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Fishing Edition

>News: Current PC version is 1.6.8, console update still pending
>Version 1.6.9 is confirmed

Post your farms and talk about your latest accomplishments
Or talk about which mod you recommend others to try

>Previous: >>481676623
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Good morning gamers
Take it easy the next time
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Okay but why?
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To slime up Marnie's sweet dry crack
No modern times, no adult lotion for sale in the pharmacy
Pierre's sells quality corn oil.
Yeah but then Pierre would know and prob gossip about it with the rest of the town. Lewis is kinda paranoid when is about Marnie
just say it’s for the mayoral goonathon
not like lewis does anything else in an average workday
Why wouldn't he ask Marnie first?
Is there any point to bothering with Qi's gay casino? I can't win shit.
Besides the Rarecrow, it's the easiest source of farm warp totems and hardwood fences
Both games are somewhat rigged in your favor on good luck days so it's easy, if monotonous, to just spam the slot machines while watching a video or something
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I should also add, after winning the slot machine jackpot on two separate playthroughs, I just cheat in the casino coins nowadays to buy my warp totem stash for the run
It's quite literally impossible to lose so I think I've wasted enough time on the slots
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It was a lucky day, I was wearing my lucky ring and I had my lucky lunch. And also a blessing of luck. Still wasn't winning anything.
But then I never tried just spamming the slot machine. I kept at it and now I've got like 21k coins. Does it just take a few spins for luck to kick in? Is this where I've been going wrong my whole life?
This always happens. I complain on the internet and then the game decides to make me look stupid.
Told ya
I'm not gonna pretend to understand the calculations but the wiki says that a round on the slots returns 493 coins on average with the big prizes factored in, and you pretty much always win enough of the low-value spins like cherries and parsnips to cover your losses
>This always happens
>I do thing that reliably changes my bad luck into good luck
Sounds like you've figured out the system, anon
That stature what give the fav item of someone birthday. It might give you something good. No borthday days it give something else, forgot what it is.
Ain't no way that thing's worth a million gold though
English better not be your first fucking language
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It's not. I just woke up. Damn, I didn't read what I wrote before click post
My bad for the typos. But in that point where money isn't a problem, you can affort the statue. Or at least I did bought it.
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It's time for you to be punished, sleepy Dodo-san
>sell everything to Pierre
>make millions of g
>presumably he sells it on to the people
>can always afford to buy more from me
>town economy never collapses
Where is all the money coming from? Is Pierre just in debt up to his eyeballs because he can't say "no" when you bring in another stack of 999 parsnips?
>thought I was in the wrong general and board
Nvm we're both sleepy idiots
Lewis knows villagers are subhuman retards and the urbanite farmer who has recently moved in is one of few people in the valley with triple digit IQ
Sleepyposting is just as dangerous as drunkposting, but still not as bad as hornyposting.
He's just that good of a salesman, keep in mind he even had the money on hand to buy your backpack full of aged Starfruit wine in the first place, he's richer than (You)

The town would need a lot more business coming in from out of town to survive in reality
Oh yeah, didn't they just add support for big character sprites in 1.6 or something?
In my sleepy morning fugue state I randomly wondered if anyone would ever make boss battles for this game, and not just "regular mob with stupid amounts of HP" like SVE does. Like if you got to the bottom of the Mines and had to fight some kind of golem monster to claim the Skull Key instead of just unceremoniously finding a chest with it.
I've seen a few WIPs for custom bosses but I don't think any of them were ever finished, unlike the ones in SVE and Ridgeside where it's just shitty reskins of vanilla enemy AI.
I find myself wondering if custom boss AI is even doable
Seems like most enemies in this game fall into either "walk/float at player" or "keep distance for X seconds and then attack"
what's with sebastian and frogs
This is a game where part of the mod programming is based in wordpad and png files. I think you're asking a bit too much.
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Are you Clint? Are you really?
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You did get the secret achievement for grabbing one million of an item, right anon? R-right?
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Of course he's a nice dude
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Why would you ever refuse that quest?
The only luck that matters is daily luck, your luck skill (yes, that's what luck buffs influence) doesn't matter. And daily luck only influence slots in an extremely minor way. It gives daily luck+1% chance of upgrading one of the slot to the next tier. So for example turning a parsnip into a milk jug. At maximum luck, you have 1.25% chance to upgrade one slot. At minimum luck, you would have 0.9% chance to upgrade one slot. There is no protection when upgrading so you can turn 3 diamonds into a starfruit and 2 diamonds.
A million is a thousand thousands, that means a thousand full stacks of 999, that means 14 big chests.
Which actually is less than I expected, but what's the most efficient item to grind in such quantities? Mushrooms from stumps?
Seems incredibly tedious t.b.h.
The wiki has a completely different writeup about the mechanics that does say luck buffs matter. Where'd you hear this one from?
The both matter for different reasons.
Check the Wiki. They literally datamined the exact mechanics from the game code.
it's incredible how even the hippie, "connected", Emily doesn't see Clint as an actual person, he's the monkey that hammers rocks for a living.
Does anyone even interacts with Clint? Who in Pelican town need a blacksmith besides the Farmer and Marlon? Willy probably asks him to make the iridium anchor for the boat, and that must be the first time they ever talked.
Probably makes the nails for Robin's carpentry, and sells and maintains general purpose tools that commonfolk may need like hammers and shovels
Robin probably needs her tools repaired.
I used the datamined luck table. Luck buffs have no influence on the casino. Luck buffs more or less only have an influence on critical chance and a few minor stuff like mahogany seed drop rate.
>Everything listed in the Daily Luck Effects section, with the exceptions of:
This is wrong and contradicts its own source.
I mean, Emily consider him a "friend" but no more than that. He was invited to this fashion thing of her what only make sense for her. Gus also know him, but just as an observer and bartender prob.
>checks out thread
>already reeks of clintprojectors
Emily really is the perfect incel-bait.
Well, the wiki's page on the slots also claims to source its info from the code. At the end of the day all I know is, spam slots and you win
>skeleton drops 2 bone swords
lmao 2kat
Yes but their source contradict their statement.
Can you point out the specific contradiction?
There is no mention of the luck stat anywhere. It only checks for daily luck. Compare that to the fishing treasure chests which is influenced by both luck and daily luck.
Both variables are called.
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I think Lewis goes to check on him for income tax or whatever
He visits all the businesses, but Clint's is the only one where he specifically tells you he's just there to collect tax. In the others, he says he's there to see how they're doing and seems more friendly.
The math in stardew's source code is spotty at best sometimes. I remember an old math error that caused luck boost to be useless in some places pre-1.4 because ape wrote it like that: Daily luck+Luck boost/2. The intended effect was (Daily luck+Luck boost)/2 to have both of them added together and then divided by 2 but this operation resulted in Daily luck+(Luck boost/2) instead. I suppose ape forgot about pemdas.
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25324 Because all the gay stuffs aren't enough
Such depravity!
t. me while smooching my lesbian wife harem
Haley and Emily?
I wish I could still smooch my harem. Fuck Polysweet, we desperately need a new harem that's not a massively buggy piece of shit (and preferably not made by an actual tranny). And the unofficial Free Love update is buggy as shit too.
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What's with these stray pixels?
You're worried about that and not the fact they turned Elliott into a jamaican jew?
There isn't much to say about that.
I'm genuinely puzzled by what they blue blotch is meant to be.
I marry everyone I can in each playthrough until I have literally half the town in bed with me, it's silly but I love it

Poly is built on Free Love so it basically inherited all of its bugs and then some. What kinds of bugs were you seeing with Free Love?

Looks like it's supposed to be the window behind him, visible between his dreads and eye socket
>he specifically tells you he's just there to collect tax. In the others, he says he's there to see how they're doing and seems more friendly.
>when even the kindly mayor is sort of just only there for business
Give him an event where he adopts an animal or does literally anything that makes him less of a bitter and downer person, something that'll give him a chance to improve as a human being
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You do NOT want to see Clint finding a hobby, because we know he will always use his powers for evil. Remember the Home-Made Training Girlfriend you find behind his house?
I was eating... oh, oh no no no, thi sis awful
I learned about this like, one or two threads ago but completely forgot
Someone should re-sprite this into an Emily love doll
Any time you see something like this it's because of Diverse Stardew Valley and not whatever mod the page is for
Surely modders can create something at least on the level of SNES-level boss fights, I'm not expecting Dark Souls or anything. Hazards and big attacks to avoid via movement and positioning like from Rune Factory or something.
Is there a reason why the Farmer keeps appearing behind bushes or houses?
In real life, I'd guess CA found it easier to run cutscenes by setting the farmer to start somewhere on screen rather than hiding them off of it.
In-universe it then becomes a silly tongue-in-cheek joke because he noticed how often he used the trick, like when games with mute protagonists poke fun at how they never say anything.
I could maybe do it if you tell which sprite that is. Assuming it's just one sprite.
Why is this thread so dead?
For some reason it's in the Craftables sprite sheet which I think means it would need to be set up as a whole mod to not conflict with anything else that edits that sheet, seems like more effort than it's worth for a Clint shitpost.

Take your pick: Game's old, not much new content to talk about, mods for the game are mostly focused on virtue signaling their inclusivity, game's western-focused so there's very little appealing fanart to skulk for.
Generals like Terraria are in much the same boat but they have big mod packs at least.
If I knew how to replace just one sprite on a sheet it shouldn't be that time consuming to do, just for fun.
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Best way to learn would be to look at how an existing mod sets up their manifest.json and content.json files, it would need to be set up as a Content Patcher mod which is done in the manifest
Then for the mod's actual content you need a content.json with an EditImage entry, where the target is TileSheets/Craftables and the FromFile points to your sprite (can be standalone as long as it's the same dimensions as the individual sprite you're replacing), then has a "FromArea" entry describing the image limits of your sprite and a "ToArea" entry describing the location and boundaries of the original sprite on its source sheet
Pic related is how a mod I'm using to replace pigs with foxes loads a small fox head icon titled ShopIcon.png over the vanilla pig head icon, which is located 480 pixels down in the LooseSprites/Cursors.xnb sprite sheet
Enjoy it while it lasts anon, we're on life support here. 1.6 brought us back but i dunno for how much longer.
It's a shame we lost the IP counter because I'd love to see how there are only 6 people posting.
Par for the course for pretty much any game that isn't a huge series or a gacha/live service, most that don't fall into those categories are clinging on to life for those people who occasionally check in to see what's up
I'll keep coming back as long as I've got scantily clad waifus to draw, at least
Are there any interesting challenges for Stardew Valley? I was thinking of doing a playthrough where I don't leave the farm at all and see how that goes but I don't want to miss out on mining if I do that.
Do the Golden Hoe challenge. No farming, in fact no work of any kind. All you do is hit on all the girls, give them all bouquets and get to maximum hearts.
You're just there to wreck the community by plowing all the single girls.
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Uhh, depends on your definition of "challenging"
Youtube keeps trying to recommend me this video about someone who did just that and now that I'm watching it he's starting off talking about how painful it was
And you indeed can't go mining or, really, do much of anything but wait, these kinds of challenges are more like "play the game without playing the game"
Thanks, gotta check this out.
As a fan of the game and the mods I'll be here as long as posible too.
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So anyhoo I continued work on Abigail today, cleaned up her neutral pose some and got her (un)dressed for winter but I don't have any particularly good ideas for a swimsuit design right now, I just know I want it to remain black like her vanilla one
Guess I'll sleep on it for now
This might suit her. Bit of a goth look to it.
Could always make the covered bits smaller, colour the straps brown leather like that belt, and maybe even turn the net into chainmail for her adventurer-style outfit.
Seem like it have too many details and I believe he said the less clothes the better. Upto him of course
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25337 ai made portraits. Leah diferent expressions made it look like they're diferent characters
This is the most clothing I've ever seen on one of your drawings.
She wears panties in winter?
Haley can't stop winning.
Fair enough. If he wants to go as few clothes as possible, Abigail could just wear two belts. One around her chest and one around her hips always sitting just low and angled enough to cover her. No underwear, no bra.
Thick belt around her hips, sitting nice and low on one side due her sword hooked on it.
Stealing this for my own goth girl.
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>One around her chest
>hair styles change
>doesn't even look like the same character in different portraits

>designs no allowed in 2024
Sad world
Couldn't find this robot thingy behind Clint's house. Guess SVE removed it?
No you can't I posted that for anon!
only ship cooked dishes.
Its an 8 year old game aout farming. Be glad the npcs have enough charm to keep people coming back.

Unless you wanna talk about boning the milfs or stardew expanded
I want to fuck Caroline
Same dude. Same.
I'm just about to give her a bouquet.
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Nice, what mod?
Hitme's Caroline is Single.

Doesn't come with that character sprite though since it's my own mod.
You got an archive of your art?
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All he needs to do is touch grass, take a shower, get a hobby for normal people and lose some weight.
This pic goes very hard
Love from Gotoro Empire
I hate Maru so much it's unreal.
Also get a haircut and smile more. I bet he's never even tried making eye contact with Emily and shaking her hand.
Why is Abigail slimmest in this image? She is canonically the thickest
She can be whatever you want. Just because some troons change her fat or black, doesn't mean those mods are canon. She's not fat.
holy crap prairie king is hard!
It's the most difficult, most challenging game ever designed. There are people who speedrun souls games on level 1 with the starter weapon on permadeath who can't get halfway through the second level.
Took my hours to even once get to the final boss, still often can't beat the first area..
Genuinely flabbergasted it took this long for a HRT mod to appear on Nexus.
>HRT mod
what's that?
>troons insist they are real women
>can't even play as a woman in a game, has to mod it so he is a man taking drugs to pretend to be a woman
it really is a form of autism, there is no other explanation.
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You guys struggled with Prarie King? lmao try a real game like Elden Ring for once
>final boss
I got to the boss once, the lil shootout but I only had one life, are you kidding me there's more
It would be easier if PC could take more keyboard inputs at once. Can't move diagonally and shoot diagonally at the same time, at least mine won't shoot or stops moving. Have died many times due to cowboy doing fuck all.
What do you think snes/nes games were written in? You'd be surprised what you could accomplish
You could make her swimsuit an even smaller version of her top and panties, or maybe a one piece that somehow covers less near her private parts, while the lewd toggle can make the swimsuit see-through. Just a thought d
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Yeah but even those games have easy patterns to learn. Ofc ask to random people who make a mod, do what a real videogame dev could do is also ask for too much. Especially to the SVE and RSV troons and how their agendas are priority.
I have no idea what that has to do with coding a large sized boss into the game but ok
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The good news is this does give me an idea, thanks
The bad(?) news is that idea is a straight-up bondage harness

Well of course, you need warm underwear in the winter!

Most of what I've been posting also goes on my Twatter account https://x.com/SuperMuddio
I often don't bother posting alt outfits there unless I'm posting them all at once, though, those are for bumping the thread
If snow fell on it, it would get wet. Wet clothes during winter is not very advisable. Underwears like that become see-through when wet. Better take them off to avoid the embarrassment
>snow falling on her panties
How would that even happen?
You have to bring a Super Cucumber to the box behind his house to find it, it's one of the Secret Note things

So Golden Animal Crackers on Fish Ponds are super broken right now
Long story short the crackers will double any produce you leave in the pond if they roll no produce the next day, and people found out how to reliably exploit produce patterns to generate 499 produce a day
holy shit I thought it was a mod that fucked my game
Guess the chest will only appear after finding that note.
Yeah, there is actually 3 worlds afaik.The secret achievement is actual bullshit
Btw, you can kind of savescum this, as the minigame saves after every stage. If you go to sleep the stage will carry over and can be restarted. You will need to wait till Gus opens tho, as you only get your own acarde station after you first beat the game once.
I have so little fun with those arcade games I'm considering just installing the cheat mod. If only someone could just rip them out entirely and replace them with a better game.
The problem with this is if you had a bad run you have to restart the whole day, going back to the title and loading the save file again. Most people don't want to do that. Specially if you use mods and the wait is longer.
I think most of the time people only resort to this when they're after the achievement specifically and don't really care about the day
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I'd guess what he's referring to is how most of the "big" mods for this game are focused more on perpetuating the "inclusivity" hugbox, adding more and more filler rather than doing anything actually interesting with the game.
The modding scene is basically carried upon the backs of the people making the frameworks like Pathos and others, only for the majority of other authors to not take advantage of any of them.
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I've scoured the recesses of the general modmaking community for long enough to be able to confidently say you're 100% correct.
>last year the East Scarp guys were working on the combat equivalent of NPC Adventures, which allowed you to recruit NPCs as mercenaries, give them classes, level them up, etc
>work on it stopped due to 1.6
>project has been indefinitely shelved and they don't seem to give a shit about it anymore, also some parts of it have been repurposed for one of their pozzed add-on mods instead making its future even even more uncertain
I'm still as fucking mad as the first time I found out about all this.
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Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks

The people interested in this should make the mods then. It's all open source.
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25347 The "gap" is really that annoying?
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It makes everyone look like a cowboy with leg problems so yeah
Everyone with that stance looks like they're either bowlegged or squatting
I look like this
Don't you have an evil vampire on the prairie to be killing
https://youtu.be/OGj0xMWReQM Gura mod when la
Fucking「VTUBERS」go back to /vt/.
As much as I wouldn't mind seeing vtuber mods do you really want to see what happens when the average Stardew modder gets their grubby mitts on them?
I went to youtube and seem like Gura is having her birthday or something No wonder the fans are spamming.
Vtubers are cringe and so are you. Your mother is disappointed in you and your father can't even look you in the eye, because of the shame he feels.
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Gura loves children. She likely plays with the Jas mod.
lol saved
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>But you have Gura at home
>Gura at home: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10388
it's so jover
Went poking around mod docs and the Stardew disco today to gather info about a mod I'd like to make someday, looks like most anything complicated needs coding in C#
Anybody here got any experience how much time learning that might take? I've never coded anything beyond a computer science intro course
My wife is CUTE.
This is how I know it's a real Stardew thread.
Perhaps even a little funny?
The only good Vtubers are ones that play their character instead of using the weeb avatar as a thin veil to get away with classic e-thottery. Even so it's boring watching them play the same games over and over and over again.
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Got them working. Any wishes for a design?
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Holy based, you actually did it.
Spooky. The top one looks like it should be shuffling around the farm at night.
By "wishes" you mean like ideas for other resprites?
I mean, he wanted a love doll, but what kind of doll, no idea. Right now, it's a bikini doll.
The one in the top is good. The other look like it was alive.
I like both designs, keep the first one as the main with the second one as a toggle. Also maybe one with big boobs?
I don't know how to do toggles. Right now those are replacing secret statue you get from boxes.
I didn't have anything very specific in mind so this is what I was thinking of in a nutshell, I know it's hard to get much more detail with these kinds of sprites
I reckon ya done good
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https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25361 Some mods are weird. I understand fancy stuffs, other pet races. But just a purple recolor? why?
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Ask Ape, apparently the purple dog and cat are in the files but they're unobtainable unlike the ultra expensive purple turtle.
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did Ape got inspired by the RSV turtle?
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What would (You) like to see in a potential Trinnie Marriage Mod? My thoughts so far:
>uses BBBoong's portraits, not perfect and not my main pick either but it has seasonal outfits so it seems like a no-brainer
>Ridgeside unfortunately cannot be dropped as its integral to her character
>the main plot of her Heart Events would be a simple forbidden love thing where you must convince her parents of your relationship, as an interesting contrast to other loli mods where you're free to do whatever
>obligatory Keahi slowly realizing he's getting cucked
>minimal or no involvement of the other RSV fags unless they're directly related to her
Anything else I should take note of? Writing a satisfying plotline will be tough, but having al the art done for me is already a huge confidence boost.

If you want to use it, here you go. There are a few alternatives in other folders, need to copy paste and replace the one in assets. Should work..
If it's possible, quest (Journal) based relationship progression. Trying to get those events to pop up randomly is a hassle.
You could use the remnants of my Trinnie mod as reference. I kept it simple. No cucking tho, more like the annoying boy was dense af. In the vanilla as far as I know, he never show any interest to her. All he care about is dance, cook and pranls. Very annoying. I kept it that way. Ofc if you want to change that, upto you too. I would love to see what someone else can do with my fav RSV girl.
should go for a surprised expression that blow up dolls tend to have. keeping it in a bikini is probably best as its a joke mod now, but lewd if its nude or has comical proportions
She looks like a dead corpse no matter what.

Maybe should change skin color.
Maybe a little? But it's fine this way in my opinion. I mean, the players who tried this mod will know it's just a sex doll and no a dead body. I find funny how it look better than other nsfw sprites mods.
holy shit clint is such a fucking bitch im going to cuck him simply due to him being a wimp
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Stop being mean to Clint!
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Ginger Island doesn't feel like a natural addition to the game.
It's kinda decent, when you're absolutely bored of the main game: run around the island, searching coconuts; some puzzles here and there; Qi's quest and so on.
yeah. the time gating on it feels pretty bad imho. far too reliant upon rain and bananas are a minimum 29 day wait
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What did Ape possibly mean by this?
He's a 4chan user. He know about memes
Bit odd that random baby names pull from the name pool as random farm animal names.
The random name generator uses random sets of letters. 1.6 removed a few slurs from possibly being generated but there's no indication of which.
sus means pig
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I'm planning on buying this game next time it's on sale. Are there any challenge mods?
>get to the bottom of the mines
>find the Skull Key
>it's the key for the skull caverns
>"where are the skull caverns?"
>unlock the quarry
>go to the cave
>skull sign
>enter mine
>full of flying skulls
>but it's not the skull cavern
>skull cavern is in some stupid desert somewhere
Dumb game.
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Lewis took the sign from the desert and placed it in the local cave close the town, to scam.....I mean, to encourage adventurers to visit the town.
can you cuck someone who has no chance
Alright, that does it. I'm buying joja membership.
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There should be a Jojo route, where you take his job, his house and his wife and he ends homeless and Shane and Sam bully him and he has to live in a van down by the river, or next to Linus.
Always hilarious to see that clown flailing those coupons early in morning all alone.
>gets falcon punched into space like an anime villain
Doesn't feel any more unnatural than the desert and Skull Cavern, it's just too out of the way for us to give a shit about in the same way no one gives a shit about Sandy because she's out in the literal middle of nowhere
why did aliens leave an egg on my farm
It would be nice if the alien become a character in the game.
well the dwarf is an alien
I think the witch should be a marriage candidate.
SVE witch? I believe they said that'll happen soon. Tho who knows when
No. The wizard's ex wife. She should become a character and you should be able to marry her. Goblin should be her butler.
>he want to flirt with ugly green witch
Each to their own I guess
There's already a mod for that.
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Does he deserve Jodi?
Probably the only husband in the valley that deserves his wife, with his quirks tied to something sympathetic rather than an intrinsic personality flaw
Everyone memes about this part but personally my favourite Kent-logic meme is the fact that he can say something along the lines of "My youngest son doesn't like Piña Colada" while looking disappointed.
Random gifts likes/dislikes lines are just funny at times. Marnie can also do that with Jas.
Which characters do you see as canonically gay? Alex was definitely made to get railed
None. Faggots are not allowed in my valley.
lesbians count as gay yknow?
He's one of the only characters to have significant dialogue change if you play as a male during his events. Afaik none of the girls other than Leah has major changes during their love event if you play as a girl.
Morris, and only Morris. There's a reason why I kicked that faglord out of MY valley.
All of them have to be at least bi-curious to just be so easily willing to go gay for the farmer
Nice, anyone know if we can just go ahead and stick this on Modding Haven or is there some sort of process for that?
I can add it later if nobody will.
>No wiki hardcore mode mod
But why?

I'm the author and I just added it there.

Might even create more alternatives if there's a demand.
Make a Haley one next. That way all the crybabies who got upset when she said they stink and their shoes look like plastic will be able to abuse her doll.
I think having a separate item for all of them might be cute
Created a version 2. config thingy was easier to implement than I thought.
I just wished the creators of my favorite furniture mods would add more furniture bros...
Would be nice to receive a mod furniture catalogue via mail and then you could just order these new cool stuff from it.

Any ideas how to implement that?
I have no idea if support for that currently exists, but Calcifer allows you to make custom furniture catalogues.
>TFW Industrial Furniture is still the most complete overall furniture set and the creator has been MIA since 2021
I'm new to the game, have heard various tips and now I'm scared of selling some items I'll need for crafting or something later. So early game which items should I actually be selling? I think I heard I should save wood, stone, and fiber. What about the stuff I mine? I'm on day 15 or so in spring.
In general you should just hoard whatever isn't necessary to sell so you can buy seeds. Make a note of everything you need for bundles unless you're playing the Joja route too, I stuff the required items into a chest.
Minerals are typically not that vital, unlike when you might sell a fish or crop you needed for a bundle after it's already gone out of season, so you can pretty safely sell goods from mining, but you'd probably naturally discover you constantly can't spare any ore or coal to sell.
The only thing you'd really want to hang on to is Jade for later convenience.
Get a modern mechanical keyboard and that should solve it. Most have n-key rollover.
Alex since he's the only bachelor I want to fuck
Thanks. So I should sell fish and crops I grow but make sure they weren't needed for a bundle? Is that pretty much all I should sell then?
Like the other guy said minerals work too since they don't go out of season, not every fish is required for bundles so making a list will do.
I'd say leave about 1-3 of each just in case. 5, if you're not broke.
Also note, that one of the first bundles need 4 specific crops at gold star quality, five times each: parsnip, melon, pumpkin, corn.
might've found a bug, I was hitting X (use tool) trying to put one item at a time into the container for selling stuff and it seemed like it was deleting/replacing what I had in there. I had 11 salmonberries and ended up with just 1 or 2. then I tried to add 1 of my 2 potatoes and it replaced the salmonberries. or does the container just not show multiple things at once?
You mean that large shipping container on right side of your house?

Item it shows there is just for that you can take it back in case you accidentally placed something there you shouldn't have.
If you put more items inside the earlier ones are gone for good and will be sold when you go to sleep.
Yeah, that one. Okay, I guess when you add multiple of the same item it still counts as a new thing instead of adding to the stack on the other end, that threw me off.
>tfw you yearn to start over again from the beginning to experience that early progression, meet the town's people for the first time and discover all the "new" things..
The feeling of rediscovery upon playing it again after a long time is pretty good too though
I remember my first time had a lot of paralysis by indecision moments as opposed to now when I can be efficient with my resources because I know what to expect
do a joja playthrough and select all the dickhead dialogue options
what's the fastest way to get the 10k for the house upgrade
Sell stuff.
Fishing is pretty much the fastest way to earn money in the early game, but terribly dull unless you really like to fish
Minmaxers dedicate the lion's share of the early game to fishing and get level 10 in like 10 days, unlocking the desert bus in two weeks

I was actually thinking of trying to do this so I can unlock the Desert Festival in year 1, but even for someone like me who can stomach the fishing that feels like a little too much 'tism
Oh god. The fishing is kind of terrible. I guess I could give that a go. Does the fishing spot matter much?
fishing if you have nothing else set up
If we're still talking the early game rush, I'm not entirely clear on the specifics but I believe the ocean is the preferred location unless it's raining, in which case you fish in the rivers if you're capable of catching catfish
The Riverlands farm should have a small leg up in this role specifically because of the free fish smoker, but the coal to power the thing would have to come from Clint's shop so it would only be worth using on fish worth over 150G like the catfish
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Morning to you too
Just remembered that fishing chests have a fair chance of containing coal so actually the Riverlands farm should have a very big leg up on the early grind
Is it worth being stuck on the fucking Riverlands map? Maybe. Maybe...
Early advantage vs. long-term enjoyment, in a game where you have no competition so advantage doesn't matter.
Just pick the farm map that you like.
Well, sometimes it's neat to do certain optimized strategies for how they change other parts of the game even if you don't take the rest of it so seriously
Like, say you do fish autism and visit the Desert Festival in year 1. This makes it possible to enter the Skull Cavern without the key and, with luck, you might also get a bachelor/ette running a shop so you can buy a mid-power weapon early to not get owned by Serpents
Your pick and bag space would be suckass unless they were also considered during preparation, but it's now theoretically possible to save scum the festival until you can get a Prismatic Shard out of an iridium node (about a 1/29 chance so not too impossible) and then end up with a Galaxy Sword two weeks into the game
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Wrapping up summer of the third year. Been a semi-productive month, but at least I bought two totems.
Working on this save slowly, I've been playing other games.
Looking pretty nice, Meadowlands just might be my favorite map aesthetically
It's the biggest map I've built on, so I was really surprised by how much stuff I can fit on there
I keep meaning to decorate with walls and benches but then I can't be bothered.
I don't like this SVE, it just adds unnecessary items that feel out of place, extra characters and locations aren't that interesting either.
is it easy enough to overhaul my whole farm setup later if I don't know what I'm doing and make a mess of things right now?
you can't move trees but otherwise yeah
Depends, you can generally shift anything but it's probably better to think about putting fruit trees if you haven't decided on the setup yet.
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No, at least not according to Jodi.
Any news about Xtardew?
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fuck. now i can't unhear demetrius talking like stinkmeaner
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What is the best way to make money fast in year 1? Basically I decided to just go big in crops and spend every day from 6 to 11 water these fucking things because I don't have any sprinklers.

Imagine the smell...
Fish as much as humanly possible (especially catfish with targeted bait), buy as many strawberry seeds as you can and use that money to buy major early game benefits (books, stable, etc), get some smokers and keep fishing whenever you need money and/or until your next batch of crops for that season is ready. Also get your watering can to gold as early as possible.
what you're doing. finish the spring produce bundle to get quickgro and you can get an extra harvest on your strawberries
I'm in summer. But yeah I did buy a shitload of strawberries and put almost all that cash into seeds Day 1.
Watering is such a chore though and eats up half my energy for the day.
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ca is a weirdo
Littéralement moi
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who has a cap of that one, I believe of emily, "smilling through a mist of sweat" or something
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that's food, not BO. doesn't count
CA is smellsexual
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>"hmmm which lines should I feature for the limited time I have in the chocolate trailer? Oh yeah this seems like a good one"
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God I wish I could smell Kent.
>man wants to put his dick in the fecal hole of another man
stunning and brave

>man gets stiffy from scent loaded with female pheromones as god intended
ewww what a freak
You shall not attain the gnosis.
Honestly I like being able to affectionately smell a lady I love, not even her sweat or anything weird, just the natural girlsmell, rubbing my face on her hair and body
A-am I a fucking cat
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no, you're a primate
There's a big gap between attraction to scent and attraction to sweat
Most of the lines fall into the latter rather than the more innocuous one
N-no I don't want to be like that
Well I'm still the former, I'm a good boy
Also does female sweat smell that different, or is it about the same
it smells different but still unpleasant
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>almost two hours later
>still talking about smell
Just let this rotting general die at this point.
Smell ya later.
A man of taste and quality, truly an aromatic gentleman.
A female friend left her shirt at my house once and I spent like an hour with my head inside it like a bag, the smell was so intoxicating.
Probably one of the comfiest sensations ever.
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I mean, blame the game for all the references
Harvey's sweaty mustache
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what the hell is going on in this thread
Common challenges include playing the game unmodded and trying to complete X goals within Y time, whether in game time or real life time. For the latter check speedrun.com.
In the game settings when you create a new file, you can also adjust the profit margin to make things harder on yourself. As far as mods go, there are plenty of mods to adjust monster difficulty, add taxes or even turn the game into a roguelike. As well as speed up or slow down almost any game mechanic you can think of. If you're into completionism there are mods that add more to discover, collect and craft before your collection is complete too. But if you aren't familiar with the game, I'd recommend you to try and complete the community centre as fast as possible, maybe within a single in game year for a start.
Where can I find all of the Wumbus comics? The site is dead.
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I wish I knew
>Maru's robot
Deepest lore holy shit.
Wait what
Ok I assume most of that wasn't sweat
Is it phermones, is it literally phermones that smell good, I don't understand
What does that smell like
Does the whole smell thing mean the lack of a bathroom in our farmhouse was a deliberate choice by the Ape to make the farmer all sweaty and stinky?
nobody uses the bathhouse. coincidence?
Sorry what the hell IS this, I thought it was this other horrible thing about sweat smell, but this is insane but also looks Stardew-tangential
This is hilarious and insane
CA is a bizarre person. Check out the art on his instagram

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This is actually amazing
And "maybe what you saw was a pale, raw scallop floating in a dark sea? Sorry, Wumb, this isn't my area of expertise" is the funniest thing I've read all week
CA really is the poster child for "some dude on the internet who really wanted to create things and then actually did it", he's just like us fr fr
Honestly yeah. I never doubted him for a minute, but these surreal comics really accentuate it
Literally one of us
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>Is it phermones, is it literally phermones that smell good, I don't understand
you know how like food smells good
pheromones are like food for your dick
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That's a crude explanation but yeah I guess that works.
I-I see...
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to be fair that one is fanart
My comment wasn't derogatory. I like the picture.
>Truffle "juice" mod
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What kind of thought process leads one to not only desiring to milk their pigs, but also to think connecting it to truffles makes any sense whatsoever?
Pigs lay truffles like eggs. Didn't you know that?
No they don't, you retard
You have autism. I can tell by the fact you couldn't detect the very obvious sarcasm from the post you replied to.
>not responding to him with "You have autism anon. Didn't you know that?"
Either that or he's a very upset biologist or farmer
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Wheres this from?
Navel? The korea sdv community. Old stuffs without winter outfit.
>CA is a schizo genius
explains a lot
Looks like a retarded ugly doll, so almost certainly from some korean mod.
Blonde Jas btw
Any mod that turns Linus into a cute bush loli?
You should focus on the best girl from RSV, Sean
Anon... truffles ARE pig eggs
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Habby Appy

I thought for a moment it would have been cute to make her happy portrait drooling like she's hungry because of her gift dialogue but alas, the happy emotions are too widely used for that, I think
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Damn very cute
Can't blame him. Didn't he spend like 6 years alone making this game.
he had a girlfriend and housemates. it was also just 4.5 years
imagine looking away just to stare directly at the mirror and see that fat blob there naked
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What's the mod for those desaturated colors
That looks like Vibrant Pastoral Recolor.
thank you anime jesus
What do you suppose is the better action with Tea Saplings now that they nerfed their value but let you reclaim them by chopping them down?
Letting them grow then chopping them down after the season is pretty low effort and more value than they used to be, but that's also a hefty wait time for what used to be an instant payout. Might still be more worth it to just immediately sell them so you have the money to work with.
Is there a way to get rid of the normal and golden scythe?
As far as I'm aware, no, best you can do is place a chest somewhere you never go and leave them there if you're really committed to getting rid of them. Maybe if you left them in a modded zone and then removed the mod?
Yeah, that seems like the only way to get rid of them for good.
Can't sell or dump the scythes, can't sell old fishing rods. Why did he never fix it?
He should have just made them direct upgrades to solve the problem.
Have her drool like a retard anyway. It fits her personality.
Precious. No drool please
So you wouldn't end up without those tools.
>early game
>encounter 3 prismatic slimes in short period of time
>finally get quest for prismatic jelly
>no prismatic slimes around for days
>fail quest

>go gather ore
>hardly any nodes anywhere
>accidentally enter mine without pickaxe and sword
>first room contains over 10 nodes

>enemies everywhere
>get quest to kill enemies
>they went on holiday

Why is this game like this? Is it the spirits being ass?
That's not the game. That's you having bad luck and skill issues.
Is there seriously no up to date mod to fill the gorge? It looks like such an eyesore.
Why not just add the basic version of all tools to Clint's shop?
>to fill the gorge
That dried up gorge before the quarry.
fill george
Prismatic slimes don't even spawn when not on the quest so your perceived bad luck is all in your head
Ahh that side what look like a dead desert. I mean, if you use mods, you can add any extra plot of land or farm you want, so why bother with the quarry? Or maybe is dificult to mod SVE mod that part of the map too?
I use the quarry for my tree farm and it's a matter of aesthetics for me.
Make sense. Again, it's a matter to know if is posible to mod that or not. I'm surprised no one tried yet.
>on floor 34 of the mines, out of food, nearly exhausted
>desperately mining rocks for a ladder but figuring there's no hope
>notice I have one cherry bomb in my inventory
>toss the cherry bomb, reveals a ladder, get to floor 35 and elevator back up, make it home in one piece (also foraged and ate some leeks along the way)
You'll flood the town and kill everyone if you reactivate that ancient river.
The only mod I know that fills the river currently is More Lively Quarry Overhaul, but I'm using a different quarry mod. Sadness.
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Tried this? You might need FTM. No to mention it's old and it might no work. https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2750?tab=description
Or you could go to the SDV forums mods and request an update. Or someone with the skills could do it here. One anon helped me with the Constanze house issue with the fishing contest day and it works wonders now.
This one most likely won't work any more because the map itself has changed too. I took a look at this part of the map with Tiled but have no idea what else to change if I want to make the edit myself (Plus there's the matter of how my edit would need to match VPR).
Yeah someone skilled could take the mod and update it to work in current maps. But that's if they want to do it.
Someone would likely have to do a Tiled map to replace that part.
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>Struggling in the regular mines
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The combat in this game is hardcore.
>play for hours
>feel numb and bored
>stop playing
>5 min later
>want to play again
I mean I just didn't bring enough food to keep energy up for how long I was in there. I'm still pretty new to the game and it feels like I'm constantly broke and ill-prepared.
It's alright, you'll get there in time.
People have trouble with combat? It's just two buttons, just make a few field snacks and you're good to go
Abby seems like the kind of girl that really loves to suck cock. IDK why I just feel it in my soul, in my hindgut. The bigger the better, she craves it.
are you me
Penny too. Penny probably secretly loves it. All those bookish girls are huge whores.
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Why is it called Pelican Town if there aren't even pelicans?
paperbag middle and i would
That's a man.
Has to be some kind of undiagnosed mental thing, bipolar depression or something.
well she is the adventurous type
>check the wiki if Evelyn loves broken glasses

I was disappointed.
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>Does anyone even interacts with Clint?
One of the heart events has him helping to make a bad advert for JoJa in a way that's reminiscent of children playing with a camcorder.
>who needs a blacksmith in a small rural village?
Anyone who wants anything made of metal?
>literally any tool from hammers to knives
>that guy who learned to weld should get a real life
It would be fine if he just asked for an Amethyst to give her, then I would be ok with it. It's that he wants me to to do it AND THEN CLAIM *HE* DID IT FOR HER. He wants ME to do ALL the work including gifting her ON HIS BEHALF.
Clint is an embarrassment.
I think I remember Ape saying he just likes how the word sounds lol
Wait, there're pelicans in the beach. Arent those vanilla?
They're seagulls.
>two buttons
I genuinely forgot blocking was a thing, I would just try to dodge/kite the enemies. Should I be blocking a lot then?
Blocking is fucking useless except when you're swarmed by flying enemies.
Blocking with the sword, Two-three hit combo with the hammer. "Fury attack" with the dagger.
Some of the weak weapon you never use have special attacks.
when/where do you get hammer and daggers? I just have a sword and a slingshot. also is the slingshot any good or should I just store it?
Doesn't Emily have a pelican, or is it a parrot?
It's some sort of tropical bird native to the area.
It's a parrot, and the parrots using the exact same parrots are called parrots multiple times. Do you stupid cunts even play the game?
Like I remember every little detail.
You can get those by luck in the mines. The more you explore, the more weapons appear in the adventurers guild store too. Same for the hammer and dagger galaxy vers after unlock the sword in the desert.
Sword is the best anyways.
This could be used as a background in Stardew Valley VN.
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my husband
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Penny is not a whore!
Pelicans were brought to extinction before (You) arrived...
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He really really really really seems to like drawing this type of fat blobby lumpy design
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>he also drew this
Someone needs to ask Ape what the fuck is up with these.
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there's a lot more than that. that's why I said it
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imagine the smell
his real artistic magnum opus
Abby was likely bullied and forced to suck every boy in the town when she was young.
this but sam

>has a sweat fetish
>eats next to the toilet
Abby is 100% untouched, untainted virgin. She plays videogames in her room all day.
lmao no wonder this guy visits 4chan. a certified shitposter
>Ape did this
he did? The lines doesn't look the same. It's more like someone else draw over it
idiot someone asked him what the rest of the creature in his logo looks like and he made that sketch to explain it
I don't believe it. If that's true, he should post it in his twitter. it's his character after all.
How about you slit your wrists? As if it being in the exact style as >>483200183 >>483200557 didn't give away it's legit

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Now I believe it. Also tone down with the edge dude. Be happy
Sorry bro, it's all good now
Damn right you're sorry. This is a chill farming community.
There are those gem bird things we see on the title screen even before going to Ginger Island, those are kind of pelican adjacent
Real pelicans are assholes anyway
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It's funny they keep adding the I when actual intersex people scream in their faces that they have a medical condition and not an orientation.
Truffles smell like pigs in heat, that's how pigs sniff them out.
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>kinda true
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Still wouldn't
Clint's waifu
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Clint's WIFE, you mean. Sorry farmer, but all your efforts were for naught. Good always wins in the end.
>Maybe the only fanart where he get her
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Do you think he went with these options knowing he would get the results he was already set on or do you think he would have committed if people had simply voted differently?
There's no fucking way Ape wasn't giggling to himself for adding Pam and Marnie as joke options, because that's what they essentially are here with Sandy as the only real pick. The male poll is a bit more balanced with only Clint being the obvious joke option.
>only Clint being the obvious joke option.
dude come bachelor wizard/linus are equally as ridiculous. the whole thing was basically a joke poll
>Less votes for Marnie than Pam
they just thought Pam was an hilarious epic for the win xD option
Fujos love the wizard so much the single biggest character expansion mod stopped being supported so its author could develop an entire fangame about him. And I'm explicitly mentioning fujos because the wizard stands out as the most popular male non-romanceable gays don't give a shit about.
I'm not saying people aren't into him, just that in the context of the game it would make zero sense

it was still a joke option.
So they are like pig pussy fruits?
>romance option that could potentially deepen the game's biggest hook (low fantasy magic) by several magnitudes, as well as expanding on fan favorite elements such as junimos, krobus, or just about ANYTHING due to how open ended he is
>not making sense
Sure thing, anon.
>romance option from an old dude with children that would make it the preferred choice by a large margin for the purpose of all the extra lore and potential magical benefits
>making sense

"hmmmmmmmmm should I romance this idiot jock or this all powerful being?"
Should've been Marnie and Gunther desu
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And that's why Harvest Poon had outlandish secret romances with bullshit requirements you had to go out of your way to meet. Thanks Ape!
>ABigail is asking me to meet her in her room at 8pm.
>I'm married to Penny

WTF do i do?
Install harem mod NOW
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Polygamy is allowed in the valley
console only
Buy gaem on PC NOW
cant. Dont have pc.
Emily winning was a mistake, Sandybros were robbed...
Sandy needed the content most since she has fuckall but it's not surprising she lost precisely because she has fuckall
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>held back by romance and marriage
lol no. The farm is all you need.
lol the more I see of CA the more I like him
can i fuck the farm?
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that's where the dew part of stardew comes from
I was expecting him to drop it on the floor by accidentally and still eat it afterwards.
>not becoming the ultimate farmer and then marrying your waifu
Why is farming so fucking fun, Jesus.
Real farming sucks. Stardew is just the perfect skinner box
All the satisfaction of seeing both number go up and something you gave life to maturing and giving produce, and none of the real life manual labor, dirt crawling, or bug bites
There are 2 pink pelicans flying when you start up the game.
>there are no longer strange trees and extra trees all over the place after the green rain

Why patch something that isn't broken?
You looking at unreleased patch notes or something?
>This is fake
That's good to hear
No, there have been some patch after 1.6 was released that removes green rain stuff on the next day.
Earlier I played I could still see extra trees and stuff outside the farm, and on farm there was those special trees around.
Of course it's possible I've had some weird bug before.
Well, I don't recall any such patch at least
While reading about it it always said most trees would revert to normal, but ones on the farm might spread seeds that stick around
Pretty much the only thing that was added to Sandy's life was Emily coming on her birthday to walk around the desert with her. She doesn't even come to town. She barely mention the (illegal) gambling den behind her shop. Where does she even live? The calico desert is very far away from both the valley and Zuzu city. Does she take the bus to Zuzu every day?
What I don't like very much is how in the fall, some trees become the weird useless version. The data say is just 5% and 4 random tiles every day, but feel way more freqyent thatn that.
>year 3
>still missing 1 artifact
It's a bug in the rng call section of the code that causes it to always return true once it triggers. It doesn't properly clear on sleep. In theory you could reset the trigger by quitting after saving but since the game remembers the last state it flips the switch back up when you reload so that's useless. If you use a mod that allows you to save mid day, it works correctly.
I just finished my first Spring and I never got any fruit trees. I'm still pretty broke (under 5k gold right now) and heard I should use all my money on seeds for the new season. I haven't done the house upgrade yet. What summer crops are worth focusing on and when should I get fruit trees and which ones are good? I have upgraded my watering can but no other tools.
Best summer crop you can access is blueberries, which are so good they got nerfed and still stayed on top. Useful side crops:
Produces every single day when mature, making it a super easy cheap energy restorative to stock up on
>Chili Peppers, Sunflowers, Poppies
Loved gifts for Shane/Lewis, Haley, and Penny respectively

Fruit trees aren't ever good, they don't generate a profit in your first year even if you plant them early enough
I don't think anyone would ever bother with them if not for bundles and such, and now that the mushroom logs have mostly negated the mushroom cave's previous superiority it just might be worth choosing fruit cave so you can skip planting the things
Thank you very much. I had been leaning toward strawberries but I'll probably do blueberries then.

>Loved gifts for Shane/Lewis, Haley, and Penny respectively
I have kinda been ignoring the relationship stuff so far aside from talking to people when I'm walking by anyway. Giving out gifts regularly seems like something to do when I'm more wealthy.

Glad to know I can just avoid the fruit trees, they seem expensive and like a hassle with how slow they grow.
Just giving them a great gift on their birthday is enough to max all rep in 2 or 3 years if you talk to them regularly.
>New furniture mod
>It's gay
nexus is a gay site so yes
Gay furniture? Is that like where the chair sits on you?
I only hope to live to see the demolition of pride in my lifetime.

No, gay flags and made even worse by the association to Ikea in any way.
fisher vs trapper profession? I'm leaning toward fisher but I haven't tried trapping yet so dunno if it's good
The only use of the trapper route is to be able to passively obtain fish and/or trash for crafting Quality Fertilizer with in the later game, and even then that's pretty limited value
If you intend to make any money through fishing at all fisher blows it out of the water
nice sloppa, but how could you forget best girl?
oh yeah, I didn't noticed...
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my dirty wife
It's when the stool is flipped upside-down
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Sloppa? What does that mean?
That reminds me, gotta replace that statue with something more sexy.
It's the nickname used from people who hate ai images.
>It's an AI image
Ah, that explains it. Thanks.
What's on your mind
it's just slang for ai
Some kind of demon, succubus. Or a dryad, that would fit more to the forest.
I wish CA would make a fantasy based stardew game.
But anon the wizard and your junimo powers?
This is a fantasy game. Magic, swords, spirits, etc. You prob are thinking in something else, surely inspired by some other game or story.
I want busty elves and monster girls in a medieval setting, with more dungeons, better loot, better combat and meaner bosses.
so you just want rune factory
nah, I still want the wholesome feel of stardew, just with those other things too
How do you guys mine Radioactive Ore, just spam high difficulty Skull Cavern?
Reset floor 1 of the Dangerous mines over and over on a good luck day.
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>But if you aren't familiar with the game
I am not, thanks for the informative post.
>the perfect skinner box
>skinner box
what now?
the bus triggered him
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you're saying i'm a lab rat?
if she's not a whore why is she in the sauna in her smallclothes in the presence of a man
holy SHIT emily is stacked? time to wife
no ther aren't. do you even know what a pelican is?
That man is me and it is perfectly acceptable.
not him, but what are they then? flamingos? do they fly?
>not him, but what are they then?
the game calls them gem birds, they are made up
dead. how long are we gonna keep up this zombie general?
Until I get bored of 1.6
Katawa Shoujo still has a general, nearly 4000 threads deep
As long as people want to talk Stardew sometimes it can keep going on
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Several more years. I love the game and I'll continue be here as much as I can.
I'm just getting started. But if the thread dies I'm not gonna be the one to remake it.
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I kneel.
And he's only halfway through year 2!
I won't lose interest until I get muh mods and thoroughly enjoy them.
Until I'm ready to post my farm which currently looks like rancid dogshit
I don't think you realize I made that post because the thread was on page 10
Bait? On MY 4chan? Say it ain't so!
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Nice bump then
So log as someone gives a crap.

Who here lasted long enough to get babies?
I married started marrying my harem in summer my last playthrough so I did get a couple babies but I didn't last long enough to see if the unique children mod even worked
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i did on my first playthrough. but now that i know they'll never grown beyond their toddler stage, it feels cruel to introduce them into the world

but it feels worse to sacrifice them to a eldritch raven god to free them from that purgatory
Gem bird may not be their actual name, being that all the inscription is meant to tell us is that they're birds and they drop gems
They do resemble flamingoes a lot more than pelicans, though
it was a good conversation starter
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Good taste.
Nice small mod. Good art. Shame it was abandoned. No winter vers of course
SDV needs a freckle bitch
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>he doesn't know
No. I do not. Tell me all about it.
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The source is the Beebz mod.
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so my most recent reroll went disasterously. any thing like bingo cards or something exist for this?
i remember there was some robin bikini mod but it got taken off the nexus
Reroll as in new file? I don't know how badly a run can really go if so, doesn't seem like too much would be out of your control
This is dead all the time.

I recently started over again. This time on beach farm. I think this is the best thing ever as it limits the amount of crops at the beginning. Also those boxes seem interesting as they are supposed to contain loot that I wouldn't get until Ginger Island otherwise.
I wanna try it for a heavy animal run since grass can grow on the sand but damn I really hate milking cows and going on a fucking scavenger hunt for truffles. Crops are so much more enjoyable. It's a shame cause it is a cool farm.
Just buy auto grabbers for 25k from Marlie.
Hmm... beach farm might actually be a valid choice now that we can move the farmhouse so we can actually set up our mid-game operations at the sprinkler-allowed portion
I'm at an absolute loss as to what would actually be good placed in all that monotonous-looking sand besides pigmaxing, though, which is a strat I generally don't like

Also how did all those trees grow in loose beach sand anyway
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Do you trust him
is this a mod? it seems too absurd but this game is pretty weird at times
Yeah but you lose out on a lot of happiness when building up so you got better them more. I just hate animals I guess.
That should be real thing, they were filming a commercial or something.
It's a vanilla event, but the shirt is from a portrait mod. Seriously, what mod is that sick shirt from?
I just quickly pat animals and go do something else. It's fun for like a couple days when you do it for the first time, then you wait for the auto patter to drop somewhere.
Seasonal Outfits
>yet another mod bug fixed

Posting bug reports on nexus feels like a waste of time anyways.
From my understanding auto-petters do not increase happiness. Only prevent decay. So if you want the good stuff you gotta get in there pet them. For an beach farm animal run I would 100% go Joja over the community center tho. Buying those auto-petters is still a must.
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>be modder
>report bugs in a framework mod related to broken modder features I really wish to use
>forced to use the easily buried comment section since bug reports are disabled and the author never replies so I'll never know if it'll ever be fixed
I wonder if my desire to renovate the house is just an elaborate attempt of my brain trying to procrastinate working on my game
You get at least one from Skull Cavern.
There might be more but I don't know anything about the end game as I've never reached that point.
Once I've set foot on Ginger Island and killed some slimes in the volcano but that's it.
Always started over around that point.
What kind of game are you working on?
I'm just going to get married and get rid of everything after the achievement. Setting aside that spouses do irritating things such as changing my fucking wallpaper I have no interest in them and RF/SOS was better with this...not that I actually got married there either...
Amount of content left to be consumed usually plummets to non existence around that point, so it's either start over or stop playing and maybe come back later.
If you get hitched early on in the first year, you have babies before grandpa even visits for the 3 years judging.
lmao I meant to post that on /agdg/ just noticed it's on here. sorry lol
Funny coincidence since you can renovate house in Stardew Valley as well.
is it worth spending all my money on a truffle from the traveling cart? can you make more with it somehow? I don't have any animals yet
Don't you need like 2 truffles? 1 for the turn in and another for the mayors quest for lube.
All of your money? No, the only reason you'd want to buy a Truffle is to complete the Chef's Bundle without needing to upgrade your barn and buy a pig, so the only way it'd be worth it is if that was literally the last thing standing between you and completion
I'd be more willing to help him if he didn't take so fucking long to upgrade my tools. Much less even do business with him while they're being upgraded.
>belts around chest
I fucking miss early 2000s wild costume designs.
>Linus invites you to tent
>suddenly squishy noises

This shit never gets old.
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Wrong. My chickens bring me joy and lots of eggs. Also the lemon trees cus I love fresh lemonade.
As of one of the latest patches he'll let you shop and crack geodes while working on your tools, at least
I feel like I couldn't be trusted with real chickens since I would want to fiddle with their beak and combs.
Aww, cute cluckers
I like the idea of taking care of animals but not so much the idea of cleaning their poop
>waiting for Clint to open up
>he walks out his front door at 9 AM at the speed of sound
from the moss he put in there?
Only animals that you have to actually pick up the shit of like dogs are really annoying. With most other livestock, their shit will decompose over a couple weeks so unless they're living in a Hong Kong apartment sized paddock, then they'll be fine, but getting some old feed sacks, a shovel and a rake to collect sheep and horse shit to put in the compost or on the veggie garden is worthwhile once in a while. Having animals is good, honest work, and dealing with shit is hardly the most disgusting thing you'll experience with them.
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Delicious fresh lemons.
>you can destroy large bushes with the axe

What?? Good to know after playing this over 200 hours.
Your fault for not closing the beach.
Vanilla? I'm sure you need a mod for that
I think it's just specific bushes on a specific farm type and they don't grow back
I mean in vanilla, I've seen people mention some of these were choppable but definitely not all of them are
On beach farm at least some are choppable.
Yeah I'm not sure my backyard is quite big enough for chickens, alas
I also know we have wild hawks around here so I wouldn't be able to just let them hang around outside on their own all day, how convenient that we don't have to deal with actually securing our animal enclosures in Stardew
Do you guys let the animals out of their gates?
Some people don't even let them out of the barn. Ever.
The modded farm I'm using has a built-in area for animals so yes, I let all of them out. That's 12 cows, 12 pigs, 12 blue chickens and 12 rabbits.
If you use chickenwire to roof their enclosure, you could prevent that from being an issue, although it would take handiwork to sort that out and you'd prevent them from being totally free in your yard which would be ideal. But better than nothing, so if you want to go for it, then go for it!
I don't even make gates. They're free to move around all they want
depends how close my machines are to the barn
no but all the grass is inside the fence anyway
Press F to pay your respects.

RIP in peace.
Did anyone else feel weird when Pierre did that speech after you finished the community center?

Also is tehre a mod to make Morris and the other Jojamart peeps become your employees?
>other Jojamart peeps
You mean a mod what make changes to other characters mod? Because in vanilla there's no peeps over there escept of course the no name, no portrait npc SVE took over for themselves.
Guess ill make fanfic of it.
I didn't think much of him acting like the noble community leader when he was ripping off all his customers.
People were forced to go to him because the bus broke down and there was literally no way out of the valley of death. He took advantage of that. Then Joja comes along and offers a cheap alternative and he declares war, thinking himself a hero.

God I hate them so much I mean him
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https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25519 This are kind of neat. Tho you need a big farm to add those together with all the other needed buildings.
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If it's just light poking and prodding with your finger, they usually don't mind. If anything, chickens instinctually will keep their head still while another pecks at their beak for assisted cleaning, and they do the same for me whenever I just do like poking to clean off dirt on their beak.
Chickens do poop a lot, so while it's not on the level of having to clean dog shit, it is a big enough thing to warrant having a separate pair of footwear for the chicken area, especially since mine are free-range and just wander around my backyard.
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why is jas black?
stardew is too white for 2024, any slightly tan character has its brownness cranked up to make the universe feel homogenized
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Fine, I'll do it myself. Here. Fixed
why is jas
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She just is.
less homogenized*
I wonder if Ape always intended for Pierre to eventually look as greedy as Joja when he wrote the original cutscenes? After he added Special Orders Pierre's scene is like cartoonish levels of jewishness and poor business sense
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I think is more like he trued to add as little character content as posible to changes don't affect any posible character mod out there. CA is that supportive to the modding community. It's that or characters content isn't a priority. I mean, he added new lines to all villagers, but the content is little and no affect any mod out there as far as I know.
>black Jas
>white Jas
Jas isn't black. Only troons want her like that
what are some good vanilla coomer portrait mods
Birds are so primordial looking.
I don't trust them.
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>the Steam trading card art has an extended wizard portrait as well as ultra secret deep lore
What the fuck? How come I've never seen anyone mention this before?
>good vanilla coomer portrait mods
>that cutscene where Linus invites the player into his tent, makes fapping sounds and talks about the special fish bait he makes
CA is a cheeky fucker
There're some vanilla nude portraits mods in Nexus. Tho I don't know if those got the 1.6 update or not. You'll have to go and check yourself.
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>AI portraits are in the front "hot mods"
I knew there's a bias in portraits in Nexus. Sure that bitch who complain is part of it.
Nah, Nexusfags and the modding community in general fucking hate AI portrait mods. If any anon wishes to cause seethe with minimal work, just generate AI portraits that
>gives the girl gigantic tits while making the men look boring
>makes Maru light skinned (you may or may not want to pretend you're korean to throw them off)
And enjoy the butthurt.
Well this one in particual is very inconsistent in the expressions and it use the usual classic ai style. At least if only copied some good artist style, it would be way more acceptable.
It doesn't really take all that much to reach hot files if other releases during the week just aren't very interesting. Consider that it's up there with 1k downloads after 5 days in comparison to the (presumably) actually drawn one next to it with five times the downloads
Artisan or Argiculturist? On it's face Artisan looks like the most valuable, if I can file a warehouse with kegs and jars.
there is no situation short of a speedrun where agriculturist is better than artisan
Artisan has been the single most profitable route in the game since release, all other produce is judged by comparing them to Artisan profits
If you marry Shane or Marnie do you get Jas too?
No. And you can't marry Marnie unless you use some mod what let you do it
Thankfully not.
Why won't these trees grow I used the tree grow shit
If a tree has leaves in winter it's dead, you know that right
Only the cheery leafless ones grow in the winter, you'll have to wait until spring
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The trees aren't dead. But yes, trees don't grow in winter. Just wait for spring to the trees can continue growing.
You sure you used tree fertilizer on those? Aren't they supposed to be pink if you did?
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Others don't have it
Nvm they grew
So fertilizer make trees grow even in winter. I didn't know.
Good info
Most people probably had no reason to ever use that stuff before they added mahogany, and now mystic trees
I thought mahogany needed that fertillizer to grow or it died as it turns into dryed out looking plant after seed phase. Was disappointed to see my only seed to do that on my first farm.
Shame you can't with tree fruits
Rawr =3
I wonder if even that would make anyone bother with them, when they're a net loss during your first year unless you plant them in the greenhouse and even then they take an extra half season to be... as profitable as a chicken?
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Finally found that damn prismatic slime.
Elevator trick made it too easy.

Not sure what those other color changing slimes are since apparently they are not prismatic ones.
What did they look like? If they were slimes with stars on their heads those were just rare slimes that drop a variety of equipment items you can also find in barrels and crates
Light green slime that became blue and then yellow. Seen them a couple of times.
It is possible to combine mods so I can marry Haley, Caroline, and Robin at the same time? I would like to see Pierre and Demetrius reactions in the same save file
They should all work together fine
Just keep in mind that unless mods were written with each other in consideration you may encounter cutscenes or other dialogue that don't reflect what you did
can you get a divorce and marry someone else later in vanilla?
Yeah but the character you divorce is bitter at you forever unless you wipe their memory at the witch's shrine
jesus what a dark game
you can do something worse but I won't spoil it
I dunno if I'd really call it dark, what you can do at the shrine is a sanitized, magical, consequence-free (mostly) take on complicated matters like breakups and child abandonment
It's almost comical in a way in how easy it is
wow I just somehow accidentally hit A B A and trashed my fucking sword and now I gotta start the day over
what's a good amount of tree spacing?
Stardew Valley might seem like an ideal paradise, but then you have to ask yourself why is it such a place? How has it remained so peaceful and untouched for so long?
The truth is in an ancient pact with demonic entities.
I prefer to space them out at least far apart enough that I can see some of the ground between their boughs, I just don't like seeing the solid mass of tree leaves obscuring all of your vision
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Cooked something up with Haley to see how I felt about animating
I have no idea what is a good organized workflow for doing this kind of thing, it's so much layer juggling

No, I don't have any idea how I can implement something like this into the game
I have loose ideas for a sort of seggs mod system that could be integrated into gameplay but I think I'd have to learn how to code mods in C# to do any kinds of custom systems and effects
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Damn, this is very well animated. A good pace too unlike other gifs out there. Sadly yeah it can't be added to the game I think. The sex "animations" in the game as far as I know, is just the portrait sheet files commands moving forth and back from one image to another. Same with the sprites. There might be a way now with Ape giving more freedom and tools to modders but that's very high level of tech only experts know if is posible or not.
I-I don't remember this in her story
tfw never really liked her before but this gif is making me reconsider
I think it should be doable, in theory, by someone who knows how to code. Ape had to implement the actual game CG scenes using a hokey workaround that warped the player to a special map where the entire map was just the CG, but 1.6 added modder code functions that could allow them to spawn animated objects during events and it doesn't seem too outlandish that someone could create a system that displays images on screen upon receiving an input, animated through CP Animations if need be
Unfortunately there are of course no frameworks currently existing that could do something like this easily, and even something as to-the-point as having an item that initiates seggs on an NPC when used requires C# coding
oh god my cat is blocking the door to outside what the fugg do I do
Keep pushing until it move away
thanks. I ended up picking up the potted plant and then I was able to push it in to that corner.
>"Jeez I really wanna make a skimpy sprites mod for stardew valley"
>"Actually let's go one step further and add season based clothing for everyone"
>"Actually I just want to draw porn"
I love this monkey brain evolution. Next you'll turn cows into sexy anime girls in bikinis? And then one thing leading to another, the trees have tits, the fish have tits, the houses have tits and the fucking UI has tits.
Just be careful about feature creep and burnout.
bro, your dedication is an example for everyone
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I mean....we have monster girls animals already
Why does Pam request a pale ale on Summer 14? I'm not even close to being able to have kegs...
Yes but not by him.
I think the only thing we're missing from this mod is the new cat and dog versions for it
Replace the flower dance by the flower titsfuck event. First year, you're forced to watch your love interest titsfuck another guy. After marriage you can turn this into a swinger party by picking someone who isn't your wife causing both you and you wife to titsfuck someone else.
Hot. Do Leah's artshow but she only sculpts big boobies.
It's deep lore because she's canonically gay.
Abby but she gets raped by goblins. Or instead of playing prairie king she plays a porn game.
Emily but the clothing show is actually a glory hole.
Maru but the robot is a sexbot.
Penny but Penis between her tits in the spa.
I've been thinking of adding my cat a butt hole
It has no time limit, it's just there to give you a goal. Finish it whenever you can.
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>the trees have tits
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if my 2x2 of melon didn't make a giant melon do I have to plant more or if I leave them unpicked will they turn giant?
it has to be 3x3 and the center plant has to be watered and I think you just leave them unpicked
Your 2x2 won't become anything because giant crops are 3x3 like in the old harvest moon games.
ahhh fuck. thanks.
ok I rechecked and apparently it has to be the top left crop and not the center one
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Another who agree she's smoll and modest.
inb4 is ai made too
It's hard to say. Would she be smol and fit because she wants to be a fighting adventurer? Or is she a big fat blob because she just sits in her bedroom and plays videogames all day?
Should be more true to original portrait, no idea who that is supposed to be
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>“Wow, you look like you did a lot of work today. Now you should just kick back and relax for the night.”
This is great, would fit fine with an after marriage scene, to help the farmer 'relax.'
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Is Leah making drugs anon?
She's a bunch of quirks with nothing of substance.
Yeah but that's all of them.
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same could be said of all of them. and most people in real life are just a collection of quirks as well

thats why i think my original choice for wife Emily is the best. she contributes to the community by helping setup festivals and such. will be a good leader in the community
if she found weed leaves in the wild would she smoke them
Leah is chowing down on psychedelic mushrooms every day. What would she need weed for.
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what would jas bomb
herself, hopefully
Does the Yandare Jas mod still work?
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She'd bust down the walls around my heart.
No, it's been broken for several versions. But you're not really missing anything since it was fairly barebones.
Great work! Now do one for Jas and Abby (forma de flatty) together. Double naizuri.
She would feed it to one of the cows.
The saloon, gotta make Shane stop drinking by any means necessary
>head shape implies loli
>open it
It's an abstract kind of feel.
Uhh anon that's just normal anime style.
tehe pero

I for one chose Abby to be the flat one because of the whole adventuring thing
Not that big booba bikini adventurer isn't also a super common trope but she seemed to be the one I could most suitably turn smol for an actual reason
Where did you get this one? I've only seen the old monster girl mod from 2016, never saw this one
>Head shape mean loli
Minors aren't allowed here. That or we have another gaslighted idiot here.
>'judging by the head shape I can deduce the body will look petite and under developed'
just stop anon this isn't twitter and your likes are private now
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I don't really remember the details but someone long ago posted in /v/ of course, many old files from diferent outdated mods. I noticed there was this cow file and other sprites and I just changed it with a working monster girls mod. This is why I always said we should fix and save as many mods as posible, because haters and idiots delete stuffs to never be able to be seen again.
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Ape really should add in an adult version of events after you have a kid. Let your toddler run around and collect eggs while you and you wife watch instead of running around looking for eggs like a dork
>Your kid cries after the Junimo's take their job
>The go running right to the arms of your old masters- Joja
>The cycle begins anew
>go to play with the animals
>they're tired from playing with the junimos
>go to water the crops
>junimos watered them already
>time for harvest i get to pick berries with dad
>junimos harvested all the crops
All that's left for them to do if to break rocks, pull weeds, and chop trees which births their love for deforestation.
CA was truly ahead of his time. He foresaw that robots would replace the enjoyable jobs rather than menial tasks.
do i install the mod to turn the bachelor characters into women or should i marry and plant my seed inside of emily
Bang Abigal so your kids can be RPG protags when you kick the bucket and their mysterious missing real grandpa can teach them the ways of magic.
Marry Emily, her fat juicy ass demands it
Anyone got anything good to use for next bread OP?
This >>483338879.
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Make the thread

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