unique/Pop/Stylish. Basic/Stylish for Vargas maybe.
does anyone get trey's godawful elegant/pop
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hopefully we get more plushies of event outfits
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Small indie game
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Imagine all the possibilities
It sucks that Crewel's mom was killed by Dalmatians.
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crowel shippers rejoice
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seducing crewel into making better career choices!
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Oda Suzuka fucking cooking out here, hot damn.
hearts had like 5 chapters right
>Just thinking about Trein's Cinderella inspired furniture
I need to see it
4 volumes in Hearts. The first three are out in english. I wonder if they're gonna gold back on publishing octa in english until savana ends. People know don't know about covid fussing up the schedule will be so confused.
if we get a staff event next month does that mean no events with story in july?
if that's the case I'm going to splurge more AP in the training camp, my fire book count is looking decent again
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how many kids does eric have
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How are things faring for ferro
Still gorgeous
Rerun is also possible (looking at you, portfest)
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How did I get so many cupcakes and so few cookies?
What did Yana mean by this?
According to her tweets she meant “I am not doing the art for these cards and the people who are only have so many ideas.”
Do you not use lesson items ever? I'm totally out of everything until I trade alchemy medals for more.
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>Scrolling MRM
>Oh nice new pullin nabe translated material
>Jack x Yuu/Ruggie/Kalim
Hot. Not accurate, but hot
As long as she's doing the Book 7 card art I don't care if assistant-kun reuses a face on other cards.
Are they going to sell them individually?
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And cute!
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>uhhh is this Emet?
This is an extreme case of blindness and as if cruella wasn't the the first one with this hairstyle
Boy I sure can see what ever tweet you're talking about there, anon
>Extra level 3
>1 shell
>Level 4
>Now level 5
Wtf is this?
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who'd be next? kalim?
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Probably epel
come on fellow, billions must bark
didn't he go back to his dream for now
Honestly don't know what order they're following
A challenge fight. You won, right? At the time this event came out on JP, I think it was the hardest fight in the game.
I won.
Dorm LeoVil + Club Jack + Port Jack + Dorm Jack, all featuring grass attacks.
What was the point of this fight? It was just stressing and getting 1 scrap part for having the worst time of my life was so useless
Literally just a challenge. There might have been a mission for it but not for gems.
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>1 entire hour for absolutely nothing
They don't make fights like this in newer JP events.... right?
Not that I can remember. There is an event that's like the battle maps from Book 7, but you actually get rewards from the harder maps.
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I ran out of books and money to upgrade Floyd's magic
what furniture are the going to give the horse riding club? a whole horse? in the room?
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I have a suggestion
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are ace and deuce good boys
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is floyd even meta enough for this
Human dildo Leona Kingscholar!
He's okay for the event, but honestly I haven't used him outside the event at all on JP.
this is how he recovers assistance credits
this fat cat gets fatter while we starve...
would leona accept graduation if it meant being rook's dildo
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You're gonna preorder it yeah?
Holy cow
will this make magical archives 1 cheaper or more expensive in the second hand market
>riddle, azul, idia, leona and jamil get a cool eye color change
>malleus and vil stay the same
Why are you buying secondhand? they're like $25 from the site
oh I can still get them on retail? sweet
I'll get it next month though, already bought the YKK art book this month
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>magical archives 2 only covers from book 5 to book 6
malleus left out again
>archives 3 will be all Mal
the lizard favoritism must stop
>idias hands
seeeeeexxxx neet sex right nowwwww
mal and cat, also maybe the halloweenies
he was pushed aside to not third wheel idiavil
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"oops I drank a potion that messed with my age" is such a tired, overdone, cheap and meaningless trope.
We need it immediately.
can you imagine if the next bday card vignettes were the rest of the cast taking care of a child version of the birthday boy
crewel's event starts at igni and finishes at pome, igni map only has 5 slots
diaso map also only has 5 slots
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crewel likes light magic boys
Don't forget to set a dog on your home screen if you're rolling!
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199 rolls and I've gotten dorm ortho, dorm Jack, dorm Ruggie and dorm Lilia
come on now, rude
Gonna have to pay for bday Leona in straight cash
Is that adeucegrim behind him?
Book 7 Kalim and Portfest rerun next month
Finally I can max out sailor Rook
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with the water theme I wonder if his dream is a place where his UM is helpful
like, is his ideal world one where he actually does things instead of being useless? kek
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Third Magical Archives is Just Malleus.
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So,will everyone get a card or not? Obers are guaranteed, but what about the ones that have not gotten a card?
Everyone will get one except for Epel.
And Floyd
And Jack
At best, OBers and Vice Housewardens with Kalim and Jamil being an exceptions for obvious reasons.
And Kate
And Trey
New batch for sr cards?
how are you faring in the event anons? I'm halfway through the hearts map
What the fuck is this stupid Hearts blind battle
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EN remembered Tamashina exists the same month as lion birthday, they want your gems!
Having a blast like last time. The plan was to pace myself and use the natural point regen but I ended up burning a bunch of move tickets.
This month feels kinda empty. Savanna event will end on the 26th so there's still some room for something to start at the very end of the month.
Just finished igni, got my attention that Pome is the last one with most nodes and hard battles, does this imply that Crewel belonged to pome....we did not get shit with his voicelines and personal story...
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He will get one, shut up
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It's nice that his outfit is jasmine + Aladdin + sultan combined
Sorry Jack-kun but the Hyena of Wallstreet sounds more fun
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Apparently the anime expo promotion is similar to the riddle/ace/deuce 2022 anime expo thing but it's silver instead, yeah, ONLY silver.
Idk what to think, I needed fireworks Jamil but got this instead
But Sebek also got a card and he's neither of those
We need a character that is 19 to check if that's the age where you get eye wrinkles in twst
He's Waka-sama's bodyguard, that's higher than a vice housewarden. Thus, more privilege.
Sebek is a special boy
With a specially wired brain
>With a specially wired brain
That's all the boys
The same can be applied to Ortho
Of course other characters will have chap7 SSRs, my bets after Kalim are Jade, Jack and Cater.
My biggest fear is Jade gets event SSR that is close to Book 7 SSR... The boy hasn't got event SSR for so long.
Portfest is right there too...
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>new event comes out
>I get excited and read all the available chapters and do a bunch of lessons
>New chapters don't come out for at least 3 days
>I don't feel like reading them, only lessons I do are elective in the morning
>End of the event begins to near
>I skip all the chapters, telling myself I'll read them later (I won't) so I can grind the mechanical stuff to get cards and perfume
>Event ends and I've forgotten about the furniture
>Repeat when a new event that comes out

I am the fool
Shimazaki actually plays twst so I feel like it could actually be fun this time around, the previous years have felt awkward to me because most of the others dont/only play casually.
I think it's a shame they're not livestreaming it this time for that reason.
4th year soon, trust the plan
>doing a battle
>use a support card on my friend list
>win battle
>would you like to send a friend request to this player?
I don't think I've felt a bigger pang of betrayal... Especially not from you, anon...
What, did they unfriend you and they popped up on your list as a suggested random person?
Do I really need to clear every node in the map, or can I skip whatever I don't want/need?
There are missions for completing X number of nodes or beating all the Targets, but other than that I guess you can skip.
Nope, showed up in my support cards tagged as a friend. Didn't even know they had decided to unfriend me until after I cleared the battle. But I know it was an anon from /twst/. And here I was, thinking we were all chums round these parts.
also worth pointing out that "x amount of nodules" missions only give honey and "all target battle" missions only give money, so even less pressure to do them
you probably do need to do all target battles in the harder maps though to make the boss killable
Ain't no chums here. Bitches will unfriend when exam period comes around if you're not maxed out.
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so there's like 2 leovil thingies coming out now? i think one is travel themed and the other is family themed
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If Obers get duos, then it would follow the pattern from left to right or right to left?

>captcha XGAY88
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There's nothing more unpolite than a twst gacha video where the person skips the whole pull, oh my god... Where are the manners? The excitement? The fun? The dopamine?
Is it that Japanese guy who loves Kalim and Silver too much? He zooms (tsums) through all the animations until he gets an SSR.
jamil you fuck stop casting burn
is that in the scarabia map
Did you know you can make Grim walk faster? Tap the Map Menu button at the bottom and pick the right radio button.
Yeah, and Kalim does it too. My healers couldn't heal or kill fast enough. The rest of the map fights other than those two were pretty easy.
did you get to the pome map? is vil the last treasure battle like malleus was?
Maybe you can see it here
how many tickets do you have anons?
I didn't see anything like that. The layout of this map is a bit spread out instead of having a path like the Diasomnia one last time. There's gems in the chest behind Crewel and you can either take the long easier path or fight this 5* opponent with a guts buff.

The most the worst thing about this map is that there's a map buff that inflicts freeze on the opponent, but you have to get past this one fight that keeps applying buffs to itself. I saw the opponent Epel with five ATK up buffs. Still, I'm having loads of fun with this.

21 left. I'm burning them all to finish Pome map.
I'm taking my sweet time because there's not much replay value once you get all the treasures, maybe I'll use some tickets once I get to the last 2 maps
The 5* fight in front of Crewel was Dorm Vil. He hits pretty hard even without whatever he was trying to buff himself with.
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Uhhh what are the odds this is for Yuu
100%, Yuu is a boy
Is that a name in the upper right?
>72k+ damage
I know it is because of the buff, but quite impressive
beauté nuke
Has someone tried with Crewel
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the critical is a map skill right?
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crowley plushies are so funny
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did any fast anon finish the event?
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Yeah, I'm done.
You can always tell when artists are slipping their own stuff in
I didn't know teachers would fight too, it would be so funny when one of my boys start fighting Fello
It keeps happening
Is there any ending dialogue
I hope Crewel was a pome because according to Trein that'd mean three generations of rampaging queens (Epel will become one)
Halloweenies don't get to OB, they only get grief and minimum wage jobs

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