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>Redeem Free Mount

>Official Twitter

>Twitch Drops
dropped this after 5 minutes. the gameplay is worse than xiv
I will not redeem, thank you.
We are already 20, leveling and match making went smooth
redeem? no.
>schizo already panicking about the potential of people spending a few hours playing an mmo that isn't his mmo
>hardcore raids
let's fucking goo
Only thing that would make me play this is when I see some sexo.
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we won
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I meant some goonworthy ingame imagery.
juicer, are you from wow or xiv?
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>hardcore mmo
You will go the way of wildstar
>14 posts in 28 minutes
were actually playing the game, if you want an active thread of people who dont play check wowcg
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>look into the game because of shilling in /wowg/
>phone game
>gender locked classes
>chinese developer
>watch gameplay
>people praising the lack of woke shit and how all the characters are white
>literally all of the players are arabs or indian
2 month lifespan absolute maximum
>phone game argument
everyone already knows who you are anti-shill
Some indian tried shilling it on /xivg/ too, I clicked the thread to see what is being said about it. Your post tells me everything I need to know. thanks bro.
>gender locked classes
This is literally not even true.
>everything I don't like is le pajeet do I fit in yet
I tried it out, its surprisingly fun. The Elite dungeons too.

People crying about the game acting like they spend $100 on early access.
Shits free, it cost you nothing. Just uninstall it if you don't like it
shit smeared child raping brown hands typed this post
game looks like complete garbage. Wish you the best of luck with your chinkshit though
oh boi, xiv freaking out again because a new mmo with better combat just launched
he's actually from wowg, xivbros would not act that defensive
you will never be white and you will never be chinese. your nation will never be a super power, your nation will never shape global culture, your misbegotten kind can't even figure out plumbing. the DNA of your people is so damaged from eons of living in waste and filth that any children you spawn will be born with extra limbs or massive growths that will render them barely recognizable as human. you are a chromosomally aberrant pseudohuman and when you die your family will throw your corpse into a river of raw sewage that your people believe to be holy. enjoy your phone game, coolie
game has built in dps meter and boss dbm, let's fuckin gooo
Are there any classes/specs that wont give me arthritis? Just tried phantom necro and it has you spamming 1 every single second
I am playing paladin, it's fun, not spammy but I am still very early into the game.
This is one of the worst games I've ever played. Wasted my time installing windows on a separate drive because I didn't want that chinese anticheat shit on my OS.
at least make the bait believable
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>300 mb game download
it's 27GB
What is this trash lmao, wow won
>wow won
that's why every wow streamer is playing Tarisland lmfao
They sponsored a bunch of them to play it, shit's gonna be dead in a week tops
>what is grifting
retard lol
>Play Priest healslut in elite dungeons
>Two hot heals, one of which shoots powerful version afer you charge the power bar
>Ult that makes hot juiced up AoE
>Two charges of mass AoE heal
>One spammable ST heal spell
>Pain Supression
>All on short CD and instant cast
>Bosses hit rather hard but never harder than 30-40% of the party HP pool, but rather frequently
>Do mechanics, smash buttons, without getting stressful but also not feeling boring
>Also no mana so no need to manage that shit

Thats how M+ should be done in WoW. I feel strong, dungeon is still challenging, gameplay loop is satisfying with dopamine from smashing the right buttons in the right moment, just like sort of perfected WotLK healing.
And i didnt expect anything good from this game.
>no one is in any actual danger unless i just stop pressing buttons
>dungeon still challenging
honestly you should just play xiv, its got exactly what youre looking for
that xiv costs money.
>game should be designed around 0.0000001% of the mazerats

you should play tetris or some other sweaty game
ive no idea what you even mean. the last two seasons of dragonflight have been hilariously easy
>game has a tutorial fight that explain to you how to use your spells
imagine that
mage or that necromancer like class?
>>Bosses hit rather hard but never harder than 30-40% of the party HP pool, but rather frequently
>>Do mechanics, smash buttons, without getting stressful but also not feeling boring
>>Also no mana so no need to manage that shit
thank you for convincing me to never download this game
im playing a bard, queued dps and then the healer left and the game asked if i wanted to swap to healer and it automatically changed my talents
more interesting than afk healing in classic
they solved all wow problems while wow devs are scratching their balls
>page 8
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THIS is the game you've all been waiting for?

LMAO this is such a piece of shit, MMO fans are so fucking desperate it's unreal.

This is the jankiest shit I've played in a long time.

I honestly can't believe you were all hyping this trash up.
>hes been paying $15 a month for 8 months to play sod
>not even 60 yet
What's the verdict?

I haven't played wow since Legion try again.

This is fucking garbage, like worse than usual for shitty Asian MMOs and you know it.
i had fun.
how is it garbage? it plays just like any other mmo, including wow.
if this is one of the worst games youve ever played, you probably dont play games at all.
>Throne and Liberty on July 18th
The days are already counted for this game.
Good thing it doesn't cost any money.
I just don't play shitty games because usually I know a shitty game when I see one on video.
I played it for 2 hours, experienced both the normal and 'challenge' dungeon thats available so far. It was fun, more mechanics than anything in classic wow.
Questing didn't feel like a drag, unlocking spells early on was a plus.
Game has built in DBM/Meters which is nice

Just did my first battleground, not sure what the goal of it was since I didnt read I just ran around in a group pvping people. I swapped to healer spec even though I hate playing healers, this games version or healer was enjoyable
The bgs had a timer so whoever was furthest ahead won, like arathi basin in wow.
Will pick it up again tomorrow to do the raid.

You might think its shit, but this was a more enjoyable experience than the first 2 hours of wow walking around elwynn forest with 2 abilities
>classic wow
Is this the fucking metric now? A 20y old game? Fucking kek. Your post reads like a fucking ChatGPT post. Not a secret that these c*inks have hired a bunch of shills.
>Is this the fucking metric now?
for mmos? most people would say yes
Pretty fun so far, I don’t get all the seething from blizztrannies
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holy based
what should i roll as my third class
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Game is surprisingly fun. Not sure I trust the devs tho.
Is moving the camera with right click buggy for anyone else? Feels like I'm playing with a broken mouse in this game. Pretty fun so far though.
Whoever decided to let us put voice clips in world chat that play automatically is fucking based.
buggy how?
sometimes my mouse unclicks while i have right click held and i start moving, but that might be my mouse
Yeah that's what I mean by buggy. Makes me think the right switch in my mouse is going out.
Lmao this shitty game is a mobile game. Anyone who doesn't feel how clunky it is, is legimitmately a retard.
it isnt that clunky though
Official Verdict Written by the Hand of Allah:
1. Tarisland is better than FFXIV (not hard to beat lolmao)
2. WoW is the best MMO still
>pc games calling themselves mobile so they can be shit without repercussions
do I need to be lvl 20 for pvp? and is 20 the max level
im not sure, i never bothered to pvp until i hit 20
if you have a quest for it on the side, you should be able to do it

20 is max level for today, but dont worry this isnt SoD you wont have to wait 6 months, it increases tomorrow
is this game fun?
yeh, and the first day is capped at level 20, which doesnt take very long to get 2-3 hours
Can I start with a friend and level together the entire way?
maybe after the tutorial dungeons, mob tags are shared between everyone that hits it
Day 1 - Level 20
Day 2 - Level 26
Day 3 - Level 30
Day 4 - Level 34
Day 5 - Level 38
Day 6 - Level 40
game is wow but better
>chink dev
ye woke devs are better lmfao
new days start at 4am EST, 1am PST
Both are equally trash, garbo and ass.

Weirdly enough I liked it, gonna try the raid tomorrow. there's jiggle physics, game cutscenes are not there yet tho, but we'll see, playing frost barb, add me, Ahab
I ran library earlier, tank kept dying on the second last boss where you are supposed to eat the orbs so he doesnt power up
Somehow he managed to get 50+ stacks and die instantly every single pull, this happened 6 times before I just quit out the dungeon since I was just doing it for fun and practice
Ran it again with a guildie and 1 shot everything like every other pug I had, the tank mustve been playing blind and just eating every ability since I was keeping the entire party 100% the whole time

I'm surprised he managed to play so badly, I did a run eating a lot of mechanics and didn't manage to die at all, even when I asked my healer fren to only heal me if I went below 15% hp
yeh ive ran it like 10 times just for fun and practice and it was the first wipe ive had in the game
everyone gets shadow stacks and im not sure the mechanic on how they fall off or get stacked, but when you get 50 you instantly die
Hell no. The camera feels like I'm playing HI3 lmao
>time gated xp
>in an MMORPG
this is beyond retarded
i know right, have you seen season of discovery? 8 months and people arent even 60 yet.

at least this unlocks more every day and everything will be unlocked in by the end of the 6th
just let it die
I played for an hour and it is legitimately fucking trash. Auto move? This is a brainlet chink mobile game desu.

Woke devs are gay niggas but this game is fucking dogshit

this is a game for chinks and poors. Have some self respect

Yep fucking embarassing isn't it
I made a paladin tank, a priest healer, and an ice mage dps. Leveled them to around 15-20 each. I'd say the game is pretty fun. I'd prefer a larger hotbar and there are a couple other concessions to being multiplat with phones, but it checks most of the boxes WoW did. Well, except the voice acting is kind of bad a lot of the time, sometimes with straight up typos and other times they'll change words (the king referred to a character as daughter in spoken voice and sister in subtitle text for example). I get that it's chinese translated into english but still....

I quit WoW a few years ago when they trampled on the story during the jailer arc so it's nice to play an mmo besides swtor. I'd say swtor is fundamentally better but this is a fun modern game to play on the side.

I tried the pvp and it was fine. My pvp record on WoW and swtor is respectable so this is an area I can directly compare and I had some fun.

My short version review would be that it's worse than dedicated pc-only mmo's because some concessions have to be made for being multiplat with phones, but that aside the graphics are fine, the gameplay is fine if slightly limited, and it checks most of the same boxes as wow. So I'll continue to play it casually. I plan on testing it on my phone (samsung s22 ultra) later today and will see how it runs there.

swtor = classic wow > tarisland > modern wow
ni hao my friends
how are the leveling dungeons and raids?
This game is far better than WoW
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Downloading now. Which class is the most waifu
Is it actually fun?
I've enjoyed playing it drunk but it is totally braindead, if you're white and sober then you won't get anything out of it. You can macro your entire rotation onto a single hotkey, so the game becomes spamming your attack key while dodging the red circles on the ground. Also it's fine now when everyone is at the same power level but the game has several separate pay to win systems already baked in.
sounds much better thanclassic, more buttons, less cd and more mechs. all mmos are p2w including wow tokens or buying from bots like soda and everyone is doing because the experience is miserable.
My expectations were low but, HAHAHA
Honestly I'm kinda sad, I wish it was good but this MMO is stillborn. I wonder how much money they lost trying and failing to get people to play it
the fact that it's a new and relatively polished WoW clone makes it fun
I think it's worth experiencing the release with everyone else
but obviously this game is going to be a p2w infested piece of shit and the gameplay will always be braindead because of the mobile part
>failing to get people to play it
lmfao, 100 EU servers ALONE and they are all full, cope
not as braindead as wow classic though
WoW classic is a 20 year old game
Movement feels like shit and there's no graphics settings. This feels like a straight mobile client conversion :(
And what's the cap per server? Yeah i thought so.
Asia-1 (indo), Asia-2 (thai), Asia-3(eng)
LATAM-1 (Full), LATAM-2
EU-1 (Full), EU-2, EU-3

There's a total of 10 servers, and only LATAM-1 and EU-1 are full
Which one is the best healslut?
my mom!
Nothing says "alive game" like a hour between replies on the day of release
>inb4 "we're playing the game" cope
WoW lost.
SoD was shit and the new expac has been sweet baby'd
That doesn't make this chinkslop any better
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>lmfao, 100 EU servers ALONE and they are all full, cope
Why are you lying? There's 3 eu servers, and only EU-1 is full. And there's 2 (EU-1 and LATAM-1) out of 10 total servers that's considered full.
Why are wowbabs so insecure

everyone is busy playing erdtree
Can anyone rank the classes in order of popularity?
Also what are the best PvP classes?
I've seen lots of mages taking MVP, but dunno if they are the actual best
Frost mage it is
how do you do random exploration event?
Any EU guilds?
>He didn't pick tailor
Don't tell me you bricked your character
stop undercutting the price on my bags
Why would ever use other healers instead of bard?
my priest slut is sexier
Which class did you enjoy the most?
Best for pvp?
I have to agree with the other gentlemen, priest is pretty cute...
Where is your team wide damage reduction?
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what's a fun class
Phantom Necro
>lvl 32
Useless slut
healing is always the most fun
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any femboys in the house?
>Looking at the left bar 99% of the time
what's a fun healer
Which skill is this tied to?
>dead thread
>suddenly a burst of posts
chang you're going to have to try harder than this
as opposed to noting?
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That's single target though
playing with good people that won't stand in bad
>can't bound skills to mouse buttons
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you can rearrange the ui in settings
I just played with someone named Askanon, are you here? Or just a coincidence
>time gated content
Phew, I almost invested time in this
Project n the trash it goes
>new wow expansion drops
>raid is gated by a week or 2
you can play in a week and do everything
Ok I got priest up to the limit
What's the next healer I should try?
Sar your astroturfed discussion is very obvious
bard is super based
can you not play it as female?
not right now
guess I'm going necro
a tips is to level all of them and do the first dungeon and then make your choice, it wont take that much extra time
I'll bite. Link any video/stream with engaging or fun gameplay and I'll download your game. So far, the top 3 streamers on twitch have all been boring as fuck. Would rather redownload LOTRO
I don't have anything to compare priest to but I found it really fun so if it wasn't for the progression block I would have kept playing it. Necro's dps spec so far is leaps and bounds above the priest one in damage at least. We'll see what the healing spec is like
see >>483008309
The game is just a pay for power simulator
Play for fun but this isn't a proper MMO, it's a gacha
Just download LOTRO
>The game is just a pay for power simulator
low quality bait, where in the shop can you pay for power
literally so many p2w mechanics that he forgets about one mid video
>7 months ago
meanwhile im in the game right now and theres nothing to buy for power in the store
how much do you have to pay to get party members that can do mechanics properly?
ive only had one retard in my party, just leave
dungeon deserter is only 5 minutes
Priest or Bard is better?
its such a cheap ripoff but man it feels kinda cozy ngl im having fun
Tarisland is such a cheap ripoff but man it feels so cozy ngl im having fun
How long are the dailies in this game?
Ok so I did library on elite mode and I have to say that while Necro's aoe healing isn't as good as priests their damage (even while healing) is massive in comparison. Priest just feels super undertuned in general compared to Necro
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okay bros what's a good class.
necro is S++ tier dps
just like world of warcraft.
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thanks bro.
Unless you're a world first mythic raider you don't need to pay anything
WoW is severely degraded from what it once was but comparing it to a tencent whale farm is idiotic
That's an excellent point, I have exaggerated.
Json Analysis Error
Just did normal Shadow Witch. Fun boss.
More mechanics than anything in vanilla wow/sod
Is this chinese pay to win gacha slop?

or an actual mmo
I tried to do her, but after 30 min in queue I got a group that just died to the centaurs and gnolls
Because it's day 2 and we're not max level yet.
But there's no way to spin the fact that you can buy empowerment and gems straight up.
no cunny no play
70% gacha 30% mmo 100% chinese
Does new gear not change your look? pretty gay
The raid is currently unbeatable lmao
I beat it earlier but it felt pretty rough on healing, not sure if it's because people stood in shit or because it's hard
can't be done with 2 shadow priest healers
probably a combination of tank failing the mechanics and dps taking too much damage
tanks need to stack swap
doing the raid as dps, the void zones inflict a DoT before they fall off the character, so theres potential to die if you run too far from a healer when youre already low
people should be silencing the boss so she doesnt gain a protective shield
sounds like people did it mostly right, the tanks were just slow on the swap and the dps stood in the bad stuff for too long
Can someone post screenshots of the shop?

How pay to win is it? how are the prices? Kinda curious about trying this game.
>this english dub
Why did they even bother?
see >>483045523
>3 hours later, no vods posted
>expecting to be spoonfed a youtube video you can easily look up yourself
if it's so easy to look up post one rotation that isn't macroable to a single key
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red pill me on this guy
buttons 1-3 are macroable
4-7 arent because they have cooldowns
>got a peak of 1300 dps on Necro
>as healer
what the F U C K is this class bro
Souldraw is busted as all hell with how much crit you're stacking
macros also have some kind of noticable delay, manually pressing your buttons will output more dps every time
He was on his way back home from the war to change his name
Game is pretty terrible I downloaded on my phone and deleted it after 15 minutes. Dont even hate all chink games but this one is straight slop.
i wouldnt play an mmo on my phone
This game is an insult to MMORPG genre. Throne and Liberty can't come soon enough.
>p2w gookslop
>More mechanics than anything in vanilla wow
Man, there's no resourse management and single dd macro for all classes.
rip old wow macros, they used to be so good
It makes it easier to play on mobile, and theres a built in delay on macros so manually doing your rotation outputs higher dps.
I was talking about boss mechanics, in vanilla its theres zero/one mechanic on every raid boss
Even if you do macro, its no different than playing vanilla, spam frostbolt, spam shadowbolt, spam flash of light, spam backstab, seal autoattack
hate to break it to you newfag but TL is hot garbage and instantly died overseas, zerg endgame people will quit within 1 month tops
Besides playing like a mobile game, what the fuck is going on? Who is my character, who are these characters, where the fuck are we? What we doing here?
>what the fuck is going on? Who is my character, who are these characters, where the fuck are we? What we doing here?

no idea, i skipped every cutscene and didnt read any dialogue like a true mmochad.
>skips everything
>whats going on
first time mmofag?
I didn't skip but still nothing makes sense.
Yeah easily the worst story I've seen in an MMO maybe ever. I literally have no idea what was even going on. I'm the normal amnesiac hero, okay, and I have a special stone?

Who is the Priestess lady? Then I guess the Chieftain made a bargain with....someone? to resurrect his son. Now I'm a famed hero, the very next day because the Tutorial says "2 Days Ago" and I take a boat that's then an airship to some kingdom.

From there the plot goes out entirely. The Peter Dinklage clone wants to bring about the big dragon, which is a world ending threat, but I beat the shit out of it in the Tutorial. And there's characters that they never introduce, the King refers to his sister as his daughter sometimes, oh man it's insane.

I'll definitely be skipping the rest from here on out. The game play is nice the the story and cutscenes are worse than amateur. Obvious AI translation to English, I assume AI voice acting too because anyone would tell them this is not how English speakers talk. Then half the time the animations mouth words but there's no audio/sub-titles OR it cuts them off talking mid-sentence. Hilarious.
Do we have a guild already?
Final assessment, Necro is my new main even though Priest is cuter. Priests might be needed in raids because they put out a shitton of aoe healing but honestly in group content having the healer doing good dps is amazing for getting a better rank.
Necro is S+ tier DPS and S tier healer, probably one of the best classes in the game. It is a tiny bit harder to play than the other classes tho.
I could see the DPS Necro being harder yeah (mainly because losing track of your stacks means your dps going to shit when you don't have your ghost out) but the healer Necro is braindead I feel. With good APM you should have no issues generating flowers which translates into aoe healing. Use skill 2 on the tank on cooldown and you'll do like 300-800 dps on trash packs depending on size and ~100 on bosses.
When do I get the preregister stuff?
Did I miss it somehow?
Here's my 2 cents after having played through a couple of those elite dungeons. The gameplay is braindead, literally made for toddlers on iPhones braindead level. No resource management, abilities are on spam, rotations are simplistic to the max, mechanics are Sastasha level easy, loot is boring and I could go on but I think I'll have a nap after the latest run, my eyes were literally closing while mashing my keyboard and being no. 1 DPS.
What does that make vanilla wow, aborted fetuses?
>this first dungeon of the game is easy just like this other first dungeon of the game
anon is a genius
Dunno bro, but in vanilla wow, even when auto attacking wolves to death with no abilities at level 1 I didn't feel this bored. Doing dead mines or some shit is always getting my blood pumping since if I fuck up it's a wipe, but here there's nothing like that.
Aren't you embarrassed as a human trying this hard to bait? I feel sorry for you
Alright thanks.

We sharing friend codes now?
I'm not baiting though. This shit is sleep inducing even with the button mashing, I literally feel more entertained questing through Elwyn Forest for the 100th time or playing through ARR in XIV.
there is nothing in vanilla that is engaging, every single boss is a tank and spank
you at least have to dodge numerous things in these dungeons, and in the challenge mode you will wipe instantly if you do the doomsday mechanic
No anon I'm serious, are you not embarrassed? Like honestly what are you getting out of this? No wonder your life is in shambles, you're spending time throwing out weak bait in a mobile mmo thread on a Saturday night.
barb or pally tank?
>mobile mmo
Well, at least we agree on this lmao.
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Why wouldnt we?
Why are you comparing to vanilla wow constantly? Bizarre shit, cata classic is the current wow iteration along with SoD. Meanwhile this chink slop has a game world the size of a wow starter zone, "rotations" so braindead it's basically just a button masher, and mechanics are not more complex than the later vanilla wow raids. This game won't even be remembered two weeks from now. It's honestly one of the most embarrassing attempts I've ever seen at an "MMO". Cookie clicker is more engaging than this trash.
>and mechanics are not more complex than the later vanilla wow raid
What I find bizarre is that actual people made this shit, supposedly play tested it and said "Yep, this is good" and released it. Like, I know it's supposed to be chink pay 2 win slop with cosmetic gacha but somehow there's nothing compelling enough about it to even make me wanna play more and certainly not spend money.
>spend 20 minutes going 20-26
>do normal and elite dungeon
>do the new raid
>nobody asks to link gearscore or achieve

Kinda had fun the first day but today's quests were as bad as WoW's main story. Just really soulless shit that makes you feel empty inside, i'll pass on playing again.
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>reads quests and watches cutscenes
I'm skipping the cutscenes, i'm talking about monotonous stuff going through the centaur camp with Baine avoiding the sentry units. It's exactly like a modern WoW quest and it's boring as hell.
most mmo quests are boring, only games like runescape have interesting quests
true im having fun as well bro
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be honest would you fuck me?
maybe the reason why I'm asking is that none of the videos looked like anything but plain old shit? I want to see what makes you, the tarisland enjoyer who is totally not being paid 10 social credit points per post, really enjoy the game. wow me with something.
i thought the raid was enjoyable, you can look up any video of them on youtube
ill probably continue leveling to max and go from there
if at any point it gets boring, ill simply stop playing like any other mmo, at least this isnt costing me $15 a month to raidlog
it's a soulless f2p wow clone with clunky combat and monetization out the ass, just like it's appeared in all of the advertisements
I'm not sure why you're so desperate for someone to tell you the opposite
>play for 4 hours
>hit level cap
>experience the content
>say its ok
people take this as shilling and that means its wow killer #9000 forever game that you can play 24/7 youll never get bored of when its really just a casual game to pick up and play whenever and there isnt anything wrong with that

use your interrupts
make a guilld
just wiped 2x in the raid
>healer: sure is hard to heal this on a phone lol
>everyone drops group
>instant join another
>1 shot it
They have a nelf knockoff, hopefully they add a drow knockoff someday.

Also probably unlock classes from race/gender would be nice.
Also some actual customization. You can't even touch the faces at all, there's only several presets and most of them are very samey.

As for actual gameplay, after playing a bit more today, I realized that most abilities are doing two things, to make up for the fact that you only have basically two bars. They just took 20 mmo skills and compressed them into 10 by making them do 2 things. Idk if this is a clever way to fit it onto a phone, or if it's oversimplified. Maybe both. It's fun enough, comparing it to WoW, so I guess it worked out.
i have a ranger, bard and warrior
i was pretty happy with the warriors talent tree though i did all the dungeons as tank
its got everything you need, thunderclap, aoe taunt, single target taunt, last stand, an ability to increase glancing hits, increased armor def
dps has colossus smash armor pen, bladestorm, some other aoe cleave, heroic strike, charge
felt pretty full
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Man bard is so much better than the other 2 healers but I don't wanna play a faggot
fun game
I like the "slow start", but I don't think that I will continue to play it at max level for that long
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What's today's max level?
30, then 36, then 40
Yeh, I'll see how much replayability there is once everythings unlocked, if it's a whole lot of grinding rep or crafting I'll probably drop it.
If I can clear everything on Elite difficulty once with little to no grinding, that'll be good enough for me. Putting in hundreds of hours for something like +1 stats isn't for me

I'm having the blood dk experience with my frost barb, pretty fun, would like to play a frost barb human tho, also hoping in the future classes are not locked
I did it guys, I got to gold saucer
I am currently downloading this chinese spyware, what am i in for
A couple hours of fun 3 dungeons and a raid so far
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>Its always the DPSbabs who refuse to do mechanics
>Destroy the orbs so the boss doesn't power up
>DPS tunnels the boss, I the tank fun around the room

>Switch target and destroy the ammo box
>Charge the box and start whacking it while DPS still tunnels boss
>Can't do enough DPS myself so boss gets power up
>360 noscopes the party

>do shadow queen
>tanks doesn't swap
>healers "hasn't learned ress yet"
>dps "hasn't learned interrupt yet"
By "haven't learned" they mean they don't know how to change their ultimate abilities
dps also has not learned movement because they drop their puddles on the other side of the planet instead of behind the party so they're still in healing range
Tank or healslut?
>I was talking about boss mechanics, in vanilla its theres zero/one mechanic on every raid boss
Only resource management add more mechanics than all that shit that we see here.
How do I play healslut without having to look at the left side for the rest my life?
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So I'm level 30 now, where do I get my epics?
Put the party screen in the middle.
WTF bros?
that retard probably plays Nikke on the side, it uses the same anticheat
any class that wont give me arthritis?
Which one is rarer healers or tanks?
>the classes I found fun to play looks like shit
>the good looking classes are all boring to play
send help
all of them retardbro theres a close to 1 button macro for all classes built in by default
ok I found it, but are they worth getting or will they be replaced by tomorrow's dungeon gear? They don't seem to be that much stronger than what I have
the heck? how where?
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press K and go to assist tab, the default one is okay, you usually will have to press your nuke skill, buff skill, and aoe skill yourself, but it will do your builder->spender combo on one button, its delayed like 100-200ms more than doing it yourself so dont do it in raids but if you are just bing chilling questing or doing easy dungeons and dont care about topping dps you can afk 1 button spam, its pretty chill honestly
How do I stop playing with tanks from across the globe
Does this game have an EU server or just a global server?
yeah there's an EU server but it's full of Russians with NA tier Internet
Well fuck, are they all filled with Ruskis or just a few?
Unsure if I wanna roll on EU or NA now
Don't know, there's a ton of servers but they're connected when you do group content so you're seeing them either way. While looking for guilds on EU-2 you either have Russians or Turks to choose from
this looks like a mobile game, I bet there's no pantsu either
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I'm helping
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Helping a lot
they are not filled with ruskis, there's a large group of them but still in the clear minority
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Ngl female pala looks hot but I'm too sissy to play a tank
>too sissy to play a tank
I never understood this mentality, tanks got basically the same gameplay as DPS
>mobile MMO shit
I had to try this out and it really feels good to press buttons.
Is tank gameplay just standing still and pressing buttons not on cooldown?
I don't play tank but in the instances available so far there's only been one with a tank swap (since it's the only one with more than one tank), other than that it's avoiding aoes on the ground while keeping up your rotation I would assume
On challenge mode tank gameplay is almost exactly the same as melee dps because debuff kills you if you catch projectiles.
yes, same as in other mmos
It exactly the same gear.
W8 until you get full set + wep then replace the worst random stats.
man doing the jumping puzzles at the carnival is fucked with the weird momentum this game has. Sometimes when I jump I fly like I'm getting shot out of a cannon and other times I don't go anywhere
the shitty movement is why I'm considering dropping it
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ok I cleared it with everything on what do I get
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anyway how useful is focus for healers? Will this proc make my heals way stronger?
>Game won't boot past the loading screen without crashing
Guess I won't be playing this then
Yep this is trash, feels like a mobile game
Back to /wowg/
Hit c, above the stats out does you stat priority for your class
Holy shit, swipe to type butchered this. It shows stat priority above your stats on your character screen with your gear
I know about the stat prios but you can't see how much focus actually helps your healing? A 42% increase for a low prio stat is better than nothing I think, but I don't actually know how much it helps
Kek this game hasn't been out for a week and it's already dying on Twitch. So much for WoW killer and no amount of ch*nk shills on this board is gonna change that.
There's training dummies, just test it.
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>Priest vs bard
>Skill 1 and 2,4 are almost identical
>Priest skill 3 stupid heal on getting hit for tank
>Bard skill 3 damage reduction for tank
>Priest skill 5 is a tank buff
>Bard skill 5 is a tank heal
>Priest skill 6 channeled heal
>Bard skill 6 panic button
Its not fair Bard is just so much better than priest
just play on easy mode if you want to
>wow killer
Is it too late to start now?
its still timegated for another 2 days, you can catch up to where everyone is in a couple hours
Jesus christ, this game is shit
quick 30 minute 26-30
That's it I'm rerolling to Bard
Healer power ranking:
Necro > Bard >>> Priest
Priest is the best just follow this guide
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now we wait for tomorrow
Priest can't make up for how little damage it does, healing-wise it's fine but it does nothing else. Necro can do between 300-1200 dps on trash while putting out comparable healing numbers
1) Log into the game
2) Click on the star in the upper right corner
3) Click below "Enter invitation code."
4) Enter 2bmU
5) get free stuff
bard cant do any dps while healing
buy an ad
Yeah that's where Necro shines, but Bard has more than just healing at least from what I've seen
Necro is for DPSbabs
How do you even use collecting tools?
I didn't, i let peasants collect rss for me.
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>Gender locked classes
Fucking gay
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I never understood this complaint. Do you want everyone to be a waifu or something?
I don't want to play as a girl
Why would you want to play a girly class as a man?
this game is exhausting to play
I find it pretty relaxing unless I get a bad party in a elite dungeon
Wdym? There's 2 hours of content per day, and no chances to wipe.
Even on bg you no need to win, only join.
>no chances to wipe
tell that to the retards I had in today's dungeon, their damage was so low I did more damage than them as the healer so the bosses hit enrage and killed us
I'd hope that's challenge mode at least
I was killed in pve only once so far, and that happen since heal didn't give me heal during 40 sec between aoe strikes.
ive died a few times in challenge mode, and a couple times in raid because people didnt do mechanics
this game seems to have a tank shortage, so if you play a tank you get instant queues
sadly it was on elite, they did absolutely fucking nothing to the boss. I don't even want to blame it on mobile they were just straight retarded
Final boss of the swamp has a pretty strict 3 minute time limit, 2nd boss has a very wow-esque soft enrage where he covers the entire floor in shit and it becomes unhealable
>a very wow-esque soft enrage where he covers the entire floor in shit
i was wondering if those triangles would eventually fill the entire screen. only had 2 appear for me
is ranger fun? is it hard to find groups?
she seems to have good mobility skills but stability rewards staying still. Should I choose shadow swordsman instead of a mobile pvp class?
ranger is s+ dps
yeah he doesn't have that much health but when you have 2 dps doing like 150 dps and the 3rd doing maybe 300 instead of 500 each then you're gonna have a real bad time. At least they give you a damage buff when you wipe
Can I build priest for damage and queue as a dps? The adverts kind of imply freeform skill builds.
Priest has a dps spec so yes
you can but I don't think it's very fun, you have to play it a lot as a priest even if you want to heal because you don't deal any meaningful damage in your healer spec
Gear stats and gems change automatically as you switch spec, just level talents and set ults for both.
Speaking of ults...
Healers, in case you didn't notice, there's a new ult that cleanses a status ailment. I'd recommend equipping it just in case it becomes relevant soon so you're not the dumdum that doesn't have it just like a lot of people who didn't have the resurrect ult. I think it only really works against the bleed on the first boss of the newest dungeon right now but there's going to be more eventually I'm sure

In normal dungeons yes, in elite and challenger and raid you need to be more active, most of the time you will be interrupting because people don't do it for shit
i didnt understand the taunt swap in shadow witch, am i supposed to wait until my debuff wears off to taunt? it didnt appear to stack

yes, irc the debuff makes you take increased damage from her, so the other tank takes aggro while you wait it out
the debuff lasts for a minute or something, so i was thinking that couldnt have been it but i guess so
Gave this a go and got to level 27. Did some dungeons and the raid, it's not great but not terrible. The voice acting and combat "assist" are horrible. Didn't get anywhere in crafting, the early stuff really needs to take less vigor to make. It was a nice waste of a Sunday afternoon, but I doubt I'll continue.
People don't know about the share damage circle on the new dungeon which is both hilarious and frustrating. Literally WHY ARE YOU RUNNING meme.
which one?
The flowerlady boss does it. Some characters with 100%/enough hp can tank it solo, but you're supposed to share the damage with other people. I've had people run from me when I have the circle, and people with the circle run away from me.
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You're a day ahead of me if you can fight this thing
Yeah, Asia is ahead of NA/EU/LATAM by 1 day I think.
On one hand I'm glad I don't rubberband, on the other it is a noticable dps nerf because of my extremely high ping.
have you bothered with that funny fair minigames?
i just quested to 30 and did the dungeons and a round of pvp
i dont like how dust inscription stones are locked behind a bunch of crap that i dont know gives it
NTA but I did all the minigames, they were pretty fun actually. Had to look up the solution to a few of the puzzles because my puzzle solving skills aren't the best but they reminded me of old pokemon puzzles so they were comfy in a nostalgic kind of way
Yeah I've done all of the minigames. The gremlin thing is basically prop hunt if you're familiar with that.
Queuing as dps takes a while
try tanking, I've only been healing but I haven't really seen any tanks struggling so you're just gonna play dps but with better rewards
i have been
tried queueing as dps in late hours as barb with no luck
switched to heals, managed to get a tank but still took a bit of waiting
leveled a warrior, queued as tank, instant every single time
healer queues have been instant for me except for vs the witch. I've been tanking in most mmos so I wanted to try healing but if the tank shortage is gonna be this bad I might have to put on the big boy pants again
im not a fan of healing or tanking in mmos, but i dont mind them as much in this
having a bunch of instant casts makes it fun
i dont want to minmax in this game because i feel it would require an investment and that means the top of the meters will likely be impossible at a certain point, whereas being a tank or healer it doesnt matter as much
The gremlin one is hilarious
How do I drag my ally team bars to the middle of the screen
in settings
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guy whos been playing on the chink servers take on the game
Yeah I pretty much agree with everything there. I don't really care much about what I look like though. The only time I'm really looking at my character is on the character select screen

I'm glad I like tanking

the stuff that I found more appealing visually for my tiger comes from achievs and reputation so I'm pretty cool with it
whats the verdict, did we buy the 9000 silver mount speed boost?
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i didnt know this
i thought it was suspicious that the tank didnt pull but immediately jumped into action the second someone tagged the boss
I'm kind of enjoying the story and characters. It's not as bad as I was expecting and even all the inconsistencies, like the elf god name and gender being different in the line vs the subtitle or the king being referred to as Catherine's father and brother (I'm hoping this was a mistake), add to the charm
I'm hoping they stop trying to kill and kidnap Jeya though
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it was a fun 2 days
you have to go all the way to 40
>DPSbabs has to play with bots
Okay but is it good?
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>substats have a higher weight priority than mainstat
I already missed the first few days of launch, which likely means I'm so far behind that I shouldn't bother. 'Tis why mmos suck.
how is it? i see that there is a priest dps spec, i really liked that in maplestory 2
decided to just download it and play it and see for myself
installing now, just wanna see if the healing here is any fun
what if I don't want power, I want fun
Which is the most fun
Bros elite raid is impossible with readlets...
There's only like three mechanics, surely people aren't that retarded
These are third worlder mobile gamers, they're that retarded
Always was.
Comfy kino
Damn i really cannot decide who to main.

Mage feels too annoying and gimmicky, requiring you to set up some boring gimmick to do any work. The male model is shit.

Paladin 2h feels good with the big hits and animations but the male model and idle pose look like dogshit.

I like the look of shadow swordsman the most but the pve gameplay feels boring and dual wielding feels bad.
I can’t decide either
I would go frost barbarian but I heard it gets absolutely voted by thunder which is corny
I think I’m going to go paladin or phantom necro healer. Apparently less chance of playing with bots if you don’t go dps
Necro is kinda cute too
How do I transfer gold between my chars?
Same ranking for fun weirdly enough
You can't
So priest or bard?
bard is male/10
priest is female/10
you choose
Has played it for a couple hours a day last 4 days.
>PvE encounter design is very good. Properly telegraphed mechanics (no WoW retardation with the bunch of visual noise, green on green, mechanics being badly explained etc), balanced bosses
>No open world grind and shit. The game respects my time
>Healer Priest is well designed and gameplay loop is very fun
>Lots of rewards every time i do something. It feels nice

>No visual progression. For the world being so small (literally two big locations and one medium sized, thats it) its hardly an excuse to not put some efforst into making some more skins for those who are not willing to pay for them. There are few achievement unlocked skins, but thats just not enough
>Melee combat is floaty and dont feel good, so half of the classes just dont feel good to play
>There is not much to do in the game outside PvE/PvP. No transmogmountchievos hunting.
>No mouseover and rather limited HUD customization for healing personally
>Voice acting is dogshit tier

Conclusion: PvE design mogs the shit out of WoW retail's PvE, but there is not enough PvE content, and it cant replace WoW. However its a nice game to kill couple hours a day.
Also there is no reason to buy BP so far unless you are some .1% rat who REALLY love Tarisland.
>but there is not enough PvE content
wait until you hit max level before judging it too harshly
Last available dungeon on Elite really filters a lot of players.
Most for some reasons just arent able to comprehend the 'Share the damage' mechanic thinking they need to run the fuck away instead, resulting in me (healer) chasing them like a retard.
And the other boss for some reason filters tanks who just are unable to move it into the electric circle, also resulting into wipe.
The fuck.
I think a lot of people just don't know where the dungeon journal is located so they don't know the tactics
The electric pillar thing is so odd, especially with how obvious the game makes it
I'm guessing a lot of the tanks are bots
Are battle passes really per character? that's fucking crazy
Don't tell me you didn't pick tailor
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vitality isn't hp right...?
3hp/9s is nothing when you're at 20k+ hp...
I didnt. Did I brick my character?
Yes reroll now
What class for BG/arenas?
Its your class resources.
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ah true, it's the partial flowers. It's pretty decent then combined with this. Thanks
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>russians run into the whole enemy pack in shadow witch elite
>get plapped in 0.2 seconds
>start whining in chat
Having fun with this casual mmo.

The amount of currencies kinda really annoying though.

Wish there was more customization but fat chance.
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>14 vs 524
healerchuds what went wrong...
Stop lying
Female Paladin is the best looking gear-wise. Phantom necro is tight too
Does this game have nude mods yet? Who's the sexiest in-game female?
phantom necro is fun
>do elite witch
>game says I'll get a bonus reward for queueing as a healer
>get nothing
ok thanks I guess
at least I got the staff but I would have liked the badge too
Is there a reason to even make alts in this game?
So what's the best DeePeeEs
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Priestkeks your response?
Just finished shadow witch elite
>wipe once
>other guy says im not healing
>spec your character right
>doesnt know the meters are right there
>we go again
>im 100k above him
>tell him the same shit
Healers mostly not issue since there's no mana to save.
Dd, well, look like 90% play even worse than me.
i wouldnt want to try doing this raid on a phone, even on pc im mashing my keyboard
About to choose an iOS mmo to sink time into while at work
Wondering if this game is good or should I just play Albion instead. Judging from the time between posts this looks DoA desu
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>it's another dps splits up after the first ghost episode
>pop every cooldown
>sweating my ass off trying to keep everyone up
>some guy stands in shit while being blasted by 2 ghosts because people treat them like they have to die at the same time
Lack of posts is likely because people are actually playing it. I quit after a couple of days because it just wasn't for me, but there were people everywhere in the game.
Don't think I'd play it on a phone though, or at least not the elite versions of things.
took you a while
if so many people are playing the game why are dungeons filled with bots?
youre still in the tutorial, and if i had a bot in a later dungeon id welcome it because they perform better than the majority of players
Yet here you are
everyone always talks about best dps or best healer but who is the best tank? Might want to play one simply because nobody else wants to
paladin and warrior
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Yes, she is
is the furry bad because of numbers reasons or is he bad because he's a furry?
Shame about the tattoos, but thanks anon
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hes raging
seems like if you wait too long to do content you just get shitters in your party, thats like 6 wipes now to witch
did her at noon on my other character and had no problems
I ended up doing elite witch with a bunch of indos since matchmaking was so bad.Failed a few times because one of their guildmates ignored the mechanics, we passed when rng blessed us and that guy never got red circle/white soul marker.

Also the world boss is pretty underwhelming but I'm assuming that's because it's the first one. I just stood there and shifted to the side a bit every time a circle popped up. Other randos took care of the adds.
>no twitch viewers
>dead general
>no Full servers
We were supposed to kill wow...
I'm too dumb and can't find it in settings, can anyone provide a screenshot
Is anyone empowering/buying gems for their gear yet? I'm wondering when I should start

I'm just hoarding crystals
i will leave those systems until everything is unlocked and we get to a stable gearscore. the only minmaxxers are people running for first clears and titles, otherwise we are replacing gear every day
To kill wow you have to top its combat, and Tarisland was never going to do that unfortunately.
Tried necro healing. Something seems off, I don't feel like the healing is very fun and the damage part of the kit is almost identical to priest. Priest healer isn't THAT much more fun so far, but also people actually keep getting fucked up and I actually am forced to use my entire kit constantly, it feels nicer somehow.
I feel like if the game constantly has mobile shitters and fights that do huge damage without one shotting the whole party, I will keep having fun. I always have something to heal and that part is fun.
The real reason I will drop this game in 4 days is the lack of customization and any armor at all, what the fuck, there is like 3 unlockable outfits and then 2 more recolors. It's not even a poor issue because paying only gets me another 3-4 shit looks and most of them are exactly the same between certain classes. Even the stinkiest of 2000s KMMOs had plenty of gear to go through.
i dont even care about how my character looks

people who are competing for world first in their respective servers are

Only thing I'm int are the fiery axe achiev skin and the rep flying mount
You're lucky as hell, but it still feels weird for a genre that is well known for having a ton of visual gear that drops constantly to just be missing that huge portion. I know many other games also don't have ALL gear be visual, but even they have a lot more options than this. Especially these days when so many people are going googoogaga for customization and how their chars look, even in FPS games.
I'm jealous anon, it's not even that I want my character to look different, as much as it just feels weird/annoying that everyone looks the same. Maybe its just my autism, but it bugs me how identical everyone is while you're handing in quests or just standing near others or even just how the parties look exactly the same every time.
Can we even dye stuff? Is that at least an option?
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any coin farmers? i fucking hope the next events give stupid amounts of counts, i dont want to start missing out stuff
This game have any coom? If so what classes?
when im barely spending any time in game, it isnt a big deal to me
maybe if i stood around a city or something like in other mmos, but even then
Why are mounts and shit not account wide? They expect people to buy a battle pass for every alt?
>They expect people to buy a battle pass for every alt?
most mmorpg players do
always the DPSissies who get the most angry despite doing the least
and just think, the monetization only ramps up as these games progress
You don't have to use your entire kit as necro because it's so much stronger than priest so people aren't risking dying as much
3 attempts at shadow witch elite, and only saw the share damage mech once...
good thing im pala and cant do no wrong
Essential raiding tips:

Finish forest altar elite to bring your gs to 32.

Stock up on level 30 health pots from the Shop page under the Hot Items tab.

Grab an elixir from the market.

Keep interrupt handy.

Use the Assist tab in the Skills page to maximize your rotation with a macro so you can focus on the fight mechanics rather than the skill rotation. My macro for ice mage is:

>Snowstorm when insta available
>Icicle when = 90 ice energy
>Spikeweed when water energy not under 30
>Waterbolt on direct cast

Then i use water spirit manually whenever it's off cooldown.

My talents are set up for ice and waterbolt talents to maximize efficiency with my macro and not necessarily the talents for top theoretical dps, in the chaos and repositioning of raiding it nets a better average dps because of higher up time which is easier to maintain.
I mean gearscore to 82, not 32
topping the meters on a phone, bravo
If you choose the weapon reward from elite shadow witch, you get a new visual for your weapon (equpping gs 90 weapon achieve)
Is tank the easiest role?

dd I think as long as you don't stand in bubbles
I fill all red and yellow sockets since dps, no care about blues, it's for tanks.
How is this game?
It's great! Come play with us, your Tarisfriends
Say what you want about this game but their macro feature is positively brilliant for a mobile MMO
Makes things easy for us that one to be lazy or inattentive, while still being able to compete, while also rewarding players slightly who do it manually
Sure it’s a wow clone that innovated next to nothing and has a terrible business model, but they should be lauded for this macro feature (unless they ripped it off some other game)
Let's do witch challenge mode, anons

be my tarisgf
Done yestrday with pugs, sorry.
don't believe their lies
WoW? More like Tarisclone
World of Tarisland.
What is interrupt? Do healsluts have one?
i know palas have one, healers as well. as you do the raids, there will be one pop out telling you to change your ult for an interrupt one to stop yhe boss from doing healing or shielding skills. the guides will also mention if an interrupt is necessary so the players that can will equip it
I leveled a paladin to like 16 just to see what the tanking rotation was like and am I missing something or are you just waiting for like 3 seconds between each cast? The game is super fast on dps and healer but on tanks it's slower than level 1-20 in FFXIV? Are the other tanks just as bad or is it just a paladin thing?
In between those 3 seconds you are supposed to be swearing and yelling at people in capslock.
ToF release was so much better
man the furry is just a melee RDM
I kinda like it
Was max level available today? Hows the end game so far?
38 today, 40 tomorrow.
and i havent logged in today, yet to see the new content. i still have yet to do shadownwitch successfully, so i'll grind that as well
Do people still play this American Tarisland?
nah, it's fucking retarded. Should just go full autoplay at that point
Or they should just go full mobile to not have to hear complaints from PC nerds
Go play wow or better yet Guild Wars 2 on pc why play this lmao
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Why do failed DPSbabs reroll to healer and instead of tank? Tank is much closer to DPS playstyle, its painfully obvious when my healer is an obvious DPSbab he just use all cd's over nothing
Tarisland is kinda like MSG, way better than just having salt on food but Americans are racist against Asians and pretend they get headaches if they consume it
Because there's no mana management so every braindead person can smash buttons forever.
What does this even mean? Euros are constantly bragging about how many of them play wow and how good they are at the game.
No, EU is bragging because there's almost nobody playing yet they're beating NA in every world first race
I'm not American, i don't understand this food analogy either
>almost nobody playing
EU and NA population has been very similar since the very beginning.
you can't see any specifics about the population difference since they don't release numbers but considering the token price difference it's pretty obvious who has more players these days
>almost nobody playing
retards actually think this
>Get filleted by minesweeper
>Suddenly wins in 1 click
Is this a feature or just luck?
nobody plays outside raid time
What am I missing if I ignore pvp?
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Tank or healer?
Paladin or Bard?
I can't decide which to main
play them both.
I don't have time for that
it takes like 40 minutes to level each day
but if you only want to play one id probably pick paladin, tanks are always in demand
>Your exploration?
>Your dust farming?
>Your reputation?
>Your inscribe stone?
Don't tell me bro...
Are tanks actually more in demand than healsluts?
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man I'm glad my team are such achievement hunters and not retarded
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none of that is mandatory, you get your inscription dust from the story
>Casual snigger
>playing a mobile game
>expect anything but casual

lol. you better be prepared to spend money if you want to remain competitive later on
Can you spec dps but queue as tank and survive reasonably well? I want a class that can switch between two sdiffrrent roles and is good in both PvP and PvE. I’m leaning paladin or barbarian.
If your primary focus was arena and battlegrounds what class(es) would you choose
>They don’t know about the trap yet
These games try to suck you in for 50+ hours of f2p friendly content and then once you are invested the milk you for every dime assuming you succumb to sunk cost fallacy
thats exactly what i said with more words
Did gacha kill MMO?
>fire ice island starts
>nobody said anything
>everyone just followed one guy right into their base
>got to their totem before anyone in their team even noticed
>long drawn out fight around their totem
>we win without them taking any of our objectives because they went pve farming for shards
peak pvp
>friend and I download and install Tarisland
>trying to group up and add them to friends list
>neither of these things are working
Yes, undeniably. but not just gacha socializing in general was killed when discord and other avenues of media overtook mmos so greatly that people treat them like single player games.
it works, you just have to finish the tutorial
Yes if you queue as tank spec, you get your gear stats switched according to spec priority order. Play tank at most bgs and peel for your dd, play dd spec in the arena.
>bag selling price dropped from 100+ gold to 34 gold overnight
whats gold? i only have silver
Auction house/trading currency
o ive never used it
that and it's case sensitive which got me for a while
I feel like everything not being account wide is an intentional decision to make players focus on a single character
There's no way anyone but NEETs can keep up on alts every single day
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Ironically, ironically, Blizzard's Diablo Immortal is completely p2w but Tencent's MMO Tarisland doesn't seem to be yet.

This is peak irony.
so shat are your thoughts? will you put this main in your rotation of main/daily games? what are you dropping for it? how long do you see yourself playing it?
Why would you need to drop anything? End game is raid log simulator. Do you only play an hour a week of video games?
so there's basically nothing but raids?
people are still not tired of this shit?
Why are there even tanks in arena ffs
I stand correct
People pay $15 a month to raid 20 minutes a week in sod right now

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