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Killing afk will kill the game edition

New expansion Perils in Paradise!
Revealed cards
Patch 29.6 (expansion prerelease, baku and genn to standard)
9 new heroes coming to twist in July

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on this thread is always in page 10 >>482345668
first for sneed
second for reno will be nerfed
Third for AFK!
we're thriving
how long does it take for cement to dry
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5 posts guys, we can do this. just 1 more post and we will have 2 posts per hour. I can already feel the CEMENT.
Remember fat fuck zeddy poster
he died in my lifetime
>dr disrespect was banned because he was texting a minor

how will the face of /hsg/, forsen, react to this news?
Dead game
>dude what if yogg saron was like drinking a mojito and gossiping on the beach and everyone was friends? xD
>last expansion was just Barbie dolls and toys and other gay shit
Certified fag and woman shit. This is the one that killed my last remainimg interest, dead fucking game. Couldn't even get a cumbrain bikini skin in the beach themed expansion what a joke
wtf is the last one?
I created an account in the website but cant even log in. It doesnt even send me any emails.
Is this a phishing scam?
your girls in bikinis, sir.
it's truly over isn't it?
>that Halveria abomination
we're not even allowed furry anymore
fireheart the only one not a complete abomination and they still managed to add a cloak and hand wraps because a one-piece is just a little too revealing
th-the valeera bikini skin will be revealed later!
This is above and beyond tiresome...
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>want to test brukan buddy with ghoul-a-cabra to see if it multi-procs
>get brukan
>beasts and undead banned
You see bans before hero selection dumbass
that'd be great if this were a game where I could just choose from a list of 30 heros
You had more than one choice and you knew what the bans were.
saw my beloved /hsg/ next to elden slop general, so here I am once again after months
this is the first reveal cycle I'm not keeping up with since black rock
and I even missed the last event

I... I think its finally over
>here's your seasonal AI generated slop for the battlepass, anon
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almost called it
somehow what we got is even blander and shittier
at least Y'Sharj drinking a mojito would've been funny
made a new script in LDplayer to afk farm xyrella's puzzle. Works like a charm and it makes 144exp every cycle (about 32 minutes). AFK is not kill, anons.
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Why tf are these bundles Standard only? Do they change at all? Is Legend always the golden standard pack deal?
who the fuck is Kit?
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el goblina tribute
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I can't wait for this game to crash and burn
>another tavern pass skip
i appreciate blizzard's efforts to save me money while i'm between jobs
I always thought I had no standards and would fuck anything with 2 legs until I saw her during that tournament
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So im done with the game, and by extension this general.
I have made a bunch of the recent generals (like this one) so hopefully people get in the groove of making those.
I put all my shitty memes in a zip and uploaded it to catbox in case anybody wants them for the future, most i did myself a few are stolen from reddit. Made a couple more that i didn't bother saving (like coomer arthas).
Its 66 and catbox isn't the quickest host but.. it is what it is.

So yeah thats about it, you guys have a great time.
Im out
Fuck you Cora, i really liked this game.
>got killed by an odd dh on turn 4
He had the nuts but still I didn't expect to lose to a baku deck ever again
Godspeed anon, and thanks, hopefully I will follow you soon
Understandable. Personally I'll wait next expansion before uninstalling but my hopes are very low.
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understandable, anon, i'm obsessed with this game and even I think about quitting after the expansion announCEMENT. at this point it is obvious to me that this game is only going to get worse, the devs are incompetent and no lessons have been learned. it's all a close clique of nerds that don't take their job seriously and it shows in the themes, art and everything else.
i'm turbo AFKing so much and I don't care if they ban me today, tomorrow or whenever, either way they'd be doing me favour.
I've made quite a few threads and memes too myself, so i'll keep doing it while i'm active and thank you for your service.
these are all better than what we got, and it was meant to be ironic shitposting
im sorry to see you leave anon, not sure if anyone will continue making the threads after you're gone, certainly not me.
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Same. Been here a long time and i would honestly be glad if this game died for good at this point. Stopped giving them money 4 or 5 years ago. Much rather spend my money on physical cards that wont get taken away when the servers inevitably shut down
>i'm turbo AFKing so much and I don't care if they ban me today, tomorrow or whenever, either way they'd be doing me favour.
feels like i should do this too, i was manually afking before but i guess its time to bot it up and either play this game for free or get released by pic related
4 games away from legend, just opened toykeeper and I want to do it with buff pala, tell me how to mulligan for this shit please
weapon, instrument tech, gold panner, drone in that order
magatha vs control decks
if you already have weapon or instrument you can also keep your charge minions
hardmulligan for the weapon tutor or the weapon
uh, when will they announce the real expansion?
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it could be a good idea, just needed like.... you know.... naked women.
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fucked up feeet
1. i cannot post what i want.
2. soon the AI will make all of the losers in arts unemployed because feed AI videos are coming. The AI already almost knowns what a vag looks like - just like me.
hahah this whole year was just a prank sorry guys the 2nd expansion is actually mist of pandaria themed and monk will become a new class next month sorry about that haha
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hearthstonebros........where did it go wrong? i was fully invested in the microsoft buyout saving us
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The bikini skins in the bikini themed expansion were supposed to save us. Why is this all servicing towards gay men?
once they ran out of content iksar worked on the game went to shit
is astalor still good in wild
no, wild is now 90% rogues playing their entire deck on turn 4
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unironically it was over ever since ben brode left
but i gotta give iksar the credit for managing brode's leftover projects really well (hs devs typically develop expansions a year in advance, so you can say brode had a hand in developing rise of shadows and saviours of uldum)
>play BG
>some of the new minions are so utterly overstatted and broken you actually have to be retarded to release them like that
do they just not playtest at all anymore before releasing something? it's incredible how bad it has become
rip sad
anyone know what this is about?
do you think he checks up on us?
nah we're scary hackermen and way too based for them
ppl complained that the lynessa legendary tourist art has her with a man ugly face of a 60 year old
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hmm yea - Brode may had had some terrible metas but for the most part when he made a card he would do the maths if it is too OP and just add 1 to the vanilla stats in terms of value: 4 mana 4 3 dethrattle summon random 2 is ok, maybe even make the 4 mana 4 3 rush with say and divine shield if we are going to go a bit over the top, but pic related would never see the light of the day. Also Ben Brode kind had the idea of MTG that you may run out of resources at some point in the game. currently both wild and standart are places where you get more resources than you can spend, with wild even having control/aggro decks with card draw enough to go into fatigue right when your quest completes at turn 5.
Ben Brode was not going to print 90% of the cards printed right now and would even go for "slowing down" from time to time. If he was still head of development wild games would last on average 3-4 more turns and standart on average 4-5 more turns.
5 male skins, but none of them even shirtless? Who is that even appealing to then?
maybe true, he certainly kept the cards grounded, but brode also didn't believe in balancing (unless its completely dire) or making the game anymore complex at all. Hes certainly better than the current devs by miles but hes by no means perfect and obviously bailed when he was offered the bag to design the snap game or whatever it is
california is full of sexually deviant manchildren, hope that answers your question
I am a huge faggot and this is not appealing to gays either. its just sexless safe and soulless
we could be like MTG is right now: playable but full of troons, instead, we are full of troons, kids, women and playability is under question. Not that I like MTG right now - the same problems as HS - boring ass expansions, expensive unless you play in creative ways ( just like our afk) and generally MTG paper is dead.
yup, every time i look at videos of shops closing in Cali I see people wearing masks in 2024. Not that shops are not closing here - global problems lead to global conclusions, but here women just went giga sluts, men want gymcels, brown people appeared and.... not one mask, not one painted hair color.
is the game still shit? What's OP now?
Did lightshow mage ever become playable?
Wait what the fuck is that warlock druid 3mana pyroblast YIKES. Do I even want to finish my download.
>I am a huge faggot and this is not appealing to gays either. its just sexless safe and soulless
Fireheart skin is super cute but there aren't even any barechested men, it's utterly sanitized.
yes, everything
it was playable for a while
Why do the prebuilt mage decks never have a fucking wincon holy shit.
twenty bucks the one coomer skin is going to be behind a 75 dollar diamond skin bundle
Have a good life buddy. I remember quitting right after Badlands and anons replying to me "see you tomorrow". They're all gone now.
I've only come back last week and I won't be staying long. See you in the next life.
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we need to bring back scalping.
mage can only have a win con in wild.
Bro this galaxy made auto deck uses all cards from the beta like what the fuck? How can I win any games?
I played 3 games and all my shit still does random stuff while the enemy summons a billion stats and this is still chicken rank.
you will play mindless aggro and you will like it
Yeah this is boring.
All my cards are discover do I simply not have playable cards that are what they are when I put them in my deck.
Wtf? If they just made microbikini Jania, Whitemane, and Valeera skins it would have been the best selling pass ever, what is this trash???
fucking kit... how?
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This game is still shit I see.
There's no way the best deck I have available to me is elemental mage. An arena deck from ten years ago. What the fuck is mages identity???
I have never seen a seashell bikini with so much coverage, its like a sports top with shells added. Also wtf is wrong with Kit's hand.
>What the fuck is mages identity???
trans, obviously
missed ya lil buddy
Nobody cares about Tales from Bronze.
Druid is playing a 1 mana card that gives him three 4/12 taunts with rush lifesteal and I'm playing a 10mana cast a random spell. This doesn't seem fair.
Then play something else?
I only have Mage cards. Which is ironic because Mage has no cards.
Take it as a precious lesson to not be retarded and not """""""""main"""""""""" a class on your next account, this one is probably ruined.
This game is so boring. I'll have a think If I can make a deck If not I'll uninstall again.
Why isn't mage allowed to have good 10mana cards. Like everyone else gets good high cost cards except for mage. Like I can play Kalac gos to get a spell a mana earlier and my options are random or random. Like holy fuck.
rogue doesn't get high cost cards
Oh nevermind half the spells are conditioned on not including half the card pool in my deck. Like lmfao what.
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What is this!? Did they forget to put in a frost spell that I want reduced?
He was with that group of people he left with before they even got the licensing deal with marvel.
His name/resume/publicity is probably the biggest reason they got that deal...
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>alternative universe where uptight liberals didnt win culture war
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back in my day we locked in face hunter, hybrid lock, and mech shaman and conceded or won by turn 6 while grinding out legend in calculus class
and we liked it
>the overton window ever shifting right over a long period
>or having anything to do with allowed sexiness
this is just something that swings back and forth anyways
>Play the 8 mana spell
>It just discards my deck and gives my opponent rag
Yeah I'm out.
motherfuckers shameless
good to see even reddit hates these skins at least
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Easiest legend run of my life this month.
the good thing about dumpster legend is that you can style on people that are trying to climb against your meme deck
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That druid deck is extremely unique and a breath of fresh air from two years of "diaper up and discover another board removal until your opponent falls asleep"
>attractive woman proud of her body and unashamed to show it
think about the nu-woman troon on the team, kinda offensive to them/their don't you think?
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>play Odyn
>get Ice Barrier from Observer of Mysteries
>rogue hits my face with his weapon and kills himself
martin druid is fucking disgusting
page 10, home
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monk will save us
evoker will cement us
Team 5 has already cemented Hearthstone into mediocrity
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>anniversary year
>don't have 3 expansions dedicated to celebrating 10 years of hearthstone by reusing old mechanics in the new sets or reexploring fan favorite themes
not so fast buster
At least azur lane has plenty of sexo skins, this hijab bullshit proves we can get way worse content
I think I am boycotting this game until Monk... I got 32K dust and 10K gold ain't payin for this expansion forget it. Just want to blow my wad on something actually cool.
I'm finally bored of twist
just play around it by playing spell mage
just play around it by winning before t9
evoker just looks so gay
Unironically this.
fucking small indie company can't fix SHOP IS CLOSED EU-wide problem for almost a week now
fuck it, im only playin spell mage now
also lol @ people playing constructed
the only worth mode in HS is bg and mb arena
Nobody is spending money anyway so might as well keep it closed.
you can't play arena because of this shit
>anniversary year
>it's not an epic journey over 3 expansions through the history of WoW with twists on all the popular cards, visiting famous areas/dungeons and nostalgia baiting everyone
it's just so easy jesus christ
Fuck you anon! We are going to the beach! Bring your burkha!
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balance patch next week probably
What deck that dares to oppose Reno's dominance will they nerf next?
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these 'people' are the minority it seems. pic related is the reaction from r*ddit and twitter regarding the set theme and datamined portraits >>482983582
i'm surprised that even r*ddit thinks the goofiness is over the top, but we know these stupid devs will learn nothing from this
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>standard meta is shit
>wild meta is shit
>twist meta is shit
>duels is dead
>arena meta is shit
>next expansion is shit
>new skins are shit
>nothing to look forward to
>it's been this way for so long and it's only gotten worse
the game must be really horrible to play if the subreddit is complaining about it

bazaar bros we are so back
Jalex can be an insufferable streamer to watch but it nice to know he's insufferable to the devs as well
>this tourist mechanic
This is going to absolutely stupid and a balance nightmare I can tell. A competent designer might be able to make something interesting with the class overlaps but this is the modern hearthstone team we're talking about. It's also going to be the dual class bullshit all over again with "no we can't nerf x problem card since this other class uses it too!"
I will create a viable Mage deck. I was thinking Neutral stat minions then Frostbolt +Fireball +Fireball for lethal.
Spell Mage is a decent low tier 2/high tier 3 deck
I was thinking about filling it with direct cards. None of this "Pay 2 mana to reroll this into a different card"
That's the Mage tax. You see every other class has mana cheat while Mage has to pay extra mana for cards.
Mage hasn't been fun since Arcane missiles Flamewalker.
casino mage during darkmoons miniset was its peak
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NGL medivh was the first skin that i actually wanted but could never justify buying because i didn't really like playing mage + i was still a poor student at the time
that's what they are
gay dragons
I agree generally, but I never liked the Medivh skin
My powerplay is two random spider tanks IF I don't put any minions in my deck how is this fucking real man.
Honestly It's from years ago but Remixed dispense-0-bot Is probably what I want in my Mage deck. It was my main wincon for my Mech Mage deck.
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What the fuck is this? Is this just here so I kill myself from more random shit?? This is straight up for Warlocks self-mill archetype nothing for mage.
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I was thinking earlier didn't Mage have a straight up better version of that 10mana spell like I remember getting multiple coins and killing people with extra casts of lightshow.
Props to mage anon for single-handedly keeping the thread out of the grave
it's for one of the prebuilt archetypes for warlock that they tried to force out. it has other cards that shit out explosive bombs in your deck and they blow up on your opponent's face when you remove them from your deck
extremely braindead and extremely linear shit. every card requires every other card in their prebuilt archetype to have any efficacy
i'd say chaos creation is a good candidate for being the modern hearthstone design poster child. uninteresting linear decks built around a single gimmick which wants to kill you from hand. absolute fucking cancer
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This is too fucking harsh. It effectively means no neutrals as well. Like holy fuck. I swear a ton of classes have better AoE as cheap that doesn't require an extreme deck building restrictions.
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Why does Mage have straight up over a 1,000 cards that are literally "Get another card and hope that does something" Imagine If these were playable cards that did stuff.
Malfunction is one of the reason spell mage is remotely relevant. Mage has its issues but this ain't one of them
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Here's your class fantasy. Enjoy. Celestroon is even biased towards mage (All his OCDONUTSTEEL hero portraits are mages + he was catching a lot of shit early on because most of the early diamond cards were mage specific) which means he wants the class to be this way
why does he become ben brode at the end?
until plague dk gets buffs i will continue playing shitty cancer decks
>Why does Mage have straight up over a 1,000 cards that are literally "Get another card and hope that does something"
the entire game has been moving in this direction ever since they added discover. this is really the whole point of discover's existence. they sell it as "player agency" and "skill expression", when in reality all it is is a way for devs to have algorithmic control over perceived-random outcomes
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Am I supposed to build a deck around this because when I play The 8 mana Yogg spell this is the only thing that gets cast.
I think It's really good. Dealing damage one at a time is great against divine shields. Though it doesn't work against death rattles. Still I want to say other classes wouldn't have this penalized aspect of it.
How can he be biased If Mage doesn't have a wincon that isn't "do a random." Like It's so frustrating to be playing against strong decks that do strong things and my only response is to do random thing and hope. It's not fun at all.
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I guess this sums up the design philosophy for Mage. They aren't supposed to have strategies to execute.
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What cards am I missing to make this better? Would Khadgar cast Lightshow?
Is there a better fill option than excavate?
I made two variants. One with the elementals that have battlecry damage and another with Nagas which don't really have internal tribal synergy but provide some useful synergies for the deck.
If you don't like the design of Mage, why are you so fixated on playing Mage? Just play something else.
>Pick le random class
>Look inside
>Le random
Wait I should just include The best Naga/Elementals and cut out all the other filler stuff I have. I bet that would be wildly inconsistent with the triggers but at least then my deck is just goodstuff.
Stop trying to play a mediocre arena deck and just play spell Mage, it's decent. Or, you know, 10 more classes exist, you're not forced to marry one.
Drawing is different than discover because it allows you to get the cards you put in your deck.
Arcane Intellect should be buffed to 1 mana though. It's unchanged since 1.0 and power creep has blown way past it.
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What do we cut? I have 15 two drops btw.
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FUCK. I forgot this card. This has to be good when half my deck is two drops.
All the minions, then you add Malfunction, Spot the Differences, Manufacturing Error, 2 Keyboards and some random spells
You're right. What was going through my mind is "What am I drawing into?" And the answer was "More cards that turn into something else".
I can't. I hate so much that the deck is purposeless. I already played draw weapon into cold case for years already.
Tempo early game into burn has been a solid gameplan for years.
>Here's one
Mage players are as mentally ill as always, I don't know what's about this class that only attracts nutcases
Mech Mage was really fun though and I played that till Legend.
I thought about it and tried to build it but I can't do that because It'll dilute the spells cast pool too much and I wont be able to get a high amount of LightShows cast.
i want to play spell mage to legend but every time my opponent drops zilly i just want to kill myself
you're trying to squeeze in too many archetypes, if you want to go excavate mage here is what I use. I got to diamond 5 no problem with it and am hovering around 50% now, can probably hit legend with it but a lot of work.
I thought Khadgar would be good. But I guess it doesn't work like that.
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so why was this ok just two years ago but now we can't have anything remotely revealing
they fired the guy that came up with that skin for being a straight male
>can only report Duos opponents and not partners who left
Wow, they really fucking thought this mode through, huh?
Insane decklist.
rest easy anon
I wonder If I can re-create the vibe I had with Mech mage. Like I could both play for board against aggro and horde cards to combo against control.
Sounds like Insanity Lock and Handbuff Paladin, try those.
multibillion dollar corporation -> any remotely good product gets eventually destroyed by DEI
really is that simple
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1000 wins in what?
I think my Khadgar is bugged I only get mirror image.
>play HS since years
>try out the new twist mode
>play kaelthas
>bullshit my way to that priest card
>play their cthun
>they still have it there turn
they really reached wow level qna in this game
Why is Blizzard refusing to make easy money from gooners? They do it with Overwatch all the time
It's not fair is it. I'm playing all these fucking random cards to force a synergy to work and warlock is shitting out minions and because he's shitting out minions he gets to shit out minions for cheaper. Like lmfao why can't my class do that.
when is the titans etc rotation?
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ranked (standard, wild or duels [arthas and arfus]) and arena
used to be duels and classic but cora happened
>ranked (standard, wild or duels [arthas and arfus]) and arena
meant twist obviously
I want to play Lightshow (A deck that isn't real) And somehow the ladder is 50% Grand Tournament Armour Up Warrior!?!?!?!
I'm already Diamond rank. Can't wait to reach Diamond 5 and play troll decks. (I will be playing the same deck I am now.)
Warcraft in general used to be 90% fantasy war and maybe 10% silly shit, even Wc2 had le goblins that blow themselves up and le gnome gyrocopter.
Hearthstone was made after WoW had already released stuff like the motorcycle and other dumb shit as well as made a million pop culture references, and it was supposed to be a game played in a tavern in WoW. So Hearthstone was always maybe 60/40 or 50/50 on this and people were okay with it because it was only a bit more silly than WoW was at the time. Now it feels like we are in completely inverted territory 10/90 or at least approaching it. If you showed someone this game who hasn't done anything with Warcraft since Wc3 or Vanilla WoW they would think this is some parody made by mad magazine or something.
They decoupled ranks from matchmaking so you'll still be playing against the same decks in d5 and legend.
first quarter of 2025
I noticed they removed my opponents ranks but I think they did that years ago though.
based and factual post
blue haired people took way too many liberties with the direction of this game
Uh bros.
>Go to twitch.
>99% BG's.
Is there a tournament on soon at least?
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>Try excavate rogue
>Go 1-7 because i somehow never mulligan into any excavate cards and i end up dying on turn 5-6 because my deck now does fucking nothing without them
>Switch deck
>Opponent plays the same deck and has the scorpion in hand on turn 3
This is what i get for not spending any money on this shitshow
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Never seen this card last a turn on board.
post screenshots taken moments before disaster
it's the new slots & casino section since they removed it
Can Khadgar actually do anything wild? So far I've only seen him cast mirror image, fireball, or ice barrier.
If you like at least 10 of Cora's tweets he can cast Time Warp
no he fucking stinks, same with the shitty “helpful spells” weapon
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Good to bait a board clear out but that's it
It's supposed to be one of your big payoffs for gimping your deck with elemental slop
>3mana Pyroblast
>6mana Pyroblast IF you have a full hand
Mage tax.
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People just give up lol
shout out to druid for consistently making reddithal reno and rng classes shit their pants with unwinnable matchups.
>2/6 minion
I would just concede immediately too (mage sister)
>he doesnt know
Wow you took a 20mana turn on turn 8 how are you so skilled wow.
### Souls for Ransom
# Class: Druid
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Aquatic Form
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (0) Lightning Bloom
# 2x (1) Biology Project
# 2x (1) Nature Studies
# 2x (2) Bottomless Toy Chest
# 2x (2) Invigorate
# 2x (2) Lunar Eclipse
# 2x (2) Moonlit Guidance
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 1x (3) Ferocious Howl
# 2x (4) Juicy Psychmelon
# 2x (4) Oaken Summons
# 1x (4) Puppetmaster Dorian
# 1x (7) Azalina Soulthief
# 1x (8) King Togwaggle
# 1x (9) Aviana
# 1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder
This deck auto-loses against aggro and autowins against anything remotely control assuming they don’t dirty rat your shit. also this is an unoptimized version i created in my backyard, im sure there’s a more optimized list but all you really need is this basic shell. ramp, tutor draw stuff, and the combo itself.
it works because your deck is fucking useless once you draw all your minions so your opponent physically can’t win once you steal their deck
The optimized list is to play questlock instead, which also autowins against control, has a small chance against aggro and beats memedruid even after losing the deck.
kek thats fair. but questlock is for troons and i won’t have a part in it
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Havent played druid in years, what's the combo lol
no marin for draw 3 for free?
Nice to see someone give a cool name to their deck once.
Disruption is literally a scam
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combo is play dollmaster, or recruit him off oaken summons, play juicy psychmelon to draw your titan, aviana, togwaggle and pic related which doll master will give 1/1 versions of.
you play the 1 cost version of aviana, then the titan to refresh your mana, then you play togwaggle then pic related to steal their hand so you can ransom their ransom so they’re stuck with your deck.
the point? the deck has no other minions, just ramp and draw. they physically can’t win once their deck is swapped. they have to rely on their hand and their hand alone to win. i’ve been able to highroll the combo turn 4, but generally it’s online turn 6-9
i fail to see a single reason i shouldnt concede every single secret hunter turn 1
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also this deck loses to reno everytime because they can reno your big board and you can’t reno theres which is the most pozzed interaction of all time
tomorrow theyll announce beach expansion was elaborate prank and we're actually getting the return of legion expansion
holy fuck this thread is slow
How long till i can let AI play the insane asylum that is called standard?
love my 50 minute kaelthas vs c'thun games
dead game
too busy gooning to all the sexy battlepass skins for the next expansion, my bad
All terrible expect for N'zoth. Fireheart is ok (HS has become so prude that I'm surprised she isn't wearing a wetsuit)
Is the new design of Hearthstone that minions can't be removed? And that minions are part of a delayed combo? It's not like someone's playing on curve. They're playing lethal stats in one turn as a combo and then they win.
pretty much yes
people overstate how the board is completely irrelevant these days, but relatively speaking, yeah, it kind of is
they basically want everyone to have access to instant "i win". and also instant "i lose" in the form of never drawing your overpowered synergies
this is ideal for them (the corporation who pays to design hearthstone) because it makes the game more like a slot machine and slot machines are more profitable than games that are fun to play
Holy fuck rolling Huffer is 90 of wins with this fucking deck.
Server kill?
Microsoft has finally pulled the switch.
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now what
Wild aggro decks do run out of resources.
But they run out of resources in the same way that vintage decks do.
Questlock is dogshit once you leave the midwit curve.
why would i know? I just paly the same deck for 2-3 days in the start of the month for 1 year already and then, once i am legend, i will decide what to play.
i should just make a script to pilot https://hearthstone-decks.net/questline-darkglare-warlock-18-legend-score-19-9/ to legend as this is the beginning and the end of wild legend runs.
So the Mage deck is basically If you don't draw the reduction spell you lose. Isn't this the same deck I played 2 years ago.
Spell mage? weapon + 4 mana summon two are your biggest winrate cards, you lose most games without them
>weapon + 4 mana summon two
I feel like this is only good against tier 4 decks. Everyone else is doing much more powerful things than two spider tanks and a 4/4 on turn 4.
thyere only there for chip damage, which allows you to burn them down from 20-30hp in the following few turns
ya'll niggas too lazy to post? its been 8 minutes already
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what does a phony version do? nothing?
my guess would be 1 legendary minion, summon 1 cost, and draw 1 card
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Let me guess, it will be a rewards track free legendary?
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Get behind me
What the fuck did he mean by this
hes not the guard of booty bay for nothing
bros... I thought hearthstone was actual warcraft back then what is this?
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Bros the default spell mage deck does more lightshow damage than my lighshow deck!?!?!
>Immediately got powercrept in the weakest set aka TGT
Bros.....was that the beginning of HS downfall?
pretty sure that card didn't see play even before naxx
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another reveal
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>its cora the expansion
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Locations would be fine if they could be attacked and lose a charge
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>LOCATIONS ARE HERE TO STAY! I've been searching for comments about locations, so I can make this tweet. I think they are sweet, and I want everyone else to think so too. I will force them on each expansion regardless and I will justify it with ANY means :)
i hate women and cora especially
Locations would be playable if Reno didn't exist.
locations are shit purely because they are a side effect of minions not being allowed to stay on board for a turn (i.e. powercreep)
>locations locations locations
holy smoke, i don't fucking care
>location expansion
>reno will just remove them all
this is exactly what I deal with at my corpo job when working with women
Did they nerf locations? I remember yesterday my opponent removes his own yoggs prison with twisting nether.
Yrel is so fucking perfect bros...
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They'd need to print some gigabroken expensive location to make that worth it.
Dispossessed Soul was so much better and even that barely saw play.
>he thinks reno isn't going to get murdered out back soon
blizzard is here to make money that cowboy getting the lenny treatment
they didnt kill astalor or denathrius for good
they did kill denathrius for good
astalor wasn't a problem
booty bay
Playing BG's after a few years and there's so much going on now I'm fucking confused. I just want to buy stats on curve and pick one tribe.
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BGs has been a lot of fun the past seasons but you came back at the worst possible time

Buddies completely ruined BGs, it's all about picking the most broken hero (even more than it is usually) and just autowin through your buddy

It's like having quests again except some heroes just don't get quests at all so it's all fucked up.
Sorry anon
the ghoul beast is more broken than all buddies combined
and how are you gonna get to the tier 6 win-con on a weak/mid hero when you lose every midgame combat and never manage to stabilize because your buddy isn't relevant?
at least it is super fast now
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Did these niggers forget how to balance mana costs?
booty bay is a rich trade port in wow with a giant jesus christ statue and the bodyguards there are well known/recognized by wow players
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The climb is complete. What are some meme decks for mage?
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>no one is even replying to card reveals anymore
man this expansion is the final nail in the coffin isnt it
They're all filler though. How is gaining two armour after I use a location going to stop me from dying to rogues board of 8/8's.
>printing an epic card you are strictly better off not owning
How are they this retarded
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>what if we gave elemental mage trogg, but its shit
thank you cora
there isn't even an tits and ass what is the point who cares
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Mage tax LMFAO. The difference between
>Have this card in your deck
>You must play all the arena elemental cards.
Is insane.
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theyre just releasing all the garbage today r-right
how does a card like this get printed? it's the epitome of pack filler
pure cancer
tic tac was playing some excavate mage list that's sorta kinda playable if you squint

>not even lewd pits
god dam i hate women
if they're not completely braindead, it will be one of the track rewards
isn't the intent to bounce it or add copies to your hand?
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okay finally someone summed up all the neutrals for the day
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Ok this is actually pretty cool.
The intent is to highroll it off Aman'thul.
it is as if knowledge was suddenly revealed to him
That sounds agonisingly slow
we ponder now
Bayfin looks nice. If big shaman ever becomes too aids, I'd tech it.
people sleeping on the 1 drop, re-discovering any spell you've used is going to be cancer for sure, my top guess is warlock or mage for the abuse
It is better for druid I think.
Could put it in an ETC I guess.
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they added huln, another outstanding addition to the collection
I dunno I kinda like this one. Don't that it would see play but it's funny.
It's garbage, even in area the opponent would need a big enough board so the beast actually dies otherwise you just gave him an 8 attack minion.
If they actually cared about not letting powercreep run rampant we could actually have fun cards like this be playable but it's just gonna be the same reno/paladin slop for another expansion.
Yeah rebuying crescendo, insanity or maybe one of the movements seems strong, can tempo it out turn one as well if you don't have another play.
It would be a funny revive counter if it was 1 mana and summoned 1/1.
I guess the current one is good in arena at least.
yeah at 1 mana it's an insta pick for decks with important spells
>dk cares about corpses
>upgraded Paladin Hero power summons two dudes
>upgraded DK hero power summons a 2/1 charge instead

gay, gay furry shit, really gay furry shit, gay furry shit
really faggy fat fuck furry shit, regular gay shit, kinda cute, race mixing gay shit
OOOOOOO LEEEEEEGS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, meh, gay emo shit, not as emo gay emo shit
>Opponents Yogg prison clears my board and heals him to full
Well met!
>bored to shit of the meta
>decide to splurge 5k+ dust for excavate rouge
>went 2-5 yesterday and regretted it
>today I started to figure it out and I'm 5-1
Holy shit this deck is kino, it's super random but also skill rewarding at the same time
First time I had fun in hs in a long time
I wish there was such a balance diff between a good and bad deck that it falls off of a cliff. Like holy fuck I'm playing a 2mana 3/2 draw a card if I played an elemental and Hunter is playing some kind of fucking dog spell that gives him a board full of buffed 3/3's.
I am only giving you the (you) because I want some people to be left in this general.
Every game that's dead I can go to twitch and everyone is streaming the side modes over the main game. It's like It's a staple of dead games.
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I must be low IQ because I always have a full hand playing this. Great for pulling wins out of your ass though. Try excavate mage too it's pretty fun and underplayed. I really like that goblin that can do a mini astalor all over your opponents board and face
>neutral give a friendly X windfury
They don't learn do they?
New wife just dropped
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i will just ask the nerds at /g/ ai threads for some HS art. only way to save our saves now is to put our faint in the AI
you mean wife(male)
random factoid

if you use the 2 cost tavern spell on a minion (your buddy) that is a type that is not available in the pool of minions for the bg game you get fucking nothing.
what do you think would happen genius
idk i hardly play this mode. i used it on arfus because reborn only makes sense with beasts or undead and didn't realize they weren't in the pool.
Anybody else not play out games? Like if the opponent does a high% opener I'll just leave and re-queue to save time.
if i'm not obviously going to win by turn 3 i move on
No, because:
a. That's scrub tier
b. Winning games where your opponent high rolls is one of the best feelings in Hearthstone, and if you lose you can just say oh well they high rolled, nothing I could do
goat has nice thighs
Yo guys I wanted to start making decks, haven't played in YEARS.

How many neutral monsters do people usually have in their decks? Priest decks for example since I main a priest in wow.
fucking get rid of reno already i cannot stand this fucking shit for an entire rotation
why are you still here
this but aggro-lite
Man this is fucked. Everytime I randomly decide to queue mage with lategame I am against Priest/Warrior with anti control decks what the fuck.
this steak i made fucking sucks and i blame reno players for aggravating me
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any help?
>Play regular hearthstone for weekly quests
>It's the most unfun nigger shit imaginable

Every time I'm forced to play this dogshit mode I'm reminded why I play battlegrounds where everyone is on a relative similar playing field or that I could literally just be playing another better game elsewhere
It depends what you're trying to synergize with, what kind of deck are you even trying to build
how much money you got?
building your own deck really isn't a "thing" these days. the game is designed around the idea of playing prepackaged archetypes and the extent of "deckbuilding" is basically which tech card package you want to run
there is nothing wrong with wanting to do your own thing but i say if you're asking for serious deckbuilding advice just go to hsreplay or d0nkey and copy a priest deck. if you want to brew your own deck, just click buttons. the matchmaking will carry you even if you fuck up anyway
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1k wins soon bros
don't even have much dust since the last few times i played years ago i was dead set on making a dragon priest deck
haven't even started yet but got a lot of catch up cards from catch up packs
The absolute fucking state of art direction in this game
What went wrong?
>What went wrong?
fat women
do people always have 2 of everything when makin decks?
no. tech cards are usually 1 of, but currently these are like 2-3 monsters per modern deck. and some wild decks that are very combo oriented run many 1 ofs but these decks are special.
>haven't even started yet but got a lot of catch up cards from catch up packs
just got to HSReplay or Hearth HSGuru to get an idea of what decks look like these days.
You don't have to use what's there if you don't want to.
I'm sure that handbuff paladin won't be able to abuse this for otk.
I'd say Xuen could be good on a conceptual level but the proportions and perspective seem really off and squished on a closer look.
the devs are trying their best
I can't even muster the will to get to diamond 5. This meta is so ass and I just don't feel like playing.
the devs are mongoloids who have no idea what they are doing because they are all nepo hires with out experience or game knowledge. This game is fucking done for. Wait for Shadowverse 2 at this point.
same here, couple rares are not worth the effort
Overplanner and Captain 100% going to be nerfed
Also how the fuck does a panda on a dinghy equate to windfury?
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Can the shitbag developers just add an easy way for me to ask my Duos partner what type he wants
Every time I question mark their minions they're too stupid to understand
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first bit of art that isnt trash from this expansion
I know jack and shit about gorgonzormu but I am going to headcanon he is a bronze dragon that uses his powers to age cheese, being generally, a useless fuck.
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Lol lmao, nice curses niggy wiggy.
is the flavor text about coras pussy
There's this thing called text chat, but the technology is not there yet to implement such an advanced feature.
To be fair you'd probably just get insulted in some obscure language most of the time.
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Wow, people still play BGs?
they should make heroic brawl a permanent mode
give me something to actually care about. i don't mind that the house rakes 75% on that format, it'd still be fun to have 1000 gold on the line and have some fake reason to pretend to take this shit seriously for once
>What does Khadgar do!?!
It um casts spells from beta hearthstone.
>Wow like Pyroblast!?!?
Actually... like mirror image.
>Yeah but like multiple copies right because you know the card costs 6 mana and people are dying at this point of the game.
it seems unnecessary for handbuff paladin to get lifesteal on their handbuff weapon
Otherwise the stats are terrible, 4 mana for a 2/2 weapon?
Paladin in general lifestealing to full if you ever manage to beat them on board or re-establish control after their 1mana AoE is such a fucking LOL moment.
...that buffs your fucking hand? (that you are already buffing (and its full of shit that already has lifesteal and divine shield))
If your hand is full of minions, otherwise it is useless.
where would hearthstone be on this graph
yeah that's a great observation, your handbuff weapon should probably be useless if you aren't able to buff your hand
It's a 2/3
Also it buffs your whole hand
>20 minute game against a diaper warrior script (because he has taken over 15:00 by roping every single turn)
>stringing me along with cuck jail and almost-win almost-lose every single turn because the rng seed is fake and was designed by a human faggot
>generate 6 random frost spells, i just need one freeze effect to win
>6 complete bricks that do literal nothing
people who made this game are literally lower than casino execs, lower than mob bosses, lower than drug lords, literally the people who designed hearthstone are the absolute fucking scum on the bottom of the barrel of the human race
hope those faggots all die an early death
>Play dogshit rng winconless diapercuck slop
>Get unlucky
>Bawl eyes out
Iconic estrogen guzzling standard player.
Fuck Warrior.
sex with garrosh
So Hunter has better secrets than mage. And they also cost less mana. Huh?
Hunter also gets a free 10 damage weapon, two of them in fact, just for fun.
Do Arthas and Arfus actually count for DK hero win progress?
The event will save us.
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You are unironically correct, that is literally what he does in WoW.
>horde cards
nah we dont do that now
now we vomit our hand every turn and get a fresh one for playing our cards
>I must be low IQ because I always have a full hand playing this
you're doing it right then
excavate rogue is hilarious because you're either drowning in value or literally doing nothing and dying, classic rogue
i'd be okay with that if the artists weren't so fucking gay
Battlegrounds is a fucking mess
Basically who high rolls Ghoulacabra wins
Yes all duels heroes count towards a class wins progress
that card could be a tavern tier 8 card and it'd still be too strong
I hate the devs I just hate them. ITS SO CLEARLY FUCKING OVERPOWERED. zero excuse to release it like that. fuck you fuck you fuck you
theres really something fishy about battlegrounds balancing. it's been like, what, four? seasons of beasts being completely overpowered and unstoppable. remember leapfroggers?
and they have NEVER gotten nerfed, in fact they usually get BUFFED even when the tribe is already S+
either the battlegrounds team is genuinely one single guy or they all just think it's a big joke
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reno bros... it's over

10 mana reno?
9 mana unkilliax?
3 mana whatever this guy is called?
so basically nothing changes
holy fucking shit i actually cant believe it
kek, are they going to remove another keyword from the virus module?
Cards like unkilliax should have a keyword preventing them from being summoned again in the game.
calling it now, reno change will be locations don't get poofed so that coras feelings don't get hurt
cant wait to be disappointed again
Reno would still be ran if all it did was wipe the board without triggering deathrattles.
considering how many locations/location synergies are in the next xpac i wouldnt be suprised, but it could equally be just a +1 to mana
I feel like not enough people bitch about how good Reno's hero power is too. Like yeah, the board wipe is what's actually fucking cancer, but did he also need a fucking perfect 10/10 hero power?
Reno was one of the best designed cards to punish retarded aggro manacheat goyslop style of play.
Fuck Blizzard balance team.
>tier 1 all aggro
>let's nerf reno lol
aggro is one of the things that actually beats reno before it gets used
I don't get why do people rage at warrior. I actually like it. It provides a slower gameplay more reminiscent of old hearthstone control that isn't just hyperaggro or combo on turn 5 and win.
I guess the only annoying card is the TNT Ogre. But apart from that, I love playing control warrior, hope it sticks for a while.
>combo on turn 5 and win
you mean aggro-lite?
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Does Mage have no Reno support? This deck I copied didn't have a Mage Reno card.
Is the Bazaar really that popular?
You stole enough underserved wins already. Shut up and be grateful you're not getting banned for griefing.
Yeah having a pretty interesting dynamic of beats every other control class except priest is very cool.
>"reno is not actually good the stats say so"
its amazing how "people" can defend this horrific card
>Blizzard + Doomsayer = Wholesome and totally not a forced turn skip.
>Reno = Problematic and uninteractive.
Reno is balanced, shit like objection and theotar were cancer.
Reno lets you play a minion, objection doesn't it eleiminates it completely no battlecry. Theotar takes gets to discover your opponents win condition and take it. Reno can't
Removing the board from play is literally the same as discarding your opponents cards.
Theotar only punished dishonest nigger decks. Fair decks that relied on the board and tempo cared very little for Theotar. Reno is devastating and basically a death sentence to any deck that relies on the board to win.
>New expansion about location support.
>Mage doesn't have any.
This is like poetry. It keeps repeating.
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What the fuck is the point of my +30 passive if other players just get +20 hp (from armour)
Like what!?!?!
make it symmetrical, ignore locations and drop it to 8 mana. 7 if you really want to.

the fact that you can use reno offensively is a fucking travesty that should have never happened
Bigspell kino
decent legendary but why is every card so ugly
Nice. Now I can play my 9 mana spell on turn 9 instead of turn nine.
this. am I stupid or is this useless
AHAHAHAHAHAH LMFAO. It's like Mage cards come pre-nerfed.
But now you get a free 4/4 for the same mana!
you potentially mess with your enemies turn, if theyre rogue for example its doomed, you then can double big spell on your next turn
It's good for your opponent if they have a big spell.
oh you can use it next turn too that makes sense
play it turn 4, yogg in box turn 5. highroll and win.
>end of your NEXT turn
you can play this on 4 and your 9 mana spell on 5
This is loathab this is insane what. And just for Mage?
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where reno????
the sissy is in a full blown meltdown
Does this make Warlocks and Paladins AoE cheaper? The stuff that gets reduction.
60% handbuff paladin in top 1k
calling it now
reno doesnt mana cheat unlike dirty aggro-lite
it's one of the few honest cards left in the game
>Silence and destroy isn't mana cheat
>gaslight rogue
smartest aggro sissy
What an autistic little fuck.
I almost respect it.
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I am glad innocent 12 year old me did not know what WoW would become when I was enjoying Vanilla
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Here is what Gorgonzormu sells?
What will you buy?
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>most of my fights are against people climbing, not other legend players using meme decks

what's even the point
>lose every single BG because people get perfect shops and I get nothing
why dont they make more minions equally strong instead of having 2 or 3 broken ones and a bunch of bad ones
>Reno lets you play a minion
Yeah reno let's you fill your board before invalidating it and preventing you from playing the game for another turn, how nice of him.
their hero power are so shit they're only worth 10 life points, supposedly
mixing casual dumpster legend decks with tryhard d1-d5 climb was a mistake, and it proves the devs simply dont play at 10k+ legend with meme decks for fun
if you are trying to have fun standard is not where you should look
the guy is literally called Gorgonzormu but he doesn't have gorgonzola
Blizzard truly ruined everything about this game
is "Icecrown Bleu" it?
Not knowledgeable about cheese, but isn't gorgonzola blue cheese?
Nothing beats undead then in BG's?
yeah you're right it is, maybe they thought it was subtler that way
>no Alterac Swiss
Lordaeron has fallen.
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>Shuffle this into a future expansion. It keeps any enchantments.
>no trogg nerf
seriously this card is half the problem with warlock/druid aggro decks, im suprised it's not in there and further proves blizzard doesnt understand the implication of their changes
All of em.
Mostly I just really like cheese.
I'm sure a unlimited one mana charge windfury minion will be fine and fun.
Why do I have a 70% Cast rate on wheel of doom. It's so fucking boring.
how do you give it charge?
new NEUTRAL pirate card
wait my bad, that card is windfury not charge
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Funny in mech rogue if you can magnetize it with some sparkbots and then lab constructor.
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someone shop cora's face on this
I can't play out these control games It's too fucking much. Everyone has so fucking much.
great beach cards
I think he was confusing rush with charge. It's still going to be annoying to have this on repeat since you can give it pretty much any other tag and buff it forever.
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Elementalbros..... we're back
nice brann support
>flame leviathan saw no play so
rotating steamcleaner was a mistake
Holy fuck think of the possibilities.
>Paladin plays 100/100 worth of stats on turn 5
>Finally my turn
>I coin out a 6mana 2/10
Holy fuck this is going to be insane.
Will this be good in warrior?
They forgot warrior tag on card...
This will be average Only in warrior...
Is the first sentence an aura? So if he dies do the eruptions just stop upgrading?
>Is the first sentence an aura?
>So if he dies do the eruptions just stop upgrading?
what an awful fucking card. also breaks (some) highlander cards so lmao
>most of my fights are against people climbing

It's because you're rank 14k dummy
>play cora before it
>it's a 4/20
>no card buffs
>reactionary nerfs
>ignoring trogg/handbuff supremacy
>not understanding the implication of their nerfs
>terrible art for new xpac both for cards and heroes
>no new trailers, just small time twitch streamers shilling new xpacs
is this unironically the end?
>>reactionary nerfs
kill yourself, you aren't cool by pretending to like reno
A better Mistake for naga DH.
Aren't most reno decks mediocre and dead before they manage to play reno (outside of other reno decks).
sissy doesnt care
just ignore him
no and you know this isn't the case
Wow, these devs are talented. They somehow made every single game mode complete shit to play
i dont like reno retard
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This thread needs real OC.
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i dont even know where you came from but please go back there
>hasn't played since 2015
Even the AI knows.
Do one for Gorgonzormu
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or what? people are not talking about the important things : how to AFK properly and people are also not talking about the new shit cards. Its either me pumping this thread of life or the cement will flow.
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i need one with a depressed coomer saying that we will still get one or two booba skins this expasion
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>we will still get one or two booba skins this expasion
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Why is Cora hated here?
pretty cool cards actually
won't see play but pretty cool
i blame her for the lack of fan service that isn't gay fury shit slop. i wouldn't even mind a terrible meta if I at least had a boob or two to stare at while losing.
Earth doesn't exist in Warcraft THOUGH
She got hired through nepotism, plays like shit and is supposedly responsible for shit expansions like Nathria.
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dis you?
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No. this is me:
This is so shit though isn't it? Let's say your opponent does literally anything and progresses a normal game plan. Do you honestly believe 10 random damage is going to do fuck all on turn 5?
its dubious as a big spell card, but it also denies them a good turn
Naga DH bros, we are so black
I was thinking you play Minion mage with elementals and some game you get lucky with an early 10mana minion off volley but then It breaks your elemental giant synergy. Your 5 mana elemental which is the best card in the deck. And also your board fill 4/2 repeat. Seriously they made elemental mage so fucking restrictive and It' s not even good. This card is ideal when are are playing minions into a high cost spell. No archetype of mage does that. So this card is just a bad version of glyph really.
You could tutor a hand of big spells with volume up this way. But good luck playing that in this powerlevel. If mage still had 0 cost freeze you could play that to halt aggro before you put this down and then clear turn 5.
So the other gameplan is nah this is not a new deck type the only way this gets played is in a reno list that you sometimes win some games by playing volley against aggro 4 and 5. You don't build around this card you just include it if your list has a high cost spell.
https://imgur.com/a/WCDCY3j https://imgur.com/a/6-25-bg-unit-tierlist-cTThuER
For the battlegrounds players
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cora in a bikini! here's your fucking fanservice
people are going to find a way to break this card and it's gonna be aids
>handbuff paladin
>AND he's roping me
what the fuck did i ever do to YOU?
why hasn't handbuff paladin gotten a single nerf?
Really interesting how when I play Highlander Warrior, my Brann always gets buried at the bottom of my deck. And then when I play Secret Hunter, Project 9 always ends up in my hand really early on. Incredibly interesting how that happens, isn’t it? Almost like the game is actively working against me. Ha ha.
>hero power now only deals 1 damage
It’s going to be something shit like that I just know it
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He cute
Why even bother printing zilliax in the first place? What a headache to balance. Most of them aren't even used anyway
The "big beast" will more than likely will involved in some diaper priest slop deck though. Hunter late game is sad and really hard to stay alive to
Hell there's this too that won't see play where the battlecry won't even go off so you've got a 4/20 (DUDE) on turn 7 and you can also resurrect later.
Because she is one of the most visible devs and a prime example of everything that is wrong with current team 5. She has no experience and was a terrible Hearthstone player but got the job because she is friends with the at the time current Team 5 lead. It shows how much she does not understand the game and how bad she as at it. Nathria was a shit set with tons of broken not well thought of cards and she was lead designer for that set. Yet her and her bald brother who I have never ever heard off playing this game get to make decisions on cards and balance changes. Remember last year when she tweeted that Warrior had a bunch of great stuff coming for it then proceeded to get one of the worst Core sets in the history of this game. With a bunch of random unplayable cards. That's what she thinks its awesome. They had to print over tuned Warrior cards all last year because of how shit the class was. Look at the upcoming nerfs. 90% of the meta is all aggro. Yet they are going to once again nerf Reno. There are no Reno decks with high win rates compared to all the aggro decks currently. From D5 to Legend all i played against was either Paladin or 1 of the 2 Warlock aggro decks. You have a bunch of people in Team 5 who got in by being friends with people working there who have no idea what they are doing and they are making all the important decisions for this game. I can't wait till Shadowverse 2 releases, honestly. Or hope Bandai makes an online program for the One Piece tcg.
Looking for a standoff? Careful, it's against me!
>Hunter late game is sad and really hard to stay alive to
because you kill everybody so early?
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Go ahead, questline warlock, play a card.
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Yeah you either do that or it's over and you run out of steam. No idea why they gave it highlander cards it just doesn't have the control tools to stabilize like the other highlander classes do. I've tried to make it work many times and every time I just wonder why I'm not playing a different highlander class
This is the game now, better get used to it.
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I rope every Reno deck no matter what I'm playing at the time.
i am hard stuck gold 5
the game is just as shit in legend so dont stress it
Aggro is rampant largely because of Reno decks, retard, if you like control you should be glad he's getting nerfed. Reno decks hard counter any kind of control deck while also sometimes winning against other decks, this is why the ladder is full of aggro shitters because why the fuck bother with anything else since the only way to beat Reno is killing him before turn 9 or playing Reno yourself.
literally 1 month until hearthstone kills every other game in existence
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she's back from the camps

hearthstone is fucking SAVED
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You act like all the fucking past metas for the past 2 years haven't been aggro decks. Reno hasn't been around that long you mongoloid. Its faggots like you why we have garbage ass metas every expansion with over tuned aggro decks that can do everything so games last until turn 5 so faggots like you can go back to sucking dick after a fast game. KYS and stream it, bitch.
Tomorrow you're gonna hang, Renigger :)
we always have an aggro meta doe
what does reno have to do with it?
>90% of the meta is all aggro
>from D5 to Legend all i played against was either Paladin or 1 of the 2 Warlock aggro decks.
way to tell on yourself 5digit retard, rogue is way more popular that paladin(btw handbuff paladin isn't aggro) at nonbraindead mmrs
These is the average reno apologist
95% of the meta is aggro-lite by the by
>handbuff paladin isn't aggro
correct. it's aggro-lite
Ill play Tempo Druid and make you cry by being on 6 mana on your turn 3. Nothing will change,
Did she start taking lewd pictures of her lithe body.
NTA, but you are a giga retard. Rogue is not popular from D5 to Legend. It's mostly played at High Legend. The Reno tard is talking about his match ups from D5 to Legend. Is reading hard for you? Found the aggro player.
Oh, I have no doubts that you will find new ways to cheat, that's the nature of rats. This doesn't mean that we have to stop fighting them tough.
>aggro sissies
>not being the #1 mana cheaters in the game
sure smells jewish in here
If you have an 11x(ie you are not too dumb for a fucking children card game) you only get matched with other 11x most of whom get legend quickly obviously, I get why you wouldn't know though ;)
I really don't care if you eat shit for 2 hours each day but don't make that my problem
daily reminder that the greatest hearthstone player who has ever lived (chump) never goes beyond dumpster legend
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I play so little lately I'm not even at legend yet, which helps me BTFO your stupid "D5 to Legend"(again not how matchmaking works) argument even more
>talking shit while in diamond
>2x multiplier at d3
seethe more retard
I don't take advice from diamond players
>make a retarded argument
>gets BTFO
>claim I play 2 hours a day
>gets BTFO again
>damage control by pretending he was trolling all along
Yeah keep seething it's really funny ;)
Do plagues get bundled in together when theyre shuffled in your deck?
I always draw like 3 or 4 plagues together.
How the fuck does this work?
I'm not the same anon and youre MAZED by ladder, diamond sissy shitter
Depends on your win rate.
match making is based on star multiplier and mmr nonlegend ranks are meaningless for someone like me who always finishes top 1k, I'll play a couple more games later this week and get there just for the pack,even if I don't bother I would still be 11x next month happened before, hell I quit the game for 2+ years and when I came back I had a 10x despite all that mmr decay
okay but how do I unsubscribe?
Didn't you niggers tell me that star multipliers don't exist over diamond 5 and thats why I dont get bonus stars even though Im on a win streak?
What the fuck is this then?
You don't get bonuses for win streaks past d6 but if you finish in the top 10% of legend( i think somewhere around 1.5k to 2k depending on server) you start the month with an 11 star multiplier
Except for the fact that those star multipliers gradually decrease to zero bonuses above d5. Infact, In some brackets, I swear you lose 2 instead of 1.
I remember playing double Call of the Wild in hunter years ago and I would kill people before I got to play it. Tragic times.
Why is it called gaslight rogue?
daily reminder that it's rude and selfish to not concede games that are lost
What if i wanna give you the opportunity to play your game ending combo to completion and finish off quest/cheevos? I know i been cucked by people conceding when i wanna play more cards.
>first game is highroll highroll highroll highroll highroll
I cant even do my quests anymore I am so bored of standard
Bigspell kino
>back to big shit mage can literally never live to cast
lmao mage sisters
It looks great but I don't think I like signature spells
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there's one more spell revealed
eh yeah that's one valid exception i guess. typically it's clear when games are meme/achievement/quest games and if you want to do that that's fine
i'm talking about competitive environments. at some point it's literally disrespectful/selfish to extend games for 5-10+ minutes just because you can when your chance to win is 0% or your opponent disconnecting or something
>Rising Waves
basically Bladestorm that deals 2 for 3 mana
3 mana aoe seems very strong, especially in druid
Also new water elemental art looks cool
there's a new variant for water eles with the next expansion? that's actually pretty good since they can sell regular variants at a low price or put them on the pass while leaving signatures and diamond cards as the super premium shit
>3 mana aoe seems very strong, especially in druid
Was literally about to say how does mage get there without their 2mana minionless aoe but I guess that's how.
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Tsunami look's neat, also kind of a buff for puzzle of yogg.
idk about the others, under the sea seems too expensive.
actually fun but I am sure none of it sees play
What you mean? No one calls it gaslight Rogue, you're remembering it wrong.
Druid will have access to 9 of 10 mage cards due to their tourist card
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Watching feno getting destroyed is giving me back joy bwos.
Stop watching hearthstone streamers and stop playing the game.
I love not playing the game and watching others get frustrated at it.
oh, i forgot about that
Surely those Paladin cards will be playable in a minionless deck.
Wow they actually gave the Water Elementals unique art instead of recycling the old one
Do you guys think blizz finally learned their lesson and are going to change the reno text, or are they going to just nerf him to 10 mana...
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They started paying streamers to play their game, it's really over.
>we cant have a new board, music, or animated trailer, but we can get some shitty no name e-whores stream our game for money
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We're not even getting a new board? The absolute state of this game
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>2 wins away from legendary
>lose 2-3 games in a row
>game rigged to rubberband you back and forth anytime you're within legendary by 1 or 2 wins

Every. Fucking. Time. You cannot convince me this shit isn't rigged as fuck.
>he didn't dump MMR at rank floor
oh no no no
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Women. Just Cum&Run and let bitches cry all they want. If they can fuck shit up for us, you can fuck their shit up. Tonight I have a date with Cora. She will need some meds after seeing me.
when this game dies i'm going to make a private server with a 30 second turn timer
>aggro hunter vs ramp druid
>game actually lasted 12 turns and ended up being close
>druid bm's at the end

ok faggot, the one time I play an evenly matched game and was happy with how it was actually competitive and you have to be a little nigger about it.
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In other news, based local redditor found coom material hidden deep within card art.
people often mistake my timely emotes for bm, when in truth i just like hearing the voice lines.
perhaps he’s like me, depends on the voiceline
also if you’re triggered by voiceline just squelch them, retard
>often mistake my timely emotes for bm
Spamming threaten IS bm, you double nigger retard.
can you point to a single part of that post that mentions emoting? you dumb fucking turd
how else do you bm without emotes? roping? just say he roped you, faggot
if he’s spamming them mute him, nigger. he beat you, he has every right
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Sheesh, you guys don't have to be so rude to eachothers.
I don't have to be nice to anyone online, BITCH.
Holy kino
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Holy cancer
>half the cards are big spell support
>the other half are small spell support
magefags shafted for another expansion
sif support, now nice of them
Arcane missile bros we are so back.
paladin probably gets some large spells. at least 1, perhaps a board buff idk. you always have greedy partner to get coins to get some 2 drops
let them cook
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Well that's a lame signature
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Seems better than druid location
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>we have to send archeologists to find coom material in 2024
Meanwhile the men, real men in 2024, go and look for dall-e or bing image creator results with prompt "A good looking elf girls from the World of Warcraft universe sitting on the beach in nice good looking blue bikinis."
Once the n-words and j-words block this promt from being completed , I go to my bros at >>>/g/101155934 and download https://easydiffusion.github.io/docs/installation/ but then I remember that I am not the only coomer so I go look in AI databases and I find https://neural.love/search?query=A+good+looking+elf+girls+from+the+World+of+Warcraft+universe+sitting+on+the+beach+in+nice+good+looking+blue+bikinis.
Now that even MS, WEF, WHO, The Federal Reserve and Cora cannot stop my cooming, I am free to coom to HS girls in bikini.
>cute purple hair turned brown
>midriff covered
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More mana cheat
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I think I will just fire Cora and the other useless devs and artists. I am the leader of the HS art team now. You can pay me in cummies.
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And final mage card
>bro draw like a wow lady on the beach scultping a dude with magic
>*draws nice lady on the beach*
>bro draw this but for the signature version
>uh, what is that? this is problematic, we can't have sexy women in a video game
>*draws her but with an uglier face and a shirt no one would wear on the beach and make the ugly sculture the focus instead*
Looks kinda shit. Infinitize already gives discovers at 1 mana each (counting discount) and barely sees play because discovering mage spells sucks.
I guess they'll reveal more location synergy later, like the armor minion that combos with druid location.
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This is the art direction I am thinking of.
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>Trooned Archmage
what did they mean by this?
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i’m fine with ai just don’t post slop
if you want my cummies you have to earn them
File deleted.
I will make you cum!
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where is her leg
are there any cards rotating next month or we just gonna have the same decks being good again
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Fine, lets have something less suggestive.
>Minions that promote playing spells.
Finally bros, Mage has an identity. Hearthstone is saved.
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The Ai generator fucked up. I am sorry. Here is some fine Draenei instead.
>less suggestive
you sound like cora
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Funny enough I generated a picture of Cora. I had to improve it a bit as I hate flat chests.
more boobs
Raylla, Sand Sculptor - real art:
>those fingers and feet
bro, she's supposed to be a draenei, not a troll
pretty nice if you only look at the boobs
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So are you niggers here to play a video game or masturbate.
i am just making the game better looking.
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I afk 15 hours a day.
Coomer AI models are something else.
I can make every single female in HS naked, but the moment I want to put clothes on them it makes them old. WTF.
>found the clueless blizz dev
The only non naked dreinei that this shit can make is if you specify it to be a face profile and then even then it cannot make fire particles but always makes them blue. Talented HS devs should start from the full body naked dreinei arts and add clothes and make the spells red.
also tits do not look like that. not that i have seen them irl but for real the AI knowns even less how tits look them me... and it keeps on adding them even if you go full Cora and specify that you do want some clothes... and no nipples on the clothes. This AI is something else.
post more and you’ll get my cummies
I am close to giving up. It only makes tits. Tits and nipples. I am writing full books describing the end results as "moderate, no nipples, no tits, no chest area"
OK, I cannot take this anymore:
>Go to https://www.mage.space/build
>Write "A young female blue Draenei at the beach that has a lot of dense fire particles mist around her lower part of body. Upper part of body visible and the picture is done from a few meters distance. Her full body is visible. Moderate clothing, no visible chest area. She is wearing bikini. A lot of the background is engulfed in fire red particles mist. NO TITS! NO NIPPLES! " to make Raylla
It makes a fucking naked dreinei with just a bit of fire around her left hand and big fucking tits...
How do I tell it to put clothes?
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>arcane missiles reprint
>spiteful summoner reprint
enjoy your “new” cards, mage sisters
Rejoice you nerds:
After 1 hour of browsing 1000 of images with tits I finally managed to make one good looking that has no tits and the prompts was just
>"A single young female blue Draenei at the beach. Upper part of body visible and the picture is done from a few meters distance. Her full body is visible. Moderate clothing, no visible chest area. She is wearing bikini. red ginger hair. Put a bra on the top of the tits. There are fire particles around her hands. Action pose. Casting a fire spell. fire particles visible around the hands. Dense fire around both of her hands. whole skin is blue. skin colour is static and does not change."

For now Cora wins: the AI either does not want to make a female model with revealing clothes or is too eager to make her naked. For as long as humans can make women with reasonable clothing, the humans win.
Ahah negatives rarely work with AI. Try saying "wearing a blue top and a blue bottom" instead or some shit like that to force it to cover her.
>tard wrangling ai
kek, thanks anon
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druidstone again
Generate tons of it ... (Via wander and other shit) One discount tick.... And now you transform Wisp into Malygos. Cant wait mark combo
More like tard wrangling with AI.
It's slop but it doesn't take long to make something halfway decent with free resources
Surely I'll be able to play all these new cards.
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Zamiri Priest, Gaslight Rogue and Painlock nerfed again.
I feel like this expansion is just going to cause endless seething when one class's new cards are all played in a different one and better than the main's
On top of the shitty beach skin collection you have to wonder why they even bothered
>twin cast, but three!
is this the so called innovation that will cement hearthstone for decades to come?
I still don't understand the tourist thing. Do you just put the tourist legendary in your deck and then you can put all the cards from the other class in your deck?
yes but only class cards from this expansion
So it's just dual class but extra convoluted for no reason, got it.
pretty much. cant wait for class to get nerfed because druid abuses it and the other class has to suffer
>only of this expansion
Should have allowed everything and let chaos reign
was supriseed how they allowed the shortstack tits in the middle of the pictures.
But I guess goblin boobs gets a free pass
The game sucks, there isn't anything to play
you play your turn, and masturbate during your opponent turn
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lmao the patreon watermark
I’m told every other day how blizzard is predatory and greedy. And yet when given the chance to milk all the money by putting every famous wow character in a bikini, they don’t do it.

Strange. Maybe they don’t like money after all.
on the contrary, the paypiggies will pay them regardless of the skin quality, they are double dipping by claiming DEI investment money when they pump that slop out
Only because it's against their DEI measures, not because they don't want to, you're not very smart are you?
Cosby suite and Metzen's daughter grabbed the entire company by the balls and now they're too spooked to do anything.
I honestly don't think Reno is that broken
>I honestly don't think Reno is that broken
You remember how bad skipping a turn was when illucia let priests do that? Reno is that on steriods, minus the ability to fuck with stuff.
I disagree, but that also kind of misses the bigger point, The issue with Reno is not just balance but also psychological, no matter how "balanced" they try to make him as long as he poofs the board (and ESPECIALLY when i does it asymmetrically) and basically neuters your attempt to comeback the following turn (by reducing your minion slots and therefore lessening your potential agency for that turn) encountering him will be a problem. Another problem is that he was introduced in a Expansion that was basically overloaded with even MORE good Highlander cards so the drawback of highlander as a archetype was lessened.

Costing 8,9 or 10 really makes no difference, the moment he hits the board he is the equivalent of slamming a mallet into your opponents crotch, especially if you edged them out so they think they gonna nut with their big board.

Players don't like to be helpless and getting thrown into defeat right when they were about to win, and Reno, Lone Ranger is a card that by design induces helplessness and cucking. Reno, CBT Ranger.
pretty good
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It's up!
make it so it banish your own board as well?
or that will make him trash even at 5 mana?
11 mana for a twisting nether + 5 armor + hero power + hits indestructibles + limits opponent's board to 1 space + banish instead of destroy but with a deckbuilding restriction seems appropriate
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I mean, that kinda just makes him into Amazing Reno with a more stable Hero Power, so it depends on how you (and everyone else) sees that. And that card was still 10 Mana.
one of the graves hides when it sees the hambeast digging
If I recall amazing reno fucking sucked.

I don't agree. The primary benefit of the card is the huge tempo swing. This change makes the card negative tempo. 9 mana for a twisting nether that requires making your deck worse and is a 1 of.

The only argument would be the HP which is good, but is it good enough to justify making your deck worse and running a more expensive twisting nether? I don't think it is.
>9 mana for a twisting nether that requires making your deck worse and is a 1 of.
you forget the part where the person playing reeno keeps his entire board
The comment I replied to was about it being nerfed to effect both sides. Which would kill the card and highlander completely.
>If I recall amazing reno fucking sucked.

That's only because it was a mage card.
The times I've stabilized against a threatening board only to get dunked on by reno anyway are too fucking many.

Unilateral omni-removal should have never happened.
Good fucking riddance
Man I wish I wasn't a pleb and had AI that can make me some ugly ass MILF with fine titties.
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Just follow the link I gave - i used https://www.mage.space/build which is obviously trained on porn data so it will be easy to make NSFW content. It is hard to make not-NSFW lol
>10 years
>No official support for speedstone
I can't stand these mouth breathers taking full turn time, every time.

Might even bring back a bit of skill into the gane
>felt like playing some hearthstone
>duels is gone
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magebros...how are we feeling about the latest disjointed jank slop? We got some low cost freeze which I was hoping for
new retard from earlier:
Am i doing something wrong or is decktracker fucked in twist? Sometimes its not showing me the secrets
I am looking forward to this. Druid is getting access to all this cancer shit >>483567326
>only way to beat control cancer is to become turbo aggro aids

midrangebros... we lost
does control even exist anymore in a viable way? Feels like everything is just like combo
Like if priest kills me on turn 8 with an extra turn I don't feel like I lost to control
>every single card is better in druid
Unironically epicly mage cucked moment
i like them, big improvement over the miniset
keep in mind the paladin reveals will also be mage reveals this time round
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Because Zarimi Priest is an aggro deck. Control highlander is an entirely separate archetype. There's also Renigger Warrior. Hopefully they'll both die with Renigger nerf tough.
handbuff pirate paladin, need it or sneed it?
I see, isnt that a small amount then tho? The only "control" decks I face that are not dogshit are highlander warrior and druid. And mind you the druid one is infintily worse than combo druid
Games go rarely above 8 minutes nowadays in my subjective perception in standard
just gonna give this 15 attack deckhand windfury, don't mind me
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Theres no way this will be busted with a couple hand buffs then windfury r-right?
Pirate Tribe needs to be deleted from the game never (0 times) Did something good came out of it
chuck it
I used to play Pirate Rogue with Sky Captn Kraaag. I was so wholesome. Oh and gang up patches.
I actually counted and Mage does have more spells than other classes. About 10 pages worth of stuff compared to the average 5,6 of other classes.
it should stay
damn that's basically double
More water, nice.
we made it bros
>hard to make sfw content
>if it generates something nsfw you can't see it without a subscription
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What elementals do you want to draw?
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Ok Here's the idea. We fill our hand with minions that deal damage. We transform them into one card then we play them all for cheap.
Wait does friendly imply it transforms minions on board? Nevermind deck is dead.
this one >>483455836
making a new thread
Pretty good ten erruptions at 3 damage procs.
Don't bother.
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FRESH BREAD >>483681189

FRESH BREAD >>483681189

FRESH BREAD >>483681189
Why does she look like a fucking peasant on her signature art?
>Real men use AI
Nah, not really. Only autists do that because they can't jerk off unless they get the precise, specific set of things that make them get erect. It's just sad. Literally brain rotted.

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