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Issue #211: Deaf Trans Woman of Color Edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial and Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens. Mission refreshes.
>How do I recognize a bot?

>Comic Recs

Previous: >>481876817
>They didn't put Sersi and Makkari's on-again off-again romance in the movie
>Instead they made up some boyfriend for Phastos
Did anyone here get Makkari? Is she as bad as we all thought she'd be?
I thought about it but with Arishem coming out I'd rather save. Plus I already have X-23 and i don't want Gladiator and she has no real sexy variants
Pennyarcade looks like ass
there's no way this new ajax datamine makes it to live right?
HE is for smoothbrains
i'm glad it's not played much anymore
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Worry about Ajax when you should be worried about Marvel Boy
Fact! Sersi doesn't bathe! Soap has never once touched her skin!
>casual 3/27
I'd say there's no way they put this in the game but we all know SD would so long as it got people to spend money.
I want to lick her armpits
Fact! Sersi routinely turns tiny cute girls into big brawny men to get railed by!
Makkari's problem is that she should have been a series 4 but SD hates releasing anything into Series 4 anymore. Like if she cost 3000 tokens i legitimately would have bought her.
They're "conceptualizing" ways to improve card acquisition, well releasing cards into series 4 is a very easy way to improve it.
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YOUR problem is that you got no bitches
She is a canon bi-slut btw.
so are you
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Oh yeah that existed
so did you
after I came in his mom, yeah
you too
Fuck, I forgot the text of my post because my first try had some weird error.
It was just
>Holy shit this an ugly variant
actually a good variant though
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chibi death is the only good thing g-angle has released
Those eyes. Absolute void of soul.
here's how to fix card acquisition
let me pick one new card per season to get for free
solves a lot of issues. could even keep spotlight caches if they just let me have one for free.
I'd fuck chibi Angela's thighs
Chibi Agent 13 and Chibi Maria Hill are very cute.
Also Chibi Sara is her best variant other than the anime one.
Fuck yeah, rewarded with the best Sword Master variant.
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oop forgot
Sword Master really needs a buff. Something that doesn't buff Hela though but maybe helps with more traditional Dracula/Apoc builds.
He went from 6 > 7 and still doesn't get played

I think he needs a rework or something, for pure discards there's too many options now, for targeted discard Sif will always outclass him, nobody needs random discards anymore
Also midnight promixa exists now, hard to play a 3/7 when a 0/7 exists kek
That artist needs a collection, Woo Chun lee or w/e
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lol, lmao even.
You guys who didn't pull for Sersi are going to regret it more and more as time moves on. She's already very good with shit like Annihilus and will only get better as more good 5 and 6 costs get released that affect the probability of her pulling bad cards.
Speaking of Sersi I wonder if she'll have any sauce with Destroy with Arishem coming out. Like you could play Magik, then build up Venom and Zola if on 6, then on 7 you play Sersi on Zola and since Arishem is the only 7 cost in the game then it's a guaranteed 14 power on that lane.
Bro, I dont have unlimited money. What the fuck do you want me to do?
You can also do some stuff with Doom since the Doom bots count as 6 costs. In a deck with Wong then you swap out 2 Doom bots for 2 Arishems for 21 power on that lane.
Saving for Arishem so I can play with all the cards in the game for free
Get the good cards. Sersi is a good card. She was worth the keys.
I bought 2 keys from her set and got Nebula and whatever the other series 4 card was with her.

Bro, I dont have keys.What the fucck do you want me to do?
>when you steal something
This is one of the worst spotlight variants ever

Enjoy your two 1 drops bro
Nebula is pretty good. Can't be mad about getting her.
>rolling with less than 4 keys
why the fuck did they give her +1 power?
do they hate cerebro or are they just that incompetent?
Cerebro is a meme, makkari needs to be atleast a free 3/6 for her to even be considered slotting into peoples deck as a general use card
Opponents Hela only created 50 power worth of stats, great nerf!
so they hate cerebro and they are also incompetent
Your goose, storm, and cosmo?
USAagent makes that -16 bro.
Why do shitters sweat 20 minute games in the proving grounds?
Its actually not retarded if you just have no cards.
In all honesty if you're new then there are better more important cards for you to focus on than Sersi.
it's ok bro just let them win bro
because i want to do all my daily quests in 1 match sorry bucko
>Having no cards
cant wait for the elden ring dlc so I can give up on this dog shit video game.
You'll be back anon...
Elden Rang is going to last you 2 weeks.. Snap? Snap is life.
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>a card gets buffed
>the cerebro player emerges from his basement to complain about how this is clearly a personal attack against him
Its really not. Who the fuck thinks cards like Galactus are fun to play around.
turns out the dlc sucks, sorry to dissapoint.
Does Makkari count as played for Sasquatch purposes?
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>final play sk and shang
Uh bucky alone just beats you in that lane
You can not deny the Captain America "buff" didn't hurt both Cerebro and Captain America as a card though. He found a place in C2 but now he'll just never get played.
Probably not but idk
jean grey was the more popular deck for him already. as they mentioned in the patch notes..
>"buffing" with +1 power
shit does fuckall except removing it from cerebro
Cerebro players are really fickle, it seems
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>insta looses to specific locations
>can get shutdown in an instant by some cards
why would people play cerebro to begin with? it's not even a particularly fun or peculiar archetype. when a cerebro deck is (remotely) competitive is due to other cards being already decent on their own (like cerebro 5). but if you want to play a good cards deck you definitely don't go for cerebro anyway.
>release a 0:4 card
>people call it shit

holy power creep
How are your strongman-makkari-dracula combos doing?
it's only 0/4 if you perfectly curve out
maybe she'll be good in HE if we ever get back to the point where that's playable
>0/4 that you can’t actually play unless you overpay
I’d rather have nothing than 4 power that just goes wherever it wants to. Even M’Baku at least fills a spot you didn’t by the end of the game.
Nah, I already have X-23 and Gladiator, not rolling on a 50% chance of getting a new card (Even lower, since the Random 4/5 can also be a dupe)
Sure it was. No one is playing Captain America in Jean Gray decks.
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>not even the center of her Spotlight on the main page
lol. Lmao even.
Gladiator is way too fucking strong. 3 mana? come the fuck on.

even if his ability DIDNT kill the enemy he'd still be okay due to the disruption factor.
why am i seeing so much of that darkhawk annihilus deck lately, did some streamer play it?
If you are 'SrialtT' you're a fucking faggot
A new Sersi deck. You shuffle rocks into your opponents deck to pump Darkhawk and then evolve Korg and bigger Korg into better cards.
one of the most recent videos on snap and one of the first matches is cap in jean grey. they specifically said they were buffing cap to rebuff the jean grey deck after they nerfed spectrum so obviously on their data that's where he's being palyed the most.
Why is it always Wongfags, Helatards and Techsissies with the unnecesary emoting and sweating?
I'm sure there's a minority of people playing Cap in Jean Grey but I doubt it'll last. He's just not that good. Even with the 'buff'
Because their decks rely on getting cards out in a specific order, and if you achieve that order you already know you've won.
All he does is give information if you shall retreat. Will be outperformed by Speed.
he's especially good currently because everyone plays ongoing low powered faggotry
if i tech your bs you deserve the emote
Helachads are usually chill and humble in their victories.
i must only be running into the helafags then.
Helasissies are too busy slurping Hela's glowing symbiote cock to emote
Why am I running up against destroy decks with enchantress
Why not
>opponent plays into tarnax with prof x thinking it wouldn't change
>it changes into legion fucking the entire field for him
They're uironically better off using echo
This was chaotic. He played Zemo on kamar-taj and it pulled my Ultron and Destroyer before my Galactus flipped. Sorry for using destroy but all my other decks have sucked dick trying to get to even 90.
so it's not just me then. the climb to 90 is grueling every recent season. miss when classic disc was autopilot friendly and could get me there without too much attention on the game, but decks have become so much more optimized in recent months it feels
Stop apologizing like a bitch.
The bots are becoming sentient
why is hoogland such an irritable cunt
Makkari isn't as bad as I was expecting but she is still not good
Liberal parents
he's a stay-at-home dad
I don't know what deck to use lady deatstrike in. She stinks in a lot of destroy decks
>power multiplied by 2 a shitton of times
>odd number
How ass is the back end for this to happen?
It's the integer limit of the game. Number can't go any higher.
>Try to play some fun Valentina deck
>Wong Mystique greed players all fucking day
>Time to go scorched earth
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>Dominate the opponent
>Last turn
>Lose because my tech card revealed first

Many such cases!

Should have sticked to my Ghetto™ deck and never leave pool 1.
Unironically a skill issue. Turn priority isn't random unless you and your opponent are tied. If you want to reveal second you need to be losing going into that turn.
>decks have become so much more optimized in recent months it feels
100%, also been struggling a lot more in the 2 or 3 latest seasons with non precooked decks
Is Makkari trans for real now?

Can't say I ever liked the character because he had no character in the original comics by Kirby but really digged his design and the new one looks hilariously bad.
Her new body is a black woman so kinda?
I was having this exact same problem, and the deck I literally just hit infinite with fixed it by disrupting their hands and draws. I'm way behind on cards, I haven't played since High Evo came out so even decks that aren't optimized were giving me trouble just based on the sheer strength of these newer cards. So disruption was the answer for me

# (1) Spider-Ham
# (1) Yondu
# (2) Shadow King
# (2) Cable
# (2) Maximus
# (3) Magik
# (3) Black Widow
# (3) Gladiator
# (4) Shang-Chi
# (4) Absorbing Man
# (5) Black Bolt
# (5) Doctor Octopus

Zoo decks were a bit funky to beat and Sersi decks outright stomped me. You can tech in answers for Zoo but Sersi really needs Cosmo and I could drop anything for the dog. Other than that, I cleared through every other deck I can think of. If you've got access to stuff like Zemo and Red Guardian, they would be automatic includes here. White Widow is also good but I suspect Black Widow is potentially better here, can't test that myself though. Black Bolt is the easiest swap out of anyone though, I barely played him but was afraid to lose his power
it's a bit of a stretch, but trannies are already used to stretching so they'll definitely claim Makkari

nobody cares about Makkari outside of that though
*couldn't drop anything for the dog. There's too many on reveals in my deck for me to comfortably block out a lane with Cosmo
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My uber nico/x-23 blob
I feel like I'm the last person to realize how good Taskmaster is in Destroy, but I know I'm not because of how many cubes he's stolen for me today
he's bestter than punisher and replaced punisher who was played in the most popular builds of jean grey. it's as simple as that.
I currently have Red Guardian pinned in my shop because he ruins me every time he shows up, but should I prioritize someone else? Here's who I've got

Series 4:
>Darkhawk, Ghost Spider, Gladiator, Hit Monkey, Kitty Pryde, Knull, Mobius, MODOK, Nebula, Nimrod, Spider-Ham, Tribunal, Phoenix, Zabu

>Grandmaster, HE, Iron Lad, Thanos, X-23
i say go for it he's one of the funnest cards to play and he's pretty good
generally it's either one or the other
You're missing some key cards for other decks. Like Annihilus and Loki give you whole new archetypes and Elsa instantly makes your Kitty decks better.
Personally I would focus on one of those 3 unless they just don't interest you at all.
get kang
Whatever you do, do not get Kang
This has to be the worst shop of all time.
Three variants by the ugly as fuck default artist
A pixel variant, a baby variant and a Hipp variant. Just disgusting.
*2 pixel variants
>shitty hot location
Yup, time to break her out again.
>opponent snaps turn 1
>opponent is playing destroy
>turn 3 collapsed mine is revealed
everyone knows the game is rigged, you're just supposed to trade a few -1/-2 for more +2/+4/+8

so just retreat and move on, that's literally the point
The game is heavily rigged. I made a move deck last night with stegron, cannonball, spiderman, polaris, magneto, haven't played move probably since p1-p2 and suddenly the only decks I go up against are other pure move decks with multiple man/vulture for 10 games. Didn't see any other type of decks, swap over to kitty and instantly see only destroy and ongoing haven't gone up against a move deck since
OK fess up: who bought the Ironheart bundle

I'm considering it. I know it's scummy but fuck man I want those damn tokens
The variant is pretty nice, Riri's got some thick thighs but $100 is waaaaaaaay to steep.
bro go get elden ring or something
this game is not worth it, in any way, shape or form
it's absolutely rigged but you're also stupid. There was a move daily, and a few content creators have been trying out move decks trying to combo them with Prof X

You're also seeing a ton of destroy regardless of your deck, X-23 is in the spotlight cache so you're going to see decks she fits in more often.
But I already bought Elden Ring

nobody is buying that bundle for the variant, it's all about the tokens. $100 for one new card...

You're both right that it's not worth it...but I dont have most of the 4/5s and honestly there's not many more games coming out this year I plan to buy
>nobody is buying that bundle for the variant,
See I WOULD HAVE if it wasn't so expensive. I like Iron Heart as both a character and a card.
>trying to combo them with Prof X
Yeah that's why none of them had prof x
sorry, i forget people are fucking stupid and can't think an entire train of thought out without it being written out for them.
content creators are playing move decks trying to combo with prof x -> their viewers try out that same thing -> they and others also play more move decks in general

>hurr i didn't run into any prof x tho
Remember when Annihilus could send over rocks? Lmao what were they thinking
If everyones out here running move decks then why I haven't run into any since I swapped to a different deck?
riri's a womanlet. the armor is lying to you
everyone isn't out here running move decks you moron. The daily is over and the decks don't outpower or outplay most of the meta so just like every other time there's a spike in move decks, they fall off immediately. Are you fucking stupid?
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She's cute, she's black. I don't need anything else personally.
I never finished Elden Ring. I got to the fire giant, couldn't beat it and just felt burnt out. That fight was just frustrating and annoying. I think he's one of the last bosses in the game too.
turn 6 in this game is blood pressure raising stressful shit every time. how do people play this without a heart attack from all the anticipation with 8 cubes on the line?
He's "one of" the last bosses, in that he's one of the last required bosses. Only a few more after that, but there's a few optional areas with some really cool shit you'd skip if you went straight to the end after the Fire Giant

One of those areas is Mogwhyn Palace and is required for the DLC, f you haven't done it already
Maybe I'll go back to it idk, I did like the game up until that point.
I also felt burnt out near the end but managed to muscle through the last few bosses. So I understand the sentiment. Way too many copy and paste optional bosses/dungeons/etc. Elden Ring would be better without open world.
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MCU variants when? Think about how much money they'd make off of Captain Marvel's.
that's one of the slowest ways to climb. you shouldn't be going to turn 6 unless you have a pretty decent shot of winning.

Final turn, you shouldn't be guessing. You either know you're about to win, or you retreat.

hell nah, the open world is what makes Elden Ring so good
why do i get long queues in pg?
isn't the point of bots to avoid that?
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why must green effects so often ruin my inks
I thought they were going to let us mix and match effects at some point, what happened to that?
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What they have right now for custom cards is probably the furthest they'll ever go, or else everyone would just match a kirby from their shitty foil into a better effect
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beating tribunal with their own stupid effect will never stop being the funniest shit
i bet he put a hole in his wall after that coulson-generated-skrull
the funniest is when they snap and you have no tech and they slap down their tlt and it does like 9 on each lane because they played like shit
>or else everyone would just match a kirby from their shitty foil into a better effect
and that's bad why?
Why doesn’t Elsa’s ability work on the space throne anymore?
Because she's an old card and everyone already bought her. She needed a soft nerf to make the new cards that much more appealing.
i was sold at tummy
For us it's not, for SD it is
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>Series 5
Who knew giving a card with premium stats, the ability to move as well as the ability to kill off limbo would be a tier 1 card!

Letting a 5/20 card on a archetype that goes very wide is also very baffling kek.

I still regret skipping the red slappy man

>series 4
expected, but darkhawks still nowhere to be seen yet he's so impactful apparently

>series 3
Le sentry nerf got him good lol

Good to see the Kang creeping up into tier 1
>Tier 2
Is he actually playable again?
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>5 days until we debate if Phastos is overrated or underrated
>a week after we see if innate ramp is broken or not

>people will roll with one key to get Arishem
>they will get Black Swan/Hercules
>ask a team will be full of people whining about how shit both cards are
There ain't no fucking way Sersi gave me Beast , the one card other than Carnage that would lose me that lane. Wtf
>Buying Arishem with tokens
>Will roll for his variant
pls sd, just one keyPLEASE!!!!!!!!
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>play wiggan on 3 with Arishem
>energy at 7,8,9 on rounds 4,5,6
how do you lose?
if you're not saving tokens for arishem you're making a big mistake. card is going to be busted.
tokens is my middle name, get on my level
Sersi my beloved unwashed wife
Does she actually not bathe or are you just pushing some weird meme?
it's not a meme to have good taste
for what purpose? you will never fucking play him on the board, your opponent will never see the card art you spent a billion resources on
Have all the good players stopped playing or something? Is it just because there's no overbearing deck right now, that off-meta decks can succeed?

I'm in the top 2000 right now when I only ever hit this high when I was playing nonstop when the game was fresh.

Anyone else at a noticeably higher snap point / rank than usual?
post deck godgamer
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These are the three decks I've mostly been rotating between for Sersi week because playing one deck is too boring. I was also playing a Kingpin disruption deck, but the point fluctuation on that is too wild for me to think it's actually good for climbing.
The meta is unironically pretty healthy right now. Which means SD will find some way to fuck it up soon.
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Didn't know Kim Jacinto's got a ultimate Anni variant doing the pose
Healthy and boring, majority of the decks i play against is some sort of angela/thena/kitty shell, if it's not that then its some sort of junk/anni/sentry/white widow/sersi shell

Still more diverse than the cballx meta
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>complaining about a meta where nothing is particularly broken
Finally done Conquest farming. Turn 3 SP farmers are heroes. I’ll be sad when SD patches out their exploit.
I think they can't honestly, there are plenty of legit farmers too so they can't just press a button and wack all the farmers
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This is what sersi auto gave me

fkn ai shite
This is the exact deck I'm running just with Nocturne over Black Widow.
She's like a better Annihilus in that deck, what's the problem?
If they're looking to add splits I think it's inevitable that they'll let us do that
Overall, I think a lot more people would pay the token tax if cards with S4 tier texts would actually release into S4, not naming names.
Think of it like this, Ben. As long as halving the price brings in double the customers plus one, you're ahead.
Sure, don't overdo it, because people might accidentally come close to having a full collection, but 1 S4 card every month wouldn't hurt.
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I agree

Hydra Bob is a prime candidate for a series 4 card, with a 10/10 spotlight (because SD knows he sucks)

No way you spend 4 keys for him alone, but if he was 3k tokens, i would think about getting him
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Sersihawk is pretty good tho. Especially with everyone running Surfer because of the hot location.
Do I buy 6 series 3 cards with my 6000 tokens or 2 series 4 cards?

I think 6 series 3 is more fun but I dunno how the content shit works.
>Do I buy 6 series 3 cards with my 6000 tokens
never, ever spend for series 3 cards regardless of how good they card, eventually you will get it all for free

you can make a case for some really core ones like venom/death

>2 series 4 cards?
depends on the two, some are really good and archetype defining

again for destroy, knull is worth the 3k tokens
okay which series 4 should I go for?
ones that will stay series 4
Depends on the decks you like playing but Nebula is legitimately the best 1-cost card in the game so she's a safe place to start if you're uncertain.
I have her thankfully. She's maybe the only random 4 series I do have..
That's very good then. But what decks do you like playing? Or doing you only care about staying meta? Darkhawk has been good since hus release no matter how they try to nerf him and with Arishem coming up he's only going to get better. After that Knull if you like Destroy, Kitty is just generally a good card. Ravonna offers some crazy energy cheat. Modok if your a discard enjoyer. Gladiator is a key piece to the mill deck. Mobius is a good pickup if you have Pixie. Series 4 has a lot of good cards to choose from.
I really like Evo but he struggles right now, so I've been experimenting with adding Shanna and Kazar.

Both cards let you add power to the board while continuing to float energy, Kazar buffs the Nebula/Sunspot/Misty that you already bring You're still weak to killmonger but every deck can't be "I'm hela and win all match ups"

Right now I'm packing Wasp/Sunspot/Nebula/Misty/Scorpion//Cyclops/Shanna/HE/Kazar/Abomb/She-hulk/Hulk.

I'm considering dropping hulk for Gilgamesh, gonna try that out for a bit now. Deck is incredibly weak to Surfer, locations just make it worst. Almost an autoretreat vs those due to skillmonger and shaw
The fact that Hela is allowed to DISCARD WHILST SHES SUMMONING AND THEN CONTINUE TO SUMMON THOSE CARDS is the dumbest fucking shit ever, it should absolutely snap shot the shit.
>The fact that Hela is allowed to DISCARD WHILST SHES SUMMONING AND THEN CONTINUE TO SUMMON THOSE CARDS is the dumbest fucking shit ever,
that doesn't work unless she's under wong
you realize surfer and ongoing decks both shit all over that shell, right?
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That was fun. Swapped out black widow for psylocke for an additional 4 drop(jubilee/lad/sentry) and she turns into a 3drop anyway with sersi(got turned into a pig in the screenshot)
>Sersi turned into a pig
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It keeps happening
Why is rhino still a 3/3
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higher further faster baby
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This guy played Magneto on turn 5 and I cannot figure out how
Nevermind I'm very stupid
Because he's Scarlet Witch without the randomness. SD apparently see's that lack of RNG as worth 1 energy.
But the randomness is far more valuable because there's not that many locations that instantly lose you the game if you play Scarlet witch on say turn 6, into an empty location (such as luke's bar).

Rhino could be 3/4 and he still wouldn't see play. Minimum he's getting in is 3/5. And 3/5 is fair since so many cards have useful effects at 3/5 like Spiderman, Polaris etc
Uh because people need to buy nocturne instead duh
Locations are so rigged for destroyniggers it's not even funny.
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>Makkari is we-
(1) Quinjet
(1) Kitty
(2) Collector
(2) Cable
(2) Angela
(2) Maximus
(3) Agent Coulson
(3) Killmonger
(3) Cosmo
(4) Shang
(5) Sera
(5) Devil Dino

Any idea to make this shit work w s3 cards? Im waiting for Loki to get into spotlight to make better control one, big L for not taking thena
I feel sad for hela players.
No originality, no need for thinking.
He highrolled twice, so boring.
Oh snap, there's matchmaking for matching titles?
+Either Mysterio or Maria Hill
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Wanted x-23 but that was pretty fortunate too, wew
for a minute i thought he had power gain on the spotlight screen too
Honestly this week's lineup is great. You would be wise to continue pulling if you have keys
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Nobody expects a 2/31
>ones that will stay series 4
The last drop just happened, and it's pretty safe to assume the next one won't be earlier than October, based on the time between the previous ones. Hell, SD not dropping anything then doing a big Christmas drop is pretty feasible. Even if you invest into two S4 cards that'll get dropped, you'll get to play for up to 6 months with them, and that's plenty of time to make another 6k.

As for the cards:
Decent, pretty much the only card above S3 that's mandatory for a competitive destroy deck. Sure, Nico Minoru is nice to have, but generally a fat Venom, a free Death and a big Knull is more than enough payoff in the deck. Also, X-23 is in spotlights this week.
The only card above S3 that's needed for the OG Hela discard casino deck, where you hide him and Hela behind an Invisible Woman and shit out big numbers. Hela's been recently hit though, and Modok has been powercrept by Corvus Glaive, but the option is still there.
>The Living Tribunal
Just like the previous two, he defines an archetype that's otherwise pretty cheap.
>Sebastian Shaw
An outlier, because he's not S4, but Silver Surfer has been on the rise again, and apart from Shaw, the rest of the deck is S3 or below.

>Kitty Pryde
For maximum gainz you'll need Hope Summers and Elsa Bloodstone, but Kitty and Angela is a decent core by themselves in many decks. Well, mostly Loki and shit like that, but more than one.
Once again, not a full archetype by himself, but him along with Korg and Rockslide make a nice core some decks use.

Alright, the rest of them are either ass or need multiple S4 or above cards to work in a deck.
I haven't looked at upcoming spotlights, so if any of these show up in them in the forseeable future, consider getting them with keys.
If only Mirage was a better card
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Bruh the helmet is giving a thumbs up
prof x was bad but this is kinda ass too
I forgot how dogshit this game was regardless
I was told c4 was awful...
wtf this is the most complex combo I've seen done in this game
what the fuck are they thinking with the gilg buff. regularly a 5/17 or more.
>despite that fancy combo the only reason they won is warrior's fall not triggering somehow
my sides
anon... it did trigger
it triggered before makkari's, killing sera
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Ock pulled my shang and got destroyed but still switched sides. Knull still got buffed by it.
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you okay buddy?
yes, the text is inaccurate
it's more equivalent to "after you play a card here, your opponent gets a copy and yours vanishes from existence (if it hasn't already)"
that's stupid
i kinda want that new ham variant
i bought it
Don't do it bro it makes swine gas
>3 keys
>rolling for Phastos because he's broken as fuck and I'm missing Spider Ham anyways
>buying Arishem with tokens
Should I risk rolling for Makkari? She seems insanely skippable.
Am I retarded? Where's the 31?
She has one cool combo, but yeah nah she's not work it. Should have been a series 4.
Mysterio costs 2, but he and his clones all added up to 31 power. (13+9+9)
He died and was reborn as a black woman, so yes.
Has this variant just been removed from the game? I had it in my shop once, didn't buy it and then never again.
It is kind of interesting how the comics came up with an in-universe explanation for why so many Eternals changed ethnicities and genders to match their movie versions. The way Makkari was suddenly made deaf was pretty contrived though.
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Any advice for a newish player?
Currently stuck at rank 54 where meta decks start replacing zoo and discount destruction/discard teams
I got all series 2, Magneto, Doom, Dracula, Death (no Hela tho), Destroyer, Thor and Jane Foster
No series 4 or 5
Dino probably.
I remember using double dino a lot in series 2. Also standard move is kind of good in series 2.
How did you get a huge Posterio?
Give me a bit and I'll try to make a deck
the people suggesting double dino decks are correct, it's the strongest answer you have as a primarily series 2 player.

Doom is also surprisingly good at that rank. You can just build ongoing and then Doom at the end for easy wins
I want Phastos, but I already have Spider-ham and while I don't have Corvus, I'm pretty bad at discard decks.

Meanwhile Arishem seems broken.

I keep talking myself into buying that $100 bundle because it's the only way I'll be able to roll for Phastos and get Arishem
>opponent playing Agatha in Proving Grounds
>never snaps
>minimum 3 games to get my ticket
You can't be bad at discard just like you can't be good at it. It's a casino archetype and requires no skill or intelligence to play.
well i'm chronically unlucky, there's a reason I don't do any real gambling
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I don't like double Dino, 0 flexibility when you get a shit hand
Doom with ongoing sounds fun, this good?
I don't think Phastos will be that game-breaking imo

Arishem will just be a ramp players wet dream, solves the issues of being unable to play round 1, he'll either be really busted or whatever
I don't think phastos will be game breaking, I think he'll pair well with Gilgamesh. I also think he'll slot in nicely with High Evo who's really struggling right now. You can drop him on 3 and Cyclops on 4, and then the rest of your curve has a chance to improve

Arishem, i want for similar reasons to release High Evo: a whole new deck opens up
Man looking ahead I'm not interested in any of the remaining cards this season, any of the card next season, and only kate bishop in august.
The card next seasons in a vacuum are pretty fucking bad. Hydra Bob looked nice before change, now he's useless. Ajax gets boned by Luke. Copycat is okay, a card you play to steal info, that's it.

And they're pretty much giving us Cass Nova for free.

Young Avengers season looks good tho, I want Wiccan, some ramp shit with Arishem seems retarded. Speed looks cool, pretty much a 3/9. Marvel Boy if he releases as he is, gg for the game. Then you have Hulkling, who's kinda shit lmao.
You could always do a spectrum-destroyer deck. Not something you play forever, but at your CL you should be alright until you get more key cards
that deck will be fine, it's just a matter of playing it correctly

Never play Elektra on turn one, and if possible avoid playing ant-man on turn one. Elektra because you'll probably miss and ant man because you're just telling them where you want to play. Iceman is the best opener and nightcrawler is fine.

I don't think Namor and Doom synergize all that well though. If Namor is losing the lane, Namor and Doombot likely are too. I'd take Captain America or Punisher instead
this was exactly my Series 2 deck, except without Prof X and Spec. I ran DD and Moongirl instead.
the reason i said >>482840125's deck works with DD and Moon-girl is because of how strong ongoing cards are. You dont always need to double up the DD. Having two copies of almost anything in this deck is game changing. Even if you have a "shit hand", a last minute double klaw is going to win you a lot of games
Honestly i don't think it's that bad. You can definetly upgrade it later on with stronger cards like Jean Grey and Magik (so you can play both Destroyer and Spectrum in the same game) if you end up liking how it plays.
>opponent retreated
be a little less obvious breh
trying to gman without prio is some kind of mouthbreather shit
gman is so bad now, sersi exists too if he ever pulls it off with prior
the good galactus deck currently is the one with ultron killmonger death and shit. somehow it never stops having good stats despite people knowing more about it now.
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hey guys im here what now
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the deck (but really lets be real, its all bots anyhow)
get top 1000 so you can brag in here
lmao bro i dont have the wallet for that shit.
For peak efficiency you start grinding conquest. Once all rewards have been claimed you have no reason to play beyond doing dailies
Top 1000 is dominated by Loki and Hela. Both are cheap decks
only money i've paid is season pass for 6 months and i'm in there, so you can definitely do it cause there's so many gilgamesh players up here now

i'm not seeing hela as much! i'm mostly seeing annihilus/sersi and thena/angela decks. (loki of course is still around)
mockingbird krakoa highroll
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Gwenpool on wong, with mysterio in hand
2/36 on turn 6????
You mean 2/40
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Am I only the one who stopped playing Marvel Snap because of the bots ?
What's the fucking point of playing a tcg against bots ??
I did often hit infinite, but I can't grasp the fact that half of my games were against bots, I haven't played this game since 8 months, and from what I'm seeing, there is still plenty of bots
It's inevitable due to how they designed the game to work. They want Snap to be a fast game where you can jump in, play a 3 minute game and jump out.
You can't do that if there are no players to match you with at all times. At least bots are easy to recognize and mostly harmless
Bots from SD that play the game and feed you cubes? Fun.

Player bots that are designed to farm via agatha or turn 3 farms? Disgusting and should be banned
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I don't have any fun playing against farmable bots honestly
same goes for the cheating bots obviously

Imagine having the perfect opening hand, just for you to realize you are playing against a dumdum easy cube bot....
Why would I care? They give free cubes and are easy to farm missions on. You can get your fill of meta slop once you hit infinite and start climbing there.

Besides, every digital card game has bots. You play Hearthstone? Zoo bots. Yugioh? FTK bots. It doesn't matter what game you play, they all have bots.
The game is just a 15min passtime for me to waste time.
Game is dead, it pretty much 90% bots for me, in any game mode.

Not Gwent kek, but I got bored of it after a while
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i haven't stopped playing it because of it but i absolutely despise playing against bots, it's boring and just not fun, it doesn't matter if i can farm 8 cubes, it's not why i play the game anyway
gwent and runeterra don't have bots
Not a lot of bots in infinite. Sounds like you should hit infinite
There's still bots in infinite. It's just boring.
There are no bots in infinite
there is no gold in aqaba
There are people running Agatha bots in infinite.
Report them then
Good luck with that. It's Agatha, the bot SD gives to everyone.
I learned to appreciate the bots, they let me keep up with rewards even when the meta's trash... which it has been for quite some time
with the new ladder system second dinner seems to think I'm some sort of big baller and just throws a bunch of loser bots at me until I'm infinite, so I get the choice to actually play the game or throw for dailies as I please due to infinite not having bots
I've also only had like 2 cheating bots in the last 5 months, pretty sure those are almost phased out; except for in the super low ranks where it's bots only for some reason
but yeah, I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth keeping up with snap, shit's been quite stale for quite some time and all the upcoming cards beside bob look like boring trash too.
that prof x meta was almost a breath of fresh air because at least it kinda changed how the game is played
Yall do be crying for bots when grinding up 500mil chimmys
that trash event is probably when I'm going to quit
fuck off with this gacha farming bs, probably gonna ask you to play 5 hours a day grinding that crap knock-off conquest
quite the opposite, they confirmed to have some sort of energy mechanic where you only can play a set amount of times until the energy runs out KEK
I'm not sure if that's better or worse
They're probably going to put in a way to buy more energy. SD has been in full whale milking mode for a while now.
How come whenever someone disconnects before the game starts in ladder the conquest health bars appear under the names
As long as the base card is easy to get f
im happy to get Cassandra free
Just make sure you have keys for Ajax
Oh you have no idea, lol. I wonder how much you don't know about how this game operates.
I've been in infinite every season and I've never seen a bot there since they made the matchmaking change
those are lobotomites, not bots
They have bots that are well disguised.

what you're interpreting as a bot is likely just a stupid person, there's no lack of those in infinite

Typical Sera Surfer retard that thinks they can win every fucking game. He snapped turn 6 as well KEK. God I love Alioth for being able to punish this type of retard stubborness.
Trying to get medals in Conquest and everyone is running White Widow/Red Guardian/Both Goblins

What deck can I run to deal with this annoying ass bullshit
Sersihawk. A basic destroy deck can also deal with gobs and widows
I usually get to infinite within the first two weeks of the season just casually playing and then never see bots again. Can't even say I see that many on the climb. Then, it's just all people in infinite

How low of an MMR do you need to be getting Agatha farmers in infinite?
It's fucked up how there's still not a way to report roping.
>he doesn't rope when the opponent is being a faggot

sorry bro I need some time to think on what exactly you're going to do with that wong
back up to 4.2k gold hope there's something cool to buy soon
you literally can
report user then choose time wasting or whatever it was for the reason
not that it does anything
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This variant supposedly comes out today
>covered up her thighs
>and they made her asexual
That writer literally has a fetish for turning cute girls asexual. He did the same thing to Nadia.
casper the ghost lookin' ass mf
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The probable battlepass variant is fine
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Cute and Gay
will my account get bricked for not claiming the free pride avatars
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>opponent plays a card on krakoa on the same turn that i play black widow, so he doesn't draw the boosted card
>play baron mordo so that when he does draw the boosted card it will be 6-cost
>next turn he plays it for 3-cost
black girl summer
If it was turn 6, then Baron Mordo was changed to revert the cost on turn 6.
Or they possibly had Mobius down, in which case Mordo does nothing to them.
it was turn 5 and they did not have mobidick
already had a shit ton of sera wong surfers this week and none of them ran makkari
Makkari is actually just not a very good card. There's no reason to run her when you have better 3 costs for Surfer like shit like Sage
Nice tribunal
Mockingbird on Krakoa, got lucky and Mysterio got hit by it
>makkari 50/50s to deaths domain for an ez win
heh, and people say this card is bad
it's clearly silver boy summer though
Whatever gets them to fucking nerf it for good
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>can't even play one of the ez decks of the game
Ebin fuck you Shawn
it sucks that the surfer "archetype" has so many possible variations but the greediest is also the most optimal
wong + sera completely mogs anything else yo ucan come up with
Negative Surfer does just fine.
i mean it's another wong deck
card is just too primitively good
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We need to address the Silver Surfer issue!
Am I stupid or is Scarlet Witch generally more useful than Nocturne? I have Nocturne, but I find that in situations where I need to change a location Scarlet Witch is better (unless it's sanctum santorum).
I get that Nocturne is a 3/5 and you can delay the location change but idk she just doesn't feel as good in situations where she's needed.
You need to wait a turn to change a location with Nocturne and your opponent can play around it because they know it's coming.
There is a mindgame factor to consider where the opponent doesn't know if you will or won't use Nocturne, plus she has synergy with Angela and other movement cards. Being able to move is also increasingly more useful as junk becomes more popular.
If you JUST want to fuck with limbo players though, Scarlet Witch is better
More useful, sure, being able to fuck limbotards
Changing location is secondary for nocturne, having premium stats + being able to move is why she's retarded
It's a 5 week season, do we still get big datamine patch on the 4th week or?
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The mindgame factor is not as valuable as the surprise factor. Being able to move is Nocturnes main selling point. If your deck can't use that then your better off with Scarlet Witch.
Who’s the artist?
literally every deck in the game benefits from being able to shift power around, nocturne is just flat out better
I prefer the art where Billy transforms into her
Not really. The delayed effect and the fact your opponent knows about it makes Nocturne worse. Scarlet Witch is the better location disruption card. Nocturne is only worth it if you value the move.
noncommittal 5 power you can move around with the bonus of changing a location at a whim is a million times better than scarlet witch
Consider this though: Scarlet Witch is sexier
Scarlet Witch is better location disruption and Jeff is better movement. Nocturne is a mid card.
scarlet witch sucks cock and is a waste of energy and nocturne is unironically better than even jeff, the only thing mid here is your iq
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>nocturne is unironically better than even jeff
Worth it to buy the Wong bundle for the card? I only have the base set on reveal cards
you're the one advocating for scarlet witch here, go point at your own nose
and yeah, having a secondary function of location control is worth way more than sometimes being able to cheese space throne
If you want to play with wong right now, sure
otherwise pick him up for free later
with prof x getting murdered jeff seems less relevant and nocturne has more useful utility
snap.fan says its a good bundle BUT you can totally get wong for free if you wait for him to show up in your claims
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>go point at your own nose and yeah
jeff costing 2 versus nocturne's 3 is why he's better than noct.
Who’s gonna tell him
this conversation is retarded because you just run both in your deck anyways
just wait until you hear about this card called nightcrawler
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Jeff doesn't die to Killmonger
Invisible Woman if you like Hela, otherwise thats a very skippable shop
Tarot Carol
See I was actually thinking that the dan hipp ones are actually decent for him. Normally I dont like dan hipp.

ARTGERM IS TRASHOLA BOYS its like the definition of boring.
mount Vesuvius is such a stupid location lmao. This HE shitter snapped on me earlier and then just had to take a forced -8 loss when he couldn't play anything turn 6 lol.
He roped me too, he was salty as fuck, he should have known better going up against a junk deck though
can we just skip Phastos week and fast-forward to Arishem week? he's just 3-cost Okoye
Calling it rn

Phastos WILL be mid
My beautiful smelly wife Sersi
Sersi needed some cute variants yesterday what is the hold up?
Seriously, I've been sitting on these keys for forever waiting for Arishem.
What we really need is an Artgerm pitkino variant
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I agree, if he were at least a 3/4 he might be usable but at 3/3 I just dont think he has enough numbers to be good
he's potentially a 3/10 tho???? even 3/12???
He would be at 3/4, yeah
But he's currently a 3/9 IF
>you land +2 power on the 3 cards you draw
>you want to play the 3 cards you draw
literally might as well play Okoye if your master plan for phastos good is "just hit Brood"
>Phastos on 3
>Hit Adam Warlock on 4
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lot of people evaluating phastos as decent are all assuming one thing - you get him on 3 (which happens in roughly 50% of games)
what happens in the other 50% of games, other than "he's nakia-tier unusable"
Now give me CLASSIC FUCKING VARIANTS of these characters Disney butchered
Makkari is better as a black woman tbqhwy
This has happened to me before and I unironically think you shouldn't be allowed to snap after turn 5 with Vesuvius as a location.
Isn't Sersi the best?
Thena's a meme, even Gilgamesh might be arguably better after the buff
Sersi is good in like 1 deck. Thena is more versatile. Gilgamesh kinda is too
well the annihilus package is like 10 decks
Me on the right
Me on the left
no I am not playing fucking surfer again, especially not with nakia, brood last week was bad enough
take those 250 credits and shove 'em
>chuck cards in a random deck
>go to proving ground
>find the first turn 3 snapper bot victim(they usually play a 1 cost, or yellow jacket +1cost on turn 1)
>insta snap 4 times
I have never gotten one of those and I'm not going to waste my time trying to find one
This gay shit wont go away even though I've opened the message..
>Using keys for Arishem rather than tokens.
His spotlight is so dog shit it's unbelievable.
They really made an effort to put him with the worst cards in the game
It's frequently bugged
i do a lot of emote shittalking in this game. lots of "i dont believe you" when the opponent is playing a deck i don't respect, lots of kamala thumbs up when the enemy loses pathetically. can i get banned for this?
No, you are the target audience for the game
Auto squelch doesn’t exist because of people like you
No, SD wants you doing that because they sell emotes now.
i don't buy emotes though. i do buy the season pass so they still get something out of me.
>i don't buy emotes though.
You say that now.
People are fucking stupid about Phastos, assuming it's "draw on 3 or he's useless"

what happens if you draw him on 4 and play him with a 1 cost? Now all of a sudden your turn 6 is 2 power cheaper and you get to play it alongside a 2 drop? I don't think he's going to be broken but morons treat it like "either he's busted or he's trash, zero in between"
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>copies your phastos
nothing personal
They’re doing a psy-op where they are selling pixelated kinnairds for 1200g, Sersi’s casual variant is part of the experiment
My wallet is ready to paying for her though
Because people interested in this meme ramp card don’t care about being competitive anyway, perfect cache to stuff with fodder
he's going to be competitive though. +1 max energy per turn is the best ramp in the game.
Are you targeting any current or future emotes? Any particular emote that has been used against you that made you salty?
Sandman and black cat look pretty good for talking shit. Also flexing she-hulk can be quite BM
hey man, that herc variant is pretty nice
+1 energy that you can't build a deck around. Plus, Darkhawk and clog decks will feast making all of that energy go to waste when you can't get rid of your cards fast enough.
Only an idiot thinks Thena is a meme. Massive stat stick with an easily workable requirement
Dead thread, dying game
im playing shadow of the erdtree
>no Jeff Dekal Iron Heart for the thousandth day in a row
The Silver Surfer is kinda cool at least.
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FREE borders
>3 free borders
No way they're this generous
this border giveaway is so insulting, it's as if they want people to complain even more. These shittty borders should be a one time buy.
The profit they are making off these must be insane for the little work it requires to make
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>double wong into sersi makes infinaut zola
>wong into jubilee pulls sersi and makes this shit
why is my sersi incapable of such feats when i play her
speaking of their profits, i'm about to contribute to the problem and buy the Ironheart bundle so i can have 6k tokens to buy a new card. Who should I prioritize
I've been vaguely averse to launching the game for a season or two now, but the FOMO on dailies is singlehandedly fueling me
just uninstall and stay away. I was gone for 6 months and trying to come back is damn near impossible with all of the cards that came out in between. Just get out of the game and go play something else
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You like those discounted cards now huh?!
…really hoping they give loki cards a 1 cost minimum somewhere down the line. Would have lost if he just moved the nocturne right and played the 0 cost nico right
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neat. perfect effect color, too
will be a good target for that free silver border later this week
Waka Waka Blacks Are Coming Goes Wet, Maria Hill, 4on1, DAP, Rough Sex, Gapes, Pee Drink, Cum in Mouth, Swallow
Very nice. I have this with the same effect but with the neon white border and I like it a lot.
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Idk what this but you should probably kill yourself
what are you guys going to use your free borders on? im thinking maybe using the green on this enchantress
It looks pretty good on enchantress but I don't even remember the last time I used her outside of her being randomly generated.
I actually kinda doubt they are making all that much money off of these, only people I even see running around with any borders are the loki tards with the odd thanos here and there
absolutely no one is buying these and the "bad press" they generated certainly outweighed the profits
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Probably my wife (male).
Arishem might get one of the silver ones when I eventually ink him
if only lizard was still good
forgot pic
merely powercrept by newer absurd priority grabbers like white widow
One of the Silvers is 100% going on Quinjet
>White Widow is allowed to be a 2/6 with almost no drawback
>But Lizard can't be a 2/5 with a significant drawback
It's not fair.
my point is that they are so cheap to make that even if not many buy them they will still be a net positive in revenue
Lizard is a victim of being good in the beginning.
Depends on what cards you already have/what you're missing.
forgot pic like an IDIOT. This would probably look fucking sick with the silver metallic border we're getting with the login rewards
Probably nothing since I prefer having all borders the same instead of matching the card themselves.
Sera looks so cute here
almost all of series 4 and 5

I actually kind of like Lizard in my destroy decks, and because I don't have Nico, there's already a "less optimal" slot in my deck no matter what, so I've had room to play with it for a bit.

Lizard doesn't give away that you're a destroy deck. Nobody sees that coming, and a lot turn 1s get skipped even by hands that are holding 1 drops. Lizard gets you priority on turn 2 in a lot of games, doesn't give your deck away so you have a target to destroy that is almost certainly not getting armored on 3.

I flip back and forth between Lizard and Martyr, but Martyr is just a little bit safer. If something goes wrong, Lizard can't be killmongered but Martyr can.
Thanos, Loki, Arishem.
select what you have using this, are you pool 3 complete?
Maybe Coleen Wing
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Cards that spawn tokens are super value since it carries over, I'll probably save it for Arishem in 2 weeks, thanks SD

Neon's really pop out on the field, metallics, not so much
Depends what you like playing the most, no point getting corvus/midnight if you don't like playing ramp or discard, or getting x23 and you don't like playing destroy
I like High Evo the most, who should I prioritize around that?
you should only spend tokens on new cards
other cards have a chance to come back in spotlights or be pulled from the doup
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>he actually upgraded the enchantress variant that crops out all the cool artwork once upgraded
Imagine taking dump on the Mona Lisa
Save 4 keys to make sure you can acquire Ajax in July.
He should be good with High Evolution along with Cassandra nova is obtainable for free next month
Like the anon said, if you like high evo then focus on Ajax. The other card you should want is Red Guardian whenever that comes back in spotlight.
I really wish generated cards used our favorited variant for that card
The green one isn’t very good, and only goes well with a few cards and variants (mostly purple ones). The metallic whites are the Trojan Horses as they aren’t spectacular, but they go well with a lot of cards/variants, so they’ll give players a taste for the premium border lifestyle and how snazzy they can make their decks.

What are you going to use your log-in border with, /snap/? Me:
Green-Hulk or Green Goblih
White 1: Infinaut
White 2: USAgent
It would be nice, but if SD tried to do this it would break the game. Everyday the game doesn't break is a miracle.
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Phastos discounts even 1 costs into 0 costs, does that change anything for you?
I don't use keys on black characters
I feel like you probably use him in low cost Kitty/Bounce decks if that's the case. I think he'll have his place in the meta. Remember people thought Sersi was bad until she found her deck.
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I'm looking through my variants for ones that would look good with Green. I'm thinking one of these, kinda leaning towards Mysterio though.
Drawing a 1 cost on turns 4, 5 or 6 is usually not ideal
Thanos. Buff the stones, play the stones, the stones draw you cards and then you play more buffed cards. Anything else and you only get the three normal draws. I guess you could also put him in a lady Thor deck but that's copium. Phastos seems like an easy pass
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The real queen of /snap/
Shame they have so few variants from her. Her ghost spider and spider-woman are my favorites.
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What about em
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I'd shove my face in there after a hard workout.
You can't even see them in this one
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Yeah but it's the sequel to the first one.
I never thought of her as a pitslut, but you've convinced me. I need a (better) Artgerm variant now.
u guys r gross
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Got unlucky in this season's variant. At least is not pixel.
I actually really like this one, it's probably Blue Marvel's best one.
utterly unlucky, lad
I haven't a clue to what you are referring.
Ending up getting two keys this week, thanks SD!
The only good Blue Marvel variant is the one where he's wearing a helmet
Yeah. Helmet or unironically sticking with base one.
Nah, the best one is the not doctor fate variant
i was kinda excited for hercules but i just realized the move change fucks him super hard
Actually, yeah. The base is his next best variant.
He does have a niche use with Professor X now. I wouldn't roll for him but there is a small possibility he gets buffed and we enter a new Prof X meta where he's key.
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Snap approved waifus:
>Loki (female)
>Captain Marvel
>Maria Hill
Any others?
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Rian Gonzales
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Rian Gonzales of course
Nico Minoru

those are my goth waifus
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This is my wife, please be kind.
That's one of the few ultimates I'd actually consider buying even if she never see's play
I sure can't wait for when ultimates get special effects like they promised. Years ago. Haha. Ha...
Venom for me
Makkari is okay
Could use a power buff (3/5 or 3/6) or could have her ability reworked (like proxima and mbaku)
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death forma loli
0/5 she would be good in general decks and a galactus killer (lol)
>first round of conquest opponent playing destroy and gets deaths domain
>second round gets destroy for 2 energy
>third gets deaths domain

You can't convince me that location RNG isn't rigged. Twice in the last half hour I got Limbo into Project Pegasus.
There's several systems for the forced 50/50 winrate.
Locations is one of them.

I had a game of conquest just now where the opponent played move, and got 5 move locations in 2 rounds.

I lost.
You know, besides the win all 3 locations at the end of a match 4 times one, this week’s chapter missions were pretty alright.
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So I’ve never bought one of these things. How will this work? Upon redeeming it, will I immediately have to pick which card-character I want it to go to or will it be in reserve until I make my choice on a custom card variant?
The latter, the custom card menu will show how many of a certain border you own instead of the price in gold and you can unlock it for any card you want
Ok. Thank you!
I'm pulling for Phastos, but only because Corvus Glaive is there too and I don't have him
This but with both Corvus and Pig
Can we nerf Nebula already. That or unnerf Sunspot.
how the fuck does phoenix tribunal actually work, all I'm doing is losing
for all the lil bros in here who don't know, breast milk is actually delicious
i let an episode of nip/tuck i saw as a kid make me think it would taste gross but it's super sweet and getting it straight from a nice pair of tiddies is heaven
sweet yes, delicious hell no. Gross man
it's honestly not much different than bottle milk
it's thinner, sweeter, different color, and one is from an animal while the other is from Sarah or Callie. Very different, and very gross
>think Makkari’s animation looks neat
>even though it recycles the pathing from Quicksilver’s
Is it a sin to be easily pleased?
Once you get past a certain CL, Thanos is so fucking pointless.

Cool card that you can't use if you don't have Cull Obsidian, Mockingbird, or Caiera. Great game
Caiera’s not as needed as those other two. And Cull’s coming back in Copycat’s spotlight next month if that helps.
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Returning player, spammed a bunch of keys and bundles over the last few weeks and here's what I'm missing.

Who am I targeting /vg/, and am I gonna use 6k tokens on Arishem?
copycat seems like a waste of a key though
You destroy a move card (human torch, mm, dagger, first and third for peak power and being preferred ones, tho ht can get fucked easier than dagger cuz of km)
Resurrect it with pf, either solely or with shuri
Keep moving the shit out of it
Play tribunal
or play magik iron man onslaught tribunal if that doesn't pan out
Pf is very susceptible in sense that she can bring back an insignificant card destroyed by your opponent or by locations or by you
What decks do you like? Since you have Gladiator, Zemo can open you up to the mill archetype, which is fun but not consistently strong. Arishem just looks fun and he has a really opulent effect animation. You should look aghead at future spotlights also to see what you can snag with keys at max value with new cards that pique your interest:


Stuff NOT to get:
War Machine
Black Swan
I've had the most success with Destroy this season so Nico is high up there in my want list.

High Evo is fun, I'm running a version of that deck that just drops a ton of power on Turn 7, but I feel like it needs something. Red Hulk or Red Guardian, or both honestly.

Shaw pisses me off every single time I see him. He and Thana are poison to my winrate. Zemo pisses me off a lot too, but I can't tell if Zemo is the fuel there or White Widow is. Either way, Zemo gets on my nerves.

>Future Spotlights
Ajax feels like he could be a huge help to High Evo, but Hope Summers also feels like an important pick up in his and other decks. But then EVERY single card in Marvel Boy's week seems incredible, followed by Loki and Pixie the next week who both could just open new archetypes for me
it's also susceptible to just never drawing anything you can use
If you like Destroy, Deathstrike is unorthodox tech against Surfer/Shaw decks as she still lets you destroy stuff while being a counter to the likes of Wong.

Red Guardian’s just a generally good card and can be slotted into a lot of random decks, not just High Evo. For High Evo, Ajax would probably only work with the Abomination version and is otherwise sort of niche especially since two of the top ten deck archetypes right now use Luke Cage (though that can change in a month or two. Who knows). Red Hulk is a solid 6-drop that can fit into a lot of places easily and can stress out your opponent rather nicely, but SheNaut still works really well if you don’t want to spend the tokens. As you said, he’s also going to be in Marvel Boy’s week along with Blob who would work well with your Thanos. So, yeah, I’d recommend you just save eight keys for young avengers month for those two spotlights. You could also get Speed’s (who works well with Wiccan) since Jeff is in it though you already have Iron Lad.
There is an OTA next week and a patch the week he hits the spotlight. If they don't do something about him either time then it's a dead card
anon...they removed it from the roadmap
Yes anon, that's... that's the joke. Good job.
brainrot anon...
Remember to have your luke cage ready for next month
Yes, I will have Rogue ready to go, thanks
Cassandra Nova played on 3 is 3/8 and that's not even counting she is removing 7 power from her opponents deck.
big if on getting her out on 3
My opponent will always get her out on 3
is the tribunal version better than the nimrod one?
same way my PF opponents always draw MM/HT, Carnage, and Phoenix on turns 1-3

not that guy, but it seems more stable. It's easier to get off the Onslaught + Iron Man + PF backup plan than it is to get off the Shuri + Nimrod backup plan. More people play destroy counters than they do the ongoing counters, at least in my pocket bracket (CL 4.6k)
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very consistent, just stole 8 cubes from a guy destroying into Shuri's lab all game long. He should have retreated as soon as I showed Phoenix after a snapback, and definitely should have retreated when Iron Lad won the 50/50 dice roll between Iron Man and Dagger.
her best home will probably be a DH deck where you can either drop her early or later after dumping a few rocks
High Evo deck, dropped on Turn 3, Cyke on 4. You dont even need to be running Abomb for that to be game ending depending on the deck
>cable his sersi
>he sends his void over
>I sersi it which transforms my other 4 cost there as deathstrike killing the void before it can transform and losing the lane

live by the bullshit, die by it

Sersi is way too consistent anyways, tired of her
She gets big diminishing returns if you play her on any turn besides 3, but she will likely be very good in Darkhawk since you can stuff their deck full of rocks, play DH on 5 then Sage + Nova on 6
All those people playing Arishem or Thanos decks too
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Now I’m ready for Arishem and just in time to dodge Phastos/Pixie 2.0 metagame. Mill power!!!
that's not bad either, I just think she will be more consistent in a DH deck where you can play her after turn 3.
Plus your game plan dies if Luke Cage comes back in the meta, which I am honestly expecting since Ajax is also an affliction card
there's no version of HE decks that shouldn't be carrying Rogue
What’s the red guardian in a shuri deck for?
I can't decide. I think i want it on Doom because the doom bots would get the border too. Or maybe Mysterio for the same reason.
probably not even gonna use those borders, they ugly
Shit bro, I've got the inked Chibi Doom that would look great with that border.

What decks are you running Doom in these days, I might have to jump on that
Why can't you be a better card? She might get better with Ajax right? Should I do it?
I just played vs a whale who had borders on every single card he played and ngl, they looked fantastic
I mean the cosmc ones can look fine, maybe the metallic ones if you have a full set
but those neon borders? bleh...
>What decks are you running Doom in these days
Right now a Silver Samurai deck that I stole from someone here, a Hela-less Blink deck and a location control deck.
He's generally good if you don't have a definite turn 6 play
Neon White looks great in game. All the borders look better in-game than in the collection menu
When they're on the board they stand out a lot more.
evens - get makkari
odds - get phastos instead
Trans black girl magic!
since when is zero and even number? I thought it was neither odd or even
80 is an even number.
It's even
Since forever.
Average snap player
i really want a gf
Slow thread hours?
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we know Viv
>What decks are you running Doom in these days,
Usually some Ms marvel shell or sort of ramp really, ramp, sandman, odin etc
the next card is boring
Doom will have a janky combo with Sersi when Arishem comes out. He's also in Namora decks.
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the next card will either be win-more or broken beyond belief till they make it so it can't lower costs below 1
because they NEVER fucking learn their lesson
>copy a legion combo deck I saw in a video
>have the worst luck
>always draw my combo pieces in the wrong order for like 15 games in a row
>most depressed I've felt playing marvel snap
>the next day I decide to try again
>not only do I constantly draw all my cards in the right order, the bar with no name keeps showing up like every other game giving me a ton of fun legion blowout games
Feels good man
That's literally the AI at work. You can deny this all you want, but if you lose enough the game will just force you to win.
Your testimony right now is proof that SD as a business will do this to keep you around as a customer.
Thanks! /snap/‘s encouragement and telling me how it would be grey for an Arishem deck was a big motivating factor.
Based Arishem enjoyer
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The fabled border appeared in my shop
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Buy it, neon white is the best neon
I will have my echo ready to protect my Luke cage from rogue or read guardian abusers
I'm just going to Skrull + Misty your Ajax, bro.
but neon violet is a shortstack
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Is this shitter gonna get buffed at one point?
Does Ajax count base negative power like the hood and goblins? or does it have to be debuffs?
He's sometimes played in bounce which will get better with Marvel Boy.
The latter, same wording as Abom from High Evo
Nah, they're coming out with Kate Bishop instead.
Kates cards are broken what the fuck
>powercreeps green gobob
>powercreeps antman
>powercreeps hawkeye
>a free move card

guess im shelling up another 10 dollars, fucking SD
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Funny enough, I found this list that uses him, only missing Nebula sadly.
>shop resets once a day
>randomly fill shop with only one person's art
>I don't want any of them
>still haven't seen the variant I want in 2 months
These devs are retarded
They already buffed him
bro i haven't seen the variant i want in 2 YEARS
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Guess his gimmick
Reduce enemy power and move.
he has a token card so probably not move cause that would power creep multiple man..never mind it's multiple man but with more power. probably 4/8 when this move a clone is created but only one
5 energy 9 power
the first time this card moves make a copy of it and give it -4 power
way too good
That would be hilariously bad, so obviously this is what SD will do.
Creates a high-power clone of himself on your opponent's side of a location if you don't play him like the backstabbing cock mongler he is.
Becomes an emo or furry when played.
The first time this moves, create a clone on your opponent's side with -6 power.
Based schizo
Should I grab both of artgerms?Going to get a key from it but I already have a Psylocke variant I like and >lmao a variant from a card you barely see
Trust me, Youll hate your self if all you buy is artgerm. have some fucking fun.

Artgerm looks pretty but it isnt fulfilling. though the black cat one is easily his best and if you get any get that one. also get the dark hawk.
>Going to get a key from it
Yes, if you need a key

The cards will just be a bonus then
>Another clog card
Should I buy miss marvel for 6k?
Shut up queermo. The storm variant and emote you get from that album are top tier.
lmao? I only buy the best variants, better than the ones YOU buy.
Thena shell + Loki is so BUSTED
but it's also a deck that needs 10 series 5 cards, so i guess its le balanced!
They went with Ben Reilly, so just guessing thematically. Either

>he copies card text at the location he moves to applies it to a clone at the original location

>he survives destruction by sending a clone to a new location
So a pseudo nimrod? Could be cool
>Destroychads get another nimrod
The only problem I have with it is that cloning isn't traditional move. MM has clones too but only after the move requirement, and it's make Scarlet Spider the first Spider character not directly tied to 616 Pete who isn't to straight up move. That's half the reason they reworked Spider-Man in the first place
>was interested in boys in Tom King's series
>then this happened; not even bi
She's in need of some dutch wife reprogramming.
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I see I'm not missing much by keeping to my ~90s marvel comics rule of thumb
shut up queer lmao
If the spierverse characters are move related, it's going to play out like this
>SD adds new move cards
>players: this doesn't really work in move though? or anywhere really
>Glenn: Silly player these cards aren't meant to be played in move
>players: where are they supposed to be played
>no response
>card languishes
>person asks about card on the discord
>Glenn: According to our data, the card performance is just a little weak, so we don't want to buff it and make it too strong. the card just needs some future synergies to help it
>no synergies are added
>months later they "buff" it in a way that makes it even more awkward to play but is technically stronger
>dev notes: so we missed low on all the move cards from September, we were worried about the cards being too good so we erred on the side of caution, but apparently they came in a little underwhelming so this 1 cost reduction or 1 power increase should help
>still nobody plays the card
>someone asks about it
>glenn: there is currently a deck running this card performing very well I'll post it shortly
>never posts deck
It'd make
Is Nico worth 6k tokens?

If so, what decks other than destroy does she go into?
Sometimes you force yourself to pretend to like something you don't, in order conform to what you think you should be. She's being her true self now and that's great.
Phoenix Force
she really sums up the autistic tranny
She's not trans. Just gay
Yes yes yes yes

>If so, what decks other than destroy does she go into?

Pretty much anything, destroy/pf utilizes her the most but if you have a slot for a 1cost, she can undoubtedly go in there, destroy 1 draw 2 is op, even copying your played card is pretty good, the rest are pretty middling tho
Speaking of Nico, I'm kind of dreading the inevitable Runaways season should Snap survive into 2025 or even 2026. Those guys are kind of lame.
> Snap survive into 2025 or even 2026
Makes you think how long's the lifespan on this game is

Strike force is alive
Future Fight is alive

But some of the fan favorite ones that had a niche following were killed off like RoC

I guess being a decently popular card game is in Snaps favor
Does Loki's copied cards use the same border as Loki? If so I might use the green border on that.
Same everything yup, split, border, effect
Damn, I haven't played that deck in forever but it does look pretty good and it is cool that it carries over.
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Ready up all the mobius' for this week lads

We're going to see a fuckload of energy cheats, phastos + pixie + jane shite
Why is this in Indonesian?
because im indo?
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feet loki
It's op deck my brother, play loki, my brother
I think I'll wait until I get a good Annihilus variant to use it.
That one doesn't really go with the green, hopefully he gets something better in the datamines otherwise I'll buy that Adia one.
Maybe, literally everyone is using it on Loki rn though.
Saving my free borders for Arishem
jacinto has a single style huh
Suffering from some real choice paralysis rn regarding this green border bros
What cards do you have in mind to use it on
These (also Loki)
Whatever you enjoy most imo, they all look really good in the green

That mysterio especially
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Is this the play?
no she looks like she has the downs

but getting cucked by a shiny green card while playing living trib will get me mad
That's why I got her
It looks good yeah
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This has to be rage inducing right?
Fuck 'em
Wait, I have a question. You "spend" your border when you use it? How does this border system work?
Borders aren't a universal unlock, they are per-character. So if they give you 2 silver borders, you can unlock silver borders for 2 different characters
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If you have it stocked up from the free logins or from the cosmetic shop, you use it via the custom card tab, it's per card, every variant of that card can use it (duh)
I be smoking on that Surfer pack.
Silver Surf will get the Zabu treatment soon, enjoy it while you can bro

He enables too many things
>He enables too many things
He's a point slam card that requires a specific deck to work. Zabu was plug and play energy cheat.
He doesn't "enable" shit
One more week of disappointment before Arishem
then you can be disappointed with +1 max energy while arishem fills your deck with unplayable garbage like yellowjacket
still gonna get him though
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arishem spotlight is weak although black swan variant is not that bad. thing is arishem may be average at launch but is 100% going to be op sometime in the future, hence why everyone should take it preemptively
No. I've been shitting on Surfers all week.
Phastos might make Surfer even more insufferable.
Phastos will save Thanos
phatsos will save my pixie hammer monkey deck
Casual 1/22.
you're never going to draw phastos in arishem or thanos so i dont see him working there
You mean 1(+8)/17?
If Time Stone worked the old way Phastos would have been a lot better in Thanos since you could have ramped him out turn 2.
Now he seems pretty awkward.
You'll want him on turn 3 every time you can but the increased card count of your deck will make it even less consistent than normal, plus if you have him in hand you don't want to play any stones on turns 1 and 2 in order to draw the most buffed cards possible, which leaves you with less time for other plays on every turn after you play him (since you have to play the stones)
Ironman is 6
Hood is 6
Mysterio is 9
Thanos in general is awkward now. They need to return his card draw on all stones.
I agree with this
Also return reality stone to 1 energy
Bast adds 6 to Iron Man, adds 6 to Hood, and adds 5 to Mysterio.
Did they change something with Sersi? everytime someone plays her on a lane with 2+ of the same card both of them get the same roll
No. You're just getting unlucky.
>snap survive into 2026
>5 to mysterio

Huh? How did you manage that?
Have you ever played the combo? Him and the illusions get 3 power that stays entire game.
>goes from 0/0/4 to 3/3/3
Snap is going to live forever
I'm ready for my pixel/dan hipp variant in 1 minute
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Not bad for a log in reward
What did you guys pull!?
Pulled a pretty good one. One of the perks of having played so long is that my mystery variant pool isn't full of pixels anymore
this is great, but man howard sucks so fucking much.
>sersi gives me scarlet witch which turns left into mt vesvius on turn 5.
>i can't play shit going into turn 6
good thing my opponent is fucking stupid, they could have just snapped and i would have been forced to take it.
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I kind of want it…
*turns right into my vesuvius
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Patch tomorrow but it sounds like it won't have any balance changes.
There is an OTA on Thursday though.
We can still expect datamines tomorrow
Why are their vacations always so long? They took like 2 months off for Christmas.
They didn't take that long, their shit was just fucked by their backlog when they came back from the Christmas holidays and it took them months to readjust
they're so lazy it fucking hurts. They spend months not doing shit, not adding anything to the fucking game and then they have the gall to take a vacation?
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Haven't seen this fucker in a while actually
Don’t you mean Hannukah?
Stat him/her with Thor synergy.
Wait fucking off turn 5 when you're winning all 3 locations doesn't work anymore?
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I don’t know why he boomer snapped me when he saw my deadpool in the first 4 turns.
What CL are you? Because I don't stop seeing him.
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The new Howard variant is nice. I wish I could pin it in the shop like the token shop section.
to complete the mission
Just play sera control
No, play Sera Surfer with Hazmat. If they don't have Luke Cage then you win all three lanes.
just play tribunal
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It’s nice.
>Phatty tomorrow which means one week until arishem
>Datamines tomorrow
>Patch on thursday
we eatin GOOD
I'm hoping the data mine has more info on the spider-verse season
100% it will, we'll prob get images of the symbiote cards too
Best guess is the symbiotes will be october/halloween.
What are we going to name our alliance? Just /snap/? What if slashes aren't permitted?
the more important question is who is making and maintaining the clan if it's really limited to 20 people
>limited to 20 people
I imagine we'll have 2-4 alliances then
Junk mains only
Sentry? No entry
>end of August spotlight
>Iron Lad, Jeff, Speed
you've been playing long enough to have that steampunk variant but you haven't upgraded him past blue?
i dont play bishop much
Will we get September spotlight caches?
My favorite part of snap as a CL 3.3k is hoarding keys and planning on how I spend them. Got 11 in the chamber but August will put a big dent in that

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