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A thread for discussing all things Atelier and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[June 17 – July 1, 2024] Strike While It’s Hot!
[June 14 – July 16, 2024] Challenge Battle: Geron
[June 10 – July 16, 2024] Item: War For All Part 1
[June 10 – July 16, 2024] Limited-Time Trial Challenge [Strike]
[June 10 – July 16, 2024] Half-Year Anniversary Present Battle Event
[June 10 - July, 18, 2024] Final Battle Legend FES ((Valeria & Lydie))
[May 23 – June 23, 2024] Atelier series survey: https://www.gamecity.ne.jp/form/atelier-enquete-2024-en
3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna:

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread: >>481586904
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First for Firis downblouse
Crit gear crafters...
I've been stab resistance spooked too many times
Go on without me
Should you use status infliction rate armor on xmas resna or is her brittle rate still shit even with that?
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She’s just their to burst. Don’t really care about her S2.
The OP image should've been Firis downblouse, you guys have no taste
Thank you Lent-sama for carrying me through Strike 8. Also Rorona-chan for the crit (811k dmg)
>strike 8
I meant strike 7...It's over
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Kot is pleased to see another successful thread.
Wait a minute, this isn't a Firis downblouse screenshot...! cute
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Stab 10 is maximum cancer...
holy CUTE
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nyes the cutest kot
Got some kit details
Escha is an attacker. She has a null counter ability that could be useful. If she gets a kill with her S2, it creates a burst on her next turn, and when she bursts it creates a blue plus panel on her next turn.
Marion is a defender. Her skills refill the item gauge and she gets a free heal when items are used.
I can't decide if I want to pull Firis rose. If I was being sensible I'd probably skip
Love is the most sensible path desu
Eschabros we are so back
>Marion alt
>another Escha alt
>no Wilbell alt
She's on the second banner with Ayesha
Yup, Escha has still got it.
>that wink
omega cute
Look at this hag foregoing her jacket and exposing her pits like a fresh young alchemist as if she hadn't been a single mother raising a cavewoman for over a decade!
>second banner
Post more artwork. Shallotte appears on third part, r-right?
I'll make her and her slutty pits a single mother for real
wtf bros...she's very cute
I am not gonna make it with my pity and roll stash
I'm sorry that was just wishful thinking
>she's cool-max'd + pits
>hair accessory of sex
It's so so over for me
Marion and her adopted daughterwife should be playable in every Atelier
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Wtf is this censoring? I also tested, and the word "right" isn't allowed either.
Sorry anon, but it seems you cannot be bigger or right this time
Bigger with the hard r...
No idea. I had the same problem with "Knight".
Dunno how you guys have problems spelling stuff like K***ht.
nig works just fine though. Problem seems to be specifically "ht".
I tallied up the units in a pivotable to see how unit representation goes so far. We're 20 units behind and Dusk consistently in the lead at about 25%, even when filtering out alts. Haven't even accounted for that Jurie welfare unit yet either.
Have you tried nigger? I'm curious now
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Forgot to attach the pies.
No, it stops working at nigg. Like the other anon, "bigger" doesn't work but "bigg" etc works.
Or you use who all JP wiki's recommend for your attacker: Xmas Resna.
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>1 male only
Lanze-GODS...The Harem is Ours
Any list that uses SSS, SS, S, A+, A, A- etc for their I disregard because it's stupid.
I think it's fair because when you have S as your highest and you move others down to B or C they look like they're completely unusable, them being S if not SSS shows that they're still very strong characters
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She also has great downblouse
JESUS how is that allowed?
Pie is stored in the chest it seems.
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Can you write "Tigger"?
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NTA but Altema and Game8 tiers use be too different most times
Meant for >>482747386
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Lucky Astrid
game8's is better imo
Why would it not be?
Altema still has Sophie on top of the tier list. And Mu dead last, below every 1 and 2 star.
What is the justification for Mu being so low? I've found her useful in more than a few cases, especially with rorona to crit her up.
I have no idea. A spread S2 is very valuable. Her kit is stupid but lots of people have stupid kits (Tao for example)
Shit I think I got caught
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>got caught
Leave her to me
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So, unless I'm wrong because I'm someone who doesn't play Atelier Resleriana (and I don't plan to play it)...Drossel doesn't appear in the game. If that's the case, I can only say ''really?'' If we talk about characters that appear in games of the Mysterious series, Atelier Resleriana has Sophie (obviously), Firis, Lydie, Suelle, Oskar, Monika, Plachta (with a slightly censored design), Corneria, Logix and Escha, which is fine and dandy, but where is Drossel? I really like that character and with her sexualized design, one would think that it's an easy choice...
>she looks this cute
I will have to pity another Totori unless I get lucky
I'm glad she'll have a lot more lines coming up too, one of my favorite voices.
Maybe she will show up later? It's still fairly early days desu
sorry bro, they only show favoritism for Dusk side characters
Imagine getting drunk one night and pushing her down onto your bed. She doesn't resist or show fear. Instead she gently smiles at you...like an angel. You proceed to force yourself on her and rape her. She stays silent the entire time and is left twitching afterward with ragged, hoarse breaths. You pass out and wake up scared of what you have done with Flocke nowhere to be seen. Suddenly she knocks on the door to let you know breakfast is ready. You timidly broach the subject by quietly apologizing without elaborating or going into detail. She just smiles at you and says, "It's okay." You know you shouldn't but you intend to drink again tonight.
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Only thing we can do is wait for now bro. There's alot of characters we don't have yet. Pic related, my Drossel.
Resna, you need to stop being such an easy slut. It'll set a bad precedent for future MCs.
Resna's a slut because the previous ones were sluts too, there's a reason for all the alchemist molestation scenes in the series.
Not true about my beloved Marie.
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>wears titfuck ready dress
>not a slut
Pick one
god i love looking down at the atelier girls from the top
escha might be the lewdest girl for me somehow, must be the twintails
Only for me.
t. Marie's Husband
>challenged worker
>bullet of ink
Perfect names
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You are taking a nice walk in an idyllic land when all of a sudden you see this. What do you do?
Have my wife Totori shoo her away
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Ask her to play golf
firis owes me sex
Lydie owes me a gloved handjob
Firis is retarded I'm at the beginning of her game
She's gonna fuck you up bro, run!
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That retard goes on to casually break the rules of natures with alchemy in just 4 years after spending the first 15 years of her life sealed up in a cave. Every other alchemist in the setting took longer, with teachers, just to figure out babby tier items.
waow sexo is she really that strong? I thought sophie was pretty cracked...
Lose once you get out of Ertona or start from a clear save sonyou unlock all NG+ perks since the game is hell without them
Call me slow but I don't get it, why would I do that and how would ng+ work if I didn't clear the game once?
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Firis is much stronger than people realize. Sophie is the greatest in that she directly understands every process she is using from a scientific perspective to make the impossible possible (transfer of humans souls, warping time and space for structural purposes, and perfect creation of a human body). Firis on the other hand does the insane with no upper limit to her capability as she is only held down by her own imagination with one arguing that even Firis would not be able to explain the processes she is using to achieve her goals (portable artificial sun, flying broomstick, instantaneous bridge creation, and actual portal tech). Then we have the twins who combine both of those together (their true ending requires the combined knowledge of all the alchemists they know plus their own to achieve their goal). Most people would rank them Sophie>Firis>Twins but I would argue all four of them are equal in their own ways as the true ending to Lydie and Suelle says they are all equally responsible for the "Age of Mysterious."
>get any game over
>start NG+
Sounds like I'm gonna have to guidefag L&S like a pig for that true ending...
Makes me wonder if Ramizel failed hard on educating sophie about alchemy considering that plachta's awakening started sophie's ability to improve.
There's no time limit so just do everything you can possibly do in the game and you will get it. You can't miss it either unless you choose to turn in the "Final assignment" without unlocking it.
A) Ramizel knew this and failed to teach her on purpose
B) Ramizel was just that old by the time Sophie was of age to teach her anyway
NTA but
>get max rating on every evaluation (both rank and dad)
>save before every rank assignment
IRRC This covers all missables. Then fullfill most of rank ideas but you will have time for that
I'm pretty sure Ramizel fucking DIED before she could start Sophie's proper training
Oh that sounds pretty simple then.
Is there anything missable in Firis game then? I noticed the time limit on assignments can't believe her mom is a bitch
Get all recommendation letters for recipes also postgame plot actually makes sense and that bridge recipe once you cross to the East
Also explore the whole West before crossing to the East since you cant go back until past the exam
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>see this image
>free wish in motion
>Tess pops out
What does it mean...
>my kot is still without a skill power V/CMD V book
gust nigga
I fucking love atelier
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And many ateliers love (You)
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I'll argue Firis is the strongest MC. She's 15 at the start of her game and 19 at the start of L&S so that's exactly 4 years to go from cave gremlin with rocks for friends to almighty adventurer with a self-made homing elemental handcatapult that she made because she can't actually aim for shit with a normal bow.

Sophie studiously reached the pinnacle of alchemy dedicated to a specific goal and had a several centuries old alchemy wife to help her get there in close to a decade. Firis is comparable to her on a technical level while also absorbing pretty much everything her companions taught her on her journey who would have had only slices of time with her. She's just wandering around for fun and had no one to guide her for most of the time so her recipes go way off the rails and she make exponential leaps with her problem solving approach. Never mind the airship, she made a portable personal submarine by herself because she thought Sophie's air drops weren't good enough. Even Il-chan, an actually impressive alchemy prodigy, gave up on trying to make sense of the things Firis gets done in her spare time on a whim.

Also, webm related is Firis nerfed and out of her natural habitat of talking rocks. Which other MC can you see taking on a kaiju head on like that in with those debuffs?

Ramizel herself said she was more adventurer than alchemist. She also probably wasn't expecting to die so early in Sophie's life. Alternatively, she knew Plachta would help Sophie get there anyway and just wanted to Sophie to be a kid while she could.
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True, she is a GOD
The Happy Warrior
>Dead thread
>Dead game
waiting patiently for semen demon series part 2 and 3.
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next banner is on Monday?
Seems likely
Can't wait to see peak full power Firis in her natural habitat of gloomy cave with rocks for friends then
And thanks
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No, kot, you won.
She'll get even stronger!
Sex with kot
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>"Just use more hammer bro. Trust me, it works!"
Kot going full Engineer is precious.
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Is this girl the Shirou of Atelier games or what?
Not yet. She wants to USE the hammer, not BE the hammer.
I remember Meruru using some Gates of Babylon attack but is there any proper Shirou autist in Atelier franchise?
Rorona'a body is mostly composed of Cream Pies.
How come my Atelier Firis opening song is in English when I have the game voice set to Japanese?
Also is it me or it seems like the singer is the same for the japanese and the english version?
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0 thoughts in that tiny head of hers...
Atelier Iris and more Mana Khemia characters never
>Valeria Rose standing at cauldron
>Iksel watches for a bit and then approaches
>they talk for a bit and then he leads her to the middle of the room
>they are still talking now
Dont forget she kills the hardest boss of Lydie & Suelle (and probably from the whole series) by herself
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Well, when this is what you have to work with....I mean...come on now...
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Will they add her (in Resleriana)?
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Holy shit stab 10 down FINALLY
I can't get used to grown-up Sophie in Atelier Firis like what the fuck
Why not? Sophie doesn't change that much between games.
no Atelier's youth is forever anon......(unless they are in the final game of their timeline)
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too tall + face not round enough + red coat
still as cute personality wise though, but I'm not a fan of the visual change
I wish I could turn back time...
Plachta vagina bones...
Just play the trilogies in reverse so they get younger each game
How did I not think of that, that's genius
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4 phantom armors down, 3 to go.
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Lydie burst is funny
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>when you dont have Christmas Resna + Totori combo to craft tomes for kot so you have to use Corneria
I made these 3 beauties in the last 3 crafts.
>too tall
>154cm to 156cm
Anon... shes only 2cm taller. Shes still a womanlet
Now the Resleriana got offline patched when will someone do the same for Atelier online?
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The rare Monika finish
Does this mean infinite pulls
I like grown up ryza because she somehow got thiccer
Just like Blue Reflection Sun gacha doesnt work but all characters are maxed out
my kot is salivating
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First tower I’ve climbed this high. Also gets me to level 45. It gets really easy once you clear 10. If you’re thinking of doing yourself, Juna is not required at all.
sex with escha
Good job bwo
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Left or right?
It is for christmas resna
Easy right
10 stab is a real blocker. I get to turn 30 but I couldn't kill anyone
I should have cleared the early Risk 10s sooner when the level cap increased.
How do I set create in alt account on the same Steam account? Will I get banned?
It is but keep 1 thing in mind: A lydie burst into red panel is worse than no lydie burst and no red panel.
I got taken down by Stab 10 a bunch of times this week myself. Was using lydie to tank (evasion) but it always ended up in a triple turn for the big fairies that I couldn't survive...DMG wise Mu + Rorona was doing enough to eventually get it down
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>Doing Ice 8
>don't have ice breaker so i just use marion
>they die after the red knight attacks
>tried tweaking marion's speed now at 290+
>sequence still stays the same
Guess i'll skip it for now, the whole -30% stats for non ice characters fuck me up.
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>another stab resistance V
It's over
Literally how
Lydie's burst gives 100% more skill dmg to the next person to act
If you have enchance damage (A) it will multiply this by up to 150% (3 Vs) for attacker's.
And then you get and 6-8% from the standard buff chest (phantom gives more ofc) as well as something like 12% form the bolt accessory (maybe 15? I forgot). Also the support weapon gives about 10 iirc.
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love to see it
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Two weeks of banner is too long
JUNA-GOD...I kneel
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Isn't Monika better because of 30% reduction? Could you post full team you used?

Thought Marion was doing some more John Woo in the preview before but this is more Resonance of Fate with floating.
I tried two major variants:
Mu - Breaker Ryza - Lydie (D) - Rorona - Juna
Mu - Marion - Lydie (D) - Rorona - Juna
Monika is probably better I just didn't want to use her (lazy to reset and so on and also wanted to force this strat through.)
Both failed in the end however, the big faeries eventually get 3 in a row which will kill Lydie even with 1 evasion to block one of them. (1-2 of my items were restoration bottles.)
Also general question: Does anyone know where we can see the item score EX scores needed for the collaboration? I'm doing Ex now
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There will be eventually 9 battles that cumulatively call for an average of 433k across 1000 players to get to those totals. There’s also a set of score for just these three battles with a lower threshold of 400k for 1000 players.
I used Mu-Marion-Monika-Tess-Lydie (bolt). There’s a few timelines that let you easily set up a Lydie burst into Mu blue panel and while this won’t kill anyone it gets the red fairies pretty close. They mostly do single target attacks so it’s important to have good gear on Monika (I made her a full set of ice resist gear) and good recovery boost gear on Tess to keep her alive. You get Monika’s signature weapon for winning.
I see...
419,975 on Ex2...25 score short of SS. Very sad.
Ex2: Breaker Ryza, Marie (both), Lila, Lydie
Got 467k with this, used 3 of the aoe ice bombs
Damn, this game has zero presence on there.
>get the third phase, boss starts with a burst
I thought they fixed the tiles kek
Oh I see, he always starts with a burst. Holy AIDS
You can’t speed tune?
I don't know, I cleared it regardless with 480k now.
Those 2cm matter, look how she's towering over Plachta now...
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You are isekai'd back into school life and see that your assigned seat is next to her. What do you do?
It can't be helped anon. Humans grow and Plachta hasn't grown a cm since she was a teenager.
Sniff her hair
It doesn't matter if Plachta is taller or shorter, Sophie will be the top in their relationship either way.
>Plachta hasn't grown
Uh, anon...Plachta is a doll. Even when she finally does become human she does grow. She grows fat though. Even then if you are comparing her from Sophie 2 to L&S she has noticeably grown in more ways than one. How can a single post be so wrong about everything?
Ask her to introduce me to shallotte
Hag Plachta and Mini Plachta are almost the same size anon. She cannot escape being a womanlet, as a doll or a fleshy.
The CGs suggest otherwise and I was also saying how adult Plachta was given fatter tiddies and a fatter ass by Sophie on purpose.
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>Plachta hasn't grown a cm since she was a teenager
>hag Plachta and mini Plachta are the same size
I don't know how you can say that when she looks pretty tall as an adult. Unless I missed some extra information about her.
>Sophie top
I'm very uncomfortable with this notion, clearly Plachta is her teacher and senior in more ways than one.
I just find it funny when the student is more "dominant" than the teacher.
Im still amazed how great child bearing hips human plachta has
Was I the only that noticed both Plachtas were about the same height playing Sophie 2? Wikia has Alette's height as 154 and regular Plachta's as 152 and it's hard to tell Allete is actually taller than Mini Plachta meaning both Plachtas were already about at their max height.
Ramizel did say she wanted granddaughters...
How about making more daughters?
I remember using Sophies L&S out there because I didnt like her high heels so probably their shoes are making a big differences also lore writers and devs dont seem to work correctly
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every fuggin time...
Doesn't Meruru literally create an elixir of immortality? Also, in Arland there is some time travel shenanigans, but I don't remember exactly how that plays out. The only thing Mysterious has that I can think of that's really comparable are the portable tents that straight up say fuck you to physics.
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>portable tents that straight up say fuck you to physics
Erm ackshually it's quasi-four dimensional folding of reality, not a fuck you to physics.
Meruru and time travel are nothing compared to Lulua who is able to lock events in to happening across all alternate dimensions in a multiverse.
We really gonna have this conversation? The Mysterious series has the most retarded overpowered stuff in it that an Elixir of Immortality is small time. For starters time travel is nothing and doesn't even need alchemy to be achieved as shown in Sophie 2. No, we're talking capturing souls in birdcages and transferring them between bodies type stuff. Lynchpins designed to stop a physical body from moving by stabbing it into their shadow like fucking Naruto. Paintings that not only hold entire worlds within them but can be used to trap actual Gods inside. Keys that are used to connect different dimensions, worlds, and planes of existence together. If that isn't crazy enough they start working with literal concepts and giving those concepts actual physical forms: Hopes, dreams, even bad luck can all be captured, contained, harnessed, and used in alchemical form in the Mysterious series. Time to spoil Lydie and Suelle's true ending so watch out: The twins bring their dead mother back to life via a form of True Resurrection. The thing is only a fragment of her soul was left inside of a painting and even that fragment had decayed over years and years but even then it wasn't her real soul. Using the Pastels of Unity they combined and/or cemented her "painting body" into a real physical one all while the Samsara Compass part of it located her real soul and dragged it back to her body, the Glittering Pneuma part of this was used to breathe life into the body while making sure to combine the soul and body together again likely using the Teardrops of Harmony to make sure the process worked. All of these items were constructed together in a single handheld item. In short they brought their dead mother back with nothing but a fucking memory inside a painting as the base for this entire trick. We're talking actual real miracle wishery. Shit is fucking crazy.
>unironic powerlevel discussion
What is this, /a/?
All I said was that Firis seems pretty retarded at the start of her game
Atelier power scaling is retarded because the devs don’t really care.
Ryza is the strongest.
t. Klaudia
>The only thing Mysterious has that I can think of that's really comparable are the portable tents that straight up say fuck you to physics.
I was already blaming Sophie for Firis' rise but she really did not give Firis a good example to follow with regards to respecting the rules of nature.
>nothing compared to Lulua
Funniest part is Judie spent her whole game in the quest for the Dragon Hourglass but Lulua treats it as an ordinary item
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The thread is derailed
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Attacking with Linca ended up being the better choice than 4-star Logy. Doing the last six floors without a slash supporter or breaker doesn't seem worth the effort though.
>without a breaker
>has a breaker in the screen shot
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>All I said was that Firis
Same happened laat year when I explained Firis and Ilmeria relationship and everyone got mad.
It seems Firis triggers an unexpected rage of autism
lol I meant without a second one. Raze wasn't forgotten.
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When is she coming to resleriana
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Shortly after Ryza 4 banner
Are crit damage traits really optimal for Izana if she already gets 200% bonus crit damage from her skills (plus more from items)? What is the base crit damage bonus?
This isn't even my final form
>t. Palmyra
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>Firis seems pretty retarded
Youre right
Post your favorite boss themes
Firis-sama...I thought I could skip...I did not realize how cute you would be in this form....
I apologize!
A song so great that they made a refrain of it so Ayesha could summon the boss as a finisher move.
Ayesha and Shallie had so much good music
Weirdly I don't remember as much of the music from Escha & Logy so I wonder if it was actually worse or if my memory is bad
I prefer its electric guitar remix
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bridal kot rateup WHEN
About 90 days if we keep the same pace as JP, sooner if we speed back up.
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I just rolled 2 more multis trying to get a Valeria memoria...
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I got it yesterday from free daily pull, get jelly
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seggs soon
Same time as the 1500 gems for steam
Starting to get close to pity time and I'm still really torn between Flocke and breaker Logy. I guess theoretically I could roll Flocke (lol).
Is it just me or did they make the gem wheel more generous since the newest chapter drop? I've only had 1 day where it only gives me 60 gems since and I've rolled 50 and 100 a few times and 300 once. That feels a lot more frequent than what I got since day 1.

Stay strong brother! Believe! 2 more weeks!
Give me Sue-chan.
>Get all recommendation letters
I thought this would be simple but the first licensed alchemist I found in Mechen keeps fucking off instead of giving me his assignment test...

Also I have no idea where that bridge could be, the map doesn't show any divide east/west, it seems to be all connected together, there's just a big lake(?) in the middle of the map but it's not like the water cuts the map in two...
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My wives
holy SEX
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this fight was such cancer
Monika is worse then Lydie, because she can stack up posion debuffs really quickly. Was unlucky with crits but got 4 mu burst in a row allowing me to kill most adds
Nice work anon, I'll catch up way down the line when there's some ez-mode stab character for it.
Sex with Firis while Liane watches from the corner and masturbates
If you're on a skill up blue panel and use items to get a burst panel, do you still have the skill up panel?
Consider how things look and sound from Firis' POV, the girl who hears what inanimate objects say what they want to be turned into. It's all obviously some level of alchemy instinct/sense that gets transposed into literal voices in her head:

>uni: "I want to be an IED that fires out my brothers!"
>crystal: "I want to be miniature sun!"
>dragon: "I want to be turned into a bone in roast!"

So I pose the this to you, what stops Firis from hearing those same voices from a human and she starts looking at them as materials?

I actually hit post-game and never built that bridge because I autismed my way to its bypass item and couldn't trigger the event to build it when I realized I completely missed it. A slight inconvenience really but the guiding in that game was a tad too daft.
Yes. You can verify by holding down on your unit to check their buffs.
>what stops Firis from hearing those same voices from a human and she starts looking at them as materials?

>be me
>ask how Firis' day has been going
>she immediately stuffs me into her cauldron
We already know what happens when people fall into cauldrons.
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qt pie
man... what was the point of beating the shit out of him then...
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Plachta never really wanted to kill him. Just to stop him. After all he is her first love.
Also Sophie beating the shit out of him remains as a gag in Lydie and Suelle where Alt is afraid of Sophie especially after she jokes about beating him up again.
Ok that's funny, I forgive the game for pulling this shit then
That much was obvious especially with the faces she was making all the time.
Er, Firis? I think I can see it...
Why she Naruto running instead of using her Bursting gift and beating the shit out the apexi?
>the green gremlin
gotta go fast
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>Geron challenge
>Resleri Academy theme song starts playing
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I plan on trying to get Firis and I keep seeing the recommended trait for her gear as the Enhanced Attack buff but from what I can tell that would only apply on her first skill right? Nobody really plans to just spam her first skill right?
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It also applies to the Angel Staff (1 turn critical damage up 5% for all allies after skill use) and the It's Time to Study Memoria (skill damage up 2-15% for all allies). I was planning to go for pic related as gear if I got her. The negative effects boost applies to the Memoria/skill 2/burst and should apply to the armor as well. Then go all Skill Power for traits to contribute more damage.
it's mostly just because what other trait do you put on her? she doesn't heal, doesn't benefit from damage or resistance down traits, it's either enhanced buff or skill power up.
Preloaded for Firis
Honestly for me it's easier to stack skill power traits than trying to finagle Enhanced Attack Up in there.
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Naizuri from Heidi...
Can't wait to downblouse them
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It seems that Item War Part 1 score calculation ends today so I pushed my scores over 500K.
oh shit i havent done the 2nd ex yet
i will settle for 1.3m across all three
the first one is notably harder than 2 and 3 so if you cleared 1 it shouldn't be a problem.
>just ate my pies now
that was close...
you would have had a fat rorona if you hadn't ....
I will protect Rorona from obesity and diabetes.
new Firis and Heidi are too powerful...
>open atelier
>greeted by double sex
>izana comes to the upper floor railing and starts singing a song about "hammering"
>Lila on daily free pull
I only just used the paid selector on her...
How's the memoria? Just trying to figure if I should roll the banner or just pity one of the girls.
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Haha, very funny game NOW HAND OVER CHUUNI FIRIS
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She came on the first pull of the first 10
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I found her...
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Woah...didn't even have to touch my gems.
>rolled kot
yesss I didn't pick her up in the step up, I am so glad things worked out
I just wished they removed a zero on the shop.
There's no way i can get it all.
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I fucked up.
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Well that was unexpected
cookie SEGGS
Two more weeks for Flocke then?
Time for some sweet ol' story.
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Story chapter is very short. Got a good ole Lydie finish on 10-1 hard so I thought I’d post it just for the novelty
Can already tell these new Item Wars EX Challenges are going to be fucking cancer.
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Yeah fuck you
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I’m saving the item wars for after the story content. Score battles are down. 1 is harder than 2. Used a core team of Corneria - Lila - Resna (Santa) - Lydie for both battles and used Ryza EC for the extra break when I needed it in 1 and Totori when I didn’t in 2.
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Chuuni Firis..
Cute proud lydie
Cute proud Resna
Also, christmas resna burst animation is still too powerful. When will she get cuteness-crept?
It's over for me, I will have to get her too.
>heidi and firis' rate up as a different song
>exploding purple animation I have never seen before
>purple glow around resna and valeria
>heidi memoria + kiethgriff
Nice, very cool that they keep adding animations for the rolls as well
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holy SEX!
Her burst is incredible too, the extension of her back showing off her sensational tummy...
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is this real life
>3 counters in the first dungeon battle
Thanks, I hate it
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bwos...no Heidi yet but this is nice
Heidi acquired
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>had to go through all 3 limited packs plus a little extra to get both characters
Every time.
>Flocke,Aca Resna and Aca sophie
>only 50k gems
It would be fucking over if i fail to get flocke with 50k gems.
I got both after 100 rolls this time, very lucky. Still sitting on 900 pity medals thankfully
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I believe in Saskia.
Rose Valeria's leader skill is insane if you got Kot and Santa Resna on the same team with you.
Gotten same golden glow but no rate up units as anon on last banner. At least I got 2 SSR units
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EXs cleared. Literally just lob the respective element weakness item at the enemies until they die. I used the the air tower clear item for EX 2 for fun, but its not necessary. To show that I did EX 3 with lava cubes instead of the fire tower item.
Who did you pull?
Judie and Pitslut resna
Animation was golden immediately before I pulled and there were in pitslut versions
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>SPD 217
>S2 - Delays turn by 1 when target's HP is 50% or higher
Heh. Those cheeky cunts.
I wish we'd get the no item use auto that jp have already
I played her game some more and she really is a gremlin like what the fuck... if it weren't for Liane I don't even want to imagine how she'd end up
Not sure you can dowblouse Firis there... maybe upskirts would work? no idea how this game's camera works
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Discounted roll with the steam gems, I knew Gaben always has my back. Or maybe Gust rigged it since a lot of people are getting nice things today.
Suebros can't stop losing...
Curious. Those menu background scenes are in engine instead of premade videos. Saw one version with crabs scuttling about in the foreground and none when it looped over.
We did it!
>double-sex roll
I always believed in us. Global-GODS can't stop winning
All me (I cant beat very hard)
Two of them are all about item spam, I think that as long as you are at lvl 60 or so you should be able to get through these very hards (as long as you have 3 battle items to spam.) The AOE slash for 1, and the aoe ice bomb for 2. The third one is a little tougher because you are only given a recovery item boost (it's made for Rose Valeria pretty much otherwise.)
Seeing that sterk's build is kind of a mess.
What are the pros and cons if going for damage or stun damage traits for his equipment?
I'm just using him for towers
They deserve it.
>Captcha: ADAM
The new dungeon's a bit of an odd duck. Had to drop Lydie so Totori and Regina could take on counters.
I have never used him desu, but it seems pretty self-explanatory. Build dmg for dmg or stun for stun.
I think you can, but I don't know..... I failed to pull her......
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This just in, Juna is confirmed Roman's consort.
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EX2 was pretty painful though. A stronger AoE Air bomb would've been nice but yeah, it was manageable once I figured out a good party to use.
Decided to ice 9 or whatever the paralysis one is. Very cool that the paralysis item sometimes doesn't work even with the huge rate-up, very nice balance. Odelia's 1 paralysis is definitely enough.
I'll come back with lilie and fish for a burst as GUST intended, very shitty floor.
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After Meruru last night pretty sure I’ll never roll a limited ever again but other than that can’t complain I guess. The roster grows.
Fuck me, 12000 stars and all I got were dupes
Ice 9 was cleared, I hope to never see paralysis conditions again (I know I will see them again...)
That is painful but at least you got some decent medal income from it
Yeah, about 5ish full pulls from my second pity pull
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The greatest...
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>hfw she caught Keith smoking some other woman's mix of herbs.
I got my wife Firis
Now to decide if I want to pull for Heidi...
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30 rolls of nothing, I'll just exchange for Flocke
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Just you two wait till Solle shows up.
>counter mushroom
>counter fairy
>counter weasel
I wish I had fire Escha right now
>bringing literally me into the game
Can't wait.
Did you forget your Regina bro?
I hate these enemies so much
Are you the Firis downblouse poster? rip if so... I was looking forward seeing those images and I refuse to touch Reslernaria before I finish all the other Atelier games
having kot and no Logy makes me sad
Logy but no kot here
Fuck this dungeon. Can't beat it until I get better gear.
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Debu rorona my beloved...
The bad ending...
I don't even want to imagine the terrible houses you'd design...
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Well my item wars scores sucked but at least I finished them unlike the stupid dungeon.
How on earth do you get past Ice 16? It's one of those AoE vs Dragons, Faeries and Big Puni stages and my Santa Resna is already nearly fully stacked with crit Vs and skill IV/V. Even the damn faeries survive triple ancestral bursts by a smidge.
Are you running enhanced damage buff Vio? I haven’t done that floor yet but that’s my plan when I do go for it.
Alternatively Klaudia would help a lot but I don’t have her.
The one run I did she was the first to get killed by that single targeting dragon. By the time I get to the bursts 1 person is definitely dead and the rest go down once the enemies start their next turns.
You might want to bring a defender so you can control who dies
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Garden of Serenity done. Bring your chocolate so you can stun the mushroom. Or don't and pray for good RNG.
Oh I did. Sophie dies to the damn dragon too. Is there even an Ice defender unit yet?

Why not use Regina? She's made to take those counters.
There isn't even an ice defender in JP
Ice tower is all about sacrifice. The defender just takes a shot for you that's about all they can do (they die immediately as this happens)
Damn. The only sure way I can see from here is get me the new Firis for her AoE debuff but this is like the only scenario I'd actually need her since I got plenty of other strats to handle that role in normal battles.

I mean I could wait for Resna all the way to hit 5 stars to up her damage and stats but I'm not sure even that'd be enough. Rose Valeria's +50% crit to Lantarnae leader skill might be viable too but I'd have to fish for the run that has her take the KO and Resna can get a clean burst in.

Looks like fishing and praying will have to do. I think my Resna actually hits harder on burst since the faeries end up with smaller bars afterwards.
Ooh I get to test out my new Lila.
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Goddamn that was excruciating
>garden of serenity
What did GUST mean by this...
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>former nun
>now my cumdump
Is there anything Heidi can't do?
Satisfying Lanze. Something only unstretched bleeding Flocke pussy is able to
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Firis channeling her inner Revy here made my day.
Time to play chapter 10.
delete this
heidi isn't even that flat
I personally think it was Flocke who initiated Lanze but asked that he be gentle with her for her first time. After that first time she loosened up and begged for him to go harder and harder each time messing her insides up.
Lucky Ryza spook
There’s so many people I could really use (Plachta, Klaudia, Wilbell) but I’ve only gotten spooked by Elie and Nio so far. Nio I might find a use for but Elie is nothing until I find new year’s marie
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>risk 2 garden
>put on auto
>go poop
>finish poop
>still not done
what the fuck
Elie has exactly one use for exactly one of the Air Tower floor so there's that. Nio can be pretty useful though and is cuter than her sister.
Garden of serenity risk 9. Can't counter if they're dead
Garden of Serenity done and it was very easy with this team. One thing I noted was that I set up for Tank Lydie to steal a burst from the golem before he uses his first AoE then everything is cleanup right after. As everyone else figured out the chocolate really helps to make sure you insta-break the mushroom. I can never tell with Lila if they show a bit of break bar before using her since she applies her ice resist down before attacking so I used the chocolate just to be 100% sure.
I used this team except Totori instead of Lydie (defender) or I guess this >>483379752 except Corny instead of Marie.
My problem was the golem in the last fight one shotting my party. I tried Linca but she couldn't survive long enough to get to the last battle. I saw an opportunity if I could kill the jellyfish because it got the golem's attack on a red panel but I just barely missed the KO because the pixie thing kept using damage down on it. On the round I won, I finally gave up and stunned the pixie thing and the jellyfish turn 1 instead of going after the golem. This made it a 1 on 5 and after surviving the red panel AoE from the golem, I was able to easily stun him and set up another burst for the kill.
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i hate it
I was able to break and kill it with Resna and Marie before it act. The rest is easy with Resna burst. If you don't have enough dps, it's probably better to kill others first
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all research done desu
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You guys understated it, Firis isn't just a gremlin she's a fucking zoomer holy shit how can Liane deal with this goblin if this game came out nowadays you'd see Firis say shit like "super lit dope what the sigma" and shit
I kneel
I feel absolutely cheated by that "Firis is the strongest she killed a god" poster, of course I understand once I'll play all the Mysterious games I'll get the whole picture of Firis' character arc but right now I'm getting brain damage
She would definitely floss and do those fortnite dances it's so fucking over man I didn't sign up for this shit at least with Sophie you can tell she's actually reasonable despite being a little dumb at times but here? No Firis is absolutely unhinged it's terrible she has 0 self-awareness whatsoever
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This is the first stage of Firis-GOD Acceptance anon
>No Firis is absolutely unhinged
That's exactly the point anon. Have you not unlocked those scenes of her being a menace to society?
I will NEVER accept Firis-GOD she is a stupid zoomer failgirl or whatever they call those
I don't think so? I'm still early game I haven't gone to Flussheim yet or talked to much characters and I only got the first alchemist license from Mechen village
The character I have unlocked the most scenes with is Revy, I really like him so far (he is literally me)
Dont forget to recruit that female clumsy knight it training
Shes a reslly good meat shield
You need to comeback to second alchemist village (that forest circle one) and do a quest helping some old lady
Also thatl costume since Firis looks really cute with it
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It's only a matter of time anon
The female knight that's lost in the woods? I recruited her but I'm not putting her in my party she isn't cool like Revy or useful like Heintz (loot up skill is pretty good and I synthesized him a good weapon)
I should also be able to recruit the historian guy since I went into/looked at the labyrinth but I couldn't talk to him right away so he's probably at an inn or something
Get some money saved up. You should be right at the point where you can recruit the old merc that turns Firis into a dragon slayer by paying him gold.
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>Firis buying the services of an ojisan
Isn't it the reverse usually?

Also I should be on my way to the forest circle village actually I just checked my map
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Rules are nothing to Firis.
Just delete everything in the new dungeon with one simple trick.
I just arrived at Dona village in the middle of the forest but I think I arrived from the wrong direction (same happened with Mechen).
This open world map is kinda hard to navigate in the "intended" dev order...
Very cute smug Firis by the way, very different from the filthy gremlin on my screen right now.
>old hag "village elder" made Firis cry
I take it back Firis you're not a filthy gremlin please stop crying...
Jap players, how good is Valeria Rose on actual meta?
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Attention duelists! Card sleeve merch of Atelier Ryza have shown up for pre-order at places like CDJapan! I don't plan on getting any of it but I like Atelier Ryza enough to notify others about it.
What is card sleeve merch?
t. filthy gaijin
Not a JP player but she shits out damage desu
Card sleeves what you use to protect your trading card game cards from whatever you or others have on their filthy hands and double sleeving helps protect them from other stuff like drink spills. Here is a video by Dragon Shield that shows double sleeving:

Forgot to mention in >>483419580 that if you are not comfortable with the idea of your limited edition merch sleeves being damaged, you can put sleeves over those too. Sleeves made specifically to put over art sleeves do exist and Broccoli went the extra mile and released a even larger sleeve size made to go over those so you can double sleeve your merch sleeve.

But remember, the more sleeves are put over your card, the more cloudy it becomes.
>Isn't it the reverse usually?
Shes retarded enough to
Interdasting...the only card game I play is poker at this point however and we just rotate decks since they are so cheap to buy
>But remember, the more sleeves are put over your card, the more cloudy it becomes.
I feel like this is something a little alchemy could solve...
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Hair down Resna..
Hair down Resna looks like such a pretty and well groomed slut. Saskia raised her well.
Puni-bros...they turned us into popsicles
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>he doesnt know
Standard or JP sized? If they're not shit quality like most of these kinds of things, I might be interested.
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Why is Arland so full of rape events?
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Imagine Lydie turning you into a Puni and then squeezing you into a juice haha...
Poor Matthias...
I know nothing of meta but I use her on every score battle(SS)/dungeon and I never have any problems.
Well she does eat the leftover pies
Remember when Mathias asked Sophie out? That doesn't turns out well.
It has never been more over for Mathias-keks
Is there some reason altema recommends (Enhanced Damage (A) plus) Ice damage up over skill power up for equipment for Firis? They seem to do similar on other supporters without heals like Empel too
I assume its because enhance damage A affects her skill 1 and leader skill and ice damage up is probably the only other trait useful to her.
What synths is everyone working on lately? I’m making some debuff gear for supporter Meruru to help with the upcoming Lara event.
Peak cockblocking and cran pot mentalility
I'm still working on gear for strike Lydie and I got Firis so I have to make her stuff too
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And she wonders why I'm so partial to slapping her ass...
Damage up is similar to skill power up if the character it's on doesnt get buffed much. Which they won't if they aren't the main attacker
So I'm not missing something stupid if I settle for Enhanced Damage A and Skill Power Up, or aim for it because my skill power up characters are closer to 5*?
Me trying to catch up on the story is like trying to chase a train.
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Train chaser here. Forgot my upload.
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The JP version has 120 fps, I assume it was added later since we don't have it? Anyone know when it was added?
>haven't reached Flussheim yet
Oh you naive fool. Firis hasn't even begun to show you how retarded she gets yet.
Only if she uses her panties as the filter.
I wonder if they'll ever add like a completely new mode. An actual exploration mode or something.
This but Sue
I've already found some help from building Siris with magic stun up desu (Ice tower.) Your mileage may vary, but go for what you think is best. Enhance is suggested for all supports usually because skill/stun is just not that impactful on them in abstract. But sometimes you need a little more stun or damage so do what you think is best for you.
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>drossel, the lost axe girl wants to go to Kirchen Bell
Sophiebros we can't stop winning!
No one wants to visit your stink hole Firis!!
>drossel is fritz' daughter
>the one he said always get lost when he lose sight of her
Holy fucking SHIT now I have to make her a main stay in my team...
I wish I had more party member slots I want to bring in everyone
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My lewd wife
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Do you think other atelier girls are jealous of Escha? I think the Shallies are at least.
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Stera has no idea whats going on but Lotte does
holy CUTE
When will she arrive?
2 weeks
Not a bad day, got a SSR memoria I didn't have (Fire one), couple nice roulette spins have me back at 2,000 gems, and spent some pieces to get ice resna to 4 stars and lydie to 4.5
>tfw sperg-crafted a bunch of enhance V gear for Roman
>realize I am capping the buff really fast anyway
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The dream is real. Got Firis from the daily. Always liked her original design and they nailed it with this one too. I'll get to playing her game one day.

I almost did the same but yeah, even with Enhance IV and lower his buff was capping quicking. I'm still in the process of remaking his gear...
>a wise luck-GOD
I kneel...I should have tested way earlier kek
eat your pies rorona
Firis pits and sideboob....
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Comfier times...
escha seggs
Yes. So comfy that they started emitting a lewd aura...
why is Valeria wiggling so suggestively...
I'm Resleriana tourist and I just found out that Linca is an artificial human. Is she an android like Odelia? Or still made of flesh?
Even Linca notices Valeria is lewd as she breathes.

She's the youngest of 8 sister clones called Linca made by ancient alchemic machines co-opted by present era schemers who got busted
Golems Won.
t. Golem
I cant be the only having this dream aboit Sophie being raped by orcs while Plachta's (doll form) impaled head being dismembered and being forced to watch
sorry but i keep guro out of my orc/goblin rape fantasies
when are we getting an ice defender
There's none in sight yet (even in JP) so who knows
So you were an Atelierfag Asanagi...
Who is the best candidate for one? I could see them doing Logy. Have they done an ice character since Firis?
breaker heidi is simply too good desu
It will be another Ryza and she will be GIGA META
I think they have yes but I forget who
Yup, she made a lot of stuff a lot easier for me. And she is perfect sexo
I just checked, they haven’t. And you think they’ll do a 4th Ryza before they do a 3rd Logy/Stera/Ayesha or 2nd Lotte/Wilbell? They’re gonna be doing dusk for another few banners I think.
>Firis Rose debuffs
>Heidi Rose gets burst
This is extremely good and works for every lower floor on towers
I was just Ryza shit-posting desu, I have no idea what they will do. I want more Wilbell always but it's not up to me
I’m not opposed to Ryza, she’ll get a 4th before anyone else (not counting Resna/Val) which means once she gets one I can start looking for my girl’s 4th. Do we think we’ll ever get another Resna/Val? Physical Resna and magic Valeria? Or maybe branching in to other classes?
More Resnas and Valerias is certain from my perspective, if they do a story arc along those lines of each developing in their weaker sides then it would make sense to get phys/magic swapping as well. We have already seen a little bit of this already in the story
Ice Wilbell could work since she got that power in Shallie but we never got to see it in action.
Could wilbell be a defender? I guess the strongest tanks in the game are Totori, Lydie, and Patty so being a little girl doesn’t really matter.
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I think a new character would be nice for Ice Defender like how Mimi was Stab Defender (Monika doesn't count). Bring in Kala from Ryza 3 and give her evasion/damage down meta stuff.
This. Kala could work nicely in that role.
Maybe Lulua? Every other Arland MC had an ice kit.
>Maybe Lulua?
IIRC Lulua memoria was Slash focused while Lulua+Eva memoria was defender focused so I guess Eva would be the tank (which would make more sense giving their relationship)
Firis singing her own theme song is cute and in character
holy KINO
Firis-sama...I kneel
She is too Powerful...
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kinda late on my clear of garden of serenity risk9, heidi made it super easy. She can break any one with attack.

Sadly couldn't get vh 11 with Kot so just used Valeria for that
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Wanted to test out how much of a difference SSR equip values made so I tested out the Strike Axe with the 2turn +7% on the element tower 1F with Rose Valeria and discovered shocking truths:

SSR(95MATK), Single Attack III(9%), Crit Dmg V(60%), 57.8K
SR(50MATK), Single Attack V(25%), Crit Dmg IV(36%), 57.5K
SR(50MATK), Single Attack V(25%), Crit Dmg V(60%), 62K

Based on these results, with regards to Valeria her non crit damage are actually 1.5x their stated value because of the crit.

Also, if you deploy Valeria solo the pan in camera changes to a shot of Valeria's wiggly thighs.

Thinking about it, Firis is actually probably the most /fa/ MC with all her outfits. Or maybe Plachta but that seems to be less a case of personal styling and more out of fulfilling Sophie's cosplay fetish.

Hold up. Is that fresh new Hidari Art? Sus grows even more.
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>Firis is the most /fa/
Totori designed this herself when she was 12 years old
Firis outfits are meant for herself.
Totoris were designed in order to please old men and Tiffany
We thought she was a dragon turns out she's just a fish
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Rorona made Totori's outfit though.
Man after getting the new valeria i'm enjoying the game so much, if the game dip below 100k revenue can the game still survive?
I didn't get Valeria and got that worthless hussy Lydie instead so I hope the game hurries up and dies. Hmpf!
Seriously speaking, it's hard to tell. They're getting some ad revenue off mobile and PC revenue from steam so the bullshit charts posted every month are not likely to be remotely accurate. And considering the point is also cross-promotion with other mainline atelier games it's hard to tell exactly what value Gust sees in it and what their expectations are. They could even operate it at break even or a loss if they felt the advantages it brings to the franchise are worth it. It does bring some advantages r-right?
Not even this mass alchemy events with other gachas (Genshin Impact, Azur Lane, etc...) could boost enough revenue into the game
Cross-promotion in the sense that Resleriana is also meant to be an advertisement for other mainline games becuase you get to interact with characters from games you haven't played then might get convinced to buy them. That's not quantifiable revenue on the shitpost charts.
Advertising typically costs money and Resleriana is advertising that makes money instead so the threshold of getting axed is different than a game operated purely for direct revenue.
Losing most of the players would obviously be a bad end so the question is if declining revenue is because people got sick of the awful monetization and powercreep and decided to stop spending which is pretty much what I did or just dropped the game altogether.
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Aight I'm retarded or color blind, or both. What's the tell when you're pulling something good in the gacha? You know like granblue has that rainbow stone, and sif had that red envelope, how do I pre-know if I'm pulling something good in this one?
When is 3rd slutgear banner? Two week gap again? I see this one ends 7/6
It's very difficult to tell desu.
1 wink is a good sign
2 winks is a good sign
But they are not guarantees, and I have gotten SSRs without winks as well.
More consistent is this: If you see other characters throughout the animation, that's a good sign. If you get a gold glow, it is likely a new SSR (banner SSR). Other color glow is normal SSR. There is a deeper purple glow (very rare) which is multiple SSRs. BUT, all of this has been contradicted in my own personal experience, so it is quite random. There are also a ton of fluctuations in the animations (ex. I got Valeria rose on a 0 wink, 0 friends, random gold glow at the very end animation.)
In short: We are all retarded here.
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>only characters I'm missing are the two new shallies
i humbly await the spooks
I’ll add if they show up in pitslut outfits that’s a very good sign.
White particle ensures common SSR or higher
Either Gold particle, pitslut outfits, nighttime, stair rain and strong wind ensures rate up SSR
I forgot about that one but I've seen it mentioned yes (I don't think it's ever happened to me yet.) Thank you, and I hope to get double pitslutted soon with Flocke's banner
There's legit like 20 animation variations. If you want to know asap the closest thing to a clue is if they both wink. Or if you get the super special super rare animation with resna and valeria in their 3* outfits. otherwise after you swipe if there's yellow orbs immediately then it's a 3* of some kind.
The other earliest sign is seeing shallie and Ryza. I think they also mean a 3*.

But besides that there's variations on what characters appear, the kinds of orbs you see, how gay resna and valeria are and there's fakeout animations.
White orbs - some kinda 3*. Yellow orbs - rate up 3*. Blue orbs and purple sparkles - rate up memoria
>It does bring some advantages r-right?
I'd hope that Gust/Koei Tecmo wouldn't even worry about that until after the next mainline releases since that will be the real test of whether Resleriana is significantly bringing in new Atelier fans who will stick around.
Going from a Strike team with an auto-crit character like Valeria to a Stab team with none feels bad desu
bwo...your winter rorona?
i slotted her in and now it feels better
I'm a dumb asshole and can't into thinking for myself. Can I post what I have and ask for a decent team comp.
Yeah but depending on what you’re doing you’ll want to mix your team up, there’s not really a “every single situation” team. My teams are usually composed of 4 out of a group of 6 or 7 and one rando, usually a breaker for a specific element.
>Can I post what I have and ask for a decent team comp.
If you have to ask then no
>login at daily refresh
>do my dailies like for 5 min
>"hmm maybe I can beat this level of dungeon/SS this score battle this time"
>failed to beat them
>wasted 30 min of my time
Try a youtube search first for the content you're trying to beat
My roster grows. Still haven't got a limited for about 300 rolls but got a Lillie spook. I know have one person of every element/role combination except slash support and the still missing ice defender.
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resna x5 team soon
I should note that I don't really have a fire breaker, just Keith
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Was on a hot streak with Valeria and the Strike Tower then got to Floor 19 only for it to be this shit again. Guess I'm just never finishing Strike Tower ever.
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Essentially forces you to use Lent, and it's pretty annoying to set him up for bursts, too.
Wasn't this on floor 7? I got cockblocked by them too. I don't know how to progress. (I have rose Valeria so I'm the shitter)
I managed to clear Floor 7 with Lent like this anon >>483662521 said and it sucked. I'm not even going to bother attempting a beefed up version on Floor 19. It just isn't worth the trouble.
Item war EX1-3 cleared with same team
They should give us an adult Rorona alt together with Lulua
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Wilbell alt is actually real
Nice, I always slot her in on my non-strike phys teams as well.
The classic team, do you use the no-speed magic dmg up for allies accessory on totori or not? I was debating building it or not, not sure if it affects how many turns she gets (currently I have her in a SR enhance dmg V random piece)
>the impossibly smug smile
>the mischievous wink
>the perfectly slender arms
>the tasteful exposed shoulders and back
>the magisterial hat
>the accented ruffles on the bottom of the dress
>the cute bow
Also cool Roman again, I will grab him once more
I need to plap this fat witch.
Nah, i prefer classic damage resist, she's lacking those, and she needs some speed. All have EDBA V traits
Roman is aoe ice breaker
Wilbell is bolt crit support
Why is Dusk so beloved bros
i'm thinking sex with wilbell
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Hah! You won't be getting all my shekels this time around you damned witch! I've got two pities loaded up and one of them is for Flocke!

Also does her 14yo self have that much hair or did she somehow age herself up to her 18yo body?
cute hat, cute witch
Say something nice about Wilbell's original theme song
Nice, thank you
Playful and mysterious just like her
Wilbell my love..
i want to bend this little witch over a table
She is too powerful...best voice as well
Sex in the Dark Wilbell...
Man she looks so good I think we might have peaked.
S2 heals allies gives an ally on a non-crit/non-burst a crit panel instead. If she lands on a crit, all allies get damage up buff. Burst attacks all enemies, debuffs bolt resist by -25% and gives damage down debuff. It's like they made her to NTR the kot away from Pitslut Resna. Is it just me or they really love Bolt units?

That is definitely not her 14yo body. What happened?
sex sex sex
They love Izana, all her units have to be SSS until the end of time
kot deserves everything
>mature wilbell
I just wish we would also get FIRIS ARCHER before EOS.
>aged up version is on the menu
Give me aged up Rorona and Totori on my platter at once!
Oh you want money KT? Just give us aged up Ryza, that should do it
It's OVer.
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>Get isekai'd into Lantarna
>Start out as your cute old little witch self
>A few months pass and you're in your older body wearing what can only be described as Witch-Succ Bondage chique
Saskia confirmed for alchemic demi-urge of the world!
Saskia-dono...I kneel
May she deliver us more SEXO for the years to come
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my kot must settle for an sr fur coat
>put kot in fur coat
>she starts licking the coat
Why is Izana like this?
I want to do unspeakable things to her. She has no right dressing like that and no right to look so good in this outfit. Pure, raw, unadulterated sex appeal. (Now I want to see Lydie crossplaying in this outfit)
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Item war SS ranks achieved, now I'm ready for Dawntrail.
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They already aged up Totori. That’s why she can use guns but Sue can’t.
This has been deboonked. Unless you post the three of them in-battle side-by-side it can just be assumed they are using the same model and having the camera sit different for each one.
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Deboonked by who? Left definitely looks taller to me
10 games have been made since Ayesha and Gust still can't make a character to surpass Wilbell.
How is she so powerful?
Magic, simple as.
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In game already specifies Pirate Totori is from Meruru and you can see her face is completely different.
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Youre on a phone game Totori
Totori plays Azur Lane
Totori 100% plays old lady games like candy crush or fucking mahjong
>Totori forces her way into the Tempestra (pirate) faction
I'm here for it.
Totori attacked me...
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Then die
Cruel fate...
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>game resolution actually adjusts to a portrait display monitor
I never knew the Japanese were capable of this desu
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my kot is eating good
Never get why people make this when Light Vest boosts your damage so much more
No problem, I'll just make that, too.
12% > 8%
shrimple as
Assuming you have one skill V on each piece of gear, (1.25*3 + 1.12) = 1.87x multiplier. (1.25*3)*1.08 = 1.89x multiplier. That’s not even counting other skill multipliers like memorias or in battle buffs that will make the disparity even larger. Light Vest will definitely be giving you a lot more damage.
Raw magic attack is better than skill power up. That's why Empel and Heidi are so broken because you are easily stacking their 2nd skill buff for BIG gains that allow characters to reach the millions. You won't get those numbers with just Lydie.
WE’RE GETTING DARK WILLBELL?! Picking this game back up immediately. Honestly can’t decide who I should roll for. Please tell me 3 star Vayne exists
>alts for a non-Marie pre-Rorona character
Of course 3 star Vayne exists. In fact I think mine is 3.5 ;)
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Vayne-GOD...I'm sorry
Pretty much anyone is useful and good desu, but Valeria rose is probably the safest bet at the moment (very high damage and usable in many places.) But really, roll with your sovl
I just want more Vayne since I just beat Mana Khemia. Might as well be satisfied with getting more Escha
Stat multiplier is better for now since they're much rarer
Fuck. That’s what I get for having hope. Thanks anon, I’ll try rolling for Valerie after getting all the jewels I can. Also I really am going to have to catch up to the story since my characters aren’t even close to being leveled up and I have average weapons/items.
>Made Yarn Coat for Rose Valeria and Christmas Resna
Wait, did i do the wrong armor?
I really hate being retarded
Rose Valeria's best armor is Clear Leather Armor (24% crit dmg up)
Christmas Resna's is probably Daylight although I'm not sure if Strife Shirt is comparable or not (I already had a good daylight so never bothered to check.)
That's what I did anyway, although I have an alt set for Resna too.
If you already have a god-tier yarn coat you can probably just use that, as you can transfer that to other attackers more easily as well. But yeah the clear leather is 7% more crit dmg.
Is it worth picking up Atelier Resleriana? I also didn't know you guys moved here.
>Is it worth picking up Atelier Resleriana?
Not really. Just wait until it EOS on February and wait for an offline version
Great game, well worth playing.
we play until we get a new atelier console game
>month's about to end
I can expect a little bit of up(due to the 72 hour selector) but Who i am kidding it would just be a dead cat bounce.
Dont know what youre talking about
>moved here
From where?
There used to be a technically illegal atelier general on /vrpg/ before the gacha came out
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honk honk
Thanks for the BGM my queen
They could be having sex with each other though...
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She was a little bit harder than I thought but I beat her with a pretty fun team. Now I gotta figure out what to do with all this mana.
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She won't be so smug after 5 minutes.
roman keeps winning...
He keeps having to share banners with dusk characters which is the opposite of winning. No other Lantarna character is in such a trap.
Guys, don't fall for the scam. Don't buy cookies with shiny coins.
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hmm nyo
I wish I could buy cookies but I don't have any shiny coins to buy them with
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Fucking BITCH keeps debuffing Valeria right as she gets her burst THREE fucking times.
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Did much better but stilll FUCK YOU
Another win in the bag for Logy.
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>Still at EX1
>struggle to reach SS
I dunno, i still lack the decisive damage to end Lara before she heals.
There are 2 burst panels separated by an empty panel. You can probably Lydie burst into Resna burst there. That's what I did with Logy.
There's a burst on turn 16 and turn 18. The strat I used sets up a (supporter) Meruru burst which comes with a 30% damage taken debuff, then items on turn 17 for an ice Resna burst on 18. This is fool proof if you set it up on EX1 and EX2, you need a little RNG help on EX3 to have the turtle's taunt miss Resna because you need a little extra chip on Lara.
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Miruca showed up.
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>Your favorite Ateliers will probably show up, especially if you're a Duskfag
>The game's actual main characters and story are pretty good
>Vocal songs are extra on point for an atellier game
>Battle system is actually competently made with good challenges and they're still managing to mix it up with new elements that'd be very nice to see in mainline games
>There's actually a good deal of SOVL in the little things like the option to fatten Rorona up
>It's generating plenty of thread OC

>It's a gacha so prepare to hand over your locally farmed shekels for your faves because the universe will conspire against you so fuck you if she happens to be of limited use AAYYEEESSSHAAAAA
>The alchemy is ass RNG dice rolls with boosters coming from which units you own and how high their levels are

On that note there used to be some noticeable QoL issues but they've fixed pretty much all of them now.
wtf am I supposed to do? What do you do if you keep falling in love with different Atelier girls?!
Huh. I did wonder when they were going to add her in since Jurie's in but that was faster than expected. Which Dusk character are they going to do next?


We are at the point where the Dusk Trilogy has a new character pool as big as any other single Atelier entry. I'm surprised they haven't done a Liane event where she managed to deliberately isekai herself to find Firis.
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You know what to do.
It's Over.
bridal kot now
Sex before marriage Flocke soon bwos
but how soon, I am tired of waiting...
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holy sex, i need to have sex with her right now
God Wind 7F is such cancer. Couldn't breach it till I pitied Winter Totori today and it still took me at least 100 turns with a her, Shallie, Meruru, Firis and Roman on the team. Absolutely hate these Target All Damage floors.
2 more weeks I believe.
>single free roll yesterday
It's a shame dupes are a little weak in this game, just reminds me that waiting before blowing my load on banners might be a good thing.
It's a test of patience but yeah that's the best strategy especially with the long banners (like Valeria Rose and Lydie Rose.) I think it ends up being a 1/4 chance you get 1 of them from this just on daily pulls.
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EX3 500k dmg by.. Marie..
Nice, congrats on the clear
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>adult Rorona alt
Astrid, why? You were supposed to be my greatest ally....
The hat stays on during sex
Sorry, she only likes handsome old men and barely legal girls
Halloween Plachta soon
Trust the Plan
they've waited this long, why not just wait until halloween at this point
>he did not trust the plan
More like never.
Lanze won.
bwos...why is she so erotic?
Based on what?
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>evil face reading this
double teaming me for my seed to use in their alchemy
She wants your happiness.
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>busted enjo kousai
I can't blame Flocke. Lanze looks really handsome here.
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t. flocke
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Wilbell my beloved
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It’s been a while since she was a staple in my lineups but the best 1 star deserves this one
I got her to 4 stars on piece missions but going to do the rest by coin shop
What I do is I take whoever is being used for my current synth and who it’s for on my pieces team every day. Today I decided to refocus on the stab tower and I’m replacing my Envy Ring with some Spirit Earrings so that got her, Raze, and Ryza on to the squad today.
My kot is now eating good.
That's the wrong one, yo!
Gwatz on your new Firis bwo
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>daily rolls return nothing
It's Over
>The best shit i got from single pulls is lydie and suelle during their event
I miss getting good shit out of daily pulls.
God, i'm going to get rekt if i get forced to pity for flocke
Our time will come soon anon, we will both get Gyaru Ryza on a daily pull
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Oskar came through in the end. Strike 19F cleared. Surely with these kinds of results I won't regret pitying Empel 2 days ago instead of saving it for Flocke...right?
You will get Flocke on a daily pull due to this blessed Oskar clear. Trust the Plan
Tfw no oskar
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cursed SR...
I remember I got mad when Empel spooked me while pulling for breaker Ryza. Have to pity for her.
Nowadays I'm grateful for having him I guess.
Just took a look at leader skills
>Elie: MATK 50% plus initiative to all academy characters
>Marie "Fortune Full Bloom": Academy
Elie-bros...We WON
>steam summer sale
>only whoreza is discounted
I did it I got Rose Valeria, Rose Lydia, and Rose Heidi without needing to pity! Wish I could’ve gotten chuuni Firis but I need to save for Wilbell and gyaru Ryza.

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