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Previous Thread: >>481180847

Nigel: You're an amusing man, Noctis. After all the murders, robberies and kidnappings you've committed, a little hypocrisy is hardly a sin.

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Is that a motherfucking Red Dead Redemption reference?
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New Oakley seems like a nice place to come visit. Just look at all these friendly faces
Gary: Get up, old man.
Uncle Watanabe: I'm... I'm up.
Gary: Get up!
Uncle: There, I'm up. Well, thank the good Lord you're back. Nothing worse for an old man than sleeping in the warm afternoon sun.
Gary: You want a long sleep, Uncle? That can be arranged, and it'll cost me less in food.
Uncle: You always were a hard and nasty man, Gary Raven.
Chaos: Pa, is Uncle Watanabe really your uncle?
Gary: No, at least I sincerely hope not! He's probably lots of people's father, though.
Gary: That life's over.
Cthylla: I hope you're right.
Gary: Lithos, Lilith, Vonnegut. They're all dead. It don't get more over than that.
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Ha? You want this Anon? Too bad, you're not getting one
These 3 shouldve been our gray raven squad, and not the 3 faggots we have now.
God damn liv... It's all her fault
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here you go, I'm feeling generous today
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Lets go!
Lee Hyperreal's secrets
One time Lee opened a portal to an alternative universe. In there his other self is human and the Commandant of Cerberus. Gray Raven's constructs consists of Murray, Luna, and Liv's step sister instead. It was somehow a better universe, he never talked about it to anyone.
Stuck in the worst timeline...
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I wholeheartedly agree, but we both know Cerberus is only so fun in story because they aren't the main squad. They'd be shaved down and made boring more often than not, put to the sideline so that the new character of the week could shine brighter and would be lacking in the defining features that are too edgy for mass appeal. I bet Lucia, Lee and Liv would be funnier than bad cook, gets lost and oh wait Liv doesn't have a joke but she might if she wasn't the main squad!
Pick up your schizo Kuroshills
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It's weird that Murray only had one appearance in the last two chapters, with him being the Cerberus commandant and all. He really doesn't get a whole lot of screen time without his brother involved.
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livbros care to explain?
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Fake /pgr/ chad, controlled opposition, baiting retard, etc etc
>Liv doesn't have a joke
Segs, evil, segs!
In all seriousness, after playing WW and finished chapter 6. I apologized to Plume, she may be the worst Lucia, but holy shit she is miles above Yangyang. The WW trio made Gray Raven look like Cerberus by comparison.
Liv really deserves to be more yandere, and that WW comment is definitely true the first characters you're introduced to are really boring.
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Rogue Assassin sexo.
honestly, with chapters like Surviving Lucem, I actually like the Gray Ravens. Livlove singlehandedly sold me on what they meant to her so it was kind of heart-breaking to see her conviction and the lengths she was willing to go out of love for them. also, all of their chapters are KINO
>Surviving Lucem? Kino
>Spiral of Chronos? Kino
>Kowloong Metropolis? Kino
>chapter featuring Fire Annihlator Lucia? 100% is going to be absolute fucking kino
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I think the Ark Beyond/Her Last Bow and Surviving Lucem are the only chapters (thus far) where my opinion on a character took a complete 180 and me want to SS them + get their respective sigs
You drank the liv kool-aid
me too
>Murray becoming a construct means he'd no longer suffer from being in the sickly body he once had, and he can play a more active role in the outside world.
>Commandant Morian becomes a cunning leader and hero on par with Gary Raven who excels with his squad both on the front lines and on covert missions that are off the books.

really would've been the better outcome for them
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Gary Raven in that world corrected Liv's step sister, she mellowed out, Luna doesn't need to since she never become an Ascendant in the first place
>Liv's sister as a good tsundere
>Luna as the cool little sister
>Murray as the cool and cunning teammate, enough to deal with even Qu without combat
That squad could rivals Cerberus...
Does that mean Alpha became an Agent instead, and Liv requested out of Vanessa's squad to Support Force and became its Vice Captain working with Bridget similar to Teddy and Karenina?
Sorry I forgot, if her sister become a construct instead of her, Liv would probably take charge of her father's company. The CEO Liv.
it's all about the crit
Liv's sister would probably be one of those posh types of girls that laughs like "ohohohoho" while Luna becomes more of the sweet and innocent type the that Liv is
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Reminder, Cerberus also gets the best songs
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I really like the goofy ass cowboy reskin of the generic construct npcs
Wrong link bro, I got you dw
Am I supposed to be able to 100% the hard mode of the event with the trial characters? I can't kill fast enough it seems
the character challenge? yes
The one which is a hard mode for the special story mode where they have a tag team supermove
Is that so... I've only hypertuned gear with orb ressonances so far
>also checked
tired of being horny
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I have not fully caught up with the story yet, but does anyone else feel Hassen, Nikola, and a bit less so, Celica, are the best characters of the game? Maybe I have just outgrown teenage drama shit, but I like their brand of moral ambiguity much more
Regular alpha wants top attack and crit bottom cores
Hypertunes will always stay for characters
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Robot sex?
I enjoy the PUNISHING
Why would he try to kill Lettie instead of PUNISHING her? If you know what I mean
I don't get it - is he missing his arm or not?
Technically a construct is missing every part of their body.
cunny is wettest when served near death
>brown skin
>dark hair
>SHIT personality
Her only redeeming feature was her red eyes. Collins is a true cunnyseur and knew she was worthless, so he focused his efforts on the angel Luna.
nobody says this
I love the battle theme of this event that has rap in it so much.
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So cute, shes sniffing but its almost like shes being pouty, and that subtle blush too. I love No.21
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21 needs correction
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She has been extra bratty lately
this game is so SOVLFVL
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When's the rerun? Would have been more fitting with Noctis Punk Dynamo
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What characters are you guys looking forward to next?
Echo and Epitaph
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All the females in that image
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Everyone, I liek pgr but extra Qu and Wanshis patch for more No.21 coatings
vera and liv leaps so i can get them to sss for free
Alisa, Watanabe, leaplov and Luna
i wish i was as cool as noctis
tf are karen and teddy doing
Laughing at Karen getting a leap
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Looks like they're watching a news clip of an unverified engineering force member acting out of control
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They're giving leap to the other Vera now? Is she sucking Kuro's CEO's dick or something?
Where the fuck is Sophia's
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What do we think about her?
They literally gave Empyrea a leap bwo
I even hated president Hassan even though he was both honest and honourable/honorable (and on our, the PoV protagonist/commander side)
So yeah nah, despite the fact she is pretty, I am physically repulsed by her
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You can probably outdrink him at least
I would let her seduce me and have sex with the clear purpose of getting intel out of me
fuck my free cub rolls were so unlucky
fucking when
tired of not loving liv
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Finished The Last Spark.

So why do we get to have gacha for Ascendant characters?

I figured there would be some lore for it, such as them wanting to have a future with Commandant after seeing his potential
it's not gacha, you'll simply turn into a mindless corrupted if you cannot handle the power of the ascnet
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oh, Egret already has a full squad again?
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>such as them wanting to have a future with Commandant after seeing his potential
That's literally the case for Lamia, look at the reflection on her eyes in this CG
I wonder who's the sucker that got assigned to Vanessa's demoralization camp this time. Seeing Leia's unhappy face was bad enough.
If Gary didn't pick Lotus back then, she would probably ended up in Egret squad, either picked up by Vanessa or assigned to.
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>Dreams of a future where she gets turned into Sashimi
Why are f*shes like this
>you dont get it asimov, my frame needs huge soft tits or else i will get corrupted and go insane
is this true?
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My wife...
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Yeah well their body must be close to the original one anon.
Imagine they put you into a female frame (or cut your dick) you will also go insane lmao (unless you are a freak)
>Still have to wait 2 months
So close yet so far...
holy shit the new warzone is too tanky, even for SSS. What the fuck is kuro smoking, now only giga whales can have fun
>gray raven dogtag
I don't remember having a fish in my squad...
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Now you have, the fish is here to stay now. Gray Raven will treat her better than Luna's gang
top 20 most popular PGR ost
I'm on Bianca's chapter doko
literallywho, skip
her hidden story in chapter 15 was pretty good and I hope cradle parade is as good. might her her sig
zoomers wouldn't know who she is, based collab though
"Punishing Gray i-frames" isn't fun gameplay doko
it took way too long for him to get his first S rank and own chapter. 100% getting his sig
really interested to see where they're going with her after A New Divide, I probably will get her
skip, I'll cope with Rosetta
this is the lewdest outfit Liv has ever received
loliv is the only liv i lov
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You sure?
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I simply lov all livs
>skip Alisa
stfu she is free
Alisa is cute and a good wife
freebies are still skippable
i skipped cowtits
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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
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Why would skip someone that costs a measly 100k dispatch certificates
So is Alisa the Stand? or what is happening?
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>200k more with SS Alpha instead of SSS+ Noctis
New Lamia makes my dick extremely hard, but I doubt I'll be able to get her, since I'm using my blue target for Vera Garnet and I spent all my black cards on 21 and Alpha CW already.
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>Someone actually managed to break Vanessa
>liv looks on at her in envy
Kommandant dressed like a SS Officer
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U wot
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I really hated Rosetta at first, but after playing her intermission she is now one of my favourite characters. Seriously fuck the ARK.
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I think she got tired of my shit
Exactly. Getting your dick sucked is a form of assistance and support in times of hardship and distress. I didn't expect to be mutual though
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I took a weekend to rest out my cold and didn't study despite feeling like I could. Now that the weekend is over I feel like throwing up and can't study. I'll just play and read pgr I guess
The longer you put off studying the harder it'll get to catch up...
>Start game
>Crimson Abyss encourages me to do my best
>Close game and do my chores instead

My waifu will be the reason this game goes EoS
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Leia is a big titty gyaru which contrasts Liv's shy puritan girl schtick, so the new guy will be a himbo simp to counteract Teasell's slender build and hatred of women
Can be Johnny Bravo will be in Egret squad
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>combat is way better than PGR
>but the gacha is cancer
>and rolls are locked behind the PPC equivalent
>and everything has timers that lock out non whales
>and weapons are mandatory
>and echoes are shit requiring you to grind while still requiring months worth of stamina for one usable set
>and there's not enough stamina for anything
I got monkey paw'd so hard by WuWa...
>combat is way better
It has a better base, but its definitely not better yet. Noctis alone mogs the entire cast.
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>rolls are locked behind the PPC equivalent
>that's only intimidating because it's designed around max level characters
>everything has timers that lock out non whales
>rank isn't even high enough to max out characters yet, missing out on a lot of base stats on characters and weapons
>weapons are mandatory
>about as mandatory as in pgr
>and echoes are shit requiring you to grind while still requiring months worth of stamina for one usable set
>usable means near perfect substat rolls of course
You're such a little bitch here's a pity (You), I'm gonna go swipe another $200 to get the next two whores thank me for keeping your devs fed.
Stamina and gacha are ass cancer though, I'll give you that.
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>a meme A-rank that nobody uses and does zero damage
Look at the actually usable characters like Bianca, Hyperlee, Qu, CW etc. They all just loop invuln with zero care for the enemy 90% of the time. You actually engage the boss in WuWa and have to react to what it's doing. This alone makes it better than modern PGR
>muh max level
You can check the level stat gains and they're not the 500% you'd need to get 30/30
Unless you're already doing 28/30 getting to max level won't get you to 30/30
>about as mandatory as in pgr
Nope. PGR doesn't have tower meaning you don't actually need them for anything. Not to mention in PGR it was one weapon per character. Here you can reuse them making them much more powerful. They also cost 80 rolls in a game where you don't even have enough for every character.
>usable means near perfect substat rolls of course
No usable just means the right stats, even if they're min rolls. You're never getting near perfect rolls because top rolls are weighted extremely hard against you. You have an 8% chance to get a high roll. This means getting 5 high rolls is a 0.0003% chance. That means 3333 echoes with the right 5 substats which is already extremely rare.
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Bait used to be believable, just go cry in the wuthering general and get called out as the retard you are, oh wait you're doing it here because no one will call you out.
Yeah I'm not even going to reply to that faggot
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you're right except for the echoes. even if they're usable with just the crit substats, still feels like shit knowing you could've rolled better.

though Noctis is pure soulkino, wish they'd add a way to use other units. other than babel.
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Noctis really does not like Bianca at all.
Based, Bianca is a slut and has the blandest personality in the game alongside Liv
skill issue
Luna and Hanying
You really want %ATK as well. Getting those is a solid 30% more damage. But even that is rare as fuck. I've used all my tuners and did a metric boatload of tacet fields and I only have 4 of those
And yeah from a purely mechanical standpoint modern A-ranks are great shame the game as a whole doesn't really have a place for them. Same with uniframes
Unless you're planning to waste your BC on something the income generated from Noctis and Alisas patch should be enough to get Lamia.
I wonder how he'll react to uncle and nanami
All of them lmao (minus Wanshi)
>Every morning Vanessa receives an emergency call
>Commandant, there's a handsome construct in Egret's room
>Oh wait that's just me
Vanessa getting tormented like that one thief woman with the Zirconium jewel would be pretty kino
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Local commandant visits own squad lounge for the first time in months, is mauled by guard dog
God I want a redhead sadomasochist waifu and a wolf daughterfu so bad.
Wolf can also be my waifu I'm not that picky
I'd settle for a fish too
Or the new guy is Inspector Clouseau, with Leia acting as his version of Sergeant Deux-Deux. Then all of the time Bambinata lost her memories finally caught up to her, she lost it and start to acts like the Pink Panther.
Then Vanessa would be tormented like that one guy who appeared in almost all Pink Panther animated shorts
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How would you feel to be called a bipedal self-propelled multifunctional humanoid creature
literally me
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Why wont these mfers at kuro release the merciful and vonnuget as playable characters already?
The schizo goddess will just one shot everything on the stage
Won't even be a boss until Kuro finally went back to the Chaos plot
Maybe at anniversary, but Vonnegut is far too much of an adversary and Ishmael is far too powerful. Those two will likely only be playable when the plot has gone in a completely different arc or EoS is approaching.
>Vonnegut is far too much of an adversary
>Ishmael is far too powerful
Just introduce a villain stronger than merciful and it's gucci
Is von comparable in strength to ischmael?
Also is she the strongest person in her dimension?
Luna was absolutely more on our side than Von ever was, just a massive tsundere but we had a Lucia on our side.
In her playable chapter Luna jobbed, we had to rescue her (part of why she likes us even) she demonstrated strength against Gabriel and she controls the punishing virus but her proficiency with it wasn't incredible.
>stronger than Ishmael
Who would even be more powerful than a Watcher, an Outer God, who was described by Vonnegut as nothingness/oblivion itself?
A PGR's equivalent of Azathoth, The Blind Idiot God? (who the Outer Gods have to play instruments and songs to keep him asleep, lest everything cease to exist when he inevitably wakes up, as everything is his dream)
>Who would even be more powerful than a Watcher
Honest answer? my pp
No, he had to do a lot of planning to acquire Chaos, the supposed "key" to allow him to traverse dimensions.
This son of a bitch is definitely going to kill Chaos when she's no longer useful to him as a tool anymore! We cannot allow it to happen!
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21 bros, Noctis swearing is starting to rub off our daughter...
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Cute. CUTE. Disregard that we almost died afterwards. It was worth it.
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I swear alot more than Noctis, I would be a hypocrite if I tried to lecture him for that.
God shes too sexy
Why are a lot of the prospective male constructs in the game now dark skinned?
Von, Nigel, that kid from the Purifying Force, Wanshi's dad(?) before he got turned into that scorpion thing. They're even more prevalent than kowloong men.
because theyre evil
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>that kid from the punishing force
This guy, Issarius? I dont think hes brown, his art is just a little weird.
This guy is going to either be a boss or straight up an S-rank isn't it? They're hyping him too much to release him as an A-rank
Feels like it for sure, everytime he shows up its "he moves his blade at light speed" or "he cleaves the corrupted like a storm"
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> "he moves his blade at light speed" or "he cleaves the corrupted like a storm"

They are going to cuck all Alpha fans by making him straight up Vergil aren't they?
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He'll be the Kagurabachi of PGR
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how do I visit
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Since he's blind how long do you think it would take for Nigel to notice if someone changed his skin tone? He'll need to get some serious skin grafting after his fights with Noctis and Watanabe anyway. I also doubt that gray was the color he was naturally born with.
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youre late
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I can't go there anymore...
/pgr/ is truly obsessed with liv
I'm suprised i've never seen an Alpha edit of that guy
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has any of Vonnegut's subordinates not been a boss fight yet? They'd probably make him a boss before they made him playable and I feel like he should be a fight soon with them all out of the way.
Ishmael is just too strong, she can end the entire verse if she felt like it, personally I think they should just do it and ignore the powerlevels, but it would definitely be hard to justify it in the story, maybe having an entire chapter where she invades your dreams to work with you or something like that?
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How much BC do you guys have currently saved up?
>memory comps
Im suposed to follow in-game advice or the wikis?
grayravens wiki. ignore the ones in-game
I'm almost at 70k
Over 80k
Everyone except Hanying. Not that I don't like her, it's just that her new version looks somewhat bland compared to the other characters.
nearly 30k
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I know Ishmael is an Outer God but what the fuck
Celica is the most powerful Outer God, the Overlord will beat the shit out of Ishmael
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This is strongest outer god?
if you're replacing nanami with uncle
dont show your face around here
I'm replacing (You) with Uncle.
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Well Alpha bros? Getting that SSS+?
client is endlessly loading.
also make us able to link with the kuro account.
What even is she? super advanced AI?
Literal extradimensional being from a higher state of existence
Why does such a thing exist in motherfucking PGR?
Because Punishing Virus is part of a test
oh come ON
Read the story anon
One of the incomprehensible eldritch gods that resides in higher dimensions. You can't escape her tendrils of space itself, she will shallow you whole into the void and you wouldn't know what's happening
And she may or may not want the Shikicock
Not going to lie this makes me dislike the story and game.
Its never as relevant as you'd fear, every 10 patches or so we get a chapter that really focuses on that stuff. Hyperreal Lee, Teddys patch, but overall this stuff has been eluded to since Echo Aria/The Last spark or anytime the Ascension Networks Filtering process has been mentioned.
I just don't get why they had to add eldritch entities when she could have been anything from some kind of alien to a the best version of Nanami.
This kind of plot point is always shit in every medium imo
yea, wish they focus on the actual war between the virus and humanity instead of trying to make us become god
Nanami is my favourite character
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honestly, at least the game is honourable. Mid-game, you get kidnapped as get taken to ship hong-kong and us, as the protagonist, we are useless and we try to use stealth.

and then, the post-mission review when the commander (basically me) gets quarantined and just stuck there. also (you)/me/the commander has no full on skills so has to depend on Lucia/Lee/Liv in order to do damage and healing... the game is fun and has decent balance
Because Lovecraftian horror/cosmic horror is kino and is rarely done in gachas. I assumed it would render your waifu meaningless on that scale so not many gacha do that.
If you become a god at the end and be disconnected from humanity, leaving the characters you've come to know behind, but you will be able to save humanity. That wouldn't work with something like Blue Archive, but can be done in PGR if executed well. Kuro had been setting up hints and plot points, I say let them cook.
Personally I think that this is a story about human will, every time these eldritch fuckers show up we slap their shit, and whenever they go "wanna be a god" the character of the patch just says "lol no I'm busy being based"
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Same. I mean, all anime plots are shitty. All gacha plots are double as shitty. And PGR is nothing but edgy suffering fest where the whole story feels like emocore crying and glorifying agony of existence. But still, trying to always up the scales in terms of powercreep, asian devs inevitably introduce immortal unbeatable gods into every setting they create. It's almost a cliche, if it's made by asians - there are gonna be indestructible gods completely breaking the immersion. And if it's a game with leveling, they will make the plot about the player becoming one in some shape of form. Their culture is such a primitive power struggle, it's always the same with the tropes, they can't do better.
lucem 2 when
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I agree with you, and it toook me two drunk attempts to read your post...

they bring in an Eldritch bullshit and pass by the previous memory... it is fucked.

Right now, it is my 36th birthday and I am happy, but the game makes me not happy
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Happy Birthday No.21 bro!
Surely he's going to make a part two where Vera gives back TWO puddings to 21
She's not lovecraftian, for anything she's just a hyperdimensional wagie.
Anyways go read the three body problem trilogy.
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what the FUCK did I type
She's not a lovecraftian god, if anything she's probably a hyperdimensional wagie tasked to work in earth.
Anyways go read the three body problem trilogy, this will be on the test when you get Luna's chapter
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thank you for "happy birthday wish", anonymous friend :DDD
So old memories are getting a big buff with the Arisa patch, so what 2set should Noctis get alongside Heisen?
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PGR and Wuwa Switch announcements at the Nintendo Direct
I will correct them
i lost my account with number 21 and SSS characters, I installed the PC driver but I do not have entry... I wish to go back
How did you lose it?
Have you linked the account yet?
Did you picked the correct server?
no kuro account available for pgr.
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I used it on phone years ago... I changed phones in 2021 and installed PGR with no problems, but now I can't log in (even with the google log in that I used before).
Europe server, I am a European peasant btw...

has something changed or am I just being stupid?
That shouldn't have been possible if you used the same google account and server? Do you still have PGR on your phone?
Try to contract customer support.
contacting customer support is my next purview.... but I must check all the log-in details to make sure 100% that I did not fuck up... perhaps it is my fault in terms of cross-device log ins, and not theirs...
I had to log in via Fucebook, with a similar (but diferent) email... it is annoying
ew, least you figured it out
who is the dog
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I am back home, the game seems awesome on a big screen and not on my phone... but I do not see the difrference
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Just started this game yesterday and I hear the redhead dude is free. Is he attainable for a newfag? I’m rushing level 40 which I hear is the level that unlocks the event but I don’t know what to expect.
Oh yeah easily, a few days of spending the stamina (serum) and you'll have enough event currency to get him. Hell if you roll on the basic banner you can select him as your target and get him in 10 rolls guaranteed. Just make sure you only spend basic tickets on that and not your black cards.
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Yes, you can obtain Noctis for free in two ways: One is with the basic blue R&D tickets. You should get plenty of them as a beginner. A single 10 pull is enough to get a copy and you can do it as many times as you want, but DON'T spend your Black Cards, just spend the Blue tickets the game hands you. If possible, try NOT to hit the pity and hold off for a couple of months. The reason being that in Lamia's patch onwards you will be able to choose which S-rank character you will receive on pity (or earlier if you're a luckGOD) instead of being a random one, but only ONCE, so choose who you want carefully. The other method is through the event farm stage where you can buy 30 of his shards and unlock him that way. Of course you can just pull for him on the basic banner AND get the 30 shards to quickly get him to S-rank. From then on you can farm 2 shards each day. A-ranks character however can't really compete with S-ranks characters (especially gen 2 ones) so it's very recommended to try and get them to SSS or SSS+ rank to close the gap in power if you're going to use them.
Sweet. Yeah I saw him on the banner and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to pull him there or get him as an event handout.

>If possible, try NOT to hit the pity and hold off for a couple of months.
There’s no expiration on this banner right? Can I go just below pity then wait until the patch you mentioned?
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Liv lov
So I'm still remaking everyone with extracted voice lines in alphabet order, female first. Just finished Liv JP Ai Kayano and Miku Itou voice models. Next will be Nanami then No. 21. Hmm what should I have 21 sing...
Ai Kayano's new model drastically improved from the old model trained with youtube's fucked up audio. Just listen to this sample of her saying some of Empyrea lines:
Immediately went to make these covers:
Liv JP (Ai Kayano) - Gaze of Wind
Liv JP (Ai Kayano) - Gaze of Wind (Acoustic ver.)
I also converted the extracted Gaze of Wind music files to .flac and put both versions in The Surviving Lucem mini album folder, on the mega link.
On a side note, Lamia JP at least improved a little, still sucks, no amount of AI can salvage that voice. If only the game files still has her old JP VA voice...
Rib rob
not enough lov in this thread
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Yeah, there's no expiration and the one time S-rank selector will stay active from Lamia's patch (should be around mid-August or so) onwards. No one is stopping you from even hitting pity if you want. It's just that after the initial dump of blue cards the game just trickles them so it would take you some time before you hit pity again to get a character you want. It's more like recommended for optimal result than anything else.
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It'll be quite some time before JP No.21 sings this officially so I'd like to heart it. And obviously it'll be with Japanese lyrics when it does release, how does the AI system handle Chinese lyrics?
I'm more worried about the overlapping vocals in that song, especially if the only source is youtube
>how does the AI system handle Chinese lyrics
RVC is audio-to-audio inference, it can handle any language, it's the voice model that needs to be able to handle them. JP models can probably do Chinese better than English, but it depends on the model and the dataset it was trained with, some can infer English voices very well, like No. 21 and her West Coast Classics (we still need more of that), some can even pronounce "L". Vice versa for English models.
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The only sources I've seen for that song are youtube, billibilli and twitter so all compressed sadly. Maybe you can do another classic rap, but have old and new No.21 models duet it, like Eminem tried to do with Houdini.
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CN Beta launches 6/22, stream for half anniversary on 7/01
Would it kill Kuro if they add a fucking setting for text size? I can't read the story on my phone!
Curious to see who's gonna get the spotlight
It should be an A-rank and then the 4.5 anniv stram announces the big S-rank Lucia right?
Non, the stream is going to show off the new construct and tease the constructs for the rest of the year probably, you can see from the picture that the actual 4.5 anniversary update is a week after the stream.
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Should be another S-rank since Wanshi was free
Not guaranteed, we had 3 S-ranks back to back with Lee, Ayla and Alpha, but only two with Alisa and Lamia. However if it is how >>482508906 said, it will be am S-rank, otherwise if the 4.5 anniv character is the one after there's no chance in hell it won't be an A-rank or it would become a 4 S-rank streak
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I feel like new Lucia has to be the 5th anniversary's big character. Alpha and Luna were announced for the 3rd and 4th anniversaries, so having our Lucia be a half anni. character doesn't feel right
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oh fuck
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This was probably a fake commission meant to waste Babylonian resources by that internal faction of the Forsaken that got teased this chapter, wasn't it?
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i miss old liv voice
Forsaken confirmed to have the best girls and they don't even have faces
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I want to LICK No.21!
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So we will know the next character(s) in 3 days?
We'll know the next character in less than a week, new characters at the beginning of next month.
liv used to be voiced by Kayano Ai?
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Yeah she visited a shrine that has memorial for a bunch of Jap warcriminals (are they really warcrimes when its the chinese?) so the chinks got pissy and replaced her
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Oh hey Cursed Waves new ending lets check it out

>Go deeper into the Tide with Cradle

>Reject it

>Keep rejecting it and fighting for humanity

>The Crimson Brand becomes a Shining One

>Cradle keeps begging you to stop that and go back to the Crimson

>Eventually is won over and maintains her promise to stay by your side until the extremely bitter end whatever may come

>Shakespeare gives a final support. The music changes to a hopeful one instead of the intense surging beat

"I shall turn myself into a blazing fire" Gywnn Dark Souls Style Ending. Face infinite waves of corrupted until you die. Final Scene is a field of wooden crosses staked into the ground, a graveyard while Cradle questions humanity's emotions and reasoning

"Not understanding anything doesn't mean this is a meaningless journey"

She curtsies "Thank you for the journey. I will hold every decision you've made close to my heart"

"I will cherish...no I will make the most of everything I've gained from you"
Meanwhile in reality Team Gray Raven is analyzing an abandoned city as the concentration of Punished Virus lowered because the RED TIDE SUBSIDED ON ITS OWN. Commandant find a writer's (Curse Qweller) journal and has it saved by the WGAA. While a manifestation of the virus watches the scene and wonder if 'his' wish was achieved
Bros I fell in love
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What the fuck is Cradle anyway?
Shes spoilers
What characters do you think they'll show off/do you want to see at the next CN livestream? Obviously they'll go in depth on whoever appears in the next beta, but then they'll probably tease at least 3 other upcoming characters. So we'll see an S-Rank, an A-Rank, another S-Rank, and possibly another A-rank or free S-rank before the 5th Anniversary. one of them will be male.
If we have to get a male I hope its Noctis, but theres no way they'd make him a lightning attacker/annihilator so it would ruin the Cerberus team. Alot of people are hoping for our 3rd Vera, which would be very cool, hope that greatsword concept art becomes real. Other than that, I want another Pulao, we need more cunny in general especially after eating so good hag wise with Bridget and Hangying.
with my dick
also she just keeps on reminding me about Celica. It's the braid isn't it
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Its her hidden strength that makes her seem so similar
Also both are Guides to the player. Tutorial/Story
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World Domination Discussion
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tithe all belongings to No.21, eternal service to my wife
I'm surprised at how many people use global chat in game. I can't think of anything else to say besides posting stickers which otherwise I never use.
I saw people actually discussing the warzone changes, shit was crazy
What changed in warzone?
Using an off element team does much worse damage now, you should always be matching the warzone areas element. This was basically always the case but its much more punishing now, you can thank Alpha for that.
oh is that why all my damage in Warzone fucking sucks now? gee thanks I only have a physical team online rn, guess I'll die
I thought that was changed since Nier to prevent it from becoming the nierzone?
Might have been an adjustment back then, but there was certainly another one.
Such is life, you'll catch up eventually.
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Going to breed and make more hetero sapiens
Don't you dare!
Purified by livlov
Rosetta and Mi amigo for the S frames. Yata & an obligatory new Kowloong character for the A frames.
rib's rib
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New warzone straight up removes newbies & f2ps with incomplete rosters from the competition pool, if you dont have full team of all 5 elements, you are fucked basically. Cant even get enough points for max rewards.
Eos may actually be a reality soon as we are bleeding players rapidly. NA server alone has lost at least 3k players in ex ppc since the start of 2024 (down from 9k to 6k), NA hero warzone went from 90+ brackets to 60 brackets. We have lost another 200 players since patch day, it's not looking good...
I know at least 20+ whales have moved on to wuwa, leaving top 30 in ex ppc vacant. It's actually so over, next sensor tower we are gonna be so dead
who do we blame
chinese money will subsidize the global server :)
We lost
cant' believe liv didn't come to save us when we needed her the most...
why liv
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Bought 2x Pass A and the BP, don't worry bros. No EOS yet
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Lillian lov
What the hell is 21's problem...
but warzone is not competitive. You only compete against yourself and the rewards for going into hero and above is negligible.
>I know at least 20+ whales have moved on to wuwa, leaving top 30 in ex ppc vacant. It's actually so over, next sensor tower we are gonna be so dead
youll just have to spend the eqquivalent of 20 whales, get your wallet ready doomsissy
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Bullshit, I've been able to get enough WZ scores for weeklies with just solo Lamia (+ 21 & Vera QTE bots) when I first started in JP sv, and with solo Hanying (+ Liv B) in CN sv, then later Hanying & Luna.
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/pgr/, where's our divegrass team... do we really not have an anon able to do the models for us?
I found some extracted in-game models but I don't know anything about 3D modeling nor animating so I can't do anything with them in Blender
Does divegrass actually need extracted in-game models?
Someone here had models ready, even a list of funny names but he had no idea about the strategy aspect of the actual game and nobody could/would help him here so I think he decided to stop trying.
global is at noctis patch bwo
next cycle is ice + dark, lots of people will get filtered
>doesn't bruteforce Warzone with a lighting team (or whatever team they built)
His doomposting is that newcuties doing that won't get many points, which is honestly irrelevant as they'll still get the BC rewards
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Noctis you fucking lighweight
the girl she met was no.20.
>60 brackets
no wonder this bracket was absolutely brutal
This is obviously a God Hand parody.
This isn't some mob right?
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Wait until next year.
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it is. The new chapter Global chapter has you fighting a handful of ex-Purifying Force assassins that joined the Forsaken
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Didn't even notice they had a second form
More like Rogue Ass
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Alpha bros, we are so back.
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Bianca's army really is full of a bunch of dorks
Why doesn't the merciful one fix the shit that's happening on earth?
Also, do we know if she's also fighting against an evil force in her own dimension?
Shes not allowed to, and its unknown
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*sexually assaults liv*
i bet she likes it
Who let Vanessa into Liv's room!?
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how do the constructs even get drunk tho
They just call it alcoholic electrolytes, maybe their systems start running slower based on a how their mind would perceive their tolerance.
>Why doesn't the merciful one fix the shit that's happening on earth?
bwo she is the reason why it's happening in the first place...
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How screwed would Noctis be if Karen was his tard wrangler instead of Vera?
I actually think he would've fixed karen instead
Why lov liv
i dont lov liv
i lov liv
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It's joever...
What a terrifying mail
You're being impeached next
wtf i was coming back tomorrow...
Who is the best bro from the male characters?
Noctis or Lee for sure, leaning Noctis just because hes more fun.
No such thing, in the Sagemachina we trust
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Wanshi patch music is up
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Shikikan bros...
Did VGS not do the boss theme this time around? I didn't hear the music from Shorthalt's fight in there.
Probably Kamui desu. Feel like he'd be fun to hang out with.
When does the beta start?
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The Qunny
>vanguard warzone
>still cant hit 900k
take me back... to lvl 79 and below...
can just run it on auto
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can we sex these?
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Wanshi patch mini album has 2 tracks
Mega link update:
I have moved everything except art book and OST to a new mega account, I left a text file containing the link to the second mega link
No. 21's Awooo song album (No. 21 JP's new model is still under training so I can't do that song yet)
Wanshi patch mini album
>Koikatsu cards
Bambinata in her cat outfit
Some WW Koikatsu cards I'm interested in:
Goddess Lucia
I could store more WW Koikatsu cards and even MMD models if there's demand for it. Anyone interested?
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You mean Bimbonata?
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what a slut
Can I request this song for Karenina
and this one for Nanami after you finish training her voice?
I didn't find a lossless file for Stone Ocean, but I hope it will sound good
I wonder what she would do if you didn't wake up. Stare at you from close? Fall asleep next to you? Sniff you? LICK you?
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*rapes you*
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No. 21 JP - Awooo (I don't know what this song is called in moonrunes so I just called it Awooo)
Karenina JP - STONE OCEAN (I can't find a lossless file but I found a high-res lossless file with "Mirura Jam", is that a cover?)
Nanami JP - Distant Dreamer
No. 21 JP - Still D.R.E
Version 2 with 21 singing the backup vocals.
Their new models is definitely better than their old models. RVC will be able to extract pitch properly when you use a high quality (studio recordings, extracted game files) to make dataset for training. Next will be Pulao and Qu.
No. 21, Encore, Nanami JP - The Next Episode
>[Outro: Nanami]
Hold up, hey
For my niggas who be thinkin' we soft, we don't play
We gonna rock it 'til the wheels fall off
Hold up, hey
For my niggas who be actin' too bold, take a seat
Hope you ready for the next episode
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Smoke weed every day
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>No. 21 JP - Awooo
Sounds really good especially those Awooos, glad to see it turn out so well despite the layered vocals.
>No. 21 JP - Still D.R.E
>No. 21, Encore, Nanami JP - The Next Episode
Definite improvement, No.21 still got it.
Thanks again for all your efforts Anon.
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Selector funds secured
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Thank you anon, Nanami sounds really beautiful singing. I am not the one who requested Awooo but those were some good awoos!
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I open the event at least twice a day just to see that, that head tilt as her expression softens just a little as she recognises you and begins to unconsciously smile! cute!
Yea, I'm going to impregnate
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Same, but I want to look at it even after the event is gone so I recorded it
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Thank you for your service, its in my folder for eternity now
The Cerberus event is permanent, or at least was re-added as permanent node in a later update? CN version still has that Cerberus mode.
>Shadow of the Erdtree is only a few hours away-
>Retards already posted full final boss + ending on youtube, completed with spoilers in titles and thumbnails
>Youtube also auto play those videos as you scroll pass them
What the fuck bwos...
Fucking RIP, I've gone full radio silence on any ER content weeks in advance, hid any and all related videos or content from my feed.
We need more team synergies so I can pair up Haicma with Nanami and not gimp my team.
Bro just get off and play it. You are not safe on 4chan either. I got jumped on unrelated threads.
Its not out for another 3 hours bro, I basically only spent alot of time on /pgr/ anyway. You guys wouldn't spoil me, right bwo?
Good thing I'm in complete burnout of soulsgames kek
dumbledore died btw
I couldnt get into elden ring. I don't mind tough boss fights, but the combat in that game is so slow and clunky, it's just not fun for me.
how big are s rank cubs?
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Depends on the CUB, some are the size of a big bike, others the size of a medium dog
On EU we lost approx 20% of playerbase in the last 3 months. We are dying. DYING. Dead game. EOS soon.
According to my calculations we gained 21% more players
Uh-huh, that's why my 1% in Adv PPC and 5% in EX PPC lowered so much
so 5 people left?
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Next frame got leaked via a merch listing

Lucia - Oath of Flaming Light
hope its an attacker
>Another fire frame
Uncle BTFO
new light element let's gooo
chat is this real
no nanami no whale
what about 5th anniversary...
Playable Shikikan
wtf... I bet the next thing you're gonna tell me is that snape killed dumbledore
S Sophia
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don't talk to me or my son ever again
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>S Sophia
let it go bro it's over...
Sophia lov
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She'll shine again... someday.
sexy ribs
It’s lucia’s time to shine
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New Lucia will be using a giant scissor
Oh yeah, it's Clock Tower time
What is going on with her hair.
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How are you seeing Lucia in that?
looks like a new character to me desu
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Only Nina coating left to obtain
damn Lucia fell off
I love Liv Lov and 21.
livlov is the type of girl who will say it's okay after getting rejected and then kill herself afterward
Not before killing us first
It could be worse, she could nice boat us (Tempest would probably do that).
Your expectations for new Lucia? I'm hoping for new element (again), Dawn 2 and armpit sex
ascendant dawn
I want brawlers, man… like changwho but actually good
So Noctis?
Yes, but female and a 6*
The return of Lotus (Plume still exists as the third Lucia)
Looks like it's trying to mimic Vera Rozen
Did my meds stop working or did they update Qu's ending screen voice line
Seems >male
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How to fix WW:
>One sweep stage to dump all wave plate for currency
>One shop to buy everything with said currency, including 5* Echoes, every upgrade materials, 4* weapons, Echo sets
>Weeklies, and fast
>One patch for one 5* character with 4* character patches in-between, 1.2 should be a 4* patch
>5* char debut banner 100% rate up
>4* characters free and farmable
>Dailies and weeklies gives enough Astrite to guarantee every new 5* char released
>3 coating versions for base coating
>Free coatings
>More coatings
>Gacha coatings (with custom background & music for like Resonators menu, login menu)
>Jukebox to pick & play music in open world
>In-game map & tracker for collectibles
>Dorm with full size characters, no chibis
>No. 21 expy with a Chibiko expy
>Weeklies, and fast
Where do I even get the thing there? I feel like just going around the world isn't enough
Hey this all sounds really familiar
>Dorm with full size characters, no chibis
Fuck you Chibis are soul
They all look the fucking same, despite No. 21 looking cute
Chibis are cute but we need a better dorm. Use chibis in events
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Why does google translate struggle with arabic and asian languages?
less data im assuming
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Pulao is doing her stretches!
why is Pulao so erotic
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Theres a few reasons
Pulao owes me sex
pgr won
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Lucia bros... is she okay?
she's becoming a demon...liv save us...
Could this be it? Super Lucia is coming? With the fire element, maybe?
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>Fire frame
Short hair Lucia's gonna become canon
Delete and spoiler that anon!
I actually realized I forgot to tick Spoiler after clicking post
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You're all wrong
>Dawn 2: Electric Boogaloo
Could it be... The return of Lotus?
All good homie
Holy shit extremely lickable tummy
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why is she dressing like that
Her hair looks a bit more brown now
livbros....is this the end of Empyrea?
My wife replaced liv lov.
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I never knew Lucia was such a lewd woman
those are some loooooong twintails goddamn
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She's gonna be attacker r-right?
Is the bottom one the generic, or is that going to be for her coating?
>Lucia's finally going to have an ass
A little too much white desu. I wasn't a fan of how Empyrea erased all of Liv's pink either.
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>other weapon is black and red
Get ready to buy that coating bro
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>Ploom new frame

I has been waiting forever for this
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So Lucia's going to be caught in a timeloop?
>The strange forest is swallowing up the lost people... The thick fog is spreading again.
>The number of times I have experienced this cycle on this road, I can't seem to remember anymore...
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The awakening portrait looks like she might have slightly more red on her.
Hopefully her chapter explains this outfit cause it's just too out of place
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>bright orange glow in her eyes and whatever that is on her chest
>forest time loop
What has she done...
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New Lucia looks like she'd go well with her sister's coating
>Dawn 2
I >>482877161 WON!
lucia PUTA
mi no habla espanyol
veinte uno lov
s sophia next
>Open world coop
>Coop in any mode
>NPCs talk less but straight to the point, like From's NPCs
>Renegade dialogue choices
>Noctis expy, electro DPS to pair with Yinlin electro sub-dps and No. 21 expy electro healer. Forming an electro Cerberus expy team
>Verina vs Encore, Verina's Wood Golem Jutsu, Deep Forest Emergence vs Encore's Wooly Perfect Susanoo, Woolies Summoning Jutsu
>Ditch China region and the trio after 1.2 and move to Black Shores/New Federation, then other nations or even planets other than Solaris-3 (Nanami hitch you a ride to PGR's Earth on the Awakened Machines spaceship for an event before Ishmael throw you to Sweet Yummy Planet, in a star system based on Space Odyssey system, where you meet the No. 21 expy)
>Make the opposite gender Rover canon later in the story somehow, fighting your chosen Rover
>Eden Festival
>Sophia expy (Dancer coating included)
>>Noctis expy, electro DPS to pair with Yinlin electro sub-dps and No. 21 expy electro healer. Forming an electro Cerberus expy team
anon, we don't have a Vera expy yet. I'd rather have one first before we can make a Ceberus team. and no, Yinlin isn't one unless you didn't read The Last Spark, Vera's interlude and Yinlin's quest and realized they share almost nothing in common...
I know, but is there any room for a real Vera expy?
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What the fuck did they mean by this
do we even have an expy at the moment? at best, there's characters like Jinshi who look like they mixed Luna and Bambi's design together but she still has 0 things alluding to one. I guess there's not Lucia but does she even count? I don't see them adding Ceberus expies unless they completely whitewash them
>Vera is a dick towards SKK but isn't completely antagonistic. has onscreen kills, even if they're nameless gooks
>21 has serious issues, self explanatory with her interlude
>Noctis worked for the Purifying Force, Babylonia's personal cleanup squad
a story doesn't have to be "gray" in order to be good but compared to Wuwa, PGR is far more nuanced with it's writing. this could change when they actually have the setting be "post-apocalyptic" (and not just a shittier version of Genshin's Liyue) but we'll see. if they don't get their story writing together by 1.6, I don't see myself reading any of it
Twintails in the battlefield!
need liv expy
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They shouldn't have gone to the extreme opposite direction when rewriting the story, the entire Jinzhou acted like retards in beta and will make us hate them in the end, but now it's too safe and boring. Jinzhou got brutal mogged by other factions like Black Shores (Aalto, Encore, Camellya) and Fantastique something something (Scar, Phrolova). Do you notice that the story becomes bad whenever Yangyang is on screen?
It would be funny if they double down on the beta story and have Chixia pulled a Fallout New Vegas and actually shot us in the head before leaving. This could still happen later in the story when we reach the end of the Jinzhou arc, where it is revealed that they have hidden motives and betray us. Then we are saved by someone, and now we're on our own.
>this could change when they actually have the setting be "post-apocalyptic" (and not just a shittier version of Genshin's Liyue) but we'll see
I got to max bond with Verina today and her story talks about how the New Federation isn't nearly as nice as Jinzhou, with people competing for food and stuff, so maybe theres suffering to look forward to it.
So when will we have a new Verina frame where she return to New Federal, shows the full potential of her powers, growing trees and fruits for her people to eat?
Then Encore managed controls New Federal's Sentinel with her Cutenessgan, wrap it with her Wooly Susanoo and fight Verina in battle?
Then Encore is presumed dead until 10 patches later she returns in a new frame with powers stolen from Verina (Verina's cells) in that battle and awakened the next level of her Cutenessgan?
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can anyone tell me/predict when does the 100% S rank select banner start exactly? like as soon as the patch starts or do we have to wait for some anni events first?
The last 100% S rank banner selector I saw was on Ayla patch and started a week after that. Dunno if the anni one will be different
>started a week after that
nyooo... I hope it comes out as soon as the patch starts for anni...
I like souls games but ever since Bloodborne, the combat has gotten faster, at least with bosses. It worked in Bloodborne because the mechanics gave you a ton of stamina to dash dodge all over the place. DS3 and Elden Ring on the other hand keep the ultra fast anime style bosses while gimping the player character to fat rolling everywhere. It's honestly fucking irritating. Let's have some other kinds of movement/dodging animations/mechanics to fit different play styles/builds.
livlov will never be replaced
why is it always livlov and never livhate
ER should have gotten Bloodborne dash when locked-on, and gun parry, those are satisfying af. And blood effects, enemies bleeds out tons of blood when hit and soak your armor in blood entirely after killing enough enemies
>gave you a ton of stamina to dash dodge all over the place
Not enough in FRC Chalice Dungeon
Should WW have FRC Chalice Dungeon?
Stamina in PGR should regen as fast Bloodborne
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there is no such thing as livhate silly, you can only lov liv and beyond
Liv Ai Kayano lov
Liv Miku Itou hate
Ai Kayano never fit Liv, hot take. Miku is a way better fit.
same, old Liv sounds like a hag most of the time
Shit taste
loliv is the only good liv
some of you niggas are lying about loving liv
Livindifference. I can take her or liv her.
we NEED a bingo!
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Place your bets on new lucia's class/element
Lightning tank
Shhh no more suffering, only dreams now
Forgot this, they said we could actually play with this?
Idk if you already knew, but we're getting an S selector for the standard banner when Lamia's patch rolls out
new light element
We already have Void element, another element will bloat the game more than it already has
>empyrea is fixed
i know that it had a lot of emotional impact in the story but please for the love of god just let her wear it normally
let all my retards use their hyperadvanced frames
light element would breathe new life into pgr
Nice new element you got there. It would be a shame there are no stages and bosses for it.
How good will Alisa's damage be?
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>Vera - "Hmm, just some normal chocolate? What about adding some... Hah. I promise this is harmless, Com-man-dant."
>No.21 - "Captain said this could be useful... I should put a little more..."
>Noctis - "Hah, let me mix all this stuff! Surely you can count on me!"
No.21 no, thats cacao not cocoa thats just the beans!
Elemental is an outdated design, it's always not actually elements and doesn't make any sense, ice is not a fucking element. Most of the time it doesn't affect the environment and enemies, fire (which is not an element) should burn the stage, and setting enemies on fire, burning them to death, reduce them to ashes.
What even is "Void element"?
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>fire should burn the stage
Well anon! From Teddy patch onward every character will have an "Effect" that matches their element and offers unique properties.
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new frame was leaked fwens aka a new Lucia frame for the anons that care ideally it'd be another Annihilator like Luna but considering It's Kuro, I wouldn't be surprised if it was an attacker
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Where have you been?
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I had some personal matters to handle and I didn't see it until you pointed it out anon hahaha...
so who does the belly better? lucia? or lucia? CAST YOUR VOTES NOW!!!!
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Tentatively voting for Lucia, but I'll have to see some full artwork of that tummy to make sure
In this economy?
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Look who it is!
My problem with it is she doesn't look like an android and the outfit just doesn't look sci-fi.
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Pic rel is my only amigo
Thats an amiga you fool
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please fucking god, don't be a fire attacker and allow us to run a full Gray Raven team like Cerberus is allowed to, that's all I want and need from Kuro: more squads actually working together like they do in the story
She can't be a tank due to Watanabe being too soon, so yea, either attacker or amp. Liv or Lee are going out.
She is going to be the same thing Luna is.
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It doesn't feel right for Lucia to be anything other than attacker/annihilator
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I wish I had a limited edition Babylonia squad figurine...
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>That lickable tummy
>he doesn't know
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Really is just Dawn 2.0
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So if Lucia's the 4.5 anni character? Who do they have saved for the big number 5?
it's either liv or ww collab
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DMC collab time
Evil Selena
>Lucia · Sworn Flame
>Attribute - Fire
>Frame type - Attacker
>Weapon - Light Pattern Katana
>Effect - Electric Beam
>"Captain of the Gray Raven Squad, Lucia, thank you for your guidance. Let's go, Commandant, we still have a lot to do together."

>*The 4.5th anniversary preview special program will start at 19:00 on June 29th. Commanders, please pay attention to the subsequent developments for more intelligence.
also wtf is electric beam
Shooting beam from her sword maybe
Livbros liv for another year
Yikes male fans are not going to like this.
>Fire Attacker
Cerberus wins again. Still the only team with actual cohesion.
Continuing the GR pattern, there has never been a Gray Raven tank
Never forget that Gray Raven has always been a 2 Attackers 1 Support team
Gray Raven event is gonna be so fucking fire bros
Alpha bros. The leap is the result of not betraying her. You didn't betray right?
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pgrtwit is going to have a misogynistic melty.
This shits hilarious, Lee is like a year old, and Wata is extremely meta. I roll for males myself and even I'm not this delusional
Lee has actually been out about 2 years, I saw It coming eventually but fine it funny it's Lucia replacing him.
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>noooooooooo you're not allowed to run 2 attackers and 1 amplifier you need a tank!!!
I will run the gray raven trio without a tank, I will clear all game modes with them, and I will have fun.
Seriously why are people on reddit and bilibili crying about powercreep and males being shafted? Just use whoever you want it's a pve lmao

Also, we get all characters for free in this game, so it's not like you have to plan your pulls and skip your favorite constructs for meta characters...
faggot lobotomy, a lot of people actually skip characters for reasons not understandable to me
>twintials patch
>those pants
>gonna have to swipe for her sig
My changli money....
Bros I've been slacking for the past month, am I bricked for the vending machine if I only started it today?
It's been out for like a week? I'm 12k/20k on the 2nd part, so I think it's doable. You have 20 more days
Bro Lucia's not coming to global for another year and a half...
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I can't believe that bitch Lucia is trying to slutcreep Alpha...
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lucky you, I'm on cn and ran out of skulls too, it's over for me
>More mechanical parts
>is completely forgotten about
Apparently JP and KR artists are mad at the new Lucia frame.
Who cares
more like nanagone
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Now that they've officially revealed her, how do you guys feel about the new Lucia design?
Shes cute, and stylish. Love me some twintails.
Unexpected, but I like it
Lickable belly.
The white outfit just ain't it, this is a downgrade
I love design but I feel her animations will make it even better.
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Wonder how involved these things will be, if they are a part of the frame anyway
Alpha slutcreep Alpha.
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replacement for her back thruster maybe?
Assless chaps seems to be the new coats without pants.
I hope we get some nice "interaction" in the main menu.
Why are people butthurt about lucia replacing lee, when most gacha games power creep characters every couple of months, when characters in pgr get a year or two before being being replaced?
Its a mix of fujos, homos and mentally unwell character worshippers AKA Twitter Users. Its understandable to be sad about Lee being replaced especially if he was your favourite character, but calling this the last straw and quitting PGR is full blown retarded.
I wanted them to be on a team together...
I don't care that she's replacing Lee specifically, but Fire's been getting a lot of attention lately and pushing out some characters a little too early for their own good, when some elements could really use a new slot in for some of its classes by now (Vera Garnet is a Gen 1 unit)
But they are a team together...
I'm looking forward to the team event
I find it funny that pgrtwit thinks that fan artists are the lifeblood that are keeping pgr alive.
What's funny is that Lee is a year old, while Nanamech got powercrept by Watanabe in a couple of months, and nobody made a stink about it. Also, PGR fans love to doompost only when a female character gets released. They did it with Bridget, they did it with Hanying, and are now doing it with Lucia.
Anon, Watanabe came out a year and a half after Nanamech.
>nobody made a stink about it
I'm pretty sure a lot of people made a stink about it, it was a really big deal
I've seen some people complain about the lack mechanical parts (minus the back), but I don't get why. IMO, some of PGR's best designs are the ones that don't place nearly as much of an emphasis on the mechanical aspects of the Constructs.
Retards, they keep fucking whining about fucking everything (they are whining that Lucia's new design is too fanservicey now) and then when Kuro releases a male character it becomes a fucking flop everytime, these faggots get what they fucking deserve, if anything the fact that Kuro still releases male characters is them being way too nice, any other company would've completely stopped releasing male characters or just remove every one of them and go full waifu instead, they are so fucking entitled that it's actually insane.
Wasn't it only on the CN side? EN and JP didn't care, and you didn't have artists quitting en mass because their favorite character got powercrept.
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Its a valid complaint, we haven't had anything like Rosetta in a long time, and Lucia has had a robo ass since the Dawn days
Nah, it's a shit one. Kuro focused so much on making their Constructs look as dark and gritty as possible, with metal bits constantly sticking out of them, that we eventually got designs like Abystigma and Epitaph.
it was definitely pretty strong on CN, saw a lot of comments about the timing for it on EN when it happened there mirroring their thoughts but since we haven't gone through it yet, there's less of an agency to it
I don't think it was ever about "my favorite character got powercrept" but rather "this character should not have been powercrept this fast" which I feel is at least somewhat valid
I couldn't tell you shit about artists quitting because of it but I know a lot of people that were convinced that it was some kind of bad omen for the future
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>goes on leddit
>not a single soul bitches about Lee getting "powercrept"
>goes on /pgr/
>no melty to be seen
>open pgrtwt
>retards screeching about how they hate their female audience
are these people able to dress themselves in the morning? I've seen people quit the game over it but I don't see why. no one was throwing a fit over Watanabe replacing Nanami yet Lee getting replaced (you still need 2 teams in the actual hard content for fuck's sake) suddenly makes them experts on the game. as >>483105275 said, these people will have a melty over it. none of these dumb fucks even READ the stories on CN so they wouldn't even know who is eligible for a new frame and who isn't besides the tweets from the ones covering CN. god, I hate that some fujos are actually reasonable because they will also be assumed to be one of those retards. understandable if they want males, I actually like them in PGR with Wata being a personal favourite, but shitting and crying over. the only fixes would be to increase the release of characters (no), A-rank and S-rank patches returning (no) or going a 50/50 route (which would just hurt the story). it makes me happy to see these people getting filtered desu

anyways, I hope we get an S rank tank Noctis or Noan desu. I want to see what they're going to do with the latter
Is BRS coming to global?
yes, after the Lamia banner
>Nanamech got powercrept by Watanabe in a couple of months
Are you confusing Nanami's Global release and her CN release? Cause she was definitely around for a lot longer than a few months. If we go by amount of characters released between them and their replacements. Nanami had 14 patches of relevency while Lee had 15.
they're still a minority considering how much bitching I've seen on Xitter + the reception of it not coming down to "PGR sucks dick" but rather disappointment bwo. I would've rather had a Fire Annihilator but it is what it is
I really, really hope everyone from that terrible idea gets freed from Uniframe hell, they all deserve actual units
Just run 2 attackers and liv lov simple as that.
Live Love!
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I'm peacing out I guess, have been considering it for a while now cause I haven't liked any of the CN female designs in a long time. Was hoping a new Vera would eventually change my mind, but at this point I think I would probably dislike whatever new design they give her, considering how painfully bland and generic Lucia looks, farewell bros
sex with white haired woman
which one
>Crying about muh males being ignored
>The patch after Wanshi got released
Kuro is odd. they're able to deliver with amazing designs such as Bridgette, Lamia or Wata but then we also get generic slop like Hangying, Alisa or Ayla...
Unfortunately for me Lamia is when I started losing faith in them, wasn't paying that much attention to CN up until then but I really disliked the new Lamia cause it practically isn't Lamia anymore. If that's considered one if the better recent designs, I most definitely am not getting the kind of fuckable robots I first picked this up for.
any of them
yes I'm that desperate
>Good design
Please. Epitaph was an absolute atrocity.
I recommend the one with the quirky one liners.
I honestly didn't pay any attention when he dropped cause I was already zoned out, I don't even remember what he looks like off the top of my head. Just didn't want to comment on male designs cause I haven't been paying enough attention to them to have an opinion.
Don’t disrespect my wife’s wife
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A lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one, but Epitaph embodies what I hate about modern PGR designs. It's an attempt to make the character look dark and gritty, with mechanical parts sticking out all over the place. It's also the reason why I don't like Abystigma's design either, and think her coatings fit her much better.
Not a huge fan. This feels more like something I would see as a coating rather than a base frame
not really excited about modern PGR gameplay anymore, too many ult cutscenes, characters dealing gazillions damage at SSS rank while sig gates half the qol. F2Ps have 0 chance
is it over?
f2p never stood a chance
Even if hyperreal had released 3 years ago pgrtwit would still complain even if it’s the minority.
It is not hilarious. It all boils down to Kuro being ex-mihoyoshitters and still practicing the same retarded ideas. Absolutely everybody that recognize the community for what it is realized that there is going to be a shitstorm because of Lucia being released as a fire attacker. No matter what Kuro cannot seem to be able to please the majority of people and always end up fucking themselves up which is hilarious in a way.

Yeah, she could have been some new element, yeah she could have been a tank, yeah she could have been whatever it is to tanks that amplifiers is to supports. But they didn't bother with it. How hard is it to start releasing content with mixed damage requirements? Zones that are fire and dark or fire and ice? And it would not only refresh the game a bit but also help newbies because they would feel pressured into building mono teams. What even is void? Why did they release it?
the newest warzone update introduced a mixed element zone already
>no armpit reveal
what the fuck. armpits has been a lucia thing since dawn
People would have been mad either way. If Lucia is a Fire Attacker, she powercreeps Lee. If she's a Fire Tank, she powercreeps Watanabe. If she's Void, then that means she can't be placed with Lee and Liv, thus no Gray Raven team. If she were made any other element, people would complain about their favorite character being powercrept. Lucia was always going to get bashed, something I predicted back when Wanshi's patch started. There's absolutely no element or class that they could have made her that would satisfy everyone.
Not making Lee a tank in the first place was a mistake (B tank instead of Nanami).
S rank males was a mistake, keeping males to A rank only (with equal A rank females) is fine.
Wata should have never been a fire tank to begin with so Lucia could be a fire tank
Off yourself, troon.
The funnier part is that she will most likely do more damage than Lee because kurofags are incapable of baiting people any other way but it will still be an overkill for like 70% of the content.
The fujobucks will never come, every S rank male was a flop >>483121216 I don't want to remove male characters
they're saving her for the 7 year anniversary (it will EOS before then)
i hate how musk pushes these fucking retards into my feed and i hate myself for clicking on one of those posts and reading the most braindead comments
>the only reason male banners flop is because kuro doesnt put effort into them and they release more female banners. if they released more male banners they'd earn as much as the females
i refuse to believe these people are real, have to be bots
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>if they released more male banners they'd earn as much as the females
EoS Speedrun, motherfucker I lol'd hard
They don't know what they're talking about, if anything, male patches have to be on point or it's just a garbage update. Meanwhile they could rehash alpha and bianca 4 times with garbage story and shitty skins every single time and retards will still slurp it up.
They often love using Mihomo as an example, as that's the default one for every retard when they have no argument.
>B-But some fujohomos bought a yacht for Tartaglia
Yeah, and? Mihomo is the Disney of China. Every single normalfaggot is drawn to them. PGR, even after five years, has never and will never manage to reach those heights. And the funniest thing is that they are now trying to invalidate male players because some fujo gacha makes a lot of money, which is one of out hundreds.
even in mihomo games the dudes earn way less than girls, the marketing team pics with rooms full of merch dont prove much
The funniest part is that they also love to talk about how Lee's merch sold out thanks to fujo whales, yet his banner did terribly. Where are all the fujobucks exactly? Even WuWa ended up the same way. Jiyan's banner nearly tanked WuWa on launch, and Yinlin's banner saved it.
Fujofags are even lucky to get male characters in Pgr compared to honkai impact
her skin will be black and red, I feel like Kuro is doing this now where the first skin looks closer to the original design. See Lamia, Bianca, Luna
>farewell bros
You can leave pgr without leaving /pgr/ you know?
I would probably be too perpetually salty to talk about anything, and my phone is too much of a potato for wuwa. They made Lamia ugly, they made Qu ugly, Lucia also becoming ugly is the last straw
>They made Lamia ugly, they made Qu ugly, Lucia also becoming ugly is the last straw
Are you blind? Next thing you'll tell me is that Rosetta is peak female character design.
most homosexual post i've had the displeasure of reading
They look generic, you can lap up your generic gacha game slop but pgr just ain't for me anymore
So what's a non-generic design in PGR?
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What, so you can call them generic in turn? I already mentioned all the characters I liked, so go ahead. I just haven't liked the design aesthetic in a really long time, ain't nothing I can do about that
nta but a frame like lamias would be difficult to implement considering even nanamech got duped
Nanamech never got a fucking skin! So much potential wasted! I fucking hate Kuso!!!
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I mean this one was right there, it's an awesome design and recognizably Lamia. But instead they went for the more generic bimbo look that isn't even anything like the sickly girl I liked to begin with, that's her canon look now and I hate it. Qu didn't even have an alternate coating I liked more than her sauceless design.
The next liv is gonna have slutty design at this rate...
golden microbikini on high heels please
Amplifier Liv was already a step back in sluttiness
for me it was seeing the absolute melties of the fujo/yumes on twitter
they are absolutely losing their shit about how a 2 year old unit, the literal weakest of his class, being replaced
its crazy enough for a character to not be power crept for years but hyperreal was always flawed compared to the other gen 2s
hell why do they even care if they're not super competitive warzone
it's not like he got deleted from the game
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>hell why do they even care if they're not super competitive warzone
they should all get lee s+ to show their appreciation
You should stop using twitter desu
i used it mainly for art but musk has unironically ruined it
cant look at artists like to find new art
if you use the for you tab to hope to find new art you get bombarded with retarded shit that isnt art
Keep chugging that diarrhea, my dude
we lost another 200 players in NA ex ppc...
how do we save pgr from this
Noan will definitely get a new version eventually.
They outright stated that he was Omega Frame compatible in his own debut chapter so Kuro already knew for sure by that point the whole uniframe thing was dead In the water when they pushed him out the door as our very last one.
Luna also expressed interest in wanting to rebuild Roland's frame just like she did with Lamia so he's another possible candidate for an S-rank soon.

Which would just leave us with Camu, Pulao, and Haicma not having new frame hints.
I had to block so many damn accounts to get my feed looking somewhat decent. Every other post was either political grifters, celebrity drama, or soccer, subjects I have literally never expressed any interest in. The Not Interested button also doesnt work for shit.
Being objective as you can manage, and setting aside the amount of time/money/horny you have invested, how would you rate the PGR story?
I want to start your game, and I like VNs, but if it's 100+ hours of mediocre storytelling then I'll just buy another light novel
>Being objective as you can manage, and setting aside the amount of time/money/horny you have invested, how would you rate the PGR story?
>I want to start your game, and I like VNs, but if it's 100+ hours of mediocre storytelling then I'll just buy another light novel
its really good if you skip the first few chapters, theyre quite uninspired and directionless, besides that its a good read which peaked in survival lucem (for me at least)
chapter 1-11: mid
chapter 12-14: decent
chapter 15-17: amazing, especially 17
chapter 18-current: good/great
I'm not qualified to answer you please share some light novels, or at least one you really like
if you like suffering porn, you're gonna like it
>fire attacker
liv bros, sleener bros we won
I love suffering porn as long as it isn't NTR
I'll check it out
What are you into?
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The only ones who are using the term bimbo are retarded fujos, who are the same type of people that goon to Camu.
white/black/gold is a great aesthetic and the return of the twin tails was long awaited
i think lucia won
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Those two in particular changed so drastically compared to their day one designs
me personally, i like 'em all
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Chapter 1 to 8 are awful and have some inconsistent characterization with later chapters, but at least they go down fast. Then it's a couple of mid chapters followed by two pretty good ones and things start to get better from there. I'd say that the themes of the game consolidate from chapter 13 on: there's a lot of suffering porn like >>483165652 said, but I feel that a theme of the game is that there is still light at the end of the tunnel and that there is a point to the shit the characters have to go through.

I'd say overall it's a 7/10, nothing crazy good but I'm usually satisfied after reading the story. The presentation is iffy until you get way further down the line, though, and even then there's a lot of unvoiced standing portraits talking at each other.
Looking at them only makes me realize another thing. The designs look like they are from a generic fantasy JRPG rather than a post-apocalyptic setting. Bianca, in particular, can be put in just about any of them, and she'd fit. She doesn't feel like she's part of an elite spec ops unit; she's just a JRPG boss. As much as I love Bianca, this just doesn't fit. And Abystigma isn't even a bad design; it just feels out of place in PGR.
Haicma is easy, the Church of Machina Civil War plot haven't been resolved, Hanying patch only continues it. Just have Haicma getting fatal wounded by a Machine, like how Schultz almost killed Hanying in Qu patch, then get her a new frame like Hanying.
Pulao and Camu is much harder. Maybe when the civil war escalated further in new Haicma patch, Pulao for some reason follow Hanying (hard to justify, she has her own duty, doesn't have any affiliation with the Church and doesn't follow Hanying everywhere) and get fatal wounded by a Machine. Hanying bring her to Kowloong to get her a new frame. Then Nanami will be forced to kill a Machine this time and escalates the war even further.
I don't have any ideas for Camu, maybe Cradle upgrade him to be her Agent in the Punishing's own civil war between Cradle and Ascnet.
Fantasy, romance, thriller, mystery
Pulao is harder to fit story-wise but she's definitely getting an Omniframe sooner or later, Kuro likes her a lot as do I, because she's my wife, so they'll find a way to give her something new one way or the other
>Anything in the "Monogatari" series
>The Apothecary Diaries
Falls under all of those throughout the series
>Ascendance of a Bookworm
As good as Apothecary, but targeted towards a slightly younger audience. Still excellent.
This is a great romance series that pretends to be a post-apocalyptic survival mecha story for the first couple of books

Keeping in mind that most LNs are slop that I slurp up for a book or two regardless of quality, that's what I'd recommend off the bat in those categories.
They all have anime adaptations if you prefer that, but I don't usually watch something when I have the option to read it instead.
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>Uniframes in need of an Omniframe update
>Old characters in need of a frame upgrade to make them relevant again
>An ever increasing list of characters stuck in NPC hell
There's no saving this, regardless of who gets the spotlight people will complain about someone else
Wait a minute, what about Selena? How would she escape the Uniframe jail? Capriccio is only an old copy lore-wise.
Pulao will become a jade beauty, and she will need (You) for double cultivation so she can finally breakthrough beyond the bottleneck called "uniframe"
>the Church of Machina Civil War plot haven't been resolved
Bro your Ark Beyond progression?
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Without giving spoilers. Nanami stopped Trailblazer from soloing Babylonia. But now some Church member and a bunch of Awakened Machines nearly wipe Kowloong and Qu from the map. Then Hanying recovered with a new frame made by the Church using Kowloong technology and fought another Church member.
Haicma should be next.
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CN players aren't happy with New Lucia either. They're making their own redesigns cause they don't like how she looks
I think I'd also like a little more military aesthetic for her, but we have zero context for the design right now so I'll have to see what way the story moulds it.
>CN players
*fujos and yumes
Most of the female, from what I've seen. Complaining about the sexualization. Also, I really hate this "mechanical limbs" meme that got pushed by 2nd Gen designs. Most people have completely forgotten how 1st Gen designed looked like.
Thank you very much anon
>They all have anime adaptations if you prefer that, but I don't usually watch something when I have the option to read it instead
I like watching anime, but I prefer reading the source material first before watching the anime adaptation, if possible.
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What this drama has taught me is that Kuro are spineless cowards who desperately wanted to appeal to every demographic possible, only to fail miserably. Fujos and yumes are unhappy because their husbandos aren't getting enough attention. Waifufags are unhappy because they have to share a space with those rejects, and the game can never fully go (you) pandering without alienating everyone else. Meta sweat lords will always be pissed because their favorite character gets powercrept too quickly, and Kuro has no idea how to properly balance their games. The game can't even draw in new players because the earlier chapters are still garbage. PGR is forever cursed to be in limbo, and the community will always tear itself apart with every new patch, all because Kuro couldn't make up their minds on what wanted to do with their damn game. Hell, even the Commandant being a genderless blob is proof of that, despite him being written like a male protagonist.
bottom right is genuinelly horrendous
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quick question is this a girl or a boy?
You just described every omnipandering gacha
Yandere Miquella
trap don't fall for it
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>Also, I really hate this "mechanical limbs" meme that got pushed by 2nd Gen designs. Most people have completely forgotten how 1st Gen designed looked like.
mechanical limbs have been a thing since day one.
>Another Lucia
lmao this game is dead
Half-anniversary stream:
Solon executing fujos and yumes employees live
>another Lucia
we have literally not had a Lucia in 3 years
>inb4 hurr durr Alpha
I did, but Kuro is the most egregious case. At least Mihomo doesn't try to pretend like their gachas are dating sims for waifufags. Hell, they barely, if ever, do (you) panderng. Kuro, on the other hand, has every Construct be head over heels for us, but they clearly have a bias towards the female ones, as we only have two meta male characters, and the rest are female. Not to mention that for every male patch we get a year, we also get six female ones. There's a clear bias, and it would have been much easier if Kuro just went the full waifu pandering route, but they couldn't commit to it. The problem now is that both sides are unsatisfied, and the game has been bleeding players for some time. Now even artists are starting to quit. PGR is a five-year-old game. It's not going to magically attract new players, especially with those terrible eight chapters at the start. If your gacha doesn't grow in the first two years, it's not going to grow in its fifth year. It will only go downhill from there unless Kuro finds a stable demographic to rely on.
It's time for Kuro to focus on the waifu audience, confirm male Commandant and go full eroge with PGR, with full romantic routes to pick for every girl with off-screen sex to avoid CCP, update oath system, new affection stories, make a new safe-for-CCP Koikatsu mode.
Keep the male characters, in fact I want them to make a chapter where we go full Gears of War campaign with the bros. Just hanging out with the boys and doing badass stuff together.
>Gary: Control, this is Delta, we are riding on a Hetero-Creature.
>Celica: You what?
Gears of War 2 was peak Gears
the problem is that even the male constructs are for (You) so it feels pretty gay for a waifufag
i dont really mind too much
I do prefer more red accents
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fix'd your Lucia design ;)
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That chapter was so long bros, but atleast I had sex with Ayla
Yes I wish their was more red in her design but most these are trash. (Fujofags). Plus after the 4.5 livestream this will disappear like every other pointless drama.
4.5 stream is going to tease the characters for the next half a year and were all going to clap
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Correction is needed
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"oh no all these artists are leaving"
>actual PGR fan artists
Bottom right is some Rose of Versailles shit, it's supposed to be a frame for battle, not for attending a dance for noble families. The dark one has good leg design, the rest is a bit too undetailed to judge properly but at least it's a step in the right direction
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This is gonna be my fire team next year. I don't give a shit about being able to clear stages 0.2s faster
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You are based.
nta but im diamonds right now
The 21fag(s) have been awfully quiet the past couple of days...
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I was posting yesterday! I just don't like posting during "drama" because nobody is acting right. Its not a healthy environment for my wife.
Look how much they have grown...
When Lucia's new frame is in action, the drama will subside like always.
I lov gay raven
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21 posters just want to have a good time with our wifedaughter. We're just biding our time waiting for the weekend tourists to leave and the kids stop having their temper tantrums. I wanted to deliver meds earlier but I changed my mind and decided to wait for the new thread to do so instead
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What did she mean by this
why is she drooling?
Because it was a lot
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wtf I didn't know 21 connoisseurs were this mature
I won't be happy either when the most boring concept gets chosen.
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I don't see a new bread
sorry I already ate it so somebody got to make another one
Lucia killed pgr...

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