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Previous Thread: >>>482721707

>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Yanikka Shirokova
>Rate ups
Guilty Gear Collab Characters, Rita, Horizon

All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
YANIKKACS24 (June 23, 2024)
FALLENCS24FLOOR (July 3, 2024)
SBFAFNIRCS24 (Expires: July 3)
MRWINGER24CS (Expires: July 3)
RLCALVADOS24CS (Expires: July 3)
CSXGUILTYGEAR24 (Expires: July 3)
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being a strikerchad has been expensive with Eve, Jack-O and Lurcher in short order
I will probably not be able to get the honorary striker in Alice
love the sex cat
Reposting due to new bread.
Antagonist can be used on damage dealers early on (it's t5 full skill haste/ground damage set after all), but ultimately it will be relegated to support gear. Replica has a ground res piece so it's support only.
are there any catgirls in this game?
only Carmen and Alice (not released yet) but they use the same body
Alright, noted down, thanks.

Wow, today's morning really cleared up a lot of stuff about gearing for me. Good thing I am hoarding those binaries then, I was tempted to use them after the TASKFORCE mission showed me how, but I kept them. I will also use the sol badguy currency to buy more!

Now, I am slowly getting to the point of getting the ship ticket from TASKFORCE, which ship should I pick? New Ohio or Enterprise?
Enterprise is the first ship you should build since it unlocks pretty early and is decent
you should not use a ticket on it, better to use those on ships that are harder to unlock for building
Enterprise is a general use PvE ship, but nothing too crazy. New Ohio is one of the best PvP ships and also has a strong niche in Shadow Palace content. If you want to finish shadow palace 5 as early as possible for more currency income then NO is the best choice.
but the prydwen guide told me to use the ticket on Enterprise for PvE... what other ship for PvE should I use the ticket on?
Prydwen guide isn't wrong for most players. There is no reason to "not use ticket on ship X" as all SSR cost essentially same amount of resources. Enterprise is the best general use ship in the game, but it's rarely the best option for any given content.

Shadow Palace was mentioned because you specifically listed those 2 ships. You don't need NO to beat SP5, but team quality requirement will be higher.

Honestly the only ship that is "harder" to get than the rest is New Detroit as it requires New Ohio as prerequisite.
iIrc New Ohio is locked behind New Detroid so it's a good candidate to get
>Honestly the only ship that is "harder" to get than the rest is New Detroit as it requires New Ohio as prerequisite.
oh, then I remembered wrong and ND is after NO
Matador is locked behind dive 50, that's pretty hard to get
So I should get New Detroit instead of Enterprise? New Detroit is also listed as SS for PVE. I think I might go with that!
New detroit dest used a lot for Danger close becuase fof its def destroyer skill
New Detroit is not a beginner ship as it's mostly rated this high for it's ability to enable heavy burst thanks to its massive 50% def debuff on second skill. This makes it one of the best ships for DC, but you aren't competing in DC right now, are you?
You got Jack-O didn't you? New Detroit will be good with her since it's a striker buffing ship.
the only beginner ship is Enterprise and you can easily build that one early on, no need to use a ticket for that
What stops you from building whatever other ship you need with your resources after selecting enty.
Yeah but what this Anon said: >>482730790
I can build Enterprise on my own and use ticked on New Detroit, since it is harder to get, right?
Yeah I was VERY lucky to get her in 20 pulls. I might build Enterprise now, and use ticket on New Detroit.
Sure get detroit and build enterprise, sounds reasonable to me.
shouldve asked someome to doot you bwo
>Tallie came out around the same time as Chris
>Sonya came out around the same time as Ecclesia
Meanwhile on global...
how far behind is global? can we actually predict future banners? do we have a roadmap?
All you need to know is that all future characters are not that good. Invest instead for operators
Roadmap ended this month we should ge ta new one nextm onth,but there was stuff that wasn't int he roadmap, the pirates were already released on SEA so they should come to global soon especially if bside really want to accelerate to have global on the same pace as KR
unlock requirements, you can't build every ship from the beginning
Enterprise is easy to unlock by playing the main story until chapter 5 or something along those lines, other ships need way more effort
i think the only one that needs more effort is mattador
mattador is shit anyway and not worth unlocking
don't be mean to matty
When you put it like this...
I'm sorry, I hope he doesn't feel hurt
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a-any day now
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Dino... so cute... I need to pull...
They should've made their pirates artist into the lead artist for Project Star
been a year since we last heard anything about it, might be project ded
Gacha you play as pirates in an eldritch world that have all kind of schizo creatures, you are captain of a eldrithc-like ship that finally resurged but its not at full power and you go around making allies,enemies, capturing women and resolving the mysterious of the world
Why arent you slurping like him bwos

im slurping my bwos
B-BWO!!! ?
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Dino is a lot of fun. Strikers have been great recently but I can't run a squad with nothing but strikers, right?
From a ticket? New Detroit, Chorus or Coffin-6 if you want a Mecha team. Those ship are locked behind content.
New Detroit requires New Ohio
Chorus requires Dive 50
Coffin-6 requires Enterprise

Personally I would go for New Detroit and later build Enterprise.
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pic related will kill us this weekend
Can someone translate this post into non schizo?
Elden Ring DLC
Oh it's a normalfag thing, why would that effect us? I haven't been a stinky console peasant since the ps3.
>I haven't been a stinky console peasant since the ps3
it's not a console game it's on steam too and has been for years.
>why would that effect us?
you will see
We're already dead. Nothing will change.
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i meant killing the thread btw not the game. if a few of our main bumpers get busy in that, combined with the 1 hour a thread spam of /erg/ AND the weekend always being the slowest for us with edging on page 9/10, then it should be easy to see that our fate is sealed.
the end is nigh!
you've been warned, don't let it happen
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I will be busy this weekend but not because of elden ring. There is a tail that needs combing.
>I will be busy this weekend
it's nyover
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he is busy with me
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i hope you two have fun and do "it" till exhaustion and then some
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The unspeakable things I would do to this angry chihuahua...
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better quality
thanks bwo
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Have another
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How different could it be from the usual shitty gacha spam?
Coffin-6 requires you to max out that shitty starter Coffin, which is even worse.
our main bumpers don't play those
It's the lowest rarity ship, you're probably drowning in resources for it.
Next road map will save us
>Lowest rarity
Remember when people were desperate enough to run the Fridge in New Origin dives?
Holoshart rerun #3 and CG rerun. Still no pirates.
Is mavka or catgirl the next awakened?
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>Holoshart rerun #3
Based, that means edel reactor finally
God dammit i was hoping for mavka first since I was gonna skip her, may not have enough tickets for the kitty
Are they adding a long dead character or is she miraculously alive now?
There are tons of dead playable characters.
Mavka seems actually bad so I'll go all in on Alice
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you know what to do
But you actually see them die and how they were like, Alice gets mentioned once or twice.
Normandy? The Ship that auto repairs itself?
well we know what alice turned into, she's simply a ASSR from a past episode
It would've been better to get previous Simurgh user.
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wouldn't they look exactly the same as current?
Is this fallen floor story worth reading?
bwos bwos bwos bwos spencer is so hot
yes,unless someone modiefied simurgh original cold case... which CEO could do imagine if the original simurgh was just an actual robot and CEO turned her into a sex fiend ?

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>imagine if the original simurgh was just an actual robot
what could've been...
What GG EEs are worth farming for and what sets should they be?
Ram and Jack-o i hink
Millia ATK
I am going to Jack my O until I Ram it into Millia
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my wives are too lewd
for anyone who didn't roll dino this week must be absolute cancer
I just had someone play a Lily frontline supported by Nicole and other rarely seen units trying to get a leg up
and then I just dropped a dino on them and won
it's like that one scene in Indiana Jones with the guy menacingly swinging his swords for quite a while before Indi just shoots him
nice got serapel on mdaily pull
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inshallah my brother i fixed them
I've had 1 match vs someone trying to dino hunt and everyone else was a dino mirror.
Was already avoiding this week because of Jisoo, so no big loss.
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I've been trying everything including rearm Editth to lower the Dinos stats somehow, other than Jake I feel like I need a whole team of aspd debuffers
>hiding the ahoge
That just makes them lewder.
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It would be nice if some fuckers didn't attack the worm BEFORE WE GET ALL THE FUCKING BUFFS!
Day one hitters over level 70 are SCUM
i think i got cucked out of one shotting the ship by carlota.
RIP Donald Southerland... :(
wtf is donald southerland...
I looked him up. He was in M*A*S*H. Based eggplant fucker.
/csg/ is truly a boomercore general.
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i was never a movies guy so i wouldn't remember
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For the zoomzooms in the chat
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rest in peace, my boy. your body snatchers movie was better than all the remakes.
Funny but true story, for my 12th birthday my parents threw me a huge party for some reason. Invited basically everyone I knew from church/school. Dad rented this movie for us to watch. Guess he had forgotten that it had full frontal nudity in it. I think there were a lot of boys who experienced an awakening that night.
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>Guess he had forgotten that it had full frontal nudity in it
more like he wanted to give you an indirect gift and set you on the right course to manhood.
are yoiu guys playing DLC?
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Who else is going to play obscure gachasit over the mainstream ones?
like what
Myboomercasualfriend also plays the normalcore gacha mihoyo shit.
Donkey Lanky Country
I don't believe in DLC.
I'm disappointed that we have more interesting characters worth of being playable like Allen, James, Montagne, Medius, the pope but instead we get dead cat, sore loser, terminal cancer explorer, daddy's girl or a goddam lawyer.
i like them all but bside wouldnt get uis the like of medius,montagne or professor
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Breeding yang while the gang watches.
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breeding yang gang too
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night bwos,luv you all
R*****d please come back...
How am I supposed to build the dinosaur? She just melts before she event gets a chance to ult.
spd, but there's all sorts of weird shit that people have come up with to play against cunnyzilla. you'll have to learn those tricks.
Like swift relic attack speed?
yeah, aspd. god that was a retarded typo.
post spencer
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He ended up a 4channer, probably the furthest possible from the right course
Was the bare right leg necessary?
I hate assymetrical designs. Yoom would be A+ if she didn't have that retarded oops it's monday and I wore the wrong set of socks shit going on with her.
not a real counterside character if there isn't asymmetry
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c**** + Dinosaur this
Some big boobed American that

Where the hell is this absolute unit at
without clothes bwo
Should be around the same time as Mavka. I'll laugh if we get to her before the pirates.

Also I like how their operator design has become 'what if we just make everyone like Kim Hana or Vivian?'
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Goodnight friends
goodnight fren

and good morning to /csg/! just got to work, which means time to stay in the thread!
I'm just about to get off work myself.
then it's weekend for you already, Anon, rejoice. Finally I will have time, this weekend I plan to catch up on the story - EP3 and maybe a few substream stories!

I'm thinking about doing the new story, even though I am just on EP3, just for the rewards from the event. Would I spoil myself a lot?
The story here is almost completely disconnected from everything else. The only bit that is connected to anything you'd have seen you wouldn't have enough context for it to even spoil anything.
I, uh, don't really play gacha for the story. I'm just here to watch numbers go up, and for the sense of community.
but CS has pretty cool story, one of the best in gacha games honestly
Isn't that what everyone says about their gacha?
lmao even
well I played a few of them so far, and I play a 4 gachas right now, so it's not like one of them is "my" gacha, and I can say that out of all of them CS has the best story
different people have different taste, Anon.
When are we reaching 900 average?
Man why'd we have to get a Sysop banner this week? I already built him but I need more Vivians.
Dino... must pull... don't have...
How long until Shepherd appear in story again?

I need more Shepherd & her pet mech dino story!
where does she appear anyway
In my bed.
that's a child!!!!
outta 10!!!!!!
how old is dino?
old enough
The RNG on units iframing through kraken's initial knockback and getting stuck in the tentacles is rather annoying.
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everytime dino goes below half health. I'm kinda surprised how useless other units are when it's on the field. you aren't even trying to kill it unless you're using Ino, just trying to deplete its hit count.
so, Dino really is the game changer...
It's never going to be off ban after this week.
What's your team? I haven't noticed any of mine doing that yet.
I changed my order a bit and now it only seems to be Ecclesia who isn't really rng but can still be annoying since she might pop hit checks on tentacles I can't hit.
Lurcher was completed less than 5 years ago.
same reason why maintence 3 and the Inhibitor wall are such a problem for newcuties without Momo: getting in a lot of hits in a short time is surprisingly hard for a game with automatic weaponry
When is Dino getting a re-run? I'm considering buying pulls for her...
Half anni should be 7 weeks from now and usually there's a rerun of every awakened banner, an awakened ticket and an awakened selector with all but the most recent unit.
So what are the chances of getting Lurcher if I skip right now? I consider pulling anyway (since the black tickets transfer forward)
Depends,is someone dooting you before you pull ?
Surely they'll increase the gear storage cap soon, right? 4 more months of ads and I'll have it maxed out.
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N A N I !!!!!
This was unexpected, Bside you can blueball us with this kind of epilogue
my man turned into a pirate
What does it mean, dooting?
doot deez nuts lmao
Its the ritual of good luck before pulling

Then no...
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here some doot for you
we went up to 890 and it has been dropping since
it's nyover
thank you :3
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silly Xiao, Drill is a Mongols tech
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What gear does jacko want for pvp?
CDR iirc
No I play a lot of gacha games and admit most have trash stories. CS is definitely better than most, it's not the best but it's not bad for a gacha game.
is it time to post >THAT<?
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alice sexo
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hubba hubba
bwos DLC is rekting me...
>enemy gets this
>we get a toaster

I'm not one to complain but
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git gud, tarnished
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you can always surrender yourself to be carmen's pet
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onee san
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wife sexo
He need to speak some Spanish words from now on.
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I like Regina
I want President MacCready to step on me!
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Awakened Rojo any day now.
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Another reminder that we have the Jack-O in the game but this pose is nowhere to be found.
yeah i dunno what bside was thinking there
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DLC final boss is dogshit bwos....
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this week for sure
definitely july 2025
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god cindy is so flat i love her
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She needs a reactor already. And a skin with a bondage cut in like Karin's.
Is Jacko a christian?
my dick can clean all sins
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someone help me I could've bought elden ring dlc but instead i bought these
you might have a problem
Corruption syndrome is a state of mind.
night bwos,luv you all
wuv u 2 bwi
You made the right choice, eldork is overrated. Plushies are forever.
if the game had more real waifus instead of faggots and dykes it would be better for starters
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It's been a while since there was a new awakened on KR. I wonder who will be next.
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>was actually climbing like crazy in pvp
>new vtuber debuts
Well I'll try again next season
the legendary awakened
>new vtuber debuts
That's your cue anon, make us proud! Show them the Naielle supremacy!
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i need a shower after that lvl 12 worm fight, only had 4-7 seconds at the end to not brick my bwos. actually had to turn speed 2 off and squeeze the worm as hard as i could.
also i finally understand the 2nd ult delay, he simply can't ult with less than 33 seconds left not actually related to lenore blocking it (didn't run her at all) prbly more than 33 seconds, just 100% assured skip timing for my runs and didn't wanna tinker with it.
pretty good buffs this week, happy hunting bwos!
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i'd lick your sweat bwi
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There are like 3 people that fought worm in my consortium, just enough worm for all rewards.
People in my consortium get pretty into worm

I personally don't care about it, but I always stop to beat it up as best as I can anyway, just cuz seeing all those guys get all excited/happy makes me kinda happy too
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>People in my consortium get pretty into worm
i love milking the worm
>seeing all those guys get all excited/happy makes me kinda happy too
the co-op spirit, working as a team is fun
>sandy sucking my cock
Corruption syndrome has become such a meme considering it was supposed to be the biggest "scary part" about the counterside

How many times has rivet for example, total normal ass human, hung out in some DEEP ULTRA MEGA DOOM SIX THOUSANTH FLOOR of the counterside wearing nothing but a bra and shorts?
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rivet ain't normal even corruption itself fears her
Are two level 7 worms enough to get all rewards? I missed out on the first week.
pelvisbreaking sex with this crazy bunny
if you're in one of our consortiums then you should finish all rewards in 1 week. if not then 3x lvl 5 gets you all rewards for sure, so 2x lvl 7 might be just enough
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Are these points 1:1 with the total kill points?
I hate doing Worm, Gigas, Wyvern Stage 3 Lvl.100, Salvation's Edge, Impossible Omega III, Crystal Chamber, Futures Rewritten, Blackwing Descent, Slumpia: Goz, The Key of Ahdashim, Ludibrium Clock Tower, Chaos Zakum loved it, Queen Azumashik, The Motherly Tree! Sunavalon Dryatrentiay, Husky Raid, Sanctuary Keeper, River Raid, Vessel of Hatred, Echo of War, The Blinding: Twisted Vista, R-4 Anomaly, Agartha Defiled, Shadows of the Altar, Chambers of Xeric, Zebach, Paradoxical Labyrinth, The Creeping Threat, Uneducated Sophist, Fire Within the Sand, Shiro Kuro Urban, Raid Weekend, ORT Raid, Camp Raid, Morokai / Normal, Ocleera Rift, Ancient Puturum, Artosis, Yveltal Raid, Lucemon (Falldown Mode), Tervigon, Gaia Olympics 2008, Activate the Terminid Control System, Bizarre Town, Number Cruncher (Cashbot), Red-Nosed Chariot, Aquatraining Zone, Vanquish Jie Revorse!, Tomb of Remembrance, Mantis Level 35, Gulbalcio, Worm but I still do it anyways cause why not I guess.
Nice, I'll stick with my consortium for now then.
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i love this flavour of autism
Pretty sure 1x lvl 7 is enough.
well i thought lvl 7 was 70.000 but checking older pics lvl 5 was already over 70k.
i don't think that anon has anything to worry about anyway, with that one guy doing 80k by himself. he just has to do it again next week and 150k easily get and there's other people to speed that up too.
tips for how to deal with clareth attack that pushback in dive 54?
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>dino """""hunters"""""
I don't remember much about those dives but I think his attack with the most cc is his ult so either try to rush him down before he ults, block his ult with skill seal or Jin Bora or include a frontline unit with ultimate hitstun immunity.
How many you can recognize bwos?
>Worm, Gigas
>Slumpia: Goz
>Shiro Kuro Urban
>Queen Azumashik
Epic Shit
>Echo of War
>ORT Raid
>Number Cruncher (Cashbot)
I recognise Worm and Gigas and that's all.
thanks, got past it. but what about 55? It all seemed good until they got that red symbol and were in a frenzy?
red symbol?
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Just aJobber jobbing things as usual.
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Lucrecia's Immortality
Probably because clothes don't do shit about it and if you're not a counter you're assumed to have an Eternium shield(or within a place with shielding) with you if you're expected to go anywhere with high CSE levels.
Besides, Rivet is totally a lovecraftian alien horror.
CS suffer from a common problem of works that focus completely on the characters, because they focus so much into the characters themselves the world building suffer from it, i've seem this quite a lot
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eve sexo
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>Pulled 2 while rolling for Jacko and dinosaur
Can they even fix her meme skills with a reactor?
if they want to they can
well she gives a lot of buffs, just gotta increase the numbers on those or add a new modifier/make them instant on deploy. lots of possibilities here, even to make her OP.
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If Lurcher was built from a shadow does that mean it was once a person?
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stop thinking right here do not awaken to the state of the normalside world, the rabbit hole is too deep
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naielle swimsuit skin when?
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None of her current skins are sexy enough for you?
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I have her bloomers skin, i want a swimsuit barefoot skin for her too though.
Why is that event listed on the collection but not available on the subtream?
That was a Xrd thing, not a Strive thing
Man solo'ing worm 1~5
Then someoneelse doing 6
worm 100 any day now
where is Gregorius?
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Yand doesn't interact with the penguin doll
that sucks
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why are yang's standards so unrealistic, bros?
young ones...
once you see a category 3 corrupted object's massive schlong you never go back
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What if the pvp stage was as small as the practice stage? Or maybe twice as long as normal?
would be nice if pvp stages changed
>What if the pvp stage was as small as the practice stage?
Too much Yoom.
>Or maybe twice as long as normal?
Not enough Yoom.
I like the idea of playing with the pvp stage tho.
the aerial only arcade was fun
night bwos,luv you all
prdywen said to just use lenora+ jake cdr + jisoo to hard counter dino. people just drop replacer knight and drag jake away... how is this a hard counter, i want whatever good shit prydwen writers are on
See >>482999640
That guy is top 50, running about as much anti dino as possible and he still lost to my dino. If Ecclesia had been free it'd be different but this week dino's worst matchup is a mirror.
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I need the opinion of a normal person how comfortable would you feel being out in public with handbag like this as a guy?
What do you mean?
only if you have a matching hat
it's okay to be gay leafbwo
looks like your french lessons are going well
Damn... Thanks to the newcutie I also learned that you can avoid the lava field ok the worm by deploying in the right. I wonder what else I'm missing to better squeeze my bwos worms
bros im evil now
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thx but i'm not gay i just like chickens.
would you use it outside without looking weird?
sadly all i can find from this brand is a handbag and keychain. I don't see any chicken hats from them
oui j'adore les poules
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omg there's a roasted chicken hat.
He's trying to turn her into an italian!
Why is Jack-o doing so bad in this week's coop?
I just accidentally queued for Ranked instead of Strategy battle and left it running
looking at the replay I apparently won because auto battle kicked in and dropped dino early
I have no anti-mech units but recently the shuffling fucked my over and hid dino at the very bottom in a match against a lead dino
somehow AKaci, Ram, Queen and Yang managed to defeat the enemy dino and when I dropped my dino the opponent surrendered
I have no idea how that happened, I was certain I would lose
My dino actually died in that match. The reason why he lost is because he couldn't answer when I asked what he would do about the second dino.
SEA getting the anti-dino unit while no one else can is worse than the actual dino itself.

I'd rather fight a T6 dino with 61% aspd than something I genuinely cannot get
Worm teams please? I can't push out 5% needed to 100% with mine.
Tally is not a playable anti-dino unit unless dino player is sleeping.
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Well Replacer Knight reactor wasn't a thing when Dino released on Korea, couldn't predict that.

Anyway proper dedicated anti-Dino comps have extremely high winrate into Dino. I spent last 3 days Dino hunting, as Dino vs Dino meta became increasingly more and more hostile to Vivian build, and matchup is reasonably stable. Hunter mirrors also aren't bad unless opponent is playing ARegina for some godforsaken reason. High tempo frontline vomit top3 plays is a real bad matchup for the team.

I already said in the previous thread that Dino was stronger than expected, but good solutions to the problem have been discovered.

On an unrelated note, PvP tierlist update deployed (with blog post elaborating on awakened rating changes), you can get angry at it instead of Dino now.
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I managed to do 100.2% damage to worm 15 wow
you did great bwo
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Ciel died prematurely on my real run...
feed her fusion cores,she likes with (you) cum as topping
I would if I had any... and I still have to save some for aChris too.
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Turns out it was just a result of unfortunate timing - she used her skill right as the worm was spewing lava.
everyone say bye-bye to dino!!
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Watch Jisoo and Tempest avoid ban so we just get a repeat of the second most broken pvp unit instead.
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my boy getting raped...
well done bwo!
Need more defensive gear
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and fusion cores if i look at your jack-o. still very good dmg against lvl 15.
i remember the days when we were struggling to reach lvl 12 and now you guys hammer out a new EXTRA record every week...
Btw, this >>483138963 team only had eve as dps, rest were buffers, I also dropped sky and snipers on the left after the lava cleared.
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aren't you still using ARosa and Ministra? did eve break PVE so hard that they don't even count anymore, at best as buffers/debuffer?
Ah, yeah, arosa and ministra as well, but I was thinking in terms of 'dedicated' dps role, since arosa doesn't stand with ajia because she needs to deal with the adds, and ministra is on tank gears.

I'm trying to upload a replay but my internet keeps breaking in the middle. It's my first time being able to 100% over worm 7, this week's buffs were pretty good.
A little better now that aJia doesn't die, now Doroty

This is the same team as last week, the only difference is I changed Chifuyu for Ciel
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>now 110 jack-o
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i guess in that case it works. i'm still running ASY on the right side but maybe it's time to drop her for more def shred or overall buffs.
she's pretty good at it considering the alternative is assault troopers and ingrid.... who was on almost every team
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4/5 runs finished with 1-2 seconds on the clock. Maybe achris/better gears would be safer, but I never failed to finish worm in practice and real runs... apart from that one time Ciel died.
At first I tried with more dps like ayoom, ahahaman, asy, jack-o, etc but as I kept replacing more and more dps with buffers, my damage kept increasing. Your results may vary based on your gears.
Almost there
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i've never actually tried to test worm 15 as i figured i would just die to it, with lvl 13 already hitting so hard. but you guys inspired me to try and to my surprise i can kill it in 1 shot too. also only had 2 seconds left on the clock, prbly that close because of ASY she doesn't even show up in the top 4 dmg dealers and AChris carries her jobbing ass hard.
Everyone should give a proper go at 15 this week, it's a lot easier than you'd think.
>dino only ban 1
everyone is too busy beating their worms to properly ban this dino menace, thanks a lot bside
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switched out ASY for normal chifuyu and cleared it with 4 seconds left. HUUUGE improvement
wait i thought units had ban immunity for the first week after they released?
Reduce dps, embrace debuffers.
You got your 4 days of free Challenger rank already, it's time to let others play again.
>It's easy, just have an account with multiple whale skins. Everyone can do it bwo.
>i've never actually tried to test worm 15 as i figured i would just die to it, with lvl 13 already hitting so hard
>Everyone should give a proper go at 15 this week, it's a lot easier than you'd think.

bwo please read, I'm saying it's not as impossible as you would expect. We have good buffs this week, and it's not like you need to 100% it.
Just try your best instead of suiciding into it.
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but i want tank players to suffer
fuck off nigger. i'll do my shitty autohit and you'll be happy with it.
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Goodbye, Dinosaur. See you in roughly 4 months.
Anon... the new ban system for fury units...

If you take bullet pvp videos seriously you are going to be so disappointed
>Yuna free with jisoo banned
hoo boy. This week may somehow be worse.
Mors is free wheeeeeee
Really thinking of 110ing lulu because why the fuck is she UP every other week
>Actual sick week for him
He's coming.
can't believe they would do that
Is this with everyone dropping on the left side like normal or are you manual deploying behind the worm still? I don't have Ciel who would you replace her with?
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ntrchads we are so fucking back
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You have to pick one.
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last one i swear unless they stock the strawberry or watermelon one....
Its not a plushie its a cushion/pillow so its ok if i splurge a bit right? it's cheaper and more effective for mental health then a therapist anyways.
If it makes you happy and it won't put you on the street go for it.
just discounted frozen chicken instant noodles and water for me for the next 2 weeks!
its okay only if you slurp a month of admin coins
why are you still asking you retard?
you'll buy it then keep attentionwhoring some more next time and ask the same thing again
i really hope you stay unemployed or a walmart wageslave for the rest of your miserable life
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worst case scenario i can eat the banana.
i renewed it incase i wanna buy the eve skin. but idk if i'm gonna kinda frugal on that.
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I already bought it that's the to be shipped tab not the cart.
aww thanks for wishing me well, I hope you meet a nice karen.
>leaf is a mihomo cuck
of course
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in my defense so are most people
Uh, I gotta go sleep, can't help you there. Also I think you replied to the wrong person?
There are some teams a few posts up:
And yeah, I'm dropping to the right: https://files.catbox.moe/c67wby.webm
I tried an auto team last week but my ship kept on getting blown up on the higher levels.
And you can replace Ciel with Chifuyu.
You have an actual hording problem anon.
Watch an ad for more space.
oh hey, Kaci is still free
Hag revenge!
bwo, your 1000 skill cut-ins that block your entire screen at every second of the fight?
pretty sure everyone uses right side manual as full auto is too risky. also too much hassle with the extreme ship damage and lenore's gear stats that would need to change every week (arena buffs reliant). it's a nice flex but nothing else, sadly not helpful to lazy bwos or newcuties.

you can replace ciel with normal chifuyu, SR roy, dash(left side deploy), lone lee(left side deploy), tarrasque(left side deploy), normal mors for the small dmg amp, awakened chifuyu works too as there isn't really a shortage of deployment points and the worm doesn't charge (if ministra strat done correctly). obviously isn't a 1:1 replace as 80% def shred is hard to get but will still keep your dmg high. also don't deploy anything but ARosa on the left till the 1st worm ult is done.
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Got it thanks.
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>That one guy who didn't get the memo and tried to dinosaur while banned on aMors week
I'm sorry but you got baited by the cunnyfags and wasted your tickets. Put it on your home page and let it go.

Also I didn't realize this was the last week of the season. Going to be a bloodbath in the top 10 I guess.
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was he using abraham?
please bring fish
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i want to see if mona smell like fish
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i will put my face beetwen her legs
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The skill cut-ins increase the crash rate of counterside.
can imagine with how many of them pop up at nearly the same time.
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xiao lin sexo
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Fuckin kek
If this is new then glad to see we still get good art sometimes
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night bwos,luv you all
Dino kind of sucks huh. Dies to the level 110 fenrir squad in npc battles.
I tried... couldn't squish more damage.
Okay, ignore my previous posts, I just finished watching your replay. Have you tried replacing Jack-o with a debuffer? I got more damage from using chifuyu than I did with jack-o. Chifuyu on atkspeed britra does 5m in addition to the def debuff for me.
*swift atkspeed
Oh, that did the trick
too late
>no blue tix dispatches the entire last week
>4 today and on the shop
Good job! Now we can both be just-barely-didn't-hit-200k bwos together
lmao hildfriends are cooked
check ur pants rn
I don't get it.
Why join a consortium knowing the one thing they do is co op and then you don't give a shit.
Carry me, retards
free stuff
there's no reward to consortium ranking
>his bwos dont "reward" him
The rewards are too significant, particularly if you're f2p. Doesn't excuse them from being a lazy asshole though. I didn't want to bother people about it so I just made my own and do it solo when I feel like it.
Join pres...
what the fuck do you mean?

also hello and good morning to /csg/, I returned from my weekend trip and now it's time to go back to posting! I've been playing the whole trip though, so I didn't miss on any rewards.
>110 krakens already failing
Guess I have to do it myself now. On the upside I seem to be reliably clearing 150s this time.
Ne***** should have joined Hild instead, with how dominant Rosa has been these past weeks.
what's with the consortium drama? can someone give me a QRD?
There's no consortium drama. Not in pres, rosa, and lucklets at the moment anyway. Idk about hild.
I'm asking about the thread
It's just one guy trying to stir up shit. Nothing's happening.
Reminder if there's worm drama YOU chose to abandon us despite all the advertisements i made :(
should have posted this before I joined other consortium... now I don't want to turn my back to others
You didn't lick my balls mate.
>Rosaria in lore
Cannot be fucked to put in any effort (except when she suddenly does)
Sweaty co op rankers
>Gaeun in lore
Works hard so admin will notice her
Cannot be fucked to put in any effort (except that one guy with pvp rank #2)

Things that make you go hmmm
what about hild and hildfriends
>Sweaty co op rankers
Rosariapits used to always job to Hildfriends. Even on the rare occasion that they'd have a lead on hild, rosa'd lose steam on the last day and end below hild. It's only been recently that they'd win. Adding the prestissimo spreadsheet guy just increased the gap they'd win by. I don't know how to feel about this. I kind of wish rosariapits would keep losing so hild can keep their king of co-op status.
Aren't hild the cucks who want to masturbate as their wife fucks other men?
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How do you deal negative damage? Is this guy healing kraken somehow?
It's the natural result when a tentacle monster sees a loli.
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Where is everyone?
it's... just the weekend, bro? right? right?!
but it's also sea/eu(?) hours.
I'm here! Wondering about plans... how to best utilize my time and finish as much of TASKFORCE guide thingies as I can. The rewards are great! Also thanks to support I am able to slowly gather raid gear from the world map raids. I'd say my newbie progression is going smooth.

The only thing I am wondering is if I should pull for Dino. I love her backstory and design. But I only have 30 black tickets. Some Anon said the half-anni is here... is it worth waiting for it or should I try my luck?
I don't know what to use dino for (I don't pvp, and even then I heard she's going to be permanently banned).
Maybe some of the harder pve stages? But they're doable without dino.
Also dino was very underwhelming on an undeveloped account since most of my alt's gears are for counters. Big waste of 8 dp.
i ate everyone
Yeah, that's the reason I am hesitant. Because my only motivation is pure character design.
I do not like - I reaallllyyy hate the design of the head. I don't know how to describe it but I just can't deal with it.
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hah hah
which one? shepherd or lurcher?
Who the hell doesn't love shepherd's head? I'd get a disembodied shepherd head to use as a paperweight if I could. Cute little thing.
That Anon above doesn't like it.
More buffs needed...
who has the absolute biggest milk tanks in the game?
post the booba tier list
depends from more flat to biggest or vice versa

you hate lurcher head because it cant give ou a blowjob? sick fuck
The biggest on top, please please please
be the hero of csg, anon
who have bigger tits jaina or plaga?
who is more flat rosa or hild?
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most co-op Gigas and Worm teams and thread posts are from Pits. they've always been more autistic about co-op than everyone else. the problem is that so many bwos left in the past year, which forced most consortiums to go more casual and thanks to that those few autists weigh in even more heavily now. giving them 5 boss hits increased that even further.
need to see how they act in bed
That's just Sandy, and hild has someone who posts his team too. Hild has always advertised itself and ran itself as a co op focused consortium.
Rosa always claimed to be casual and focus on cult of personality. Yet for some reason anytime sweaty co op players quit one consortium they joined the "casual" one and turned it even more sweaty now.
Hildfriends succeeded because it held everyone to a standard and didn't let the consortium fill up with useless waste. There weren't a lot of super performers but everyone pulled their weight.
But over time old friends disappeared and anyone new that cared about co op didn't join so now the tables are turned and the casual consortium is now filled with the remaining co op tryhards.
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>wake up
>it's real
sorry bwis, i'm logging in rarely as is...
I don't want to carry pacifist.
>That's just Sandy
i know 2 others in Pits that post theirs, 3 now with spreadsheet bwo joining. that makes it 4:1 in team posting which is what i mean with autism heavily being on Pit's side.
you can prbly blame said team posting for why the tryhards would join Pits instead. sorry didn't expect that one and wasn't my intention
732k points are done by 4 people in Pits out of 990k. imagine the sweat. it's prbly way more evenly distributed in HildFriends.
gearless Brita 150 run
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Bwos, I dreamed about doing my dailies and then my quartz was only 50!
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is it time to make a tryhard consortium?
/csg/'s brightest minds all in one place and everyone trying their best.
no pacifists to worry about...
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It was fun when the gap was smaller, there was motivation to compete and some weeks rosa would come out on top by just a little bit.
Now it's so wide there's no point. It feels like hildfriends lost our identity, what are we now just the casual co op consortium?
Co op is already an unrewarding system, now people are asked to do it when they don't even have the one incentive of bragging rights of being the best.
Bwo there's realistically only 2 and a half consortiums left, and most of Hild and Pits are active. We're already down to what's left of the active co-op players, unless you want to be a dick and kick the newer players to merge all the veterans.
it would be a new consortium to not add to old grudges or make it a fight on who should be the "best" consortium. that way newcuties and casuals can just stay where they are and be happy.
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I propose the name YOOMLOVE
now now don't fall apart like that. there can be only one best at co-op and clearly it didn't kill Pits or Prestissimo to not be it. if they could survive it you can too!
or we make the tryhard consortium to avoid any damage from the sudden title loss.
Now you Hild players finally understand how co-op pacifism starts. Once the numbers stop meaning anything to you, you quickly realize that really only need 150k score in three sessions for full rewards (aside for a few more tokens). Something a single person can achieve without arenas. High level Worm isn't that awful, but skipping the autism that is high level Gigas becomes really appealing.
nyes or MyCasualFriend for the irony of it
>Man wanting to make MyCasualFriend consortium since 2 years ago.
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what if the biggest strat autists are the biggest pacifists?
rabi vs yoom
It's hard to fix. If bside added top co-op score rewards it could actually backfire hard, as most people gave up all hope of competing with the whale consortiums. It would also make it impossible to new players to find anything but pacifist consortiums.

I think they should add a middle ground, and add more actual rewards (beyond tokens) past 150k. Doesn't have to be amazing stuff, but something tangible so people have actual incentives to hit past level 5.
A skin to everyone that did the raid and helped?
what it feels like to be in hildfriends
Nothing would change except you'd get a lot more sub 100 scores.
Project Star will save us
But RosariaPits already exists
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Cute pair of cunny but why is there an empty space on the left of the pic?
nah not even close
Why isnt there any consortium named after Horizon? She is best oven.
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I never thought that someone would fell jealous because I joined another guild. I just wanted to use my 2 years worth of gear doing the worm beyond lvl 5 with some bwos.

Now I started playing a deader game.
>a deader game
The fuck are you talking about? They are making 20x as much as us bwo.
>only 20x
Its nyover for them
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i've posted a recruitment pic on like almost every thread though :( can't expect much more then that from a slacker like me
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everyone gets max rewards every week though all you get for tryharding beyond the 15 attacks is bigdick points from the consortium ranking.
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based frito enjoyer. snowpeak will add sex scenes soon, trust the plan.
>no reason for tryhard guild
>no reason for tryhard friend list
will this finally get us some new frens?
You're going to have to advertise outside of /csg/. Other than anniversaries, we get like one new person every 4-5 months.
Steam numbers look good, we got lots of newfrens. Just not in /csg/.
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>when you compare this to how Prestissimo used to be in 2022/23
Abandoned pres
Also abandoned pres
Pres should reject all applicants whose names start with N and end in I.
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if we're advertising outside of csg it kinds ruins the point of the /csg/ requirement i'd thiink. I'm just making the ads for fun to see if we can snatch a few newbies here don't really think the number count is important enough to recruit people outside.
The main effort I want to see is people doing arena hits and getting to at least level 7 if possible. When it comes down to it, the more important thing is to donate so we can spam consort buffs during the weeks with eternium buffs.
>consort buffs
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>tfw my irl name starts with N and ends with an I
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comrade nicholai...
I think it is finally nyover guys...
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>Got Sol to TU6 before I got a Ram EE with ASPD
Wepl, fuck it then. I've seen every other set at least twice now, I'll settle for the HP one I guess.
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we are beyond the nyend
It's ranged time hour boys
who are you giving this too
Dunno, maybe Curian
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>wuwa has 1.6k in a month
it's just not fair we deserve better
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i'm sorry bwos but the horsepussy won, i must go
wtf now i can't joke about this never coming out on global anymore
How hard is pvp with sea whales now?
No way, I can't believe it. I had given up years ago, sorry leader I won't be doing co op anymore I need to train my horses.
It's the sum of all the worst parts of all cygames games together.
Game isn't going to last half a year.
Niche game that is p2w, dying in JP, and a new game that allows porn was released recently
>3 years late and half assed
And people wonder why chinkslop is dominating the market, nip companies are literal dinosaurs now incapable of innovating or modernizing or giving a shit anymore. Where did it all go? They are squarely to blame for why the laterst hype gacha character is named linglongpingpong instead of sakura or ayumi or whatever
Nips have been half assing their mobile releases for almost a decade.
They have not been innovating, releasing global too late, or just straight not releading to global.
Now gooks and chinks are dominating the market globally.
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>a new game that allows porn was released recently
tell me more
Gakuen Idolmaster
Same gameplay as Uma but there's no Yakuza
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naisu seggs with idols is back on the menu
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are they autistic?
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The content gap between JP and Global will be fucking massive. Global priconne died because nobody rolled for anything; because they had literal years worth of clairvoyance on everything that was ever going to come out. People will just log in and log out saving for the meta banners, because otherwise it's a well know p2w game.
main problem of pricunny was being run by crunchyroll. uma will be run inhouse and daddy cygames doesn't care much about less than 200k revenue when JP is still printing upwards of 10 million.
>He doesn't know
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stealijg kot tail..
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pirates this week surely?
i wish bwo but july is more likely
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FUCK the pirate
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welp we're done for sea only had 300 players we're never getting anymore. Uma mutsume global just got announced too
Dracasia sexo
I'm tired of herding cats, probably going to retire soon myself. I gave bside years and they never learned, things never got better, they never made anything new or interesting. What's the point?
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should've taken the hint that bside gave us at the very beginning of this year
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Don't post this.
It makes me sad.
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That's not fair, I want to take hild with me when I go.
It is what the admin does.
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How many companies have learned anon? I never had hopes for stuff like this
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>Another company announced a 4 years late English release of their game? Time to doompost!
yakuza finally let their hands of umamusume
I'mma leave counterside for bloons
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sheperd blooms flowers all the time
the horsepussy is simply that strong
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Shepherd is basically Yang on a large scale.
night bwos,luv yo uall
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sweet dreams, bwo, luv u too
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I like that Hilde just call her a 'literal who' and then a 'literal whore'.
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she was alone in that room for lord knows how long anyone would be horny!
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hild acts a lot like my dad
how fresh are her eggs?
Not even a menopause anymore, menofinished.
Commander Hilde, please cover your thighs.
i am horny
Here's another random kraken oneshot by a dude running a potato.
hi horny, I'm bwo
eh, today's reading of the thread made me sad bwos. I thought I could revive the thread a bit by being an active newplayer. I don't want the doomposting to get to me, I really enjoy the game and being in hild is comfy, I don't want it to fall apart right after I started
Doomposters are just mad that we went beyond the end.
Is steam client tokay or is it its own "region" like in some shit gachas?
It's connected to to the rest of globsl on the same server
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doomposting is a time honored way of keeping the thread alive.
yeah, it's alright. every "region" is on the same server anyways, except KR.
Some QOL changes here, like dives now not changing ships.
the qol for the advance deployment units is pretty nice
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Initially I thought the skin for Plaga was a bit pointless. "Sure it's sexy but so is her default", I thought. But now...
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>modest stat buffs for GG
>ship skill cooldowns in tooltips
>remove from all button for OPs
>deployment effect markers
pretty good for qol patch
EX-Tier tiddies
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>â–£ Summer Season Circuit Link Event
>But no pirates to go with it
Which way, /csg/?
Oh hey they buffed some of the GG units neat. May really needed the buff especially.
Does she do anything now?
To Snowbreak.
her kit is actually pretty good, she just had an issue with being made of paper mache.
What a strange operator skill. 8 1 hp barriers but the duration is tiny and strikers and rangers can't get it.
>make big statement about wanting to catch global up to KR
>all skin related characters already released on every server
>no story attached to them, just simple and easy to implement skins
>still release seasonal skins in KR only
i better see those skins in july's roadmap for global, bside...don't make this another 6 months down the line shit
Yeah, there's a lot that's weird about that. At max level, you get 2.7s for each barrier and a 30% atk buff. Maybe the barriers are staggered, so you'd get 8x2.7 duration of atk buff if none of them get popped?
This has got to be some elaborate marketing strategy for bside to figure out their playerbases taste once and for all...
What's up with the stupid hat? They gave it to Rosaria as well. Is this some loli thing I'm not pedo enough to understand?
So is may usable now?

You werent here for when it was fast paced? We wouldn't get any of this last month if it wasnt accelerated,it would be 2 dead weeks
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>Repalcer Knight
How are they STILL making these kind of mistakes?
Need to see in action to grasp how the fuc kit works

Don't be mean to intern-kun he is special ok?
It's a bonnet.
i didnt know the name but its from lolita fashion isnt it?
It's Victorian fashion that was adopted into lolita fashion, yes.
wheni look at it i instantly get reminded of rozen maiden
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easy trigger condition at least. if the barriers have a stack removed every 2.7 seconds it might not be too bad, it'd be basically impossible to assassinate the snipers. Kind of a weird half offense half defensive operator.
More than I thought, not bad. May might be usable now? Doma might actually be good?

Was going to get Jaina's now that you get the cut-in, but...
I like big but there is such a thing as too big and just looks cartoonish.
This happens every month when bside takes too damn long to add some content. They added a new DC and Last Stand along with three relevant? reactors for pvp so at there will be something to do with this weeks patch.
There's such a thing as too big but that isn't it.
doomposting been a meme since what? Global started 2 years ago
We are counterrising bwo.
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>Counter (adjective)
>coun·ter ˈkau̇n-tər
>1: marked by or tending toward or in an opposite direction or effect
>2: given to or marked by opposition, hostility, or antipathy
>3: situated or lying opposite, i.e. the counter side
i've been here since launch, i know that we are accelerated. i already said that there is no reason to hold those skins back, they aren't ASSRs that are bound to some story or need a certain schedule to have people catch up on black tickets.
so far in 2024 every new skin that KR got we got too and there was hope bside keeps it that way. but alas let's see what next month brings, would be funny if the pirates are still missing then too.
it honestly wouldnt suirprise me if they forgot global dont have them...
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iirc the kraken shows up for the first time in that story, we weren't supposed to get the raid before the pirates. that is how fucked up the schedule is with those.
someone needs to call intern-kun to remind them that they exist.
maybe they are holding for when the pirates reactor come so we get they all at once...haha surely
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gonna switch gears into hope posting, trust the changed and accelerated plan july will be the month!
What is there to hope about? Sea merge happened, gg collab happened, what else can they do to revive this game?
Only thing to do is wait for Alice Mavka and the ugly unfinished looking notnicole assr, all of which are skips for me due to my nonexistent black tix. Might enter hibernation soon…
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as far as the coomer scale goes, was there any other skin that showed naked tits before?
the bottle is see-through too...
is the golden age of coom upon us? R18 rating soon?
This is the worst version of Maria
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wyell now that we did all collabs plenty of times and got the new GG shit a year late, surely bside has plans for a actually NEW collab. then there is the KR merge that will likely happen for next full anniversary that is why we're accelerating hard after all. not having to wait for new content while KR already has it will elevate the experience by a lot.
maybe bside will actually do some big new content in PVE on one of these days too.
it's not quite nyover nyet!
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no freebie for the circuit
Now this would get me to spend again. And hit the worm.
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why do i feel like you're going to hit a entirely different worm?
holy sexo
Boobies too big. Disgusting. Ded game.
there is something for (You) too >>483394662
i know what (I) want, *smooch*
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This is pretty homosexual
don't worry, we say "no homo" after that
Guy with the lung infection here. It's still going on a month later. Also think my gallbladder is going out. And just a few minutes ago I spilled a pizza on my leg and half my leg is covered in burns.
Life is one long humiliation ritual, I'm so tired.
are you obese
Recycle please.
I also got a lung infection when playing counterside lol had to go to the hospital.
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you could've avoided the pizza one with wearing pants. if you're too cool for pants at home then get a comfy onesie. you set yourself up for failure without that as you're apparently pretty clumsy.
better yet, stop eating pizza and your gallbladder will improve as well.
I'm going to recycle straight into your cute little boi pussy.
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recycle this
Ever since I got pinched in a sensitive area, I've hated jointed dolls. Seamless action figures with custom body jobs are so much better.
>Ever since I got pinched in a sensitive area
you tried to fuck a doll?
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Your dick fits in a doll?
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i assume he did it as a teenager and not actual insertion but rubbing on the body or armpit of the doll. horny boys do stupid things.
there are also pretty big dolls out there, incredibly expensive sex dolls too.
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I once rubbed my dick on a barbie doll until I came when I was a kid.
W-we honkai now?!
god i want to have sweaty smelly sex with stelle
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sexo con la hilde
dino life ain't easy
The fuck am I reading in the general today
usual general masturbation with zero actual gameplay
peak /csg/ content desu
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be glad that you're reading something, it could be 20 picture bumps with not a single word instead
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My air conditioner is broken so wearing anything more than underwear in this weather is out of the question. I am usually super careful and in 6 years in this place never once have I spilled anything before and I've never burned myself before. It was some crazy fluke of physics where I twisted while holding it and my toe caught on the very edge of the table which caused me to jolt to correct my stance and the pizza jerked and slid off.
Thankfully mostly cheese landed on my leg, if it had been the sauce I would probably be in the hospital right now. Got an aloe vera plant and I've been rubbing it on the burns. I don't think any of them will be too bad.
This year has just been insane, almost every week something bad happens. It's turning me into a paranoid schizo.
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fine if it is too hot then naked apron it is.
on the bright side, it didn't hit your private parts that would've been even worse. you got my blessings for life to stop fucking you from here on out and get well soon, bwo.
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Thanks bwi, I really appreciate it. Sorry to dump my real life problems on you guys but I just don't have anyone else to talk to.
Yes I am fat, that pizza was supposed to be my last meal before I doubled down on losing weight. I guess it was just justice making sure I knew I fucked up.
Going on an egg, veggie and lean meat diet now. Maybe by this time next year I'll have some hope.
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you prbly researched into that diet already but also make sure to use butter instead of plant oil for cooking. helps your body to burn fat even faster, while also stopping it from going into panic mode where it tries to store more fat from you not eating "enough".
God can you imagjne gaeun dropping hot pizza onto her pussy and she's in pain and she's asking you to help her and you have to use your mouth to clean the cheese off her pubes
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pretty hot
Gaeun wouldn't have pubes she is a clean girl.
Thanks, I don't use oils much. I was planning on not using any fats because of my gallbladder issues. But I'll look into the butter thing, maybe a little bit won't hurt.
without getting too much into details here, your gallbladder is very likely fucked from the normal modern diet with lots of sugar and plant based fats. our body has very little problem to digest animal based fat, which butter would be, but struggles hard with anything plant based.
you can easily read about that stuff yourself, shouldn't be hard to find. naturally that doesn't mean you should eat a whole piece of butter a day, as with anything it comes down to a healthy amount.
>>483468023 (me)
oh and enjoy the rabbit hole of "meat is bad, plants and onions are your friend" that you will stumble into from that research.
Yeah over the decades I have seen eggs go from a super food to literal poison and back again at least 3 times. Science is a psyop. I'm just going to try to eat as much whole foods as possible, nothing boxed and only a small amount of grains. I don't want to do a hard keto diet but I know low carb for a while can help with gut issues.
hard keto is too much for the longterm anyway. a good example would be that you can literally starve from eating only rabbit. just not enough fat in it to sustain you.
it has to be a balance. which most of our processed food today just isn't but you figured that out already. and don't treat it as a diet that you end in a year or two, try to stick with it. that way you won't blow up again once you got slim.
good luck, bwo!
Thanks, I'll keep all that advice in mind. If I make some good progress I'll post my results.
eggs are godlike, you can eat them
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welcome to /csg/
we eat meat, fuck dolls and doompost all day.
enjoy your stay and jyoin our consortiums.
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Damn i bet those breasts can make enough milk for all of them
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Why is Barbarossa listed as only available in Korea on prydwen?
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Nice I-no needs an hp buff, I swear she's the most wet tissue sniper ever. Jack-O a whole 1 second extended buff duration.......whoopie
hopefulyl she is usefull now
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>This has got to be some elaborate marketing strategy for bside to figure out their playerbases taste once and for all...
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naielle sexo
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shh you didn't see that
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The tummy that ended the friendship with the human race
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worth it
>Literally a child belly erotic ToT
Can I get a qrd on this skin? Specifically price and when will be available in global.
this author is not doing comics for CS anymore right?
not quite. tomorrow for KR, not us.
if we're lucky in july, otherwise expect 4+ months of waiting. price will be the usual 2080 admin coins (around 20 bucks)
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hard to tell with mmm as he posts very rarely and only windy made a post that it did end. windy is still drawing CS stuff tho.
going by recent comics 2 are still at it. namely the guy that does the ban number pics and pic related.
>20 bucks
It's $7 if you plan ahead and get the sub.
night bwos,luv you all
Still winning...
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i love planning ahead
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
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But the 6.99 sub admin coins are not enough to buy the skin
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Nvm, it is more than enough. Will try to sub later, has been a long while since I purchased something for mobage.
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BSide should've invested in nuclear reactors.
>was about to do my evening pvp and dump eternium
For what? They're adding a.... reactor? That's it?
Amy cucked her so hard

They probably were going to dev her into an operator or mabye a striker, and then all the shit about amy made them go "oh fuck nevermind" considering her entire character is "I charm u"
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>one of the worst units in the entire game, who is is so awful that philiharmonic teams skip using her
>the highest damage unit in the entire game
And then bside will still go "wow guys the cunny skin sold way more!"

I like cunny I just miss all the titcows bsdie used to make + am a bitter orchestra fan
>Amy cucked her so hard
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On release Amy had a charm/confuse gimmick and the KR playerbase revolted since it basically ruined pvp, so they changed her to have execute gimmicks

The story actually references the change which is kinda cute, but TLDR bside is terrified of ever doing charm/confuse mechanics again
most of the philharmonic doesn't do damage
Right, but plaga is especially useless
I wonder if they planned to give Plaga some 'doom' mechanic.

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