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GOATs edition

>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

am I bad if I have 295 rating on chess.com
I would say you are more of a beginner than a shitter.
>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:
That's putting it nicely but thank you my friend I appreciate it
Ding is confirmed to be playing the olympiad
>>482608232 #
oh sweet as, thank you for that! are there many beginners or under 1000s?
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Seventh for Sneedireza Shitrouzja
i know people chimp out at you for offering something they aren’t forced to even look at but this is genuinely helpful anon, thank you
on which board? would be interesting to see the WC on board 2-3.
#1 it seems
very surprising
I was about to post a follow up about how they're probably not putting him on board one since Wei's been looking much better and Ding's liable to get slaughtered as #1 but I guess they can't lose face by putting the WC anywhere but board 1
this could really hurt China's chances at the Olympiad so it'll be interesting how it works out for them
maybe if Yu and Yi will carry, board 4 and the sub is solid they still have a decent shot even if Ding struggles
I would be very surprised if they medal tbqh. Not feeling it for them this time. They're also not bringing any of their top female players either so maybe this whole tournament is just a wash. We'll see.
not currently but we could play with piece or time odds if you'd like, I think playing with stronger players can help improve faster
I think it's early to write off China because even their board 4 and the sub will be very strong. still, who you got for top 3?
>They're also not bringing any of their top female players either
what the fuck. gold is a lock if they show up with the full squad. I guess Ju's been playing a lot so she has an excuse but the WC is only next year. even without Tan and Ju they'd still have excellent chances, espcecially if Hou plays so it's weird that the federation just lets them sit it out. they already missed out in '22. keeps the women section more interesting at least.
That's not the real rentry
>All the necessary resources for chess improvement:
>top 3?
gonna be between India, Uzbekistan and for shits and giggles I'm throwing France in there too. Kwabireza's gonna farm 'em. USA will slurp and sneed. Hikaru is a massive elo-babysitting faggot for skipping the tournament again btw.
Who ya got?
I expected Hou to sit it out but no Ju or really did surprise me. Guess Ukraine's taking it again, maybe India.
>could it be because of the dozens of schizo meltdowns he had ITG?
>could it be because he either is the janny that forced the move in the first place or is in cahoots with him?
>could it bebecause he's the biggest samefag in 4chan's history?
>could it be because back on /tg/ he would seethe and insult whoever else made a thread?
>could it be because he copypastes posts from here to his dead general then claims the opposite is happening?
>could it be because his pastebin is a piece of shit full of reddit links and twitch whores?
nuh uh the pastebin tranny is a good boy who dindu nuffin, everyone that hates him must just be chimping out for no reason
He does make (you) seethe though which is a point in his favor.
>Who ya got?
I tried to look up the teams but it wasn't simple so I'm just gonna answer based on feeling. from the top teams I'll be rooting for Uzbekistan for the repeat but India will probably take it. I hope they finally put all their prodigies into one team instead of fucking around like in '22. so my boring prediction would be 1. India 2. Uzbekistan 3. USA. France is a good pick for a medal, really nice team they got for this one. would be nice to see one of the real teams like Armenia do well instead of the star squads of other countries but this year that's probably wishful thinking.
my country's finally competing with a good team so I'm mainly just rooting for them to have a good result even if it's quite the slurper roster.
could it be you're just a petty retard that can't go one thread without mentioning le epic boogeyman living in your head rent free?
i don't care if hitler made the pastebin, it's still good and worth sharing.
forgot about the women. at the risk of getting called a jeet I'm just gonna predict an Indian win there too, especially if femPragg gets on a hot streak and the rest are solid enough. hoping for a Ukie repeat because Muzy sisters >>>>> everyone else but it's probably not happening again.
>at the risk of getting called a jeet
are you though?
no. like I said my cunt's finally playing with a good team in the Open but they still have no chance at a medal so I can't even bias put them in the top 3.
why do you keep making this thread on vg
>t. old man yells at clouds and shit himself from exhaustion (it's summer on one of the hemispheres currently if you didn't know)
there's exactly 0 reason to include some tranny's bloated useless link dump in the op. tg niggers can cope and seethe.
To play pbt's advocate for a moment, google search has gotten bad enough that some of the resources in the pastebin probably wouldn't be too easy to find unless you knew exactly what to search for. And some of it is pretty good.
Unfortunately most of the links are useless, and obviously the maintainer's mental illness renders any association with the document questionable at best as a matter of thread policy
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Who do you think will win the Eio match? It's the first time Fujii's been brought to a game 5 in a one-day title match as a title holder (he did win the Eio with a 3-2 score though), and Ito's already proven he can beat Fujii as sente or gote.
i doubt i could find this random chinese website with hundreds of hours worth of repertoire courses on my own

i like the 'bin because it's neatly organized into categories, you have many alternatives. if you don't want to play lichess puzzles, you have 10 other puzzle websites there, some with spaced-repetition systems. i bookmarked and will post it in every new thread for other newbies like me.
I predict eric hansen in a wig on the left wins it
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That's what their ratings predict too, but upsets can happen.
> i bookmarked and will post it in every new thread
uhhh that's not normal behavior desu
>for other newbies like me.
right... very convincing
since when was there a chess general lol
anyway I've been playing bullet recently. be honest anons, is it going to rot my brain? I can already feel my attention span shattering into pieces
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This. You're only a shitter if you're permastuck at low Elo. Like those people who are perennial 600s.
Dude on the left looks like an asian version of a history teacher I had. Smartest teacher I've ever met. Looked him up now and he's dead. Lived 35 years. Damn.
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>I'm a newbie
>this 10 hours videos of grandmaster level prep are great
Who the hell cares? This isn't a general for that game.
>i've been playing bullet recently
>be honest anons, is it going to rot my brain?
Yes. Trust me on this and stop engaging in this kind of degeneracy before it's too late
>is it going to rot my brain?
but you can wean yourself off no problem so just keep playing it
Depends on your elo. imo, above 1800 combullet, it can actually be slightly beneficial for your chess as long as you don't overdo it
The games aren't complete nonsense by club-level standards (arguably) and can improve your positional and tactical intuition, as long as you try to play for positional advantage or attack instead of trying to flag
As far as brain rot, bullet chess requires far greater sustained attention and focus than something like twitter or tiktok, where you can flit from topic to unrelated topic every few seconds
I'm like 1600 com so not quite there. Yeah I definitely play for mate. It's weird because I feel like I lose to every pure flagger, but I don't actually see those very often. Most people actually try to play chess. I guess we're not that degenerate yet.
bro none of this would piss me off
please fight to urge to get enraged by something so frivolous and in the grand scheme unimportant. let the guy be
We've got some epic memes going right here.
>could it be because he either is the janny that forced the move in the first place
He has consistently "argued" that the move was a terrible idea and we should be back on /tg/. You on the other hand would lose your fucking mind if the general moved back there. To say HE forced the move as opposed to you dipshits is a bit Orwellian. And the proof that he's a janitor goes right beside all the other "because some seething guy here said so one time and then another seething guy took screenshots that prove less than nothing".
>could it be because back on /tg/ he would seethe and insult whoever else made a thread?
Right because no one else has ever obsessed over what would be in the OP. We've never had that problem.
>then claims the opposite is happening?
You're claiming people don't copy paste old posts in here? Are you fucking kidding?
I love these stories lmao
how do i get better at chess
why are shogi ratings so low
what rating system do they use
Play correspondence
1. Play long games, at least 15 minutes, and do analysis afterwards to see what you did right/wrong and what can be improved. Avoid speed chess if you're a beginner.
2. Do puzzles every day and never half-ass them by playing whatever and hoping it works, instead calculate everything to the end until you are sure of your answer. This will train you to find good moves.
3. Watch commentated master games on youtube (preferably classic ones, Morphy, Capablanca, Alekhine, etc.) so that you can get a good idea of what properly played chess looks like by learning from the best.
grind puzzles
study openings, middlegame strats and endgames
analyze master games and your own mistakes
play with longer time controls
join a club
get a coach
is this question gonna be posted everyday or what
yes cunt
both the sites I know of that do elo ratings cap out in the 2100s
it might have to do with there being a small number of pro players (less than 200), so there's less potential rating to gain.
makes sense
are you better at chess than shogi?
some desperate ploy to prove we need a pastebin I assume
because the good part about being on vg is the tourist or new/curious players checking asking that, and we should welcome it bc new players is good for this game
the types who browse /vg/ aren't the types i'd want to play chess with. i mean just take a peek into /d2g/ (dota 2 general)
warhammer and roleplaying autists are much better than mahjong and tf2 players
Amateur ratings are slightly higher (unlike the two pro sites, this one is actually run by the Amateur Shogi Federation). idk how up to date these ratings are though, since the guy at number 1 actually became a pro recently (he was actually the first person to become a pro player without ever going through the Japan Shogi Association's apprentice system).
probably neither. I've played way more crazyhouse recently than either. I'm okay enough at that to have won multiple games against people ranked in the top 200 on lichess, which I'd never be able to do in chess or shogi.
>the blessed crazyhouse poster is the shogiposter
your dedication is admirable so this is a good revelation
How Eric Hansen got to gm
(start at 3:02:20 if the timestamp doesn't work)
it even has the "and then everyone in the room clapped" meme
hikky also said he just played a lot of blitz. but it's not that easy for adult improvers.
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mad noobs haha
I didn't even know they had an Elo list for pros. I only knew about their dan rankings, which is like a more finely graded FIDE NM/IM/GM title system.

The absolute rating in any rating sytem is meaningless. All that matters is the relative difference between ratings within a pool. Also the older the rating pool, the larger the ratings, since people naturally improve over time leading to rating inflation. Most rating pools have to add some artificial deflation mechanism to counter that.
and it is astounding that Fujii is 200 fucking points above his nearest rival. I can't think of any period in history -- for any other game -- where the top player was that far removed. Even Fischer and Kasparov were only a hundred Elo above the next players at their peaks.
There is one thing you can use bots for: theoretical endgames. Say something like king and pawn, go lichess board editor, set up position like king & 1 pawn vs king, click continue from here button.
I don't know much about shogi but draws are extremelly rare right?
That makes getting a big gap more feasible

Today I shall remind them
Might be the most kino chess game I've witnessed live. Almost made me shed a tear.
2k on Tempo, finally when I hit 2100 I can move on to other things.
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what's your rapid rating?
I don't play rapid, I'm 2200 liblitz but haven't played since I started grinding tempo.
pretty gud
I'm curious how well the puzzle grinding will convert into rating gainz
you must be a discipled man to resist the temptation to crank out a couple blitz games here and there
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Simple puzzle encountered in a lichess puzzle streak just now. I don't think I've ever seen this specific pattern before. I categorize it as 'neat'.

larpy i don't understand why you think your posts about warcraft are relevant to the chess thread.
>2k on Tempo
Well done, lad.
>haven't played since I started grinding tempo.
My guess is you might be worse for a few weeks while you shake off the rust. That's what happened to me.
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Take a look at this link and play through this guy’s games


Take your time playing through these games. Look through them one move at a time, you can set up the positions on a real board if you like. If you follow this training method, you will see considerable improvements in your ability.
Hey, that is neat! My dumb "me see piece, me take piece" automatic thinking made me instinctively take the queen at first.
Anyone planning on playing this? It starts at a terrible time but it also lasts 14 hours.
not the guy you replied to but wow anon this is cool as, just went through a few games of goochiegoochiegoo piano ,, this guys games are nice
Not really, the reason I started tempo in the first place was because I was tired of blundering stupid shit and winning endgames.
Thanks, I think the trick is imagining every possible tactic that's in the position, then starting to evaluate candidate moves.
The thing with these old games is that you never know if they're real or just compositions. I remember reading somewhere that at least some of >Philidor's games are not real.
I think spamming blitz only works if you are either starting young or naturally gifted at the game. For improoovers it's probably just better to spam puzzles if you want a simple way to get better
This is definitely the case with games by historical figures. Anyway Napoleon is fabrication, for example.
Pretty sure GMs don't recommend adult improvers spam Blitz games specifically to get better. It probably only works well for people who seriously know how to improve before doing it.
I have a female friend on .com who's played nearly 5000 Blitz games and she's gotten nowhere.
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theres your answer
I might it's a pretty convinient time for me, won't play 14 hours ofc but could go for 3 if I don't rage quit
How do I get better at positions like this one?


In theory I already know about opposition, distant opposition, shouldering, triangulation, etc. But I still fuck up these positions all the time.
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>b-b-but I wanted to play the STAFFOOORD
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It's over for dotcomfags
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This faggot keeps trying to make alt accounts to block me. I will continue making more. He was the last straw until he realizes he's a braindead retard who cannot play chess. There are a million other people on this cesspool who deserve to get testicular cancer and die, but I'm devoting my time educating this one. What a stupid cunt.
the reason boomers are such a successful generation is probably because they're immune to cringe. they're the type to call for the manager and complain they didn't get what they were promised. a zoom zoom in kramnik's position would have given up months ago when they were being dunked on reddit, but this man will get to the bottom of the mystery of why cheese cum is dog shit and who is behind it.
FUCK. I played g4 too early. How get better? For one you need to calculate. Do not rely on general technique and principles here. I didn't calculate and didn't see that after Kf7 you must play Kh6 first. I played g4 like an idiot. Which is how i lose against all the junior Capablancas online who SOMEHOW JUST SO HAPPEN TO HAVE PERFECT ENDGAME TECHNIQUE EVERY TIME INCLUDING THE WEIRD UNNECESSARY FISH MOVES
Take your meds
You're a fucking faggot spouting meme catchphrases. You literally are incapable of having a single original thought, get off this website and neck yourself, you are literally a rotting piece of meat who nobody will remember in 100 years. You're a worthless embarrassment. Don't reply to me again.
wew lad
anon you just said like 5 extremely commonly said phrases on 4chan, don't pretend you're any better
who hurt you sweetie?
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>opponent looks at the UI and sees +1 on his side
>i'm up a pawn
>i'll trade and be winning
I thought I was out of NPC Elo, but it looks like I still have a long way to go.
Grab a PDF of the Soviet Chess Primer and skip to chapter 4, "Techniques of calculation". It teaches a ton of rules and tricks to figure out solutions to these king and pawn positions. Saved my ass a ton of times
I played all the moves there in less than a second and the only training I do is just spamming chesscom puzzles. It's mostly about thinking from your opponent's perspective. In endgames, you often only have one correct move (and if you have more than one, it's probably trivial anyways.) You already know that what you need to do is queen a pawn, and pattern recognition tells you that you should be winning. So you need to think about your opponent's strategic response - will they be able to block with their king, push a pawn to block things, leave you in zugzwang, etc. Try to figure out what plan makes most sense for them, and make the moves that combat that.
he looks like a 500
the problem here is the OP who looks like a 100
The fifth game of the 9th Eio title match is being played between Sota Fujii (the Eio title holder) and Takumi Ito. The time control is four hours per player, and the match is a best of 5 (currently tied 2-2). Sente/Gote will be decided by furigoma.
Will Ito be the first person to take a title from Fujii, or will Fujii remain undefeated in title matches?
Guy needs Habits pronto
Imagine if someone spammed the league of legends thread with multi-line updates on the smite pro scene
for that one you need to know a couple things:
1. the enveloping maneuver (not demonstrated in the main line. instead of ...f4, it would be ...Kf6 f4 Kf7 Kh7 Kf6 Kg8 Ke6 Kg7)
2. keeping your pawn moves in reserve for when you need extra tempi. In this case for f3 and f4
Fujii won the pawn toss and will play sente.
What does it matter
What are some good channels to watch commentated master games? I'm currently watching a channel called agadmator which has a lot. But I was wonder if there are better options or some other channels I should keep an eye on
I let stockfish play it had in mind against my opponent's unusual move order for a white side of sicilian. Stockfish decided on this. It loves this.
This and chessnetwork. There is another i forget the name of. Check back in 5 hours, i'll post it when i get home.
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>takes only 3-5 seconds on average per move on a 30 MINUTE GAME
Fucker is literally playing without thinking. At all. And people still have the audacity to call me "le evil intolerant elitist" when i say that "players" this extremely low-rated are simply mentally lazy and don't take the game seriously. Just take a look at this shit. Even my mom who struggles to remember how the pieces move doesn't play like that, because SHE ACTUALLY PUTS IN THE EFFORT TO USE HER BRAIN WHEN PLAYING CHESS.

Revolting game. I'm unironically mad.
The opening (like every other game in the match) was bishop exchange. It's pretty similar to game 4 (with players reversed) with gote playing right-side king and sente going for an Anaguma castle (almost never seen in double static rook games).
it's really funny that that's 500 classical level
I wonder what rating you have to get to for people to actually start to think
Thank you both. I love this way of learning since you also get some knowledge about the history of Chess
>screenrecording instead of exporting as gif
I legitimately can't tell if he is trolling or not
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That's a first for me, I think. He was mad, too, he kept declining my draw offers.
This is sad lmao
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Chess School with Mato Jelic is the best

The other mentions are quite good. However, immersing myself in Mato’s content when I was a complete beginner was invaluable for my development.

Here are some sample videos


kek, he literally plays like a five year old
I thought for years that Mato was a GM. He isn't. He actually doesn't have a (meaningful) fide rating. He's 2100 australian kangaroo chess points.
He has a fide profile that says he's 1700 rapid but no game history. No classical no blitz
Actually I'm a GM.
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I just report that queer and move on. He's an insane schizo who's been shadowing the general for years. Had a freak out a while back and spammed the general with screenshots of the wiki article for shogi rules. That finally earned that retard a ban but didn't stop him from coming back.
gay man?
I don't remember ever seeing this rule. It seems very useful desu
I'm 1800 chess.cum rapid and I rarely think about my moves. Usually just shit out the first move that crosses my mind.
Goon Master
Bad at chess= bad person proven again
I want to cum
bro, your anna cramling YT channel?
i thought he left after getting doxxed
Just hit 2200 chesscom bullet
this makes me happy
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fukken nice
>been grinding rapid
>after I log in I accidentally click on 3+0 as if it was anon
>immediately lose 100 points after going on a 6 game losing streak
>I'm dumbfounded, it's like I forgot how to play blitz
>stop a little to curse myself out and shake it off
>start again
>easy 10 game win streak
>even surpassed my original rating
whew, these provisional swings are wild
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It may not be good, but it's attacking chess at least!
>double checkmate
Sexy miniature, anon
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Anotha one. I realize I had an easier check mate there, but this was more beautiful.
brother what is wrong
i genuinely mean this man please look after yourself, ive been so full of rage and hate before, it is not a pretty place. listen bro this stranger cares about you. whatever youre going through i seriously hope it gets better soon, the world is much better when you free yourself of this anger i promise you
Thibaut is based. Rensch is a loser. Simple as.
T-bo is a fragile wristed fair weather communist. He is the opposite of based. His site works though.
>talented guy makes and mantains something great for all chess fans at a great opportunity cost for himself
>but I don't like his opinions so fuck him
That's twitter/reddit mob mentally come on
I don't like commies either but thibaut is giga based
Is he even a commie? He always seemed like a harmless freedom to all type of hippie idealist guy.
>at a great opportunity cost for himself
his salary is around 50k euros which is more than the french average for software engineering. he could obviously pay himself more, as it's his site but i suppose he thinks 50k is communistic enough (lol)
My heart rate goes through the roof when playing a human opponent, especially when the position is about to open up or something critical is about to happen. Is this normal? I run 3-4 times a week and it easily goes that high
Have you seen the body language of professional players when their games get intense? If you care about the game then on what planet wouldn't it be normal to feel adrenaline when the game is nearing its conclusion?
>american heart association
lel, can't take american institutions seriously anymore having learned how bad lobbying is in the US. food and drug companies own you. post european guidelines (more trustworthy).
That armageddon meme blitz tourney where they monitored the players' pulses showed that some players had insane heart rates. Dominguez, Rapport and So all went above 170. Nodirbek had one of the lowest heart rates. The famous first Fischer random WC also had heart rate monitors and it showed that Magnus' was pretty chill around 80-100 while Wesley's was way higher. So if you're an athletic terminator sort of player you're a cool customer but if you're an excitable and probably out of shape player then you'll be feeling like you're biking uphill.
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That is still a respectable rating. Also, an individual’s playing strength isn’t always correlated with their teaching ability.

Overall, when I started watching Mato, I was quite new to the game. Listening to someone narrate a game like an engaging story was a novel concept to me and very enjoyable.

No one has ever claimed that Mato Jelic is some world beater and that’s why his channel is great. However, there is a game he shared where he drew in a simul with Boris Spassky. This was Spassky way past his prime, but that is still a respectable accomplishment.

Here is the video showing his game

Mental fortitude is bound to be a much bigger factor than fitness imo. My resting heart rate is ~52 but I'm probably playing a good chunk of my games in zone 4 lol.
>mate in 1 on the board
>lichess will restart in a minute pops up
>opponent is letting his time run
>I'm already seething at getting robbed
>lichess restarts smothly and I still get my win
See this is why tbo is based on .scam the game would have been aborted and I would have seethed about it alll day
so this is the power of a woman """"""""""""""""""grandmaster""""""""""""""""""
There's no way she's actually trying on that account. That's Shak's sister btw.
She's only 30+ too so this is very odd. I guess she must not give a shit about the mickey mouse online ratings. Her rapid rating on .com is much higher although she hasn't played much.
>queenshitter drops his queen AND his rook
they're so mentally challenged it's unreal
that piece of shit announcement distracted me and i lost on time in a time scramble. fucking hate lichess. the majority of lichess' player base is european so why the FUCK would they restart the site in the middle of the day for europe? do it at fucking night.

you have the same rating as them, let that sink in
>that piece of shit announcement distracted me and i lost on time in a time scramble.
or he's just not a fucking greed fuelled suitbro, he could easily sell lichess for crazy amounts, or take way more for himself but he is doing it for the love of chess. youre fucking weird or youre rensch himself. how can anyone hate the guy that keeps quality chess free
bro you don't understand
that blogpost that every normal person ignored at the start of pride month was so distracting t bo is literally Marx
lmao all that means is chess players in general aren't good at defense
even hikaru does wayward queen attack openings so I guess by your genius logic 2800+ elo isn't good either
well according to marx, thibault owns his means of production and works these means of production himself which would make him part of the 'petite bourgeoisie' class.

uh oh, communistbros!! our guy isn't a proletarian! he only larps as one!!
>smartest danny nuthugger
i hate chesscom. danny's an actual capitalist. i'm just calling thibault out as a poser.
how mantally ill are americans these days, idgaf what his political beliefs are. he is doing good things for chess you freak.
you're right, thibault should have created a communist society for his website to operate it, without doing that he is basically a poser
and Ito finally broke Fujii's stranglehold on the titles by breaking through his anaguma. Fujii didn't have quite enough material for a successful counterattack.
>300 elo
After 156 moves, Fujii resigned, making Ito the new Eio, and ending Fujii's 22 title match winning streak. Ito is the fifth person to hold the title since it became a major title.
It's really crazy how quickly he went from getting 4-0'd and 3-0'd in the Ryuo and Kio matches to actually beating Fujii in a match.
My favorite player is Shinky Pinpayo from the Philippines. His calculations are out of this world.
for me it's hiroshima nagasaki the way he plays the mitsubishi opening is a sight to behold
But seriously why can't you just make a shogi general on tg and fuck off?
wasn't the fair play officer a friend of his, specifically handpicked by him? or ask the tournament organizers, why the fuck is he saying this on twitter
wee-oo wee-oo it's the thread police
>completely dead drawn end game
>opponent declines draw
>goes for a repetition a few moves later
This happens quite often and it makes me irrationally mad, I only play with increment too so it's not like either side is gonna flag, this time it was rook and pawn vs rook, I was the one with a pawn and he still declined the draw what the fuck is wrong with these retards?
>what the fuck is wrong with these retards?
They don't acknowledge the existence of the draw offer button. Unless of course they are losing bad and pressing it to fuck with you. I really think it's some kind of cultural thing, that they think accepting a draw via the button or resigning is some kind of unacceptable concession of weakness. Middle eastern countries are by far the worst about this. They may disconnect instead like that somehow saves face over pressing the button.
no offense, but just because it's technically a draw, doesn't mean your shitter ass can actually convert it.
70% winrate with the KIA vs the french at 2200 liblitz. this system is a CHEAT CODE. i will NEVER again lose to a fr*nchoid.
puzzle racer 69 is not bad, although not titled level
A bit concerning that she's losing to berserking 2300s in rapid
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Welcome to the KIA Klux Klan.
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When I say dead draw I mean dead draw not some "stockfish says 0.0 but it's tricky" situation
I'm 1900 liblitz nothing special but I'm not losing picrelated with black ever, white maybe finds a way to lose 1 in 1000 games but it's not worth my time
>2050 just hung a pawn in a slow game with a skewer
>tilts his bishop away the very next turn
Back to 1900 here we come fellow shitters.
>reading a book with descriptive notation
>hate it at first but start to like it after a few days
bros, algebraic notation was a mistake. fuck the germans. the yankees and brits had it right with descriptive.
cool so we're all in agreement. lichess is run by anarchists and socialists and other leftwing types
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I played com's daily puzzle just now and boy that was not easy to calculate. The actual tactic and SUCCESS YOU WIN THE PRIZE comes well before the problems. It's not a difficult puzzle to solve. It is a difficult puzzle to be certain what you get is winning. Black can play his side such that this position is forced. This is four moves out from the starting position of the puzzle and, at least for me, it was hard to calculate this hypothetical entirely in my head.

position in question pic related. i'll take a screenshot of the puzzle starting position next post.
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Initial puzzle position, white to play
who the fuck cares you retarded american piggy
(and that's a good thing)
By the way, if black's h pawn is on h4 instead of h5 to start here the entire puzzle no longer works. Just a draw.
the KIA is the bane of my existence
picrel was a must win for 'jacking btw
I unironically find it pretty comfy for following the notation for positions from the Black side. I remember it took me quite a long time to get used to doing that with algebraic where things aren't symmetrical.
Descriptive notation also sounds kino when spoken out loud.
emphasis on the parentheses
The problem with any alapin books or courses is that they NEVER fucking on the plans/ideas in the sidelines. Yes I know I'm better if I have the e4-d4 center but what do I fucking do, I don't know and while my opponent is worse they always have a clear plan that I have trouble dealing with.
Play the open or the Rossolimo and stop being a coward.
It's Rc4. The final position really is not trivial if you don't know it. Is it Kf 4 in the final position?
>Yes I know I'm better if I have the e4-d4 center but what do I fucking do
play for e5, put your LSB on d3 and attack black's king on h7
>most coherent drawlapin player
>please spoonfeed me how to play the clearly better positions too
you deserve it
>Is it Kf 4 in the final position?
in this one?
Yes. It's not an only move though. You can also give a check first. Like I said it's critical that black's h pawn is one square too slow. Otherwise there is no win for white.
>It's not an only move though
Huh. I thought Rg6+ first doesn't work after Kf2 Kf4.
When my opponent starts tilting away the game, I always start replaying Leko saying "he lost it" in my head.
you have to go around the other side with the rook in that case. So kf2 Kf4 rook over to a-d somewhere to give another check from the side then create dual threat of mate and winning the pawn,. When I played the puzzle I just went for Kf4 right away, which is an easier calculation. This check first stuff is just me saying what fish says.
Important reminder that there are 13 year olds who LIVE in this general.
one of the advantages of descriptive, it doesn't matter whether black or white makes the first move. We used to flip for color to move first until the 1850s.

I still like to mix in the descriptive standard for captures (NxN) when I do my own notation.
weird. i thought i blocked the "hot singles in your area" ads...
Mariya > Anna
Important reminder that there are 40 year olds who LIVE to seethe about imaginary zoomers in this general.
Important reminder that there are people who HAVEN'T done any tactics training today.
Your honest opinion on T1, aka Tyler1?
Just came here to say I think chess is the most faggot game out there.

Not coming back to read the seethe. Bye.
how dare you?
Do you do tactics by theme or random? Book or online?
we should compile a list of all the tactics training websites, i'm sure that would be quite a useful resource!
Any Blue Archive themed chess sets?
>tactics by theme or by random
however the book lays it out
>Book or online
always books
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the black king is you
because I like to hang around?
I won't be playing chess for a while since the elden ring dlc coming out in a few hours. can only manage one game at a time
But that gaymen sucks
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>let's sac everything! I'm TAL! I'M KAS-ACK
Please tell me this was bullet. What was your opponent thinking?
I would believe blitz up to 2000 as well. Some people just do this. Sack on f7 and throw the kitchen sink at you in hopes you screw up.
>adventures in 800 land
>in hopes you screw up
I just got mated like this lel but I'm a 1000 elo brainlet and I really needed to take a shit
what does it take to become a popular chess streamer and does skin color matter?
be an attractive woman or a strong titled player
Considering you are here... ngmi
Be a popular <something else> streamer and then pick up chess somewhere down the road
That's your best realistic bet
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let's be more supportive of each other, /chess/ is a family
you could fill the tranny chess streamer void that exists in the market currently, but you have to pass and be decent at the game.
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Tell me I'm getting less bad at blitz
was there a turning point or revelation that made you improve a lot? or is it just a slow steady process that involves different things
nigga I'm on my way down
i googled en passant
All the great chess players (Botez, Cramling, Belenkaya etc.) use Bing
Two things lead direct to large gains. Keep in mind i started as spring green beginner in 2020.
1.I learned king & pawn and the rook mate
2.I started playing a lot of puzzles trying to be disciplined about calculating, not playing shit because i think "it probably works".
Distant third was learning the broad strokes of a handful of openings. I remember the queen's gambit accepted traps (for white) were responsible for a lot of free wins in the triple digits.
>en passant
tfw a redditcore player gives you a protected passed pawn because he expects you to capture en passant just because you can
My improovement goes like this:
>stagnating for a while
>start actually calculating and thinking more deeply about positions
>rating starts improving
>slowly start playing mindless chess again
>rating stagnates again
I'm proud of you :)
I would say there are three specific identifiable things contributed to my breakthrough recently from 1000 to 1400 rapid
1. actually visualizing knight moves (I never practiced this, so I always had to trace an L shape when figuring out where the knight goes, turns out it's easier when you can actually visualize the moves)
2. memorizing patterns deeper into positions - I used to play openings then just not know what to do, but then I started realizing the middlegame looks the same and has the same patterns after specific openings, so I started memorizing attacking and defending ideas that work from those positions, much further into the game than I ever did before
3. realizing and accepting that chess endgames are solved and memorizing mnemonics and tricks for winning different types of endgames with 100% certainty (you can actually easily crush beginners this way by just trading down to an endgame because nobody knows how to play them)
>you can actually easily crush beginners this way by just trading down to an endgame because nobody knows how to play them
That and they will assist you in this strategy by gleefully trading in yo losing endgames. Some hings i saw as a beginner i still don't understand. The players who would come out super aggressive then trade queens at the first chance. What? That's not in any youtube tutorial or book I've ever seen. I really want to know where they are getting this from. Feel? I guess? Similar thing where they would pin a knight, double attack it, then just do both trades like they have nothing better in mind.
As a former beginner, the reason they like to trade down is because they are starved of dopamine and they have trained themselves to associate piece capture with progress. The urge to capture a piece overpowers every other urge.
>As a former beginner
As opposed to what? Someone who was born knowing 30 moves of mainline in the Najdorf? His first words when he learned to speak were "patzeh see check patzeh gib check"?
He's signalling improvement, you fucking autist
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That's it! That is quite enough. I am aborting any account with an all caps username from now. All caps says i am an ass hat who will play some bullshit, send stupid draw offers, play clock shenanigans cheat and disconnect.
Some people are taught chess before they can walk. So kinda. Yes.
you must be fun at parties
It makes no sense. If someone asks a question about children, would you preface the answer by saying "as a former child..."? Like there are adults in the world who were never a child? LMAO
Heckin' upvoted my fellow stranger

as opposed to an acquaintance? uhh no one knows anybody on the anonymous imageboards. that's the point, dummy!
It's not the same as aging because you can plateau in chess.
>If someone asks a question about children, would you preface the answer by saying "as a former child..."?
Yes you fucking sperg. Usually it's phrased as "When I was a kid..." or "Back in my day..."
>"as a former child..."
>"When I was a kid..." or "Back in my day..."
Holy fuck where do i even begin. You are the sperg here if you think these two are the same or that people can unironically say "as a former child" in normal conversation without sounding retarded. Saying "As a former child..." isn't equivalent to saying "When i was a kid...". It is equivalent to saying "I was a child once and..." which is, guess what, retarded. You were a kid before, no shit, so was every human being alive who is an adult. You understand now how silly this is?
Can't believe i actually have to explain something this simple but here we are. Maybe it's just an ESL
>Can't believe i actually have to explain something this simple
you really don't
this goes to all these retarded pointless back and forths
Who is Alice Lee's coach? I've been following the Cairns cup and her openings are dogshit. She's worse out of the opening in every game. She would be close to GM with better openings.
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Happy birthday Hans.
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happy b-day Hans
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I love when I get to play the "push all your pawns at them" school of chess. Qb2 was my only objectively shitty move, and it's because it should have been another pawn push.
Classic Hans
>her openings are dogshit. She's worse out of the opening in every game
whoa she's literally me
if I'm being serious for a moment it can be better to be worse than equal if you want to win
It was a tongue in cheek phrase lol lmao even. I was making fun of the anon for pretending beginner behavior is alien.
Fellow toxic chess players, when your opponent leaves right before checkmate in lichess, don't let their clock run out! Instead grant them 30 extra seconds and wait for the claim victory button in lichess. It results in more punitive measures taken.
Likewise, if you're going to force someone to wait for your timer to run down, resign at 1 second remaining. I do this and have never been banned or timed out.
What, twice as many? As zero? People abort any time they see 1.d4 on that site.
free elo
>Howy fuck whewe do i even begin. You awe de spewg hewe if you dink dese two awe de same ow dat peopwe can uniwonicawwy say "as a fowmew chiwd" in nowmaw convewsation wifout sounding wetawded. Saying "As a fowmew chiwd..." isn't equivawent to saying "When i wuz a kid...". It is equivawent to saying "I wuz a chiwd once and..." which is, guess what, wetawded. You wewe a kid befowe, no shid, so wuz evewy human being awive who is an aduwt. You undewstand now how siwwy dis is?
>Can't bewieve i actuawwy have to expwain someding dis simpwe but hewe we awe. Maybe it's just an ESW
>Play Nimzo
>Have to pair it with openings for Nf3 and g3
>Have to prep for shit like the tromp
>Have to prep for Nf3 and c4
>Play Slav
>Consistent ideas and vs everything
>Readymade answer for Nf3 and c4
>Quick to learn
I should've taken the 1.d5 pill a long time ago.
Take the lazypill. London as white, caro kann against e4 as black, d5 against everything else from black.
Not a bad idea
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For me ooga boogattacks like that are way less infuriating than someone suddenly just sacrificing a whole piece out of the blue.
Pic rel, black played Nxd5 here and didn't follow it up with anything at all.
Really gay idea
that just opens up your lsb lmao
there aren't even queens on the board
his position was worse anyway so that was probably his weird way of lashing out
As opposed to a current beginner, retard
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No the lazy pill is picking a repertoire based around adequately playable and most importantly rare. It's not high theory if nobody has any idea what the fuck you're doing. It does not matter if the rare line you have chosen technically does have a lot of stuff you're supposed to know if you are playing against the prepared.

lately my favorite thing pulled from this opening philosophy is kramer version of KID for white. That dumb looking two part knight development causes a lot of unique inconveniences for black's setup. this thing (reached from an english because i play c4)
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 g6 3. e4 d6 4. d4 Bg7 5. Nge2 O-O 6. Ng3

Black's most annoying continuation is h5 h4. The punish for that h5 insolence is Bg5. So far this is the only troublesome idea anyone has tried against me. In the opening I mean. I've been rolled many times in the middle game but that has not at all do with the opening.
who was lying here?
Hans is weird but I don't see why he would make shit up like that, maybe the chink just didn't remember him
how do i get better at chess
>posted this 2 minutes after bumping you dead thread on tg
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We are never gonna use your stupid pastbein here faggot give up
it's called having a personality
what pastebin lmao

are you actually schizo for real
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I am not crazy! I know he made that post. I knew it was pbt. 2 minutes after bumping tg. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot the tg janny to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This samfagging? He’s done worse. That pastebin! Are you telling me that a newfriend just happens to shill it like that? No! He orchestrated it! Pbt! He almost killed the general with his "weavers are cheaters" spam! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own general! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his pastebin out of the OP! But not our tranny! Couldn’t be precious tranny!Samfagging all day! And HE gets to bake the thread? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You
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Never resign lads. Never.
>mfw opponent just stalemated with queen v nothing
Zoomers. Cannot. Meme. Just a total and complete inability to be funny.
>the reason they like to trade down is because they are starved of dopamine
Weird projection. With the usual hint of pol parroting.
>they have trained themselves to associate piece capture with progress
No, the reason bad players always go for exchanges and checks is because they don't see the other options. An exchange or a check jumps right out and you have to truly be ignorant to not notice. Same reason bad players love to go all in while playing poker. The option is always there. The other options are way more subtle.
This is how easy it is to trigger ESL's.
I'm a bad player and I go for exchanges so my smol brain has an easier time. I see other options but don't want ot spend too much time evaluating them.
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ding will win the candidates
this looks right up my alley
love these wacky sidelines, especially if they include odd knight moves
thanks anon
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Gukesh is an aryan brahmin, he won't lose to some guy who hides in a hoodie and has constant panic attacks otb.
learn how the horsy moves
>play lots of chess
>lose lots of games
>pay attention to what you did wrong
>don't do it again!
Not him but you can't help but out yourself pbt
Can't stop cardiomaxxing. Ran 25km so far this week. Don't wanna end up like fat nepo.
you're ruining your joints instead of just eating less
I don't fear becoming fat (never have been, never will be). I fear becoming a slob with low cardiovascular endurance.
The shit about joints is a meme spread by fatasses with shitty running form.
cardio is good for you in more ways than just facilitating weight loss retard
Cardio barely facilitates weight loss
you fear not getting the last donut. run fast lil piggy

there's other ways to get your heart rate up that aren't running around in circles and other npc memes. for example, me fucking your mom all night
>you fear not getting the last donut. run fast lil piggy
I weigh 64kg, lard-kun.
This. It's literally proven that it improves brain function and promotes neuroplasticity. Fischer was 100% correct once again.
i see, so you're fat AND a midget lol
Nice projection, fatty. The reason why you hate running is that at your weight, your knees are getting ground into dust. I have the pleasure of running through beautiful forest trails while you swim laps in a public pool because your grotesque body can barely support its own weight.
I have a friend who is short and fit can't imagine he weights more than 70kg, he fucked up his knees(IIRC he eroded the cartilage in them) by running in his late 20s he had to give up both running and sports for months and get treatment for it, granted he was doing it to fanatic levels like hours everyday but it's not a meme
Just get a bike
>running for hours every day
That's at least like 150km per week, likely more. Absolutely retarded mileage, he better have been running sub-2:30 marathons lmao.
This is an argument against pushing yourself too hard, not an argument against running.
can't give you a number I just know eveyday he would run to a town that would be around 10km by car from his house and back but he was going trough the fields and hills so I assume it would be longer since the road is almost a straight line
>I had a retarded friend who ran at least one half marathon per day
>this is why running is bad
I play rapid chess on my phone while on the elliptical at the gym :)
>Hans is weird but I don't see why he would make shit up like that
he wanted to brag about himself and compliment jennifer too
it wasn't totally made up, it's not binary like
>hans told the truth!
>hans lied!
just look at jennifer's reactions
she literally shakes her head and bites her tongue when hans said
>i was the lowest rated kid there and it was my first time beating all these other chess prodigies
easy to read between the lines
>welllllll ok i wasn't the lowest rated there but i was close
>wellllllll ok i wasn't close but i was still a lot lower rated than today
>wellllll ok it wasn't the first time i beat them
>welllllll ok i had a losing record against most of them but i still took a few games off them
jennifer also facepalmed when hans mentioned them fighting to win the puzzle competition
iirc later she said there were some group puzzles but no competition
again easy to see hans justifications
>wellllllll ok maybe it was just a group activity but it was still a competition
>welllllll ok maybe nobody kept score but i did
>welllllllll ok maybe we weren't #1 and #2 but we got a lot right
still makes no sense to me that he lied about something involving someone that was right there that could(and did) disprove it
I've tried while in stationary bike. It's not as distracting as i expected
I thought he said "meeting," not "beating."
What should I learn against 1.e4 as black? e5 isnt doing it for me. Italians bore me to death and I don't really know the Ruy well enough. And for c5, people at my elo know Sicilians too well to just have fun in those lines. Is Caro the only decent alternative?
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Play it
Pirc, Owen, Modern, Alekhine.
Could try those and see which suits you the most
I honestly think he might have just been larking and trolling for a reaction from Jennifer.
we /alekhine/ here
What kinda game do you want? Alekhine can be fun but it's dependent on white. White can choose to suck the wind out of your sails, you get equality no problem but it's boring.
Hans does not possess the self awareness to engage in that kind of humor.
>White can choose to suck the wind out of your sails
name 1 (one) exciting black opening where this isn't the case
slurpers always find a way
there's nothing better than when the incels on /chess/ who have never played a sport in their life want to run their mouths on that subject
incels? sports? uhh wrong thread bud
and for anyone who might be new when we say SLURP we mean playing for a draw LOL things get pretty crazy in here... and if you're talking too much about improving... we got the "improover" meme. if you can't handle the dankness that's just too bad.
You're just salty that you're too old to pull zoomer pussy.
just shut up retard
why the fuck does /chess/ have a lower AND an upper case seether about muh memes muh zooms muh pol
might very well be the,same guy but it's insane that one can't open the thread without having to see this shit
I swear we get the lamest schizos, I'd welcome Nic Bentulan with open arms instead of any of these low effort bot like spammers
>And for c5, people at my elo know Sicilians too well to just have fun in those lines
i highly doubt this
I don't know. I can tell you who they are with a reasonable confidence.
this is larpy posting a rare one liner for him
this is pbt
aren't there some turbo slurpy lines with Be2? Giri (lol) played something like that against Carlsen. in some must win games I've seen white simply shut everything down against the Pirc with the Austrian set-up. but I agree in general, the modern/pirc are probably your best bet.
my favorite meme is calling people "pastebin tranny" and copypasting stuff from that other thread we aren't allowed to talk about haha
yeah, the irony goes on several layers so it goes over the typical newfag's head
get some new material already botties
typical zoomer that needs constant novelty
back in my day we had maximum 2 jokes and everyone knew them but we still had a blast
My favourite meme is actually playing chess rather than trying your absolute hardest to turn a niche 4chan general into your personal toilet.
Let em know king!
>we aren't allowed to talk about haha
oh boy oh boy little reality check let's do it
mention tg on here alongside schizophrenic spamming/baiting? nothing happens
mention anything about this thread on tg? deleted within the hour
>play on chesscum
>remember schizomnik
>check my time, after premoving M1 it goes from 10.5 to 9.6
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Poor 5'11 sub 7 figures sub 130 sub 2000 chescom sub white skin zoomer nigger got mad.
I knew about this glitch way before schizomir started sperging about it. I didn't think it was a big deal because I saw it as just another in a long list of things that make rensch.com a shit site.
>mention anything about this thread on tg?
why would you ever do that THOUGH
let it go already
God knows these dumb niggers don't need any more provocation to shit up the thread
>why would you ever do that THOUGH
To once again demonstrate why we moved here lmao.
Yes. I suspect a part of it is their lag compensation. There appear to be a few factors contributing. I have had the timer related bugs before but for me it was never more than a second or two. What happened with Kramnik's machine was wild. Thing says it's the other guy's turn so you wait, suddenly it says you flagged. That's crazy.
I've flagged with like five seconds on my clock before. Never happened to me on leechess.
He was always right and only ledditors doubted him btw
He was wrong about a lot of the people he accused of cheating, but he's right about chesscum being shit in various ways
except about cheaters, organizer conspiracies and anything concerning statistics
but .shill is shit he got that one right even if they shouldn't have played on fucking wi-fi on overbloated new laptops
Damn so the time bandit is real. People pay to play a closed source version of a non trademarked game that works worse than the free version?
Wifi doesn't matter, the shit latency is a server-side problem.
the holy trinity of /chess/ e-celebs
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Another puzzle with a difficult to evaluate resulting position. These are my least favorite. Give me clear outcome puzzles. I hate finding the best thing available and still hesitating to play it because I'm not convinced I'm even better at the end of it let alone winning. It's +5! +5 and I'll tell you right now i would fuck that position up in a hundred different ways.
did people not know chess was a thing before some netflix slop? lol
1200 rapid is fine for an adult improver hobbiest dedicated to a difficult career. I only got higher (1800) because my career is bullshit and i have no other responsibilities.
It was a decent show and landed at an ideal time.
Covid lockdowns+more online chess events/streams+everyone watching queens gambit makes it an easy hobby to get into to play with people that even normies would be open to playing
>give me hard puzzles
>no not like that
skill issue
it's not even a question who's better and why in your puzzle so you get the meme reply because you deserve it
i'm the newshitter that came back playing roughly 10 days ago, so far I've been playing rapid on chess . scam and doing tactics on chesstempo, my rating on chess . scam plummeted to 900 elo but now I managed to go back to 1100. on chess tempo I'm stuck around 1260 with medium problems. I see that players now value pawns more so I'm keeping attention on every occasion to even snatch a single pawn but my main issue is that I can't plan an attack, I just develop my pieces etc but when the midgame starts it looks like the board is in a "stall" situation until someone fucks something up, how do I seize the board and try to take initiative in those situations? is there something I can do to improve this?
make threats
try to calc out a line that wins you material or gives you a space advantage
at 1100 level there usually is one that both players miss
>copypasting stuff from that other thread we aren't allowed to talk about haha
Never seen anyone project this hard fucking surreal
Well I think I'm like 1200 in soccer.
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this one looks pretty straightforward
Find useful pawn breaks. Even if you have to sac a pawn to open up the board it's worth it if you're better positioned for such things
In those situations, you should at least be able to come up with ideas for how you would ideally improve your position if your opponent sat back and did nothing.
if you post a position (or several) that look stalled to you, we could probably recommend ways to further improve your pieces or your pawn structure, identify your opponent's weaknesses, etc.
> Give me clear outcome puzzles.
Seems like winning a rook is a pretty clear outcome.
I also tried playing it out against the computer and won pretty easily without any takebacks, so the position has to be pretty good (though I played some inaccuracies and allowed the computer to attempt some nice tricks to force only-moves)
Attention! I have played a clean game against a strong opponent in the symmetrical English, with black. This means a lot to me as these positions get messy, sharp, i always make a mess out of them. Not today. NOT TODAY.

if you play wayward queen, you're a faggot
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good job, you're awesome!
.com needs premium only matchmaking, I don’t want to play with poorfags.
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I'd like to add as this is hard for new players to understand: if there really isn't anything in the position you can abd should play an improving move (centralize something) or a nothing waiting move. This was the biggest thing i took away from studying old master games move by move. They played patient waiting moves far more than i ever think to do. And normally they did it when, on that move,my first instinct was to do something stupid to make something happen for the sake of activity, not wanting to be 'passive'.
I don't I'm scared i will get it trapped and lose it
They already to this. You're getting a slightly different pool with more paypig opponents.
Does it ever end well for them? I always see it when someone's getting squeezed by Karpov or something, they lose anyway and the engine does something else.
I hate how pretty anna is
Even violent attackers like Tal and Kasparov play a surprisingly large about of patient slow looking moves if you look close enough at the games. These are moves you glaze over as being routine house keeping but if you're going through move by move trying to predict the next, they happen in surprising spots.
I might suspect some of these 'waiting moves' are deep prophylaxis or even tactically indicated but I can't prove it
Either that or they're preparatory maneuvers for a potential attack or some other plan. I'm pretty sure all of those quiet moves fall into at least one of these categories
How is this not just worse for black after white plays e5? What are the main ideas in the position after that? Seems like it could be fun but I don't understand what black is looking to accomplish.

A lot of e5 players at my Elo study nothing but traps. If you make it past move 12 in anything but the giuoco piano they'll eventually blunder a piece and lose. But in the sicilian, they know a lot of traps.
go look it up
when playing as white it's easy to get greedy and overextend with your pawns, which black can punish
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>go look it up
I did, and black does really bad there in master games, that's why I asked.
oh well I'm not an expert. I was half joking when I suggested it lol. didn't think you would seriously analyze it
for a serious response, I believe it is playable at master level but you have to seriously know what you're doing
like for example the a6 spanish for masters on lichess is 31% white wins, 50% draw, 20% black wins
black still has around 10% lower chance of winning compared to white, but the alekhine is a lot less drawish
Wesley So
Just beat an NM in blitz, wasn't a pretty game but got there in the end.
god i wish winning was real
If you're looking at the Caro, try the French. It's way less passive which it sounds like you're looking for.
nice meme
Yeah, French probably makes more sense, I'll try that. I don't really know plans in it but it looks like there are a lot of decent lines so other people probably don't know them all either.
>plays the tarrasch
Now what frenchoid?
for some reason a lot of my opponents lately are playing the pirc as black
>wasn't a pretty game but got there in the end
That's all of my wins against better players. It's the same story every time, opening fine, i fuck things up in the middle game because i'm a shit player in comparison to these guys, they make a mistake, I find the punish, it's enough to win despite my hamfisted conversion skills.
As a French player, don't play the French online if you want something interesting. 70-80% of my games are the exchange variation.
The c5 variation gives black a pretty easy game.
Weird I never see it
That's interesting, where/what tc do you play?
Lichess 48h correspondence ~2k
I'm playing liblitz at the same rating so that's probably where the discrepancy comes from.
>70-80% of my games are the exchange variation.
I suspect that playing against the exchange all the time adds at least an extra hundred points to my ratings in all tcs. Makes me feel like such a hack because it's really not improoving my overall chess skills but why shouldn't I accept essy equality and similar dry middlegame positions I've seen a million times if white players are such wimps.
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Congrats on beating a titled player. You're a little harsh on yourself for what I assume are some inaccuracies in a complicated middlegame. Qh7 is a dumb, greedy tunnel vision move which was surprising but he probably already fucked up by allowing Bxh6.
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wtf the chesscom shitter actually got them to add this shit?
is there a way to disable this? I would be find if the tick and the cross looked better but this is just plain ugly
what's your rating? i'm having a hard time believing that the sicilian is unplayable at your rating because your opponents "know a lot of traps" lol
is there a way to train specific openings and gambits repeatedly against a bot and be corrected?
No play your opening but with colors reversed vs computer instead
>lichess trying to be .com

may as well buy chesscum
Hanging pawns shilled this but it's not free
personaly I just use lichess database and chesstempo, you can also just play against stockfish
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it's out
Hans Niemann, the last standing beam of morality in the chess world. What'd the chess community do without him?
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There is nothing wrong with playing the Exchange French. It seems to me like you are projecting by calling Exchange players “wimps” when to a reasonable person, you are the wimp for playing the King’s Pawn sneak because you’re too cowardly to play e5
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An eternal reminder that the pbt tranny cannot solve this because it's just a larper. White to move, mate in 2.
how to deal with starting anxiety? i feel blocked when it comes to that first game of the day. if i can push through that, usually i play several more right after without a problem and i have fun no matter if i win or lose.
i can't solve it either. does that mean i'm a larper too?
make 2 accounts. 1 for fun, 1 for serious games. if you're tilted or anxious, play on the fun account. if you're feeling "in the zone" play on the serious account.
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Try it, try to calculate the lines to the best of your ability, even if you get it wrong, you are working out of the box, you're getting uncomfortable and that's good, you are putting in the work.
the position looks silly which makes me not want to try it. i dislike compositions. i prefer tactics from real games and that puzzle doesn't look like it comes from a real game.
I remember seeing this one before, an artistic mate problem. It's all about piece interference.
Qa5 followed by Qa1#?
Nevermind I'm retarded. Maybe I was the pbt this whole time
that's right, sets up that threat to meet Bc5, and also sets up responses to Bg7 or h6, and Bb7.

I get where you're coming from, compositions like this won't help you at all playing normal chess. I see them as a completely different art, that just happens to use the same pieces as chess.
Same goes for classical shogi mating puzzles with outlandish setups, but you have to admire that they figured out ways to construct forced mates that take hundreds of moves.
I didn't know he was so mad about Sinquefield buying players lol. He's even calling Caruana a bought player.
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without sinquefeld's mercenaries he's be n2 in the us and getting more invites he has reason to be mad
> He's even calling Caruana a bought player.
he undeniably is, don't know why this fact always makes mutts seethe
Ok boolitbrain
I recommend Chess Position Trainer but its not free. If you don't want to pay, ChessTempo has a similar feature I think. Or just pirate it like everybody
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I would be upset as well lol. I always suspected that Shankland absolutely seethes at all those bought players, for example.
He was clearly the best US player, even won an US cup and then they brought in Caruana, Wethley, Aronian and they keep importing Indian prodigies. They absolutely pulled the rug from under him.
hans is barely 2700, who the hell cares what he thinks lmao
There's a chance Fagi would play for burgerstan even if it weren't for Sinquefield, the same can't be said for Aronian.
what country should he represent then? italy, a country where he hasn't lived and barely speaks the language? he was born in the US, spent his entire childhood here, speaks english as his primary language, and has lived the majority of his life here, it'd be more fraudulent for him to play for any country other than america
obviously the US has some imports (so, aronian, dominguez, etc) but it's pretty dumb to include caruana among them, same with nakamura who was born to an american mother and has lived here since he was 2
barely 2700 in chess, but he's like 3200+ in making people seethe
that alone earns him my respect
you wrote that whole thing out and all I got was how seething and mad you are that someone correctly pointed out he's a bought player
>itoddler phoneposting pee5 cuck can't read
>borned and raised in the us
>only speaks english
>switched federations out of convenience
if 2 paragraphs is too challenging for you to read you should put more work into your esl classes, perhaps you can move to the US one day if you study hard
tl;dr next time type it out in point form
it's pretty funny watching you try this hard
try hard in regards to what
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com's daily today is hard. I spent 20 minutes and it turns out the first move never even made my candidate options. Find the first move and the rest of the puzzle is easy enough to finish.
endgame theory hurts my brain
back to grinding shitter puzzles i guess
my assumption without bothering to calc anything is Qxe2
That was one of my candidates. It does not work.
Nf4 Re1 Nxg2 Kxg2 Qf3+ Kg1 Nd3?
He represented italy until he was paid to switch, it's a less egregious case than the others you mentioned but he's still a bought player
No but that is the variation I spent the most time on myself. Nf4 loses to the devious Qxd8+ and you lose too much material.
Was just about to make a post about this realization.
Fuck it's Qe3 isn't it?
No! :D Okay maybe I'm not so crazy thinking this one is a bit of a bastard.
Yes that was a really dumb and impulsive guess.
it's Qd1+
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To be honest I could have stared at that puzzle for 45 minutes before brute forcing and calculating every legal move in the position. Then I would have found it. It never occurred to me. Not remotely.
Qd1+, saw it in less than 30s.
Are all the decent players gone from this general?
you go join the 500 "ez lol" crew over in the com comments section.
Literally the first tricky move I thought of but then discounted because I didn't see anything after Qd1+ Rxd1 Ne3+ but of course there's fxe3 Rxd1+ Kf2 Nd3#/spoiler] I was getting there after the first two failures.
The first thing you check is checks and captures. You can also see that white has back rank issues, I have hard time thinking anyone over 1700 licheat would have any issues seeing this almost immediately
>Conveniently see it right after the answer's posted
Yeah nice try retard.
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Yeah bro, I cheated on a 3 move combination with every single move forced.
People here are so consistently so wrong in any of their assumptions about what certain ratings should and shouldn't do, it's hilarious.
the way he overenunciates every single T in every single word is starting to trigger me
>Are all the decent players gone from this general?
I don't get this puzzle at all. What I mean is that ...Ne3+, fe3, ...Rf8+, Ke1, ...Qe3 immediately jumps out. Maybe I'm missing something but there shouldn't be multiple solutions.
I'm not sure you understand the context of this general. There are multiple Eurotrash here and a few of them have a burning hatred of America. The fact that loads and loads of the best talent in every area have abandoned their countries to come to ours... and the fact it's totally predicated on money... it stings them to their core. They wish they were the superstar who got out of towns with names like Brno.
>replies to 3 or more posts
>is a retarded faggot
why is this always the case
It's just Larpov, that's his thing
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>off by one
it's not possible anyway on /vg/
see for yourself: >>483044444
Ngl, Tan Zhongyi looking pretty cute in that dress.
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>No!!! You can't keep developing your pieces and ignoring my threats! You have to play reactively!!!
got a screen?
He was never better than Nakamura. Without Rex, the US Olympic team would be something like Hikaru, Ray Robson, Hans, Shankland, and Xiong
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>so far I've been playing rapid on chess . scam
Massive waste of time for a beginner/newb/idiot/whatever. Rapid is for an 1800 USCF player to sit down and start concentrating against a fellow 1800 USCF player. It doesn't exist to teach you the game. People rated 1000 on a chess website aren't going to teach you anything. The idea is to bypass those little bitches and then start learning chess later.
>doing tactics on chesstempo,
Again, just totally unnecessary at your level. Not what is holding you back.
>my main issue is that I can't plan an attack
No, it isn't. You can get to 2000 by literally never attacking a single time... or getting checkmate a single time (people resign).
>how do I seize the board and try to take initiative
You're making the classic mistake that all the baddies here do: trying to apply high-level chess strategy to the lowest level games. And you're getting grugged. Repeatedly. You're focusing on "how do I get better?" while your opponent is focused on "how do I swindle this game?". And no, it won't work out for you long term, because you'll still be at 800 "learning" off other 800's. You want to get to 1500 or whatever ASAP so you can learn from them.
>I see that players now value pawns more
Yeah, at the highest level. You're at the lowest level where material means nothing.
You're the equivalent of a first-time boxer going into your first fight with the strategy of
>I'd better make sure I circle AWAY from his power hand...
>and this guy is in an orthodox stance...
>so his power hand is on my left side...
>that means I have to circle right...
>that way I'll be moving into his weaker hand!
>My coach says it's important to respect the opponents feints but to also throw feints myself
>"What am I supposed to do when my opponent just covers up? HIS GLOVES ARE IN THE WAY OF MY GLOVES"
>"Okay so I move in to fight my opponent and he runs. He runs away from me."
>"So I chase him and he suddenly stops and hits me with a hard shot"

While your opponent is going in with
>Alright, neither one of us knows how to punch
>That means anything other than a Sunday punch won't hurt.
>All I gotta' do is land that Sunday punch without allowing him to get his off.
>So fuck jabs, fuck good defense, fuck subtlety...
>Hell I can let him hit me as long as it's not a full-leverage hook
>Just need to get into position for my own full-leverage hook.

You kids have forgotten the oldest rule in the book of strategy which is
>Making things as complicated as possible and being real fancy works great at the highest level...
>Doesn't work so well at the lowest level between fellow newbs...
>Simplicity is the name of the game down there
He's a jap.
Xiong is chinese.
>a massive waste of time at his level
Not reading the rest of your midwit drivel.
so if I don't need to play rapid, how do I bypass to 1500?
keep playing rapid and doing puzzles, that guy is a retarded larper and bad at chess
ignore that guy. he's very very very bad at chess. he's 40 years old, bad at chess and obsesses over warcraft 3.

anyway, do as many puzzles as you possibly can and play long time control games (always analyse the game afterwards whether you win or lose).
what does he advocate, blitzing up to 1500 or something?
That's what I did, but I think it's suboptimal
Americans can be any race dumbass. Xiong was born in US and Nakamura has a US mother and has lived here since he was 2.
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I like this guy on lichess. He mostly plays puzzles to the point that all of his game ratings are provisional. He comments on the games puzzles were taken from and he is perpetually in the chat for all major tournaments.
That wasn't true at America's founding or for the first couple hundred years of its history. But now that America is an economic development zone, that's changed.
It's been true since the Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated the first Thanksgiving in the 1600s dumbass.
Oh, oops, whaddaya know. Know your chess before you come at me, little goof
>Americans can be any race dumbass.
And yet the choose to be jew loving, nigger worshipping mutts. How curious
>study opening that's "good" against everything
>opponent just pushes pawns and overwhelms me
>no clue how to punish it because i'm an 800 rapid shitter
>opponent ends up abandoning even though he was clearly winning

jfc fuck this i'm just gonna shittermaxx till 1500 i'm sorry stjepan forgive me
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>first move okay fine easy
>second move, series of candidates
>eventually find it
>I have every variation calculated
>it works
>play second move
I hate this. I HATE THIS COME ON. This is blue balls in puzzle form.
Also, post game pgn?
just pick some simple opening that's easy to understand and don't hang pieces. oh and move forward and take space
deep opening study at 800 rapid is a waste of your time 'cause your opponents often won't play standard lines
Crazy what /pol/tard incels come up with to feel better about themselves
kek, poor bait
This is why I play rated correspondence.
Fucking Hamburg is the GAYEST city in Germany.
He resigned right after too
Oh wait hang on there is a funny additional fact about this puzzle. The guy who played it and won the game was cheating. His account is closed. Or maybe he was intentionally losing games? It's unclear. He resigned on move 2 for ten games in a row then abandoned the account.

instead of playing principled chess or whatever, you just play very aggressively and put your opponent on the defensive and then overwhelm his small calculating capacity until he blunders. instead of playing common moves, just play random shit that's sub-optimal but still isn't easily punishable.
>Constantly having to open a new tab for lichess because the volume keeps cutting out
>instead of playing principled chess or whatever, you just play very aggressively and put your opponent on the defensive and then overwhelm his small calculating capacity until he blunders. instead of playing common moves, just play random shit that's sub-optimal but still isn't easily punishable.
I hate playing against players like you so you're probably right. It's common for me to lose on time to these while in winning positions. However, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems nearly universal that this style of player sees regular 200 point rating swings from one day to the next. Seismograph style. Like it works against everyone one day and no one on the next.
>talking about this over a game of chess
You're both fags unfortunately desu senpai
Also, I have an opening recommend for this. Or two. Grob and 1.e3. I get unbelievably tilted if I lose to a Van Kruijs player you have no idea. Less so for Grob because I also play the Grob in bullet and know its tricks. If you still beat me with the Grob I am impressed moreso than mad.
I literally said "good luck have fun" and he said "no borders no nations, what's your opinion."
You sound like a faggot too. What's your opinion?
>I literally said "good luck have fun" and he said "no borders no nations, what's your opinion."
Okay you were correct to read this guy the riot act. The kind of person who uses THAT as a conversation opener deserves zero courtesy.
Yeah I said oh you must be from Hamburg (had German username) and, surprise, he was.
He lost 22 elo for being so intolerant
What happened? Who moved the thread? And is it permanent?
>he said "no borders no nations, what's your opinion."
So? Just don't engage with him, retard.
Who wants to be my victim?

No I love harrasing yurocucks
>What's your opinion?
Discussing some /pol/tier autism with some random online chess player is embarrassing. Posting a screenshot of it on a Nigerian linoleum-polishing image board even more so.
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Go back to your own country or /tg/
>it seems nearly universal that this style of player sees regular 200 point rating swings from one day to the next. Seismograph style. Like it works against everyone one day and no one on the next.
That's because this playing style is essentially gambling. If you get lucky and your opponent blunders, you win, if you don't get lucky and there are no tricks, you lose. Relying on opponent stupidity isn't exactly the most consistent strategy tbqf
35. rxh7 ke6 qf6#
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>first move okay fine easy
>second move, series of candidates

nigga, you click first and then calculate? Calculate the whole thing without clicking anything, you're training wrong
>o-ok this should be the move
>yes! It is, okay he answers with Nf3, right right, let's calculate
wtf are you doing
Verruh nice!
They have some sort of 1800 Indian commentating the Hans match, he just said in a clearly better position for black "optically it looks like whide is beddah". And the stream itself is falling apart, they can't get the digital board right and just got told their cameras are overheating lmfao
I sometimes play the first move if there is no possibility of any alternative. If it must be the only move there's no point calculating hypotheticals until i see what the computer does in response. This is because whoever set up the puzzle just entered stockfish best reply (or the lichess puzzle scraper did) and not the most complicated move to deal with. It saves time. It's not a guess if I have determined it to be the only possible starting move.

How are you guys not watching this shit?

What even is it? It just popped up out of nowhere in all my recs. Why are they playing in a field?
I have no idea. I never saw any advertising for this thing ahead of time.
Damn, Hans getting kinda ch0nky
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Have any of you played the AI stjepan shilled?
hans bros we winnin 50k with this one
hans' stockfish buttplug interfering with the cameras
I played it twice. The first time, I blundered a knight fork in a French, launched an attack that won back the exchange for a pawn, and then lost the rook endgame for an estimate of 2150 FIDE. The second game I thought I played better in a Morra, had a promising attack that the computer refuted convincingly. That game was estimated at 1850 FIDE. It doesn't seem all that accurate (I'm 2100 lirapid)
Apparently it's put on by Amari Cooper, an NFL player ?
where's it at? I'll give it a try
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>they didn't watch the Hans interview with Sagar sir
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I'll take it (I am 1500 lichess)
>up a rook and a queen in the endgame
>bot does bot shit while i blitz out a suboptimal checkmate
>eventually win
>1300 fide
>played unambitious boring chess and kept a slightly better position waiting for the inevitable bot blunder
>finally gives up a piece and drags it out
>1631 fide/1900
not great, not terrible
Sounds about right?
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If I took more time I'd get higher but not a fan, it has the typical engine style where it plays bad in stretches and then godly in others where it's just an unpleasant and unrealistic experience. I understand it wants to try to adapt to you live but that's a misunderstanding of how much of chess is psychological and how much of a difference it makes when you can't get a grasp on the strength of your opponent to know how to proceed.
How'd you get so high despite losing lol
Because of what I was saying, I outplayed it and got a slightly winning endgame that I was going to grind out so it had to level up really hard out of nowhere to compete but because of how unnatural that is it caught me offguard and suddenly won. Actual opponents aren't capable of doing that so it's sort of defeating its own purpose if it wants to give a rating estimate. Something like this would be more useful if it just analyzed games against human opponents from your lichess account.
i played another one where i lost with white and it rated me like 1800 so no i think it's just random bullshit
It gave me this estimate right after I blundered mate in one. Lmao. Can't make this shit up.
Elite loss
the world champion blundered mate in 2 so you're pretty close
I play like a shitter
Simply do not
Hans deniers... our response??
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its a good day hans bros
India in shambles
Hikaru in shambles
Chess.com in shambles
is karu already seething about this win?
Is Hans a 'super'GM?
hes like at most 15 points away from being a super gm, hes gonna make it soon
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>played a cop-out opening
>played in a comically passive way in the middlegame
>allowed a basic bitch tactic on f2 after letting the opponent grab all the space and activity but he missed it
>slowly got back into the game because of the opponent's indecisiveness
>win in time trouble because I've been pressing him on the clock
>missed #1 (took a free rook instead but I didn't even consider the mating move)
Awful game and it really showed what a fraud I am. I have shit openings, 0 middlegame understanding, weak tactics and the only thing going for me is that I play fast.
Whatever, still got to 2200.
The general consensus on that word of mouth title is sustained 2700 while active. So in that sense he's really close.
what does it mean if my rating is 1200 on chess.com??? I've only played a handful of games
Kind of mediocre, but good enough to beat most normies who haven't played it much
ah, okay. that's good. this is semi unrelated but is pychess any good?
also, is it a good score for someone who's never taken lessons?
Well it taught me a new line in the english I have never faced on lichess. This:
1. c4 c6 2. e4 d5 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. exd5 Nf6 5. Nf3 Nxd5 6. d4 Nc6 7. Nc3 Bg4
It appears to be black going for a draw variation. Which is what happened in our game. It said I'm 1600 FIDE 1900 lichess, which is slightly high on the FIDE estimate. I'm 1600 USCF. Anyway move here is Qb3. I didn't know that and got a shit position playing something else. Duly added to notes. You don't prevent black doubling your pawns in this line.
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I played it once more with black. I thought I played worse in this game and it crushed me, then says high 1800s. It's shit. Broken garbage.
kek I drew it and it said 1500 seems like it's almost random
seems like it gives higher estimates when it wins
it's clear that stjepan is desperate for money. that's why he's shilling all these shitty sites. notice how he's releasing videos much more frequently too (all containing his shills)

you don't need chessbook. use chesstempo (free), or upload your pgns to chessable (also free).
you don't need an AI to estimate your rating. join a club and play IRL.

fuck stjepan. can't believe this idiot gets money from patreon supporters too. i suppose a fool and his money can be easily parted after all.
the ai shitter ranks me at ~1060, (i'm a bit over 1100 on chess. scam), I can't beat him.
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This site is bullshit lmao. I played KID against it, I have no idea of any book moves past like d4, I'm literally 1100 rapid and I blundered a piece in the game as well as a pawn and got this?
it says i'm 2500 lichess but my peak lichess was 2300 (liblitz) and i only held that for a week before dropping down to 2200 again.
I played it twice. First time I played, it sacced the exchange for no reason and I got a long drawn out endgame I eventually won. 1800 FIDE/ 2000 lichess. Second game I played ambitiously out of the opening, sacced a piece for an attack, but miscalculated and it found a defense I didn't see. I played down a piece for a bit, then blundered another one, resigned. 2000 FIDE/ 2200 lichess.

It's actually pretty close. Underrated me a bit.
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Hansbros we can't stop winning
play some stupid shit against the scandi, drop my horse, as I often do, resign, 2300 lichess
later it plays b6 g6 and I kill it in a kingside attack winning a piece and 2 pawns, but of course it doesn't resign, so i just throw away trade my queen + knight for his queen so i can just no effort convert the pawn endgame 1900 lichess...
I'm convinced it does the estimation based on some stupid accuracy stat and I probably missed some tactic and lost accuracy for my simplification
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I forgot how shitty this thread was. It changed boards, but it's still the same crap.
I'm giving up the Queen's Gambit Declined. I gave it a good try - played it for months, but it never sparked joy for me.
I'm going to try the Dutch Defense instead... we'll see how this goes.
some openings make me just want to kill myself because of how boring and samey they are. I lose all interest in a game if I come up against the London or Scandi
>I'm going to try the Dutch Defense
Leningrad or Classical? Why not the KID?
I love the QGD but I've also been getting to the point where sometimes it just feels too solid and hard to play for a win against strong opponents. There's still the sidelines.
it's part of the youtube game, so i don't blame him. his videos are still good, i just skip the sponsor segment. when he starts making clickbait titles and putting a onions face in the thumbnail, then we should start being concerned.
>want to play a certain line/opening
>opponent never plays the "right" moves
le sigh
i definitely know this feel but it might be the case that your opening choice/approach is too greedy or narrow
in general i think if your opponent is doing stuff that's off book, you should have at least some loose idea of how to punish their inaccuracy (assuming that your "book" knowledge covers the opposing lines that aren't mistakes)
but anyway you're probably just trying to force some gimmick trap if i had to guess
What would you like to see here?
open up the openings explorer and start to figure out how to how to punish some of the more popular inaccuracies
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how would you win this?
>thread made 4 days ago
theres no win unless someone blunders
Wait for your opponent to blunder a piece then another then another then another...
El bumpo returns
What's the next event? SCC is coming up, GCT is coming up but I'm not sure which is the next one.
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good guy pbt bumping our thread while we're all busy playing the elden ring dlc
>960 championship
>croatia rapid & blitz
>saint louis rapid & blitz
>45th olympiad
nice. don't care about the rest.
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>June 25th
Wesleybros, our time is coming
>while we're all busy playing the elden ring dlc
kek that's why the thread is so slow these last few days
of course, we're all one big /chess/ family and we help each other out
the only video game I play is Heroes 3
it's quakeworld for me
i'm a mjg tourist trying to pickup the game again and become good (aiming for 1800)
That is how you learn openings. When book or youtube tutorial sats some series of branches are the critical lines they mean critical at at least club level classical. What people play in shitter online blitz and rapid is partly to entirely different. If you use lichess player database you will find shitter theory. Lines that are trappy and terrible played many thousands of times. You do actually have to learn these and learn why they are bad. When learning openings you should be constantly comparing the masters database with the lichess player database (set to your rating). Masters play A but what are the shitters playing here?
>no anime girl posted
im calling larp
I've pretty much stopped playing vidya aside from occasional grand strategy binges but I used to play a lot of quake live and a little cpma, quake is simply peak fps. qw seems fun but I never got into it much aside from dicking around playing SP quake and watching some classic matches on yt, I like the movement though
Poorfags in this general talk shit on chessable because you can use lichess studies for free but the best part of good courses on chessable is that they have sample lines for why off book moves are losing
Hansbros, is the chess world beginning to heal?
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>just want to play chess
>compulsion to autistically analyze every game immediately after it is played
Sounds like a good way to get good
>drop 200 rapid elo in 3 days
>switch to blitz
>maintain a blitz elo 300 points over rapid elo
hard to not get conspiratorial about this, blitz pool is supposed to be stronger
i think i may be in the bad boy rapid pool
what's the best free tool to analyze games? I want something straightforward
Are you calculating shallow lines in rapid games and moving quickly?

You're the retard
thanks, I'm trying to find an extension that allows me to analyze .scam matches on lichess without doing it manually but it seems that's only available on chrome and not on firefox. Also en croissant seems really cool but not really necessary
I wanted to try en croissant but virustotal flagged it as a trojan.
When he first came on the scene I thought he was just another annoying arrogant cunt but he's really grown on me. Chess can use a character like him. And the way he came back from the whole Magnus fiasco is inspiring. Now in place of the invitationals he's grinding opens, he's finding his own sponsors, making his own website, setting up his own rapid team and he's even organizing matches for himself. What a comeback.
He's still gonna be a milly short after that 4-way rapid meme event doe.
>hard to not get conspiratorial about this
it's really not
but maybe for the average krammnikbro with a fragile ego it is
I try to be considerate of clearly lower rated players when I play anon and not blitz their face off which I could easily do, I try to not scare them off the game and be civil, then invariably once they're lost they just leave the game like little turds instead of resigning. This happens far more often than not. But I play a good player and most of the time they resign. Really drives home how many people are simply actual, irredeemable subhumans. Is there any clearer example of subhumans existing than a retard playing poorly against a considerate superior player and then throwing a temper tantum once they've lost?
I only throw my phone across the room AFTER I hit the resign button.
>clearer example of subhumans

faggots like you that smurf to bolster their ego and then cry about how their opp didn't kiss their ass afterwards
Thank you
>playing random opponents that just happen to be low-rated in anonymous games is smurfing
t. Hans
>He's still gonna be a milly short after that 4-way rapid meme event doe.
He has some crypto billionaire stacking him and it's not a foregone conclusion anyway
Fabi and nepo are massive chokers while Hans is strongmind plus it's only 6 rapid games
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I've noticed a couple odd things in recent months specifically pertaining to rapid on both lichess and com. There appears to be rating deflation ongoing but I can't find data over time for this. Lichess publishes weekly rating distribution curve but there does not appear to be a way to download this data for previous weeks. What I want is this curve going back a year or two to see if there really is deflation. I think there is deflation because I check my opponents' ratings before starting every game (to avoid the most obvious screwy accounts). Overwhelming majority of players were rated 100-300 points higher rated within the last 6 months. That tendency includes me, I'm down 150 off peak over the course of the last 4 months and it's not bouncing. Blitz, on the other hand, is the same as it has been all year.

lichess weekly distribution:

If there is rapid deflation I want to know why. I think a component has to be that the secret about both sites inability to catch subtle cheating is out. There is far less blatant all engine for the entire game cheating going on. Far more shenanigans like play a trash opening, get a 2 point eval deficit then turn on the machine. Play on your own but phone a fishy friend every once in a while for a hint. Be endgame master without actually studying endgames ever. Get a horrible position, use the machine to repair the damage, then continue the game on your own. This is pervasive. The sites aren't doing anything about it. I don't think they can. If they really wanted to start putting a dent in this pool of cheats they would have to accept a larger percentage of false positive bans. Neither site is willing to do it.
It's happened three more times since this post btw, last guy wanted to let the time run out and I simply resigned for him. Insane the sort of planet we live on.
People got better at cheating. The sites can't stop it.
I agree, for me rated online chess is simply over
The "MILLION DOLLAR BUY-IN" thing is just false advertising and the guy organizing it should be careful legally, he's walking a very fine line. He's the one bankrolling them
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You now remember this game
>local man becomes temporary genius for one day
>does nothing of note thereafter
Sometimes Magnus is so embarrassing
hans will top the chess earnings leaderboard solely through repeated lawsuits
Will Lichess ever revamp the video tab? By far their worst feature. Just a barely organized compilation of a shitload of videos without rhyme or reason. It looks like some turboautist designed it.
if talentless female chess players have to be OF whores to make money, is being a litigious faggot the new meta for talentless male chess players?
>is being a litigious faggot the new meta for talentless male chess players?
I mean well sure it's worth a shot, right? There is no money in chess outside the top 10. Youtube and streaming helped a bit but this is still a poor man's game in comparison to other competitive games/sports. Outside the top 10 you stream and you teach and you scrape together some modest income. Maybe you get a recurring commentator gig.
>Maybe you get a recurring commentator gig
Too bad Rensch is taking up all those for himself nowadays lel
I am sure there is some backroom salt going on about that.
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Puzzle max week... is it 6 now? I think it's week 6.
Puzzle rating up another 50.
Puzzle storm is now a lofty 21 which I am quite proud of as I am extremely slow
Rapid rating no change
Blitz rating +20

I am slowly starting to come to an understanding of what kinds of puzzles I am good at and what kind I struggle. For example:
this kind of puzzle is hard for me and takes a long time:
this kind with multipronged threats and discoveries with some tempo component is high percentage low calculation time required

the com daily today was in the first category for me (pic related). The solution is
Re7 Rd7 g3 Qh3 (an inferior move but that's the puzzle) Rxd7. NOT Ng5, mind you. You have to take the free rook. I looked at everything except Re7 and gave up after 20 minutes.
>tfw you learn chess from a chess teacher just to teach chess to an upcoming player who will just become another chess teacher
You just described 85% of academia.
How do people call Nepo fat when Parham exists?
nepo is fat parham is deathfat
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You should be able to solve this.
What side to move?
puzzles are almost always white to move
c7 ezpz
Except half the time
I wanted to play this out against computer so I set it up and turned it to level 8. I believe I had the correct idea and proceeded with c7 I was expecting Rd6+ at which point I calculated I had to play Kb5. Instead fish played Rd3 and I just promoted the pawn without resistance. After promotion it's just Q vs R technique, which I don't think is part of the puzzle here.
Yes, think your line is the point of puzzle. You have to see that you can't go Kc5 after Rd6+. In fact after Kb5, you have you see that if he keeps checking you, you have to keep walking the king down towards the first rank with Kb4! Until eventually you can go Kc2
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I thought I was the only one that noticed this.
I almost never play on .com because of how many people blatantly cheat and waste my time. I've only reported maybe 3 cheaters in years of playing on lichess, but in the past couple months alone, I've had several rating refunds and a ton (maybe 10%) of very suspicious games that likely involved subtle engine use.
>Highest rating: 1883
Alright, I'm impressed.
I stumbled across something pretty interesting while browsing through lichess' games database.
I found an account that was closed for cheating after over 700 games played over a 3 year time span, which is bad all ready, but the weird part is that nearly every opponent of this account also had their account closed for cheating.
lichess shadow bans people and puts them in a cheater only pool.
Yeah he continued to play in the cheater's pool. That's why all his opponents have the 'violated TOS' message and why his ratings never moved.
Huh, I didn't know that. So lichess puts suspected cheaters in the cheater pool to confirm they're cheating before banning them or something?
Is there evidence for this in the source code?
No, it seems they don't outright ban cheats. They just put this red message on their account and let them play other cheats in the cheat pool. It's a weird way to handle it. I guess it's because lichess still wants those games in their database and available for puzzle generation. I played a puzzle just yesterday that was originally played involved a banned cheat.

I don't know about the source code but it did happen to a small time youtuber recently. An anon here posted about it. Guy sandbagged his way down to a three digit rating then tried to play an unofficial ladder climb. Lichess put him in the cheat bin and he didn't realize for several games.
>they would have to accept a larger percentage of false positive bans.
just ban a bunch of people based on trust me bro from cheating schizos and sore losers, that'll improve online chess
>rating deflatiom
I climbed a 100 points without too much difficulty recently and I was wondering if there's some inflation and I'm just a hack so ime there's no deflation at all
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Online cheating is pervasive. It's much worse than you think. People are using the engine like they're playing a bot on com with the hint option enabled. They see nothing wrong with this.
simple solution to cheating. Make a website that only allows white males above the age of 21 to play. This does not include slavs, italians, greeks, etc
NTA but I've had it losing to indians. I'm currently writing a universal undetectable chess bot that uses ML machine vision to detect the board via screenshots and display an engine, with optional autoclick to beat indians automatically if you sense that they start cheating during the endgame as the always do. It's based on a smaller bot I made for lichess that I tested with 1000+ games that is unbannable because it humanizes move times and uses a neural network (leela) instead of stockfish. it just plays like a very strong human with plausible deniability. This one will work on any website, including chess.com, and cannot be detected because it doesn't inject into the browser or require shit like puppeteer or selenium webdriver. I will post the source code here when I'm done.
typical fanfiction power fantasies from a cs freshman. You will be caught within a dozen games, you're not the first retard to use leela + random move times + out of browser. On your 1000+ game lichess bot you were already caught and put in the cheater pool on game 9 you just had no idea
>you will be caught with a dozen games
Cope. My method analyzes the position to detect how long to wait before a move to properly humanize, and when it's appropriate to pick the second or third best move instead of the best move. It's not random but based on board complexity (determined by checking how many nodes were calculated and looking at how much the opponent's previous move changed the evaluation). It does things like piece trades and opening moves instantly but takes an appropriate amount of time on strong tactical positions.
When lichess shadow bans you your account suspension is visible to other players from different IPs when they click on your profile. It doesn't get banned. And it doesn't use strong leela, it uses an obscure model on github called bad gyal that's trained on blitz human games with a mix of stockfish for obscure unbalanced positions.
Furthermore I actually did get banned a lot when testing it. It's not easy to bypass anticheat but it's done with trial and error, you're just mad you aren't as smart as me. It took a lot of time before it was consistently undetected and not tripping any flags (you can tell when a game trips irwin because the game is automatically analyzed immediately even if neither player clicks the analyze button).
>bad gyal
I often say that to your mom
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I support this arms race. Semper fi.
>You will be caught within a dozen games
Nah. I have seen top move every move 5 seconds per every move accounts go over 100 games without issue. Inject some subtlety in to it and it'll last months, easy.
sure bro everyone you lose to is cheating and every time you get swindled or outplayed in an endgame it's subtle cheating
The Kramnik cabal won. Cope.
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Nobody cheats online it's squeaky clean and what's the point anyway it's just for fake internet numbers. Right, bro? That's how it is, champ? Trust the websites, sport? They've got our backs, don't they boss? Fair play team on the case you'll never see a cheater on lichess or com they have top men on it 24/7/265, isn't that right hot shot?
In order to win vs. the cheaters, you'll have to play at a superhuman level. No amount of 'humanizing' will prevent you from getting caught if you do that
If the cheaters don't get caught they aren't just blitzing out the top computer move 100% of the time so they're still beatable, just not by plebs in pool. They usually get an edge by playing endgame tables which a strong player can do 100% of the time without stockfish so it's not really suspicious. That's how they turn a losing endgame into a winning one.
I'm just gonna enjoy online chess while you're gonna be itt seething up a storm with your gay wall of text frogposts
never once said online cheating does not exist, it's just not nearly as much of a problem as some of the schizos make it out to be especially if you take a few precautions
You can't poke the moke
>playing endgame tables which a strong player can do 100% of the time
insane statement
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>especially if you take a few precautions
The fact that you feel the need to take personal measures to avoid possible cheats speaks to the magnitude of the problem. Your stance is basically that you have no power over this, you still want to play online anyway and you have decided that you're not going to let it bother you. You have decided to engage in self delusion to hold this all together. You are weak. You are part of the problem. People like you let it get this bad in the first place.
you mean you can't smoke the Moke
The moke can be poked and smoked but you may be paid a visit by his attorney afterwards. I've seen his attorney in an interview. He's a real slick and greasy character.
you're an annoying faggot nigger and I never said I take said precautions becuase I'm not paranoid about cheating
I'm just gonna continue having a good time whereas you're gonna continue seething and seeing ghosts behind every bush while feeling smug about it for some reason
>He's a real slick and greasy character.
Sounds like a perfect match for Hans
Be sure to thank the next guy who fucks you over. Tell 'em
>Thanks bud! Great game! Well played!
I have to admit that makes more sense
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Why don't you tell me, hoss?
Just now I was in a game where I started getting the better of my opponent. I played a tricky but flawed move. He sat and thought for a while, then his connection light blinked, and he started playing all the top engine moves instantly.
Since it was lichess there's no chance I'll get those elo points back... oh well
I can get low cpl and decent accuracy (just got a 12 acp 96% accuracy in 3 min) but I never get 0 0 0s.
>I never get 0 0 0s.
You can't if you play one of the openings stockfish thinks contains an inaccuracy. Otherwise it'll happen eventually. Easiest way to get the 0-0-0 is to punish a massive blunder then convert clean enough that the fish takes no specific issue with what you did.
Wow chess.com's game review is complete garbage. You know how it does the thing where it zips through crucial moments and then lets you replay them? I made a mistake in the opening and went from +0.1 to -0.4, but it just completely skipped past that. It wasn't even flagged as an inaccuracy, so I think it's an issue with the new vanity analysis system.
Also why the fuck do frenchuds always play until mate even if they're clearly fucked?
His attorney is Eline Roebers?
I watched bits of the Hans interview at Levitov chess and he acted like a complete schizo there.
>t. doesn't understand endgames
The Big Roz is playing in an IM norm tournament where he's the normbait. /Chess/ should apologize for insinuating that he'll only play pozzed GM norm tournaments against overrated GMs.
He's trying to farm rating off low rateds there.
>Is liked by everyone in your way in your path
Jobava looks like a tweaker now
Low rateds at norm tournaments are underrated kids who are there to farm rating off the overrated high rateds there, anon.
supergms mess up endgames frequently in classical time controls, but I'm sure it will be totally unsuspicious when you play them all like a tablebase in blitz games
True, but isn't that a terrible idea for him? Realistically he's going to get rekt by some 2200 chinese kids and lose elo
Yeah that's why it's stunning and brave and /chess/ should apologize. If he doesn't lose rating in this tournament, I'll believe that he's actually improving.
I don't like him.
you serious? he always looked like one. also
>making a post like this without a pic
I'm not spoonfeeding you like your mother.
Fuckin kek
He realized he got too cocky last time when all the shady shit in his tournament got exposed and he must now have a bad(ie his real level)tournament to lower suspicions
>Puzzle rating has gone down 250 points or so since reaching my peak, board blindness is at an all time high
>Rapid raiting still going up and winning games
I know I'm playing like shit but I don't understand why I'm not being punished.
This happens to me whenever I get used to blitzing out low depth tricky moves. The combination of clock pressure and always posing questions is very effective even if you're in bad shape.
fuuuck second game today that I throw cause I'm garbage at endgames with pawns kings and one minor piece
what rating?
1070 now.
Just sac the minor piece and start premoving pawns and the king. This will put your opponent into a state of psychosis and he will not be able to stop you
>playing comfy 10+0
>suddenly opponent allows attack
>brain firing on all cylinders, get a supper aggro position going
>suddenly stuck and can't calculate forced mate
>play into a position where the attack is mostly gone but I still have a big advantage
>win and go check analysis
>computer screaming BLOOOOOOONDAH like tony soprano the moment I let the attack go
Day ruined.
i have no clue how to actually improve at this game. hard stuck at the same puzzle levels on lichess and chesstempo. opening theory matters fuck all because no one at my level plays predictably. if i play safe, opp gets a space advantage and breaks me slowly. if i play aggressive, i win one exchange, only to blunder a piece later. i simultaneously think too much and too little, i always have less time than my opponent, play what i consider solidly until i randomly make a blunder by forgetting a square is guarded.

i feel like i have a decent amount of chess "knowledge" but that doesn't easily convert into skill. maybe i just need to tryhard on some difficult puzzles and really train that calculation muscle by going through every variation. or maybe i just need to play more games and i'll slowly start making less mistakes.

thanks for reading my daily shitter blogpost
>i just need to play more games and i'll slowly start making less mistakes.
good idea
you need experience to improve your board vision
>thanks for reading my daily shitter blogpost
that's the point of this thread
play more
what time control are you playing?
Do they already play tomorrow or is it just the opening for the gct romania?
Okay there are two issues here. First, if you're playing 10 0 you should bump that up to at least 10 with increment or 15 10. Second, answer two questions before every move: what is my opponent trying to do and is this move i want to play a blunder? Upon identifying what opponent wants to do in the next move, consider whether that plan is dangerous. Sometimes it is, sometimes you can ignore it or respond to it on next move with a move you wanted to play anyway.

Can you post a game? It's easier to give tips if i know what you are and are not doing wrong..
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my last rapid game. ended up losing on time.
Dang it alright thanks
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Reminder that /vrg/ anons are regularly playing chess in vrchat and that next session is today at 21:30CEST/19:30UTC (~2h20 from now)
We'll play 1h of chess but people who want to stay longer can keep the instance alive if they want to.
> I don't have VR and what's the point?
You can play without vr as well, we use vrchat which also have a non-vr client. The main appeal is to play with different people in a virtual environment, which means you can talk (or type if you don't want to use a mic), spectate and move from table to table.
The table implementation also have (in-game) replay, so you can analyze the game afterward with your opponent.
> What do I need to be able to join?
Basically to make a vrchat account and to have the game started (you can just install it from steam), I recommend to make a direct vrchat account rather than using your steam account for in-game log in as it makes joining easier.
I will post an instance link when the event starts, while logged in the vrchat website you can click on "invite me" and you will get a notification in-game to join the instance.
Besides maybe getting familiar with the controls you don't need anything else really
> How do we play? (time settings, ...)
We usually play with 10min +5sec, but it's up to the player to set it up. The timer reaching 0 says "gg" but doesn't force to end the game, so you can agree to ignore the timer if you prefer
> What's the skill level?
According to the other host the average /vrg/ chess skill ranges from 800 to 1500 chess.com
> NA hours when?
NA chess instances are on 10pm EST on Wednesdays
It's in an hour and half, I mistyped the starting time.
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also my first and last 3m blitz game. lost the game in one move lol
of course you would say, just do a checklist before every move but that requires time and i'm already in time trouble every game so idk how to learn from retarded blunders like this
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this game i got space mogged. nigga just kept pushing pawns and destroyed all my opening knowledge lol
he abandoned even though he was up and i was stuck in this claustrophobic position
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black resigned in this position
> just do a checklist before every move but that requires time and i'm already in time trouble every game so idk how to learn from retarded blunders like this
Yes that's why I'm suggesting minimum 10 minute with increment. 10 0 is too fast. For both these games it all hinged on major blunders from both sides. Blunder check and basic puzzles. Don't jump to harder puzzles too soon. There are a ton of simple two mover tactics you should drill so deep in to your brain you see them near instantly. Be a little more hesitant about yeeting your pawns forward in the opening there. Don't do that without some followup plan.

He probably quit because that mate threat he set up didn't work and he had no ideas after that. You're right he's still winning though. By the way, some of that was theory by your opponent. b4 in the caro there is called the Bayonet attack. In this specific case you may want to look at some of the ideas with this one so you don't get such an uncomfortable position. Consider the thinking behind playing f6. f6 is where you went from cramped but okay to much worse due to white getting e6 in.
You missed a royal fork two times in a row.
You also gave away your queen for no reason, presumably under the miscalculation that you would be able to take his on the next turn, not noticing that the pin still stays in place after the rook captures.
This indicates a lack of tactical vision. The solution to this is doing puzzles. It's important to know though, that there is a correct and an incorrect way to do puzzles: never play a move in a puzzle based on a guess, always calculate everything to the end and only play out your answer once you are 100% sure. This is very important and i believe it's the reason why a lot of people don't get better despite doing tons of puzzles all the time.

What the other anon said is also true: crank up the time controls. You are a beginner and therefore should be playing long games where you have the proper time to think and not make decisions based on gut feeling. 10+0 is not good. It's essentially just glorified blitz. 15+10 is a minimum. Always analyze every game after it's finished, maybe you're already doing this but i'm still mentioning just in case because it is also very important.

Also, for what reason did you not play e5 in the beginning to grab the full center for free after gaining a tempo on the bishop?
Now a short primer on the caro bayonet attack. Theory isn't critical at your level at all, however, if you are playing the caro you should have some idea how to deal with this variation. To start, Bayonet attack is:
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. g4
You played Bg6 with intention to followup with h6 to create a retreat square. That's fine but there is another way that I think would be easier for you to play. Either this
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. g4 Bd7
Idea being followup with e6, c5, Qb6, Ne7, Nf6 type development. This is still cramped but you're playing the caro, that happens.
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5
You're temporarily gambiting the pawn to destabilize white's center and give yourself easier development. Followup on captures is e6, recapture with bishop if allowed etc.
Reminder that who the FUCK do you think you are, /chess/?!
most commonly you'll be told to play slower, but you might be better served playing faster. really depends on how good you are at learning, your learning style, your current elo, and a lot of other shit
it may be the case that slowing down even more and thinking even longer is helpful to you, but in my experience i grew a lot when i played fast (3+0 or faster) and spent a lot of time reviewing my most common blunders and failures to convert positions that looked winning to me
some people need a lot of reps, and some people need a lot of study. but you definitely need a combination of both. i just think it's really hard to put in a lot of volume when you're playing something like 10+10 and if you're gonna spend that long in every match thinking, you could just as well spend that much time (or less) in a post-game analysis board of a 3+0 match
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Chess instance up https://vrch.at/6vbf5u8p
cant join the instance
>Bayonet attack

thanks, i'll look into it.

i was in time trouble at that point (<1m, opponent had almost 6m lol), so i panicked and did a desperado because i didn't see anything obvious and wanted to simplify the position since i was up material.

>for what reason did you not play e5 in the beginning to grab the full center for free after gaining a tempo on the bishop?

idk, developing the knight and protecting the pawn felt more natural. you're right tho. grabbing the center is more principled.

alright, to summarize:
>longer time controls with increment
>study caro-kann more deeply i.e. common attacks against caro-kann
>do puzzles but think through the entire variation before playing it out so i actually get those vision gains
>play more games for experience

i'll probably try some combination of fast and slow games. so far i've played 10m exclusively which is like the worst of both worlds it seems.
How about this? https://vrch.at/j2j9w5t4
Never mind, it's not happening now.
Unfortunate, the usual host could not make it.
Love my nigga Firouji, he a real one fosho.
*raises eyebrows in persian bipolar disbelief*
3+2 - a true man's format
reached 1300 on chesstempo tactics as a newfag (using medium problems), how long till I need to switch to hard? they don't really seem that harder than the easy ones.
cmon play me chuds
Easy/medium/hard is relative to your current rating, i.e. current rating +- X.
i'm 1050
GG, thanks for the game!
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I'm so fucking shit at fucking endgames.
Papa Silman's endgame book is good, way better than his other books.
tempo puzzle difficulty settings:
easy = your rating -200 average rating for puzzle selected
medium = -100
hard = 0
This is how the site dev coded it. So if you want puzzles averaging at your rating you should select 'hard'. They won't be hard. They will be mostly at your rating with some as much as 150 points above and 150 points below, in my experience. The guy for some reason saw no point in letting people select puzzles way outside their current rating.
wait so I need to play on chesstempo too to have better problems?
You need to increase your puzzle rating on that site to access harder problems, yes. This does not take long as the site uses a rating deviation. If your deviation is low you gain a ton of points on correct solves.
sorry I'm retarded, I understood something else at first (that the difficulty of chesstempo tactics are based on your rating in rapid/blitz on chesstempo). Basically the best setting is to put them in hard
>Basically the best setting is to put them in hard
Yes. From my experience this mostly gives you puzzles very close to your rating, some a ways above, and very few >100 points below. At medium it has a habit of giving you -200 puzzles sometimes, which feels like a waste of time.
I hate the kind of man who chooses to play the Caro-Kann instead of the French. Far be it from him to take you to a deep dark forest, this vile creature instead chooses to lead you to a stinking swamp where you wish you had some poh-tay-toes and the guy across the chess board keeps muttering something about hobbitses.
The thing that drives me crazy about tempo is even if I have it set to hard it sometimes randomly gives me puzzles 300 points below my rating. It's not like my rating is so high there aren't thousands of puzzles available to choose from closer to my number.
make it a wethley op
okay give me 300 seconds
god damnit
Kek you just got botvinnik'd.

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