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Do it for them

>Previous Thread >>482393143

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled and isolated sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons.

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the astonishing supernatural power of being gay. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear.

Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN).

>Upcoming Merch:
Life is Strange: Heatwaves - July 30th 2024

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874000
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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I'm yet again asking for recommendations of 3D smut creators that do animations and accept commissions.
Pricefield is dead
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Thoughts on the latest supposedly leaks?
Credible but will wait for other leaks to come out.
Fanservice. Not worth a standalone game
Embarrassingly fake. Nothing but extrapolations off of previous leaks, fan discussions and educated guesses.
This is a classic example of a fake leak. Actual leaks tend to focus on new information and meaningful plot details. Not linked together established information.
The game being just a lowkey reboot of the original game sounds incredibly believable for D9 to do it.
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I prefer to believe this one, at least he got the name of some characters right before the gameplay video dropped
It would have been better to have a new protagonist, hopefully a black guy with a big dick, and Max as a teacher with whom we interact few times, with that excuse they could create a DLC focused only on Max and Chloe later.

A DLC is not as long as a game and doesn't necessarily require a big conflict, so we could have a decent amount of real comfy pricefield time in one version, and in the other version Max hanging out with her friends Warren and Kate.
At least one other person here knows what a fake leak looks like.
>victim survives because the shooter happens to hit a small metallic object the size of a coin
I fucking hate this trope so much.
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*cough* *cough* M-Maxine... It's *cough* already over for me... I'm dying, Max. *cough* I'm old Chloe... I'm only 34, but I can already feel the arthritis seeping through my brittle old bones. *cough* No more Max and Chloe adventures... No more Max and Chloe against the world... I see the light, Max. *cough* I feel warm... embrace...
Rhianna > Ashly
Isn't that what kinda happened in TC?
Max and Chloe are lesbians??
Ok but her voice will always be Chloe’s voice.
Why does she think she is hot shit again and can demand fat paychecks? She is a mid tier VA at best.
Ashly Burch's voice encapsulates the wild and rebellious attitude of Chloe Price. Rhianna made Chloe talks like a retard. She sounds like HUURR DUURR I'M CHLOE AND I TALK VEWY VEWY SHLOWW.
She voices iconic characters and in AAA games. Tiny Tina, Aloy, Fallout 4, Chloe etc….
Nah Rhianna actually sounds like someone of Chloe's age. Plus, she is not that expensive.
Long live Ricefield
I didn't know this was a gay thing!
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D9 ain't that based.
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This one honestly does seem really legit.
Even putting aside the names it got right. The idea of Amanda and Moses being in a relationship explains why Moses was presented so totally differently to Safi (a love interest). Him just being a friend makes sense with what we have seen.
It is honestly embarrassing seeing people trip over themselves when it comes to something so clearly fake. As if they have never seen other fake leaks before.
It is standard practice these days for publishers and marketing companies to run counter info campaigns in order to discredit and distract from actual leaks.
Ashly has by far the better Chloe voice. It is basically natural for her.
Rhianna is fine as Chloe, but Ashly is on another level.
Always have been.
Why do you think Max spent all her free time at Chloe's place?
Rhianna could do an ok Chloe at ~16 years old. She could not do Chloe at 19, let alone 30.
This is the one thing that makes me doubt it. I highly doubt that D9 are based enough to actually make Bay scum consider the personal ramifications of their choice. Let alone have Max actively regret that choice.
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you want to the cat quest and the final fantasy clothes?
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Ashly Burch can play sad Chloe, angry Chloe and Happy Chloe perfectly.
Rhianna can't get into voice acting. Her "voice-acting" skills are terrible. She really sounds like she was given a line to read, and that's all she did—reading the script without the "acting" part. I literally felt zero emotion when I heard BTS Chloe talk.

I mean, do you hear this shit? I've seen porn acting convey more emotion than this. And this is supposed to be the defining moment of her career?

Now try to compare that terrible performance by Rhianna to Ashly Burch's voice acting performance. You have to be really deaf if you think Rhianna's performance was better than Burch's.
I'll get the ultimate edition for free, thanks.
BTS was the first game I bought with my own money and I still regret it to this day.
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>blue haired Chloe picture on the bed in the messed up room, above the black cat, hinting that's the picture after her death if the theories are right
>black cats (implying this is not a placeholder, ofc) often symbolize bad luck, misfortune and death
Why did they mean by this?
Max is destined to become a crazy cat lady
Why is Max built like a linebacker with those shoulders?
>Bay Max turns into a cat lady
Makes sense.
I could have sworn that the cat is grey in some of the promo pictures.
Do you think we will get to pick the cat's color? Is the color tied to timeline (black = Bay)?
You are used to seeing her when she had a smaller frame and wore jackets/hoodies all the time. Older Max has a slightly wider frame and in that picture she is wearing a jumper that from the back emphasizes her shoulders.
maybe Max hit 2nd puberty
>Do you think we will get to pick the cat's color? Is the color tied to timeline (black = Bay)?
Yes, that's actually my assumption.
Remember Bongo? The "lost" cat. He was white/grey. And so is the cat in that dlc pictures. The dlc is supposed to be about finding the lost cat and returning it to it's owner. I wonder who the owner is.
I want to splatter her face
>Safi is the only romanceable character
I thought Amanda was an option?
Amanda is with Moses. That is why Moses was just presented as a platonic friend in the stream, where as some of the dialogue with Safi was slightly flirty.
The idea of the only romance options being Safi and Chloe seems to be pretty solid at this point.
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>Max Caulfield
>Inspector Gadget
>Saying "wowser"
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>I'm the fury in your head

>furies - they were probably personified curses, but possibly they were originally conceived of as ghosts of the murdered
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>Bay Max is a hollow, emotionally broken shell of herself, haunted by the death of Chloe
>Bae Max is engaged to Chloe and living her best life with the woman she loves
I think D9 may just fully redeem themselves here.
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>Chloe has to die because my utility value calculation has determined that Chloe has less Utility-Points™ then random children unknown me
I get that Max is autistic. But I do not think she is autistic enough to actually subscribe to utilitarianism of all fucking things.
Chloe is one of the few people in the Bay to have any substantive personal value to Max. The value that she does have to Max being extreme to say the least. Any reasonable, well adjusted person is going to make the person they are in love with their first priority. No matter the cost.
That is even ignoring just how flat Bay is from a thematic perceptive. Bae has plenty of its own problems, but at least it has both an emotional pay off and a real resolution to the drama at the core of the Chloe/Max relationship.
Children literally died, Max
According to narrative director in DE Max regrets both choices
Max wouldn't stop ten thousand Sandy Hook or Uvalde events if it meant being cute with Chloe

Fuck them kids
Not many have luck in fucking their childhood best friend/crush. So my congrats to Max for picking fucking Chloe for the rest of her life. Max, you horny bastard
>wouldn't stop ten thousand Sandy Hook
>bay is basically a school shooting
it's basically a school shooting but more inclusive
I suppose that fits under DEI
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Why does that matter?
Who do you value strangers over true love with a person you have known since childhood?
Love has to come first. That is the only rational way to approach this.
We do not even have confirmation that Max regrets the Bay ending. Let alone Bae also.
They have been purposefully vague and tight lipped when it comes to the endings. The truth is that we have little beyond speculation on how they will actually impact the game beyond some dialogue changes.
objectivism is awesome and based
>allowing preventable mass death to happen just so you can be gay
the left has lost their minds
Welp guess I'll check back in next week to see if the trolls are gone
Could Chloe be classified as a ‘tomboy’?
>We do not even have
Felice Kuan: She's come to Caledon University to start afresh, to build a life that's separate from a past that she doesn't really want to think about anymore.
>In game texts reveal Max is estranged from her Mother, but is still in touch with her dad who tries to act as mediator between them.
Rejecting utilitarianism does not make you an objectivist.
In this instance it would make you someone who refuses to reduce humanity down to assigned value numbers on a spreadsheet. As if morality can be deduced in an accountancy firm. Chloe is worth more to me personally then the Bay. This would hold true now matter how extreme you made the trolley problem. The reason for this is not because I don't value the life of the people of Arcadia Bay. But rather due to Chloe being an absolute principal to me, something I refuse to compromise on no matter the cost.
I do not believe that love -true love- is something that you should ever be prepared to compromise on. To be honest I find the idea of it offensive.
They have been falling off in numbers steadily. I think less then a week now and we will be mostly free of them.
No. Not even remotely so.
But it would be great if she went butch. I think a soft butch look would really suit her personality and style.
I think it is worth keeping in mind here that almost all of the stream was centered on the Bay timeline, where such regrets would be most understandable. So it is totally possible that she was only talking about Bay Max. Especially since one of the more believable 'leaks' did only talk about Bay Max regretting her choice.
Also, there is a big difference between not wanting to think about the likes of Dana or Joyce being dead anymore. Compared to regretting keeping Chloe alive.
A desire to move on from pain in the past is not the same as regret.
Where was this?
>Love has to come first
Because that's not love. Love is about sacrifice. That's why the final choice for Chloe is so obvious, and why it is so hard for Max to make one. But for you, schizo, it is too hard to understand.
>I think it is worth keeping in mind here that almost all of the stream
See, you're completely delusional
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>Love is about sacrifice
Sacrifice, for the person you love. Not random strangers.
Bae Max did sacrifice for Chloe. The Bay was Max's hometown, she had friends there that she presumably cared about and sacrificed all of that for Chloe.
I get that you have CDS and are unwilling to understand this, but both endings involve sacrifice. The choice is between sacrificing true love for what are mostly just a bunch of faceless randos, or sacrificing the town for the sake of that true love.
Personally I'm going to go with true love every time and it is comical that it could even be considered a real choice.
>That's why the final choice for Chloe is so obvious
I fully agree.
Refusing to engage with stupid trolley problems and instead commit yourself to love is the obvious final choice. By far the most narratively, emotionally and thematically satisfying to boot!
>it is too hard to understand
Oh, I perfectly understand your arguments. They are just laughable to me. Unlike you I am not an autist who insists upon reducing people down utility value, and then making moral judgments based upon calculations of such values. I reject utilitarianism in it's totality.
I value humanity and emotion because due to my lack of your disability, I am perfectly capable of actually feeling and engaging with such things. Chloe is important to me and I have a strong emotional connection to her, I lack any such connection to a collection of mostly faceless strangers. So the choice really is trivial.
As much as I may like characters such as Dana or Joyce, they are no Chloe.
>See, you're completely delusional
Have you really not read any of the stream analysis over the past several threads?
It is pretty obvious that solid chunk of the stream was set in the Bay timeline. The only part of the stream that really seemed to be set in Bae is heavily edited and spliced with the Bay equivalent scene.
I find it hard to believe that you could have missed the several extensive breakdowns of it.
Have I said something about 'faceless randos' or Bae ending? I tell you, you're having a hard time tonight
>solid chunk of the stream was set in the Bay timeline
It has nothing to do with the timeline. The the question at the beginning was something like: who's Max and what is she doing in Lakeport? And she gave that answer.
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"Max, kill them all."
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>Have I said something about 'faceless randos' or Bae ending?
When the argument is about the ending choice and morality of Bay. Naturally comparisons with Bae are going to be made. Contrast, comparison and criticism are some most basic tools of rhetoric.
>It has nothing to do with the timeline
What exactly are you basing that on? So far they have purposefully obfuscated details regarding the Bae timeline. The only real amount footage we have seen (that cannot be assumed to be common to both timelines) is pretty definitively Bay. That comment about Max wanting to move on from the past could absolutely only refer to Bay Max. For that matter, it could apply to both, given the death involved in saving Chloe. The point is that your argument is based upon assumption and inference. We do not know for sure and likely will not for some time.
Beyond that, even if we accept that Max in both timelines wishes to move on from her past. There is a clear difference between wishing to move on from past trauma and actively regretting choices that you made in your past; Such as saving Chloe, which was the clear implication.
The narrative director just never said that Max regrets both choices. That was an outright lie.
Source: asshole
sounds like something niu-D9 would make.
But I am also disappointed.
I had hoped that some game would go deeper into the mystery lore. So many things of LiS:1 that just aren't explored further, like the native american thing, the animal spirit thing, the Illuminati/secret society thing and so many more. I mean in the first game it seemed like half the people know, consciously or subconsciously, that a tornado is coming and that something like that is not new
sacrifice for "strangers" is the truest love. This is what Jeebus stood for and something people should, in theory, strive for to make the world a better place
Your retarded religious bait won't work here, /pol/fag, particularly since you're so stupid you don't even realize he preached SELF sacrifice and not sacrificing somebody else.
I think they would have been attacked if they attempted to touch native folklore for any reason
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The Native American mythos, the nature of Max's powers and the greater knowledge of the storm are all parts of the LiS 1 story that were cut. That is why all of these elements have so many problems in the released game, the holes created by them being cut were just never properly patched back up.
This is also why you have plot elements that go nowhere like the Prescott estates (originally a massive part of the story), the cut Nathan line where he reveals that he knows about the storm or even just how closely associated Jefferson was with Prescott senior.
>they would have been attacked if they attempted to touch native folklore for any reason
>the animal spirit thing
Spirit animals were a concept that was dropped pretty hard after DN left the series for a reason. As much as I personally liked them, even in LiS 1 they just never came together and there was clearly so much internal dev confusion/lack of communication that several characters ended up with several different animals associated with them.
They motion captured the Hannah telle instead of skinny French women and they didn't bother to fix it.
I hope Bay Max gets nightmares of Chloe.
Hannah's just 2 cm away from Max's canon height, don't know about other parameters
I'd rather not ask why you know the body sizes of voice actors and shit...
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Well you can just look at the mocap behind the scenes pictures from the original and look at Hannah and it's obvious. It's a bit jarring because your shoulders don't get wider as you age. That's why Max's body looks off in the new one.
To be fair, in LIS1 they don't look too similar to how those french girls look like in their mocap suits either. Except for the height
quantic dream's mocap studio made life is strange 1 really
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Chloe and Max. Dana and Juliet. Victoria and Kate.
LiS1 really was something special when it came to impossibly cute, perfect ships.
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The least ugly girl from DE so far is the Victoria/Chloe/Rachel hybrid (Loretta?) and even her kinda looks off with this giant nose.
I for sure would Safi.
I think Loretta looks fine. The reason her nose looks overly prominent is just due to her tilting her head downwards, the perspective is to blame.
I actually hope that we see more of her soon. She gives off some real Victoria-like rich alpha bitch energy, at-least to me anyway. One of my favorite types of girl. I think the real problem so far is that we have not really seen a Kate stand-in yet. As soon as we do, I will be able to ship her and Loretta, and I can rest easy.
Ricefield is my ride or die.
Yeah crime organization looks more and more real. Safi’s mom looks rich af and looks like a mob boss wife. The Safi family definitely is rich by the looks of it.
Can't believe people actually fell for that fake ass ''leak''..
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Safi's mother really does not look that well off.
If you did not know anything about her beyond that one screenshot, I think it would be far more likely you would say she looks like a doctor, psychologist, lawyer or other such well paid professional. She absolutely does not look anything like the wife of a mob boss. Don't let some fake leak poison her.
She honestly has pretty cool vibes, like she would invite you over for a fantastic home cooked dinner and could not help but subtly psychoanalyze and diagnose you. I hope we get to see more of her.
It is pretty embarrassing. I cannot believe just how gullible some people are.
You were the author?
I think I can put together something a lot more believable if I wanted to.
You know, sometimes even the most stupid ''predictions'' can become reality.
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I love that a comfy game about teenage lesbians can spark moral (philosophical?) questions where big words like utilitarianism are thrown. Not going to quote all the relevant posts because I don't have anything of value to add anyway, but it's certainly interesting to see.
pre episode 4 and 5 threads were insane.
I remember being called an idiot for suggesting that if Chloe returns, she won't be playing a major role and they will come up with something to justify her absence. Because that pretty much requires making two different games.
Looks like this idea is commonly accepted now.
I was called delusional for telling people they will make another Max game….
The cure for depression is lifting
>you did not know anything about her beyond that one screenshot, I think it would be far more likely you would say she looks like a doctor, psychologist, lawyer or other such well paid professional.
Well, everybody thought that Jefferson was this cool hipster teacher that would never cause any harm to a person.
Honestly, some parts of that "leak" weren't that far fetched, considering what we have learned either through that IGN article descriving how Square gives Deck Nine absurd deadlines and impositions.

And the 2 year old leaks about Max being a teacher was considered to be laughable too, until it was basically proven right by Double Exposure existing. I'll try to make a post to debunk or verify all the claims that anon made tho.
New Lost Records art.
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dontnod cannot afford to make 1h stream
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Well this is what happens when that comfy game about teenage lesbians has such well written characters with such a well written romance between them that people get ultra invested in it.
>Honestly, some parts of that "leak" weren't that far fetched
That is the problem. As a leak 90% of it was just linking together either information we already knew or could be logically inferred.
Real leaks focus on new information and big story twists. Had this been a real leak, it would have gone into detail on who killed Safi (and how), the supposedly awful second half of the game or even just given more details on Max's powers. Hell, revealing the name of a character that we have not seen yet would at-least offer a basic verification method.
It is just clearly not real anon. The fact that it leans on known information makes it less likely to be real, not more.
That is the second time we have seen that elevated highway, it clearly has some significance. I consider this more evidence for my 'Heart of Darkness theory'.
Since we see the highway disappear off into woods (in the other concept art) and we know that the girls eventually end up deep in the woods. My theory is that the highway will basically function as the river from 'Heart of Darkness'. The girls will follow it deeper and deeper into the woods. The deeper they go, the later in the day it gets (eventually becoming night) and the more tension builds between the members of the group.
I would love an hour of LR. But they are doing this indie. So it makes sense that they would want to hold off until Gamescom. Before then and all the hype around DE would bury them.
Honestly more excited for LR then I am DE at this point. Looking forward to spending another comfy Christmas with /lisg/ and getting to gay post to my hearts content about the perfection that is Nora.
Jeans seem like a bad choice of clothing here.
I'd lick her butt.
Will dontnod disappoint yet again?
For those who enjoyed Lake, the Christmas Prequel DLC is also magnificent and has great writing.
if you think there won't be a demo at gamescom from DE including a special attendant box (with fucking lis DE tissues again similar to bts), idk what else to say
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I haven't played that yet anon. I will look into it.
I really enjoyed Lake for what it was. Even if it would have been better with a longer run time.
Next time I revise the OP template (likely after gamescon), I have actually been considering including a small list of the other queer games that tend to get discussed here. Lake and Fear the Spotlight being some highlights.
I would have to trim some other parts of the OP since we are already at the character limit. But I can already see some easy spots to reclaim some characters from.
I'm not saying that DE will not be at gamescon anon. Just that it makes more sense for LR to be shown off at what amounts to a dedicated games media event. Rather then attempting to do a big one hour stream for it now in the wake of DE.
As indies they have to pick and choose where they spend that marketing budget and since gamescon is the last big games event before the start of the holiday season, naturally they are going to want to push LR super hard there.
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why are them whyte girls has no fat butt?
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Second best character in the franchise. Criminal just how underrated Victoria is.
I'm sure she is very happy with Kate
Do we talk about Gone Home?
I played it a while back after years of putting it off due to being in /v/ back when it first arrived, and it hit me hard.
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From time to time we do. Especially last year during the content drought.
I do not have much to add to it since I have still not played it yet. But it is typically pretty well regarded here.
It definitely looks like she's an important person in that town.
I do think there's something off about the mother, whether that part of the "leak" was true or not, even though honestly we could say this about every person. But there were often problems in the families in those games, majorly between parents and kids: Nathan and the Prescotts, Chloe and David, James Amber, Sera and Rachel.
It's very likely there's something there.
House was comfy to explore. What the sister decided to do was very dumb
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>tfw no secret elope with Chloe ending
Would have picked it in a heartbeat desu.
Chloe waiting back in Arcadia Bay for max to finish her residency.
Damn, Chloe became a crackhead after bae
I want to see older Chloe now, bros
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I don't
>Green hair
>Ruined sleeve
Not my Chloe.
The game that shall not be named is not canon. I'm looking forward to D9 retconning it when Chloe turns up with her classic blue hair and with her sleeve intact.
Since they are going after nostalgia hard with Max, I think it is safe to say that they are going to try to keep Chloe as close to how she was in LiS 1 as possible (just with Rhianna voicing her now).
The biggest changes I'm expecting are a new hair style (likely an undercut), one or two new tattoos (likely something referencing the Bay or Max) and maybe some new piercings. Nothing drastic.
Chloe loves tits. Unfortunately, Max is flat as hell. That's why their relationship didn't last.

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Rachel was also flat as hell, though. Seems like Chloe really likes them this way.
Well Chloe herself is also pretty flat. I think DN just had really good taste.
Kate belongs to Victoria.
Brooke belongs in hell
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You just like flatties because you're closeted about being into men.
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I am very much into women. I just have better taste then guys.
Flat is justice.
Absolutely no hint of gay.
>Safi and Chloe have very similar personalities
The only one Bay Max went after was someone who resembles Chloe. So I guess Pricefield always wins, even it loses.
Totally platonic. Just good gal-pals.
Honestly they really nailed Chloe's relationship with Max in BtS. It is the main thing that gives me hope they will do it justice in DE
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Imagine if Max ever found this journal
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Safi is replacing Chloe. Safi is better than Chloe. Max prefers her new cute brown GF over Chloe. You vill romance Safi and you vill like it.
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I think it is safe to assume that Chloe stopped at her place to salvage some mementos before leaving the Bay with Max. Probably where she found Joyce's engagement ring actually.
I like to imagine Max stumbling across the journal and pocketing it. Probably waiting a few days for Chloe's mood to lift, before pulling it out and asking Chloe why she drew her as a thirst trap pirate.
Or if she wanted to catch up on those kisses
I vill let Safi die, I vill marry Chloe and I vill like it.
kek this
shitters sperg about Pricefield being dead but seems like it's grahamfield that is dead for good
Ugly shitskin.
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We need more 80s Max and Chloe
i would really like a VN with this art style for Max and Chloe
The brown woman had sex with the white girl nonstop. The white girl has forgotten all about the blue woman.
how can something be dead if it was never alive to begin with?
I'm gonna load a bay Save just to let this ugly bitch die.
Gonna laugh so much if they pull a ''I wish Chloe was here''.
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Chloe's dead, baby. Chloe's dead.
The more credible leaker confirmed Bay will be even more Chloe centric. And the trailer shows Bay Max carrying a photo of Chloe wherever she goes.
Safi is just a placeholder.
Lmao. Way to go Max, fuck someone who literally acts like Chloe. Baycucks never win.
Man these mental gymnastics are getting out of hand
I remember when ambertards would sperg about the whole ''I wish Rachel was here'' meme but looks like that will be more applicable to Max when it comes Chloe.
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max go down on Safi and go *schlop* schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*
Max will also carry around the photo of her and Chloe in the Bae timeline.
Them choosing to save the girl this time will be a great admission of hypocrisy.
If we going to take that latest leak seriously, Sadi will receive the short end of the stick
>Romancing Max in Bay, she barely kiss her and then they are separated forever due to security issues
>Meanwhile in Bae, Chloe and Max live happily ever after toghever in Seattle.
1. It’s the fakest leak I’ve ever seen in my life.
2. D9 will not do Bay or Bae dirty and you’re all freaking out over nothing.
If it end up being true I'm going to laught so much.
Let’s be honest, anon. D9 is perfectly capable of doing that leak. Remember BtS? Yeah. Let’s remember, the weird pacing and weird Damon storyline. Let’s also remember Rachel’s mom having no importance yet the storyline made it seem so at the end or when she was fucking Frank in his trailer.
>Loretta Rice

are u cereal
It has every single hallmark of a fake leak. Playing into fanbase prejudice against D9 is part of it.
I trust Bay Max having regrets over her choice in a dream sequence of sorts as the other leaker >>482694378 pointed since he correctly named the other characters in advance.
That’s totally believable. They will probably have both versions of Max living with regrets, because that’s the honest way to tell both stories.
God I hope so.
Bay choosers who did it because they hate Chloe didn’t understand the game, so that’s the right call.
Max would grieve Chloe, or the town, because she’s a good person.
Wait so as long as Chloe is alive, then Max is in a relationship with her? Theres no 'just friends' option? What the actual fuck
They’ve shown off “just friends” functionality. What we’ve seen may be just Bay, but we have no reason not to think they wouldn’t have “just friends” for Bae as well.
The credible leaker confirmed she will be in an established relationship with Chloe if you saved her. As it should be.
That trailer was from the bay Max timeline.
Probably a secondary focus but they can probably have a no homo version. Just tweak it a bit and they’re just BFFs.
Fuck off
Yeah totally gonna destroy a town for you to stay friends

Yes. Pricefield is canon in Bae, cope with it.
Lol they will definitely put effort in bae romantic relationship according to leaks versus non-romantic. Imagine playing the boring straight way
Um yeah let’s ignore Chloe literally thirsting after Max! And Max’s journal thirsting after Chloe. But yeah just gal pals man!
It’s the strangest combo to choose but I think they will accommodate it. Probably tweak the flirting and I love yous over text to softer stuff and if she does visit you change the kiss to a hug. Unlikely they’ll put in the effort to introduce another girl or boy in Chloe’s life so it’s just kind of an asexual filter over it.
Conversely, if they do have to accommodate no homo Bae there probably wont be an extensive romantic scene like a date or something, but I wasn’t expecting that anyway.
Romancing Safi will be optional and only possible in Bay. In Bae will show Max already in a romantic relationship with Chloe.
Basically the gayest LiS game to date.
No cheating? That’s boring.
Safi or Chloe as the ONLY love interests. Decknine is dare I say, BASED
It would be more believable if you could cheat on Safi with Ghost Chloe or something.
Max would have to be retarded to cheat on Chloe.
I don’t care if it’s believable or retarded I just want to see how its handled.
>in relationship with Saffi
>ghost Chloe spooks into existence
>Saffi walks in on Naked Maxturbation.
This is the first game in the series that has to pass the Mass Effect test. How much do your choices really matter in the sequel?
>Bae Romance
>Bae Friendship
>Bay Romance
>Bay Friendship
They wont make any playthrough non-canon. They wont go above and beyond to accommodate things that aren’t the ending. Warren will get shafted. Kate will be kill in Bae but not in Bay. Lisa wont be mentioned.
Lisa is more likely to get a reference than Kate or Warren desu.
The entire game shifts depending on if you picked a Bacon Omelette or a Waffle.
I think the cop antagonist will be a part of a paranormal investigation task force. He will also end up being a good guy despite prejudices like David.
Makes sense. I think aliens and ufos will be an element in the game, but probably a red herring or for atmosphere only.
>Interrogates Max
>Talks about that Mexican kid they shot a couple of years back for resisting arrest,
Mentioning the anomaly vaguely would be the LiS 2 reference I’d accept. Could also be a good way to explain why his guard is up before he becomes a softie.
They're broken up if Chloe is alive. Ain't no way Max will be locked out of pursuing the new romance options.
This is why I think cheating makes more sense as an option. Break up would be bold as fuck but suicidal if there isn’t a path to reunion.
If you start the game and say Chloe is alive and is my girlfriend then you’re just going to be friends with the new characters. That’s not weird at all. No new player is going to pick that, and if they do they can’t complain.
Safi was honor killed by an islamist relative, Max travels to Gaza to choose if Israel or Palestine should exist.
There is a higher chance of the most minor characters with just seconds of on screen time appear from Lis 1 than S2 getting any kind of mention
>Max, Safi and Moses scene
>picks a cup
>this action will have consequences
Max will have to choose to side with Gwen or Loretta if Gwen should be allowed to use the girl’s bathroom.
Max is a nice person so of course she will call Gwen a she/her.
If we’re weighing out what could cause the most seethe possible, it would be Max unavoidably showing an attraction to Gwen.
>Chuds mad
>Pricefield mad
>Many lesbians mad
>Yurifags mad
They are either gonna make Bay default for new players or make it randomly generated like S2.
Watch Gwen be the most likable character out of all the new ones. Imagine the chuddies
Who the fuck is Gwen?
The woman with the neck tattoo.
Eh, the “chuds” who actually play this series are open minded enough to see when good things are good. If they can pull off the Reverse-David, then God bless em. Grifters might make a stink tho.
>Yurifags mad
I'm trans-inclusive
This handsome gentleman.
the big tranny who's twice the size of all the women
Better looking than Safi and Amanda together.
I like Gwen’s design. It’s honest, neither too flattering nor underflattering.
That one neck tattooed ''woman'' with a more masculine voice than the majority of male characters in this series.
Jefferson looking a bit strange.
Gwen’s got a hog twice the size of Warren’s.
New troll ship acquired.
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>Schizo Max
>takes on the persona and look of her lost soulmate
>creeps the fuck out of everyone on campus
>dedicates herself to solving the Saffi mystery because it reminds of of the wek with Chloe.
I wish we could have gotten a Chloe themed outfit that works well as a girlfriend to Chloe, Max’s version of alt, not a Chloe cosplay. As it stands there’s no use case for this, unless you want to LARP as a schizo.
They won’t have the balls.
If they’re gonna do trans commentary it’s only going to go as far as some randos gossiping about Gwen and you can choose to stand up for them or not. They won’t touch bathrooms or sports or anything like that.
Can't believe they turned Jefferson into a tranny.
Sean? What happened buddy?
Don’t care, would
Woof woof.
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Pair this with either being as completely dismissive to the other characters, or straight up staying mute when the option presents itself and i think we might have a classic up there with Psycho Clementine.
Might have cracked just a bit more info.
On the Xbox page of the ultimate edition, it says that the outfits are structured as one new one per day. If they are meant to be listed in order, that could imply some of the theming of the episodes.
Most interestingly at first glance, the final item listed in its category is the Chloe outfit. Could be signaling that the Chloe appearance at the end is true.
Trannies are revolting. Like living uncanny valley.
Look what game series you’re playing…… you shouldn’t complain at all, chud
gays and trannies aren't the same
No they are not, but they are in the lgbt+ spectrum
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Why? I'm supportive and fine with gay people and just want them to be happy and accepted in society. I genuinely feel sorry that the freaks who live in a delusion have basically lumped themselves in with their movement and taken it over. It's set them back a bit.
Gays and troons never liked each other anyways.
At least they haven't made Gwen that disgustingly ugly.
People like you make the trans movement bigger, keep seething while transgenders get more rep everywhere. They are not hurting anyone.
I look forward to when Schizoposter leaves.
I just wanted to make one gwen joke
based ricky
Japanese have a hot dog man sticker preorder bonus.
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>They are not hurting anyone.
You're making this too easy
I’m so down bad I’m sifting through Linkedin for scraps.
I wonder how many chuds still work at D9.
Only thing I found of any note whatsoever is an updated resume that says they’re still working at Deck Nine (and have only worked there) but have a project under their belt that is still under NDA that isn’t Double Exposure.
Enough to make sure the game is good.
There is an openly trans character that is actually playing a significant role. Looks like they are not calling the shots anymore.
Oh, they’re there. Shooting down the shit ideas, making sure the game ships on time and bug free, being financially responsible, the usual.
Good thing they were expelled from the writing/creative process at least.
>being financially responsible
Remind me, how much did Elon spend on the Twitter he's ruined?
>b-but what about elong!
he made twitter much more usable now
What about Gab? Or Voat? Or any of the other flopped right-wing social medias?
Do you live in an alternate universe? It's the literal opposite. You can't use it offline anymore and he just removed the ability to view likes.
Twitter has never been better desu
there’s pros and cons to twitter now.
like i really hate my explore page, it shows me a bunch of hashtags i don’t care about
recommendation algorithms still suck though
I would say hiding likes is a good thing if you're horny on main
you should either be fearless and own it or have a horny alt
Would Ms. Caulfield be into facesitting?
Ms. Caulfield is a fictional character and thus only has the agency I allow her inside my head.
So yes, she likes it very much.
not asian ones
As the sitter or as the face?
Not sure her backside is built for it, might be a bit too bony.
If she ever met Alex she’d probably fantasize a bit though, could you blame her?
Yes but only with her favorite female students
don't get me started on alex, good god
Alex is the perfect partner for Bay Max because she could toss away her heartache for Chloe with her powers.
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>If she ever met Alex
Probably the hottest couple from all of LIS lewd content
Why would I seethe? It's good if troons become more visible. Nothing will hurt their cause more. Idiot rightoids have got it all wrong by trying to push them back into the shadows.
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The tourists are a cancer. The sooner we go back to normal the better.
>Schizo tourist seething about trans characters in LiS of all series
Sure would be embarrassing if the series had a well received and well liked trans character for years already.
Go back to /pol/.
oh my lord
Izzie was controversial for years because she was such an ass to Steph in the only content we had of her before Wavelengths, and I think you're literally the only person I've seen that ships Steph with her over Alex.

She's fine but her only real long-term presence as a character is in a novel so far.
>Izzie was controversial for years
I don't deny that. But she was not controversial because she was trans. She was controversial because we know that her and Steph did not break up on the best terms. Thankfully later material fleshed this out and we now know nobody was really to blame for that drama.
>I think you're literally the only person I've seen that ships Steph with her over Alex
I like a few niche ships. But I mean obviously more people are going to ship Alex and Steph when they were love interests in TC (and Steph being by far the better love interest option).
But personally I think Steph and Izzie just make for a really cute couple and have far more in common then Alex/Steph do. It is totally possible that they could have stayed together had Steph just been slightly more empathetic and willing to see things from Izzie's perspective. Alex I think, is probably a better match for someone like Riley.
>her only real long-term presence as a character is in a novel so far
Well I would argue she got pretty fleshed out in Wavelengths. But I agree the Steph novel is where most of Izzie's character is for now. I hope we see more/learn more of her in the Heatwaves novel. Hell, she could even have a cameo in DE given that she was robbed of her place in TC by Zak.
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>In game texts reveal Max is estranged from her Mother
Where does that come from? Btw
>Vanessa (Max' mom) name meaning: literally buttefly
>Vanessa looks like Rose (Rachel's stepmom)
>Sera (Rachel's bio mom) has a butterfly tattoo
do you think max no-bra's it at home
It's a no-BRA-iner amirite
She does. And so do I. Sometimes with an exception for a comfy shitty sports bra whenever the situation requires
>inb4 show tiddies
I no bra all the time in bed, every girl does at one point unless you got fatties
i no bra all the time and i'm a guy
Max does not really have much of a chest. I would be pretty surprised if she wore more then a shirt most of the time.
A good comfy sports bra is a life saver. I hate stairs so much.
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Max but she sees Chloe die right before her eyes and she becomes a super saiyan
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cute and depressed
I can fix her.
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>Max does not really have much of a chest
She does. The art style of the game made characters look smaller than their 3D models do in some places
Warren would die for this
Max got stacked in Double Exposure and we all know Chloe very much enjoys them
I would like to see this Max's ta-ta's
NuMax’s eyes are so pretty
>Max got stacked in Double Exposure
Some anons theorize that she probably started working out at some point, as we clearly see a bike and other things at her place in DE
I’m giddy for another entire game’s worth of Max. She’s the best.
I can kinda see Max being a fitness influencer
she's a total snack desu
Is there an Alex version?
I hope we get a Lisa cameo!
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So, we know that Chloe in some way or form is going to appear in DE thanks to past leaks and the fact that Rihanna Devries has an unannounced role for mocap and voicework on her site. But the important question is, how do you expect her to look like at 29 year old?
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>Sure would be embarrassing if the series had a well received and well liked trans character for years already.
Good thing that never happened.
>izzie's fingers showcasing the number 18
can one of you fuckers export Max's model from "What if" ps3 prototype? that version of Max's model has actual boobs which square enix censored
Marshward is a cute ship. Dana never gets enough love.
I expect that Chloe is going to look very much like she does in LiS 1, including the blue hair. LiS 2 will not be referenced at all.
In terms of changes, I think that pic actually does a really good job (sans ruined sleeve). The main changes I think she will have is a different hair style (betting on an undercut), plenty more piercings and maybe a few more tattoos or even getting a sleeve on her left arm. Generally just more attractive in general.
Depending on what exactly she has been doing with herself for the past decade, I could also imagine her being slightly more buff. Especially if they go with the popular fan idea of her becoming a mechanic.
>I could also imagine her being slightly more buff. Especially if they go with the popular fan idea of her becoming a mechanic.
Now I want that AI anon to make fan art of Chloe working as a jet engine mechanic inside a Boeing plane factory, just for the fun of it lmao
stable diffusion still can't into text. even chat-gpt4O can do that now
The plane mechanic thing was just from the fake leak if I recall.
I personally imagine Chloe working on muscle cars.
they were hinting at it during bts
The more I think about the worse it gets. Repairing muscle cars would remind her, every day, that her mother and David are now toast (horrible painful death). There is no bae-world where they don't commit sudoku after 5 years.
>life is slop general
David is alive and thriving.
We know by the leak that there are other people with powers in Double Exposure. Who do you think they are?
At least you know who's to blame for Boeing recent failures.
She should look like post-LiS2 self
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Honestly don't remember that at all.
But it has been years since I last played BtS. Like LiS 1, it is one of those games I struggle to bring myself to replay. Just the menu music is to much for me.
Sub-legion shitpost.
The AI posts are not that bad. They helped keep /lisg/ bumped during our slower periods.
I'm pretty sure the unnamed detective we have seen some of could have some powers. Safi herself having some powers is even possible.
It has already been pretty strongly hinted that Chloe has some limited powers, but I doubt they will develop this plot-line going forward. It would be almost impossible to without making Bae canon.
>tfw no sweaty Chloe gf
Not canon.
One of the things I'm most looking forward to in DE is when they confirm this and we can finally bury that fucking travesty.
thank god. only her mother died a most painful death with half the high school in the diner
Gave it a try.
She's going for the engineers last resort.
>The AI posts are not that bad.
It depends. Not a big fan of AI art but at least once in a while we pop out with some fun stuff
Of course I forgot to add the image.
Last one.

Haven't done so much of this stuff recently. I know it's not for everyone, and desu it's been busy enough to not need it.
There's a couple of sequences in which Chloe shows her mechanic skills, first with helping David fix his car and then trying to customize and fix her truck in the junkyard.
It was a cool aspect that was just implied in LiS1 and Deck Nine expanded, so I won't be surprised if Chloe has been doing engine repairs job in the meantime
And also Victoria.
chloe never had tits
get your sex fetish shit out of here
I'm almost starting to believe that leak when you look at the 737 Max program situation.
David lives in every ending.
I just can't imagine an employed Chloe
based. Thats even better. Her mother dead, but stepdouche alive. Thats gonna boost her mental state
She just like me
Should have been Kate instead.
LiS 2 actually made David a pretty great person and he gets along great with Chloe in Bae
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Why not? There is a massive ongoing shortage of people with specialist trade qualifications. Assuming that is what Chloe got.
I guess it is sort of hard to imagine her actually getting that qualification in the first place. Not to mention beating the drug screenings that tend to be associated with these professions.
But once she has that qualification, her attitude would be basically irrelevant to the job. Very much a 'you need me more then I need you' sort of situation.
Kate AND Victoria. Living the high life together as a married couple in Seattle.
ah okay. never got past episode 2 of Mexican is strange 2
She's almost thirty anon, I don't think she has the same punkish attitude from 2013
Fake or not, the idea of Chloe working (even for a limited time at a Boeing factory) it's extremely funny on its own
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Have you ever been to a punk bar or live music place? You have people that keep that same attitude and aesthetic going into their 50s. It is not something that everyone just grows out of.
Besides, since there is no real suggestion that we are going to be spending all that much time with Chloe in the new game, so they sort of have to keep the punk side of her. Removing it would open up to many character questions that there is likely just not going to be enough Chloe screen time to address.
>She's almost thirty anon
She is thirty anon. Born March 11 1994. Just two weeks after myself.
Like me she is even a pretty classic water sign.
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>Marshward is a cute ship. Dana never gets enough love.
This. Out of all the Dana ships, Marshward fits best. In a vacuum, Wardfield is also good, but Max and her Pricefieldness obviously gets in the way of that.

But Marshward is still best. Unfortunately, it's a rather rare ship; I can only think of one long-form fic, and even that is unfinished (and unfortunately seems to stay that way).

('course, Kate's mere presence makes most ships better...)
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>boomers in my /lisg/
yea, LiS came out 10 years ago
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Given it's Pride month, you would have expected more.

I assume Lost Records will be the series to pump out endless gay content next year after the full game reveals all the girls can pair with all the others for multiple couples, throuples or full on polycule.
He literally becomes Punished David and lives in a small hippie community in Arizona. Basically a laid back, kind hearted and helpful guy.
I want his Airstream. It looks hella comfy.
then they chose the wrong decade for the game to be set in. even if its fiction there are certain levels of disbelief you can have
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Begone, satanist. Your disgusting sodomy month has no power here.
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Holy shit Cassidy shown in LiS art?
>zoomers in my /lisg/
Steph is about to beat her for playing Wonderwall.
I was just 18 year old when I played LiS1, Before the Storm and then Captain Spirit for the first time, now I'm almost 25 and looking eagerly to Double Exposure and Bloom&Rage
are you literally me.
Morning Glory is way better, sure, but also not really a casual unplugged jamming music, so Steph's gotta chill.
fucking babies wtf
Everyone should be old and miserable like me
Stop using your daughter's photo as your profile pic, it's fucking creepy. It's your Facebook profile, not Kate's.
everyone IS old and miserable at some point. see you in 2030 on 4channel bro
How hold would Cassidy be in 2023 tho?
4channel has been dead for like a year now
I'll be 40 next year and I discovered the series in 2020.
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What are your expectation for Loretta Rice, aka bootleg Rachel / Walmart Chloe / bargage bin Victoria Chase?
Nosey. Probably like a Rich version of Juliet. Will get too close to the truth.
Did ambertards really believe this was gonna be Rachel? Lmao.
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I think Dana is sort of a victim of the two girls she would be best with having much more established ships.
Max has Pricefield, THE LiS ship. Kate has Pricemarsh, a very popular ship in it's own right. Not to even mention Marshfield.
Wardson kinda has to be the most popular Dana ship by default, since Dana really is the only one you could ship Juliet with.
Back before BtS came out, I did actually personally really like Wardprice.
>Kate's mere presence makes most ships better
Kate is like the peanut butter of LiS ships. She makes any ship she is in cute.
LiS 1 is a game made for millennials about cute millennial lesbians.
Zoomers get out. You have fortnite, we have lesbian narrative games.
>Given it's Pride month, you would have expected more
Not really. Square has always been really uncomfortable with queerness in its games. Including directly intervening at least once in the LiS series to remove queer content.
One of the good things about DN being indie now is that they can make Lost Records as gay as they want. One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to it.
If the game is successful, then I fully expect them to do what should have been done with LiS and go all in on the pride promotion/merch every June. Future seems bright.
>all the girls can pair with all the others for multiple couples, throuples or full on polycule
Based on what we have seen so far, smart money is on Swann (PC) having the option of either getting together with Autumn (black girl) or Nora (gay dreamboat I want to marry). I hope that one day we will get a game that allows for a big gay polycule, but it seems that Lost Records is just lesbian couples.
It really hurts that such a great character is trapped in such a bad game. Especially when it seems like she would have been a natural fit in BtS.
Victoria 2.0. Rich, bully, alpha bitch.
One of my favorite types of characters. Looking forward to shipping her with the Kate replacement.
Over on Reddit, they're still trying to twist the idea it's Rachel under an assumed identity.
Wow. I never noticed.
i assumed she is the Victoria Chase of this game
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>Loretta Rice
This is """Amberprice""" and the reason the P is missing is because Chloe dies in Amber
>asks Max about death details in an interview
Old man has teen lesbian fetish. What a shock.
It's so bizarre to see, like they are such a small minority even within Twitter and Reddit LiS posting yet it feel so weird to see them do that.
She's got that bitchy attitude like Victoria does. I just hope she doesn't bully anyone to suicide.
Looks like Ricefield will be the new Chasefield.
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I live my fantasies through these characters vicariously.
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Legion types have always had this really unhealthy obsession with Rachel. Not to mention just a tenuous grip on reality in general.
Remember the plans to protest out the front of the D9 offices because they did include some non-canon Amberprice happily ever after ending to BtS? Not to mention all of the dev harassment after the ending every reasonable person knew was coming.
They are a tiny minority, but a very loud one.
I'm hoping that we see a Kate stand-in during the next presentation/trailer.
The Kate's and Victoria's of the world belong together.
She's the original Juliet from lis 1 that got cut (her boyfriend was also Chara - original Frank which was a blackwell ex-student). Who knows, maybe at some point, InColdBlood will finally want to tackle Lis 1's undocumented unused content.
>her boyfriend was also Chara - original Frank
>Chars is a feminine name
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your french developers are to blame, not me
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Crimson and clover, over and over
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I wonder how many times Frank slept with Rachel in that RV.
3 years worth of fucking
man, really sad that in the end, everything Eliot said about Rachel was the truth
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If it comes down to it again, I will sacrifice the entire university and town with a smile on for Chloe.
>Loretta Rice

What kind of weird name is this.
Gaylord Rice is a real person name too
Loretta is a normal name. Just a really old fashioned one. I wonder if there is a story there.
Rice is just an odd name in general. Honestly the sort of last name I would expect someone to use in an alias, rather then as their actual last name.
Either way I hope she is a worthy replacement for Victoria. She is a hard act to follow.
I hope Lor is romancable. Way better than Amanda.
Ai Voice anons, are you still here?
She’s the other one with powers, her name is an alias.
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It's a homage to white girls who go to Japan to get jobs
And what powers should is she supposed to have? My best bet is on the Detective being some sort of paranormal sensitive but still unaware of how potential
Loretta Rice is the blackest name I’ve ever heard.
>Max and Victoria (2.0) discover they both have the power to be hella gay
It's like D9 has read my Ao3 profile.
Only IRL woman I've known named Loretta was white trailer trash, the kind that needed workplace drama and if there was none would try running someone over with her car to make it
And yet she's the most white basic bitch ever.
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>this name means Fiery Warrior
>Rachel is the fire that burns Chloe, she dies in her dream after touching her
Okay, now you know what kind of name that is
I think the cop will be part of a paranormal task force, and Loretta will be an independent investigator with powers. She might be a human lie detector.
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As do I.
>I think the cop will be part of a paranormal task force
Cool but unlikely
It’s the only element besides “owls” and “comfy” that feels like Twin Peaks. So my guess is he’ll be the David of the game. The guy you’re supposed to not trust but actually he’s based.
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>'You ever had any pets, Max?'
>A) Not really. Back in Oregon I had a plant once, but I forgot to water her. Does that count?
>B) Well, I have a plant I called Lisa. I have had her since high school actually.
>*This action will have consequences*
I really hope they do something with the owls. The butterfly and doe in LiS 1 I think were worthy inclusions.
I have a bad feeling the owls are there just going to be a shallow Twin Peaks reference.
Wasn't there an Owl in the first game?
Max and Chloe were made exclusively to share my cock.
Chloe has some take-cock energy but I don’t really see LiS 1 Max that way. DE Max has it a little bit.
The girl in this series that is actually made to take cock is Rachel, with Alex in second place.
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It's not even my final form.
In the barn over the entrance to the Dark Room in episode 4. You find one sleeping during the day. But it is just an owl, with no special association with Max.
I think in episode 3 when you are walking around the Blackwell campus at night (outside) you can also hear an owl hooting in the background also.
Really I think it is just a shallow Twin Peaks reference. Maybe even a leftover that had a real association with the original protag of DE if you believe the theory of Max being mandated as the PC by Square later in development. It could also just be D9 wanting to associate Max with an animal other then a doe for some weird reason.

I swear if it is something as simple and obvious as owls being associated with wisdom (Max is currently employed by a university), I'm going to scream.
They will both compete about who can please me better while sucking my cock.
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>The girl in this series that is actually made to take cock is Rachel
True that.
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She's like a shield to protect the other characters from porn.
Didn't quite work out.
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I'm looking forward to when all the tourists leave.
/lisg/ is normally so much more comfy.
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You could just try not shoving your politics down everyone's throat for a change.
Same. A lot of /v/cels in here. The cockchel posters can stay as they have always been a part of /lisg/ since BtS.
which country is this and why do all the cute couples come from there
rachel does look like a pornstar
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/lisg/ has been queer as shit for the better part of a decade. Gay posting is part of the thread culture. Tourist.
>A lot of /v/cels in here
They will be gone soon enough, thankfully. They always lose interest within a few weeks.
>The cockchel posters can stay as they have always been a part of /lisg/ since BtS
Basically. I will take Rachel posting over legion Rachel posts any day of the week.
Even if it is not either characters best ship. Chasefield is really cute.
>They will be gone soon enough, thankfully. They always lose interest within a few weeks.
Indeed, then we just have the resident Schizo who pops up every other thread. They're almost charming compared to some recent stuff.
>wanting women to suck your cock is cringe
Kill yourself
Post it with a rainbow flag and call yourself a transbian, then it's based.
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I’ll be autistically combing every bit of released footage and will return with schizophrenia later tonight.
Oh god, this is going to be another "End of the World Party" situation, right?
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>5 years later
Make sure you also perform a detailed audio analysis on the part where Max hears several lines from LiS 1 in her head.
People seem pretty split on if some of the Chloe LiS 1 lines are being said by Safi or by Chloe (Rhianna).
no need. In the LiS universe everybody is bi or some other kind
Sorry, I'm not a mentally ill freak.
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>somehow…Mr. Jefferson returned
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Jefferson is a looking a little different now.
Not gonna lie, Gwen is kinda cute in her own right. I wonder if she's going to be a asshole in the base timeline and a sweetheart in the AU timeline
Yes, you are.
she looks native american
Gwen will not just be an asshole.
I would pay to see a shotgun wielding, action hero-like Chloe escape Black Mesa with her shy, nerdy girlfriend Max.
I actually wrote a fanfic like that not long after episode 5 dropped.
It picked up right after the Bae ending and was about Chloe and Max slowly working their way up to Seattle to stay with Max's parents. What they didn't know was that Jefferson had survived and in a psychotic, manic state had fully committed himself to tracking them and killing the both of them. Basically a paranoia and horror focused thing, combined with romantic and comfy scenes of Chloe and Max spending time in the various national parks of the PNW as well as Portland.
Thank god I had the good sense to never post it.
>Gwen is kinda cute in her own right
I think she would look better with bangs. Same with Max actually.
What does D9 have against bangs?
>I wonder if she's going to be a asshole in the base timeline and a sweetheart in the AU timeline
The personally changes between the timelines is honestly one of the things I'm most excited to see more of. They never really went much into it.
I actually think it would be really interesting if in one timeline Gwen is almost a Kate type, shy and friendly. But in the other she is more like a Victoria and is just a total bitch to Max.
That is just the combination of the lighting and the adoption of the TC art-style. There are some scenes in TC where Steph almost looks Native American because of the lighting.
I'm not an expert, but I think some weirdness with how the game handles luminosity, shadows and sub-surface scattering on skin could be to blame here.
She’s a qt. She may be the new Kate. She should have the new protag.
He’ll be Max’s straight route.
Saw it too
>this is going to be another "End of the World Party" situation, right?
Thers's even another clue in the trailer, but it's not this one. There was a party poster somewhere, but it's not entirely visible.
Ain't no way they are gonna make a tranny the villain or a bad guy in any way.
Uh oh, chuddies…
someone breaks into Max's apartment btw
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>Saw it too
I always miss these things.
I can't look at shit like this and not think Chloe is a pedo

Like I know it wouldn't make sense but something about Max just seems inherently underage no matter what
Yeah. There’s a lot here. So far my biggest lead is something going on with Moses. I’ll compile what I find.
She was supposed to be before they chickened out.
C'mon anon, give us a cool, big ass theory megathread!

But in all fairness, all the footage we have seen so far is either took in way that remove a bit of context or edited heavily to not show certain things (like how most of the scenes seems to be set within the Bay scenario and only a couple of them could be from the Bae scenario)
I believe Max and chloe were supposed to be 16 and 17 in the original plot.
Isn't that legal in the EU?
Chloe has cool tats
>So far my biggest lead is something going on with Moses. I’ll compile what I find.
Well... his hands are cold and he gives the bottle cap to Max and tells her to give it to Safi, right?
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I don't think she will be the new Kate. She seems too confident in what we have seen of her. She almost comes across closer to Dana to me. Unless that changes between the timelines.
It is actually a shame that the only love interests seem to be Safi and Chloe. I would honestly prefer to see Bae Max in a relationship with Loretta or Gwen compared to Safi.
I think it is a safe bet the detective did it. Likely because he thinks Max killed Safi.
One interesting detail is that we see a shot of Max's place in both timelines. In one she has a picture of Safi in front of a red curtain and the other is an alternative picture of Safi. One red dominant, the other blue dominant. Just like how the timelines are colored in dialogue.
Honestly Uber's best work. I love Chloe's face here.
They didn't chicken out. What happened was that originally Max was 16 and Chloe was 17. Obviously all of the students at Blackwell were also underage. Square got worried about how this would effect the content ratings the game would get and made them rework things so that everyone was explicitly 18 or older (Max = 18 Chloe = 19). It is one of three big rounds of cuts/reworks they made DN do to LiS 1.
The problem is that this came late enough into development that not everything could be cleanly adapted to the new ages. This is why Blackwell is not a high school (as it was supposed to be) but instead a weird pre-college academy. It is why Max and Chloe are so childish in the flashback scenes (they were supposed to be 11 and 12) and it is why Chloe and Max sometimes act childish despite being adults (the dare kiss).
Yes. The rework was pretty much exclusively done for the sake of the US.
They rule. Actually considering getting a sleeve loosely inspired by hers.
I hope in DE she has even more.
Moses’s hands feature prominently in multiple places. But there’s more.
>Honestly Uber's best
When they do straight up cute Pricefield stuff it's great. A lot of weird fetish stuff though.
>It is one of three big rounds of cuts/reworks they made DN do to LiS 1.
I was trying for ages to find an official source that explain the change in age since Square Enix acquired LiS.
>Named Gwen
>Gay Men
Real subtle Deck Nine
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Their cute Pricefield stuff is honestly almost on the level of Nicefield. It is fantastic stuff. A real shame they do not do that exclusively, since it is by far their best work.
My understanding is that basically all of the awful porn stuff are just commission work.
this game is set in the US. but yes, in theory.

But once you have to be like: "Well yea, but in the EU, when the girl is 14 and ..." you already lost in the eyes of normal people
Also, he gives the bootle cap to Max, Max takes it and while she's holding it, he says
>whoever holds the bottle cap has do to whatever you say
And what does Max do? She does exactly what he told her to do and gives it to Safi. He also says
>she'll come for you next
Yeah, I think Max got tricked. I think the other option is she doesn't take the bottle cap. The cap says "lucky" but there's a dead elephant on it.
i love rachel so much
Yep. What does he want Max to do when she’s leaving alone?
Now look at Moses related shots outside of the extended gameplay portion.
What does Moses do in the bible?
Splits the sea. Or the timelines in that case.
He’s the character with the most interesting/suspicious stuff around him.
Gotta get back to combing.
Oh, so that means the reason why Max cannot use the rewind outside of jumping through parallel timelines is because of Moses?
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>Oh shit. It's a conspiracy!
so if i’m understanding this correctly, if you choose to save chloe and k-kiss her, does that mean…you know…they uhm…l-like each other..?
Just gal pals
is his finger supposed to be broken?
Yes. Not just like eachother, anon. But LOVE each other like they really love each other to finger fuck each other and eat each others’s ummmm errr uhh….cunts?
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Behold my ultimate Victoria ship tier list:
Chasemarsh, Chasewagnersen and Chasemarshfield
Chasefield and Chaseprice
Chasesen and Chasegolis
Chaserich and Chasepricefield
Chasewat and Chasewagner
Chasechen, Chasescott and Chaseweaver
Chasechenrich, Anderchase and Chasehill
It just means that Chloe shows Max what is in the box she keeps under her bed.
o-oh my…
i could imagine an edit of the scene in Seven where Max is yelling at Chloe, “what’s in the box!?”
So, were is the massive theorydump thread?
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>i could imagine an edit of the scene in Seven where Max is yelling at Chloe, “what’s in the box!?”
The difference obviously being that rather then a severed head, it contains just about everything needed to make Max immediately blush harder then she ever has before. Hella crimson in under a second.
Come to think about it, the whole criminal families aspect of the supposedly leaker doesn't sound THAT bad....
They never specified who is the other person with powers alongside Max and what kind of role has to do in all of this.
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>firgirl repacks
Look it’s better than whatever D9 actually has planned as the storyline. I for one love the criminal organization plot because I’m big into that shit ala Grand theft auto, Saints Row etc…
Even D9 is telling you to pirate this shit lmao. Real subtle
It sort of works, Max goes about it thinking it's a huge supernatural big thing, and it turns out to just be another bunch of criminal scum.
But what if it turns out to be real, just sprinkled with supernatural shit in the middle?
What if the other person has time traveling powers and is someone from the other criminal family who is always ''undoing'' Max's steps to prevent Safi's murder because her being alive only leads to more bloodbath?
Then Max goes for more traditional ways to seek justice.
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We're onto something

>THREE mugs on the table
>pick a mug
>Max: one out of TWO ain't bad
>Moses: looks at her and does a weird face
But what if that means that somehow Max and this other person have "swapped" powers? And what does the owl figures out in all of this?
Now you're cooking with gas
stop posting this
I genuinely wish I had Frank's RV. It looks incredibly cozy inside, minus his messiness.
Why? It’s totally canon if you think about it
Check Max's reaction before he gives the bottle cup to her too, 35:52

>gets kinda scared and confused
Like hammered shit
Just the evil alt Max that killed Safi
>Max lets the hammerdown protocol be initiated over the university to save Chloe.
Almost time for it to get a more inclusive and culturally sensitive remake :)
Pride month is barely a thing this year. Most companies haven't even brought out the fagged up versions of their logos. Trannies are undoing decades of progress.
Good. Max should be a black girl and Chloe should be a hispanic girl in the remake.
Fuck off to /pol/, retard.
>Time traveler try to convince Max to let Safi die and any conflict between families are resolved. Or Max can let Safi live but at the cost of more blood that is gonna be spilled, including of her other friends that helped doing any investigation

I can buy it.
It could be it, but there's still the owl question.
Swing from a tree, troon.
I'm still waiting for that anon to post whatever crazy connection they managed to find within the game footage so far relased. And possible evidence that Chloe will appear later on the game
He said he will post at night.
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Suddenly, the villain is revealed.
i really hope they pull a reverse flash type of twist, with reverse Max recking havoc on the timelines
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If you're watching the picture on an polaroid, you will never in a trillion years experience the photo.
You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated. It's such a sadness, that you think you've seen a photo, on your fffucking polaroid...
Get real.
Lynch prefers inferior formats for shooting, and superior formats for presentation.
It’s coming be patient.
I’ll preemptively cool you down on the Chloe stuff there’s a little bit of copium present which I will lay out but not gonna be the focus.
I will never understand why this man ever got the praise he did. He's an unlikely asshole that makes edgy art house bullshit that only he actually understands in its entirety.
He’s very very well liked by the people who work with him, his stuff is never edgy for the sake of it and without him Life is Strange would either not exist or be a different franchise. Put some respect on the name (and watch Twin Peaks).
Art doesn’t always have to be fully understood. It is felt too. He prefers to leave some mystery left.
I wonder how Nicefield feels about DE.
I saw Hannah reposted something by Nicefield on her IG story so they might be supportive
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don't do it jeffy, she's a walking petri dish
this is canon
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Just highschool sweethearts

They've been posting about it on YouTube, very excited to see more Max and thinks she's cute, and hopeful we'll see more Chloe.

Also floated the idea of doing a new long lofi video featuring older Max, or Max and Chloe together
Nice to know they are not upset
It's kind of ridiculous how good this game is. How good all of them are (okay, I haven't actually played 2), really, when you think about it. Yes, they have flaws, and Season 1 is the best in many ways, but even then compared to games in general, they're all really strong narrative games.

Also quantitively S1 had the most flaws, considering the bulk of E5 was a meandering, rushed last-second mess; hardly unique to Life Is Strange (hi there, Republique!), but neither BtS nor TC managed to put nearly as much filler into their final episodes.
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Just ignore them.
It always amazes me just how good some of Nicefield's stuff is. It really shows you what can be accomplished when you actually 'get' the characters you are depicting. Same deal with Afterlaughs really.
>I haven't actually played 2
I wish we could all say that. There is a reason why it's existence is not acknowledged anon.
>quantitively S1 had the most flaws
I generally agree. I think most of those problems come from just how many revisions had to be made to the story and the content. For a relatively small team operating on a relatively small budget, they just never really had the time to bring everything together or smooth over the hole created by removed plot points.
I think LiS 1 is basically being carried almost exclusively by the Chloe/Max relationship. Had that not been present or was less well written, I think the game would have been a failure.
>the bulk of E5 was a meandering
Yes. But I honestly think that the game went off the rails with episode 4.
Hell, across every episode you have the problem of just how overly fast paced the narrative wants to move at. The game really needed another episode or two, so that the progression of the story could be slowed the hell down. More slow moments were we interact with the students around Blackwell or just hang out with Chloe.
As it is now we have a story that seems to be in a perpetual rush to get to episode 5, and then once it gets there it has no idea how to actually conclude things; So its just focuses on reusing as many assets as possible and running down the clock.
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WTB LiS redone, except every episode is as long as the whole game, and episode 5's meandering mess is replaced with Max actually coming out on top, using her literally God-tier powers to fix all the evils she and her loved ones have suffered.
I'll say this, there's going to be a moment in which Max will lose her ability to junp between timelines but regain her ability to rewind back and use in the final act of the game.
The comics got a lot of things wrong, but I think the writer at least got Max.
If anything, I have the sneaky suspicion that someone of the editors for the comic either at Square or Titan Comics is a massive Amberprice fan, and asked Emma to rewrite the story in a way to include the AU timeline with Rachel alive.

And the same happened with the Forget-Me-Not comic book, Zoe Thorogood said how she was going to put Kate Marsh in a larger role (maybe having her post-Bae meeting with Alex and Steph) but got refused two times for what we have now.
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>every episode is as long as the whole game
I'm almost struggling to even imagine just how good a 40-50 hour version of LiS 1 would be.
Just imagine all of the extra time to explore the town, do stuff around Blackwell, make friends with all of the side characters and hang out with/go on hella gay dates with Chloe. Hell, they could even add back in the cut Chloe/Max relationship content.
Just imagine how much more impactful the endings would be after all that extra time spent with Chloe. Even being in a real, explicit relationship with her if you went down that path.
The closest we got to that in the final game was a cut line of dialogue from the Bae ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHYYfoQ1-00
>using her literally God-tier powers to fix all the evils she and her loved ones have suffered
I personally would have loved an ending where Max changes the past so that she never moves away. Instead being there for her best friend when she needed her the most.
No feelings of abandonment, no Rachel, no storm, no Jefferson, Chloe graduating Blackwell and Chloe and Max taking each other to prom
Kinda. But honestly the only part about the comic I really liked was the ending.
I'm still really sore about it being marketed as Pricefield and then 90% of it being Amberprice.
It would not surprise me at all if that was some sort of weird internal mandate. It is the only way to explain why Amberprice keeps popping up in every comic.
A real shame, since I bet that an actual, exclusive Pricefield SoL comic would sell fantastically. I know that I would pay out the ears for that.
If it does turn out that Chloe and Max are engaged in the DE Bae timeline (indicated by Max wearing a ring that looks like Joyce's engagement ring), just imagine how well a follow up comic that shows them actually getting married would sell. I bet better then all of the other comics combined. Easy money.
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Now I'm told that this is life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Would someone care to classify
Our broken hearts and twisted minds?
So I can find someone to rely on

And run to them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh, you are not useless
We are just

Misguided ghosts
Traveling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away

And there's no one road
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me

They echo me in circles

You really like Paramore huh
They are a terrible band
They used to be great back in the day.
Misery Business was a core part of my high-school soundtrack.
>They are a terrible band
Paramore is the quintessential emo/punk Millennial-core. You're definitely a Zoomer with no taste in music. Go listen to your mumble rap featuring a generic black man in dreads rapping about homosex and plastic asses.
struck a nerve huh
Zoomers don't belong here. Why are you even here? You were probably still in your father's ballsack when this game came out.
calm down lol
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>Getting into arguments with musically illiterate zoomers
>I just wanna talk about the lesbo baby timeline
Bae is manifesting.
Where's is theorycraft anon when you need them?
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I am sending it all of my psychic energy.
Next step: Unseasonable snow in Garibaldi
RIP Alyssa.
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What would Chloe do if she saw the current state of emoji spam?
Very accurate
I've only played the original and before the storm, the other games are trash right?
TC is worth playing. Avoid 2 like the plague
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Upgrading her arsenal would be at the stop of the list I suspect.
:) :) :) :)
LiS 1 is a masterpiece
BtS is extremely solid (carried to a degree by Chloe's journal and the Farewell episode)
TC & Wavelengths is a really good spinoff
That is the entirety of the Life is Strange franchise so far and it is great stuff that is worth a play.
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I love Pricefield so much it HURTS.
Almost endured a decade of love sickness.
Just a high school sweetheart.
High School sweethearts/gal-pals.
Except in Bae where they are married
Is this porn?
Just some dedicated cosplayers.
But who can say what happened after the shoot?
How do you feel about D9 pretty much nullifying your ship?
Remains to be seen.
Thanks to autists on reddit going through the trailer and stream frame-by-frame. We know that they have mostly only shown off the Bay timeline. With the scant amounts of Bae we have seen in many cases being deceptively edited to not show much.
At this stage we really do not know what the status of Pricefield is in DE. Just based on how secretive they are being with Bae, an interesting thing with the rings Max is wearing, several statements from two different leaks and the fact that Rhianna has basically soft-confirmed Chloe is in DE; I think it is safe to say that Pricefield is alive and well in DEs Bae timeline. At this point I'm actually expecting them to reveal that Chloe and Max are either engaged or outright married.
We're Max Copefielding here
>We know that they have mostly only shown off the Bay timeline.
True. But I doubt the option to pick between just friends or highschool sweethearts are gonna be different regardless.
There is no way they are gonna lock Sofi as a romance option to just half of the players.
Gotta let people go through the grieving process at their own pace bro
You should really look into what has been uncovered before engaging in useless doomposting.
Chloe is obviously not going to have the same level of presence that she did in LiS 1 and that sucks. But it is basically confirmed that she is in the game and can be in a relationship with Max.
"We were just friends" = Safi is romanceable
"We were high school sweethearts" = Safi is romanceable
"We are best friends" = Safi is romanceable
"She is my partner/soulmate/girlfriend/wife" = Safi is not romanceable
Safi will obviously still be an option in Bae. Locking out Safi from being romanceable is something the player would basically have to opt into by picking the one option that states Max is already in an ongoing relationship.
I will never experience love...
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Better to have never loved than have loved and lost
As long as the relationship with Chloe has lot of messages, calls and even a final appareance it's fine by me.
>Better to have never loved than have loved and lost
Care to hook me up with your copium dealer? I have never seen such high grade before.
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Based upon one of the leaks, Chloe will be in constant contact with Max (if you pick that they are in a relationship) via things like text messages and phone calls. She turns up 'in person' near the end of the game and we apparently get a kiss scene between the two.
This seems to be somewhat confirmed by Rhianna having done some mocap work for a game she has not yet named.
Welp glad everybody already accepted that they are not making Pricefield canon, as in a declared, explicit relationship.
Oh no I'm in the other camp, that's why I have such sage wisdom. The time for copium is long past.
I think they will let you friendzone Sofi too, like you could with every other character.
It is disappointing, but it could have been a lot worse. At least we can still make sure that Max and Chloe are happily toghever, even if they are in a distance relationship for most of the game.
That is going to be an option. We have already seen screens of Max wearing a ring that seems to be Joyce's engagement ring. We will have the option to be in a declared, explicit relationship with Chloe.
People are just freaking out over a deliberately manipulative stream mostly set in the Bay timeline (unjustified hysteria) and the fact that logically speaking Chloe cannot have a massive role in the story ala LiS 1 (justified anger).
I do not think they are going to force you into a romantic relationship with anyone. Be that Chloe or Safi.
But I do think that unless you explicitly say Max is in a relationship with Chloe, they will be pushing Safi super hard as a romantic interest. Maybe even to the point where it is a sort of unrequited love should Max just want to be friends.
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>We missed out on the girls dorm halloween movie night
I'm still devastated. Oddly it is not even an idea I have seen used in fanfics before.
I imagine Kate is pretty easily scared and probably would have been damn near hugging Victoria for support within half an hour.
How much would a full on modern remake of the first game cost to make?
I assume you something like the Dead Space treatment? A ground up rebuild with reworked and restored content?
Assuming this includes all new VA work. I would put the budget somewhere in the ballpark of $45 - $60 mill USD. Not including external stuff like marketing obviously.
LiS games tend to be on the lower side of things when it comes to budgets. Not overly complex in the technical sense, able to be made with relatively small dev teams and typically done with comparatively short turnarounds.

Honestly affordable enough that I fully expect Square to float the idea should DE hit sales targets.
Personally speaking I would kill to play the cut relationship content. Hell, I would pay north of $5k just for it to be patched into the LiS 1 we have now.
Who has the biggest cock in Arcadia Bay and why is it Chloe?
If I ever win the super powerball 200 Million thing, i'll absolutely be putting the funding forward.
chasefield has lots of movie night fics with the girls
>why is it Chloe?
Chloe wishes
Victoria > Dana > Chloe > Taylor > Stella > Brooke > Steph > Juliet > Courtney > Kate > Alyssa > Max
I buy a lottery ticket each week.
I don't know about funding a game. But I have already pledged that should I win I will be commissioning a Pricefield graphic novel from Afterlaughs.
Probably why I missed them. I'm pretty all in on Chasemarsh for a Victoria ship.
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I believe it.
>Victoria > Dana > Chloe > Taylor > Stella > Brooke > Steph > Juliet > Courtney > Kate > Alyssa > Max

Rachel has the biggest dick by far.
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Soft tissue is the first to decay anon.
God, I would love to see Chloe and Max going to prom as each others dates. I'm honestly surprised there is not more fan art of that.
I bet they would look so cute. Max in a classic prom dress and Chloe in a tux. Slow dancing together and sharing a romantic kiss. Both going back to Chloe's place, Joyce being very explicit about the girls having the place to themselves that night.
More than Squeenix deems acceptable. Even the first game ran out of funding.
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Chloe has the flattest ass, just like her VA.
This is fantastic. Thanks AI anon.
I knew they would be impossibility cute.
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holy fuck that ass
so much this or just this?
Steph's got a thicc asian gf who walks around only in panties at home? Lucky her
Wow, it's fucking nothing!
Why does Uber keep forcing Max into this when Steph makes more sense?
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Weird fetishism and commisions.
Steph's still around, just recovering from all the facesitting Alex does on her
You're right, I need to commission some Chengrich from him
Katy Bentz, Rhianna DeVries, and Kylie Brown are live together on twitch right now.
I assume it's mostly people pestering Rhianna for Chloe info?
Cool, but I don't expect them to say anything regarding DE, not until the game comes out
She probably won't say anything due to the NDA, or if it does she won't confirm anything.
Rhianna responded to somebody saying she was happy it had finally been announced. Take that as you will I suppose.
Suck it!
you bet I will
So she won't deny nor confirm if she's in DE
People keep asking about it in the chat but all 3 are essentially ignoring it or hand waving it away.
No doubt reddit will be full on analysis of her facial expressions tomorrow.
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So a Life is Strange game gets announced about the main character from the first game and all anyone can talk about is who WASN'T in the trailer for it? I'm confused.
>a game with Max but no Steph
Bittersweet. And the lack of sublime Alex thighs also hurts.
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The look of Double Exposure made me feel weird the moment I saw it. Something about the wet reflective eyes, wrinkles, detailed textures, and bumpmapping made it feel off.

I couldn't put a finger on why. At first just thought it was different from what I'm used to as a LiSbian.

The DontNod games and BtS decided to forego details, physically based rendering, and realism to look stylized. It was specifically made to look like quickly painted concept art, and they nailed it because new players can't tell the concept art from the real in game graphics at a glance. This not only saved DontNod time but made LiS look like one of the best looking games ever and instantly recognizable and iconic.

True Colors also followed this trend of having a distinctive stylish art direction, but to a lesser extent with more details and more realistic textures that kind of mimicked regular physcially based rendering.

I thought my gripe with Double Exposure was that putting in more details moved it too far away from the initial idea and put it into a weird middle ground where instead of looking deliberately stylized, the new art style looks like a 2000's attempt at photorealism. Think Hitman: Blood Money or FarCry 1.

But then I was talking to my friend who I got into LiS. She remarked that it looks like one of those weird Western eroge games with the porn cut out so they could sell it on more markets. I think she nailed the reason and now I can't unsee it.
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>new art style looks like a 2000's attempt at photorealism. Think Hitman: Blood Money or FarCry 1
>She remarked that it looks like one of those weird Western eroge games
What drugs are you and your friend on?
If I had a dick it would be standing straight up upon seeing this
>People keep asking about it in the chat but all 3 are essentially ignoring it or hand waving it away
Well, that is going to be fun. I wouldn't be surprised if also Kylie and Katy appear in the game but as side NPC VAs
Very futa coded.
I much prefer the old art style. But the idea that the new TC styled look is similar to 2000's attempts at photorealism or porn titles is just insane.
It is just a very clean (if generic) look that I assume is much less time consuming to do compared to the LiS1/BtS art style.
Whats the timestamp in the Twich video?
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What was Dontnod (aka Michel Koch) thinking when they decided to cover up Chloe's iconic sleeve in what looks like a black scribble marker?
needs some bush peeking out
Even Lost Records is stylistically a lot more closer to True Colors than the original LiS was, and the only game that is actually going for the painted aesthetic is Annapurna's Mixtape
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You have to remember that DN got a shit ton of hate back when they announced that they wanted LiS to be an anthology series rather then continue the Chloe/Max story.
I'm pretty sure that replacing Chloe's iconic blue hair with a swamp witch wig and ruining her beautiful sleeve was just something done out of spite for the people that wanted to see more of the girls.
I guess the good thing is that since DE is banking so hard on nostalgia, there is a very high chance of LiS 2 just being removed from the canon outright. At the very least Chloe will have her blue hair and sleeve back without comment.
I personally cannot wait to get a sleeve inspired by hers.
And shorter blue hair and her sleeve restored and some armpit stubble.
Well I think LR is closer to the classic LiS art style then TC or DE are. But I agree that there has been an unfortunate move away from the painted style.
I'm sure it is just an efficiency thing, the clean TC style must just be so much more easy and quick to make assets for compared to the old style. A shame, since I personally think that the LiS1/BtS art style is far superior to the new style.
Swann is literally fat Max, but they still got time to fix her 40 y/o model
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I mean character wise she seems to be a Max stand in. Another wallflower who is new to the area (or group in this case) and with an interest in VHS cameras, obviously being a parallel to Max's interest in retro photography. But beyond that we can not really say much about her at this point. I do not expect we will know more about each of the girls until a presentation at gamescon.

The most important thing however is the game has Nora and it seems like she is going to be a romance option. So I think by default Lost Records is going to be the GotY.
>Well I think LR is closer to the classic LiS art style then TC or DE are
Just partially, because once you look closer you can see that the textures doesn't seem to be that stylized digital paint anymore.
Pic related, the style is close to True Colors when it comes to the models, but the ambient light is definitely closer to LiS1
I'm curious as hell to see how 40 year old Nora will look like
>Even Lost Records is stylistically a lot more closer
Another DN's low budget effort to step into the same river twice, please understand
>I'm pretty sure that replacing Chloe's iconic blue hair with a swamp witch wig and ruining her beautiful sleeve was just something done out of spite for the people that wanted to see more of the girls.
The most ridiculous explanation I've ever read
One of the designers commented on that, don't remember who it was though.
By contrast, look at Annapurna's Mixtape. It leans a lot more harder with the stylized, paint like aesthetic that also makes Lost Records and Double Exposure feel like a knock off
>One of the designers commented on that
It was Michel Koch on his Twitter who said that it was the way for Chloe to move on from the past.
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I think some of the environmental textures seen in the Swann trailer seem slightly stylized. But I broadly agree that it is has mostly embraced the TC style.
I'm glad that they still doing such a good job with the lighting. But I admit that the golden afternoon light almost makes me expect to start seeing snow.
Hard to say. Personally I'm betting on a more contemporary 'alt' look. But I think it is possible that they could lean more into an androgynous nb story of style. Either way I'm sure she will still be super cute.
We really do not know much about how the 'current day' sections are going to work or even if the 90s sections are going to be played chronologically. So there is even a chance that our choices could impact the look of the girls as adults.
>The most ridiculous explanation I've ever read
Have you ever dealt with the French, or even just studied French history?
Spite and pettiness are at the core of their culture.
I agree that Mixtape has the better art style and I would like it if DE and LR were to lean more towards it rather then TC.
But I would also not say they feel like knock offs.
Yeah, that comment, I believe. So it was basically a metaphorical thing from her.
>some of the environmental textures seen in the Swann trailer seem slightly stylized
That was the case for True Colors and for Double Exposure now, the simplification is still there but at the same time you can see that they do not have that "digital paintbrush" look anymore, or it has been reduced greatly.

>Spite and pettiness are at the core of their culture
Kinda funny to think that the Arcadia Bay scene in the first episode of S2 is literally a spite driven metanarrative way for the devs to say "Yeah, remember LiS? Yhat's the past, move on!", only to walk it back and have the David cameo with a Max and Chloe reference in the final episode
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Very kissable lips.
I’m good to flow, thanks
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Being a DN game it's probably gonna be absolute shit but she's definitely a cute
>Yuritrash thread
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Thanks for Recommending Lake anons. It's comfy as fuck.
lake filtered me so damn hard it's unreal
i enjoyed the characters a lot but the gameplay loop is insanely boring
gameplay itself is also shit, car controls are awful
they utilize the volumetric lighting which deck nine avoids
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>Being a DN game it's probably gonna be absolute shit
I think there are actually plenty of signs with LR that they have learnt their lesson as to why their post-LiS1 projects did not work. They are pretty clearly signaling that they are attempting to capture some of the LiS 1 magic here. So far I'm pretty optimistic.
>she's definitely a cute
I personally would have said 'gay dreamboat and single most attractive girl in games since Chloe'. But I broadly agree with you.
Nora and the fact that she seems set to be a romance option is a big part of why I'm so excited for LR. That and the fact they are working with the great Nora Kelly on the music, with at-least one of the songs being a fantastic tribute to the Riot Girrrl genre.
Great game, if overly short. But I think it captures just enough of the LiS 1 vibes to work for what it is.
When it rework the OP template post-gamescon, I'm going to try and include Lake and other such games we often talk about here.
The gameplay is really just a means to an end here. The star of the show is really the characters and to a lesser extent the town/setting itself.
Had Lake not had any driving and was something closer to a dating sim, I do not think much would be lost.
i wish they could turn Life is Strange into an mmo-like game.
will never work. if you go gay only you have a tiny, tiny market nieche that will make your mmo a financial disaster. and if you go non-gay the loud minority gay fans of the series will sperg out because you can't have gay relationships with literally every character
LiS works because it is an intimate narrative game. Not really something that can be adapted to any degree of multiplayer support.
If we are going to do a genre swap, a 2d narrative dating sim seems like it would play much more to the strengths of the series. Hell, one of the reasons I started drawing again is so that I can eventually make such a game.
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Jokes aside, I am dropping this series if they up Max and Chloe in DE.
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gremlin Max is so cute
>no ones gonna die
errrrmmmm uhhhhhh
No one important.
ah okay. thought that Chloes mom would be important. my mistake
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I would also anon. Them breaking up Chloe and Max would basically invalidate most of the series. But I think we are now past the point of having to be worried about that.
We have already spotted Max wearing what seems to be Joyce's engagement ring in several parts of the trailer and stream. The fact that she is not wearing it in every shot seems to suggest that it is tied to the timeline.
Making it pretty damn likely that in the Bae timeline we are going to be able to choose to have Chloe and Max either be engaged or even married.
As long as Chloe and Max live, that is all that really matters at the end of the day.
Is that Jay Bauman on the far left?
Damn real cool of Joyce to give that to Max after her daughter died.
>"Max, I wanted to give this to you. Chloe was, as much as i tried to ignore it, gay as fuck. And, well, the way you were together as kids, it felt like destiny. Such a shame you had to move away. I just guess this is what Chloe would have wanted.
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Chloe had to sell her body off to some random rich rapper to make ends meet. Chloe is now working full time as a stripper/prostitute at some shady strip club owned by a gentleman by the name of Mr. Tyrone Jamal. That's also the name of Chloe's pimp daddy.

As you can see, Mr. Tyrone Jamal is an entrepreneur and a musician. In his free time, he likes to help financially struggling women in need, like Chloe.
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Already considered that. Ruled it out.
We see on some screens that Max is wearing a plain band style ring on her left hand. This left hand ring NEVER appears when she has the engagement ring on her right hand. Meaning that it is also likely tied to the timeline. Since it is the exact same style ring as Chloe wore, it seems very likely to be Chloe's.
Simply put:
Max wears Chloe's ring on her left hand. Presumably given to her by Joyce after Chloe's funeral.
Max wears Joyce's engagement ring on her right hand. Presumably after Chloe proposed to her.

We are past the point now were doom/shit posting about this is effective. It is pretty clear that they have not killed Pricefield and the reason why they have been so coy with Chloe and the Bae timeline is because of the option to have Chloe and Max be engaged/married would be a pretty big spoiler.
We will obviously know more come gamescon. But at this point it is obvious that we do not have much to worry about as far as Pricefield is concerned.
Arcadia Bay, REST, IN, PEACE.
Stop spamming your garbage AI slop, Zoomer.
Contribute better posts to keep the thread alive.
I can't be disappointed if I expect nothing. Simple as.
Sounds like something Rachel would actually do.
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Now do Joyce.
Who is the guy Victoria was sextexting with again? Did they fuck?
Danas Boyfriend if I remember rightly.
Just means she can split up with him and be with Juliet as gay destiny calls for.
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AI anon is a regular fixture of the thread. They are harmless and help keep /lisg/ bumped during slow periods.
I don't have any problem with not wanting to be disappointed anon. When it comes to DE it would be very easy for D9 to screw things up horribly.
My point is that we have enough evidence at this point to render most of the doom posting about Pricefield moot.
I swear that Uber is the only one able to do decent glamour shots.
>Splitting up Dana and her boyfriend so that she can make Wardson a reality
>Bullies Max to drive her to spend time with Chloe and engineer Pricefield
>Shows up when Kate is at her most emotionally vulnerable to insert herself into her life and bring about Chasemarsh
Victoria is like the gay Illuminati. A master of queer social engineering.
If given enough time I bet she would have had all the girls in Blackwell paired up.
But can the AI create a Max with her new hairstyle?
Who would Alyssa pair up with?
I once saw an arab(or vaguely ethnic) Victoria on the bus. She was very elegant with a pixie cut she totally pulled off. I might have stared a little.
Thought you should know.
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Hard to say. Most of the students have at-least one decent ship, but Alyssa is kinda on her own.
I guess Stella or Brooke are options. But not great ones. Sarah is probably the best ship that I can think of for Alyssa, mostly because people forget Sarah even exists, so she never gets shipped with anyone. From what little we know of Sarah, I could see her making a decent couple with Alyssa.

Given given the 'curse' Alyssa seems to have following her. A part of me almost wants to say that Megan would be a good ship for her. But that does seem perhaps overly cruel.
Thats a cool theory, and I can see that happen if we start with a "Choose bae or bay" leading prompt. But at the same time, I feel like they are still going to give you the option to romance Safi even in the Bae timeline. Hence if you get the "We were friends" or "Childhood sweethearts" with the Bay timeline, you will get "She's my friend" and "She's my partner/girlfriend" in Bae.

I was expecting theorycraft anon to post their own speculation about who is the other person with powers tho.
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>I can see that happen if we start with a "Choose bae or bay" leading prompt
My current theory is that the game will start with Max going to meet Safi at the cafe. The entire time she will be wearing gloves to obscure her hands.
This is where we select Bay/Bay and who Chloe was/is to Max.
If we picked the Bay timeline, Max will then take off her gloves and she will have Chloe's ring on her left hand.
If we picked Bae but are only best friends with Chloe, Max will only be wearing the pair of jewellery rings on her right hand with no engagement ring or Chloe's ring.
If we picked Bae and that we are in a relationship with Chloe, Max will be wearing the engagement ring when she takes off her gloves.
>I feel like they are still going to give you the option to romance Safi even in the Bae timeline
Absolutely. I expect in Bae the dialogue options will be something like:
(x) She is my best friend
(b) She is my partner/wife/soulmate/fiance
Obviously if you pick that you are just friends with Chloe, Safi will be able to be romanced in Bae.
>I was expecting theorycraft anon to post their own speculation about who is the other person with powers tho.
I personally suspect either the detective or Safi. Maybe even another Max.
They also did strongly hint in BtS that Chloe had powers, so they could even bring that plot point back.
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Why can't Arcadia Bay be real? I want to go there so bad.
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I really like long hair older Chloe with the altered sleeve and you can't stop me!
Ellie Caulfield and black arm Chloe need to be left in the past
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Well, I mean it is a very grounded location that is based to such an extent on real world places that you can sort of travel to Arcadia Bay in a way
Cape Meares/Short Beach (pic related) is the geographic inspiration for the Bay. And at times almost looks 1 for 1 with what we see at the end of episode 1. Arcadia Bay just has a more impressive lighthouse then the real one.
The nearby town of Garibaldi is the inspiration for the look/layout of Arcadia Bay and again it is almost 1 for 1, especially the main strip. There is even a small easter egg referencing Garibaldi in Chloe's house.
Finally the Blue Moon Diner just west of Portland was the inspiration for the Two Whales and they do look very much alike.
So I agree that I really do wish Arcadia Bay was real. But it is still real enough that I hope to be able to go visit the three main inspirations behind it one day.
I cannot stop you anon.
But you do have objectively awful taste.
Chasemarsh is the most cute ship in the fandom and I refuse to hear otherwise.
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No one was this fucking fat in the 80s. God I hate these French fucks.
Souless AI anime crap

Soulful and wholesome human created fanart
>Chloe was just using Max
>Warren is the only person who cared for Max
>we will riot if Chloe isn’t in the sequel
Yurishitters have infested this general.
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Yutiposting is fine as long as they don't forget this isn't the pride month general
It is set in the 90s, not the 80s.
Swann is the only one who is overweight. That is just a bad still of Autumn taken while she was moving.
The game came out in 2015, it is set in 2013.
From day one we hated Warren with a passion. It did take the general longer to warm up to Chloe. But by the end of episode 3, /lisg/ was firmly in camp Pricefield and has remained so ever since.
Still the best AI stuff.
I actually agree with you anon. /lisg/ has such an overtly gay thread culture year round, pride month is not really all that special here.
So feel free to fuck off back to /v/ if that bothers you, tourist.
This anon has a nasty aura.
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I just want the tourists to leave so that /lisg/ can return to its normal comfy self.
No amount of activity is worth dealing with incels from /v/ and /pol/.
We get it. You want an echo chamber all about your cult, but it's just not happening.
As I said, I just want /lisg/ to return to the state it has been in for years now. A state that it will inevitably return to once you tourists lose interest.
If you have such a problem with the culture of /lisg/, I suggest that you go back to the awful LiS threads they have on /v/ and /aco/. You can shoot that little incel load to your hearts content there.
Samefagging isn't thread culture. In any case this incel is here to stay.
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>Samefagging isn't thread culture
How would you even know what the thread culture is?
Have a look at some of the last /lisg/ threads before the DE announcement:
>Gay posting
>Posting about pride month
>Gay ship posting
>Lesbo baby timeline
>Relationship dynamics
>Rachel/Warren hate
Unless you want to argue that I was samefagging for the vast majority of posts in all of those threads. The fact is that /lisg/ is just culturally very queer.
Don't care if that bothers you. In fact I hope it does.
>In any case this incel is here to stay
Feel free to join the resident Rachel schizo that used to pop up every few threads. Having a resident lolcow is always fun.
I think you are mistaking /v/ threads with this general, buddy.
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Queer is such a faggy word. Just say gay
Anon is too far gone like most of that community. just see how they adopt every absurd version of the alphabet soup flag. Why yes of course I need black people on it. That makes sense.
Just be gay lmao
Schizo is here now I think, trying a different tack.
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Once /lisg/ slows back down, they will go back to /v/. They always do.
Remember how bad things were back during BtS or when TC was announced? Just give it time.
The Community is bigger then just gay people. Queer is a reclaimed term that allows for everyone to be included.
Not that I would expect an incel to get the nuance there.
I think you may just be right anon. I do remember the Rachel schizo posting some similar things during a few of his break downs.
It is a smart tactic. But at the end of the day it is pretty easy to spot someone like him here on /lisg/.
Getting pissy about queer people on one of the most militantly pro-Pricefield places online is a pretty easy give away.
>everyone I don't like is the same person.
talking more about Chronos:
Saturn - Chronos - Owl color wheel (unknown timeline) - blue and purple - Unknown.
Venus - Aphrodite - orange (safi alive) - green (meteor) but also red (emphasis on the storm or red flowers if they show up) - Max.
Mercury - Hermes - blue (safi ded) - purple (specific aura, but also Safi's mom), it's also associated with green - Unknown.
Mars - Ares - red timeline in ch5 (?) - Black & gray - The Lis 1 Storm.
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Clearly just gal-pals and nothing more.
Bay is totally consistent with Max's character and the greater narrative. Please stop posting evidence that disproves this.
Ok, what the hell does that mean?
There's a theory that it all revolves aorund the planets and their associated gods. Max takes a picture of a statue of Saturn, which causes her to black out. Later, she is almost killed by a falling Saturn prop. Different parts of the trailer have obvious different hues.
So, we know it's going to happen regardless, but what's the general /lisg/ consensus on DE spoilers? Obviously the early access period is taking the piss a bit.
Taking a pic for Mark again huh
don't forget, Roachyl Rice is total color opposite of Max, so if anyone has powers, it's herr
it wont get any worse than the beta tester anon that leaked glitchy, alien, wheelchair chloe from lis1ep3 ending
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Oh, that really happened?
it was like a couple hours before release, I would've grabbed it from archive, but all links are dead
the photo should be in #41 or #40 thread
Kinda funny to think about.
People are going to datamine the shit out of the game, and since the whole early access thing has been imposed by Square on a game that was not designed to be relased in episodes, there's going to be a lot of files referencing what's going to happen in the later episodes.
imagine they fuck up steam release and we wake up with a manifest id like 6 weeks before rel (happened with lis2ep4)
What happened with it?
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Honestly, if the Chronos stuff turns out to be true then it would actually explain why one of the leaks said the back half of DE sucks so bad.
The first half of the game being the timeline hopping murder mystery they have shown off so far. The second half getting into Chronos stuff and maybe even the multiverse concept from the comic.
Just based on how things have worked past. Using spoiler tags when discussing or posting images of actual spoilers would be considered polite. At-least for a few days after the episode drop. Since the game is basically broken into two halves by the special edition, I guess that would mean a few days grace period after the first part releases before it is an open season.
But obviously there is no enforcement mechanism here and some people will just post spoilers openly regardless.
If you really want to go in blind then I would not even come here between the special edition launch and the full launch. Maybe even sooner. I expect a full story leak sometime in September and as per D9 tradition, the special edition early episodes are doubtless going to contain assets in the files that spoil the entire story.
It is apart of /lisg/ history.
If I remember correctly the Expanse game they did contained the entire script for all of the episodes in the files of episode 1. Or something to that extent.
Honestly pretty funny.
lis2ep4 had the steam release fucked up and the episode was leaked with a couple of days before release, it's a classification board build so nothing interesting

another time, Tobi released bts ep2 on xbox with 2 weeks before release
if the SE classmate leak is true and Max blocks a gunshot with her owl pin (which she shouldn't have unless they will throw the line "it's all connected"), it's over
Max killed Chloe and bury the body under the bridge. Nobody will know.
the expanse had all the audio exported (ep2-5 included + dlc)
why was rachel such a gigantic slut?
The dude claimed it was a butterlfy brooch or something similar
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Chloe is dead
Pricefield is dead
Max x Chloe is dead
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this artist nails rachel's character better than the comic writer, unironically
Rachel fucked Chloe, something that Max will never experience because Max is straight for Warren.
in actuality only grahamfield was killed kek
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Post, Dykes.
>Rachel fucked Chloe
rachel sucking Pompidou's lipstick dick is more believable than that.
>nails rachel
The only person Rachel fucked was Frank……...and Jefferson……..and Nathan, and…..uhh Trucker guy and errr….. the entire football team and uhh jesus…well fuck let’s just say she fucked EVERYONE except Chloe.
BtS hits different now...
But i'm not a jew

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