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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>482552975

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Pajama Sam: There's no need to PID when it's dark outsid
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
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Remember: No Buffers!
Well, honestly, that went better than I expected. Probably not what you want to hear from the manager after a draw that drops you out of the tourney but that's how the structure crumbles. GG I suppose
I'm still gonna be updating a few things in the models for a bit while I have the enthusiasm, so expect some changes that you can barely notice if you aren't looking for them next time we appear (hopefully the friendlies rather than all the way in the next league).
Oh yeah forgot to add: at least we're not in qualifiers hell again!
Someone explain what the last fff means. I'm stupid and don't understand.
>killed by GD on a draw in /gbpen/'s group AGAIN
Nah, but in all seriousness it was a better showing this time than last time. Long as you stick around, I'm looking forward to seeing /egg/ in round of 16 eventually.
you did your best, cheers
water is like electricity now
easier pipes, higher throughput
Increased fluid throughput in longer pipes and the addition of filters to pumps means that sushi fluidbuses are now meta
They only released the item quality feature right? Or did they release all the planets they work on? I suppose the actual spacee stage will be launched with the DLC.
Oil no longer doing weird gay shit and getting stuck
This sucks. There was no reason whatsoever to change the way fluid works currently and the new method is likely a thousand times laggier.
we should have nuked serbia when we had the chance
Why would simplifying the calculations make it laggier?
How could it be laggier? Instead of each pipe segment having its own capacity and inputs/outputs now pipe segments are all one big unit
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no the new method is much faster because it dramatically reduced the number of fluid box entities that need their fluid level updated each tick.
>If we keep replying to the bait it will go away
Now the game has to be told to ignore the pipe's capacity each tick. How is that not worse?
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Closest I can think of was this.
Realistic simulation isn't fun.
The new one is more realistic for pressurized pipes
based re-adding OP
Owari da
Can't wait until I can buy a killbot from Cabela's.
>Absolute brainlet take
Ladies and gentlemen:
Kovarex's favorite childhood toy and infact the REAL prototype and inspiration for Factorio.
Placing down a million pumps is based actually
I still don't get the fluid FFF
what is a fluid
quoteless bros we are so back
meant for >>482938556
and >>482938434
Pipes now work like they do in every other /egg/ game - they're combined into a single entity rather than hundreds of individual pipe entities
>Satisfactory is now more advanced than factorio
Where did it all go so wrong?
calculus isn't hard if you divorce it from the mental retardation of newton and wittgenstein
just learn the "magic formula", which those two pirated from medieval manuscripts anyway
>he doesn't know how pipes work in satisfactory
it is over for you
bait was always a thing
takes brains not to reply to it that's the trick
I hate purple science
Come on anon
more steel
I feel old...
Anon are you okay? You're making fun of opinions that nobody posted
nigga wat
did they add multiplayer like they promised yet
whats wrong with satisfactory pipes? they're janky but more or less work. the only weird behaviour ive seen is sometimes when you place them they bug and dont connect properly if they're at max length on noodle mode but you just have to delete and remake it and it goes back to reasonable behaviour again.
>whats wrong with satisfactory pipes?
Hmm, where to start?
>No pumps
>Clipping issues
>Can't transport coal slurry
>Ugly rings for no reason
>Can't go up hills
>Made by nigger loving swede zoophiles
Wow would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
imagine a red apple
I'm all for dunking on Satisfactory defenders and unaware aphantasiacs, but what are its pipes like to begin with?
Dropped it way before reaching pipes.
I only think in dank memes
it's something like
>each pipe segment is basically a little tank
>pipes trade fluid between eachother
>pipes will only transfer fluid if the pipe next to it is lower than it or it's within the "head lift" of the system
>pipes prioritize filling lower pipes before ones above
i dont know how to properly articulate it but it just werks and u traps like under your sink are functional.

it makes liquid pool at lowest points before moving on and "head lift" is a thing. most machines can go 10m upward iirc, the pumps do 20m and 50m upwards. head lift does not stack and just sets to the furthest up pump's value.

satisfactory is too simple to really require any pipe shenanegains but it does enable stuff like packaging extra fuel off an oil plant's line or creating "priority splitters" by having tanks/traps that must fill before moving on but something more important set up before the tank and shit like that.
Its pipes are quite annoying in my experience.
I didn't insanely far since it was very unfinished at the time, but I remember flow having some really weird quirks that were hard to diagnose.
Retarded post.
Do you think
is what was intended, but it's full of spaghetti code and doesn't work properly?
That's what it sounds like to me.
Completely nonfunctional. No matter how many pumps you have you will never keep a coal power setup from flickering from water loss.
The only egg that does fluids correctly is Dyson sphere program.
they dont work man
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>cube with a picture of water on it being belted
It's retarded but you need two extractors on one end and a single on the other for the water to meet in the middle. It fixes the throughput bug. Dhpt4
They're bugged so you have to run around cramming grass into "biomass burners" even when you have nuclear researched because the pumps don't network properly.
you cant main bus your water because your limited to 300m^2/min of water but a power plant on max needs 93 but you need 10 million power pllants to run one pump. its retarded
a miserable pile of particles
Between the new train changes and the dumbed down pipes this might be the worst update ever. Almost as bad as when they got rid of alien science being a drop from nests.
They're basically useless. It is always better to package and ship fluids then unpackage for use because pipes don't actually work properly.
but dps doesn't do fluids
pumps are bugged
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They're jello cubes
jello is a fluid
how about just adding a hard limit to the amount of pipe tiles in a segment? so segments of eg.60 pipes have to be connected by pumps.
>go deal with biter attacking part of my factory
>do more damage to it than the biter ever could have done

Check what weapon you have on before blindly firing.
pipes in satisfactory LITERALLY do nott work
what physical sense does that make? this isn't satisfactory
3D factory games won;t ever take off until you get one where you can zoom way out. maybe 3D but in 3rd person would work?
part of the appeal is marveling at the fucking favela you've created

alternatively, someone should just make one based on a smaller scale. maybe something like instead of a globe spanning mega factory just an assembly line.
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you should be able to block biter expansion with nuclear fallout
Does Workers & Resources have one of those nonsensical time setups like city building games where the people take multiple days to do a trip rather than having it all make sense?
>biters mutate into much stronger monsters
>physical sense
Factorio is one of the most realistic factory games there is, if not THE most realistic.
Not after letting a glorified mod artist work on the code.
your face is one of the most realistic faces out there, if not THE most realistic
Okay, should I make my new glorious communist utopia in the desert or the jungle? Taiga just sounds like pure AIDS
all glory to kazahkstan
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is satisfactory fun yet?
Don't mind me. Just supplying some water to my base.
Unironically a good design in 2.0.
Based future proof design.
Why? What did they do?
His rage and her smile only make me love her more
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And this is my Space Age advanced oil processing. Its throughput is very high.
based mods
4chan has been a furry site for nearly as long as it's been an anime site, deal with it
Changed fluid dynamics so that all the fluid blocks are basically merged into one big buffer and fluid in = fluid out at any points in the pipe.
Longer to empty though? Do those effects cancel and make it behave the same as before?
I thought longer to empty simply implies higher capacity, since the entire pipe network now behaves as a single container. If you're correct then throughput would instead get lower as the pipeline grows, to the point where a pipeline won't be able to supply anything at all. That seems even more stupid.
desu if they kept the new system but cut pipes to like a tenth the throuput it would be fine. so the """puzzle""" would be about routing in multiple pipes to get enough throughput, instead of the current one of putting a pump every 10 tiles.
It says longer to 'fully empty'. That kind of makes it sound like it's variable, it's slower to empty as it gets closer to being empty.
why are you winding it around instead of just making pipeblock
Shouldn't be an issue if you just keep it full then. I wonder if pipe ratios will become a thing now.
On one hand I fucking hate current inconsistent pump spam
On the other hand I really don't like the idea of more pipes = more throughput
The fff said "longer" though so clearly a pipeblock wouldn't cut it with its modest dimensions.
Dunno, I doubt I'll ever update anyway.
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Actually you know what, fair point. We can't just work off a single assumption.
>here's your endgame oil, bro
>no quality
Unironically how I played before I knew circuits were a thing. I just blew up the tanks that got full.
new ded: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1279510/Screw_Drivers/
it's a ripoff of gear blocks with FAKE gears, but actual game play. You tetris gears together to make transmissions with different speed curves. Despite it having FAKE gears, it has a fairly lego like build system. It's FREE though, which means it's gonna be ded when it actually comes out. This is always the case with early access /egg/s that have a demo. Everyone has fun with the demo and fucks off when it actually comes out.

captcha MPRG
>already at mixed reviews
Looking good so far. We got a real diamond in the rough here.
>all the negative reviews are in russian
Nevermind. I take back my sarcasm.
>legendary pipe
>bigger on the inside
>does W&R have nonsensical time setup
It has asyncronous time but it makes sense
>multiple day trip
Maybe 2*, or longer if you are doing transfer madness
The timescales are realistic in that you get the total amount of crime in a month, in a month (which can be alot, and be a death spiral), and 1workday= 1 day of work
And transit(pax) times are kinda weird, but if you conzider the scale of the map, and the bus is probably making day trips if it wasn't simplified, it is probably about as good as you are going to get

Basically it makes sense if you think about it, but is absurd on it's face
>You tetris gears together to make transmissions
>FAKE gears
I don't get it
how are they fake?
>they're complaining about ZERO optimization, hard to use editor, no QoL ANYWHERE, wonky af fizix that gets fucked after an update, and the multiplayer which doesn't even work Did someone say Stormworks? I could swear someone said Stormworks.
Looks more like coprolite than kimberlite to me comrade.
From what I understand, "fake gear" means wheel-like collision, while the adjacent gears only pretend to mesh.
Anons don't get just how much a properly-simulated gear would enrage Clang.
Why don't games like that just make long days so it's more realistic?
Because it'd be boring as shit. Construction can take years IRL. In W&R it's normally a couple of years to get the entire starting city built, and it's slow if you're not planning as they work.
The other anon also didn't mention the big thing is the aging is super fast. I think 1 month=1 year; so the average lifespan is ~5-6 years, so you can actually see the effects of education systems and what not.
But if you had a truly realistic system you'd have to play for two decades minimum to see things like education reform have any effect, and it wouldn't really get going until you'd played another two. And if you're going forty years already, then your setting/technology level is probably changing significantly and the scope of the game is exploding.
black & white had a good system, 1 day = 1 year, that way you can have people age and grow up and reproduce realistically, while keeping the time frame reasonable, a decade might be a couple of hours of play. then the day just needs to be long enough for commutes to be reasonable.

I like that cities in motion 2 had weekends so traffice patterns would be completely different those days

it's possible to compress time in a logical manner while making it look good, they just haven't done that
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SURELY needing to transport liquids with the space platform will make barrels relevant again, r-right?
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Funny thought. Make a microcontroller call it the GunB loading system and supply this as an example.

People on workshop use it in their builds not realising it's 4chan.org greatest meme to date

Anyway good job, anon
Legendary barrels will change everything. Trust the plan.
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you tell them, anon
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Making a laser boat in From The Depths.
What are the hardest to hit planes?
Wobbly, somewhat fast, pretty small, like the Flying Squirrel.
Anything similar but more armored?
I want to make sure this thing can do its job.
Not counting large planes that fly straight, even if they are fast and well-armored.
Those I can handle fine with other weapons.
One last run of factorio and I'm shelving the game forever. The developers have lost it.
see you in two weeks
Yeah, playing a different game.
sure sure
The changes they're making are really making me lose interest.
Is X4 any good?
No, but none of the X games really are, and nothing else does that it does. Hold on, I had a pasta somewhere.
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I am the Death. The destroyer of bugs.
You're positively killing me with all those iron plates in your inventory
how much handcrafting are you even doing
A lot. I love this coin purse sound every time I make a product.
fluid doesn't pile; it puddles
I suppose that's why it's a MISERABLE pile?
>The only way to do X well is like Y
>But Y doesn't do X AT ALL.
>If you're correct then throughput would instead get lower as the pipeline grows, to the point where a pipeline won't be able to supply anything at all. That seems even more stupid.

NTA, but no - it's not stupid.
Because adding in a pump to cut the segment in two would double throughput again.
So you'd still need pumps to keep up the pressure, albeit in a different manner.
And you still wouldn't be able to cheese the system infinite-pipe-works style.
in this case it's based
fuck fluid dynamics
Skyrim with engineering.
thats smarter than me, I just made enough lubricant to supply furrycons indefinitely
>>482996784 (cont.)
And this is where it gets interesting again, because needing a pump to reestablish maximum draw means the segment before and after the pump will no longer be balanced. Meaning, again, you cannot just make an infinitely sized manifold and call it a day.

Where it'd get interesting though, is mods (or maybe even Space Age itself) adding flow management entities such as overflow and top-up valves - except one that acts on *relative* fluid levels. I.e. a valve that lets fluid from A into B if A > B.

Those would split the network while not introducing preferential bias. And you *could* make it balance bidirectionally, but you'd need two valves facing opposite directions - i.e. more space at awkward angles, reintroducing a puzzle aspect again.
>puzzle aspects
Why do you need to worry about planes when we are making a boat tournament? Also, how are you going to fight submarines with lasers?
I'm not entering the tournament, sorry.
(well I might enter the tournament actually, just started scrapping together something now that you mention I don't have to worry about planes, but not with that boat)
Im hoping you will anon! If we can get enough participants, it will increase the interest in FtD and we can have excitement ITT.
All this pipe and door talk is depressing as fuck
Won't it legitimately be the most optimal thing to have each type of fluid just be in one enormous network that stretches over your whole base? Even from a performance standpoint too.
>water is like electricity now
It isn't. Electricity is just magic, there isn't any throughput management etc. The new fluid system will still have throughput which depends on pipe length, pumps etc, it just no longer models local diffusion interactions between each individual pipe segment. This local modelling is not only super janky and computationally expensive, it's also completely pointless because nothing ever interacts with fluid midway through a pipe. The only things that interact with fluids are source buildings and destination buildings, so all throughput can just be pre-calculated based on the pipes and pumps in the network instead of calculating it for every pipe segment and for every single game tick. It's not like belts where the player character can pick up or drop items midway along a belt etc which requires tracking of individual items.

>There was no reason whatsoever to change the way fluid works currently
The way fluid works currently is absolutely retarded and easily the worst part of the game. Flow rate has a preferred direction which depends on the order that entities were placed in the world. Other shit that shouldn't matter like chunk boundaries also impact flow in arcane ways. Deconstructing a pipe and then reconstructing it in the exact same place can completely change how your factory functions. So can building the exact same factory but one tile to the left. It's just silly, and you aren't gaining any realism in exchange for the madness. Having local interactions doesn't matter if you can't actually see or interact with the contents of a pipe. Belts moving items makes sense because you can see and interact with the items in transit on a belt, but fluids in the current system may as well teleport with a delay based on number of pumps and length of pipe etc since there is no way to interact with fluid in transit.
Why do undergrounds not transfer like overground pipes?
my boat will probably be somewhat disgusting, if I manage to cram it out
I don't think so, since pumps, producers and consumers still influence the flow direction. Merging something like this:


could create balancing issues where the left segment hogs all the fluid and starves the right segment etc. Creating fluid splitters/balancers/etc will be much easier under the new system, but at large scales it might be simpler to just segregate rather than to create complex balancers. This is like how in the early game you tend to have one big iron belt that snakes around the entire base, but as you scale up and the bus gets wider it becomes increasingly complex to keep the bus balanced and you start creating dedicated iron belts for certain builds (steel, green chips etc) that are segregated from the rest of the base. Belt/pipe/etc balancer complexity scales exponentially, while segregation complexity is constant, so eventually it becomes simpler to balance through creating segregated networks than through using colossal belt/pipe/etc balancers on a shared global network.
>The new fluid system will still have throughput which depends on pipe length, pumps etc,
From what I gather this isn't true. The only thing that matters is the level in pipe, which will settle into some equilibrium depending on supply and demand. As long as you produce more than you consume, it will eventually work full speed. Eventually can be very, very long depending on the buffers of course.

I think the new system is better, but imo they need to add the throughput limitations back. Maybe have it be affected by number of pipes, turns, T and X junctions, with the first 100 segment complexity being free. And a total cap of 12k/s . Now that the system is more streamlined it can be easier to communicate to the player why the pipe is the way it is. Just have a tooltip like with the beacons.
I think this would be the best solution. Pre calculated throughput for a fluid network that takes the layout as a base number and then uses the current fullness of the system as a factor. Not in absolute numbers, but as a percentage of course, to prevent retardation like this >>482959939 not sure what they were thinking there.
Does somebody want to make a ksp clone that isn't shit?
The FFF describes it awkwardly, but the gist of it is that there are three things at play: the capacity of the pipe, the inflow rate of the pipe, and the outflow rate of the pipe.

The capacity, how much the pipe can hold, increases with the length of the pipe.
The inflow rate is effectively pegged at infinite, i.e. all source buildings will - given enough remaining capacity - instantly cram their output fluid into the pipe.
The outflow rate is limited by the length of the pipe. The longer the pipe, the lower the maximum outflow. This is the new model that simplifies throughput-decay with distance.

You solve the last by splitting the pipe segment with pumps.

Nothing really fundamentally changes; except all the fucking retarded edge cases of the old and busted grid-square-by-grid-square imperatively evaluated fluid dynamics are gone, and you don't need fuckhuge amount of pumps anymore - but can get by with a few here and there.
It would be interesting if it worked like that. Can't argue here. Sadly, I'm pretty sure that it won't or they would've said something.
>see, what you've done now is make training wheels for a boat
>retardation like this
That is bait taking the FFF's poor phrasing at face value.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of a part Tetris.
Just don't go full FtD, where it actually feels like you're playing Tetris.
Not that it's bad in itself or anything, but having options on the "full Tetris<->omnidirectional" range would lower the "tight space packing" skill requirement.
but tetris is great fun
Next FFF is announcing the removal of barrels.
How much firepower did you manage to pack on your boat?
The abstracted number that FTD gives you.
21 here, and I still have to change some things to fit 50K
>liquids slowly corrode barrels
>barrels with molten iron and copper corrode with the spoiling mechanic and spill ores all over your base
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>barrels with sulfuric acid will become leaky and deal area of effect damage to everything around them
>barrels removed
>molten metals in pipes have spoiling applied to them
>the more they spoil, the more they semi-permanently impede the transfer between pipes
>can flush it with acid to clear the transfer speed slowdown
>if they spoil completely, the pipe turns into a solid metal block
hire me wube
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not really egg but mildly
looking for a game that i torrented a few years ago, you have a spaceship and add blocks to it, land on planets and kill bugs to get stuff then make clones. It was a chinese steam exclusive for a while.

Also, opinions on soviet republic dlc?
is the FTD boat deadline in 8 hours or 16 hours?
I gotta sleep, so my hastily made abomination might not make it in
>sleeping when there is a deadline
sorry bro
my boat isn't good anyway
at least I rediscovered a useful thing
outrigger hydrofoils
combined with bulkheads to protect, I think they're pretty good for hydrofoil zoom zoom ships
since you want as little in the water as possible, but you also want roll stability
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oof, it's so exhausting to build a mega factory. I hope it'll be easier next time when I pile up all the required blueprints.
>no balancing
will deadlock in 2000h
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>sorry bro
>my boat isn't good anyway
My man you could have been rolling me Empire Earth style, i'm making a meme fodder ship for fun. Don't be a pussy
Sounds about right - i have 18, but idk if my anti-missile minigun counts towards that score or not
Turnes out that missile based weapons are extremely expensive, so i had to remove a half.
Also, to shave off about 3000 materials, i had to auto-convert most of my metal to stone. Looks like ass, but i want to use the rest of the time on fine-tuning the AI, targeting and pids
Deadline for sensing the files is due in 25 hours, so there is lots of time
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>building mega without beacons or modules
you will regret this

no, the way he built it makes it so that each input wagon feeds into only one production column which in turn feeds into only one output wagon. this will never deadlock unless a train arrives with unbalanced wagon loads
>you will regret this
Yeah I'm kinda sick of walking already, but I don't know, I'll give it a chance I guess.
no, i mean you will regret this because you spend a lot of time making blueprints that will become obsolete later in the game, and you will have to remake them all.
Anon, he won't get anywhere near megabase, look at his rail signals.
one active train is all you need
Why not just build two way rail if you are going to chain it all anyways
>The outflow rate is limited by the length of the pipe. The longer the pipe, the lower the maximum outflow. This is the new model that simplifies throughput-decay with distance.
I'm not seeing where this is elucidated in the blog post. The FFF only alludes to output flow being affected by the fill level in the pipe, and seems to actively debunk the idea that length plays a part.
>In the old system, pumps were required in order to maintain higher throughput. However, it almost never worked as you would expect:
>In the new system, there is no longer a need to use pumps for this purpose. Pumps are still useful to force directional flow, act as conditional valves with a circuit network, and to load/unload trains, but you won't be placing nearly as many of them as before.
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>matter assemblers for antimatter fuel cells only have one fluid input
>my plan for symmetry is ruined
>new method is likely a thousand times laggier.
I cannot even conceive of how you could possibly come to believe that.
>There was no reason whatsoever to change the way fluid works
Besides all the other reasons, how about this one: because that system makes HIGH PRESSURE STEAM flow like viscous tar, which is absurd.
>only four (you) on my shitty bait after 17 hours, lets samefag
If you were smart you would use a circuit condition to activate a power switch to turn off the defenses around your storage tank fields so that biters can destroy the tanks for you.
>these posts are a conspiracy
take meds
good morning schizo
And fill-level is dependent on total capacity, which is dependent on total length.

Raiguard pretty much explains it here:

The lower the fill level, the lower the max outflow. So a huge, long pipe will take a long time to fill up and machines at the other end will take a long, long time to reach a good enough outflow that their demand will actually be met.

It's basically STILL the old diffusion system where X flows into Y proportionate to the relative values of X and Y, but the X and Y are entire pipe NETWORKS, merged together from what used to be all those separate entities.
So is the pipe change good or bad?
It is good.
Why would he? This >>483006940 is how you ensure you'll never have deadlocks.
>The lower the fill level, the lower the max outflow. So a huge, long pipe will take a long time to fill up and machines at the other end will take a long, long time to reach a good enough outflow that their demand will actually be met.
Yeah, I get that. But the previous post suggested that length was a factor that affected output IN ADDITION to fill level, when in reality, only fill level seems to influence output directly. Obviously, a bigger system will take longer to prime, and thus, output will be reduced during that interim period, but the "max" will eventually be the same for a system of any size.
Which might be a bit funny when you're connecting two massive steam buffers for nuclear reactors with a single line of pipe, when before you had to use multiple sets.
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Fucking kek anon
Good that they removed turbojank, bad that they removed throughput as a consideration.
>ensure you'll never have deadlocks.
No, this is how you cope with your inability to signal properly and get order of magnitude lower train throughput than with proper signalling.
The only reason for such subpar signalling is inability to use signals, there is no other reason.
I just want fluid rockets and fluid platforms.
>quality barrels
I'm in
>personal fusion reactors
>tier 1 personal roboports
Please make webms, I'd like to see what this game is about beyond pid shitposting and autismo-doors
Impossible to know without benchmarks and they surprisingly didn't talk about impact on performance.
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Blackrack putting deferred rendering into KSP.
>add the throughput limitations back
It never disappeared, they're still working on the numbers.
My guess is quality pipes will have more throughput.
It removes some endgame jank builds like tileable nuclear reactors you build on lakes and basic oil processing for plastics.
It removes the need to overly optimize for pipe count in your blueprint.
Trains aren't mandatory anymore in earlygame.
Fluid busses are now very easy to make.
If quality wagons transport more fluid, train-fed nuclear reactors are less of a meme.
That's exactly how I learned that you can't just use chains willy nilly, kek
It's very easy to fix if anon wants to learn about absolute pasting.
Can you explain what's different? It removes a piss filter?
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Thanks anon(s?)
>a few lights making fps go from 120 to 30 fps
Left looks better.
then why are all the devs saying on discord that
>fluids are now like electricity
>you can feed all your heat exchangers with one pipe
>throughput is gone as a concept
You can just tweak the color grading to get back that look, but you really want deferred rendering if you want KSP to be the rocket sim going forward.
holy mother of based and blessed
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>Left handside driving
Good. Chasing a realistic simulation at the expense of performance and fun is what ruins too many games.
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That's a different game
me but I got no skills
Stormworks discord is currently get stormed by nazi, ukrainians, slavs, gore and scat.
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Picrel paragraph 1
>pipes now "just work"
is the reason they talk about electricity I think. It's still more confusing than electricity because there is no "electrical throughput" to worry about, as a wooden power pole can carry infinite electricity.
Paragraph 2 is the reason I answered with >>483019963. It looks like there will be a limited throughput, but it will probably be way higher because now "throughput increases with the number of pipes".
>can feed all your heat exchangers with one pipe
Is right, because pipes now have way way more throughput than before, it feels surreal to see in the videos they showed. That train was unloaded in the minimal amount of time, with the pumps working at 100%.
>throughput is gone as a concept
This is wrong out of context, but they probably mean that pipe throughput is now almost out of the equation for 99% of players. You probably won't have to use the wiki to guess fluid throughput anymore. I can't rule that out completely because I don't know what kind of balance they will do on throughput. For very high SPM, players may still need to understand exactly how it works, but it sounds way easier for everyone. I'm glad.
It is? bruh I'm sorry
How long until I have to turn in my FtD bote?

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Is it possible to fix it without rebuilding everything? No train is supposed to enter a roundabout just to stay there.
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this needs to be a chain and set trainlimit to one at every station
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Hear me! Hear me! A daily reminder!


All new /egg/ From the Depths Championship is here!
Test your might against the fellow anons - express your inner autistic creativity - become the Final Boss!

The rules are simple:

Maximum boat cost - 50.000 materials ( spawn price only - you can have as many materials in storage as you want )
All weapons allowed
All propulsion types allowed
No limits on other parts
To qualify as a boat, it must be theoretically possible to be hit by a torpedo.

Deadline for submitting your boat: Sunday 23-rd of June, 18:00 Central European Time / 4 PM GMT

The winner will be decided by points - each victory is worth one point.

There are two ways to participate:
Post a link to your boat ( steam or a direct link to the file ) in this thread. Other anons will post theirs, and we can run a Custom Battle with default rules, locally on our own PC's.
Post results and screens/webms - hopefully, anons will not cheat, and we will end up with similar results.

Alternately, you can send the vehicle file to the following mail ( although i will also use the boats posted ITT ):

The filename = boat name

I will run a battle for each participating boat VS every other contender, make a webm, and post results.
Roster of participants will be posted around 18:00 central eu time, and I will start recording battles. My plan is to start posting the first webms around 21:00 CET ( depends on number of participants )

Makes sure to test your boat against a random opponent in the Custom Battle mode, with default rules. Its important! Remember to add materials in the resources tab on the main Custom Battle page - otherwise, your boats will spawn empty and idle.
Keep that roundabout exit signal as chain, leave everything else as is
wrong you
Good. You can only redirect autism of that kind, so less of a problem for us if they're busy elsewhere.
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Change all station train limits to 1. Did you fix your roundabouts? The one in your picrel looks correct.
how the hell do you get rid of those deconstruction plans automatically
they always clog my equipment unless I manually delete them
Irrelevant picrel I forgot about, sorry. I was going to write about deleting your signals with picrel but I see from your pic that you understand what to do for all your roundabouts.
I'm not sure you can. Personally I have a blueprint folder for deconstruction/upgrade with the most likely combinations of items.
Huh. That's mildly annoying for how frequently people use deconstruction planners.
are they going to fix spidertron pathing?
It's good because now I won't have to choose between using underground pipes for throughput or regular pipes for aesthetics.
>The lower the fill level, the lower the max outflow. So a huge, long pipe will take a long time to fill up and machines at the other end will take a long, long time to reach a good enough outflow that their demand will actually be met.
Don't pumps circumvent that completely?
Yes, it will noclip hover while following you and instantly teleport wherever you want.
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lol okay, I just want it to take straight diagonal lines when it can instead of this goofy shit
Yes. That's kind of the point of why you'll still need them.
I found a shitty 50k boat in my files but idk whether it's worth your time. If I submit it you get another entry but you also have to do more work.
There was a Soviet-themed rocket program game that showed up beginning development absolutely ages ago, not sure if it was planning on being physics-based though
it's a popular enough game that I figure it will eventually get the "OpenTTD treatment", e.g. an open source re-implementation of the engine.
That's mod behavior I think
it's when I use the pathfinding mode of the spidertron remote, not the regular mode
Why aren't you using item symbols instead of those long ass descriptions
Uhhh there's a pathfinding mode?
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Please submit! Participation is absolutely the most important part of these competitions - there will always be diehard autists who are operating on a whole different level. I have no chance of winning either, but im really looking forward to seeing what other anons have cooked.
We can make it a memorable event if we all pitch in.
Besides, its much more fun to watch other battles, knowing that your own creation will face the same enemies
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Alt click. It goes around lakes and whatnot but it takes less efficient lines when a straight line would do.
I didn't think of that when I started this map
50k 1v1 is a shitshow. Just getting a lucky hit can win it since the ships are small enough you can critically disable them easily and the 1v1 means it only takes one.
Which means you can win even with whatever you've got.
Cool, thanks
Is having lots of repair bots allowed or is that bad sport?
Even with the no limits on parts
Yeah 50k is shit and doesn't help anyone. It's much, much easier to build up to 150-200k than to build down to 50 so I don't buy the argument that 50k is easier for noobs.
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Today I will make a flying wing bomber instead.
Nevermind. The vehicle loader listed it as 50k materials but when I loaded and saved it again the cost is now 130k. These devs are fucking retards with no idea what they're doing.
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Gunbuster truck update; applied the SIBTaT template connector to my truck.

Still need to make adjustments for it's chassis and wheel mount, then i'll slap engine in.
Caesar, allow him to botmaxx pls
I don't care about autistic rules, I just want to see blood
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Side hatches are engine inspection, front is gunbuster door for drivers seat. Door will contain monitors to drive vehicle.
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This is the tiny piece of shit that was 50k when I originally saved it but thanks to retarded dev niggers it's now 130k. 130 for this tiny shit box. Wtf am I supposed to do with 50k?
idk anon, lets see how it goes
i have tested my own ~30 firepower boat against itself - 1st battle lasted 33s, 2nd - 3m 38s, 3rd - 1m 52s
if there will be enough interest, we will run another poll with wider range of options and do one more tournament

you are welcome to add as many as you want
it will not make as much difference as you think, unless you are doing something very specialized

it also has to do with time - not everyone can spend all that many hours building a big boat
we will add a wider range of options to the poll, as i wrote to the other anon
So they replaced a warm sun with multiple soulless lights? Why do people love doing this.
change all materials to wood
if not enough - remove one of the turrets
also, out of curiosity, how many hours did it take you to make it from scratch? ( presuming you dont use prefabs )
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>front is gunbuster door
> 1 hinge
>you are welcome to add as many as you want
>it will not make as much difference as you think, unless you are doing something very specialized
Anon, you can easily outrepair plenty of low DPS weapons. It isn't a great strategy but it's one that will likely net a few wins.
flash would have used a PID
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Well, It's still very much a prototype and having to work around something i didn't have functional at the time was a pain.

Here's the old verison.
would be fun to see such contender
its 50 materials per block though, so not exactly cheap
if the winner will be a bot-heavy design, we will have to ban them, but anons voted "no limitations", so we have to find out the hard way
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None of that will get it under 50k.
>also, out of curiosity, how many hours did it take you to make it from scratch? ( presuming you don't use prefabs )
It was so long ago I don't remember but the save is v14 so probably one day. 2 at most.
The last boat I entered in a tourney has blown out to 203k. At least I think this is the one. I don't have any of the videos handy to match up the name.
>probably one day
damn anon, you are very productive! would take me at least a week...
>last boat I entered in a tourney
do you happen to remember the rules for that tournament?
Is his mod still behind paywall?
Please Please please build that in stormworks
yes but now that he's laid off it looks like we're finally going to get some progress after 6 months of no update.
I just wish someone made modded KSP load faster. Sometimes it can take up to 15 minutes.
Left: Trigun
Right: Trigun Stampede
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Each time I want to setup up an automated rocket, I forget how I did it the previous time.
Look at this mess, I don't remember any of this. I want to set up a Vitamelange rocket and my fucking brain won't work.
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Once i have sorted the particulars, I will upscale the design and build a train.

I'm rather annoyed that stormworks lack power connections for trains in regards to overhead lines would've made an unfolding pantograph for the truck.
>muh yellow sun
some mods(angels) name the item tags in a completely retarded way, using plaintext makes ctrlF work always
crushed saphirite, stiratite,jivolite etc etc are tagged angels_orecrushed_1 to 6
Get a fast m.2 SSD drive, helps a lot with load times
Yeah I mean that seems normal, there's more wires in there than an indian electricity line
>do you happen to remember the rules for that tournament?
IIRC it was the same as the current tourney but any vehicle type was allowed and the materials limit was obviously higher, however the limit included materials on-board. I think I won but there were hardly any entries.
The krimskrams make it look bigger than it is. It's a tiny shitbox you could put together in an afternoon. Adding the krimskrams is actually the only thing I remember about it.
Hypothetically, if I was playing stormniggers nowadays what is the use case for a battleship? Months of building for something useless.
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Save it. So you have it next time make a steam guide set it private write instructions to yourself with pictures.

Something that size could go nuclear but you've gotta find a nuclear powered shipping container reactor then.

Killing a kraken and npc boats
With a lot of mods trying to guess how resources and technologies are internally named is not fun at all, recently got a bug, techs from one mod used vanilla science packs instead of modded packs so I couldn't unlock them, I had to go into files to find their names before discovering it can be set to not require research in mod settings.
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I like these images

That sounds more like just slavs (of debatable location) posting anything offensive they have to hand
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fergert muh wabm
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Me too, I saved lots of them.
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This boat has to be inspired by space battleship
this looks severely overengineered
Exit can be a chain but keep that rail signal after.
Also divide roundabout into 4 separate sections using chains so you can have simulations right turning and straight traffic.
Where are the saves stored, I can't find mine
(I probably did something wierd)
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It isn't but I do have a leiji inspired boat.
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Alright, time to shelve Mianmay for a bit and make a boat.
on my pc it looks like this:

C:\Users\YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME\OneDrive\Documents\From The Depths\Player Profiles\YOUR STEAM USER NAME\Constructables
I already have m.2...
*wicked guitar riff*
Then go all in and set up a RAMdisk instance you can mount when you want to play KSP, you'll likely need at least 32 GB of RAM for this tho
there is the problem
it is probably crap, but we shall see

I think I accidently set it for 1 hour
This one is 3 days
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It sort of is.
After giving up on trying to set it up from scratch, I reverse Engineered that one to see what the fuck I did.
Okay, I have to look it up
thank you for your contribution anon! saved

gentlemen, we have the first contender! i will not test the blueprint until tomorrow - hopefully it will load without any issues

please, restrain from testing and adjusting your designs against the submitted boats
run the battles when you have your final build ready, or submit your design and let me run the battles tomorrow

( idk when that onedrive sneaked in on my pc, but i guess i dont really care enough to do anything about it now )
It's relatively straightforward, you use software that sets up virtual drive that exists in your RAM and move your game instance there, when you want to play the game you load the instance and KSP will load files from RAM instead of any physical drive, it's much faster this way.
How would the driver seat function? What would the arrangement look like would it have passengers
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Blue science is done. Finally.
>spidertron enhancements
yes, alt click is mod behavior
It is. The project is called "OpenSpaceProgram." In fact, I found out about it from the OpenTTD discord server.
It seems dead.
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Simpler than I made it to be.
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huh, you are right
Well I've now build 3 different boats for the tournament, the first was a dud, hard to pick which of the other two to submit now as they have different strengths/weaknesses
my first automated rocket consisted of two things: a signal containing all the shit in space storage, and inserters with a max allowed volume that compared against the sum of the signal and the silo
Looks nice.

When I first did SE I didn't realize constant combinators were even a thing. I had 50+ decider combinators each with a different product.
Then I posted it here and was bullied until I did it correctly.
my setup is sum supply on the planet, subtract that from a demand combinator, and then broadcast that
it means the recipient can treat 0 the same way whether it's due to dead channel or to actually zero demand
not filtering means i end up with a lot of irrelevant negative signals but it hasn't mattered yet
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sent ;^)
You thought you were downloading a factorio porn mod but it was actually me, linear groups and incidence geometry.
It looks dead
pick the one with most firepower - it will make a better show
looking forward to battle your champion, anon

recieved and saved
thank you for participating, anon! if its the one in the picture, it will be a fun to watch in action
I still don't get it. Isn't it just a door?
I've not been involved in the door stuff yet, what's wrong with just a pivot like webm? Wasn't this originally about the pivot/hinge not obstructing the door frame?
>just a door
>just a door!!!!!!!
neither do i pls explain
I'm actually leaning towards the one with less firepower. It's weaker but I think its cooler
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cool doors >> normal doors
imagine somebody getting stuck in that door
It's a blast door (Star Wars), so I would imagine it just crushes anything in the way.
Might even have vacuum pipes to suck out all the junk, just to make sure it works.
1000 people saved from whatever is on the other side > 1 person crushed in the door.
I would imagine it has at least two operating modes.
Normal: stops and opens if any obstruction is detected, closes very carefully, very little resistance is required to stop it from closing.
Emergency: closes down hard, no exceptions allowed.
I need to stop playing pyanodon, I can't imagine accomplishing so much in such a small space. Looks nice.
I mean, it's just an animation someone made in Blender.
Either they ignored the gap, or they made it that way to avoid z-fighting.
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Made the tiniest Ackermann steering I could manage
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Here's my boat.
Weapons have been made more compact, and much more expensive.
1 or 2 of those turrets might be enough for a boat of this size.
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Are we posting botes now?
I present: The PID Destroyer.
It'll probably get rekt but the goal is to get lucky with one of the weapons.
Don't cheat and make specialized defenses or abuse its weaknesses okay?
oops linked wrong post
So what's the go to modpack now, I tried to download a few in the game but they were all missing dependencies so they wouldn't download
SeaBlock is a classic.
If you're new, I'd just download K2 and add a bunch of whatever seems cool that isn't an overhaul/doesn't mess with recipes.
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For factorio that is(I'm high rn sorry)
Space Exploration still it seems
Although Nullius got quite popular recently and Ultracube is the newest hot shit on the block
Then download the 12 gauge remington modpack and fire it directly into your skull you junkie fuck
damn dude
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SS Sperm
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rise From The Depths
>hydrofoils on a stick
>a fucking tail rotor
Dafuq am I looking at
The thing far down is a keel.
The "tail rotor" is two radar decoys on a spinner (less likely to get hit, more likely to miss far off).
Will we be seeing this one in the tournament tomorrow?
More info - there's no hydrofoils, just propellers on spinblocks (for easy clearance).
They keep the boat level, afloat, and cruising along at 39m/s.
laser turret, the long barrel lowers damage dropoff, so it does more of its full damage at long range
missile interceptors
>stuff dotted all over the top
detectors and munition warners
No, this boat is 180K and specialized against small radar missile aircraft.
I made
for the tournament
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Barrels are useful for dealing with biters. It's much cleaner to handfeed a distant wall with a chest of light oil barrels once every 10 hours or so than it is to spaghetti pipes or rail across the map which ends up cutting your base in half. A wall that only needs power is nice since power can be pulled from the edge of your base rather than needing to cut through the middle of it.
>two radar decoys on a spinner
i wish they did crazy shit like this in real life
or that they would release the files from when they tried
Cave explorer
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It's important to spawn it in with the left side facing the enemy. I stripped all the guns and equipment off the right side.
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Has Sastifactory or Foundry gotten any better in the last few months? Have any of you played The Planet Crafter (not sure it falls into this catagory).
The inside of the door needs to have monitors that are linked to cameras front door, rear and sides.
The inside of Ishizu Ishtars toilet bowl needs cameras monitored on every angle
Are you lost?
starting over from scratch ain't fun
No just drunk and horny
I'm thinking of getting Workers and Resources, but I hear it's brutal
I really love Factorio because it's a different kind of challenge, in that it's more about layout, and mistakes are easily fixed and won't fuck you
No nigga, it looks ugly and the playerbase are retarded
>merch store is the first thing listed in the steam page
>doesn't even work
>devs have a discord
>unironically listen to discordfags
>their website doesn't load
I played Planet Crafter and I liked it. Half way through the game you unlock drones and light automation and it feels a bit like in Factorio seeing hundreds of minions do the work you had to do manual until then. And seeing your terraforming changing the Planet and opening new areas is nice. But it is a two man indie game so expect some clank.
How big should my train blueprints be
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Made a smaller version which still does the job at 81K.
Flying Squirrel HATE
was going to try captain of industry then i saw they are adding trains in the next update so i rather wait
clang jank?
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janky clanky!
Download a stormworks train match size, I recommend Chesapeake and Ohio class M-1 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2947589069
This would lead me to believe it's got a little bit of charm due to the jank similar to Scrap Mechanic.
It's long but I suppose that's your point maximum size and width
I made a lot of planes in FTD
now I don't quite remember how
oh boy
None except the russian one makes sense because it's not about being the national bird, it's about the meaning behind that particular bird in their prison culture that none of the others have.
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Thanks, I needed a good hearty chuckle today.
Speaking of refuse
the katawa shoujo general
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thank you anon! saved

thank you anon! recieved and saved

thank you anon! saved
i will do as instructed, although if your ship will be a winner, i will have to state that it was spawn in specific manner, as it was not a part of the groundrules

So far, we have 7 entries including mine.
Since most of the files were submitted through a page that does not seem to support "custom" file names, i will name the ships myself. ( i havent opend them in FtD yet, maybe the ship names are coded inside the blueprint itself, we'll see )

Anons! You have 5 hours left to submit your design!
I hope we can get the number of entries up to 10 - it would be a great success.
Once again - thank you for participating! Looking forward to running the battles to determine The Final Boss of /egg/
an earthquake took out my heating plant and like 400 people froze to death
.. thank you anon! your blueprint is likewise saved and I aprreciate your participation
you can just spawn his ship facing the enemy like everyone else. if it can't turn to broadside that's his problem
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foundry is ok but very bare-bones for now
satisfactory is the same i has always been
planet crafter is just open world survival craft slop
feel like I should be able to make a fast cheap plane that uses close range guns to shoot down flying squirrels
but I haven't succeeded with that
stable laser boats work extremely well, but they are boring
>ironicfag safe horny
Given such factory, would you still make a mall or would you just set up a box at each small factory?
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>city cuckblocks
How can it be informed and specific?
informed = knowing that it is not called a "mall"
specific = calling it a 'manufacturing hub' instead
Why is it called a mall anyway?
>because you can grab whatever you want with ease
But malls are deliberately and jewishly confusingly laid out for maximum greed and profit, not efficiency
Nah, those are just Fully Realized Intentionally Existing Structures.

oh ... wait ...
>Why is it called a mall anyway?
Because Katherine of Sky coined it that in her multiplayer community and it went viral before anyone else could come up with non-stupid term.
Oh so malls are streamer bullshit, got it
who the fuck is katherine of sky
why must you people gargle on cock on a daily basis
I always thought it was because they look like strip malls
There's an option on the broadside v2 AI to switch to the side with more firepower
Indeed. If you build a mall, you're doomed to mutate into a streamer. Truly sad how that happens.
she's someone you don't have to concern yourself with if you take your meds
>eceleb hours
Just tried it myself and it does just use the file names

Ya'll're gonna have to let your boat name be known because it was removed by catbox
Read the post you stupid nigger
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I tried making a sub, but I couldn't get it finished in time / under budget
>Reinvents modern military procurement
I did manage to make this joke entry though. It's a 50k box with 2.5 mil mats in containers and enough repair tentacles to build a Megalodon
It's pretty slow though, so it probably won't win a round.
And even with the rules being that you can have unlimited mats in storage, you still need to set the custom battle team resource allowance high enough for it to work.
The ship itself (name = troll box.blueprint):
The Megalodon with 2 ACBs that set drive to 0% when <100% health. Put this in your player constructables folder (name = Megalodontrollbox.blueprint):
>who the fuck is katherine of sky
i remember a 2d tilebased plant simulator being posted here for a week, what was that called?
cell lab was also cool as fuck ten years ago, gotta check it again sometime

any more bioclang vidya?
There's Thrive but calling it a game is a stretch
i've named them already - no worries

Thank you anon! Lets hope it will have enough time to unleash its full potential

And thanks to the anon who submitted a blueprint through mail, without an announcement ITT

we have 9 entries now - a great success anons!
I am happy to see your enthusiasm!

2 hours left to submit your blueprint - i will monitor the thread, and post the final Roster when the time is up

There will be lots of FtD related spam later this evening, so my apologies to factory-working plebeians and door-droolers
>i've named them already
I would imagine anons might like to use their own names for their creations
Have you recorded ftd matched before? Be sure to make ample use of the pause key
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I know I signed that paper 20 years ago but now I regret it so I'm going to ruin your life over it.
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I think problems like this are actually fairly easy to avoid. I've been avoiding them without even trying.
I'm pretty sure you're in the green for that one chief, you couldn't get laid to save your life.
Ah nah
nort the cat ntr
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>reading all the FFF in chronological order
>FFF all the way back in 2015 was already talking about space platform stuff
wtf, does this space age work all predate the space exploration mod?
Yeah, I think they said in some fff that this was always the plan, but they pulled back to get 1.0 out. Given that multiple surfaces were a thing since forever, it makes sense.
>having a dev take the fall to see pitfalls in the design philiosophy
yeah, it was always the plan to some extent. Despite what people here will say, it's not earendel pulling the strings behind the scenes like the wizard of Oz
while true, the whole product is filled with asbestos and other poisons, and the entire product is rotten to the core just like the wizard of oz
there's no asbestor ore?
oz is all asbestos, the comparson is figurative.
different poisons same idea.
I know which one you mean, but I don't remember the name
It was on github I think
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The time has come!
The final roster of the greatest From the Depths event this year is here!

Soon, we will find out who is The Final Boss in 50.000 materials class!

I will start posting webms and score lists as soon as im done recording and editing. It will take 2-3 hours me thinks.
Final notes regarding the rules:

Battles will be limited to 5 minutes. If the time runs up, the results will be based on final health %. If both boats have 100% it will be a draw, and both boats get 0 points. ( I dont want to encourage "run away at 100 m/s to score a point" tactics, so its 0 points if both are at 100%)

I will run a minimum of 3 battles for every pair of boats. If the rounds last under 1 minute, with 1/2 wins, i will run 2 more rounds, up to 5 rounds in total. ( in case both boats are glass cannons and do lucky-shot-kills )

In a rare case of both boats destroying each other ( both have dead AI when the round auto-stops ) and 1/1 score in other rounds, both boats will get a point.

In the end, i will post a final scoreboard and a poster.

Good luck to all participants!
wooly beaver will win!
I have a proposition for the next tourney
>150k mat limit, 100k provided in battle
>each person (must?) provide a sub and a ASW craft (air/sea(sub?))
>The sub must be able to defeat a provided craft(s) (no cheezing), while being hunted by the ASW
>sub killes target= points for sub, ASW kills sub, points for ASW
>maybe bonus points if the sub kills ASW?
>It will take 2-3 hours me thinks.
>lowest material cost
>bottom of the barrel firepower
>bottom armor cost bracket
we shall see how everything else holds, but it porbably won't hold well
since basically everything is a surface ship the ship might do better than I anticipated though
I was expecting alot of subs
The Green Goblin looks the most meta. I will be cheering for her.
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hey what am i supposed to do to avoid such retardness?
9*8*5*3= 1080/60= 18
if you can do 4 at once best case is 5 hours
but if for some unholy reason you single thread it, and they all last for 1 minute, it will only be 4 hours
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I'm hype
>press f to flip, press f again then press g
>press g to flip, press g again then press f
every goddamn time. I wish my brain wasn't retarded

Playing K2SE, thought of using coal and coke liquefaction in space so I don't have to haul up idiot-levels of barrels by rocket until unlocking the space elevator. Got everything built-out, works fucking great. Actually built a small coal filtration build on the guaranteed oil moon doing 300 heavy oil -> 30 coal p/sec, so basically have infinite coal. Got the build up in space ready to go, including the mind-numbing medusa head of pipes, tanks and circuit-controlled pumps involved to ensure the whole thing remains balanced.
... and then I realized there is no way to get rid of the excess petrol gas. Because god damned flare stacks don't work in god damned space.

So again:

(Yes- I know; play a meme-mod. Get memed on...)
... fuck it, I'm turning the excess into solid fuel and sending it back down to Nauvis by rocket, to be priority-consumed into rocket fuel, or otherwise void-crushed in a crusher.

Don't want to deal with this shit.
Not GOING to deal with this shit.
compress it into solid fuel then crush it if you have no use for that
i wouldn't worry about it, pet gas consumption will climb up a bunch as you start using chemical gel for shit.
unless k2se changes that
i assume right now you're only using heavy for lube? you can switch over to cryo lube once you get that planet set up. astro 1 uses up light, too
alternatively just barrel anyway for now if you're fresh to space because you'll want the steel up there for general manufacturing
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always put signs as close to the intersection as posible, only use double arrow ones before branchin into stations
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Good morning I hate Alien Biomes
>Agree to have sex
>Partner starts smearing shit all over you
>You gave your consent
for me it's an easy way to get stone and zirconium, except when It clogs my inventory
That's what I plan on doing, but crushers can't be placed in space - so I have to roundtrip the stuff back down to surface.
God damn it - all this effort is seriously complelely out of whack for a stop-gap situation until you get the space elevator and can handle shipping fluid in a SANE manner.
Fucking Earendel, man -- what an absolute twat at game design.
put the solid fuel into warehouses and blow them up when they fill up :^)
Alright laddo it's been 3 hours post me winning
I'm not fresh to space. I'm way passed the bootstrapping phase, which is why I wanted a solution that was better and more dense than shipping barrels.

My Nauvis generated with piss poor oil deposits, so I'm reliant on my oil moon anyway. It's capable pumping out crude by the 10000 p/sec -- so I'm going to be good with that, pretty much indefinitely. (I disabled K2's option to turn oil and mineral water into limited quantity, and that moon will do 10000 p/sec even at its depleted 20% rate.)

But it does mean I need a way to ship it to Nauvis Orbit which is NOT by the barrel. Can't use a space elevator for that; so I figured I'd use coal filtration to turn infinite heavy oil into infinite coal; and - with infinite wood addd - infinite coke. And then ship those, which should be more dense.

However, ... all said and done - I just ran the numbers again and it seems the whole idea can be shitcanned anyway.
Because liquefaction in space, no prod, is a 1:6 coal-to-heavy ratio (and similarish for coke-to-light).
Meaning a stack of 50 coal is 300 heavy oil.
Whereas a stack of 10 barrels is 500 heavy oil (1:50).

So literally, the liquefaction route is actually LESS dense.
Fucking hell...

So; looks like it's back to barrels -- and setting up return platforms for steel plates.
>She comes out wearing a huge strapon
>It's too late anon you already consented
probably gonna be something like 5 hours
t. nostradamus
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Takes way longer, as some of the anons predicted
Im about 50% done
Going to post several webms right now - the rest later
There will be a webm for boat configuratioin, altough i dont have stamina to edit them properly
I will see if i have enough space to save all the raw capture, and might post some better quality webms at a later point


The Sneedler win 2:29

The Sneedler win 4:30

The Sneedler win 2:14

The Sneedler +1 point

>go to club
>bring home a guy
>omg becky you're such a slut
>uhm no ackshually i totes didnt want it
>like you should totally report that guy he raped you
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Scrotum_Maximus win 3:55

Scrotum_Maximus win 2:30

Scrotum_Maximus win 2:31

Scrotum_Maximus +1 point

good luck troll box.
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"Ship small rail egg v2" 1 win 1:41

"Ship small rail egg v2" 1 win 1:11

"Ship small rail egg v2 1" win 2:39

"Ship small rail egg v2 1" +1 point
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DD_Left_Wing win 4:14

DD_Left_Wing ( default spawn angle )
Bireme_50k win 2:41

DD_Left_Wing win 4:37

DD_Left_Wing +1 point

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last one for now, will post more in 1 hour

its another DD_Left_Wing vs Bireme_50k
bireme is extremely cool
>giving the guy who asks for an advantage his advantage gives the guy an advantage
big surprise
>Thrown out in court after no proof
You know 12 random people have to agree that rape happened right?
In your world, what happens if you take home somebody with XY chronozones and dick by accident? Do you just have to take it up the ass?
>court and trial with a jury of 12 peers
or it goes to an academic kangaroo court judged by a panel of jewish dykes and you get kicked out of university with no degree to pay off your student debt
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That website may not be in use, but the github and discord have activity.

Still looks like it would be a very very long way off from playability though.
>>Thrown out in court
Court doesn't matter.
Gossip doesn't wait for court rulings.
The media doesn't wait for court rulings.
Your workplace doesn't wait for court rulings.
Your family doesn't wait for court rulings.
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Why is it not moving? It's packed up. Is it because there is different cargo in the wagons?
what are the train's instructions? waiting for a full load which will never happen because a partial stack of enriched stuff prevents the train from becoming full?

you could add an "OR inactive for 5 seconds" condition.
>who would win a Greek bireme or a modern cruiser?
Apparently the bireme if the cruiser doesn't get a favorable spawn lmao
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You're a disingenuous faggot by arguing that reversal is not primarily about saving face after sobering up.
Oh never mind, figure it out. It's because there is less than 100 Uranium-235 in the wagons and it's not enough of it in the boxes either, and it can't just load the other Uranium on top.
Yep. Now that I've set it to be >= 15600 regular OR >= 400 enriched, it works.
I see. I wish them the best. Specially now that KSP2 is dead in the water.
Alright have fun being legally required to take it up the ass while covered in shit.
I'll exist in a society where I can "say" I only like people with Vaginas and XX chronozones, and then be on my way... because somebody could lie and say they said no during, even though if you had it your way they could just say they said no before.
Having sex with somebody under chemical influence is a crime, even if they don't say no. You are positing "the ability to say no after saying yes" must be illegalized because actual rapists will be accused of rape under different circumstances?
Does this extend to medical consent? Once you submit a child to treatment under a doctor, you can't withdrawal that child from that treatment no matter you changing views on the circumstance.
It's a door. Actually this seemed like a useful way to do rescues, the "door" pops out the bottom and the people can be placed in seats. It's sealed when closed.
Can somebody please tell me if K2 antimatter reactors give back drained antimatter fuel cells? FNEI doesn't tell me
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nevermind I figured it out
one day I will learn how to read
>antimatter fuel cell
>look inside
what a travesty, I want my money back
Holy shit this does actually seem useful.
Does the ship do stationkeeping to make sure the box stays in one place?

I need to make something similar so I can do pickups from a hovering heliplane without needing a copilot

Yeah it does stationkeeping on pitch/roll/altitude using some pretty huge propellers. The friction things (have also used tires tires) do a good enough job holding it still relative to things even if moving, but tend to smush smaller ships into the water.

Sounds like that will be useful for your heliplane.
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I saw this not on 4chan.org did you solve your watertight issues, If no. Put a door seal on it that locks and pumps.
this had me cracking up
The hour has passed. I require carnage.
>haven't been playing Factorio or any of my other usual games
>just don't feel like it
>reinstall gacha games to pass the time
>can't ever remember why I quit
>been haviong a ton of fun
>new unit drops
>spend $1100 to get the unit and some other shit
>remembered I quit because I have zero impulse control and will get into a "gacha frenzy" where I spend until I get what I want
>fuck I can't do this again
>installed some other factory games (Sastifactory/Planet Crafter)
>going to look into picking Osu! back up as well
>been playing a bit more Factorio as well

Soon as I looked at my bank account it was like a revelation moment "Ah yeah that's why I don't play gacha". This happens 1-2 times a year, I was clean for quite some time basically since November of last year. To quit again I need to flood myself with a ton of other games until I get hooked on something else and then I can slowly forget about them. I already love factorio so I just need to play a bunch of other shit too until it's out of my system.
How does it feel being a literal room temperature IQ physician?
You guys sound like fucking pussies
factorio quality will save you
I don't think anyone blogposting about their daily life and how he spent on gacha would really care about being insulted
Yeah, sex tends to involve fucking pussies, dipshit.
>spend $1100
Are you joking? You have a problem, stop playing gacha games. Fuck me don't go anywhere near any sort of gambling.
Try W&R, it just came out of early access and it's going to keep you busy for an eternity if it happens to scratch your flavour of autism
What's W&R?
Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic
most i ever whaled was in the order of 500 SEK on Planetside 2 back in 2013. i spend in total probably less than 1000 SEK on games every year. what kind of casino crack cocaine is gachaslop to make people spend a significant portion of their monthly salary like that and why can't people see it for what it is and abstain from playing those games will forever be beyond me
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IDK if I was that anon, but I did set up a sump pump system. The best solution was to use a bunch of regular pumps, no liquid filter since they go so slow when dealing with mixed fluids.
I haven't played Planetside 2 for ages, it was good fun. I think I stopped playing before they brought the big tank thing out.
What have you got on the end of the pipes? I don't recognise those parts.
I was thinking more of fluid ports inside your cabin, connected to large pumps that somehow determine water inside the cabin.

I like your idea of loading unloading the cabin. I may use a similar style for the Gunbuster truck
Aren't you gonna scream cheater for not recognizing a basic fluid port?
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Alternate version of the fluid port, guess it's newer. Just 2 of them on a T piece.

I've found that it takes forever to actually empty all the water out or take a huge amount of pumps, I probably will stick to gravity draining it out.
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One of these?
it's been in a perpetual cycle of almost dying for the past 5 or so years and nobody has the heart to kill it because there is STILL no competition. it was such a shitshow from start to finish with unrealised vision and questionable decisions time and time again.
>bases and buildings with no design consideration, every fight plays out the same. enemy rolls up to the point, allies spawn and have to attack the flag to defend the base while the attackers defend (???)
>uninspired weapon selection (90% of all weapons are the same full auto assault rifle but with different magazine size, rate of fire, accuracy and damage)
>uninspired vehicle selection (each faction has 2 unique vehicles, everything else is common pool)
>monetization that with any amount of competition would have stinked up the game enough to kill it in the first few years (i have no idea if they changed the lootbox implants)
>performance was abysmal in 2012 and abysmal in 2024, though they deserve props for black magicking the whole seamless thousand-player battlefield in the first place

recently (though it was probably several years ago, i can't keep up) the lead developer Wrel stepped down after thoroughly screwing over the game with a steamy pile of short sighted "game design" like a continent that railroads everything so hard that they went and adjusted the frequency of it in the map rotation because people hated it so much. i haven't really kept up after that, it's probably in its final death throes now
Oh fair enough I always thought the fluid port was ugly, they must have added that recently (I haven't played for a month or two)
The vehicle selection is the thing that always annoyed me, it really is pathetic. The base building sounded interesting but it's actually shit, though they did make it easier/cheaper to build a while ago I hear. I've still had good times in it and will probably play again at some point. I can remember so proper kino night fights with tonnes of people, those were fun.
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>ten antimatter plants running to charge this big bastard
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>blows up my mall
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i know that opus magnum is the easiest zachtronics game but it is by far the most kino-looking.
i am also too much of a brainlet for the other games
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I made it bros
nice anon
damn anon you went straight into K2 before even launching a rocket? That's really silly
oh that explains it
The second hour has passed. I require carnage.
Yup; that's what it does.
And the explosion radius is BIG.
Have fun repair-packing for the next 30 minutes or so, if you plan on scaling out that save further.
Never really got into that game although it seemed cool. For some reason though it bugs out if your mouse has a high refresh rate, so it was just unplayable for me.
Thanks anon, I'm glad it's still alive
It's beautiful, I love silly shit that lets you completely bypass various obstacles (t. plays Besiege a lot)
Trying to learn from the depths as a first time installer.
I sure am stupid.
I'm going to let the bots fix it all up, but tbqh I'll probably start a K2SE run soon. I tried plain SE before but I think I've learned a lot since then.
What gacha? I only ever played AL and that game was dogshit.
You'll do fine
If you're stuck, you can load campaign faction crafts and reverse engineer stuff
Steel Striders CIWS is pretty good for example
Don't forget to sleep, we'll still be here when you're done
The game is infinitely obtuse if you're jumping into it for the first time. I would say to load up a built-in ship to get a feel for what everything is and what it does but they're all so sauced up with decorations you can't tell what's what anymore so just dive in head first and make dumb boats from scratch, its fun

Unintuitive FTD Things To Know rundown:
>press tab then E twice to freecam, f11 to pause,
>mouse wheel to take control of weapons while in the presence of a weapon or a weapon controller
>look at vehicle and press B to build, else press B to build a new bote
>capslock in build mode to freeze your vehicle in midair
>hold tab in build mode to bring up rotation axes
>X to spawn enemies in designer, V to see vehicle info
>wood and alloy floats so hard they can carry many times their own weight. you can also fully enclose air pumps (water tab) to make a space 100% buoyant
>there is drag OUT THE ASS, things don't get momentum and move like styrofoam
>ship won't do shit on its own until you have a complete AI mainframe, local weapon controllers on all turrets or guns as well as detection. remember to actually configure the mainframe as well
>you need material storage (resources tab) to generate ammo and fuel, ammo to fire most weapons, fuel for fuel engines
Use the prefabs for stuff like mainframe, engines etc until you understand how everything works
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How to fix it? Apparently, some train was passing by an output station and picked up wrong cargo.
go to the end and pick it up with F
The third hour and then some has passed. My need for carnage will pave way for my need for sleep.
You bois ready to build 8 lane pipes everywhere since the brainlet fluid update?
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i was asking because when i tried it a couple weeks back it didn't work
it was either broken at the time or i was a retard and didn't let it save cookies

the gacha elements are a bit stupid but i'm having fun so far
Looks a bit like Cube Chaos
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The results are finally in!

The Final Boss of the /egg/ From the Depths Championship with 7 points is

-= Ship small rail egg v2 1 =-


Im exhausted, so i will keep it short. Troll box was unfortunately disqualified after several rounds - max materials in Custom Battle are 1.000.000 and it wasnt building ship's turrets first, so the ship could never be functional in combat.
I will post the rest of webm tomorrow - need to sleep now. Thank you for participating, anons! I will post more details, comments and webms tomorrow.
thank you for your work! sleep well
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ty anon

here is the scoreboard
>I'll probably start a K2SE run soon
It's been nice knowing you, anon.
If you run into God up there, tell him he's an ass- k?
Cool but this is a kinda anticlimactic way of ordering things, usually we would record, edit, post and score each fight one by one, rather than posting the final score first before we've even seen most of the fights
>Troll Box just straight didn't work
Fits I suppose
Plus the Eggman-looking shit won, makes sense too
a fitting champion.
bireme got robbed though
Need some help with debugging a weird mod issue in Factorio. I'm playing K2 but out of habit had Bob's Ores, Materials, Tech and Warfare enabled on top. But the redundancy of the Bob's materials mods is getting on my nerves with K2 and I want to deactivate them. But when I turn off Bob's Materials, it starts throwing this error on startup:
>Error while loading entity prototype "piercing-shotgun-pellet" (projectile): Key "type" not found in property tree at ROOT.projectile.piercing-shotgun-pellet.action.action_delivery.target_effects
Modifications: Base mod ›Rampant Arsenal ›Bob's Warfare mod ›Krastorio 2 ›Combat Mechanics Overhaul ›Rampant

Disabling Bob's Warfare too gets it working, but 1) Materials isn't a hard dependency for Warfare and 2) if I'm reading the error code properly, it's somehow fucking up something in the base game files. Any ideas?
>my atrocious hunk of junk I made in less than 24 hours got second place
I gotta download the other ships and take a look at them
Looks like you need to edit "piercing-shotgun-pellet" prototype file and give it this "type" key game is looking for under piercing-shotgun-pellet.action.action_delivery.target_effects
If it's there some other mod might be deleting it in post processing.
You can reroll infinitely, there's no penalty to it.
somewhere in there the creator said it was intented to have only one roll (epoch) pass each time you clear a new square. he made it infinite rolls as a sandbox change since the game was never finished
Yeah, I looked at that, and I can't see a difference between the piercing shotgun projectile property tree and the regular one. Re-validated my files with Steam too, just to make sure.

This is the property trees for regular and piercing shotgun rounds copied right out of the base projectiles.lua file that again I think is where the error code is pointing: https://pastebin.com/twES91ag
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Check this shit out. It moves forward, and down, a lot of down for every unit of forward.
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I may have dismissed Sastifactory to quick when I first tried it out a few months ago. The skybox is quite nice and having a nice sky box makes a big difference in the enjoyment of a game. I think I still like Factorio better but we'll see as I progress further.
center of mass aligned with propulsion?
that's basic egg
2.0 gets a pretty sky box https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-411
Agreed, i was hoping to see trollbox not perform before knowing trollbox would not perform
Satisfactory has been a visual treat, i'll give it that
>Apparently, some train was passing by an output station and picked up wrong cargo.
this can not happen unless you fucked up and the train actually was scheduled to stop at that output station
trains that don't have a stop order at a station do not open their wagons so they can never be loaded there
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How the fuck does Boat MkII works much better.
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What is that super autistic plane game flyout? Can you make spaceplanes in that does it model the kerman line
It's planes only I think
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>can't cut down trees yet
>looking at a path to route around the tree
>it doesn't even matter

I mean it's cool but like damn.
the game barely works without clipping checks
I guess but it kinda ruined the enjoyment I was having of the game.
well you dont have to build through the tree, when a belt gets yellow it will clip through something, just dont build it then
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I'll figure out how AI and weapons work, and then I will start playing the game.
>game literally tells you "clipping may occur"

I don't know how the fuck I missed that warning on the center of the screen
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Just found out the last clockwinder, it's a nice automatization vr game
you record your movements, and robots will replicate them to manipulate and pass around fruits
Old strict clipping checks were a massive pain in the ass but instead of relaxing them they just went ah fuck it and removed them entirely
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For belts do I basically have to build them in segments while aligning them to the grid? Does belt placement get any easier later on? Having belts and other stuff slightly crooked is going to drive me up the fucking wall. I think it's okay for now but there's some belts that are slanted and I really don't like that.
you could just eventually build a factory floor out of building blocks and build everything on that so it's perfectly level and easily snaps to the same grid
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Once you can make factory floors and walls just start over and make it all perfectly aligned.
Being able to mount belts against walls and send them trough holes in walls is pretty comfy
>can you make spaceplanes
No, all air breathers, but I would wager that will change eventaully
I will save you >some trouble
absolute minimum to get a working AI weapon
>1. weapons need a local weapon controller with an AI receiver, or direct connection(connectors), this weapon controller must be no more than 1 empty space away(default) from the base object (turret controller for turrets, or the weapon if it doesn't rotate)
>2. AI needs a transmitter
>2b. AI needs detection components if you want to hit the target with anything non-guided, just attach a reciever to a detection component (radar works), add a connector if needed
You should now have a working, sentient weapon, use the x menu ((after using the C menu to make your craft immortal)) then turn the other crafts AI off
the DWG marauder is a decent target
Don't bother aligning shit, Satisfactory is enough of a chore already.
In Factorio how hard would it be to set up a circuit for a train that's basically consists of two stops for unloading ore from a singular patch. Basically, if the chests are empty at X stop, go load and unload into them, if the chests are empty at Y stop go load and unload into them otherwise sit in this holding bay. I know nothing about circuits so maybe I should look at some guides but it shouldn't be too hard right?
Hm, I think I can use a constant combiner that connected to all the chests and then connected to the stop and just have it output a signal that if they're less than X it enables the stop and set that on the train at least that's what reddit said. I'll have to fuck around with it tomorrow.
glad we had this talk
Playing B&A will anything bad happen if I just bomb my copper buffer
Just name them both iron unloading or something and then disable the one that's full
>disable the one that's full

I do that with a combiner right so it can read the chests?
just wire all the chests up
literally just wire the chests to the stop and select enable/disable on the right.
setting anon up for failure
set the station train limit to 0 instead of disabling, otherwise your train will burn all the fuel going in circles to the enabled station
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I'm going to use this technology to fist my own ass.
i've never had issues with it, but i usually also have more trains than stops, and a train buffer.
do you think recycling splitters will be enough for the spoiling, or do I need to set up some wacky circuit-controlled Just In Time production
It'll probably be good enough, but I think that "optimal" builds won't be about circuit shenanigans, but clever routing based on the spoilage level
Dropping off at the enabled station is the point aint it?
choosing which direction your boat spawns in has been standard fare on ftd tourneys forever.
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I want to make a bomber plane in FTD
>CRAM cannons
>APS low-velocity rail salvo
>APS ejector destruction clipdump
>tactical nuke sub-craft
No. It never changes. There isn't a way to attach any parts to machines either so you can't align against machines on the ground already. It's almost as horseshit as their pipe physics. You can't even move the building holograms before you place them so enjoy building lookout towers everywhere so you can see wtf you're doing once you unlock the fuckhuge buildings like assemblers and coal plants!
Ports are limited to 10L/s. You have to cheat with enclosed volume troll physics.
never played stormworks but I looked up fluid ports and saw nothing of the sort
I think you're trolling
What game?
Try it out yourself in game and see.
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It's actually 16L/s but he's otherwise right. Ports are artificially limited.
oh that's real dumb
was going to play stormworks later, but this just adds to all the dumb I've heard about it
stormwanker furfaggot BTFO
let's not bring this up
It never gets less janky. There's a reason every satisfactory video is a rip off of the LGIO one. You literally can't build any cleaner than that.
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That's not a port you retarded gay nigger.
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what a horrible start for a megaribbon
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Why do you have homo rainbow blocks?
nice cheatmod furfaggot
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
what the fuck
Yeah I can edit images too.

>For belts do I basically have to build them in segments while aligning them to the grid? Does belt placement get any easier later on?
No. No blueprints either.
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Gas Relief Valve.
Fluid Port End.

I use it in my fuel tank system, your welcome.
based... so fuxcking based.............. xml pl0x???
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It's almost done the truckbuster motor; it just needs to be tested. I'll post the XML once it's complete.
Holy shit. How did you figure this out? Are you an Programmer in real life?
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Assuming this iteration passes the heat threshold that i am aiming for i'll release the XML.
holy shitt... you are a real aneingeerr....... basexd.........
It's so perfect. You even used multiple ports to get over the 16L/s limitation. I never would have thought of that.
what the hell is going on
w2c mod for the giant fluid vent?
I gotta make LSHAPE doors for the engine bay now but luckily theses don't need to be sealed.

Oh, Just the same ID posting.
why are stormworks posters so mentally ill
be carefuol anon L shapdte door is too hard in Stowmworks >.>
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omg anon.... how did you do this?
They're not, it's just one schmuck trying to force some shit.
holy shit
Wow. Workshop link?
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I know what your trying to do.
okay I tried out downwards-facing CRAMs (no turret) and they are clunky
not recommended

I totally agree, but it was a choice between posting the results there and then, or waiting for 24 hours.
I have a few hours of raw video captured waiting to be edited.
I will post some webms this evening, along with my comments and suggestions for the next tournament ( if there will be interest)
I will definitely take all new experience into account and promise to deliver a better organized presentation of the results next time.
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cooling in this game is fucking wack. is there some trick?
I use seawater
It just works
use a PID
you know, the best thing is that it actually worked and I told you about it already
Bro? Your pumps? Where are the pu8mps??
Oh, It's easy.

You don't use gas bottles in your cooling loop because it means your engine has lower efficiency

You don't use heat exchanges because of their subtier performance; I am only using them because of apperance.

You have 5x5 radiators if it's an impellar pump you gear that to increase perfomance.

And then you stick to respectable RPS to prevent overheating. 20 - 3 At maxium.

An ECU is recommended.
>You don't use gas bottles in your cooling loop because it means your engine has lower efficiency
no one uses gas bottles in the cooling loop. what the fuck. who suggested this horseshit. and engine efficiency is affected by temperature, not content of the cooling loop anyway. jesus christ
>You don't use heat exchanges because of their subtier performance; I am only using them because of apperance.
I am using rads also you blind idiot
>You have 5x5 radiators if it's an impellar pump you gear that to increase perfomance.
highly ESL statement. gear it in which direction fool
>And then you stick to respectable RPS to prevent overheating. 20 - 3 At maxium.
no. i require the power

0/10 cris tier post
Post PID settings and we'll tell you how to tune it
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Let's say you have a train with regular and enriched uranium and there is >40 enriched one with every batch.
How would you organize kovarex? My goal is to build up enough to support 4 nuclear plants working non-stop and (maybe) use some to produce nuclear fuel for trains.
Use a PID to organize your belts.
>only 40 enriched per batch
Horrible throughput. Build more.
blowout valve
>only 40 enriched per batch
134 to be precise. So?
if you have excess 238, you can kovarex
if you have excess 235, you can...
I guess just make a buffer so big that it would take a real-life year of playtime to fill?
I think you get 22.8 million 235 in a year of 16 yellow belts of 238
that's almost 5000 steel chests
start with just 400, that'll handle a month
how would you ever have excess 235
if you're using 238 in ammo or some modded recipes (i.e. K2 science)
Turn it into nuclear fuel and load it into the boilers along with all your excess wood.
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>How would you organize kovarex?
Priority splitters are enough, use U-235 from ore first, send U-235 to kovarex centrifuges first, send output U-238 to kovarex with priority

And man, use separate trains for U-235 and U-238 or at least reserve one wagon just for U-235, it would be much simpler.
kys man
How do I limit loading one centrifuge to 40 uranium-235, not 80?
How do I extract 1 excessive uranium from the output and set the rest back to the centrifuge?
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Every time I see that name I think of this radioactive motherfucker. Why did DE name him after one of the Factorio devs?
>How do I limit loading one centrifuge to 40 uranium-235, not 80?
You good with circuits man?
You can use S/R latch that sets when it's chest fills to 40 and resets when kovarex spits out U-235.
Alternatively have only one centrifuge, that's enough for most bases.

>How do I extract 1 excessive uranium from the output and set the rest back to the centrifuge?
Use previously described S/R latch to set an inserter that will extract only a single U-235 every cycle

But honestly man, that's just not worth the effort, just let it fill up, it'll all be eventually consumed anyways.
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You'd be able to solve this problem if you weren't retarded.
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I think picrel would work.
With a counter. I can share my current kovarex setup if you want. It's not perfect but I like it. I think 2.0 fixes this issue because you'll be able to interact with assemblers/centrifuge directly.
is there still no 3d factorio successor that does the enemies and defence building right?
2.5D Riftbreaker is pretty good. I dont like the power scaling though. youre stuck building fields of windmills and solarpanels.
been there done that. pretty meh, and it absolutely never scratched the factorio itch of elaborate yet elegant production chains.
Just stop posting.
>You can't even move the building holograms

You can lock them in place and nudge them with the arrow keys
Nice cheatmod.
It's in vanilla now, you use H to lock them in and nudge them with the arrow keys. I think they added blueprints too.
They didn't.
How bad can it possiably be?
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>just scale vertically bro
The jews fear the Czech.
Even the brutalist theme and the soviet bloc architecture combo checks out.
Funny coincidence innit?

Tangentially-related question for the best factory aesthetic: Grineer, Corpus, or Sentient?
>inb4 Duviri schizo mode To be fair, the aesthetics aren't half bad actually. Rest of it pretty much sucks ass tho.
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Engine heater and aircon.
They did, tho
whoa... based.... so cool.... such engineer. post workship link ?
>no period in blacktext
Whatever you say, SA Goon.
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>Duviri schizo mode
whoa.... post door xml?
ok schizo
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just daisy chain them
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Show where the intake is pulling from, you have a black box and it's showing .3 atm when you turn it on, like it's flow restricted. Lots of effort you're putting into making a false point...
Also they are all talking about 100 LPS.
Any interest in collaboration efforts for FtD?
I think it'd be interesting to build a boat with individuals each focusing on different components. Or perhaps a fleet if that proves too difficult.

An example would be we decide to make a ship, and get four people interested.
The lead is dedicated to making the hull (and does so ASAP; or perhaps we use a prebuilt), then gives other people their footprints for various systems.
Maybe one person makes the engine and AI, another is dedicated to CIWS and other defenses, and the final makes the weapons systems.
As the final in that group, you may get told you have three slots, one main turret is 5x5x15, the bow and aft turrets are 3x3x7, and you have access to X power and Y ammunition.
I think it'd be neat, even if it's likely to turn into a mishmash and one person will be doing a lot more work than others putting everything together and likely fitting in the smaller stuff that doesn't get an individual person.
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I mean if you want the door you made as an XML, I'll give it to you. It's pretty obvious man your shitposting.
i think a relay build would be funnier. You can add up to 20k mats worth on the build but are not allowed to remove anything that was already there. each player colors their contribution with their own color slot and can leave as many open ends as they like. the build is finished when it beats some predefined godly opponent or set of opponents in a default battle
I like that idea better, it does seem funny. I think an even better way to do it would be to scale up the opponents too, so you're not incentivized to have the first guy just build 20k worth of armor but rather get an actual lemonhulk monstrosity.
So first you have to kill some DWG ship in 5 mins, then onto the castle guys, and so on.
I should add, a good way to force this would be to say if it doesn't win in X relays then you have to restart. But I hope that requirement isn't needed and people would just work with the spirit of the thing.
Are you seriously discounting VIDEO EVIDENCE that ports are limited? You are truly schizo.
furfag trying to talk shit when all he plays is broken cheatmods KEKW
Reproduced a wackass old engine design that uses a longer combustion stroke than a 4-stroke engine
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I'll have to fiddle around with the doors since they aren't too much to my liking when stripped of the door seal.
p-post xml pl0x!?? its so cool i could never build thiss on my own
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Currently assumbling the cab. I just need to figure out how to do the front door hatch and how many camera's to screens i'll need.
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Have to obviously make a few modications to the chassis.
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That is the stupidest looking "truck" I have ever seen, and your engine layout still makes no fucking sense.
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I for sure thought the white ship would've won; I guess an monitor ship design won out.
Too be fair, I haven't posted a new iteration of the engine layout. It's been entirely overhauled by someone on the discord and a ECU installed.
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if i understood correctly, DD_Left_Wing - the DD_Left_Wing, was a downgraded version of a larger ship.
after seeing it in action against 8 other ships ( including troll box ), i believe its main issue was lack of torpedoes and low armor.
also, most of its vital organs were clumped together in the belly section, so a good blast would insta-kill DD_Left_Wing/DD_Left_Wing
Here's my kovarex setup on the pocket factory. Massively overkill for the 2x4 reactor I made but should have plenty of green rocks available for nuclear fuel and bombs at least
how do you make your webms so long
do you use webm for lazys?
what do you record with, what settings?
I use a PID to tune FFMPeg
this but unironically, anon needs to protect himself from the groomers and cults
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hmm, i use 16 threads, but otherwise its standard settings in lazys
do you use OBS to record?
what settings?
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i think its default settings all the way - i havent touched it since installation
if he crafting some diapers
not him but i personally use obs in lossless mode since my screen is small and the cpu can handle it at reasonable filesizes
it's definitely more efficient to reencode the video just once when you're going mkv->webm and also gives me more choice about webm quality

hate chroma subsampling, why the hell doesn't vp8 support it
what is that
Should've made a submarine.
I use OBS to record high quality then cut/convert/whatever with Kdenlive. You can output directly using ffmpeg if you want or fiddle with sliders until you get the right filesize
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The_Green_Goblin took the solid 3rd place - the most conventional design of the top 3. It's a jack-of-all-trades with several types of weapons including torpedoes, shields, some armor, spread-out components, and probably other, less obvious features.
The big cannon was rather imprecise - hardly hitting anything. Again, the torpedoes proved to be the main damage-dealer in this tournament. ( Wasnt the case with the winner thouhg )
The Goblin had just enough of everything to be effective against most of the enemies, while not relying on cheap tricks. A honorable warrior.
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Forgot to add, that DD_Left_Wing/the white ship, was the only one to use defensive lasers, as far as i could tell. They were rather effective, although most of the enemies had torpedoes that were immune to lasers.
/egg/ should have more FtD tournaments. I find them fun.
man it would have been funny if trollbox didn't auto-DQ and rolled the entire tournament
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After doing some heavy reverse engineering of gunbusters original door; Side doors are now complete and functional.
Oh, It should've instead just started building smaller ships to give it time to build larger ship.
Heat sinks SUCK why do you persist.
Literally any other option beats heat sinks.
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it is time for the greatest journey in factorio
the search for oil, but 100 times worse
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Because the discord figure out how to make them effective.
show us your factory
>Spams small ships continuously
>Doesn't even bother with the big one
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Bireme_50k is probably the best looking ship in the tournament - respect to the anon if its an all-orignal build! It has a really solid construction, and keeps moving even when half othe hull is missing. Unfortunately, it had no long-range weapons, and was lacking speed to close the distance.
Seeing it being blasted from a distance was rather sad - like seeing a tortoise being shot to death with a .22 cal. There were a few times where i wished it was over sooner.
When I did my ribbon playthrough (k2), I made sure I had at least a small amount of oil before hitting the first biter field.
Bireme_50k should've had catapaults; like AOE1 Catapult Trireme.
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Started adding in lights, I need to rework my chassis and adjust a few things.
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it's just a poopy quickly rushed together extra-ribbony death-ribbonworld red and green science setup, anon
on generation i thought i saw a small patch of oil but it was just a nest or something meshing oddly together with a copper ore patch
i did start making it shortly after you made the op. intentionally garbage to be faithful to its aesthics but performed way better than i imagined even with the 0 score, fully expected it to get repeatedly oneshot since it didn't have redundant AI
i experimented with a subconstruct nuke launcher and various missile catapults before i gave up and put an APS turret with a ballista skinsuit
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yeah, a weapon capable of shooting to 1+ km would make a huge difference!
battle against the winner was especially painful to watch - it never had a chance to retaliate
missile launcher, I love you man.

Come to stormworks, build a steam verison of your ship rule the waves.
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Now I am become sneed, feeder of seeds
total humiliation
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The_Wooly_Beaver has a raw, intimidating looks to it - with various weapons and blocky armor layout. Prior to testing, I considered it to be one of the main contenders, but due to beaver-level armor and somewhat weak weapon output, it could rarely outlast the enemies.
A well-placed shot or a single torpedo to the belly, was often enough to send the Wolly Beaver towards the bottom of the sea. Despite all the wood, it was surprisingly prone to sinking.
How do I get sulfur in Bobs+Angels
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>20 fuel cell assemblers
Are you sure you have enough to support 4 reactors?
early game? desulfurization of coal and recycling sulfur dioxide from lead production is what I remember doing. This was years ago, however.
at least it didn't set it'self on fire
How did you get iron in the early game?
You get alot of sulfur once you get ore processing proper
I run out of fuel cells once and had to build a second one.
This is a supercharger diesel electric motor on a truck chassis with gunbuster style doors? What else do you plan to add to this??
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May be the same design would work better if scaled up to 200k
Or maybe the torpedoes are just too effective
The only agriculture we could do before
No mercy
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Does the 30mm basic cannon have an inbuilt targeting system, because just this is targeting enemies, albeit very poorly, compared to even the most basic sensors.
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Scrotum_Maximus confidently climbed to the second place in the tournament, beaten only once, by the champion. Its simplistic design proved to be the bread and butter of this competition. Lots of torpedoes + Superior speed to avoid all incoming damage.
I did not check what kind of propulsion it uses, but it didnt look like propellers. Regardless, it was the fastest boat of this event, along with tremendous firepower of 2x3 vollyes of long-range torpedoes.
Scrotum tought me not to overthink the design, and use as much explosives at once as possible. It was guilty of some of the nastiest finishes of this competition, and i was looking forward to seeing it dismantle the next opponent. Grats on your design anon!
You might need to either restart or edit in an oil field.
Unless you want to spend a lot of time waiting.
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The Sneedler - "spider/octopus" sub, was a really weird one. I have no idea what kind of weapon its using - probably one of the latest FtD weapons, so i havent used them myself.
It was either really good or really bad in action - if The Sneedler had enough time to submerge, and the enemy didnt have powerful torpedoes, it shot a purple ray at great distance and disabled the enemy.
May be it disables or destroys AI directly. The ray didnt seem to do much physical damage to the hull - until the ship "froze" and disintegrated from 100% to 0% health.
The Sneedler actually looks well made - filled up with all sorts of components and having a sci-fi wibe to it. No idea how it was operating really.
Very thin armor though, so a well-placed torpedo took a good chunk out of it every time.
Overall a very interesting and different design!
>can use white holes to make infinite lamps
>can crush lamps with a 75% chance
>black holes void items for power
this could be a very effective way of voiding lampspower
no, default editor settings have 10% autodetect
you have to build some form of detecting, or set autodetect to 100%
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My perfect extensible Nuclear Fuel production farm. Love it.
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FFL_Nate_Diaz was my own boat, made for this competition. It did reasonably well, and im well satisfied with scoring several good kills. My biggest mistake was installing that weakass cannon, that was completely useless, while stealing 5k materials. They would be better used on have more metal armor. To meet the 50k material limit, i had to convert half of the ship to stone or wood.
The idea behind the cannon, was if all my missiles and torpedoes were negated, i could rely on some long-distance projectile. The anti-missile minigun worked really well too. Had to use one underwater to catch torpedoes, instead of cannon.
>anti-missile minigun
I lol'ed.
Is there any reason to use air pumps over helium in FtD?
Is there a reason why there are 6 types of geodes except to fuck with me
MAYBE modules, but don't worry about the geodes, treat them as one
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not good at this, especially not good at understanding when and why they ignore signals
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Troll Box had a great potential to become the winner of this competition! Despite being essentially a cheater, it was not against the rules, since anons did not vote to exclude the sub-objects/sub-vehicles in through the poll. I have deliberately included that option.
Luckily for the rest of the participants, the maximum possible number of materials that can be added to a Custom Battle, is 1.000.000. While the Megalodon it was building was 2.500.000. The Troll Box was able to finish the hull, but no weapons were constructed yet, so it was not able to defend itself.
Every round went into overtime, and there was no point in running the battles against every opponent.
So you're saying trollbox failed by a slight miscalculation?
What are the current possible ways to refuel trains in vanilla today? Do you still have to build an inserter and a box at each station?
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And now the undisputed winner of the /egg/ FtD championship!
The Final Boss in the 50.000 Materials class!

-= Ship small rail egg v2 1 =-

Throughout the whole tournament, it did not suffer a single defeat. Its health never went under 95%! Some of its rounds lasted under 20 seconds!
A very well built ship that takes every strength it has to its maximum. No wasted space. No decorations besides the crimson teeth on its hull. Every shot from its Rail Cannon counted! Not even thickness of water could protect from its devastating power - a perfectly stable movement allowed for unprallel precision.
Even when fighting the Scrotum at 2km range - it rarely missed a shot. I dont know if the armor was somehow reinforced, or maybe the low overall size allowed the use of heavy armor, but even the torpedoes didnt leave much damage on its hull. There was some self-repair too, so in the end, its had 100% health most of the times.
The setup itself is very straightforward, no tricks or unusual advantages except a single powerful weapon, good armor and well functioning propulsion.
A well made boat, and a well deserved victory!
every train needs at least one station on its schedule with refueling
I don't bother with dedicated refueling stops, I just make sure that out of any pickup/drop-off pair of stations, at least one of those stations has access to fuel. E.g. for ore trains, I obviously don't want to ship fuel to mining outposts so I make sure my smelting columns are always inside my bot network so trains get refueled when they drop off ore.
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My least stupid test article
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Once again, thank you for participating anons!
I miscalculated the time it took to run all the battles, so it didnt go as planed in therms of posting the results.

If there is enough interest we can do one more tournament, and i will be better prepared next time. A few things to note, if we want to do another:

- no sub-vechicles
it must be enforced - the Troll Box showed why

- we need a limit on Custom Battle starting resources
that would help with balancing some of the designs, and encourage more strategy in designing the vehicle

Ok, I'll admit - that's a clever way of routing the uranium to avoid deadlocking the Kovarex process.
Don't mind if I help myself to that design for my own next playthrough, right?

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