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Free Mars Edition - Previous: >>480646428

A place for discussing all tactical videogames (FPS, TBT, RTT, TPS, etc)

Some examples are
>First Person Shooters:
Rainbow Six 1-3, SWAT 3-4, Ready or Not, Ground Branch, Ghost Recon, Project Reality, SQUAD, Hunt: Showdown, Hell Let Loose, Insurgency, Escape from Tarkov
Others include:
Afterconflict, Beyond Citadel, Black One Blood Brothers, Brothers in Arms, Counter-Strike, Cruelty Squad, Darkest Hour, DayZ, Delta Force, Easy Red 2, Forgotten Hope 2, GTFO, H3VR, Hidden & Dangerous, Hideous Destructor, Isonzo, Marauders, NEOTOKYO, Project IGI, Receiver 2, Red Orchestra, Rising Storm 2, Road to Vostok, Six Days in Fallujah, STALKER, Vietcong, Zero Hour
>Turn Based Tactics:
XCOM, Jagged Alliance, Battle Brothers, Battletech, Silent Storm
Others include:
Alfa Antiterror, Armoured Commander 2, CDDA, Combat Mission, Fallout: Tactics, Field of Glory, Flashpoint Campaigns, Frozen Synapse, Invisible Inc, Quasimorph, Phantom Brigade, Phoenix Point, Troubleshooter, WinSPMBT, Xenonauts
>Real Time Tactics:
Door Kickers, Wargame, WARNO, 7.62 High Calibre, Men of War, Gates of Hell, Brigador, MechWarrior
Others include:
Aliens: Dark Descent, Armored Brigade, Battlezone, Blitzkrieg, Broken Arrow, Carrier Command 2, Close Combat, Commandos, Company of Heroes, CMO, Desperados, Foxhole, Graviteam Tactics, Gunner HEAT PC!, MechCommander, NEBULOUS, Project Zomboid, Regiments, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Steel Fury, Sudden Strike, World in Conflict
>Third Person Squad-based:
Conflict, Full Spectrum Warrior, SOCOM
Chameleon, Death to Spies, Hitman, Intravenous, Metal Gear, Sniper Elite, Splinter Cell, Syphon Filter, Thief, Undetected

This thread is not for ARM* discussion. We split from /milsim/ to avoid it.
Let's stay anonymous and post about videogames.
Non-4chanx users: To highlight thread add a filter for /&tg/, check top

>/&tg/ repo, knowledge, guides, and resources

[06-20] PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant announced

[06-20] Hunt: Showdown devlog explaining new recruitment/prestige

[06-20] Nuclear Option v0.28 is out

[06-20] Combat Air Patrol 2 now published by MicroProse, gets big update

[06-19] Boundary goes out of service at the end of June

[06-18] Starship Troopers TC new DLC out

[06-18] Insurgency Sandstorm v1.16 is out - new map

[06-17] Flashpoint Campaigns: Southern Storm v2.1.4.8218 is out

[06-15] Archrebel Tactics demo is out

[06-14] Gronch v1034.4 is out, 35% off until June 24th

[06-12] Tiny Combat Arena v0.14.1.4 is out

[06-12] Terminator DFD update adds new mission

[06-10] Squad v8.0 is out - MK19 Grenade emplacements, T90 added, ATGMs reworked

[06-10] Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - new class

[06-09] Tactical Breach Wizards releases August 22nd

[06-09] Mars Tactics new trailer

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Is Ghost Recon Wildlands or Breakpoint worth playing?
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yes they are kino
Based OP is back!?

Wildlands yes, but only if you're into the insanity that is Ubisoft Open World. Breakpoint? Not so much, no.
kill yourself
what's with the stutters
was that your PC choking or was that the game
That is 100% his PC, the game isn't THAT terrible.
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I'm most excited for Armored Brigade 2 out of everything right now. Large scale tactical battles in late cold war Eastern Europe and a very interesting looking logistics/communications system. AB was a great game but the shift to 3D will translate well (and the trailer did a good job of showing height discrepancies across terrain, much easier to comprehend in 3D than 2D). Really it's the scale of operations I'm looking forward to, there's really not many games of this scale that aren't conventional style turn-based wargames.
What's your most anticipated game of 2024?
This one and it ain't even close
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Tactical Breach Wizards, Armored Brigade 2, MechWarrior 5: Clans and MENACE.
cant see shit captain, too much microblocking
Infantry was terrible in Armored Brigade and I only buy games with good infantry. So I will not be buying Armored Brigade 2
if you have friends then you can buy wildlands on sale since there aren't many games like that despite the game not being exceptionnaly good
>is ubislop worth playing?
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looks like combat mission has competition for the jankiest dogshit game engine
What makes you say that
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Favorite Urbie config?
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>every exclamation point is a car I have no key fors
>every cogwheel is a car I have keys for
>not counting 5 at my base
lesson learned: tune down car spawns in sandbox the next time. what do I even do with all those cars? is dismantling with metalworking worth?
This looks medieval.
How does one use crossbows in CDDA all good? I have a wooden crossbow and wooden broadhead bolts, and also a few aluminum bolts. In a past life i found a hunting crossbow.
The reload time on the crossbow is so long, and the short range shots don't even pierce armor.
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I was hoping to get lucky, but there was no chance that I could take down the undamaged mech too.
I bet sectoids taste kinda like fish
Any tips for Hitman freelancer? I end up failing like 70% of my missions. Specifically getting the special kills, and getting away seems like a huge pain. I sometimes find the target, but then over 9000 guards take me out.
Also forgot to ask: Any tips for which cartel to take on early on?
Looks cool
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Project Reality 1.8 IS OUT. new ww2 Soviet faction, added chechens to Grozny. Stalingrad is out. reading changelog rn.
10 new maps, most are eastern front theater with t-34s IL-2. there is also new vietnam map and another one in bosnia in krivaja. pretty big update
God damn, they're still working on it?
Yeah, its out now.
kinda sad feeling missing out on this and MWLL when they were big
only bf2 thing I played more was Forgotten Hope 2, but even that was past it's prime by then
so many games to play, but so little time...
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>mfw hitman is no longer welcome here
why do you think that
Nothing is welcome here
Every time a single game starts to get traction and actual discussion going some autist will start screeching and killing it
Happened to Arma, happened to Thief, happened to Hitman, matter of time before it happens to CDDA
This desu
Found a Battle Brothers OC gif in my hard drive that I thought I had lost, so I posted it in /vst/

The anon that made it happened to see it and said they originally made it a webm with audio but never posted it, so here it is
what happened after?
Here is a lifehack, you can just ignore those autists and continue posting.
I'd rather whine about imaginary problems and continue making the general worse
Gen deserves 2b ded
I slapped the damaged mech to shit in the next round but got one shot by the other after that
To be fair I just checked how it is, but have 0 idea about BT rules
Probably! But since it's still here:

Close Combat is fantastic. I really like how firefights feel in it
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phantom recce
Is Caliber good?
it's free to play, just try it and see how you like it
Milimeter has more players
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This is at least f2p, right? Makes RoN look AAA
those are braindead players, not braindead AI
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As someone who's played it for a bit, not really. It's very much on the soft side of &tg with only stuff like a magazine system and somewhat short TTK being the tactical stuff. Other than that, you've got characters you need to buy and skills you need to grind that give players a definite advantage. The PvE mode is barebones as well.

The models are great though, especially the premium ones.
>be slow and tactical
>silenced pistol and lockpick are the 2 most important items
>any with new york if you need money or suburbs if you need an easy finale
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Depends. Both of them are pretty standard Ubislop, but Breakpoint is lice service Ubislop. That said, if you were to get just one I'd say Breakpoint. It has more content, more stuff, more everything to an almost detriment.

The moment to moment combat in both is pretty uninteresting though.
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I could imagine Ethereals tasting like fish but sectoids look tougher, more like chicken
>silenced pistol
Getting one is an issue in the first place. I end up going loud and just killing every guard on the map, trivializing the game, but also making it less tactical stealth and more Dynasty Warriors with guns.
you can get silenced weapons on sgayl or dubai and also from assassins during a finale
I think the hackl 9s covert also shows up on finales in mendoza. In the security locker room you can get to by taking the cliff route behind the winery and going through the big congrete thing with a door on the cliff. One of the guards in the locker room is using one, but only on showdowns.
arms trafficking is a good choice early on because you can get rifles, smgs, and shotguns from guards
when you get deeper into the mastery (the dock) you can get a fiber wire or sedative vial (if you have a knife) for free through fishing, which should make assassination and big pharma more accessible early on in a campaign
don't overextend yourself trying to complete an objective you think is outside of your ability
nobody will pick up a couriers merces after they're dropped, so if you get to a good vantage point you can kill them for some easy money
in addition to opening safes quietly, breaching charges can also net you a silent explosive kill if placed right under a target's feet (they're an illegal item so be careful about where you try that); conversely, if you get a duck the collateral explosive kill is the easiest bonus objective in the game
avoid Colorado like the plague, fortressier maps like Marrakesh and Sgail can be pretty spooky too
don't be shy around dealers if you're constantly failing campaigns, since you're gonna lose that money anyway
most importantly: don't play if you're not having fun, 47 won't climb out of the screen to kill you because you didn't grind to get him potty privileges
>made by two guys aged 17 and 19 in order to cash in on the unrecord fame
>used to steal famous maps from other games
how did they get away with it?
hardcore campaign in hitman really is pretty hardcore
i just prestiged and thought this is a chance to try hardcore but wew lad
Arma was always banned and that's the fault of armafags bringing in their shit drama. Thief and Hitman are not tactical games, even if they're good games.
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nvm, harcore is just retarded
>epic melee kill obj when i don't have any epic melee weapons
>timed - disguises
>use only 1 disguise
This shit is broken af
I have literally never seen any Arma drama besides people like you that cry about it.
NO! you don't understand! the arma drama is REAL IN MY HEAD!
The thread was nice and healthy before armafags came back, now we need to bump it every 10 posts or so
akko, so cute
wish she was my wife
Yeah, you really shoulda done it before you prestiged.
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Armaposting will continue until the morale improves.
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what did the Tyrant mean by this
>To win a war against War itself?
goes hard
>Your kind has known me by many names. Mars. Wotan. Xipe Totec. Jehovah.
Oh shit the Tyrant is god, cool
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>A realistic, tactical shooter, but with monsters & demons
Why have nobody else tried this before?
I would buy a game version of this
trannies in charge of project zomboid better add silencers into their game at some point what even is the point of ranged weapons unless you play on builder difficulty with 0.3 population
I think that people that call it this tend to only be scratching at the surface of what's possible with HDest
HDest is a mod where you can inject experimental combat drugs, gain superhuman strength and stamina, leap great distances and crush an archvile's skull with your bare hands
There's ghosts of soldiers you can summon to distract targets
There's an eldritch being that can cloak you from sight, but that hates light and pain and will betray you at the most inconvenient time
You can make flowers grow out of concrete around you and turn enemies into allies

It doesn't fit into this neat little box of 'realistic' that people seem to want to put it in. If anything, it has verisimilitude and an internal consistent logic that merges sci-fi with fantasy
sounds like you just need more bullets
Because in those games the tacticool guys already went in and died so they need a super cool guy or random nobody to deal with it.
speaking of which, ammo is scarce and too heavy
literally more guns than ammo in that stupid game
which might be realistic since it's set in amurica but nevertheless
>tarkov still not playable on linux
it's joever..
Linux is irrelevant
that's the appeal
Offline has worked a for a long time
Blame BSG
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GHPC is gorgeous
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It's been a while but I remember that enemy descriptions in HD had actually solid writing, which is funny to say about a Doom mod but that's autism for you.
You should see the gun descriptions
call the cops i don't give a fuck
They are just a panic button that lets you escape when you are cornered. Or for baiting zombies into an area
Use mods if you want to use them on a regular basis.
>drive to some bumfuck nowhere mud hut
>kill a whole bunch of zombies in process
>finally arrive
>open door
>long haired male zombie in leather jacket walks out
>inside was a box with makeup, furry ears and hair dye
is this trans folk reference?
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Zomboid: Looking at 2 backpacks that are very close. 1 more point of capacity, or 4 more points of encumbrance reduction?
>Project Reality started as a mini mod in 2005
>Turned standalone in 2015
>Is STILL being developed for to this fucking day
It's honestly fucked up how long and how insanely feature rich this total conversion has become. Not only does it have modern warfare with all kinds of factions, but Vietnam, and now even WW2 on top of it. God, how much I wish that I could get my old coop crew back together for this.
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Bump. Decided to reinstall Tarkov, got bored of other slop. Gonna rat someone's kneecaps and steal their stuff.
>la criatura de la noche
>de la noche
What does this mean
Ask google, I did the same.
>it means "11 at night"
I'm even more fucking confused now.
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Tactical Video Games
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Oh, the whole phrase. I could tell what la criatura was but didn't know the other half and only looked up that part. Then yes, that is me, don't come to Interchange on US servers, I'm gonna be snatching knees.
Bold of you to assume that I play on legit server, or bought the game. But thanks for the warning. Got get those filthy stream fags!
you're welcome
I was translating the wrong part. >>483075424
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it is not possible to get "the wrong part". it literally means this. if any translator ever said "11 at night" at that, it's retarded
this isn't /g/
ALWAYS use the whole thing when translating something, not just a snippet you don't know. You can never know if a bit of extra context is important.
fuck you
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No one passed by me on the first raid cause I had to pick a less high-traffic spot due to joining somewhat laid in that particular raid, very sad.
Unironically skill/FLIR issue
Nah, just picked a bad spot cause I wasn't gutsy enough.
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>I wasn't gutsy enough
As I said, skill issue.
Based. Just got the itch again myself. Only lvl 11 so far, so still waiting on flea and lvl 2s to just start playing mosin sniper fun times. Pretty much every wipe i hit flea, stop caring about questing, and just turn it into a fun player hunting game with my pu'd mosin.
>nothing happens in first raid
>try to get into another raid
>game crashes first time
>can't connect to server after 5 years of loading loot
>my rig runs the game just fine and the FPS was smooth as butter during the first raid and now my game is just fucked
Unity is a good engine... TRUST THE PLAN
you will almost never need 1 more capacity, and you'll always have the encumbrance penalty
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>check Tarkov forums
>this is a recently cropping up issue and not just me
Welp, so much for coming back to this fucking game. Anyone wanna play some Quickplay R6 Siege?
Going to play crash free on my private Tarkov server instead
I prefer a larger pool of unsuspecting players to rob from and I doubt a private server has many people.
And I prefer not being cheated to death. Sadly we can't have everything.
I also doubt it fixes the fact Nikita's game now runs like dogshit compared to a year ago. I had none of these issues when I played a year ago.
Then play an old version? Can't do that on a pay2play server obviously, but it's not like you have many choices if you want a game that isn't crashing or doing some other bullshit.
I'll look into private servers later then, I can't be fucked at this moment.
>playing solo, end up downing two trios at Blanchett
>randomly die to a spitzer mosin from 120m+ away while inside the main room on the first floor fighting the boss
>necro res
>somehow on the balcony outside the second floor
>insta die again
>trio of boxnames running up to my building, end up killing the boss and fucking off
so what kind of cheat is this that moves your body? has this been around for a while? first time experiencing it
>necro fag getting owned
Just as bad as the cheater cucks, only difference being that you're enabled by the devs. Then again, so are the cheater, since Crytek is slow as fuck to do literally anything about cheater just like Nikita.
>crying about necro res when it has a million ways to counter-play that don't involve babysitting the body
I accept your concession. still the first time seeing this goofy ass cheat though. I know about the dead bodies sliding sometimes but this was way too complex to be that.
Cheater being able to kill you across the map is sadly not new, far from it. Booster and what not tend to use it to level people that pay for their ""services"". The teleporting shit feels new though, but I'm not hardcore into the nitty gritty of Hunt cheating, I only know the basics.
Thanks anon
>free fibre wire
That's actually one of the first things you get, I believe the stetoscope in the infirmary that you get right away counts as fibre wire.
>nobody will pick up a couriers merces after they're dropped
What they for sure will pick up tho is your briefcase! I've thrown one off a roof because I had a shitty spawn and you can't climb with it, and by the time I went down some fucker took it and stashed it away! I had no Idea where. I worked hard for that shotgun!
>most importantly: don't play if you're not having fun
I wish I was better at this too. Because *I am* having fun, but I'm also losing a lot, which is obviously discouraging. I'm in a weird spot where I enjoy the freelancer missions a lot, but it gets very tiring after a while. Maybe I should just do challenges in regular maps, but I do so enjoy freelancer shit.
Another thing I don't get is why failing an arcade mission has a 12 hour cooldown. What's the point in not letting me play this? That almost makes me feel like I should look up a guide for it, rather than just honestly try my best.
according to who?
post about hitman, as long as it's not the other game that attracts shit stirring faggots I really don't care
Being some psyker bitch in Underrail isn't really worth it, is it? I'm sure that late game damage can be pretty wild, but the extra bullshit you have to fiddle with seems rather annoying.
you can get some extra lore at spooky monolith things otherwise no
A bit annoying. Been thinking of re-rolling for a while, but I'm too damn lazy to do all the content again, even if it might not be that much. Guess I could fuck around with Cheat Engine or something in the worst case.
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There any battletech/mechwarrior games with the Shadowhawk 2C?
Idk much about it since I've started playing mechwarrior 5 last week & been having a blast
Shadow Hawk is my favorite mech
>playing sniper elite 5
>half of the missions are in dense urban environments, navigating interiors
wish i could use my sniper rifle instead of slinking through alleys
This mod for MW5 has them
This mod called Roguetech for HBS Battletech has them
MegaMek obviously has them

>Idk much about it
Do you know what the clans are
I only know the most basic things about them

Steiner is Franco/German larp
Rasalhague is Viking larp
Kurita is Feudal Japan Samurai larp
Federated Suns is I think a American kind of thing
Liao is based on China & is apparently the worst of them all in the war crimes dept
Honestly forgot/idk about House Marik
ComStar is basically a space brotherhood of steel but if they were also spectrum
I would say FedSuns is feudal space America/UK, while Free Words League is more Yugo-Ameri-Austria

This is a good primer on the clans
Also it just dawned on me that you may have thought those you mentioned were the Clans -- they're not. Those are (were) states in the Inner Sphere and a religious/telecommunication organization
*Free Worlds League
tfw no gf
Just buy one, it's only 50k g
Make sure to use the wavy text. Chicks dig wavy text
flash2:wave2:buying gf 50k
Is Phantom Brigade good yet?
If not I'd like games with simultaneous turns. Yes I've played 7.62 and I like it but I wish there was a total conversion that had a handcrafted, more linear campaign.
It's quite fun and unlike most other builds you can guarantee damage because you don't miss with single target attacks.
On the other hand it takes quite a while to be fun and in my opinion Metathermics is the strongest school of psi while being the least interesting.
>Is Phantom Brigade good yet?
Haven't played it, but while the updates seem nice, I don't think they are enough and address the weakest points of the game.
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just grabbed this off a wrecked car, now my hoarding will be even worse
women aren't objects.... you don't just "buy" them
Yeah, you "convince" them with money.
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I readt the revs for the game and it seems interesting but they apparently simplified the game and didnt add much of the content (also fucking 50e for remaster of dead franchise)
Its pretty fun when there's not a little faggot screaming in your ear.
I know that ComStar is space timewarner cable but they hold a lot of power so I'm counting them
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>then where are the clans?
waaaaaaaaaay over here beyond the Caliban Nebula (also called the Veil of the Protector) at the top of the map here, coreward to the Milky Way. The SLDF exiles fucked off pretty far.

But then in 3049 they come back and invade the Inner Sphere with incredibly advanced technology (since, unlike the IS, they did not suffer technological regression/stagnation)
they are also furries
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there is also that
Inbreeding causes auuutism
After when done to death (see the UK), and over several generations. Yes, I do browse /v/, and /a/ on a regular basis. So do others in this general, get over it.
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what do we think of the smoke jaggies being the main character
how do you think it will measure up to mechwarrior 2
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idk what you mean anon
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>But then in 3049 they come back and invade the Inner Sphere with incredibly advanced technology
That'd be cool to see if that actually happened in my game sooner
I'm in 3039, why does it take forever for time to progress in this game
I want my X-pulse lasers NOW dammit
I demolish most of the game with pic related
Replace the SRM 4's with SRM 6's tho
I swapped them onto a quickdraw to test it out, since it has 5 more tons of weight to mess around with
>Unedited (with HUD) gameplay mixed between CGI cutscene footage
I said it on release, and I will say it again, the trailers are weirdly low quality thanks to this.
I like that they show the unedited gameplay, I actually want to see what it's gonna look like when I'm playing. I'm not concerned with beauty shots of 'oooo pretty graphics'
Since they're doing a very story-focused thing, the inclusion of cutscenes makes sense. Wouldn't be the same if it was just voice over or reading briefings like in the old games
>only 8 rear armor
you're lucky you're playing against dumb AI and not real people or you'd get your ass slapped real good for this
My problem with the unedited footage is that it rips you out of things, and to top it all off some of the footage seems sub 30fps. But the last bit could be more, so who knows. The composition of "fancy cutscene" with raw gameplay footage feels like a odd decision, like it was slapped together by a fan. A straight forward gameplay trailer, or maybe even a full show case might've been a better choice in my eyes.
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I don't need armor, I just need to live long enough to dump my missiles into the torso & they die in 2-3 shots
The vtols, tanks, & turrets are super annoying though when they shoot across the map to hit my rear armor, especially those fucking gunships I hate them
>Medium X-Pulse Lasers
>XXL engine
>In 3039
YAML is nutty
They're super rare, I only managed to find the XXL from a mech in the market & stripping it, & the X-pulses as a reward
>They're super rare
I would assume they would be, considering they wouldn't be invented in the IS for a couple more decades lmao
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Also really like YAML, adds a lot more customization/quality of life to the game which felt a bit lacking before
this is propaganda kurita is much worse than Liao I barely even had to kill any ejected pilots to earn my citizenship
One of my lancemates, supposed to be a sniper, it has the sniper AI on it but the dumbass keeps brawling & is still alive somehow
Idk much about the lore, watching a video about Aleksandr Kerensky rn
Feddies are more Franco-British feudalism than anything else. Arrogant, somewhat militaristic, noblesse obliege is a big thing culturally etc. They generally try being "the good guys", and sometimes, rarely, even succeed at it.

Steiner are germanic-centric, but with a lot of minorities (Gaelic being the biggest), but their whole schtick is mostly business and industry. Very laissez-faire on the economic side, and money is real power. Has HUGE issues with nepotism, especially in the military leadership.

Kurita (who are kinda both samurai and WWII imperial Japan LARP mixed together) and Liao are about equal in the warcrimes department, Liao manages to somehow be even worse on the domestic side until Sun Tzu managed to get them back to about even with Kurita.

Marik/FWL is basically a dozen different nations under a trenchcoat. Very big on free market trade, stupendously diverse culturally and basically only ever truly united when someone tries invading them.

Most American diaspora settled in the Terran Hegemony, the OG founders of the Star League, controlling the area around Terra. Then the whole Amaris thing happened and the sad remains of the Hegemony got basically gobbled up by the five Great Houses right before it was nuke'o'clock and they bombed each other halfway back to the stone age.
Motherfucker seriously named himself Sun Tzu? Lmfao
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Is it considered inbreeding if they're mostly all test-tube babies?
Nah, his mom did. And oh boi, Romano Liao was a nutcase even by the standards of that family.
can't disassemble that thing apparently. is it stuck in my fucking base now? will sledgehammer help? I know those zombies with legs broke can break fences, do I have to kite one there now or something
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forgot pic. how do I get rid of this shit? will sledgehammer help or this is debug case
Just watched vids about Aleksandr Kerensky & clans & I gotta say I support total Capellan death after seeing that they basically cause everything wrong
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Ok but have you considered that their paintjobs are pretty cool
Anon who got Brigador a few days ago here.
How the actual fuck to tanks move?
They don't move absolute, i.e. pressing right goes to right screen and they also don't move relative, i.e. pressing right turns right.
A bunch of times I have been presenting my ass to some large caliber cannon because that piece of shit didn't do what I wanted.
I have the movement set to "Arcade", whatever that means. There doesn't seem to be a manual or tooltips either.
The killdozer was still fun.
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This is mandatory, do this now
They are cool but holy shit why do they cause everything wrong?
The pic rel controls were actually the default in the original release, what the game was designed in mind for. The new defaults you witnessed now getting the game were a compromise, because people were refunding the game en-masse upon discovering the game wasn't a twin stick shooter.
>There doesn't seem to be a manual or tooltips either
The tutorial is in the campaign
The tutorial does not explain the different movement setups though.
Although I discovered that I'm a fucking retard because there's actually a description on the right hand side. No idea why I missed that.
I am still missing an actual, written manual. I hate how games have almost completely forgone manuals. Instead of doing that lame audiobook they should have written a proper manual.
>lame audiobook
i liked it
that burning alive scene was pretty gnarly
things to add to cdda
binding items: being able to bind items together, for example, ace torches and welding goggles. if I drop or pick them up, some sort of system that asks or a keyless that automatically drops both. there's items you will never want just one or the other and it would be nice to have little groups. drop my holster? grouped handgun, magazines go with it. pick up just the handgun? it auto selects the handgun and magazines associated with it.

also works as a half fix of my other idea. literally combining weapons, like duct taping a flare to a molotov, so when I wield it and go to use it, the ignition source is with it.

how many times I've gone miles in some direction and realized I left behind a lighter or kept behind a welding mask...or grabbed my weapons and left behind the grenades, yadda yadda
actually the more i think about it, this would be great for way more. you could have a riot suit associated with all the weapons and gear you use for raiding and wear it all with one key press, and same with taking off. raiding? wear the riot suit. looting, wear your hiking bag, and all your looking gear is auto worn.
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Why do all cdda gunshops have only guns and no ammo?
Wheres's a good place to get all types of ammo?
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They made the Raven so they're alright in my book
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FYI some people are playing Neotokyo rn
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"Slinking-Through-Alleys Elite 5" didn't have the same ring to it
>spawn in west point with x1.5 start pop
>53 kills, haven't left starting house front yard
huh I guess people were right about that place
I don't recall Neotokyo being any good.
can i use c4 or explosives to take metal doors/concrete down in cdda?
All I remember from it back in the day was "Fun music" and "Terrible performance"
wait, i have some .50 bmg and a rifle that fires it, but itll only get me so far, so any ideas with explosives?
If you don't mind peering into the Matrix, you can look in the .json files for the wall you want to blow up. There's a min and max strength for each one, that's how much damage you need to deal to destroy it. There's no health, only a chance roll if below max.
nah, i dont want to debug/exploit deeper then i already have. so far i only use debug for bullshit scenarios or scenarios my character wouldnt of done ( thought he was driving and just walked away from the car) sorta shit,
im just getting hit left and right with labs and im still suffering radiation sickness and my current strength with a pick axe doesnt seem to do anything

wait i just thought about this. should i be digging holes, not knocking doors down with the pickaxe? i have a have a heavy sledge and cant knock down metal doors or concrete with 10 strength (11 but radiation)
Much better to just find a jackhammer (electric or petrol) to dig the wall. c4 is rare.
Or even better, find a bar window and just hacksaw it open depending on where you are.
yeah but rng means i havent got those. instead, ive got 11 units of c4, and 26 c4 hacks i could dissemble. hell ive got 5 at4 single shot launchers and a m3e1 recoilless rifle firing 84 mm projectiles, and 30 84mm HE and 42 HEDP

im fucking loaded with high explosives, nothing else
Boi wat the hell boi.
Alright in that case, c4 does work if you place it right next to the wall, but it will destroy things on the other side, so pick a place you think there is nothing.
If you're going to throw it after activating, make sure your character has at least throwing 1, just throw some books or knives at a wall.
ill try the c4. and yeah, i keep trawlling the map looking for tanks and jackhammers and instead im just looting military outpost after outpost. i have so much goddamn high explosives
how useful are the hacks. last time i tried it i dieded.
i have
26 c4 hacks
38 flashbang hacks
70 grenade hacks
28 flashbang hacks
sorry, 28 tear gas, not flash for the last one
i wish anime were real
and i wish i had a cute tactical anime gf
Bump before bed, hopefully you niggers survive the next ~8 hours for the burgers to come back out.
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>I'll rush my commando to flank
>there is ample cover and it's going full speed
>yep, as planned every attack mis--
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rest in piss
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>next round I try to get up with the marauder
>fails a check of 6
>falls over and SRM ammo explodes
>blackjack large lasers the ejected pilot
fun game, but I need to actually learn the rules
Yay, another mapgame blog
it's as much a "mapgame" as battle brothers
Fuck off armafag
>I need to actually learn the rules
What parts are you confused about?
I am not confused, I just barely looked more into it than a 15 min video of the basics(most of them was intuitive anyway or handled by megamek automatically so I don't need to know them for example the hit location rolls)
How do i get a bike rack in cdda? I don't have the recipe, should i just hope to find a car with one?
And when i wake up, i'm gonna go to that airport, and finish my hitman's final mission, or die trying.
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Aah ok
Well you could start with this
Fuck off schizo fag
lol I should play this more
>A telltale sign of a power gamer in BattleTech is if they start complaining that the canon mechs “Are shit”. An average player will have a few designs that they don’t like, of course, but if your opponent rags on about how garbage every second mech in the game is, chances are they’re a power gamer. Allow custom designs at your own risk, because you could spark an (optimization) arms race that prevents you from using canon units ever again.
ain't that the truth
thanks, I was actually looking at /tg/ right now
bit weird how there are like 2 or 3 beginner boxes with different simplified rules or something, a separate boardgame-y and tabletop version
Game is 40 years old at this point and has changed hands, plus they've tried appealing to different crowds (those who want the classic wargame vs those who want simplified rules) and at different levels of complexity (mechs-only or combined arms).
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Technically speaking, they are right, canon variants are almost universally "shit", but that's because canon variants weren't made to be hyper optimized meta machines, they were made to have varied, interesting loadouts, with knowingly(sometimes unknowingly) added flaws, blind spots and limitations. There's a reason you almost never see stock mechs in MWO matches.
The game would have to force people to use stock mechs for them to appear regularly, and it would have to give them completely random stock mechs, if you didn't want everyone to just immediately settle on the few variants that coincidentally cater to MWO's meta.

Some of the stock builds are just insane, like there are some heavies that have worse performance stock than mediums.

On the other hand, players always get close to infinite supply of high quality parts they can choose from, of course ideal conditions will mean less than ideal builds are shit.

I'd very much like a forced stock matchmaking, but the other issue is that they never managed to properly transition BT from TT to fps/sim games, TTK is way too high to cater to boomers and it doesn't make sense to take completely system from a top down, turn based game and bolt them on a real time simulator, it just won't work.
To make an actually good mechwarrior game you need to use the fluff from battletech.
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TTK in MWO is "way too high" because battletech is not supposed to be a twitch shooter. Mechs, ignoring unusual events and supernaturally good pilots, are supposed to take minutes to kill each other, and that's if they mutually jump into a suicidal brawl.
TTK is actually way too low in MWO, it's just that you can't do anything about that while giving players clumsy, slow, awkwardly waddling mechs, perfectly accurate weapons and easy, complete control of a mech's aim.
>Battletech rules allow through-armor-critical hits
>~2% chance on every hit for potential TAC, then you have to roll 8+ after to deal critical
>This can happen within the first couple turns, making any mech eat shit if RNGsus hates you
ouch but also get fucking owned
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it do be like that sometimes
I loved lucky one shotting people in War Thunder or just getting them in 2-3 hits, I wouldn't mind a Mechwarrior like that
depending on house rules, some people choose to ignore TACs because they can feel unfair. some only start allowing them after the first few turns
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the closest you can get to that right now is using two or more gauss rifles in MWO and accidentally headshotting people without even realising it, just by firing in their general direction
I didn't even realize the first kill in this clip was a headshot until months after the fact, and I wasn't aiming for his head
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As a Jenner enjoyer, I'm salivating at your rear armor rn
What do you mean lucky shot?
You are aiming into their ammo rack, right?

>battletech is not supposed to be a twitch shooter
sure, but MWO is, you just need to do it multiple times

>Mechs [...] are supposed to take minutes to kill each other
based on what? You can't even trip mechs by getting one leg now, ignore the human like movements, currently mechs handle and act like tanks, it just doesn't feel good
and in my opinion the core reason is because they are trying to lift the tt rules and put them into the game 1:1 instead of understanding what that rule is supposed to be a stand in for, like a weapon's range is supposed to be the distance it can accurately land hits, not a hard line where it stops doing damage. It's insane to me that people want to bring restrictions and mechanics that make sense in the tt, into a sim game. I say it again, they should look at the books and get the ideas from there.
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Forgot to quote.
The books work on the same rules as the TT most of the time, sometimes they even interpret the rules too literally.
Each turn is ten seconds. See how many turns it takes two 4/5 pilots(the canon average for IS mechwarriors) in enforcers to kill each other in a suicidal fight to the death, ignoring headshots, TACs and ammo detonations, it'll probably be 6-12 turns. Now consider that's not how they'd actually fight.
TTK is too low because of the reasons I just stated. You are not getting an accurate, first person mechwarrior game without VR, full-body tracking and extremely skilled developers.
weird, I tried searching this person's @ to see more but I get no hits with @KitgsArt or any other variants replacing the t for an l or the g for a q or y
How good is the vindicator?
Thinking about having one as a poor man's Shadow Hawk II C lol
Poor Man's Shad IIC is a normal Shad.

Vindicator is a slower machine, a low-end trooper, but very solid for its bracket. Well, except for the whole ejection seat issue it has canonically.
it's a really mediocre way to field a PPC, it's like a fat panther
>What do you mean lucky shot?
>You are aiming into their ammo rack, right?
You mean in WT? Of course, whenever possible. Good enough if I just cripple them until my next shot seals the deal
Thanks for reminding me that I still have an ongoing AC2 campaign.
>This poster will never know the joy of tactical gaming
Brigadoranon here, with another question or two:

1) Is there any actual "difficulty spike" in the campaign? Like, when should I expect things to get hairy? Because I must admit I just took a few tries to do the mission in the necropolis where you have to destroy the statues (one time I hilariously killed myself from stomping an ammo depot). I love the periscope tuktuks.
The mission after that where you start without ammo was pretty fun though.

2) I got the achievement for using orientation lock on a tank. I can't remember that mechanic being explained, so what gives?
Mission difficulty is mostly just which mech you choose. Though the D- E- and F-series missions at the end are a noticeable jumps in difficulty, with the Fs being utter ballbusters for most loadouts.
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>Difficulty spike?
Yeah. Oh yeah. The F-series missions are infamously difficult. Think of them as challenge levels after the credits roll. They were made by mappers from the modding community.

Before that, there's a couple of tricky ones, such as the one where you start with no ammo. For the most part though, you will find the real meat and potatoes in the Freelance mode. Pilots are your difficulty select, with the hardest being Precursor James. The shittier the vehicle, the harder it will be but the more payout you will get. And the longer the operation you choose, the harder it will get as well.

One of the classic challenges is doing the Closed Casket Special with Precursor James. I did it with the Arlo once, it was a fun ride. You must survive 39 districts in a row with no early exits. Good luck.
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can you ever disguise yourself as a gator
How dare you!
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Liar, he's gonna go to the furry convention
Motherfucker unironically awooos when he's happy with a shot
Got a lot of crap to sell. Damn refugee shelter is 90 tiles away though.
I once spawned next to a refugee shelter, i didn't see the point.
It was just a bunch of crackheads and schizos in the waiting room, and an overpriced merchant.
Did i miss something?
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Why are the fucking pigeons attacking me what the hell. And why do they hit so hard.
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just drive a car into it
this is lab raiding, underground
did you blow yourself up?
>play Siege since Tarkov has a thousand fucking bugs and defects now that it didn't have like a year ago
>Siege servers are imploding after an update for the 100th time again
Why are game devs so fucking retarded and incapable of keeping their games stable now?
maybe it's you causing the bugs anon
everything you touch gets buggy
ever think of that
Like The Pain, but his bugs are digital rather than bee
don't touch any of my shit freak
>crack open a beer
>crack open the jalepeno kettle chips
>crack open the tarky
>Its another "make it to extract from spawn with a blacked out head" episode
But i fuckin maid it. Kinda hate woods. Great xp and tons of early quest loots, but despite knowing it like the back of my hand, I just cant player versus player on it. Esp not with the timmy vs. flir. Cant help but feeling like unsuspecting pray the whole way, just waiting to get domed from random bush.
>I just can't PvP on it
And that's one of the reasons why some people play SPT... that and the freedom/mods.
Games are non-functional regardless of if I touch them or not.
The anti-midas
>Ah-Hah, now that was a stirrup if ever I've seen one!

yeah, but pvp is more rewarding. Both the wins and loses.
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whoops, forgor 'ebm, am drink
Higher risk, higher reward. I get that, but sadly that's still too stinky to me, especially when combined with the flood or cheater and other autism.
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>Nearer my God to thee
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This is it, its a clear drive to the airfield, where i can complete my hitman's mission.
Thanks to the anons in some previous thread which helped guess where to go.
So someone mentioned it before, but how do you even get into a Tarkov private server? Since the current retail Tarkov is falling apart at the seams to the point dozens of new forum accounts got made recently JUST to complain about it on said forums.
Define "private server". Coop server can be found on mass through the FIKA discord server. FIKA is primarily made with coop in mind, but PvP is possible to my knowledge if desired, just not on mass on without setting people up.
No "perpetually online private server" like WoW private servers?
There used to be, but then Nikita got REAL upset , shutting things down REAL fucking quick. The only reason FIKA still exists is because it works on a lobby system, meaning that you can't just join random raids through matchmaking. That, and the fact that it's trying to stay under the radar of sorts. No idea if there is some underground shit without these limitations or not, would be fun to find out for the hell of it though.
For context: FIKA is literally just a plug in for "SPT", meaning you can use mods while playing coop.
>lobby system
Lame, guess EFT is dead then since Nikita fucked up the code so bad only 32+ GB rigs can survive the loading screen without issues despite 8 GB rigs able to run the actual game itself in-raid perfectly smoothly.
>loading screen
You mean the bitcoin miner?
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>yachts mod (so swimming too)
>try to walk on a pier and it makes me fall through and start swimming
>catch a cold
>cure the cold within an hour of sitting down inside a gazebo
Maybe so, but at least we finally got a way to play coop, with mods as sprinkles on top. While coop with matchmaking would be cooler, we can't have everything.
No PVP is what kills it for me. Ratting niggers for their stuff and making them mad is my dopamine.
I wouldn't doubt if it was one at this point.
Understandable, even if a bit cringe. Sadly for that you have to suffer through all the bullshit that live has.
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sir, a second zomboid dev is shitting and crying

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What's AC2?
its over
Ace Combat 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Animal Crossing 2
Armored Core 2
Assetto Corsa 2
My guess is anon meant Armoured Commander 2 since it could also be referred to as a "map game", whatever that means
good night &tacticians
PR still has around 500 players daily man, uou can always find matches, the player base has been growing this past decade
God I love Arma
>mobile screen grab
>project zombies
>dev shit
this is a masterclass in shitposting keep it up anon
I've been playing Battletech BEX. Someone on /v/ recommended I play BTA instead.
Is it that much better? It looks like it adds a lot of extra stuff and I'm wondering how well it's actually implemented.
I've been doing the campaign and I went with the default start date of 3025. The tooltips say BEX implements stuff in the game according to lore dayes, and the cool shit doesn't even happen for almost 25 in-game years.
We seem to be in the same boat but different games.
I played MW4M when it came out and i was 12 and no idea what I was doing. It was fun all the same. How is MW5?
this is probably a bait post, but that's Gunner Heat PC
Are there any tactical (preferably strategy, squad level a la XCOM) games with really advanced and deep wounding systems? I'm talking about different limbs being targeted, different types of wounds with different mechanics and animations, dragging/carrying the wounded, CASEVAC, MEDEVAC, realistic recovery and healing time, and so on. Thanks.
battletech has a lot of what you're describing, especially the tabletop game(which megamek translates into a digital format that can be played against a computer)
just that it focuses on mechs instead of humans on foot
Arma with ACE
Armoured Commander II has most of these points you described for your crewmates, and it's turn based tactics. You have to pull out your dudes from the tank when they're unconscious/too wounded to move and stuff as well
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Idk if these are tactical but there are always some mods to fix them Rimworld (its more colony managment sim but if you "Draft" your colonist you can move him around freely there are also mods to enhance combat if you feel it feels too slow) and i guess if you are into melee you can get Kenshi and last is i guess CDDA (I only played Rimworld)
MW5 is alright vanilla, but with DLC & mods is a fun time
I don't think it's worth it full price though I got it all when it was on sale for like $50 in total
Can't wait for Mercenaries to come out this year with 5 player co-op
I got a lot of dudes I play games with so that's a bit better than usual 4 player co-op stuff
>has been GROWING this past decade
Huh? To me it always felt like the community is slowly but steadily dying out, seeing less and less fully populated 100p server. Plus the fact that third worlder have been taking things over more and more, english becoming a secondary language.
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only in mgs
Croc cap is fun in MGS
What did you guys think of the remake previews bythebtw
The character faces are a lot better than I expected, but still not as good as the ones in the slot machine.
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This Genzo ninja battle in ch. 2(chaos) of tactics ogre is kinda getting me tilted. The terrain is all kinds of fucked up on lake bordu, and dispatching his octopi and doragon is easy enough if i dont try to recruit them, but when his main forces comes to clash, someone always gets burned down really fast. I do well, then really well and get most of his guys down, then one of my guys just gets burned down super quick and I end up having to alt f4. Might have to just focus Genzo and not to to get drops, but thst feels lame.
Got it, but only killed 3 other guys and its kinda just disappointing. Trying for no chariot and no incaps is really fucking irritating sometimes, especially when you want to recruit or get drops, but I think the woods dungeon opens up after this next fight so hopefully thatll help some in that regard. Think Im gonna start doubling up on clerics now that I have access to the quicken spell. The frontliners are getting congested enough already with just 10 man squads. Was a big problem in the aqueduct and at lake bodur. Maybe gonna train up some ninjas real quick to have some high mobilility status chads.
Hows the game anon also you tried Unicorn Overlord i seen that it was shilled on v but it dosent have pc release and im too lazy to emulate it
not that guy but emulating Unicorn is like 10 clicks
although I was a bit disappointed by it, it was too easy, I barely ever had to think
Naw, havent tried that one. Really liking Tactics Ogre: Reborn, desu. Never played any of the other versions of it, just the FF Tactics games which seem a lot closer to it than Unicorn Overlord. Compaired to the ps1 FFT, the battles are a lot more, eerm, tactical. Theres a level cap for your company, so theres no overleveling to steamroll tough bosses. You actually have to use your brain and prioritize and mitigate threats. The rpg/class/job elements are very forgiving in it which is kinda neat if you dont like do a billion battles to train up a new recruit properly to try out a new job you unlocked. The map and having the terrain work with/against you is pretty fun. The different team compositions is a lotta fun to mess around with to come up with winning strategies by using their strengths and weaknesses. Biggest complaint so far is how underpowered the pure caster classes seem so far.
I hope the graveur idol easter eggs are still in...
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I feel like Cicadas in Battletech not having a big red button labeled "SCREECH" as a psychological warfare tool is a missed opportunity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUgSLRJrPY0
YAML and it's add-ons seem to be the go-to from what I've looked into.
I have no idea about engines or endo or ferro or any of that stuff is though.
Is there enough information provided in-game to explain how all that stuff works or am I expected to know from playing the tabletop?
I would not recommend YAML for a first time playthrough
Definitely mod it, but imo YAML would make a first-timer feel lost specially since you don't know what's up. Not to mention it adds things that will be from the wrong time period (we discussed this earlier in the thread) >>483171758 >>483172151
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What's the edgiest tactical game?
BTA doesn't have campaign mode, only career. So, if you're doing campaign you should finish yours in BEX first.
Both are good mods, there's also a lot more than those two, for different tastes. Roguetech is the "everything and the kitchen sink" one.
There's a cool fan expansion called Hyades Rim that you should play as well
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>I would not recommend YAML for a first time playthrough
I kinda already installed it BUT it has a "for retards" option for people like me!
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There are a few
>BTA doesn't have campaign mode, only career
From what I've been reading it adds the campeign missions as FLASHPOINTS.
I just have no idea what that means because the campaign doesn't have FLASHPOINTS.
Guess I'm a genius then, I got YAML halfway through my first campaign playthrough & understood it lol
>All your weapon hardpoints are unlocked
>But with none of the downsides of actually risking your XL engines or internal DHS because they are indestructible lmao
I mean, yeah, that would be pretty retard friendly

Just for flavor's sake - you should know that refitting a mech with wildly different equipment across weapon categories can only really be done in maintenance facilities or factories. Only simple refits like changing between weapons in their own class or at least with the same or fewer critical slots are possible in the lore in the field. Taking a mech and completely turning it into another thing within your dropship isn't feasible in the lore. Of course you can ignore that if you want, just saying

Reason it matters is that Clan Mechs are very different because of the omnipod system. They are game changers in part because they ARE very easy to customize, even in the field

Good for you
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
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So when it says
>Go to pickup zone
and there is no pickup zone, is that a bug or am missing something?
What happens if you escort the pilot (blue guy in map)
I don't remember ever having this issue
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Ah well I aborted the mission and that completed it.
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I think this was a story mission too. It's the first mission generated after the game sets you free to travel.
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How does /&tg/ feel about Gears of War AyLmao?
a failed experiment, but i've heard of a minority of people that enjoyed it despite (maybe because of) its campiness
A friend of mine made an interesting point, after I pointed out how last gen the sound mixing felt to me.
>It had a late 2000s "You're renting this game and beat it in a weekend" slop shooter kinda vibe that I miss in a weird way
I'm inclined to agree with him, especially when he named "Bulletstorm" as another example.
I sure as fuck never got beyond 25% (if even that) in The Bureau, while I finished Bulletstorm multiple times, but that doesn't have to mean much.
[06-25] IL-2 devs announce new Korea project
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You're winner!
https://files.catbox.moe/x4sxp3.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/4cuhih.mp4
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>you should know that refitting a mech with wildly different equipment across weapon categories can only really be done in maintenance facilities or factories. Only simple refits like changing between weapons in their own class or at least with the same or fewer critical slots are possible in the lore in the field. Taking a mech and completely turning it into another thing within your dropship isn't feasible in the lore. Of course you can ignore that if you want, just saying

NTA buuuuut It just feels like it would make sense for you to be able to do that customization in your dropship
You already have the resources/tools to replace & retrofit everything on a mech from the lowly 20t locust all the way up to a 100t Atlas
Which already wouldn't make much sense on a small dropship but it's a videogame so it's not really a deal breaker
Hate the industrial level system in the base game as well, as it does nothing but make you waste time since you can't really tell what industrial level the planet you land on is going to be
who here also loves rts and plays it regularly, but sucks at it
Raven Shield's first mission on Elite is kinda filtering me.
>7 tons for an AC/2 and ammo
It's too much.
Post plan and have other &tacticians offer &tactical advice
>You already have the resources/tools to replace & retrofit everything on a mech from the lowly 20t locust all the way up to a 100t Atlas
You do not, you'd only have the tools and specialists necessary to reliably maintain, repair and replace weapons, parts and equipment that the mech already has. Minor refits are also feasible, like adding or subtracting armor, swapping some ammo or heatsinks in and out, replacing weapons with very similar weapons.
More extensive modifications, like engine refits, swapping weapons with entirely different ones, structure rebuilds(absolutely impossible outside of the factory that built that mech), will almost certainly result in damage to the mech and perpetual complications during maintenance until it's sent back to its factory for complete repair.
*nukes the factory*
nothin personnel
I drop in with a 4 man and try to work through it. IDK how to work *with* the team AI, and enemy AI reaction time makes RoN look like a joke. I tell my guys to clear, and they only clear whats immediately accross the threshhold and "Clear!" then die to some guy in the back of the room. Theres no breah and clear option, or flash to bang on my breach. I tried to que a open and flash, then setup a breaching charge and they were just all" cant do that!" because the need to have a door to open to clear a room which leaves me fucking around and swapping weapons because Im suddenly pointman again and terrorists mow down my team playing grabass in the killzone. Im sure if I set up a green team with waypoints they'd all die before I ever got to hit their 3rd go-code button.
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>enemy AI reaction time makes RoN look like a joke
It's Elite difficulty. If you're playing Elite and you haven't even played the game once, you're kind of screwing yourself over. If you tune it down, reaction times will be slower
>Drop in with a 4 man
...why 4? Against like 20 dudes? You're just handicapping yourself. You want to have situations where you breach rooms from multiple angles or you have a team clear enemies in positions that would be dangerous to other teams
What is your team composition? What kind of armor/weapons are you giving them?

The in-mission command rose can help with basic spontaneous things, but as you've discovered it's limited. You really want to be doing the bulk of the planning in the planning phase.

Consider that you can beat the game by planning everything and then spectating missions. You don't even have to get to the first person shooter portion of the game if you don't want to. Though on Elite, it certainly helps to have both a solid plan and a player involved
>Get Coyotes mission pack
>Have fun playing a difficulty 94 mission defending a base
>500 heavy vtols come out of nowhere at the very end, destroy my king crab, & have to pay 15 million in repair fees
The fuck am I supposed to do to deal with all this?
>Youre screwing yourself by not learning the maps and enemy positions before playing on elite
Doesnt sound very tactical, but ok.
>bring a green and gold team
I would be bringing 60 to fight 20 with how they pussyfoot killzones. Green and Gold couldnt even make it through the training missions. Im leaving them in an attempt to mitigate loss, but its kinda just not working out unless I go in first and immediately dome everyone. They just kinda open the door and get shot.
have you been putting flash, etc. commands in their orders
You're misunderstanding what I said. It's not about memorizing enemy positions or learning the maps. It's about understanding how to plan. Once you are familiar on how to approach this, then you could play any unknown map in the expansions blind on Elite. The important thing is that you understand how the options you have work. There is minimal room for mistakes with the reaction times in Elite. Which is why I would recommend more lee-way while you get the hang of things.
>They just kinda open the door and get shot
If you're expecting dudes to just go in and dome all the baddies movie style, it's not going to happen. You need to setup, and you need to overwhelm rooms from multiple angles whenever possible.

Take note of all the options you have available to you. Are you using blitz, normal, or cautious movement? What RoE are you setting them to? What kind of armor and guns do they have? What is your team lead's Leadership stat? Have you looked at your team members' stats? They're not just fluff, they actually have a direct impact on how well they all behave in-game
Coyotes missions are very hard. They're more manageable in coop with other humans in your lance
If you're solo then you may need to optimize the shit out of your lance and make sure you're very OP before trying them
They obliterate most mechs/missions
They have high burst damage weapons

Shadowhawk is my main mech I use
Thunderbolt is a support sniper
Atlas/King Crab are a sniper/brawler hybrid


Captcha: MA G0D
anyone play Gates of Hell Conquest and just end up only using the cheapest inf bc there's no economical reason to get even "regular" troops besides AT teams?
>If you're expecting dudes to just go in and dome all the baddies movie style, it's not going to happen.
Less that, and more I expect them to at least get through the fucking killzone after they announce to the room that they're in it. But, nope. They just hang out, put down a blanket, bust out the picnic basket, and get shot. That's just assuming someone doesn't hear them stack up and opens the door themselves, and wipes the whole team. I got it already, but had a death so redoing it. Just trying to figure out how to work with the game's retardedness.
>Are you using blitz, normal, or cautious movement?
Don't think thats a real thing in this one, at least not bound to any keys. Once a loud gun goes off, its time to blitz the whole complex IMHO.
>What RoE are you setting them to?
Just on aggro since all their shit is suppressed already and they die when trying to react to contact so recon doesn't seem that good.
>What kind of armor and guns do they have?
I just tossed med blk on everyone
>Have you looked at your team members' stats?
Yeah, but they're all pretty high. Did bring a demo guy because I thought that was gonna be a thing on acct of the breifing saying there were boomdieghs.
>Take note of all the options you have available to you.
Yeah, thats what I'm in the process of figuring out. Breaching charges seem real nice, but the only way to use them on the active team is for the player to, and then you've also gotta be pointman for the room clear and swap weapons while being the first through the door. Flashbangs just give my guys more time to be shot through the doorway. Tried combing the two by running over to a different door from my team, but they all got wiped by a guy that heard them stacking up. My idea was to use the breaching charge to give the time to flash so we could safely bang. Guess I could have double go-code for a Green to wait away from door, then go breach.
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In your webm, you're having the guy open a door into a catwalk where the whole room can see him, both downstairs and upstairs. Your enemies have cover and you don't. You're in full view while they have the benefit of shooting first.
Things to try:
>Don't go this way, it's suicide
>If you insist on going this way, throw smoke grenades on the door before opening it and the cat walk as well. This way, at least you can get closer and acquire the enemy faster with more guns pointed their way instead of being in a column from their firing angle in the windows
>Don't go this way seriously it's a terrible angle

>Don't think that's a real thing
??? It's a setting in the planning menu. You can tell your dudes exactly how fast to move at any given movement command. This affects not only their speed but their accuracy while shooting and the sound they make while moving. On Cautious, for example, they crouch walk.
Something to consider is that infiltration can let you get closer to the enemy before engaging them. This can be advantageous if your weapons are focused on shorter ranges while your enemy's are longer range. Though in a mission like this where it's all close quarters, assault is the right call
>Med blk on everyone
Experiment with light and heavy as well. Light will afford you speed in actions and movement. If a room doesn't have many approaches to flood, then sending in a heavy pointman might be a good idea
>Only way to use them is for the player to
That's not true though. You're just going off the commrose again. You can absolutely have your teammates blow up doors for you. You could also blow it up yourself then activate a go-code so your pointman goes in instead of you
to the anon playing rainbow six for the first time: don't forget you also have progressive lean and progressive door opening

these two alone are super op, and will allow you to lone wolf solo levels if you really can't be bothered with friendly AI planning
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Flexible leaning is goated
I'm second guessing myself on a detail now actually: I think if you're on team red, and your next checkpoint is breach charge, you need to manually switch to your red guy with charges and plant them yourself. Then you blow them up and comm-rose order the red team to move in
Alternatively, if it's not a sync'd breach, you can switch to green/gold team and red team's AI will do it automatically
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This one is from an anon playing with mods, thus the mirror/optic cable
But it does show the 3D preview of the level is on the planning phase. It's supposed to represent the intel you have on the place (since it's an international counterterror organization, you're not relying on quickly scribbled maps on the back of a napkin like you would be in SWAT)
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This one is from a speedrun of Steel Wind on Recruit (easy) difficulty, so you can see the difference in enemy reaction times
>In your webm, you're having the guy open a door
And look how long it takes him! It drives me absolutly fuckin bonkers when &tactical AIs have 0 sense of urgency and a complete disregard for violence of action. Fucking bonkers. Like, look at how long it takes the stacks in your webm to get through the door, and god forbid the second guy through looks left or right. Thank god for heart beat sensors cuz if that camera had been a bad guy someone would be dead. And why do they stack so far apart? Its called a stack! No wonder it takes them 5ever to get everyone in the room.

Thats probably my biggest complaint from most &tacticals of similar natures.
>god forbid the second guy through looks left or right
>if that camera had been a bad guy someone would be dead
This is an issue of what happens on screen not matching what the AI is processing. The AI has peripheral vision, so the corner was indeed checked. It just didn't show the model doing so because it confirmed there wasn't a target there to begin with
Yeah, Ive actually kinda noticed that. When my guys are behind me, theyre fuckin awesome, but I lose my mind when I watch them.
How is that? Any recs for weapons? I kinda just figured M4 was probably decent and just been running with that and a USP. Its kinda weird though in that a 2 round burst from its auto is way more accurate than trying plinking.
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a bit on the nose
FAL is pretty good. Your friendly AI tends to be accurate (assuming they have good stats) so I liked giving them rifles with full-sized cartridges. High stats should keep their recoil control good

I think M14 with scope for loud missions and M16 with suppressor for quiet missions are excellent. Try out the USAS-12 with slugs too it's hilarious. And if you're gonna try the Barrett .50 cal, make sure you use it on a sniper operative (because their stats will affect your reticle recovery while using it).
Though I would encourage you to try more weapons yourself out too to see what you like. Shoutout to the AUG, G36K, G3, SR-2 machine pistol, and Vintorez
Also I thiiiink shotgun breaching was a thing in vanilla? So that's another fun novelty
>install xcom2 and one big collection
>play for two missions, the collection doesn't appeal to me
>restart the cycle every year or so
This sucks
XCOM 2 is the Skyrim of tactical turn based games
Full of mods, but it's just not very good even with them
Have you tried oldCOM? Long War 1? Jagged Alliance?
Sniper rifles with thermal scopes + smoke grenades were a fun bit in RS
Yes, did a few playthroughs of final mod pack and another one of his mods(not x files, the one after that where xcom is a rebel group). Tried a tiny bit of Xpiratez but I quit because it has my fetish front and center and I really don't want to start jerking off again
>Long War 1
Yeah, and rebalanced too. I finished the former, burned out on the latter because the mechanics weren't too good to be honest.
>Jagged Alliance
3 yes, 2 not yet. I want to finish 3 first but I'm also burned out on it and want to wait for some decent overhaul mods first.
>decent overhaul mods
there's several already
>2 not yet
Well there you go, that's a whole thing you got waiting for you
which r6 are you posting webms from
>there's several already
Could you point me towards one? I tried a collection which made your IMP retardedly strong with maxed 100s and a lot of starting perks and I felt that may be too much.
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All of those are from Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield + expansions

The expansions have a couple remakes of Rainbow Six 1 and 2 maps alongside new maps, which is why Steel Wind is there (that's the first level in RS1)
meant for >>483526883
Here's Rato's
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Only took 50 tries, but no one died.
Congratulations but I am kind of flabbergasted that you made Ding Chavez not a team leader
That's kind of his thing
Yeah, well, maybe if his last name started with an A he woulda made the cut
I haven't played since I was a kid and I can still hear the UI sounds.
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so how's your latest run going?
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the worst part about Devil Survivor is realizing we never got a proper SMT x FE game
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let me guess - you need more?
I wouldn't mind some NPCs or better shooting... Maybe less retarded zombie spawning? Yeah..
>less retarded zombie spawning
literally just adjust your server settings
I just keep restarting and messing around with sandbox options. like there's just TOO MUCH LOOT for a single person, literally no reason to not drop down medical loot to insanely rare in a single player

too many cars
too many guns
too little ammo ironically, switch it from rare to common and it's too much ammo
too many zombies too fuck west point my wooden pc suffered there because I killed 700 in first 4 days
melee weapons set to default rare
>crowbar and axe in every shed
melee weapons set to extremely rare
>you'd be lucky to find these weapons in 30 houses
ranged weapons set to insanely rare, still bloated with useless bolt action rifles that have 3 ammo mag who's gonna use it ever

they really need to change these sandbox settings to numbers so you can type in a number you want with 1 being default like with zombie spawns then adjust it to 0.5 or 0.1, surely there's at least pz dev reading this right now, do it next build
Use the More Loot Settings mod to see if that helps. Longer setup time from there being so many options, but the options are there.
just turn off zombie respawns and leave everything else the same - game's 10x better instantly
I'm playing pirated can I even mod that?
Yeah, you just need to dump the files into into (drive):users/[username]/zomboid/mods
Use your favorite workshop downloader, they work with PZ
>workshop downloader
you can even do that? damn the more you know. what stopped me from ever using workshop is having some leftovers of some shitty mod I wont like in my steam profile
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>he doesn't have several years' supplies on-hand
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>he also doesn't have a second supply room with even more supplies
holy ngmi
no, I mean the thing when they teleport into the closet next to you and similar shenanigans
turn off respawns, increase initial amount, allow migration
no more closet zombies, still challenging, feels good clearing areas, it's perfect
server settings - adjust them
>Reason it matters is that Clan Mechs are very different because of the omnipod system. They are game changers in part because they ARE very easy to customize, even in the field

And this is also not in the game as you get parts instead of pods.
no respawns make base building and fortifying lame cause shit never comes to fuck it up
Your dropship is also the shittiest one, designed only for carrying and inserting mechs, the Leopard simply doesn't have the space to operate as a base for a merc company in contrast to a Union which should be the default dropship.
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sure will help
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Arma Refunder 1.2 just dropped

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I wonder if they fixed explosive damage for CombatOps so some shitty supply truck doesn't need 6 armour piercing, anti-tank RPGs to destroy. Hopefully the explosive charges work as intended.
What even is arma reforger?
I know all about the ancient arma 3, but havent been keeping track of reforger. Is it wannabe arma 4 or Arma 3.5?
It's a testbed for Arma 4.
New engine, better graphics and movement but missing mechanics and not much content.
Arena breakout is putting a giga map with vehicles to drive around next month, based
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>Arena breakout
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The MGS ground zero of arma. Think of it has Arma 4 alpha.
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tried battlesector, gameplay is sometimes nice, sometimes annoying, so far every mission had me clean up ALL remaining enemies and they keep spawning each turn until the main objective is complete, on larger maps this means spending multiple turns hunting down enemies, most of the game is also DLC locked
that game looks better in multiplayer desu
So? Anon is describing flavor/lore considerations. The point seems to be that you can play differently depending on if you're dealing with IS mechs or Clan mechs. If you have IS mechs, you don't go crazy with the modifications in the field. If you have Clan mechs, you do
The issue is that MW4 had omni slots on clan mech that allowed you to put anything there if fit. MWO decided that clan mechs have multiple variants and you can change the 2 energy slot arm to a 3 ballistic one instead of the arm having a slot where you can fit both.
You're overthinking it
Anon was talking about house rules MW5 with YAML
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Main menus being their own spectacle is a lost art I feel
HBS Battletech did it right, the music specially
what fucking sense does it make that a 5/5 basic character is weaker combat wise than 8/0 character with fit+weak+underweight
>Wants less retarded random respawns
>Also doesn't wants them removed either
You can't have both
[06-24] Hunt: Showdown v1.16.2 is live - adds throwing spear
what the fuck is this trailer bro

what is slitherine doing
its purple mayhem bro
>how do you do, fellow kids
Holy fuck, this is incredible. This feels like a community shit post, or some weird ass Saints Row 3 joke trailer.
Reminds me of modern anime fights with tons of debris and camera humps so they dont have to actually animate the thing.
Reminds me of most modern action flicks that cut 10 billion times so they don't have to show how terrible their actors are
now i will buy your game
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Based mortar chad
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>get a plan I feel semi confident in playing the map all but blind
>ran outta vram
okaaaay. R8 my plan while I look for a modern PC patch
>ran outta VRAM
I'm fucking sorry? Literally how? I would be sorta surprised if that game can even overflow 3GB (x86) RAM. But VRAM?
Yup, just did I guess. :s
I look at this the same way I look at my daughter.
My guess is some kinda hecka leakage as it was the same sesh I had open last night when playing.
Weird. How are you playing the game, cracked or steam release? Have you applied any patches? Windows or Linux?
The game must have one hell of a graphical memory leak then, since it's usually RAM that overflows through a leak, not the VRAM... nor are most people looking out for that either, only autists like me.
steam, win, no patches or mods or anything.
>eftg died
You could try this at least
you have some missing sounds, this fixes that
more info:
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>2 not yet
what are you waiting for
>R8 my plan
if i'm reading this right
>Pic 1
>Alpha. Red moves to cover corner, while Green and Gold flow past into the narrow bit. Green goes first, checks a door and a window, then waits by a room at the bottom. Gold waits further back, presumably to watch the ramp and the door.
>Bravo. Red goes back into the narrow bit and gets ready to breach door. Green moves into the room and gets ready to breach the next. Gold stops looking at the door and gets ready to flow behind Green.
>Charlie. Breach room in an L shape. Red checks smaller room and then goes down the ramp Gold was watching. Green flows back near spawn and starts going up and to the right. Gold goes up a ladder to get setup in a sniper's nest
Not bad, though consider that the path to the right and above has a window overlooking it, which you could have someone watch before the breach. I only mention it because it seems like Gold is just trailing behind not doing much at the beginning, you could put them to work earlier
The hostage rescue is gonna be the hardest part because you need to prevent them from shooting the hostages when they see you, so flashes/breaches are a must. You know from intel where they are being held, so you can probably make those parts of the plan safer
Also it seems like Gold just sat there on the nest the whole time after. I honestly don't remember if they have eyes all the way to the extract, but you can check through the preview on the top left
>no patches no nothing
Silly goose. No matter what old games you play, the first thing you always do is double check PCGamingWiki.
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son of a bitch
>open graves were like right there
could've just jumped into one and committed sudoku to have one convenient funeral package
Yeah, pretty much spot on. Bravo is just a big security pull while green get up on that inner door to breach the big room. For the 1st floor hostage, I had Green go in through the 2nd floor because its a balcony that over looks the room, while Red breeches from the double doors at the top of the basement stairs right by the hostage. The front door has a massive wall and theres no way to flash or bang from it so i just left it.

Couldnt really see through that window in the plancam, but just loaded in to acrually see it and, yeah. It only has a view of that courtyard in between the two buildings, and at a very awkward angle too. Might just have Gold be a 2 man to watch some flanks. Gotta redo the whole thing because I didnt save it anyways.
Thinking about how Reforger is shaping up with updates, I'm reasonably hyped for Arma 4 proper. I almost wish I could just hibernate after that comes out until the modding scene catches up to 3 levels of variety and scale.
damn that's crazy
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Khalkin Gol with Air Support by titanb92
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leopard 2 is so nice
Fun fact: German law demands every MILITARY vehicle to be treated like a consumer car. This results in tanks needing registration stuff, proper lights and other bullshit.
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lol, didn't know that
German laws around the military is really fucking stupid, so much so that it single handedly crippled the entire system. That isn't to mention the PLETHORA of other problems the German Military as a whole has since the cold war ended.
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>That isn't to mention the PLETHORA of other problems the German Military as a whole has since the cold war ended.
Tell me more
>R8 my plan
more like R6 ur plan haha
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Is that more sneaky way of limiting german shit than outright banning the shit like after ww1 ?
No it's because those vehicles need to drive on public roads and thus have to satisfy all the legal requirements regular road-safe cars have.
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shame real life is sometimes just boring like that
>Tell me more
What's there to tell? German rearmament after WW2 was only because yanks got into a dickwaving contest with the soviets and Germany was right in the middle of it.
After perestroika there simply wasn't any *need* for such a large and strong army anymore, because everyone was friends, wink wink, plus Germans are not american or french and can actually live without constantly waging wars.
>plus Germans are not american or french and can actually live without constantly waging wars.
Should have told so to that Hitler guy
Hitler was austrian, thoughbeitever.
The FUCK are you talking about? There never were any sneaky ways of limiting germany military, either after WW1, and especially not 2. The whole demilitarization thing was dropped REAL fucking quick after WW2 because of the Reds. The Allies AND the ruskies needing a bufferzone, which Germany was perfect since it's quite literally the zone between each party, hence why both ends got their army and gun production back quickly.
>wasn't any *need* for such a large and strong army anymore
>plus Germans are not american or french
They're their own type of cringe
>can actually live without constantly waging wars.
And yet they entered sand wars with all their friends anyway, alongside other shit that the NATO forces them into one way or another. Issue being that NATO troops are restricted by a bunch of faggotry and red tape, unlike americans, for better or worse.
>Shoulda told that to the austrian guy
Read a book mutt
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how about you go start a thread on /his/ and post videogames instead
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You gave me a mental image of a tacticool game where you play a guerilla squad of women doing lightning rape strikes against a larger and superior force (of women) and now I hate you.
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Thought for a whole second that it was some new Graviteam dlc that I missed...
It's Combat Mission Shock Force 2
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>that image
Just revive the leg bro
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Knew as soon as I saw those pixeltruppen but still
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They escaped
Died as quickly as it came, just as planned.
Now that reforger has lets you command AI, and AI use vehicles, is it good now?
>Is this test bed / benchmark good now?
No, nor will it ever be truly good or worthwhile.
i don't understand what's funny about that
was it bad
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Best Ive gotten so far. Green team got wiped breaching the basement hostage room, but luckily the guy reloaded long enough for me to swing in from the back door and kill him. Gonna keep going till no deaths at least. Have a decent plan for red and green and just support them while taking control of the Gold duo. Gonna try and set up the other gold on the back door that connects to the outside and then flash the room myself from Green's breech point inside the basement.
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the bad ending...
Yeah... him and Louis just got incapacitated, but according to the googlebox its the same as dead in this one. Seem to remember the OG having them return to duty after a few missions, but idk that was a couple decades ago.
Both features are completely broken.
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This last room is vexing me
Nice gif
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I wish you could actually lock your gate...
Can one even properly secure a place, without zombies eventually swarming it because "haha, your walls HP went to zero :^))"?
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Revolvers are a lot more efficient than pistols due to penetration
What mod?
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>not just using a knife on a stick
I like big boom noise.
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the good ending :D
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Good job, &tactician
I'm going to give this a try after I've finished the campaign.
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I'm turning off drag-down.
Am you still able to do Recovery missions with a single PHX-1 with this mod?
I suck at ambush convoy missions.
do crashed pods give radiation off? i keep getting radiation and mutating and its annoying as fuck, i almost lower it and then BAM
>didn't eat anything
>wore a gas mask with the mod that makes corpse sickness be stopped by gas masks
>didn't get damaged by anything
>the mere presence of a couple dozen dead zombies made me die in a couple of minutes
imagine dying cuz you saw some corpses
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I don't think other &tacticals have anything on the Rogue Spear squat
Motherfuckers crouching around like this are built different
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I have such vivid memories of being 12 and playing this game online on dial up and learning the meta of instantly stopping and battle squatting to make it harder to be hit and easier to aim. Also the fucking death noise is burned into my brain, I can hear it now even without playing RS for more than 20 (holy fucking shit) years.
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>Tranny answer.

Real answer:
It's realistic cause you die in 1 or 2 hits. You're welcome.
slitherine quality, they have been shitting out garbage rts for years
I bet he is playing on AMD shit, unfortunately I cheaped out and bought an AMD card, and have the same issue on some driver updates.
It's just common sense, most countries have them being road legal.
isn't that the case in call of duty?
Ehh, your GPU of choice is entirely unrelated to the game itself being faulty.
if the driver is also fault it compounds the problem.
>Full AI support
Finally, I can play this properly solo
Wait until you try it and see it doesn't work at all.
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Ah, french product quality
Wow foldable bikes in cdda are so cheap to make, just 4 pipes a section, 3 sections total. Plus donor parts from a non-folding bike and yep, now i have a vehicle to explore the subway with.
Shame there's no bike light though.
What game is that? Looks fun.
Mars Tactics, just has a demo for now.
I remember playing classic and rogue spear when I was like, 8 or 9 with my grandpa. He was a huuuge Tom Clancy fan, had soooo many of his books. I didnt really have the capacity for PC gaming back then, at least not past shit like pajama sam and spy fox. He help me with the planning phase and tell me about the charaters and stuff, so it was still pretty fun. Dont think i got past the 3rd or 4th level in either classic or rogue spear. Fast forward a few years and I got the classic on the ps1, and holy shit, completely different games. First time I realized PC really was the master race.
>Oh nooooooo!!!
>Not the le heckin IMF officials!!!
>Think of the heckin embezzlerinos!
They're lucky Ding spent too much time shooting brown people for the Army to get a real job.
IMF(Internation Monetary Fund) is a agency within the UN thay works to do think like promote echange rate stability, and also act as a last resort lender of sorts to nations and provide some relief during crises. Theyre the ones who bailed out greece back when. Theres 2 missions back to back in Raven Shield where you have to rescue IMF officials being held hostage. Theyre probably corrupt and embezzling anyways, so I dont really care if they get shot or not. Ding, however, was formerly in the US Army before joining Rainbow. The vast majority of conflicts during the time while Ding was in the Army were against people with brown skin. Had Ding had developed hard skills other than killing people (as opposed to soft skills resume fluff like "good leadership skills and time management") then maybe he would have gotten gainful emplorlyment somewhere else after the Army instead of Rainbow. Since he didnt, the IMF officials get to be saved instead of shot.
Hopefully that sheds some light on the context, and the assumed arguments from which gross generalizations were made from in order to form that shitpost.
thanks i appreciate the explanation
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check out my cool shirt
>That video
Not even an army lmao. Germany literally fucks their vehicles though, they can't bring them out to the battlefield fast enough (if at all) because of this insane bullshit. Road Legal Tanks is retarded
Raven Shield mission 3, Mountain Watch, was a lot easier than I expected. That back ladder route made a 1 team Blitz/Assault op super viable. Didnt use Gold at all, and left green to watch the extract. Im starting to see how powerful smoke grenades are for getting everybody through killzones in one piece. Only reason I brought green along was so I could switch off Red to let the Chavez take Red through the final 1 door hostage room since breach and clear works way faster and smoother if you let the AI handle it. Its cool if theres 2 doors so you can breech one and have the rest of the team open and clear on zulu, but single door breaching I'll just let Ding handle. Feel like that mission would be waaay harder trying an AI only run since the route I took required a lot of nade throws to different floors, something the planning doesnt like.

Feel like Im getting the hand of it now.
smokes are really cheesy and i dont like using them in games where the ai wont attempt to shoot through them, it just feels like im using an exploit
If you make a lot of noise theyll still shoot at you and toss nades your way, but yeah it kinda just brakes the AI. Kinda brakes your own AIs too since they wont shoot through it either so when they come out the otherside its kinda just a reaction test between the AIs.
You can also shoot from within the smoke and they won't see you
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Peak operating
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ez 50 try mission
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hmm so xcom2 is on promotion im thinking of getting it
should i just get it + war of chosen or are the other packs worth buying the entire collection bundle?
cinematic 4 seconds of dead air at the start, love it!
Its to let the imaginary dooters of the menu theme kick in
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The entire collection is worth it
Imagine playing without giant robots
Do you already own xcom1
going through the collection i see the only "dlc" i wouldnt care for is the Reistance warrior pack but the bundle seems to be cheaper than buying the 4 things i actualy want on their own
so i guess bunlde it is (like the sparks alone make me interested in reinforcements pack however rulers also sound interesting)
hmm i dont
you saying i might be better off getting the ultimate collection ?
I'm actually saying you're better off not getting XCOM2 and just getting the better game instead
But if you wanna get both that's cool too
It kinda is, but 2 has snek waifus
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Steam summer sale is ON you ARE going to buy some new tacticals and PLAY them instead of just browsing this thread RIGHT ?
I'm gonna play Sekiro... tactically!
I already have a shitton of tacticals to play, I'm not gonna buy more until I'm done with the proverbial backlog.
That's a lie, I will buy Tactical Breach Wizards, Mars Tactics, and MW5: Clans when they come out.
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I was going to but GabeN won't let me :(
I can't find the Arma3 general but i've got some questions.. is the game still alive now? i've never played it before and it's on a massive sale
Here you go buddy >>>/vm/1155518
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Shipyard is one of my favorite maps in the game I think. It's so fun and there's so many ways of approaching it
Thanks but I'll talk about ARMA here instead, it's more comfy!
Why wouldn't it? There is a lot of server, sadly a lot of them are RP faggotry or BR/DayZ wanna be clones.
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>Is the game still alive now?
Idk check it yourself you might find few players here and there
im asking not necessarily about the players numbers desu, but as a community/updates/mods/vanilla servers and things of that nature
You can still play it btw
Is there any other games like it on the market currently? No. So yes, the community, mods and other stuff are all still going. Updates tend to be "community DLC" garbage and bug fixes only though.
[06-27] Hunt Showdown devlog: design goals for mechanics
anyone killed mcgregor yet?
not yet

it's so weird how they keep putting in real life celebrities in-game to be murdered. i wonder how that's working out for them
>Only a SINGLE revive for solo fags
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The game is very much alive, but for some reason 4chan rarely talks about it
I guess it's because most servers require some basic social skills
No not really
To quote /g/. Chink Shit (General)
It's because most server are aids
it's ok but for some reason people in those circles like to treat it like it's REALLY good
it has the depth of a shallow puddle
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>Publisher: XD
That gun is tiny
huge neck
isn't this a top down RTS? Models are bound to be wacky, it's not meant to be seen 24/7 from that perspective, if at all.
https://youtu.be/3IT2Cc_5WxE https://youtu.be/8tsHkpesBdY
Do you mean XCOM: Enemy Unknown or X-COM: UFO Defense?
Not that anon but have the same question about XCOM worth getting.
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I was talking about XCOM: Enemy Unknown with the Enemy Within expansion (there's no reason to play base EU, the EW expansion is just the same game but with more things). Once you play a campaign in it, I would HIGHLY recommend the Long War mod. It makes the game 10 times better.

Original X-COM is also excellent, but they're different beasts. You can try that one out by downloading the UFO Defense files off the /&tg/ repo and installing openXCOM or Enhanced OXC. It also has great mods
Why doesn't have a "Complete Collection" or something yet? It's ridiculous.
Is this going to offer anything new compared to Mercs? Did Mercs not have any clan stuff? Do mods not add all that in anyway?
So modded EU is better than modded XCOM2?
Can you give me a few examples? I'm sure you understand it's hard to go of what just one random person on a anonymous tiawanese fishing forum says.
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re: this shit, just finished it
the mission story was fun, but the fight starts so quickly that I think you would have to at least start the mission story if you want to do anything except snipe him or throw an explosive at him
it seems like the devs enjoyed themselves with this one, I guess cubby jr.'s ban on fun must have made it into the licensing agreement for the bond game
Im trying a single team approach with Ding's dreamteam(him price, loiselle, and weber). I got all the way to the back area after difusing the first 2 bombs the first time, but now the warehouse bomb room is giving me a lot of trouble because of the catwalk guys. I went the route through the upper offices from the machinery room stairs that first time and was able to climb the ladder and take them all out from that highest point, but now I get shot at the top of the ladder so its kinda just not worth it to hope I get good patrol rng to climb it. Been having better luck smooth opening the doors downstairs and smooth peak shotting them, but its still kinda iffy.
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Reasons this random person likes X1 more than X2:
>In XCOM 1 you defend Earth from an ayylium invasion, the classic setup. In XCOM 2, the bad ending from XCOM 1 is canon and the ayyliums have already taken over, so you run a resistance movement. The problem is that this is completely half-assed and is not interesting at all. Your resistance movement are goody-two-shoes that never do terrorism or anything, it's extremely clean and everything is treated with the vibe of a saturday morning cartoon (SPECIALLY when you take into account the Chosen DLC, they are basically villains of the week).
>XCOM 1 has a much stronger horror atmosphere, and the tone is less "heroes saving the day" and more "holyshitholyshitholyshit"
>While XCOM 2 adds some welcome Quality of Life, it also simplifies the hell out of many mechanics to be more "approachable". For example one of the most busted things in the game: Overwatch. In XCOM 1, when a spooky ayy pops their head up and moves, all the jumpy nervous soldiers will shoot at whatever they saw move immediately. This is still very powerful, but not as broken as in XCOM 2. In that one, your soldiers are actually robots who are coordinated to wait miliseconds for their turn in the overwatch. Example: ayy moves, soldier 1 shoots and misses, then soldier 2 shoots and kills the alien. Soldier 3 now has the robot-like precision to not waste their shot, because in these miliseconds that passed they realized they weren't needed. This frees them up to shoot another ayy.
>Many of the QoL features that XCOM 2 added are available as mods for XCOM 1
>Long War 1 was much better designed than Long War 2
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The dynamic with Meld acting as bait for the player is genius. It forces players that want to get the sweet reward to be more agressive, but risk more. It also allows players that want to be cautious to not do that, instead of being nagged by mission timers.
And MECs in Long War 1 are a whole other roster of classes you can build and customize + the biomods are great as well

Also Eggsalt. Human enemies that are fun to fight and provide a cool switch up from just ayys.
>In XCOM 2, the bad ending from XCOM 1 is canon and the ayyliums have already taken over, so you run a resistance movement
>Your resistance movement are goody-two-shoes that never do terrorism or anything, it's extremely clean
Okay that setting does put me off. Sounds lame as hell. That alone is enough to make me rather play 1.
>The dynamic with Meld acting as bait for the player is genius
I'm not sure what that means but
> players that want to be cautious to not do that, instead of being nagged by mission timers.
I do like the sound of that. I normally take a very slow methodical approach in these kinds of games. So not having a timer I have to worry about as i inch my units across the map sounds nice.

How bad would it be if I just started out with Long War?
>I'm not sure what that means
Sorry I should've explained

The Enemy Within expansion (which like I said is what you should be using, since it's the base game + more stuff) adds a resource called Meld. It's this orange goopy-alien stuff that you can research and then use to genetically modify your soldiers or create fucking mechs, it's sick as hell. The MEC pilots need to be amputated too (don't think too much about the moral implications of that, it's just kinda badass). You can get Meld passively through raiding supply ships and scraps from killing ayys, but a big boost is in the form of canisters that appear on mission maps. Those are timed, so you if you want to get them you gotta rush, but since they're completely optional you can just be a slowpoke if you want. The downside is, no sweet meld.

>How bad would it be if I just started out with Long War?
It wouldn't be a horrible experience, but it would certainly be a bit of a bumpy road since you don't even know the enemies, how the air game works, or how the campaign will flow. I would still recommend at least playing a bit of vanilla first. If you can handle looking more stuff up, then start with Long War 1.0 on normal difficulty (don't even think about higher than that to start)
The wiki will be your friend
What if I actually HAVE played EU but it's been 10+ years and I don't even remember if I finished a campaign?
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Eh, you're probably good to go then
Also I should mention most mods for XEW are made to be compatible with Long War (since it's the most popular one)
There's a couple big remakes of Long War (like Long War Rebalanced), but I'm not a fan of those. Lots of cool smaller mods though
Also another cool thing about LW is that it is very customizable. You can just go into the .ini files and tweak things if you don't like them. I have mostly ran stock, but some of the sillier things like the rocket spread on newbie rocketeers or the base chance of stunning ayys with arc throwers can be tweaked for example
If you liked that, check this out
Sectopod blowing the fuck up
guys since there's some r6 oldheads lurking, if a friend and I buy R6 3 deluxe or whatever on steam, could one of us host a game and play coop pretty hassle free?
We have RS3 with all the expansions in the /&tg/ repo. But if you want to have it on Steam sure. Just mind that Steam doesn't include the Iron Wrath free expansion so you'll have to get that on your own

Yeah there's still people that play RS3 with custom maps and everything, both coop and PvP
it's just installing a couple of patches and a map pack and you're done.

There are even some that still play RS1 and RS2 through the Black Ops fanmod (which squishes them together and you can also download from the rentry)
In a similar vein, Ghost Recon as sold in Steam and GOG don't include their expansions either. In Steam you have to buy them separately and in GOG they don't sell them at all.

Fortunately, /&tg/ repo has them bundled together neatly with the game.
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Reminder to get Jagged Alliance 3 during this sale

Lot of people slept on that shit and it makes me sad
As simple as it is in any older game, yeah
>Go to multiplayer in menu
>Go to "host" tab or whatever it actually says I don't remember
>Set map rotation/game modes/settings
>Click the button to launch the game
>Make sure you and your friends know how to port forward or use Hamachi or whatever preferred modern alternative there is
You might need the OpenRVS patch, but I'm not 100% sure
There's also a bug where if you use Hamachi so you can play a LAN game online, everyone but the host won't have a HUD for some reason. Not sure if there's any patch to fix that, only solution I could find was running a dedicated server instead and launching the game a second time to connect to it.
>Port forwarding
You're gonna lose a lot of people with that
Might as well just use the dedicated servers already available
Fuck it, LAN party.
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>they're adding a 4th weapon slot to units
Holy shit that's literally the most advanced bit of development this series has had in a while. They're going to go back and add 4th weapons to legacy units as well.
thats a lotta damage
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oh my shit
that took forever
I had 2 runs where I died on the last 1-4 guys
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>next mission
>airport level
>rescue three hostages
>neuter all terrorists
Anything good on sale? I'm feeling so fucking bored I'm willing to give anything shot. I was also thinking about giving DayZ an another try after I refunded it like 4 years ago, how is the game these days?
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Is there sexy girls and guns?
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yes 2 both
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Yea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQtQ_7Vg0rk
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>listen to briefing
>Oh, and btw if this sniper sees you theyll execute the hostages
>look at map
yeaaaaaaah... Im gonna save that level for tomorrow. Time to go back to comfy &tactical
Fox's entire joke is that she literally can't NOT speak in sexual innuendo.
Imagine going too hard for fox
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>Phantom Brigade still expensive as fug
God damnit. I guess I should wait a bit until its new modding tools get some decent shit.
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>we should never have posted here about us thinking that 42 Unstable could be ready within the first half of the year.

>a screenshot of a reddit post on your phone
The devs aren’t gonna post in this thread.
what the fuck are you talking about man
What reddit post? What fucking phone? Nigga you high?
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Been playing it on and off. It's not a bad game by any metric, but man, the utter lack of any overarching story or any characters whatsoever is kind of annoying.
you're on a roll anon good job
From the video it looks like LW adds new(?) weapons but is there any other new content?
Don't get me wrong it looks like it does a lot but it looks like mostly tweaks, if you know what I mean.
Are there new ayylmaos?
>5 tiers of weapons(ballistic, laser, Gauss, stronger laser, plasma). I think Lasers get an inherent accuracy boost while plasma gets an armor piercing buff?
>more classes of weapons. You get stuff like Carbines(-1dmg, accuracy buff), Smgs(-2 dmg,movespeed), Assault Rifles(balanced), Battle Rifles(+1 damage, I forget the tradeoff) so that you can plan for your playstyle or compensate for your rookies stats.

>no new enemy(models) but they get bullshit perks and buffs the longer the war goes on. Insert the webm of that one long man with lightning reflexes
>The devs
Of course, they're not culture people
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>The MEC pilots need to be amputated too (don't think too much about the moral implications of that, it's just kinda badass)
Damn. So are they wounded soldiers put to use like ROBOCOP or are they volunteers like WH40K Dreadnoughts?
dreadnoughts are also wounded soldiers
Yes but they volunteer, ROBOCOP didn't.
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Volunteers, they get some robo limbs for out of combat life but otherwise they're a nugget getting shoved into the MECs
>bought cyber knights on discount
>now to wait ??? until it leaves early access
It was a tactical decision, but man I'm bad at tactics.
he said good
>shave off scruffy beard in pz
>character can't grow facial hair aside for neckbeard anymore
Nice game very realistic
that's what you get for shaving
never shave
i love the Helion. its a FAMAS but good
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yeah lesson learned, always keep moustache up
got so pissed off I died deliberately, after trying out sawn off shotgun for the first time, now that's a baller weapon with cool sound effect
what about her ability to bear children? i'm not asking because of durr hurr pregnancy fetish, i'm concerned about how this would affect women undergoing the process.
I don't really know The closest thing to sex in the newer xcom games is Vahlen "probing" certain aliens and Viper brothels in chimera squad which we all know isn't canon.
good strategy enables good tactics enables good strategy
Tactics Ogre Reborn is 50% off too.
>Systems are straight up just called Florida and Detroit
https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Florida https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Detroit
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Let me introduce you to Butte Hold
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Thats one scary looking window
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The bit at the pelvis is just a frame

Anyway, sending soldiers to the 'chop shop' is something I like to do when they're already wounded and FUBAR'd from some mission where they would take an insane amount of time to recover. Except for the first couple, those tend to be heroic volunteers because MEC rushes are fun
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How does she make doodie
very carefully
that's the one overlooking the hostages right
yeah probably a bad idea to peek there or they'll just shoot everybody
look at that cripple, damn that's disgusting!
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it's a thorough overhaul, not just a few tweaks

the most important thing you have to understand about long dong is that it makes the aliens have their own strategic game. in the vanilla game, they have preset missions, but in long dong they actually have a game plan going in and you can thwart them if you play well. they have to abduct people to get research points, they have to harvest resources to field more troops, etc. this makes things like intercepting their transports/harvesters/etc actually matter. there's lots of interest dynamics going on there that are completely absent in the base game
it also adds a whole new set of classes for MEC troopers. All of the classes get their own subclass as MECs (Scouts become Pathfinder MECs for example).
Like someone else mentioned, you also have different tiers of aliens and leaders as well. As the ayys get deeper into their tech tree, they unlock more abilities and stats on their guys as well. There's also new equipment options
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oh also, whenever a country leaves the XCOM council you can get them back by finding and raiding the alien base in that region
so alien base assaults reward you with liberating countries
>Mission failed, a hostage was killed
Okay, okay, okay... that didnt work. Lemme try peaking this door and taking out a guy or two before giving Red and Green the GoGoGo
>What was that?
>*hinges whining*
>Mission failed, a hostage was killed
Okay, okay, okay. Im taking Walther and Johnston on Gold and clearing the advance for Red and Green to door kick anyways, so Ill just throw R&G in light armor. Theyre already in infiltrate and cautious on approach, so this should let the setup to breach by making them more sneaky sneak.
>What was that?
>*hinges whining*
>Mission failed, a hostage was killed
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MEC surgery is faster than full recovery in the medbay when they're extremely fucked up
I like his hat
Good because it's an actual hat you can have them wear in-game
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/mu/ cross-over episode
>*switch to red and set Red's breach myself*
>*switch off so they can execute*
>Red, placing explosive.
>What was that?
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IDK what causes it to freak out sometimes when you press smooth lean, but im gonna abuse the shit outta it to kill snipers
>m82 for close range combat
Bit much, innit?
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It's really funny imagining Homer lifting this whole thing up while crouched and doing that quick lean
Built different
>That image
Boys being boys, no matter the time or age
Having said that, seeing such a huge fuck off semi automatic sniper rifle with a silencer is amusing. Granted, seeing it with the fuck huge muzzle break isn't any less imitating.
can you lean while prone in this? i forget
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tactically wicked
is this Squad?
Finally got that first hostage by the spawn. It was cheesy as hell(peak sniped the guy overlooking the floor, then shot the "What was that" guy in the back through the window when he went to go check what Red was doing. Had the plan afterwards to fast and ended up dying to rush and keep up, but set a regroup gocode and hostage dropoff afterwards so I can use Gold to safely clear their advances on the main building with the 2 hostage room. Think going for the 2 hostage room first might be the better plan since the scary window has a guy preventing me from hitting the backdoor to the 1 hostage room. Oddly enough, suppressed sniping a dude in the hostage room doesnt get the hostages killed. Think the AI has to be alerted alerted, like see his buddy return fire, to get the hostages executed.
Theres a lot of parts where Im just trying to clip someone/shoot legs under cars so the huge cartridge is nice.
huge dick energy
I want this 90s early 00s vibe to return
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the possibility of door kickers 2 getting multiple updates is enough to make me hopeful for the future
Sum of All Fears:
Fun &tactical or Lockdown but as a playable movie commercial?
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>no Pandora Tomorrow
>no GRAW
I hate this gey earth and it's peoples
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You're ultra late to the party, and so am I
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>No planning
There's a wealth of R6 maps available imo,
There's no reason to play it save for historical curiosity
>Pandora Tomorrow
Yeah, figured my curiosity was worth the 2 bucks for SOAF, so its kinda woteva. Shoukd be fun to just crack open a beer and play for a bit.
throwing down to amp the stoke
good christ I forgot how retarded the physics in squad are.
I am thoroughly convinced that coyote's mission pack is impossible unless there's a AI overhaul mod that actually overhauls your lancemates & doesn't just make them into mouth breathing retards
No matter what orders/commands I give them they literally do their own thing & ignore whatever I tell them
When I tell them to go to the dropship & wait there they fucking travel back the entire map to meetup with me
Random spawning 1000 vtols to fuck you over for no reason
Idk what I'm supposed to do, I keep getting worn down by the bullet sponge turrets more than the goddamn mechs that I'm fighting
Oh wow, Ive played both way back, but man... GR is waaaay easier than RB6 3.
Sick nollie pressure flip, brah
>AI overhaul mod
there is...you mean you didn't know?
That's exactly the mod I'm using & my lancemates are still retarded
Are you loading it after Coyote?
How do they behave with just Coyote?
are you also using EasyAim?
>COYOTE MISSIONS: Let my mod overwrite coyote's mod unless you want my setup evasion and to hit charts to potentially give odd results. If you use EasyAim modification (if my default difficulty is too hard) make sure it overwrites the AIMod2, that file restores the default game hit percentages.
hahaha, SIGINT Ninjas
hahahahaha, Tom... hahahaha
>*looks up Mr. Clancy's previous profession*
>Insurance agent
Oh, haha, thats why. Hahaha
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Not that anon, but this means in the load order it should be
Higher numbers un load order overwrite lower ones, right?
Haven't messed with the load order yet mostly because I'm not sure how to do that
hey just keep ignoring my commands to stay put at places & keep following me around
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>door kickers 2 getting multiple updates
Devs have confirmed 1.0 is scheduled for by the end of the year. Will bring Steam Workshop integration for all mods, Doctrine progression system, campaigns, RMG overhaul, new weapons/gear. Will likely not include the final 4th vanilla unit (Delta) planned.

We'll wait a few months after for all the major mods to transition over to workshop and the new systems.
I'm thinking of getting Hell Let Loose or Reforger from the sale. You anons find anything else? Any recommendations?
What do you mean you don't know how to do that
If you're on Windows use this
If you're on Linux use this python script
yes this is correct
A SIGINT ninja with an unconscious bureaucrat on his shoulder is less than copacetic, so don't let him see you.
Project Reailty, Forgotten Hope 2, Mechwarrior Living Legends
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multiplayer allows those stations to be manned by others
If I wasn't paranoid I would ask to play as group
>If I wasn't paranoid I would ask to play as group
Worst case scenario, the hacker know as 4chan turns you into a lolcow.
Best case, you get to play with a glownigger.
Most likely, ERP.

t. gamed with channers
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Essentially the reason why I avoid direct contact with them
Cool pic, sim rounds r fun
Kinda weird them and the uppers are kinda hard to come by than actual guns tho... Kinda makes you think.
New quasimorph update is out. Unfortunately it added persistent repair costs and REMOVED base classes so you have to equip every single dude from scratch if you die, and if you live you have to repair everything. So annoying
what do you mean them, you are on 4chan, you are a channer. just a cowardly one
A coward that likes to avoid ERP and other cringe I don't need in my free time.
maybe in shit games like league of legends youll get those types of people and even if you do you can just filter them out and hang out with who you like. I dont like 80% of people I meet IRL either
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>Try playing gaems with someone from 4chan
>11pm or some shit
>Mentions tomorrow is his bday
>'okay, weird guy fishing for a happy bday from internet stranger'
>'ehh, if I say it now itll be meaningless'
>pretty fucking stoned at the time
>Shits called "dope" for a reason
>wait until we're done for the night
>1 am or some shit
>officially his bday(probably)
>doing that awkward l8r shit
>"Oh yeah, and happy birthday"
>some odd hours after he fished, I gave it to him
>anxious because Ive had it in the back of my mind the entire sesh
>stonerbro awkward as fuck "oh yeah, and happy birthday"
>only a short couple hrs between, but I figured in thay short time it woulda meant more to the fisher than giving when he fished
>he lols
all around fun sesh, but never again
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It's members of a US Army Nuclear Disarmament Team (NDT) training with SOCOM units. Actual IRL Rogue Spear type nuclear crisis stuff.

ATF banned sim rounds of all types from civ sale in 2023, so that's partly why.
>ATF banned sim rounds of all types from civ sale in 2023
Kinda weird, thougheverbeitdegozaimasutbqhfamalam
I've been friends with people from 4chan for over 10 years lol
Would you be interested in some co-op and maybe after being convinced that I am a fellow of 4chan, tell me about the mastermind hacker known as "anonymous" and his militant compatriots known by the name of "bungalow boys"
Are there any good period appropriate overhaul mods for Raven Shield?
Sorry but I wont be part of a plan that involves targeting infrastructure officer
Awwww... come on... with a silly name like "SCADA" how bad could it be? Its just some silly street lights, lmao. What are you, a chicken? *Bwak, bwa-bwa-bwa-bwaaaak*
And NOT *any* sort of officer, btw. Just your average 4channer looking for some "keks" because thats the sort of thing we 4channelers like to do, amirite?
just browse ModDB
Install guide here for a good setup
Make sure to read the comments too
the rentry has more info
Not everyone gets lucky, or pretends to be
>Period appropriate
>All the mods includes weapons and gear that wasn't in use in 2005
So use the ones that are period accurate and not the ones that aren't, dummy
I like how the console versions included phosphorus nade but not the pc version despite being superior in every other way. Those WP nades on console were fuckin great
This isn't just the best Metal Gear/Solid...
This is one of the best games of all time.
Kojima's magnum opus
Every other one was the bee's knees, but 3...
3 is...
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yeah it's pretty good
I lol every time I see this, but also...
You're stiiiiilll
In a dreeeeeaaaaaam
SNAake EEEATaaaaahhh
What is it with MGS people in here lately, especially all the first timer?
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I havent really noticed it
Hard to miss when you're actually active. I guess it's down to the dog shit PC/current gen ports, which I find weird as hell but oh well.
I have to admit I've only played 1 and 2, and rhose were the PS3 versions.
Yeah, Im kinda on-again/off-again in /&tg/. I know theres(was?) that one hardcore MGS5 anon, but last MGS post I've see was during the blogpostjing kerfuffle and I posted something about someone should blogpost MGS3 so I could vicariously play it through them, but they never did so I'm playing it.

I dont expect the camo mechanic to have aged well, but we'll see.
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>mfw listening to the Boss's intro codec convo again
Said MGS5 guy is just a random autist spamming to annoy people, he also posted Survive while he was going.
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>Spend a day in cdda making a folding bike from scratch
>Go to subway and unfold it
>Prepare for epic adventure
>Rails block the bike
I got this far and im going to have to fold it up again.
>I dont expect the camo mechanic to have aged well, but we'll see.
its relatively simple but that's its strong suit
the game's very transparent about how effective your camo is (compare that to MGSV, which gives you no info about your camo index), and while light level and environmental stuff like tall grass does effect it, otherwise it's fairly binary "if you're using the right camo + facepaint you're good"
ofc you also have the special camos that may not be the best choice for camouflage but have other effects that make them worth using
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This sucks.
Why did i think this would be fun, easy and nice?
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deciding which part of this cutsene to webm might be harder that European Extreme
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jk, i made a bunch
Do I have to download mods off the nexus for it to work? Most the mods I have are on steam workshop
figured it out to get the steam stuff, how should I order the mods?
well the first thing to check is if any of your mods have conflicts
For example, Coyote's conflicts with TTRulez, so you need to put the one that will "have the final say" afterwards. So, Coyote's should be lower
>breakpoints gameplay and customization is better
>wildlands story and setting is way better, but gameplay is a bit less polished and enemy corpses disappear as soon as you turn around which pisses me the fuck off
for fucks sake
I hope Delta doesn't fuck things up too much
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Boss bump
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>"low" car spawn rate
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Its so fucking buggy, holy shit. Guess I'll come back in 2-4 weeks until the most basic shit is fixed again.
Ground Branch's AI is definitely too aggressive now. There should be location specific triggers that mostly keep the AI in buildings the player has to go into. It's unrealistic for 10 blokes to donkytard their way out of a fortified position in order to run right towards a possible shooter.
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Watching this was kinda weird. Like, its a real good cool lil video, but man. How much did it cost? What does it really bring to the videogame besides "lol, 007 intro movie" because Kojima wanted one? I definitally would say that the game is better with it than without, but I cannot imagine something like that getting greenlit by a studio today.
Why do you assume it costs more then an average action mo-cap cg from the rest of the game?
Why do you assume that I assume that?
dooooooooood rpg elements haha lol
>people hate it in drove
dooooooood we remove the rpg elements fucking the entire balance of the game haha
Breakpoint, just like AssCreed, and many others are prove that big corps have no idea what make their games liked. Can't have games be different, but need every single open world game to be exactly the fucking same.
jesus christ shut up with your dog shit opinions already newfag zoomer. I'm not even joking, just shut up. you're just as bad as the mgs5 faggot or arm* shitter.
Cos you ask how much did it cost? Idk, probably less then stuff you already saw in the game. There's nothing preventing studios nowadays from making one aside from creative bankruptcy.
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Mmmm, no. I dont think I will, mr grumpy-grumps
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>need a crowbar to remove barricade in survivor building
>walk into this 2 minutes of crawling later
the game knew
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Look fine enough?
Ghost Recon(2001) is pretty fun. Try that one.

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