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Nostalgia paypigs Edition
Back to the future Timeline
You are going to play fh5 forever Arc
Prev >>481756714

> Clubs
"4cvg" in FH4, "4ch" in FH5, none in FM

> Communication
Lobby chat in the Xbox App, post xbox id setting https://i.imgur.com/lIB6A1u.png in https://account.xbox.com/settings first
Discussion chat on Discord, ask for invite in the lobby

> Rivals
FM Weekly starting every Sun 16:00 UTC

> Community
News https://forza.net/news/
Support https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us

> Emulation

> Gameplay
FM cardb https://www.kudosprime.com/fm/carlist.php
FH5 cardb https://kudosprime.com/fh5/carlist.php
FH5 map https://guides4gamers.com/forza-horizon-5/maps/

> Media
Howto https://pastebin.com/raw/2uWDEQZL
Video recaps https://pastebin.com/raw/7kkHBder
Music stations https://pastebin.com/raw/qtwbwkaJ

> OP Template
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Week 35 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - Semobii!
>2nd - LonerHC!
>3rd - Anaerobisk!
This weeks winner is Semobii! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1423970328#gid=1423970328

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 36

This week we're gonna chill out and have a nice, comfy ride at Watkins Glen Short in an old american legend. Nothing fancy, just a nice chill sesh.
Also, those who put on a new rainbow race suit and have it visible in the lap video, will be awarded 2 bonus points in Season 4 Championship! Come on, bros, prove you're not a bunch of hateful bigots!

>Track: Watkins Glen Short
>Car: Ford Escort RS 1800 '77
>Class: E
>Upgrades and tuning: NOT ALLOWED! RENTAL ONLY!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/0ZdQJjiDqdE (01:41.902)
How to submit a lap: https://youtu.be/dbjlfAB-o0I
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=435455735#gid=435455735
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
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The Yotsuba Mexico Time Trial is open for submissions! Submit a time by replying to this post with a screenshot of the event end screen and a video recording!

le mens
current thread theme
>added 3 (tres) separate alterations of the delorean
>made Kitt's super pursuit mode a bodykit meaning you would have to buy a dupe with your own credits after paying real dorrars
what the fuck were they thinking especially when these have existed in gta online with functions for 5 years
dont buy or refund
still to pricey
10buckos fug dat
/Mobil1presentsForza/ edition #105
Praise Mobil1 and may all the benefits come to you in your racing battles
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bros i just found you can turn off car collisions in career so you can just let the ai auto drive to victory without getting stuck in traffic
career gift cars are now practically free
I will still refuse to do it out of principle
but some of the cars are really cool
>a Lewis Hamilton monster.
I bet it's dick flavored.
pee too
i would've won this but penalties fucked me hard
>seasonal championship
>restriction chevrolet camaro
look out!
johnfender - 1:39.460
you drink 1 and immediately crash
Bros I can't get above 60fps in mp anymore.
Did they actually patch the workaround via driver control panel?

I need my 80 fps pls help me bois
Cheater detected.
whiny cheater
ain't got nothing to do with cheating.
the only unfair advantage I have is an h-shifter that lets me shift faster than everyone else in the miata hopper

60fps is genuine stuttering. I'd ask for 120 fps, but my PC is too weak. Gotta settle for 80.
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>the only unfair advantage I have is an h-shifter that lets me shift faster than everyone else in the miata hopper
I wish this was true so I can celebrate all the faggots getting brought back to a level playing field
>aint got nothing to do with cheating
The physics are tied to frame rate making you straight up faster for gay technical reasons if you go above the 60fps cap
Death to all 3 letter fags and other fags who breach the 60fps cap just to go faster
They ban those in ranked GT7 kek which is why i dropped it
Imagine not letting me use a stick shift because of the minute advantage it gives me against shitters I was gonna ram off the road anyway
most of the time I lose time shifting with it, but in the miata hopper I gained like 5+ car lengths off the starting line because I outshifted everyone, with full power down, so it was a nice little kick every gear.
I know the physics are ever so slightly influenced by fps but who cares. Lobbies also have different physics than rivals. I can't consistently finish top 3 and barely ever drive meta cars, so it's not like anyone's suffering.

Plus, the whole thing is so strange, some people claim 60 fps gives an advantage vs 100 in some corners grip wise.
>these have existed in gta online with functions for 5 years
fair enough, but those are just knockoffs at the end of the day, the FH5 car pack features the real cars and you'd be retarded to expect them to fly, jump, or do all that other cool shit, but you're also forgetting:
>cockstar doesn't care about their PC players
>Inflated prices lmao
>removing a shitton of cars from their online dealerships
>they keep pushing shit like GoyTA plus and shark cards
I'll only concede that 3 separate Deloreans is a major fuck up from them (i seriously fucking hate licensing with a passion for shit like this) and that it's a waste of 2 spaces that the Jurassic Park's Explorer and K.A.R.R. could've used, oh well.
even Marty's Toyota was a better choice than another Delorean
I'm that poster, preach. I stopped playing online bout a year before they introduced gta+ and removed 120 cars to rotate into a paid autoshop. Fuck that noise. We didn't get hsw or any upgrades either, I had a good time but i retired at the right time I feel. I used to hit up some of DCA's car meets if you know him on YouTube using my ps4 version
I woulda liked the explorer or preferred it tbf
>no future taxi
they are so dumb
>the deloreans don't even have dmc badging on them
wtf I hope they fix that desu, niggas that bought the pack should be reviewbombing asap
and reporting it or something
I finally see the truth that Cadillac drivers are absolute chads
The porsche is an absolute demon through both the straights and corners but the caddy can only do 1 or the other
They won't fix shit, just like they haven't fixed orher badge issues in the game, just like half the cars remove unique paints if you paint the rims and half don't, just like half the models are 16 years old, they won't do shit
What are the next multiplayer races going to be?
*fixed* it

refresh rate can't be an integer multiple of 60. New 360Hz screen means 360Hz lock.
NVCpl is homosex so it only has multiples of 60. weirdly enough, windows refresh rate settings have a 90 setting. that one works wonders.
>porsche caddy le mans endurance
are they pretuned? can you adjust suspension, gears whatever?
you can tune them just no upgrades
the system lists standard rates the monitor reports back to windows as a-ok
i didn't know nvcpl supported registry hacks but apparently it does, sweet
jesus how
apparently porsche can run as low as 3:24 on softs but those are 3 letter numbers
I suspect a little bit of (((help))) from bypassing the fps cap helps them achieve that time too
they think you are a loser if you don't use your high end gaming pc like you could
Lets see if I have a good grasp on the information presented
I gotta use a non standard or non integer of 60 monitor to bypass the fps cap and become true gaymer
So this monitor at 165hz should let me play at 165fps then right?
I'm going to post on reddit and see what they have to say about this fps cap nonsense
they combat it kind of but i think they are scared of going all out for fear of breaking setups as there is wildly different standards for refresh rates across the world (mainly TVs)
but if it's any consolation to you i haven't really noticed any difference going from 120 to 60 to 72, except at some framerates the game feels like it's stuttering without the frame counter showing it (it stays at what it's locked to) and at others it retains smooth feel, it is probably tied to garbage code and windows scheduler trying to optimize the core load
also rivals is still uncapped, why?
no, they just drive the car better, i did ghost vs ghost rivals with same setup and i can use rewind to match them through corners (did on gt silverstone) but it's on the edge and i can't race like that without binning it (it's mostly brake load front axle, release brake and hard turn in, then release steering a bit to not have the rear fly out)
no i have the 165, it gets 60/120/144/165 as standard, 60 is 60, 120 is 60, 144 is 72 and 165 is 55
don't worry about it anon, it's not worth the money if you don't feel like 60 fps is a slideshow
rewasd is money better spent if you're gonna alter your response curves on inputs, but even that is cope tier investment
yes go back and never return
Cope, we all use reddit
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Leddit would shit themselves racing any of the /forza/ lads, I've seen how they react to accidental taps, i would destroy them
we use reddit when we have a diarrhea
You can overclock your 60Hz monitor, too, with CRU. Most can do 72Hz.
I used to run 80 fps with a 165Hz Monitor, real cap might be 82.5 (165/2). They try to keep it under 100 with weird multipliers now.

But as >>482658625
said, rivals, arguably the most competitive part of the game because it doesn't deal with invisible cars etc, is still uncapped, sooooo
Also, don't buy that monitor. It's a VA Panel and VA is dogshit
mr reddit is the worst rammer of you bunch
speak for yourself faggot jesus
It is utter garbo for forza wut u on about
Slurping up the bait.
>not bumping the freshly baked bread
to kick things off, I wanna add the "Street Ratio" regulation, defined as:
no sport or race brakes
street tire compound
no Forza aero
no engine swaps
tire width can't be upgraded by more than 60 in total
combined front+rear tire width can't be wider than 490
if it's more than 490 stock, it's gotta stay stock
engine power must be less than or equal to weight divided by 4
power in hp, weight in kg
rwd can have 30 extra hp, fwd can have 50 extra hp
no restriction on cars as long as they can actually be built like this, street tires are probably the main limiter as not all cars get them
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and here's a first submission for this regulation, a 02:01.069 on Utopia Gardens Recension 219 520 105 in the volvo 242, built to these specs at 1261 kg / 344 hp, which is ok since 1261 / 4 + 30 = 345.25
temp video because I intend to improov
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who's that lmao
It's me. I'm hiding my identity for political reasons.
>Endurance Series playlist shifted to GTX sportscars right as I was diagnosing my fucked up 963 tune
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Here's a pic of me incognito. Please don't share.
What track(s)?
I briefly saw Sebring and Watkins glen but dont remember what else
It's a rotating set at least, that's cool. 100 laps of lel mans is enough
that's me. My name ingame is shreddit. im mid s and high T
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>BTTF 1 Time Machine somehow has more power with stock engine upgrades than the BTTF 2 Time Machine
>368hp (BTTF 1)
>280hp (BTTF 2)
that fuckin mr fusion is full of shit
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3 deloreans, no Flintstones live animated motion picture car. They don't even know their audience
do i ever get to drive out of the pits myself to start a practice or does the game always force the cutscene before handing over control of the car?
just started playing and having quite a lot of fun. the volcano story was fucking epic. however i want to know, is ot made with the same engine as gta v? look so similar
i have the msi g27 and its lovely. might be less than £300 now its a few years old.
msaa in that image is amazing. what is it? looks more than msaax8?
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that's always how practice starts
g273qf* it says on amazon but i dont remember the q.
bump kek
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Hamiltonfags on suicide watch
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now THAT is a race
I'll see you there anon
Seriously, you better show up
we got a group of 3 going if you wanna join, unless you're already one of the 3
is this FH motorsport? i didnt think anyone played it. might redownload it for a laugh. but i only have 750gb left of 2tb. will i have to uninstall 100gb of games befire downloading? i ask because i heard filling up your ssd isnt a good idea and i have the expensive 970pro wtb samsung one for games/OS and a normal hdd for everything else.
>i ask because i heard filling up your ssd isnt a good idea
hasn't been a thing for ages back when ssds were getting new firmware every other day and you actually had to worry about wear levelling. newer (as in the ssds made past 2010) already do over provisioning and keep their own private space you can't overwrite specifically for that and stuff like trimming.
so the 20% free for the OS that kingston say is bunk info now?
might pop over to /g/ as not to derail the thread. bump for good luck.
it was only true back in the late 00s when ssds first came out. you can open whatever software comes with your ssd (like samsung magician) that will tell you all about the over provisioning the drive already does and if you're worried about it that much you can set it the amount of space even higher. most modern ssds already do about 7-10% reserved space you or windows don't see because its reserved by the ssd itself to prevent anything catastrophic from happening.
thanks anon. always nice to get around the fear mongering which creates more profits for companies. i actually never doenloaded the software because in my booklet my ssd wasnt listed but i later found out that was a print error and it works for all samsung ssds, not just the 1tb ones lol.
>i didn't think anyone played it
theres webms posted all the time in the threads
>i didnt think anyone played it
i just got it (50% off of course lol) and its not too bad. i'm still in the beginner stuff racing hatchbacks but i like the track focus. my only major complaint is the lighting is just fucking weird, seems overly flat, and there's too much mandatory taa which i've sort of got around by sliding up render scale. i'm only going to collect maybe 30 cars because i got way carried away with that shit in h5. thanks for reading my blog.
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speaking of weird lighting
i was racing at miami homestead and the sun/lensflare effect there was beyond weird. the lighting reminds me of mid to late 00s "next gen" lighting effects but the driving was still fun.
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till i came here is what i meant… just because its not like horizon at all and that seems like the more popular one. gonna redownload it today and maybe jump in but i only have a controller. that cool?
i enjoyed thenread. i also enjoy how the game looks, but once i got to faster cars the handling is very difficult lol. at first i was flying down the straights, coasting, slight brake, and yellow line it round the corners. before uninstalling for forza horizon i was going off a lot lol
i think majority of the forza motorsport playerbase uses controller
are the legendary cars in forza horizon actually rare or am i being taken forma ride? just got the mercedes amg clk gtr 1998 and the be tley 8 litre from 1930. bet everyone has them lmfao.
that’s actually good to know.
the only truly rare cars are the exclusive seasonal cars you get from playlists. on the forza wiki they're listed as hard-to-find. the rarity color is generally superfluous, and i don't know why the games bother with it.
so no one is impressed with my Bentley 8litre lol
take it to the rare classics trial almost no one has the balls to race it there
pre war cars are great. i wish they would do a classic series so i could get an 8ctf, unseen since series 11!
I've been hoovering around 98-99% full for a while, reading this makes me a little worried. is it time to clean out the drive a bit maybe
well i bought the 2f2f pack
fun useless cars
only ramp, flip car is useable in races and it looks ridiculous
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'rari slaps in endurance
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so close...
thread, I need idiot-proof way to complete the drift in clover crossroad daily forzathon challenge. I am seriously out of ideas how to get 3 ultimate drifts/edrifts
just take something like a merc sls or an older tail happy porsche around for a blast, those will drift and dance without any upgrades or tune, or there's always the formula drift cars.
Standings updated!
apparently if you already past it its too late. but thats only the case if what i said is correct which i probably not the case. i dont know what happens in regards to performance and degradation but i was always ultra paranoid when first getting into pc’s. i once changed my gpu back to default and it went to 210mhz from the boost nvidia had it set to and i shit myself til i saw that was normal when not under load lmfao.
i might give that a try lol. ive upgraded it to a C class instead of a D though. can i detune it if need be?
you have the fore mustang hoonigan?
yea, you know, a ford, but with an e instead…
apolgy for bad english it is my first languagen’t
where were you when lemens enduro die
i was at house eating dorito when phone ring
“lemens enduro is kil”
I can't wait for our first couple of big EV explosions fuck, I am jonesing for motosport catastrophes
playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday
playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday playlistday
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whackingday whackingday whackingday
playlist day
remember boys, S1 Camaro, rwd, big power, big grip, big engine, loud engine
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me casually making my way to 1st place past the stocklets spinning out at the starting turn
30 mins
hotwheels camaro
Wet season
Pump it baby
Watch the bridge
turn nine?
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early crew went well! ggs to all.
Where's the Pro-stock Camaro?
Is there a club to join? Can't find clubs on PC
what game?
FM? there are no clubs in Forza Motorsport.
FH5? our club is [4ch]
FH4? our club is [4cvg]
corner power rankings
gooner secker corky
watkins glen bus stop
last section of hockenheim
im sorry i had ut selected before racenen
can the right car drive through people and lift them up?
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unfortunately anon
some things just don't work
no, it's a fucking scam
beat me to it
aw Hypercar racing at Le Mans is over.
you can join the xbox chat, to join some of our convoys, then from the convoy some anon can invite you to the club FROM INSIDE THE GAME
it's the only way it works now from PC
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Street Ratio added!
sadly no
dat would be so fun to just yeet kids in opens
Submission added to Limbo! Utopia Gardens Recension will get its own leaderboard if another player submits a time for it!
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yo I'm done, dis shit whack, niga dis ain't it, real talk
I dunno wtf y'all playin'. blind to da fuckery, ya balk
I don't give a damn it bein' worked on, too late fo' dis jive
ready fo' da fanboy clapback, hope da devs feel dead inside

>Penalties be trippin, main issues since release day
>back in FUCKIN' OCTOBER, it's been dismay
>done catchin' 4+ second slaps when I'm rammed
>tryin' to race clean, but dis shit be a sham
The friendly "Off Track" reminder sure comes in handy for these situations.
such a silly funmaschine
The hot wheels camaro fucking slaps that championship
Stock and drag them
is it me or playlist convoys are emotional flat?
>okay 40 points
>okay do photo
>okay forget about this convoy/playlist
>okay fuck you very much
no clips, no memorable moments, nothing
I just want the prize car and a few road races. That's it. Maybe I'm simple.
the playlist are all ai generated now
i have no working webm tool(i am lazy)
the fuck you talking about convoys nigga explain
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What racing at Maple Valley does to a nigga
tbdesu I can't stand maple valley I find it shit as a track
>dyke haircut
>pronoun mask
>possible troon
In a sane world anyone who was vaguely involved with hiring this freak to look after children would be banned from public academia permanently
Play motorsport with us we make clips of everything
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You get what you deserve for falling for the electric car meme
Hydrogen kangz are waiting any day now for their actual car of the future to reign supreme
>dump eet
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I wonder why the FIA banned defensive flamethrowers
that aero looks wild. so many boards to force the air where it needs to go.
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do they know??
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and the crowd goes wild
>jensen in 1st
what game? graphics look nice.
Its amazing just how shit the gauntlet is
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inner city eventlab was kinda neat aesthetically, the anime gravity was silly. one of the drivaters actually dnf'ed.
oh that's what that was
20 years ago they would've but haven't you heard? Bible-thumping fundies are the bad guys! WASPy suburbanites are the cause of all of society's problems! We defeated the neocons in 2008 and now live in a liberal paradise
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>porsche's iconic suv
lol isn't that the cayenne
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Endurance is a lonely road to travel sometimes
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They're being paid to phrase it that way.
Also, it's funny how the BttF DeLoreans have the standard car's performance. The film cars had their engines replaced with Porsche drivelines because the factory PRV struggled to go fast enough to do the stunts. They should have closer to 170 horsepower
I really like the gauntlet anon, why don't you?
any reason why none of the bttf ones have the dmc badge on the grille? i assume its some weird ass licensing thing
The company that owns the rights to DeLorean is kinda touchy about the BttF association. They probably didn't sign off on using the name for the time machine variant, so PG licensed the design through Universal Studios. Which means no DMC logo. They also don't mention 'DeLorean' in the name of the car either, it's "Back to the Future Time Machine" or something.
>The film cars had their engines replaced with Porsche drivelines because the factory PRV struggled to go fast enough to do the stunts.
keyword here is stunts; the ones that PGG scanned are most likely the hero cars.
Craig Lieberman did some videos about the f&f cars when they go for sale and some other fun facts if want to look that up
link pls
The new gtxlegends American tracks endurance is great but I do miss the Lemans LMPs a bit
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'Round the clock' seasonal championship has Arch of Mulege in the wet. Massively fun, you can drift the entire long right-hander towards the end of every lap in any even slightly tail happy car (restriction is any 2010s S1 900 car) with minimal revs.
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ebrake saves
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ebrake passes
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I played it against AI. I did it solo and had a much better time and appreciate it now
man i hope people will buy all these shitty 'modern horizons' evs i put on the ah but i get the feeling the market is going to be flooded for a long time.
yeah the ai difficulty is really strange on that one, they're a lot quicker on tarmac, and when you get to the dirt downhill volcano they kinda suck
I've made myself a night time no drivatars blueprint that's really enjoyable
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at first it was all like
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if you ever run out of fuel, switch gears rapidly, for some reason it makes you go
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but then it was all
I was so shocked lol. I'm more than experienced with thr dodgy ai but the long tarmac straights... they were a joke... even uphill on the mountain their "hot wheels boost" was zipping in and out so dumb, cars that cant achieve that acceleration or top speed... then dropped to nothing at dirt again like you said. Aghh
That sounds chill anon, what's your share code
Did the EV rivals this month. Not sure what else I expected. They're all the same titanic on land with no brakes, if this is the future its over
not at home rn, I can post on sunday, but you can make it yourself too it's easy
I assume that he was pushed himself, things happen
they made them kinda ass
also u cant tune them to fit in any class
There's also only one gear which removes an entire skill ceiling and makes the game grand theft auto
well, you can't put a gearbox in a full EV can you
well, porsche taycan has gearbox
You can't engine swap a majority (there are some) of them either, I can't speak for real motorsport, but as far as gaming goes it's garbage
Thankfully this won't be an issue for our generation as they know we want our gas guzzling braphogs. It just means each iteration will shill more and more evs, our grandkids though will have a very soulless time with EVs in a few decades when Motorsport 9 comes out
Well you can it's just more efficient to drive the wheels directly with the electric motors vs driving a gearbox that drives the wheels.
nearly all evs have a gearbox (1gear) to reduce the rpms
can the final ratio be adjusted in forza tho? I've never even tried an EV
u can adjust
lmao what a loser
Oh no!
Lol same thing happened to me same car probably same turn
I'd drive the EV's if i could throw a LS or 2jz in there or somethin
like come on its forza, you can drivetrain and engine swap everything, why cant i heterosexual convert the EV's?
>you can drivetrain swap everything
I wish we could do fwd swaps. there are some cars that should be fwd, but we have some super special awd homologation, like the citroen bx or the alfa 155
Same, I love fwd
You can also go in reverse as fast as forward in most EV. It's the only good feature.
FWD is for homosexuals.
>loves power in his rear
>can't handle on power understeer
try not upgrading rear tire width to max you brainley
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FWD was literally invented for women so they wouldn't lose control of their 50 hp shit boxes.
erm there is no difference in tire width meta between fwd and rwd in both fm and fh, you just use suspension and brake bias to rotate your car and throttle to straighten it up, fwdlets can't grasp this
and still you can't even drive it lmao
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i got a glock in my rari
here are my keys and wallet sir please don't hurt me
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Imagine asking 13 year olds for video game advice
>Forza Motorsport is racing autism simulator for people who want to tune their McNiggerator to +/- 20 microniggers to take the circular race track 0.00002% sharper turns.

Is this review valid?
this one i think
Not at all, the autism simulator game would be assetto corsa and meticulously modding it and changing every tracks tyre stats to your liking. Gran Turismo and Motorsport are played by Chad Deano to relax after a long day at work and are nearly arcade by comparison. Dumbass /v/irgins as always
i think the issue the GT slurpers have with motorsport is there is a lot of knowledge going into making fast cars in FM compared to GT, making the entry tax into competitiveness pretty high if you're not just gonna drive the most meta car
slow day eh?
sorry im working on a masterpiece
It was a long time coming I guess
Donut falling apart next probably. I think due to the same thing that killed Hoonigan.
>car youtube
A snowmobile?
>I think due to the same thing that killed Hoonigan.
What is that?
Masterpiece completed

I'm sorry saar I was trying to recover my shattered reputation by upsetting the X class racers
do you ever get nervous shakes before race?
Only after if it was a really intense race, usually if I hadn't been playing for a bit.
No, I get them if I'm on the verge of achieving something like a rivals record
They both got bought out and the people who bought them had no idea why they were popular. Donut is an easier timeline to see, since all their good series ended a long time ago and now they only make "we bought x from y chinese marketplace". Hoonigan is a similar situation, it's just not as drastic of a change and Ken's death just made all of them give up.
only when i know i'm punching above my paygrade and get a really good quali lap when i am not that fast
so i did gtx endurance because i love gtx, was sandbagging in practice and since i saw people weren't too fast i decided not to qualy, first on race start i witnessed a bug never seen before, i spawned on top of a gto and couldn't get going and he was not moving either, pause to drop back down on road and get going, some 10 seconds behind the leader but 2nd fastest was also non qualifier so pole holder was not the real target, anyways made it into first just before first pits, and from there on it was the fully rubbered rivals run
to make it better, once i got out of the race it was the same track featured again
endurance patch is a miss for me
i liked the cylinder opens the most for shaking up the open meta (untill the v8 one shat the bed)
thanks for reading my blog
>Stuck in C safety rating hell
>Want to improve it so group average goes up and get better lobbies
>5 clean races just to get it to B
>Seem to be stuck in B safety hell now
>Super lagging cunt sends it down the inside while lag collisions sends me off the track
>4.5 second penalty
>Back down to C rating
if you're fast enough to win races just drive the meta, qualy, then drive pole to race win like max
Hi welcome to Forza Motorsport where Skill rating is made up and the Safety rating doesnt matter
I was doing just that with the Toyota Eagle. I was winning everything but this one cunt undid all that work with his danny retardo divebomb from 50 miles back
high classes are dangerous
for me it is b class farming
yes especially if i recognize any skilled players
>BTTF 1 DeLorean is plutonium powered
>it gets higher horsepower when upgraded
>BTTF 2 DeLorean is garbage powered
>it gets lower horsepower when upgraded
PGG secretly pro-nuclear???
You've just given me an idea
B class Bentley, It'll be so slow that I will forever be out of trouble
Remember when people said Turn 10 was more competent than PGG. What a disappointment that was. I will say that huge Horizon update after launch that fucked up 10 times more things than it fixed was pretty impressive. And leaving the game in that state for three months because "fuck you" was classic. Who needs headlights or a populated world map, and that glitch when leaving your house was fantastic.
I get shakes if I'm fighting for a podium. It's really annoying because I'll mess up my inputs.
wow after discovering how to turn off taa in motorsport i see why they made it always on, its almost as bad as turning it off in rdr2
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These Forza replays are pretty realistic.
I really wish the game looked and performed like FH5. I simply don't understand how it got fucked up so bad.
Is this that bendable aero Res Bull are bitching about?
same here. i would think just having a track to load vs. an entire open world like h5 the graphics in motorsport would have been as good as h5 if not better.
I don't know but you can tell he's using a controller based on the front steering angles.
what a nice a car, its waving to the crowd
also it still amazes me just how low these things sit off the ground
I can't help it
Theres very little stick travel and its too easy to go at 100% input with my strong manly thumbs
we love el forza horizon 5 here
sorry im uhhh more of uhhh a motorsportsing uhhh elitist
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we hate motorsport here
Im here and I love forza horizon and forza motorsport
We just hate Forza in general here
This is a stealth Assetto general for Shutoko lovers and Touge raycan
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GTXLegends cars are fun, FUN
Im not here nor there
I only drive nohesi fr
is that the coca cola nissan? the fuck did you do with the tune?
It was actually invented to increase interior space without having to make the car bigger.
It was popularised because they were easier to drive, though.
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>racing teams like catalunya for its mild weather
its the nissan bluebird
i think if you use all the stick rotation you can still get decent control even with manly thumbs
so push the stick to the top right instead of completely right, and rotate it round the edge
looks dumb without the branding
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It is my pleasure to announce that I am officially #MakingtheTransition to cockpit view
I also should have practiced it before going right into a race because I have no clue what's happening around me
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this will take some getting used to
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finished p2 and had fastest lap, not bad for first try
VR support when? It's literally the only practical use for it.
I don't know how people can use interior view on 16:9 monitors, there isnt enough information on screen to judge where other cars are
that just makes it authentic, imagine you're an f1 driver who can barely rotate his neck
They can still see their mirrors.
i kinda like it, reminds if a minimalist artcar
white car with just lines is kino
sirs?? sirs??? SIRRSS????
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how did he think i was gonna react kek
did he think i was scared of +4s?
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GREAT start
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ONE HOUR OF VIR is painful
i feel 3 years older
is the silvia any good?
looks ugly
havent tried the silvia yet, i think its gorgeous actually, LOVE its rear lights
silvia came out just as last gtx ended
i don't like how wide rear wheel arches are
he redeemed
what was this about
better on a 4:3?
anyway, i redownloaded motorsport and im no longer flying off the track like i said >>482723327
in fast as fuck cars. im actually really good. ready for the number 1 spot i reckon. lmfao. after ive done all the races what do i do then? race online or is there more than those 3 championships?
also, anyone use those apps on the phone that shows car/race data? one of them wanted £11 to access more than 2 widgets lol any advice?
whats that blue/yellow line around the track?
ribbon style track limits
ah sweet. gonna use that, been caught out when it looks like i didnt go off.. also chivalrous get a penalty or what? nutty cunt. is this 4ch anons racing?
He wasn't penalized, not like it mattered much.
It was 4chan anons racing, 4 anons and one who was was a little late sadly
how does that car work, sub 100 downforce in the front and 400 in the back?
Full front aero min rear aero works, but when the fuel tank empties out, you can tell that the rear becomes unstable, so you actually need the rear aero.
Ofc all this doesn't matter when you follow Sizzles advanced racing lines
sure but even then your rear is like 3x your front when normally you want them to be equal, wouldn't that make car understeer at high speed?
Aero is not everything, and the difference is not thaat big.
Car feels good and it's fast, will share the tune later when I get to it so you can prove me wrong and call me a retard.
But this image shows that the car works >>482996903
it is driver+car thing, but sometimes the car is too big of a factor like bblm on daytona/lemans
i dismissed it when i saw the aero sliders but maybe it is fine, you're the only one to drive it though, much like i feel about the skyline, wins races for me but hardly seen otherwise
I picked it only because I like how it looks desu
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bring it back
It will be in one of the 300 planned car packs.
what a piece of shit. im just racing my sierra cosworth atm but wait till i get into this league, ill smoke him just for you and no one will suspect a thing.
>smoking on a chivalrous pack
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The Future is bright.
I have to start writing all the names down and have proper a hit list
forzula 2
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I need these reactions when I'm battling shitters and literal 12 year olds.
good AWD differential settings?
Which game?
Sorry, I'm only familiar with tuning in Horizon.
gm boys, anyone hyped for qualy
As long as Mercedes bins, it all other outcomes are acceptable.
Holy fuck
norbert got the pole yay
Anaerobisk, your move
Standings updated!
wait, it was camaro championship, not miata
Anyone watching pikes peak tomorrow?
I'll just go stare at my nearest highway since it got fully paved. Basically the same thing.
Apparently on YouTube
Pikes Peak Live presented by Mobil 1
Kek. Yeah, it's sad it's all paved now
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new fren?
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>presented by Mobil 1
It's actually sponsored by Gran Turismo as well. Has Mobile 1 forsaken us.
medleymed and semobii have been grinding the playlist together for years
>be me gran turismo
>hold the pikes peak exclusive license since 2017
>literally do nothing with it
>refuse to add it to GT7
Is this the true power of Kaz's vision?
there's time for another yet billy
It's the way of the future. Companies survive not by being better than the competition, but by starving them of resources. Microsoft does this by buying successful game companies only to dissolve them. They also hire any promising devs just to moth ball them. Competition is their greatest fear, since they are too incompetent to compete, but it would bring back quality products.
Standings updated!
first time seeing that name desu
>not really much for mustangs
>get ready to auction dark horse
>max buyout cap is 430k
oh well
Well yeah everyone can get it for free right now. Wait till they can't then the price will increase dramatically. Is a weekly or monthly can't remember
>Wait till they can't then the price will increase dramatically
how does the buyout shit even work in h5.
i have exclusive playlist renaults including one that hasn't been in a playlist since series 16 and that can only be set to 152k. i have heard it tied to being a legendary painter like h4 but i have never uploaded a livery and have sold many other cars in h5 for 20m each.
It works as this: If a car is posted then instantly sold for the price listed it's value increases slightly. If a car is listed and did not sell for price posted it's value will decrease. It takes some time and thousands of listing to max out the price at 20 million. However, sometimes cars are rare enough, or wanted universally, that not enough are ever listed and sold to bump the price. The NSX GT for example was impossible to find for over a year and if you tried to sell it the price sort of sucked, so they were never listed. I've personally bumped up the price of the turd gen camaros in FH4 by buying so many when they became available again. Unfortunately I bought them all and the price crashed afterwards and I lost lots of credits because they were no longer being listed and sold.
whats a good race fastest lap on sebring gtx?
I literally can't find any seasonal cars to buy. Started 3 months ago I'm at 696 cars and st the point it's just seasonals. No one sells them
They are hard to find recently. It seems when they finally hit 20 million you see a good few dumped. Most people have learned to hold on to them so it takes longer to max the price they are waiting for.
>I literally can't find any seasonal cars to buy.
this is why h4 was better with the backstage passes. but the way they are going with car packs and vouchers it wouldn't surprise me if in h6 we'll just be able to just buy any car in the game.
The 2019 ZR1 is a fun car in S1. I don't really care much for corvettes, but it is really nice drive. especially without the tarded Forza rear aero.
post a tune fartzabro
why is super 7 so shit nowadays?? I remember it rewarded hard-to-find cars every weak in fh4(sometimes backstage passes iirc), which helped a lot with fomo, even if the challenges were the same dragstrip or highway shit
now it's useless in both games and the rewards are just regular spins
anyone still playing fh4?
>156 493 905
We warned you need to have decent throttle control to make use of it, and it's not a min/max tune, but I really like the feel of it for how I drive.
>We warned you need to have decent throttle control to make use of it
Sorry for incoherent drunk posting.
whatcha drinkin
Wild Turkey right now.
cheers negro!!
I only boot it up in winter if I remember.
why? that week is like the least played, no? autumn and summer goated btw
It's different and I like throttle control. My 2wd 037 is perfect in those conditions.
good, that means i'm not the only maniac playing it in 2024, i salute you winterchad o7
>My 2wd 037 is perfect in those conditions.
love the 037, got a share code?
I may get if for you latter. None of my stuff is ground breaking. I really think people are better off tuning to their driving style to get max enjoyment. If you want fastest possible plenty of stuff is already out there.
>None of my stuff is ground breaking
don't worry, i'm not looking for something that's meta or "the best in it's class"
>If you want fastest possible plenty of stuff is already out there.
ye i know, that's why i'm interested
>Captcha: 0RGXY
crappers moaned about the winter so we got Mexico. Now people moan about the wet so the next game has been confirmed to be set in calama chile
nah we are either getting proper snowy kino back or blizzard mountain 2.0 but they can't fuck it up with scorchio for all seasons again, if cunts wanna moan they can always go back to Mexico and stay there, simple as.
Africa it is!
Whats the weather like in Germany?
it will be asian/korea
pgg is already in bed with hyundai
yup, either China or Korea
i love hakone in the rain
i hate hakone in the rain
I am indifferent to hakone in the rain
Israel did 9/11
9/11 is the best
hakone is shit with or without rain
i am the rain in hakone
All of this will be lost, like hakone in the rain
Mobil 1™ presents hakone in the rain when
I dont know what is hakone in the rain
going up and over eau rouge or going down and through the 'screw?
why are microsoft allowed to just buy up any company they want?
muh free market
I'm watching this ACC esports 24 hour race and it got me wanting a team event in Forza where we take turns in the same car
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I turn now. Good luck everybody else.
so if i own a game company and it gets successful i have no way to stop microsoft(penis) buying me out?
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whats a hakone? the one with pink trees and the mountain?
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oh god
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oh fuck
>mammas milk
>pixar mom ass car
we were cooking him in endurance races the other night
i wish the radio manager had more lines than "good job, p1"
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first cockpit win
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fuck off
Allowedsiren15 1:39.347
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udpatin' again
ive seen convoy invites in forza horizon but what do you have to do? just drive close together? is there a reward or any objectives other than drive in a line?
i started using cockpit view on motorsport yesterday and i swear ots much nicer to drive with. can use the wheel to help me with small movements of the thumbstick and it seems easier to get the speed correct as the rotation of the car is easier to grasp in cockpit view. i think i explained what i mean well enough lol.
Standings updated!
why are all three webms different dimensions?
i made a good silvia tune
probably because of different length and file size limits
>is there a reward or any objectives other than drive in a line?
convoy is the way to play together in Forza, think of it like a party in an mmo. if you're in a convoy and start a race, everyone in the convoy will race it together. but until an event is started, the only difference is that collisions are on between convoy members
ah right i see, cool
ah right i see, cool
Standings updated!
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Standings updated!
>i started using cockpit view on motorsport yesterday
i started using it in h5 (in the cars that actually a have good driving position, not all do) and its all i use in motorsport. i enjoy that i can turn off the hud speedo and use the car's binnacle and increase immersion. motorsport's cabins are pretty good so far and some of my favorite cars in h5 that have absolutely abysmal interior driving positions are completely different and so much better in motorsport. take the 430 scuderia, cabin view is just properly fucked in h5 but just fantastic in motorsport.
Are the ForzaGT bimmers slow or am I not using them correctly?
Jumpy is sweaty, half a second slower than him is good
i think lewis did a blm fart after eating blm food and it stank of blm.
it is a lovely feeling. howeer ive been so immersed in motorsport ive not played h5 in days now. i orefer motorsport but it doesnt look like theres much more left for me to do. shame it doesnt have the same amount of content gran turismo has.
the m6 is best not taken to long straights, m8 doesn't like getting out of slow corners
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>but it doesnt look like theres much more left for me to do
sure there is
picking up motorsport for single player racing vs ai is a mistake, but i don't know what other game i would recommend for that either
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wake up
race? what race?
F1 is about to kick off.
>Just finished my Mugello race
Sugoi timing yo. Catalunya will be a snooze fest but I'll still watch
Probably, but the RB staring in P2 and the rest being close in qualifying. RB is light on tires so it will probably come in to play.
ok the race is over
Yep. I swear that Max has telepathy with that pass on Russel. Maybe rain will spice it up.
slurp slurp sluuuuuuurp
such a boring ass race lmao
>no rain
>no crashes and/or safety cars
>VER wins again lol
fuck this shit
What race? Pikes ?
fantastic racism as always, can Forza Motorsport have any modern F1 car, like from current century?
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Week 36 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - Semobii!
>2nd - AllowedSiren15!
>3rd - JohnFender1420!
This weeks winner is Semobii! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=435455735#gid=435455735

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 37

Welcome, everyone, to the start of /forza/ Rivals Championship Season 4! This season the stakes are as high as they can be! After seeing the high-octane action of Season 3, i feel like the title fight will be more dramatic, the competitors are catching up to settiesa5847! Can he defend his title? Can the backmarkers move to midfield? Maybe we'll see a new star rising? Or maybe some of our veteran fighters can show an incredible return to the form? We'll see! GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES!!!
First week, traditionally, is an exploration of a culture. This time - AMERICAN culture! Take this All-American car, Chevrolet Corvette C8.R, to All-American track, SEBRING, and show who's the boss!
Attention, bonus points! During the 2021 12 Hours of Sebring, Antonio García in Chevrolet Corvette C8.R, set a record laptime, 1:55.642. If you can somehow beat this time, you'll receive 5 bonus points!

>Track: Sebring Full
>Car: Chevrolet Corvette C8.R '20
>Class: R
>Upgrades and tuning: NOT ALLOWED! RENTAL ONLY!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/breOKSYYJGw (02:08.583)
How to submit a lap: https://youtu.be/dbjlfAB-o0I
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1448904740#gid=1448904740
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
Spanish gp
watkins starting now
lmao miss with that gay shit
unfortunately considering the Valkyrie is considered X999, I doubt we will ever see modern F1 cars.
never played a forza motorsport in my life, is the current one any good or nah?
Just make an F1 class and be done. People don't care if it's X class as long as you can race it. It's not like the top speed is going to be unmanageable.
No. Buy GT7.
i don't have a goystation quintuple and never will
Well there is nothing for you. Sorry.
aw shucks!
thats wassup
Damn bros.. Spanish GP was so boring I fell asleep around lap 40 and just woke up
it was interesting for a total of like 20 seconds
t1 and that bit of between lando and jorge rosello
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Pretty much. The end had potential, but never panned out.
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gabe won
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>start from the back
>win prizes
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>yes im going to put my car inside there even though there is absolutely no room
I think there was enough room but he tried to match your pace and understeered.
>literally hugging the curb
>enough room
yeah okay
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the race also had some cool ass battling, the last stint was very enjoyable. too bad i ran out of tyres.
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these endurance races are pretty fun not gonna lie
won what
>just got this game
>unlocked the ford gt from the modern tour
>showcase event is old la sarthe
>start practice
>cut scene is the car bombing down the track
>by the time the game switches me to cabin view and says 321 go the car is going 156mph into a chicane
right? endurance races are good
the race
but what about the racism
oh my god I read your post as "these endurance races aren't fun not gonna lie" and watched your webms wondering what wasn't fun about them. My dyslexic ass. Good racing. I had a really nice battle with an RX-7 today at Daytona for P2.
were you intentionally tangling with them or what? RA is pretty hard to run out of tire, try sebring to know the suffering
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i caught up to them and tried to pass and make a gap but it was so late i just ran out of tyres since i calculated my strat wrong. i caught poridge09 again but started sliding like a motherfucker.
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>start from the back
>win prizes
i cry erry tiem
also the skyline silhouette eats tyres like crazy, 27 laps on road america needs extending on first and second stint so you can blast away on the last
the smokescreen is the worst part, no chance
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I think I might be something of a Mugello specialist
I also have OBS setup and will start making webms fuck yeah
absolutely rapid in the M8. I guess I could just be bad or have a bad tune.
Dont die on me damnit
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This is a special moment. My 1st proper on track overtake of Sizzleby
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This move was absolutely filthy
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i love the rain in motorsport, especially the window/windshield effects. it started banging it down half way into the last race i was in, visibility plummeted, and all i could follow was brake lights of the other drivers.
It's the indicator of a collapse being imminent. Companies only start voraciously consuming each other when they're bleeding money and are desperate for extra cash to stay afloat. It should be obvious that it's not sustainable if they don't actually fix what's causing them to lose money.

If you're a private company they can't force you to do anything. If you're publicly traded they just have to organise a majority buyout by contacting your shareholders and convincing them to sell.
the 3rd person view and pause button?
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start button is now my best friend
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reactions are good

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is 2:06.2 good in silvia on RA?
seeing the 1% do 2:03 in the metamobile on RA made me sick to my stomach and put the game away
i think my fastest lap that race was a 2:06.9 so yeah i think 06.2 is quite good, i dunno the meta tuning stuffs though
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how much aero?
less than default but not minimum, i like like 35% rear and 45% front?
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i ran 280f 270r american units
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one of my best moments, absolutely inch perfect braking and the pass in the bus stop, the turn 1 execution was shit but it ended up working out
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ai drives as good as me
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c'mon man...
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my bad
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this pass would've been for the win had I not been no-stopped by loner
wtf is that sun ray i didnt get that
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am I crazy or did they actually make it worse in some cases, picrel? most of them are improvements though I gotta say
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no stoppers are a blight on society
imagine needing a pit crew to help you win
lol, lmao even
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it's very distracting
gorgeous though
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Question for motorsport 8 cockpit view:
Do the hands use the steering wheel fluidly and correctly like NFS Shift 2 (a 2011) game, or Gran Turismo 4, a 2004 game.

Or do they still have the shit GTA5 style 10-2 holding position that only travels on a 140 degree axis like you're a spastic taking the test first time
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The latter
differs by car
wake up
damn dats sexy
slamming gears
post some content bro, you're here too
maybe i'm just some random from another general saving you from page 10
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I'm a Turn10 employee monitoring this general to write down all the things you like so we can blacklist them from the game because you are all literal nazis
I love the forza wing, nigger faggot
Stick the forza wing on yer arse because you're a fucking drag
here ya go
this one's better
time attack evo got new engine swaps and can finally be at the top of S2, also S1 and A800
work your magic toonerbros
That's it, Forza wing is BANNED
I wish you could run actual skinnies up front and they had a dedicated drag suspension.
I feel like such a tard, I didn't realise you could search, install & change tunes just on the fly. fooking hell
>he doesn't tune the cars himself or use unlocked tunes
If tranny is short for transmission, can start saying sussy instead of suspension? off-road sussy for example
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Do you have so many tunes that you have to search for.. don't tell me...
I drive 99% stock vehicles with minor tweaks
I needed a tune to do some accolades thoughbeit
You can cheat on trail blazer using tune swaps.
remember when you could rewind to the finish line, hahaha...
>choose car
>pick random parts
>dont know what they do lmao
>move gearbox final drive to 200mph
>dont tune car ever again
nooo you can't adapt your driving to the car, every car you own has to feel the same
You got it almost right. The pro's buy parts to meet a PI then randomly adjust sliders to finish it off.
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You hear that T10?
As a democracy we have voted and you must replace the shitty model of your xbox one era Forza wing with something actually nice. Just copy a more universal design from Varis or Voltex and remove the branding
that looks like same shit as forza wing
just fucking make a few models of it, or better yet modular stands and wing to combine
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This looks magnitudes better than the Forza wing
The end plates are actually straight and point towards the front of the car and are of a much better shape
The raised section in the wing that funnels air underneath is much shallower and twice as wide which looks much better
no matter what the wing is it will not fit some cars
first thing would make all the "tuner" parts jdm cars get be adjustable aero
2nd would add option of using cars stock wing as cosmetic over forza aero
this would cost nothing and be great start
and for more just have several stands, several wings and several endplates
>learn to drive n00b
>awd swaps his Cobra
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30 ON 30
KWAB this nigger didn't get >>483286272's 4D chess move, what a brainlet twat
that's ze wrong vette anon
post Rexxy
Standings updated!
I'm onboard with the idea of fully customizable wings, Give us 10 wing styles, 10 stands of varying height and style and 10 different endplates and it'll be enough for a while until people start suggesting more styles to add the the pool of items to use. If it was gonna happen it would probably be years away at this point in whatever internal roadmap T10 have laid out for themselves
Another major gripe I have is ofcourse the Forza front splitter. It just looks awful on pretty much every cars stock bumper. The short term solution would be to allow us to apply it to aftermarket bumper minus the canards. But I would love if T10 could make some bespoke racing style bumpers for the splitter so it looks good
I just want an option that turns any factory wing into an adjustable wing. Nothing makes me angrier than removing a kick ass factory wing for the AIDS inducing Forza shit.
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classic Audi moments
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cockpit chads rise up!


why is this track so fucking bumpy
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>tfw stuck in 2:05 hell
maybe cock
pitchads are onto something
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We're back!
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pitchads are always onto something
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yay new EV!
It will be even more sacrilegious I'm sure. They will just peel off the Mach E badges and hot glue some GM badges in place.
Why does the Porsche 919 have so much oversteer while braking?
The only way to get rid of it requires an unholy brake bias of 55% to the front and set up the rear diff for off throttle understeer which completely kills the life of the front tires and I cant even make a 1 stop stat work at Silverstone. Meanwhile the AI in the same car can go all the way to lap 15 while being 1 second a lap faster
usually porsches are tuned to brake oversteer and then accelerate out of the apex, often seen using 30-40% deccel lock
the 919 is its own retarded type of machine, its the LMP car
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963 has the same problem it really likes to snap oversteer on corner entry
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interesting generation the ai decided
Based AI knowing that the EV's must burn
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>time for 1 race
>forza says no
i hate this game so fucking much how is it STILL this buggy and broken

and i BET its because i left the quali with exactly 30seconds left where it would either lock you onto the track or into the garage, and because it doesn't know where to put you if you leave the track at that specific time it just freezes and then eventually crases.

same shit as when you finish your quali lap with 0:00 on the timer, shit freezes and crashes again because it was coded by monkeys who didnt design fallbacks for edgecases
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No refunds goyim
But I actually feel for you, whenever the game craps itself it freezes everything on my pc and anything running on the 2nd monitor dies because of it
Only issue with this is the animations are so slow that you could have banged up through 3 gears by the time the upshift for one has finished. Steering wheel angle also doesn't keep up with input, which is still a problem even in GT7.

That being said, I'd give just about anything for a GT4 with track mods and stuff like Ferraris added in
"Uneducated leftists project their inaction onto Christians"
It's surprising just how many don't know (or pretend to not know) that the overwhelming majority of charities are ran by churches/Christian organisations.
I guess I just stumbled upon the inspiration for the Forza wing
Looks good on the irl Gallardo, looks shit in game. Which begs the question, why would they remove the Super Trofeo Gallardo from FM7 when they are a perfect fit in ForzaGT spec series
Standings updated!
Its not quite the same thing. Also, they removed the super trofeo gallardo for the same reason there is no BMW M3 GT2 or Porsche 911 GT1, Aston DBR9 etc. Which is uhhh idk fuck you t. T10
imagine being 75 and surviving a 300mph into a concrete wall

>imagine being 75 and surviving
Despite the impressive fastest lap I think I just learnt that Hard > Soft is not the strat
Makes me look fast as fug though wid dat 1 foety eyy
well you say hard-soft isnt the strat but you're P1 by almost 10 seconds
Oh thats because the 3 quarters of the lobby decided to have an impromptu rally battle instead of racing normally
Next time its mugello I'll do Med > Med from pole again and see what the overall time is
>i BET its because i left the quali with exactly 30seconds left
yup that was my first thought too before even reading your text. stay away from edge cases as much as you can folks, this game is a mess
Med/med should be faster, soft/hard lasts longer.
I still haven't had a Mugello race with 1:1 conditions but I have no doubt in my mind that Med > Med is much faster
This is a night race I just did with 10°F lower track temps, I had 3 or 4 T1 mistakeds ddas I was using my braking reference from a hotter race and missed the apex. Only 2 secs slower so I will have another go in 27 minutes when the track comes back in
can you test drive dlc cars in free play before buying them for real?
u can, but if you die in the game u die in real life
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its simple, anyone that drives a car that is different than mine is using OP bullshit and has no skill
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ah yes the good ol disappearing track bug
I had to see it for myself, Med > Med is the strat but the veterans already knew that
I love this M8 so much it's unreal
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all you gotta do is enable track limits in the next slow corner and voilá we're in TRON
random light pole generator thing underground

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joe biden
wake up
I don't understand why people like the Viper
>Peak torque at 4500rpm
>Peak hp at 5000rpm
>Redline at 6000rpm
So you've got a window of 500 rpm between peak torque and power and then 1000rpm of huge torque drop off and 20 hp loss
>Captcha: YAAY
i don't understand any of what you posted lel I just like cars
Don't mind me I'm just venting my frustration at Chrysler using a truck engine in a racing car
i just want to be able to use any tirestyle
dis tire on a old shitbox oh boy
Their cylinder heads seriously suck, and are super expensive to upgrade.
Creativity is a no no.
This dudes ugly
Its too hot to sleep
Its too hot for Forza
I can't wait for October - February
>cares about torque at all
it seems like you're confused anon
Just turn on the air conditioner.
Yes apparently I am confused. Hokihomoshi says more torque = more acceleration in his tuning guide video gearing section
So is he giving out bad information?
He's probably europoor, they don't believe in AC.
People like the viper because of how unique it is, it also had a successful motorsport career.
These races are honestly way more fun than
>drive alone for 1 hour
for me she is S E X
motherfuckers delisted the dlc without warning, ended up getting the hw dlc from a key site since i had the game in the ms store
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wtf was that, fucking jumpscare, only lap it happened
here it is with audio
i like to have very loud audio in the races so this jolted me
28.0 26.5
4.60 2.35 1.60 1.22 1.00 0.84
-1.4 -0.6 0 0 7.0
8 32
500 460 min min
3.5 3.3 10.5 10.0
7.5 9.8 25 -45
280 270
48 135
40 10
is 935 good?
whast this?
kinda weird its going after 6 years as a lot of 'licensing' crap tends to be 10 years. it is pretty cool of them to keep the game online and have a system in place to get past playlist cars.
black magic
So sorting can be based some times. Thanks turn 10!
That's just the laser scanned invisible pothole they added.
had a good run and people still play it, definitely one of the best forzas imo.
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I missed the fh3 delisting and I keep regretting after all these years
Not missing this one
played for 45 minutes, still fresh af. better feel than 5 in many departments, as i remember
better menus, better map, better online, shit works basically
this bullshit got me into forza
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They are delisting a game 6.5 times more popular than Motorsports. Sad times.
you will play the motorsport and you will love it
for real though, the game is sort of fixed if this is your niche, even if gt was on pc if wheel advantage remains i'd play motorsport
I don't know vr seems pretty sweet, and I thought GT had good wheel support. I'd say Motorsports had top notch controller support though.
I like it, it's very fast but hard to control
the map is more fun
this is a fact
it's a better single player game compared to 5
that's just Esaki's ghost; he'll give you back shots whenever he wants and there's nothing you can do about it
I've never played horizon 1 but I feel like that's the only one that's meant to be played as a single player game. horizon # is a multiplayer experience
we love forza horizon here
I dont know why xbox continues to focus on making motorsports if literally everyone dislikes it
why do you dislike it anon?
i agree it could be improved but it is very fun close racing
the multiplayer experience is just part of the experience
they spend a lot of time designing the map, the pr stunts, fast travel boards... it's a pretty fun collectathon sandbox with some multiplayer modes
it's a literal ubi/arkham experience with cars
>now go to point B
>oh see that, better take that board
>now back to B
>oh see that, better try this event near
>now back to B...
time passes, and you keep having fun
i like h4 and h5 but h5's car selection, rally map, and dirt roads keep me coming back, i wish h5 had the backstage pass system and i like racing up and down the volcano.
motorsport is fun but it feels really cheaply made at times. the cars for whatever reason look like plastic toys, the car sounds sound like i'm still hearing them from the outside even though i'm driving from the inside, the podium cutscene looks like it was animated by bioware, and the radio lady is so bare bones she has like 4 lines. but at the end of the day the driving is fun and it can look very good at times (with a bit of sharpening to offset the ridiculous amount of taa) especially night runs at kyalami. thanks for reading my blog.
Turn 10.
>podium cutscene looks like it was animated by bioware
Turn 10.
footy match startin soon ok bye negros, keep this shit bumped
canada would bootyblast both of these shit teams
make sure you do rivals and get your bridgestone suit, no idea how long the event lasts
You are correct that I am euro but you have no idea how much I want an AC that isn't a pathetic portable unit that requires a 5 meter hose plopped out the window everytime I use it
Landlord is jewish as fuck and wont allow one to be bought on his penny either
love you too leafbro
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Bridgestone can suck me
I want the only racing suit that matters
Mobil 1
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it's on
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donkey kong
What went wrong?
Game is about as stable as a feral reddit tranny
It's as visually pleasing as a 400 lb corn syrup blob in a fedora
The online playerbase doesn't understand the concept of clean racing etiquette
They can't even race at all. They see that you have the inside line and they'll slam the door shut and ram you off the track anyway in order to hit the apex of the next corner
The only reason I keep playing this mess is to hang out with other anons as they make it tolerable, playing alone is torture
both my hands are starting to hurt from controller gaming

tfw oldman now
Late 30's? early 40's?
get ya life together lad
eat good
exercise a bit
Eat more brussels sprouts
I used to get that when I first started hardcore vrooming. But no longer. I think it's when I realized you play worse with a lot of tension in your hands.
Cant even find a lobby with 10 people
If I were making the next forza game I would barely put any petrol or diesel cars in, you have to force people into new ecosystems. Ev will never work if we keep letting people drive classic muscle. at the very least we need playlist to focus 95% on ev which they are starting to do with new cars Thankfully, we should rarely see any more gas guzzlers added now
i noticed the game became more picky in matchmaking since 2 updates ago, i was trying to snipe someone and couldn't get into their lobby, likely due to their safety rating (i don't think skill rating is important to the game as you can always see people 3-5 sec off pace)
and i haven't really seen much intentional rammings either, but some people just aren't skilled enough to race closely because they don't know their own brake points or the kerbs (yeah you can force me onto sausage kerb but when i bounce off you will be the victim on the outside)
bros i think i figured out forza endurance racing, it is like knockout racing but with longer interval, every 3 laps whoever is last has moral obligation to quit the race
>some people just aren't skilled enough to race closely because they don't know their own brake points or the kerbs
Yeah just like it was mentioned here >>483521378
A majority of Forza players frustratingly lack the skill to race fast and fairly, I have only come across 1 intentional rammer recently but alot of people are still very dirty and they don't leave a cars width and force you off the track when the opportunity presents itself
the way complaining anon makes it sound is like they are being intentionally dirty but i haven't experienced it lately, just general lack of skill, to match based on skill AND safety we'd need to have like 10-20 times bigger playerbase, right now it feels like game at practice start makes one lobby for each rating and then just puts 3-4 people in each and if you're lucky it fills up
if i ranted i'd rant people launching a divebomb just as you overtake them, and fail miserably because they can't, to me it's not sensible fighting for any position but 1st (and maybe podium places) but why do you defend 4th from a faster car
but in reality all of this stems from people not qualifying, if they did the only people fighting would be those really close on pace (and i guess carnage is inevitable in the back but who cares about that)
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Perfect timing for this to happen as we're talking about dirty driving and retards ignoring their braking points.
Retard in his homofaggot italian piece of shit tries a hero divebomb but instead of killing the Porsche he kills me instead, about 5 car lengths ahead of the porsche and 6 ahead of him
idk I think you guys just whine too much
aggressive re-enter
gets killd again
How was that aggressive? I'm way off the racing line and beyond track limits on the recovery road
100% his fault when you take a look from this angle and see just how much he fucked up his own corner
You were on his racing line
also ford just dodged a porsch by the looks
are you moaning about the Ford or the lambo?
Heres both driver pov's
Porsche grazed the slippery rumble strip
Ford driver decided that brakes are just a suggestion and that turning into a corner should be done once you're past the corner itself while cartwheeling into the spectator area
I will not acknowledge the Mahaveer Ragunathan racing line
you would rammed urself of the track by dat logic
that's just the way of the road bub
while ford missed his apex his exit was within track limits, i don't think he could pause there cause ai would lose the car
that's a really dangerous place to come onto the track and it is your responsibility to do so "safely" so i would just pause ghost in your position
He was still within the track limits bro
You simply became not his problem
Reddit moment
I like fast car
for me, it's slow car
playlistday tomorrow
Horizon 5, what are some more common seasonal cars I should look out for on auction house. What I search for so far is never up
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FH4 biggest peak on steam since launch hit yesterday
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fuck content drip
Ok Turn 10. We already know you don't care.
for me it's ms store
Need to jump on and check the AH.
fh4 playlist convoy when?
funny that you mention that, because the FH4 trial is famous for being very tough
fh5 nerfed the playlist HARD
Boring rhetoric. you can send your clip off and the guy might get a warning. Or he mite not, because that looks like a standard race accident
I did that several times when I started trying to push my braking point when I didn't really know where it is. Still do occasionally when I get distracted and miss it. Luckily I learned to pause so I don't fuck anyone over because it's embarrassing when I do.
Your predictions for update 10?
i hate Ocon, i hate Hamilton, i hate Ricciardo, i hate Perez, and i hate Stroll
jk hehe, desu i don't hate their guts but most of them should be fired
I watch DTS btw
Mobil 1™ race suit like this chad suggested >>483512804
Something electric or more paid advertisements.
you better hit 750 before playlist convoy
the fh5 trial used to be hard too until about six months in, it got nerfed hard during an update.
that hoonigan street trial still gives me nightmares.
i was smashing that one, gapping ai by like 10+ seconds
the real tough one was the s2 road racing
The Hoonigan was the hardest since I was grouped with random idiots. They just rammed each other for the whole thing and the AI simply drove off. It took almost a dozen tries before I got a decent team to help. The fog they added was a nice touch as well.
Here's another one of those videos from one of the behind the scenes guys at Donut.
He rambles a bit but basically it's what I said here >>482945030
No more excuses, pcfags. You can save clips directly with steam.

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bros, ghosted career racing is maximum comfy
i'm a microsoft store gamer
(because i save money buying from ms)
You can still launch it with steam probably
New series up? What are the deets?
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now that we have mobil 1™ maybe turn10 can strike a deal with meguiars™ to keep our windows clean
That's one big ass steering wheel.
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>mfw stopped being a shitter to start tuning my own cars and realising how dogs dogshit even popular downloaded tunes are
wish I'd done it long ago
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>realising how dogs dogshit even popular downloaded tunes are
Some tunes are simply beyond your ability to drive while others are actually shit. The fun part is they can both feel remarkably similar. Tuning to your driving style really is the best though.
new hyundai available tomorrow
That is the worst driving car in the entire game. It simple cannot stop and can hardly turn. I generally do the stock rivals full tilt and in one shot, but that turd took three times. The awd/drift selection is just 2wd and gay?
02:02.909 https://streamable.com/dyhi24
cool can't wait to sell it, i hope it fetches as much as the n vision did when i sold that
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>n vision did when i sold that
Babe wake up
The Endurance Series have switched to Touring Cars
lemme peep that shiz
Peep it quickly because Suzuka entry opens in 2 minutes and its a universal fact that Suzuka produces kino of the highest order
i'm just checking it, might vroom a little later. good track lineup minus catalunya but maybe even that is better on touring i've only really done GT there. no nordschleife anywhere sadly
start baking sisters
damn it
not touching that garbage
Either do it yourself or shut up.
Fine I'll do it. And you better believe it'll be a mobil 1 special edition bread
nah i'm too comfy phone posting in my bed, falling asleep any time now
some anons suggested fh4 getting delisted edition or some shit like that, just a suggestion
Only the DLCs are getting delisted, game is good fine til December 15th
I am not a baker so I cannot create interesting breads
thank you anon, i appreciate your efforts

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