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/Civ4xg/ - 4x, RTS, citybuilder, and strategy

OP returns to form edition.

Previous thread: >>480631954

== News ==
Civilization 7 announcement trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pygcgE3a_uY&ab_channel=SidMeier%27sCivilization
Sins of a Solar Empire II, evolution of Sins pt.2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TODVaMP8bOE&ab_channel=StardockGames
Sins of a Solar Empire II comes to steam this summer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Di9NEJnpRM&ab_channel=StardockGames
Homeworld 3 got released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ojRQyBqtOg&ab_channel=Gearbox
Battle Realms crash bandaid & optimizations patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1025600/view/4190113130386739163
Old World: Behind the Throne dlc trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9ptnblA3u4&ab_channel=HoodedHorse
Manor Lords release trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7MnkE_qxj8&ab_channel=HoodedHorse
Galactic Civilizations 4, Ares 2.5 update changelog: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1357210/discussions/0/4357870948660444461/?snr=1_5_9_
Distant Worlds 2 Game Factions update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4193487660197795680
Big Endless Space 2 update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/392110/view/4137190765280856899
New Falling Frontier trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJd684i-A-g&ab_channel=StutterFoxStudios

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
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What would you guys like to see in Civ7?
Adolf Hitler and the return of Joseph Stalin
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Ability to wage proxy wars by giving military units to allied nations at war with nations you aren't at war with.
>true communists
>no souls
It checks out.
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Redesigning your building is hard. You have to move literally everything if you want to replace your stairs with an elevator.

You can already do this. In most civ games you can gift units.
What kind of dungeon is that?
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News Tower. A management sim in which you run a New York based news paper in the early 30's. It's still in early access. Sound design and soundtrack is great. The real news in between all the generated articles is very cool too.
>New York based news paper
So a Jewish conspiracy game, got it.
>Horatio Herald
>"today, on year 34 of Horatio still not being master of the world, the horatioless country of Germany has been taken over by an ugly little man"
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We begin again.
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That first contact was for a fucking Artisan Troupe, several systems away. Never seen anything like this.
That's still pretty far away. What dlc's are you playing with?
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First enemy empire spotted, and I got the Rubicator system. I was happy with my borders too.
If I can encompass it completely I'll take it, if not I'll take it just to summon the titan and let it garrison that system.
Everything except the most recent 4.
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Good night.
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These artisan troupes are the same "faction", and this base is only 3 systems away from my homeworld.
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>labyrinth takes three turns to leave
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Okay, I checked, necromancer don't actually have insanity recover, but it can lower a bit if it's really high. So necromancers aren't 100% reliable. Don't summon deads.
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Imagine being killed by a boar. Literally just a forest pig.
Boars will fuck you up, man.
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Necromancer magic causes a lot of collateral damage.
It's funny.

Really now?
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Numbers are so small in that game. It really shows how miserable you are compared to an actual pretender.
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Empire spotted to the west. Despite this being the most populated galaxy I have made, I have had few encounters, and thanks to the rubricator system I have doubled in size, and will most likely quadruple my initial expansion.
I don't know what is happening in The Spring Basket, but they sure do have borders.
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>side of the cliff "died" to decay
...huh. That game is really fun, shame it's so slow.
>all recent games suck
>life by you is canceled
What the fuck is going on at paradox
Nothing good.
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...fuck sake that game is a lot deeper than I though.
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>every class works completely differently
Fucking hell, Conquest of Elysium and Deity Empires are grossly underrated.
i don't play stellaris but these "rogue servitors" folks sound incredibly appealing to me by concept
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Spring Baskets border is healing, I'm reaching my final expansion state, and look at those juicy system I just got.
Met my second Empire, meeting my third empire, time to start militarizing. I already geocided some stone age natives.
We're going to die again, are we?

I see a lot of land ripe for taking.
Also it's not genocide if they're not sentient.
Did you think the feral hogs post was just a joke?
200 pounds on average, charging at 30mph, with face spikes and a whole lot of anger.
The spearmen outnumber the boars and don't seem to be caught off guard.
So they still should have been able to handle it, but it's not easy.
Sentient includes animals.
Stone age aliens are still sapient.
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My vision of the Empires around me continues to grow, and with more land I hope to find out what is south.
I won't be able to wipe out the Spring Basket, but I can steal their land near me and exile them to the other side of the galaxy.
I hope the Envelopment takes the focus of the "contain threat" wargoals off my back.
It is quite unfortunate that it is the Grand Liberators and the Envelopment next to me as they both have the "very strong" species traits. Invading them will be hell.
Stone age aliens are sapient. Homo Sapien Sapiens were stone age at one point, and guess where we get the "Sapien" part of our name from.
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I was forced to take white peace with one system left to go. I hate armies. I always underestimate how many I need. Well the founders of The Spring Basket have had the amount of their species in existence, cut in half.
>I see a lot of land ripe for taking.
Why take shit tons of systems when I will get it transferred to me in the peace deal.
I reinstalled Civ V on a whim and had some fun but it fell apart fast because I zerged down the other two civs on my continent and just dominated until I could rush the guy in second place with cannons and secure an easy win. Was on Prince, gonna go King.
Game's been out for ages, is there a goldilocks setting you know of? I'm thinking Small Continents Plus, Epic game speed, Large size (10 player), but open to anything. Seems like Deity players play on Pangaea but that makes half the civ abilities irrelevant.
also is 6 worth playing now that it's on sale
death comes for all
but not yet
I hate that Stellaris is bad.
Not that it's excessively bad, just not great, and it feels like it's just the niche I want.
Like a backscratcher that is the perfect shape, but is made out of the wrong kind of plastic.
Race types, species traits, ethics and civics, these are all great for roleplay customization.
>200 pounds on average, charging at 30mph, with face spikes and a whole lot of anger.
Sorry, I'm a metricfag. How much is 200 pounds, and how much is 30 mph?
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im new on stellaris and idk if i need to settle low habitable planet if were forced to. i know there's market but not sure how long can it sustain itself and the market rate is. should i just settle now or wait?
The only real downside to colonising low habitables is the increased amenity consumption, which forces you to invest more into jobs that generate them, which usually costs CGs to do, which can set your economy back. You generally don't want to invest in anything below 40%, but it's sometimes worth doing it just to snag another source of pop growth, so long as you don't develop it too much until you're able to offset the rating with research, gene modding or acquiring pops that are suited to the environment either through migration or conquest. Robots can also be used.
Online converters exist in anon.
Lbs to Kilos and Mph to m/s are both roughly Imperial/2.2=Metric, so slightly over 13m/s and sloghtly over 90 kilos.
>online converter
measurement conversions are literally built right into calculator programs that come with your OS.
Don't forget lower pop growth speed, which means it will take longer to fill those amenity needs.
How's Homeworld 3?
Kharak is burning.
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>welcome any and all to join the good times gang
>everyone hates me
it's like the galaxy is full of homophobes
The third one, moron.
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I was talking about it, you double moron.
Kharak burnt in Homeworld 1. I'm talking about Homeworld 3 that takes place like 40 years later or whatever, you triple moron.
Nah set it to maximum then the game will be a lot more like Master of Orion or any other space game with free movement. Much more challenging and exciting.
Guerilla tactics suck.
Yeah stellaris isn't made for that kind of play and it's obvious. The ai always knows where to attack and always does so with its full force. However I do think a Stellaris build arround free movement would have been a better game.
>Stellaris build arround free movement would have been a better game.
Fuck you, it literally started out that way
No Guerilla Tatics suck, always. WWII is cooler than Afghanistan.
It doens't have to be Guerilla tactics anon. The game could also make it difficult to focus all your forces in one place. In Distant Worlds fuel can be a problem for a big fleet that is far away form any refueling place. The bigger your fleet the bigger the problem of keeping it fueled while a small fleet might be more succesful in striking the opponent. Also intel becomes much more important you need to know where your opponent has valuable installations and where the defences are. A game of space corridors is just so boring.
Also also who says that WWII wasn't about finding and exploiting weaknesses in your opponents strategy just like Afghanistan? The need for guerilla tactics has more to do with the material conditions the taliban found themselves in and in the difference with the material conditions of the us and its allies.
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Nebulous: Fleet Command June development update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evdY2V8WVk0&ab_channel=EridanusIndustries
>The ai always knows where to attack and always does so with its full force.
It doesn't. It's just going through a list of priorities, same as every other feature of the game. The AI in stellaris is also as unfinished as everything else in the game, so it doesn't do it well, and the higher difficulties just give it tons of resource bonuses to try and cover for this constant wasting of ships of things even new players wouldn't do.
Conquest mode on halt, oh no. He's right that it clashes with the theme of very limited skirmish battles but conquest would have been so cool. I hope a campaign is still in the works, the lore of the game seems interesting.
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Wait Workers and Resources left early access? It's getting a dlc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHtKmcuUfaA&ab_channel=HoodedHorse
It could work in stellaris if there were different ftl engines and specific long range weapons that would make hit and run tactics possible. In distant worlds 2 you can have small raiding fleets armed with missles or other long range weapons.
Playing Sins of Solar Empire makes me realize how shit Stellaris is. I don't like it.
I'll never play Stellaris because I'm an endless space lover and i will never cheat on it with paraslop
Playing Sins 1?
Yeah. Found Mandalore's video, it reminded me that I got Rebellion on Steam after getting vanilla in a video game magazine.
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Redpill me on Sid Meieierer's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall: Gathering Storm: Featuring DLC leader cosmetics
I got the bundle, played the tutorial, the art style is comical for how much worse it looks than 5 which went for realism which typically ages way harder than stylized, got bored, and turned the game off when I saw that fucking gross leader DLC system
I know shitting on 6 is common, was just hoping someone knew of a review video or something that was intelligent and unbiased so I could get more of a look before I play past the refund window.
>he didn't just buy the 3$ for workshop access and forget about it
I love this game. I do wish the planes system they hyped up was more developed though.
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Good night.
Night anon, let's hope we survive to next turn.
I want to fuck the Synthetic Queen from the new Stellaris DLC so bad its UNREAL.
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Has anybody kept with Ara History Untold news or know somebody, e-celeb or personal friend or otherwise, who has/is?

Trying to catch up on stuff but I can't find people/places talking about it
Sorry, heck you talking about?
>Great Khan starts their fuckery right next to my federation members borders
>tfw not even close enough to being strong enough to fight them
>just become a satrap and watch my former friends die
>retake their old land when the Khan dies and splinters
just as Zarqlan intended
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Serene Assembly and the Grand Liberators factioned up, the Spring Basket allowed themselves to subjugated by The Greatest Democracy. I don't want to touch my dear northern neighbors, who have the very strong trait until I get my colossus project, so I intend to attempt to rush down the right side of the galaxy and removing every other empire quickly.
Some would say that post-apocalypse is a useless start, I would say only 99% of the time, all of the Haddnoc Prime sector is from my conquest of the Spring Basket, and look at those six random Tomb Worlds.
In other news I am either the first or second most populated sapient species in the galaxy.
If you count both the hive mind humans and the normal humans together they out number me, but if hive minds don't count at all, I am one pop away from doubling the next most populace species in the galaxy.
>all those repeating buildings
I just don't get how people found these games fun. Might as well city build in an RTS.
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I chose the Syncretic Evolution origin, but proles keep growing on planets that only have vacant jobs for specialists.
How do you cope with this? Should I just eat the -10% pop growth speed and force my main species to grow instead?
Resettlement, you DO allow forced resettlement, right?
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The new Age of wonders 4 DLC is pretty neat, you can create some good waifu with it
I wouldn't call that thing a waifu
I would call you a coward
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Another one bites the dust, up next on the chopping block is the humanity that is not in a federation with my secondary concern, and of course with them the end of the Spring Basket.
Oh and I forgot to mention it last time, but I cleared out the Amoeba breeding grounds last time.
I mean
it's not like I wouldn't fuck her
but the statue face she's got doesn't really lend to WAIFU
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It's just a way for her to hide her face so you don't go totally insane.
>some good waifu
I hate how zoomers misuse this word
I hate how you misuse cool.
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I've only killed three empires this run, it feels like a lot more than that. I planned to get the Stellar Hegemony, but I have been beaten to the punch. However I can see the lots of the pastel factions fleet. Their total visible fleet power is about on par with one of my partially upgraded brand new battleship fleets.
I guess I am just waiting on Colossus.
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I thought you could equip them with massive two handed weapon. I have not try to do it yet with playing the campaign and not having time to build a custom weapon.
You can make a goth waifu with thick thigh or mermaid.
Astral summon taking damage from the new terrain sucks, you also can't use anything else except your faction race unit and the flesh sculpted creature.
I am mainly talking about this if you use the matching gloom trait.
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My first round of Terraforming is done.
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Is marathon fun as the Romans in Civ v? Give me ideal traditions and religious stuff for a returning player
I want to larp a remnant Roman state in a continent in the middle of the Atlantic where a colonia project shipwrecked. What other cigs should I include?
>200+$ game
>Can't reorder things
>New Fleets are added randomly to the list.
>You can reorder planets, proving they could program a reorder system
Why is Hoi4's Navy menu not made by complete retards, but literally all of Stellaris was.
A strong case of the 'Tism
Do tell me more, because, from the manual, it seem developped enough.
>demons will invade Elysium, corral sinners together, and take them back to hell
>summoning a major demon will create a power vaccuum
The planes aren't much anything but another whole realm to whack if you can be arsed to. Though it's very useful to hide in Hades as necromancer. And instead of killing you, banishment just sends you to Hades or Hell.
Yeah. There's still so much I need to see in that game. Like, the manual says that you can use libraries to upgrades your wizards, too, I wanna see that.
I know libraries can buy your casters spells but is the upgrade thing new in CoE5?
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I dunno for 5 specifically, but the manual suggests that you can upgrade your necromancer apprentice into actual necromancers if you find a library.
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Game is absolutely refusing to give me the Titan tech so I can get the Colossus.
AI can't cap the Stellar Hegemony, and I killed a boss, oh and a new empire split off from the Liberators.
Oh so it's for factions who don't main mages of the sort.
I dunno. Given I can only recruit necromancer apprentice...
You upgrade them by learning a level 2 ritual anon. If you have necromancers you can collect hands of glory and thus learn rituals with them.
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Listen you Swedish bastards look what happened when your AI was forced to draw a border, give me the funny laser.
Wait, so libraries are useless for necromancers?
Basically all factions have their spell casters upgrading by learning higher level ritual. I suppose the library upgrade is more for faction like baron and senator.
No, I mean... Libraries let you learn spells, but they also let you upgrades your wizards. I am not fully sure how it differs, but I assume it let you upgrade them without discovering the ritual, maybe?
I dunno, that part's unclear. I know necromancers want to turn into liches, but I don't know how easy it is. I imagined you'd need to find a library to upgrade your apprentice to necromancers proper, then to master necromancers, or take a shortcut and make thme lich directly.
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It will be time soon.
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What's a good medieval-fantasy RTS? Just looking for something to play.
Warlords Battlecry 1. Unlike 2&3 it actually limits the professions various races' heroes can pick. I think minotaurs are limited to just fighter and pyromancer.
I tried that one. French dub was hilariously bad.
Next week is the summer sale isn't it. Are there any Civ4x games I should look out for?

We actually did. How about that for a change.

The logistical challenge anon. You need to keep your people happy, the Gods happy, the Pharaoh happy. All while not being invaded and finding the resources to build massive monuments. It's fun.
I always set hyperlane density and planets to minimum, gateways and wormholes to max, no guaranteed worlds and max empires, marauders, and fallen empires. Usually at least half of the AIs get advanced starts.
The most annoying part about stupid AI is that your allies are all retards too. Even if you make a federation you can basically expect to 1v5 the enemy's federation most of the time anyway.
Is there a stellaris mod that increases mineral output of cracked planets? The output in vanilla is pitiable.
I'm seeing people suggesting starting with custom made+luxurious as robots, and then using a template to make a version that doesn't have those drawbacks and assimilating this new version to the original. Only issue is, I can't make templates until I've researched some techs. Is this me being new and retarded or have i been misled?
Researching those early techs isn't that bad.
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the Constrictor got some nice legs
It's not, but according to https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/luxurious-custom-built-are-free-points-and-do-not-pay-for-mass-produced-recycled-biomimetic-monoform-scavenger-bot.1686585/ , it should be doable day 1? definitely think I'm doing something wrong, maybe there was something specific during species creation needed that i didn't get?
I bet her armor value only exists because enemies want to take her alive for some booty fun.
Also, that Age of Wonder? How is it?
Has anyone played Nexus 5X? It's a space strategy 4x that supposedly can be finished in 60 minutes.
>4x that supposedly can be finished in 60 minutes
That sound pretty stupid
>upgrading spellcasters
You do this by spending your faction's currency to get more higher level rituals. For necromancers it's hands of glory, for warlocks, it's gems, and so on. For example, you have a necromancer apprentice, then you teach him a level 2 ritual with hands of glory, he'll then become a full necromancer. You upgrade to lich by having a necromancer learn the appropriate ritual, then have him cast it in a temple.

These will allow you to learn additional spells for battle, of which you can only enable a set amount (usually 2 or 3). When you upgrade from say, apprentice necromancer to necromancer, you'll receive new spells randomly, but they may not be the ones you want, so a library should allow you to learn more battle spells in exchange for gold I think.
>You do this by spending your faction's currency to get more higher level rituals
Yeah, but it's just a trade-off. It doesn't change the wizard's type or something, it's just "pay ressource, learn new spell". I'm talking about changing the unit.

>These will allow you to learn additional spells for battle
Oooh, okay. So learn rituals anywhere, but battle spells are exclusive to libraries, okay.
That's poorly explained desu.
Sins of a Solar Empire II, Explore, Expand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek4ychg1saI&ab_channel=StardockGames

Why? It's hard to get people together to play very long games.
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>Yeah, but it's just a trade-off. It doesn't change the wizard's type or something, it's just "pay ressource, learn new spell". I'm talking about changing the unit.
It's not a trade-off, you spend the currency, you get a new ritual. And if the ritual is of a higher level, that spellcaster will be upgraded to the next tier if possible.

See pic related. I bought a fresh necromancer's apprentice, had him learn a ritual of mastery (effectively a level 2 ritual) and that upgraded him into a necromancer. That gave him a small stat boost, but also gave him a couple of new battle spells and increased the spells he has to memorize for battle from 2 to 3. Then I had him learn a ritual of grand mastery (level 3 ritual) and that changed him into a grand necromancer, giving him another small stat boost, three new spells, he can memorize 4 battle spells, and a very weak regain sanity trait to offset the raise dead insanity. If I wanted him to learn new spells for battle specifically, I would send him to a library to learn new ones if I didn't like the ones here.
>It's not a trade-off, you spend the currency, you get a new ritual. And if the ritual is of a higher level, that spellcaster will be upgraded to the next tier if possible.
My bad, I meant just a trade.
And wait, you can upgrade them with a ritual without needing a library? Then what even are libraries for?
There still could be different engines without the need for entire different ftl methods. The focus could be on differnt aspects of such an engine. For example: charge time, accuracy, cost, emergerncy ftl, energy usage.
I save scummed my way to victory. it's alright. i still have not gotten used to running with 3 stacks instead of a single doom squad of elite unit.
Asking because Age of Wonder... 3? Yeah, 3, it totally demolished me.
>And wait, you can upgrade them with a ritual without needing a library? Then what even are libraries for?
The battle spells you get when upgrading tiers are random so you might not get the ones you want. A library allows you to learn more battle spells from your school of magic for a gold cost.
Oh, okay. But can you still upgrade at a library, or is the manual outdated on that?
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>decide to try Aztlan because I'm a mesoameriboo when I don't hate Horatio
>get one of the worst starts I saw in a fucking game of CoE
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Good night.
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Baron's start to compare.

We must dissent.
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>manticore comes out of the blue and wipes my army
>only remaining commander is forced to sit in the citadel or neutrals will capture it
>also manticore recaptures the village next turn, crumbling my income to minimum
Well, fuck me I guess.
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I've never found a high-level library to upgrade my caster tier but maybe I've just missed them. I've always just used rituals to upgrade my casters. My main use for libraries is to get new spells in the wizard's discipline, and to hold on to them so I have a higher chance each turn of getting recruit offers from new casters. The more libraries you hold, the better your chances of being able to recruit another caster.
That too, yeah.
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ummmmm did you forget something? maybe an ability?
More Age of Wonder. I hope how I got filtered by that serie.
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XENO BASTARDS got behind me and just kept running, invaded two of my planets, and just kind of moved their fleet farther and farther behind my lines until I caught up to them.
The Colossus shipyard is only like 10 days away from completion, then I can get to work on the army bypasser, and once The Envelopment is cleaned up, I'll lose many planets in the up coming war, at least they won't genocide my superior race.
the actual unit has the summon, but yeah they fucked up the encyclopedia again
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I got it. It's greyed because the Aztecs only have one ritual.
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Oh, okay. I got that bloke, I did the ritual of grand mastery to unlock a level 2 ritual, and it turned him into a priest king.
I get it now!
bump & good night
How is new AoW4 Dlc
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I can finally live out my dream of playing as the Pandora Virus
Umbral malady thing is annoying. Astral summon are not immune to it for some dumb reason. You need to be an umbral demon/lead by umbral sheperd lord. Their even more annoying than undead since they don't require corpse to spawn more trash unit. I wish they raise the level cap for dragon lord and dragon lord alone I still getting deleted by range attack. Thanks to the magic improvement my dragon lord is getting deleted by spell. I have not succeeded in forming an alliance with the umbral dwelling yet because they will always declare war on me even after I offered them plenty of sacrifices.
Which of the Civilization games would you say has the most enjoyable singleplayer?
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Took my first Battleship loss when the entire Envolopment navy respawned on top of me, and I am stuck waiting for three years for the Colosuss to build.
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I don't have to wait I suppose.
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Why the fuck are mooses so big?!
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I mean
they're pretty big
maybe not enough for a 2x2 tile
...but a car can fit 4 humans
Or one moose.
How the fuck does a moose rear end a car?
It didn't, see how the roof is peeled back from the front?
Fucking hell. Okay, you're right.
Funnily enough, it got a debilitating wound right away and lost half his strength, so it was easy to kill.

I don't understand the appeal of CoE. It's just HoMM3 but feels worse to play somehow
It doesn't have anything to do with HoMM3.
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Endless RPG when?
is Dungeon of the Endless not an RPG?
never played it but that's my first thought
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It's in a dungeon, so none of these beautiful landscape that make me drool.
RPGs? In MY /civ4xg/?
Uhhhh based?
civilized bump
The devs are open to the idea. They've said so on Endless day two years ago. It still depends on the publisher.

Thank you anon.
Stellaris has a free weekend.
Prepare for newcomers.
I can't load my save thanks to the update on age of wonder 4.
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Why would anyone play stellaris with random people? Or do you mean this thread, I hardly doubt we'll notice a difference?
Are there any good video introductory guides for civ4?
He means newcomers posting in this thread, genius
Sulla's video's. He also has a written guide.

I don't think they will make their way here.
Probably not. Most newcomers will take one look at the DLC wall and nope the fuck out.
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>Man found in concrete bridge pillar.
Yikes, that's pretty gruesome.
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Anon's please do not die.
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Good night.

I have to go to sleep. It's up to the burgers now.
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That's it I'm schlieffening Choccobo Multistellar, I'm tired of my enemy using free movement through systems I can't pass through.
I haven't played Stellaris in years and the last DLC I bought was MegaCorp, are any of the newer DLCs worth?

Or better yet, do people still maintain repositories where you can just download them?
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>make static portraits for stellaris
>everything works ok
>suddenly 1 guy is invisible
>change all pictures to be the same to make sure it's not a problem with the files
>still the guy is invisible while everyone else is fine
surely it should all work or none?
Mexicatls is how the Aztecs called themselves, in my understanding.

I want it to be BIG, and have beautiful maps!
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Choccobo Multistellar down, The "Grand" Liberators, have been made inert, soon to join their "neutral" friends, only Desseret and The Serene assembly are in any place to do anything, of substance, but it too late, with the declaration on The Stellar Hegemony, and the natural conclusion of my two other wars, it will be me and Fareen Remnant preparing for one final battle to purge the other.
The Stellar Hegemony, didn't have to join the defensive war of their holder, the AI makes very strange things happen.
I wish I had a fluffy gf
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It is so tiring.
yeah it would be nice
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One down eight to go.
Another subject was not required to fight defensive wars, it's worse for me, because I have to wait ten years to delcare on the Convlave of T'Bukred now.
All empires have had their space fairing privilege's taken away, other than the Conclave of T'Bukred, which got peaced out and the Fareen Remnant, nobody has a space station except me, now to just let the colossi to
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With-out inferior Xeno scum infesting the galaxy, the full power of nature can be wielded to our will.
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Just me and the Fareen now.
Almost there!
How can I tell if the AI is cheating in Company of Heroes? Feels like it always know what I'm fielding and it get free counters.
Categorically there are no AI's that don't cheat at least when tuned to their most difficult settings. To find out the specifics google this question and the first link probably has the answer.
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Friendship over with Kumo, Isekai Ojisan is the one I'll spam from now on. Anyway, going to work.
What are some good modpacks for stellaris?
Also what difficulty setting is actually fun and not a mega slog without being too easy? Captain felt really easy on a conquest based game. Also is pacifist as much of a massive brick as it looks?
>Categorically there are no AI's that don't cheat
I... no.
It cheats, in that game specifically they always know what you're doing, where and what your units are, because they're not bound by the fog of war, on top of bonuses that let them get their units out faster and earlier than yours. It's impossible to make a game with an AI that plays well without giving it access to what you're doing, either directly or indirectly. They just can't match up to human players otherwise.
Planetary Diversity, UI Overhaul Dynamic, ((( NSC3 - Season 1 ))).
Those three are must have for me.
Besides them, there's Gigastructures, which most folks like to have and a metric load of portrait and ship packs.
Choose from those latter two according to your own taste.
Stellaris Evolved, if it manages to update by the end of next week. Also pacifist is a gateway to xenophobic isolationist with agrarian idyll, which is comfy as fuck.
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Bump. Just got back from work.
>mass buying pops on the slave market in order to fill empty jobs
>realize I became a space globalist
>fuck it
>start reorganizing pops across my worlds
>put all xenos into one ghetto sector in the galaxy's dead end
>once it's stable enough income-wise, release it as a vassal
I WILL have a space ethno-state and I WILL like it.
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I've only played Civ games on medium difficulty, what am I in for? I really wanna like this but I've never played any of the previous AoW games and I'm worried the learning curve will kick my ass.
The best thing is to take synthetic ascension and set the default rights to assimilation so that slaves and conquered pops literally become your main species.
There's a lot less fine tuning in AoW games than in Civ, so if you're familiar with how Civ plays, you'll do fine in AoW. The games do play around a lot more with hero units though, so it's kinda a civ/rpg hybrid.
Tuning aside, are there a lot of systems to keep track of? Also how are the RPG elements, diplomacy and victory conditions? What about replayability?
Not really, just the typical stuff and it's very intuitive. The RPG elements are pretty neat, you'll get your hero units and can take them into tactical combat along with your regular units, they level up, gain abilities, get equipment, if you've ever played Dawn of War, it's a bit like that. AoW games have some unique victory conditions along with the expected ones. I'd say AoW4 is pretty replayable, you can combine shit for your faction pretty freely, but it does end up being bland because of it. If you like experimenting, though, it should keep your interest for a hundred hours or so maybe.
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I tried Gladius for a while but it quickly got boring because it was basically just a turn-based DoW without a proper campaign/story and no diplomacy to liven it up a bit. If AoW4 is better than that, I think I could enjoy it a bit more if it has a lot of things like popup splash art and random events but I really don't want to drop 30-60 bucks on something I'm going to end up dropping after only a few hours. Intuitive is good though, lack of intuitive interface made me drop GalCiv II and Endless Legend despite liking the aesthetic. I could never make sense of the tech tree fast enough to keep up with the other factions even on low difficulty and I was always getting heemed.

I think I'm just too hardstuck on the Civ formula but after 2k hours I'm finally getting bored of it and wishing I could play something with more sci-fi or fantasy flavor and unit variety. I really want this to be it but not if it's just going to frustrate me like EL.
It's over
What is?
Hello /cbg/. Just wanted to stop by and ask if Workers & Resources has actually been released or if it's a release-1.0-and-run kind of deal. Thanks.
Define what released means.
If they've largely followed their roadmap, if such a thing exists. Or if they've cut a bunch of planned features to say it's finished. General cash-grab kind of stuff.
When a game asks you to deposit money in exchange for playing the game, it's released.
I personally don't like that definition. No problem, I'll just poke around to see what's up with the game. Thanks for having me and not indulging me in my laziness.
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This game caught my eye.
It's not really a game, just a sandbox where you can build yourself a cyberpunk city.
As you can see, you can import your own images and type in text.
Game is called Dystopika.
If you guys want me to talk more about it, call me a faggot.
I dunno, it could react to visible units, not units as soon as I make them. In CoH, I make a tank, the AI already has an anti tank cannon waiting.
Faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot. Now tell me more about it. What do you mean by "sandbox"? Like Simcity?
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Not even simcity.
It's just "Here's a empty map, click on a button to stamp a building on ground, then click on another one to add light boards and shit on them".
It's just comfy wibing on a cyberpunk soundtrack, while thinking on how to make a neat looking city.
There are no roads, some car lights can be seen when you paintbrush the area between buildings and later when you unlock these gate looking things that you can plop on top of buildings, there will be lines of flying vehicles zooming in a direct line, disappearing into nothingness.
Also you can set how foggy or clear the weather is as well as whether it's night or late evening.

tl;dr, it's a cyberpunk city creator/painter.
There is no gameplay, just creativity and wibing.
Weird. But maybe you can use that for cool screenshots. How far can you zoom?
AoW4 is better than Gladius IMHO, much less tedious and it is not hard to come back from a lost battle. The cultures are distinct enough, choose which fits your playstyle the best. Build up a good economy. Have fun.
Gladius' main advantage is that it's very straightfoward. You get what you see.
You might call it shallow, and you would probably be right, but I do like it. Makes it a lot easier to start a game just to relax.
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Here's the maximum view.
It's got a dedicated screenshot tool in it as well, but I prefer being a print screen hitting caveman.
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Worth noting, placing buildings is completely free form. There are no squares to snap on and you can meld buildings together after placing them.
For example, this hodgepodge building I created early on.
Mmmhmm. Not much, then.
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That thing was made out of two different types of buildings, at different stages.
So, when you plop down a building, it comes out on its smallest size. However each building has three different spots on it, one of them moves it, another one spins it and last one on top of the building, which changes it's height and at certain intervals, the building changes its shape completely.
Also, every time you place a building, some random chaff buildings appear around it, they get instantly deleted if you plop a building on top of them.
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"Opioid dispensery" was too long.
i like the general idea here, and since the game is kinda one guy's passion project i get why it does this, but i do think it's a shame that a cyberpunk city-builder would decline to engage with the socioeconomic part of the genre
It has been so long since I have though about Rat King Jeffery.
Is it just me or has there been a surge in new 4x, city builders and RTS games coming out lately?
Okay good, thanks bro
You just didn't notice them, but I'm dead sure RTS still come out.
If you ask me if more money went into developping them, I think I'd agree, though.
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First day encounter with an enclave several jumps away again.
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Anons I'm surrounded by humans, there goes my planes of a bloodless game.
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I've always liked Majesty. Majesty Gold HD is on Steam and GoG. However, it doesn't exactly play as your traditional RTS, with you having no direct control over your units.
Brutal Legend has a half-baked RTS mechanics, but it's a game close to my heart with the aesthetics of a fantasy world based on metal music.
Overlord and Overlord 2 are similar to Brutal Legend in that they're more of adventure games with RTS segments, but Overlord plays more like a Pikmin game than you' average RTS.
I think Dungeon Management games fall under as a subgenre of RTSs, so I can recommend Dungeon Keeper 2, KeeperFX (open source remake of the original Dungeon Keeper), and War For The Overworld (self-proclaimed spiritual succesor of the franchise).
Song of Syx is a fantastic fantasy city-builder optimized to well it allws you to have cities with individualk citizens by the tens of thousands, and having Total War-like battles with that same amount of soldiers.
You can also play modded Rimworld with Medieval Overhaul and a few fantasy mods, but like Song of Syx which is a City-Builder Sim, Rimworld is more of a Colony Survival/Management Sim. Still, I think they both fall under the broad category of RTS.
Age of Mythology is great, but it's not exactly 'medieval fantasy' being based around ancient mythology.
Then there's Rise of Legends. You cannot purchase it anywhere anymore, so you'll have to obtain it somewhere else. Still another forgotten jewel from better times, although it's setting I think it's closer to the a Renaissance Steampunk Fantasy than a Medieval one.

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head.
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Already played the fuck out of that one. Agrela priestess are OP.
>Brutal Legend
I don't actually know that one. Isn't it inspired by Sacrifice? I remember people bringing it up, but I saw it was about metal, and I don't know that genre enough so I didn't check it any further.
Beat it. It was fun but I felt blueballed that the wife explaining how to develop your domain was actually just to make a sex joke, I genuinely looked forward to evil economical developement.
>dungeon management
Tried all of these except KeeperFX. Now I have to check it.
>Song of Syx
Hey hey people. Sseth definitely sold me on that game, it's in my wishlist.
I genuinely hate the randomness of that game. All my batteries BZZ'Ting or exploding definitely turned me away from it.
>Age of Mythology
The Chinese DLC angered me. Otherwise, it's a surprisingly good one. I think I still hear the music.
>Rise of Legends

But yeah, been thinking about it, and I think I can't find what I'm looking for, because I think that what I actually want is Myth, but as a RTS, and it just doesn't exist. Not even in mods.
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Oh right. there's also the Mount & Blade franchise.
They're set on a medieval setting on a stand-in for Medieval Europe, but Mount&Blade:Warband has multiple medieval fantasy mods inspired on several franchises (Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Warhammer Fantasy, Heroes of Might and Magic, etc), as well as some original ones.
Mount&Blade:Bannerlord is slowly but steadily catching up on the amount of mods available for it.

Then there's the whole slew of Warcraft games and strategy LoTR games I won't bother to mention.
>I genuinely hate the randomness of that game. All my batteries BZZ'Ting or exploding definitely turned me away from it.
that's why you download hundreds of mods
t. /rwg/
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Come and plaaaaaaaaaay
Some Mountain Blaaaaaaade
There are fiefs
To be claaaaaaaaaaaaaimed

Also I didn't know about the Warhammer or Heroes of Might and Magic mods for M&B, definitely reinstalling it now. I still ache for a good Warhammer RPG, and Man O'War... almost had it.
It's not random, unless you're using the actual random setting. Honestly just turn solar flares and battery failures off in the custom scenario settings, they're not fun crises anyway.
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>iT's nOt rAndOm!!
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Well damn. Now I really have to scourge up the stuff I've played before that I din't think at first.

Medieval Fantasy... mhm...

Stronghold Legends (Stronghold 2, but with King Arthur, Vlad Dracul and Siegfried).*
Theocracy (abandonware from the 2000's where you play as the semy-mythical tribe of the Aztlan Tribe all the way the the arrival of the Spainiard Conquistadors in Mexico (there's magic invilved)). Never progressed to deep into it as a kid to realize if it was actually good.
Black and White. (God Games are technically RTSs, right? The second one has also mediocre army mechanics and stuff).
There's the one LoTR RTS game I ever played LoTR: War of the Ring, but it's the only one I'll mention.

That's all I think. But if it's outside of 'Medieval Strategy', have you played Impossible Creatures before?
Also, uh... Army Men II (1999), American Conquest (2003), Imperivm: Great Battles of Rome, Celtic Kings: Rage of War, and other Haemimont Games.

Ok, I'm done.
>Theocracy (abandonware from the 2000's where you play as the semy-mythical tribe of the Aztlan Tribe all the way the the arrival of the Spainiard Conquistadors in Mexico (there's magic invilved)). Never progressed to deep into it as a kid to realize if it was actually good.
Oh? Now I really have to check that one.

>Stronghold Legends
A mixed bag to be honest. I like it, but it's very deeply flawed. Tried to be more straightforward than Stronghold 2 who was more of a city builder than a RTS, but is unbalanced.
>Black and White
Got the second one, never passed the first island. Everything takes ages, and I never really understood how it works. Only thing I understood is that you can drop civilians on the army to renforce it.
>Impossible Creature
Very hard to make a good army, but I really like the "walls" you make.
>American Conquest
That one is wild. Has sick music though : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29jMF3ffPB0
Celtic Kings sounds familiar, but I haven't played it, will check it out.
Isn't Brutal Legend that game with Jack Black as the voice actor?
Wrong person to ask. But now I want to reinstall Sacrifice and try it again, it filtered me last time.
I think it's this game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/225260/Brutal_Legend/
It is. Pic related.
Always a treat to come back to.it.

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...I know that guy.
That face is familiar.
I'm completely autistic and I can't even remember my coworkers' faces but I know that dude. Probably not his name since I'm not into music, but I know I saw him somwhere.

Would I enjoy it even if I don't know anything about music in general and metal in particular?
Ozzy Ozzbourne?
yep that seems to be him
Isn't that character supposed to look like Ozzy Osbourne? I've never played the game but I image that they used some metal band artists' likeness if the game has a metal theme.
Wait, I though Ozzy Ozzbourne was some comic character, like Scrooge McDuck. It's a real person?
I remember commercials about that game a loooong time ago. So it's actually fun?

He had a reality show with his family a long time ago when realiy shows weren't everywhere yet.
Yes, and he bit a bats head off on stage one time.
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I'm not big on TV, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

Wow. What a dick, he murdered a flying puppy.
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>Would I enjoy it even if I don't know anything about music in general and metal in particular?
Who knows. It's probably the core aspect of the game. I"m a big fan of Rock and Metal, so I'm biased. Here's the game's OST, composed of both original and pre-existing songs of the genres:

Gameplay is mostly a Hack-n-Lash like Overlord, with strategy segments spread throughout. You go around beating enemies by yourself, collecting collectibles to unlock new powers for yourself and upgrades for your armed vehicle.

Strategy elements come at specific moments throught the storyline or while doing certain minigames, but dropping in and out of "Tactical View" and fighting the enemy units directly with your weapons assisted by the units under your command is always a choice. You unlock new types of units and tactical powers as the story develops.
The strategic segments are relatively simple except when they get unreasonably complicated requiring a specific tactic to beat or losing and having to retry it again.
There's three different factions ( Ironheade, Drowning Doom, or Tainted Coil) all of which have different units and different mechanics to how they're played think Rise of Legends).

It has a game mode where you can set up online matches with players or AI in 1v1 to 4v4 matches, with players/AI on the same team working together with the same resources and faction to beat the enemy players/ai.
I've no idea if Online Matchmaking is still alive or dead. Haven't played in years.

Supposedly the bad was already dead when they threw it on stage lol
bats are very cute but I do not want them anywhere near me
can't imagine eating one
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Yeah, it would be neat if there was some sorta economy to this, or need for basic utilities.
Classic Ozzy
>It's probably the core aspect of the game
For the rest, it sounds like that Kingdom Under Fire game that Sseth's good half talked about a while ago, so not really strategy. But I do like the three factions thing.

I would. But I'm a freak, I love cute animals like snakes, bats, owls, and even women. Until one of them broke me, that is.

THAT'S where I saw him!
am I stupid? I'm seriously considering this now
as a kid i awlays wondered who the fk would drop this much money for a single game, but pirating is getting annoying i'd rather just have it on a convenient launcher that updates automatically plus i get ironman/achievements to STOP savescumming like a faggot

should i at least wait for a better sale or something?
this is like 4 hours of extra hours to me it's not a big deal, open overtime at my deskjob
>am I stupid?
Join the dark side! Give Paradox your shekels!
are you telling me everyone just pirates it

i mean ive done that multiple times too, but always annoying that if i fall behind too much i have to end up redownloading the whole thing again instead of just finding a patch
Well, not everyone. I don't play it at all because I find it boring as fuck. But don't reward Paradox's Jewish practice, and stand with us for a Free Palestine! Buy the base game but PIRATE the dlcs.

Or just play a better fucking game.
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Now it is truly me and the Fareen alone in the Galaxy.
maybe my sense of money is fucked after starting to play gachas, i just spent >$100 over the past year and im going to quit them now or at least go f2p because it makes the gacha too boring anyways to be a paypig

never thought i'd see the day where i'd be considering to pay ~CAD$190 (~US$140) for a game
im really fucking tempted, but i'll wait until july 1st and see if i still want to buy it, or in case of a humble bundle, or the actual steam summer sale
Buy the base game, use the subscription unless you play religiously, no reason to ever buy the DLC.
You disgust me.
Anyway, off to slave. Don't let the thread die.
That applies to /indie/ too, I don't want to be a necromancer, I want to be a priest.
>What would you guys like to see in Civ7?
The game not rendering as slow as frozen shit would be a good start.
>maybe my sense of money is fucked after starting to play gachas
>Or just play a better fucking game.
i've tried endless legend and i wasn't a fan of the focus on individual units (heroes or whatever it was again)

haven't tried endless space 2 but I really ahve an itch for space 4x's since you usually don't have ugly borders, or at the very least, ugly borders actually make sense and doesnt bother my autism because it's space
No some people morally disagree with Piracy
>I don't want to be a necromancer
Let's go, Necromancer!
Installing workers and resources. Any tips on how to not immediately fuck up in this game?
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Buy game and pirate all dlc
combat is front and center to this game, the empire building takes a bit of a backseat.
I personally find it more engaging than Civ these days.
Force yourself to not autobattle and learn to effectively do battles yourself since that's what I find to be the meat of the game.
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So for Stellaris, I heard there's a way to get a delicious creampie with that dlc.
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>Under One Rule allows you to actually recreate 40k's God-Emperor
Fucking based.
That's a big kot.
Yes. He's a terrible liar though and just twerks his ass at 2am.
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I have no idea what I'm doing.

go for oil to start off with, no workers and you can set up your town away from the oil fields. Set up construction industry and build things yourself with imported resources to save money. For your first game just try and get a happy and stable population.
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It might be not finished, it might be mobileish game but fuck me, its FUN game.
What are the advantages to being in an alliance with a Stellaris criminal syndicate?
Nothing I can think of.
All of their trade facilities are detrimental to the empires that house them.
Allying with a regular trader empire on the other hand is mutually beneficial for both.
I formed a holy federation with a strong empire that matched my ethics and then they invited a 3rd empire that seemed decent enough, but then the 2 of them invited a criminal syndicate and I was outvoted. What should I do? The federation is only level 1 and I am still president.
Put some diplomats into that Federation to keep the score going upwards.
Then start passing laws that increase term length and ultimately change the system into one where the strongest empire stays as Federation president.
While of course, growing your empire as hard as possible.

I doubt you can get rid of that criminal syndicate, shitty empires usually stay until the whole federation has collapsed.
I'm still serious about this question. I do not want to buy all that fucking DLC because Paradox loves to cut their games up.
I'm not sure what your question is supposed to be but yes you can do that.
Fair enough.

When I was getting creampi with help from /TWG/ I think someone said it can be done for Stellaris. And I was hoping there's be like a "idiot's guide" someone could link me.

Because I do not have that money and I'm worried about missing out.
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I discovered a snapping tool.
Now my cities won't look likes weird amalgamations of buildings stuck together.
I just realized that the criminals only have associate status. Full membership requires unanimous approval of existing members.
At this point I am expecting my "allies" to pass the law that allows inviting with a majority vote as soon as the federation reaches level 2, though.
Can I do anything to sabotage relations between the syndicate and my allies?
I think so.
You have to use a diplomat as an agent on the criminal syndicate (or alternatively on every one of those other empires you want to stop liking the syndicate).
There's a agent mission you can run that lowers the relations between the empire you got agents in and another empire you choose from a list.
Those are somewhat high level missions though, so it'll take a while for your agents to gather intel to engage in those operations.
Best you could do is run some missions that gather intel or seek out people in the enemy empire who are willing to become your assets.
PSO with an Endless skin would be guaranteed kino, especially since the French devs aren't afraid of fanservice
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Good night runners.
Don't let the corpos bite.
tfw found photo tools in this game, that give anything from different colored filters to smear filters and camera tilting to all sorts of angles
Ok the smear campaign is underway.
The crime HQ they built on Earth actually got shut down before they finished their second holding.
I guess psionic ascension gave me all the tools I needed for this problem since it's both good at reducing crime, and provides boosts to espionage.
>stellaris got a youtube short
well, that was unexpected
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I was snaking my way towards my human brothers to save them because it looked like they were backed in to a corner by the empire to the right, but then the rest of the hyperlanes were revealed...
I'm here from the free weekend; how do you manage Empire Size? 25 years in and I'm already hitting the cap, even with Courier Network. I'll get Imperial Prerogative too when I'm done with Expansion.
I don't really think of it as having a cap. Empire size going over 100 is natural to me.
https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Empire#Empire_size has a list of possible modifiers that reduce it.
I dunno, I don't remember Furi's character design being hot.
I want aliens to invade Earth.
I literally cannot stop restarting in Stellaris hoping the next galaxy will be more immersive or something
Been playing it a lot for 2 weeks and didn't reach the mid game crisis once
Tall is completely dead as a playstyle since most of your empire size will come from pops, you don't manage it, you stack more research or shave bits of your empire off as vassals.
>Tall is completely dead as a playstyle
*becomes virtual*
Not even virtual can make up for it now, you just get out-matched in eco and fleet power no matter what, you can't even gain and maintain a tech edge because the amount of pops wide can throw at research outdoes your virtual bonuses
I'm surprised there's no national socialist mod for Workers & Resources
The Wehraboos are all playing HOI4
Going over 100 is natural and expected. New planets and pops are a net benefit to your economy and research even when they increase the empire size. That being said the real key in dealing with empire size is to maximize the gains of each pop and planet. To do this you need to have each miner produce as many minerals as they can, each researcher to produce as much research as they can and so on. The simple answer is specialization of your planets as there are many modifiers you can get such as the +1 resource from jobs buildings and planetary specialization modifiers. You can also get better results from planets that are bigger or even things like ecumenopolis or ring worlds or have some kind of beneficial modifier as well as using appropriate governors for each planet and sector for instance. It's not even that strange for empire size to grow in the mid game and then begin shrinking again in the late game as you get your final traditions and maybe ascend some of your worlds.

Beyond that you can effect the empire size directly with traditions (worth picking up for your biggest sources of empire size), creating or conquering vassals (specialize them as well), various civic picks (don't forget that you can change these during the game, it's fine to pick something for the start and then later switch to something else) and with various other things like advisors destiny traits (officials have a fairly good trait for dealing with empire size in particular for instance).
Maybe I spent too much time fapping to chatbots, but the AI slop language in the Workers & Resources tutorials is painfully obvious.
>will be a testament to
>I am a testament to
Just do the tutorial scenarios. Then try on your own. Fail. Try again. Git gud.
I dunno about that but what you posted is grammatically correct and a fairly common saying so not sure what the issue with that is.
If you spend enough time reading AI output, you end up picking up on the typical idioms and turns it uses.
I don't see anything wrong with using AI. The minister portraits are probably AI too, and they look great. But you risk falling into generic territory if you're not careful with it.
Honestly it could just be some pseud with an extremely limited vocabulary, that's becoming more common now and it's where the AI is picked up its repetitive speech
Oh you mean that it's repeated a lot? I guess that's a legitimate complaint.
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It's more than that (and I don't think the vocabulary is that limited). It's the way it tends to make sure it includes the things it's been prompted on. Like I said, you pick up on these things after spending a lot of hours reading AI output. And I know I probably come across as some schizo if you haven't.
You can see the same underlying structure in both outputs in pic related ("showcase" being used instead of "testament" on the second one).
Take a look at the sentences that begin with
>your dedication to this mission
>your efforts have set
It's not only that, but the general, slightly off, tone. You can tell it was told "you are writing a tutorial for so and so, you are so and so and you need to highlight these points".

Anyway, I'm gonna keep playing. Pay no attention to my schizo ramblings.
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OK, check this out! My prompt is obviously shittier, and maybe he didn't use turbo, but see if you can't spot the similarities in the structure of the message.
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<hello> <explain who I was prompted to be> <explain what I was prompted to do> <let's work together/summary>
Typical OpenAI slop. Others don't do this as much. Llama 3, for example. And GPT4o manages to be more natural-sounding, but still follows this formula.
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The second Megastructure has begun construction, titans have been assigned to the fleets, every world is in the process of being terraformed for inhabitation of the Fokku race, and we have almost solved the L-gate.
Mid-game began two years ago.
That died way back when they ditched asymmetrical FTL techniques and didn't saturate every galaxy with cookie-cutter martial empires.
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>Would I enjoy it even if I don't know anything about music in general and metal in particular?
If you don't have an aversion to the musical genre and go in knowing that it's actually a hybrid of RTS and third-person action game chances are you are going to love it. Or not, I knew what I was going to play and I still got almost filtered by the first proper RTS missions with base defence. But I pulled through when the reskin enemy faction was defeated and I had to fight the emo goth undead faction specialized in debuffing the shit out of its enemies. Then I started getting a hang on the mechanics and can say that the campaign is actually trivial even on Brutal dfifficulty you can finish with no problems while getting easily beat by the multiplayer veterans. But team games are fun (can't do those in singleplayer though and you would most likely need a discord to organize those plus the Steam version of the game, since no mp in the GOG one).
Also, the car racing side missions are rage-inducing, be warned.
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>Gameplay is mostly a Hack-n-Lash like Overlord with strategy segments spread throughout
Only the campaign, to be fair. Brutal Legend is a chimera of both that RTS and 3rd person action genres and the one that does it best, in my opinion. Though it could do a better job of teaching the player the mechanics.
>I've no idea if Online Matchmaking is still alive or dead. Haven't played in years.
Easier to do it while setting the match beforehand with someone on Steam/fan server but yeah, it's alive and I could sometimes find random players to fight even without doing the above.

Ozzy is a hobbit?
You're supposed to switch off your brain, keep clicking anomalies with references to other media, and buy the new DLC with more of them with more references. The AI, regardless of ethics and civics, plays terribly, and it doesn't stand a chance of playing them well against a human. The game doesn't get more immersive, it only gets less, and Paradox is banking on you getting hooked before you realise the core gameplay is actually both quite easy even on GA and actually quite boring when you're not going out of your way to work your imagination.

Pirate all of the DLC, get it out of your system. Don't spend $300 on it.

>tall is dead
>implying it was ever alive
Choosing to be bad at the game for RP purposes is swell for a while, though
>That face is familiar.
Commander, rock has been infiltrated by a thin man. In light of these...setbacks, we will have to do better.
>I literally cannot stop restarting in Stellaris hoping the next galaxy will be more immersive or something
Yeah thats how they hook you up - endless promise that this time everything will be immersive, fun and if you can just get a neat RNG or maybe a right mod you will have fun.
new to civ6
am i supposed to suck dicks and be like 300 years behind everyone while the AI shits out wonders and settlers?
i literally cant get a game started without getting fucked in the ass by the time the classic era ends playing on prince difficulty
i didnt had this issue with civ5 ...
No that's not supposed to happen on prince.
am i just researching shittly? or not utilizing the campus and holy site correct?
like, i just started as portugal, build two cities, built traders, traded myself 50g per turn but by the the time i got there ethiopia build 6 citites and was in the medival era while i didnt even had swordsmen ...
Probably, why not post a screenshot of your latest game or something.
>creating or conquering vassals (specialize them as well)
NTA, but what is the effective way to create or conquer specialized vassals? I had a neighbour empire volunteer to be my bulwark vassal and I could donating a small portion of my resources to them at first, but once they reached bulwark LV2, they required 45% of all my energy, food, and mineral production and I had no way of reducing it other than changing them out of the bulwark specialization.
45% seems absurdly high.

While we're on the subject, where do hegemonies fit in to the current meta? It seems like anyone willing to join your hegemony will make the first move and beg to be your vassal first.
Don't make them bulwarks. Either beat them in a war and make them actually good subject type, accept surrender only to the ones you want or switch them out if you take them as bulwarks. Also it's 45% of their production which if you are subjugating someone shouldn't be 45% of yours.
>Mfw at the new stellaris dlc

This is beyond broken jesus. The genetic disease one is insanely powerful, if you rush robot tech and get bodies asap then you get absolutely ridiculous pop build speed, I think mine sit at ~10 or 11 per months, my pop grow so fast I can barely keep up with constructions demand, as by the time a new district is done there just as many unemployed peoples present.

Also now that I think about it, I'm basically a driven assimilator with none of the relation penalties, as it seem assimilation doesnt just cybernetically augment their species like how it was beforehand, but transform them into your host species. Peoples come into my planets willingly to get the necron treatment as to become space robot pluto/technocrats.

Wait, I've literally become the Corpus from Warframe. Dunnos how to feel about that.
Wait until you see the machine only ascension paths. Modularity lets you mod your robots for a flat 40% bonus to all resources worked for 0.02 dark matter per pop.
I want to fuck Cetana in her synthetic robo pussy.
Why, she wants to bimbofy the entire galaxy
to show her that ONLY with actual sentience can she receive such a great and vigorous loving
That can be arranged...
Christ they work fast
Almost all Stellaris DLCs are overpowered on launch.
>Almost all Stellaris DLCs are fun on launch
Fixed that for you.
t: still missing that archeology mission that gives you titan level ship in early game
Did they get rid of that?
Driving a steamroller isn't fun.
They first nerfed it, so it only had small weapon mounts and no lance weapon.
But for past few years I haven't seen it at all.
I haven't seen it recently either... same with the Worm.
It only spawns on nuked or dry worlds with a weight of 50, otherwise it's 0. To get the horizon event you need to make your science ships enter a black hole system over and over again, I think the odds for that are like 0.5%
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Hostile Nanites and an Awakened Empire Firing at the same time. I remember this.
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Was going to pretend The Depths didn't exist, and post that "I had conqured the galaxy" while posting a screenshot with them clearly in it, but they decided to make that impossible, last time I checked in with the Galactic community they were passing administrative sanctions, a negative that could only effect them.
Anyway Star-Eaters are on route.
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Uh, I already won? This is actually the first time I won a game of DWU but I just got lucky with exploration (abandoned colony ship + a colony just magically appeared in my home system and joined me)
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Gonna be honest this thing is lame as shit.
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Paradox why am I looking at a box with error textures on it being built.
He does look like one of these fuckers
>Uh, I already won? This is actually the first time I won a game of DWU but I just got lucky with exploration (abandoned colony ship + a colony just magically appeared in my home system and joined me)
Congratulations, mate!
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21 Battleships lost, but the Grey Tempest is eliminated.
You killed the furries? Good job.

You want to up the 3 base victory conditions to 40-50% or raise the victory threshold to 90% otherwise it lead to really easy wins in certain circumstances e.g. 3-4 empires of equal size control the galaxy means they all have 75 points towards the victory already and 25 is up for grabs in the race specific points some of which are really easy.
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>You killed the furries?
No anon. The Cleansed are the furries.
Never seen a Star-eater before?
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Yeah I guess Ill do that, never had this much luck and never bothered to finish a game either
Looks like the other empires are getting seriously bullied by the pirates, can the AI actually handle pre-warp starts?
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explain to me why giving this would be dragon slayer a dragon burial is a good thing? they don't deserve anything.
It's a matter of honour and respect.
How come Stellaris consistently has +20k players at any given time yet every online discussion about it is completely dead?
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My last war with the Imperium of Man was interrupted by them fracturing, cutting off access to their inhabited worlds.
After than I was preparing to go in on Deseret when they declared on me, bringing the Imperium's split off state into the war, not realizing that Klenn's fleet was surrounded by closed borders.
All of Deseret except one planet on the fringe has fallen, meaning they aren't long for this world, the accessible parts of Klenn's has fallen, they will either die this war or after the truce wears off, depending on if The Greatest Democracy is intent on creating border gore the moment I open my borders to them. Then I will have to go to war with my next target, either The Envelopment to contain threat, the Imperium of Man to conquer or the Greatest Democracy to subjugate.
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>My last war with the Imperium of Man
Were you the Imperium? Answer carefully.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Because it's hard to talk about a game that is all about minmaxing percentages.
And in the end, everyone does the same things, so it's only fun watching new players rejoice after they beat the great khan or the gray tempest.
Yes but they do struggle with them somewhat + it just creates more points of failure for them and more chances for weird stuff to happen (also extends the time you have to get ahead of them).
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Just bought M&B Warband. Do I play it vanilla first or are there vanilla style mods that are simply better?
Hey yeah sorry I went to bed after my post.
This is currently the game I'm in and hopelessly losing, I declared war on Ethiopia, I levied the military of Venice but I totally get my shit kicked in here and can't even damage the city of Harar without all my troops killing themselves. I figured if they are this deep into building wonders and settling their military is going to be weak but haha no.

To the east is Byzantium to whom I am allied (friendshipped? I don't get the system yet)
I think I probably bought too many builders with faith and money, I dunno I'm playing it fundamentally wrong.
toll of season event was fun in age of wonder. they attack you and then gets upset when you claim their holy relic.
Ye you definitely need more cities, you should have room there based on the map for at least 3 more good cities. I'm not sure how it's possible that it's turn 174 and you have 3 cities one of which is still size 1. You don't have to limit yourself nearly as much with civ 6 regarding number of cities. Prioritize production and food more in early game and get yourself established. You don't need that much gold either unless you are actually making good use of it.

Perhaps show an image of your core cities so we can see them. You should also go into options -> interface and enable hud ribbon so you can see at a glance how crushed you are being by the AI's as well as give a general direction on what your strong and weak points may be.

Regarding other things, are you using the boosts for techs? That can be really significant to your tech progression.
Can't show you a pic of it as I restarted a new campaign and the autosave is gone. Campaign was busted anyway ...

Playing on epic length btw
Its more that I don't have the city growth to just take away a pop every other turn and wait 14 rounds for a settler to throw out when I'm building 30 turn wonders... theres only so many forest I can turn into production...

By boosts means the Eureka stuff of hitting conditions for 50% boosts? Yeah as much as I can.
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Good night.
Play Conquest of Elysium or I will cry.

Good night.
Why Warband and not bannerlord? I've only ever played Warband with the diplomacy mod.
Diplomacy and maybe Freelancer. These tends to be added to big mods.
Diplomacy does stuff.
Freelancer let you become a soldier in a Lord's army, which I really love.
Because it and its dlc were $10 and I've heard people say its mods make it better anyway.

Thanks, I'll try those. I've just been riding around whacking bandits so far, which is fine. But I may be too much of an ADHD zoomer for old school sandboxes without much plot.
Yeah, it's my big problem with Warband, there's no real objectives beside "become king of Calradia", so I usually play it, have fun, and lose interest.
Is there a creampi for the DLC? Do I NEED any of it period to enjoy the game or does it not matter compared to other games?
Just pirate the whole thing as a big bundle.
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>horror Olm
Panic? Panic!
Also, I hate how that game always have you on the defensive. You think you're good with your 10 hamlets? Enjoy having giant ants come out of the blue and shred your levy.
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>halberdier ignores the knight's defense and hits him hard, giving him a permanent wound
Dammit, these halberds are DANGEROUS
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Horror Olm down.
Now the temple is mine.

It utterly trounced my army though, so I hope the temple is worth it.
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>meanwhile, in Mexico
It's impossible to discuss the game when the bulk of its players are all playing with different mod setups.
How do I get better at civ vi
I feel like I'm missing something crucial
Is there some kind of "fantasy Stellaris", if that's even possible?

But I only play vanilla.
>coom mods
>for a space Excel simulator
At least Skyrim will give you something that actually looks like real porn, but why Stellaris? Why something that can give only one or two small images and some fluff text?
>muh erotica
Grab an actual smut book, or literally any smut text you can already find on the Internet with way less effort than modding would take.
idk anon Im trying it right now and im leading in tech with basically one library on prince difficulty
also i chose epic speed but my cities barely have time to build 1 stuff and then I get even more techs, kinda stupid. I dont even know when id find the time to attack the AI and I rolled the mongols
It’s amazing how much potential and wonder Stellaris can elicit when you first start a game. Building your own empire, defining all these traits and its backstory and origins, getting started and choosing how you stake your claim in the galaxy. Then you realize the entire thing is a full boring gay ass snooze fest that plays out the same way every time with visually uninteresting menus and slop smattering your screen to distract you from the fact that you’re now just spending hours staring at a screen waiting for the same meter to crawl forward as you always are, every time. So much for emergent gameplay. Fucking chud game
>Stellaris is boring because it's always the same
I don't know. In my current run, I had fun ganging up on the rat hive mind with my neighbours while struggling against the liberals in my empire who objected to me strengthening my reign, only to end up being subservient to a corpo because my fleet and the economy needed to support it need to git gud.
>have fun playing tall and punching above my weight with fewer planets and pops
>research habitats
>"cool now I can truly pop off"
>stop playing
Every time
The most fun I had as of now in Stellaris was with a minimalist criminal cartel (1 sector only) where I used a very high tier cloak fleet to bully other nations into servitude, by the end my cloaking was so good not even the fallens could detect my ships in their space, and no one could object to my will.
more planets to manage, more tedious it gets
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Holy shit I might have to actually use the loan feature now.
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>he wasn't loanmaxxing to begin with
They don't want you to know this, but the loans at the bank are free, you can just take them out, it's really that easy and no one's gonna stop you. I have 47 loans right now.
How is Cities Skylines 2 at this point? I assume this is that economy patch they released. I last touched the game around January/February is it still basically the same as then but with money being harder to come by? I was mainly hoping the simulation side of things would be improved and more influenced by your decisions
CPP is currently having a meltdown on stream. But he tends to build too many services and seems to forget his options for solving problems and gets distracted easily.
money is no longer infinite so the game can finally be called one as there is some minor challenge at last
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Good night anons.
Good night.
Bad. I cant place any roads without getting a CTD.
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This thread is like my budget.
Barely hanging on.
I am ill and can't bump the thread. Somehow managed to catch a cold in Summer.
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Truly the best way to keep el capitol safe
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AoW4 buildings are so dog shit. You pay 60 gold for +10 gold. Need 4-5 turns to build. Then 6 more turns to break even. Just so you can afford to have 1 more T1 unit. The game can end in 50-70 turns so you invest 20% of the game into 1 building for little return. They should only cost production, not gold.
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>choose scaling grand admiral
>can't find anyone
This shit might be too easy
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My city appears to have survived the update still in the green. Now just need to get the damn school rebalance mod working.
bro, same here
>Somehow managed to catch a cold in Summer.
Literally how? Where do you live?
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>create a God-Emperor upon his Golden Throne as part of the Under One Rule storyline
>face off a liberal version of the Horus Heresy because of this
>gang up on the hive mind empire with others, taking some of the planets
>get vassalized
>eventually get independent, but white peace
>during independence war, War in Heaven starts
>didn't even start an end-game crisis yet
>I WILL defend my corner of the galaxy and I WILL like it
Look, it's not just about the autistic numbers, it's also about trying to connect all these random stuff together through imagination and role-playing.
>also bought some xeno slaves and gene-modded them into slave cloned super-soldiers
>also discovered those space slugs which you can choose to train as soldiers
>land army is now regular troops of my race and special forces made of xenos
>all in a xenophobic empire
How's your fleet doing?
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I blame AC. Going from 25°c to 18°c...
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I don't know how I'd play Stellaris without my anime mods
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>How's your fleet doing?
Let's just say it's good enough for taking over space Estonia, but not good enough for defending against space Russia and its satellite states.
>Colossal Order randomly decided to add an arbitrary "upkeep" for purchased tiles
The original problem with the CS2 was how arbitrary some things were and they went and decided to add another?
I'd probably have to play it myself (lol) but it seems like most youtubers and common players gloss over a lot of what's going on and can't troubleshoot at all.
Makes sense to me. It’s basically like a property tax for your city. Additionally it encourages you to be a little more strategic about when and where you expand. If you’re running in the red buying more land might just make it worse unless you’re able to gain access to an outside railway line and can fund setting that up so you can get more exports going to offset the cost. It’s a sensible addition imo.

I had a city of 400k and 140k I loaded into after the patch and both were still easily making boatloads of money so I get the sense that past a certain point the extra “challenge” they added still becomes effectively irrelevant, but it does seem to make the early game more interesting in terms of balancing things
Get well soon spider.
don't die
Any 4x games about playing resistance/rebels of some sort?
Star wars empire at war.
I meant something that feels like resistance/rebels.
Not normal faction but with a resistance paintjob.
Rebels in that game can infiltrate planets, bypassing fleet battles.
That's a feature the empire doesn't have.
AI War
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>having issues with unemployment
>no demand for new business despite labor availability
>reduce taxes on commercial, industrial, and office
>new businesses start up, demand starts to come back
>unemployment goes down
it's weird, I never expected this shit to work after the mess the game was in at launch
Did they fix the fact that you need to make half your city consist of elementary schools once you pass 200k pop? That’s the main reason my unemployment kept going up because there was no room to educate every child after a certain point
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>making money
>low unemployment
feels good, maybe a city service could get some more budget now
no idea, it'll be a long time before I can test that
there was a mod that unfucked that problem but like many simulation mods it was broken by the update
it's unclear if it's necessary anymore
The most pathetic general on all of /vg/. You cobbled together and consolidated half a dozen genres and still you have barely any posts. Just a couple of incels going back and forth. Sad!
They ripped an entire board out of 4xg and gsg.
Nice try /gsg/.
Who cares anon. Almost everything except for gacha is going slow on this board.
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Is Song of Syx interesting?
And no, I can't try it, I'm out of town for a few weeks.
I want this
personal space motherfucker
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You know every American is going to run into you and then sue you, right?
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Bump. Have a good day while I go to work despite being sick because coworker was literally illiterate.
bailouts and tax reform cannot save this thread
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>the empire that vassalized me also took a lot of important planets
>vicious cycle of having a resource deficit and not enough resources to fix the deficit
Time to abandon another Stellaris run, I guess.
Is there an anti homeless bench mod for cities skylines 1? I want to make sure bums don't do drugs in my parks.
are homeless people an ingame issue, or do you just want to be mean
The latter
Have you tried just building houses?
No, I don't want solutions I want unnecessary suffering.
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feed them to spiders
But then their suffering will end.
Only if you feed them all the way
The new Age of Wonders DLC is so much more fun than the previous one, seriously.
I couldn't finish one game with that stupid Primal update because the culture was so fucking bland and uninspired. Primal culture is literally six different flavors of shit.
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Please help, second Stellaris playthrough. The year is 2223. What the fuck is this shit. My biggest fleet has a little under 700 power. I even lowered the difficulty for this playthrough
Motherfucker just declared war on me, gg go next
That's a fallen empire, they don't fight unless you piss them off in some way.
them old fucks don't like it when you settle right next to 'em
Yeah thats fallen empire and not much you can do that early (though I thought by default there's a setting to prevent them spawning right next you)

that said, you should have a lot more than 700 fleet power by that point.
That's a Fallen Empire. You do NOT want to provoke them until late game. Two specific kinds of them require special instructions.
>xenophobic Fallen Empires
Do not take any of the systems that connect directly to their systems (maintain a distance of at least one sector).
>spiritualist Fallen Empires
Do not colonize any gaia worlds near them that have unique names and the "holy world" tag. Taking the system is okay, but colonizing the world is not.
If you violate these instructions, it's instant war. Fallen Empires are something you're supposed to tackle only in the end-game, if at all.
Man, you shouldn't have spoiled it to new friend.
One of my fondest memories in stellaris is from the time I pushed my borders against a fallen empire, then through sheer culture managed to push my influence within said empires territory, even managed to grab an outlying colony from him that way.
And then there was the reckoning. Lost my entire fleet to him and in the peace treaty I had to execute my leader and abandon a bunch of planets close to his borders.
In exchange though, I got tachyon lance technology.
Turned into a beast after that, had battleships and cruisers kitted out with those beautiful blue beamers and even managed to fit one on each of my destroyers after switching the nose section to large mount.
Version 1.7 days sure were something.
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good night.
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What's a good strategy game to mod Elden Ring in? I was thinking Kenshi because combat looks fun in it, but Kenshin is apparently more about surviving.
Artificial intelligence, rather than artificial retardation.
By all accounts the difficulty slider in 6 is just a handicap slider for a severely challenged AI that only knew to behave a single way, which was stupidly. They trade like morons too.
Other than that I wouldn't mind seeing a more developed religion system if they choose to present that avenue of strategy again, and more importantly have it synergize with the rest of the mechanics, rather than being a separate layer of combat that decides almost nothing unless you're aiming specifically for a religious win. I get it's less clear cut in multiplayer but I don't play multiplayer so that's irrelevant to me.
I feel like otherwise I'd just like more variety and less monetization, which is never happening anyway. I liked civ6 overall. I'm not a veteran civ player though so that might be why, but I got my fun out of it.
this would be interesting, matches up with my AI complaint. if there were more effective ways or reasons to actually use allies other than eliminating vectors of danger, or say more militarily relevant city states. If the combat AI was smart having city states on your side might actually have a consequence in a war beyond mild annoyance, I feel like right now barbarians are a bigger threat than a warring city state.
Optimization would hurt yeah, though I found most of my loading grief was cut in half by turning off combat and movement animations, turns 10 hour games into 6 hour games unironically.
That's inevitable on deity, not prince.
You're gonna want to expand early as much as possible while staying safe. If you're having issues with barbarians (2-3 camps will always spawn nearby you in the early game, on a fairly set schedule) Make sure to take the extra barbarian damage government card until they're cleared out, you can clear a camp with a single warrior if you play right and aren't unlucky. Play defensively with them, bait them to attack you.
Start the game by making a scout first, you need the scouting info to find the barbarians and settling locations and you can't make a settler that early. After the scout either do another warrior or slinger, then a settler. Builders aren't a huge priority this early since you won't likely have the science to make the most important stuff they make and you get them from tribal villages sometimes. Regardless you use those units and the scout to mark out what you're dealing with in your immediate vicinity, from there expand as much as you possibly can up to 5 towns if that's reasonable, the earlier you get them up the better, don't play risky with settlers though, never worth it and barbarians love swiping them.
If you don't have immediate threats to worry about focus on getting districts, especially gold and production, those two are your core resources for targeting any victory, unless you're doing religious in which case do a few holy sites so you can swipe a prophet before they're gone (stonehenge is a mistake). The only high priority wonder early is oracle, you get lots of value out of it, the rest aren't really a huge deal, I like pyramids but I only go for them if it's convenient.
If you spawned near another civ, early aggression is great if you can get away with it, few diplomatic consequences and basically replaces the need to make settlers. Once you have your production and gold up and running you slingshot into whichever direction you like, it works for most wins.
Y'all should try Deity Empire.
all else being equal, which origin give AI empires the strongest boost in Stellaris?
how many
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>2 choke points
love to see it
Cozy, but plenty of room for megas and a bonus black hole for a decompressor
Probably one of the federation ones, common ground, hegemony and imperial fief. They objectively give quite a massive advantage, they are just shit for the player. If you don't want one of those then just go with prosperous unification or mechanist, they are easy to not fuck up for the AI. Avoid gimmick starts like doomsday, ring or lifeseeded.
Probably one of the Crusader Kings games (2 or 3) since there’s a lot of political intrigue going on in the game
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I wish I could be her little serf bitch so bad, I love her so much
I knew I recognized that art-style. Was difficult at first, though, without her tits being naked.
Holy tits that culture bomb you
>really good fuck
>get culture bombed
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>start game
>voice of el
>no baron to immediately snipe with convert
>quit game
Oh, boohoo.
>start game
>priest king
>spawn stuck between an Imperial (blue) watchtower and a troll iron mine
I like voice of el because I can't decide which nation I want to play, so I try my best to play them all
>priest king
I'm thinking based
I like Priest King because I like Aztecs. I'm just bummed the game has no options to build chinampas, but we all know we'd cover the map if that was possible.
I sincerely have never seen her do well in games.
She's a slutty little figurehead that likes to have her cities handled by someone with a strong and firm grasp.
I bet you she floods any time Alexander takes another one of her cities.
Probably takes pleasure when Genghis Khan spanks her with siege machines.
Why do undead suck so much in AoW4? I need so much mana just to have troops.
Besides Baron, are there any interesting Classes / indies that Voice of El can convert?
the sound of her walls crumbling is pure dopamine drip to that whore queen
what are some good civ 4 mods? preferably something like an overhaul mod that changes a lot of stuff up
Fall from Heaven is the GOAT fantasy mod.
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>15% of my population is criminals
neat, ill check it out.
there any good scifi ones?
What a shithole. Do you not have police or schools
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There's one elementary school and one extremely busy police station.
Can't afford anything else.
Let alone the footsteps outside her throne room as her court saxophonist does his best.
So how shit is Civ 7 going to be?
Or am I being pessimistic?
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Ooh, Clockwork Men. That's why they're called Chronomen in French.
There's no reason to be that pessimistic. Nothing has been revealed so far and if the game is not to your liking why not play something else.
We know basically nothing about it. Peak pessimism is assuming something will be shit before you know anything about it. At most maybe you could complain about not liking the trailer, but there's been plenty of good games with shit trailers and vice versa.
More that based on firaxis' track record my fears are not alleviated, not confirmed either but still.
Diversity filled niggerwoke goyslop. I’ll stick with Civilization 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack
any decent 4x/RTS games to pick up from the steam sale? I was thinking of getting the House Vernius DLC for DUNC but that's about it.
Honestly, not much else hyped me this time, so... no.
Any good species/portrait packs for Stellaris for energy beings that aren't just Unbidden portraits?
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One Human society down, two to go.
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Two down they surrendered willingly.
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There are no more human founded empires, with the reintegration of my puppet, the destruction of the Klenn Union, and the expansion into the unclaimed territory, I will have reached my final borders.
fuck is that
>libraries are useless
Libs minds today
Good job.
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How do I give battle orders to units in CoE? Dominions let me do it...
You don't. At most you can select the spells caster will use.
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>defending armies can freely leave and/or enter the besieged city in AoW4
I beg your pardon? Why is this a thing?
>AI shits itself whenever it has to control Magelock units, they take aim (spending all their action points) and then skip turn while the rest of the army rushes forward and dies
>AI prioritizes defending provinces that are being pillaged over everything else, to the point where it will leave a city undefended to kill one random squad burning down a farm
>AI either doesn't know how to overcast with sorc's magic essense at all or has very weird priorities and doesn't use this
>AI Dragon Lords somehow die like flies all the time
damn this game is cuhrayzee
>defending armies can freely leave and/or enter the besieged city in AoW4
That shouldn't be possible.
You need to surround the city if you want to prevent them from entering and leaving
how are you excited for civ 7?
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I'd rather get pegged than play it.
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Romanov! Why aren't you playing WiC Soviet assault!?
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do I need to own mountain tiles to get a proper science bonus for a campus?
Not. I don't do pre-launch hype anymore, nobody with half a brain would. They can prove their game is good on release and after I've judged its worth from gameplay videos, I won't be excited a moment sooner.
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I mean these enemy squads at one point all up and left to chase one squad raiding their provinces while I was stuck sieging now-empty city anyway.
oh, need technology to see mountain boosts.
Started playing GoldenAge and am now wondering why I sometimes get culture bombs when a worker builds a resource and sometimes doesn't
Decent AI. Even if it isn't the diplomatic AI, it would be nice if the war AI didn't just slam units into me and hope it wins.
Also there is zero chance of this, but I would love all the features from Civ 4/5/6 in the base game and the DLC actually innovates the game, instead of reselling me features from the old game as DLC.
You scared me!
Same same
We both have pipe dreams of firaxis actually innovating.
Which one of the older ones did you like the best?
I'm curious since I only have experience with 6.
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>/vg/ refused to help
Okay, then, help. How do I play this game.
is this conquest of elysium
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>keeping up with ukraine war
>shit is starting to look like a terminator movie
>soldiers ride around on motorcycles and use shotguns to fight off robots
how will civ7 justify the downgrade of modern units from tanks and apcs to drones and motorcycles?
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Well since we don't even pretend like we're discussing games here anymore, I'v read that one doujin about futa maid fucking a shota and it was pretty hot, so... Guess civ7 needs futas?
Drones like these are only temporary. Soon you'll have defense contractors making minor combat improvements to them and then charging several million dollars a drone to state militaries, at which point the standard drones in use now will be deemed the province of poorly funded militias. So historically speaking, they're a blip and the Civ games have no reason to go out of their way to include them. They might be rolled into infantry unit models with their use implied by a slightly greater force strength.
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>Stellaris, 2280
>My empire lies at the galactic rim
>I am currently doing well but am butted up against three other empires with nearly no room to expand
>One of them I'm fairly certain is gigantic, and probably posed to win
>Another is on parity with me, and only has one hyperlane in between us
>another is quite possibly on parity with me, potentially stronger. Separating us is the remains of an empire we slaughtered in a recent war, and the vassalage I claimed in my victory
Who would you attack first?
Option number 2. I stand the greatest chance of snagging a world or two in a limited war, balancing all future conflicts with them in my favour, since number 3 has already proven capable of defending itself in a war and number 1 is an unknown quantity. First off though, I'd retool the entire economy into producing as many alloys and fleet cap as possible, even at the cost of science production.
Yeah I was thinking as much myself. I've always been an alloy producing economy, I have 30k in the silos ready to go. I'm only up to destroyers right now unfortunately though, I'm not sure if I'm doing my science efficiently
Efficient science is producing as much as possible to outpace the empire size malus
Gotcha. There's no way to target choices on the tech tree right? You basically get a few to pick from and that's it? I just want my planet cracker
The draw is luck mixed with weights from your ethics and leader traits.
Are there any good enhancement mods for Shadow Magic's campaign scenarios?
Why do you play myth with doom and heroes 3 mods?
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>playing We The People mod on Civ4Col
>late 1500s
>ships decide to start taking long treks down the coast before jumping on the Atlantic route

Why the fuck does this keep happening randomly? A hundred fucking years they go to and from the port normally then decide to go full retard and become pirate bait. Fuck it I'm starting a new game later.
Modded Myth 2.
Because I can.
What's wrong, zoomer, not used to mods that aren't just naked lolis?
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>need to score 90 points for Seals victory
>every two or so turns a Seal is attacked by approimately seven gorillion niggers so you have to park AT LEAST one full stack of tier 3-4 units on every seal which means you can't do anything else
>fighting the straight white male leader man is an absolute slog because he spawns with several stacks of tier 3 and 4 units
Feels like they've made their story missions are mind-numbingly tedious as possible.
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...And of course he gets MORE free units, over and over.
Jesus fuck, this is obnoxious.
Haven't played that game or mod.
Do ships have some sorta supplies they use on treks between ports?
Could it be that newer ships have less room for those supplies, while having increased cargo capacity or something?
No. All they have to do is move between coastal city and sea route zone that jumps them on the trip to Europe. It can't be the reefs since they don't move and the storms don't block the route either. I think it might have something to do with the larger distance between coast and sea route zone as I play with 6 tile distance (4 distance is standard). Larger distance means ships are more susceptible to piracy since they can't cover that in one turn. Or maybe it's the advanced port buildings or whaling that under certain conditions makes them retarded.

Any way that's abandoned.

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