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Underwater Froggo Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!
Magic Awakened Social Club Name: Innominatus

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Previous Thread: >>481851473
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FIRST for a cold glass of butterbeer during this heatwave~
Shooting up the owlery
Dying in the Who stampede
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>*snoofles butterbeer*
Don't feed her that. She's going to bolt if you do.
>Underwater Froggo Edition
Just look at the little guy out there doing his best.
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What are some ways wizzas can keep cool during unreasonably hot days, besides blasting glacius at everything around them, or drinking a nice cool, refreshing butterbeer (poured by yours truly)?
Just saying hi and showing I'm still alive
Doncha worry Garland, got her a little... graphorn bowl(?) filled with water right here
Glad to see you're still around, personally I prefer cold fruity drinks.
When you interacted with Trevor, did anyone have a bowl of soup glitch appear at your feet?
bullying mega
good evening, chat
'sup gaylord?
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why yes i use Thunderstorm aka plapingstorm

how could you tell
y'all pray for me i forgot to buy snacks and now i'm hungry :(
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Truly lamentable. Sending thot's and prayers.
I can't decide if cutting off heads while riding a bicycle is appropriate for a woman. I mean obviously cutting off heads IS, but is riding bicycles?
Solo or duo?
>that image
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no, it makes her cruel
Women can be a little cruel, as a treat.
But how often?
I'd say once a week, but a little more on the weekends.
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that is MA for duos

i debate with myself every season like god damn constantly if im gonna get MA in solos as well because it is honestly just not as exciting.
Duos is just easier for average players to rank up cause you can slop your way to wins by getting lucky double killing and multiple lives dynamic. Solos if you're bad or your deck is bad, you just lose constantly.
sleepy thread...what is everyone doing?
Keeping quiet so I dont't say anything stupid again.
Everyone is ghosting me so I don't post anything.
You deserve better.
Think I don't really care about MA any more. These side adventure things are more misses than hits
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Dying inside, as per usual, pic related.

Heather! Good to see ya around here hehe.
>What are some ways wizzas can keep cool during unreasonably hot days, besides blasting glacius at everything around them, or drinking a nice cool, refreshing butterbeer (poured by yours truly)?
Cold butterbeer from the Hog's Head is always preferred (and better when you're the one pouring it), but when that's not available... frankly, plain old cold water is my preference. A lot of it. Other cold drinks are nice too but when it's really really hot I find water better due to the lack of sugar. Mind you, when it's that hot out I tend to just hide indoors in the air conditioning, because hot weather, bleh! No thank you.


There's probably a case to be made that riding bicycles is acceptable only in the specific case wherein one is doing so while also cutting off heads.

Fil? 'Ello there. Back to Legacy for the new update?

The only stupid posts I've seen lately were the intentionally stupid ones.

Well I don't know who's ghosting you but we're always here to talk about stuff and things if conversation is what you're looking for.

Side adventure things?
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No but...
Using Muggle wands.
Not that it really keeps me from posting but I'm not in the mood for that.
Finished Year Three!
You're a big girl now
>Side adventure things?
These like silly little plots where you raise a baby dragon or go swimming or whatever. Feel like they needed to go episodic from the start rather than run out of steam on the main plot and start fucking around
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That's a nice look. What game?

Congrats, but now the question is will you keep your big head or join small head gang?

Oh, the season stories? I've found them generally enjoyable enough, though admittedly I don't mainly play for the story. MA's writing is serviceable but not good enough for that to be a main draw for me... going fully episodic might've been a good idea though, yeah.
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Cyberpunk 2077.
I just woke up from a 5 hour nap because I’m sad
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I'm glad they gave us the Key bundles, I was expecting them not to.
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Huh, it took me exactly 27 for the outfit only.
It's up already?
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You can't get rid of the earrings... I wasted so many ressources...
They look fine though.
I don't like jewelry, even less so piercings.
what the hell is that abomination
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Cute Sillymelons.
What did you do to deserve it?
I didn't expect them to release it this early but I'm not complaining.
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I do wish you could take them off... I don't mind them so much, but I'd prefer it without. Oh well; still pretty happy with the outfit overall.

Me too; it kind of just showed up out of nowhere.
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>personally I prefer cold fruity drinks.
I gotchu covered, friend. And I'm happy to you guys still around too.
>Mind you, when it's that hot out I tend to just hide indoors in the air conditioning, because hot weather, bleh
This sound suspiciously like some kinda muggle contraption Eva. Are you a muggle? Hmm? Don't have any magical solution to your overheating problems?
Also forgot to add - long-haired Mega is a CUTE
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50 key wheel, first shiny wand, gone in 7 days.
Encasing myself in an orb of butterless butterbeer flavoured butter and dying.
I don't think we even have bowl props for that to happen.
Oyasumi, Ravenchad.
I can't even land one consistently.
Simulating life.
Enjoy waiting 3 years for the next one.
Forgot to answer this (I wrote frogot at first) but yes I did.
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Double earrings: ON
Gecko vision: ON
Which houses make the best lesbian pairings?
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Ahh, I missed duos.

Good night hypogigis.

Magic air conditioning; duh! You just take a thing enchanted with Glacius, set up a persistent Ventus spell to blow the air over it, and then set up a fan next to it to to circulate the chilled air back into the room. Have you been living all this time without it? Smh.

>Another corpo Choomba
Those are kinda cute together
Why have you clawed the area underneath your eyes?
Goodnight hypogigis, I love all of you.
I don't.
God fuck your Harry decks so much.
Yes that is indeed a picture of the probably upcoming pack
Please save us from the Englel menace today, PP.
If you have to vote for one of the OCs to be the magical prime minister, which one would you vote for?
Stalking Ivy through the woods
More like Ivy is stalking me and I'm running for my life.
What's that little qilin? You say Matthew should be the next Minister of Magic?...Well alright, you guys heard the armadillo deer of destiny, three cheers for the new PM. Hip-hip.
Sounds cute, will have to see how it looks.
I chose small head though with the hat and floofy hair, I don't notice much difference with the character model.
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Eudae, without a doubt.
Cassandra won't be so smug after she's been molested
Huh? What am I gonna do?
Very well, first thing I'm doing is banning this deranged new "heterosexuality" fad (invented 1868, made a comeback in 1890 the year the game is set, what did Rowling mean by this) once and for all.
this is a cute idea, I’ve seen earrings like this in real life.
I was trying to wake her up :(
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OK HERE YOU— OH NO, now everyone will find out!
yeah just wanted to check out the photo mode real quick like
may mess around with it more when its not the weekend
All of ours are from Slytherin and Hufflepuff
Tax cuts for cute boys doing cute things together. Send the ugly ones to the front lines.
No that's unfair, some boys like ugly bastards after all.
Name two.
I can only think of Draco Malfoy for now
Tristian lookin handsome I wish he weren't gay.
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thank god, I was concerned.
I always dress impeccably
finally, some good government.
Just cuz the man dresses well doesn't make him gay.
Slytherin x Gryffindor for the subby brat x dom dynamic.
Honestly, I hate that they put two wheels out so soon together. If there's anything good in the next wheel, I would have to resort to pay piggory.
Oh wow! Anon truly is a faggot!
You’re right, him missing other boys is what makes him gay
A 10/10 investment, thank you raven chuddies.
The monocle clips through every time the character blinks, shame.

I managed to clear both of them for around 80 keys, which is not bad. Helped me rebuild my gold reserves. We're probably back to regular 90 key wheels with the next one though.

Well your wish came true because I'm not.
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no promises bud our team sucks
also did you see the albanians breaking spaghetti in front of the italians lol
Vote for me!
once we cut that rat tail we can introduce you to mum.
None of the cringe ones still posting

havent checked in a while, is this guy still posting? thought he had a spergout after getting doxed as a trans mexican man or something and hid away in shame
Kek, yeah. It was good bants. Then them and Croatians started to sing about Serbian Genocide during the game.
LIES! SLANDER! LIBEL! Stop trying to make it like I'm some sparkly piece of fruity meat to be played with you unruly fujos.
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I would never hide in shame after being doxxed. I mean, what do I really care? I am proud of my trans mexican man identity, which, idk where you got the mexican part, but I am proud of my cultural heritage. ¡Viva México!
now THIS is fashion.
I thought you were black.
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The moon goddess whitened my skin.
Where the white witches at?
Someone here knows whats the fix to continuous closing of HPMA game?
buy a better phone/computer
Mega died
jokes on your implication, Doing this for 2 friends of mine, doesn't happen to me and they both have better phones.
Make sure the phone software is up to date, restart the phone, clear the app cache and relaunch.

If using LDPlayer then check for updates, check settings and let it access all CPU cores and as much RAM as you can. Don't try to multitask while it's launching.
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Well... A draw is still good, no? Even if it barely does shit in the grand scheme of things
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Is this true?
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Club Events in 57 minutes.
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Hey hpgg. How everyone is going?

Huh? Why me?
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You in 19 days.
Thanks. I will tell them.
We did it, you're welcome. Also the ref was super weird.
Thanks PP. Good luck further in the tourney
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Club Dance starting now.
Club Quiz starting now.
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>when Stinktherin and Rottenclaw enter the room
Thank you for hosting, Mega.

The new hairstyle doesn't have a braid, unfortunately. And I'm only eligible to pureblooded descendants of Merlin.

You can't trust anything you read in goblin controlled publications.
have some empathy you asshole
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Everything would be better if only I was in charge.
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Goood morning or your regional equivalent (actually it's afternoon but we're gonna pretend I didn't sleep through all my alarms and wake up like 2 hours ago) hypogigis.

Just a reminder that anime night is tomorrow at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC) – this week we'll be finishing off Neon Genesis Evangelion starting with Episode 20.

Movie night will be at the same time the following day on Saturday, June 22nd, and our films for this week will be Megamind followed by Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Hope to see you there!

Thank you for hosting, Mega.


I vote for the dissolution of the government!

Well if the quilin decrees it, who am I to argue?

Yeah it's not really a huge difference overall, which I guess makes sense since the current one is just Y1 -> Y3. I imagine we'll get more variants later down the line as we age up, probably.

Mm, I need to do that as well soon...

Very stylish indeed.
Also Gringotts sheet still coming but a bunch of stuff came up with work so it's gonna have to be a bit later than intended

Darn... well it's here for a week and a little; there's still a chance.

Good morn, Matt. Not too much going on here... work's been keeping me busy but all is well.

Stinky Hufflepuff hands typed this post.

Hmmm. You'll have to convince me of your platform; what would be your first edict if you were elected?
I’d vote for you, you seem trustworthy.
You can't vote the dissolution of the government, that's not on the table! Also the qilin picks the mugwump for the international association of wizards, not the minister of magic. Ravenclaws are supposed to know stuff but you don't know anything about politics.
Vote for ME. Please.
Elections for minister of magic are open for 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Wooooow! I guess I'm not running then!
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>not allowed in it
why does this always happen to meeee
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>what would be your first edict if you were elected?
Well as a 4th year the first thing I would decree is that all curfew and bedtimes are unconstitutional.
All MoM employees will be fired and have to reapply for their jobs.
All government jobs will be unpaid and volunteer only.
Personal income tax will be abolished.
Taxes will only be on finished goods coming into the country and on raw materials being exported.
Currency standards will be established for a return to the traditional value of pure and undiluted metal coinage to reset the inflation that has piled up.
The department of guilds will be reinstituted and work in tandem with the banks in reinstituting fixed prices for necessities throughout the country.
ᴷᶦˡˡ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵒᵇˡᶦnˢ.
All to bring peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire.
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I boated.
Legacy-only-OCs in shambles.
>no stimulus checks mentioned
I am CRYING rn
sorry, I actually had you in the first time but then I accidentally deleted it, so I had to do it again and I guess I forgot.
It's okay, I'll just have to amass political power the normal way: exorbitant corruption and rampant lobbyism.
That's okay commie, I'll just have to amass political power the old fashioned way: violent and bloody revolution.
wait i thought the commies did the violent and bloody revolutions?
They don't get exclusive rights to it!
collective rights, huh. That sounds really commie.
It's my tyrannical government and I say it's not collective, it's authoritative and natural. Don't you go trying to word jumble you word jumbler you.
I would never jumble words. I look forward to sharing things such as revolutions and genocides with you.
Turn me into the first martyr and you'll have my vote.
your computer is crying out i pain.
I'll just need your vote first. How would you like to go out?

How do you feel about getting your hands dirty making a martyr out of someone?
Oh no I don't want to get my hands dirty. I suggest passing laws the legalise your actions before you do them and then outsourcing to the lowest bidder.
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I don't think I'll actually clear that wheel, I only want the universal emote but it's not worth 50+ keys.
Burnt like a steak.
I'll make it legal later.

Burnt at the stake, got it. Would you like any sauce with that?
No nononoooo you really have to legalise it first. Otherwise you inspire other people to a dance dance revolution to the death.
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A vote for me is a vote for sensible and wizza first policies! For example, I'll ensure all outfits, accessories and wands are always available in MA - never again will you miss out on a new fit because you didn't want to be a paypiggie! I'll make sure that those Ch*nese will fairly balance the game as well, so you duel addicts can find other things to complain about. Finally, I'll make sure Avalanche and WB scrap their live service Legacy plans and instead make a proper Legacy sequel that includes all the cut elements from the first game!

Oh, and I'll throw in a free butterbeer on top~
>takes place in the uk
>not called magic awankaned
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I don't understand this game.
Do you live somewhere without democracy? Do you have oil, perchance? Would you like some... freedom?
>voting for Mega
DDR to the death? Is that a Scott Pilgrim reference?
I do not know who scott pilgrim, kim pines, or best girl knives chai is.
you're supposed to do it reverse alphabetically
could be this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J99rFvAgK3s
>no Addie
Rigged and garbage poll
You can't have a bottom in charge of a country.
At least half the people on that list are bottoms.
But like bottom bottoms?
but all women are bottoms
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>no artie, james and percy
that guy was only active for 3 months here and yet he's still talked about and missed
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I'm using the phrase turbo bottom instead of power bottom from now on.
They're not interchangeable, doofus. Power bottom implies the bottom has control while turbo bottom implies they are even more pathetically submissive than a normal bottom
go fish
>still not on it
oh, my decisions keep on backfiring...
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>even more pathetically submissive than a normal bottom
Some people just leave an impact. Others are forgotten, like a fart in a saudi arabian airport.
Who are the ones that are forgotten?
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>turbo bottom
Im not!
I would call me switch with the tendency to bottom, but not that low...
they wouldn't be forgotten if we could name them
Alright voted myself as first choice. I'm a shoe-in.
Wtf why am I at the bottom when I was near the top on mine
sounds like a cop out
I almost don't want to know if you think I'm a top or bottom.
Shut up Mega
excuse you
don't you shut up mega me
could depend on your partner
Coralanus Snow died.
that's just being a switch innit
there you go
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Congratulations to Hathiam to wining... but whats this??? PP with the snap election!
Is big Hathy even alive?
F for my dictator hommie Coloranus
Yes, and his birthday is on the 23rd.
theres nothing wrong with a necrodemocracy.
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Hi stinky... maybe something like an old school scooba suit but it's filled with cool water and a little air bubble on the nose and mouth? Water cooled wizzas... when I was bored in school I used to day dream about filling the class with like breathable water and swimming around with fishies and such.
I finished what content there was of Abiotic Factor but it wasn't enough for me so I've been looking at open world crafters for the past 3 days...
So late I don't even get to see who was even on the list. That's politics.
Isn't this that bomb game?
Why do I even have votes, I haven't even posted in this thread. And I certainly do NOT want to be stuck to THAT desk.
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The order gets randomized when you refresh the page.
>sleepy Haith won again
All my hard work just to remain sauceless. I'm still voting for him.
I miss Haith bros...
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PP fails to win in the snap election and Haith remains supreme. Thanks to everyone who voted, I had lots of fun.
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No no no. The colors are completely wrong. Here, I got it fixed.
Who are you to argue with the destiny determining dino deer?
>Haith is a glowie
Ivy is WAITING for ME
I'm not cut out for politics...what will I do with my life?
You scored a lot higher than I thought you would. I'm more surprised that Tristain didn't make the top 10.
See, this only further proves that democracy is a bad idea because I didn't win. Reinstate monarchy, let me reclaim the throne as is my right by birthright and watch as I turn the wizarding world into a perfect paradise.

For myself personally.
El capitano will always have my vote
I am not a bottom I will actually kill you.
I'm surprised I got any really, I didn't even vote for myself.
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>that's not on the table
It is now, because I put it there! And who said I minister of magic anyway, he can be a mugwump or whatever... I'm sure the qilin knows what it's doing. Probably. Maybe.

Also damn it I just realized I misspelled qilin, it's SO over.

I blame the puffs.

Hm hm, some of that does sound pretty good, especially the second to last one... very well, you've got some points in your favour I'll admit.

Oh but free butterbeer and Legacy sequels. Mmm. Okay that's a compelling argument also...

A-anon? Have you perchance confused the ballot with a game of Minesweeper? Or Battleship?


I can't believe My's husband is DEAD...

>snap election

Haith's around, he's just busy with life stuff last I heard. He co-hosts the anime/movie nights with me every week though; he's the one who operates the Cytube room and handles the stream setup and all that. Frankly he does most of the work for those; I just post the announcements, pick what we watch, and run the backup Caracal site as a contingency.

Mmm, how was Abiotic Factor anyway? I took a look at it and it seemed neat but also survival crafting isn't really my thing in general.

He can't help it; it's all the uranium...
>how was Abiotic Factor anyway?
Not the greedy merchant but it's pretty cool. I'd say it's not a regular sticks and stones pick upper survival crafting game cuz it's got more of a narrative and progression through the facility, like you'll occasionally load up your crafting benches on a trolley and move deeper in to a different cosy staff room or office rather than living in a wooden fort on a hill the whole game.

It really does feel like what if Gordon Freeman needed to stop to take a nap or poop in between hoping over electrified pools of water.
no, lightswitch. You tap 'em and they glow.
Its been a while since I reviewed a fan fic. Mostly because I am lazy but also because I know I am really bad about talking about books. A weird thing considering I read so fucking many of them. Literally, I read 5 books this week and thats not including the textbooks I am reading for class now.

Anyway, I just read I know what you mean. I know. By Haunthunt. Its a short story at 10k words consisting of a series of achronological scenes detailing Pansy's relationship with Ron Weasley. It is mostly a character study of Pansy, as the entire thing is from perspective, showcasing what self-hatred can do to a mf. I appreciated how she isn't portrayed as a bitchy girlboss as she so often is but rather an internally messy, externally stoic person. A classic ice queen trope. Ron in this is warm and gentle, which is what all the best Ron characterizations are. Its a fairly sedated read, even the sex scenes aren't all that hot and heavy. Lots of little quiet moments, which works for this kind of romantic paring. Still, it didn't really give me any romance tingles, I was much more focused on Pansy and her struggles. So when the big romantic moment at the end happens, I wasn't like wow I wish romance was real, I was like damn, I am so glad this woman found a semblance of happiness. This was a really solid romance short story. 10:10

You have lost the mandate of heaven.
Whats sad about this is that I am a top not because I want to be one but because people just assume I am. As the classic backxwash lyrics go "I am just dick to these hoes"
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Fashion everywhere on the WB servers is ruined by this new outfit... fomo has taken them (I have it too.)

Thank you for hosting.

Hufflepuff hands wrote this post.

It really is over for PP.

Odd thing to post.

Made it into the top ten, could be worse.

Gasp. I never knew this about anon...
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NOT true
stinkyclaws seething
>Fashion everywhere on the WB servers is ruined by this new outfit...
I don't like it either desu...I'll save my keys for the rock band outfit
Recount the votes.
She's right though.
Where does Pansy even show up in Harry Potter? I literally do not know anything about her except her name I think.
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>let me be on top
This is what you'd see.
It always happens like that for the first couple of days. Really annoying if you ask me, everyone is a sheep. Like, I at least, used the hair with an old outfit in a flattering way. What is the point of just wearing it exactly on model? Like, looking like everyone else would def bother me.
Sorry, this election was certified as fair and free by true pureblood patriots.
he is SO shaped
Pansy Parkinson is basically a non-character. She is a background Slytherin like Theodore, Crab, Goyle, Daphne, & Blaise. In the books she has 2 personality traits, fawning after draco and being mean or just laughing at the main characters. She is literally just JK Rowling inserting her bully into her work which is why she doesn't get a happy ending, cuz JK is a petty bitch. But in fan fiction, Theodore, Daphne, Blaise and Pansy often get rebranded into hot sluts essentially for those who like the reluctant gyffindor x sexually forward slytherin thing. Blaise is especially given this role because hes the hot Italian guy who the ladies cant get enough of. Pansy is most often portrayed in line with her cannon self but more. Like she isn't just a mean prissy bitch shes the rich girl always wearing the skimpiest outfit and 7 inch stilettos who takes no shit. Usually tho, these characterizations come with a hidden sad side so that its not entirely just sex fiend nonsense.
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I told Mercy I'd post this. You can find other upcoming stuff here https://www.reddit.com/r/HPMagicAwakened/comments/1dkh27c/june_22_updates_dont_miss_out_on_free_rewards/

>I don't like it either desu...I'll save my keys for the rock band outfit
I think the outfit is OKAY, just okay. The wand is bad but the rest is okay. I just want Dream Edge to come to WB servers.
Most of the anniversary is just paid packs lol
I hate capitalism
>I just want Dream Edge to come to WB servers.
didn't we have that one already recently? all the outfits are starting to blend together in my mind
But think of the developers!!! The money you spend on this game is totally going to them and not the executive class. What do you want them to starve?!?
I love capitalism
I love lamp
Chinese communism triumphant again. Give the western pigdogs dinner for free and then dangle dessert in front of them to make the scales fall from their eyes. Another victory hard won by Comrade Netease!
I love you
A-anon... I...
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I’m more of a switch but I suppose I’m well aware why I am where I am.
I see some faces switched around. I remember being in switch last time this was posted.
Yeah switching between a pet and slave
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If sip is none I will be none too.
how do you take pictures of mooncalves in MA?
It was during a particular part of the season story with Astrid
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And I always have trouble deciding which I like more
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Gone but not forgotten.
Can't PP force a recount because people voted for Hathiam and not Haitham?
Back to basement potion brewing mayhaps.
Your husband died?
If PP is willing to put a stop to your bullying I'll change my vote.
I know.
Curious Ms. Cole side story, you can review it by opening the story book next to the daily box icon.
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>If PP is willing to put a stop to your bullying I'll change my vote.
she'd agree with me and bully you too, she's based like that
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they're so silly-looking i love them
i hate reddit
Es ist vorbei...
New guy?
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Lottie skin.
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>Shy artist
>to gyaru
Grandma Lottie
Those of you who like Lottie, are pedophiles
What if I like Cassandra and Abigail
Corruption is fucking hot.
She just dyed her hair calm down
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That ain't gyaru. Just white hair.
such a skillful echo bro! Luna's DEFINITELY not busted, bro.
Hey leave Deniz alone.
I have to get up and buy potion ingredients before the sun rises but I’m tooo lazy.
She's also the most fun echo too
Now we're talking
>veela and werewolf

>basement potion brewing
My Captain Cook arc begins.
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>Squid takes 50% less damage from any sort of attack
>Luna summons always have much more HP
>It's gonna summon TWO of them after 5 attacks
ahahah, fuck off. At least thestral got sorta nerfed because they're going to push it by one more card used to accomodate the squid.
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No one voted for me?
Fascism is just not in right now
those of you who like lottie or ivy, are pedophiles
those of you who like cassandra or abigail, are zoophiles
those of you who like robyn, are homophiles
The only character you can like without being branded is Kevin’s mom.
No, it's me actually. You can only like me.
But that’s why it’s called /fa-cist.
and Kevin’s dad.
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Oh well...
They forgot to put a sexy teacher in so people don't know what to do. Like I guess runes teachers whats her name is okay, shenron sorta counts and was alright I suppose. What else is there?
DADA teacher? Librarian? The Goth Herbology bitch? Qui (technically)? McGonagall
professor brindlemore is cute.
You deserve to be hit with a broom for many of those suggestions but yeah I guess Astrid nearly counts as much as Hagrid's bf does and she was pretty good. I don't see how Qui counts though.
It is a mystery if she's a sexy teacher.
The famdom vampire chick helped you with magical creatures in the TW/CN version.
Did she? I thought she was like fucking with you and Luna or something. Doesn't matter cuz it's not canon now. She's canonically just some lunatic who was whipping students for a while and then showed up to try to grab the dragon at the end.
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Look my
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Why did my nifflah turn radioactive?
Now make them kiss
Must’ve been niffling around in Haitham’s pockets.
You found haith's pet niffler! Lucky!
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That's true I'm me
How can you be me when I'm me?
Because we belong to the same wall entity
Later I’m sleepy
na your deck can be bad in solos and you can still do well and it can also be good but you lose a lot. i see solos as way more counter oriented with most games just being brutal moggings either for me or the opponent because either of us chose the right echo and that gets old really fast.

dies to _____ ;)
hey hpgg if you die can i raise you as my inferi? Thaaanks babes
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Girl... I'm My, not Me....Girl....................
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I am a big fan of it and easily got caught up in the narrative and environment. I am also not (or WASN'T) much of a survival crafter game kind of person but that's kinda changed over the last year or so but this one in particular stuck out to me because it's not some generic forest and it's interesting to play out this take on the genre. Instead of chopping down trees and picking up stones to make an axe, I am ripping out exposed pipes from the walls and duct taping a lunch tray to my arm to not be impaled by some alien dog thing. It's got all the things you would expect from survivor games but seeing it through the lens of an out of their depth scientist who has to slurp water from the bathroom sinks and shake vending machines for chips to live is pretty fun. (Also this FOV is messed up because I almost always have a hazmat suit on, its why there is a black box on the outside of the screen)
I think Rout has called dibs but I don't know if she even can.
Club Events in 29 minutes.
Club Dance starting now.
>50% less damage
Only the main body takes 50%. The tentacles take normal damage and that damage extends to the main body plus from this


It looks like it doesnt hit flying units so its not that great. Its like Kelpie in that it exists to filter out Newt and Bellatrix
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Wait why am I not me?!
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Instead of being a productive citizen, I spent 3 hours rearranging my desktop. Very important activity let me tell you.
that looks pretty fun.
Your you obviously. how could you be me if your you?
Only if your hot.
Club Quiz starting now.
Hi hpgg I’m making pizza dough happie Friday!

I think I have a glitch with Madam Malkin due to the update. I am not able to view the outfits, I just want people go to the mirror and disappear. Hopefully it doesn’t last?
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I woke up to some small bitch jumping on my bed to wake me up. The world has been in slow motion since then.

Thank you for hosting.

Because you're you.

Nah, I simply won't die.

I am me, that's true. I'm pretty sure women aren't allowed to be Ryan Gosling though.

We all do, that's why I don't read comments.

Nah, Dream Edge is the one that lets you float and is based on Obscurus stuff. NetEase had it in their vote and it lost recently. Maybe if I pull a Mercy and bully Lark he'll put it in the game.
>small bitch
literally, like a dog, or like a midget?
They can live in the BOY SHED
Thank you for hosting, Mega.

There are always bugs after each update, they usually get fixed over time. Usually.

It costs 8 MP, numbers should be interesting to see. Still, I'm tired of seeing more and more summon cards. On the other hand I get to save ruby keys for the TS skin so I suppose I shouldn't be complaining.
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Saved as "My being stupid again"
>Only if your hot.
My hot. It's true.
A unique skill I have picked up from general is being able to tell distinct differences in Swede voices.
how so?
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Hello hello, just a reminder that anime night is today at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC) – that is, in about 1 hour and 45 minutes from now. Today we'll be finishing Neon Genesis Evangelion, starting from Episode 20.

Movie night is tomorrow at the same time, and our films for this week are Megamind followed by Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

See you soon!

Thank you for the events, Mega.

Mmm... that does sound more appealing than the usual survival crafty stuff admittedly; most I've seen feel so samey. Having some actual narrative is definitely a plus too; perhaps I'll give it a try some time.

...That burger is awfully suspicious looking. I don't trust it.

Innnteresting. Well I'm not exactly thrilled for more summons, but at least this doesn't look any worse than the existing stuff we already have... provided the stats aren't obscene anyway. Considering that it costs a whole 8 mana though I think it won't be gamebreaking or anything.

Happy Friday to you too! Pizza dough sounds nice.
I've never seen that bug before but as Tristain said each new update seems to bring a host of weird random bugs that get patched out over time; hopefully they catch that one soon.

Is this some kind of ancient riddle? What did he mean by this?
When are we watching the Ocean dub of Gundam Wing?
Ocean dub?
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I got an extra burb
wow youre so cool
Running a little late; anime night will be delayed by half an hour.
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After spending 3 IRL days maxing out my gear at Gladrag's I'm finally 101% done with this save file.

I didn't expect a game so daunting to be so short, I had a hard time finding the motivation to play because my gamer brain compels me to collect all the trash before touching the story but despite spending like 15 hours going back and forth just making sure I didn't miss anything in-between story segments it still only took me 90 hours in total.

I also didn't expect professor Weasel to pull a Dumbledore and steal the house cup from the headmaster.
I tried making cream cheese stuffed peppers and accidentally mixed the seeds into the stuffing and didn't realize ti and now everything burns and isn't fun.

>I also didn't expect professor Weasel to pull a Dumbledore and steal the house cup from the headmaster.
He learned it from watching her.
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Anime night starting in 15 minutes; we're finishing off Neon Genesis Evangelion today.


Massively dorky; congratulations.
Next save file when?

Anime night starting now.
Good morning sir. What moovie for moovie nite 2morrow? Plis respond
Who's the prettiest girl in the morgue?
A lot of things to collect and locations to explore but none of them took much time(or brain) to complete, I bet more than half of the time was spent on REVELIO. Once I was determined to complete it by rushing through one object after another, all the quests after second trial didn't take me a week, gonna leave it at 42/45 though. I wish headmaster had interactions with you like other professors and let you ask him about his career and point of view, definitely more fun compared to safely nice characters.
Congrats Erika Stahl!
It is. On steam I think they have a bundle deal with core keeper and abiotic factor, both are survivor games if you're into that but they're also both very different from each other. Abiotic isn't finished yet sadly but I believe Core Keeper has finally come out with their 1.0, I am ASSUMING that means there is a definitive ending... but early access games and all...
The burger was made out of space lettuce heather found in a lab behind a locked door, it changes color often, the meat was from an alien dog, the tomato has been genetically altered with genetics I can't quite trace the origins of and the bread isn't bread. It tastes like and acts like bread though. Don't be a wuss, take a bite. I will let you know when it's just about finished, I kinda wanna wait for a bit until the finish line is set, playing bit by bit every month or so would kill me.
Pardon, I have used your likeness to learn something. I did not learn what I wanted to and I am mad.
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Seems like not many are around today; as such I'll be postponing until next week. Same time as usual.

Megamind and the first Indiana Jones.

That sounds... even more suspicious than it looks. I do not think I wish to take a bite? I am intimidated by this burger, or pseudo-burger; slightly afraid even.

I didn't realize it wasn't fully released; in that case I'll definitely wait until it's done before possibly trying it; I don't like playing/reading/watching stuff bit by bit unless each individual part is nicely self-contained.

>I did not learn what I wanted to and I am mad.
What were you attempting to learn?
Yea sorry, Friday nights are always a bit unreliable unfortunately as people are often doing other stuff; we get like anywhere between 0 and 12 people showing up randomly whereas Saturdays are pretty consistently 10+. If it's less than like 2 or 3 by say half an hour in or so I'm inclined to postpone so that people who want to be there but couldn't come don't get left behind.
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I don't think ppl care about Evangelion.
Mm I put on whatever people request usually; in previous weeks for this anime we've had like 5-6 watching? Though admittedly due to the volatility of the timeslot when attendance it's really hard to tell whether it's because people aren't into the show or if everyone's just doing Friday night stuff.

Anyway next up is FLCL which a whole bunch of people have been requesting for a while.
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Something MAD YOU SAY? Do tell
I care about Eva (and Eva). I'm just busy on Fridays at this time
Sleeping Meru!
I'm the prettiest girl in the morgue.
this is the retard that kept the lights on at the hpgg station for years.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you people.
you should be thankful for his service and respectful for all that he's done. you legacy/MA troons wouldn't have this home if it wasn't for him and his devotion
shut the fuck up deek
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can you imagine a world without /hpgg/?
Who's the prettiest boy in the morgue?
I know for a fact it would be a better world.
Without Legacy peak hpgg? No, I couldn't.
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Oh congrats little crow, and I must say, excellent choice in outfit. Not so much the mask but the robes ehehe
I spent some time trying to use photoshop beta AI a certain way to mess with photos but after like 30 minutes of watching different tutorials and getting stuck in the same place it turns out they REMOVED that way of playing with the AI. But they came out with like a streamlined version of doing it, kinda gay, kinda wanted to do it myself actually Mr.Photoshop. I was trying to make pictures have different effects like water color and such but maybe it's a little dumb to do it with an already highly stylized game...
Why did you congratulate Kuro twice?
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Did you think I was eva, who was also talking to herself about burgers? Or did you think I was one of the anons who already responded, nani?
Well yeah, who else would post Eva?
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Rout shouldn't you be in bed by now?
Best girl
I am going to bed
Goodnight, sleepyhead.
More tierlists!
I only have a link to the HL one.
Most breedable witch at Hogwarts
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Ooh, neat. I guess it's probably a new feature so pretty subject to changes like that... I don't actually know a whole lot about photoshop AI; what's it for?

I'd probably be like, off being productive or something?
Awful; I don't wish to contemplate such things.

Good night anon.

Probably the mortician, for lack of competition.
Why does every thing you do make you more attractive to me when it should do the opposite?
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I'm not a creep and I can't listen to random audio files.
A vocaroo attached to a picture on 4chan is a random audio file, yes.
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Slytherin is definitely the best house in HL, no contest.
>cream cheese stuffed peppers
I had some pepper and cheese flavoured tendie wedges earlier, they look and taste like doritoes. Sorry to hear about yours.
Now, I need to reach the map room as each house for the achievements.
Headmaster Black was funny but basically irrelevant outside his background authority. I didn't even realize he was Harry's uncle's grandpa's brother's best friend until the polyjuice quest.
Me on the right, You on the left.
>Not so much the mask
All the good faces were taken, it's not my fault.
Why not?!
Mega hates My-chan...
You're better off using Lightroom for small edits like that. I wish there were real alternatives to Adobes products, they've been going down the toilet lately.

It's just My beckoning for a pretty husband but in audio form.

>Slytherin is definitely the best house
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Thank you but it's just me being me, sorry.
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Should I use tickets on the wheel or the outfit flip
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Cute space buns :3
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The new song is very cute and really fun., it might be my new favorite one.


The Wheel and Flip tickets are different, So you can use them freely.
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Grand prize outfit.
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Cash only and so much better than the Opaleye...
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Lesser prize hairstyle (55% chance) and the charming conductor universal idle stance.
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Free anniversary log-in outfit (hairstyle not included).
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I've been playing Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines recently, and watching What we do in the shadows. And something just hit me. Why hasn't anyone done anything with the vampires in the wizarding world? They exist but no one has added them to anything. Would be cool as a faction in HL or Magic Awakened, FB movies. It's so disappointing.
i dont know anything about vampires, but i'd let you suck me all day with those DSLs
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All the returning wheel outfits were added to the mirror so you can preview what could have been.
MA has a vampire but she did nothing vampire-esque during her first appearance, she's returning this season and I imagine they'll actually elaborate on that this time.
They're kind of just a silly background detail. I think there's a kid in HM who pretends to be a vampire or maybe he actually is or something so I guess you can go to Hogwarts as one.
>Additional legendary echo
Meh probably just means you get an extra legendary echo if you pull one and thats rare as hell to begin with. Wake me up when theres one that increases the odds because right now the rates of on that are really bad.

Im more interested in the coffers thing. Even after they started letting you buy 20k gold every week for jewels its still gets super sparse.
I get 1-3 every day.
Very rarely none or 5.
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Frog choir side story extra.
This is completely unrealistic for a girl to perform
i jerked it under the whomping willow and fertilized it with my seed
ive been constantly horny lately and i blame (you)
What'd I do?
Lottie looks extremely slutty in this outfit
Is there any way I can help?
Hermione makes me fucking CUM.
I make fun of fat people but I’ve been gaining weight constantly for five years.
dumb fat bitch
chubby witch who is mean whoa
First cute ponytail I’ve seen so far.
I know exactly who this is.
>imagine gaining weight
lol. lmao. Develop anorexia instead. Obsess about your weight even though everyone calls you skinny purely because the number seems too big. Starve yourself for months so you can look like an idealized body that you saw online that was made in photoshop. Feel bad about every thing you eat that isn’t apart of the diet. As they say, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
I really like that outfit. Checkered patterns are mega cool.
This still looks terrible tho.
Most people want to lose weight because they feel the difference between 150lb and 180lb. Not because of some
Tumblr movie.
That’s why I said develop anorexia. Obvs fat people shouldn’t be fat. But if your like me where you just want to be skinnier despite being skinny already for nebulous body image desires, you are at risk for it.
Don't be dumb! Reverse all your opinions on this topic!
Should we be trusting you on body image tips when you have body dysmorphia?
what the fuck are you people arguing now
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Haven't seen a Merula gooner in a while. Can you marry her in the game? Stopped playing years ago.
Club Events in 35 minutes.
Can bulimics be as pretty as anorexics?
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I know whose been using invisibility spells to go number 2 in the Sorting Hat
Club Dance starting now.
bassd and furpilled.
bulimics face swells and their teeth get fucked up, so no
Anorexics lose their hair though, so that’s bad.
Club Quiz starting now.
The lightning in the seasonal dance hall is much more subdued compared to the previous one, thankfully. No more wandering beams of light to burn my eyes.

Thank you for hosting, Mega.

>I'm more interested in the coffers thing.
Same. Those are great value if you ever buy purple gems at all and you can never have enough gold.
Enough about anorexia, instead we need to talk about a subject near and dear to our hearts; Fashion!

Will you be creating a design for the contest or will you be cringe?

>First Place
20,000 USD
Implementation Rights (The winning design will be featured in the game)
First Prize-themed Design Competition Portrait Frame
Mythic Quality Title
Wacom Movink OLED Digital Tablet

>Second Place (2 winners)
4,200 USD
Second Prize-themed Design Competition Portrait Frame
Legendary Quality Title
Wacom Digital Tablet - PTH-660/K1-F

>Third Place (3 winners)
1,400 USD
Third Prize-themed Design Competition Portrait Frame
Legendary Quality Title
Wacom Digital Tablet - PTH-660/K1-F

>Players Choice (3 winners selected from the servers: 邹吾, Ashwinder, Rougarou, Erumpent, Sphinx, Thunderbird)
700 USD
Design Competition Portrait Frame
Legendary Quality Title

>Creativity Award (3 winners will be selected from the servers: Basilisk, Ridgeback, Opaleye, Occamy, Mooncalf, Puffskein, Chimaera, Augurey, Hippogriff, Diricawl, Acromentula, Bowtruckle, and Nundu
700 USD
Design Competition Portrait Frame
Legendary Quality Title

>Excellent Participation Prize (10 winners globally)
400 USD
Design Competition Portrait Frame
Legendary Quality Title

Event Schedule

>Submission Period
June 22, 00:00 - August 4, 23:59

>Judging Period
August 5, 09:00 - September 4, 11:59

>Winners Announced
September 4, 12:00 - September 19, 23:59

>How to submit work

Step 1: Share your artwork on Platform X, Facebook, or Instagram using the hashtag #HPMADesignCompetition during the event. Make sure your social media accounts are set to public.

Step 2: Read through and accept all the terms and rules, then submit the link to your social media post via the game banner.

Step 3: Submit successfully!

Download the contest form from the link at the bottom of the page.
This activity wheel is so blatantly rigged
Worst premium prize event ever
>Puzzle reward: 1 ticket
>Login reward: 2 tickets
LOL and it's supposed to be the "anniversary"
Whats wrong you dont like blue cristals?
AI here we go!!!!
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Are accio, manticore and swelling solution really necessary?
From my experience, manticore was never needed, Sweeling s very important and accio is a wonderfull way to get the enemy back in your autoattack range.
AI-generated content (AIGC) entries are currently not accepted. Participants should keep documentation of their original work process. Organizers may request source files (e.g., PSD) during the selection process to verify originality. If a submission is found to be AI-generated, it will be disqualified. Any prizes awarded to such submissions will be revoked, and the participant will be responsible for any resulting expenses or legal issues.
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Hello /hpgg/, just a reminder that movie night is today at 6:30pm EST (10:30pm UTC) – that is, in about 3 hours and 30 minutes from the time of this posting. Our films for tonight are Megamind followed by Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

See you there!

Thank you, Mega. Also, the new club dance hall is pretty cool.

>Now, I need to reach the map room as each house for the achievements.

I pretty much fumbled my way through it but I like the new dance; it's pretty fun.

It is kind of odd that their existence is so ignored in official media, yeah. I think Qui from MA is the first vampire we see anywhere, but like Kuro said even with her it hasn't really been relevant so far. Vampires are neat though; I'd love to see them expanded on in HP stuff.

The drop rate for legendary echoes is tied to how far you've progressed in Solo Forest Exploration. Around 35ish is when they start getting more common; I'm not there yet but I've heard at 40ish they drop reliably.

I should really get around to progressing it further but god I hate the Zouwu fight.

Honestly considering it; I could use the cash. I might give it a shot if I can find the time before the deadline (unlikely, admittedly)... my digital drawing skills aren't amazing but I could maybe throw together something in Blender instead.

AI submissions are specifically disallowed by the rules.

I'm far from a Snape expert so take anything I say with several grains of salt, but for most Snape decks I'd say Accio is necessary and Swelling is highly recommended, while Manticores are skippable but helpful. What you've got there looks much more summon-oriented than Snape usually is though so for that deck it's probably more viable to skip some of the normal core Snape cards.
>my digital drawing skills aren't amazing but I could maybe throw together something in Blender instead
I doubt entries that don't follow the template will have a chance of winning. Using it isn't obligatory, but for a contest like this it'll improve your chances by a lot imo.
Are we oinking the hogwarts express outfit or what?
Oh, I meant modelling a thing and then inserting renders into the template.
model lingerie
Are we going to roll in some Hogwarts slurry and oink?
I hate blue cristals
why do randos ignore the mooncalf until they're spamming 1 mana cards?
I def am, mostly for the hat. It’s very cute and novel which is how I like hats.
To give the benefit of the doubt, it might be that they don't have anything in hand to kill it with.
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You get to hold hands with the running emote!
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I wish I could hold hands with someone...
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Cytube or caracal? Also I completely missed animu night because of Shadow of the Erdtree.
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1 hour samba dancing with the dorm bros for a pair of earrings
god i love being straight
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with one deep voiced voocaroo, matti destroyed any and all subby femboy fantasies hpgg anons had of him
t. matti
It's called putting on a voice and I'm not fooled
Not enough girls in the dance club so some of the boys have to learn the girl routines! Not enough girls on the big performance so some of the boys have to wear dresses! Not enough girls on the walk back to the dorms in the cold night air so some of the boys have to press close to their partners!
It annoys me that they changed the reward from the dance off from a diamond shaped painting to earrings. I liked the idea of getting a new diamond shaped painting every challenge as like a cool wall of achievement type thing. But no, they had to go and make some mid af earrings instead of something cool.
I love this game so much I might just lose my mind.
I'm sorry
Jokes on you my ovaries are so powerful they're immune+counter it and now YOU have a torsion
I'm literally on a date with my hottie husband right now, so...Here's a pic....
I hope you know that I keep picturing us as two toddlers running around a dining table where the adults are having dinner+I have a knife in my hand and they're like "um isn't that dangerous" and they go no, no it's fine when she catches him she just grabs him by the shoulders and jostles him while going "YOUUUUUU" it's all good
Are you dumb? Huh? Huh? Huh? *grabs you by the knees and starts spinning you around*
>20k grand prize
errrm what the sigma
>Normies EXPLODE
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Heh. Me.
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Hello hypogigis, movie night is upon us in 15 minutes.
Tonight we'll be watching Megamind followed by Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Grab a snack and come join us!

Cytube room: https://cytube.implying.fun/c/hpggParty

Ooh, I forgot that just released. Hope you're having fun; how is it so far?
>Cytube or caracal?
Cytube today.

Damn... that really is some rotten luck, jeez. My condolences...
It sounded kinda forced.
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You’re giving me negative PR, stop it.
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Movie night starting now.
Thats how you know no one here is gonna win.
maybe he just sounds like a cartoon character, its always a possibility.
…oh man.
we're all mafiosi now?
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methinks thou doth protest too much
i like this monkey fella
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Here anon, a gameboy color just for you.
so many voices today, anymore?
>Daniel leaves
wow, thanks hagrid! does it come with a copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™ for the Game Boy™ Colour?
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I take it back, Hufflepuff is the best house in HL.
This part is Puff only? I remember it was mentioned that only one quest has a difference between each house but never realized which one was it.
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Next time just have Alex doubt you publicly!
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Yes, despite being featured in the trailers and loading screens only the puffs get to visit Azkaban during the Jackdaw quest.

Gryffindors meet Nearly Headless Nick and the Headless Hunt outside Sneed's. Ravenclaws get to visit the owlery and accio owls. Slytherins get to chat with the headmaster's elf, feed a squid mural some toast and read Apollonia Black's diary.

I'm not actually sure if you can visit the owlery as the rest of the houses but Azkaban, the squid room and another puff cave are exclusive to their respective house quests.
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Actually, I got you a copy of Pokémon Blue version! I have Red version, you get your Pokémon to level 50 and we can use the link cable back in me hut to trade!
The sign is a subtle joke
Hagrid wants you back at his hut, how lucky!
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I've never spoken English so I most likely have a French accent, and I wouldn't post my voice on 4chan anyway.
Never spoken english?????
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Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark starting in 10 minutes.


Yes; you didn't know?

You are incorrect, but I do wish we'd gotten to visit Azkaban as the other houses. I do kind of want to play through the other house-specific quests at some point.


Margot a cute...
I barely speak at all.
With my voice, I mean.
Snake gets bread while puff goes to jail. They were trying hard to break house stereotype...
>I wouldn't post my voice on 4chan anyway.
based way to diss everyone doing it
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>while puff goes to jail. They were trying hard to break house stereotype...
I mean this isn't the first time that's happened
You go to Azkaban for anything, including being an unregistered Animagus.
Say something in english out loud right now
I said "something in english out loud right now"
What now?
Others are saying Manticore aren't necessary but I say otherwise, especially with the buff to Atmosphere Charm and the amount of Summon whales, you need them to be able to kite them without running out of movement cards 1 minute in.
>Willem dafoe talks to fat karen
You've now spoken English. Congratulations!
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Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark starting now.

Actually yeah that's a good point about needing Manticores for Atmosphere Charm; it's fairly insane now.
Why are you like this?
Mega is evil
tell me in detail why you think that. so I can keep giving you (you)s. maybe even agree with you.
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And here I thought only Ivy had a long ass neck
She has black hair and bacon face
No, that's Negamelons you're thinking of.
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Bacon mask won't go through, alas.
She committed the most heinous crime of not making herself available. Moid drones can only respond in violence and hate to this sort of rejection.
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Also for some reason this one popped up randomly and I can't stop laughing.
Is this some kind of jewish spell?
>very sthern
is that your french accent or just severe lisp?
you won't fool me, mega is no troon
Ew, get away from your fucking mic, I feel like my ear got molested. You freak.
who has the cutest voice?
I would guess it's a case of the AI injecting additional "relevant" words and jumbling them.
My French accent would insist on the /eJ/ sound of "very" and "stern" (and I know it's /ɜː/ not /eJ/ but insticts...)
Also neither, it looks like a cryptozoologist's notes on some creature he spotted.
I just said I'm not doing voice posts.
Your favorite witch
I believe it
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Alas, we are all cursed with the giraffe neck. It's part of why I usually wear a scarf, unless an outfit hides it reasonably well... the other part is that scarves are comfy.
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Nothing they didn't deserve.
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>No one namedropped me
That is IT I am done posting...FOREVER! Goodbye!
The graphics in that game are so immensely off putting.
I don't know what this webm as a reaction means. but it is a cute monkey.
Diana obviously. She is adorable.
yeah some faces extenuate that more than others.
My <3
More Blyth for me then.
Where will you store his horse huh?
Didn't we just have a fan vote wheel, what is this?
That is the fan vote wheel.
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It will never cease to annoy me how inefficiently Lunas can use their spells and still manage to pull out a win somehow.
Ah right, different regions; different votes. explains why i haven't seen that costume.
Oh fine you've convinced me!
My only true supporter....
Hitting you. Hitting you. Hitting you. Hitt
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No but yes.
plapping your rat
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>yeah some faces extenuate that more than others.
i thought it was some kind of bug lol
she needs a better sense of style
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cutest voice 10/10
Are you winnin son?
I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I hate that it doesn't reimburse extra keys unlike the regular wheel, so if use 5 keys but clear it, you lose 5 keys not 1.
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Oh, that sucks but good to know. I've been doing single spins just in case because I wasn't sure... guess I will continue doing that. It is silly that it doesn't though, probably just an oversight but still.
Didn't somebody just say it did save them?
I don't know but it happened to me twice.
Or is it?
Beach Meru!
There's something that has been bothering me /hpgg/.

If the Malfoys and others like them hate Muggles so much why do they take the train to school like everyone else? We know Draco was on the train in Book 1. And to get to 9 3/4 we know you need to leave your segregated community walk...amongst muggle streets, besides muggles down to the muggle train station, smell the muggles...before running through this concealed entryway.

This is like a Nazi taking a detour through the Jewish quarter rather than any other route.
I hope England gets beaches someday
Voldemort's slaves love debasing themselves
Isn't Hogwarts in Scotland?
Who's the king of Scotland then?
Tristain said something like that
No one called my voice cute…
If you mean in the club chat, I was referring to the outfit wheel. But if the activity wheel doesn't have the same system for it then that's just sad.
But you didn't post your voice...
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*smoke bombs u when you aren't looking.*
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I thought it was funny how his avatar was just standing there instead of sitting down while he was playing, I couldn't resist
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Emotes playing when you click them... Majestic.
But I did :3c
Those of you who like Ivy are pedophiles
Yeah, and then Lucius goes to the Ministry, flushing himself in that Muggle device designed for defecation. Humiliation ritual.
He flushes himself down a toilet? Huh? I believe it though.
I just assume there are special entrances for old purebloods set up by the racists at the Ministry giving them direct access to Platform 9 3/4 and the Ministry without having to go through muggle areas like poor wizzas like the Weasleys

The UK is an incredibly class-based society and Harry Potter in particular has been described as extremely nostalgic for those times, no way JK did not consider this
Get in the toilet pure loser.
Why are you trying to turn him into a skibidi toilet?
It's Skibidi Cauldron, we use them to teleport; jump in the blue cauldron, pop out of the blue cauldron.
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Forgot the picture...
>Zouwu fight
Do you mean stage 36? Those one boss stages arent anything and thats probably one of the easiest because of Crucio. It will do a ton of damage especially if Priori'd and lock it out of that anime invincibility attacking state. Stage 41 is where the pain is. 43 is fairly bad as well
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I barely remember anything past the Zouwu, because it was the only fun/slightly difficult stage, I breezed through the rest, and it wasn't that Zouwu was especially hard, it wasn't with Dobby, but I lacked damage.
I do remember having fun with Beffudlement Draught and Glacius.
Can confirm Tristian is correct
I love the activity wheel bro!
typically its not that they ignore it they just burnt all their MP or attack cards on something else like dealing with mobs attacking them
theyll give us more tickets trust the plan
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The luckiest witch at Hogwarts.
Those people holding hands and running together with that emote... They make me feel so lonely...
Your wallet
Rout, is this Percy?
Well im sorry I took 33 spins instead
Can't you join in though?
You can, I chased down a couple and joined in without their consent and got the achievement
You animal!
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I'll take pride in not having the achievement instead. I'm not holding hands with weirdoes.
What about with a friend?
Dame, bro. I've never seen these before. You're a real one.
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This forest area had several wild pansies you can pick daily. Just pointing it out because there's no reason to be there otherwise.
Elden Ring bros where we at?
Tomorrow maybe I will give out free handholds in the club room
I’m busy playing SMT VV
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I was the weirdo watching them from behind a tree.
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How would Cassandra react to being disfigured
Happy because then maybe more brown boys will leave her alone.
Be quiet you two
>Implying it isn't just one schizophrenic screaming into the abyss
I would assume it would be similar to the scene in Seven with the model.
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This outfit is cringe.
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>not using the template
how bold of them
I'm more interested in how Lottie would react to being disfigured
They are using the template, tho each of those things are just parts of the overall template.
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I hate these chink fucks so god damn much
lmao same
Okay so, it does have the refund system.
It says that but it didn't give me back the 4 other spins, just rolled over the remaining rolls to round 2.
I rolled with three tickets, hit the grand prize on the second and my third ticket was refunded.
There was a letter from Mcgonagall recently about some students having bad luck. I don't get it, is this just a joke or does everyone have hidden parameters that chinks can control?
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It's pretty common for gatchas to rig for paypigs but I swear to god if they do some story shit like finally solving this >>483162864 giving actually balance on that wheel I'm pulling a Nasim on NetEase.
She mentioned bad luck?
It's the description of the raven profile frame. Does it mean we're potentially getting the best frame in the game???????!!!!
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here's my rough idea for the contest. I will not win but I am having fun. I was inspired by the womping willow, I originally wanted to do like lots of branchy things but then I realized that I couldn't draw that easily so I opted to utilize the swirling trunk of the tree as the central idea.
Club Events in 52 minutes.
>bring out...the BLACK MAMBA
>bacon bdsm
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This party fucking sux, Daniel OUT.
Seaweed wrapped in bacon? A daring synthesis.
I was thinking more like yzma but that works too.
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Next spin you will get it. I believe in you.
Did net ease ever have a Plague Doctor inspired set or did I make that up?

Cassandra's video is out
You turned her against me
>first thing they show is her feet
what did they mean by this?
What is she doing with Abi
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36 yes. I kept running into the time limit when I tried it; I have no idea how to deal enough damage. I've been running Priori Crucio and hasn't been anywhere even close to enough, but if it locks it out of the invulnerability phase with the right timing then I'll have to go back and try that. The invulnerable phase is the big problem for me because it lasts like 30 or 40 seconds and then I'm just out of time when it ends.

This is pretty cute. I wouldn't roll for it but I like it.

Oh good.

I haven't seen anything about that but I hope so, it's my favourite frame...

Hmm yeah, I could see Yzma wearing something like that heh.

I got the first one in 13 spins but my second wheel looks like this too... aiiiieeee.

Don't remember seeing anything like that but I could've missed it. That would be cool though.
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Personally I'd rather be stuck in the woods with a wizard than a bear.
Sure, there is a slight chance I might be subjected to unimaginable cruelty and abuse, but most likely the wizza would protect and safely escort me out of the woods as his knightly instincts kick in.
The bear on the other hand would just see me as prey and rip me apart.
Its just a no brainer!
Congrats, your iq is over 80.
pickme incarnate
What do you do when you have family issues?
Club Dance starting now.
If you arent already use companion Adult Hermione and also Hermione echo along with 2 cheap summons to not interrupt Priori, Side Along Apparition(to dodge the whirlwind) and some cheap cycle spells. Assuming you open with Crucio the Zaowu should be half dead by the time you get off your 2nd Priori ezpz
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New (experimental) chapter: https://rentry.org/28rfwxrq
Writing this during an all-nighter probably wasn't the wisest decision but here it is.
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I had no idea about any this, wtf I fear men again now
It's sad but it's true!
Club Quiz starting now.
Usually fantasize about killing them until it's out of my system
List dangerous wizas
Any wizard over 6'1
Menlets are a non threat
>some guy
sorry, but no true and honest male would ever say moid
I think you missed the point that the answer is just all of them, given the opportunity
The poor man who is stuck with you in the forest ...
What is that supposed to mean?
I'm pretty sure I'd be a great asset to have in such a perilous situation.
You'r right. You would keep the bears away from me.
Final herbologist rank. Not much else to do now besides collect the last two talent points. I have every QOL talent at 12 hours so I'm not even sure where to put them. Time to grow colorful plants I guess.

Thank you for hosting, Mega.

Pretty cool. Sometimes I wish MA was a real game and not a dress up your doll gacha one. Full cutscenes with voices would have done wonders for the presentation instead of being relegated to promotional videos.

Either they did or we both hallucinated it because I remember something like that.
Shut up hannah
she's far too manly for straight men and no gay man would ever want to touch her
Is it rape if you use a love potion or imperio?
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I agree with this person, she should be left alone.
Hannah wouldn't say something like that
Only if you're ugly.
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Thank you for the events!

Appreciate the tips; went back to it and cleared it. The bit about Crucio preventing it from entering the invulnerability phase was the key; tried it with that and it immediately went smoothly... it's not too bad a fight when the thing doesn't vanish from the map for half the time limit.

The other stages after that were easy enough with normal Crucio spam. I haven't unlocked 41 and 43 yet though; what's bad about them?

Ooh, sudden new chapter. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I'll take a look after I get something to eat.

>Final herbologist rank
Congrats! I think that makes you the first one there. I do like the Herbology postcard skin, it's really quite pretty.
>Sometimes I wish MA was a real game and not a dress up your doll gacha one
Me too... it's alright, but there's definitely potential which was missed out on.
Thank you. It's a nice postcard skin and the only one besides the default so far. Hopefully the other career paths will add more. Tailoring should be coming soon.
Which echo would Top G play?
holy kek
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How would she react to rape?
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Damn, I really hate indian posters
HL runs like ass and keeps crashing every now and then
I have a switch, might get it on it if it's at least playable.
Why did Cass beat up Abigail?
She gets what she fucking deserves!
this but with daniel
My, why did you do that?
What did she do?
where did you find such unholy imagery?
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this is my very serious magic awakened costume submission please no steal
based battle ready onsie pp
would be carried in duos by
They would never allow comfy to that extent. I'm sorry.
There's no rooms for duos on the top, KID.
Is the chink allergic to comfy?
Home come we don’t do little MA parties anymore? Like all meeting up in someone’s RoR
Why not now?
Tell us which one.
Party at Eoin's in 30 minutes
that place smells like cum and sweaty, horny witches.
i'll pass
..How do you know what it smells like, Anon?
Saved. She isn't entirely human, so you can just do what you want to her.
Personally I'd pick the bear unless I get to decide the wizard.
>I get to see a bear
>It'll either ignore me or look at me with curiosity while I forage for berries
>If it decides to eat me it's either stressed, really hungry or a mother bear and all three are valid reasons
>I rejoin the circle of life and the bear gets a very unsatisfactory snack
some bears cripple their prey before eating them alive at a later date
that's crazy
some bears participate in pyramid schemes for tax reasons
They bury them in a lil pile of snow or leaves, too! Thank you so much for the blanket, kind queen.
Love me some twitter discourse from like three weeks ago
bears operate in packs of 4 to 12 members and uses various chirps and howls to communicate.
Wizards do that too, it's terrifying.
A common misconception! In fact, it is only juvenile wizards that chirp.
Only when you hit their prostate.
That's messed up.
Ravenclaws chirp all the time, whether male or female.
Never happened to me tho
just need a better dick
it's better to be stuck in the woods with a bear rather than with some of the local witches
99% of us would just avoid you like the plague.
All bears are nice actually and it's just hunters starting shit. Like bro you're the one bumbling around in your weird camo and orange vest fit carrying a fucking gun in a park. They're right to confront you. "Hero Bear Stops Armed Gunman"

Thank you for your service bears!
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i'd rather be stuck in the woods with a group of strong, virile whizzas than some local witches
I'd prefer not to be stuck in the woods, actually. Seems like you guys are dumb for going there in the first place.
But the dailies...
I’d rather be stuck in the woods with my cutie sweetie honey bunny
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I'm always in the woods the wizards are the ones who keep wandering in to ruin my vibe.
i want to be stuck in the woods
My's house
My you have a boy farm.
No it's my anti-hiker terror pile, GOD
No I just help out at it I don't want any wizards in -my- forest...
You crawl in and sleep in there
Yeah, the boys catch your scent and follow you home when they get out. Boys will be boys, you know.
No I do NOT that'd disturb the hedgehogs!!
>"Is that...lavender?? I feel so calmed and soothed I must find the source"
>hmm, lavender... and... hm. Old lady? And desperation?
I'll give you old lady but there's no desperation, I live my life rudely rejecting the advances of anyone who shows any inkling of interest in me so I can project all my love and affection unto unobtainable pretty men in peace.
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I can't believe he said that
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but... but...
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Do twenty year old licensed puzzles count as Harry Potter Games?
This thing was an absolute pain.
I love this artstyle.
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Close enough. Nicely done!
I wish I could find happiness again in my life.
I sincerely hope that you find it, anon.
Thanks! I hope it too.
Into the woods, it's time to go
I hate to leave, I have to, though
Into the woods it's time and so
I must begin my journey
But that shit costs money??
>That giggle
Well not to DEATH.
Where did you lose it?
During everyday life. I have no motivation anymore.
Which Smiths song is this
So who wants to C O N F E S S first?
CONFESS what? My sins? I think I have many... My failures and defeats? I have even more.
Say how you feel about the games, the thread, other people, life in general.
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Comfy pingu. Funny that you'd prioritize wearing gloves over socks.
Check with the lost and found people near your usual routes.
There's a time and place for anime. The time is now. The place is here.
They're okay, we have good and bad days, people can be incredibly ignorant and self centred, it kinda sucks.
My life has been shit the last 2 months. I got sick, the work got harder than it already was (which keeps me exhausted practically all the time), I have no motivation for practically anything and I'm feeling very depressed and lonely. I would really like to know what to do, but I haven't found any answers... I've even tried to let my sadness out, but I can't even cry anymore... it's pathetic and ridiculous and makes me even more frustrated than I normally feel.
What you watching?
I can't feel a connection with people anymore. It's like I exist as a passenger in my own body, like I'm not real and neither is anyone else. I'm watching a TV show that is my life and I don't care about the characters anymore, I'm just keeping it on for background noise.
Dissociative identity disorder?
I think a lot of people here need a hug
Yes... can you give me one, please?
Ewww, no.
Sure *hugs you*
I really know how you feel, I wish I could offer a hug, but I don't know if it would help you.
With all the respect, fuck you ;)

Thanks! God bless you, anon.
Wow, that looks like a challenge. The art reminds me of the old playing cards.
I felt that way for maybe 10 years but I snapped out of it. Still feel kinda meh about my life and the world but I really care about my frens. Sometimes you need a change in friends, career, or scenery. Maybe pic up a new hobby and try to connect with people through that.
Migrate when ready
it gets better
i don't know how long it'll take for you
but it does get better
I feel like an ass for missing this post. Hang in there, fren. You've got people you can talk to here. Don't ever feel alone <3
No problem. And thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it.

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