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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Sylux will be in smash 6 edition

>Ult latency mods
>Setting up netplay
- Melee/P+
- 64/Smash Remix
>Monthly tourney

Reminder to kneel to the duplicate spammers and avatar posters, do your part to celebrate the general

Previous: >>481835737
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krystal will be a playable character on smash 6
>dupefag thread
this is how low the thread has got
Dupetranny is the one who stays up necrobumping at night since this is his only entertainment source
You should have created a new thread
sadly i have a job
really miss my neet days bros it's not fair
How will Armada cope with the mogging he took at Tipped Off? He will never, ever have a case for GOAT again.
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>he got to see what the real GOAT looks like in the flesh
Grim... I almost feel bad for him.
remember to make the new thread without the dupe tard line in it
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If you don't like it, then maybe you shouldn't have let the thread die.
the gcc triggers are clunky as shit it's so uncomfortable
I got a root canal today so I popped a bunch of pain killers, smoked some weed, and hopped onto Slippi. I just want to share this with someone.
not clicking your virus dupefag
Okay fine, it’s dolphin porn.
hbox is currently getting 3-0d by some half-decent b0xx pika
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has he stood up on camera yet?
watched the vod only to see hbox clutch it. you jinxd it.
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No Wednesdays arena tonight?
why is pokemon stadium with stage morphs a legal pick in melee but pokemon stadium with stage morphs illegal in ultimate?
Because you can't turn them off without a mod in Melee.
one of this days I'm gonna quit melee. I need to be free from this game
I suggest taking up a new hobby like learning a new language, or in your case, improving your English.
JChu is on a normal controller, he's just so good he looks like a cheater
>dupebro is a metroidfag
i didn't think i could like him more, good shit
I came here to say something but I forgot what I was going to say
melee is eternal
why is it so dead here, like more dead than usual?
Every time I see a video of HDR clips it always looks fucking janky and biased
Sephiroth for some reason is able to fill the screen with shit and deal like 70% of damage off one interaction
Random characters get bars to do cool shit, others don't, the fighting game characters get hyper/ultra combos and EX moves for some fucking reason....
Fox is so easy to play and just auto combos everyone it's insane
The community is full of neurotic, fearful soifags who can't cope with interesting stages (or items) in their platform fighter
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I love this lil niggeh like you wouldnt believe.
snake is honestly the coolest projectile character in the game.
he's all about stage control. and creating setups with explosives.

a good snake will corner you,cut off your options, and react and punish whichever escape route you have.

One of these days I'll offer a $20K grant, $10K to TO expenses, $10K to the player pot bonus, to the first tourney with at least 500 entrants that turns hazards back on.
>(or items)
you had me until that, you filthy casual
Copypasta fag scared off the people who actually participate in discussions. Now the shitposters have no one left to annoy so they're leaving too. That guy doxxing people probably didn't help either.
>That guy doxxing people probably didn't help either.
wrong general? that doesnt happen here
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>he's just so good he looks like a cheater
he kneels to g&w
pikachu feels like shit to control compared to pichu. slower in every way possible as has much worse landing lag. god fucking dammit why couldnt pichu be the better character in melee? i HATE pika
It's so annoying when the cooler looking character isn't as good
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>pretty alright doc combo video hits my timeline
girl, eh? too good to be true for someone actually decent at the game
>checks profile
>he cut one of his own finger
ranking the best character for every move in melee. thoughts?

>neutral b
puff (arguably zelda lol)
Ftilt is yoshi actually
Sheiks just feels better, being surrounded by a better character who can make more use of it.
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No one else feels like this about Hewdraw Remix?
actually pretty hot except for the whole harm thing
shut the fuck up
HDR is shilled as Ultimate's PM even though it's basically a very diet Ultimate "Minus" (disregarding Chao5)
almost Friday...
Add him, Sakurai.
Its happened at least twice.
pikachus shield is worse than game n watchs shield. there isnt a single time where i used pikachus shield and it successfully blocked an attack
shields are stupid. all purpose defensive tool encourages defensive gameplay and general cowardice.
Smash 64 actually had the right idea where shields fucking sucked and were therefore balanced. true shieldbreak combos, extreme shieldstun punished defensive retards. Grabs were really fast and most throws killed absurdly early, shields sucked and they were fair.
defensive counterplay shouldn’t be “press a button and block every oncoming attack”. defensive counterplay should be using your own attack to intercept theirs.
the only good mechanic they added with shields since 64 was the melee perfect shielding to reflect projectiles and then they remove it in brawl and didn’t bring it back even though it was a cool mechanic.
he's in
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The mans monthly is tomorrow. Its only for REAL MEN and STRONG MEN who appreciate the beauty of other real strong mens bodys

Dont get it? Youre probably a betacuck
I workout like this...
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I like the smell of strong men
Why Smash esports ain’t got no attractive egirls? Every other esport has a few.
shut up mekk
dupetranny has won
rest in piss
bet you can't outrank him
Tora is pretty cute
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Anyone have that clip of the that nasally twink playing as Roy at a tournament and getting penalized for pausing before screaming “I’m GENUINELY mad!” when he loses to Kirby?

It’s funny as fuck
>You're not allowed to punish anything, ever
>Dropping through platforms just doesn't work
>Absolutely no consistent way to open up players who just want to run away and turtle for 7 minutes
>Top tiers have over-the-top comeback mechanics and gimmicks that straight-up win neutral for them
>Low tiers somehow all have some kind of annoying cheese that they can spam without penalty since nothing in this game has endlag
What reason is there to play Smash Ultimate besides intentionally torturing one's self?
ermm it's the new smash bros so you have to play it over every other smash game. do NOT ask questions and play the newest game, chud.
While you make some good points (platforms being made outta glue and half the fight is you against them) the other half is just pointless bitching.
>Impossible to punish/approach!
Just watch and learn from aggressive players Spargo/Nairo for instance.
Yes, unfortunately is 2024 and everyone plays like a bitch online even if you pick a slow low tier like Dr. Mario, doesn't change the fact it is indeed possible to approach and engage even if they are being bitches for 7min straight.
99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the players you run into online are going to be sweaty turtling faggots anyway; it's not like anything will make that any less annoying
my opponent is approaching me with a short hop nair. oh, i know. ill press shield. that usually stops me from getting hit on any other character. no reason it shouldnt work as pikachu. wait a second, his nair went straight through my shield, its as if i didnt press shield at all, but im pretty sure i did. my shield was only up for 6 frames. no reason it shouldve poked or not actually came out. hmm, strange. oh well, time to reset neutral. ah, my opponent is now attempting to land on me, likely with a dair. i know, ill anti-air it with uptilt or upair. lets go with up tilt this time. well thats odd. his dair went straight through my uptilt. strange. im playing pikachu, a better version of pichu. usually with pichu my uptilt can anti-air that, guess that doesnt work with pika, the better character apparently. strange.
>No Kirby
>Roy wins
>No salt

this thread sucks
dare I say, duped
>Slippi unranked
>Samus against me
>90-800 ping
>Chat disabled
Come on. That must be just trolling
i played a game of melee on slippi. during this game of melee my opponent grabbed me, threw me down and was immediately able to grab me again. during this re-grab i was not able to escape. he was able to repeat this down-throw into regrab combo at least up to 7 times putting me from 0% to 56% or something. as this was happening i thought to myself, is this the LE SICK 20XX HECCIN BASED TECH SKILL HIGH SKILL CEILING REALLY HARD GAME these guys were talking about? were they playing something else? is this a different game im playing? surely they were not talking about the same game i just got down-throw regrabbed on 7 times while i was unable to escape? this is the super sick 20xx tech? it has to be, right? they put this mechanic in rival of aether 2. i was told rivals of aether 2 is supposed to be copying melee. this was put into their game because of melee. this is whats cool?
Quasar should have a built in thing to add extra slots automatically
That’s why it always archives
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Not always.
Melee should've been modded to fix all of the mid/low tiers a decade ago
That’s project m more or less
>yah dude that's *insert different thing*
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>Zain starts streaming Ultimate
>posting the best numbers of his streaming career
>I Banged Dad's Wife starts streaming Ultimate
Just like he started doing nonstop subathons right after Plup did one.
even then, that's more than what i see him getting streaming melee
That's melee (PAL) more or less
If Smash 6 doesn't have trophies, I'm literally not buying. What would even be the point? To play as more fire emblem characters?
Friday night, dead general
Its only active when you all masturbate and salivate over trannies and obese men playing this piece of shit game, or when one mexican sweatlord who stinks of COMINO EN LA AXILA makes an arena to feel better about himself
Fuck every one of you and I wish you'd all fucking die.
you lot deserve this
rest in piss
I will save this thread from dying in the name of Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube
Falco has some of the most brain dead moves in the game next to Sheik, holy moly.
how does the manachud come up with so much money for his tourneys
This general is dead because everyone spends too much time talking about comp trannies instead of the actual game itself
>the only way to win with the belmonts is to play like a cancerous faggot
i got mokey paw'd when i said i wanted simon back in 2012
Are you going to pretend the shitposting that ran most of the general off didn't happen?
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I agree, he's too powerful. ssbg bros, how do we stop him?
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the PAL version randomly nerfs even mid tiers like ganondorf though
He is guaranteed right?
he's literally in as we speak
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Reminder that if I can beat randoms abusing characters like Falco and Marth’s good moves with Pichu while on drugs, then you can beat them with your main which is almost certainly better than Pichu.
Why does the beef in modern Smash feel so vegan?
cause the concept of "beef" and drama is for autists
issue is, it just got replaced with something either as autistic or even more autistic
normalfags love drama, thats why celebrity culture or reality TV are so big
Autists are 50/50, eiither they're Kiiwi tier obsessed stalkers or they loathe it along with the rest of the culture, can't understand or hates that people cheer for the 9th pr of their state over a better player but can have a day long internet argument about who has the better ledge getup attack between DK and Bowser
> (1) Samus ($700/ hour)
-very experienced with anal. can go for hours
-loves eating cum and doesn't charge extra for it
-favorite position: pronebone anal
> (2) Nana ($400/ hour) :
-changes personality when naked, goes full slut mode
- loves fellatio but is terrible at it. makes weird noses and tears up when deepthroated
-favorite position: kneeling blowjob
> (3) Isabelle ($600/ hour) :
-hard to satisfy with an average cock. loves them big and veiny
-doesn't stop when told. will keep fucking you long after you come
-favorite position: squatting cowgirl
> (4) Zelda ($900/ hour):
-extremely sensitive nipples. will moan, writhe, cry, and even come, just from nipple play
-never gives fellatio but loves getting cummed on and playing with the sticky load
-favorite position: missionary
> (5) Peach ($800/ hour) :
-will never face you during sex. makes almost no noise
-it's near impossible to make her come, but will get angry and bitchy if you finish or stop fucking her
-favorite position: arched back doggy style
> (6) Mii Gunner ($400/ hour) :
-turbo slut. takes multiple clients at once.
-endless stamina. will go on for a whole night
-favorite position: double penetration cowgirl
> (7) Jigglypuff ($600/ hour) :
extremely tight and sensitive. if you are rouch she will call the night off. moans intensely but quietly,
-she's always wet, and sweats a lot. always completely shaven. no pubic hair whatsoever
-favorite positions: spooning and holding hands missionary
> (8) Inkling ($500/ hour) :
-obsessed with impregnation and risky sex. refuses condoms and claims to be on birth control (but isn't)
-if intensely aroused, will sometimes lactate
-favorite position: leg lock missionary
> (9) bayonetta ($1200/ hour) :
-master foreplayer. will tease you long before letting you penetrate. most will come in only few thrusts
-offers variety of sex clothes, including cosplay, but charges extra high for it
- favorite position: lotus (sitting in lap facing you)
No one talking about mew2kings vauge tweets? This general sucks, where can i Go for the drama portion of smash im sick of this shit
No Fair?
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Sometimes when i’m fucking around with a random low tier i’ll quit the game if the matchup is too dogshit (Pichu vs Peach, Roy vs Puff) since games like that take a long ass time and aren’t fun to play not that low tiers are fun to play in the first place. Sometimes I try to play the match out but I usually end up quitting because I start getting frustrated and impatient. Should I stop quitting these matches?
No. Keep quitting. Having fun is more important and low tiers are only fun to play vs spacies and characters that are easy to beat
who is keep bumping this thread from page 10? imagine investing that much into shithole general. pathetic
imagine not bumping
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Melee is so fucking infuriating. Why do I continue playing it? Every character pisses me off in some way.
Do you still have faith in Rivals 2?
Cloud is literally auto pilot: the character
Errmm what's the big deal? Why doesn't Hax just get a job? O_o
>every post is a vague conversation starter that goes nowhere
I'm noticing
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This is boring as fuck. Let’s talk about something.
>Who do you main in Melee and/or Ultimate?
>What character do you hate fighting the most?
I’ll start. I main Sheik in Melee, and I hate fighting Sheik.
this topic doesnt really go anywhere
How about instead of criticizing me you contribute? Do you have any better ideas?
Damn m2k and larry have no chemistry at all
I'm actually enjoying it, him raging at these dumb ultimate characters on wifi is making me feel validated
I hate this game and I hate this community. Why am I still here?
smultimate died
only melee alive
Not him but we should let /ssbg/ rest until the next one is announced
Saturday night, dead general
even amsa is streaming ult
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This is legit the most autistic game I have ever played and is no fun to play against others.
I think you're a loser and you need to get a life, but this made me laugh pretty hard
who has the better ledge getup attack between DK and Bowser
Obviously Bowser do you even play the game
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This thread is beautiful.
doesn't seem like it >>482914352
Does slippi unranked still rank you and match you with similarly ranked opponents? Does each character have their on rank like in ultimate?
this topic doesnt really go anywhere
The triggers on a gcc are so fucking bad
One of the important things that sets apart the GCC from other controllers are its triggers. In Melee, on top of shielding, you can also light shield, which is reliant on the GCC's Triggers functioning differently than just a shoulder button. Rather, you can press it not all the way through to get a bigger or smaller light shield.
That aside, other controllers are fine, but GCC's been a standard for so long, no one really questions it outside of those who have needed to get away from it because of hand pain.
pikachu feels like hes moving in slow motion compared to pichu
I'm a game and watch main and I hate fighting game and watch because his ultimate ability is the most overpowered
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spicGODS win again
TOsissies… our narrative…
hax is about to learn spanish
Haxito Dinero
>we should let /ssbg/ rest until the next one is announced
It's so weird how the current culture war is ultimately between white trannies and brown retards
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New speedrun category

>launch slippi
>sniff traffic via wireshark and obtain the IP of your opponent
>pipe it into https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com
>speedrun ends when you find a hit for CP
what the fuck
I didn't know England had spics
kys pedo
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her soft cock jiggling with her plump thighs at every thrust...
this is so autogynephilia... he looks like fucking norbit
Dabuz is going lippo mode
i feel bad for his father
Goodbye Dabuz you stupid jew.
nobody cares what you feel, you worthless bigot
I feel like if it were autogynephilia he'd be trying harder. Are we sure he isn't the gay kind of tranny?
>You're not allowed to punish anything, ever
>Dropping through platforms just doesn't work
>Absolutely no consistent way to open up players who just want to run away and turtle for 7 minutes
>Top tiers have over-the-top comeback mechanics and gimmicks that straight-up win neutral for them
>Low tiers somehow all have some kind of annoying cheese that they can spam without penalty since nothing in this game has endlag
What reason is there to play Smash Ultimate besides intentionally torturing one's self?
pity bump
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>Reminder to kneel to the duplicate spammer
I replied now what?
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It's the opposite. If he were gay, he'd do more to make himself look more attractive to attract guys. With AGPs, they get aroused at the thought of being a girl. A lower bar to achieve than nabbing a dude at a bar.
Look /ssbg/. It’s a tiny version of my game. I want you to have it
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moving around in it right now and damn P+ feels nice
magi finally about to get some competition
>79 spics that just want to play melee
>vs a twitter army of trannies and enablers
HaxPeso bros it's looking grim
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Oh the textures
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I can never tell if you niggers are joking when you say dumb shit like this z
>I can never tell if you niggers are joking when you say dumb shit like this z
If you play a character that uses super armor, you deserve to be castrated.
Why are Ultimate players all so fucking miserable? Every arena I join keeps being shut down the moment the host loses at all.
Considering Smash Ultimate has no endlag whatsoever on 90% of attacks and most characters can be hiding in shield less than a quadrillionth of a quadrillionth of a millisecond afterward, I'd definitely appreciate more command grabs/unblockables/moves specifically meant to do high shield damage.
this GAME sucks
Because 99 out of 100 times, playing Smash online is genuinely a miserable experience.
Where can I find the Project + 3.0 patch notes?
how did you respond only a minute after? are you guys the same person? it makes a lot sense if you are lmao
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With all its faults, at least SF has devs who love their playerbase.
It's just pathetically sad seeing people not only wasting thousand of hours into Smash, but defending it online as "THE BEST GAME EVER! PLAY MORE SMASH!!" when the devs think people like us, who actually enjoy and compete are the problem, because Sakurai faggot thinks everyone should be a shitter and competing is cringe.
And as if this ain't bad enough, the community is full of retarded glue-eating trannies. Smash is mad fun, but honestly is not worth the hassle and time it takes to get to "pro" level. Once you reach a level you can consistently show off your skill to your normie friends you should chill out and play better games instead of wasting time with tryhards.
Don't blame him for seeking greener pastures.
Even Nairo who has more talent at Smash than 99% of the world said he only plays on Stream or when friends call him.

Smash Ult is in a bad place right now. Everyone is a camping bitch, and online sucks too hard. Hard to justify wasting time in this game when theres better ways to spend your time.
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when is the latest tier list of honesty coming out?
Why do Smash players in particular have such a fucking ego? Generally Ult players.
stfu threads better now with him gone
no one cares about circlejerking namefags
Keep yapping threads worse now with him gone
Everyone cares about elite CHADchads
He should go back to using Griffith as his name, it went way harder than Kizu or SHARK.
they're young and addicted to twitter
>Implying boomers dont have egos
When they remove L cancelling I'll play

I don't know who you are but the thread has been on a consistent decline with or without you. The arena hosters were the true life of the thread and they have been scared away.
HE is the reason is come to this thread at all. it's been more dead than usual lately. we need HIM here more than ever
Genuinely asking
Who the fuck thought Hero's Side B was okay?
Who looked at a large disjointed attack with tons of damage and knockback and said "yeah this is fine"
This, but unironically, sincerely and without the ESL bait.
>muh arena hosters
No point hosting here when people don't consistently play with you to give feedback. And lets not talk about the dodgy connection some bums have because they unironically use WiFi in 2024.
You won't really improve fighting camping shitters from /ssbg/ you might as well join some Smash-discord and find people to grind with and ask for feedback.
I remember asking for a Random Ironman for days here and only 2 people showed up to play with me. /ssbg/ shitters only wanna play their scat-fetish character they have 5k hours on and camp the living shit outta you like its Top 8 of a SuperMajor, when in reality is just a friendlies session online.
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Also this, but unironically and sincerely.
Go to any discord for smash, either a region-one, a character-specialist discord, or a discord from a college group, anywhere.
No matter how shitty is, I bet there is a person or two who will play with you for hours if you ask them and the connection is good.
Meanwhile, my only good experience with /ssbg/ is when we host meme-arenas with items, or when we exchange discord first, otherwise the guy will join in, play like 3 games max and leave without finishing at least a First to 10.
I even met dudes in QuickPlay/Elite/Arena when I used to put my discord tag in the name that run up way more games than mashing /ssbg/ locals, that are either shitters running away after losing 1 game, or WiFi warriors pulling the most flowcharty online gameplay that could never win shit offline that leave after doing a feeble Bo5.
>more discord cocksucking
>those knuckles nerfs
is he atleast still fun to play or did they completely kill him
nah i prefer Ganondorf
unfunny reddit faggotry
he has already been in since melee
then FUCK OFF!
they mainly have Pajeets
nah you do

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