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What do we expect from Dynasty Warriors origin Edition

Dynasty Warriors: Origins announced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU48saHVmh4
Pastebin for newcomers: https://pastebin.com/Gq3pxGqc
Dynasty Warriors 9 OST: https://pastebin.com/mw6GaUpC
Musou Stars OST: https://pastebin.com/eB09X6D4
Even More OSTs: https://pastebin.com/NBqgNmsb
Recommended Reading: https://pastebin.com/15wPQWNS
Chinese Movies and TV shows: https://pastebin.com/01FPNibY
>How to get rid of the black border in DW9 (So your screenshots don't look like shit):

PS4 Settings > Sound and Screen > Display Area Settings > Fit the area to your whole screen

- Dynasty Warriors: Origins announced for 2025 (Steam/PS5/XSX)
- Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and all DLC is out now.
- Touken Ranbu Musou on Switch and Steam
-Samurai Warriors 5 is out now.
-Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires is out now.
-Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is out now.
-Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is out now.
-Persona 5 Strikers is out now.
-ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIV Diplomacy and Strategy Expansion Pack is out now.
-One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is out now.

Some good YouTube channels to learn about the 3 kingdoms real history and the Dynasty Warrior franchise.

A history of the warrant of SamuraJapan of Samurai Warriors does note it does begin with the beginning of the period and not openaga's childhood.


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>What do we expect from Dynasty Warriors origin
The option to marry Guo Huai
I want to be able to do yellow turbans win the war China scenario.
>Go take a shit
>Come back
>General dead
>badmouth the jin
>immediately die
Are we expecting our prayable protagonist is going to be able to choose which kingdom or other small faction in he's going to be a part of? Which would obviously mean the free different kingdoms of the titular Three Kingdoms but who else will be a possibility?
I'm guessing during the Yellow Turban Rebellion you can choose to follow Cao Cao, Liu Bei, or Sun Jian around and you get locked into their story from there. Would be the easiest way to do it at least.
They could easily made a story if you also want to side with YL, Dong Zhuo or Yuan Shao. They used to make story for individuals instead of clans
Where's the Dong Bai OP!? Why the fuck we don't have a previous thread. You piss me off, I'm killing you now
It hit its bump limit I made the next one.
Kingdom routes make the most sense at this point unless they're really trying to go for some "experience the whole story in one playthrough as a merc" thing, which will inevitably mean most of the focus will be on the Central Plains and Wu will get shafted.
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I know these are playable JIn officers in here by Kirby but I can't tell who each one of them is like some of them it's obvious because of the heart and The Mask but I can't tell who each individual nintendo Kirby supposed to be.
>Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Wen Yang
>Xiahou Ba, Sima Yi, Zhang Chunhua,
>Jia Chong, Wang Yuanji, Sima Shi, Xin Xiangying,
>Sima Zhao, Zhuge Dan, Guo Huai
I dont want some OC donut steel
I want the real motherfuckers
Meant to quote >>482941165
Best I can do is OC donut iron
MC will be revealed to be Shi Huangdi, kept alive via mercury, and in the true ending you will be trying to take over China again with the three kingdoms teaming up against you
Warriors Orochi Origins
OC meatbun bronze
>Zhuge Dan,
vIs he really a relative of the sleeping dragon?
They were cousins
>What do we expect from Dynasty Warriors Origins
Yellow Turban Rebellion
Battle of Chi Bi
Everything we usually get in between
Maybe everything up until Fan Castle but I don't think that's a sure thing

Fewer characters, but also more new characters that most people expect
Wu to get the fewest new characters
Shu to lose the most old characters (a lot of them to have the name Guan)
Sima Yi and maybe his wife returning as Wei officers, and nobody else from Jin

State Flow weapons to stay, with some more of the weirder ones from 7-8 to get adapted to the new system
I think the point you'll be made to choose is the Coalition Against Dong Zhuo, before the first battles. Everyone important's there, and you're not scrambling around a battlefield. If they try and make it "who you spent the most time around during a fight" there's gonna be a lot of people complaining about who they ended up with.
I haven't played a warrriors game in years, is there a decent empires for PC or should I just hook up the 360 to play DW5E?
If you like 8, 8 Empires is on Steam.
If you like 9, 9 Empires is on Steam.
and if my last game was DW6?
Then you play 5E on PCSX2
Wasn't the sleeping Dragon like 50 years older than Zhuge Dan?
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Sex with Hanbei Tanaka until it's done
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I want to be her victim
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>/eagg/ refusing to die
How long can we expect for the new Origins update ffs
Alright, to keep this thread alive, I'm gonna ask you what did you think about SW5?
For me, it's a beauty to look at but ultimately empty. I mean it's literally the same formula like when they made Spirit of Sanada but it's not as exciting for some reason.
*Ahem* one more for the glory of Wu!
careful, if you distract he may attack you by the rear
I was surprised to find one of the party members of DQ6 was a generic officer from DW3
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don't compare amos to a generic
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>How long can we expect for the new Origins update ffs
Now that the game's been announced, we're going to see a slow drip feed of character drops up to once a month with every big Famitsu.
if SW5 hadn't been named that and had just been an Oda spinoff like Spirit of Sanada was it would be much more well received. Its perfectly fine for what it is but its an awful continuation for the whole franchise
Mitsuki is a character perfectly designed for me however so I can't fully be mad at it
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Zhuge Jin the only real choice here, and is actually going to get in next considering he won the famitsu poll like chen gong did.
If the game even lasts that long
just watch Koihime Musou
The game isn't going to be out until 2025. It's gonna be a very slow drip.
Even as an Oda story I didn't like it that much personally, Nobunaga himself was like a weird Liu Bei parody in it. Kessen 3 was the better Spirit of Oda game
If your PC can handle it, emulate 6E or 7E in RPCS3.
Yeah, I ultimately had little interest in it because from what I saw, the SW5 Nobunaga barely felt like Nobunaga. And I don't give a shit about Mitsuhide.
Is there a place I can look up maps used in games?
mucho texto
Given that the game has a younger Cao Cao in it at least initially, I hope they flesh out Yuan Shao a little more, he and Cao Cao were friends in their youth and all. Doesn't have to be made hyper competent or anything, he wasn't, but he should be a bit more charismatic and so on and a bit less of a gag character.
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>Favorite kingdom? Shu of course!
>Favorite characters? Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu are the best!

How do you respond without sounding mad?
I'm that guy
Why would i be mad? they're the heroes of the book and history.
Well at least it's not Zhang Fei
Nobody likes Zhang Gay not even Shufags
Historical zhang feis alright aside from his wife and treating his troops poorly, he gets shafted hard in the novel though
There are much better options
Would there be any interest in pulling them from some games? It'd just be screenshots from in an emulator, but itd be something
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finally finished the good ending of the Warriors All Stars. 'Darkness Revisited' is probably one of the most exhausting final battles even compared to any Orochi final battles, not only the map is huge, it immediately swarms you with a relentless wave of enemies while giving a little to no space to breathe, you just clear one space and move a bit, and suddenly there's a new wave of enemies to beat.
>he wasn't
Fuck you
I really miss this aesthetic
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I vehemently enjoyed the whole WAS' gameplay. after accidentally erasing my previous savefile due to hard disk error and was forced to start everything from zero, I thought I'd promise myself to not be bothered enough with those endless grinding stages (like enemy/ally garrison, monster hunt, etc) and just straight up getting every possible endings, but sadly I fell again to the temptation of finishing those requests and that's the reason why it took me a while to get the ending because I spent so much hours to finish every request as much as possible. And as a result, I'm only left with 3 requests to call it a day (although I shudder to think what to do with this impossible Lu Bu's request, and Plachta's request of getting 500 materials not from Atelier series is just grinding for the sake of grinding which I'm not exactly fond of it)
Now i'm gonna be focused on getting characters' endings that I haven't got so I can unlock Oppona the bubbly motherfucker. It should be pretty fast to get those endings.
I always liked that scene where his army is getting spanked and his men tell him to hide in a wall, and he throws down his helmet and says fuck that, he's motherfucking Yuan Shao
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I mean what can I say more? great and fun movesets to play, great banter between each others (having a small pool of playable characters means they were able to make personal conversations to every possible pair of characters, both in the Spring and the bath scene although I'm kinda confused why they didn't bother to give the furries their own bath conversation).
For some of my criticism, wish there was a free mode where you could just play out any story stage without going though story mode every single time. also going with 1360x765 as your best screen resolution is certainly a very entertaining choice for some reason. the game also crashes a lot unexpectedly in PC and this has been sounded out on many internet forums as well.
TLDR: please give it a try especially if it's on sales. It doesn't try to be bigger than it actually is unlike newer Orochi games where they just introduced you like a hundred different stages because they had to introduce like 170 characters into the story and most of them ended up not doing much inside the story. it's just a cute little game and if they're making a sequel, I'll probably buy it but only if it's on sales.
xiahou mao
The bench is an awesome weapon and i'm tired of everyone pretending it's not
what was the reasoning that you can't find 'exit battle' option on DW5's mid-game menu and you need to press both 'start' and 'select' at the same time to be able to do that? pretty sure earlier games already had that option.
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I wish Guandu was a much bigger deal in the games, it's always felt like a side battle where both sides are evenly matched and Cao Cao just kind of rolls over Yuan Shao instead of a highly climactic and tense showdown where Cao Cao ekes out victory against all odds
Honestly I would like to see Cao Cao additionally be the subordinate of Zhang Miao and see how that relationship changes and then deteriorates over time.

Shu hatred is outdated now. The contrarian era is over, we're all Shubros.
Do the new weapons from 8E backport to 8/XL?
Horo is top-tier design ngl. thank you WAS for introducing her to Warriors gamers.
The only new moveset in 8E is Xun Yu's weapon, and no it doesn't transfer over to DW8 or 8XL
Oh so the palm tree pillar and the bench are in the CE version? Good to know
I thought I would hate Wang Yi's battle pencils at first but they're actually really fun
It's tough to decide which is better honestly. I think Lianshi should have got the trishulas instead of duck hooks
Not the CE version, no. The Steele (tree pillar) and the bench are DLC, which isn't included in the CE release. The CE release is only the base games of 8 and 8XL.
All the DLC weapons are, however, included in the Definitive Edition release of DW8 on the Switch.
>I think Lianshi should have got the trishulas instead of duck hooks
It suits Lianshi to use a more wuxia moveset like the Duck Hooks than to use the trishulas, which are blatantly animated for someone more wild like Wang Yi.
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You can get the DE on pc through the windows store bizarrely.
Wow, you aren't kidding, this really is bizarre.
I had to double check myself to be sure, but nowhere on Koei's Twitter have they announced that the Definitive Edition is on PC.
It's all Switch. Only Switch. They've never announced the Microsoft store, but sure enough it's right here
>Switch release size: 15.9 GB
>Microsoft store size: 24.7 GB
Textures aren't even downscaled like the Switch's. What a strange situation.
The strangest part of DW8s many store listings is literally every single one is a different price
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Zhao Zilong is also my favorite.
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For me it's Ma Chao, Wei Yan and Liu Shan
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Just make another one when we get news and there's actually something to talk about

Or go back to KW
God I want mommy milk! I want her all to myself
The stars have told there will be news in the next 2 weeks.
Oh my God I haven't seen anything new in this since I was a legal minor.
Westing company wants to make a historical Musso game with possible room for sequels.
First stop time and place make your arguments as to why that time and place?
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Western company wants to make a historical Musso game with possible room for sequels.
First historical time and place and make your arguments as to why that historical time and place.
>tfw Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Jiang Wei are my favourites
I'm not gonna celebrate people who lost any Jing provinces
Dynasty Warriors 8 xtreme Legend shu. When does sparing the leader of the yellow turban rebellion become relevant?
I don't remember that shortcut at all, mostly because I tended to just reset the console instead. Iirc it was a Sony requirement that Start, Select and all the shoulder buttons at once was a hard reset in all PSX and PS2 games
I agree that Emei Piercers and Duck Hooks should be in the game, I just wish we'd have kept the Trishula as well. Only question would've been who got the moveset.
Shu has many great officers of bravery, loyalty and filial piety, who are unfortunately spoiled as a kingdom by long eared snakes in the grass, red faced blackguards, drunken rapists, and the spawn or enablers thereof. For instance, imagine how the Three Kingdoms might have unfolded if the four commanderies of Jing Province were simply returned to Wu as agreed upon?
iirc it's one of the requirements for opening up the Hypothetical story route in Chapter 8.
Trojan War. Only a handful of historical writings are on the same level as ROTK, and the Iliad's one of the most renowned. Yeah, they already tried it, but they fucked it up. What did it have, eight playable characters? Fuck that for a joke.
I know I need to do it in order to unlock the hypothetical scenario but when does doing that actually help out Liu Bei besides from his one appearance in the Second Battle holding down to Fort ?
It is not contrarian to dislike traitors, oathbreakers and molesters, to celebrate their comeuppance, or to lament what could have been if they really were people of honor and benevolence.
I can't remember, I last played it an actual decade ago
>I'm not gonna celebrate people who lost any Jing provinces
Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei, depending on which account you believe, either refused to honor their deal with Wu to begin with or neglected to send reinforcements to Jing. Those two are just as culpable.
And just to follow up on this, Jiang Wei might not have had anything to do with Jing province, but he's the one who lost SHU.
I mean if they can make 10 games about the 3 kingdoms and half of them are trash, they can give the Illiad a second chance
>refused to honor their deal with Wu
>Sun Quan "lent" Nan commandery to Liu Bei, with the internal understanding that the recently-obtained commandery would be difficult to defend against Wei anyway, so it's a buffer state they gain with no loss to themselves by giving away something high-maintenance/risk
>proceeds to request Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang?
>these two good people are just as culpable as as the proud guy who antagonized Sun Quan, and fell to Lu Xun's flattery, and threatened Mi Fang and Shi Ren
I still think Guan Yu did the lion's share of the work in losing Jing province
>this again
>eight characters
The fuck? The friggin Brad Pitt movie had more featured characters
>Achilles, Ajax, Patroclus and Odysseus for the Greeks
>Hector, Paris, Penthesilea and Aeneas for the Trojans

>no Agamemnon, no Menelaus, no Diomedes,
>no Priam, no Glaucus
>no Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo or Thetis
>hell, give Briseis and Helen some movesets, they're important enough
>Shu died on 263
>its invader, Wei, changed management to Jin in 266
>its old-time ally, Wu, got conquered in 280
>now reunited but in 10 years (290), shit went south fast with the whole family deciding to backstab each other for more than 2 decades
>then they got slapped hard by a bunch of northen tribes to the point they relocated their capital twice
honestly who even won in Three Kingdoms?
It's about the journey, not the destination.
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Is this the fucking MvC2 of fighting games?
*musou games
I really wish we got a DW6:XL that added in the changes from Special and Empires to the base game
Toshiiebros... wtf is matsu doing with Motochika?
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Wangy wangy
meanwhile, in /wagg/...
you know a game is a complete failure when it only received Empires expansion
Special IS the XL version, they just made it PS2/PSP exclusive because they still had massive install bases
if Koei decided to re-release DW6 along with the additional stories from Special on Steam, would you buy it full price?
honestly they already have it playable on PC so it's not they have to pour so many resources to release it on Steam, also the question remains if their Special-only story mode can be made available with PS3 graphics since the existing assets still have them on lower PS2/PSP graphics.
Release SW4 Empires on PC you niggers!
No. I already have my PC copy.
>Full price
But if they re-release DW6 with special and DW6E on top and make some bug fixes, i might grab it for 20$
Nah, DW6 sucked.
Not full price, but I would probably drop $30 for it, I enjoyed 6 a lot.
I think Duels should come back like the VS mode from the Orochi games
I can understand thinking DW6 was okay at the time, but anyone who would go back to playing it today is mentally ill.
I'm playing Special right now for the first time, played 2 stages and so far I'm liking it.
favorite empires game?
Basara is severely underrated.
I remember the PS3 version being very vibrant, but the PS2 version is the grayest game I have ever seen. The PS2 can clearly display colors, so I'm not sure what that changed.
The PS2 games were never particularly vibrant, depending on the stage but the last game before that was DW5 where every other stage was made entirely out of dirt so that probably influenced the look of 6 on PS2
>DW5 where every other stage was made entirely out of dirt
Fuckin what? DW5 stages were memorable as fuck, there's a reason they were used for Orochi maps
I'm talking about aesthetics, DW5's whole identity was this sandy brown look that was all over the menus and cutscenes and most of the stages. It does have colorful stages but a lot of them are just sand and dirt blasted with hints of green here and there
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PS3 version still looks really good despite being an almost 20yo game, PS2 version is what you'd expect from a PS3 version being forcefully degraded. the whole bonus story mode but only for PS2/PSP version is weird though, but then again it's not the weirdest decision Koei made at that time (see SW3's Wii exclusive only to get dropped by the time they made SW3XL)
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Depends on the stage, but a lot of gray skies and brown ground in 4 and 5.

So far 6S has been VERY dark and muddy.
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6 really was a nice looking game, only 9 beats it in aesthetics
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More complaints:
>Worst pop-in I have seen since DW2. Literally cannot see generals half the time because they disappear off the screen 2 feet in front of me and take no damage during this.
>Enemies guard from all directions, can no longer circle behind them to get around it. They guard CONSTANTLY, the only way to break it is with the triangle attack, but your recovery animation is just long enough that they can guard again before you can attack.
>Their guard apparently even blocks the grapple attacks, which makes them completely useless
>Dodge roll takes way too long to both start up AND recover from, and it does not cancel attack animations, such that you have to basically take turns dodging and guarding like a fucking Souls game and cannot use it reactively
Renbu would be a lot more bearable if the other moves had better utility but the slow animations and enemy's ability to just no-sell them make them worthless. The only decent attack in this game seems to be the full-renbu triangle finishers, and the musou attack.
i mean everyone knows the gameplay is what makes DW6 the all-time worst.
Added that no matter how completely dominant your morale is (even only leaving just 1 enemy boss in the end), your enemy general can still fuck you up bad even on easy, as soon as you get stunted, they can cut your HP in half just from a single row of attack.
Renbu is especially shit because if you still don't own that infinite Renbu skill, your Renbu will go back to level 1 whenever you have to move to another place, looking for more foot soldiers to kill and DW6's foot soldiers weren't as spammy compared to its successors.
DW7 at least managed to improve the gameplay and get some great maps from DW6 but visually it's pretty murky. don't know how they managed to degrade from DW6's graphic but that's what they did.
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I don't know why we have always had to choose between DW that looks like shit, and DW that plays like shit.

Hopefully Origins will break the trend
better res on that picture
One thing I appreciate so far is that it looks like they improved the hit reactions a lot. I hope we never see stuff again like running up and mashing on animal enemies and they stand completely still waiting for their timer to tell them they can attack. Though truly the biggest redemption point of Origins is making Hulao Gate a snow level again
I hope we have proper stages this time and no more open world crap
Animal fights have always been garbage in this series, and pointless to boot.

I saw that we now have a charge attack jumping off the horse, so I hope they really tried to improve mounted combat since so much fighting was done from horseback in the novel.
Mounted duels is what I want
Still feel like that's not super fair. Maybe I remember the DW5XL stages more, they were markedly more vibrant.
>Enemies guard from all directions, can no longer circle behind them to get around it.
Knocking an officer down and circling to their back to do it again was already getting cheesy by DW5. SW1 and 2 already did this by making generals roll away if you got to their back sometimes.

>They guard CONSTANTLY, the only way to break it is with the triangle attack, but your recovery animation is just long enough that they can guard again before you can attack.
Depends on the character I guess. I had no issues with Zhao Yun's light triangle attack breaking guards and attacking afterwards.

>Dodge roll takes way too long to both start up AND recover from, and it does not cancel attack animations, such that you have to basically take turns dodging and guarding like a fucking Souls game and cannot use it reactively
That just means you can't have constant i-frames to cheese through attacks.The only thing you need to dodge are the charge attacks which you can see coming a mile away so it works just fine in that context.
>SW1 and 2 already did this by making generals roll away if you got to their back sometimes.
this was far clever though
Sure, the stages are more colorful, but there's no shading whatsoever, it just looks like a flat mess. Also this is the fucking worst Shangxiang by a mile.
>reminded that this is where "kill guys to make number go down" bases began
Oh man absolutely fuck DW6, I hate that shit.
>The only thing you need to dodge are the charge attacks which you can see coming a mile away so it works just fine in that context.
This is not true, since you can be quickly surrounded by officers doing these attacks from off-screen, running at you on horseback from off-screen, and even generic groups doing their rushes from off-screen all at the same time. You can easily be juggled to death by all of these since there are basically zero crowd control options in 6
Worst voice and costume, but that moveset was OP as fuck.
All the "shading" from DW6 was from the lighting engine, which PS2 could not handle so it was removed. I wouldn't expect them to add handpainted shadows and baked lighting into a cheap port like that.
Sounds like you simply lack spatial awareness and the ability to move to keep officers in front of you.
I keep them in front of me just fine, but they disappear as soon as someone else steps onto the screen.
IIRC there's a draw distance cheat for pcsx2 that alleviates the problem.
I mean you're playing an absolute shitty port so is it really fair to blame the game for that?
No shit? I'll have to look that up
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>the game is shit but is it really the game's fault?
It's a shitty port sure but it's also the best version of DW6
Not with all those issues that plague it
I think Origins will probably go for the more contemporary open worlds where it's technically open, but very controlled in its design of traversal restrictions. They at the very least need larger maps if they plan on taking advantage of troop combat
As long as we have actual different locations instead of the same copypasted city and fortress on flat plains over and over, it'll be fine
Alright fine I admit it. I want to date Guan Yinping. Is that so wrong?
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Did some anon tried SW3 Empires? I didn't because I can't read jap but I saw it has like a base building like Iron triangle. So anyway how's the game? Aside from the combat?
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Do not fear page 10, for Xu Huang has arrived!
Ranmaru, what would you do to him?
Piledriver through the earth
include in a game again
Roman Civil War(s) starting from Sulla in the Social War ending with Octavian in Egypt defeating the combined Antonine-Cleopatra fleet (the Red Cliffs event of Roman history). Someone asked a similar question in a KOEI thread in /vst/ and I can't get the imagine of Mark Anthony as a Western Lu Bu out of my head now, with Cleopatra as his combined Diao Chan and Cheng Gong (tard wrangler up against an impossible task)
It wouldn't /eagg/ without that anon asking for a rome musou every thread
>another cool series stuck in Konami hell
The lesson is no one "wins" in history because history doesn't end. The victories won today are just sowing the seeds of defeat we will have to reap tomorrow.
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Konami should let Koei do a Castlevania Warriors
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Big potential
It'd be great. Lots of parallels with the time periods covered in other musou games but it has a much stronger late phase, even with a lot of the best characters dead.
Make Sextus Pompey the coolest character. Make him pirate themed with a big trident.
This one's coherent, so I don't think it's our usual guy.
Fact of the matter is that the next musou spin-off is Idolm@ster Warriors featuring Hatsune Miku.
Alright what book do I read to get acquainted with all these Roman fucks
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>we never got N3-III
If they do that, it'd be based on the Netflix show, which is great for fans of Trevor, Sypha and Alucard, not so good for Simon.
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Yinping I thought would be as bad as Bao and the other Guan kids, but she didn't end up being as offensive as I thought she'd be. Why's she wearing red though???
Nah. Koei should do their own thing similar to Hyrule Warriors for the crossover potential and a bigger roster
>Koei should do their own thing similar to Hyrule Warriors
The franchise that immediately dropped the 'do its own thing' thing and just made a sequel to BOTW?
>which is great for fans of Alucard
didn't he got fucked in the ass? That doesn't seem great
That's why I said Hyrule Warriors, not Age of Calamity and intentionally mentioned crossover potential, you disparaging dipshit.
How could we justify getting a playable Doomguy in a musou game?
Age of Calamity, is Hyrule Warriors 2. You don't just get to decide what's not relevant to the brand.
What Nintendo does with their shit has no bearing on what Konami would. Now shut the fuck up you retard.
Konami would probably get westerners to make it
Konami would find some way to shit the bed even harder.
Koei already shits the bed daily, yet here we are.
what is the best atmosphere on any battle stage in DW and why is it DW5 Baidi Castle?
for me, it's because I really like how pastoral it looks, I imagine Liu Bei's resting place to look like that and it's fitting that his son's only NPC appearance to be there, trying his hard to be like his father.
Although tbf I'm not a fan of the random stone sentinel maze to the north of it though, creepy as fuck since suddenly you're entering a dark cave for no reason compared to Yiling version when it's just dark because of the night.
Hefei Castle, and I'm not gonna lie, it's all down to how 99% of the time you know the music is going to be some absolute Sports Center Play Of The Week banger.
>Dual NRG
>A Great Giant
>Iron Monarch
Fuck yeah time for some Dynasty FOOTBALL
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DW8 Historical Xiapi hits different. Usually in a forced loss stage you still just clear it normally and then suddenly lose in a cutscene, but here you're overwhelmed with too many things to keep track of and it all just falls apart while the music feels like defiant hopelessness in a way even the bleakest of DW4's tracks didn't hit
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Page Origins
WO3's first stage. Yes, it's just a lava hellscape, but there's the big bad in the middle constantly roaring and imposing itself, and then there's easily the best piece of music a first stage has ever had in a Musou game
Man that stage alone makes WO4 a letdown
Did they shrink Guan Yu? He doesn't look as tall as before.

Yeah, I love the contrast between 8XL's Historical Xiapi, and the regular 8 version before Lu Bu had his own story mode. 8's version is just a power fantasy where everyone jerks off Lu Bu for being amazing (probably literally in the case of Diaochan), and then 8XL's version actually feels overwhelming.
what a chad
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WO4 is just too big for its own good, like 100+ different stages and not many of them is memorable. at some point, adding even more characters (if they ever make WO5) only makes it worse.
It's not too many characters, there's no such thing in a musou game. It's a matter of who was added; Western mythology was too weird a stretch to include in Orochi. If they wanted to do Western stuff, they should have started with Western HUMANS, there were still the rest of Bladestorm and Troy to port over like Jeanne and Achilles. Not to mention properly exploring the Genpei War, or Fengshen Bang, or hell any of the characters from Strikeforce.
If they wanted a real idea for going forward with Orochi, it'd be adding in the Nioh / Wo Long versions of characters as darker, more dangerous alternate universes.
if they want to utilize these 170 characters better, they should go back with WO1/2 storyline with Shu/Wu/Wei/Samurai alignment. each kingdom's storyline will have like 40ish characters involved.
Sounds stupid, they should just make WAS 2
I don't like you or your idea



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trying to get into characters' endings on WAS, i'm now reminded again of how absolutely retarded how the storyline works.
something about to unlock this specific stage, you must unlock all these characters because they'll be involved in that ending, BUT you also cannot accidentally unlock these other specific characters otherwise you can't get the character ending you want.
I was just going with the guide on the internet since I wanted to get Tamaki ending, but what the fuck is going on???
>This one's coherent, so I don't think it's our usual guy.
No the usual guy made the OP this time without mentioning Rome. I know because I am OP,
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Tiger and leopard Cavalry of Cao Cao/
Why it never mention in DW games?
Probably because Dynasty Warriors game focused more on the individual officer rather than things like elite units who only won warlord owns . I think the tiger and leopard Cavalier were controlled by Cao Ran twin brother who is in playable in any of the games yet but if he was we would probably hear more about them. the image I provided is from Total War 3 kingdoms so I guess you can get them in that.
Hey yo
>twin brother
Not a twin. de Crespigny misunderstands and mistranslates "full brother (same mother)" as "twin brother"
i forgot how fucking good this track was
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>Western mythology was too weird a stretch to include in Orochi
I HATE WO4, but this is a retarded take.
Including Greek gods wasn't a problem.Warriors Orochi isn't a complex game with a complex mythos. The basis of the game already blends Japanese and Chinese mythology into a nebulous "Mystic Realm" with little rhyme or reason, and their mythological roles are actually worthless to the role they serve in the games. You could rename Susanoo to Chi You or Shiva or and literally nothing would change.
Problem is that there's literally nothing happening in WO4. Fucking nothing happens in the game.
In WO3, you have the framework that you already lost the war, and every stage is about course-correcting all the failed battlefields to ensure that you have the resources to defeat Orochi at the end of the war. It's an apocalyptic atmosphere and the framework for the stages is nice intrinsic motivation to play through the stages. Plus there's lots of cutscenes of the cast just fucking around, which is nice in a game like this.
In WO4, literally every faction except Yukimura's knows what's going on, but won't tell you. Nobunaga has a plan and is on your side, but still fights you for reasons; Cao Pi has a plan and is secretly on your side, but still fights you for reasons; Zeus and Abe no Seimei? Same thing. Even a few stages removed from the final stage, Munenori Yagyu insists on fighting you because he needs to "test your resolve." Every stage is pointless and worthless and the actual plot isn't even apparent until the last couple stages.
We must fight Guan Yu!
All of the Orochi games have the dumbest stories imaginable, I can't be convinced that anyone at Omega Force can finish a coherent paragraph much less write a narrative
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The Genghis Khan series was Koei's third big strategy series behind RoTK and NA for a brief period, Genghis should get into WO or WAS for that alone
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Plutarch's (Parallel) Lives are fun little mini biographies written only a couple of hundred years after the events. Most of the Roman ones are of characters relevant to Caesar's era (Pompey, Crassus, Cicero, Cato, Sulla, Marius, Brutus, Mark Antony).
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Truth is, and nobody wants to admit it, Dong Zhuo won.
It wouldn't have made a difference, the Han's days were over no matter what traitor rose up.
If I play with Hyrule Warriors but got no Switch, what kind of emulator should I use to play that?
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The red devil is here, you shall not reach page 10
Nah fuck off. I didn't need Zeus or Athena or whoever else, they stand out like a sore thumb.
My favorite power ranger...
when does Famitsu drop each month? that's where we usually got news from
still think most of these guys aren't coming back
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My wife better be in. She deserved better.
Musou with friendly fire on.
Ling Tong is so fucking sexy. I want to be his slave.
It's weekly, if we get notice of DWO being in Famitsu it'll be like a week in advance with a brief blurry preview
If characters dont have new designs, or worst case, not playable, then can we really expect the usual famitsu news cycle? Those have always been centered on revealing new designs and new characters, and who fucking cares about new characters if they're just npcs
Nothing is confirmed yet
They have to give some kind of info on how the game is structured, even if it's the usual vague blurbs
More new on Dynasty Warriors origin when?
That's right, nothing is confirmed yet. So why's everyone acting like they're sure nobody's getting new designs, or only the guy in black will be playable?
Because the world has never recovered from TORtanic.
>from TORtanic
From what?
>giving a shit about Bioware games
>giving a shit about Bioware games that don't let you bang blue chicks
TORtanic mindbroke the entire videogames audience into not only believing every new game is going to be an epic dumpster fire, but wanting them to be.
I've been playing video games since I was like 10 and I'm in my mid 30s and I do not still know what you're talking about. I prefer to see game series I like succeed and have more games not be desserts. I want Dynasty Warriors origin to succeeds supremely. And I don't know what that guy talking about BioWare was on about.
Only malodorous Star Wars nerds ever gave half a shit about TOR. Pretending otherwise is telling on yourself.
Page ninety, Zhenji's divinity
>they stand out like a sore thumb
So anyways who's your favorite character to play as in Warriors Orochi 3? I prefer Sophitia myself, but I think Nemea and Joan of Arc are cool too! And Hundun? Ah I forget about him, he tends to not stand out among the rest of the cast.
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Got to be this guy, I almost thought he was part of the regular DW cast because he blends in so well
>I'll prove his point exactly, that'll make him look REALLY foolish!
>implying Sophitia, Nemea, Joan of Arc, and Hundun don't stand out like a sore thumb in WO
You're clearly delusional.
I'm saying they DO stand out, dickhead. Hundun stands out too, but he's supposed to, he's the giant Chinese chaos god, but yes, the Western characters in WO3 do stand out. So do the DOA guests, ultimately.
What eagg game should I play to get rid of the lonely
Get drunk and play DW3 on Normal. Forget the pain of rushing objectives and bases and just idly kill hundreds of peons in a blurry haze
I am no longer a bright spirited youth, if I drink twice in one week I will assuredly die
How tactical is this
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divine shit
what's his problem?
True if you mean it the way you'd call cool things, like "this new non-clone moveset is some good shit"
weren't you going to play dynasty tactics 2 or something?
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>I am no longer a bright spirited youth
honestly though, if some people said they still like DW after all these years, big chance that they're already in their 30s already since the peak of the franchise was back in 2000s
where has the time gone?
Playing SW2 Empires right now. I really like how they applied the skills and weapon upgrade. Orochi is still the goat
Those were unrelated posts how the fuck did you know
My first DW was 8 because no-consoles and I never knew PC ports were a thing
But I was playing ROTK11 for years
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he was angry that /eagg/ was on page 10 for over a thousand years
>Those were unrelated posts how the fuck did you know
simple I know how you talk and I know you drink, you also misspelled both times
Many people drink and I misspelled nothing
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I finally have something powerful enough to run it without hiccups or 720p lowest settings at sub 30 fps, so is 9/9 Empires worth it?
it's worth it if you want to know how bad it is, I said it's bad but I've spent more than 150 hours on it.
exactly I want to know how bad it is actually and if the dlcs did anything to improve it. I'm pirating anyway but there are other things on my pirate backlog too
I played through Cao Cao's route and didn't completely hate it. As bad open world games go I thought FFXV was even worse
I bought mine when it's like 10 dollar equivalent to my local currency, don't think DLC improved anything than giving some additional scenarios for more characters and hundreds of costumes, weapons, and some hideaway styles (do people actually bother enough to stylize this??).
Uncovering map to look for scenery is unironically the best part of DW9. A lot of effort was put into these assets that eventually barely got touched because most of the war happened in central plains.
the combat is good I think it comes down to how patient you are because the main story moves so damn slow but at least you can take advantage of character switching now to mix things up
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the combat is weird, I only enjoy R1+circle where it does the most damage outside musou. the finishing reactive attack with triangle is good but it has its own weakness where it sometimes land on the wrong enemy you want to finish. honestly the whole reactive attack with triangle seems to be coin-flip and you just keep pressing it either the system tells you to do it or when you're just bored.

I don't think I enjoy any of the weapon's movesets, I also was kinda fooled that despite them wielding different weapons, turns out some weapons also have the same movesets.
I was definitely let down a bit when I realised Zhurong was just Dian Wei with some tits.
I mean it's pretty obvious in-game when the moveset is just another weapon with a different name. You can dell just by the idle stance
tbf because the lack of weapon switch like in DW7 DW8, I ended up wielding my characters with a limited choice of weapons so despite me unlocking everything, I ended up just using weapons with the biggest attack. some smaller weapons can't get 400+ attack for its epic version. don't think you have the weapon advantage if you still use your original weapon anyway.
such a broken system that doesn't really warrant you to stay with your original weapon.
I wish sieges were more interesting than just grappling in and assassinating the boss
Aren't there missions where the grapple is disabled and you have to breach the walls normally? When that happens it's actually kind of hectic, having to mow through each of the different captains to prevent enemy siege equipment being used or to disable fire attacks on your own siege gear. There's even parts where you can TRY to grapple and just get rocks dropped on your head.
there are some castles that are big enough that you can't just immediately grapple the wall and you have to wait for the tower thingy first to latch by the wall before you can grapple.
honestly siege mission is pretty shit in general, how monotonous you finish the stage is one thing but I felt like they made this kind of mission to make these little castles more important inside the battle to the point it's supposed to push you to invade them, but most of the time the effect is just, well the level difficulty to beat the boss is lower, well they can no longer send the reinforcement etc.
And the criticism you made pretty much can be applied to most other missions in DW9 where you just fast travel to the mission you pick, beat the generals, and done.
They introduced sieges for that but tbf this problem came from DW8 era design philosophies, just replace grappling with gate keepers
getting those bases were more important back then like in DW5 because you could get stuff like attack or defense powerup also recovery items for your HP or musou bar.
DW9 with its endless inventories for recovery items pretty much made the importance of getting those bases gone.
lu bu maker
>Dian Wei faked his death at Wan Castle, put on a wig, and sailed down south
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I wish ROTK would give Cao Ang some characterization. I know he’s unimportant in the grand scheme of things and not a lot is documented on him but it makes it really hard to make up scenarios where he lives or he succeeds Cao Cao.
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insane how WAS has better storywriting than any Orochi. it's shorter but it manages to stay compact and can still deliver an emotional punch when needed. this ending is pretty sad.
>Cao Ang
I don't give a fuck about the han I just want to eat food and suck on bao sanniangs boobs
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Who was the better historical strategist and or advisor?
My biggest fear for Origins is that they make Chi Bi "good", I want it to be a mess and like all the other Chi Bi battles.
But was she real tho?
I want to capsize boats with my jump charge attacks
Cao Cao's oldest son, died in battle in 197. There's an anecdote that Cao Pi once commented that had his half-brothers Cao Ang or Cao Chong lived, he would not have succeed Cao Cao: Cao Ang due to being the elder brother, Cao Chong due to being a child prodigy who had been Cao Cao's clear favorite.
Oh yeah dinner the first one die during the same incident the first Bodyguard the bald one died and the second one son was always physically weak with some sort of medical condition which made him die as a child?
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Are any of us?
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Ma Su could have used a few of these.
Please a new Gundam musou with Woundwort is all I want
I'm not playing WAS
Nobody likes mechas now
Zhou Yu
Looking at Fate/ Samurai Remnant's Zhao Yun
>EX rank Noble Phantasm
>While this Noble Phantasm is active, Zhao Yun can negate all action impediments, including those produced by spells. Until he arrives at his destination or otherwise accomplishes his goal, he receives stat bonuses that exceed even a Berserker's Mad Enhancement. It is said that, when this Noble Phantasm activates, a golden streak of light pierces the battlefield. This Noble Phantasm is exceptional in it's ability to deliver Zhao Yun's Master to a secure location.
Stupidly OP
Page Nine Zhenji Divine
I read Woundwort and I thought you wanted a Watership Down musou
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>Watership Down musou
I like the way you think
I like the way I think too
Also not that I mind, but why is Tifa here
Wind in the Willows Warriors
Zhang Fei about to party like it's 208 on the Yangtze.
east asia
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I bet they'd base it on the Netflix adaptation, and introduce an OC that leads the warren to a more light-hearted hypothetical route.
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I'm gonna go insane, page nane Zhenji is divane
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because we need Dissidia Musou
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>we need Dissidia Musou
Xin Xianying's thighs
My 6-inch brown cock
You do the math
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Bring me news or she gets it
>Picked up DW8E recently and got my first brother
>His lines during combat are the same as before
Was it always like this? It has been over a decade since I last played an empires so maybe I'm misremembering it but I could swear that on 7 officers had an almost completely unique set of lines towards siblings and spouses.
Finger fucking cross for a substantial Steam summer sales. I'm looking at you Spirit of Sanada.
>steam sales

Hope you enjoy your 10% once a year discount on ps3 games
Matsuno Taiki, the JP voice actor for Ling Tong and Liushan, has passed away from a brain hemorrhage. He was also Spongebob's JP voice actor
>brain hemorrhage
Absolutely the painful way to go. Had a senior back in college pass away like this. She was just chatting with her friends and suddenly she screamed from having a very intense headache to the point she collapsed, immediately got brought into ICU but she didn't last long. Like how do you prevent that?
Haven't played one of these games sine PS2/Xbox and early 360/ ps3 days.

Now that the steam sale is happening, which one is the best to pick up on PC?
Musou Steam Sale summary
>50% off Samurai Warriors 5
>66% off Dynasty Warriors 8XLCE
>30% off Warriors Orochi 3DX
>40% off Warriors Orochi 4
>60% off Berserk musou
On PC, DW7 (not on sale), Warriors Orochi 3DX (on sale!), and SW4 (not on sale).
Any of these worth it?
SW5 and WO3 are definitely. WO4 if you have no other options. Berserk isn't good and don't bother with DW8 unless you plan on getting DW8 Definitive Edition from the Microsoft store.
NTA, but is the MS store version of DW8 a different/better port?
Comes packaged with $250 worth of DLC for free.
Garbage sale
I need DQH2
Anyone here got some Dynasty Warriors Fanfictions they like to recommend?
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I give you one year of a soldier's payment for the devil's daughter.
>a normal person
I don't like this guy from Shu
>a Shufag
Nu uh you're wrong to not like this guy, you see he was actually a really cool guy but so many people say Guan Yu just took credit for a lot of things other guys did but they don't understand that's not really the case because a cool guy doesn't need to do that and Shu guys are super cool and if you don't agree with me you just don't understand ROTK on my level wait why are you getting upset I'm only trying to help you understand why you're wrong and why Shu are cool
Shufags really are their own worst enemy. It makes the story of Jiang Wei even more tragic; got brainbroken by Zhuge Liang in a fight so bad he became a hopeless Shufag for the rest of his life
Whatever happened to Xiahou Ba after the fall of Shu? I know his betrayal came from being I'm going to call legitimately scared of the members of his crime being killed along with being unappreciated and his hate bona in real life for Guo Huai. OOnly the 1st of witches given motivation in the game or at least dw9. but I know Sima Zhao did allow Liu Shan to live after he was captured and relocated Liu Shan actually outliving him but whatever happened to Xiahou Ba?
He died before the fall of Shu.
How did he die and did the sima clan have any plans to do anything particular with him if they caught him alive?
keep telling yourself that
We don't know to both questions. His death can only be inferred between 255 and 259 as his last historical mention was in 255 and by 259 he no longer held any rank.
Zhenji is vain. Call her fat for an instant KO.
bro he was really young too...
Yeah I remember reading somewhere that despite how awesome some of these guys were a lot of playable officers in nice and how awesome some of the deaths actually will a tragic a lot of them just died a very normal anti-chromatic death .
Absolute joke Spirit of Sanada still doesnt get a discount like ffs not many people are still playing that game, show some generosity ffs Koei.
What's funny/sad is that Xiahou Ba was treated as such a footnote by historians that we know he was honored with a posthumous name but not what that name was, Chen Shou bothered to mention that he had one in passing when talking about how appropriate/inappropriate Shu was in its bestowal of posthumous honors, but didn't consider it important enough to write down, and apparently no other historian or commentator thought it important enough to write it down either before it ended up lost to time.
More Xiahou Ba trivia: history records record him as Xiahou Yuan's second son, and his style name Zhongquan reflects that (Zhong is a term for a second son), but ROTK calls him as Xiahou Yuan's eldest son without bothering to change his style name. You'd think a storyteller would have noticed the contradiction there and resolved it at some point, but apparently not.
>Zhong is a term for a second son
Now that shit's funny. When he claimed to be Emperor, Yuan Shu called his reign the Zhong Dynasty.
Some notes on that:
1. Zhong may have been a stylistic placeholder term rather than intended as an actual proper dynastic title like "Han." Some records and notes suggest that although Yuan Shu started the procedure of making the claim to Imperial title by taking on various Imperial prerogatives, he may not have finished with all of them before his downfall.
2. Zhong may have been intentionally used for its meaning as "second son" or "second brother" or "second month of the season" in order to claim that it was a "natural successor" to Han.
Ok I will
Page eight, Zhenji is graight
An instant KO is what's going to happen to you if I ever find (You)
Shut the fuck up or I'll going to beat your twink asian ass and then I'm going to steal your fried noodles and your steamed buns.
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Page nine
This is so specific and I am very afraid
Which one is a better pick up between 7xl and 8xl?
I heard that 7 had a vastly better story but I have no idea which one is all around the better game
8XL is the all around better game, it's hard to go back to 7 after it.
I'd rather play 8 than 7, but 7's story really is a lot better. Neither one is that good.
7XL has a better Story Mode, better secondary modes, and way better stage design.
8XL has more movesets and a better weapon customization system.
7 also has about 4 colors total
They're both hideous visually. No point in comparing them
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>his JP VA passed
I should watch Hurricanger sometime
Wew that's a bunch of Kessen 1 voices
8's look is serviceable, its visual criticism, for me, is when you play on a harder difficulty and the HP bar of an ordinary foot soldier takes like half a length of a screen and there are hundreds of them in front of you. Just a sea of red on top of their heads
I've never seen a intelligent shu hater.
t. Liu Bei
>Xu Zhu
>SSX starting from 6, Lianshi
>Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Ma Chao. Guan Suo, Bao Sanniang, Jiang Wei
I don't hate Shu, it just has the highest amount of characters I hate and with most of them being important it makes going through their storylines frustrating as find myself rooting for the other side.
Jiang Wei is a great pleb filter
I don't like Zhuge Liang or Guan Yu but the weapons named after them are pretty cool
Cool. I said "this guy from Shu", though, no Shu itself. You're probably exactly the sort of Shufag I'm talking about.
You can't even spell.
Show your work, greenhat.
The romance itself is my work
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fuck Shu

burn all Shu camps

own all Shu officers
Luo Guanzhong, why are you such a green hatted Shu cuck?
>Yellowskin thread
Because he sucks
a freak with big ears wrote this
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Name a more worthless fucking thing that was added to this franchise
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No such thing as a worthless addition in DW, everyone is worth it, especially zhang feis child bride
>Name a more worthless fucking thing that was added to this franchise
Storm Rush
Heaven/Man/Earth weapon triangle
>Name a more worthless fucking thing that was added to this franchise
Weapon weights
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Page nine! Zhenji is a cow
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Which one of the playable Sima betrayed the Cao clan the most?
Sima Yi. He was a fucking personal friend of Cao Pi and still ended up slaughtering the Cao clan. Even if Zhao committed regicide, that was still only one versus the hundreds slaughtered by Yi.
I thought of Sima Yi. just killed a few guys incompetent higher Upson decline Regency and we placed him with a member of the Cao Clan who he believed had potential and it was his son's who started clearing the border of the greater amount of the Cao Clan. On this subject of Cao Cao and family did he have any surviving descendants at the end of the 3 kingdoms?
I would like to see some fan art Liu Shan.
Wh-why a new one
Sima Yi. Whether you want to justify the fact that Cao Shuang and his cronies were abusing power and putting on imperial airs (which I pick holes in the story considering history is written by the victors), the fact remains that Sima Yi almost annihilated the Cao family power and placed his own family and supporters in place to eventually take power. He wasn't a stupid man.
What, like DW5 had? Because that's fucking great. Balancing attack speed against armor instead of power is great.
Does that outweigh Sima Zhao's (best friend's) regicide, genuine question because I don't have an answer to that
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Gameplay gimmicks like renbu and >>483839959, bitch.
Sima Yi did not "just kill a few guys," he slaughtered the entire families, men and women and children without regard to age. The more distant Cao clan members that were not killed were imprisoned in Ye city under permanent house arrest. Shi and Zhao never did anything of a similar scale, in part because they physically couldn't when the Cao clan had been so thoroughly purged. At best Shi came close through the slaughter of the Xiahou clan. By Zhao's time there was basically no one left except for the Cao Emperor himself.

A small branch of the Cao family survived through the descendants of Cao Huan. That branch was preserved to maintain the ancestral sacrifices, as was the custom. But the main branch descended from Cao Pi had been completely wiped out.
Got SW5 from the sale and this is probably the smoothest gameplay of all the main musou games. The secondary mode is alright for dicking around but it's also kind of thin on content.
Bases in DW9
Sima Zhao is the one who sent the troops to attack the Palace. It was his call.
I'll say this much: I much prefer the bases in DW9 over the ones in DW6.
The contrast between that amazing Xiahou Ba design, and the awful environment around him really makes DW9 special
Did they ever fix the weird numbering discrepancy between Japanese and English games in the Dynasty Warriors series?
Never did and I doubt they will.
Yeah but he was disgruntled with Jia Chong about it, wasn't he
they made Origins for that particular reason, just erased the number.

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